#I'm not adding other relationship tags I got lost
kondz1u · 2 days
In case you didn't hate me enough.
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Drew this because of a nightmare @psychojetcocktail had. Let's just say I'm, heh, a loving friend (one that's worse than that nightmare Ian had) ( ` ∇ ´ )
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bluebeary-jay · 1 year
That funny feeling
Joel Miller x f!Reader
Summary: pet names are something that's equally very easy and very hard for Joel (based on this request!)
Tags: established relationship, F-L-U-F-F, a grain of angst, idiots in love, a lot of overthinking uGH, mutual dumbassery, love deprived (& soft) Joel, i'm playing with the timeline here a bit, alsoo suggestive undertones hehe
Warnings: swearing and miscommunication, and nothing more ig
Word count: 3.6K
A/N: i'm finally feeling okay!! it took a while and i'm sorry for the wait. as always i hope you all will like what i came up with, and thank you again dear for requesting 💕
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One of the things you noticed during those first few months of being in a relationship with Joel – and one which probably surprised you the most – was his fondness for using endearments when he was addressing you.
He called you by many names – darlin’, sweetheart and baby were just a tip of the iceberg.
And you adored it. Every single one of them.
How could you not when those pet names sounded so precious in that low and gruff voice of his? When the fact that he chose to let you get a glimpse at his softer side made you feel so special? 
He clearly liked doing this, too – and, as you suspected, watching your reaction when you received them. The tug of his lips and that dimple you so loved were an indicator enough that he wasn’t doing it out of obligation or because it was somehow expected of him.
Another thing that surprised you was how casual he was about it. Having not been in a proper relationship before made you feel out of your depth here, but from what you gathered, neither was he. At least for some time.
And yet, he seemed to have no problem or reservations about addressing you this way. He started even before he kissed you for the first time. You suspected that back then it was his strategy to show you – without voicing his intentions out loud – how he felt about you. It worked, somehow (because how were you supposed to resist that southern charm of his?), and once you both settled who you want to be for one another, it was like a switch flipped inside him.
But instead of turning it off, it only amplified his new habit and added more love and tenderness to the tone of his voice when he was calling you pet names.
You certainly were not complaining – especially when Joel was muttering those sweet words in a raspy voice into your skin when you were just waking up, or whispering them in your ear when you were passing each other during the day, brushing his hand against your waist.
So it was probably no surprise that you wanted to return the favor. The longer you were with each other, the more you wondered about what it would be like to call Joel by one of those endearments he used for you. If he would smile, if his eyes would crinkle in that adorable way…
Something was stopping you, though. Every time you were in public and Joel wasn’t currently looking at you, you were reminded of what kind of man you thought he was before you actually got to know him. His expression, the look in his eyes and his very presence were so intimidating that it gave you a pause each time. You knew he was a sweet, loving soul inside and it wasn’t like he’d be offended by being called by an affectionate nickname, or like your relationship would spiral down because of that.
What you did know, however, was that Joel Miller was a caretaker. A giver. And you wanted to take care of him, too, to make him feel as loved and cherished as he was making you feel – something you hadn’t a clue if you were doing right due to your own inexperience.
So one day, while you were tending to horses in the stables – one of your responsibilities in Jackson – you finally decided to stop overthinking and just… do what feels right to you. You were two grown-ass people. If anything happens – but probably nothing will – you’ll talk it out like adults.
You got lost in your own thoughts as you absent-mindedly brushed the coat of one of the horses. Suddenly, your attention was drawn by the animal neighing loudly but before you could look up, two strong arms embraced you from behind and a pair of lips pressed themselves to your neck.
You squealed in surprise, and then burst into giggles, when you felt Joel’s beard tickling your skin as he planted tender kisses on your neck, going down to your shoulder.
“Mornin’, sweetheart.”
It was not morning, but you haven’t seen him at all today since he left very early to help Tommy and some other men build a new storage house near the main street. As usual, you planned on meeting him when you’re done in the stables, but you were more than happy that he chose to surprise you.
“Hi,” you giggled. You tried to turn around to face him, but Joel grumbled and held you tighter to his chest, so you settled for putting your hand on the back of his head in an awkward half-hug. “You have some nerve coming here after you left me so rudely in the morning.”
He let out a sound between a groan and a chuckle.
“I tried to say goodbye, but you were out cold.”
“You didn’t try hard enough, then.”
“Fine. Next time I’ll shake you awake.” He pressed his lips to your pulse, planting a soft kiss there, and then another one a little bit lower, murmuring into your skin. “But you wouldn’t do that either if you were me and had an angel in your bed.”
You blew a raspberry and shook your head, making him hum against your neck with a smile. “Too much?”
“Just a little.” You turned around in his arms, and he dropped his head on your shoulder. “How’s work going?”
The man sighed heavily.
“It’s goin’. But I swear to God, Tommy gets more insufferable the sooner due date is. He almost lost it when some of the materials went missin’.”
“Well, it’s understandable with a little Miller on the way,” you replied, ruffling the hair on the back of his head and making Joel give you the stink eye. You scrunched your nose at him teasingly. “Get that pout off your face, mister, and better start thinking about what we’re watching tonight. My place, right?”
“Mhm.” He opened his mouth to say something else, but then angled his head to the side. There was a distant shouting from the direction of the road and you could faintly hear Tommy’s voice among the noise. Joel took a deep breath and his warm eyes met yours. “Alright, I better go before he does somethin’ stupid again. I’ll meet you tonight after guitar practice with Ellie.”
“Don’t be late again or I won’t let you in this time,” you said sweetly and a smirk danced on his lips.
“You’re annoyin’, you know that?” Joel leaned in and gave you a quick kiss on the lips, and then a lingering one on your forehead. “I’ll be on time, promise.”
You smiled and pushed his chest gently, letting him know that he should get back to his brother. He laughed – this actual rare and heartfelt laugh of his, which reminded you yet again how much you loved him – and took a couple of steps back.
“I’m holding you to it, handsome. Now go.”
Joel started to turn around, but then came to a sudden stop as soon as he heard you. It came out a bit awkward because he was mid-step and his feet kind of tangled up together, making him stumble before he managed to catch his balance.
You snorted and tilted your head to the side to peer at him, but his face was unreadable, almost blank. Like that rare and genuine laugh from earlier wiped all the emotions out of him.
“Hey. You okay?” you asked with a playful smile, taking in his expression. Joel looked over at you but didn’t answer, and you raised your eyebrows. “Joel?”
He parted his lips, like he wanted to say something, but no sound came out.
Something wasn’t right. His sudden silence wasn’t anything new – one of Joel’s main traits was being untalkative, though it got better since you two started dating, so you were used to it. But this was different. In his eyes there was a look of… you honestly couldn’t tell if it was awe or hurt. But you’ve never seen an expression like this on his face before.
He still didn’t say anything. You started feeling uneasy, but tried to play it off.
“Or… I could swing by Ellie’s before you two finish and–”
“I gotta go,” Joel muttered suddenly. “I’ll… see you later.”
He turned to the exit, but you quickly went around him and blocked his way with a frown. “Hey, hey, hey, wait. I’m serious now, are you okay?”
Joel glanced at you again, but then averted his eyes almost immediately. You gave him a weird look when he turned his head, as if looking for someone to get him out of here, but then a grin spread across your face when you noticed…
“Is this… Are you blushing?” you asked quietly. Joel winced and your smile got even wider. “You are! Does that–”
“I really gotta go, dar–” he stopped himself and patted your arm in a slapdash manner, not meeting your eyes. “I’ll see you later, alrigh’?”
Before you had a chance to ask or stop him, he walked away quickly, leaving you behind.
Your shoulders slumped and the smile disappeared from your face.
It wasn’t supposed to go like this.
He did not see you later.
In fact, you didn’t have a chance to talk to him at all that day.
Once you finished your shift, you went looking for him but Joel wasn’t at the construction site, nor could you find him anywhere in town. You tried asking Tommy and Ellie about his whereabouts, but while his brother was as clueless as you, the teen seemed suspiciously quiet, and the second you took your eyes off her, she disappeared as well.
He didn’t come to your house that evening, and as it turned out, didn’t have guitar practice with Ellie, either. You felt a little hurt by the sudden disappearance, but ultimately decided against going to his house and invading his space when he clearly needed it.
It wasn’t until the next day that you saw the man again, but you never got a chance to ask him about what happened.
Joel came unannounced to your house and – literally and figuratively – swept you off your feet, acting a little softer and more… well, handsy than usual, but still in his normal Joel-like fashion, as if nothing ever happened. He did apologize for disappearing but it also seemed like he was trying really hard to avoid talking about yesterday altogether. So eventually you let it go.
The only explanation you could come up with was that you scared him off. Maybe it was too soon, maybe he just wasn’t okay with it – whatever the reason, it was evident he didn’t want you to bring it up.
So you decided to respect his boundaries and let the topic go. At least for now.
Almost a week has passed, and you didn’t call him that again.
And fuck, if Joel wasn’t dying to hear that word from you just once more.
What he felt in that millisecond in the stables was so sudden and new – this weird, fluttery feeling in his stomach when you called him ‘handsome’ – that he honestly was at a loss how to react. Yes, he panicked (he wasn’t proud of that) and then when you pointed out the traitorous blush on his cheeks… it overwhelmed him.
Avoiding you for the rest of the day was a cowardly thing to do, but he needed some time to think about his next move before he could face you again.
He screwed up, that much was obvious. Joel didn’t know how to fix it, but he did have an idea how to make you feel comfortable enough to maybe do it again. A chance for him to react accordingly this time.
So since then, he made sure to show and tell you more often how important you were to him and how much he loved you, even though he was dying of cringe at times. His efforts were rewarding, of course – your every smile, every look in his direction was considered a win and a blessing in itself – and it seemed you forgot about his freak-out from the other day.
But you didn’t try it again.
And Joel didn’t know what to do. He’d never ask anyone for advice (God forbid Tommy ever finds out how big of a deal it was to his brother), and talking it out with you seemed like the most unattainable and impossible idea in the world.
You continued calling him by his name – and he couldn’t exactly complain when his name sounded so fucking perfect in your voice – but hell if Joel didn’t wish you try something else.
It didn’t even need to be this ‘handsome’ one you used. Any stupid nickname you come up with, he’d revel in it and this time wouldn’t chicken out.
Jesus, he had it bad. It was almost pathetic.
It wasn’t a life-changing, world-moving issue, though, and Joel wasn’t spending every waking moment thinking about shit like that. There was still work needed to be done in Jackson, he and you still had your own lifes, and… days passed.
It was just over a week later, when Joel came back home from a late-night job to find you asleep in his living room, that he thought about it again.
His heart swelled with adoration when he saw your form curled up on the couch. You must’ve been waiting for his return, but neither of you expected his work to take this long.
Joel bent over and put one arm under your knees and the other wrapped around your body, grunting at the pain in his back. You inhaled sharply when he picked you up, grumbling something incoherent.
“Shh, babygirl, it’s me,” he whispered soothingly, cradling you against his chest. “I’ll put you in bed. Or do you want to go back home?”
You made a noise of disagreement and breathed him in deeply, not opening your eyes.
“You’re late,” you slurred instead of answering him, nuzzling into his chest. Joel sighed tiredly.
“I know, baby, I’m sorry,” he whispered back. “The guys needed more help at the construction site.”
“Alright,” you mumbled again. “M’just glad you’re home now, honey.”
Joel’s feet stopped moving – gradually this time, not putting you at risk of being dropped – and he took a deep breath to tether himself before continuing his way to the bedroom.
You were asleep, he told himself while he was laying you down. It would be wrong to wake you and talk about it now. It could wait. He could wait.
Joel paused, then crouched at the head of the bed where he put you down, and delicately brushed some hair out of your forehead. His face was stoic, though those thoughts raged on like a hurricane inside his mind.
He had no idea how to do this. How to talk about this.
But he knew two things – he knew that his heart belonged to you, and that he didn’t want to settle for those pet names you accidentally muttered when half-awake, all because he was too much of a coward to admit what he wanted.
“Hm?” you hummed, snuggling into his pillow.
Joel’s heart was beating so damn loud, he thought it was about to jump out of his chest. He took a grounding breath, brushing his knuckles against your cheek softly.
“Say that again,” he asked quietly in a raspy voice.
You made a face, keeping your eyes closed.
“I didn’t say anything.”
Joel swallowed hard and he was so nervous, he had to remind himself to unclench his jaw not to break all of his teeth.
Fucking Christ, he could take on the swarm of infected any day without losing his cool, so why was admitting stuff like this so damn difficult?
“Not now. Before. The…” he cleared his throat with embarrassment. His tongue felt like it was made of lead, and his face like it was shoved into a campfire, “pet name.”
That word finally got your attention. In a blink of an eye you were wide awake and lifted yourself on your elbows, rubbing your eyes. Joel almost regretted having said anything.
“Pet name?” you repeated, and then a shy, uncertain smile crept over your face. “Oh… I thought you said you didn’t like it.”
Don’t run, don’t you dare run now…
“I never said that,” he grumbled and furrowed his eyebrows, angry at himself that he made such a big deal out of it, that he had to talk about it now, a whole week later. You winced sheepishly.
“Well… Yeah, you didn’t, but the last time…” You sat up straight on the bed, rubbing your eyes again like you wanted to make sure you were entirely awake and focused for this conversation – which made Joel wishing even more that he had kept his mouth shut. “You ran off and I thought… I dunno, that…”
You shrugged, but you didn’t need to finish, for he understood how it must’ve looked.
Joel sighed heavily and put his forehead on your knee with fatigue. He felt your hands smoothing the shirt on his shoulders and back, and once again wondered what he did to ever deserve you.
“What do you say we don’t talk ‘bout this?” he proposed softly, feeling like a goddamn fool now. “Just… It felt nice. Good. And I want you to do it again… sometimes.”
“I want to talk about it, though.” You cupped his cheeks and lifted his head to look him in the eyes. A thought ran briefly through Joel’s mind about how fitting it was – he on his knees, looking up at you like the miracle you were. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, Joel. I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me.”
“What do you think?” he whispered, looking away, though your hands kept his head in place. He raised one of his own to cover your fingers with his, keeping it there. “It’s… goddammit,” he swore and closed his eyes, squeezing your hand faintly. “It’s all just kinda new for me, too,” he said at last. “As dumb as it sounds.”
You swiped your thumbs over his cheekbones. “It’s not dumb.” He didn’t say anything, and after a couple of seconds you sighed. “Okay, we don’t have to discuss it if you don’t want to. Just… maybe try to give me a sign next time,” you offered gently. “I don’t always know what’s going on in that pretty head of yours.”
You were trying to lighten the atmosphere, bless your kind heart, and the corner of his lips tugged upwards despite the turmoil in his heart.
“Darlin’, that’s what I’ve been tryin’ to do for the past week. I’m not good at talkin’ but I… shit, I don’t know, I thought that if I start callin’ you like that more, it’ll… prompt you to do the same, I guess.”
At that, your hands slid off his cheeks and your face turned blank.
“Oh,” you breathed. Joel lifted his eyebrows in question and you added hurriedly: “I thought you were doing this to… I don’t know, let me know that you feel more comfortable calling me that than getting called…”
It was Joel’s turn to look at you blankly.
“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” he whispered with disbelief clear in his voice. “I tried to somehow show you that it’s fine. Do you…” he paused when you slowly started to giggle, which soon turned into a fit of laughter at the tone of his voice. “Do you have any idea how embarrassin’ it was for me at times? And not once–”
He tried to sound accusatory, but your bright smile was too contagious and soon Joel was grinning, too. He covered the bottom part of his face with his hand, trying to regain his composure, and shook his head while muttering under his breath.
Then he felt your hands on both sides of his head again when you leaned forward and, still with that big, gorgeous smile of yours, started peppering his face in kisses. He tried to swat you away but it didn’t take long before he gave in to his fate.
After a couple of seconds of this sweet torture, you pulled back a little, leaving the tingly feeling of your lips all over his face.
“So, just to make sure. I can call you that?” you asked semi-shyly, though there was a mischievous glimmer in your eye, which made Joel smirk lopsidedly.
“Already told you, beautiful,” he murmured in a low voice, swiping his thumb across your cheekbone lovingly. “But nothin’ over-the-top, alright?”
“Alright,” you agreed, just as quietly, and then leaned in to kiss him lightly.
The suffocating coils of embarrassment in his stomach disappeared the moment you touched him. Joel decided that if suffering through those moments of vulnerability would end up with you in his arms and his lips on yours, he was able to survive them.
“Now come to bed, handsome,” you whispered against his mouth with a smile. Your voice had that downright sinful tone to it, which you knew was driving him insane. “I got cold waiting for you all alone.”
Little minx.
He gave you a smirk before crawling on top of you and scooping you in his arms. The sound of your laugh filled the room as he rolled both of you over, pulling you closer and onto his chest.
“Whatever you wish, sweetheart.”
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cherubfae · 1 month
May I request cock warming with the final fantasy boys? Specifically cloud, Zack, and noctis please!!
"soft & warm" || {final fantasy x reader}
ft. Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth, Reno, Ignis, Gladio, Noctis, & Prompto
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tags: smut, nsfw, gn!afab!reader (afab anatomy described), established relationships, comfort/gentle sex, descriptive injuries, injured!reader and injured!protective!boys, dirty talk, breeding kink, Reno is a yapper, slight dom!reader in some
a/n: some of these got really long oop!! Also I refuse to leave my BELOVED prompto out of anything so hi, hello, I've added him too! ☺️ Fun fact, I haven't played any FF games other than the og FF7 demo! I'm hoping that'll change soon and I've watched some playthroughs, know the lore decent enough, but I hope to continue writing FF content for you guys! It is one of my fave worlds that I wish to explore properly!
Your bedroom would be the only place he would feel comfortable doing this in. Comforted by the scent of you, of your blankets and pillows, the small collection of stuffed animals. Your scent caresses his troubled mind, filling him with longing; for the home he found in you.
Pretty Mako eyes glitter in the dark, shining like the night sky, as you and Cloud are drenched in pale moonlight. His gaze solely focused on your never wavered, even when had shimmied out of your sleep shorts and underwear. The second you climb back onto the bed, he's reaching for you, pulling into his lap and sealing your mouth in a soft kiss. His cock already lined up against your silken folds.
"Thought I lost you today." Came Cloud's soft admittance. "Scared the hell outta me. Need to.. I need to feel that you're real. That you're here. Please." Your warm palms cup his cheek, pulling him out of his dark thoughts. Grounding him to reality. Eagerly, he leans into your touch, embracing you tightly.
"I'm here, Cloud. I'm safe. I love you." You remind, repeating the mantra the two of you came up with when he'd get a little too lost within himself. Cloud kisses you again, cupping your jaw gently. He quietly repeats those last three words to you, barely above a whisper.
A tiny whimper leaves both of you as you sink down onto Cloud. His arms wrap around you tightly, burying his face into the side of your neck. The panicked rose and fall of his chest slowly subsided as the minutes wore on. Gently shifting your position, Cloud lays the two of you down. Your leg tossed over his hip. His protective hold remains on your ass and across your back, his fingers lightly pressed into the skin of your shoulder blades. It's only after you fall asleep in his loving embrace that he allows himself a little cry. Spending the night holding you, unable to fall asleep until the first songbird begins its morning tune.
"Are you sure this is okay, baby?" Zack's pink cheeks are bright in the dark bedroom. Though, you can't see his expression, you can, however, feel the heat radiating from his cheeks. With his face hidden in the crook of your neck, you can feel how they burn against your tepid skin. Ever so grateful that your boyfriend runs hot like a furnace. At your nod, he carefully lifts up your bandaged thigh with one strong, warm hand.
His other arm, previously wrapped around your tummy and slightly pinned beneath your body, is able to reach down between your legs and rub slowly, gentle circles around your clit until the nub becomes erect. Pushing your wet underwear to the side, you shiver at the contract between his warm fingers and the leather that conceals the rest of his hand. Spreading your folds open, you let out a pleased moan as his weeping cock rubs at your hole.
"Oh, fuck, honey. Such a pretty noise." Zack's eyelashes flutter. Slowly pushing himself inside of you, mouth dropping open into a fucked out expression. He places a pillow under your injured thigh, letting it rest against his own leg. "Fuck, baby. You're sucking me in so sweetly." He fidgets. "I promised not to move, but I can still make you cum on my cock." Lowly, he growls; his warm fingers return to your aching clit.
"Are you sure you want to warm my cock, dearest?"Sephiroth frowns, deeply. "I am certainly not opposed but I worry about your health. You took a rather nasty spill today. That vile creature breaking into our home and harming you," Sephiroth bared his teeth in a snarl.
"Are you certain? Hmm, come here then, my love." Undoing his trousers, he frees himself just enough for his tall, heavy cock to stand proud between his parted thighs.
Wrapping a protective arm around your waist, he lifts you. Rubbing his slit against your folds, collecting your juices. He smiles at your cute moan when his cockhead swipes against your clit, repeating the motion several more times. "I will go slow, my angel. Hold onto me." His grip is firm as he slowly pushes his head past your outer lips, easing his thick girth into your hole. A satisfied growl rumbles from his lips once he's fully seated inside of you. Stroking your hair, he pushes your head to rest on his shoulder. "Rest, dearest."
"Fuck! How are you still this tight...?" Reno gasps, unable to make up his mind on where to touch you first. His hands scramble from gripping your hips, to wrapping around your upper body to cradle you to him, to your breasts, to back to your hips. "You're killin' me, doll. I'm injured, take pity on me?" The redhead pouts, his lower lip jutting out. He looked more like a puppy begging for its owner's food at dinnertime rather than an supposed injured warrior. He was playing with a cool dagger and cut his finger, please take pity on him.
Seeing you glower down at him, Reno stilled, a cheeky smile reaching his face. He had disturbed you while you were working on a thick stack of paperwork, again. He can be quite the yapper when he's around you. Snapping your hips down, he gasped, bucking himself wildly into your warm cunt. Look, he's not above whining if he's in your presence.
"You're really not gonna let me move? :(" He groans at your stern stare. "I know, I know. I was a tad reckless on this last mission, I'm sorry, honey. I'll make it up to you."
"You can make it up to me by being quiet and let me work. If you're good, maybe I'll deem you worthy enough to cum inside my cunt." Holy shit. Reno has never been so fucking turned on in his life.
While he appreciates the practice in improving his healing techniques, Ignis isn't quite fond that you have become his primary companion in building said techniques. This time it was particularly gnarly and you were left with several gashes across your body from a fierce daemon attack. He had been ridiculously worried for your safety the moment he saw the creature send you flying back into the cliff side with a swipe of its beastly claws. He will be forever thankful to Noctis for being the first and closest to rush to your aid, allowing Gladio to slay the foul beast; cleaving its head from its miserable shoulders.
Helping you remove the last of your bloodied clothing, the chef clicked his tongue at your ruined, bloodied bandages already haphazardly unsticking from your chest and abdomen. Thank the gods the wounds were shallow enough to not need many stitches. Sitting at the edge of a hidden hot spring, Ignis was determined to help wash away the grime of the day now that your wounds had healed a bit more thanks to his delicious cooking.
"You worried me today, darling." Ignis spoke softly into the cool night, naked as the day he was born, barely audible above the roar of the waterfall. Not too far away, the rest of the group sleeps soundly around a warm, roaring campfire. Your pained expression made his heart ache and with a sigh, pulls you into his warm embrace. You press your nose against his neck and let out a shaky sigh. Ignis holds you a little tighter.
Easing into the pleasant warm water, Ignis wades into the shallow depths with your legs wrapped around his waist. There's a long stone, closest to the waterfall, smoothed into the vague shape of a bench over hundreds of years thanks to the minerals and magical properties of the water. Situated in his lap, your palms rest flat upon his shoulders leaning back to give him a look. Ignis smiles knowingly, unable to fight the adoring chuckle that leaves him.
"Even whilst injured you're so eager for my cock to fill you, hmm? What a tempter you are, darling. A little minx. Come here, I shall indulge a little." Always the one to treat you like glass, he softly slides his tip between your folds, pretty eyes slipping shut into a moan. He looked so pretty like this, biting his lip, and doing his best to stay quiet despite knowing that the prince loved a good show. "We are here to relax, not to fuck like rabbits--" Your slam yourself down onto his lap impatiently, cutting his monologue short. Ignis chokes out a scratchy moan, his hands shooting out to grip your hips. "No, you can't fuck me tonight, oh gods. Be good and sit still. I promise when you are healed, I'll breed you until all you can remember is my name." Ignis nipped at your earlobe in warning.
Thunder rippled across the sky, dancing in tune with flashes of white-purple lightning. Heavy rain drizzled down the windows, only allowing for blurry glimpses of the outside world beyond the glass. It was chilly. Cold enough to dive deep into your closet to bring your heavier, thicker clothing out from hiding.
Gladio stoked low flames burning in the hearth to life, still choosing to be mostly bare-chested like a sociopath in this cold weather. Still nursing a wound on his lower abdomen, he took his movements slowly. But even when injured, Gladiolus craved physical contact with you. And if you're so cold, how about you come over here and he'll help warm you up a little? ;D
"Shit, dove. Can't believe I'm already all the way in," his deep voice grumbled, partially in disbelief. His cock is impossibly thick, stretching out your cunt wide. The sight alone makes him throb and if he wasn't injured, he'd be fuckin' jackhammering you into the sofa, insatiable, like a bear that found honey.
"Usually ya need more prep to take me. Have you been thinking about little ol' me this whole time?" The playful smack you give his shoulder makes him erupt into laughter, before instant regret makes itself known, and Gladio clutches his side with a wince. "Alright, alright. Don't make me laugh, cutie. M' sorry. C'mere, I'll keep you nice and warm from this frigid weather." Pulling a blanket off the back of the sofa, Gladiolus wraps it around your shoulders and pulls you against his warm chest.
"Easy does it, you're still hurt from the fight-- I'm still hurt, too, just be- oh fuck," Noctis whined, bordering on a whimper, "--Careful--," The gasp he let out is sinful. His head falls back against his mass of soft, plush pillows supporting his head and upper body. Your walls pulse and throb around his weeping length, a deliciously slick noise echoing through his room as you sink down completely on his length.
Fighting through every instinct to buck himself into you, Noctis's hands find purchase on your hips. He breathes in deep, shallow gasps, stuttering and with a bit of drool. The sight alone is a heavenly gift from the Six. You throb deliciously around his cock, already collecting slick at the base. Sticky strings drip down your folds, clinging to his pubic bone as he not so subtly sleepily grinds himself into you.
What could be more poetic and a clear sign that you and your boyfriend are soulmates than both of you getting bucked off of chocobos and suffering several semi-serious injuries of varied assortment? The tumble was enough to whiplash you two and were then forced by Ignis to stay at the hotel while he, Gladio, and Noctis were to go retrieve supplies in town for dinner tonight. Ignis already planned to have a stern talk with the vendors they'd rented the chocobos from.
To say the chef was perturbed was an understatement. Giving you what he called 'faulty skittish birds'. You and Prompto hadn't done anything to warrant getting tossed off your mounts. It had been a chain reaction. His had been startled first, kicking him off and yours, who had been directly behind his, followed suit. You hadn't noticed much at first until the pain burning beneath your skin grew and spread like wildfire from your wrist up to your shoulder. A broken wrist. Asphalt burned your palms and knees, completely scraped up and throbbing. The small pinpricks of red blood that surfaced from your abrasions were the only thing cooling down the heated, throbbing flesh of your new layer of skin now exposed. Your right knee had been scraped and banged up pretty good, with your ankle most likely twisted.
Prompto had fully broken his arm, being confined to a flimsy cloth brace while his arm remained in his cast-- he was just relieved it wasn't his dominant hand. So he could still take pictures without worry. His pretty freckled skin was also littered with scrapes and bruises.
"Just give me your list of what you need. I shall purchase them if I see them. We'll buy you two some desserts if we come across something especially delicious." Ignis promised, leaving with the boys not long after, Gladio giving a teasing wave as they left. They would definitely be gone for at least a couple hours.
Turning to look at Prompto, he gives you a bright smile managing a tiny thumbs up with his broken arm. The small scratches marring his freckled face make your heart ache. Today could've gone much worse than it did. You were thankful the worst was only broken bones.
"I know something I'd like for dessert." Prompto spoke aloud. His purple-blue eyes squinted into slivers as he grinned cheekily; a tiny flush of pink crossing his face. "We've got a bit of time. Think I could tempt you to hop on a different mount?" He giggled at his own joke, wiggling his eyebrows.
"What if I want to say yes to that ride?" You smirk at him, Prompto immediately going silent with flushed cheeks. He was good at fishing out flirtatious comments when it came to you, even after all these years together, but still wasn't able to handle them being given right back to him. Instantly he's scooting himself to rest his back against the headboard. He struggles with his belt buckle, wiggling down his jeans far enough to pull his cock out. Already dripping precum down his shaft.
It takes a bit of maneuvering, with the both of you dealing with broken limbs, each one on the opposite side. Prompto steadies you to the best of his ability, pushing your hips down onto his cock fully. His Adam's apple bobs in his throat, held tilting back as you cover his neck in little kisses.
"Missed how warm you are, pretty. It feels like it's been forever." Prompto pants, half-lidded and oh so smiley. "Guys are always getting in the way, not lettin' me have any alone time with you. Wrap your arms around my shoulders. Need'ta touch you." He groaned.
Doing your best to avoid any bruises, you do as he says. Pressing his thumb to your clit, you gasp loudly. Prompto is quick to pull you into a firm kiss, stroking your clit with messy circles. Very thankful to have the shoddy motel room to yourselves.
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|| please don't repost, reuse, or edit my works in any way! I do not give permission. Tumblr is the only site where I post. All characters belong to their rightful owner and the story belongs to me © CHERUBFAE 2024 ||
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charlottecutepie · 7 months
𐙚 How was your date, doll? (William Afton x fem!reader)
In honor of reaching >200 followers, this is a little gift from me <3 thanks for your feedback, comments and reblogs, it means a lot to me!!
After a bad date, your boss William Affon is more than glad to help you.
tags: nsfw, smut, fingering, squirting, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, public sex, pet names, doggy style, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, degrading and praising, dirty talk, dumbification, sir kink, manipulations, secret filming
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You have been working for William not so long ago, but you have already become his most beloved employee. He treats you in a special way, even forgiving you for being late. He likes to hand you a cup of coffee in the morning when he sees his beloved girl yawning adorably, still sleepy on the morning shift. He likes to stroke your hair gently at the end of the day, thanking you for your work. He truly appreciates you.
He has been watching you for a long time, noting your habits, your communication style, your gestures. You're so friendly, even already found friends in the team. William saw that many people liked you, visitors and colleagues, of course, such a good and smiling doll. He often wondered if his lovely girl had a boyfriend. Most likely, yes? You're so pretty and sweet, your eyes, lips, nose, everything is so beautiful about you, of course you have a boyfriend. William must be an idiot if he even allowed the idea that his girl was single.
But there was still hope, so he decided to test the water.
“You look so tired, doll. How about I give you a ride to your house?” he killed two birds with one stone. A pet name and ride offer. How will his baby react? William is holding himself together, nothing superfluous, right? It's just goodwill. You're so tired, barely standing on your feet.
“That's so sweet of you, Mr. Afton,” you look at him in surprise and the corners of your lips rise. “yeah, please, I'm so exhausted and my feet hurt.” It's the first time you've got in his car. Doubts crept into William's mind, if you had a boyfriend, you'd turn him down, right?
It's so interesting to talk to you, you're a good listener, and William has a lot to tell you, and at the same time ask you a couple of questions while you're sleepy. Just to make sure that his girl isn't in a relationship.
As he drops you off at your house, William tries his best to look casual. “Goodnight, doll,” he whispers softly, gently stroking a lock of your hair behind your ear. And here's another action that you didn't reject. If you had a boyfriend, you wouldn't let other man touch you like that, would you?
More time has passed, and with it more names have been added to you, more touches, more glances from Mr. Afton. You got along pretty well, William always found an approach to people. However his affection for you only grows stronger, but your personal life is changing too, just yesterday one person invited you on a date. If only William knew.
He's suspicious; something about your demeanor today isn't quite right. You're obviously acting more cheerful than usual, wearing makeup for the first time he's seen you which somehow makes you even more beautiful. You whisper to your friends, giggle softly, covering your mouth with your hand, a slight blush on your cheeks. Who are you talking about? William's gut tells him there's something different about his beloved girl today. What are you hiding?
“Mr. Afton?” his thoughts and assumptions are interrupted by your voice, he adjusts his glasses, slightly lost, he clearly wasn't listening to what you asked him a minute ago. He politely asks you to repeat it. “Uhm. . . I was wondering if I could leave early today?”
William raises an eyebrow thoughtfully. “Why exactly? Work isn't over yet.” a small smile tugs at his lips. “Unless there's some emergency. . .”
“It's just that I have an important meeting today.” your palms sweating slightly and your voice doesn't sound as confident as you want.
He raises his eyebrows, an amused gleam in his eyes. “A meeting, huh? Sounds interesting. Who is it with?”
And that's when you can no longer fight the feeling that you're lying to a person who trusts you a lot. Your excitement is becoming more noticeable and William already understands that this isn't an ordinary meeting. He's not stupid, but his jealous nature didn't want to believe to the last that you'd sooner or later find someone. And that's when he hears from his sweet girl, “I'm going on a date, sir,” fuck, the way you say it in such happy and naive tone, as if yourself can't fully realize it yet.
He doesn't want to let you go, he hates the idea of someone touching his beloved girl, kissing your lips, having. . . sex with you?
But everything changes the very next day, when you appear at work with your head down, your sweet face is tinged with sadness. You're distracted, silent, thoughtful.
“How was your date, doll?” a question when you don't expect it at all. The shift was already coming to an end, and you, all confused in your thoughts, didn't even notice. You give him a sad look, hoping that he'll read the answer in your eyes. But William still looks worried, even though he knows what happened, he needs his girl to admit it.
You look around. “I don't really want to talk about it.” you mumble.
You're just shy because you don't want anyone else to hear, William knows. That's why he leans towards you, too close. “Let's go to my office.” he offers, his voice tempting.
When you find yourself in his office, he closes the door behind you and sits down on a small couch in the corner, beckoning you to join him. You feel a little stiff and insecure, but as soon as you sit down next to Mr. Afton, your anxiety evaporates, and you feel a bit better. You trust him very much, you really need to hear a second opinion, especially from such a mature and experienced person as William Afton, who, although divorced, was married anyway. It's hard to hide your emotions, especially when you're new to this experience and relationships overall, when it's your first kisses, touches, hugs.
That's when he looks so sympathetic, interested in helping you and says, “Tell me what happened.” you obediently blurt out everything. You explain to him, your voice quiet and sometimes you're silent, as if afraid to say too much. You tell William everything, how your date started out sweet, romantic, how good it was in the beginning, and then when he started touching you, kissing not only your lips, but also your neck and collarbone, you stopped liking it. It became unbearable, uncomfortable, you didn't want this person, you felt no desire. It's an inexplicable feeling that you've experienced. And in some way, you even blame yourself for rejecting your so called boyfriend.
“I was lost, so I let him touch me. I knew that sooner or later we would go further, but for some reason I didn't want to do this with. . .” you pause thoughtfully. “him.”
“Did he touch you here?” William puts his hand on your thigh. You shudder, such a strange question that you definitely never expected. But trusting William, you think that's the way it should be and nod. “Was it unpleasant or uncomfortable?”
“I didn't feel anything,” you shrug helplessly. “and then it felt like he didn't understand my signal and started kissing me more aggressively, it was too much for me.”
“It's completely normal to feel this way,” William explains, stroking your thigh. “Some people just can't be physically attracted to certain partners. It's not a reflection on you. The important thing is that you listen to your own body and emotions, if something doesn't feel right, trust yourself enough to speak up.” he's trying to ease your discomfort, as he talks, his fingers move slowly higher on your leg, gradually reaching closer to a forbidden zone.
You get goosebumps, immediately there's a feeling of warmth that spreads nicely through your body, such an acute reaction to William's touch, something that you never experienced with your boyfriend.
You're his naive little bunny, so trusting, sweet, blinded, yet curious about his opinion, craving his advice and help, support. “Your body knows what it wants, princess. You felt weird because your gut told you he wasn't the right one to satisfy you. On a subconscious level, you realized that he's not the person you would like to give yourself to. You need someone who understands your body. Someone capable enough to pleasure you, doll.”
William notices something much more than just guilt in your eyes, something sparking in them. That's when he catches your gaze on his lips, your eyes dreamy, as if you're not listening to him at all.
“I can give you that, darling. You deserve to be satisfied fully, someone who knows what they're doing and won't disappoint you.” you contemplating his words, comparing him to your boyfriend; William seems more understanding, experienced and dominant than any man you knew. “because I'm well aware of how to pleasure a girl like you.”
You don't pull away and let William kiss you, his hand squeezes your thigh, causing you to moan softly into his mouth. This is the first time you've felt so sensitive, you gasp when finally his hand slides to your clothed pussy. Your brows furrow and you let out a sudden “ahhh” as you pull away, lips parted. William continues moving his palm all over your core, his fingers rubbing you through panties, your skirt hiking up.
“You're wet just because I kissed you, doll. Was it different with him?”
“Much different,” you breathe out. “this. . . feels better.” your pussy throbbing in anticipation as his fingers push the fabric of your panties to the side, exposing you to his hungry eyes. “Sir, i don't know if—"
“I want to help you figure this out. We're already halfway there, we've already found out that your body doesn't want him, honey. I don't want you to get upset about yourself or men, I don't want you to think that sex is something unpleasant.” he understands that his little girl still in doubt, that you're shy, your face is confused, your lips are pursed, you're afraid to make a moan, but your eyes speak for you. So pleading, so needy, begging.
His thumb caresses your sensitive bundle and you whimper, grinding subtly against his finger, wanting more of those new sensations. Your curious gaze drops lower, noticing a distinct bulge in William's pants. “He had one too when we kissed. . .”  you mutter. William gently guides your hand towards the outline of his erection through his pants.
“Of course he did,” he husks out. “It's impossible not to get hard around someone as beautiful as you.” William feels like his dick is about to explode right in his pants as your hand hesitantly starts stroking his bulge. You've never felt anything so hard before; he notices his little girl's eyes widen at the size of him, making you even wetter. “That's right, babygirl. Let your hands explore, feel just how much you affect me.”
“Has he ever made you cum, doll?”
“No, i couldn't. . .”
“Then let me take care of that.” William doesn't stop rubbing your little clit with his fingers, moving in smooth circle movements, what makes your head spin. You spread your legs wider due to overwhelming bliss, breathing heavily, your hand no longer on his bulge as you hold onto his wrist instead, as if trying to stop him or control, but not really, yourself don't know what your doing.
“Ahh— Nn, that feels weird!. . .” your body writhing beneath his touch. “S-sir, wait, wait!” you moan, he never stops stroking your wet folds.
“Just let go, babygirl, it's okay, you're supposed to feel that way.” he purrs in your ear. The sounds you're making are too loud, but beautiful for a man like William, so he doesn't give a fuck, rubbing your clit just a little bit faster to bring you to orgasm. As you cum, your body shudder uncontrollably, your hole clenching around nothing. “Such a good girl.” you bury your face in his shoulder to muffle the gasps escaping your lips, because you've never felt anything as this before.
His erection aches painfully in his pants at the sight of his girl coming in his arms. You just realize what happened. “S-sir. . . That—”
“Didn't expect you to cum that fast.” he smirks and continues stroking your sensitive clit even after your orgasm subsides, making you jolt. You feel embarrassed at this comment now. “Now that's what happens when you're in hands of experienced man, princess.”
His words and especially calm yet dominating tone of voice have your pussy throbbing with need again, your mind hazy. You blink couple of times, still trying to come to your senses, but it's so fucking hard when his hands never leave your body, caressing you, even groping you. You bat your eyelashes at him as his fingers teases your wet entrance.
“Your body didn't react that way to him, did it?”
“No. . . ” you whisper.
“That's what I thought," he hums, finally slipping one finger inside your warm, wet cunt. You immediately gasp, feeling sudden stretch, William takes a deep breath as you squeeze his finger. “such a tight little pussy. No wonder your boyfriend couldn't get you even wet.” he pumps his finger in and out of you, watching your face contorted with pleasure.
“Sir, ohh. . .”
“That's it, keep calling me that and I'll make sure to train this pussy cumming only on my cock and fingers,” he growls, adding another finger inside your already wet slit while kissing a trail along your neck. He pinches and rolls your clit between his fingers. “If it wasn’t for me, you’d be out there as a dried up little bitch who never got any satisfaction.”
“No, oh!. . .” you babble and glance at him in surprise, not expecting such degrading words, but as soon as your messy pussy clenches on his fingers, he can't help, but laugh. “Too much—”
“It's okay, bunny,” William curls his fingers up inside you, pressing on that sweet and sensitive spot that have you choking on your moans. “I'm just giving you what that prick of yours supposed to, making you squirt over my fingers, feels good, hm?” that's when he picks up a speed, finger-fucking you in fast rhythm, a small puddle forms on the couch under you.
“Waittt!. . . Ohh god, i can't! It feels so weird, sir,” there's panic in your voice as now this feeling is definitely not comparable to the previous orgasm, you sob and maintain eye contact with William, too shy to look down. He's pumping his fingers in your tight pussy, reaching deeper. “Please, wait!”
Your mouth hangs open and eyes roll back as you coat coach under you and drip on his fingers. William enjoys that cute scared and confused look on his little girl's face, he can feel the hotness of your cunt as you squirt, wet sloppy fucking filthy sounds it makes. You look absolutely hot and there's no way he's that lucky to finally have you in his hands.
“Damn it, doll, you should be grateful that I'm here teaching you how to properly fuck.” William pulls his fingers out, a satisfied smirk as he looks at the mess he created. “I bet you don't even know what an orgasm feels like until I gave it to you.”
Your eyes full with tears, body weak as you watch how William sucks his fingers clean, groaning at your heavenly taste. He manhandles you, putting you on all fours, slipping your panties off and unbuttoning your shirt to have access to your bare breasts. You don't even get what's going on, it's like your brain has leaked out through your pussy, but you love the way he behaves. That's what you needed. You press back into him and then hear the sound of his belt unbuckling, you nervous, but still glance over your shoulder with puppy eyes, lips pouty and cheeks burning. William pulls down his pants and reveals his cock.
“Tell me, princess, did the thought of his dick turn you on?“ you shake your head, he sighs. “You made a mistake, admit it, you stumbled, but you know, you're still a good girl because you came to your senses in time. You came to me, as a good girl should, that's because you know you need something better than him.” William's words make you almost cry at how true they are. In fact, you didn't like your boyfriend, you just didn't want to admit it, just was happy someone noticed you and liked you, but having a man like William around, it was hard not to succumb.
“It didn't feel right with him, as if there should have been someone other. . . Not him.” William teases his tip against your slit, rubbing sensually, you grip the couch, too desperate to finally feel him inside.
“You made the right decision, doll, you know that I'll always help you.” he tells you, while his hands carefully and gently fix your hair, all this time you feel his swollen cock runs through your folds. “It's good that you came to me, because someone else could just take advantage of you. But not me, sweetie, I'm here for you.”
“Please, sir, put it in, please—”
“You didn't beg him like that, did you?” his hands grabs your hips, squeezing the flesh hard enough to leave marks.
You shook your head, feeling a real fire igniting inside as your body doesn't obey, but begs for what it didn't receive on yesterday's date. A real good fuck.
“That's right,” he smacks your ass, pushing only tip inside of you, but that already enough to make your eyes widen and choked cry escape from your mouth. “you should feel lucky that I've taken notice of you and offered my help. Imagine if some other filthy jerk had gotten ahold of such clueless doll like you?”
“No, mr. Afton,” you're not yet able to realize what that feeling is, because you simply don't know, you're mindless, but every nerve is on edge, you're trembling with desperation. “i don't want anyone else, just you!”
“Fuck, you're so fucking hot inside, bunny,” William groans huskily as he pushes his length fully, your walls welcoming him with warmness and crazy tightness. Your knees weak, but William's hands wraps around you, not letting his precious girl fall. He leans towards you, almost pressing you into the couch, his breath on your skin. “sh, sh, babygirl, don't cry, don't cry,” he mutters in your ear while slowly starting to move. He frowns, trying not to moan loudly himself, but how can he hold back when your little pussy is so perfectly wrapped around his dick? So wet, warm and— “oh fuuuck, bunny!. . .”
You're shaking under him, mewling loudly and drooling as you cum, just from having his cock inside. Your eyes filled with sweet tears and nonstop “ohmygoood” slipping from your lips.
“You're full of surprises, dear.” William smiles and presses your head into the couch to shut you up. You can't make noise in the workplace, the most important rule. And that's when he fucks all the air and the last remnants of the brain out of you, starting to slam into your throbbing cunt. “Your taking me so well.”
William's dick presses deeper into you, your back arches. He knows what he does to you, but you don't, not yet. You swear you can feel his cock already penetrating where it's impossible, so deep in you that it begins to cause discomfort and pain. But you can't stop the madness that's going on, completely forgotten even your boyfriend's name, and what happened yesterday, as if no date ever happened. As if everything is as it should be, William Afton balls deep inside you, fucking your brains out, as it should be. All you can do is feel his cock filling you up, as it should.
“Nnggh— that feels, ohh— please!” you say through watery eyes, trying to wiggle your ass to draw him deeper into your pussy, but his grip on you is firm, so you have no choice but to just let yourself be used as a fleshlight.
Oh, poor little helpless and needy doll, William thinks. He sees how you grip the couch tighter, your glassy eyes, vision blurry, head empty, but cunt filled.
“You shouldn't have ignored your desires before.” he groans. “You're such a good girl, you deserve my dick, every fucking inch of it. I'll make you my little slut, who'll come to me at the end of the shift to have her pussy well fucked and filled with my cum. Every weekend at my place, where you can scream as loud as you want as I ruin your pussy.”
“That, nnngh— sounds so beautiful, sir.” you turn your head slightly towards William and give him the perfect view of how messy you are, dumbfounded, with silly smile on your peachy face, brows furrowed, drooling, your gaze isn't focused on him.
He thrusts roughly into you and you cry loudly when his tip reaches your cervix. He fucks you into oblivion. You're nearing your orgasm, your pussy preparing to cum one more time. William ruts deep into you, having no mercy on his girl as he lets his cock slide along your walls. The beautiful sounds your pussy squelching, your muffled cries and begs, of skin slapping filling his office.
“Yeahhh, I'll take care of you, don't you worry.” he grunts, you're breathless and limp in his arms, but when his hand travels down, his fingers finding your clit and starting to circle it, your closing your legs, shaking. “Spread them.” he commands you, but you can't really obey as your clit is way too sensitive and overstimulated. “I said spread your damn legs, doll.”
“No, no, sir, please— too sensitive, i can't!” you whine, your throat dry, but that only annoy him so he forces your legs open. His pace getting faster and his fingers rubbing on your bundle, what makes your mouth open in silent scream.
Soon his thrusts become sloppier, his dick twitching from how tight your clenching on him as if trying to milk him dry. William buries his cock deep inside you, low quiet moan leaves him as he spills his seed against your cervix, claiming you as his. Your orgasm hits you in next seconds, right after William's, what makes him laugh almost mockingly when he sees how his little doll becoming shaking mess, your hips moving in smooth circles as you cum, feeling warmth of his sperm inside you.
“Th. . . Thank you, mr. Afton.” William pulls out and his cum starts leaking of your used hole little by little.
You close your eyes and weaken, falling onto the couch fully now. Your panties on the floor, which is already stained with your juices mixed with his sperm, you don't even want to look there. No, right now you're not ashamed, not embarrassed, you just don't give a fuck, you felt so good that you won't be able to come to your senses for a long time. Even the glass of water that William handed you with big care won't bring you to reality. You're so tired that you don't even notice William turning off the camera in the corner of his office.
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myownwholewildworld · 1 month
wherever you go (a joel miller's ff) - chapter 5
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chapter 4 | series masterlist | main masterlist | chapter 6
pairing: outbreak!2003!joel x f!reader. (it's actually 2004 now)
summary: after what happened a couple of months ago, you are ready to move forward. joel? not so much. he might need a little... prodding.
warnings: 18+, mdni. internal and verbal discussions of feelings, trauma and past relationships. some jealousy (if you squint very hard). porn with plot or plot with porn (however you wanna look at it). again, absolutely filthy smut because i don’t know any better (sorry not sorry). fluff. voyeurism (you spy on joel). masturbation (f and m). oral (f and m receiving). finger sucking. unprotected piv. praise kink. sir kink. size kink. cum eating. a bit of cum play. multiple orgasms. overstimulation. squirting. dirty talk. you are very needy in this one and joel is very possessive over you. soft!dom!joel. aftercare. pet names (darlin’, sweetheart, baby, honey). i'm sure i'm forgetting something lol. reader is female, no other description given. reader is mid-late 20s, joel is 36. no use of y/n.  joel’s and reader’s pov.
a/n: hiya! first i want to thank you all for the positive feedback this series has gotten! [: i started writing this for myself mainly, and decided to post it here thinking that if a couple of people liked it, it'd make my heart happy. also, i have taken some licenses with joel's past, as neither the game nor the tv show gives many details (you'll understand what i mean). anyways! after the last chapter, our two protagonists (you!) deserve a bit of calm, peace and quiet... right? 😈 as always, thank you all for engaging. i do appreciate any comments, reblogs and/or likes you may want to leave! even asks/requests/side stories if you want to! take care lovelies <3 x
w/c: ~6.3k (sorry?).
tags (let me know if you want to be added/removed from the list pls!): @yesjazzywazzylove-blog @pedrospurplerain @missladym1981
August came around relatively quickly. Tommy had proposed you got closer to civilisation, which meant long trekking trips while the sunlight was still up. Joel agreed reluctantly, as he still thought that was dangerous. You just went along with it, letting them decide ― you didn’t really care where you ended up as long as the Millers were by your side.
Well, one of them especially.
At daytime you barely had time to yourself. However, the story was completely different at nighttime. The second you closed your eyes, snippets of what had happened two months ago flooded your memory. For the first few weeks, the nightmares were unbearable. You would wake up in the dead of night, sweaty and shaking.
And every time you woke up, Joel was by your side. He would hug you while you both laid on improvised beds, no matter how uncomfortable it was. Neither of you would talk, you would just cry in silence while your panic attack subsided ― Joel holding you throughout the whole episode. He had truly been a rock you could hold onto in the middle of a sea storm.
It got to the point where Tommy had started to realise that something was up between you two. Neither you nor Joel denied nor confirmed anything, although Tommy never asked. He would just look away when his brother would attend to you if you fell behind or would offer to do the first night shifts so Joel could be by your side at bedtime.
You were somewhat sure that Joel really cared about you. The way he would look at you… it sent shivers down your spine. The intensity in his eyes was hypnotising ― sometimes you would find yourself lost in his brown orbs, unable to look away. You also really cared about him.
You didn’t want to put a label to your feelings, mainly because you were not sure how Joel would react. You had come to understand that the man was prone to evade any topic about his feelings in general ― physical, emotional or otherwise. You could still not get him to tell you whenever he felt off. Since the blow to his head a couple of months back, Joel had been suffering with horrible headaches, to the point where he had fainted in a couple of instances.
The man was such a closed book you found out about his deceased wife the same way you knew about Sarah ― through Tommy. You assumed he had one or at least a partner at some point in time before the outbreak. The younger brother didn’t give you many details though, not that you asked either ― some wounds were better left untouched.
You liked Tommy a lot. He was a godsend ― so very different to Joel, but so similar in many ways. He was talkative and filled in long silences with stories about how they would cause mayhem at home when they were kids. You didn’t know if they were true or not, but they were entertaining nonetheless. You were under the impression that Tommy was the one who got into sticky situations and Joel was the one who had to fix them.
“I’m gonna go to the lake for a bit”, Joel told you, derailing your train of thought.
“No worries, I’ll get the fire going. Poor Tommy is always the one setting up camp”, you replied with a slight smile.
“Yeah, poor me, relegated to such unsignificant tasks”, said Tommy with a chuckle.
You smiled back and then looked in Joel’s direction. He was frowning at both of you, but quickly controlled his face expression.
“I’ll be back soon”, Joel crouched to look through his backpack, grabbing a couple of towels.
Something inside of you twisted. But you pushed the thought to the back of your head. You had already volunteered to start the fire.
You really tried to focus on the bonfire. And after a few attempts, you finally got it going. Joel had not come back yet from the lake ― it had only been ten minutes, but you were slightly worried in case he had lost consciousness again while no one was around.
“I’ll go check on him”, you told Tommy.
He looked at you with a sarcastic smile.
“Sure thing”, he replied while he started to skin a rabbit.
You rolled your eyes before you left in the direction Joel had gone.
You walked the hundred metres that separated the camp and the lake. The brothers had ensured the area was completely devoid of human existence before they decided to settle there for the night. You were now in Mark Twain National Forest, near St. Louis. You had checked out Kansas City a week ago, but both Tommy and Joel had deemed it too unsafe. So Chicago was your final destination. None of you knew what you would encounter there, but it was worth a try. The wilderness had not proven to be any safer.
Before you got to the bank of the lake, you spotted Joel in the water. He had his back towards you, your eager eyes checking out his broad shoulders, the water level up to his hips. He ran his fingers through his hair, slicking it back.
You stopped walking, somewhat mesmerised, your head slightly tilted to one side with curiosity. In the last two months, you had discovered a new side to Joel you didn’t know he had.
You guessed that what happened that night also affected him in a different way it did you. After he almost decapitated that man, you saw guilt in his eyes when he looked at you ― you still sometimes caught a glimpse of it to this day. As you found out later, that culpability was because he felt responsible for what those men did to you ― he really thought he could have done more. And he did in a sense, because for the next couple of days he hunted down every man in that group until there was no one left to hurt you. Apparently, that was not enough in his eyes, although it was in yours. But as much as you tried to explain that to him, it just wouldn’t sink in. He was so stubborn it made you go crazy sometimes.
Although Joel had been there for you emotionally, he had not touched you for the last two months. You managed to steal a few kisses from him and that was it. He had been extremely cautious with you in that respect. You were relieved he was as you tried to come to terms with what had happened, but after a few weeks it started to feel… frustrating. You were not broken and despite what he thought, you still had needs.
He suddenly looked over his right shoulder, offering you his side profile ― to you, he was gorgeous. Feeling like a child caught causing mischief, you quickly hid behind a tree. Joel looked around, eyebrows touching in confusion, but then he shook his head as if he was imagining things and proceeded to cup his hands in the water to wet his face.
You couldn’t not watch. You instantly realised that was the first time you saw him naked. The last ―and, regrettably, the only― time you two had sex, he was fully clothed. There was something very intimate about seeing him washing up.
You were so transfixed on the picture in front of you it was like the world had disappeared around you. Joel rubbed his skin with a hand towel ― his strong arms, his chest, his back, his lower stomach… Your breath quickened a bit, your heart picking up a pace. Everything about him invited you in ― it wasn’t only his rugged appearance that appealed to you, but also his character.
You started to feel hot. Had the temperature suddenly gone up? It seemed like it. Joel put the hand towel on his left shoulder. When you saw his right hand disappear below the water in front of him, your mouth went dry wishing it was your hand. You wanted to help him clean his manhood so badly ― memories of his delightful cock rocking you into a trance short-circuited your brain.
Before you could stop yourself, you placed one hand on your belly, biting your bottom lip. You finally gave in to temptation, pushing past the edge of your panties. You dipped two fingers in your slit, doing circular movements around your clit. Your eyes, albeit halfway closed in pleasure, could not leave Joel as he kept on freshening up. You pushed down your fingers a bit more, sliding one of them in your needy hole.
You closed your eyes, a half-smile showing on the corner of your lips. That felt so good. If Joel was going to do nothing about it ― fine, you would. Still behind the tree, out of sight, you held on to the bark with your free hand, upping the rhythm of your wet fingers, your thumb rubbing that tight knot in your fold. Then you slightly opened your eyes again ― you wanted to stare at Joel while you came.
But he wasn’t there anymore. You frowned, confused, but you were too busy to worry about that right now. So you closed your eyes again to fully focus on the task at hand. You leaned your forehead against the tree, feeling your orgasm wash over you with intensity. You pressed your lips, suppressing a moan as to not alert Joel of your presence.
“Am I interrupting?”, his soft voice forced you to glance in his direction with starry eyes.
He was on your righthand side, just half a metre away from you. Entirely naked in all his glory, an erection creeping up on him. You were speechless, partially because you had been caught spying on him and partially because you were still feeling the last remnants of your climax, your inner walls crying for something to choke.
“I―I…”, you really tried to excuse yourself, but your voice faltered when your eyes checked him out from top to bottom.
His body was chiselled, his muscles somewhat defined, especially around his waist. He had a pronounced V line with a hairy, happy trail which you avidly followed with your eyes until you were gifted with the sight of his veiny cock. You unconsciously licked your bottom lip.
Your fingers were still dunked in your warm pussy. Joel grabbed your wrist and took your hand out of your underwear, raising it to eye level. Your digits were sticky, covered in your own cum. You should feel ashamed, but you definitely didn’t. Not with him. Joel looked into your eyes, and, without breaking visual contact, he brought your slick fingers closer to his face. With no hesitation, he opened his mouth and pushed them into it, licking them clean. You felt your cunt gushing, eyelids half closed. You could have easily come again for him, but he released your fingers far too quickly for your liking.
“You naughty girl”, he whispered as he pulled you from the wrist to get you closer to his chest. “You taste even better than what I imagined”.
“I didn’t think you were…”
“Aware of your presence? Always, darlin’”, he finished for you.
Your cheeks blushed when he freed your wrist and lifted your chin up. His thumb caressed your bottom lip, his mouth just an inch away from yours. You bowed to kiss him, but he backed up a little, denying you.
“Are you sure you wanna do this, sweetheart?”, he asked, you could hear the uncertainty in his voice.
You nodded vehemently.
“Yes, please, Joel, I really need to feel you, to have you fuck me senseless”, you emphasized, short-breathed.
He seemed to consider your words for longer than what was acceptable. You saw his eyes flying between yours and your lips.
“Please?”, you begged.
Your prayers might have been heard, because he leaned forward, brushing your mouth with his.
“Then go down on your knees, darlin’”, he whispered against your lips.
You silently gasped as your clit pulsed at his words. You were delighted to follow his command, and so you kneeled compliantly.
When your knees touched the grass, his cock was at eye level. You couldn’t help but marvel at the sight. His dick was as big as you remembered, the memory of it filling you up still haunted you. It was so erected now that the tip touched his belly button. Joel looked so strained you thought he had to be in pain. And you were more than willing to help him alleviate it.
You moved your hand forward, but before you could try to wrap your fingers around him, Joel stopped you.
“No, with your mouth”, was his order.
You intertwined your fingers on your lower back and inclined your heard towards him. You gazed up at him, his jawline very tense. You let your tongue out and shyly tapped his glans with the tip. Joel closed his eyes immediately and grumbled loudly as his cock twitched in front of you.
That was all you needed to spur you on. You widely opened your mouth to house his manhood and sealed your lips around the head, the tip of your tongue trying to push open the slit on his foreskin. You played with him for a bit while your jaw relaxed. Then you started to push him in further and further down your mouth, as far as you could take him. His glans pushed past your uvula, you could barely breathe, just as you had imagined a few months ago ― a dream come true. You bobbed your head back and forth, feeling him in your throat, your eyes watering. But you were still not close to have his dick entirely in your mouth ― he was so damn big.
Joel growled in ecstasy as he looked down to you. The sight of you on your knees with your mouth stuffed, bright beautiful eyes, your tongue maliciously inciting him… He just couldn’t believe how giving you were.
“Look at you with your mouth so full”, he said placing one of his hands under your chin. He could feel his own cock expanding your throat. “You look so damn pretty, baby”.
You leaned back a bit, releasing most of his erection except for the tip. With the help of one hand you started pumping his shaft, the other gently massaging his balls. Joel eyed you intensely while you ate him up like a lollypop. His salty flavour inundated all your senses, your eyes pinned on his.
His fingers clenched in frustration.
“Shit, stop, I’m gonna come”, he mumbled as he pushed back to free his dick from your wicked lips.
No way in hell, you thought. He was not about to deny you that. You had been thinking about this moment for fucking months, you wouldn’t let him take that pleasure away from you.
You grasped him by his ass, your palms firmly pressing on his buttocks to take his cock even deeper. You then gave him head as best as you knew how, fastening the rhythm when you felt the pulsation coming from him.
“Fuck, baby―”, he moaned your name as he came in your hot, wet cavity.
You felt his spent hit the back of your throat. It was so tangy and musky. You swallowed all of it. Ah, delicious, you thought gleefully. You let go of his ass and released his dick from the prison of your lips.
You placed the palms of your hands on your knees, still on the ground, and glanced up at him innocently with a sweet smile painting your face. You then opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out to show Joel you had eaten all his cum ― a bridge of spit connecting the tip of your tongue to his glans.
He dropped one hand to break off the arch of saliva between you and him with his index, and fed it to you ― you gladly accepted, sucking his finger clean.
“Did I do good, sir?”, you asked with a small voice, looking for praise.
“Good? You did fucking splendid, sweetheart”, you beamed with the compliment and got up to your feet when he offered you a hand.
He took your hand, walking behind him as he headed towards the lake. He turned around to face you and kissed you slowly, his tongue caressing your palate. He then took a step back. The sun was setting on his back, the orange and red lighting reflecting off the waterbed. His brown eyes, bearded jaw, hooked nose, his hair curling at the nape of his neck… He looked like a roman God ― Mars, you thought. Joel looked like a man about to fight for his life and yours on the battlefield.
He sat down on a massive flat rock one metre away from the bank of the lake, which was approximately two metres wide in both directions.
“Now undress for me, baby”, he instructed.
You did not hesitate ― all your clothing fell to your feet, piece by piece, while Joel eagerly watched the show you put on. He wetted his bottom lip while he readjusted his cock on his lap. You stood there with dreamy eyes, awaiting. He motioned one hand towards the rock he was sat on, an invitation for you to join him.
Once you were sat on his right, he placed his left hand around the front of your neck ― a very slight touch that forced you to flatten your back against the rock while he positioned himself on top of you. He bit your chin while his left hand put a sweet amount of pressure on your throat. You could tell he was controlling himself.
“My turn”, he whispered, coming off you.
He got off the rock, kneeling on the ground in front of you. You put your elbows down on the rock to lift your torso and be able to look at him, your knees bent, the sole of your feet against the cold surface of the rocky platform. Joel grabbed you by the hips and scooted your ass over to the edge of the rock. Your legs were firmly pressed against each other, trying to hide your quivering cunt ― suddenly you felt shy.
“Spread your legs open for me, darlin’, lemme see”, he commended you with his hands on your knees.
You couldn’t say no to him, you didn’t want to. So you obeyed, dropping your legs to the sides, offering him your dripping fold. He traced your slit with his index, and you moaned.
“You’re so fucking wet already. So receptive, aren’t you?”, he asked looking at you dead in the eye, his finger sinking in between your legs, looking for the entrance. “Who gets your pussy so wet?”, he pushed his fingertip in your hole, and you groaned loudly. “Who, darlin’? Use your words”.
“You, only you, sir”, you gasped.
“This is mine”. He pushed in the second phalange.
You closed your eyes, trying to control your breathing.
“All yours, yes”.
His finger got completely sucked in down to his knuckle, stroking your g-spot. You harshly pressed your lips.
“Exactly, don’t you dare forget that”, his tone was so serious you looked at him enigmatically, not really understanding where that sudden possessiveness came from, but you loved every bit of it. And you were more than happy to put his doubts to rest.
You nodded frantically.
“I would never, sir, I swear my pussy is all yours”, you really meant it.
“As it should be”, he added a second finger as he leaned forward and kissed your mound.
You sighed, eyes teary, and flattened your back against the rock again, as Joel made out with the fatty skin above your clit. He introduced a third finger, all of them rubbing your anterior wall. Then his mouth dropped and sucked in your clit. Your knees trembled while you held both of your breasts, playing with your nipples and biting down your lip to stop your wanton screams. He insisted with his kissing until your wet cunt started fluttering around his fingers, a clear tell you were about to come. He stroked your clit with his teeth, very lightly, sending shivers up your spine. Your legs pressed against his head, tension building up. And then, finally, sweet release. You came so hard on his mouth, and he drank it all.
He unburied his head from in between your legs and glanced at you with a sufficient smile.
“You taste even better directly from your creamy cunt, baby”, you were glad he was so talkative during sex, especially if it was to praise you.
Joel placed the palm of his hand over your mound, his fingers covering your damp pussy, and rubbed with just the right amount of friction. You exhaled slowly.
“I’m gonna make you come again”, he promised.
You pursed your lips, your cunt palpitating at the prospect.
“I don’t know if I can―”, you uttered under your breath.
He raised an eyebrow, almost as if he was offended. Joel grabbed your thighs and pulled towards him; the back of your knees placed on his shoulders.
“Don’t doubt me, of course you can. I said I’ll make you”, his mouth was so close to your moist pussy you felt his cool breath on your damp skin.
You whimpered when his tongue swept your entire slit unhurriedly, from your perineum to your clit, his hand climbing up your body to squeeze one of your breasts firmly. Joel repeated that move a few times ― and your brain chemistry would be changed forever after that. He briefly pinched your nipple while he paid special attention to the core of your pleasure. Joel smothered your clit with his lips ― you closed your eyes while placing a hand over his on your boob.
Joel’s tongue stopped torturing you for a second. He nudged your clit with the tip of his hooked nose and then inhaled your sweet smell. That scent was making him go wild with lust to the point where he started fisting his cock, the tip already leaking with precum. He flattened his tongue against your swollen lips, wiggling it through the slit to touch your needy hole. He could not believe you were this wet for him ― if he had the chance, he would drink from your seeping fold every single day. This was how ambrosia tasted like ― he was damn sure of it.
He placed his hands to each side of your puffy flaps to spread your pussy open, while the tip of his tongue slipped inside of you. Your free hand flew to his head, fisting a handful of hair. Your toes clenched as he started to fuck your hole with his tongue. You felt your whole uterus contracting so hard it was almost painful. Your cum started to ooze out as a new orgasm hit you with full force, yelling his name. Joel did not waste any of it, licking it off you shamelessly.
What just happened ― that felt like sin, the most beautiful sin you had ever experienced. Your breathing was so irregular you thought you were going to have a heart attack. Then you heard Joel snickering as he got back up to his feet.
“See? Told ya”, he said smugly as you placed the elbows on the rock to lift your chest and glance at him.
He was jerking off, his cock ready for you again. You sat back up and leaned forward, your hands on his muscular thighs as you kissed the slippery tip, the shaft, then his balls. You showered pecks all over his manhood, worshipping it.
“S-sorry, sir, can I ask? Is your cock only mine? P-please?”, you asked in between smooches, almost panting, looking at him with puppy eyes.
Joel’s irises were swirling with desire, his hips slightly slanted forward towards your mouth, his dick visibly spasming while he caressed your cheek.
“All yours, yes”, he replicated your exact words, your heart fluttering with contempt.
You smiled at him before licking his testicles again ― your hand pushing his shaft against his lower belly to give you better access. Your eyes never abandoned his as your saliva covered his soft ball sacks.
This time he did step back, and you let him.
“I need you inside me, please”, you murmured.
His jaw was so tight he didn’t dare to speak. Joel could feel his heartbeat on his cock, all because of you and your wanton mouth. You looked so damn beautiful ― on your knees, staring at him through your eyelashes, patiently waiting. He knew you very well by now, fully conscious that as sweet as you were acting now, that was it ― an act. And he loved every bit of it. He liked the way you replied to him when sex wasn’t involved, taking no shit from anyone, your snarky remarks driving him crazy.
Joel sat down on the rock and motioned for you to join him on his lap. You joyfully obliged, sitting atop of him. Your knees to each side of his waist, your bust against his, skin to skin. Your nipples grazed his chest, becoming harder at the electric contact. He cupped both of your boobs and pushed them up, so he could kiss them tenderly. You sighed, your mouth against his ear. Still holding your breasts, he unattached his lips from your nipples to peck your chin.
“Fuck me, darlin’”.
You looked down between you two. His erection was so prominent you knew it was hurting him. And you could ease that pain for him. Heaving, you lifted your hips up and grabbed his dick. It was hard but soft at the same time, velvety, very warm and beating. So sensitive to the touch he groaned ― music to your ears. You hugged his neck with your free arm as you guided his tip to your leaking entrance.
With a sudden drop of your hips, you impaled yourself harshly ― his bollocks kissing your tumid lips. You circled your hips against his, very slowly, which made you both moan in unison. Then you raised your body, his cock slipping out completely. Holding him from the base, you came down on him sharply again.
Joel was close to losing his mind. If you did that one more time, he wasn’t going to be able to hold it for much longer. You seemed to understand that, because you started to rock your hips back and forth, up and down. He kneaded your ass, feeling your rhythm, spurring you on. His fingers squeezed the skin under them while he kissed your collarbone. His mind was completely blank ― he could only focus on your sweet pussy hugging him, choking him. His dick felt so wet, so hot, throbbing for release… You kept on riding him, your movements growing erratic as you both were close to climax.
You surrounded Joel’s neck with both arms, pressing your breasts against his handsome face, your hips flushed with his, as your cunt angrily convulsed around his erection in blissful liberation. Joel held it together while you recovered, his hands still on your ass cheeks, fingers so clutched they were close to dislocating.
“Baby, if you don’t get off, I’m―”, pain smeared his tone. He was really fighting for his life right there and then.
“Oh, sorry”, you said with a small voice, still feeling your own pleasure. You elevated your hips, so his manhood popped out with a squelching sound.
You were not going to leave him hanging, obviously. So you kneeled before him, in between his strong legs, and kissed his tip. Joel sighed loudly when you closed off your lips around him for the second time today and pumped his shaft fast and strong, milking him dry. A minute later, your throat was clogged with his spent. A drop of it trickled down the corner of your mouth.
Joel leaned forward and caught the cum off the corner of your mouth with his thumb before rubbing it on your lips. Then he kissed you wetly, devouring you. He could never have enough of you.
“Thank you, sir”, you whispered with a smile when he was done assaulting your mouth.
He just smiled back. A genuine smile, the first you had seen from him. It tugged at your heart a little.
You were still feeling restless. Although you had orgasmed four times already, your pussy lips were so inflamed you thought you were on your way down to hell. Still on your knees in front of him, you softly massaged your sensitive clit. It was burning ― you suppressed a sob as you glanced up at him, lips slightly parted.
“What is it? Is your tight pussy still gushing, sweetheart?”, he asked you, cupping your chin.
You nodded, tears of frustration blurring your vision.
“I need more, I can’t ― my pussy is on fire, sir”, you muttered, feeling sorry for yourself. You were in a heightened state of sensory overload.
“Let me help you with that then”, you almost cried of relief at his words.
You quickly got up and kneeled on top of his lap again. He slipped a hand in between your bodies to caress your core. Your flesh trembled at the touch. Suddenly you realised you desperately needed to find your own rhythm ― you didn’t have to communicate it, Joel understood it in a second. He stopped and let you do what you had to do. You placed the palm of your hands on his shoulders and started rubbing your pussy against the side of his still hand. You slid your cunt further up to his elbow, and then returned back to his wrist. Your clit greedily welcomed the tingling sensation of the hair on his forearm against your wet slit.
You kept on rocking your hips back and forth on his forearm, pressing hard against it, sliding, rubbing and causing as much friction as you could, the heat in your belly flowing down to your crotch. You buried your fingers in his wet hair and tilted his head backwards so you could rest your forehead against his. Your inner walls contracted extremely hard and then you let go, squirting plentifully for a few never-ending seconds on Joel’s forearm. Your overstimulated cunt was leaking on top of him as if someone had opened the tap of your pleasure and couldn’t close it. When the last wave of your climax abandoned you, you looked down to see how it all trickled down from his forearm onto his lap.
You closed your eyes, content, when he gently tapped your pussy a few times. You breathed in deeply, feeling completely satisfied, finally at peace. Then you pecked his lips with gratitude.
“Better now, baby?”.
“Yes, infinitely better. I―I’m sorry I made a mess”.
“Don’t you apologise for that”.
You both remained in that position for a few minutes ― his now relaxed, wet cock warmly lodged between the flaps of your still dribbling cunt. He hugged your waist to bring you closer to him, his mouth brushing yours in a moment of calmness you had not experienced with him yet.
When his lips released yours, you placed your cheek against his right shoulder, your fingertips tracing the scar on it. Silence ensued, neither of you felt the need to fill it with words.
As much as you fought against yourself, you had feelings for Joel. Although you probably didn’t know all his faces, you knew enough about him to love him. The way he would have you on your tiptoes with his sarcastic comments, his bluntness, his rudeness, the way he would snap back at you when you pressed his buttons ― but also his kindness, his caring side, his softness, how he worried about you making sure you were okay, his demanding sexual needs, the way he made you feel when his hands mapped out your skin.
But you were not sure what he thought about all of this. In some respects, his mind was inscrutable. It was part of his charming personality, you guessed. You kissed the scar on his shoulder as he buried his face in your hair, inhaling your scent.
“I love how you smell”, he murmured.
“Is that the only thing you love about me?”, you couldn’t resist, the words just slipped out of your mouth. You wished you could take them back, but it was too late for that.
Joel slightly froze in place at your question. He couldn’t deny that he had started to develop feelings for you. The way you looked at him made him want to be a better person. Although you drove him crazy sometimes, you made his days bearable, a shining beautiful light amongst so much darkness. You were his lighthouse, guiding him to shore. He just needed to learn how to surf through the violent waves before he could safely approach the coast.
Knowing how close he had been to losing you had opened his eyes to a new, unknown reality. He would literally kill for you if he had to ― he had already done it and would do it all over again without blinking. No regrets whatsoever.
But he had some unresolved trust issues when it came to romantic relationships. Joel married Sarah’s mother, Charlotte, when they were both twenty-one years old, as soon as they knew they were expecting. The first two years were very hard on them both, parenthood was not a piece of cake. Resentment had grown between them, to the point where Charlotte had accused him of robbing her of her fun years, which led her to cheat on him. They tried to salvage their marriage for the sake of Sarah, but they never did ― Charlotte died in a car accident while on a heated, angry phone call with Joel.
He locked away those thoughts ― it wasn’t the time nor the place to dwell on the past. Not when he had you with him.
“I… well, no. I love everything about you, sweetheart”, he conceded.
Your heart skipped a beat with joy. No, it wasn’t a love confession, but it was much more than what you were expecting of him. You turned your face against his neck and placed a kiss on his Adam’s apple.
“C’mon, let’s freshen up, I want to clean my mess off you, I do feel a bit bad”, you said with a chuckle.
You got off his lap, the cool breeze touching your sweaty skin. You offered him a hand, which he took, standing up behind you. Without letting go of his fingers interlaced with yours, you guided him to the water. It was cold, but you ventured inside with Joel following you. When the level was up to your waist, you turned around in Joel’s embrace.
You proceeded to wash off your cum and his off his cock, his lap, his forearm. When you were done, he kissed the top of your head. His left hand did the same to you, his fingers caressing your pussy, cleaning the proof of your shared pleasure. He did so not in a sexual way, but in a caring, intimate way. A minute later, you both disappeared beneath the water to emerge a second later, to wash off all the sweat. You found yourself in his arms again, your cheek against his chest ― you could hear his heart beating loudly but steadily.
“Joel, I―”, you didn’t know where to start. There were thoughts you had been wanting to put into words for a while now. “What happened to me sucks and I still die a bit inside when the memories come back at night. But none of it was your fault, nor mine. I do not want those bastards to win, to ruin my life. And my life with you. And I know it will take time to heal that part of me, or maybe it will never heal, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want you. I want you so badly, Joel, but what I do not want is you walking on eggshells around me. I’m not broken, I want to move forward, not get stuck in the past. Do you understand what I mean?”, you asked, your cheek still against his chest, looking up at him.
His eyes were focused on yours. His heart shrunk a bit, sharing your pain. If he could, he would take it away, all of it ― the fear, the panic attacks, the agony, the memories, the nightmares. But he couldn’t change the past. So, he nodded.
“I do, honey”, he whispered as he bowed down to place a gentle kiss on your lips.
You both stood there for a few more minutes, hugging each other in silence. Then Joel grumpily ended the embrace.
“We should get back, Tommy is going to kill us”.
You laughed because it was so true. You both got out of the lake, towelled down and got dressed. You started walking towards the campsite besides him ― your hand in his, fingers entangled. When you saw the tent and Tommy’s outline against the fire, you got ready to release his hand. But he didn’t let go when Tommy turned around to look at both of you.
You tried to hide a soft smile ― and failed.
The younger Miller noticed you holding hands but made no comment about it. But he did smile. A very wide smile.
“Well, about damn time, dinner is almost ready”, he said with amusement, pointing to the rabbit impaled with a stick roasting on top of the fire. “If you took any longer, the rabbit was going to come back to life and run away”.
“Always so theatrical, Tommy”, you chuckled.
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msgexymunson · 2 years
Kickstart My Heart Part 2
Switch!Eddie x Switch!Fem!Reader
Description: Eddie's certainly met his match. As you look to take your relationship to the next level, can you be vulnerable with him?
Warnings: NSFW, reader uses she/her pronouns, hella smut, loads of fluff, Minors DNI or I'll shove crayons up your nose, marijuana use, slight switch/kinda dom from both a bit? Fem!fingering, Fem!oral receiving, M!oral/hand job receiving for like a minute, p in v protected sex, I think that's it?
A/N: something about Eddie falling hard and fast just gets me. I'm working on a pt 3 but that will probably be it. If you want to be added to the tags let me know!
5.5k words
Masterlist Part 1 Here
Eddie's in the cafeteria, grinning to himself, being unusually quiet. Every time he closes his eyes there's an image of you ingrained on his eyelids it seems. Your frame; lacy underwear and soft skin juxtaposed against the demon like wings of your tattoo. He is well and truly smitten. It had taken him a while to sleep that night, he just couldn't stop looking at you laying in his arms. You two had spent the next day together, taking turns picking the music, sometimes making out, sometimes just chatting, until it was late and he had driven you home. Not that he had wanted to, but you insisted. He hadn't seen you since. Two whole days. It was driving him crazy. Tonight was Hellfire, he was supposed to be running the D&D club but he had no idea how he was going to focus.
"Eddie, what's up?" Dustin is waving his hand in Eddie's face, trying to get his attention. He pulls himself of out his revelry and sighs.
"Nothing big guy" and smiles a tight lipped smile, gripping Dustin by the shoulder.
"You didn't tell us, did you find her, in the end?" Dustin smiles at Eddie hopefully.
Eddie grins, his face flushing slightly "You could say that Henderson." Oh you've got no fuckin' idea buddy.
As if on cue, the door to the hall swings open and you walk in, lunch in hand. Breath catching in his throat, Eddie stares. It was hot today so you had opted for a short denim skirt, a black tank top and sneakers. You look around the room, searching, when your eyes land on him. You both look at each other, idiotic smiles on your faces, oblivious to the chaos of the lunch hall around you. Everything drops into background noise as your eyes make contact. It all seems irrelevant.
Walking over you look for a seat. Eddie manhandles Dustin, pushing him, making him move up. Dustin's visibly confused; then he looks up and sees you. "Holy shit." Then looks at Eddie. You take a seat next to him, smirking at Eddie. He's lost, looking into your face.
"You gonna introduce me or what Munson?" You chuckle.
"Fuck yes, sorry. Guys, this is y/n."
You're introduced to to group, and the chatter continues. Eddie's hand hesitantly lands on your knee. You smile, sneaking your hand under the table, and move his hand higher up your thigh. His brows raise and his eyes go wide, and you giggle.
'So boys, what's with the matching t shirts?"
As if you flicked some imaginary switch, you're bombarded with several excited teenaged voices all at once.
Eddie's voice cuts through the cacophony.
"Woah don't scare the lady!"
Dustin speaks. "It's Dungeons and Dragons, a role playing game. We're part of a club, Eddie's our Dungeon Master, it's so awesome." You smile at Dustin, genuinely pleased. He even plays D&D, now that's something. You hadn't brought it up before, thinking Eddie might think you're a nerd, but you loved that fantasy game. It gave you an escape.
As you were eating your lunch, Dustin was speaking with Mike, saying how they needed to defeat Vecna.
"And how you gonna manage that, what you got the sword of Kas or something?" You smile sweetly, with as much innocence that you can muster.
"You play D&D??" Both Eddie and Dustin exclaim. Jaws around the table drop.
"Play it? I ran it. Was a DM myself in Chicago before I came back to Hawkins."
Eddie's hand grips your thigh as he looks at you. "You're... you're fucking perfect."  He can't take his eyes off you, huge doe eyes blinking at you.
"God get a room!" says Dustin.
Mike rolls his eyes. "I told you, she's basically you!"
You both laugh at that. You lean over to Eddie and whisper in his ear, "fancy a smoke Dungeon Master?" He almost whimpers and immediately gets up, dragging you up by the wrist, and you both tear out of the cafeteria together, giggling as you run.
Almost jogging out of the hall, you run over to the bench that's hidden in the woods. Eddie chases you, grappling you as you laugh. When he catches you he suddenly lifts you up in the air by the waist and pretends to bite at your stomach. giggling and squealing you try to wiggle free. He sets you down on the bench, his bites turning into kisses, palms pressing into your sides. 
"Where were you yesterday, I missed you."
"Its been like, one day!"
"Two days!" He pouts, then pulls you in for a kiss. You press your lips against his, all of a sudden feeling light headed. Pulling away you attempt to compose yourself.
"Ok two days! Sorry, I had detention at lunch. Something about a shoe connecting to a certain face?"
Eddie kisses you again, his lips moving to your neck. "Jesus princess, you really are like me."
You laugh at that, but your laugh turns into a moan when he starts biting and sucking at your neck.
"Your fault princess." He says into your collarbone, in between nips. "You go around calling me dungeon master."
"Oh, did you like that, master?"
"Mmph" Eddie makes a sound into your neck, hands falling to your thighs, his thumbs rubbing soft circles onto your skin.
"And this skirt, I mean, what's a guy to do?" He continues to rub at your thighs, thumbs massaging you.
"Oh that feels good baby." You tilt your head back, enjoying the feel of his fingers on you so much you're partially grinding into the table. I wish the bench was his thigh.
"Carry on like that and I wont be able to control myself." He says hotly.
Rubbing higher, one of his hands reaches under your skirt. "Tell me to stop." He stares at you with a serious face, all joking forgotten.
You lean forward at his touch, realising how much you missed it, chasing it.
"No. I want you to touch me Eddie." He smiles at you, a dark glint in his eye.
He moves his hand higher, stroking your pussy through your panties making you groan. The pressure that builds in your stomach is almost comical; no ones ever made you feel this good this fast.
"Really princess, at lunch, at school? Filthy girl." He gives you a lopsided smile.
"Eddie... oh fuck." His thumb rubs on your clothed clit, tracing lazy circles.
His fingers run down the hem of your underwear, stroking your bare skin. Your breath quickens; you feel a pulse deep inside your cunt, crying out for his touch. His fingers graze your bare clit and you moan out loud, clinging onto his shoulders.
Eddie is enjoying every second of this, staring at you, drinking in every sound you make. This is what he's wanted to feel ever since he saw your face. His hand moves your panties out of the way and starts rubbing at your bare clit. You moan with pleasure at the naked touch, your back arching, tingles running all over your body. Pressing a finger to your entrance, he smirks at your sudden intake in breath. It pushes in. You're so wet his finger glides right in to the hilt, grazing your g spot. You gasp, feeling the warmth of his hand, and the cold of his ring touching you as he pushes his finger all the way in.
"Eddie!" You moan, rocking into him.
"Easy princess, I've got you." He whispers into your ear. You reach out, kissing his neck, running your hands into his hair. It's so soft under your curling fingers. You grip into him, riding his touch. He pushes another finger in to the hilt, curling into you. The feeling is electrifying. You moan in response "fuck yes Eddie right there!"
He chuckles, almost mocking you. "Kay, sweetheart, right here?" He curls his fingers into you, faster, harder. Arching your back you quiver in his grasp, the amazing feeling pacing through your every nerve. His thumb reaches out and touches your clit and you become putty in one of Eddie's hands. You can't help but think, this is just one hand, imagine what the rest of him can do?
The pressure is building, you rock into his fingers, feeling your climax begin.
"Eddie I'm gonna, oh fuck..."
"Cum for me baby." You feel his hot breath on your neck, his command driving through you.
You tense up and the feeling explodes out of you in a loud moan, head snapping back, toes curling. The heat pours out of you, its palpable, coming hard around his fingers. The squeeze is immense. You feel your wetness squirt out, coating him, soaking him. He keeps curling into you with his digits gently, coaxing your orgasm out as long as he can. You sit there, breathless, unable to move, coming down from the amazing feeling. Steadying your breathing you gaze at him. There's a look emanating from him that you can't quite place, a sparkle in his eyes.
"Fucking hell Eddie!" You moan breathlessly.
He grins at you, pulling his fingers out. The feeling drags against your insides, making you bite your lip. You pull him in for a kiss.
"You're a filthy girl, you know that?" He smirks, damn pleased with himself.
"I-I mean, fuck Eddie, that was... wow." You grab at him, pawing at him, taken away by the moment.
Holding your jaw, he looks deep into your eyes. His nose nuzzles yours. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." You admit, smiling at him, hand stroking his neck.
"I think I'm falling in love with you." He stares into your eyes, all mockery forgotten.
"Fuck off." Laughing at him, you push him in the chest. Deflecting.
"I'm serious!" Almost offended, he grabs your hip and kisses you on the cheek.
"Eddie...." you don't know what to say. No one ever wants you. Ever.
"Its ok, you don't have to say anything just... just be mine, ok?"
"What, be your girlfriend?" A lump pushes into your throat.
"Yes, please?" He looks at you, pleading, staring at you with puppy dog eyes. Some resolve inside you melts, never to return. A wall that you had built up had dissolved with those two words.
"Well, I suppose. If you want me." You say back. Please want me.
"Of course I want you, look at you! You're incredible." He kisses your neck again, leaving marks in his wake.
"Eddie, I... just not used to anyone, wanting me." You mumble. You aren't, its true.
Eddie holds your hands in his, eyes making contact with yours. "You are perfect, and beautiful, and just incredible sweetheart, why wouldn't I want you?" His eyes bare into your soul.
You grin, a flush rushing to your cheeks.
The bell rings in the distance. A reminder of real life; one you would both rather forget right now. "We better go baby unless you want to be kept back another year."
"Ok princess." He presses a hot kiss into your mouth, sending shivers down your spine "One for the road!" He winks.
It was Friday evening and you were so excited to see Eddie; in every thought of yours he was ransacking your brain. He had invited you to Hellfire earlier in the week, but he was so close to the end of the campaign, you didn't want to jump in at the last minute. It wouldn't be long until a new campaign was started after all, and honestly you weren't sure about him having all the control.
He was picking you up from your house at 7pm, and you were in your room in the basement trying to decide what to wear. You did enjoy having the space to yourself, foster parents were hardly ever there, and you basically had a self contained apartment, minus a kitchen, with your own door in and out. You had told Eddie to knock at the back door since no one else was at home.
Standing there, looking down on your bed in a tartan kilt skirt and your bra, trying to decide what top to wear.
It's literally two band t shirts, why is this difficult.
You finally decide on the Poison T shirt and slip it on, tying it at the waist to accentuate your figure. Stepping over to the small shelf and precariously balanced mirror that serves as your vanity, you attend to your curls, spraying hair spray and singing along to the music you had playing. The song changed on the cassette and you hear Bad Company, Can't get Enough start to play. Smiling to your self you start to sway to it, singing along. Pretty soon you start dancing around the room, singing breathily, "well I'll take, whatever I want, and baby, I want you..." Really getting into the music, you're dancing away, oblivious to your surroundings, singing aloud as you love to do, hips swaying. "Well its late, and I want love, love that's gonna break me in two..."
"You mean that princess?"
You let out a shriek, feet nearly leaving the floor as you jump at the unexpected voice. Eddie's sitting at the top of the stairs to the basement, giggling like a kid, having sneaked in from the back door.
"Fuck Eddie, you scared the hell out of me!"
"Sorry princess " He chuckles, "but I heard singing and I had to listen. Didn't know I was gonna get a private show." He wiggles his eyebrows at you mischievously.
He stands up and walks over to you, grinning from ear to ear. You blush, realising you had been gyrating your hips in such a carefree manner, blissfully unaware of his presence for a moment. He takes your hips in his hands. You wish you could bottle the look on his face, the want in his eyes is intense, the chemistry between you palpable.
"You don't need to be embarrassed sweetheart, that was really something." He says lowly, kissing you, need written all over his features.
You almost forget you are supposed to be mad at him for coming in unannounced, enveloping yourself in the feel of him, the taste of him. You break from the kiss reluctantly, trying to tear yourself away from his magnetism.
"You should really learn to knock Munson."
"You should keep your door locked. Lots of weirdos around here." He pulls a manic face at you, tongue hanging out.
You laugh at him and kiss him again, swinging your arms around his neck. Eddie smiles at you, "so this is the princesses castle, huh? Your parents home?"
"Foster parents. No, they're out."
Eyes widening, Eddie looks at you but you look away, not quite ready for that conversation. He presses a kiss to your temple.
Breaking from your hold he walks around the room, looking at the posters on the walls, the books on your shelf, a tower of precariously balanced cassettes. He runs his hands over your meagre belongings, your life. You cant help but stare at those large hands of his, thinking about them on your ass, your thighs, your throat. A flush threatens to creep up your neck.
"So did you mean it?" Eddie asks, his face serious for a moment.
"What?" You shake yourself out of your revelry and stare at him in confusion.
"You seemed quite certain about it a minute ago, 'love that's gonna break you in two'?" He grins at you wolfishly, but there is a questioning edge to his voice.
Embarrassed, your cheeks flush again, but you smile back at him, "today might be your lucky day Munson."
Eddies face is a picture. He picks you up and spins you round, yelling excitedly. You giggle and cling to his neck.
"Well what are we waiting for?"
It was a couple of hours later and you were laying next to Eddie in his room on top of the covers, having just eaten what felt like your entire weight in pizza. Eddie was sitting up cross legged, shirtless, rolling a joint. You don't quite know how he had lost his shirt, but you certainly weren't complaining. Sneakily you were gazing up at him, looking at his lean frame, watching the muscles knot in his shoulders. Your gaze transferred to his face, that look of concentration that warmed your heart, his tongue sticking out the side of his mouth. A movie was playing, an awful horror b movie but your view was much more interesting. God, he's mesmerising.
He finishing rolling and handed it to you.
"Well what an honour good Sir!" You say back, taking the joint and putting it to your lips, motioning at Eddie to pass you the lighter. He flicks the lighter and holds the flame close, then pulls it away at the last minute. You huff at him, joint hanging from your mouth. He leans forward, and does it again! Pushing at him playfully you grab for the lighter as he holds it up in the air away from you.
"Aw come on Munson, no fair!" You jump up then and crawl in his lap, extending your arm to reach. He laughs at your feeble attempt, and you stand on the bed in front of him to grab it triumphantly and look down at Eddie.
He is not paying the slightest attention. His focus has been taken by your very short skirt at his eye level. You go to sit down again but he grabs the back of your thighs and leans into you, starting to kiss and lick. Moaning at the sensation, his hands wander up your skirt, onto your ass. He groans then. Eddie's utterly enthralled by you. Transfixed.
"You're wearing a thong, what are you doing to me sweetheart." Flipping your skirt up and cranking his neck, he tries to look at your ass.
You giggle and wiggle free, sitting on the bed cross legged in front of him, lighting the joint. "You are such a joker baby."
"And you are a tease." He smirks. A point we made. You take another drag then hand the joint to him.
Passing it back and forth, you enjoy a  comfortable silence, when he suddenly jumps up, surprising you.
"Shit I forgot. I got you a present!" He rummages through a drawer. "Here." Thrusting a small bundle of fabric at you. You open it up, intrigued. It's a Hellfire T shirt. You grin, looking at the design.
"Dustin will not shut up about you, so you have to come to the next one." He beams at you.
"That's adorable." You grin back, cheeks flushed.
"Turn it over, come on, look at the back!" He's practically bouncing.
You do. In smaller print, across the back in a cursive script, was the word Princess.
"Seriously? You are an ass." He laughs and drags you towards him for a kiss, pulling you into his lap.
"Are you trying to brand me Munson?"
He clings to your hips, enjoying the feel of you in his lap. Never want to let you go sweetheart.
"Hardly a brand, wait til I get a tattoo gun." He wiggles his eyebrows at you, "got to let everyone know your mine."
You look into his eyes and sit back a little on his legs, undoing the knot you had put in your T shirt, pulling it over your head. Your black lace bra is on display and Eddie is mesmerised, swallowing hard. Pulling the Hellfire t shirt on, you notice it's a little shorter, exposing just a sliver of midriff. You can faintly see the outline of your dark bra through the material.
"Its a little tight Eddie."
"I bet it is." He runs his finger across the exposed skin on your belly, biting his bottom lip.
"Eddie!" The grin on his features looks dipped in sin.
He leans towards you and runs his tongue where his fingers were, planting soft kisses, slowly lifting the hem of your top, planting open mouthed kisses on your midriff. His palms press into your hips and you feel the bite of his cold rings in your flesh, the feeling you've been waiting for.
He picks you up and lifts you, placing you on the bed on your back, beneath him. His head is between your legs as his hand starts rubbing up the inside of your thighs whist he is trailing kisses down your body. You moan low in your throat. Tendrils of arousal creep over your skin, blossoming from each touch from his rough hands.
Eddie groans into your legs. "Fuck, I really want to taste you sweetheart."
He looks up at you for confirmation. You smile and nod at him.
He carefully lifts up your skirt, taking in the sight of your little black panties. He gently runs his index finger down the front of them, rubbing softly. "These are pretty."
You moan back, moving your hips, trying to get more contact. You need to feel his touch desperately. He reaches under your skirt with both hands to pull your underwear down as you lift yourself up to help him. For a moment he just looks at you, taking it all in.
He moves towards you, leaning in and you feel his breath on your pussy. You nearly shake with anticipation and nerves. He plants a kiss just above, and stops.
"Is this still ok?" He looks up, searching your eyes.
You look down at him, slightly breathless, biting your lip. "Please Eddie, I want this." Eddie wishes he could take a picture and preserve the way you look forever.
You immediately feel his tongue run all the way up you then, starting to lap at your slit. You whimper at the feeling. It's so intense. He starts sucking on your clit with fervour, massaging it with his tongue.
"Holy Shit Eddie!" You cry out.
He grins into you, moving his thumb to replace his tongue, tracing patterns over you. "I've been thinking about doing this all day."
"I've never, fuck, I've never let anyone... do this before." You manage to say, enjoying the moment but embarrassed at the same time.
"Well I must be the luckiest guy in the fucking world." And he buries his face into you, licking and sucking, eating you out like you were his last meal. You're dripping wet, from your own juices as well as his tongue, you cant help but writhe on the bed, your back arching, the dirtiest moans exploding from your mouth.
He pushes two fingers into you suddenly and you gasp, your pussy clenching down on them, eager to have something inside of you. He sucks at your clit whilst he curls his fingers into your sweet spot almost immediately, and you are so overwhelmed by the glorious feeling that tears spring into your eyes.
There's no warning. You are suddenly riding your climax like an enormous wave, crying out his name, the pleasure coursing through your every vein. The only word you seem to know or want to say is his name, over and over, as if you were praying. It certainly feels like a religious experience. His fingers stay inside you, curling up to the hilt, and he's on his knees, watching you orgasm. You finally sink back down into the bed and he removes his hand from you, sitting back onto his heels, eyes shining.
Definitely falling for her.
"That ok princess?"
You manage a breathless nod, still gripping onto the pillow with your hands, pink faced and gasping.
"I could watch you cum over and over. Shit you are loud. Beautiful." he chuckles, his breath taken away by your reaction to him.
You babble something, incapable of words just yet. He grins at his handiwork and wipes his mouth, reaching over for the half a joint in the ashtray. He takes a hit and puts it to your lips. You take a long toke, hold it in, then breathe out.
"That's my girl. You want another one?" You still cant speak, just nod feebly and pucker your mouth. He laughs and puts the joint back in and let's you take another hit.
After a few minutes you manage to sit up a bit. He's smiling smugly at you.
"I don't think I've ever cum that hard in all my life." You say to him truthfully. He beams at you, so proud of himself, and lays next to you, cuddling you. He looks at you, brow furrowed, like he has something on his mind.
"You know you said you hadn't done that before... are you...." the question lingers in the air.
"No. I'm not a virgin if that's what you mean."
"Oh, ok, just skipped a step?"
"Yes. No. I mean, it's just, that is really..   intimate."
"And fucking isn't?"
You giggle at that. "Not in the same way. Going down on me, I don't know it just makes me feel, vulnerable. It's intimate in a different way, you know?"
"I can understand that." He nuzzles into your shoulder.
You turn to him and start undoing his belt and pulling his jeans off. He kicks them off his feet like they offend him and you feel his bulge through his boxers whilst you are kissing at his neck.
"You're really hard."
"You're really pretty."
Smiling, he pulls your top off, then your skirt. Unwrapping you slowly, like you are a gift. He holds you close, undoing your bra. It falls away, leaving you naked in his arms. You look up at him through your lashes, suddenly feeling shy. He lifts your chin and stares into your eyes. "You are really pretty. You look incredible right now." He kisses you full on the lips. Eddie's looking at you, his heart brimming. Is this even happening Munson?
"You're the pretty one, my pretty boy." You stroke his face. He beams at you.
'Ya think so?"
"Yep, super pretty."
You kiss him back, a long lingering kiss. Could this feeling go on forever? He strokes your hair and pulls you in tighter. You could stay like this for hours, held in his arms, the world around you melting away, insignificant compared to his touch. He runs his hands over you, stroking your skin, making your hairs stand on end.
Starting to kiss his neck, you leave little kitten licks, and move your way to his earlobe. You take it into your teeth and bite it gently, one hand tugging at his hair. He groans at that, leaning his head back, reaching to your exposed breast, tentatively rubbing your nipple.
"Oh fuck, Eddie," You run your hand slowly down his naked torso, lightly scratching with your nails, making your way to the band of his boxers. Your other hand scouts into his hair, entwining into his locks.
"Seems unfair, why aren't you naked?" You whisper in his ear.
"Because I'm clearly an idiot" he says to you, and pulls the boxers off in one swift motion, clearly very eager. You giggle, until you look down, frozen.
"Eddie, that's... impressive." You say to him, taking his dick into your hand, feeling the sheer girth of the thing. Its smooth, and rock solid. You can see the veins throbbing. You roll it into your hand slowly, rubbing lazily over it, examining it, unaware that he is unravelling underneath your careless touch.
"Fuck princess... I- fuck."
You look up and see his face, head tipped back in bliss, mouth open. Without thinking, You lean forward and take the tip of his cock into your mouth, running your tongue around in circles.
"Princess holy shit you're gonna kill me!" You laugh as he pulls you away, his stomach muscles clenching. "Seriously if you do that I'm just gonna cum right now." He looks at you hungrily, as if you were a meal for him to devour.
"Now that would be a damn shame. Do you have a condom?"
"Of course Milady, can't have you riding the knight without your steed!"
"Oh my God you nerd!"
You giggle as he jumps up and grabs them from his bedside, ripping one open with his teeth. He takes it out and rolls it down his length, rubbing it a couple of times.
"Lie back princess."
You snort and push him against the headboard.
"I thought you said I was riding? You lie back." And before he can say a word you're straddling him, his thighs between your legs. You hold his length and spit on it, rubbing your makeshift lube over his dick.
"Fuck that's filthy sweetheart." Eddie doesn't think he's ever been so turned on in his life.
Cockily you smile at him, moving onto his lap, your slit rubbing against his swollen member.
You look into his eyes, searching. "You sure you want this?"
"Aren't I suppose to be saying that? Of course I do, look at you, you're perfect."
You look deep into his eyes and slowly take his throbbing member into you, inch by inch, grapping his shoulder tightly for balance. You both moan in unison. He's stretching you, and you cry out softly. You keep pushing down until there's no more to take, utterly full.
"My God, Eddie..." tears start to form in your eyes.
"Hey, princess what's wrong?" His face is a picture of concern, holding his hand to your cheek.
"You're fucking... big Eddie." He cant help but smirk at that, stroking your arm.
"Its ok, it's ok, just, wait a minute. Just relax."
You feel your walls relaxing slightly, and you start to slowly rock into him. He feels incredible inside you, impossibly deep.
"Sweetheart, you feel, amazing. You're so fucking tight, wow." His voice is rough, heady, filled with lust. He grabs you by the hips and increases your pace. You squeal, grinding into him, your sopping wet pussy making downright pornographic noises. You join in, moaning and mewling, crying out his name.
Full on bouncing on his dick, Eddie looks so fucked out underneath you. Hair is plastered to his face, sweat covering his brow. He can't decide between staring at your lust blown eyes, watching your tits, or watching your pussy suck him in on each bounce.
You ride him harder, faster, grinding down so your clit is rubbing against him, adding to the pleasure. You feel fireworks, intense explosions of pleasure rocking into your body, crashing all around you. You scream his name, tears falling from your eyes, coming hard. Looking into his eyes, his face is pleading with you. It's a moment you wish could stretch on forever.
"Princess you're squeezing so tight, I'm gonna...fuck."
"Its ok Eddie, fuck me. I want to feel you cum." He moans loudly at that, holding you to him.
"Sorry princess, I just need to..." he pushes you down so that he's on top of you, and pushes your knees in the air. His pulsating member is pushing into your sweet spot making you see stars as he rolls his hips into you.
Your hand finds his, interlocking fingers as your other drags nails across his back. His movements start to become sloppy and you move your hips up to meet his thrusts, feeling him quiver above you, thrusting twice more before collapsing on you with a low groan, utterly spent.
You lie there, wrapped around him, arms, legs, just holding on. He looks at you, raises one hand to move a stray hair out of your face.
"That was... "
"Intense?" You supply, smirking at him, slightly breathless.
"Yeah you could say that, Jesus Christ." He moves and slides out of you, so he can dispose of the condom, then re-joins you in a tangle on the bed. He turns again to look at you. "I was gearing up to be all soft, I should have known you were gonna be a freak." He grinned. You hit him playfully on the arm.
"You have absolutely no idea Munson."
"Mmph" Eddie's laying there, grinning, eyes closed, stroking your side, thinking if there is a heaven, this is it.
"So you have a license for that?" You ask, smirking to yourself.
"For what?" Eddie asks, his eyes still closed.
"That fucking weapon you have between your legs." You tickle his side gently.
Eddie laughs and pulls you in closer, smelling your hair. "Now you can come over more often sweetheart, just to boost my ego." He kisses you on the forehead. 
Yeah, feels like heaven. 
Tag List- If you want to be tagged please comment/reblog with a note thanks ILY
@toobsessedsstuff @tayhar811 @latenighttalkingwithgrapejuice @somnobun @emiluvmybf @muzic-1d-luva @damon-loves-pie @wonderful-outcast @micheledawn1975 @persephone13 @alana4610 @alwaysbeenfamous @eddiesprincess86
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cairoscene · 1 year
do you have any fic recs? (anything w tim joins the batfam early or ghostbat or anything in general tbh!)
hello i absolutely do! i'm going to try to give a good scattering of different fics and hope one of these is new to you/what you're looking for.
for "tim joins the bat family early" these are some of my favorites:
5 Times Tim Spends the Night at Wayne Manor + 1 Time He Comes Home by motleyfam. this fic is inspired by Latchkey by goldkirk and birds fly in every direction by distracted_dragon, and all three are really excellent fics and great entries into this particular tag. all three of these fics are ones i turn to when i want prime hurt/comfort tim pangs with plenty of family fluff and shenanigans.
Brother Wanted by Vamillepudding. i read this one early on in fandom and i still laugh when i think about it. premise is that jason mistakenly answers tim's advert for a brother and ends up with tim paying him to be his brother. it's full of a very precocious and lonely tim trying his hardest to keep jason around, while jason is desperately trying to figure out how to get this kid adopted before he runs out of money. truly a delightful fic.
Like a Hinge, Like a Wing by Ultrageekatlarge. cw for child abuse and peril, so mind the tags but imo this is a work of art. genuinely one of the best paced and well-written fics out there. i suppose it's technically not tim joining the family early but rather an AU where jason never died, so tim never had the chance to replace him; instead he finds himself under the care of a horrible uncle after his parents die, and in desperation, he turns to the only person who can help: batman.
the Surveillance series by smilebackwards. cheating again bc technically this is just an AU where jason didn't die and tim is a civilian, so it's got the flavor of a different joining-the-family dynamic, plus added timkon delightfulness. this is my go-to for highly competent and extremely lonely tim drake content.
as for ghostbat, it's an extremely small tag, but it's got some excellent fics:
Miscommunication by OkayAristotle. pretty sure this is the first fic in the ghostbat tag, and somehow it got them prefect right from the start. the petty banter and ease with which they interact is phenomenal.
break me shake me devastate me by pendulum_north. some great angst with a small helping of comfort! as well as just a good overall look at the more tragic side to ghostbat.
i used to waste my time dreaming of being alive (now i only waste it dreaming of you) by nygmamale. bed-sharing! pining! banter! angst! there's something about how they both go out of their way to spite the other in this fic that really gets me.
The First Warm Thing by Noknowname. absolutely aching ghostbat domesticity and old men being gross and in love.
and i'll throw in a few of my other favorite random DC fics just for the heck of it:
A Meditation on Railroading by eggmacguffin. this remains one of my all-time favorite fics. tim gets stranded and chooses to freight-hop his way back to gotham, and guess who ends up on the same train? "baby wipes jason" is still spoken with reverent and hushed tones in my groupchat regularly.
Stargazer by lemonadegarden. my favorite comfort reread jason fic. jason breaks his leg and gets stuck at the manor while recuperating. honestly it's rare to find a fic that really lets jason feel as young as he is. i think he's 19 in this fic and he feels so very lost and young and hurt in a way that really heals me.
Overcoming Our Antecedents by Batbirdies. jason gets temporarily de-aged, and bruce has feelings about it. one of my cornerstone jason and bruce fics, mostly bc it contextualizes bruce and jason's relationship pre-jason's death in a way a feel many fics don't bother with. it's really really heartwarming.
The Jingle Jangle Morning by audreycritter. robin-era dick goes on a field trip and bruce has emotions. i think about this fic all the time tbh. it really sells bruce as a young, committed, and sweet father who really just wants to make sure dick is okay.
Tap Out by coyote_nebula. jason gets poisoned. oopsie. this whole series is excellent but i love this one for the way it builds up jason as a brother and a son, and the flashbacks to jason's early days after he was adopted by bruce. i truly wish there were more fics about newly adopted jason but what this fic offers scratches that itch for me.
buy back the secrets by sundiscus. in case you haven't heard this is the Timkon Fic of All Time. a 5+1 of times kon saved tim drake that has everything. identity shenanigans! tim and bruce pangs! kon and clark pangs! tim being extremely competent and extremely lonely! kon being extremely lonely and also pretty competent. this is technically a wip so i hope you'll forgive me for reccing it but it's really great and also totally worth it bc fer is absolutely 100% going to deliver and it's just. very good.
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hrts4hanniehae · 9 months
Take a Chance with Me || nine
*there are written parts
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she was so in love with him that it hurt. what went wrong 3 years ago? the day that seungcheol broke up with her, she lost her mind. they were perfectly fine on their second anniversary. she still remembered how they slept together, a perfect fit in each other's arms. where did it go wrong? where did she choke up along the way?
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they made eye contact. the whole time, his eyes were glued on her. the tension was suffocating, for it reminded her of her pain. but the softness of his gaze made her miss him. how could one love someone so much, to the point where she began to cry on stage. it was always this song that made her cry. she wrote it 2 years ago when she was in her "Bargaining" stage of grief. oh how she wished that he would just appear one day and apologise for leaving her. but he didn't. she tried to put the song in her new album but couldn't bear showing the world her pain. now she felt that she should have released it early, maybe if she did, they'd have gotten back together. why was he here?
she wiped her tears as she came to to chorus. no one was laughing at her vulnerability. no one made fun of her heartbreak. no one did that. no one did what her ex-manager said they would do. they empathised with her. her fans cared.
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a/n: hi guys sorry for not posting yesterday. my situation was cleared up much faster than i thought it would be so i'm glad to say i'm back haha... here's a longer chapter since i got my laptop back.
note to my taglist: please reblog and comment abt the chpt so i know that you're actually reading my stuff.
summary: 3 years after your breakup with seungcheol, you release an album to cope with your still-broken heart. you didn't expose his name but quickly, your fans and fans of svt begin to connect the dots to the past you wish you could relive. little did you know, the man you loved so desperately would begin to chase you back with the same desperation you so very much desired
inspired by: take a chance with me
pairing: idol!choi seungcheol × fem!idol!reader
genre: past relationship, fluff, angst, best friend!booseoksoon, smau, miscommunication, pining, 2nd chance
warnings: implied self harm/depression, hate comments, updates irregular but will finish because i cried when i thought abt this idea
started: 13.12.23
taglist: fill out the form in my pinned post to be added to the taglist (specify this smau in the pw section)
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester @belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @atinybitlonely @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29
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astermath · 1 year
hi! i'd like to ask a one shot on carmen berzatto in which the reader is an italian girl her early/mid 20s who works as a waiter at the bear and is sydney's best friend. her and carmen meet through her and they start secretly dating. the rest is up to you
thank you <3
hi!! I simplified your request a little,, it's more like a blurb / headcanon thing than a oneshot because I'm working on a long chapter for my nemesis series rn lol, hope that's okay!! thank you for the request angel! ♡
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pairing: carmen berzatto x fem!reader
tags: sydney being a matchmaker somehow, not so secret relationship, exactly what it says in the ask lol, normal size font below!
wc: 0.9K
let me know if you'd like to be added to the tag list for further carmen berzatto related content!
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+ when it comes to hiring waiters, carmen just wants someone who's experienced. someone who knows what they're doing and who can do it well. and quickly. this restaurant has to work, has to make everyone proud, and the staff has to reflect that.
+ sydney instantly thought of you as a reference. you'd worked at your family restaurant back in italy, and when you moved to chicago, had continued said occupation to support yourself in various restaurants. though none were as nice as "the bear".
+ so when your friend had called you up for an interview for a brand new restaurant with one of the most promising chefs of the country, of course you took the offer.
+ though carmen knew most waiters were usually... presentable, he didn't quite imagine you to be this fucking pretty when you showed up for the interview. he almost forgot every question he was meaning to ask when you walked through that door, all bubbly excitement and feminine flair.
+ he loved hearing you talk about your life in italy before moving to the states, your experiences working in the service industry, your passion for food and people... he almost forgot he was supposed to be conducting an interview at all, he just adored hearing you talk so much.
+ and sydney noticed too. she noticed the way he had such an easy time conversing with you, which is odd behavior for him, to say the least. she was just glad the two of you were getting along, and her friend had a chance of getting hired.
+ and of course you were hired. not only was carmy already hooked on you, but so was most of the other staff. your bright personality and quick witted comments were nice and refreshing when things got a little too stressful. plus, you worked fast and efficiently; what more could they ask for?
+ carmen’s interest in you remained. he knew it was a little wrong, since technically, yes, he is your boss. which is why he was a bit reluctant to do anything at first.
+ you were making all the first moves. giving him meaningful glances during quiet moments, helping him out with things that didn’t apply to your job position, staying later to help him close up and clean. even if it meant you’d be tired as all hell by the time you were home, at least you were spending time with him. to you, it was more than worth it.
+ and he seemed to think the same. carmen never thought the closing shift could be as fun as it was when you were there. these days he was almost fighting richie for it, claiming that it was more fitting for him anyways since it was his place after all.
+ late night shifts turned into walking you home. walking you home turned into hanging out at your apartment for a glass of wine. a glass of wine turned into kissing on the couch. kissing on the couch turned into staying the night��� you’d fallen into a routine with him so easily, sometimes you forgot there was a time before carmen was in your life. it just felt so… natural. like it was always supposed to be like this.
+ and though you really liked carmen, you didn’t want to jeopardize your position at the restaurant. you’d finally found a stable, well paying job, it would be a shame if you lost it over a relationship with your superior. though sometimes, you wondered if it would be worth it. to risk it for carmen.
+ carmen agreed, and so the two of you continued to keep your relationship under wraps for the time being. it was for the better, and besides, it’s not like he talked much about his personal life to his colleagues either. well, except for sydney.
+ and boy did she have her suspicions. of course she’d find out eventually, she’s a very smart and observant person. she can figure out carmen so easily, so she’s definitely not oblivious to the sneaking glances and hidden smiles, or the way he always manages to stay behind with you at the restaurant. not even the hickey you tried so desperately to cover up with makeup slips past her radar.
+ but she doesn’t say anything, at least not for a while. she lets the two of you live out your little secret relationship, believing she doesn’t know, until she accidentally slips up about it.
+ you’re complaining about the noise in your apartment and your lack of sleep because of it, clearly frustrated, when sydney asks “why don’t you just sleep over at carmen’s again then?”
+ she doesn’t realise she’d revealed that she’s known all along, until you look at her like you just saw a ghost. you’re about to defend yourself and come up with some excuse, when behind your friend, you can see carmen standing at the bar, smiling to himself as he cleans the counter.
+ it brings you comfort to know that apparently, he doesn’t mind anyone knowing. the secrecy was more for you than for him if anything. you’re not his little secret, not at all, and that became very clear when he’d start talking sydney's ear off about you after. though she does find it annoying, she’s glad two very important people in her life have found each other and are making it work.
+ plus, it’s nice that you two always cover the closing shift.
+ though she has her doubts about what you two are actually up to alone in the restaurant past closing time.
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tag list <3
@beebslebobs @thatone-brightstar  @spr3id  @deadandstill  @777iii  @magicboytrash  @wiipes @sierrahhh  @crayzmarvelfan800 @azxulaa  @astridyoo15   @rexorangecouny  @azxulaa @jointherebellion215  @wolfiealina @dogdevourer 
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kaurwreck · 4 months
hi! i really want to tell you that i love love love your blog. i feel so much joy when i see you've made a long post with your thoughts. i admire the way you engage with things you enjoy! you've genuinely inspired me to get back into reading. i've been struggling with migraines and after some time i started associating reading with suffering. i stumbled upon your blog because of bsd, and i got so fascinated with the way you communicate with the source material that i had a childlike realization: i want to have that too! and i picked up akutagawa, and i'm enjoying myself so much. i'm never not thinking about the post where you said that the trick to being clever is to stop obsessing over being right. life-changing, really. sending you so so so much love! p.s. as a russian-speaker it's a delight reading your thoughts on dostoevsky, especially seeing you use diminutives, for some reason. in russian slang we sometimes say, "ты так чувствуешь!" ("you are really feeling!") meaning "you really get it on an emotional level!" and that's what i think every time i read your thoughts on dostoevsky.
I hesitated to answer this ask because I wanted to covet it and hoard it and keep it tucked away where I could revisit it to my greedy heart's content without anyone noticing, but I'd rather you know that this ask was so delightful to receive and absolutely melted me in the best way, so I'm publishing it even though that means submitting to the mortifying ordeal of creating a tag so that I can more easily return to your kind words, and perhaps other, similar asks and posts that are emotional balms.
Also, I am so sorry, I'm sleep-deprived and I was so excited and charmed and delighted by your ask that I lost my mind and wrote you a veritable novel in response. Thus, I've added a readmore and headings (because WOW, I went on tangents, sorry!)
Returning to Reading
I'm so sorry you have migraines; I don't get them often, but I do occasionally get them, and it's some of the worst, least tolerable pain I've ever experienced. So, whatever it's worth, you have my sympathy and admiration, especially since returning to reading when you experience frequent migraines implicates some common triggers. (Never mind how annoying I know it is when you're in too much pain to read as a distraction either.) But I'm delighted you're reframing your relationship with reading separate from suffering, and that you're enjoying the process! I'm also returning to reading, and while I don't have the same challenges, I am also engaging in a process of relearning and recontextualizing reading for myself, so I'm always here to chat about it.
I'm especially thrilled that you picked up Akutagawa; Akutagawa is the author who also coaxed me back into reading literature (as opposed to comics or webnovels). He might still be my favorite even now that I've read several, several other modern Japanese authors.
Akutagawa Adoration Hours
[I apologize; I hyperfocused and wrote an entire multi-paragraph essay on how much I love Akutagawa below... I promise I come back to your ask!]
Akutagawa's literary voice is just so vivid, sharp, and intentional. He compels you to cling to the weight of each word with rich, clever language that cuts to the hearts of matters frankly, bluntly, and sometimes scathingly. But even when his authorial voice is ostensibly irreverent or lacquered with detachment, he cradles his most foolish characters, bundling them with naked affection for their sincerity, vulnerability, and childish conviction. They embody his unadulterated faith, and he reserves for them in the implication the same salvation he's convinced he's too sullied by shame, terror, and self-consciousness to deserve. Akutagawa does not squander the gravity of your attention, and even in brief vignettes in which humans become lice or have had their personhood severed from them by the untenable yet escalating demands of their responsibilities to others, there's humanity in his horror and absurdity, and closure in his ambiguity. I rarely feel as if there's certainty in Akutagawa's narratives, but neither do I feel as if nothing that occurred mattered.
Even when nothing has objectively changed for the characters, Akutagawa sources meaning from the subjective perceptions of the characters, the impact of which is rarely diminished by the objective or observable. Thus, the bleakness, horror, and absurdity of the characters' circumstances are sometimes interminable, but they shelter Akutagawa's fondness and latent certainty that existential meaning is inherent to humanity because of, rather than despite, our fragility, foolishness, and callous disregard for measurable truth.
His contemporaries criticized him for the detachment and perceived stagnancy lent by his polish and technical brilliance, but I've never read any of his stories and not felt an earnestness that persists entirely apart from the explicit narrative, as if someone is reading over my shoulder and murmuring "isn't she brave?" whenever a character is so simple in their sincerity that they become vulnerable to humiliation and abuse. And that's not detachment; that's Akutagawa relentlessly writing hope, love, and compassion into the creases of his own grotesque fear, and in doing so, filling spaces we perceive as empty in ourselves with the faith and devotion he was so certain he lacked.
You Said Childlike In Passing But Chapter 55 of the Tao Te Ching Rewired My Brain and I Was Lost In the Akutagawa Sauce So...
And it's childlike how, even when characters like O-Gin are debased and humiliated, Akutagawa yearns for their salvation enough to smudge the ink at the edges of his precisely rendered language so the silly, ignorant little fools might transcend the boundaries of the narrative that otherwise ruthlessly scorned and punished them for their guilelessness. His need for innocence is itself indicative of the keen sense of violation that prompts a toddler to indignation when his jejune reliance on fairness is first exploited and then provided as cause for exploitation.
Akutagawa was wise enough to know childlike conclusions are the most profound and self-actualizing insights we can have, but too certain of the inevitability of his suffering and too overly prescribed barbiturates to nurture and cherish his own salvific childishness. So, your realization was brilliant for its childlike wisdom, and I think it's both wonderful and meaningful that you then nurtured that wisdom by pursuing the relationship you wanted with the source material.
Being Right vs. Playful Engagement
I'm also so glad that the post about being clever =/= obsessing over being right was sticky and impactful! It's, quite frankly, immensely less fun and more pressure if you're hinging your enjoyment on whether you're right when engaging with media where "right" is subjective and layered, and where you're engaging with a foreign cultural context. I get the impression that centering your engagement on making and assessing the accuracy of predictions also lends itself to biases, defensiveness, disappointment, misplaced resentment based on unmet expectations, and incuriosity; at least more so than engaging with the story playfully and sincerely.
I'm also just extremely biased towards bsd and Asagiri's approach to storytelling; I think he's engaging in a challenging and layered approach to storytelling that is wholly unique to him. (At least, based on my own experiences with referential multimedia titles.) I'm so charmed by how Asagiri throws himself into creative challenges and engages in meaningful and remarkably substantive conversations with the source materials, his own portfolio of interlocking narratives, and his audience. I would kill to chat with him about his processes.
Everyone I'd Encountered Who Seemed Parasocially Obsessed With Dostoevsky Was Right
Before I get into this next babble tangent, I want you to know that your kind words and perspective as a Russian-speaker regarding my Dostoevsky thoughts mean SO much to me; I'm very proud if I'm able to do an ounce of justice to the text in my ramblings, and I'm so excited to know the appropriate phrase for what I'm experiencing right now because I am REALLY feeling.
I was admittedly a little nervous about reading his works with only minimal background, and I went into Crime and Punishment without first consulting any published critiques and analyses (which I sometimes do for foreign classics to bridge gaps in context). But, I was eager to start the story, so I decided to just get into it with the understanding I might need to pause for further research if I felt I was missing too much context to engage with the text meaningfully. But, wow, I was immediately consumed. I struggled to put it down for most of it, and I've been staying up too late and sneakily reading at work; things I haven't done since I was in middle school.
While I know I'm missing context, even with the attentive footnotes (and I absolutely will read so many academic papers on it once I finish these last fifty pages), I was pleasantly surprised by how not only engaging his writing and this translation are but also by how familiar with and connected I feel to the characters and circumstances and emotions and dynamics. He has rendered the human experience and specific flavors of People into such compassionate, teasing, sincere, frank, and sobering characters who I feel like I've had entire conversations with.
I love classic lit, but Dostoevsky is sincerely rekindling a joy I haven't felt in years while reading. Also, his frankness and compassion regarding alcoholism and parentified children and trauma and ennui and guilt and the contradictions we grapple with within ourselves and with who we are to different people are giving me a framework for reflecting on swaths of my trauma and childhood that I've struggled to articulate my thoughts and emotions around for years.
I'm so energized and excited about reading his other works, but, wow, I'm going to miss these characters so much.
Accounting For My Crimes Against the Russian Language
I have very little background in Russian, but I'm passingly familiar because in high school (i) I was obsessed with Russian history, particularly related to the USSR and swaths of imperial Russia (I actually taught the lesson on Ivan IV Vasilyevich in my Western Civ class because my teacher was pregnant and exhausted and I knew the material better than she did); and (ii) I studied Russian with a private tutor in my senior year of high school (very lightly; once a week, only for a year, I met with her and two French language teachers from my school who were also interested in Russian for hour-long lessons and to receive homework assignments).
So, while my experience with the language is shallow at best, I've always loved Russian diminutives. I'm obsessed with the sheer amount of information relayed in someone's name. It's incredible. Of the languages I'm familiar with, none have a comparably satisfying gradient range of (i) affection and (ii) disrespect.
That said, I use diminutives for characters I'm particularly fond of, to show affection, and to teasingly disrespect them since I think it's quite overfamiliar for me to take such liberties.
Also, while I try to check after myself to ensure I'm using them correctly, I have only a surface-level understanding of what I'm doing, and some language forum threads are more helpful than others, so I'm very, very sorry if I use any incorrectly, and I encourage you (and any other Russian speakers and learners) to yell at me if you notice I'm misusing someone's name.
So far, my approach has been to check general searches, forums, and Reddit when I've encountered diminutives in Crime and Punishment, and I'll continue to look up every single name variation in the Dostoevsky novels I'm reading, no matter how long it may take me to realize what I've been scouring for isn't a diminutive at all but instead probably (emphasis on "probably," because no one providing English explanations seemed wholly certain) the same name but spoken in the form native to a separate Slavic language than the languages anyone else in the conversation was using, not that it really seemed to matter, since the same characters within the same conversation each used multiple forms of the same, with only one remark on what was most likely the correct form, which everyone ignored/disregarded, including the remarking character. So if you have context on THAT dynamic, I would love to hear about the etiquette and conventions around language forms among the many different languages and dialects in Eastern Europe.
For reference, the diminutives I've been using re: Crime and Punishment and bsd, with more context:
Raskolnikov is "Rodya" unless he's naughty, in which case I call him "Rodka." Unless he's REALLY naughty, then he's Raskolnikov.
Avdotya is Dunya always; I do feel egregious because she commands grace and gravitas, and I respect her SO much. But I love her dearly and am very warm towards her and everything she does, so I call her Dunya as if she were my sister because if she were, I would treat her better than Rodka right now.
Razumikhin is Dima which may be wildly incorrect, both in form and historical context; the only reason I haven't confirmed it yet is because I had an OC named Dmitri in high school that I was very fond of and referred to affectionately as Dima, and I'm similarly fond of Razumikhin, so I've delayed confirming and correcting myself here, although that's very Rodka-naughty of me, I know.
Fedya is always bsd!Fyodor, and only when he has really wide eyes and is being adorable bunny Fedya. He is Fyodor when he is being nasty or squinting. I call the author by either his last or full name, although I'm sure I've carelessly called him Fyodor before too. I try to maintain some consistency in distinguishing who I'm referencing between the characters and their namesakes.
Tl;dr: I love Russian diminutives. The only other time I've come close to feeling the same amount of immense delight over names-as-love-and-violence is when my work mentor, who is Chinese, was providing me with her preferred titles (laoban ["old boss," old meaning "venerable" rather than indicating age], jiejie ["big sister"]), and my other coworker chimed in to say, "Wouldn't you be da-jiejie ["first/eldest big sister"], since you're the oldest?" If looks could kill.
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caffeinemachine · 1 year
The Girl Next Door - Part 1
A/N: Part 1! This part is really just to give you a clue into their relationship right now, as the following parts will be about the shifting in their dynamic! Hehe, I'm so excited for this series! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Series Chapter:
Prologue | Part 1
Jeremiah Fisher x OC! Isabella Sullivan
Ella Sully <3
8:03 AM
J: You guys on your way?
E: 👍
just left Cambridge and stopped for coffee quick
J: 😊 See you soon then Sully
E: see you soon Fisher
I was sat on their front porch by 9:30. Realistically they shouldn’t be getting here until 9:45-10:00 but with the way the Sullivans drive, I knew they could be arriving any minute. At 9:38 I watched as the Range Rover pulled into their rocky driveway. My face instantly lit up. The car was barely in park when she opened the door and ran to me. Her arms flew around my neck as I grabbed her in my arms and spun her around. 
We held onto each other tightly before I put her down, truly staring into her eyes for the first time this season. She looked a little different than when I last saw her, although that was just around winter break. In the past 6 months, she had lost a little baby fat from her cheeks, gained some new freckles, had grown her hair out and got it freshly highlighted, and her hazel eyes looked extra green today. 
“Well hello, Isabella.” I grinned down at her, arms still looped around her.
Her eyes glistened, “Well hello, Jeremiah.” If possible my smile grew, as I picked her back up into the air making her squeal. 
“I'm so happy you're here, I can’t wait for this summer!” I placed her feet back on the ground, and this time when I looked at her something shifted, our stare intense, the air between us thick. Suddenly I became aware of just how close I was holding her. I scanned her face, unable to help myself when my eyes lingered on her lips a beat extra. I could always read my Ella, but the look on her face right now was new, and it stumped me. 
“Jeremiah!” Spell broken. Begrudgingly I let Ella go to hug her mother. The older woman squeezed me tightly. My arms dropped as she moved back from me, her hand going to cup my cheeks.
“Wow, I think you’ve actually gotten taller since I last saw you! My my what a handsome young man you’ve turned into, don’t you agree Ella?” I smirked as Ella blushed from her mom's comment.
 Her eyes went wide as she laughed, “Mom!”
I gave my best puppy dog's eyes, teasing her,” What you don't agree I’m handsome Ella?” She just scoffed as she grinned back at me playfully. 
“That’s not important, but I know you well enough to know it's important I don't add any more fuel to your ego.” We all chuckled, and I saw her mom giving us a loving look out of the corner of my eye. 
“Let me help you guys carry in your bags!”
After bringing all their bags inside, Ella and I went to her room. I plopped on her bed while she put her things away. 
“So where's your dad?” I asked curiously. 
She glanced over her shoulder at me before continuing to put her clothes in her drawers, “He’s driving out next weekend, he has a conference in Boston this week.”
“Cool,” A comfortable silence stretched between us, “So, surfing?” She paused what she was doing, turning around to me as she leaned against her dresser. A smile graced her beautiful features, what a sight to see. I wondered if she smiled like this for other people or maybe just maybe her smile was something I got just for myself. Maybe I was the only one with the privilege of sharing a moment of such pure happiness with her. I could only wish. 
“Oh yeah.” 
Post-ocean was my favorite time to see her. Her hair was gorgeously curly from the salt water, her cheeks tinged pink from the sun, and her freckles glowed across her face. We laid down on a towel, catching our breath from surfing before we trekked back up to the house. I turned to my side to face her, prompting her to do the same. I pushed the hair that fell while she did so behind her ear. 
“I'm so happy it's summertime, I missed you, Elle.” Her expression stayed at a relaxed state but the corners of her eyes creased a little extra.
“I missed you too J.” I smiled. Only she ever called me that, and even she did it only once and a while. 
I lay back flat and she scurried over to put her head on my chest. I could stay here forever- “Should we head back to your house, I still need to say hello to everyone.” It seemed she didn't have the same idea though. 
If I’m being honest, I'm growing tired of having to hide my love for her, tired of not being able to pull her that couple inches closer to me, tired of her not being mine.
After a hello filled with a lot of hugs, Ella went home to shower before her mom and her came over for dinner like always. We all sat around the table, catching up on the past few months as we ate my moms cooking. After dinner Ella came upstairs to my room while I got ready for the bonfire. She came over ready, and was now just waiting for me, Steven and Conrad. She scrolled on her phone before flicking her eyes up to me. I held two shirts up to her, “Blue or Gray?”
She took a moment to truly consider it, her expression serious. “Blue, makes your eyes sparkle, it’ll boost you up with the ladies.” She gave me animated wink, giggling a bit.
I scoffed lightly trying my best to fake a smile, but nodded curtly following her word without question, blue shirt it was. Then I put my hands on the edge of the bed beside each of her legs, leaning in grinning, “You like my eyes?”
She fueled the fire, grabbing the sides of my face and staring straight at me with a smile, “Yes you were blessed with gorgeous baby blues Jere.” I laughed and backed away to strip off my current shirt to slip on the one she chose. I smiled to myself when I caught her lingering on my abs for a moment. Heat blossomed in my chest. I can’t blame her, I looked different than last summer but based on the sight of her in her bikini earlier, so did she. 
Just then Steven came running through my doorway, “You guys ready?” Ella perked up jumping off my bed and out the door. I huffed, should be a fun night.
Who the hell was that?
I stood with some guys I've known from over the years, a can of soda in hand, DD for the night. But while I stood there, Ella sat on a towel in the sand near the fire with some guy. Some guy. Not me. 
“-Jeremiah? Ello, earth to Jeremiah?” I regained focus looking at my buddies who laughed at my distracted state. 
I glanced back at Ella, my Ella, I couldn't take it anymore, "I’ll be back.” I walked straight to her, paying no mind to the annoyed grunts and protests coming from behind me. The guy she was sitting with spotted me coming toward them first. I took Ella by surprise when I plopped down next to her in the sand, my arm immediately going around her shoulders.
“Wha- Oh hey J!” She melted into my side once she realized it was me. My eyes looked at her briefly, flashing a smile, before my face went straight and I stared down this random ass boy. 
“Hello Sunshine, and who are you?”
The guy seemed displeased by the situation unfolding in front of him, “I’m Finn, if you don't mind Ella and I were-”
I stopped him before he could even start, because I frankly didn’t give a fuck what he was going to say, “Alright Finn, thanks for keeping my girl company for me, see you around, maybe, probably not.”  He looked at Ella for a moment but when she made no objection he got up and walked away huffing as he went. 
I stayed silent, the reality that Ella might be super pissed for the stunt I just pulled dawning on me. Then she grabbed my face repositioning our spots on the towel so that we were face to face instead of side to side. Our eyes connected, and she pulled me towards her quickly, eyes sparkling in the moonlight. I had no time to process..is Ella about to kiss me? What should I do- well kiss her back obviously- but wait where is this coming from-
My cheek. Oh. She kissed my cheek.
“Thank you! Oh my gosh, he was such a douche! You know when we were little I hated how easily you could read me, but now it's like my own secret weapon to save me from situations I don’t wanna be in. Oh, and faking the ‘my girl’ card? Genius! Nothing seems to shut a guy up quicker than finding out she has a boyfriend. You put on a good act. Where were you even that you saw me? I couldn't see you?”
Her arms had dropped to rest on my shoulders. I didn’t know what to say. I should just tell her the real reason I came over.
“Elle I-”
Blue and red lights flashed in my vision.
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
through the endless daydream (part 2)
Pairing: Lilia Vanrouge x gn!reader
Synopsis: There is a rumour that there is a hidden advisor of the Draconia family, who has guided the ruler of all fae for years. They say he is the one responsible for the peace established between humans and fae. What they don’t know, is that he has been doing so for millennia, cursed by the gods to be immortal as punishment for his crime of killing a human who was beloved by the gods—his very own lover, for whom he must forever repent until he can be killed by his true love.
Tags: angst, character death, brief suicidal thoughts, loss, historical, war, bot proofread
Word count: 4.4k+
Notes: I am honestly in disbelief of how long this fic is getting, but hopefully my motivation doesnt fade and I can finish it. By the looks of it, it'll be one chapter? ehehe
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Part 1 ✧Part 2 (you're here)✧Part 3✧Part 4 (coming soon!)
Lilia had hoped the two of them would stay at the orphanage together and live their lives caring for the children while secretly caring for each other as lovers. It was the beginning of a new chapter in their relationship, one filled with love, trust, and a newfound sense of joy. But fate had other plans in store for him, which was made clear to him in the moment.
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"Lilia, my dear general,” the Fae King greeted Lilia with a warm smile, but it quickly faded as he got straight to the point. “I'm afraid I have some grave news to share with you," he said.
The throne room was decorated in a gothic style, with black stone walls and ornate carvings that seemed to watch him as he walked. The room was filled with a solemn atmosphere, the only light came from the flickering candles with green flames scattered throughout the room. At the end of the room, on a raised dais, lay the Fae King's throne, carved from obsidian and adorned with sharp spikes and intricate, twisted patterns. Lilia had been in the room many times before, he remembered the times when he discussed war strategies with the Fae King, the times when he gave his all for his people, and the times when he made choices he wasn't proud of. This meeting would be different than any other he has had before, and the ominous atmosphere of the throne room only added to his apprehension.
Lilia had been washing bedsheets by the river when the guards of the Fae King approached him. His expression unreadable, he asked, "What brings you here?", trying to sound casual, but his voice was tense.
The guards relayed that the King summoned him to his court. Lilia could only accept, knowing that a summon from the Fae King was not to be taken lightly. After quickly casting a spell to teleport the laundry back to the orphanage, he closed his eyes and concentrated, the air around him shimmered and distorted. The trees and riverbank of the human world faded away, replaced by the familiar sights of his homeland. The sound of rushing water was replaced by the quiet hum of magical energy, and the air smelled of burning candles and fresh roses. He was in front of the King's castle when he opened his eyes once more.
Lilia knelt before the Fae King, his eyes fixed on the ground as he spoke. "What is this news you speak of, your majesty?" He sensed that the King's sudden seriousness might indicate that something was amiss.
The King replied in a low, menacing voice, "General Vanrouge, I have decided that we will wage war on the humans once again."
Lilia froze in shock as he heard the words. He had hoped that the days of war were behind them, that they could all live in peace now, and that he could continue enjoying his peaceful life with his beloved. He knew he couldn't bring himself to do it again, to face the devastating consequences of taking countless lives once again.
"Your Majesty, another war? Why must we continue this cycle of violence? Is there not a better way to coexist with the humans? We have already lost so much in the last war. Can we not find a peaceful solution?" Lilia pleaded.
"Peace? With those filthy humans? They will never stop until they have wiped us off the face of the earth. We must strike first, and strike hard," the King scorned in disgust.
"But your Majesty-"
"Silence, general," the King's face contorted in rage, his brows furrowing. His entire body tensed as he pounded his fist on the armrest of his throne, staring daggers into Lilia. You dare defy me? You forget your place as my general and my subject!", he hissed, resonating around the room with all the authority of a king.
Lilia kept his head low and continued to kneel. Knowing the King's temper well, he knew it would not be wise to provoke him further, but he knew he had to make a choice. Either he would obey the King's orders and risk losing everything he had grown to cherish, or he would defy him and face the consequences.
"Your Majesty," he replied steadily. "I cannot in good conscience wage another war on the humans. We have already caused them enough suffering. I will not take part in this war,"
The King's expression darkened. "Do not question my decisions, Lilia. You are a loyal subject of the Fae Kingdom and you will do as I command."
Lilia stood his ground, even in the face of the King's increasing wrath. "I am not just your subject, your majesty. I am a living being with my own conscience and beliefs."
The King’s eyes narrowed to slits as he glared ferociously, "What changed? What has caused this shift in your loyalty?"
Lilia hesitated for a moment before answering, "I have seen the good in humans, your Majesty. They are not all evil, and they do not deserve to suffer because of past grievances."
The King scoffed, "Is it the human you've gotten close to who has led you astray?"
Lilia was taken aback by his words, instinctively looking up, realising that the King had been keeping an eye on him in his travels. Quickly straightening his posture, he met the King's gaze head-on. "No, your Majesty. The human has only shown me kindness and compassion. They have nothing to do with my beliefs."
The King stood, his height towering over the general, step by step walking closer to him. "You have become soft, my general," he said with disdain. "You are a hypocrite. You have always despised humans, you were at the battlefronts annihilating the human forces, yet now you protect one of them. Have you no shame?"
Lilia looked directly into the King’s eyes as a shiver went through his body. "I have come to learn that my past actions were mistaken," he replied. "I no longer wish to continue down the path of destruction I once walked on."
The Fae King sneered. "Mistaken...", he spat. "Humans are nothing but weaklings. They are not fit to be with our kind. You have betrayed your people, Vanrouge. You have betrayed your King."
Lilia could tell from the force his boots hit the ground that he was furious as he continued walking closer, his eyes cold and calculating. "If you do not wage war on the humans, then there is only one other option," he said. "You must eliminate the source of your weakness. Kill the human."
Lilia's body shook with horror at the King's words. He felt sweat gather on his palms, his breath quickening.  After a few moments of silence, he spoke up, his voice trembling with emotion.
"Please, my King," Lilia said, desperation creeping into his voice. "I cannot do what you ask of me. I cannot harm them."
The King's eyes narrowed, "You will do as I say, or you will suffer the consequences. You are my general, and you will not show weakness. If you fail to end their life, then rest assured my dear general, I shall finish the job myself. Your disgraceful actions shan't taint our reputation as Fae."
Lilia felt a tear escape his eye as he realised the gravity of his situation. His mind raced with conflicting thoughts; he wanted to stand up to the King, to tell him that he wouldn't kill the human, that he wouldn't wage another war on the humans. But he knew deep down that he was too weak, that he didn't have the strength or the power to take on the King and his army as he was.
"I understand, my King," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Lilia felt a cold shiver run down his spine as he rose from his kneeling position and turned to leave the throne room, knowing that he had just sealed his own fate.
He had no choice but to obey. And he only had himself to blame.
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The moon was full, casting an eerie glow on the buildings around Lilia as he trudged towards the orphanage, feeling the weight of his mission heavy on his shoulders. Pushing the door open, he quietly crept inside, making his way through the dark corridors, the only sound being the soft patter of his feet.
Finally, he arrived at the room of his beloved. Lilia took a deep breath and raised his hand to knock, his sword held tightly in his other hand. But when stood there, the reality of his task hit him like an immense wave, making his resolve waver as his mind raced with conflicting thoughts.
"I can't do this," he whispered to himself. "I can't... take their life."
Just as he was about to lower his hand and turn away, the door creaked open, and his beloved appeared, confusion etched onto their face. The moment they caught sight of his sword, fear flickered in their eyes.
"Lilia, what are you doing?" they asked, stepping back.
Tears welled up in Lilia's eyes, blurring his vision. His sword shook as he tried to steady himself. "I... I have to do this," he stammered.
His beloved's expression turned to one of horror and disbelief. "You can't be serious," they gasp. But as they look at Lilia, they see the turmoil in his eyes and the way his hand shakes. "Please, tell me what's going on."
Lilia closed his eyes in an attempt to blink away the tears. He tried to push the sword towards them, but his hand refused to move. "I can't do it, my love," he cried out. "I love you too much to hurt you."
As Lilia looked into their eyes, he knew he could no longer hide the truth from them. "Beastie," he whispered, "I have to leave. The Fae King wants you dead, and I've been ordered to kill you. I can't disobey him."
The human was stunned, their body trembling in shock. "You... you have to kill me?" they echoed, their voice unsteady as tear began to flow freely from their eyes.
Lilia nods, his tears of sorrow continued trickling down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Beastie," he sobbed, taking their hand into his. "I never meant to hurt you. Please forgive me, it's all my fault."
As Lilia stepped closer, trying to see their expression through his blurry eyesight, he was surprised to see acceptance in their eyes. "Lilia, it's okay," they said softly. "I understand."
Lilia stopped in his tracks, his grip on the sword tightening. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was the person he loved, and they were accepting their fate. "I can't do it, Beastie," he said, his voice breaking. "I love you too much to hurt you."
Their gentle smile, filled with care and affection as it always had only made Lilia's heart ache even more. "I know, Lilia," they said, their eyes filling with tears, their lashes wet and clumped together as the tears overflowed onto their cheeks. "I know... I love you too."
They stepped closer to him and wrapped their arms around his trembling form, forcefully leaning in and mashing their lips onto his. Lilia could only stand there frozen, eyes widened in surprise at their sudden actions. He felt as a warmth seeped onto his hands, and it is only then he realises what they have done.
He pulls back immediately, looking down at his hands coated in red, the scent of iron thick in the air. The sword is lodged deep into his beloved's chest.
"No, no, no," Lilia cried, his mind racing. "What... what have you done...? What have I done?"
All too soon, their strength began to leave their body, causing them to stumble forward. Lilia rushes to hold them in his arms, cradling them tenderly as he feels their life slipping away. Despite years of fighting on the battlefield, unwavering in the face of death, he now felt overwhelmed, the prickly sensation in his heart more intense than ever before.
"I did it for you," they whispered weakly, their breaths becoming shallower by the second. "I couldn't bear the thought of you having to choose between your duty and your love. This way, you don't have to."
Lilia's heart shattered as he heard their words. They had sacrificed themselves for him, and now he was left to face the repercussions alone.
"Why did you have to love me?" Lilia whispered, droplets of tears falling onto their face. "If only- If only I hadn’t gotten close to you..."
As Lilia turned towards them, he was met with a gaze filled with love and forgiveness. Their hand reached up and tenderly cupped his cheek, his tears leaving a moist trail on his skin as they wiped them away with the palm of their hand. "It's okay, Lilia," they whisper. "I forgive you."
Their words of comfort fail to bring him relief however, knowing that his actions have caused irreparable harm. If only he could turn back time, undo everything that led to this moment. Perhaps if he had not met them that fateful day, not stayed with them, not fallen in love with them, they would be living a peaceful life, never to be endangered by him. But it is too late for his regrets now.
"Lilia?" they murmured.
"Yes, Beastie?" he whispered, choked with emotion.
"I love you," they said softly, their arm lost its strength and began to fall to their side, but Lilia cupped his hand over theirs, holding it in place. "Will you… sing for me?" they whispered, eyes fluttering closed.
Lilia lifts his tear-streaked face to meet their gaze and nods solemnly, taking a deep breath. He holds them close and sings a lullaby, a melody that brings peace and comfort to even the most restless soul. The very song that he used to sing for them in the forest under the moonlight.
“Through the endless daydream,
I saw you on the way back.
There I walked with you in my arms.
Through the blurry darkness,
who's veiling on the twilight,
we've been far away from my fears...
Hush, now my angel,
I will always be with you.
In your pretty smile,
in a glow of tears,
out across the frosty night,
I'll be there with you...”
His voice is soft and choked with emotion, his heart breaking with each passing moment. But he continues to sing, pouring his love and sorrow into each note as the song echoes through the room, soothing and peaceful. It's as if time had stopped, and nothing else mattered in that moment.
As the song came to an end, his beloved took their final breath and passed away peacefully with a gentle smile, content in the arms of their lover. Lilia embraced them tightly, tears cascading down his face like rain, grieving the loss of his beloved. His hands trembled as he struggled to accept the reality of what had just happened. Despite his promise to protect them, he had taken their life. He had killed the person he loved most in the world, the one who had accepted his fate with open arms. He had failed them, failed himself, and failed everyone he had ever cared for. Lilia's heart felt as though it was being ripped from his chest as he let out a heart-wrenching cry filled with agony. He had never felt so alone in all his centuries of existence.
He had distinguished the only light in his life.
Nothing else mattered anymore.
For what reason could he live on, in a world of darkness without his dearest star?
In that moment, he made a decision. He couldn't live with himself anymore. He didn't want to live in a world without his dearest human. Eyes devoid of light, the same full red that stained his fingers, he pulled out the same sword that had taken his beloved's life and pointed it to his heart, ready to take his.
Suddenly, a gust of wind shook the entire room, and a bolt of lightning struck a nearby tree, splitting it in half with a deafening crack. A loud roar of thunder followed, halting Lilia in his actions. And then, he heard a voice—not from the Fae King, nor from his human, but from someone far more powerful.
The voice resounded throughout the sky, "You have taken the life of our beloved child. You have been bestowed the punishment of immortality. You will live forever, unable to die until you have atoned for your sin. You will wander the earth alone for centuries, seeking redemption for your actions. You will only be released from your curse when your true love ends you," it declared. With another roar of thunder, the gods disappeared, leaving Lilia alone.
Lilia felt a rush of power surge through his body. He closed his eyes, feeling the energy course through his veins, and he knew that he was no longer a mere mortal. His senses sharpened, and he could feel the world around him in a way that he never had before. The colours seemed brighter, the scents more potent, and the sounds clearer. At first, the sensation was overwhelming, and he clutched his head hoping for it to stop. But then, as he steadied himself, a sense of clarity washed over him. He would never be able to join his dearest in the afterlife, forever haunted by the memory of their death. He wondered how he would survive without them, how he would endure the weight of his guilt and the emptiness that now filled his heart. He wished with all of his being that he could turn back time and undo everything, but it could never be possible.
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Lilia carried their lifeless body to the field where they first met, and with trembling hands, he dug a grave for them. As he placed them gently inside, he covered them with earth and flowers, whispering promises to them all the while.
"My love, I'm so sorry. I failed to protect you," Lilia said, his voice shaking with emotion. "But I promise to make it right. I'll honour your memory and ensure that your kindness lives on. Beastie, I'll love you for all eternity."
Lilia then made a vow to make amends for his past mistakes and to honour their memory by living a life of compassion and kindness towards humans. "I'll spend the rest of my immortal life working to make the world a better place and to make up for the pain I've caused, a place where innocent souls like yours wouldn’t be caught in war," he declared to the empty field.
And the first step he must take, is to stop the incoming war.
Once again, Lilia stepped foot into the King’s palace. This time, he had nothing to lose, nothing to fear. Lilia's heart was heavy as he approached the Fae King's palace, but he knew that he had to do what was right. He was determined to make things right, no matter the cost. He had to challenge the King and put an end to the cycle of suffering that had plagued their world for centuries.
At last, he arrived at the throne room, where the Fae King sat on his throne, surrounded by his courtiers. Lilia kneeled as was customary, his head nearly touching the ground, but his presence exuded power.
"Fae King," Lilia said, his voice steady and clear. "I implore you to cease your plans for another war."
"You dare challenge me, Vanrouge?" the King asked, his voice heavy with disdain. "It seems you have learned nothing from your lesson."
"I have learned that I cannot sit by and watch as you continue to put innocent lives at risk," Lilia replied, his voice steady despite the fear that threatened to overtake him. "I will not stand by while you inflict misery upon the humans," Lilia answered, unwavering as he rose to his feet. "For too long, we have lived in a world of violence and pain, of hatred and fear. It is time to put an end to it. I challenge you to a duel, Fae King. If I win, you will obey my orders as an advisor to the royal family. If I lose, I will serve as your general in this war as I had previously"
The King laughed, a cold, cruel sound that sent shivers down Lilia's spine. " A mere traitor and oath breaker challenging me? You are a fool, Vanrouge," he mocked. "But if you wish to die, then I will be happy to oblige."
With a wave of his hand, the King summoned his weapon, a sword of black iron that glinted with malevolent energy. The courtiers rushed to get away from the battle that would surely threaten their lives. Lilia drew his own sword, the same one that had been cursed with his immortality, and prepared himself for the fight of his life.
The two began to circle each other, their swords clanging against one another as they clashed. The battle was fierce and brutal, with both combatants fighting with all their might. Lilia was faster and more agile than the King, but the King's dark magic was a powerful force to be reckoned with. The clash of swords echoed through the throne room, and the air crackled with energy as the two opponents battled on, but the fate of the duel had been decided from the beginning. With his immortality, Lilia could continue to fight forever. Indeed, he would feel the excruciating pain of his injuries, but they could not end him. For hours they battled, until the fatigue finally weighed down the King, and Lilia saw his chance. The King had lowered his guard for just a moment, and Lilia seized the opportunity, his sword poised at the Fae King's throat. The King was defeated, and he knew he had no choice but to obey Lilia.
"Please, spare me," the King begged, panting for air. "I will do anything you ask."
"You have lost, Your Majesty," Lilia said, extending a hand to help the fallen King to his feet. In complete contrast, Lilia seemed completely unaffected by the long duel. "It's not too late to make things right. You can use your power for good, for the betterment of our people."
The King groaned. "Yes, yes, I will. Just spare me, please."
Lilia sheathed his sword. "The war ends today. And if you or any of your followers break your promise, I will be back to finish what I started."
The Fae King nodded, acknowledging his defeat, and Lilia walked away with a sense of victory, knowing that he had achieved what he had set out to do. From that day on, Lilia served as the royal family’s most trusted advisor. He would attend council meetings, offer wise counsel and guidance to the rulers, and utilise his expertise and knowledge to steer them in the right direction.
For centuries, Lilia dedicated himself to rebuilding the relationship between humans and the Fae. He worked towards negotiating peace treaties and fostering mutual understanding and collaboration between the two groups. As time went by, Lilia's efforts bore fruit. Humans and Fae started to interact more and more, and the tensions began to ease. Lilia watched with satisfaction as the world he had known for so long began to transform for the better.
Over time, Lilia became a trusted advisor to many rulers, and he played a key role in shaping the destinies of countless Kingdoms and empires. He used his knowledge and experience to prevent wars and conflicts, and he worked tirelessly to promote peace and unity among the people.
As Lilia walked through the bustling streets of the human city, he couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him. The world had changed so much since 5000 years ago. Humans and fae now lived together in harmony, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. It was a far cry from the war-torn world he had known long ago. Humans and fae were no longer at each other's throats, but instead living side by side in peace and harmony.
He marvelled at the sight of humans casually using magic to go about their daily lives, the fae mingling freely with them. The once-gothic buildings of the fae had melded with human architecture to create a unique, vibrant landscape.
Yet, as he looked around, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of loneliness. Despite all the progress made, he was still an outsider, a being that had long outlived his kind. He had seen so many faces and places come and go, while he remained a constant presence.
It was then that he heard a delicate voice singing, a voice that he believed he would never be able to hear ever again. He turned around, scanning the crowded street, but couldn't see them anywhere. He wondered if he was imagining things or if it was just someone who sounded like them.
But then, he heard it again, and this time he recognized the tune.
"But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream..."
It was the song they used to sing to the children at the orphanage. His heart raced with excitement and anticipation as he followed the sound. Upon arriving at the source of the singing, Lilia discovered a small park where people were enjoying the sunny day. In the centre of the park, he saw you sitting on a bench surrounded by children who listened to your singing with rapt attention. Lilia's heart swelled with emotion as he watched you. Your appearance had changed, but your eyes were just as beautiful as ever, and your singing was as angelic as he remembered. He longed to run to you and embrace you, but he hesitated, not wanting to disrupt the moment.
Instead, Lilia stood back and watched you from a distance, basking in the joy of hearing your voice once again. He knew he could not approach you, lest he ruin your new life as he had done before. As the song came to an end, Lilia took one last look at you and the children and turned to walk away. Suddenly, a hand reached out and grasped his wrist, and Lilia halted in his steps.
"Wait! Sir!" you said, looking at him with a perplexed expression. "I've seen you before. In my dreams! Have we met before?"
Part 1✧Part 3✧Part 4 (coming soon!)
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iheartjohnlennon · 9 months
Hii!! Do you think you could write a John lennon x assistant reader that's an enemies to lovers?💕
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'You really got a hold on me'
London, '65
Word count: 846
Tags: Sexual Tension, Mild Smut, Developing Relationship
In the recording studio, the late-night session had taken its deep toll on everyone, everyone except for assistant perhaps.
She had been whisking around happily since the early morning - papers in her hand, words in her mouth. A lot of words, all words to do with the boys. 
She busied herself with making tea for them before she left for the night. Paul and George lounged on the sofa, they exchanged tired smiles as they heard the kettle sound.
After moving gracefully out of the quaint back kitchen, she handed George a mug and gave his arm a rub.
"Here you are, George." 
"Cheers, love." He acknowledged, looking up for a second. 
Paul offered a warm smile when he took his tea. "You're a lifesaver," he added.
Now, when it came to John, there was a noticeable pause.
He sat in the corner of the room, an air of indifference about him, it intimidated her sometimes.
It was always like this between them since they had met, an underlying issue, not explainable. The others were good with her, and she was good with them.
John had always been a bit crude with her, nagging her. Nagging her way more than he did the other secretaries too.
She hesitated, glancing in his direction before deciding to skip him for the moment, well, she hadn't prepared a cup for him in the first place. 
Her decision wasn't lost on him, it pissed him right off. "Am I fucking invisible, then Y/N?" 
John snapped at her, a cold edge to his voice.
He put his guitar down, deciding his attention could now be focused on annoying her. 
She shot him a wry look and sighed before replying dryly. "Yes, John."
Paul and George exchanged glances, attempting to stifle their uncomfortable laughter as they took sips of their tea.
John wasn't one to back down, especially not to some assistant. She paced back and forth, his eyes followed her every step.
"Oh, right, I see. Everyone gets tea but me. Feeling the love, aren't I? Aren't I?" He challenged rudely.
She shrugged, feeling bored of his pre-rant.
"Well, it's not bloody rocket science, is it? Prepare tea for all of us or don't. That's what you're good at after all."
"What?" She asked angrily, hoping he didn't insinuate what she thought.
George and Paul exchanged knowing glances for the last time. With a shared understanding, they rose from their seats, leaving the room with a sense of practised nonchalance. The heavy door swung shut behind them, hopefully muffling out any more bickering. 
She sighed and retrieved a fag from her cardigan pocket. 
"Well, love, it seems it's just you and me now," he remarked, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he leaned against a nearby amplifier.
She shot him a sidelong glance, a mixture of scepticism and amusement in her expression. 
"Don't get any ideas, Lennon. I can handle myself just fine."
John raised an eyebrow, a sly smile forming on his lips. He walked towards her, becoming oddly close. 
"Oh, I'm sure you can, but where's the fun in that?"
He seemed to whisper. 
She rolled her eyes, and looked away from him, maintaining her composure. 
"You know, you're not as charming as you think you are."
She knew she was lying to herself. In spite of his frequent insults and rudeness, there was an air of eroticism in it, just an air.
John chuckled, unfazed by her retort.
"Well, lucky for you, I'm not here to charm. Just to keep you on your toes, y'know?" 
She sensed the sarcasm.
John seemed to be slowly closing the distance between them, their noses softly touching. 
His voice, low and teasing, sent shivers down her spine.
"You know, love, I can't decide if you're more of a nuisance or a temptation."
She was caught off guard by the sudden proximity, and his comment. 
Before she could respond, John closed the remaining gap, his lips roughly met hers in an unexpected kiss. The studio, once filled with the echoes of music, now carried the sounds of their smooches.
Their lips embraced and his tongue tasted her mouth, from the tip of her tongue to the back of her throat. Her back had pressed hard against the wall as his hands gripped his arms.
John pulled away from the heated kiss, just briefly.
His lips now traced a path along her neck, she exhaled softly and then let out a slow, breathy whisper. 
Undeterred, he persisted, determined to leave a mark. 
She gently shoved him away, creating a small but deliberate distance between them. John leaned in for another kiss.
She chuckled, placing a hand on his chest to stop him. "No need to rush."
His lips hovered, a playful pout forming on his face. "I thought you liked a bit of excitement."
"Oh, I do, but let's savour the moment, shall we?" She said. 
John slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. His hands squeezed her behind, and she gasped. 
"Savouring it just fine, love," he groaned.
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maochira · 1 year
Hi! Congrats on making it to 100 :) I’m not sure if you’re interested in writing this but feel free to delete/not respond if not! Could I request ShidouxReaderxSae hc? Where it was like unexpected they all fell for each other and how they would be together (fluff and stuff). Thank you!!
I LOVE THIS REQUEST mainly because I ship my Blue Lock OC with Shidou and I've thought about adding Sae to that ship a handful of times. Also thank you!! It's always a little funny and crazy at the same time to see people congratulating me for hitting 100 last week. BECAUSE RIGHT NOW I'M AT 250??? Also I only noticed after writing I forgot the entire "unexpected" part of the request I'm sorry I got lost in the excitement of writing Shidou LMAO
Masterlist and request rules
Tags: Shidou x gn!reader x Sae, established relationship, fluff
-you equal each other out perfectly in terms of differences and similarities! Especially when it comes to Shidou's craziness and Sae's calmness
-no matter if you're a soccer player like them or not, Shidou will ask you to play with him all the time. Don't expect him to go easy on you, tho. He'll use his full skill and tease you for losing
-in general, Shidou loves teasing you and Sae over literally everything. It's kind of his love language
-Shidou LOVES to annoy you and Sae. But you love him so much, even when he gets on your nerves a little too much, you can never be mad at him
-Sae gets pissed off because of Shidou sometimes tho
-Sae isn't that big on verbal affection most of the time, he prefers quality time and physical touch. Shidou's main love languages are physical touch and small acts or service like tieing your shoes or helping you pick out clothes (he also tries to be affectionate with words, but that's your main part in the relationship)
-when the three of you cuddle usually it's you or Shidou in the middle, Sae prefers being on the side but doesn't mind being in the middle every once in a while. Usually so you and Shidou can rest your heads on his chest and stomach and Sae gets to pet your hair
-you and Sae cook together fairly often. Shidou just watches and keeps asking over and over when the food will be done. You tell him to help but he usually declines
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djarintreble · 1 year
Hello!💐 Hope your having a good day, so far!☺️
I want to tell you, that I'm a BIG fan of your "My Two Favorite Girls" series!💖
I would like to request a fic, where it goes back to when Eddie and fem! Reader first met, and maybe when they first kissed💋🤭.
Awe thank you, babes!!! I appreciate the love! I’ve missed the dad!Eddie series. I haven't had the chance to update it due to a really tough semester but this inspired me to get back into it cause I love Eddie and Arwen so much! Here is the story of how dad!eddie and reader "met", fell in love, had their first kiss, and everything in between before they had Arwen; their love story + bonus adorable moments. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! it’s a LONG one!! pairing: dad!Eddie Munson x fem!reader tags: established relationship, flashbacks, married/dad!Eddie and reader, apart of the dad!Eddie series, Arwen is the captain of reader and Eddie's ship, so much fluff it hurts. it’s like a whole bluey episode. references to other shots in this series read others here.
word count: 5k+, I'm not sorry, i’m proud
forever & always | e.munson
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"One day, you and Eddie could tell her the real tale of Hawkins and the upside down. How her parents met, how they almost lost one another and how they promised to never leave each other’s side. But for now, you were holding onto to any and all small moments like these because you know you’re never promised tomorrow."
“Did you and mommy get married?” Your daughter asked, taking another bite of her food. At four years old, there were no questions off the table. From “can i have a baby sister?” to “why doesn’t daddy cut his hair?” to “why do i call him uncle steve if he’s not my uncle?”… She was bound to know all things.
You couldn’t tell who she got that from. Maybe the stubbornness from you and the constant curiosity of her father.
“Yes, sweetheart. We did get married.” Eddie smiled and leaned over to ruffle her hair, earning a squirm and giggle. He looked back over to you with the same goofy smile and grabbed your hand. “I’m a lucky guy.” You managed to blush and couldn’t hide the smile that rose to your face. After all these years he still made you feel like the young girl you were when you first met.
“I didn’t go?” Arwen asked, her eyebrows rose and the tone of her voice sounded almost… dissapointed?
“Well… we got married before we had you.” You answered.
“I want to go to see you get married.” She said sadly, picking at her food now. This broke your heart. It must be hard to process how you weren’t alive for an event you hear was so special. Especially at that young an age. “I want to be a flower girl.” She added.
It clicked. Her classmate and little friend Sophie’s parents are getting married and she's their flower girl. She brought home an invite when she came home from school.
“Is this because of Sophie’s mom and dad getting married?” You asked, a hand over hers.
“Yes. I want to go to your wedding.”
“But we already got married, Arwen. See look-“ Eddie showed the ring that was on his left hand and you picked up your hand and showed your ring as well.
“Would you like to see a photo of us on our wedding day? When we got married?” You asked. Arwen perked up and nodded excitingly. “Finish your food and I’ll go pull out the scrapbook.” With a smile, you looked back at Eddie who was already looking at you with even more love in his eyes. It was about time you showed her and besides, you loved looking back at the memories.
After you cleaned up dinner, you went to the living room and pulled the white scrapbook off of the shelf and sat down. Arwen crawled into your lap and Eddie sat down next to you, an arm draped across the back of the couch.
“It says, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Munson. 1988.” You read the cover of the scrapbook for Arwen, running your finger across the words as you spoke. Opening the first page, Arwen gasped.
“It’s you, mommy!” She exclaimed. “And Aunt Nancy!”
A picture of you and Nancy from high school was taped to the first page. The beginning of the scrapbook showed off both you and Eddie before you dated; telling the story of how you met.
“And daddy and dusty and mikey and lukey and-“ she pointed at every familiar face she saw.
“Yes, see we’ve been playing DnD since we were in high school. Every thursday, we still play, remember?” Eddie added, pointing to the hellfire club logo in the background of the photo.
Below the two photos was a polaroid of the two of you that was taken the night of the fall dance. Next to it was taped the ticket and a single rose petal from your corsage.
“This was your wedding?” Arwen asked, eyebrows scrunched up and a puzzled look. You laughed.
"Oh no! We added a little section that tells our story. This was before we, uh- officially met." Eddie scoffed. "What?"
"Oh nothing, please tell her." He leaned back against the couch more, amused.
“Well, Aunt Nancy and I were on the yearbook team in school. I’ve seen your dad around school but never talked to him before-“
SEPTEMBER 1985 | wednesday
“Wheeler! L/N! What a surprise! How may I assist you.” The club leader asked. How did he know your name? Of course you knew who he was. Eddie Munson was known by everyone at Hawkins High. You couldn't help but be intrigued by him but you've never said a word to him. Why did he know you? You looked at the boy a grade older than you with a smile.
“We’re here for yearbook photos of the Hellfire Club.” You stated.
“So you’ll finally admit we’re a club. not a cult! Good thing I washed this finally.” He picked at his shirt that showed off his club’s logo and sniffed before looking back at you with a smirk. You rolled you eyes. Now you understood what Nancy meant when she described him as “painfully annoying yet amusing.”
“We just need you all to line up against the wall for a clean background and smile. No funny business, Munson.” Nancy said, grabbing the camera that was held around her neck by a lanyard.
“Only if Y/N is taking the photo.” Eddie gave you a bow. In return you rolled your eyes.
The club gathered by the wall, fixing their shirts and straightening up for a photo. You knew the younger kids; Dustin, Lucas and Mike. In fact you knew them like brothers. You would never forget the moment they told you there were Russians scientist underneath the Starcourt Mall. Ever since, you were dragged into the secrets of Hawkins, witnessing your fair share in flesh monsters and kids with powers. Your summer job was over as you watched the mall go down in flames, a blanket wrapped around you and your best friend Nancy. The group had sworn to secrecy and returned to, hopefully, normal life.
That’s why it was so annoying that the boys seemed to encourage Eddie’s behavior. Why did they encourage his teasing? The occasional smirk or silly face right as the photo snapped made you flustered.
After Nancy decided she got a photo worthy of the yearbook, she thanked the club for their time and you ventured off to the next club. Later that day at lunch, the metalhead from earlier approached your table. Him clearing his throat caught your attention and you looked up to see Eddie standing with his hands behind his back.
“Eddie, was it?” You said, taking a bite out of the fruit cup in your hand.
“Yes. I came to apologize for earlier. It came to my attention that-" He peered over his shoulders and you could see the boys at his designated table staring. Some were snickering where Dustin watched with a worried look. “my behavior made you uncomfortable and I would like to know how I could make it up to you…”
It was your turn to make him squirm. You looked at Nancy who watched with a curious look. Turning back around to Eddie, you smiled and sat your fruit cup down.
“Anything I ask?” You smirked.
“Anything, princess.” He smirked back, leaning to one side as he crossed his arms.
You couldn’t deny he was cute. A little annoying, but cute. You were curious if you could take that cocky smirk off his face.
“Come to the fall dance with me.” You turned to face him more. The change in his expression made up for his behavior alone. The confidence he portrayed was smacked off his face and suddenly he looked like a lost puppy.
“I-what?“ he started.
“What? You said anything!” You could hear Nancy snickering from behind you. You turned to her.
“He’s not the kind to show up to events he’s not required to go to. Even then it’s a miracle he shows up.”
“It’s called having priorities and a life outside of school, Wheeler. You should look into it.”
“No thanks, I like my lungs.” She gave a sarcastic smile.
“Okay-“ you intervened. “Is that a yes or a no, Munson?”
“Your mom asked me to a dance.” Eddie leaned over your shoulder to give Arwen a face. "She thought I was very handsome and she just had to go with me." Leave it to your husband to bring the dramatics.
“A ball!” Arwen shouted giddily. She looked down at the picture of the two of you. Pointing at you, she sighed. “You look like a princess, mommy.”
“Thank you, baby.” You couldn't help but laugh at the sincerity along with Eddie's occasional comments.
“Did y’all dance?” Your daughter asked.
- SEPTEMBER 1985 | fall dance -
You were annoyed with yourself. It was a silly comment. Did you really think the school’s freak would come to a social event just for you? A girl he barely knew who only asked him to a dance to catch him off guard?
You couldn't blame him but here you were, holding onto your wrist where a corsage would be. Secretly hoping he would come because otherwise, you'd be alone all night.
“So this is what I’ve been missing out on.” You hear a familiar voice say from behind. You turn around to see Eddie Munson standing awkwardly. He did not have his normal apparel on. His long wavy hair was neatly pulled back into a low bun, only his bangs were out, framing his face. He switched his normal battle vest for a plain black one, accompanied by a red button up and ripped black jeans. A metal chain linked onto his belt and he wore his typical white Reebok high tops. He looked handsome.
"Wow, you clean up nicely." You smiled, walking up to him. It was then that you noticed the clear box in his hand.
"Mike said that you were wearing a red dress so I planned accordingly." He opened the box to reveal a rose pinned onto a band with baby breath flowers and leaves surrounding it. He got you a corsage.
"How did he-"
"You and Nancy were quite loud during your sleepover the other night." He smirked, causing you to freeze. There was definitely parts of that conversation that included him. It didn't occur to you that one of his minions was on the other side of the wall taking notes.
"It's flattering. Honestly, L/N. Nice to know I intrigue you." He emphasized the word as if it amused him that you'd say such thing.
"Well..." You laughed it off. "Thank you for coming. I was scared I'd be alone all night."
"And leave the princess without a dance partner? Pfft never." He smiled. This smile was different than the ones you've seen before. He spoke to you in a such a soft tone, it made you feel safe.
The pop music faded and a familiar song came on. How Deep is Your Love by The Bee Gees began to play. The dance floor emptied besides a few couples who began to slow dance.
"Speaking of. Care to join me for a dance?" Eddie stretched out his hand, waiting for you to grab it. With a nod, you held his hand and he took you out to the dance floor. You knew all eyes were on you. How in the world did the school's freak and the quiet girl on the yearbook committee find themselves on the dance floor? You didn't even know that answer. He began to hum the melody of the song as you landed on a spot on within the crowd.
"I didn't take you as a Bee Gees fan." You laughed as Eddie placed a hand around your waist and the other still holding your right hand. You began to sway back and forth, both too nervous to look into each others eyes.
"My music taste expands outside of just metal, you know. I appreciate all types of music. This is a classic." He scoffed. "Besides, its an excuse to dance with the prettiest girl in school so I'd pretend even if I didn't like it."
"Oh." you say quietly. It seemed you both have been keeping track with each other, too afraid to be the first to break the ice. He knew more about you than you thought and you couldn't say you didn't have a habit of keeping up with him.
He spun you around causing you to giggle loudly before being back in his arms. "I was messing with you at lunch that day but... I'm glad you actually came. You're not what they say you are. You're a good guy, Munson." He truly was. The way Dustin spoke highly about him, the respect Mike had for him by helping him match and get a corsage, the fact that he even showed up despite him not liking big events like this was enough. You trusted their judgement and you were confident in your own. Forget what anyone else says. "I like you." You say.
This catches Eddie off guard once again as he pulls back to look you in the eyes. A nervous smile paints his face as he laughed. "Well, thanks. I'm glad you think so. I think I'm liking this too much to let you go now. What do you say, L/N, can I take you out to dinner after this?" His presence was different now. It finally clicked. He wasn't showing you the Eddie he presents for the rest of the school, the one he uses in defense. No, you were seeing the real Eddie Munson. You liked it. That's why you felt safe.
"I would like that a lot." You say with a smile.
"And then you got married?" Arwen asked. The logic making sense to her four year old brain.
"Not exactly. See, we dated for a bit before we got married." You say, flipping to the next page. It was full of memorabilia.
The two pages told your love story.
There were pictures and tickets of your nights at the The Hideout where Eddie’s band played. Character sheets cut out where Eddie doodled things for you during a campaign. A picture of the two of you as he taught you how to play guitar.
“Ew!” Arwen laughed and pretended to be grossed out at something on the page. She pointed to a photo strip that had 4 photos of Eddie and you. The picture in particular was the two of you kissing.
“That was our first kiss.” Eddie said as he grabbed your chin, making you face him. He planted an exaggerated kiss to your lips causing your daughter to squeal again. “What a night.” He added, his eyes widening as he stuck out his tongue. You giggled.
“Oh hush.” You playfully shoved him.
-NOVEMBER 1985 | thanksgiving break-
The cool air was an excuse for Eddie to give you his jacket. Thanksgiving break just began and you were spending the day your boyfriend before your family went out of town to visit family. What other way to spend your day than going to the winter fair just outside of Hawkins. There you could indulge in funnel cakes, deathly fair rides, and no stress from school. Eddie held your left hand as he held onto a stuffed bear he won for you that he already named "teddy mercury."
"Look! A photobooth!" You ran toward it, pulling the metalhead along with you who just laughed along with your excitement.
You both squeezed into the small box and sat Teddy Mercury between the two of you. Eddie slipped a few coins into the slot as you named a few of the poses you could do. You didn't have many photos together except for the one at the dance.
The countdown started for the first photo.
"Okay! Let's do a regular smile one first." You decided, wrapping your arms around Eddie and giving a big smile. He had no choice but to give a genuine smile in response. The countdown began again.
"Okay Hellfire Club represent!" Eddie yelled. He threw his hands up to each side of his head and stuck out his tongue, showing off his typical pose he did to aggravate the jocks. You laughed and joined in making a noise you can only describe as how a goblin would sound.
"Now what to do." You pondered. There were two photos left. You looked over to Eddie who was already staring at you. "What?" You whispered.
Eddie slowly rose a hand to your face and rubbed his thumb against your cheek. You didn't pull away, in fact you were hoping this would happen. The countdown started and right before the last tick, Eddie pulled you in to a kiss. The camera flashed but you didn't care, you were too focused on how soft his lips were. The both of you could care less that the next photo was being counted for. You simply fell deeper into the kiss by leaning in and placing your hands over his that held you face so gently.
Your first kiss.
The Photobooth shook as someone outside banged on the wall, getting both of your attention.
"Hey lovebirds, find somewhere else to be on top of each other we're waiting out here." You let go of Eddie with wide eyes before the both of you started laughing hysterically. You climbed over Eddie to get out.
"I'm so sorry. I-" Of course...
"Harrington! What a surprise! Sorry, the booth is vacant now." Eddie slung his arm around you with a cocky smile. You stared wide eyed at Steve Harrington. This was not how you expected him to find out about your relationship with Eddie Munson. With the kids new fascination with the boy, you didn't want to bring it up to Steve. He already felt replaced now that he's graduated and you were scared that if he saw you were dating him, he would think you didn't need him as well. Not romantically of course, Steve was a brother to you. You helped him get with Nancy in the first place and you were always there for him when he needed to talk about her relationship with Jonathan.
"I didn't realize you two were-" Steve started, his arm around a girl with curly blonde hair.
"We uh- Well- This is Eddie Munson." You nervously introduced. Eddie held out a hand, clearly amused at your antics.
"I'm familiar." Steve gave a blank smile. You just nodded.
"We just started dating last month. I didn't tell you cause ya know..." You said, hinting at the events that happened that summer. It seemed when you worked next door to Steve at Starcourt Mall, you were all in each other's business and ever since you've both been busy. With his new job at Family Video and you focusing on your senior year, you didn't have time. "Busy." You finished.
"If I would have known earlier, I'd have made you pick up the boys on Thursdays." Steve smiled and looked over at Eddie. "Take care of her, Munson. I have eyes everywhere." He jokingly threatened.
"Don't worry. I got her." Your boyfriend responded. Steve and his date went into the booth as Eddie grabbed your photos from the bin. You took the copy and laughed.
Eddie's smile in the first one reminded you of the smile you saw for the first time the night of the dance. A genuine smile you only see him show when he's with you or around the club. It was becoming your favorite thing. You couldn't help but laugh at the second photo. The two of you had your eyes squinted shut, tongues out and fingers like horns. The third one made you blush. Eddie's hand on your cheek as he kissed you for the first time. The next photo was a little blurry as you were moving closer to Eddie, causing him to only be in the corner of the photo. A hint of a smile coming from the both of you mid-kiss. You couldn't believe you captured such a special moment like that.
"This is perfect." You smiled at Eddie, leaning in to give him a quick peck on the lips.
Eddie didn't know how he got this lucky.
"It went just like this-" Eddie said grabbing your chin once again and puckered up, making a dramatic smooching sound.
"Stop! You're being gross." Arwen's disgusted face matched your own as you looked at your husband.
"I'd have to agree, Arwen. Your dad is a weirdo." You laughed before adding, "but he's my weirdo." And you leaned in to give a quick kiss to your unsuspecting husband. An exasperated sigh came from your child. Something about opening this scrapbook caused the two of you to regress to your childish ways. It was refreshing.
Other memories were displayed through the months of your relationship. Tickets, more polaroids, and you own doodles signifying important dates and moments.
"Why is your guitar pick in here, daddy?" Arwen asked, picking at the tape that was starting to peel. You looked at Eddie wide-eyed. It was the pick he use to wear around his neck. The one he almost lost the night he saved you... and almost died. And tried to propose to you.
-MARCH 1986 | the upside down-
You thought the events at the Starcourt mall was it. You only heard about the upside down. You've seen the disgusting flesh eating monster the kids called the 'mind flayer' and that was traumatic enough. But now, here you were in the upside down. Your last thought you imagined was having to fight for your life alongside your boyfriend who became a victim of this entire thing. Hawkins was on the hunt for him, claiming he killed Chrissy Cunningham and was the leader of the cult like behavior going on in the town. You never saw him look so scared when you found him at the boat house. Having to explain to him that this was not your first experience with this in Hawkins was difficult but you managed and had a plan to defeat Vecna and right Eddie's name.
Now... he was bleeding to death on the ground after sacrificing himself to get you to safety. His flesh torn from the demobats filled you with terror as you ran to his side.
"EDDIE! Oh... oh no... Eddie..." You said as you scanned over injuries, hands trembling not knowing where you could touch him without causing pain. You finally decided to start putting pressure around the biggest gash with a ripped piece of your shirt. "Eddie, stay with me... DUSTIN HELP!" you yelled, tears escaping.
"Hey, hey. sweetheart." Eddie got out, painfully trying to sit up and calm you down. Even as he was bleeding out, he put you as his priority. You move to get him to lay in your lap. "When we get out of this mess-" he was interrupted by a series of coughs, caused by the huge gash on his throat. You applied more pressure. "Let's get out of here. Start a new life. I'll get you a ring to make it official and we'll get jobs and a house. Have a kid or two."
"Is this your way of proposing, Munson?" You managed to let out a laugh despite the circumstance.
"Maybe," He smiled. Here he was, on his deathbed, proposing to you.
"That means you better fight to stay alive then. You're not giving up on me that easily." You clutched onto his puffer vest, attempting to sit him up more in your lap.
"Is that a yes?" He mumbled, his eyebrows bunched up in question.
"Let's get you home first." You smiled. His face didn't change, still waiting for a real answer. He was serious. You didn't have time to think about logistics. You've only been dating for 7- no 8 months. You both needed to graduate. You both needed to make it out of here alive... But that didn't matter to Eddie in this moment.
"Of course, Eddie. I will always say yes."
"Good." He smiled, content with your answer. "I love you, sweetheart. From the moment I laid eyes on you." He raised a hand to your cheek and brushed the soft skin with his thumb, admiring you and holding onto this moment in case he didn't have anymore.
"Y/N!" You heard Dustin yelling your name from behind you.
"DUSTIN, WE'RE OVER HERE!" You yelled back. "You hear that, love? They're coming to help me. We're going to get you back home. You're going to be okay." You heard your name being yelled out again by Steve as they got closer. "STEVE, HELP ME CARRY HIM!" You screamed, you needed all the support to help get Eddie back through to Hawkins where he could be tended to.
The next few days seemed like a dream. Almost like you blacked out and next thing you know, you’re waking up curled next to Eddie in a hospital bed. You practically lived there as it was too dangerous to leave due to the controversy of Hawkins Hospital taking Eddie in for recovery. He was protected by the police, including Hopper who made sure no one except his assigned doctors and approved guests could come onto the floor. Max was next door. You tried to leave once just to go get fresh clothes but the second you opened the door, crowds of people surrounded you, screaming and throwing accusations your way. You couldn’t even make a step out before Hopper was pulling you back in.
Eddie hadn’t woken up since you brought him back from the upside down. It was a pain trying to explain to the doctors willing to care for him just what happened without telling the full truth. Eddie was taken into OR to get treated for the deep wounds on his neck and stomach, making sure it didn’t tear or puncture any organs.
You spent those days sleeping, reading Tolkien aloud for the unconscious Eddie, visiting Max and processing the former event in the upside down.
There was one thing you knew for sure. You would never leave Eddie’s side. You wanted to make sure he knew that the second he woke up.
“What happened?” Arwen asked. She frowned toward you after noticing the photo of the two of you in the hospital. It was a few hours before Eddie woke up. Someone snuck a photo of you reading to him. It wasn’t the time to explain to her just why he was in the hospital. You still didn’t know if telling her at all would ever be part of the plan.
“I got in a really bad accident.” Eddie explained. That was all that needed to be said for now.
“Were you hurt?” Your daughter asked, leaning into your arms as she looked up at her dad.
“Yeah, daddy was in a lot of pain. See, I still have some scars from it.” He pulled down his t-shirt just a bit to reveal the uneven skin that surrounded a stitched scar on his neck. The more mild bat bites healed on their own but would forever detail his skin. Bits of colored skin painted his body from never fully recovering to full health. Arwen never knew the difference, that was her dad. He was always like that. It never changed how she viewed him, in fact when she was even younger, she’d trace some of the bumpy parts of his chest in a soothing pattern. It was always a reminder to Eddie of how he survived and carried on.
Now she had a somewhat explanation. She crawled from your lap into Eddie’s, facing him. She ran a finger over the scar and looked back up at her dad. Arwen leaned over and kissed the scar before giving her dad a hug. The sight alone was enough to make you tear up. She loved her dad. Eddie was stunned, he just looked at his daughter with a soft smile and brushed a piece of her hair back.
“And just like you did now, your mother took very good care of me. She was there every day in the hospital: making sure I had everything I needed. She even read me our favorite story!” He bounced her on his lap as she giggled before turning her around and pointing to the photo on the page.
“It was Return of the King.” You smiled, looking at Eddie.
“Where Aragorn reunites with his beautiful princess and they live happily ever after.” Eddie said toward his daughter.
Arwen Munson.
Your living proof that life keeps going, that Eddie wasn't his father before him and that your love for each other helped create and grow a beautiful thing. A little girl that had curls like her father and a smile like yours. Someone so smart yet so delicate. Someone you and Eddie had the privilege to watch develop into a curious and expressive version of you two.
"And here we are. Mommy and daddy's wedding." You flipped the page to reveal a picture of the two of you on your wedding day. It was a small ceremony. Eddie looked as young and handsome as he did the day of the dance, styling a suit with his hair pulled back into a low bun you've grown to love. You wore your mother's dress after making a few alterations. It was perfect for you two.
You flipped through photos that progressed through the day. You and your bridesmaids getting ready, a few of Eddie and his men, the decorations, etc.
“See there’s Uncle Wayne!” You pointed at a specific photo of you and Eddie with Wayne after the ceremony. “And another with your favorite.”
“Dusty!” Arwen nodded. He was always her favorite of the kiddos. He spoiled her almost too much. “How do you get married?” She added, her head tilted with her curiosity.
“Well… When you love someone so much you want to spend the rest of your life with them, you go to the courthouse and sign a paper saying you want to be husband and wife. Then you can have a ceremony where you show how much you love each other in front of close friends and family. That way you can celebrate.” You tried to concise it into an explanation she’d understand.
“I’m family.” She pouted. She still couldn’t get it into her developing little brain. It warmed your heart honestly, it was so cute watching her process things like this. You just didn’t know how else to explain it to her.
“How about this-“ Eddie says, jumping up from the couch. He stretches and lets out a dramatic sigh. “Give me a moment.” He runs out of the living room leaving you and your daughter alone.
“Where is daddy going?” She asked.
“I’m not sure, Arwen.” You shrugged, bouncing Arwen in your lap as you listened out for your husband. He was rummaging through something across the house. After a few minutes, he called for you and your daughter.
You headed into the master bedroom where Eddie pulled out a few things from your closet. Your veil from your wedding, a bouquet made out of crumbled up flowers and some of the random chairs from around the house facing the blank wall of the room.
He gave you a look that insinuated you take the veil and trust him with the rest. You grabbed it and put it on your head with a smile. He shooed you off into the hallway where you stood, peering from the doorway to watch for your cue.
Eddie cleared his throat and began with his best narrator voice, “December 1988. The most important day in history. The wedding of Ed- Mommy and Daddy.”
Arwen shrieked in excitement as she realized the game Eddie was playing. “Wedding! Wedding!” She singed.
“Their daughter, Arwen Munson, arrived. The most beautiful flower girl to ever walk the earth.” He gave her a small basket from her toy room filled with ripped paper and whispered in her ear. In response, she ran to the doorway to find you.
“I’m your flower girl, mommy.” She said in a hushed voice as serious as ever.
“Oh- okay.” you nodded and gave her a wink.
Eddie began to hum an unfamiliar tune, probably because he was making it up as he went. As if on cue, Arwen skipped into the room, leaving paper petals all over the floor. “
“Great job, Arwen.” Your husband praised. “Now when the bride walks out, we stand as she comes up to the groom, okay? Then you can sit down.” He directed. “And here she comes-“ He sung out, hinting at your turn to enter the scene.
A horribly funny rendition of the bridal march was sung as you walked in, taking the smallest steps possible. Your daughter had the biggest smile on her face, similar to the one painted on your husband’s face as he continued to sing. As you got up to the front, you gave Arwen your bouquet.
“You get to hold my bouquet as we say our vows, okay?” she nodded gleefully as you joined Eddie at the wall.
“Hello my husband.” You laughed.
“Not yet.” Eddie replied in a jokingly serious tone.
“Oh yes of course. Sorry.” You stifled a laugh.
“We’re going to say our vows.” Eddie said toward Arwen, breaking character. He turned back to you and squinted his face before beginning.
“Y/N. As I look back on all the special moments we have experienced together, I realize that it was always you. Even before I knew your name, I knew you were the one for me. You have shown me what real love is. A kind of love I’ve never felt I deserved. I admire your patience, your determination and your love for everyone around you. You have been the most wonderful mother and every day, you continue to show me just how much love can grow. I love you, Y/N. Forever and Always.” He says.
Tears threaten to spill at the sudden moment of sincerity. His words pulling you into a space where it felt time stopped. Not even that, time was merely a concept as you were driven back to 5 years ago when Eddie said something quite similar, without the ‘wonderful mother’ part.
That was it. Love is timeless.
Eddie continued to smile at you, his eyes saying more than his already captivating words. In that moment, all you could think about was how your husband was showing his daughter was true love looks like. What it means to be loved by a man so thoughtful, so honest, so meaningful.
Something that was considered the opposite of Eddie’s character years ago by everyone around you; even yourself. Here he was, confessing his love to you as if it was the first time. All you could do was stare.
“Mommy…” Arwen interrupted your thoughts. “Aren’t you suppose to say your vows too?” Her feet dangled from the seat she was in as her empty basket tapped against the side of the chair. She looked on eagerly at the two of you.
“Right, of course.” You smiled at your daughter before looking back at Eddie. Remembering your original vows and thinking of all that has happened since, you began.
“Eddie, I remember the first time I heard your voice. The school cafeteria. You stood up for a freshman who was getting bullied by- what was his name, oh yes, Jason.” You nodded, Eddie smirked at the mention. “lI was told many things of your character. I even was one to believe them. My biggest regret was not realizing that the first time I heard your voice was the true portrayal of your character. You love. Deeply. Because you love so deeply, you bleed. Your bandage was always what protected you. We have been through so much since then. To this day, you continue to bleed and through that, show me- our daughter, what true love is. I admire your eyes as they seek out the people who usually go unseen, your voice for how it carrie’s in a room and can be heard, your laughter and funny jokes to keep me laughing, and your heart for others. I love you Eddie Munson. You are the most loving husband and father. I am blessed to call you mine. Forever and always.”
“Forever and always, sweetheart.”
AHHH thank you for loving dad!eddie and arwen munson! it brings me joy anytime i write about them and i love that you feel the same reading! These stories have kept me sane throughout my last year of college and I need to do more! Thank you for reading!! Please send me more dad!eddie requests as I am finally on summer break! Thank you for your patience as I finish school! So much love! ✨
taglist: @geekmom3 @ruinedbythehobbit @dark-academia-slut @middle--fingering @aesthetic-lyss @wintermunsonreads @aftertheglitterfades @littlepotatobeansworld
Eddie Munson taglist: @cryuki-patootie @tvserie-s-world @that-gay-snail @grippleback-galaxy @ghostimpala @senthiasworld @maripinkman @mvnsonlover @foxsmvlder @a-lil-pr1ncess
lmk if you’d like to be added to my Eddie taglist!
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misshoneyimhome · 1 year
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Too lost in you
Tags: soft!Auston; Auston Matthews x reader; blurb;
A/N: so this is completely stolen from the movie "Love Actually", the scene where Juliet finds out about Mark's feelings for her - I only altered it a bit ❤️
If you haven't seen the movie, you've missed out on a classic! 😉 or you're too young to be here... or I'm too old to be here 😂
Baby, I'm too lost in you Caught in you Lost in everything about you So deep I can't sleep, I can't think I just think about the things you do I'm just too lost in you
It was a few weeks after Mitch and Stephanie's wedding, and you were eager to get your hands on the videos Auston had captured throughout the day and evening. You knew he had taken some fantastic shots.
However, when you approached Auston about seeing the videos, he seemed hesitant, leaving you puzzled.
Your relationship with Auston was far from close. He had never made an effort to get to know you, even though you often found yourselves at gatherings or parties with the Toronto Maple Leafs crowd. He rarely engaged in direct conversations with you, and any time you were left alone together by accident, it never lasted more than a couple of minutes. Compared to many of the other guys, Auston was practically a stranger to you.
Despite this, you had heard through the grapevine that Auston had the best videos from the wedding. Given your close friendship with Stephanie, you and some of your girlfriends had decided to embark on a little project for her – some heartfelt video content.
As days passed with Auston avoiding your calls and messages, you decided to take matters into your own hands. And you knew he was at home, thanks to a tip from Mitch.
“Pecan pie?” you excitedly offered, holding the box containing the pie in your hand, as Auston swung the door open.
Auston was taken aback when he opened the door to find you standing there. Clearly, he hadn't anticipated your unexpected visit. He had likely thought that ignoring you would keep you at bay, but your determination had led you straight to his doorstep.
“No, thanks,” he replied softly, frowning a little.
“Thank god,” you said a bit nervously. “It would have broken my heart, if you’d said yes.” You offered him a friendly smile.
“Alright well,” he spoke. “Lucky you.”
“Can I come in?” you asked, again showing your excitement.
But Auston hesitated. “Oh well, eh…” he said, but you slowly began to enter his condo. “I was busy-“
You knew he was trying to avoid you again, so you decided to stand firm and complete the mission.
“Well, I was just passing,” you interrupted, as you kept walking into the living room of his condo. “And I thought we might check that video thing out. I thought I might be able to swap it with some pie or… or maybe, Munchies?” you cheekily suggested, pulling a snack bar out of your pocket, offering Auston a cute smile.
“Actually, I was being serious,” he said, as he faced you standing in the centre of his living room. “I don’t know where it is,” he shrugged - “I’ve poked around and-“
“Auston,” you interrupted him once again. “Can I say something?” you said in your sweetest voice possible.
“Yeah,” he looked a bit down into the floor.
You took in a deep breath before speaking. “I know you’re Mitch’s best friend… and I know you’ve never particularly warmed to me,” you added again a little nervous.
Auston moved slightly avoiding eye contact as you spoke. He tried to indicate that he'd want to say something.
“No, don’t argue,” you added, and he straightened with his cap. “We’ve never got friendly, but I just wanted to say that I hope that it can change, I’m nice, I really am, apart from my terrible taste in pies, and it would be great if we could be friends,” you basically blurted out.
Auston looked directly at you before he again turned his look away a little, awkwardly tugging his hands in his pockets.
“Absolutely… Absolutely,” he replied softly, still awkwardly moving in his place. He paused for a few seconds.
“… Great,” you simply said, and turned to look in another direction as well, sensing the awkwardness between you.
“Doesn’t mean we’ll be able to find the video though,” Auston quickly added as you started to move around in his living room, him quick to follow you. “I had a real search when you first called and I couldn’t find any trace of it, so…”
He was right behind you as you were looking around at the mountain of photos and USB-sticks lying on his coffee table.
“Well, there’s one USB here that says, ‘Mitch and Steph Wedding video’,” you said as you picked up the little plastic item with a small white label on it. “Do you think we’re on the right track?” you offered him a friendly smile again.
“Oh yeah… well, wow…” he said, acting a bit surprised, trying his best to keep his cool facade. “That… that could be it,” he said, tugging on his cap again, as you sat down onto the sofa and plucked it into his already turned-on laptop.
“Do you mind if I just,” you said as you were already preparing to play it.
“Ehm, I probably already deleted the content…” he quickly said, trying to you stop you from what you were doing. “Or maybe there’s just a lot of hockey videos on that one… oh”
But you had already pressed play and the video was about to start. Auston stood a few steps away from you, knowing there was nothing he could do to stop what was about to unfold.
“Oh bingo,” you said as the music played and the video of Stephanie walking into the beautiful wedding scene started to show. She was slowly walking down the flowery scenery, and a couple of the guests were captured as well, looking all mesmerised at her.
Auston was still just fumbling with his hand as he was standing next to you, also looking at the screen.
“That’s lovely,” you added softly. “Oh well done you,” you gasped as the video of the wedding continued to play. “Oh, that’s gorgeous.”
The video showed a few close ups of Stephanie in her absolutely stunning wedding gown, her hair and make-up all perfectly done. “Thank you so much Auston, this is exactly what I was hoping for.”
Auston held his arms tightly close to his body, as he took a hand to his forehead.
The video started to show a few shots of the guests, where you were captured in several of them. You smiled as he had caught your best angles and you could really see your amazing outfit and make-up, which you had spent weeks on perfectioning.
“I look quite pretty,” you lightly chuckled, as more shots of you were running over the display. You smiled. The video was amazing.
“You’ve stayed rather close, haven’t you,” you chuckled, turning your head to look at Auston, who’s expression was turning a little sad, and he’d started to blush.
But you didn’t notice. You simply laughed and turned back to face the screen.
And his heart dropped as the video was getting closer to the end.
In this very moment, he could cry - scream and crawl into a whole. He knew what was coming.
You smiled as the soft music kept playing, but you started to notice how all of the videos were of you. From a distance, zoomed in. From different angles, and different times during the night. When you were posing with the girls, when you were dancing with some of the other guests, and when you were eating a bite of the cake.
In fact, all of the shots were of you.
The soft music kept playing, and you were about to say something, when you slowly realised… it was all about you.
You stared at the laptop screen as the final videos continued.
Auston had only taken video shots of you during the evening. No one else - but you.
You slowly turned your head to look at Auston, but he was just starring at the screen with wide eyes and lightly biting down on his fingers.
You could tell there was something going on inside his head.
You’d found out.
Even the final shot of Stephanie and Mitch waving goodbye to the crowd, was of you.
You bit down your bottom lip. “They’re all of me…” you said with a low tone of voice.
“Yeah… yeah… yes,” Auston softly replied.
You watched it to the end. And then the music stopped.
You sat there. On his sofa. Speechless.
“But” you stammered. “You never talk to me… you always talk to everyone else”.
Auston didn’t say anything, just simply shrugged.
“You don’t like me,” you added, offering Auston a puzzled expression.
He was blinking several times, looking away from you before he said something. “I hope it’s useful.” His voice was low and nervous. “Don’t… show it around too much… it needs a … bit of… editing… look, I’ve got to get to… a…lunch, early lunch - you can just show yourself out, ‘kay…” he said, then walked away from you, before stopping again. “It’s a… self-preservation, you see,” he added before he walked out into the hallway, and out of the door.
Leaving you baffled and alone on his sofa.
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