#I'm not a music person forgive me 😩
wombywoo · 4 months
1. And 3. For Appearances, and 12. for Hobbies and Activities? I'm really interested in what sort of music they listen to or play!
thanks for the questions 😚
What is your character's favorite physical trait they possess?
Quinn likes his eyes; he's been complimented on them enough to feel like they must be good. Vincent likes his hair a lot! He's had a few funky styles through the years, so he enjoys getting to experiment with it. He also has very lovely hands--nice and thin, quite long; he keeps the nails clean and neat~
3. Is there something about your character's appearance that they would change if possible?
Quinn would have said his ears (🥺) but he's gotten over that particular insecurity and doesn't really mind them anymore. I guess he'd say his teeth? They're a little crooked and fit oddly in his mouth, which he's sort of self-conscious about.
Vincent might've also said his teeth at some point (he used to file down the fangs to appear more human, poor thing 😔) but now he embraces it. If he had to change anything, it'd be the eyes--the red can be very intense, and he doesn't want to give the wrong impression
🎲 Hobbies and Activities
12. What kind of music does your character enjoy?
Quinn sticks to edgy, emo stuff, lol. 90s grunge, some early 2000s alternative, etc (I couldn't tell ya specifics, 'cause that's not really my scene~) There are a few outliers to his taste that he swears he doesn't listen to but does 🤫 The iPod never lies....
Vincent likes a mix of everything. He's pretty open to exploring new music, as each decade introduces new styles and whatnot and he gets to watch it all evolve. Most of his fondness is for soul/R&B type stuff, but he has favorites in all genres~ As for playing, he enjoys learning retro rock songs on his guitar, but will also whip out some classical stuff as well~
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777rare · 1 year
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATIONS PT.3 (song edition pt.1)
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THIS CONTAINS MENTIONING OF seggs so please scroll if ur below 18+
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• If chiron in aquarius/11th HOUSE effects were put in a song, it would be -
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Lilith in libra,scorpio,capricorn,Taurus
Lilith in 7th,10th,1st,8th,6th
Venus in aquarius,capricorn,scorpio
Pluto,Lilith dominance
Venus-pluto aspects(esp. Square, conj)
Pluto-lilith aspects.
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• If Gemini Mars were Horny, the best song to describe it is -
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• If capricorn/10th HOUSE Venus/lilith were a song it would be-
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• If uranus conjuct mercury/venus in 12th house and the native has someone on their mind all the time, the best song to describe it is-
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• if Capricorn moon has 2 horny sides it either be-
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• If cancer mars men expressed their love through a song it would be-
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• The two sides of Air Mars when they're horny are-
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I've noticed a lot of people with sexual/personal planets in EARTH placements(esp. Capricorn, Mars or moon) love listening to slowed reverb. Or even listen to music that's got slow beats, sexy or sensual beats that make them wet or feel sexy. Also, these guys look hott in slow motion vedios with a slowed reverb playing in the background.🔥😩🤤
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Hope y'all enjoyed today's post! Have a great day ahead!🏝💘
Feel free to reblog and tag me when you do❤🙌🏻
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laughroditee · 2 months
Thinking about the COD urban fantasy AU that I will be writing a fic for. I have a background in fine art and comics and have experience with video editing, so because of this, this fic came to me as a movie trailer, which I plan on making an animatic of. (If I can get my husband to learn how to voice the characters, I may include voices as well.) But it came from the idea:
What if there was a necromancer who would raise your loved one, but if you didn't pay them, they'd take control of them?
And that leads us to the
"Repossessed" Trailer Script, starring necromancer!graves
(please note that I do not have any formal training in actually formatting scripts so these are just my notes for the animatic. Filmmakers, don't come for me.)
(OPEN on a cityscape at sundown, cue music, if any.) Voiceover: "The name's Graves."
(NIGHTTIME. cut to a scene of a man, back to us in a cemetery. Close in on headshot, he turns to face the camera.) V/O: "Phillip Graves."
(INTERIOR OFFICE, DAYTIME. Graves is seated behind his desk, feet up, leaning back in his chair, maybe playing with a Rubix cube or something, speaking with a client, whom we can't see yet.)
Client: "Phillip Graves? As in 'fill up graves?' That's a bit… on the nose isn't it?"
Graves (smirking bc he's a cocky mf): "I don't so much fill ‘em up as I do empty ‘em out nowadays."
(Cut back to scene of Graves in the cemetery where a green, eldritch light glows from his hand.) V/O: "As a necromancer, I can bring anyone back from the dead."
(Cut back to Graves in office, looking at client.) Graves: "For a Price."
(Graves leans forward, cocking his head): "What would you pay?"
(Flashes of the deceased, happy.) V/O: "What would you do...?"
(Flashes of the deceased and the client together, loving etc huehuehue) V/O: "...To have them back with you?"
(Cut to Graves sitting behind his desk, holding up photo of the deceased between two fingers, looking at his client, cocky and eager.) Graves: "Pretty little thing like this? What's it worth to ya?"
(Cut to John Price seated in the chair opposite the desk, looking grief-stricken, desperate, and determined): “Everything.”
(cut to black, dramatic pause if there's music)
(Cut to first person POV, looking up at Graves, giving you a hand.) Graves: “Welcome back, darlin', to the land of the living.”
When I post the art (storyboards and eventual video) for this, it will be on my art blog @momokeen and reblogged from there. (I try to keep my 18+ stuff here separate from my main blog, even though I update more here, currently.)
Issues I know I will have:
Time - my chaotic brain always has a billion projects going at once, which is why I wanted to at least put this much out. I have at least four other fics that need attention, not to mention actual real life, and running a small business. I will be doing it though. It may not be good, but it will be done, eventually.
Finding the right music. Currently I'm looking for good epic trailer music. I have zero money to commission someone to compose something custom, otherwise I would ask my friend if he'd take the job.
Voices (because I want them 😩)
The decedent. I had planned on writing the fic as a "x you" POV, but if I'm including a visual trailer, done in the way that I want, obviously I have to pick one way the decedent looks, which I know will leave many people feeling left out. This is why I tend to make OCs, as it's easier for me to make decisions that my OCD and trauma brain won't let me make otherwise, because "this person is their own person and this is how I've developed them." (Also I'm new to fanfic, pls forgive me. I know OC x Canon is the less-liked option here. I really struggle with trying to make everyone happy, to the point that it's debilitating and I honestly don't know what to do.)
And finally, ✨mental health✨.
But yeah, that's it. That's a thing I'm gonna make. This was step one. Thanks for reading. 🖤
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Scorpio sun, Pisces moon, Cancer rising, Libra mercury, Libra Venus, Capricorn mars.
These are a few observations I've made for @lunar-piscean girl please forgive me for not speaking much on the Pisces moon I don't really know anybody with a Pisces moon personally.😭
• These people are low-key romantic!!
• Scorpio sun with Pisces moon and Cancer rising make for a very shy or introverted person!
• Also very affectionate and concerned with the emotions of those around them.
• Can literally wear their hearts on their sleeves and have a childlike innocence to them.
• I've noticed with Scorpio suns they tend to have a somewhat neutral relationship with their fathers. Sometimes their dad might not live with them or they just might not get along too well with their dads.
• I've also noticed Scorpio suns with Libra placements are into animate/manga and even read/write Wattpad fanfics of it?
• With Pisces moon you might turn to music as cope/escape mechanism and tend to be musically gifted.
• Scorpio sun-Libra mercury/Venus people tend to not curse a lot and polite manners go a long way with these folks.
• They also tend to be very indecisive!! The type to suggest something they want to do then ask their best friend if they should do it or not and then say "I don't know/Yeah but I don't know though" every 5 seconds.😭
• They also apologize a lot if they've cut you off during mid sentence. Like boo it's okay you don't need to apologize.😩
• Scorpio sun with Cancer rising is also the type to cry on the phone about something that somebody said that they personally took to the heart.
• They might've been that kid in the playground who was too shy to go play with the others and make new friends.
• In relationships and I believe this includes the Pisces moon too, they might attract people who have mommy issues and aren't sure about what they want.
• They also tend to get their feelings hurt very easily.
• The Capricorn mars definitely makes this person act calm and collected. Not the type to get into physical fights either. They can be very calculating too though. Not the type to trust everybody's intentions.
• The Water sun-Capricorn mars makes for a playful and passionate yet very sensual and down to earth aura in bed!
• Definitely the sexy people with alluring eyes and a need for physical touch!
• They oftentimes have a thing for either being the dominant one or being dominated!! They can switch sometimes though, they just wanna make sure their partners finish on an orgasmic high note and they can get turned on to seeing their partner turned on. Definitely the girl that puts it down like no other and leaves you begging for more placement!
• Libra venus women can be attracted to Libra sun men because they see them as the ideal lover!💗
• Capricorn mars women are attracted to men with Earth suns.
• They're most compatible with other Earth mars and Water mars but might not be as compatible with Cancer mars though. And depending on the mars degree they can be compatible/very attracted to people with the opposite Mars sign as their Mars's degree. E.g. My Mars is at 21 (Sag) degree and I'm into dirty talk & phone sex (a Gemini Mars/Degree thing).
• The Capricorn mars can also give you lots of sex appeal!
• The Scorpio sun-Libra mercury combo makes for someone who might not like to argue especially with their best friend and if they feel like the conversation is heading South then they might just tell their friend to forget it and they'll change the subject.
• They also have the tendency to agree with their friends just for the sake of peace even if they don't agree with it.
• Oh and they're artistic people!! Literally might be into singing or drawing or something to do with arts!
• They're also soft spoken most of the times and they don't just strive for balance while speaking but also keeping things fair and they like to share things with their friends.
• Most of them have charming smiles/laughs and speak very affectionately. The only time they'll complete drop their niceness and start firing shots is when they're really mad.
• They also know how to dress!🔥
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petrichoraline · 2 months
Hi Petri! 👋😊 I’m here to offer a distraction! (And cause I’m genuinely curious) Not to sound like an ignorant American 😬 but how did you learn English? Is it taught in schools in Italy? Like it’s just standard for people to be bilingual now? Or is it something you took extra classes for? Or did you grow up in an English speaking environment? How much English do you use in your daily life?
Ho imparato l’italiano all’università ma non lo uso tutti i giorni quindi l’ho dimenticato 😔
karen my love, first and foremost - thank you soo much for indulging me 🥰🥰🥰 the giffing process is kicking my ass right now so this is a breath of fresh air <33
i think i should immediately clarify - i am not italian! i'm assuming it's possible the misunderstanding happened because monica is? or maybe i said smth that could lead to that conclusion? anyways, i am eastern european and balkan, my first closer look at italian happened two days ago through a language learning app hahah
so, i don't know about italian schools, i would assume they also teach english just like ours do (i hope you forgive me trying to be vague about my nationality) but i cannot say with certainty. i've studied english all throughout school but i didn't become fluent because of it - most english classes in school are not nearly enough to make you good, whether it's the teachers or the study plans - it's just not it. this is why many of us were signed up for lessons as kids - i went to group lessons near school till the sixth grade. i took a pause because of school exams but never went back so all of my fluency now is a result of
1. english class in school
2. six years of private (group) english lessons (!!!)
3. all sorts of media - not only movies, music, books etc. the original language of which is english but also other foreign media in english -translated books, subtitled videos, explained lyrics (!!!)
4. talking to foreigners and friends in english
5. studying other languages through english - even while studying japanese in high school most if not all of our resources were in english, the sites we use, the textbooks - all of it (though there was this one textbook in vietnamese lol)
i'd say it's pretty standard for europeans to know english, a lot of us know three languages or more because they're close to ours. i personally don't but still, it is common. in school english was the basic foreign language and in middle school i chose russian as my second one. most people don't end up fluent in the language they choose in middle school (if they even choose any, you could do maths or smth else, i suppose schools are different) because we study it for three years only. i am not anywhere near fluent in russian lol
but language learning is a thing. my personal observations, though, are that people from my country aren't that good at english in general but maybe as a whole we're fine. a foreigner would make do around here especially speaking to younger people.
as for how much english i use - i use it daily lol, online i speak and read in english, the shows i watch are either in english or have english subtitles and i spend a lot of time on the computer. a lot of my personal vent monologues are in english (you know the ones where youre alone and decide its time to give a ted talk to no one in particular), even when i chat with irl friends we often use english because we're all fluent and we throw it in there, there's a lot of sentence frankensteining happening lol
thank you so much for asking!! if you have additional questions please hit me up, i am a yapper and you're giving me enrichment <33
also it's never too late to go back to italian you know 😗im just getting started and it's so interesting! (though confusing cause they also have gendered nouns but the genders don't match ours 😩lmao)
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keefsteef · 1 year
Citizens of Vanhalenville, WELCOME to Ain't Talkin Bout Love - a pile of rambling that I'm pretending is my podcast, where we talk about ANYTHING but love for our creatures 👺
Just kidding... obviously I love them down lmaooo. This'll be a lighthearted situation type deal. To get this disclaimer out the way, I am not anti David anti Sammy or anti Gary, I'm pro them all, so if I happen to be ripping into Samuel (which I will be 🤣,)that is not a testimony of me believing in David superiority blah blah blah, they're all gonna GET THE SMOKE if necessary. (Especially DAVID 🤣)
🙄. The fact I even have to disclaim that makes me chuckle but you know how it e-is , you always get a select few that suddenly possess all-knowing oracle powers and can tell you who you hate or don't hate 🔥🧠🔥‼️
ANYWAY let's get this shitshow on the road, hello I'm Raeyeon, call me Rae...or if calling me keefsteef tickles your tingle fine🤩... whatever works🤩...
TODAY, we'll be chatting about one of the possible reasons for the notorious "Alexander doesn't speak to Samuel" ordeal that quite frequently makes blog cameos in the form of some snarky joke. But really, it's hard to chuckle at as a citizen of alexanderopolis, because that just means he'll keep hiding from us 😭 kiss seeing him playing drums in the sun GOODBYE, BELOVED...
So to briefly recap it if you aren't aware, Samuel wants to do a reunion (yes, I know without Edward it'd be extremely bittersweet, but nonetheless still a nice tribute) but Mr. Alexander Arthur Van Halen is NOT DOWN FOR IT, and will not return any emails or calls.
I know we can easily put grieving at responsibility for this,which at this point I'm sure is the case, but correct me if I'm wrong, Samuel hadn't been keeping in contact with Alexander even when Edward was still around. I knowwww obviously the drama over the leaving of the band has a huge role, but here are MY PERSONAL SPECULATIONS 😩‼️
Samuel, beloved...I'm not delusional enough to think you'd read this, but talking in the pov that you are...there's plainly things you KEEP TO YOURSELF when you expect to keep a friendship.
The majority of us are probably aware of his book called RED where he spills tea (a bit too much tea in my opinion 😩) and what not, the extreme of it regarding Edward and his drug usage. I also saw the way he went about it to be quite insensitive, it almost felt like a haha let's laugh at this crackhead type of storytelling than a "gee eddies far gone and I feel bad".
I'm SURE he meant it to be more of a feel bad situation, but he's human, humans fuck up and make mistakes.
This was a big fuck up lmaooo. We KNOW Alexander loves his brother, and I personally think that he's well enough of a grown man to not hold a silly grudge over leaving...quitting... kicking out, whatever drama. (I've already shared my THOUGHTS on that fiasco 😭)
I think he's refusing to contact Samuel, because he's probably hurt about the way he aired Edward out.
I would be too. I wouldn't want to talk to anyone that seemed to kick my blood when they were down. Samuel is an INTELLIGENT MAN, so every time I hear him go "lol idk why he won't call me back"
Obviously...I am a stranger and obviously this is my observative opinion, Samuel could've apologized to Alexander already and in Taurus fashion he pulled a "forgiveness granted, trust and friendship denied" move, but if that's not the case...
SAAAAMMMUELLLLL needs to stop trying to force a music reunion, and instead needs to invite Alexander to Cabo and talk things out man to man. (And maybe take selfies for vanhalenville 😩😩🤩💅🏽🤪)
Neither of them are getting any younger, and it just saddens me to think of the possibility they'll never talk again. But yeah, I see that Samuel has quite the tendency to enjoy opening his mouth and sharing stories...but he really needs to have a bit more awareness about the type of stories he shares.
I'm sure there's things to talk about without getting all down and dirty and personal. Take notes from Michael Anthony 😩‼️
Anyway...this was quite a WAY TO KICK OFF WASN'T IT 🤣. I've been wanting to have a little chitter chatter about this for the longest time, but I wanted to sort of establish myself as a blog first so I wouldn't get "you hate Sammy" accusations 😭
I loooove Mr. Red Rockers curly headed self, but he for real needs to quit playing these games and make things right. An apology, if he's already given it, means nothing when you continue to do what you apologized for.
THANKS FOR TUNING IN 🤩❤️, NEXT we'll talk about Mr. Diamond David Gigolo Tarzan Atomic Punk Whoever Whatever Lee Roth!
I've got some interesting things to expand on about him...word in the STREETS is on the 1978 tour, he was really just a cute cozy little bookworm and all that hooping blabber mouth persona was just that... A persona.
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nightmare-dreamt · 1 year
hello! I would like to request a matchup with a character from demon slayer. please and thank you! 🫶
Orientation: asexual + greyromantic (male preference).
Pronouns: she/her
Appearance: I'm 5'1. My hair is a darkish-brown with light brown streaks, and I have a long, whispy layered pixie cut. I have an inverted-triangle head shape, and I have a triangle + mesomorphic body type. I have dimples. I have beauty marks mostly on my shoulders and arms, and I specifically have one on one of my ear lobes (low-key my favorite feature, huehuegjb 🤭). I have olive-toned skin. I have almond shaped eyes, and my eye color is brown.
- Some people say I'm intimidating, but then others are like, "she's just a little guy! :D".
- I wear glasses.
- My overall style is grunge, comfy, and artsy.
General personality traits + extra: Nice, independent, caring, calm, clever, intelligent, empathetic, friendly, gentle, humble, genuine, forgiving, hard-working, humorous, kind-hearted, reliable, logical, mature, observant, patient, selfless, sweet, responsible, wise, emotionally strong, accepting, supportive, quiet, awkward, reserved, straightforward, shy, tired, blunt, brutally-honest, gullible, procrastinator, lonely.
- I'm a good listener! I always try to reassure people that I'm there for them and they can talk to me about anything. I never judge.
- I genuinely care about others.
- I'm slow to warm up to others, but once I do, I'm much more outgoing.
- People say I have a comforting aura.
Likes: Going for walks, hanging out with friends, deep conversations, blankets, the night sky, sunrises and sunsets, astronomy, psychology, literature, ancient history, nature, browsing, window shopping, sweets, pasta dishes, traveling, art, exploring, cats and dogs, music, fruit (specifically watermelon, raspberries, and strawberries 😩), coffee and tea, laughing, joking around, stormy weather, learning more about the things that interest me, to clean (willingly).
Dislikes: Waffles. , alcohol (for personal reasons), centipedes, anything that makes someone not redeemable (or whatever I think deems someone as a terrible person), humiliation, hot weather, people not listening to what I'm saying, silent treatment, being watched.
Hobbies: Painting, ceramics, playing video games, reading, listening to music (I'm pretty diverse with my taste in music but I mostly listen to k-pop, j-pop, pop, rock, punk-rock, pop-rock, calm, '80s, early 2000's) and occasionally podcasts (comedy, stories).
- I'm a barista at a coffee shop 💪.
- I'm told that I laugh like a witch PLS.
- My big three are libra (sun), pisces (moon), and capricorn (rising).
- My MBTI type is INFJ, and my enneagram type is 5w4.
I hope that wasn't too much for you 😭
Matchup for Anon 🌻!
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Sanemi Shinaguzawa:
When you first saw him, it was clear that he had a scary personality and unknown to you he felt the same way for you. But, when the two of you actually got to know each other, you both seemd to be wrong. Deep down, he was a total softie and so were you. He tends to be soft only to those he cares for, so don't mention him being soft in public or he'll be upset.
He would want a partner who is independent and intellegent because he doesn't want someone who totally relies on him and someone who can't take care of themselves. Yes, he would want to protect you but he would love to see his partner defend themselves and tell someone off for doing something to them.
When he's upset and angry, he needs someone to be there to comfort him and thankfully he has you. He'll come to you when he's not feeling great and will just let everything out, needing someone to listen to him as he explains his problems.
I don't know why, but I could see you begging and begging him to go on cute little dates and when he finally agrees the two of you go on a cermanic date. He's rough with his hands so it can be challenging, but when the two of you are together and you're sculpting one of those pot things on the spinner wheel, his tough demanor is gone and Into a soft one.
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mysteriawrites · 1 year
hello!! I would like to request a matchup with a genshin character. please and thank you! 🫶
Orientation: asexual + greyromantic (male preference).
Pronouns: she/her
Appearance: I'm 5'1. My hair is a darkish-brown with light brown streaks, and I have a long, whispy layered pixie cut. I have an inverted-triangle head shape, and I have a triangle + mesomorphic body type. I have dimples. I have beauty marks mostly on my shoulders and arms. I have olive-toned skin. I have almond shaped eyes, and my eye color is brown.
- Some people say I'm intimidating, but then others are basically like, "she's just a little guy! :D".
- I wear glasses because I'm just THAT smart, obvi ✋️.
- My overall style is grunge, comfy, and artsy.
General personality traits + extra: Nice, independent, caring, calm, clever, intelligent, empathetic, friendly, gentle, humble, genuine, forgiving, hard-working, humorous, kind-hearted, reliable, logical, mature, observant, patient, selfless, sweet, responsible, wise, emotionally strong, accepting, supportive, quiet, awkward, reserved, straightforward, shy, tired, blunt, brutally-honest, gullible, procrastinator, lonely.
- I'm a good listener! I always try to reassure people that I'm there for them and they can talk to me about anything. I never judge.
- I genuinely care about others.
- I'm slow to warm up to others, but once I do, I'm much more outgoing.
- People say I have a comforting aura.
Likes: Going for walks, hanging out with friends, deep conversations, blankets, the night sky, sunrises and sunsets, astronomy, psychology, literature, ancient history, nature, meteorology, browsing, window shopping, sweets, pasta dishes, traveling, art, exploring, cats and dogs, music, fruit (specifically watermelon, raspberries, and strawberries 😩), coffee and tea, laughing, joking around, stormy weather, learning more about the things that interest me, to clean (willingly).
Dislikes: Waffles. , alcohol (for personal reasons), centipedes, anything that makes someone not redeemable (or whatever I think deems someone as a terrible person), humiliation, hot weather, people not listening to what I'm saying, silent treatment, being watched, chemistry 🤬.
Hobbies: Painting, ceramics, playing video games, reading, listening to music (I'm pretty diverse with my taste in music but I mostly listen to k-pop, j-pop, pop, rock, punk-rock, pop-rock, calm, '80s, early 2000's, 2010's) and occasionally podcasts (comedy, stories).
- My main love language is quality time.
- My big three are libra (sun), pisces (moon), and capricorn (rising).
- My MBTI type is INFJ, and my enneagram type is 5w4.
Thank you for the request! Sorry this is extremely late. Just gonna get straight to the point DRUMROLL PLEASE!!!
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You and Thoma are very romantic kind of couple. You have similar likes and personalities you’re like peas in a pod.
You and Thoma met when you were hired by the Kamisato family. You were hired as Ayaka’s latests attendent. Your were practically her big sister.
Because you and Thoma see each other everyday, he wanted to get to know you better. He noticed you were a bit shy so he decided to invite you out to do some things he thought you would like.
He invited you to small outings at first like walking around the garden and helping him with cooking. As you two got closer and he found out about more things you liked he invited you to more things such as: a day on the town.
He took you out on a shopping spree where he would pay for everything (Thoma is a stubborn lad don’t fight him on this). He thought it was so adorable how your eyes lit up at the books you picked out at the book shop and the budding flowers from the flower shop. You saw a lot of Inazuma that day.
After a shopping for a few hours he took you to a cute restaurant and that had all of your favorite foods you almost didn’t know what to pick! You also got to learn all about him during your day out.
At the end of the day he took you to the top of a hill in a beautiful meadow. It was the perfect place for the two of you to see the stars. He asked you all about astronomy so he could hear you cutely ramble about your passion.
Before you headed out Thoma took you hands and confessed his feelings to you and asked you to be his girlfriend while holding a beautiful bouquet and blushing a bright pink.
(And that kids is how i met your father/j) Since then you and Thoma have been like those cute couples you see in romantic montages. You clean and cook together having fun together. Ayato and Ayaka ship you guys so hard. You’re dog parents to Taroumaru and he loves you guys so much.
He is the sweetest boyfriend. He pays attention to everything about you, gives you gifts and compliments, he does like to tease you sometimes but he won’t go too far. He treats you like an absolute princess.
10/10 very cute couple.
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hello! :D I'd like to request a matchup for genshin, honkai star rail, and demon slayer. please and thank you! 🫶
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Asexual + Greyromantic
Zodiac/MBTI: Libra/INFJ
Appearance: I'm 5'1. My hair is a darkish-brown with light brown streaks, and I have a long whispy layered pixie cut. I have a triangle + mesomorphic body type. I have olive-toned skin. My eyes are brown, and I have eyebags. I have a birthmark on my right arm that's in the shape of a key. I have a beauty mark on one of my ear lobes (I also have quite a few on my arms). I wear glasses. What I hear people say a lot when complimenting my appearance, is that I look cute and very pretty. I'm also told that I have an RBF but then others say I don't, so..🤷‍♀️.
Personality: I'm just going to list a bunch of traits, so I apologize 🥲. Nice, independent, caring, articulate, calm, clever, intelligent, compassionate, deep, empathetic, friendly, gentle, humble, genuine, forgiving, hard-working, humorous, disciplined, helpful, insightful, intuitive, kind-hearted, reliable, logical, loyal, mature, observant, methodical, patient, realistic, selfless, reflective, sweet, responsible, wise, emotionally strong, accepting, supportive, complex, quiet, awkward, reserved, straightforward, sarcastic, self-concious, shy, tired, blunt, brutally-honest, gullible, procrastinator, lonely. I also struggle with things mentally, such as; anxiety, depression, low-self esteem, trauma. I'm also a perfectionist, overall very hard on myself. I'm also someone who cares very deeply for my friends and close relatives, I would do anything for them.
Likes: Going for walks, hanging out with friends, deep conversations, blankets, the night sky, sunrises and sunsets, astronomy, psychology, literature, ancient history, nature, browsing, window shopping, sweets, pasta dishes, traveling, art, exploring, cats and dogs, music, fruit (😩), coffee and tea, laughing, joking around, stormy weather, learning more about the things that interest me, to clean willingly.
Dislikes: Waffles 🤢, alcohol (for personal reasons), centipedes, anything that makes someone not redeemable (or someone that's just a terrible person overall), hot weather, people not listening or understanding what I'm saying, being watched or stared at.
Hobbies: Painting, ceramics, playing video games, reading, listening to music and occasionally podcasts.
Extra: My enneagram is 5w4. I scare the daylight out of people because of how quiet I am 💀. My main love language is quality time.
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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You and Mona definitely have stargazing in common! She loves that you're interested in one of her main passions. It makes her feel more connected to you when she can share that interest.
Stargazing dates where she tells you everything she can about the stars. Whether you're interested in the legends behind the constellations, the scientific stuff behind the stars, or just learning the names of different stars, she's the person to go to.
Definitely gets where you're coming from with being an over-achiever. Mona's also a bit of a perfectionist so she knows the pressure that can put on you.
If she sees the indicators that you're starting to get overwhelmed by your commitments, Mona knows some good techniques for getting your mind off whatever's bothering you.
A really good listener and very attentive. If there's anything bothering you, she's there to lend an ear and help you work though it.
Enjoys listening to music with you. She's open to pretty much any type of music so whatever you play, she'll give a chance.
Thinks you're very clever with your ceramic skills. If you make something for her, she'll treasure it forever, putting it somewhere she'll see it every day.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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You and Gepard would get along really well! You both have similar personalities; honest and loyal, but also perfectionists.
Gepard cares deeply about people in general (he would be in the career he is otherwise) but when it's someone like you, that gets multiplied.
You could ask pretty much anything of him, and as long as it's within his power, he'll do what you ask. I see his love language as acts of service and quality time. He just wants to reassure you that his feelings are true.
Coffee buddies! This guy absolutely drinks a ton of coffee everyday to keep him going. Knows your order off by heart so whenever he's getting a coffee before meeting up with you, he'll get you one as well.
I see Gepard as someone who also dislikes alcohol mostly because of the amount of drunkards he has to deal with on a daily basis so he can certainly respect the fact that you don't like it.
Would love to have a stargazing date with you. He'll pack a picnic and find a good spot where you can see as much of the sky as possible.
Doesn't know much about the stars but he'd love to listen to you talk about it. He's a good listener so you never have to worry about losing his interest.
Will pick up books based on your interests. Whether they're on astronomy, psychology, ceramics, or food, he'll remember all of your interests and find books about them that he thinks you would enjoy reading.
In Demon Slayer, I match you with...
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I think Zenitsu is you best fit because you would bring out the best in each other.
I think Zenitsu might feel a bit insecure at times about whether he's a good person. He knows how you feel about people who are irredeemable and he worries sometimes that he falls into that category because of his cowardice.
Please reassure him that you do care about him. If he hears it from you, he'll feel a bit better. The thoughts are still there but instead of making him insecure, they'll slowly push in towards improving his short fallings.
Pays really close attention to you when you're talking about your interests. He wants to be able to support you in everything you do, and the best way he thinks he can do that is by researching your interests so he can talk about them with you.
Loves watching you make ceramics and paint. He finds it relaxing, and he gets to watch you do something you enjoy. Zenitsu thinks you look the prettiest when you're concentrating on something you enjoy doing.
Another one who loves stargazing dates! Although he tends to spend most of the time staring at you instead. He doesn't mean for it to be creepy! He just thinks the moonlight accentuates your best features.
If there's anything you tell him to do to support you when you're having a bad mental health day, he's all over it! Need a hug? He's on it! Just want him to keep you company for a while? You got it! Want him to go out and get your favourite food? He's already out the door! Don't worry, he knows your order off by heart!
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fyodior · 2 years
Waking up to that matchup really made my day ngl cuz not only did I get the loml fedya but the things you wrote made me feel like you understood me and that made me so happy🥺💞 "if there's one thing i know about u, is that you are a researcher" like this made me so happy, I still can't believe my rabbit hole digging can be considered research🥺 but yeah I really do enjoy researching random things until I learn everything about them, I agree so much with what you said
"he would gladly listen to you ramble all day long about what ever new rabbit hole you fell down that week" GOD this is literally what I want in life, someone who will listen to me ramble and that I can listen to as well😩 someone who will have deep philosophical convos with me but that also likes games and fun things
"you match, if not exceed, his intelligence level" fedya baby I may seem intelligent but I'm also a huge idiot and you'll definitely see me struggling to push open a door that says 'pull' on it (but me??? intelligent??? equal to him??? thank you???🥺🥺💞)
I didn't include it in my likes cuz I didn't want to be too biased about it but I also genuinely unironically love and regularly listen to classical music so I feel like this is another thing we could bond over fksxksne also it took all the willpower I had inside of me to stay serious and not write "I am very submissive and breedable" but I guess that was already obvious at this point skcksin
This is the second matchup I've ever joined and both times I wrote the same things and got the characters I already simped for, guess me and them were meant to be. I can't comment every single point otherwise this would turn into a whole essay but I basically 100% agree with everything you said and am still so happy you seemed to understand me🥺 sorry if this got long oops, to make you forgive me later I'll send you another fic idea I got (ps: breeding kink is involved) tysm again for the matchup, me very happy, ily <3
- 💍
AAAAAAAAHHHH it makes me so happy you liked and agree with it i always get so nervous that the person is gonna read it and be like …that’s not me at all 😭 i also didn’t want to seem like i was psychoanalyzing you too much hgdsjhfxh and ur so welcome i truly believe you two would work so well together
also it killed me that you somehow knew i was thinking abt fukuzawa 💀💀
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aris-ink · 1 year
I have read the previous anon's post and also your answer. I have nothing against you because I don't know you, we are all behind a screen, but I didn't like the way you answered. Don't compare bts and bp in the same section, please. BTS made mistakes, they recognized them, apologized and improved, which bp didn't do in the beauty of 2023. Jimin participated in an F&F collab but didn't know who he would collaborate with and if you know Jvke himself also described how it all happened. People don't know who they collaborate with on this kind of project! South korea is famous for its ideals of beauty especially towards women and when Jungkook was 15 at that time so a fucking child was growing up in that kind of society but luckily thanks to its members Jk changed his way of thinking and everything! Jennie is friends with Alexander Wang until 2023 a rapist, drug addict of women. Don't compare BTS and BLACKPINK. What then excuse that anon was talking about Jennie from BP why did you put BTS and its members in the middle of the discussion? Putting bts in the middle won't fix those girls problem behaviors....
honey, again, you are entitled to your opinion. this wasn't a comparison — this was a fact. the point I was making is that, like you yourself said, it's easy to judge, people make mistakes, they do things we sometimes don't understand, and Korean idols in particular get waves of hate that western artists hardly do. I don't mean this in a rude way at all, but just because you don't like BP, doesn't mean I can't speak about them in the same sentence as bts. 😩 let's remain respectful, okay?
you guys have known since the beginning of this blog that I like blackpink — I don't get why it's becoming an issue now. again, you don't have to like them. I am just sick of constant hate being thrown around for no reason — let's not pretend Jennie wasn't hated long before the idol.
you can easily understand, forgive and excuse your favorites, you're not bothered looking for excuses for someone you don't like — it's natural. and again, you don't have to. I am however sick of blinks and armies being immature and coming for each other's throats.
you mentioned Jimin apologized and Jungkook changed. exactly my point. that didn't happen within a day. you loved them enough to stick with them through that. for my own reasons, I love Jennie enough to be with her through her struggles and mistakes. if she comes out and says, hey, those rape jokes were hilarious, I totally agree with them and all — like... Abel basically did — I will be the first to drop her. I am a victim of sa abuse myself, and this is how I feel. another victim might feel differently. hell, you don't even have to be a victim to be like, gross, I don't like it, I don't like her.
that's all good! you're entitled to feel and think whatever you feel and think. this is honestly the last ask I am answering on this matter. like I said, I'm not even involved in the fandom — I enjoy the music, it means a lot to me, for my own personal reasons. I'm sorry if you feel offended by it.
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uno-writing · 3 years
platonic and romantic matchups! ive literally never done this b4 and i honestly dindon't know myself pretty well so forgive me😩 give me as many characters as u need!! I am a she/her and i am hetero
5'4, black hair, rose-gold glasses, malaysian-chinese, im rather plain-looking tbh clothing and all. the body part I'm most confident about are my hands (slender, long fingers, vv sexy🥵)
To my family and strangers, I'm very quiet but my friends know me as the crazy crackhead of the group🤪. I'm pretty introverted as well, I'm TERRIBLE AT SOCIALISING (VERY IMPORTANT). Like, i depend on my already-existing friends to attract new friends to me idk how to do it on my own. I can be pretty awkward irl, but im much more friendly online, its easier for me to talk. Im always in my head, daydreaming and whatnot. I also swear a lot. Like, a LOT.
Im doing my alevels now (pre-u), taking Bio, chem and psychology. I LOVE BIO and psych is interesting, chem is on thin fucking ice wtf happened. I absolutely dESPISE maths tho. Absolutely hate it i dropped it after a week of itjdjdjjs. I also love listening to music, mostly kpop (nct, blackpink, mostly in general), but i like listening to pop artists too and a lil bit of NIKI and glass animals. I also really love animals, and i kidna want to be a marine biologist but idk🤠 because 🧚‍♀️🌠commitment🌠🧚‍♀️. Oh i also love webtoon, i started with i love yoo, lets play and lore olympus but now im reading unordinary, a deadbeats meal, hell is other people. I also like reading, my face series are percy jackson, heroes of olympus and trials of Apollo. When i was a child i loved diary of a wimpy kid, Geronimo Stilton and Enid blyton. I also like,,,,walking around and tossing a hairtie to think??? Like thinking about uno hcs and imagining myself as a kpop idol😩🤙🏻. Also food is good.
I hate sports. I mean i kinda like netball but that's it. Running is the absolute worse it fills me with so much dread. I dont particularly watch romance shows or movies, but i definetely own a lot of romance books jdjdjs. I also hate it when people clean and organise my room, i mean yeah its messy but i know where everything is and u just messed that up. Idk what else to put here hhhhh
Other stuff
I've never dated b4, so idk any love languages or how relationships even work. But i definetly have a type, they usually tend to be dark-haired, athletic or lean looking guys. But ofc this isn't always the casejdjdj.
When it comes to friends, I'm not picky. Whoever i can vibe with and as long as i don't mind their presence its fine. But my closest friends and people i want to be friends with tend to be just as chaotic as i am, some like kpop some don't. some are a bit more mature but some like to spend time gossiping. i like to float between these to freind groups however.
-radish🥬 anon
Also for matchups i wanna add that im a cancer and INFP. I would say these match me in a lot of aspects but im not as motherly or soft as people think cancers are. I also hate doing art lmao
IM SO SORRY BUT I also ALSO wanna add that in terms of academics, my grades range from good to yeah shes definitely good ay that. Im also a very nosy person, obviously i wont ask people for info i don't deserve to know but i can't help but wonder about info.
You don't have to include these extra infos if it's too troublesomendjdjhd
-radish🥬 anon
Heyyyy INFP buddies!!!
Also, you’re 1 inch taller than me and now I’m gonna hold a grudge against you /j I’m gonna make you a ‘least favorite anon’ award an it’s gonna be Zeke /j/j (lmao i platonically love you radish anon)🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋🥨🥬🍦🍧🧊🐇🍩
I would match you with John romantically and Isen platonically!!
*Both of them are chaotic and they’re both extroverts so I think they’d fit well with you being an introvert
*Plus they can help you socialize or just introduce you to their friends (which is how i’ve made all of my friends lol)
*I was having a hard time decided who would fit best where and then I got to your type lol
*While John’s a gym guy, I don’t think he’d make you work out but he would always invite you to see if you wanna come along
*If you do come along with him, he’d make sure to make it fun and enjoyable for you. But when he asks, he makes it clear you don’t have to tag along unless you actually want to
*I HC both of them suck at math so you all can struggle together :D
*You and Isen probably have similar music tastes
*John obvi doesn’t care about swearing lol
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bernardolovesanita · 3 years
BernardoLovesAnita Watches 2021 - Commentary Highlights
Mouthpiece's outfit in the opening looks so good on Ben 😩
Riff and Bernardo making a beeline for each other. Pure art.
Riff: How many times I gotta tell you, Bernardo. I don't speak spic.
My boys 💜🇵🇷
Brian's Krupke owns my heart. His little dumbass. The only cop I'd trust. 🥺
LOOK Riff can Choke but Mike Faist with the paint on his hands smoking the cigarette is an ICONIC look
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Bernardo: Its stupid. We gotta do it, but it's stupid.
BERNARDO KNOWS! He knows the Sharks shouldn't have to be a thing but he has to protect his people 😭
Anita and Bernardo OWNED that dance floor. I don't care.
Riff laughing at Krupke and his whistle 🤣 me tooo
I love Chino's little dance
I deadass would love to just see the full choreo of the dance instead of turning to Tony and Maria. Give me more Anita and Bernardo.
Tony: I'm a by the book kinda guy.
Tony: I'll make him like me. Everybody likes me.
Bitch, I don't.
Anita's got better self control than I doooo
Who fucking decided Tony would do all that climbing and parkour shit? Was is Spielberg? Kushner? Ansel? Who's idea was it?
Tony and Maria feel "in love" because it's forbidden. If they weren't from two different worlds it wouldn't be so dramatic.
Are we going to ignore that Anita and Bernardo had the QUICKEST of quickies? Like they went into the bedroom at the beginning of "Tonight" and got freaky just for that song? Talk about Speedy Gonzalez
I don't like physical touch but I'd kill for a love like Anita and Bernardo's
Anita: Here, dead man. Eat your eggs.
Bernardo really had his hands full with Maria and Anita
I still need to know why they got a poor extra SWEEPING HER FIRE ESCAPE! Por que?
I would risk it all for David and Ariana's portrayals of Bernardo and Anita. They are so fucking good. My heart can't handle itttt
Ay, Maria. It's not because of the two of you. The world does not revolve around you and your crusty white boy.
Anybodys has more balls than all the Jets put together. I said what I said.
That prostitute locked herself in that cell because she knew the Jets were rotten 😭
Poor Krupke 🥺
Tony and Maria and their dumb little weddings. This one makes less sense than in '61 when they're in the dress shop.
Tony: I swear to you Maria, there won't be no fight.
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TECHNICALLY THOUGH Tony didn't break his promise because he said "there won't be no fight" which is a double negative which means he actually said "there will be a fight"
Tony had PLENTY of time to throw the gun into the water before Riff got it back. And he never fucking did. If he REALLY gave a shit about ending the violence he should have.
MIKE FAIST IS SUCH A 😩 DANCER LIKE PLEASE Give him more movie musical dancing roles
Anita singing about getting dicked down while praying at church is the most on brand thing she's done in any production.
Tony: I'm different now.
Proceeds to beat the shit out of and murder Bernardo...seems like you're very different 🙄
NOTHING THAT BERNARDO SAID WAS WRONG! Even if Tony isn't like that
Once again Tony's dumbass gets his bestfriend, his brother killed. Bernardo didn't want that. No one did.
Chino holding Bernardo so he didn't die alone hurts so fucking bad.
I know "I Feel Pretty" comes after the rumble in the stage production but it takes so much away from the film LIKE B R U H
WHY ISNT THE FIRST PERSON SHE ASKS ABOUT HER OWN BROTHER???? Like nruh if there was a fight my brother was involved in and I hear someone got stabbed I'M ASKING ABOUT MY BROTHER FIRST
Anita in the morgue breaks my heart. Why'd it have to be her? That's her lats memory of him. Seeing him pale. Dead.
Maria: If you let them take you away from me how do I forgive you for that?
BITCH! Because you can forgive him for killing YOUR BROTHER but not for turning himself in WHICH IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO! And knowing how hot racism was vack then within the system he would have had such a lenient sentence.
Subconsciously Tony wanted to kill Bernardo because that was the only real thing between him and Maria. Bernardo was his obstacle.
Krupke is so gentle with Anita 😭
AY MARIA HE'S COVERED IN YOUR BROTHER'S BLOOD AND YOU DECIDE NOW IS THE TIME TO FUCK HIM???? Fucking Christ almighty. Thank the gods this is all fictional.
THE FUCKING AUDACIT Maria really shoved Anita
Anita's not crying over Bernardo now. She's crying over how fucking stupid Maria is being.
Anita tells Maria "he'll have to go away and you will have to go with him" because it has taken everything in her not to beat the shit out of Maria's dumbass self.
Quique is the only Shark with any common sense and that is why this us a Quique stan blog.
Shrank: You're not his widow or anything.
Graz just wants to see Tony. Let her see Tony 😭
Anybodys "leave" wasn't a threat but a warning. Anybody knew it wasn't gonna end well.
This new version of the incident at Doc's hits so much more because of Graz and Velma begging the boys not to hurt Anita. The way Valentina talks. Fuck.
Why do my tears taste like soap??????
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
hi 🙉🙈 it’s me again, yes you are very sweet and I’m so happy I came across your blog :)
I’m not really good at self into, but I will give you as much as I can ( u know it’s so awkward, like I always feel embarrassed and cringe when I do speak about myself 😂, uk sometimes it seems like I’m afraid that I will say something and it will look if I am like kind of showing off or on the other contrary my life is pathetic or I will look silly 😂ukwim?😂 Ahhh anyway, thank you for agreeing to do this and your time:) I hope it won’t take you long and I hope you will have some fun 🙈💖
my name’s ellie and I’m a Leo sun and gemini moon :)I study foreign languages and I enjoy making new friends:) ppl say I’m a curious cat, but I got tired very easily and disappointed 😂 I’m ENFJ
As for hobbies I used to be into photography and traveling, but now considering everything that’s happening I’m mostly at home watching tv shows , murder & mystery docs ( thanks to which I can’t sleep well, plus I don’t like and never watch horror movies ahhh) and entertaining myself with dances and music. Also I’m such a sucker for karaoke ! Omg 😂
Also I love bad food , I hate cooking ..😅😂and I think if my mum wouldn’t cook anything I would be just eating instant noodles and hamburgers..😂
I love Holidays! decorating , preparing gifts esp some meaningful ones with memories or reminders of smth , also matching gifts 😀⭐️❣️
I also love animals😅 I want to have a cat but my mum won’t let me..😩🙉 maybe one day I will:)
Omg I think I’ve praised myself too much haha , my bad sides are that I’m very insecure and I think too dependent on other’s opinions , I think I get angry often when ppl mistreat me , also I’m possessive and not really good at forgiving , I’m also I think easily compromised .. but it’s not that I’m violent or hurting or planing revenge 😂 it’s just gets into my head and I hv this like an anxiety stuff . It’s also hard for me to say no and I cut off ppl pretty often. Oh I think I wrote the whole poem 😂 I’m bad at it! I’ve told you 😅😂
Ahhh now I’ll think about it the whole night , if u said too much uk🙈😂 and what u will think about me , cz I really like your blog and I think you are really amazing and sweet ~
As for the ship could I ask TXT , SKZ AND BLACKPINK? please ~~ also if you want ENHYPEN, I’m kinda new to a group and I’ve noticed you write a lot about them lately ~ so I’d be like really curious, cz u r a pro hehe 🙉
The pics aren’t sendin I guess my story is too huge hah , il try in next ask ~
Hey Ellie!! Sorry for the slight delay in replying, but here we go!!
First off, can I just say that you're really pretty? Like wow💖
Anyway, so in TXT, idk why but I'm really on shipping you with Soobin. Maybe it's because you seem like the kind of person who would fit well with him, especially since your hobbies range from traveling which is strictly outdoors activity to staying at home watching movies which is strictly an indoor one. Soobin comes across as exactly that sort of a person as well, not too opposed to going out, but not too keen either. Moreover if we're talking about your weaknesses, then I feel like Soobin used to be similar to you in not really knowing how to put his opinion forward, but look at him now. He has become so straightforward and independent when it comes to his opinions, and I feel he'll be able to help you have more faith in yourself too, without being too obnoxious. He's pretty understanding, and I think he'll be able to ease your thoughts as well. Finally, he's a huge foodie like you say you are, and he really seems like the type to love animals (cough Choi Odi) and festivals too, so I think you'll be a good match.
In SKZ, I think Minho would be a good fit for you, because he too, is the right mix of being an indoor/outdoor person. He even cooks well, so I think he'll be able to get you to eat healthy, and you can even try out your photography skills on him since he loves to pose😂He is a huge animal lover as well, so you'll fit right in, and being the headstrong person that he is, he will be able to get you to have a teensy bit more conviction in yourself. He can even help you vent out your anger by planning the murder of the person who made you mad, but at the same time, we know his threats are always empty so he won't really let you do anything wrong. He's emotionally quite perceptive, and will be able to sense if you're ever facing some trouble in life, only to be there for you.
Blackpink is a little tricky for me, but I think Jennie would be a good fit. She'll help you work on your weaknesses without being too annoying, and given her love for traveling (actually all BP members seem to love traveling lmao), I think you can expect quite a few amazing getaways. She too, loves to be photographed, so I feel that she will be up for all sorts of photography experiments with you, and I think that if you love bad food so much, she'll be a good influence on you by encouraging you to look after yourself.
I'm not really a pro on Enhypen lmao😂😂They're one of my fav groups tho and people love my Enha works so here I am! Heeseung seems to be the perfect fit, being just the right mix of headstrong and emotionally perceptive. He's the biggest homebody, so I think it'll be really fun and cozy just staying in with him, watching movies. That being said, he is also pretty flexible, so going out on dates won't be too much of a hassle. He's really understanding, so he will be able to sense your anger or emotions without you even having to say anything. The only problem might be his own love for ramen lmao, but hey, you can learn to eat healthier together!
Hope you liked this, and thank you for being such an absolute sweetheart and liking my blog💖
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