#I'm not dyslexic so i need corrections
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swallowtail-lotus · 11 months ago
Their S/O has Dyslexia {Poseidon/Buddha}
I'm not dyslexic myself and I had to google the proper meaning so I apologise deeply if I wrote dyslexia wrong.
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You were sitting on your bed you shared with your husband, book in hand and eyes reading over the words until a long word stumped you. You frowned at the words, trying to read it in your mind. The moment your husband walked in, he knew immediately what was wrong.
"This again?" His flat tone brought you out of your mind, jumping up and nearly dropped the book in the process.
"Of course you'd know." You mumbled, letting out a tired sigh. Poseidon's face didn't change at all, like usual. He approached the edge of the bed, looking down at your smaller figure and at the book.
"T-this one.." You admitted feebly, averting your eyes to the sheets of the bed. The blonde stared blankly at the book and the word you were stuck on. After a minute of silence in the room, he snatched the book right out of your hand and placed it behind him on a small table.
"Wha- why would you?" You watched your husband stare into your eyes, almost glaring at you.
"I'm sorry. I don't think-"
"Don't even finish that damn sentence." Poseidon interrupted. You visibly flinch at the sudden volume of his voice.
"Why? Don't you expect absolute perfection from all beings?" You asked, frowning at the blonde god.
"That may be true, but if I say you're perfect, then it is true." You were taken back by his words. Poseidon went to the other side of the bed and laid down beside you. He said nothing and brought you in for a hug.
You both laid next to each other, enjoying the peace and quiet in your room.
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Eating a piece of chocolate, you were reading a letter you received from someone you knew nothing of. The letter contained some words you couldn't exactly read, but you were trying. It was frustrating to try reading complicated words.
Big arms wrapped themselves around your waist, pulling you close to a hard chest.
"Another one of these? I swear you need to set it straight." The voice of your sweet loving boyfriend made you feel a little better, but the words displayed in front of you were preventing you from feeling such.
"I know, but I want to know how to read and-" suddenly the letter was snatched out of your hands and thrown away. You tried to go after it, but his arms were too strong for you to escape.
"You don't need some confession letter for that." He said, his voice slightly muffled by the lollipop in his mouth. You opened your mouth to speak but was silenced by his lips on your own. It wasn't a surprise when you tasted the sweetness.
"Hey, don't even think about that. I chose you for your personality." He reassured, like he knew exactly what you were gonna say. You were too stunned to say anything, leaning against your boyfriend's chest.
After that, the two of you just laid under a tree, Buddha's hand stroking your hair and whispered comforting words in your ear to help you sleep. 
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green-butterfly-writes · 15 hours ago
Little Thief (Part 4)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Summary: Bruce arrives home in the middle of patrol with a cold, broken, scarred kid in his arms and no explanation as to where they came from. Alfred takes care of them.
Notes: this is from Alfred’s perspective, so you also get no context as to how little fox ended up here :)
Trigger Warning for implied/reinforced child and animal abuse. Also Alfred helps reader strip and shower, but that is explicitly consensual.
I'm Dyslexic, and don't have a beta, so spelling mistakes are likely to happen.
Alfred Pennyworth was convinced that Bruce had an adoption addiction. The man couldn’t seem to go more than a couple years before coming home with another child clinging to his cape. Alfred was certain that one of these days he’d get fed up with the ever-expanding list of people he had to care for, and yet every time he laid eyes upon another unfortunate soul brought in by his own sad little orphan boy, his heart melted with care. He loved every one of the young masters with all his heart and soul. He loved his family even if it did expand in the most inconvenient and sudden of ways.
Like now, standing in the cave, looking upon the imposing figure of the Batman, and the child cradled carefully in his arms. The kid had tangled, unkempt hair, soaked, muddy clothes, and bruises just barely visible from beneath the sleeve of their oversized shirt. They gripped onto the long black cape like their life depended on it, and stared Alfred down over their shoulder with blurry, unforced eyes.
“This is Alfred,” Batman’s low voice echoed into the silence of the cave, “I trust him with my life, and so do the others.” The look in the child's eyes softened slightly, and their grip on the cape relaxed. “He will help you.” 
“If you’re willing,” Alfred quickly corrected, not wanting to scare off the child. It was intended to be an offer, but unless you were familiar with how Bruce cared for those around him, it would probably sound like a command. 
After a moment of hesitant consideration, the shaking figure clutched in the Batman’s arms nodded in approval. 
“They are having difficulty walking, so I’ll carry them for now” Bruce informed, and so Alfred led the way up out of the cave, through the first floor and up to the second, into the wing that housed all of the bedrooms, and into a (thankfully just cleaned) guestroom. When that got to the ensuite bathroom Alfred motioned for Bruce to set the child on the rather long countertop.
“Alfred will take care of you from here, ok?” Bruce double checked, and the child answered with a more confident nod, as Alfred sped around the bathroom adjusting the water temperature and gathering supplies.
Once Bruce left the guest room, Alfred turned to his new responsibility. 
“Can you remove the clothes yourself, or would you like my assistance?” The child hesitantly nodded, before pulling off their cold muddy shirt. “You can just drop it on the floor, I’ll clean it later,” he proved at the lost expression they made immediately after. He helped balance the frail kid so they wouldn’t stand on their injured leg while taking off their pants and then helped them to the stool he had set up in the bathtub.
“I’ll wait outside the door, you can yell if you need anything,” he paused for a moment after the words left his mouth — realizing he hadn’t actually heard them speak a word, “or throw something at the door”
The kid obediently nodded again, and Alfred left the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 
He sat on the bed and tried to make a to-do list for tomorrow, or consider alterations to the dinner he served tonight, or think about the book Jason recommended to him, to contemplate anything—anything but the cuts and bruises that littered the skin of the malnourished child on the other side of that door. To focus on something other than how badly he wanted to wrap that poor, frail, scarred kid in a soft, warm blanket and hold them in his arms and never let go. 
A thunk sounded from the bathroom as something collided with the bathroom door. Alfred took that as his que to carefully announce his presence, and enter.
“What can I help you with?” He asked, picking up the hairbrush that had been launched at the door. 
“Can you please help with my back? I can’t get it,” came a quiet, tired voice. It was soft, and almost defeated sounding. Alfred made a mental note to make some soup, so they could eat something warm after they rest.
Alfred grabbed a fresh washcloth from the counter, wet it lightly, and pumped a healthy amount of liquid soap onto it before looking to his next task. 
He tried to make his sharp inhale as quiet as possible. He hadn’t noticed before, trying to rush out of the bathroom to give the newcomer some privacy, but their back was littered with scars. Some small, some large. Some seemed neat and medical, thin lines left by careful stitches. Others were thick and jagged, remnants of an injury that never got properly treated. ‘Never again’ echoed like a mantra through his mind ‘I’ll make sure that never happens again’
He lifted the soft washcloth to their back and softly scrubbed off the mud and grime that clung to it. He carefully rubbed up the back of their neck and down their shoulders, making sure to grab every speck of dirt they couldn’t. He tried not to pay too much attention to how dark the water ran. 
With the shower finished and the water off, he wrapped the now clean child in the softest towel he could find and carefully carried them back to the counter, horrified by how easy it was. He helped dry their hair as they toweled off their body, and then dressed them in what clothes he could grab on such short notice (a freshly washed hoodie from Jason and a pair of shorts from when Bruce was much younger and smaller). Then he banged the cut on the child’s face, put a brace on their ankle, and some cream on their dry hands. 
He helped the kid waddle out of the bathroom and into the bed, tucking them in securely, and returned to the bathroom to clean up. 
When he left not even ten minutes later, he found the child curled up on themselves like a ball, nose tucked into the neck of the hoodie, gripping onto the bed like letting go might kill them. He watched for a moment, continuing the seconds between each rise and fall of their chest, making sure everything was ok. They'd need food, and a more thorough medical exam later, but for now they needed sleep.
“I hope your dreams are kinder to you than life has been.” he whispered before exiting the room.
Thank you all so much for reading! Let me know what you think 💚
Sorry for disappearing for… *checks notes* a month 😅, I rewrote this chapter 5 times. hopefully the next chapter will be out sooner
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tealvenetianmask · 7 months ago
I want to think a little about Blitz's self-perception with regard to his lack of education/sophistication. In my opinion, HB gives us a very accurate portrayal of what it feels like to navigate relationships when you're a person with a long history of feeling like you're never good enough ("I can always do better").
Let's start with his friendship with Moxxie, though like a lot of my posts, it will find its way back to stolitz.
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Moxxie doesn't necessarily have more formal education than Blitz. I mean . . . he likely had the economic resources growing up, but I don't think Crimson seems like the kind of parent to prioritize education. Besides an education in violence. I assume that both Blitz and Moxxie had some basic education as kids, but the difference is that Moxxie likes "high culture(ish)" things like musicals and bow ties, enjoys knowing details about history, and probably reads for fun. He's also the kind of ". . . um actually . . ." friend who can make even a secure person feel a little stupid. Not that Blitz doesn't sometimes need to be called out, but Moxxie does seem to take some joy in correcting him.
And yes, Blitz bullies Moxx and calls his junk tiny and tells him to eat a salad, but like . . . it's pretty obvious that to some extent, Blitz is covering up for feeling inferior to Moxxie on some level.
We see how Blitz really feels about this in Truth Seekers.
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Borrowed observation from excellent reaction youtuber Omn1media: When Blitz hallucinates Moxxie lecturing him, Moxxie goes really hard specifically on the insults to Blitz's intelligence. Moxxie's speech is also much more rambly/laced with figurative language than it is in their real (non-imagined) interactions.
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We can see from Blitz's face in these scenes that these comments really get to him. Of course they do- he's making them up in his own nightmare.
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"Foolish flights of fancy" is the rest of the caption there . . ."
He's very upset by the idea that he's really inferior to Moxxie- under all of the bravado, he's deeply insecure. It probably doesn't help that the truth gas made him admit that he didn't like the musical that Moxx recommended. Yes, I know that was a Cats joke, but also, Blitz bothered to lie, and he doesn't seem allergic to hurting Moxxie's feelings, so I think he wanted to pretend to "get" the "higher art" that Moxxie likes.
Okay so if Moxxie (with an essentially equivalent status and education) manages to unintentionally make Blitz feel stupid and uncultured, how does this translate when Blitz falls in love with Stolas, who IS objectively very high status and very well educated and DOES speak in "fancy rich people" language?
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Oh. Right. The pedestal, the impossibility, and all of that.
I'm not saying that Hell's strict hierarchy doesn't have a lot to do with how Blitz perceives a real relationship between himself and Stolas as impossible- it absolutely does. And so does his history of failed relationships and heaping backpack of trauma. But also, the education/sophistication piece is there, and it's major.
I'm on the fence about whether Blitz actually sees himself as stupid or is just worried about being perceived that way by others. He obviously knows he's very good at the work he does, and that takes both a certain level of strategic thinking AND some very brilliant improvisation. I think he knows this. But he also knows he'll never . . . let's say, be the best read person in the room (if you want to know my thoughts on Blitz and literacy, click here- but short answer, I think he's quite literate but also dyslexic).
I think that like many real people who are kind of out of the box in this way (disrupted education and/or neurodivergence) he's simultaneously aware that he's very intelligent AND deeply insecure about being stupid or having others devalue his kind of intelligence.
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little-annie · 4 months ago
Steve normal text. Robin’s Bold. Eddie's Italicized Bold
___Bird Brain___
What? Im literally right next to you
And were at work Dingus get off of your phone.
I'm. Uh.
You know the shop across the street???
The mecanic
They have a new guy
Literally, what?
I think I'm gay.
Cuz like he's just so pretty
And that Haut
Hey whore
Bathroom talk. Now.
Were working.
You and I both know no one rents movies on a Tuesday at 10am
To the porcelain thrown
You know sometimes I forget youre an idiot 20 something
then you go and say shit like that
How do I tell if a mans gay or whatever its is that I am,
Bi schedule
Bi sexual
Ducking auto correct
Babe. I hate to break it to you but your auto correct is as dyslexic as you are. You basically train it
Well ghen.
Whats he wear? Any piercings? Tattoos? Whats his hair like?
Oh! This is important. DOES. HE. HAVE. A. HANKY. IN. A. BACK. POCKET???
black overalls and a black shirt. Lots. I think. His ears literally look shiny from across the street. Lots of tattoos too.
And yes??? What's that have to do with anything? My papa had a hanky and I'm pretty she he wasn't gay
He probably was. Being Bisexual is genetic.
No Dingus.
But like the man was in the navy? Right?
it's black
Oh hes kinky
What side pocket
It switches.
I bet it does
That is a gay man Steven.
Go get your dick sucked or your booty bumped or whatever it is the kids are doing these days.
Eating ass
yeah. It's a thing.
Robin you literally munch so much carpet. whats the difference if its the rug at the back door.
Bubble bath privileges revoked.
You whore.
The bath is sad with no bubbles Bob.
Make your own.
Okay. Ew. Stop. Stink ass. I can hear you. And the neighbors probably can too.
Are you sorry?
Not really.
Well pretend to be.
Your bubble bath is under the sink
Thats your new lovers name.
*1 new message* Hi -the weirdo with long hair who works across the street (Eddie)
I hate you
BTW babe you have a date on Tuesday
oh ya.
Well you have a date today gay boy
I need to leave
The fuck you do
Yeah. I fucking do.
I need to shower
And shave
I dont know
What do you do before a gay date
For what?
Oh honey
Should this hurt?
Don't tell me
Are u?
Shut up.
Does it hurt
Lube. Oh my god. LUBE. Steve I swear to Dolly, if youre prepping your fucking asshole right now, IN THE FUCKING WORK BATHROOM
Youre a whore. Oh my god.
This is nice.
Why havent I done this before.
Where's the protest
Brain me. Educate me please.
Oh fuck
Found it
Definitely found it
like good for you babe. I love you and support you but OH MY GOD YOU WHORE GET YOUR FINGERS OUT OF YOUR ASS WERE AT WORK.
You really think Id do that
Im fucking with you
Im just googling shit and well taking a shit.
Fuck you
Love you
*2 New messages.* um. So. Im Eddie. Your coworker. Robin? Gave me your number and said we're going out tonight???
Dingus have you answered your husband yet
well you could send him a picture of your ass
Or your tits
Or your weeeen
Or all of the above
Like a package deal
Hehe. Package.
Ugh. Wut.
Be serious.
Fiiiiine. Introduce yourself. Tell him youre excited for tonight. Make a plan for your date. (Other than the reservation I booked you at Enzos) and then tell him you thi know hes pretty and you want to have his babys.
He is pretty.
And like. Id definitely let him try to get me pregnant
___Future Husband___
um. Hi. First of all I'm so sorry for my friend. She likes to get her nose into my business. Second.
At the risk of being too forward. I like literally saw you my first day at the shop and have wanted to talk to you since. Cuz. Yeah. Pretty doesnt even begin to explain what you are. Like. Bro. Have my babies.
disregard the baby thing
I dont know about getting pregnant. But Im up for practice.
If you are???
… like
My breaks in 20
Meet me at the van across the street
___Bird Brain___
youre on your own for the rest of the day Birdie
And where the fuck do you think youre going
Boo you whore
But like. Get it babe.
But I also hate you.
I dont want to work in this shithole alone
Answer me
Hi Robin
This is Eddie
On Steves phone
Steve's a little… preoccupied
what would you do about my tattoos
Fuck you
Sorry. Positions taken.
Id burn your whole body. No skin = no tattoos
I like the way you think
But in all seriousness
Mmmm imma gonna marry this boy
Hopefully before the end of the week
Fuck yeah
I call best man
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mixiury · 2 years ago
Here with you — Wanderer x GN! Reader
Summary: After a long walk with Wanderer, you ended up exhausted, taking a small nap with your companion in the middle of the forest.
A/N: I corrected some typos I noticed after reading this again. I am dyslexic and English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if there is still some. Please feel free to point them out!
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"Come here, lie with me."
"Why would I? To get my clothes dirty like yours? No thanks." Wanderer answered to your request almost instantly, showing little interest in changing his mind.
Both of you have been walking for hours now, enjoying the cool breeze that the trees of the Sumeru forest release.
It's hard to keep track of time in a place like this, especially when the silence and calm stretches out in its entirety and all you can hear is the soft melody of the birds with the snapping grass and leaves you are stepping on the ground while you walk.
But even though your hiking companion doesn't need to take breaks and the beautiful views of the landscapes along the way help in motivating you to continue exploring, you soon end up finding your feet and legs demanding you to rest, lying down on a small and comfortable hill, while Wanderer reluctantly agrees to wait for you a few minutes.
"Are you sure you don't want to join me? The sun is nice." You know what his response is going to be, but you keep insisting anyways, hoping that some miracle will happen that would make him change his mind and rest alongside you. However, as was from being expected, his head just turned away, ignoring your request with the same stubborness that characterizes him.
Defeated, you find solace in the warm sunlight and fresh grass you lie on, slowly imbuing yourself in its trap as your eyelids fight to stay open.
It is not until he notices how quiet you have become that Wanderer's gaze finally returned to your sleeping figure, noticing each deep breath you take as your chest rises and falls steadily, with nothing to interrupt you from falling into your calm, soft slumber.
It's annoying how you allow to put yourself in such a comfortable state in the middle of nowhere. As if, in this precise moment, nothing else mattered.
It seems like you don't know how easy of a target you are right now, not worrying about your surroundings and all the dangers that are around you. It only takes a few seconds to end a human's life and it's much easier when you're in such a vulnerable and peaceful state that you wouldn't even be able to react before you feel the pain of your aggressor hurting you.
And yet, the mere thought of it makes him feel sick and jealous of you at the same time. How can you live your life so carelessly? Is it because you don't have any self-prevention instincts inside that empty brain of yours? Or are you just so naive that, even knowing how he can easily leave you to your own devices, you still trust him enough to allow yourself to be in this position?
Knowing you will probably never tell him, he decides to search the answer by himself, quietly approaching you and laying down next to you, hoping that the sound of the grass rustling next to you won't wake you up or interrupt your dreams as he watches you in complete silence.
And it's only now, after he finally gave into your request, that he understood what you were talking about.
The faint rays of the sun really feel like a bliss the moment they caress your face, intense enough to embrace you with their warmth but not to the point of burning you. Contrasting with the cloudy and gloomy Inazuma mornings he had grown used to.
It has been so long since he felt this warmth and calmness, still staring at you steadily and letting himself enjoy the peaceful nature of the moment.
It feels illegal that him, out of all people, could experience an instance like this. He, whom from the day of his creation the only birthright that has been given to him was an eternity of grievance, shame and solitude, simply lying on the grass without any other concern but you.
He doesn't understand it but he wants to. Your presence itself has already helped him understand a hint of your normalicy, something that he had spent decades chasing and longing for but was never able to hold for long enough to call it his. And yet, he lets himself fall into your trap and comfort, finally taking a break from all the thoughts that have been stuck in his mind as he simply rests by your side.
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So sososososo, as a plant mother of 6, can you do headcannons of the gang with a s/o who loves plants and has like a ton that they constantly take care of?
If not no worries Ik it’s a kind of strange request love u (platonically) 🫶
A/N: For sure bro! I am the proud owner of 9 little potted plants, they sit in my kitchen windowsills and I dote over them with all of the love in my heart. I'm a huge fan of succulents and cacti, and I hope you're a big fan of these headcanons!
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Darry is amused by your love of plants, thinks it’s cute how excited you get whenever you talk about them or whenever you get a new one
He’s not against your love for them at all and will offer up the windowsills in the kitchen for you to house all of your plants if you need the space
I have a feeling his Mom had a bunch of plants? Like flowers in the flowerbed outside, small plants in the windows and vases on the table so having plants back in the house is something special to Dare
Not that it’s not special to the other Curtis boys, I just think Darry sort of resonates with that sort of thing more? I don’t know, it just works okay? Trust me?
But also trust me on this, you do not want him anywhere near your plants and I mean anywhere at all
He’s bad at remembering to water them and definitely doesn’t have any sort of a green thumb so do yourself a favor, and your plants too, and don’t let Darry take care of them at all
Sodapop Curtis kills every plant he touches so for the love of God, don’t entrust your lovely little plants babies to him, they will not survive
He doesn’t mean to kill them! He just never remembers to water them or waters them too much or leaves them in the sun too long or moves them out of the sun or-
Soda does like giving you plants and flowers though! He’ll do flowers more often than anything else, just cause they’re easier to come by, but expect a few small houseplants every now and then
Yes, the flowers do come from the flowerbeds in the neighborhood, and yes, the flowers are often times just various weeds and wildflowers that he thought were pretty and figured you’d like
He tries to remember the names of all the plants? But you and I both know that Sodapop is wayyyy dyslexic and wayyyy forgetful so sometimes the names come out wrong
But that’s okay because he’s trying and you can tell and he’s just so adorable when he messes it up because once you correct him, he’ll repeat the word a few times just so he can try to remember it 
This boy is surprisingly good at taking care of plants? And he’s very good about giving them the exact amount of sunlight and water that they needed and making sure that they’re growing the right way
Side headcanon that tacks onto Mrs. Curtis having plants, but Ponyboy was definitely the one who helped his mama water all the plants because he just would, ya know, it’s a Ponyboy activity
Pone likes to check out books from the library about plants, specifically flowers and their meanings, and sometimes the two of you will pour over them together, looking at all the pictures
He checks out even more books when you leave him in charge of watering your plants because heaven forbid anything go wrong with your babies-
Ponyboy likes to call the plants by their proper names, boy’s practically a plant identification app after he starts dating you, I swear to everything-
You show him a plant once and the next time you bring that plant up Pony will have at least three facts about it, the symbolism of the plant, and it’s directions for care 
If you have plants and you care about them at all, do not leave them in the care of our Mr. Winston, you will not have plants anymore
No matter how hard he tries, he just can’t keep plants alive and it’s literally the funniest thing ever because he does all the same things you do and still kills them- he thinks the plants have something against him
But, there is one plant he has that has managed to survive, a hearty little succulent in his room at Buck’s that has somehow not died yet
Of course, that little plant came from you and Dally loves that thing a whole lot but he will not allow himself to water it, for fear of killing it off, so he makes Buck water it and gets really upset if Buck doesn’t water the little plant on time
No matter what you name your plants or what the plants actually are officially titled, Dally will call them by the most obnoxious names because he doesn’t want to be bothered to remember what they are
He knows all the names, don’t let him fool you on that, but he’d much rather call them names like floppy green leaf and spiky bush  
Johnnycake loves that you love plants, he thinks it’s sweet and cute how much you care for the little plants you’ve potted so carefully-
He’s very gentle if you leave him in charge of your babies, following any direction you leave him down to the exact letter, he will not mess anything up and everything must be done perfectly
Dallas likes to mess him up and bother him while Johnny’s watering your plants, saying things like “You weren’t supposed to do that one, ya know.” and “You sure you haven’t already watered that one, Johnnykid?”, and my personal favorite, “You think they’d notice if we swapped out a plant?”
Johnny very quickly stops involving Dally when you leave him charge of plant care
He likes learning about the plants too, he’s like a little sponge when it comes to the care information
Johnny’s really good about remembering which plants are which, even with the ones that look really similar and have similar names, he likes to ask you about them just to see you get all excited <3 
Two-Bit Mathews is a forgetful person and for that reason, I strongly advise against letting him take care of your plants, he will not remember them until they’re already wilting
That being said, he does think your plants are super cool and will constantly point out new plants to you and ask if you know what they are
It doesn’t matter if you know what they are or not, he trusts you completely when it comes to plants and you could flat-out lie to him about the plant and he would just nod like he understand exactly what you’re saying
Two-Bit really likes cacti I think, the spikier the better, and will always try to poke yours if you’ve got any, no matter how many times he ends up stabbing himself on the points
If you were to give him a plant, I think he’d actually cradle the pot like it was a real baby, super psyched on having his own plant and being just like you! (Give him one of those ones that are like nearly impossible to kill because if his plant dies, he will be very, very sad)
He keeps the plant you gave him in his room, perched precariously in his bedroom windowsill and makes it very clear that no one is to touch it because he’s afraid someone’s going to to kill it
THIS BOY. Loves to shower you with flowers and I mean all the flowers he can get his hands on, he gives ‘em to you whenever he sees you
Steve gives you small bouquets from the corner store, gives you the wildflowers growing on the edges of the lot, gives you the hearty little weeds that poke up between the sidewalk cracks
Do not let him take care of the plants. I will only say that once. Do not do it.
He can help you pot and move them if you need to move your plants, but he is way too heavy-handed when it comes to watering them and will drown your plants, it’s not at all, I swear-
You can tell when he messes with them too cause he’ll leave grease smudges on the pots and we all know, Steve doesn’t wash his hands nearly as much as he should, and to be honest, with his interest in cars, he’s constantly covered in oil and grease
It’s cool though, he’s way into cars, and you’re way into plants, it’s kinda cute when the two of you go on tangents about your interests and the other one just kinda looks at the first with hearts in their eyes 
There is one (1) plant, one singular plant, in the whole Shepard household and you are the only reason behind its presence-
It’s in the kitchen, tucked behind the sink and seated right under the window, probably the best spot for a plant to be and it stays there proudly, vibrant and leafy and green
Tim pretends like he’s indifferent about your love for plants, not really having an official opinion on the plants you cherish so dearly, but he’d be lying if he said that his heart didn’t pitter patter at least a little bit faster whenever he sees that plant in the kitchen
Tim likes the plants that are easy to take care of, that only require weekly or bi-weekly waterings and absolutely no pruning, he just wants to dump some water and move on
He doesn’t have a green thumb and he doesn’t have the patience to deal with the plants that require a lot of effort-
He’s bad at remembering the names too and will just wave his hand vaguely when he’s trying to talk about one until you describe the plant in a way that he recognizes
I can see Curls really digging plants? And just gently cupping a plant in his hands, those scarred fingers wrapped around a pot with the tiniest sprout poking up through the dirt
Imagine for a moment, if you will, tucking a flower behind his ear- something bright and colorful against those inky black curls while he rolls his eyes fondly and bows his head to give you a kiss-
He likes planting things with you, messing around the dirt and planting your various flowers and other greeneries in pots and flowerbeds 
Curly will get bored with it though, very fast, especially if you’ve got to plant a lot or you’re working with boring plants, and he’ll try to get you to do something else instead
When you’re watering plants too, he’ll try and nudge your hand so you end up dumping more water than you needed to because he’s a mischievous little somebody who likes to mess with you
Expect a lot of flowers from him too! Little bunches of flowers from the sidewalk and from the yards he passes, clutched tightly in his hands and presented to you with the widest smile 
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pinkthrone445 · 1 year ago
Hey sweetheart, can you write a Melissa x reader
Reader is a math teacher in Abbott but for a reason cause the reader is dyslexic and some teachers kind out and start making fun of them. Melissa doesn’t like that and stops it real quick. As someone with dyslexia it really hits lol
-I'm here to help-
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:fluff, short
Warnings:strong words
Summary:Melissa doesn't like it when she hears other coworkers make fun of you and decides to help you.
Hi gorgeous, I'm dyslexic too hahaha, I wrote this from my own experience, I hope you like this and that I fulfill your expectation, thanks for the request ���
Abbott elementary, a school where children had opportunities to learn when elsewhere they had been rejected. It was an inclusive school, the teachers with their low budget, did everything possible to give the best to their students. Some children lacked many things in their day-to-day lives, so you as teachers got involved, sometimes too much, so that they did not feel lacking anything in which you had the opportunity to help.
You, as teachers, were also very careful in cases of bullying, sometimes putting an end to it even before it started.
You did everything to take care of the children, unfortunately, very rarely was there anyone who did anything to take care of you.
Problems between teachers were solved by the teachers, no one else intervened or helped, not even if you were the one who was being bullied.
It had been a very long and heavy week, grading exams and daily life had greatly drained your energies. You urgently needed the weekend to be able to rest well and recover. Not only did you feel tired, but the tiredness affected other parts of your being, like your dyslexia, it wasn't usually that bad, but when you were tired it was worse and you didn't even realize it.
As a math teacher, it was rare for your students to notice any mistakes in the equations, but when it was your turn to write or read something, it was easy to highlight your mistakes. Although the children were very kind in helping you see what you had written or read wrong, they didn't do it in a mocking way and that calmed you down and helped you a lot. If it wasn't for them correcting you, you wouldn't realize your mistakes even if you read the word 5 times. There were times when you didn't even notice your mistake, such as letters being moved or letters that were similar to each other being swapped, and other times when you knew you had written something wrong but couldn't see what it was even though you had it in front of you. Sometimes you changed the order of letters and other times you didn't write all the letters of the word skipping some, there were also times when you confused one word with another. It wasn't something that happened every moment of the day, but the accumulated tiredness was affecting you to make it happen more often than usual.
Apparently, some teachers at school found it very funny that you made mistakes because of your dyslexia, many times at lunchtime you would find them talking and making fun of you, stopping whenever they noticed you were in the room. It usually didn't bother you, but you were so tired that you had little patience and things affected you more than usual.
It was already thursday, all you had to do was take the last exam and correct it, so you would close the grades and the children who passed would not have to return the last weeks of the year. But you were so tired that you didn't realize that in that last exam you had several mistakes when writing it, so when it came to correcting and realizing that everyone had made a few many mistakes because of you, you had no choice but to recognize it and cancel the exam and the notes, hoping that the kids will take it again and the parents won't be mad at you.
Sadly, when you realized that mistake, you were correcting in the teacher's room where everyone who commonly made fun of you was. They had already been talking about you and you knew it, but when you noticed the same mistake in all the exams and your face transformed, it caught their attention
-"Look at dydy over there, it looks like she is having an existencial crisis"-They whispered between each other, they called you dydy because they thought it was a funny nickname for someone with dyslexia. You tried not to pay attention to them and rubbed your hands all over your face trying to find a solution, you've never had a mistake this big that affect the kids exams and grades so much. You were so stressed and tired that your eyes filled with tears without you noticing. At the moment when you started crying, Mel walked into the teacher's room, it was weird to see her there, she always went to the room on the first floor and not that one on the second floor. The redhead's eyes immediately landed on you, and her brow furrowed with concern
-"Are you okay hon?"-Mel asked worriedly and you sighed trying to calm yourself down
-"Yeah... It's just that I made a mystic on a test and it affects every kid in my class"-You replied to the redhead and listened as the others laughed and mocked
-"That nickname it's better! Mystic! She said mystic instead of mistake!"-A fool made fun of you and you grunted annoyedly as you got out of your seat
-"You know what I meant! I meant mystic, not mystic!"-They laughed again and you sighed, when someone repeated the words you said wrong, you had a harder time saying it right-"I meant to say mistake!"-You screamed grabbing your papers and walked out of the room.
-"I don't understand how she is a teacher with how stupid she is and all the mistakes she makes when writing or reading. I don't understand how she got her degree"-One of them spoke up, continuing his mockery. Melissa stared at them and took decisive steps to them, if looks could kill, his body would be lost somewhere where it could never be found
-"Look assholes, she got her degree like all of us by studying and giving the best of her, and if she got it it's because she deserves it, I'm sure she deserves it much more than each one of you. Dyslexia is not a sign of stupidity, there are many people with dyslexia who are very intelligent. On the other hand, you are stupid, although you have no excuse for being that way. Her students have some of the best GPAs here at the school, better than any of your classes, do you know why? Because she cares about her students instead of meddling in other people's lives. If I hear any of you once again speaking ill of her, I do not assure you that you will ever see the light of day again, capisce?"-The redhead spoke in an authoritative voice, and everyone nodded in fright. Mel then turned around and started looking for you, finding you in your classroom surrounded by papers
-"Hey hon, how are you doing?"-The redhead asked, entering your classroom, where there were no one else besides you, and she came closer until she was in front of you, but you kept looking at your papers
-"It's nothing Mel, I'm fine"-You answered without looking at her, trying to convince her even though your eyes were still red and watery
-"Don't lie to me, If you don't want to talk, I understand, but don't lie to me. You don't cry when it's nothing, you cry when something hurts. Is it because of what they said? You know that they're stupid, do you want me to come back with my bat?" - Her comment made you get a little laugh
-"Usually it doesn't bother me what they say, but this week has been terrible, and if I already feel like a bad teacher day by day with my problem, I feel worse when they highlight it and make fun of it... Did you know that because they made fun of me, the school made me take a spelling course? Like that's my problem... Usually it's not that bad and I can handle it thanks to a lot of exercises I made, but now I'm tired, stressed, hungry and in a bad mood and that makes me make more mistakes... Like in these stupid exams where I got almost every exercise wrong so the kids also got their answers wrong... Not only do I have to retake the test, I have to revise it 10 times before I take it again or the kids' parents will kill me"-You muttered through your breath annoyed, and Mel sighed at the sight of you
-"Come to my house tonight, I'll help you... And I don't take no for an answer"-She said and walked out of your classroom before you could protest or say anything.
That night you went to her house and knocked on the door with a pot of ice cream in your hands, when the redhead saw you a big smile filled her face and let you in, the house had an exquisite aroma and a beautiful atmosphere. You had been there before with Barbara who was also your friend, but it was different to be there alone, you could pay attention to more things and details.
Mel grabbed your coat and made you sit at the table serving you a plate of food that looked delicious
-"I thought you'd help me with my exam"-you joked and she sat down next to you with another plate for herself
-"And that's what I'm doing, I know that tiredness and not eating well affects your concentration, so first we'll eat so it's easier for you to see the mistakes. I also put on my computer a font that is supposed to help people with dyslexia, the two of us will correct the errors of the exam and then read it between the two of us to make sure it's okay, yes? But first, enjoy your meal"-The redhead commanded and you ate smiling feeling a warmth in your chest, she had not only defended you, she had paid attention to you and kept her promise to help you. And that wasn't the only time, she made sure that whenever you needed help, she was by your side.
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studiogrimm810 · 3 months ago
Welcome To My Blog!!
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⭐️hey there, i’m grimm⭐️
>> check me out on AO3!!
>> i'm open for requests! (no wincest)
>> i'm always down to chat so don't hesitate to reach out if ya want!!
>> my fandoms include, but aren't limited to: supernatural, the last of us, red dead redemption and twenty-one pilots!!
⭐️as always, i appreciate any and all feedback on any given work that i've published. i look forward to creating more works for you lovely people to read⭐️
DISCLAIMER: i proofread before i post but i’m dyslexic, if you see an error or correction that needs to be made pls reach out and let me know!!! ty <3
> most recent blog update here
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My Works Lists:
> Supernatural
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tritoncattery · 11 months ago
A new template blog? In this economy?
Yes! And it's not just templates.
Requests: Open! How to request
What do I do?
I make pluralkit templates mainly. Alter Template Masterlist. System Template Masterlist
Display name templates. Masterlist
Simply plural templates (you can also adapt a pluralkit template)
Make userboxes, this takes longer though. Masterlist
Can answer questions on simplyplural. I'm no expert at it though. You know who knows more than me? @yoursimplypluralhandbook !
Feel free to send requests for templates I don't do! I'll give it a shot!
Templates can break screenreaders
My Boundaries!
This blog is aimed at all kinds of systems of all origins but I don't mind singlets sending asks for things.
You can DM or send a ask about templates!
Never use anything from this blog to harm or mock other people.
Do not use anything from here if it will be affiliated with spreading purposeful misinformation or hate.
I don't need credit but credit is nice! Please credit this blog if you want to!
Please don't take credit for my work.
Do not send nsfw asks. You will be blocked on sight.
Never use my work with ai.
Custom Tags
#catteryposts - original posts
#catteryrb - reblogs
#catterypkt - pluralkit templates
#catterysp - simply plural related posts
#catteryspname - simply plural name templates
#catteryub - userbox
#catteryinbox -answering asks
#catteryart -my art that i post sometimes
These are for those who want to search my blog or block certain posts. I will try to use tags but will mess up sometimes! Sorry!
About me!
Hi, I'm Cat! I'm a part of a DID system and I love making pluralkit templates. The designs always just come together and I like that.
I am disorganized with tags possibly because of the fact I'm dyslexic. I will make mistakes so please be patient & feel free to correct them (nicely).
Resource List
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worthyprnce · 6 months ago
welcome to my introduction post :)
hello, my name is apollo maedhros ✶
★ I go by he/they, and I would prefer if you use both alternately. don't just choose one and never change, please :)
★ I have many different interests, but lately I've been obsessing with merlin bbc (merwaine is my main shipp) and the rings of power/tolkien books and movies in general!
★ I'm also into: hozier, tamino amir, the magnus archives, iwtv, heartstopper, queen, led zeppelin, books (I read a lot of fantasy, dark academia, classics), percy jackson/riordanverse, good omens and some other things.
★ english is not my first language, mistakes will be made. you can correct me, just don't be a dick :)
★ I'm also dyslexic and I have myopia and astigmatism, so typos will happen all the time and I'm sorry in advance (it is specially harder for me to know if I'm making any typos as soon as I wake up, at night and when I forget/lose my glasses. if I make too many typos all at once, you can definitely bet it's one of those alternatives)
★ i draw! I still struggle with insecurity with my art, but I've been experimenting with digital art lately :) — I'm not doing commissions at the moment
★ I promise I'm cool and I would love to make friends, so don't hesitate! my dms are open and so is my inbox, feel free to ask me anything :)
✶— my tag system:
#my art — self explanatory
#☀️ — for when I'm talking random things and rambling about anything
#in a land of queue and a time of magic — queued posts, merlin bbc reference
#not safe fw — self-explanatory
#apollo posts — just so I know what to search for when I need to find posts that I made myself in the middle of other tags. like my merwaine posts :) || my drawings have their own tag, as I specified above
DFI: basic criteria (like: homophobic, racist, transphobic, xenophobic, zionist, ableist, religiously intolerant or anything like that), shipps real people like characters, minor (I will post and reblog nsfw content), will start shipp/character wars, support and/or use gen AI
★ my merwaine thinker: on twitter or bluesky
★ my ao3
★ my carrd for more info :)
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justjudethoughts · 2 months ago
Being a "high functioning" neurodivergent or a person with mental illness that "isn't as bad as it used to be" is so wild, because it's like you forget that you still have The Thing?
I'm dyslexic, I couldn't read until I was in 3rd grade, and even then a lot of books remained above my reading level (mainly classics) until about 8th grade. I couldn't spell anything until about 6th grade, and my handwriting was atrocious. Overtime and with a lot of work, most of these were corrected, and I type before you now as a dyslexic with a bachelor's in English.
But when I'm writing, I still mess up "your" and "you're" or "too, two, to" or "their, there, they're." I often mean to type "to" and type "the" or mean to type "an" and type "and." It's not because I don't know the difference, my brain just hears the sounds it needs to make the word I am trying to say, and chooses whichever spelling it thinks of first. For a long time I was really self-conscious about it because I didn't want people to think I didn't know the difference.
Please enjoy my best friend's reaction to my realization:
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Moral of the story is that sometimes, when things get easier, you forget that you are still working with a brain that is not neurotypical. I am a "corrected" dyslexic, but I will always be dyslexic. My brain is wired differently than neurotypical brains, and that is always gonna be the way it is. I have found loopholes and learned to work with it, and even learned its advantages (there are a lot!!) but it's still the brain I had as a 3rd grader who couldn't read Dr. Seuss. And that's okay. Sometimes we just need to remember to be a little more patient with ourselves.
So before you look at all the things you "still do wrong" don't forget to look at how far you have come. That bit is much more impressive.
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dilanmoodboards · 1 month ago
Hold You Close Tonight (Shawnter)
Paring: Triple H/Shawn Michaels
Summary: After DX fight Legacy at Hell in Cell 2009, Hunter takes care of Shawn.
Tags: mild Hurt/Comfort; Fluff; Domestic Fluff; Established Relationship; Bathing/Washing; Taking Care of Injuries; Concussions
Notes: This kinda got away from me I trully didn't know where this fic was going. But this match just has so much slash potential that I had to write something for it. I also just love damsel in distress Shawn. I've been binge watching Ted Lasso and studying for my IELTS so the text may be sounding a little british. English is not my first language and I'm dyslexic af, so feel free to correct anything. Comments are always welcome.
Word Count: 2,445
It was never easy walking backstage after Hell in a Cell, and no one knew this better than Hunter, but he couldn’t help the feeling of helplessness as he watched Shawn go into the trainer's room with a slight limp in his step and his hand on the back of his head. Hunter himself was actually pretty fresh, the way they had set up the match had ment he spent very little time in the ring. 
Him and Shawn had thought that the idea of leaving one of them locked out of the cell would be an interesting way of innovating the format, especially considering that the PPV was going to have three Hell In A Cell matches. But now as he walked back to the locker room with the image of Shawn helplessly grasping for him from inside the cell as Rhodes and DiBiase taunted him fresh in his memory, he couldn’t help but feel like that had been one of the worst ideas they ever had.
Hunter decided to go to his locker room and shower while Shawn was in the trainers, he knew very well that the blonde hated when Hunter fussed over him. He also wanted to go back to the hotel as early as possible. Once he finished and got out of the showers, he thought it was strange that Shawn wasn’t back yet, fixing up both of their bags Hunter went to the trainers, deciding that Shawn could shower at the hotel.
The improvised med bay was fuller than it would have been in any other show, but this was Hell in a Cell, it wasn’t a joke when they said that the cell took its price. Shawn was sitting at one of the tables with one of the doctors looking at his head, while another one  bandaged his knee. Ted DiBiase Jr. was talking to Shawn, and by the pitiful look on his face he seemed to be apologizing for something. Cody also had his head down and seemed to be anxiously moving on his heels.
“Hey Showstopper, how you feeling?!” Hunter said as a way of announcing his presence to the people in the room. Both Rhodes and DiBiase whipped their heads around at the sound of his voice, as if they were worried about something. That got Hunter’s attention, it was common knowledge among the wrestlers that Hunter and Shawn were a couple, and that the Game did not play around when it came to his boyfriend getting hurt. A lot of guys found themselves on the bottom of the card after a botched move against the Heartbreak Kid. 
Shawn may have changed his ways, but Triple H was not above using his influence if anyone happened to hurt his man.
“I would be much better if you could stop yelling.” Shawn answered, moving his head in Hunter’s direction and instantly flinching as the light from the door hit his eyes. “So what seems to be the problem doc?” Hunter asked the doctor working on Shawn’s head. “He has a mild concussion. I would suggest going to the hospital to get a CT scan, but I know how stubborn you wrestlers are, so I’m not going to bother. His knee is also a little swollen, nothing, a little ice and immobilization can’t fix.” Hunter gave a look at Shawn’s knee and then at his face. Shawn just gave him one of his signature smiles. “Don’t worry big man, I’ll be fine.” Shawn said with a yawn “Just need some sleep.”
“Yeah, about that I wouldn’t recommend him sleeping for the next hour. He needs rest, but it was a nasty bump to his head, his pupils are dilated and he’s dizzy." The doctor said, “One hour is probably enough to make sure nothing worse happened. I suggest someone should stay the night with him. Maybe his wife?” Shawn gave a little snort at that, “Don’t worry doc, my wife will take real good care of me.” Hunter glared at his boyfriend, but didn’t say anything. Right now he was more worried about Shawn’s health than him being a smartass.
DiBiase stared nervously at the both of them, he looked like he wanted to say something, but wasn’t certain if he should. Lucky for him, Shawn seemed to have made the decision in his place. “Hey kid, don't sweat it, accidents happen. Besides, this isn’t the first time I got a concussion. You and Rhodes go celebrate Orton’s victory.” Once Shawn was done speaking he gave each one of the guys a light tap on the shoulder, Rhodes and DiBiase looked like they still wanted to say something, but Shawn shooed them away.
Once his knee was fully bandaged up, Shawn jumped from the med table, clapping both his hands. “Well doc it was nice seeing you, but it’s time for me to go to the hotel to meet with my wife.” Shawn gave extra emphasis on the word wife and smiled widely at Hunter, who just rolled his eyes. “Come on showstopper, let’s get you to the hotel.”
The ride to the hotel was silent, although Shawn had appeared to be in high spirits while they were in the trainers, Hunter could notice that the older man was tired, his eyes drooping from time to time. Keeping the doctor’s warning in mind he would lightly tap Shawn’s thigh when he almost fell asleep, they were too old now to disregard doctor’s orders like they once did. Shawn seemed to agree with him because he didn’t complain. 
Every time they would stop at a red light Hunter couldn’t help but stare at Shawn, worry clear on his face. Many times during the match he had come close to just bursting from gorilla and stopping the beat down on his boyfriend. Shawn played the damsel in distress very well and it had made Hunter almost believe that the older blonde truly thought he had been abandoned by his partner. 
Of course Hunter would never truly abandon him, they went through too much together for anything to separate them. Hell, Shawn probably knew that Hunter would have broken the chain with his bare hands if he believed Shawn was in any real danger. Still Hunter felt like shit. Shawn’s broken face as he walked away would probably haunt him forever. 
Once they got to the hotel, Hunter took both their bags out of the car and started to make his way to the elevator, always keeping a close eye on Shawn to see if the blonde wouldn’t need any help. 
Their room was nice, a real step up from the crappy motels they had stayed at when they were younger. Now with both of them having established careers and the company thriving, not to mention good financial investments from both of them, they could finally afford to stay in nice rooms in expensive 5 star hotels. 
Normally a pay per view victory for them would mean celebration, not the kind they used to do back in the day, but something more personal between the two of them. But tonight Shawn seemed like he could drop at any moment so their celebration would probably have to wait. 
“Get undressed, I’m running you a bath.” Hunter said once he placed their bags on one of the couches. “Ooh, someone is getting frisky.” Shawn’s voice carried a flirty lilt to it, but he did as he was told. “It’s not like that heartbreaker. Wouldn’t want to aggravate any injuries you might have.” Hunter had set about the bathroom, filling up the tub and gathering the supplies needed for a nice warm bath. 
“Not like you can actually fuck me that hard.” Shawn said as he entered the bathroom. “Nice try, but you’re not goading me into fucking you today.” Hunter gave Shawn a peck on his lips and a light tap on his butt. “Now get into the bath showstopper.” Once Shawn was settled, Hunter took the shower supplies out of their bag and started to carefully wash Shawn’s hair. The older man almost purred when Hunter’s strong hands started caressing his hair, relaxing into the bath and allowing his man to pamper him.
“You really hit your head hard didn’t you?” Hunter’s voice was tinged with concern as he focused on a specific spot of Shawn’s scalp. The older blonde gave a small hiss when the other’s hands prodded against the small bump that was starting to form on his head. “Sorry.” Hunter said as he gave Shawn's head a kiss. He continued washing Shawn, massaging certain spots he knew would be sore from the match.
“Why don’t you soak a little bit, while I get an ice pack ready for you.” Hunter kissed Shawn’s cheek as he got up from his position. Shawn sighted letting the warm water do the work on his tired body, although he often complained when Hunter fussed over him, he also loved getting pampered.
Hunter tidied the room, setting a pair of sweats on the bed for Shawn and changing into one of his own. He then went to their gym bags and took one of the ice packs they carried around, as well as one of the hot packs for Shawn’s back. He placed the ice pack in the freezer and set about heating water to put in the water bag. 
Once he was done he returned to the bathroom. Shawn was almost falling asleep in the water, but perked up once Hunter arrived. Shawn rinsed himself off of the remaining suds and with Hunter’s help got out of the bath. Hunter wrapped a fluffy towel around his boyfriend and kissed him lightly on the lips. “There, bet you’re feeling much better now.” Shawn just smiled at him, content in being in the taller blonde’s embrace.
They both made their way to the room, while Shawn dried himself and changed into the sweats, Hunter was checking on the heating water. When it finally boiled he turned off the stove and filled the water bag. Shawn laid down on his stomach on the bed while Hunter placed the hot pack on his lower back. When the hot object made contact with his skin he couldn’t help but groan as he felt his muscles relax. 
Hunter just sat by Shawn’s side on the bed, neither man saying anything. This wasn’t an unusual scenario for them, it seemed the older they got the more common it was for one of them to be laying injured in a hotel bed. But at least they weren’t alone. 
Shawn stretched his hand and grasped Hunter’s, slowly bringing it to his mouth and lightly kissing it. “What’s bothering you, big man?” Hunter thought he had done a pretty good job of hiding his feelings from Shawn, but as always the older wrestler seemed to be able to read him like a book. “It’s nothing… I need to check the ice pack.” 
Shawn craned his neck awkwardly to watch Hunter, something was certainly bothering the younger man, but he couldn’t figure out what it was. Like sure, he was hurt, but it was nothing any of them hadn’t been through multiple times. 
Hunter made his way back to the bed. “Time to switch the packs.” Shawn reached for his back and took the water bag, handing it to Hunter, who placed it on the bedside table. “Can you hold me while I ice my knee?” Shawn asked as he tidied himself on the bed. “Of course.” Hunter handed Shawn the ice pack and sat on the bed with his legs spread. Shawn sat in the middle of Hunter’s legs and rested his torso against his boyfriend after placing the ice pack on his injured knee. Hunter then wrapped his arms around Shawn and pulled the blonde closer, holding him tightly. 
They stayed like that for some time, before Shawn finally spoke. “Did I do something wrong?” Hunter was shocked by the question, of course not, how could Shawn even think that? 
“Like there’s obviously something bothering you, and it definitely wasn’t the match, because the match went great, except for my concussion, but we’ve had concussions before, and it’s never that serious, and you never got like this over a concussion and you know you can tell me if it’s something I did because you know sometimes I don’t notice when I do something wrong and then everyone is like How could you? but if I ask what I did wrong they get even angrier and then I feel like shit and…” Shawn was rambling, something he had the habit of doing when he was nervous, and Hunter needed to stop it before it turned into a spiral. So in a panic he turned Shawn’s face and kissed him. 
“Sorry… you were rambling.” Hunter said as the kiss ended. “And it’s not you. You were great today, it’s just… forget it.” Shawn had completely forgotten he was supposed to stay still and was now kneeling in front of Hunter. “Hunt, do you remember our rule? No hiding our feelings from each other, it has done enough harm through the years.” Shawn had both his hands cupping Hunter’s face, lightly playing with the hairs in his beard.
Hunter took a deep breath. “I feel bad for leaving you in the match, I know we planned it and we both agreed to it. But I still feel bad.” Shawn couldn’t help but kiss him. “That’s actually really sweet Hunt.” Hunter tugged Shawn closer, hugging him as tight as possible. “It’s okay, I know you wouldn’t leave me big man.” They stayed like that for a while, just taking in the closeness from each other.
“You play a really convincing damsel in distress.” Shawn laughed at that. “I know, it’s part of my charm. Now let’s get this ice pack off the sheets before it soaks the bed.” As Shawn started to get up Hunter pulled him down. “I’ll do it, you stay in bed.” Hunter got up and took the nearly completely melted ice pack from the bed and put it back in the freezer. He also emptied the water bag and took fresh bandages from their gym bag.
After finishing wrapping up Shawn’s knee Hunter got on the bed, laying by his boyfriend’s side and pulling him into a hug. Shawn pecked Hunter’s lips as he whispered goodnight to the larger man. In seconds he was out like a light, the stress of the day finally washing away from him and Hunter soon followed. And if for the next few days he held Shawn a little tighter, well, the heartbreak kid didn’t mind.
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tealvenetianmask · 8 months ago
Blitz is dyslexic (petty post about why I'm right with proof from recent episodes)
Disclaimer: I don't have dyslexia, so I can't speak from personal experience, BUT neurodivergent people tend to find each other, and I've been very close with a few people with dyslexia, to the point where I've extensively edited their writing. I've also learned quite a bit about dyslexia while working in the education field. Okay- let's go.
I hear way too often (yes, I'm referencing a certain youtuber here) that Blitz can't have dyslexia because we sometimes see him reading and we sometimes see him writing without errors. So when he shows spelling and grammatical errors in his texts and notes to self, that must just be him being rude/trying to be cute/being lazy.
And if the errors were just slang and abbreviations, maybe the people making those arguments would have a point. But they're not. And I'm convinced that he has dyslexia. So what gives? Why the inconsistency (assuming it's an intentional choice on the part of the writers)?
Most dyslexic adults CAN write correctly with extra effort. It's just harder. In the learning disability world, we sometimes call it self- accommodating. With any disability, that means doing work that neurotypical people don't have to do in order to overcome the obstacle that the disability poses- and often, no one else sees that work or understands that it's necessary. For people with dyslexia, that often means that they have to check and double check their writing.
When YOU AND I (if we're both non-dyslexic people) write casually and don't put in effort, our spelling is going to be mostly correct. And if we use slang and abbreviations, it's a choice. When someone with dyslexia shoots off a quick text, it's going to look messy, and they'll probably only do it in a text to someone they're comfortable with. THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE.
Let's look at some recent examples from Helluva Boss.
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Blitz is writing notes to himself here, so he doesn't have any need to make them presentable. Cute inside jokes with himself are possible (i.e. the horses and nicknames that we sometimes see), but the spelling mistakes here don't really make sense as jokes. They also wouldn't be easier to write than the correct words for someone who isn't dyslexic. Mok(backward S)ie isn't shorter than Moxxie, and remembr isn't much shorter than remember. The spelling is also phonetic, which fits with how many people with dyslexia spell in initial drafts. He just isn't watching for and correcting his mistakes, because why would he in this situation?!
Okay, different situation . . . the apologies. I would argue that Blitz IS putting in physical effort here, even if it's not emotional effort. He brings entire gift baskets full of his favorite foods for the people on his apology list after all. Here's what he writes to the DHORKS:
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I think "sowy" IS meant to be cute here. It's not phonetic after all. He put a little effort into drawing them a cute little horse too. And then the cherubs . . .
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I think this is pretty interesting. Blitz actually bothers here to fix his spelling mistake. He spells everything right on the inside too, even though he's telling these guys "fuck you." Notice that he runs out of room and has to write sideways. And notice the nice block letters on the front. In terms of why he's trying so much here, well, it's to prove to Stolas that he can put effort into apologizing to people, isn't it? And that means that the unintentional errors get fixed!
Now, Blitz tries to text an apology to Stolas (and obviously stalls for emotional reasons), and we see him typing it in real time,
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Yeah . . . it's a combination of shorthand and just plain old misspellings. He's focused on choosing the right words, not on getting the spelling right, and it's impossible to say he doesn't care at this point. Someone who has an easy time writing correctly spelled text might use some shorthand, but just like we saw with Blitz's notes to self, they wouldn't likely intentionally misspell completely unnecessary things, especially when trying to come off as genuine.
Sigh. I rest my fucking case.
If you'd like to see my thoughts on that text conversation from Western Energy, go ahead and click on the link- it isn't really about dyslexia, and I do actually think that Blitz is pretty literate in spite of his disability and limited education, but it does explain why I think the conversation goes the way it does.
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gold-rush-official · 8 months ago
Game Help Wanted
More like needed lol, because I really, REALLY want to do something with this game, but I don't have a lot of skill in most game design departments (especially posting on social media GOD DAMN I can't even maintain my own account LOL), nor do I have the assets for a lot of it.
Not only that but my mental health has me in a CHOKEHOLD, which has delayed all plans of getting the first chapter out by a year and probs more. I've actually only just gotten back into drawing recently, and what's worse for it is my situation changing in February, with me having to move to live with a friend before I'm ready to.
So, I'm trying to get back into doing things like this, in hopes of improving my mental health, and also finishing something I was (and still am) really excited about continuing.
So, anyway, I want (need) some help with this game. I need:
Artists (character, concept, design, background, etc.)
MAYBE separate background designers/artists (specifically 3D modelling, depending on if I prefer 3D backgrounds to hand-drawn.)
Sound effect and music designers
Programmers (Specifically skilled in Ren'Py and Python)
Editors, both video/image and audio
Voice Actors
Social Media helpers
Researchers and people who share the same cultures and/or religions as some of the characters in the game to yell at me if I get my research wrong (because I'm dyslexic and I really want all the representation to be as correct as possible)
And more, depending on if we find something we need help with but nobody can do it
I want to do a complete revamp of the game (save for the text boxes and some of the character designs, I like those lol) and to ESPECIALLY get rid of all the free assets.
So, yeah, if you or a friend wanna be a part of it, just follow the form, and, if I like you and your stuff, I'll reach out!
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mixiury · 2 years ago
Skies forever blue — Neuvillette x GN!Reader
Genre: Mostly fluff with a little bit of comfort.
Summery: You have been trying to approach him without knowing he was always there.
A/N: I think I haven't like a character this much since Wanderer and Dimitri so I needed to write something about him <3. Since his character isn't out yet and all we have are his interactions in the Archon quest it may be a little OOC, but I tried my best to keep his character like in canon. Also English isn't my first language and I'm dyslexic so feel free to correct me if you notice any mistakes. ^^
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If only one word was needed to describe Neuvillette, it would be "Unattainable."
Like the clouds that float upper in the sky, everyone admires him from the ground, giving their own interpretations of the shapes they present. So lofty and magnificent, people find themselves raising their hands with the dream of touching them, ignorants of the fact that it's impossible for a human being to feel them with their hands.
But unlike most who gave up over the pass time, you kept trying over over, extending your hand towards the sky, hoping to reach them someday. He couldn't understand your persistence and your determination behind it, but even though he questioned it multiple times, he never protested, slowly letting you in without you even noticing.
"Do you see the same sky as I?" You asked him once.
A long silence followed that question. It was unusual from him. That composed and unalterable person whose job is to answer questions and find them to the ones which didn't have, not knowing what to say when a simple one was presented in front of him. And yet, the silence between the two of you lacked of tension. In some strange way it was comfortable, even comforting.
"I do. " He finally responded in an almost inaudible, soft tone. Nevertheless, the implication of it felt surreal. How can someone, who stands so firmly from above, capable of changing someone's life with just a few words, and at the same time so human to grief for the fate of others, coexist in the same world as yours?
It only took a rainy afternoon to find the answer you were truly searching for.
Those days when the clouds suddenly darken and their tears don't stop shamelessly falling from the sky, only to realize that all this time you outstretched your hands you were unawarely touching them.
Even though everyone can feel the rain, you're the only person who has seen him weep, you realize, gently caressing his cheeks as his crystalline eyes simply stare at you. Admiration and sadness accompany his gaze equally, plunging you into a storm of conflicting feelings that slowly consumes both of you.
However, in the moment you lean towards him, Neuvillette doesn't fade between your fingers as you always thought he would, indulging himself in the warmth of your touch as the sky slowly starts clearing again.
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aquaheartgirl · 1 year ago
Hi, I just wanted to drop a suggestion and say the typo blog is not a good idea. You've corrected typos on a few posts by dyslexic people and it doesn't make you look good to barge into someone else's blog and do that.
I honestly don't know what to say to this. I never meant to insult anyone, and even after reading this message I don't see how it could be interpreted that way. I only use that gimmick on posts that are obviously lighthearted or joking already; I would never derail a serious post by picking apart the grammar. And how exactly am I "barging into someone else's blog" when all I'm doing is reblogging maybe a few posts a month to my own side blog?
I'm asking this sincerely, not just to you but to anyone reading this: Is it really offensive to dyslexic people to correct typos using a gimmick account? How so? I'm not implying by the corrections that anyone is stupid or careless; everyone makes silly mistakes sometimes, dyslexic or not, and plenty of people like to laugh about that. I've gotten multiple positive messages from people who enjoy this gimmick.
I certainly don't have a way of knowing who is dyslexic and who isn't, but if I somehow did, would it still be offensive if I strictly avoided posts by people who are dyslexic? If so, why - is it because it might come off as an insult to someone's intelligence regardless? Then you must have a problem with half the blogs on this site, because no matter how carefully you word things, there's always someone who takes offense. But if not, why not? That would be discriminatory.
The last thing I want to do is be insensitive or offend anyone. I promise I'm always willing to listen and carefully consider whether I might be wrong. But I'm going to need to hear a proper argument to understand where you're coming from, not just "it doesn't make you look good."
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