#I'm not the biggest fan of self diagnosing which is why I'm always thinking if the thing I'm doing is normal for everyone or if it's
im-not-a-sheep · 9 months
even if I am autistic adhd or whatever (appearantly my dad is adhd and he said it can pass down to kids) it's not like I'm getting a diagnosis anytime soon
Bc my sibling has dyslexia and some other things with not being able to read write (numbers and letters) but it's never been properly diagnosed and my parents don't intend to bc it's costly, time consuming, and doesn't help with the fact that she can't read
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stars-tonight · 26 days
hello !
i'd like to request a long romantic male matchup. i am a female and go by she/her.
my ideal partner would just have to be understanding, trustworthy, reliable and honest. someone who would be both my friend and lover at the same time. someone who would cuddle me when i've had a bad day, someone who would reassure me if i ever felt bad about myself- doesn't matter whether it's done with words or actions. i'd also prefer if he was taller than me (5'8''ft/172cm).
i am introverted and might come off as reserved and composed at first, but once you get to know me i'm pretty friendly, honest, caring and funny. i don't reach out to people much or start conversations, but i'm down to go out with my friends every once in a while.
my hobbies are playing volleyball (i play as a setter) and video games, listening to music, walking and digital art.
my giving love language is most likely acts of service and receiving either physical touch or quality time.
i don't really have an ideal date- amusement parks, fancy restaurants, chilling at home, it doesn't really matter. the only thing is that i want to actually spend time with and get to know him during our date, so going to the movies or something would rather be a no, since our attention would be on the movie not each other (hopefully i explained that well enough).
my mbti type is isfj-t (introverted, observant, feeling, judging, turbulent).
getting a little bit more serious, i was diagnosed with anorexia and anxiety a few months ago. i'm a self-conscious, overachieving perfectionist, meaning that if i slip up even once, i feel like a failure (my biggest fear is failing and not meeting expectations). that's why i want someone who would comfort me.
back to happier topics, i like true crime podcasts (and cryptic killers/murder mystery case file games). i also spend hours just browsing through different e-stores for clothes, interesting snacks and skincare.
if there's anything else you might wanna know then let me know.
thank you !
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🥛 akaashi checks off your ideal partner list really well
🥛 he'd definitely always be there for you when you need it, whether it's with encouraging words or a hug
🥛 i believe akaashi is nearing six foot, or 183 centimeters
🥛 which is lowkey crazy bc how tf is he that tall
🥛 like there's no way he's that tall yknow?
🥛 man is 5'9 on a good day (in my head, not according to the actual canon lol but that's still insane)
🥛 it's so cool that you're also a setter because you can talk about plays together and just relate to each other sm more
🥛 akaashi also definitely prioritizes getting to know his partner on a date
🥛 although i think he'd like quieter dates more, like a walk or stargazing or an at-home date
🥛 he'd be down for an amusement park date as well, but his battery would just run out sooner lol and i feel like he wouldn't be a big fan of how loud or crowded the place is
🥛 he would definitely take you out to a fancy restaurant and get all dressed up for it in a suit and tie (which he pulls off SO well, btw)
🥛 akaashi is also really hard on himself and is an overthinker
🥛 so you two would be able to help each other when either of you are feeling down
🥛 he just screams warmth and comfort and he'd always be there for you with a big hug or a homemade meal
🥛 he's the type to leave love letters or love notes throughout the house for you to find when you're having a bad day
🥛 but he also has a big tendency to overthink so he'd need a partner who could be there for him too
runner up for you was sawamura daichi!
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A/N: hi! i was uncharacteristically productive today so i got to pretty much all the matchup asks in my inbox, including yours! hope you liked it :) i hope you're taking care of yourself and feeling better 🫶
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sebbyhd · 2 years
hi ! you can call me hope, and i'm really excited to bring forth to you all sebastian choi. he may seem cold and reserved at first, he tends to be quite asocial, but deep down, he's a very soft boy looking to make deep and meaningful connections, while also focusing on reaching his goals in life. he's twenty years old, born in 2002, and is a singer, composer and songwriter; he dreams of debuting in a band, and is the hugest day6, bastille and the 1975 fan. i can go on for ages about him, so i'll post some info below the cut; you can find his profile and his background information right here! if interested in plotting, please give this post a like, and i'll come barreling into your dms. if discord is preferred, please let me know !
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sebastian was born and raised in united kingdom, more specifically manchester, england; he does in fact have a rather strong accent when he speaks english, and it carries through to his korean.
he learned korean rather late in his life, around his teenaged years when he was living with his grandparents, they taught him the language, he never really paid too close attention to his classes or notes, always rather focus on learning music and new instruments– now at the age of twenty, his korean isn't as perfect as it should be, considered on the low-intermediate level, he can converse pretty well, but when it comes to reading and fast paced conversations, he stumbles and has a hard time.
his main instrument of choice is his voice. he loves singing, and thinks that his timber and tone is quite unique, and would bring something different and new to the industry.
he never received any proper training, picking everything up by ear and sound first, his grandparents taught him how to read music, everything he knows and loves is mainly self-taught or showed under the guidance of his guardians
he has an extremely sour relationship with his parents, currently estranged, he was neglected as a child, being left to be raised by nannies instead, while also being forced to take etiquette classes and private lessons in hopes to eventually take over their law firm which sebastian had little to no interest in partaking; he cut off all contact after coming out to them as a late teen, and no longer speaks of them. his grandparents have legal guardianship over him.
is diagnosed with atypical depression and generalized anxiety disorder; currently medicated and goes to therapy, it's one of his biggest struggles and actually never talks about it
has many hobbies, but his favorite by far would be video games and reading novels. he enjoys a lot of rpg like games such as pokemon, final fantasy, ni no kuni, octopath traveler, but also lowkey and chill games like stardew valley and harvest moon. for books, anything fantasy or sci-fi is his usual go to. he also really likes poetry and finds inspiration for his songwriting there.
his music taste wildly varies, he wouldn't stick to just one genre, but the one he leans to the most is alternative rock, lofi, r&b and indie type sounds.
he lives, loves and breathes fashion. every day he can be seen wearing something new or different, always testing the limits and defying gender norms; his closet is filled with soft fabrics, lace, silk, hoodies, jeans, skirts and dresses, corsets, thigh highs, high heeled shoes, boots, platform anything- whatever he finds pretty at the moment and he thinks will look good on his skin and empower him, he will wear it.
skin care buff, he struggles with self-care and is trying to instill it slowly into his life which is why he can be also seen going on morning walks and doing yoga, and taking care of his plant babies; he's trying to focus on things that make him happy and bring him peace of mind.
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vividaway · 2 years
my thoughts, and reiterations about gabbie from twitter.
i'm saying this as a fan of gabbie, AND as someone who's been in bipolar psychosis before: hate her all you want. But whats happening with Gabbie Hanna right now has NOTHING to do with drama, NOTHING to do with attention, and NOTHING to do with her music. people spreading that rumor are genuinely bordering on ableism and refuse to do their own research. 1. gabbie's been diagnosed for a little under a year, so she's still trying to find stability.
2. gabbie is PERSONALLY anti-pharma (she gets paranoid about what she's putting into her body, but has no opinions about others who medicate)
3. gabbie's album came out a month ago, and she was one of the first female independent artists to hit the top of the rock charts. gabbie doesn't NEED drama for her music to succeed, nor would this benefit her in any way HAD it been staged.
4. gabbie's BIGGEST, BIGGEST fear is (in her own words) "to go crazy, and not realize it". anyone who's up to date on her tiktoks knows EXACTLY why that statement is beyond terrifying, and how it BEYOND applies to this situation. 5. the argument that "gabbie has done this before" is just plain wrong. gabbie has published a MULTITUDE of videos about the depressive side of her bipolar, but she has ALWAYS gone offline when she got manic.
6. the argument that "gabbie admitted that she's just trolling" is also incorrect. in 2020-2021 gabbie started posting tiktoks (which are now viral) which were taken as her being in a manic state. gabbie tried to tell people a MULTITUDE of times that she wasn't manic, and people refused to listen. this is different from gabbie saying she isnt manic NOW, because gabbie wasnt in PSYCHOSIS in 2020-2021 like she is now. she wasnt DELUSIONAL in 2020-2021 like she is now.
the tiktoks in question were the ones of her in the car, shouting. her "i'm back, bitches" tiktok, and her tiktok where she was dressed like this:
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i want to include some words copied DIRECTLY from twitter, because they are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.
the gabbie hanna thing is making me realize how many of y'all have zero understanding of mental health beyond depression and anxiety (if even that) "if she wanted help she would get it" during a psychotic episode/hallucinations you don't think anything is wrong and often refuse
mental illness is considered an illness for a reason. it’s suddenly no longer offered sympathy when it does not present in a way that’s acceptable or pretty and “quirky”. gabbie hanna is literally not well, hold her accountable when she’s in the headspace to realize her wrongs
“hold gabbie hanna accountable” you cannot hold someone going through actual fcking psychosis accountable for anything. this is not just mania. this is a psychotic break. she is entirely disconnected from reality.
every time gabbie hanna starts trending, it reminds me how most people only care about mental health if it's romanticizable, and not self-destructve and ugly like a lot of issues are
fun fact, you can be worried for gabbie hanna's mental state atm and still be pissed that she's saying racist shit like this isn't mutually exclusive. is she saying terrible things because of her psychotic episode? yeah most likely. am i still upset she's saying these terrible things? obviously. am i still worried for her health and hope someone helps her quickly? she's still human, of course i want her to get help
yeah, regardless of how you feel about gabbie hanna and all the shit she's done in the past, can we please stop saying that people reveal their true, "deep down" feelings when they're manic? it's inaccurate and unhelpful
the way y’all are talking about gabbie hanna rn proves that the majority of you really have no clue what real, severe mental/psychotic breaks look like. y’all are so “mental health awareness!” until said mental health manifests in a way that makes you uncomfortable……
The thing some of y’all need to remember about this gabbie hanna situation is that even bad people deserve mental healthcare. Let her come through the other side of this episode before you expect her to address it and apologize. It might be a while. Be patient.
the gabbie hanna situation is a good reminder that we as a society lack the proper skills and resources to support people in psychosis (as it appears she is in) if you find yourself helping someone experiencing psychosis, here are some tips:
-do NOT try to rationalize delusions/beliefs. you’re not gonna convince them, and it’ll strain your ability to communicate -speak in calm and short sentences. don’t freak out. don’t laugh at them -empathize and validate their emotions. psychosis can be absolutely terrifying
-if possible, pull them aside to a safe, comfortable place. offer water/snacks/etc -discuss resources. offer to take them to the ER or call a crisis support line for them. however, if they refuse treatment do NOT threaten or coerce. only call 911 if they are in immediate danger
-they may refuse help at the moment. allow them to do so. they still have autonomy. tell them that the offer stands and that if they ever change their mind you are there for them. coercion and threatening may ruin your chance at helping them, paranoia is common with psychosis
-lastly, remember that people in psychosis are MUCH more likely to be a victim of violence than the other way around. they are in an extremely vulnerable state that is easily taken advantage of
on calling 911: -it’s not helpful, and can be harmful, if you call 911 on someone in psychosis with no risk of harm to themselves or others -determining level of risk as a layperson is hard. if there is not immediate danger (i.e. standing on the edge of the roof) a crisis line
may be more suitable. they may tell you to call 911 -just bc you call 911 doesn’t automatically mean the person will be involuntarily hospitalized. there are people in ERs who are trained in determining risk of harm -IT IS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY! when in doubt, call 911
resources available: -911 -988 (a US national hotline for mental health crises) -local community mental health centers -local crisis hotlines -ERs. if you live by a psych ER that’s even better -mental health crisis centers (if there are any around) -their therapist/psychiatrist
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