#I'm not gonna throw her under the bus
roibot · 2 years
I feel bad cause I properly YELLED at my supervisor today
We had IT in to look at everyones laptops, one of the senior managers was just back from maternity leave, I was training in someone -  all in all it was really bustling and busy in the office - when my supervisor burst open the door
Shes’ standing in the doorway, shaking like a chihuahua and calling for the senior manager (who she adores btw and seems to think can solve any problem, ever) ‘Jen, Jen, Jen, the microwave. Jen the microwave. Jen. Jen. JEN JEN JEN.  The microwave, Jen. Jen!! Jen! JEN!.’
Jen is flat out ignoring her (she does this a lot since coming back from maternity leave) and eventually I am sick of listening to this. so I turn around and ask supervisor is there anything I can help with
She looks at me like 0____0 and after a solid 5 seconds of eye contact whimpers ‘The microwave...’
I get up (I’m breaking in a new pair of Docs and have massive blisters all over my ankles - ‘Geriatric Hobble’ is currently my top speed) and go over to the office doorway. 
The second I poke my head out into the hallway, I realise just how much of a hubbub there is in the office today . Apparently we’ve managed to drown out the sound of a small plane taking off, which seems to be reverberating through the rest of the building
I literally can’t even describe this noise. As soon as I entered the hallway it filled up my ears and started bouncing around my skull. It’s loud, mettalic, throbbing, humming - I look at my supervisor, who confirms -in the voice of a small child fretting about a monster under the bed -: ‘It’s the microwave...’
This is where I yell. 
Forgetting for a second that a) there are still customers in the building and we should be professional and b) this is my supervisor and I should be professional, I shout (in a baritone I didn’t know I was capable of): ‘TURN IT OFF - NOW!!’
(microwaves, for the record, should not make this noise)
Supervisor looks at me, on the verge of tears. She won’t go into the kitchen. It’s scary.
Tbh, I get it. I’m pretty certain if I go into the kitchen, I’m going to die of microwave radiation. Possibly microwave explosion, at this point. But in an act of selfless heroism, I decide someones got to do something, and run into the kitchen.
The microwave is billowing clouds of acrid smoke, which is honeslty slightly a relief. I thought it might be billowing flames, or sparks. Bracing myself to be electrocuted and die,  I reach through the smoke to unplug the microwave. I accidentaly unplug the kettle instead. Bracing myself to be electrocuted and die, again, I reach through the smoke again, to unplug the microwave. 
The microwave is finally off and the noise stops. The kitchen is full of smoke.I’m in full problem solving mode now and snapping at my supervisor like a drill seargant. Close the kitchen door so no customer can see us! Open all the windows! Waft away the smoke! ONLY once the windows are open and we’re confident air is ciruclating through the room will we open the microwave door  and air it out! 
Supervisor is standing stock still , initally in the kitchen doorway but finally comes inside and stands in the middle of the floor. Another team member, who was walking past and heard the commotion, helps me open the windows and clear the smoke. 
We open the microwave and I realise why it caught fire - there’s nothing inside. 
‘Never run a microwave with nothing in it!’ I’m not exactly yelling, but I don’t say it calmly, that’s for sure. 
‘Jen said to test the appliances...’ Supervisor explains sadly. 
‘Test it with a cup of water or something.You basicaly made a bomb! Don’t you know how microwaves work?!’
The team member who stopped to help me is cracking up.
I appreciate her help but send her away as quickly as possible - she get’s migraines and I don’t want the smoke or anything to trigger one. Supervisor watches us work and only as the other staff member leaves do I realise she has basically barely moved a muscle, and still has her ‘frightened chihuahua’ vibe.
This is when I start to feel bad. I apologise, say I’m sorry for yelling and snapping. I didn’t mean it, I just got a fright cause I thought there was going to be a fire or something. I ask did she also get a fright, and is she ok? Supervisor finally moves - runs over to give me a big hug. I pat her on the back for a long time.
We go back into the office once we’ve made sure everything is safe. Jen, without looking up from her laptop, asks vaguely ‘Were you calling me?’
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utilitycaster · 1 month
I've been meaning to make this post for a while, and a few others provided some similar insights recently (this being one of those posts) but: in actual play, and fiction generally, just because a character feels a certain way does not mean it is generally true.
The example I had in mind is Keyleth and Vex's feelings towards the Raven Queen as covered excellently in this post. It's extremely valid for them to feel that way; it does not mean they are objectively correct about what happened. It is easier to blame the Raven Queen than to be mad at your dead brother or partner for devoting himself to a cause; it's even easier to blame her than Vecna because the party was so used to defying death, and because Vax did come back temporarily from that (via the Raven Queen). But this is a very fair, if not necessarily overly merciful, agreement, into which Vax entered voluntarily and repeatedly was asked for - and gave - his consent.
This is something we see at times play out in game - I don't know if forgiving is the word, but Beau is much more willing to consider that perhaps her father had a point before seeing him months into being with the Mighty Nein and having supportive friends and mentors. Her view towards her father makes a lot of sense, but it is ultimately her extending good faith that we learn immediately is undeserved. Ashton's belief they should take the shard is another - it was pretty clear to the audience that this was something they'd been extensively warned about but it makes perfect sense that given their personal experience, they would. And then it blows up in his face, but it still makes sense that he would have made this choice.
It's deeply irritating when fans of a work say "why didn't the characters act in a perfectly logical way that includes all the information I as a viewer know that they might not be privy to and discounts their biases and emotions", but I think fandoms are relatively aware of this flaw. What I'm talking about is a reverse of that: fans looking at characters acting with all of their biases and emotional baggage and lack of complete information and saying "see! This character agrees with me therefore I must be correct in some objective sense."
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descendant-of-truth · 3 months
I cannot emphasize enough that Rouge was NOT introduced as a flirt, femme fatale, or any other type of seductress. She has never once used her "feminine charms" for anything in ANY mainline game where she has a relevant role.
But because she started being mischaracterized so much earlier than the others, in 2003's Sonic X, it's become so normalized that nobody even questions it like they do with everyone else and I for one am tired of it
And honestly, I'd argue that half the appeal of her character was that she didn't rely on her appearance to get things done, despite ostensibly being able to by virtue of how she's designed. When she strikes a deal with Eggman and Shadow, it has nothing to do with how hot she supposedly is - it's entirely about her competence as a treasure hunter.
Even her romantically-coded scenes with Knuckles were never about him being flustered by her appearance, or any advances she was making. They kinda just bicker like any other pair of characters would, and the romantic aspect is fairly downplayed.
And she's not a character who's particularly bound by romance, either; her actual most important relationship, with Shadow, is shown to be solely platonic and way more die-hard than whatever she has going on with Knuckles.
Which is interesting! How often do you have a character who's a ~secret spy~ designed to be attractive and alluring, with heart motifs all over her, who isn't just Not A Seductress, but is actively more engaged with her best friend than her prospective love interest? It's cool! I want more of that!
In conclusion, Rouge the Bat is awesome and deserves better than to have her original personality completely tossed to the wayside without people even noticing
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 months
Avatar Love talk 3: Game vs Action
Follow up from (and also defending Kyo in this vid)
Yangchen: I plead the fifth on what Kuruk said. No idea why you two think you got your horny ass desires from me. Kyoshi: I'm not the one who sensually listened to the sound of Kavik writing with a pencil, but go off? Yangchen: Again, pleading the fifth! Anyway I still think Kyoshi has the least amount of game. Kyoshi: Really? We're still on this? Can't we talk about something else? Wan: Like your mommy issues? Kyoshi, pushing his face away and knocking him down: Ok, defending my "game" it is. Yangchen: Kyoshi, really, just accept it. You can't flirt for shit. Kyoshi: Again, I don't need to. Yangchen: You keep saying that! How do you expect to get anyone if you can't or don't flirt? Kyoshi: I walk into the room and look at them. Maybe smile, if I'm feeling feisty. Yangchen: That's not going to work- Wan: It worked for you, Yangchen. Yangchen: *deflated* Kyoshi: Oh so it's "flirting" and "super game" if Yangchen does it, but if Kyoshi does it then I'm just lucky? Wow. Hmmm. So fair. Yangchen: Kyoshi, you had two years with Rangi and Yun and I had five minutes with Kavik. We are not the same. Kyoshi: Listen, Yangchen, I think we've got it all wrong. It isn't about game or flirting. It's about action. I know how to get my girl going- Wan: Yangchen knows how to get Kavik going too! Yangchen: SHut UP, Wan! .......Yeah I know how to get Kavik going too, blow steam in his ear, fling him off a bison, what's your point????? Korra: Wait, fling him off a-? Kyoshi: Oh no no, Yangchen. That's not what I mean. You see, I'm probably going to go down in history as "World's best daughter-in-law." Whenever I sincerely talk about how I'm going to take care of Rangi or Hei-Ran, and Rangi melts into a literal puddle at my feet. Korra: So, like, you're amazing moral character is how you flirt? Kyoshi: No, it's not flirting. It's doing. Actions. Like I said before, they like me for who I am. And maybe because I have a good smile too. Kuruk: Being good looking does help. Yangchen: Ugh, where are you going with this? Kyoshi: I'm getting to it. What I want to say is, 'What's so great about having game, when the real measure should be the results?' Yangchen: *rolls eyes* 'Results.' Please, Kyoshi. We all know I had Kavik wrapped around my finger. Kyoshi: So you got with him? Yangchen: I-well uh- Kyoshi: Tell me, Yangchen. Which one of us actually GOT their boo in the end? Hm? Yangchen: .......... Kyoshi: Only actions and outcomes matter, Yangchen. What's so great about your "game" if you can't even "win"? Wan: I haven't seen a burn this severe since that volcano took out Roku. O-O Voice on the phone: 911, what's you're emergency? Korra, on the phone: I just witnessed a murder! I mean both parties are already dead-can the dead die twice?????
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The thing is, if the Borderlands ever really happens and if it's successful enough to warrant a sequel or even start a franchise (doubtful, with the way franchises and blockbusters are doing at the box office rn) and if they choose to include Nisha at some point and if they choose to be true to her characterisation from the games in any meaningful capacity (biggest fear: casting some white lady a cowboy hat give her a one-line cameo in the tenth movie of the franchise), I do find myself wondering how what would be the most interesting way to do it:
Either: They choose to go in the same order as the games and make Borderlands 2 before Pre-Sequel: (pro: legendary game and legendary characters, people would be hyped enough for it to forgive possible sins of Borderlands 1, contra: not chronological), they would be introducing her as the Sheriff of Lynchwood first. This might be a little difficult for a movie because Lynchwood is not part of the main storyline so they would have to find a way to tie it back into the main Vault-Hunting/Stop-Handsome Jack/Defeat the Warrior lot. I could see them giving Nisha the role of some sort of danger following behind - the main characters just hear occasionally some rumours or see some signs that someone is following them, inquiring about them, having some goons report on them until there is eventually a twist (much like the Wilhelm fight) until she suddenly shows up in a vulnerable moment and almost ruins everything. The other option is that they do find a plot-reason to go to Lynchwood and the events unfold similarly to the way they happened in the game.
Or: They choose to do Pre-Sequel before Borderlands 2 in order to do things in a more logical order
Now, I feel like this provides some really fun options actually because here we get Nisha as a member of the main-gang and she's a pretty multi-faceted character:
they could focus on the seemingly 'chill, laid-back' aspect of her character first, possibly even introducing her as being somewhat relatable to Timothy because she's not a freaking stoic freaking soldier warrior war-machine like Wilhelm or Athena or as extra as Aurelia (I love you, queen) or ...well...Claptrap being Claptrap, so he starts out being somewhat grateful to have someone "normal" around - until she gets going and he finds out that there are Some Very Fundamental Things Wrong About This Woman
they could lean into the hero/lawbringer side and introduce her that way (this would also make sense if they did Borderlands 2 first and the audience knows her as the Sheriff of Lynchwood) and introduce her during the fight against the bandits on the Hyperion rocket in the opening of Borderlands TPS as someone who just really hates bandits and wants order for the universe - except then we begin to find out that she's also wanted for a BUNCH of crimes - which is where were get into the "the bandit who hunts bandits" thing - except as the movie goes on, we realise that she really always was that way and it's not so much a story about her losing herself or losing any ethical perspective but that she's really taking on a form and taking on roles that allow her to exert the violence she craves.
They could start with the "token evil team member" role right away (I mean, Wilhelm and Aurelia are also Wilhelm and Aurelia but Wilhelm is at best neutral evil and the whole point of Aurelia is that she does in the end become disgusted with what Jack is doing, while from Nish's perspective, Jack is (slowly, and arguably never completely) catching up to her level of single-minded viciousness and sadism.
Another thing I can imagine (because they cannot do the audio logs the way they did in the games) that the characters get a really quick O-Ren Ishii-style introduction with their backstories in different styles that fit the theme of their characters (e.g. a western style for Nisha)
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we looked at the master schedule for next year, which is something we’ve done for years so we know what our schedule will look like, etc., but apparently next year they’re making a bunch of changes and people are Pissed bc how do you take someone out of the grade level they’ve taught for 20 years if they don’t want to move from that grade level and the data supports them staying put lol
and so that teacher actually brought that up and the AP was so dismissive like “oh those are placeholders, you shouldn’t even have permission to see that, blah blah blah” like boldface lying to our faces. 
NO. you want to see just how much you can get us to roll over and take. we’re done falling for your bullshit. 
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laufire · 2 years
just so we're clear, I'm NEVER going to agree with the notion that Caroline's storyline went poorly or that she was "made into JUST a love interest" or whatever new nonsense embittered shippers of whichever pairing they liked for her argue next (especially the grossest, most misogynistic comments I've had the misfortune to see in my reblogs over the years).
not only do I love the progression of her plot but I also think each and one of her love stories in the show ended up serving her plot really well, without encroaching on her journey (among other things, thanks to none of them being endgame lol). if anything the way things panned out the guys (even those with protagonists status!) were made into her love interests, not the other way around, AFAIC.
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bandgie · 10 months
hiiii is ok if i request a stoner smut😭 ( with either han,chan or felix) like y/n and him are smoke buddies and in one of the sessions things get a little hot and heavy 🥲
it’s ok if ur uncomfortable but if you’re not i’d love to see it
-anon 🍃
a/n: yes?!? oh my god?? why give me 3 options when I can do them all?? at the same time??
synopsis: You warned your smoking buddies that you get a little...different when you're really high. They don't believe you though, and smoke you out anyway. Neither of you can decide if it was worst mistake or best decision of your lives.
warnings: MDNI 18+, heavily under the influence, 4some, brief pussy play, no protection, cumming inside, pussy eating, mxm themes!!!, squirting, double penetration, blow job (m!&f!), multiple orgasms (f!), I went crazy with this one I ain't gonna lie
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"Oh dude she's gone."
"You shouldn't have smoked her out man."
"She wanted me to!"
You can distantly hear the three of them arguing. Han is, once again, thrown under the bus as Felix and Chris blame him. To be fair, everyone's high out of their mind. Whatever Felix bought back from California hits.
Han is warm as you snuggle against him, his heartbeat irregular as he keeps defending himself. When you told them you get a little excited when you're super high, they thought you'd be bouncing off the walls. Instead, they had to keep you from clawing Han's cock out to bounce on that.
"I'm not even that high," you speak up for yourself. "I just want a little fun, that's all."
Chan scoffs, bloodshot eyes looking at your droopy ones. "You are that high, actually. The sober you that I know would punch Han before he even thought about touching you."
The image of slapping the man you're sitting on makes you laugh hysterically. You're gasping for air, clutching at your chest as you cackle. Your exaggerated laughter makes Felix chuckle, and it doesn't take long until all four of you are on the verge of throwing up from giggling. 
"But I like the way he feels," you manage to speak after your chest heaves. "Hannie's so soft and warm, it feels so good." It's not smart of you to talk like that when Han's cock is underneath your ass. You can feel like twitching in response. 
You softly grind your ass against it, humming. "You like it too, huh Hannie? Do you want to touch me?"
"Hey. That's enough," Chan's voice is stern, but you don't miss how his eyes drop to your bare thighs. Han freezes under you, scared that moving might make his cock hard. 
You roll your eyes and grind against Han again, hearing him hiss. "For fucks' sake Chan, I'm high, not drunk." There's not a care for the aftermath in your head. It feels as though there'll be no repercussions, that time has frozen still for you. For this moment. 
Still, Chan shakes his head. "Doesn't matter, you're not in the right mind."
"If you don't wanna fuck me Chan, Hannie will." You turn your attention back to Han, who's struggling under you. He's hard now, but his hands stay placed on the cushions. "You'll play with me, right Han?"
His eyes dart from yours to Chan's, unsure. "I dunno. What if you get mad at me in the morning?" You coo at his uncertainty. Reaching for his hands, you place them on your hips. His fingers dig into your soft flesh, pulling you closer to him. 
"I would never be mad at you," you promise. "Just touch me."
That’s enough permission for Han. He parts your thighs while Felix and Chris are front-row viewers. Getting high was just an excuse, you've always wanted him to touch you. For all of them to touch you. It's why you didn't wear any shorts under your skirt. A black thong barely covers your cunt, and Han is quick to play with it. 
His fingers slip behind the material, finding your clit easily. He gently rubs you in circles, moaning in your ear. Han slips his hand out and places it over your underwear, rubbing that instead. 
It makes you whine, bucking your hips in protest. You're about to complain when you catch the other two boys staring. Felix is on the edge of his seat, staring at where Han touches you. Chan is the opposite, crossing his arms over his chest as he leans back in his seat. He looks irritated but there's dark arousal in his eyes. 
You let Han make a show of you, getting you to drip down your ass. 
"Fuck," you hear Felix swear. His voice sounds deeper if that was even possible. His lips are wet from how constantly he's licking them, but he makes no move towards you.
Han pinches your clit. The sudden grasp makes you whine, hips lifting in the air before he forces you back on his lap.
"I don't have a condom," he whispers in your ear. You shake your head aggressively, "I don't care. Put it in."
Chan opens his mouth to say something but snaps it shut. His jaw clenches as he watches Han slips his hand between the two of you, releasing his throbbing cock. He doesn't want to hear you complain in the morning about this, it's your fault. 
Han pulls your panties to the side and slides his cock against your folds. You arch your back into him, moaning. You look down to watch his dick collect your juices, lewdly making noise. Then he angles his cock down, catching your entrance.
You have to slightly lift your hips when his tip goes in. The stretch is far from painful, and it feels like you're on cloud nine. You slam your hips down on Han impatiently. He whines behind you, body shaking and his arms wrap around your waist.
It's a struggle to keep your legs open for the other men to see, but you hook them over Han's legs for support. Han starts slow, unused to the feel of your cunt. He groans in your neck, biting your skin. "Fuck, that's good pussy."
You only hum in response as you feel Han fuck into you harder. It sends overwhelming shocks of pleasure throughout your body. Your mind grows hazy, vision blurring. You've touched yourself while high, and that alone was a trip. To have someone bury themselves deep inside you, to feel their hot dick slip in and out of you, it feels like you're at a constant high. 
Felix is the first to break. He stands to his feet quickly and takes long strides toward you. Han slows his thrusts, unsure if Felix wants a turn with you already. He grips you a little tighter, possessively. 
Both of you are shocked to see him fall to his knees in front of your pussy. He pushes the thong further out of the way with his thumb, looking up at you. 
"Can I?"
You're nodding before he even finishes, "Fuck yes." 
You cum at the feel of Felix's plush lips. Your walls clench and grip Han's cock tightly, making him thrust into you deep. Felix has to keep his hands on your thighs to keep you still. It's obvious you came with the high-pitched moans and convulsing body, but neither of them made a move to stop. 
"Shit, I can feel her creaming on my cock. Fuck, Felix lick me too," Han rasps out. 
Felix is quick to comply. You feel his tongue dip past your pussy presumably only onto the few inches of Han's cock that isn't in your pussy. Han trembles behind you, hips stuttering into yours. Felix reaches back up to your clit, running his lips over your nub before he lightly sucks. 
You don't have much energy to grind on his pretty face, so you lay there pliant as Han fucks into you earnestly and as Felix gently eats you out. You bury your hands into Felix's green hair, desperate to grip onto something.
The hot sensation builds in your stomach again, this time much more intensely. Han can feel the clenching of your walls, the added wetness your pussy drools out. The pressure in your tummy feels different, hotter, and unstable.
"Felix!" You cry out. "I'm gonna cum again! Fuck, I think I'm gonna squirt!"
You think he might back away, but he buries his face deeper, sucks a little harder. "Give it to me baby, I want it all over my face."
The force of your second orgasm makes Han's cock slip out. Felix's face and Han's thighs are victims of your release. You coat them sheer with your orgasm, watching how Felix keeps his mouth open to drink your release. 
He gulps down the remaining spurts of your pussy, a smile on his face. "Yeah, Han. That's good pussy alright." Felix stands, looking down at your wrecked state. He bends down and kisses you roughly, making sure you can taste yourself on his lips. Then he moves behind you to kiss Han who already has his tongue out. Both of them moan in the kiss, making your pussy throb even more. 
Felix unbuckles his belt and pushes his pants just down enough to reach for his cock. You drool at the sight, moaning softly. He pumps himself a few times, then taps his tip on your swollen clit. 
"Think you can handle two at a time baby?"
Before you can even think to answer, Han butts in. "You should be asking me that. I don't think I'll last much longer." The two of them laugh, and then Felix looks back at you. "Can you?"
Biting your bottom lip, you nod. "Yeah, just go slow." Han and Felix nod in unison, "Of course baby." 
The two of them angle their cocks into your slightly gaping entrance. Han pushes the tip of his cock in first. Felix follows quickly after, pressing his tip against Han's. You let your head fall back between Han's neck and shoulder, relaxing your body. It's quite easy since you are already elated, but there's still a painful stretch as they slide in.
You hiss when they stretch you out, their cocks halfway in. Han tightens his grip on your waist and pecks your forehead. Felix soothingly runs his hands against your thighs and kisses your exposed neck. "Doing so good, you're almost there."
Their comforting touches encourage you to try harder. They sink further in and you gasp. 
"Chan," Han calls his hyung who's been overly silent throughout the whole thing. You almost forgot he was there. 
"Think our baby needs a bit of help. Come on."
Chan shouldn't help. He told you many times this was a bad idea, but no one listened. Still, watching your teary eyes get to him. The way your face contorts from discomfort. You looked so pretty cumming over Han's cock, he can't imagine what'd it be like to cream over both. 
He finds himself standing and walking over to you three, standing beside Felix. 
"Mate, you need to Han bottom out first. Here." Chan hands one hand on Felix's waist while the other guides your stomach downwards. Han moves his hips up, slowly filling your walls. You squeal and tremble, but it's bearable. 
"There you go," Chris coos. "Make sure you go deep Han. Felix needs as much room as he can get."
Han obeys his friend, making sure to bury himself to the hilt. You feel him push past what you thought was possible. Your legs threaten to snap shut, but Felix's iron grip keeps them open. Han can feel how tight your pussy is, how good it feels to rub against Felix's cock.
Chan taps the green-haired on the waist, "You're good to go."
"Oh," your eyes roll back to your head. Your lips spread deliciously when Felix pushes the remaining inches in. You can feel how your clit slightly rubs against his girth, making extra warmth flow out of you.
Your reactions make Chan chuckle, smiling for the first time in what seems like hours. "Feels good huh? Taught him well." He playfully slaps Felix on the ass. 
The two of them feel heavenly in your walls. All three of you are a moaning mess, content with staying still. It's not until Chris clears his throat that Han begins to move. Shallow thrusts into your pussy that make the trio whimper.
Felix moves with longer strokes. They don't match each other's thrusts, but the speed is the same. One goes in while the other goes out, then sometimes it's at the same time, then it's everything in between. Your walls loosen after a few testing strokes, and they're fucking into you roughly in no time.
Chan tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, getting a good view of your face. It's then that you notice his hard-on, how painful it must be in his jeans. Wordlessly, you open your mouth, tongue lolling out. Chan laughs at your directness, "You sure?"
You respond by using your weak fingers to unzip him, "Yesssss."
He laughs again and helps you undress him. His cock is the biggest of the three, in girth and length. You're thankful he isn't in you, there's no way you could've handled it. Chan taps the head of his cock on your lips, smearing his pre-cum. 
Then he pushes in gently, not to disrupt the boys using you. He's hot and heavy on your tongue, slightly salty. Truthfully, getting as high as you did always leaves you with a dry mouth. You find it difficult to provide enough spit for Chan's cock.
He doesn't complain though, and never pushes you past your limit. Chan uses his hands to jerk what you can't fit in your mouth. You want to protest and say you can do it yourself, but with how good Felix and Han are fucking you, it seems impossible. 
Han's cock twitches inside you, a warning for his orgasm. "I'm gonna cum. Fuck baby I'm gonna cum in you." 
You hum around Chris's cock in response, and soon enough you're filled with Han's cum. It's warm in your stomach and you feel it pool onto the sofa. Felix moans at the extra lubrication, finding it hot to see him fuck the cum out of you. 
Han's cock stays inside of you. He likes to think Felix and you help ride out his high. He turns his head to watch you suck off Chan, groaning. Han opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out, looking up at Chan expectedly. 
The eagerness in Han's eyes has the older man raising an eyebrow, but he indulges nonetheless. Chan slips his cock from your mouth and places it on Han's tongue. 
Han is in a better condition to suck. He even does the honor of spitting on Chan's dick. He licks and takes his cock almost to the hilt before gagging. The sight makes Chan moan, and he puts his dick back in your mouth. Your lips are much softer and your mouth is hotter. Han's is wetter though, and much more usable. Chan settles for using both of your throats.
You're thankful for Han helping, it's hard to focus with Felix still pounding away. His fingers are for sure going to leave a bruise, and your pussy may not be the same after this. With your warm pussy and Han's cock, Felix can feel his balls tighten and how his hips lose their momentum.
He doesn't warm you when he cums. There's just his deep, consecutive moans as Felix fills you to the brim. Your legs tremble, and you're cumming before you're aware of it. Chan has to use Han's mouth more often as you moan and whimper through your orgasm. 
Felix rides his high out when Chan forces your head to face his cock. He jerks himself quickly, tapping his tip on both your and Han's tongues. Chan cums on both of your faces, hot spurts landing on your cheek and lips. 
Your tongue pokes out to get a taste, moaning. 
Felix finally pulls out, making you whine. Han follows suit, letting his soft cock leave you empty. Chan lets you give his cock extra kisses while Han unwraps an arm from you to wipe his face. 
Chan has to pry you away from his dick, chuckling when you protest. He tucks himself away despite your complaining. 
The four of you untangle from each other. Though the couch is small, all of you manage to snuggle against one another with you and Han in the middle. All of you are shining in afterglow and cum, with complete disregard for how you might react in the morning. 
Han picks his head up to overlook all of you, a playful scowl on his face. "And you were mad at me for smoking her out."
a/n: man i...I dunno what to say. this is totally self-indulgent. the way I need this to happen. thank you anon 🍃, I truly needed this
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nyaagolor · 9 months
Ranking the Ace Attorney main cast on whether or not I think they'd be a narc
I was making a more coherent, serious post about the different approaches to justice each of the characters have and how that is shaped by their backstory... and then I realized a funnier question is what they would do if they saw you eating a weed brownie so I made this post instead
Phoenix: In the trilogy era, yes. He trusts people, but believes that trust has to be built on pursuing justice and always accepting the harsh reality. He'd be sad about it, but a narc nonetheless. In his Beanix era he's making his money through "totally legal gambling" and on the hunt for questionably legal evidence so I have no doubt in my mind there's a pot farm under the WAA for supplemental income. He gives up his narc ways and for that I salute him
Apollo: If I were to pick a single member of this cast who is NOT invited to the rotation it would be him. He had zero hesitation throwing Kristoph to the wolves after working for him for years so I know he has absolutely zero qualms about ratting out his friends or coworkers. Loyalty means nothing in the eyes of justice and it means nothing to him. He's a narc.
Athena: She's gonna lecture you and look all sad about it, but she's no snitch. She's been through the rounds with Simon so she gets it. Having to know you hurt her feelings is enough of a punishment in her eyes
Edgeworth: He's not a narc but he IS obsessed with being right, so if you don't immediately fess up with exactly what you're doing he's going to send your stoned ass to the chess dimension and honestly I think that's worse
Franziska: Unfortunately she is a cop. Narc.
Godot: Diego-era yeah he's a narc, but after the coma? I feel like he has better things to worry about, he would just ignore you. He has some soul searching to do and some grief complexes to unlearn he doesn't have the time to be a lil snitch. Post prison I think he's stoned somewhere in Kurain and chillaxing, as is his right
Klavier: Don't let his rockstar attitude fool you he's a narc and extremely annoying about it. The gavinners tour bus is dry as hell and it's all Klavier's fault. Daryan offers him a line and he gets all uppity and says "the only LINE i want you doing is the third line in the prechorus, you keep messing up the syncopation" and that's the end of that discussion
Simon: He's been in prison so he knows what's up. Not a narc. Might glare at you until you share though
Nahyuta: He's a narc and will lecture you so long about it you're tempted to turn yourself in to get out of earshot. He also never forgets and never forgives. Datz is trying to reform him but it isn't going well
Sebastian: Yes, but I think the idea of him having to turn in someone for it would make him cry so they end up comforting him instead. Kay thinks he needs to try a weed brownie
Maya: I want you to look at me and tell me she doesn't smoke weed. Not a narc
Pearl: I think if she found out that her big sister figure smoked weed she would have a heart attack. Def a narc
Trucy: I can say with absolute certainty that if you really wanted weed she could find you a dealer faster than anyone in the cast. Trucy is a magician and has grown up around a variety of people involved with some seedier institutions, she knows better than to snitch. Has not been and will never be a narc
Kay: Will help you shoplift. Not a narc
Gumshoe: A narc on principle, but would feel really bad about it and would probably let you off with a warning if you started crying or acting upset because I think he's a softie. He's not unreasonable
Ema: If you think she has even the tiniest sliver of respect for cops you're lying to yourself. Not a narc and will actively help you evade police out of principle. A homie, honestly
Fulbright: Not only is he a narc but he definitely runs the DARE program at the local highschool and is printed on half the posters they put up in the precinct. I'm also like 80% sure he doesn't actually know how weed works
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ofswordsandpens · 5 months
Am I the only one who thinks about how The Lightning Thief would have gone if instead of Grover, Percy picked Luke to go with him and Annabeth on the quest? Luke, who was sick of the idea of doing quests that had already been done was just picked to go on a unique quest by this demigod who he was planning to manipulate, and the quest was unique because he helped to make it so. And while he'll likely be plotting to hide the fact that he's a lightning thief, reworking things to take heat off himself, one of his quest mates would be Annabeth, the half blood he personally saved and brought to camp, whom he would have to work like hell to hide his deeds from.
listen I'm loving the comedic potential of this because in my heart of hearts, I feel like Luke's too enamored with the idea of razing Olympus for him to doubt what he's doing, but balancing that razors edge where he's actively trying to sabotage the quest and kill Percy while not tipping off Annabeth, and also trying to plant seeds of doubt and discord both between Percy and Annabeth and also about the gods while trying not to be too obvious about it because maybe, just maybe he can convince Annabeth to side with him.
except as usual Luke's nefarious plans are constantly being foiled by 2 tweens and its embarrassing cause they're not even trying. Percy's not wearing the shoes and keeps making up polite reasons on why he can't without seeming like he's rejecting Luke's gift (cause that would be rude) and Annabeth's like "well I'm gonna wear them then" and Luke's panics like "NO" but he also can't wear them so then they just stay in the bag untouched. then Luke keeps directing them into the paths of monsters in the hopes Percy's gonna get taken out but holy hell this kid just won't die. Like literally just escapes mortal peril by the skin of his teeth and doesn't even realize it. It's like an old silent film where the entire front of the house falls off and the guy survives because he just happened to be standing right where the open window is.
Then Luke's also trying to stir up some anger at the gods, testing the waters with Annabeth, but she's so in the height in the idealization of her mom it's getting no where. Luke's trying to be subtle like "hey... don't you think it's kinda of fucked up that the gods are..... uh... blaming? percy for this? and that he has to do this quest to set things right" but annabeth's like "what do you mean by that? 🤨 this is what heroes do this is how we prove ourselves" and unfortunately Percy is the only one vibing with the "hey don't you hate your dad" comments that's Luke's throwing down and that makes him fond of Percy against his better judgement but he's still gotta kill him so you know, bummer
anyway, in this quest AU Percy perceives Luke as the Responsible Adult cause he's 19 (lmao) and thus feels a little less pressure to be responsible for things himself and so when they get to the Underworld, Luke's like smirking, grinning, cause a. he's in in the Underworld and how many heroes have achieved that? b. the shoes in Percy's bag are about to drag that kid to the depths of hell or c. the lightning bolts about to appear in the bag and Luke will throw Percy under the bus to Hades (he's been practicing his betrayal speech) except wait "Percy... where's your backpack??" and Percy's like "oh I forgot it at the hotel 👉👈" and Luke loses it and picks him up to throw him into tartarus himself (he is unsuccessful)
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neuroticbookworm · 2 months
List of Jane's best mentor/boss moments from The Trainee episode 3
aka the list of things that make him so irresistible to me that I am going feral on main on a Sunday afternoon
Jane admonished Ryan for being late and missing the production transportation, but he did not linger on it and immediately put him to work by giving him clear and concise tasks: keep the walkie talkie with you, keep the extras on standby and put your phone on silent
When he saw that Ryan's shoelaces were becoming a recurring problem, he just got down on his knees and solved it, giving us a little glimpse into his thoughts on seniority in the workplace and how ageist ego has no place in it
He was extra patient with Ryan when his phone continued to ring on set (@lurkingshan, @twig-tea, @shortpplfedup and I were screaming our heads off at Ryan and yet Jane continued to tolerate him)
Noticing Ryan's hesitation and offering to show him how to use the walkie talkie without him asking
Trusting the rest of the interns to run B-set
When the mean extra auntie tried to pull "I'm elder than him" nonsense, Jane shut that shit down, HARDDDDD. This is such an important lesson in Asian workplaces, because the social norms around age and the respect it demands can drown young people who enter the workforce. Jane spelling it out for Ryan that his age should not hinder him from doing the job was a powerful moment and one I have rarely seen in Asian dramas, to be honest. I think this is the moment the sex-o-meter caught on fire
He was open to ideas from his intern even during a high-stress situation and even implemented Ryan's idea of using one of the support service team members as an extra to finish up the shoot! If Ryan doesn't buy him a Best Boss Ever mug, I'm gonna be so mad at him
He covered for Pie and took the blame himself when the client expressed dissatisfaction (read: scolded everyone like children). He shielded her from the real-world-shitstorm-stress that would 100% be Too Much for an intern to deal with, while also teaching the interns the importance of teamwork and not throwing people under the bus
After wrapping up, Jane made sure Ryan did not leave the set feeling inadequate from his mistakes, and instead encouraged him to see himself as a cog in a bigger machine. Everyone's contribution is important, and no one in a team can work completely alone.
And finally, he told Ryan that he would not hesitate to apologize to him in the future if he makes a mistake. Because, say it with him now...
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Jane is extremely competent and is a compassionate mentor, which makes him so fucking sexy that my braincells are constantly at risk of spontaneous combustion
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yamujiburo · 8 months
Some of this might sound intentionally hostile in text and I apologize.
I'm saying this as an abuse survivor mind you - don't throw "abusive ships" under the bus so easily - at least, so long as they're not actually glamorizing the abuse. I lived that irl and I personally find someone overcoming it, slowly having enough of that bullshit and getting out over time, and the other person having to wipe their own butt for once after they've made the damn mess, very refreshing. Maybe that's not a ship in the traditional sense. It's no happily ever after bc it shouldn't be, but I find stories like mine shyed away from so often because even the portrayal gets considered a "canon ship". ... that's just how media works now, I guess? I very rarely See a fictional relationship not called a ship in literally any context now so that's the definition I'm running on.
I wish more people were willing to portray the hardships of finding acceptance outside of "whoever you can find will accept you" very much, and finding the better things after. I wish people weren't terrified out of portrayimg situations like mine.
Jessie.. is not a good person in canon. You expect me to believe she moved into to hanamusa seamlessly, without falling on her ass? I never see you talk about Jessie's abusive tendencies in canon. You never talk about the inherent meanness she needed to get over to get there. She's quite aml lot like my ex in canon, actually.
What do you mean you're going to just remove from the character that she is abusive to those around her. Jessie hits people. She takes her own junk out on others all the time. Do you even like the character then, are you actually invested in her growing, or are you just making an OC at this point?
Idk. Do you, boo. But you are posting about a character who, whether you like it or not, is canonically abusive. I just don't buy that dating Ash's mom alone fixed her. That isn't... How that works. It would be excellent if it did. Part of my love of hanamusa is that it signals Jessie's change - but she could have changed for anyone before now.
What makes Delia different? How is she specifically a turning point for Jessie? Because Jessie's flaws go well beyond just bossing people around.
I would love if my abuser had the same outcome as your Jessie. I adore your portayals of hanamusa, where she's still flawed but still strives to do better. That's all I ever wanted from my ex.
What the fuck got her there tho.
Anyways I've been watching a lot of Bojack Horseman lately -
I agree with you! I don't think abusive relationships (or any tough subject matter in general) should be shied away from in media. It can be powerful when executed well and written by folks who are equipped to tell those kinds of stories. I do think it's sad when people treat it as off limits. But the ask I got was definitely more about which ships I have where I actually like the relationship between the characters. I think the semantics of the word "ship" are kind of vague or rather, over time, got so specific to only mean "absolutely love together and want them as endgame" (for most people anyways). So that's usually what I take the word to mean when people ask me about it.
I can 100% appreciate how an abusive relationship is written and handled, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna ship an abuser with their victim (that falls into the glorifying you're talking about). Love Bojack Horseman! Big fan! I think the way they handled Bojack and Sarah Lynn was beautifully and tragically well written. But does that mean I ship Bojack and Sarah Lynn? Absolutely fucking not.
I've talked about Jessie's character plenty on this blog and the way she's handled in earlier seasons specifically. This is kind of a summary: If we look at it on surface level, yes we can say she was abusive. But I think it's important to acknowledge and take into account the medium, time period and culture. Slapstick and cartoon violence was HUGE in anime and animation in the 90s (and prior to that too). Characters were always cartoonishly slapping each other around with giant mallets, folding fans, etc. Looney Tunes style. These slapstick bits were always distinct from real abuse and hurt (for Pokémon, Jessiebelle comes to mind). Mean slapstick wasn't a character trait exclusive to Jessie either. We saw it in Misty, James, Meowth, characters of the day and pretty much any character who got mad. It was a visual shortcut to show anger.
This type of slapstick has since (thankfully) died out and it hasn't really been a part of the Pokémon franchise since the early 2000s. However, Jessie was a notably special case. One of my favorite fun facts about the Pokémon anime is that there was a point in the series where Megumi Hayashibara (Jessie/Musashi's seiyuu) told the writers that moving forward, she no longer wanted Jessie to be violent or to be shown hitting James or Meowth (source: her memoir "The Characters Taught Me Everything"). She thought it directly went against the vision Takeshi Shudo had for Jessie, James and Meowth, when he created them, which was that they are good natured villains. If you watch from DP and on, Jessie never lays a hand on either of them. I think it was a such a good move on Pokémon's part to change her character like that and I'm forever grateful that Hayashibara said something! Whenever I write Jessie now, I always keep that in mind. She's mean, shouty and stupid but would never genuinely hurt those she cares about.
From then, her character becomes much more bearable. She's still bossy, mean and vain (typical cartoon villainess attributes) but I'd hesitate to say abusive. She'll still yell at James and Meowth, they all yell at each other, but in more of a sibling way (imo) rather than a "i'm actively trying to hurt your feelings way". The show makes a point especially in later seasons to show that Jessie, James and Meowth are not beyond being redeemed. From conception the whole POINT of the Team Rocket trio was that they are redeemable but their persistence and obsession keeps getting in the way of them seeing that there's a better life for them out there.
I won't deny that Jessie was unsavory in earlier seasons, but when I write her, I choose to write the version that Takeshi Shudo and Megumi Hayashibara had envisioned from the get go. She's still incredibly flawed and makes plenty missteps but wants to be better as you stated! My favorite part about Jessie is that she's a piece of shit LOL and I enjoy writing the changes she goes through to be better (but then still showing her default so some of her evil tendencies). In this AU, Delia doesn't fix Jessie. Jessie fixes Jessie because she is with someone makes her want to be a better person. She's already in the middle of turning over a new leaf before even meeting Delia, after leaving Team Rocket. Writing Jessie as legitimately abusive I think could work, but that's not my story to tell and if someone who were more equipped to tell that story did, I'd be very interested to take a listen!
I hope this doesn't come off as trying to deny or invalidate your experience. If you see that in Jessie, I hear you! This is just how I've interpreted her character over the years, having watched every episode of Pokémon and reading Japanese interviews from the cast and crew. She's such a compelling character and I love how messy she is
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impishjesters · 11 months
Can you do Jax x reader who has a lot of insecurities about how they look and act in the real world and the digital one? And if not you can just ignore this 💕
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warning(s): Jax (only slightly kidding), insecurities, mentioned dark humor to cope, minor bullying (Jax throws Zooble and Dangle under the bus on their appearance) note(s): I'm quickly learning that just like Jax, I'd probably be an awful human being to seek comfort in.. at least words of comfort... A/N: Realized more than halfway through writing that I wasn't sure if the request was separate hc's like knowing him before being yoinked into the digital hellscape and after or not... Feel free to toss another ask though and I can try some pre-digital hellscape hc's...however, I feel like they'd still be pretty similar to the post-digital hellscape reactions.
Jax is probably the last person to talk to when it comes to insecurities, real or digital
One time the topic of what everyone looked like before being sucked into the digital hellscape came up, but not everyone remembered, whether it was because they simply couldn’t remember or because they’d been there too long to remember
Jax’s response is never consistent. In one comment he’ll say he misses having long hair and was 5’4”, and the next comment is how he was actually bald and 5’10”
Now whether that’s him fuckin around or not is anybody’s guess
Currently, he’s got no real beef with his appearance, and he’s unapologetically himself digital or human. Now when it comes to you?
It can go a few different ways depending on how close the two of you are
Right out the gate, he’ll claim whatever toy-like appearance you’ve taken on can’t be any uglier than Zooble, which is like wow, harsh—they aren’t exactly easy on the eyes but that’s still a person with feelings…
He might even throw in a harsh comment about Gangle’s lack of a body, being ya know just ribbons… but hey! At least you have a body compared to her (Jax..that’s not helping..)
See what I said? Not the best person to go to with this sorta stuff
In the beginning, there’s always the gamble he might poke fun at your digital appearance and not really realize till later on that you were insecure about your appearance. (Whether it’s because someone else pointed it out or you flat-out told him.)
The closer the two of you get—friendship or romantic—he’s still an ass but once you’ve confronted him about your feelings and insecurities about your appearance, digital or human he knocks it off.
Nobody’s really voiced their complaints on what they ended up as here, at least not publically…
He’ll try to reassure you that you look fine, likely not understanding how deeply rooted something like insecurities can go and something like a “well I don’t think you’re ugly” isn’t gonna cut it.
Jax isn’t a sweet talker, or rather he doesn’t really sound all that genuine if he does, but he does try to put some emphasis that you really do look fine. (again, sweet but likely not helpful)
Now real world you? He wouldn’t know in the slightest, and while he could lie and say that the description you gave him wasn’t anything to be ashamed of, he’s not gonna do that to you (not that the appearance you gave him sounded ugly or anything).
Jax copes with dark humor and will without a doubt throw out some comment about how you won’t have to be insecure about your human appearance anymore because it’s unlikely any of you are getting out of here. (I’m sorry I’m laughing so hard because that would 15/10 make me laugh, dark humor is how I cope)
It’s not helpful (depending on the individual at least)
Oh! What about now you don’t have to worry about any acne or wrinkles?
Better? But is it really? Eh..
Overall he’s not particularly great at the whole reassurance about your appearance or how you act “I mean have you seen how some of the others act?” (Jax that’s not..helpful), but because you are someone important to him he’ll make the extra effort to listen to exactly what it is your insecure about and if you need him to reassure you he’ll do so
It might sound insincere but that’s just how he talks
On the off chance that you have a really bad day, it tugs at his heartstrings (yeah, he has those), he’ll pull you aside and give you little kisses over those places.
Insecure about something facial-wise? Face kisses.
You end up as a toy with too many legs and not enough fingers? Kisses (maybe not the legs though...)
When in doubt kisses and he’ll let you hug him or whatever, but breathe a word of this to the other’s and he’ll.. I dunno, prank you later or something. He'll have to workshop it.
Back to the act thing, I don’t personally know how someone would be insecure over that—but if you stim or anything of the sort Jax won’t really comment on it, but if someone else does? Poor them because they are about to get on the bunny’s bad side.
Gangle stims and as big of an asshole as Jax is, he’s never made fun of her for it.
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songmingisthighs · 7 months
Pitiful, You're Pitiful
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ch. ii
group : ateez
pairing : aged up!wooyoung × aged up!reader
genre : angst, mature
word count : 3 k
warning : adultery, cheating, medical condition (?), mentions of loss/miscarriage, negative depiction of wooyoung
a/n : happy valentine's <3
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It had been two months since the night you were intimate with Wooyoung and it was still suffocating to think about.
It hurts a lot actually. But you can't let your sadness take over you, especially when Wooyoung hasn't shown any concrete signs that you should be worried other than your feelings. So you kept it to yourself, you kept your anxiety in and with every trip and team dinner or client meeting, you convinced yourself that he was doing what he said he was doing no matter how nauseated it made you feel. The stress must've gotten to you badly because the nausea was starting to become unbearable and even made you vomit almost every day. You figured it was psychosomatic but since it had affected your housework (aka Wooyoung complaining that you were up late several times, Dayoung grumbling under her breath about you not even caring to make her breakfast, and Woohyun refusing to go to kindergarten because he was worried over you).
Today started quite roughly.
You barely held onto the countertop of your sink when you heard your daughter huffing from the other side of the door. The pain in your head and the discomfort from your stomach made your body sway slightly and the second round of angry knocks felt like a hammer to your head.
"Mom, seriously, I'm gonna be late!" Dayoung sighed sharply. You could just imagine the look on her face and while you love your children to bits, the way your body was practically shutting down on you, it felt like you wanted to scream back at her to give you a break. But you kept reminding yourself that you're the parent, she's an angsty teenager and you can't create a hostile environment for your youngest.
By whatever force that was working in your favour, you managed to walk yourself to the door and though your hands were cold, clammy, and trembling, you were able to open the door to see your daughter glaring at you. "S-sorry sweetie, mommy's not feeling well right now," you sighed, wiping the cold sweat off your forehead with your palm.
Dayoung hated the way you referred to yourself as if she was still a child or something and she let you know her disdain with a scoff and a roll of her eyes. "If you were so against me taking the bus in the morning, you could've at least made an effort to be punctual. I had to dress Woohyun, you know that? He and his milk-drenched chin almost ruined my cardigan and uniform. How is it that I'm doing things you're supposed to? Couldn't you have gotten drunk during the weekends or something?" she sneered, oblivious that it had been a while since you touched alcohol because when you tried to have a glass the week before, you ended up throwing up for some reason. The throbbing was coming back along with annoyance and you couldn't help the sharp exhale that you let out, "Can you not be like this right now? You being disrespectful won't make me move any faster." At least Dayoung had the decency to shut her mouth but from the corner of your eyes, you could see her fists clenching. "Where's your dad anyways? He knew I was not feeling well, he could've taken you and Woohyun to school." Although you were sighing and struggling to move without keeling over, you still forced your body to cooperate, determined to prioritize your motherly duties above letting sickness take over you completely. Dayoung only leaned on the wall while texting her friend, completely aware that you had almost fallen over a couple of times as you changed into your jeans, "I don't know, Daddy seemed to be in a rush this morning. He went out like an hour earlier than usual, humming and mumbling something about meeting someone for coffee before going to the academy."
The lighthearted tone Dayoung used didn't hide the heaviness of those words. You had been rather preoccupied as a mom to really follow up on your instinct so when you heard that, you felt a chill down your spine. For a moment, you couldn't help but wonder what or why you felt like that. As quick as that doubt came, you brushed the thought away as you grabbed your bag, rushed your children out the door, and loaded them into your car.
Being a parent was truly a wonder because for a moment, while focusing on your children, you felt like your body was mending itself. The headache was gone, your joints were not achy, and the bloated feeling in your stomach was relieved. Maybe it was stress, a psychosomatic symptom because you had a feeling that something was wrong with Wooyoung and because nothing did, your body directed the feeling towards your health. It's possible, the body is mysterious and things that make almost 0 sense can happen in a blink of an eye.
But once you found yourself all alone after taking Woohyun to his class, you slumped against the side of your car, clutching your head as the pain suddenly returned all at once. It was then and there that you realized that something was going on with you and you needed to get it checked out immediately.
On the way to the hospital, your mind was at war. It was plagued with scary scenarios like cancer one moment before the logical side of your brain reasoned that it could be something as simple as indigestion, acid reflux or even stomach flu. The anxiety didn't die down and you thought that at moments like this, you needed your partner, you needed your husband. Your husband who in the past had gone above and beyond to nurse you back to health even when it was just your allergy acting up. It was ironic that as you smiled and reminisced about the things your husband did for you in the past, your phone let out a long dial tone that let you know that you couldn't reach your husband for the 5th time. The anxiety bubbled up at the pit of your stomach as your fear went on automation, immediately associating Wooyoung not accepting your calls as a bad omen. One by one, your brain started ticking off possibilities such as stomach cancer, bowel obstruction, and kidney problems. Then your daughter's jabs started popping in your head, her jabs about how you drink a lot. It wasn't like you get drunk on wine twice a week like a ritual but it was never like that. You do enjoy the occasional glass but even then, it was slightly less than the amount people usually pour and it never surpassed you feeling tingly. But maybe you had accidentally subconsciously increased your intake and what you were experiencing was liver failure.
Out of all the diagnoses you were fearing, you honestly weren't expecting the doctor to tell you that you were pregnant.
As embarrassing as it was to admit, the moment the doctor revealed the diagnosis, it was like a punch to the gut and you vomited all over the ER floor. On the plus side, you no longer feel bloated.
"I can't be pregnant, there's no way. I haven't been intimate with my husband in a long while," you said after gulping down the water one of the nurses brought for you. "Blood tests are rarely wrong, ma'am," the doctor pulled her stool closer to you and sat down to look at you straight in the eyes, "When was the last time you were intimate with your husband?" It was both easy and hard for you to remember the last time you had sex with Wooyoung. You couldn't even call it making love because it wasn't. He fucked you to shut you up and left you alone like a washed-up carcass. The urge to scream and go crazy was high as it seemed like such a joke to get pregnant from that one time.
You wanted to laugh, scream, cry at how ironic the situation was. How when you tried so hard to grow your family with your husband, you were met with heartbreak. But now that things were verging on collapsing, you were suddenly blessed with a person you didn't even know you'd been waiting for. But your brain hadn't caught up to that point, still in disbelief and maybe even shock.
The doctor's voice was merely a murmur at that point. You couldn't focus, you couldn't really comprehend what she was saying because you were so deep in your thoughts, your bitter thoughts of the situation. You were worried because after what happened to your last pregnancy, it took you a long while to be okay again. There was even a period of time when Wooyoung was the only functioning parent, taking care of the role of both mom and dad while you recuperate. Of course, you weren't expecting to lose this pregnancy too. Who would do that? But the fear existed, the fear remained a part of you and as much as you want to shed it, it was so hard.
Nevertheless, you couldn't help but let your mind wander and suddenly flicker into hope. Hope that this baby will bring your husband back, bring him back to the way he was before the loss you both experienced. Hoping that his distance was because he was also waiting for this same little stranger.
"Hey, (y/n)!"
You turned around and saw Yunho jogging towards you, huffing.
When did you get out of the ER? You felt a buzz in your hand from your phone and frowned when you saw the message. When did you make an OB appointment?
Whatever the answer was, you immediately tried to shove your worries away and put on a smile, trying to appear normal or somewhat okay in front of your husband's friend.
Before you could greet him back, however, he cut you off, "I came as soon as I heard," he panted. "What?" you chuckled awkwardly, not understanding what he meant but slightly worried because you had thought someone saw you in the ER and heard what you and the doctor were talking about and informed other people. "How's Wooyoung? Was it really a heart attack? I heard he hit his head or something. Which room is he in?" It felt like you were the one who hit their head because you had no idea what Yunho was saying. You waved your hands in front of Yunho's face to stop his rants, "Whoah, Yunho, what are you talking about?" Now it was Yunho's turn to be confused. "I-I was informed by the academy's front desk that Wooyoung got hurt. They said they called Wooyoung in because he missed his special trainee class and they got information that he was hurt and that he was admitted here so I thought that he was with you."
In a flash, you turned and dashed to the information desk, Yunho hot on your tail. the both of you stayed close as you go up to the room Wooyoung was admitted in, worry evident in the way you both looked but it was definitely more prominent on you.
Once on the floor, you ran out first to the nurse's station before Yunho could even register that the elevator door had opened. Your hands accidentally slammed loudly on the hard surface of the counter, making Yunho and the nurses in the station to jump slightly in shock, "Hi, I-I'm looking for Jung Wooyoung, he was just admitted not too long ago," you were on the verge of crying because you were so worried and you felt and that you didn't even know your husband got hurt. The nurse checked her computer for a second before looking back at you, "He is on this floor but I'm afraid I can't let you visit him just yet. His wife is in there with him and considering the situation, we were instructed to let him get his rest first. Visitors are permitted once Mr Jung's doctor clears him and you will be notified by his wife." Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion and so did Yunho at the revelation, "That... That can't be right, I'm his wife," you said, surprising the nurse. She produced a guest sign-in form on a clipboard and muttered to herself, "I- well, there was this lady who came in with him and she told the doctor that they were in their bedroom when Mr Jung had the accident. She mentioned- I- I think she mentioned that she was his partner, s-so I just assumed she was his wife because of the ring on his finger," she meekly showed you the signature on the clipboard but it looked unfamiliar.
"Yeon Harin? That's our backup dancer," Yunho scoffed from behind you, "What's she doing here with Wooyoung?"
Dread washed over you like the water from a river in winter. The look on your face was enough to let not only the nurse who talked to you but the other nurses around know what was going on. Guilt gnawed at them when they saw your face paled and eyes glazed over as if they were the ones who committed such betrayal towards you. However, it took Yunho a moment to realize. His eyebrows furrowed and his eyes lingered on the name as his brain replayed the information he received. Dots connecting one by one, Yunho felt like he was being punched in the gut. "Oh fuck," he cussed under his breath, realizing what just happened. Realizing what his revelation of the identity did, "(y/n), a-"
Before he could ask if you were alright, you had pushed yourself away from the station, eye unfocused as if searching for a way to escape. "I... T-thank you... C-can, uh... Can I come back later with my hus- Wooyoung's things? W-what time is the cutoff time for visitors?" You did not notice it but your voice trembled, breaking slightly even as you tried communicating with the nurses in a voice so small, that they had to not breathe to hear you clearly. It was obvious that you were trying to hold yourself together, but it was also probably because you were processing the information. The head nurse pushed past from the back of the station and addressed you directly with a gentle, motherly smile, it was a shame you didn't see it. "Cut-off time is in 2 hours which will be at 12 pm and it will reopen at 6-8 pm. But for family members, there isn't really a cut-off time, I'll make sure Mr Jung's visitor is out of his room soon," at least someone had the decency to do what's right.
You didn't even remember if you told the nurses thank you because when your senses returned, you found yourself already walking back towards the elevator. "(y/n)? Hey, are you okay?" Yunho called out, making his presence and proximity obvious to you. You wanted to tell him that you were fine, but how could you? Your assumption was just confirmed in such a public place in a situation the same hour you found out you were pregnant in the same place you found out that your husband was hurt and you weren't there for him. Although his side piece was there and considering that he was with her when he was supposed to be at a very important class due to the account and his own ownership of account management, he must've prioritized her presence more. Yunho didn't press you for a reply though, he just wanted to make sure you were okay, he wanted to make sure he could give you what you needed which was tricky since he had no idea what to do. He too, was still processing the information and trying to make sense of things. Was his assumption even correct? Was his friend really that much of a monster? So when you hopped in the elevator, Yunho didn't know if he was supposed to let you go by yourself or jump in and drive you home. Were you even going home? Why were you even there if you didn't even know that Wooyoung was admitted?
When you finally spared Yunho a glance, the door was starting to close and with a smile that haunted him for weeks, you spoke, "Don't tell Wooyoung about this, okay?" and the door closed, leaving Yunho worried and conflicted because all he wanted to do was go into Wooyoung's room and demand an explanation but with what you said, he couldn't. Could he?
When you heard the door closed, your body slumped to the wall and you felt your legs turn to jelly. Your intuition was right, he was being unfaithful and his timing, as always, was just perfect because the day you found out the truth just had to be the same day you found out that you were pregnant with the baby he fucked into you so coldly. A wave of nausea bubbled up in your stomach and your chest burned. The moment the door of the elevator opened, you ran out and your legs took you to the parking lot where you vomited out the bile that was probably the physical form of your feeling. Though the pressure was relieved, you could still feel the sting and burn in your throat, the bitterness in your tongue, and the dread washing over you.
Hunched over the bushes, you found it hard to straighten up and walk. At that moment, you want everything to stop because it was too much, it was too much for you to bear to bear alone.
Mere realization was not enough because you were in denial, you wanted to believe that it was just a dream, that you were hallucinating, that your husband was not the asshole but you were for wanting him to be a monster so much that your brain had somehow warped reality and created this scenario for you to hold onto.
Honestly, you didn't know what to process first.
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kpop---scenarios · 19 days
Monster (9) - FINAL
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Pairing: Chan x Reader
Warning: Mentions of blood, Murder, Swearing etc
Word Count: 2.8k
Taglist: @bluebeard67 @stephanieeeyang @mouseyboo @stayatinykatsy @thicccurls @thecutiepieme @kayleefriedchicken @msauthor @purple-bell @bluesiebirdie @jisunglyricist @skzdust @hash2013 @skzooluvr @minh0scat @kkamismom12 @xxeiraxx
@jiminssluttyminx @chloe-elise-2000
Previous Chapters
“You're… you're in love with me?” You breathe, your heart pounding, almost out of your chest. You can feel the blush spreading across your cheeks as Chan stares at you, slowly walking over to you as you sit up in his bed. He crawls onto the bed, towards you. You lay down, trying to cover your face but Chan rips the blankets from your body, smiling down at you. . You want to respond. You want to tell him you feel the same about him, but you can't. In seconds his lips are latched to yours, swiftly deepening the kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth. You grab his head, pulling him in closer, wrapping your legs around his waist. You want it to go further, but you're interrupted.
“I'm sorry, this might be the info we're waiting for.” You whisper, reaching for your phone. Chan sits up, laughing.
“Go ahead, princess.” He chuckles.
You place your phone to your ear, Chan gets off the bed, walking to the bathroom.
“Hello?” You answer.
“Y/N.” A voice breathes. A voice you absolutely recognized and wished you didn't.
“What do you want, Seojoon?” You snap.
“If you want this to end, I need you to do something for me.” He snaps. “Meet me in the tunnels of your dad's house. Come alone.” He says.
“What makes you think I'd ever meet you or do anything for you?” You snap back. “Get your girlfriend to do your bidding for you.”
“If you care about Chan…or Felix at all, you'll fucking meet me.” He snaps. “Unless you don't care… In that case I'll just take care of Felix now. Or maybe I'll have him take care of Chan.”
You still cared about Felix, even if he was on Mia's side. You knew either yourself or Chan would be able to get through to him. You couldn't let anything happen to him.
“Fine. I'll be there soon.” You whisper, hanging up the phone.
You knew going alone was probably a very bad idea, you knew this. But you didn't want to risk Chan getting hurt because of you, and you'd take something to protect yourself. You get out of the bed, hearing the shower starting. You open Chan's bedside drawer, grabbing his gun, placing it securely in the waist of your pants before grabbing your jacket to sneak out. You knew Chan was going to be mad at you, but sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
You take a deep breath outside your father's house, you had parked in the back so none of his guards would be able to see you. You go in the back basement door, being as quiet as you can, heading for the tunnels, ones you knew all too well.
“I'm surprised you came so quickly.” Seojoon chuckles. “Shall we go for round two with the chains?” He laughs.
“What do you want from me? Where's Felix? Is he okay?” You ask.
Seojoon completely ignored your last two questions.
“Your father. He has a lot of fucking information about me on his computer, and I need it wiped. That's where you come in.” He says. “You need to get rid of it.”
“And why should I do that for you?” You ask. “What are you going to do for me?”
“I'll make sure nothing happens to those two you care for so much. Everything has gone fucking sideways and I need to save my own ass. Once you have that info I can disappear.” He says.
“What about Mia? What are you doing with her? Is she disappearing with you?” You ask.
“I'm surprised you care about what happens to her.” He chuckles.
“I don't. She's gonna get what's coming to her, but it'll be more fun to watch you fuck her over before I take care of her.” You murmur.
“If you're asking if I'm gonna throw her under the bus, then yeah I fucking am. Now. Are you in or are you out?”
“Why the fuck would I help you? There's no way you can do anything to Chan, he'll kill you the second he sees you.” You scoff, turning to walk away.
“Is that right?.” Seojoon chuckles. “See for yourself.” You turn around, looking at the phone screen he was holding up. You see Chan laying in his bed, sleeping, his back to the door. You watch as Felix creeps inside the room, holding a gun, pointing it to the back of Chan's head.
“Chan!” You scream, in hopes that he'll hear you through the screen but you knew better than that.
“You help me or I'll fucking tell him to pull the trigger. Don't fucking test me, Y/N. I'll do it.”
“Why? Why are you doing this?” You cry.
“Your father's turning on everyone. Any day now the goddamn FBI are gonna be tearing this house apart, and I can't have my shit on there. So take this flash drive, pull the information and delete it and I'll disappear from your life. Or he dies.” Seojoon yells, shoving a flash drive towards you.
“Fuck. Fine.” You cry, grabbing it out of his hands. You turn around, heading towards the space in the basement only weeks ago he had been torturing you in. You take a deep breath, walking through the space as fast as you can towards the stairs. You creep up the stairs as quietly as you can, you truly don't want to be seen by anyone, or have anyone see what you're doing. You open the door, peaking out into the living room, making sure no one is around. The house is eerily quiet, you can hear the ticking of the clock that hangs above the fireplace. The low hum of the radio left on fills the room, as you sneak through the living room, trying to avoid the known creeks of the floor. You finally make it to your father's office, quietly opening the door, making sure he wasn't in there. Thankfully he wasn't.
You close the door, locking it as you put the flash drive into your father's computer, finding the file named Seojoon. You opened it, beginning to transfer the files but not before reading some of the things he had about Seojoon, And you apparently. He had notes about your relationship with Seojoon, the things you did, things he told you and things he did not. Listed were all the things he did for your father, unfortunately for you, it was written in detail, so much so, it made you nauseous. You didn't know how someone could do these things to another person. It was no wonder he wanted this information off your father's computer, it would put him away for life.
As the files finish downloading, you start to delete them all off the computer, until you hear footsteps and your stomach drops. You try to move as fast as you can, taking the flash drive out of the computer, slipping it in your pocket before the door is kicked in, guns pointed directly at your face.
“FBI! Put your fucking hands up!” He yells, rushing towards you. Your hands go up before he pulls you out of the chair, slamming you down onto the floor, his knee digging into your back. He grabs your arms, cuffing your wrists behind your back before he helps you up, shoving you to another agent. No one says anything to you, but you see others in handcuffs, being taken out of the house. You're put into a black SUV, sitting there, watching the agents seizing your father's property. They're taking his computers, written files, and safes. Anything and everything they can take out of the house as evidence, they are.
Your anxiety takes over your body as you watch, waiting for someone to get into the car to take you away. You had nothing to do with any of this, you knew you didn't, but you didn't know what else was on those files, and if your father had your name anywhere in there you could be in so much trouble and you'd have a hell of a time trying to clear your name.
You sat for, you didn't even know how long. Watching agents go in and out of the house, carrying objects, sometimes files. Some of the things they were bringing out, you didn't even know your father was in possession of until you saw them being carried out. You knew this wasn't going to end well for anyone involved, and you knew that somehow your name was going to be in some of those things.
Finally, a while someone gets into the car. You barely notice the person, only seeing the blue FBI jacket. He begins driving away, and you were too busy looking out the window, slightly panicking about the fact that you were arrested and you were sure if they were caught, Mia or Seojoon would be throwing you under the bus for their crimes, somehow. It wasn't until the driver stopped the car and looked at you, did you realize.
“Chan?” You gasp.
“Really princess? Getting arrested by the fucking FBI? What the fuck were you doing here?” He asks.
“Seojoon…” You begin.
“Oh fuck. You were arrested helping that motherfucker? Everyone thinks he's dead.” Chan snaps.
“He was going to kill you if I didn't!” You yell. Chan pulls the car over, climbing into the backseat, uncuffing you. “Felix was in your room with a gun pointed to the back of your head.” You whisper.
“Oh baby, you don't think I knew about that?” He chuckles, caressing your cheek. “We had a plan, but now things are gonna have to change with the FBI involved.”
“Wait. What do you mean everyone thinks that Seojoon is dead?” You ask.
“They found a body this morning. Somehow he made it seem like it was himself. He faked his death, that fucker.” Chan sighs. “Why do you think he asked you to meet in the tunnel? He can't be seen.”
“So that's why he said he'd disappear from my life once I gave him this.” You gasp, pulling the flash drive from your pocket.
“What is that?” Chan asks.
“Everything on Seojoon from my father's computer.” You say.
“That'll come in handy.” Chan says, taking it from your hand. “I do have bad news though. From what I've heard from a few sources, they found your fingerprints on the gun that he used. He's trying to pin his death on you.”
“Well fuck, this day just gets better and better.” You sigh. “What do we do now?” You ask.
“You need to go into hiding. And I'm going to take care of that son of a bitch.” Chan says.
Chan gets back into the driver's seat, taking you and the car to a warehouse, where he has another car parked for the two of you. You get out of the SUV, moving to the other car.
“How did you know? Where I was? What was happening?” You ask.
“I hear and know a lot of things, Y/N. I have eyes everywhere.” He says.
“So are you mad at me?” You ask. “For going to Seojoon without telling you?”
“I mean yeah, but also I know why you did it.” He sighs. “You're trying to protect me, but princess, I don't need to be protected.”
“I know you don't. But I love you and I need you to be okay.” You murmur.
Chan smiles widely. “You love me?” He asks.
“Now's not the time for this.” You laugh. Chan pulls into the driveway of his house, and you see Felix standing out front, waiting for the two of you.
“Before you get mad at him. He knows that Mia was lying. He's only pretending to be on their side. He knows you never did anything Mia said.” Chan explains.
You get out of the car, and Felix rushes towards you. He wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly. “I'm so sorry, Y/N.” He whispers in your ear. “For everything. For not believing you about Mia, for believing all the shit she was saying about you.”
“It's okay.” You laugh, hugging him back. “I'm just glad you're back.”
“And we're gonna take all those fucker's down.” He says, releasing you, taking you and Chan back inside.
You sit on the couch in the living room, pulling your legs into your chest. Your head spinning with everything going on in your life. Chan and Felix stand, talking about whatever. You couldn't hear them properly, not that you were trying, until you heard Felix calling your name. You look up, seeing him hanging up his phone.
“You should rest.” Felix says, sitting next to you. “If we hear anything about anyone we'll let you know. Okay?” He smiles. You nod your head, shooting Felix a half smile as you stand up, making your way to Chan's room. You crawl into his bed, snuggling under the blankets, and sleep quickly takes you. It had been a long day and you were exhausted. You really hoped at some point you'd feel the bed dip, having Chan come and join you but it never did.
You woke up in a panic, what felt like only mere seconds later. You looked at the clock, 3:00am. You felt beside you, Chan's side of the bed still cold. He had never come to join you and that was unusual for him. You grab your phone from the night stand, quickly dialing his number. The phone rings. And rings. And rings, until the call ends. You were about to call him again, when your phone began to ring, Chan's name popping up on the screen.
“Hey, where are you?” You ask.
“I had some business to take care of.” Chan chuckles.
“Where are you?” You ask, even more concerned now.
“It's time we take care of Seojoon. Y/N I can't go on knowing he's still fucking out there. I'll never feel like you're safe.” Chan says.
“Chan.” You whisper into the phone, as the bedroom door slowly creaked open.
“What's happening?” Chan asks. You watch the door frame, seeing a foot step in front first before the shadow of a body standing in the doorway. You recognized it immediately.
“He's here.” You say, just as the phone call cuts out.
“I want my flashdrive, Y/N.” Seojoon laughs, gun in his hand. He comes out of the shadows, blood covering his hands, a sinister smile on his face.
“You think I'm gonna give you fucking anything after you tried to frame me for murder!?” You yell. He laughs. “Ah, you heard about that?” He asks. “Pretty smart huh?”
“Something's wrong in your head.” You say. He quickly stomps towards you, pointing the gun at your head.
“I'm so tired of you and your fucking family.” He yells.
“And I'm so fucking tired of you.” Chan snaps, rushing into the room, gun in hand. Seojoon turns around, a shocked look on his face. “Surprised to see me?” Chan laughs, pointing his gun at Seojoon's chest, pulling the trigger swiftly. Seojoon drops to his knees, gasping as he clutches his chest, while Chan points the gun at Seojoon’s head, pulling the trigger one more time, hitting him directly between the eyes.
You sit in the bed, still clutching the bed sheets while you watch the blood pool around Seojoon’s body.
“You okay, baby?” Chan asks, rushing towards you. You take a deep breath, gulping as you try to catch your breath.
“Your father and Mia have been arrested.” Felix pipes up, showing you the message he just received.
“So…it's over?” You whisper, looking at Chan.
“Yeah, princess. It's over.” Chan says, pulling you into him, holding you tightly.
10 months later, you and Chan were thriving. You were happy, healthy and the business had been left in the hands of Felix and Chan as the heads. The two of them were taking the organization to a new level and you were so happy to be a part of it and helping in any way that you could. Felix had met someone a few months after Mia and your father had been arrested, and he was happier than you had ever seen him before. Luckily you and her got along great. You were all like one big happy family.
“No, babe, you can't do that.” You laugh, placing your left hand, with a large engagement ring showing on Chan's shoulder.
“Come on, princess. It would be a good idea.” He smiles.
Before you can respond, you hear a knock at the front door. You get up, heading towards the door, opening it and you see a package. You pick it up, opening the note, turning around to face Chan, who was coming up behind you.
“What is it? Who's it from?” He asks.
“It's nice to see you so happy. Too bad it won't last.” you read out. “I'm coming for you.” You finish, your face white as a ghost. There was only one person you could think of to do this. You and Chan stare at each other, whispering the same name at the same time.
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❣️!Can’t shut my mouth about you girl!❣️
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Pairing : Charles leclerc X Cherrie!
Word count : 7k
Summary: Charles has a big mouth and struggles to keep their relationship a secret.
Cherrie laughed underneath her breath as she walked out to the balcony where the team had decided to film the new video for the channel, spotting Charles stood randomly in the middle of the chaos that was surrounding him as people rushed around to get the cameras and lighting into place.
He looked completely lost as he looked around with a helpless look on his face, his hands pressed to his hips.
She was certain that if she looked close enough that she would have been able to spot a pout on his pretty face too.
Holding up the two milkshakes that she had gotten them, she started to weave her way through the crew setting up and head over to him. Feeling a little bad for him now.
"Oi! Oi!" She called over to him with a grin, laughing even harder at the way he immediately snapped his head over to her at the sound of her voice .
His whole face lighting up as he let out a loud sigh of relief , hurrying over to her .
"Where have you been?" He scolded her , annoyed thag she had taken so long when she had just told him that she was going to be there in a few minutes and that she was just stuck in traffic.
That was half an hour ago.
But she hadn’t completely lied. She had been stuck in traffic. Just the drive through type of traffic , having been craving a cold milkshake and decided to stop for one before their day got busy and she lost her chance .
"Drop the attitude otherwise I'm not gonna give you your milkshake." She threatened him. Waving them inticingly in front of his face. Knowing that just like her, he had a sweet tooth.
It wouldn’t be the first time that she had bribed him with candy or ice cream. Wouldn’t be the last either.
His scowl immediately dropped , eyebrows raising as he grinned. Accepting the milkshake from her with a happy little hum.
"Our trainers are going to hate us for this!” He mentioned amusedly as they both took a long sip from their drink that was most definitely not on their strict diet plan.
But Cherrie was a bad infulence and if she did something that wasn't alowed then most of the time he needed up doing it too.
He supposed it was the side effect of being in love.
If they jumped , you jumped . If they kept sneaking snacks in their purse that he wasn't  allowed to eat , his favourite ones too, well, he just had to eat them.
If anyone found out he would happily throw her under the bus anyways . Out of the two of them it was very obvious which one of them was the bad influence.
"Who gives a shit?" She just muttered uncaringly as they made their way over to the red couch that had been placed in the middle of the balcony for them to sit on.
Charles letting out a little Yelp when she playfully shoved him down onto it making him fall backwards , clutching onto his milkshake with a startled gasp as he nearly dropped it all over himself.
"Cherrie!" He slapped at her thigh scoldingly when she continued to stand in front of him, looking out at the view they had. Not at all bothered that he nearly turned the red couch pink with milkshake.
“I could have dropped the milkshake!" He put it down on the ground below him before she did something else that could end in disaster.
She just laughed , shrugging her shoulders carelessly . "Well you didn't ." Was all she said before pulling out her phone and replying to a text that her mother had sent her asking about when she was next going to be coming home. Telling her that she missed her.
Charles smiled a little to himself as he leant back against the couch with a content sigh , watching the way his girlfriend smiled down at her phone , her nose scrunching up a little as she concentrated on typing.
Feeling the familiar rush of love pour through him, so much so that he almost forgot where they were and that they weren't alone.
That there were rules that they had to follow.
"Cherrie.." he called over to her , smiling to himself when she gave him a quiet hum. Still focusing on texting on her phone.
"I love you." He said a little too loudly for a fact that was supposed to be a secret .
That got her attention quickly as she snapped her head up from her phone with wide eyes, gasping a little as she quickly looked around them to make sure that nobody had heard his heartfelt declaration of love.
"Charles! Not so loud!" She scolded him as she quickly made her way over to him so she could sit next to him instead. So they didn't have to speak so loud.
So that there was less chance of someone overhearing his very vocal love for her.
Charles just rolled his eyes with a small displeased frown, bothered by the way he couldn't just openly show his love for her in front of people.
Because they had both been advised by their managers not to publicly announce their relationship yet. Something that the both of them had understood the reasoning why.
Cherrie had only transferred to Ferrari a few months  ago after ending her contract with redbull , having decided that it was time to try something new after not being satisfied with her old team.
Charles had been more than excited after she had told him about the offer she had for ferrari, the thought of the love of his life also being his teammate and being able to race beside her on the track in the same car was like his dream come true.
The two of them had already been dating for a couple of months before that, even while she was a too driver for redbull. Something that they had to keep a secret then too , knowing that neither team would have been very happy with them cozying up to each other after competing against each other on the track.
They were supposed to be rivals. But they were lovers instead .
Charles couldn't find it in himself to care though because he had been in love with Cherrie since he was a teenager and she had beaten him at every kart race that they done.
After the third time of her winning against him, she had came up to him and simply asked him if he wanted her to show him how to win. Told him bluntly that it was embarrassing seeing him lose all the time.
Charles , who had already developed a crush on her from afar , had gone bright red and rapidly nodded his head as his answer .
Letting her gently take his hand and lead him over to somewhere private where she had then began to give him a bossy lesson where she bluntly told him everything that he was doing wrong and how he should fix it.
He had won the race after that. Beaming proudly over at her when she had stuck up her thumbs at him happily, shouting that she knew he could do it.
He had fell in love at the same time too.
He had followed her around like a lost puppy after that, even when she moaned and groaned that he was annoying her and how uncool it was for her to have a boy stuck to her side like this .
But he hadn’t given in, He had persisted. Determine that she was the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with. Even though he was so young , he knew it then too.
And honestly , it hurt his pride a little to admit that Cherrie hadn't been too fussed about him at first . Too set on becoming a world champion to even consider putting romance on her cards, she had merely went along with Charles increasing affections until she realised that perhaps she didn't hate it as much as she pretended .
He had been insanely proud when she had gotten a contract with redbull , a year after he had been signed with Ferrari. A part of him had been worried that their friendship would be forced to break apart and that rivalry would come between them.
So he had made it his mission to make sure that never happened .
He knew that while she was a driver for redbull that they couldn't publicly be together without their being a load of unessary drama. But there was no reason that they couldn't be together privately.
So after she had won her first championship , he had shown up at her door with a bottle of champagne and congratulated her with a kiss. Confessing his undying love for her and refusing to take any of her excuses to why they couldn't be together , he had rebutted every single one logically before kissing her again.
They had been together ever since.
And when she had finally been signed to Ferrari Charles had hoped that their secret relationship didn't have to be such a secret anymore.
Which he should have known was too hopeful for him to think so.
Because then their managers had told them that they needed to keep it under wraps for at least a couple of more months until the dust settled and any lingering controversies about cherries move to Ferrari had settled . Not wanting the public to think that she had just switched teams so that she could be with her boyfriend.
Cherrie had no problem with keeping her mouth shut , already used to it.
Charles however , wasn't so good at keeping his love for her very quiet.
Because whenever she was beside him he seemed to forget that anyone else existed and she would have been more flattered if she didn't know that their managers would be on their ass if he got them found out all because he couldn't keep his hands and lips to himself .
Giving him a pointed look as he leaned against her side and gave her shoulder a quick kiss, grinning up at her little a naughty kid when she pushed him away, spotting their interviewer coming their way.
"Behave." She hisssed at him underneath her breath when she felt his hand slide behind her back and then up her shirt. His fingers tracing shapes into her soft skin.
Writing out his name in big , cursive swooping letters till he felt goosebumps appear beneath his fingertips.
He smirked to himself lazily "I'm not doing anything. You behave." He muttered , winding her up.
She just rolled her eyes at him before plastering a smile on her face just as their interviewer , Amelia, greeted them both politely .
"Hi guys! Just to let you know that it's going to be a live video today. So the typical rules stand. I'm going to ask you a few questions and then we're going to play a quick game! Is that okay with you?" She filled them in with a friendly smile.
Charles and her nodded Their heads yes, exchanging a small look between them at being told that the video was live. They hadn’t been told that.
"If we do something embarrassing then there will be no way of editing it out." He stated the obvious , a little worried at the thought .
He did have a tendencies to accidentally say things that didn't make sense or would be took completely the wrong way, mostly when he suddenly forgot how to translate what he meant to English.
Cherrie just smirked , nudging his shoulder in amusement . Already knowing what he was thinking about.
"You'll Be fine . If you say something embarrassing then I'll just laugh super obnoxiously so that they think it's just a bad inside joke." She helpfully told him , fighting back a yawn as she leant back on the couch and got more comfortable. Exhausted from Charles keeping her up all night .
Unfortunately for her the way she wanted Charles to keep her up wasn't what she had gotten . Instead she had been woken up by her giddy boyfriend who had been holding up a customised Ferrari Lego set that he had bought the both of them .
They had spent a ridiculous amount of time putting them together till eventually she had slipped down onto his lap with the half built Ferrari hanging from her fingertips as she knocked out cold . Leaving Charles to finish up on his own instead.
She had woken up in the morning to find the two Lego Ferrari's with their numbers on placed proudly on the shelf in the front room , right by the photo of the two of them kissing in their matching racing suits that he had made them take once they had both gotten home after her official signing .
Charles gave her a look "I know that should be comforting but it isn't because your fake laugh is very obvious. It's very different to your real one mon amour." He told her , playing with a loose thread that was hanging off her denim shorts.
She just smiled fondly back at him "only you would recognise the difference bébé . You'd probably be able to tell if I was using a different mascara. You notice everything ." She muttered quietly , secretly impressed by how closely he paid attention to her.
He squinted his eyes at her , smirking to himself as he looked at her long lashes as she fluttered at him dramatically for affect .
"You are wearing a new one. They're a little longer than usual. Darker too." He mentioned before smugly titling his head at her . "I bet you can't even tell what's different about me today." He challenged her knowing how oblivious she was sometimes.
I mean this was the same girl that had thought he just wanted to be her friend until he literally had to bluntly spell it out for her to understand.
If he hadn’t had also shoved his tongue down her throat straight after telling her he loved her, he was sure that she could have just said ‘like a friend right?’
So he had made sure to leave absolutely no error for confusion then.
She eyed him for a long moment, checking over his hair first and seeing nothing but the same cute mop on his head. Then she kept scanning. Same Ferrari shirt , same watch. Same everything.
She frowned playfully "did you get more annoying today? Is that it?" She teased him. Laughing when he pinched her side in return.
Rolling his eyes at her with a smirk tugging at his lips, shaking his head .
"Nope. It's actually something you gave me.." he hinted , amused by the way she was blankly staring back at him.
She had no idea.
Shrugging her shoulders lazily as she saw the cameraman nod towards Amelia to signal that they were ready when she was.
Charles then casually tugged down the colour of his shirt for her to see and her eyes went wide as she saw a set of dark hickeys all over his neck.
Choking on a startled gasp as she slapped his hand away and quickly fixed his collar to cover them again, her cheeks flushing red in embarrassment.
Glaring at him once she noticed him giggling like a naughty kid at her reaction.
"Oh mon dieu! Behave!" She warned him again , unable to stop herself from grinning too. His laugh was far too infectious for her to be serious.
Luckily he managed to sort himself out by the time Amelia sat down and started asking them questions, the stream going live.
She looked between them with a friendly smile on her face. "So, how's it been being teammates? Cherrie , is it any different than your last? Did you feel like it took time for you to adjust to your new team?" She asked her pleasantly .
Cherrie grinned and peered over at Charles in amusement . Both of them sharing a look between them, thinking the same dirty thing.
If by adjustment she meant having sex all over Ferrari headquarters together then sure , she had adjusted well .
"It's going well , yes. Charles is an easy guy to get along with and I'd say that we've bonded really well." Charles nodded his head along with her in agreement .
She continued on, wanting to wind him up a little to get back at him for throwing her off guard like he had . "-although I do miss Max . We were a great team together and we had a lot of fun. That's definitely a downside." She said casually .
Struggling to Hold back a loud laugh at the way Charles’s smile immediately slid off his face, narrowing his eyes at her dangerously.
It was safe to say that Charles was a little bit jealous of her closeness to her last teammate . Having always hated the way he couldn't even hold her hand in public while max got to hug her and celebrate with her each night instead .
He had almost blown a fuse when he had watched Max kiss her cheek up on the podium one time .
Convinced that every guy that met her wanted her like he did , it had been a little tense between the two drivers when Charles had finally gotten onto a podium with max , feeling pissed off that he could publicly cuddle and kiss on his girlfriend, he had made sure to pettily spray the champagne directly into Max’s eyes in revenge .
Cherrie had never let it go since . Finding it hilarious how just the sound of Max's name made him glow green like the grinch.
She thought it was cute . Because truthfully Charles couldn’t even hurt a fly. And he was too cute and soft to come across as threatening or intimidating to anyone that pissed him off.
That was her job . She was definitely the scary one in their relationship.
"We have more fun together now that she did with max ." Charles couldn't help but mutter pettily , the Microphone clipped onto his shirt easily picking it up.
Cherrie laughed loudly at him while Amelia grinned between them in amusement
"You think that you're the better teammate for her?"
Charles rose his eyebrows up like it was an obvious answer . "Yes. One hundred percent." Duh.
"Cocky." Cherrie grinned , shaking her head at him in amusement .
Charles shot her a unimpressed look "honest." He shot back at her quickly .
"-did max ever make sure that you had your tea every morning before the race? Or import your favourite chocolate for you when we were out of the country?” He reminded her smugly. Already knowing the answer .
She didn't answer. His smile only grew.
“exactly. I win."
Amelia laughed before changing the subject. "Okay. You two have been friends for quite some time right?"
They both nodded.
"What we're your first impressions of each other?" She asked them next.
Cherrie didn't hesitate "I thought he was annoying. He wouldn't stop staring at me without saying anything. It weirded younger me out." She answered to her honestly .
Charles shot her a offended look. Blushing a little because she wasn't wrong. Not at all.
He had in fact stared at her a lot but in his defence he had just fallen in love without realising it.
And who didn't gaze in awe at the girl they were in love with? It really wasn’t his fault!
Who didn’t look at the Angel that shot them with Cupid’s arrow? That was just stupid!
"I just didn't know what to say or how to approach you! You were very intimidating to me then !" He defended himself weakly .
Cherrie just snorted "you could have just said hello weirdo."
He frowned back at her like what she said was crazy.
Because to him it was.
“No way. My first impression of you was that you really scared me. I couldn't even speak around you without panicking." He admitted embarrassingly.
"Me? Scary?" At his pointed look she relented a little "okay maybe a little bit . But I can assure you guys that I'm really not that bad." She looked over to the camera with a laugh.
"It's just the resting bitch face I have. It scares people off." She reassured them. Not wanting them to think that she was a complete bitch for no reason.
She was more of an accidental bitch than a purposeful one.
Charles looked at her face , smiling a little to himself as he watched her scrunch up her nose as she tried to explain herself.
"Its usually when she's bored or tired. She kind of just zones out and looks like she's going to kill someone if they dare to disturb her. She doesn't even realise she's doing it ." He added trying to help her out.
Chuckling a little to himself as he thought about the amount of times he had found her glaring at nothing at all , too busy in her own head to realise that she was scaring people off.
Cherrie nodded in agreement . Nudging him gently with her shoulder . "Yeah. We can't all have a cute puppy face like Charles. One of us has to be the scary one." She simply said.
Amelia asked them a few more questions as they grew more relaxed. Charles hooking his ankle around her own as he started to pull at the thread of her shorts even more, ignoring the looks she kept giving him to stop.
"What's your favourite thing about your teammate?"
Cherrie rose her brow curiously "like physically or their personality?"
Amelia just shrugged "let's go with both." She said.
They both nodded in understanding.
Charles went first this time. It was an easy question to answer for him. He could go on and on about all the things he loved about Cherrie but he knew he had to keep it simple so he didn't get in trouble or give his love for her away.
"I like how selfless and kind she is. How even if she's had a bad day she's willing to help someone else out. Like when lando lost control of his wheel at the corner and accidentally took them both off the track, she didn't get mad. She just calmly went over to him and showed him how to keep control of the wheel to prevent himself from crashing." He explained truthfully .
remembering how she had also let lando use her own simulator to teach him some more things that would help. Not caring that he was her rival on the track.
He was her friend firsthand. And friendship came first in her mind.
Cherrie just bashfully shrugged "his team didn't seem to be helping him out very much so I just offered some tips that had helped me out. No big deal." She mumbled , laughing a little. Hating talking about nice things she did.
Charles nudged her shoulder with a fond smile, seeing how shy she got whenever someone praised her. He loved it.
That was why he always gushed to people about how sweet she was below the tough girl act she had on. He felt lucky that he was one of the very few people that got to know the real her.
She was amazing . Fucking perfect in his eyes.
"It was very kind and not many of the other drivers would do that." He insisted before moving on, not wanting to make his girlfriend too uncomfortable.
She could only take one compliment at a time without turning the colour of their cars.
"And physically my favourite thing about you your eyes. It's hard to look away from them sometimes." He admitted to her shamelessly , leaning forward and admiring the way they sparkled and seemed impossibly lighter under the sun.
Cherrie blew out a flustered breath, laughing nervously . "Okay. Okay. My turn!" She quickly moved on before she became a tomato. Aware that there was thousands of people watching her reaction closely live on their screen.
"My favourite thing about Charles is how he never leaves anybody on their own when they're upset. He always finds a way to cheer you up when your Down." She told them honestly , admiring his kindness .
Charles just shrugged "I don't like seeing people upset." He simply muttered.
She ruffled his hair with a smile , laughing when he batted her hands away and quickly tried to fix it again.
"And my favourite thing about him is his smile. It's infectious and it's hard to stay mad at him for anything when he's got a smile like that. It's too pretty. It's not fair actually."  She huffed jokingly , reaching out to gently poke his dimple as he smiled boyishly at her.
Cheeks flushing a little at her answer.
"Mmm so when I piss her off I just have to flash the dimples and I'm safe!" He joked. Reaching for the water bottle on the table in front of them that they had been given.
Unscrewing the lid and taking a sip before offering it to Cherrie to drink as well , she glanced over to the camera pointedly making him quickly lift it up to his mouth instead.
Oh right. He almost facepalmed. He couldn't share a bottle of water with her so casually in front of everyone like that. They weren't supposed to be that close .
He almost snorted. If only they knew what other fluids that they shared.
Sharing a bottle of water wouldn't seem so scandalous then.
Amelia just smiled "how about the opposite . What is something that you don't like about your teammate?" She questioned them mischievously..
Charles winced. While Cherrie just laughed .
"Ooo that's a dangerous one. One wrong answer could break our entire friendship." He put empathise on friendship , wiggling his brow at Cherrie jokingly.
She pinched his knee in warning. Side eyeing him.
She went first , not even hesitating. "I don't like how he so easily puts himself down over every mistake , even when they're not his fault. I don't like how badly you let it affect your confidence. Makes me feel sad to see , especially when I know how amazing you are. And what a good driver you are." She told him, looking him in the eye so he knew that she meant it.
It was a conversation that they had many times before and although Charles was working on it and getting better at not letting a single mistake derail his entire progress , there were still times when it became to much for him to handle.
That was when Cherrie stepped in and give him some tough love.
Forcing him out of his sulking and pushing him back into the Simulator room where she would have him show her what he had done on the track and find out where he had gone wrong . Then she would spend hours upon hours of her own time making him fix his mistake until he got it right.
She had even managed to persuade their team into linking their radios together during racing so that she could speak to him occasionally to make sure that he was doing okay and to slip him tips that she found when she passed each lap, usually ahead of him, so she already knew what he had to face.
It was perfect teamwork and because of their weird little system he had improved greatly.
Charles smiled at her gently , humming. "You're right. It's a bad habit. But I'm working on it. We're working on it.” He corrected himself fondly “-She now just slaps me on my head if she hears me say a bad word about myself so.." he trailed off giggling , snapping off the thread to her shorts and starting to pick at another one absentmindedly.
Cherrie grinned , pleased with herself. "I do." She agreed unashamed "if that's what it takes to stop you from calling yourself stupid then I will keep slapping the back of your head until I knock the sense back into you." She stated bluntly.
They all laughed .
Charles hummed thoughtfully as he thought about his answer before letting out a 'oh!' When it finally came to him.
Giving Cherrie a look "I don't like how messy you can be. She just throws everything onto the floor. In the bedroom there's just clothes in every corner and-" he was about to say about how he had ended up putting on her jeans instead of his own because of the way she piled them all together when Cherrie cleared her throat pointedly and quickly cut him off.
Making him quickly shut up as he realised that he had just told everyone that he had been in her bedroom. Although they did live together , nobody knew that. So it just sounded like he hung out in her bedroom now.
She smiled a little too forcefully , hoping that they got away with it. Having cut him off at the right time.
"Mmm he's right. My bedroom is a mess. I'm just too lazily to clean up. I'm usually knackered by the time I get home." She simply muttered.
Amelia moved on clearly sensing the slither of tension Charles answer had brought. Shuffling some cards in her hands that the producer past to her  before smiling at them brightly .
"Okay finally we're going to play a game next. The first word game. I know you're both familiar with it. I give you a word and the both of you blurt out what comes to your mind first." She told them nicely .
Cherrie shuffled to the edge of her seat, clapping her hands excitedly .
“I love this game." She exclaimed happily .
Charles copied her movements ,  grinning over at her as he nudged her knee with his own.
"I wonder if we'll answer any of the same. Maybe we'll be on the same brain wave." He mused.
She giggled and leant her head against his own jokingly "here's some brain power!" Laughing even harder when he rubbed his head against hers in return .
Making her push his head away with a giggly grin before he made their hair static.
He patted the top of his hand , flattening his hair down again the best that he could .
“Ready. We've charged up our minds now!" He said cheekily giving Amelia a thumbs up.
She just laughed at their antics before starting the game.
"Ice cream!" She said to them.
"Strawberry!" They both blurted out at the same time.
Before gasping and turning to High five each-other with a proud laugh.
"It worked!" Charles joked patting the top of her head happily . Giggling between each other bedore Amelia cleared her throat and motioned for them to concentrate again.
"Okay. Go on!" Cherrie grinned. Pumped up.
Amelia said "holiday!"
"Spain!" Cherrie shouted out the holiday that she and Charles had just been on.
He shouted out "Hawaii!" The holiday where he had told her he loved her for the first time.
They both exchanged a knowing look, smiling at each other .
"Fire." Amelia Said.
"Kitchen!" Charles blurted out immediately.
"Ball!" Cherrie exclaimed . Bedore giving him a annoyed scowl as she realised why he had said that first .
"Charles!" She whined making him laugh.
Charles looked at Amelia and explained , giggling to himself as he did so. "I asked her to fry some tomatoes while I went out to get some bread and I came back to her screaming while the pan was on fire!" The memory made him grin so wide his cheeks hurt .
Remberinf how terrified she had been as she held out the pan that was on fire in front of her while yelling hysterically at him to help her. Apparently all her fire safety and common sense had left her at that exact moment .
Charles had never asked her to cook anything again after that .
"I was half asleep. It wasn't my fault." She muttered embarrassed. Rolling her eyes jokingly at them.
"okay let's move on!" She pleaded.
Amelia laughed but did as she said.
They did a few more simple ones before they started to get a little more daring. Clearly set up to get them to spill more details on their lives .
"Date!" She said.
"Dinner." Charles said . Saying what he planned to do when they got home. A cute little dinner date that he had planned .
"Wine." Cherrie said. Wondering what food Charles was going to cook her. She crossed her fingers and hoped for pasta.
"Bed." She said .
Cherrie blurted out a "blanket."
While Charles said "please!” Making both of them give him a confused look.
Cherrie laughed "why did you say please?" She asked him. Amused.
Charles flushed , scratching at the back of his neck sheepishly as he tried to shrug it off . Knowing exactly why he had blurted out please like that.
It was a phrase that Cherrie liked to mutter whenever they were making out in the front room, when things were heading down south and they had lost their clothes somewhere on the couch she would always mutter a "bed please." In his ear while kissing down his neck.
"I don't know." He lied .
They thankfully moved on before he could turn into a human tomato.
"Love." She said mischievously .
"You." They both exclaimed at the same time. Grinning at each other as Charles made a heart shape with his fingers and held it up to her head.
"Brain power!" He whisper shouted to her jokingly .
"Job!" Amelia read the next word off the card.
There was no hesitation when Cherrie shouted out "blow!" Making Charles choke on his breath.
Looking at her with wide eyes as he burst into naughty giggles, watching her go red as she realised what she had just said.
"Sorry." She muttered with a sheepish grin.
"Naughty." He mumbled to her smirking.
She just jabbed her elbow in his side making him snicker.
Amelia read out the next card "driver"
"Vettel." Cherrie said her favourite driver.
"Me." Charles answered.
"Flight." Charles said quickly .
"Fuck!" Cherrie immediately grimaced again as soon  as she blurted it out. Covering her face with her hands and groaning "sorry!"
Charles laughed , patting the top of her head sympathetically as he looked mockingly towards the camera.
"She's got a dirty mind. You see what I have to put up with?" He joked . Knowing he was just as bad.
Cherrie huffed and narrowed her eyes at him playfully . "Shut up!"
The game continued . "Crush." She said.
"Sex!” They both said at the same time. Exchanging glances as they both burst into childish laughter again.
"See! I'm not the only one!" She exclaimed , grinning smugly at him. "We sound like deviants." She added amusedly .
Charles snorted "speak for yourself." He remarked.
Then Amelia pulled out a card and said "kiss."
Cherries mind automatically went to the band and she said "rock." Just as she heard Charles blurt out his answer without thinking. Again.
"Cherrie!” He exclaimed before freezing up as he realised what he had said. Looking over to the camera that was screening them live for everyone to see , then he peered over at Cherrie beside him with a wince .
She had face Palmed. Just deciding to laugh at off as he went bright red.
He let out a nervous giggle before looking over at Amelia who was grinning at him knowingly .
"Next one." He muttered .
"Car!" They both said.
"Max." Charles blurted out.
Cherrie smacked him upside the head. Looking over at the camera with a roll of her eyes.
“He’s joking!" She assured them knowing that his answer was going to cause unnecessary drama now.
Charles just chuckled and nodded his head in agreement. He was joking.
A little bit.
Charles thought of their cuddling and said "little."
While Cherrie said "big." Both of them sharing a another look.
"Burger." Cherrie said making Charles giggle to himself .
"Boyfriend." Cherrie exclaimed.
Charles grinned "she didn't say the word asshole." He remarked . Making her laugh again .
Charles absolutely hated her ex boyfriend. Mostly because he had gotten to do everything with Cherrie that he wanted to do.
He had been forced to sit back and watch them make out at party's before he had enough and 'accidentally' pushed him into the pool.
It was safe to say that he was glad when she dumped him.
She thought that they had recovered nicely from his fuck up earlier on when they finally got to the last card .
Tensing as soon as she heard Amelia say the word, fighting back the urge to groan in defeat when Charles's face  lit up.
"Girlfriend." She said.
There was no hesitation when Charles blurted out "Cherrie!” Grinning over at her excitedly before releasing what he had done.
His eyes widening as he gasped out a "shit!"
"Idiot!" She laughed unable to help herself despite the deep shit they were going to be in. She fell back against the couch and covered her face with her hands , giggling to herself at how he just couldn't keep his mouth shut at all.
Honestly , she was surprised that their relationship had managed to stay secret for this long anyways.
There was a shocked pause before Amelia looked between them curiously. "Are you two dating?" She grinned . Having already suspected it from the way they behaved with each other. It was far too comfortable and cosy to just be friends.
Charles looked over at Cherrie for permission this time, beaming happily when she just nodded her head with a small sigh.
Already pulling out her phone to text out a warning and a small apology to their managers and PR team that were going to have to do some hard work now.
Charles couldn't care less. Instead he was just relieved to finally be able to say "yes."
"We live together too." He added as well. Might as well tell them why he had said what he said before.
"That's why I was saying about how messy she is. I've literally went out with her clothes on before because she doesn't put them in the right place. I've been trying to get her to use a system but she won't do it." He casually told Amelia and the cameras .
While his girlfriend was scrambling to apologise on both of their behalf's as she texted their teams , meanwhile Charles just continued to ramble on about their relationship without a care in the world.
"How long have you been together?"
He hooked his arm through cherries and peered at her phone screen to see a pissed off message from
Their managers telling them off.
He quickly looked away , unbothered . "Two years coming up. If you count it from the day we officially got together . But I've been in love with her since I was a teenager." He admitted shamelessly .
At that Cherrie grinned and looked up from her phone , chuckling . "He wouldn't leave me alone."
Charles just shrugged . "It worked though didn't it?"
"Yeah years later!"
Charles just pulled a face "still worked. It just took longer than I first anticipated." He muttered smugly , kissing her quickly because he could.
Giving up Cherrie told Amelia a funny memory "I tried to break up with him once ya know." She said amusedly . Making Charles groan at the reminder.
Ameilia laughed "really?"
She nodded with a smirk. "Yeah. As you can see it didn't work. I told him I was breaking up with him and he literally looked me in the eye and said "no." Bedore going back to bed ."She snorted loudly at the memory .
Charles chuckled sheepishly , blushing. "It worked though didn't it?  We're still tougher now."
Ameilia laughed at the way Cherrie rolled her eyes at him fondly . Muttering about how he gave her no choice in the matter. Clearly used to his behaviour .
"Well I'm glad that he did! You two make a lovely couple. Congrats!" She said to them kindly before finishing off the interview and saying her goodbyes.
Leaving Cherrie to pull Charles up off the couch like a annoyed parent , tutting at him as she dragged him towards the exit where she knew a group of angry pr teams would be waiting for them.
"You can explain this one babe. This is on you." She said to him firmly .
He just wrapped his arm around her neck , tucked her head into his elbow and kissed her again. Not giving a shit about the scolding of a lifetime that they were about to get for exposing their relationship to the world when they had specifically been told not to.
Who cares? He thought pleased with himself as he held her close and tucked his hands into the back pocket of her shorts , deepening the kiss. Not caring that there were lingering crew still hanging around filming them.
If he could finally kiss her like this in public then he would take the tongue lashing that they were about to get any day.
It was worth it.
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