#I'm normally really bad about tag games but I really wanted to do this one! love spreading love <3
theminecraftbee · 2 years
you know sometimes one of the things the fandom does that i like the least is joke about how certain ccs are "lorephobic" because it basically always ignores the lore they actually are really and visibly doing. like, sure, they may not be doing the lore YOU'RE looking at, but, one, lore doesn't just mean "big overarching server storyline" it can also mean solo stuff. it can also mean 'builds that have story built into them'. it can also mean 'fun little storyline between like two guys'. it can also mean character continuity. it can mean many things. two, "this guy doesn't do lore" is NOT the same thing as "this guy doesn't do the specific lore i personally like and want to see them doing" and i don't always think you guys know the difference. all of this, of course, is to say: hey guys did you know zedaph can canonically time travel,
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katara-stan-club · 2 months
Compliment tag game! @johnskleats came up with this idea to combat negativity in fandom recently, and I think it's a swell idea!! thank you so much for your compliment <3
Tag three people you admire and leave them a compliment or nice message! Don't feel pressured to respond or thank anyone publicly; a compliment is like a gift, not a transaction.
thank you for putting up with me for over 10 years!! you are such a delightful friend and I love our rants both on and off tumblr! I can't wait to see you again soon!! #VanthKenobiTruthers
I absolutely love all of your zk/atla metas, they are always so well written and your mind is so brilliant!! The zutara dissertation you did is simply a work of art, and anytime I see your username involved in an atla discussion, I just know it's going to be a great take. The zk community on tumblr is truly blessed to have you as a part of it! (also fellow aroace zk fan we love to see it <3)
I loved seeing your theories about TBB this past year (I'm still slightly upset Shrimp Theory never panned out!!), and your analyses as season 3 aired were always engaging and fun to read! Also, I read all your replies to that one person who just Wasn't Getting It with regards to Sol's actions in this week's Acolyte episode, and you deserve a medal of honor for putting up so patiently with that. Here's to hoping future Star Wars content does Tech (and Phee!) justice!
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lemotmo · 2 months
Some of them clearly got the point of Tim's call-out.
Q. What did you make of Tim's interview? I realize the bulk was Lonestar but the fandom stuff was interestingly phrased. The fact that so many people involved with the show, and now the showrunner himself, are openly discussing how bad things are cannot be a good sign. I know we had some fans who were saying we could 'bully' Tim and the show into giving us more Tommy but I think that was a massive mistake in hindsight. I think certain people got carried away and went way too far. Weather their intentions were ever bad or not I just think some people took the bullying idea too far. I'm a little worried we may not see Tommy at all now.
A. The bullying idea was always going to be a massive mistake. Normally you can take Tim's interviews with a bit of 'lol, why is he so dramatic' because he's not immune to getting his feelings hurt, and using his interviews to tell people that. In this case though it was definitely a direct callout. I have been here from the beginning and the show has never experienced anything close to what they have experienced this off-season. It's one thing to root for a particular show ship it's another thing entirely to openly send, and openly encourage others, to send hate to the cast and creators of a show. Then those same fans dragged the lighting director, director of photography, show directors and professional media members who have covered the show for years into their bullying game as well. It was insane, pathetically immature behavior. At times it was also incredibly disturbing. And every single bit of it can be traced back to the cameo videos. The second the storyline they were paying to be told didn't match the storyline we were actually watching they revolted.
And unfortunately because I think Tim, and ABC, just didn't think they were anything worth paying attention to initially, he was allowed to do them way too long. The more he did the more obsessed with him that particular group of people became. This has nothing to do with 911. Those people aren't at all interested in 911. Their entire interest is Lou and Lou alone. It's a small group of people. A small sick group of people who created a bunch of separate accounts in order to appear to be more people than they actually are (and they were stupid enough to openly admit that is what they did). Then that small group of people got together and from every single one of their many accounts they attacked as a group. They started with Oliver. They pointed out that Oliver wasn't interacting with Lou or engaging with any of them, or B/T content, and decided, at least initially, that he was solely to blame for B/T not getting the attention they thought it deserved, again the Buck part they don't care about. They were upset that they weren't seeing more of Tommy and they blamed Oliver for that. Suddenly Oliver was being tagged in posts that were calling him unprofessional, immature, bratty, selfish, and because of course, homophobic (they're really not a bright group of people). However instead of taking their bait and engaging with them, Oliver, rightly, blocked them. Meaning they needed a new target. Briefly it became Tim because their moronic leader screenshot a message she sent him that he, stupidly, responded to. She took that and spun and ENTIRE relationship theory and spread it through her many accounts. Tim then admitted in another comment that he actually didn't know what she was talking about but didn't want to be rude by continuing to ignore her so he responded to her. He then said that was a mistake and he wouldn't be responding to anything else. And he hasn't (she should be very embarrassed by his interview today because he may as well have used her name). And the show also continued to not align with her/their theory and they got more upset. Then found a new target.
Throughout the season Oliver did what Oliver has always done. Oliver posted, liked and promoted Eddie/Buddie/Buckley Diaz family content. He has always done this. This was nothing new. But it infuriated Lou's fans and they turned their anger on Ryan. Suddenly Eddie was the worst character in the history of television. He was an abuser (to Buck especially), he was a user (of Buck especially). He was a terrible friend (to Buck especially). Depending on the day he was either a deadbeat dad or obsessed with his kid in an unhealthy way (they couldn't ever really decide which way to go on this one. That opinion was dependent on how the poster felt about Chris). When that attack didn't really get the attention they were begging for, they changed direction and made it personal. Post after post, that Ryan was always tagged in, calling him racist, a deadbeat dad, an asshole, unprofessional, manipulative and controlling of Oliver (wtf, god they really are a stupid group of people), a whore (I actually read that one myself, it was a trip), a terrible actor that only has a job because Tim thinks he's hot. And so on and so on. At first Tommy didn't kiss Eddie because Ryan is homophobic and refused to do the storyline, then Tim, very publicly, corrected that lie so Lou's fans had to pivot and said Lou actually refused to do the Eddie storyline because he knows Ryan isn't a good guy ( a special kind of crazy that makes me need to drink ). Then they sunk to their sickest, lowest, most pathetic, vile, disturbing, and inexcusable moment. Ryan did a podcast where he discussed his past mental health struggles and suicidal thoughts. They went into the comments on the podcast and told Ryan that they wish he had committed suicide. That if he had killed himself then Tommy could have his screen time and they wouldn't have to see Buck have scenes with Eddie. Not only did they leave those comments (the podcast has since deleted most of them, thankfully), they sent similar messages directly to Ryan on Instagram. Knowing he would see them. It was appalling and very, very disturbing. The cameo videos ended fairly shortly after. These people are sick. They get zero sympathy or understanding from me. It's a fucking television show. Tommy is not a real person. Ryan is a real person.
As for maybe not seeing Tommy at all, I would imagine conversations have certainly taken place. He was never sticking around permanently. The conversations most likely involved deciding if they needed him at all, and if they did, how many actual scenes did they need him for. I don't work on the show, but if they decided he wasn't necessary to the storyline, and they could get away with his stuff happening off screen I would imagine he's been dismissed. They probably decided they needed him at least for a few scenes though. Unless other things happened behind the scenes we're not aware of he will be around the first few episodes at least and then and probably no more. He can take his tiny army with him when he leaves. No one will miss them.
Okay, just ... yeah, all of this. It's crazy how these people did all of these horrible things in the name of... a ship? I mean, what?
I've been in fandom for a very long time and I have been shipping characters for a very long time, but I've never seen behaviour like this. Behaviour where people think they are justified to bully, harass and vilify the actors playing a character on a TV-show. To the point where they get blocked by the actors and crew.
I don't understand what would drive someone to do that? I genuinly don't.
These are the kind of people that need to put down their phones forever, go outside and touch all the grass they can touch. After that they should never watch 911 again. If you don't like something, just walk away. I have done that before. Shows don't always go where a fan wants it to go.
Look. I want Buddie. You all know that. I'm 99% certain that we're getting Buddie in season 8. But, if it turns out we won't, which is always a possibility since I don't know what Tim is cooking up, I will be disappointed, but I won't start spewing hatred all over the place. I will just take a step back and focus on other things in life. I'll keep shipping Buddie and read fanfiction. I'll be fine here in my Buddie corner of the Internet with my Buddie mutuals.
So yeah, this is insane behaviour to me. I truly don't get it.
Thanks Nonny for dropping this in my inbox!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting these anon OP updates instead of reblogging. Don't get mad at me. There is a reason for it and it's all done with consent from the OP. You can find out more about that here.
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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frownyalfred · 1 month
Can I get clarification on your pro shipping post? The example you gave was a 20 year old with a 40 year old, and that's "problematic" (not really), but not really what I think of when I hear "pro shipping". Usually it's the shipping of minor/adult or incestuous relationships that I see getting defended. Does being against fictional works/ships that depict pedophilic or incestuous relationships as normal/romantic count as puritanism to you? Do you see the ship of Bruce Wayne/Damian Wayne as a personal preference with no moral implications?
I think there's a huge difference between being personally against something, and wanting to shame others or ban others from reading or writing something. The Puritanism comes from wanting to limit and ostracize others who don't share your beliefs. It comes from believing that your perspective is the only morally right one.
I think there will always be people who want to write or read about ships like that, yeah -- incest, pseudo-incest, everything in between. By moral implications, do you mean for the person interested in the ship? Or do you mean for others? Because I see that concern a lot on here -- this idea that somehow, by wanting to read/write about something, people are either 1) harming others by spreading this morally wrong ship or 2) harming themselves by normalizing the ship, and therefore making it more likely that they'll pursue similar relationships in their real lives.
We don't have much evidence for either of those claims. People have been clutching their pearls and wringing their hands over "morally wrong" books for ages -- and yet, Game of Thrones is still available in every bookstore. Am I a bad or woefully misguided person for having read Lolita in high school? Is a 16 year old reading a Bruce/Damian fic likely to turn around, shrug, and say "guess fucking my Dad is okay now"? Did an entire generation of fans shipping Wincest somehow have lasting, moral effects? I really don't think so. Not at the scale anti-shippers online seem to think, at least.
I think we need to separate how we moralize people from the content that they consume. And acknowledge that shaming and excluding people for wanting to read something doesn't exactly do much to prevent "moral implications." There's also a huge difference between reading a book, and endorsing the ideas/events inside of it. Same things with fics.
Anti-shipping is very appealing to people because it purports to protect people from harm. Until you look a little closer, and you realize that that protection comes at the expense of free expression, creative license, and agency to choose what we personally do and do not consume. And that that protection isn't really airtight out of your anti-shipping discord or tumblr community.
I think the best we can do is let people write and read what they want -- whatever they want, with limited warnings/etc like ao3 employs -- and ensure that those pieces of content are tagged, warned, and displayed accurately. We need to understand that the only control we have is over ourselves, and what we choose personally to consume or not consume.
I don't generally read those fics you mentioned, but I'm not saying they should be banned from ao3. Just because I might possibly think they're wrong or gross doesn't mean I think the person who wrote them is wrong or gross, either. The more we go down that moral slip and slide, like I said in my previous post, the worse off we will all become.
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Hi, how you doing, luv? I saw your requests were open so here I am!
I told this idea to a friend and we liked it so much I needed to see it written, and I love how you write Arthur!
I don't usually request/like low honor Arthur but hear me out! Low honor Arthur with a female reader and he's user her as his alibi whenever he goes on a killing spree. But she happily applies, smiling at the officers when she gets questioned like "it ain't him officer. how do I know that, you say? he was with me the whole time🤭" while Arthur quietly cleans the blood splatters off his guns
Samy!! Here it is!! I really hope you'll like it😭 Also, hell yes, what an ask! Loved writing it. Makes me want to write more Low!Honor. And ngggh the best compliment ever telling me you love how I write him I can't
˖✧ Pretty lies
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✦ Pairing: Low!Honor Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader  ✦ Warnings/Tags: Blood (obviously), guns, cursing, canon era speech, ending is suggestive. Therefore, MDNI, please! ✦ Words: 1,8k ✦ a/n: Okay so, this is my first attempt ever at a Low Honnor Arthur. I guess I just made him bolder, extra cocky+extra flirty? Hope it’ll fit! ALSO, as always, English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if anything sounds weird. Please if you notice any mistakes, reach up to me! ✦Credits. First pic is from Reddeadcomfort on Pinterest, gun pic from Pinterest too. Second one from my playthrough; blood stains and dividers by me.
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Arthur’s violence wasn’t a secret to anyone. Not to anybody in camp, not to you, certainly not to himself. 
Not even to numerous people at this point, considering the large number of poor fellas who had the bad luck to cross him and ended up beaten to a pulp, covered in bruises, head in a drinking trough, riddled with bullets, or even worse.
But you loved him, no matter what. You knew about his flaws. Knew about his brutal, crude side. But around you, this heated aura was turning into something else entirely. And you liked it.
So, when a panting Arthur had rushed to you on the porch of Strawberry’s hotel, blood covering his entire self, face and hair included, blue eyes shining sapphires in a tide of rubies, you weren’t that surprised. You were even less when he asked you to be his alibi for whatever the Hell he just did, as he had taken the habit of doing lately. Lying for Arthur’s crimes could have looked like an immoral thing to do, but as a member of the gang too, you clearly weren’t a saint either.
And you really were enjoying this little game.
The subtle grin Arthur had every time you would lie in front of the police for him, asserting with absolute conviction you had been together all day. The rosy tone his cheeks, ears and neck were displaying when you felt bolder and added some details in your alibis. Details about fake, steamy nights or afternoons you were supposed to have shared, swearing to the Lord you had the unholiest of times together. Oh, the look he was giving you. Knowing, amused, dreamy and so, so proud and debauched. Lustful, even.
You were sure he was enjoying it too.
“Alright, I’ll cover for you again. But at least go take a bath, I can’t do miracles.” You ordered him, a devilish smile on your face. 
“Thank you, sugar.” Arthur quickly answered, his voice just a low, breathless mumbling, barely letting you distinguish his words.
He quickly entered the hotel and you heard the receptionist gasp from where you were. You chuckled to yourself, imagining his outraged face rapidly losing all its composure under Arthur’s hard gaze piercing through the layer of blood, ordering him to prepare a bath as gently as if he was doing a hold-up.
Poor man must have liquefied on the spot.
You leaned against the patio’s fence and breathed in the fresh late afternoon air of Strawberry, alpenglow golden and rosy on top of the mountains, a peaceful scenery under your eyes. Contrasting with the horror and brutality Arthur must have left in his trail.
He was quick to join you again, looking fresh and neat as if he were a completely normal gentleman. His messy hair and dirty beard long gone, a nice black shirt, shiny boots, and a scout jacket on, probably to match Strawberry people's clothes. 
The only things that hadn't benefited from a change were his eternal Gambler hat and his holster and revolvers, both still painted with blood stains, a red and morbid Appaloosa coat on shiny metal.
“Policemen won’t be too long to arrive. ‘Hid my face but they chased me down all the way from Flatneck Station.” He informed you, voice calmer and shoulders less tensed.
“What the Hell were you doing there?”
“Robbin’ a train.” He replied with a cocky grin, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“More like slaughterin’ a train, uh?”
“Smart mouth.” He retorted, amused by your remark. “Too many of ‘em bastards had irritated me.”
“And how much did you get exactly?”
“Seven hundred.” His smirk widened as he patted his satchel, which was probably full of stolen money.
“Damn, Arthur! All by yourself? You never cease to impress me.”
His eyes wrinkled in a genuine smile, a rare sight. He didn’t add anything, silence enveloping both of you, as often in his company. But you knew he had loved your praise. 
Arthur casually sat on one of the chairs behind you, legs open to be more comfortable, and took his guns out of his holster, as relaxed as if he had sat to draw in his journal.
He knew the Law had absolutely no proof against him, and that you were charming enough to lead them up the garden path as easily as if they were children. 
As he had planned, two terribly worn-out lawmen arrived, clothes soiled and face tired. It looked like they didn’t have the time to take a good bath contrary to your companion, probably interrogating the whole town before arriving here. One of them, the shorter of the two, climbed up the wooden stair treads and spoke.
“Sir, Missus. We’re searching for a dangerous criminal. He has been described by several witnesses as a tall man with broad shoulders, brown hair, blue eyes, and a black leathered hat…” His words slowed down and turned into a whisper at the end of his sentence, lost in the air, as his gaze landed on Arthur. His eyes narrowed realizing he matched the description perfectly.
“Oh, I’m really sorry, officer, we haven’t seen anyone like this…” You said with your most angelic smile, your body turning politely from the fence to face the policeman.
You were now standing right next to Arthur who didn’t look bothered at all. 
All the contrary, he had given a simple salute by nodding his head to the man, the tip of his hat shaking nonchalantly in his direction, and had begun cleaning his guns, blood visible like porcelain dipped in a vibrant red paint.
The officer frowned, clearly not convinced.
“You, where were you-
“Him? He was with me all day officer."
He does not believe you. Yet. You took his arched eyebrow as a personal invitation to give him a good show:
"To tell you the truth, we’re on our honeymoon here, so we took the time to enjoy our day together…”
While speaking, you put a hand on Arthur’s shoulder, to emphasize your words, to look convincing. But you would have lied to yourself telling you weren’t appreciating this, fingers caressing his muscles through the thick jacket, traveling innocently to his neck where you brushed the base of his hair, just underneath his hat, pampering him as if he was a cat.
And Arthur? He had the biggest shit-eating grin you've ever seen on his face. He loved it, the pure audacity of it all, your teasing touch on the back of his head, his own hands busy with his guns, oil and piece of fabric wiping the fresh remnants from his killing spree of a few hours ago, in the most carefree way possible, all of it under the Law’s nose.
A rush of adrenaline spread through him, tingling and warming his body. He tried to fight his own blood from gathering more and more between his legs, but after all, looking all giddy would just make it all more convincing, right?
“But this man really looks like…” The policeman tried to object, before being cut by you once again.
“Officer, I assure you we was here all day…” You asserted, honeyed voice soft to the ears, eyes as innocent as a dove.
“Oh, except for this morning though, we was out. We tried this really special spot, you know? The one in the mountains, where you can bathe in these hot springs… We had a good time there, didn’t we, honey?” You fibbed with perfection, adding even more details to your tapestry of lies.
The hand you had on Arthur slowly pushed his head against your chest, his face ending up cheek against your cleavage. His devilish smirk almost cracked from widening, and the tip of his ears got all red and hot. You could feel it against your skin, both of you relishing in your juvenile, corny lovers play.
Inside, he felt like he was on top of the World right now.
“Yes baby, ‘t was definitely a good time…” Arthur agreed, playful eyes adverting from his revolvers to look at yours from down there, his slightly crooked teeth visible through his gigantic grin.
“A-arlight, I erm…” The lawman coughed, visibly uncomfortable because of your behavior and finally convinced by your pretty little speech. “I’ll leave you to… To "it" then. Good evening Sir, Ma’am.”
He walked back to his colleague who had smoked a cigarette while waiting for him. Arthur and you kept on playing your naive role until both of them were far enough, the last echo of their conversation sounding exceedingly comical into your ears:
“Shit, we lost this asshole…”
 “Told you this couldn’t be him. Who would be stupid enough to strut around right next to the sheriff’s office?”
Yeah, who would be, uh?
You giggled a bit, eyes still locked on the stupid man in question. He hadn’t stopped smiling the whole time, a low chuckle shaking his chest, joining yours.
“This was a close one. You’re getting more and more reckless…” You warned him gently, hand still wrapped around his head.
“But you, on the other hand, are a brilliant actor, darlin’.” He added, his deep voice showing a hint of amusement and mischief. “And you're getting bolder too. A honeymoon, really?”
“The damn bastard wouldn't let it go…” You shrugged with an innocent smile.
It looks like he was comfortable like this because he wasn’t making any effort to pull away from your soft flesh. All the contrary, a sneaky arm curled up around your waist, pushing you onto his lap, his guns and the piece of fabric ending up on top of your thighs.
“Ya know, alibis are fun an’ all but… Maybe we could have a good time for real, sometimes.” He whispered in your ear, big hands handling you gently, one resting on your legs, the other holding your back.
“Yeah? You tired of lying, Arthur?”
“Am tired of doin’ nothin’ while havin’ the most gorgeous woman in town pretendin’ to be my wife…” His thumb slowly strokes your thighs while answering in a low, passionate tone.
This wasn’t just pretty lies anymore. His voice wasn’t joking, it was filled with desire; his hands warm and demanding on your body.
“Mmh… I see… Maybe we could actually book a room here for the night then…” You answered in the same quiet register, betraying your own needs.
One of your hands grabbed his guns, the other the blackened piece of fabric damped with oil, and you finished cleaning up his revolvers for him, fingers delicate and attentive.
His eyes are locked on your hands and their movement, completely hypnotized by them, his ears turning entirely red, this sanguine color spreading less and less subtly on his face and chest too.
You can't help but notice the hardness growing between his legs, pressing under your body. 
And he can't wait for the moment when this won’t be the barrel of his gun you'd be holding and caressing between your hands…
“Sounds pretty good to me, “Missus Morgan”.”
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Hellooo how about a Minho x she/her reader where Minho has been hit by the lightning and hs the scars and one day Reader walks on Minho being half naked and she traces his scars and theres tension building up ;) THANK YOU
I love lightning scars Minho so absolutely.
This is a relatively new request, but I'm trying to get some of the easier ones done since I'm currently away.
And I just liked this idea.
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SUMMARY: See above. After TDC in the Safe Haven. You're a Right Arm member because I just like the idea.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, spice, typical dumb horny teenage bullshit. That's it, really.
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You're a member of the Right Arm.
You're not high-ranking or necessarily special. You just ended up tagging along after Vince came through the refugee camp you were staying at.
But that doesn't mean you don't do anything. You're bold and forward, and you went through life-risking measures to help WICKED's Subjects escape.
Because, well, everyone did.
That doesn't matter now, though. They're safe, you're safe - everyone is safe and everything is okay.
Well, kind of.
Trauma doesn't just vanish. But, people are getting on with their lives.
And so are you.
You've ended up befriending some of the Gladers. Originally, you were friends with Harriet and Sonya since they'd been around a while - and they introduced you to the boys. So, you've got your own little friendship group now.
You're particularly close to Frypan and have some friendly competition with Gally. But you like them all the same.
You don't know what it is about Minho that has you in such a chokehold. Sure, maybe if you were some innocent girl from a Maze who didn't know how to act around boys, it would make sense. But you're not.
You've survived the Scorch and the land outside of the remainder of society. It's not like Minho is the first person you've ever been attracted to either. So, why does he make you feel like this?
Apart from the fact he is undeniably attractive.
You figure it's just dumb surface level physical attraction. And with nothing else better to do, you decide to test the waters a bit.
Glancing at him across the table as the bonfire dances and his friends chat, often meeting each other's gaze. He holds it longer than he should. He always does.
Always standing or sitting next to him; your arms or your knees brushing as neither of you make any effort to grow the distance between you.
Playful inside jokes that often have subtle suggestive undertones. Normally, in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it style that the other Gladers brush off or don't notice. This results in Minho smirking into his chosen beverage, drinking up your figure out of the corner of his eye.
It goes on like this for a while; just being in the same friend group with some subtle flirtations going on. It's actually kind of fun and a much needed way to relax.
But it doesn't actually go much further than that. And you're fine with that.
For a while.
The jokes start becoming more explicit. The eye contact becoming less subtle. The closeness becoming drunken dancing instead of just standing together.
People are starting to notice.
The dumb attraction is starting to become actual feelings. He's brave and strong and funny and everything you want - and it's just making the sexual tension thicker.
God - it's getting bad. Anyone and everyone in a room with you two would be able to feel it.
The Gladers often tease Minho about it, talking about how he's one wrong move away from ripping your clothes off and cracking where he stands.
It's taking a lot of resilience from the both of you. Especially since you're both stubborn - it's become a silent game of who will crumble first.
"Hey, (Y/N)!" You're currently sorting out bedding and hauling different types of sleeping arrangements around camp. With Gally being put in charge of the Builders now, the huts are being thrown up like there's no tomorrow.
The Gladers and other Maze Subjects got the first available buildings, along with high up Right Arm members. You don't really mind, to be fair, you enjoy the hammocks and are happy to help the Gladers.
But as Thomas shouts you, you groan, turning around, blankets threatening to spill out of your hold. "Hey, Thomas. You good?"
"Yeah," something seems off about him as he fiddles with the hem of his shirt, "I know you're already busy, but could you check on Minho for me?"
"Huh?" You tilt your head, concern immediately setting in. "Why? Is something wrong?"
"Uh," Thomas did not think this far ahead of his dumb plan. "Well, we just haven't seen him all day - seems kinda down. Figured you'd be the best person to speak to him."
This perplexes you. "Why me? You guys are closer."
And you could've sworn you'd seen Gally and Minho shoving each other about earlier today. Though, maybe you're just mixing up your days.
"Yeah, but he likes you, so..." You pause, farrowing your brows. He likes you? In what context? Like you know that he likes you. But... like, more than just the dumb flirting?
You shake it off. "Alright, gimme a second."
You dump the bedding off where it needs to be and make a beeline for Minho's hut.
Little do you know that Minho has just gotten out of the shower - and is completely fine. Thomas and Frypan decided they'd had enough of enduring the tension between you and this is the result that.
Reaching the door, it's slightly ajar, and in your concerned state, you, for some reason, decide not to knock.
"Hey, Minho, are you-?" You push open the door and immediately freeze.
Well, shit.
Minho stands with his back to you, loose sweatpants hanging off of his hips and he's without a shirt. He rubs his hair with a towel, freezing at your voice and turning slightly to look at you.
Which would be less awkward if you weren't in some kind of trance.
Minho is tall and muscular, and he doesn't have to be half naked for you to be aware of that. But, that's not what's stands out.
All over his upper body, mainly populating his back, are pinkish lines. They travel down his spine and split like webs across his back, some whisps creeping across his sides and grazing his front.
"You just gonna stare or ask me about it?" Minho says after a good few seconds pass.
What do you even ask?
"Uh, what... why..?" You trail off and Minho raises his eyebrow before scoffing.
"I got hit by lightning." He states matter-of-factly. "Ended up giving me some scars."
"When did that happen?"
"Out in the Scorch, just before we met Brenda and Jorge."
"And you never mentioned this?"
"Well, it didn't seem like a big deal," he smirks. "And I'm kinda enjoying the look on your face."
This kind of snaps you back into reality. You're here for a reason.
You clear you throat, closing the door behind you for more privacy just in case the ex-Runner is on the verge of a meltdown. "Are you... alright?"
"Uh, yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Minho is growing more concerned by the second. What is happening here?
"Well, Thomas said that something was wrong and asked me to talk to you."
Minho scoffs, putting the dots together and slowly nodding his head before rubbing his face with his hands. "Did he, now? Shuckin' slinthead. I knew they were up to something."
"They're messing with you - us, even."
"Huh? Why would- oh! Oh."
Ah. That makes more sense. And is mildly mortifying.
"Yeah." Minho shakes his head, turning away from you again as he mumbles to himself. "Sorry, my friends are dicks."
"It's uh, fine. It's fine."
Your gaze falls back on Minho's chiselled form. He's practically mouth-watering.
And it's not like this is weird. You've been pushing each other's boundaries since day one. This could be another opportunity to see how far you can take things. I mean, he would if this were the other way around. So, with a sudden peak in confidence, you walk over.
Minho chucks his towel on his bed. "So, are you-?"
Minho doesn't even get the chance to finish his question as electricity sparks through him. Again. This time, not because he's nearly dying, but because your fingers graze his back.
His entire body stills, his mind immediately becoming foggy, and the hair on his arms stands on end.
"Do they still hurt?" You ask, your gaze focused on his skin and your voice low.
You're gentle in your moments, letting your fingertips barely tickle his flesh. But with the immediate and tense reaction, you're reminded that Minho is about as touch-straved as someone can get.
He's just good at hiding it.
"Uh, no, not really. They kinda feel weird sometimes, and I was really buggin' out about them when I first noticed them. But I guess I had bigger klunk on my plate." He tries to maintain his composure, but his voice wavers at several points.
You bring your hand higher, dancing across his spine and between his shoulder blades.
"Why were you buggin' out?" You've grown somewhat used to the Glader way of speaking.
He hesitates for a second, physically jumping when your other hand joins in, using your thumb to rub circles and pull at the scars threating to escape to his middrift.
"Well, I uh- shit," he mumbles the cuss word, stepping back more and into your touch, letting his head fall back. "I just... they just look weird, yanno?"
"I think they look hot."
Okay, you're becoming very bold.
"Hm? You think I look hot?" He asks, half-looking over his shoulder at you, not wanting to fully turn around and lose the feeling.
"That's not what I said."
"That's what I'm askin'."
You blink at him, watching his lopsided smile creep across his face.
In a game of confidence - Minho will always win.
Which means trying to play it cool.
"I just think scars are interesting, they tell a story."
"Do you go around touching everyone's scars, then?" He cracks a wicked grin you can't see as he turns his head away again. "That might get you in a bit of trouble around here."
"Yeah, but not with you." It actually is genuinely fun tracing the patterns in his skin. You have one hand following one path and the other following a different one.
"Oh, yeah? How do you know that?"
"Because you like it."
He peers at you again, his face suddenly serious and his tone lower than before. "You're really starting to push it, yanno that?"
"Push what?" You tilt your head, pretending to play innocent.
"You know what."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"So, you're just feeling me up because you think my scars are hot?" He scoffs. "That's what's happening here?"
You think for a second. Fuck it. "Yep."
"Well, there's more scars if you wanna touch them?"
Your eyes flicker to his face, letting your arms fall from his skin. He turns around, holding his hands behind his back, he rocks on his heels.
From his back, travelling to his front are smaller webs of the scarring. At first glance, you thought they only reached around his sides, but now you're realising there's thinner, less noticeable branches trailing across his abs.
He presses his lips into a thin line, almost like he's calling your bluff. Because this is the game you've been playing. Pushing each other. And you've pushed him so he's pushing you.
Though, this very well might end up being the breaking point.
Too stubborn to back down, your hand connects with his stomach area. He flinches, but very quickly relaxes again. You gently run your fingers across the lines and the curves of not only the remains of the electricity, but of just his body.
Your eyes flicker to his face as you expect him to make some cocky comment about how that's not a scar. But he doesn't. His eyes are fixated on your hand.
It's a feeling he's never really experienced before - watching someone enjoy him. Someone touch him with such care. With such want. Someone touching him like this at all is new.
And it's you.
You're the one touching him.
And that's making it so much worse.
He doesn't make any effort to hide or stop the tightening sensation in his pants or the way his chest is rising and falling. His mind is falling into complete fog; he feels like he's taken something he probably shouldn't have.
You notice it, too.
"Shut up," he says almost immediately, eyes finally meeting yours. His pupils are wide and his eyelids heavy. "This... this isn't fair. You can't..."
He seems a strange mix of stressed and turned on.
"Okay, I'll stop," you pull your hand away, but he immediately grabs it, laying it flat against his middrift. "Minho?"
"Don't," he mumbles. "Don't stop." He can't look at you properly.
God, what's happening to him?
"Look," he continues, trying to gain some sort of clarity for a second. "If you're just messing around, that's fine, but leave now, okay? 'Cause this is getting cruel."
His words and the way he's acting is sending heat straight to your core. You step towards him, your faces inches apart.
"Are you caving, Minho?" Your voice is sultry as your hand slides further down his front.
"Are you?" He responds, leaning in further, your noses brush and you can feel his breath on your face.
"We can't keep doing this, yanno? One of us has to break eventually." You mumble, practically into his lips.
His eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips.
"Shuck it," his hands come to your waist, yanking you closer as he finally kisses you. You squeak from the force behind it as you throw you arms around his neck, clawing into his back to try and steady yourself.
It takes a matter of seconds for Minho to spin you around, pushing you onto the bed, both of you tangling together. Desperation sets in fairly quickly.
Minho's hands under your shirt as you try to pull it over your head. His lips on your neck and chest as he slips a hand under you, trying to yank your jeans down. You leave stains on his skin from your nails.
It's a blur of emotion and hormones.
Then Minho hesitates as he sits back. At first, you think he's just admiring you as you lay in your underwear, but there's something else.
"You good?" You ask, becoming concerned.
"You know we're not gonna be friends anymore if we do this, right? Like the flirting and klunk is fun, but this is different. We can't take this back. A-and I've never done this before. I don't wanna shuck up our friendship or make things weird."
You blink at him before sitting up. He watches you as you move onto your knees and kiss him again.
"I don't wanna be your damn friend, Minho. Take the hint."
It's like there's a light behind his eyes, a smile creeping across his face, but unlike his usual cocky smirk, it's soft and warm and genuine.
He pecks your lips. It's sweet and unusual for him. "You wanna be more than friends, then?"
"Yeah," you chuckle, "but I'm sure we can worry about that later. We're a bit busy right now." You wrap your arms around his neck again, lightly touching the scars on his back. He grins at you, connecting your lips again as he pushes you down.
He pulls away, his teeth brushing your ear lobe as he lets out a low chuckle.
"Sounds like a good plan."
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Here ya go, another spicey Minho piece for y'all.
I hope you enjoyed :))
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doubledeadstudio · 6 months
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Hello! Welcome to the official Double Dead Studio Tumblr, the solodev behind Reanimated Heart and Another Rose in His Garden.
(This Pinned is Under Construction. Still figuring out the tags...)
Reanimated Heart is a character-driven horror romance visual novel about finding love in a mysterious small town. There are three love interests with their own unique personalities and storylines. Play the demo on Itch now!
Content Warning: All my games are 18+! They contains dark subject matter such as violence and sexual content. Player discretion is advised.
This blog is ran by Jack, the creator.
Itch | Link Tree | Patreon | Twitter
My policy for fanwork is that anything goes in fiction, but respect my authority and copyright outside it. This means normal fan activity like taking screencaps, posting playthroughs, and making fanart/fanfiction is completely allowed, but selling this game or its assets isn't allowed (selling fanwork of it is fine, though). You are also not allowed to feed any of my assets to AI bots, period, even if it's free.
Do not use my stuff for illegal or hateful content.
Also, I expect everyone to respect the Content Warnings on the page. I'm old and do not tolerate fandom wank.
Who are the main Love Interests?
Read their character profiles here!!
Who's the team?
Jack (creator, writer, artist), mostly. I closely work with Exodus (main programmer) and Claira (music composer). My husband edits the drafts, and my friend Bonny makes art assets. I've also gotten help from outsiders like Sleepy (prologue music + vfx) and my friend Gumjamin (main menu heart animation).
For Reanimated Heart's VOs, Alex Ross voices Crux, Devin McLaughlin voices Vincenzo, Christian Cruz voices Black, Maganda Marie voices Grete, and Zoe D. Lee voices Missy.
Basically, it's mostly just me & outsourcing stuff to my friends and professionals.
How can I support Double Dead Studio productions?
You can pay for the game, or join our monthly Patreon! If you don't have any money, just giving it a nice rating and recommending it to a friend is already good enough. :)
Where do the funds go to?
100% gets poured back into the game. More voice acting, more music, more trailers, more art, etc. I also like to give my programmer a monthly tip for helping me.
This game is really my insane passion project, and I want to make it better with community support.
I live in the Philippines and the purchasing power of php is not high, especially since many of the people I outsource to prefer USD. (One time I spent P10k of my own money in one month just to get things.) I'll probably still do that, even if no money comes in, until I'm in danger of getting kicked out the street… but maybe even then? (jk)
What platforms will Reanimated Heart be released in?
Itch and then Steam when it's fully finished. Still looking into other options, as I hear both are getting bad.
Will the game be free?
Chapter 1 will be free. The rest will be updated on Patreon exclusively until full release.
Are you doing a mobile version?
Yeah. Just Android for now, but it's in the works.
Where can I listen to the OST?
It is currently up on YouTube, Spotify, and Bandcamp!
Why didn't you answer my ask?
A number of things! Two big ones that keep coming up are Spoilers (as in, you asked something that will be put in an update) or it's already been asked. If you're really dying to know, check the character tags or the meta commentary. You might find what you're looking for there. :)
Tag List for Navigation
Just click the tags to get to where you wanna go!
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stevesbestgirl · 2 years
It is so damn cute watching the other littlest look after the little baby reader.
Like the one with the football game. How little Peter looks after her. That was adorable!!! I couldn’t stop smiling.
I do like how they regress to a younger age.
Would love to see more little baby reader with more cute scenes with her daddies but also the other littles and caretakers.
Headphones put on her when it gets loud. Maybe at a gala and telling a loud douche to be quiet. (Badarse scary protective mom Nat).
Please please would you write more protective badarse stucky.
How would all the avengers especially stucky and maybe even the other littlest react if the baby reader was taken? After all the others are littles but still heroes while baby doesn’t have any powers (or does she) ;) 😂. Seriously though imagine the littles all finding out baby has been taken and then the door where the others are opens and the littles are no long littles but pissed off Loki. Scarlett witch , Spider-Man etc.
So sorry for writing so much. Just really love your fics. Can’t wait for any more you write. I hope you have a lovely day 🌸
Ohmygosh, this is so sweet, please don't apologize! I love hearing what people like about Their Girl 🥰🥰
I don't usually do requests, but your ideas are great and I got a little inspired ❤️
Daddy!Stucky x little!f!reader
2989 Words
Warnings: brief swearing, crybaby reader (as always), sfw age regression
In the early days, you never left the compound; your daddies were protective. They didn't want anything bad to happen to you- or for you to run into someone who might recognize you; that could be just as damaging to all the work they'd done to make you happy.
But eventually, as trust built, they started taking you out in public. First the zoo, like they'd promised, and then other places. Soon, you were allowed to tag along when they went grocery shopping and trips to the park become normal. You even had a special day at the mall with Steve.
You trusted all of the adults to keep you safe while out and about; you remembered one of Tony's fancy parties where a man had drank so much that he was shouting, despite the soft music and low hum of chatter in the room. Bucky had only agreed to bring you to that party because Tony promised it would be quiet. But the man was determined to be heard by the pretty girl he was talking to, though she didn't seem to want to talk to him.
You knew your daddies were close by, so you tried to be brave, politely tugging on his jacket and asking him to use his inside voice. But the girl saw her opportunity to leave, disappearing while his back was turned and then he got annoyed.
"Who brought a fuckin' kid to this party?" he called out to the room, making you shrivel beneath all the attention he was drawing. "Honestly, can't a guy even get laid-"
It wasn't Bucky, or even Steve, who marched over and put themselves between the two of you, it was Natasha. "You need to tone it down."
The man had smirked, giving her an obvious look up and down, "That's not the only thing that could stand to go down." He clearly thought himself quite smooth.
When she didn't fall down at his feet, he added, "Why? This yours?" He tipped his chin derisively at you, scorn plain in his tone. You winced; you didn't understand why he was being so mean, but you knew he was.
"She's not the problem here." You knew Natasha's warning voice well enough to recognize it, but this man was either too drunk, too stupid, or too distracted by her pretty face to notice.
"She's a problem for me." He reached in your direction, like he was going to push you away, drawing a resigned sigh from Nat.
Natasha caught his arm, twisting it to a funny angle and making the man cry out, "Then I guess I'm your problem too."
By then, Steve had noticed, steering you away and shielding you from the ruckus, but you peeked out just in time to see Nat take the man down, not even mussing her hair. Steve stayed close for the rest of the night, thinking you were traumatized, but you were really in awe of Natasha. Looking at your daddies, it was obvious they could protect you. But Natasha was much tougher than she looked and she hadn't hesitated to step in to keep you safe.
You had murmured a shy thank you to her later in the evening, to which she smiled, "Of course, dovey. We take care of our kids, don't we?" She'd kissed your forehead and you realized that you were part of their family; they would all take care of you, just like they did their own babies.
The adults had collectively decided that taking more than one baby out at a time warranted at least two caregivers. They weren't taking risks with such precious cargo after all.
Generally, things went smoothly. Surprisingly, Loki was the one who tended to get into trouble when out and about, but you were still very grateful to be allowed; you weren't about to rock the boat now. Not that good intentions would keep you out of trouble.
You hadn't meant to wander off in the store, but it wasn't like you went out often- you'd forgotten how easy it was to get swept up in the crowd. Especially with Thor and Tony as chaperones; Thor's supervision wasn't quite as comprehensive as many of the others and Tony tended to get distracted by Peter. It wasn't until you were shuffled away from the group, distracted by the pretty backpacks on display, that you realized they were gone.
Looking up from a sequined one you'd been admiring, you realized you were all alone. You'd always heard that you should stay put when you were lost, but that seemed kind of silly. After all, you knew you'd been with the group back by the clothing, so you shouldered the backpack you wanted and made your way back there.
But there was no sign of any of them. And now you were a little scared; when was the last time you were alone outside the compound? Just asking yourself the question unearthed the faint memory of your nightmares, which hadn't plagued you for quite a while now.
With a whimper, you climbed inside the clothing rack; it was stuffed full and provided excellent cover for someone who didn't want to get grabbed by a stranger. You camped out among the clothes for a few minutes- only long enough to realize that if someone had come back to look for you, they wouldn't know you were here. So you cautiously climbed out, keeping an eye out for any kidnappers.
You waited again, but what if they'd come to check for you while you were hiding? You might have missed them. Or what if they hadn't even noticed you were gone? What if they left without you?
You knew you shouldn't go out in the parking lot alone; you were supposed to hold someone's hand. You weren't even sure you remembered where the van was parked. But the little voice in your head insisted that if you weren't by the car when they came out, they would leave you behind.
Looking carefully both ways, you took a step into the lot, but you were quickly pulled back, an unfamiliar voice barking, "Where do you think you're going?"
Wheeling around, you were gazing at a grumpy-looking security guard whose badge read "Bennett." Locating your voice, however muted, you answered, "I got lost."
"Mm. And I take it you were going to pay for that bag too?" He didn't sound particularly accommodating.
"I don't have any money, but-"
"I thought so," he grunted. "Come with me."
Far be it from you to argue with a security guard; your daddies had told you to be wary of strangers, but there were no other grown ups around. So you tearfully followed Officer Bennett back inside and through a set of double doors. Behind those, everything was gray and dirty- it wasn't pretty like the rest of the store. But he kept walking, towing you firmly by the arm until you were in a tiny security office.
Entranced by the wall of TVs, you forgot you were in trouble until he snapped his fingers, "Sit down." You dropped into the chair against the wall.
He stood while you sat, hands planted on his hips, looking down his nose at you; he thought you were a thief. But nothing you said made a difference; he had an answer to everything, a way you could have been lying. He started asking for your information: your name, your birthday, where you lived. But you knew you weren't supposed to tell him those. So you told him that.
"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers."
His face twisted into a mocking sneer, "You've got to be kidding me."
Missing the sarcasm, you shook your head earnestly, "I promise I wasn't tryin' to steal-"
"I don't want to hear it. Unless you're going to tell me your name, I don't want to hear a peep out of you."
Intimidated by his bad attitude and his badge, you went quiet. You sat in the uncomfy, wooden chair, kicking your feet and watching the security cameras. You were compliantly quiet, at least until you saw a familiar face on one of the many screens. "Wanda!"
"That your name?"
"No, but-"
"Don't care then."
"Shut up."
Surprised, you replied again, voice thick, "That's mean."
"Don't care." He turned back to his computer, making a pointed effort to ignore your sniffles and hiccups as they became more and more pronounced.
You debated about running away, but you weren't super like everyone else; you couldn't do anything. The small amount of relief granted by the knowledge that they hadn't left you behind- at least, not yet- didn't comfort you in the face of utter helplessness.
You tried to stay quiet while you cried, finding Wanda on the cameras again. You could at least keep an eye on her. Wanda looked right into the camera and you wanted to believe that she saw you, but you knew that wasn't how cameras worked. You watched her lean over and mutter something to Peter, who, in turn, whispered something in Loki's ear. You couldn't see Tony or Thor on the screen anywhere.
You did a quick scan of the other monitors for the grown ups and when you returned to Wanda's, she was gone and so were the others. You'd lost them.
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat before speaking, "What's gonna happen to me?"
"Don't know."
"Am I goin' to jail?" Would Steve and Bucky be able to find you if you got arrested?
"Maybe." He sounded like he was entertaining the idea.
That prompted you to cry in earnest- you didn't want to go to jail. You could usually admit when you'd done something wrong, but everything that had happened today was an accident. You were a good girl.
Your internal monologue cut short at a knock on the door. With a heavy grunt, Officer Bennett heaved himself out of his chair and opened it, positioning himself between you and the other side, so you couldn't see past him. Whatever he saw on the other side gave him pause, then he slipped through the gap in the door and closed it behind him.
You were alone in the security office. And Officer Bennett had left his cell phone on the desk.
You scrambled over and were amazed that he didn't have a passcode on it. You remembered Steve complaining about how tedious it was to change that setting. Figuring it was an old man thing, you thanked your lucky stars and managed to open a text chat.
It had been a long time since you used a cell phone for anything other than games or taking pictures and even those typically had Steve or Bucky over your shoulder, telling you what to do. The last time you'd owned a cell phone, holo-screen tech didn't even exist.
You did, however, know your daddies' phone numbers by heart. They were now well versed in positive reinforcement. So you'd gotten a canopy for your bed in return for reeling off their phone numbers without any mistakes after weeks of practice and positive encouragement.
You dialed those numbers with shaky fingers, glancing over your shoulder to make sure the door was still closed. You weren't good at texting, though you dimly remembered being good at it once.
You typed out, "Help." "Scared." You wanted to type "officer," but you couldn't spell it, so you backpedaled, breaths coming faster as fear of being caught settled over your shoulders. You typed the name of the store instead and sent it, even though you knew you'd spelled it wrong.
And then you remembered to send your name as the doorknob rattled, so you only typed half and hit send before tossing the phone back down on the desk and getting back in your chair. You were barely seated when the door opened and an irritated-looking Officer Bennett shuffled back in, still carefully blocking your view. Once the door was closed, he clicked the lock.
He turned around to sit back down and noticed his phone- not even close to where he left it. Slowly turning his head to face you, he asked low, "Did you-"
You were trembling in your seat, but he cut off sharply, head turning to stare at the doorknob, which had started glowing with odd, red light. You were close enough that you could hear the faint clicking of metal on metal.
He looked at you, "What are you doing?" His face paled further as an eerie green glow seemed to seep in through the cracks around the door, "S-stop!"
He shrieked and you ducked your head as the door burst open and hit the wall with a crash. You suspected it had cracked the cement wall behind it.
Tentatively peeking out from under your hands, you squinted at the dust that had come loose at the impact floating through the air. Then Loki stumbled inside, closely followed by Peter and Wanda.
Loki ignored the terrified Officer Bennett, straightening indignantly, "Don't push."
Wanda rolled her eyes, "You were the one who had to be first." She smirked at him, "Feels good to save the day, doesn't it?"
"Why don't you-"
"Guys?" You finally found your voice, though it was still thin and trembling.
"We came to save you," Peter piped up.
"By the gods, what you have you three done?" Thor's voice echoed over Wanda's shoulder, just out of your sight.
Then Tony's voice, "It's bad enough I have to pay these insurance premiums when there's a crisis, now I can't even do my shopping without something getting broken?" You couldn't tell if he was serious or joking.
Tony ushered the others out, extending an arm to you, still in your seat, "C'mon kid, let me sort this out." You hesitantly stood, waiting for the guard to stop you, but it seemed like Officer Bennett was in shock because only Tony spoke, "That's it, come on. Let's get you out of there."
He steered you out of the office and back into the main store with Thor, who hoisted you off the ground and onto his hip, "Trouble always seems to find you, doesn't it, little one?"
You stared at him, suddenly nervous, "Am I in trouble?"
"No, you aren't in trouble. Don't worry, the grown ups are handling it."
Ten minutes later, you were all back in the car. Your backpack had been paid for and was in the trunk with the other bags. Your carseat was in the back row, as Peter's occupied the middle. Loki was in the backseat with you and Wanda in the middle with Peter.
You kept your voice low, hoping Tony and Thor wouldn't hear over the classic rock playing on the radio, "Thanks for saving me." You left a pause before admitting, "I was really scared."
Wanda surprised you by rolling her eyes, "Of course we would never let anyone take you away. You're our friend."
"We love you, pretty girl," Peter added, the only one who was very free with that particular word.
You glanced at Loki, who looked almost guilty, giving you a reluctant nod, his cheeks flushed silver.
You smiled and nodded, settling back into your seat and contemplating a nap. But Tony pulled off the highway early, stopping at a little diner. You were allowed to unbuckle yourself, so you climbed out of the van with the others, staying close by while Tony got Peter out too.
"Uncle Tony, are we having dinner?" Wanda chirped.
"I was thinking about it, but if you guys aren't hungry-"
Wanda took the bait, "I am! But what about Mommy?"
"You can bring something back for her, sound fair?"
You tugged on Tony's sleeve, "Me too?"
"You want to bring something back to Natasha?"
"Uh-uh, for my daddies."
"No need, squirt." He pointed behind you and you saw Steve and Bucky coming up the sidewalk from Steve's car parked a few spaces down.
"Papa!" You took care to get on the sidewalk before running over to them and jumping into Steve; you weren’t taking any chances on getting in trouble for running in a parking lot. But you hadn't realized how badly you needed to see them after something like that until they were there to make it better. You were safe with your friends, but things were better with your daddies around.
Steve held you like he'd had a scary afternoon too, pressing a frantic kiss to your forehead and holding your head tightly into the crook of his neck while he hugged you, "My sweet girl, are you alright?"
You nodded, "It was scary, but Wanda and Peter and Loki saved me."
Steve buried another kiss in your cheek, "Lucky for that security guard they did, or he would've had to deal with me-"
"Steve, it's done. Tony handled it," Bucky reminded him.
Steve grunted his understanding, a sure sign he disagreed but couldn't be bothered to argue; he had his baby back now.
Bucky leaned in to kiss your forehead too, "Let's get you something to eat, hm? Being a felon is hungry work- I'd know."
Steve rolled his eyes and Bucky grinned. Peter chimed in, reminding the three of you that everyone else was waiting, "We can get lots of food, my daddy is paying."
Thor cheered, which prompted Wanda and Peter to copy him, drawing a laugh from Steve.
"You know Pete, I'm starting to think you're only here for my money."
Peter's indignant reply was the beginning of another tangent, leading to more teasing and more laughter. And as you sat in a too-small booth, sitting on Steve's lap and blowing straw wrappers at Wanda and Loki, you realized that your bad day, as with all the bad days that had come before it, wasn't worth remembering because you were the happiest you could ever remember being.
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
hiiii hiiii!!! was curious :3 how's it gooinnnng?? uh, feeling booooooorooooooored got any fun headcanons you have floating around the space station?? :3
It's going well enough, Anon! I finally got around to this! Sorry it took me so long, I've been having a hard time doing things. But never mind that! Here's a mixed bag of headcanons!
Medic can make a killer hot chocolate. The only issue being, he will NOT elaborate on why he's so happy and eager to make you one.. He'll hand you the most beautifully decorated hot chocolate, but he stares at you with the most terrifying smile, staring through your soul. You should drink it, though, what's the worst that can happen.
Speaking of Medic. This man would be a menace at Diner Dash. I can not explain. He'd just be so good at it. Put him in endless mode, and he'd play it for hours, you could not get him to put it down.
Speaking of video games, Scout is insane at Mario Kart. He will kill you on Rainbow Road, you will not win against him, he's a maniac. He mains Peach. Also, funny enough, even though he has so many siblings, none of them would play Mario Kart with him. He may have teared up because Pyro asked to play with him.
You know what, I'll just drop everyone's Mario Kart mains and their second option with no explanations!
Demo would main Yoshi, Dry Bones being his second
Engie would pick Daisy, dying on this kill. Um, as a second pick I get Lakitu vibes.
Heavy would choose Bowser, Luigi being his second
Medic switches between the princesses, but mainly Rosalina, King Boo being his second.
Scout is a Peach main ONLY, if he is alone! (One time, he messed up and picked Peach before anyone else could and was very embarrassed.) If he's playing with others, he picks Mario, Larry being his second.
Sniper doesn't care. He'd probably let someone else pick for him. He normally gets a princess character, but he doesn't mind.
Spy is always picking rose gold Peach, regardless of Scout's mocking. He doesn't need a second pick because he'll get pissy about it.
Soldier doesn't have a set main, but I feel like he'd pick any of Bowser's kids.
Pyro is a Shy Guy main, and I am so normal about it, Bowser Jr. Is its second pick.
None of them really fight over mains though, the all normally get the character they want.
Totally away from all of that. I think Spy listens to classical music, and Scout also likes classical music so one time, Scout heard it from Spy's room and just came in, starting to make fun of him, but ended up just... sitting with Spy. I think a lot of their bonding is nonverbal.
Hey, I'm doing another speaking of bit, Spy has a habit of showing up at the exact moment someone needs something, with the item. Medic needs a coffee? Oh well, Spy just happened to be there with one. Scout's looking for something? Spy just found it! How strange. He always acts like its such an inconvenience, this is the only way he can show love.
Scout, Sniper, Medic, and Soldier all have sensory and texture issues.
Scout will gag at the thought of eating puddings and jellos and can't stand flashing lights. Sniper hates bright lights and hates the texture of anything slimy. Medic is overwhelmed by noises in crowds and can't stand sticky foods. Soldier has issues with fabrics and tags and can't stand soft/smooth.
Back to Spy again, I think he really likes the smell of lilacs and vanilla, I don't know why.
Scout once ran out of Bonk, Medic offered him a tea. Medic and Scout drink tea together when one of them has a bad day.
Engie collects rocks. He's just always been a fan. Sometimes, he'll sit outside the base, looking at the ground just searching for pretty rocks. He's given some to Pyro before, and now Pyro goes and sits with him sometimes.
Sniper's happiest moments in life are genuinely sitting in a dark room, not talking, just sitting with someone he cares about. He finds the presence of someone more comforting than words.
You know those gimmick blogs that can identify something from one picture? Heavy can tell you exactly what book any quote is from.
Pyro, Demo, and Soldier collect fireflies together sometimes.
Anyways! That's all I have for now. Sorry, they aren't anything major or great. But writing them made me smile, so thank you for that, anon!
I'm hoping I'm finally back to writing because this reminded me how fun it is.
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mouseymilkovich · 1 month
Wicked Game | Luca x Reader | Chapter One
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masterlist | playlist | pinterest board | next chapter
Fic Summary: You're Carmen Berzatto's girlfriend, and training to be secondary pastry chef for when The Bear opens up. Your boyfriend (and Sydney) decided to send you off to Copenhagen to learn from his dear friend, Luca. After Copenhagen, you're almost sure you'll never see Luca again— you can't decide whether or not that's a good thing or a bad thing though.
Chapter Summary: Copenhagen is gorgeous, though you're sad to be there alone, without your boyfriend, Carmy. Then, you meet chef Luca, the handsome and charming chef Luca... maybe you weren't as alone as you thought. | Luca x fem/afab reader (using they/them pronouns)
Content Tags: Mentions of Mikey's death, mentions of Marcus's mom being ill, unintentional thoughts of infidelity
Important Info: Established relationship of Carmy and reader, generally takes place in the S2 timeline for now, (for texting) pink = reader, blue = Carmy
**Quick Disclaimer: Before we begin, I'd obviously like to keep people on the edge of their seat as much as possible, but I do want to say I do not condone cheating whatsoever! It's a topic that is very sensitive to me, and I tread on it very lightly.
Chapter One: The Game of Love
Word Count: 2.7k
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Copenhagen was so, so beautiful. You didn't really need any convincing when Carmy and Sydney recommended sending you there— the only thing that would be difficult would be being away from your boyfriend for so long. Still, you and Carmy both decided being apart for two weeks would be worth it to learn everything you possibly could from the one who'd be training you, chef Luca.
Carmy always sang praise about Luca— they were dear friends, but you'd never actually met Luca before, since his trips to America were few and far between. You had to assume he was nice, assume he was professional, and of course assume he was excellent at his craft, otherwise why would Carmy be sending you to him?
You'd start your training the next morning, for now, you wanted to do a little bit of sight seeing... well, after a short nap, to recover from your mild jetlag.
That night, you tried— and failed —to call Carmy. It probably didn't help that the reception on the boat wasn't that great, but you had to assume he was busy with planning and prepping for The Bear. You had to hand it to him, your boyfriend was ridiculously ambitious... even if he sometimes got in over his head.
So, you went to bed. Something about sleeping on the boat was oddly calming, though Carmy had warned you about feeling mildly seasick, you were perfectly fine. You didn't linger on your whirring thoughts too long, you had to get up early to meet chef Luca for the first time and start your journey to become a better pastry chef.
The blaring of your alarm made you groan, but you shut it off and stretched as you sat up. You were never much of a morning person, but that obviously needed to change quickly, this was your new normal for the next two weeks.
As you got to the bakery, you admired the still morning air and quiet streets surrounding you. This was way more serene than Chicago by a fucking long shot.
You let yourself in, and you were immediately greeted by a six foot tall, blonde, tattooed, muscular man who was already prepping for the day.
"Good morning, chef. You're Carmy's girl, right?" He greeted with a polite smile.
You nodded, introducing yourself and holding out your hand to shake his. "Nice to meet you, chef."
"You as well, chef. I'm Luca, Carmy's been talking you up a lot." He laughed softly as he shook your hand.
This was Luca? This was the man Carmy always referred to as kid? God, he was fucking gorgeous, and he really couldn't have been much younger than Sydney and yourself.
Luca gave you an apron that matched his own, a forest green that oddly complimented his blue shirt. You tied it on yourself, and shot Carmy a text before you put your things away.
at the bakery and just met luca :) hopefully we can call or ft tonight? love you!
Now, it was time to go to work.
You watched a few demonstrations that Luca provided, seeing how expertly he worked with everything around him somewhat reminded you of a less angry Carmy... okay, scratch that, more like a not at all angry Carmy.
He was excellent, so you knew why Carmy had recommended he be the one to train you, you were in absolute awe.
"You're incredible, chef." You commented as you stepped up to the counter to try it out for yourself.
"It took a lot of work for me to get here. I wasn't always this good." He responded with a little chuckle.
"Oh? Care to share?" You asked with a little smile as you got to work, mimicking what he'd just done.
"I was a trouble maker when I was a kid, and eventually that caught up to me cus I tried to dine 'n dash a restaurant. They made me wash dishes." He laughed softly. "Turned out I enjoyed the environment... then when I started for myself, I thought I was the best."
"Well, you are pretty talented." You smiled softly.
"Oh, but back then, I was far from the best. I learned that when I met Carmy. He was... miles ahead of me. I basically followed him around like a shadow until I could match his level."
You giggled a little. "That's... oddly adorable. So, you were his tall shadow then, huh?"
"Yeah, guess you could say that." Luca smiled softly, then glanced over at your work. "Very nice. Try again, a little faster."
You worked through the day, learning everything you possibly could, taking notes when you were able. Luca was certainly a force.
After you said goodbye to Luca and the bakery staff for the night, you headed back to the boat. You hadn't gotten much of a chance to check your phone, so you did as you flopped onto the couch.
hi babe. hope you had a good day. super busy, not gonna be able to call tonight, sorry. i love you.
You sighed a little as you read it, but you figured as much. Trying to open a fine dining restaurant, from scratch, in three months was ballsy, even for Carmy. But, you knew there was absolutely no talking your stubborn ass boyfriend out of that one, especially when Sugar and Sydney had the same idea.
Well, you decided there was really no point in staying up too late if you weren't gonna be able to chat with Carmy. So, you had a bite to eat, then watched an episode of something before you went to bed.
That night, you went to bed and had absolute sweet dreams. What freaked you out in the morning, as your alarm blared once more, was that none of those dreams contained Carmy.
"It was just a dream." You reminded yourself internally. "Not reality."
Just a dream. Not reality.
You got yourself ready for the day, then headed up to the bakery, where you were greeted by the leading man in your dreamworld from last night. Chef Luca.
"Morning, chef." He greeted, slinging some bags of flour effortlessly.
"Morning, chef." You said back with a polite smile, going to put your things away and put on your apron.
You quickly dusted your mind of any remains of the dream from last night. It was just a dream. You'd only had that dream because you spent the whole day yesterday with Luca, and you hadn't called Carmy, that had to be the reason.
Through the day, you remained professional and calm. Thankfully, it was easy to just be yourself around Luca— he had such a calm demeanor. Even when he corrected you or told you to try again, it was never aggressive or too commanding, but it also wasn't passive or careless. You respected that about him, admired it, even— that couldn't have been easy in the world of food, in fact, you knew first hand that it wasn't.
"You're really improving quickly." He praised with a slight smile, eyeing over your shoulder as you copied one of his techniques.
You glanced over your shoulder, smiling back at him. "Yeah? Thank you. Would you believe Carmy almost didn't keep me on at The Beef when he took over cus he didn't believe I was improving? I was just fucking with him on purpose."
Luca laughed softly, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? I'm guessing that's how you guys met, huh?"
"Yeah... I'd been working there for years before Mikey passed and Carmy took over. I really didn't like him at first, but I think part of it was grief about losing Mikey..." You explained with a bit of a sigh. "We actually kinda bonded over that grief. And he came to respect me as a fellow chef. I'd always wanted to get better at pastries and desserts, so when him and Syd suggested Copenhagen I definitely jumped at the chance. Marcus was gonna tag along, but he's gotta take care of his mom."
"Well, I'm happy to teach you. You're really talented, chef." He said softly, gently placing a hand on your back.
"Thank you, chef." You muttered with a soft smile before returning to your delicate work.
You still remembered Carmy's first time meeting The Beef staff like it was yesterday.
"Right, you're Mikey's famous brother." You snorted with a bit of a snicker.
"Well, famous is a bit of a... stretch." Carmen muttered softly.
You eyed him carefully, then rolled your eyes. "Just stay out of my way. I'm pretty set in my ways here, I do things my way, and Mikey's way."
Carmen sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Listen, I'm not trying to... he just left the restaurant to me, okay? I'm not trying to shake things up— but I wanna improve the place."
"Right. Like I said, stay out of my way." You said before pushing past him to get to your station.
"That's my girl!" Tina praised with a laugh, causing you to smile over your shoulder at her.
"Tina, could you please—"
"No hablo Inglés." Tina retorted to Carmen as she walked by him, causing you to giggle.
"I literally just heard you speak English, Tina, I swear to fucking god..."
As the day wound down, Luca invited you to join him for dinner, partially to experience some of Copenhagen's fine dining, but partially to actually talk outside of work. He'd offered to take you to Noma, to see where he met and learned from Carmy. You agreed, he'd meet you at the boat after you changed into something more... Noma appropriate.
You called Carmy while you started to get undressed, putting him on speaker phone. You were somewhat shocked that he actually answered.
"Hi, honey." He muttered into the phone.
"Hey, Bear! I wanted to call you quick while I got changed. Luca's taking me to Noma." You told Carmy while you browsed the dresses you'd brought.
"Oh, he is? Damn." Carmy chuckled softly. "You'll have to tell me how you like it. Too bad I couldn't have taken you for your first time, though."
"Do you think my green dress is Noma appropriate attire?" You asked.
You heard Carmy hum on the other side of the phone. "Yeah, I guess. But it's a little low cut, isn't it?"
"Shows off the necklace you got me for Valentine's day." You commented with a little shrug.
"Alright, alright." He muttered with a soft laugh. "But I better get pictures."
"You already know you will." You laughed as you undressed. You slipped the aforementioned green dress over your head, and fixed yourself up.
"So how's it been goin'?" Carmy asked while you started to do some makeup.
"Pretty great, actually. Luca's incredible, you weren't kidding." You replied in between lines of eyeliner.
"Yeah, kid's real talented, I knew he'd best to teach ya."
"Kid." You scoffed with a little laugh. "He's taller than you, and just as muscular, I bet he's not much younger than me 'n Syd."
You heard Carmy groan on the other side of the phone. "Well, I always called him kid when we were in Copenhagen together!"
"Oh my god, Carm, I'm just teasing you." You laughed. "Okay, he's gonna be here any second. I love you."
"Love you too." Carmy muttered softly.
The call ended, you slipped on some nicer shoes and headed outside where Luca waited in a suit. If it hadn't been dark, you would've sworn you could see his eyes popping out of his skull.
"That's, um, a beautiful dress." Luca commented, motioning for you to follow him to his car.
"Thank you! Syd helped me pick it out for a Valentine's date, Carmy took me to Ever, he gave me this necklace." You said with a little smile, leaning in and showing off the necklace, and (unintentionally) your cleavage. The scent of your perfume wasn't a bad touch either.
Luca drove you both to Noma, and you were immediately astounded. It was as lovely as Carmy had always described to you.
"Carm sounded a little disappointed he couldn't bring me here for the first time." You muttered with a sad laugh as you got seated. "He was gonna come for a couple days of the trip, but planning and prepping for The Bear has been basically taking over his life."
"So he's still a crazy hard worker, huh?" Luca asked before he ordered some wine for the table.
"Yup... but, it's his passion, so I know there's no changing his mind." You muttered with a little smile.
Luca nodded with a soft laugh. "I'll hand it to him, guy's ambitious as hell. Dunno if I could start a restaurant from the ground up."
"You probably could— I bet Carmy would even wanna help you while working on The Bear, seriously." You said. That was Carmy, always spreading himself way too thin.
"Of course he would." He muttered, laughing softly again.
You let Luca pick a few things from the menu for you both to share— you figured going with his recommendations would make for the best experience.
"I'm trusting your judgment, and you haven't steered me wrong yet, so don't give me any bad impressions." You joked as you took a sip of wine. The wine he'd ordered was already delicious itself— so, you were fairly confident in what he'd order for the table.
"Trust, this is the best stuff. I bet Carm would recommend the same stuff." Luca commented, sipping from his own glass.
"Well, Carmy's not here, so you're in charge, chef." You laughed, not intending for that to sound as suggestive as it did— you obviously didn't mean it in a suggestive way, it just... happened to come out like that.
Luca just looked at you with raised eyebrows while he sipped his wine. Clearly he'd picked up on the unintentional suggestive nature of your words too, but he didn't comment on it.
You made some more small talk before the food came. Everything the waitstaff spread out on the table looked absolutely divine.
"Am I drooling?" You asked with a little laugh.
Luca laughed too, shaking his head. "No, you're fine."
You split every dish with Luca, and everything was fucking delicious. This was one of the best dining experiences of your life - you were also a little sad that Carmy wasn't here to enjoy it with you, but being here with Luca was nice at least.
Luca insisted that you also indulge in at least one dessert, despite being so full.
"Okay, okay— you convinced me!" You laughed. "You gotta choose though. I've learned to trust your judgement."
That made him laugh softly. "Okay, sounds like a deal."
Unsurprisingly, he chose something scrumptious. There was not a crumb left behind on the dessert plate— but now you were practically aching.
The bill was taken care of, and Luca brought you out to his car. The drive home was quiet, but not awkward— you just took in the quiet night sights of the city as Luca carted you home to the boat. Copenhagen was truly breathtaking.
He walked you to the dock of the boat after he parked.
"This was so nice, thank you for taking me there, Luca, really." You said softly with a little smile. "I'll have to return the favour if you're ever in Chicago."
"I'd like that." Luca smiled softly.
You both lingered there quietly for a moment. Briefly, you noticed Luca glance at your lips— but he didn't make a move, thank fuck.
"Goodnight, chef." You said with a sweet smile, breaking the silence.
"Right. G'night." He muttered softly, returning your smile before he retreated to his car.
Luca didn't drive away until you were inside, you noticed. That was sweet of him, to make sure you got in safely.
Any pictures you'd taken in your dress during the night, you sent to Carmy as you got ready for bed. Finally, as you sank into the mattress, you sent a final text to Carmy for the night.
goodnight bear, i love you <3
Then you set your phone aside and shut your eyes.
"Please, please, please don't have another dream about Luca," you begged yourself internally. Your time tonight had been very nice, but that dream you had the night before was just inappropriate. Luca was technically your boss right now— on top of that, you had a boyfriend. Carmen Berzatto, he was your boyfriend.
Though, a small part of you had to wonder if Luca was having these kind of thoughts too... out of pure curiosity, of course.
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
tags ; @fastboatsmojito @carmybrainworms
click here if you'd like to be tagged in any future updates of my work!
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ladymarycrawley · 1 year
The blondie I'm in love with - Mason Mount
Request: Mason has a fake girlfriend but with a happy ending please (requested by @masterclassbaby sorry baby, I kept you waiting so long for this 🙈 hope you like it!)
Warning: one of my worst pieces to date I think but after months of lacking any motivation to write about Mason I got struck but this idea all of a sudden last night so
Tag list: @masonxomount @prideofpd @masterclassbaby @chelsealover @johnstonesfc
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Summer’s hot and sunny weather it’s like the secret ingredient for good things to happen, such as good holidays in beautiful places. Better if shared with people we love and have fun with. That was the case for you and Mason who got the chance to spend some time together with some of your mutual friends, spending days at the beach and nights out, staying up late.
Another thing that usually happens in summer, football related, is the transfer window where players say goodbye to the teams they've played in until that moment and let some new teams welcome them for their new adventure. Mason made no exception as he was among those players too. 
The season that just ended wasn’t the best of his career for sure and he needed that month away from football to clear his mind as well as relax. 
“Well now everyone will make up some weird theories about your new hair colour and that'll be so much fun" 
Clearing his mind meant also doing some crazy things such as dying his hair platinum blonde (something that was quite en vogue among those football players…what’s the fascination behind it?). Most people, the ones who liked drama more than anything else, were certain there was some deep meaning behind those style changes.
"You'll be the one to blame"
"Me?? What does it have to do with me?"
"Cause it's always some girl's fault"
You rolled your eyes, making him giggle.
"As if"
"We could turn the whole situation at our advantage and make it fun"
"What do you mean? You're scaring me, Mount"
“Well, we could pretend you’re my girlfriend and you’re the one girl to blame”
You served him a kind of puzzled look, not seeing the whole point of the thing.
“And so? What’s the sense of it all?”
 “Just to give them something to talk about, you know the transfer window is here and I’ve had enough of random people assuming things about myself and my future as a player so we’ll give them a distraction”
"I'm not sure I want to be their distraction…"
After a one of a kind, rather weird courting you gave in and accepted to be his fake girlfriend: behind the cameras and the paps' flashes you kept on behaving normally, as if nothing happened, as if you were still a couple of good friends and nothing more.
One of the reasons why you didn't want this thing to happen was because you knew, like it or not, something deep down your soul would have changed the way you perceived him and, consequently, the trajectory of your friendship. You always had a soft spot for him, not only because he was one your best friends but because something stronger was burning inside of you.
When his best mates would nudge him to tell him someone was watching or it was time for him to start his little act of the boyfriend in love your heart started racing: the way he would move closer to sneak his arm around your waist and graze the pad of his thumb against your hip bone, matched with the tender touch of his lips lingering against your jaw made you feel kind of dizzy. What if you were falling in love with one of your closest friends, for real, not just to play some senseless game?
"We would really make a cute couple" He whispered in your ear, giggling.
You giggled back, annoyed by how this thing was a bit too funny to him. 
"We should break up at some point, you know that?"
"Who said that?" He kissed the sensitive skin behind your ear, causing goosebumps all over your arms.
"God Mase, I hate you sometimes" 
The smirk on your face as he was holding you tight to him made you a very bad liar, there’s no other place you would have rather be in.
Those days were soon turning into a slow agony: Mason would swim close to you and give you underwater hugs, napping with you on the same bed, placing his hands on your hips in the club at night so your bodies would sway together to the rhythm of the loud music. You were doing all the things a couple would do but you weren’t a couple.
This dynamic cooled down when it was time for him to get back in business as things at Cobham weren’t going particularly well but you were sure he’d have sorted it out as he was Chelsea through and through. But you were wrong.
He avoided talking about what direction his football career would have taken even with you, who used to be the one he would tell everything, even the smallest things.
When the day prior to his official announcement he sat on your bed in your London house to tell you he accepted the bid Manchester United made for him so he would have moved up north rather soon you felt as if the whole world was falling upon your shoulders and Mason was your whole world.
"Wh - what? You're not a Chelsea player anymore?"
The sadness filling his eyes was heartbreaking to say the least, he was gutted to leave his heart's club, most of all because he was kind obliged to do so if he wanted to go on playing, which was the thing that mattered the most to him.
Mason nodded as his chocolate pupils followed your body falling to the ground, on your knees.
"Hey, are you -" He asked, getting up in a rush to take you.
"Don't touch me"
He gave you a puzzled look and you soon provided him with an explanation. 
"You knew it, you knew you'd have left Chelsea and London from the beginning. That's why you dyed your hair this awful blonde that makes you look like a fuckboy. I hate you. You just used me for fun and you knew it from the beginning!" You cried out, trying to fight back the tears.
“You agreed when I told you about the fake relationship”
“Yes but you did it only because you already knew you would have left Chelsea and you used me as a shield against the fucking press!”
“I - didn’t know anything about United, we were in talks but it wasn’t official at all!”
“Fuck off Mason” You muttered, lowering your eyes as if you were looking for something on the carpet your tired body was abandoned on. Mason didn’t dare to look at you either, keeping his gaze down too.
"I dyed my hair simply because I liked it, because I had a shitty season felt the need to change something…I like you too"
"You what?" Your eyes now had to stop looking for something that didn’t exist on the floor and start to look at the handsome boy before you who just happened to say something quite powerful.
"Y/N I wanted to have some fun, yes, but I also liked you for quite a while and I didn't know how to tell you not to ruin our friendship." He kept on explaining with the softest voice.
“Oh so you now think you can get away with it by saying some sweet words??” Yes, those sweet words surely had an effect on you and denying it was the biggest lie ever.
“Come to Manchester with me”
That invite left you in a shocked state as it was the last thing you were expecting: why should he ask you to follow him away from London? You were good friends but that’s not the kind of question usually asked to someone who’s only a friend.
“Did you hear what I said?? I don’t even know if I want to be your friend anymore. You just used me and now you’re asking me to leave my city, my everyday life to follow you?”
“Yes, because I love you”
The three words. Mason just said those three words to you. 
“You’ve always been there for me when I needed it, you always keep up with my shit, including faking a love relationship, but now I feel like I’m ready to have a real one. I wanna get home from training and see you there, dozing off on the sofa and kiss your forehead or taking you out to dinner at some fancy place”
Mason was there, looking as the most fragile creature you’ve ever seen, opening his heart to you with no fear, he was being the Mason you fell in love with, little by little, over the years.
Warm tears, joyful ones this time, started rolling down your cheeks as you threw your arms around his neck, causing him to fall flat on the mattress.
“I hate you, blondie”
“You love this blondie, you’re such a bad liar” You got lost in each other’s eyes that were shining with a different light, a warmer one.
“This could be the moment where I confess I’ve always been secretly in love with you but I won’t” You whispered shyly, making him smile.
He smirked and caressed your lower back in a circular motion.
“You hid it quite well actually” You both giggled before he pressed his lips against yours in a real kiss, one of those sloppy but heartfelt kisses that took you to another dimension, a dreamy and ideal one.
The moment you were living was just too intense to think about anything else and soon you found yourself straddling him, not even realising the speed at which your clothes fell on the floor, too busy making love to him for the first time.
That bed felt like the best place on earth, the one where all your dreams and hopes became true, the one where you were safe from every danger the outside world might be holding against you.
“This is not just a summer thing, right?”
“This will be a thing for many summers to come”
Mase’s arms were now your home, the shelter you would have run to in case of extreme glee or of unbearable pain, it was the place to be.
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tribow · 2 years
Why do I tell people to play indie games?
K' so you may have seen that post I made a little while ago asking people reblog and put into the tags an indie game that they did NOT like.
I made that post because I wanted to hear about what indie games people had bad experiences with. There was another post I made saying "Tell me you don't play indie games without telling me you don't play indie games" in response to a ton of youtube videos saying modern video games are no longer fun. A lot of tags would say, "Well indie games can suck too!" This response was extremely silly to me and I wanted to know what games they could be talking about.
I didn't ask for it, but so many people starting explaining why they didn't like a certain game. So I decided to make a little pie chart with the reason people would give in the tags
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There are some outliers not here. There were 5 tags saying a game offended them and some responses that were too specific to really count. Half of the posts also gave no explanations so I'm not going to act like this is representative of every response on that post.
Okay so what's the point? Why did I do this?
There's this one 30 minute video by Josh Strife Hayes that does a super good job showcasing all of the bad practices that happen with modern gaming. He talks about each issue thoroughly, but I'll list them here:
Microtransactions, Limited Progression, Invite Boosts, Premium Currency, Loyalty Programs, Selling Power, Battlepasses, and Selling Progression
He doesn't even mention other issues like games releasing in clearly unfinished states, games that are clearly chasing trends, and game developers being restricted by their publishers.
Why is this significant? Well answer me this: Was there a single tag response in my post that complains about an indie game doing these things?
Say what you want about indie games, but I bet you didn't pay $60 and got psychologically manipulated to spend more on that game. I bet you weren't getting manipulated by some free to play model to spend more money than you would on a normal game. I bet the game actually released in a finished state and even if it did, the game clearly communicated it wasn't done.
Sure, you could give me examples of indie games that do have those bad practices, but I guarantee you that you cannot prove that most indie games do this.
So yeah, play indie games. Don't support corporate bullshit unless you know the game was made with the player's best interest in mind.
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misshoneyimhome · 1 year
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Never gonna give you up | Auston Matthews  
Tags: soft!auston; Austonxreader;
A/n: I couldn't sleep last night, and this is what happened 😉 hope you enjoy it
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you
"Never Gonna Give You Up" - Rick Astley
You had been dating Auston for most of the 2022-2023 hockey season.
Initially, you weren't entirely sure about getting involved with an NHL hockey player. But Auston was persistent. His charm had this peculiar effect on you, and eventually, you couldn't resist.
And you've never looked back since.
Despite Auston's hectic schedule, the ups and downs of his hockey games, the constant travel, and all the media attention, you loved being with him. He had this incredible personality that just clicked with you from day one.
And when the Leafs made it to the second round of the Stanley Cup, you were over the moon.
You were genuinely happy for Auston, and all you wanted was to see him happy. And hockey made him happy, so you were all in, no matter what. The good, the bad, and everything in between.
But then the Leafs lost. And the offseason officially started.
It had been an incredible summer with Auston. He took you to meet his family for a few weeks, you were his plus one at Mitch and Stephanie's wedding, you even joined him for some of his publicity stuff when you had the time.
Honestly, it was kind of fun being a part of his world.
Before you met Auston, you weren't really into hockey. Sure, you knew the sport existed, but you didn't really get it. That all changed when you ran into a frazzled Auston in the cereal aisle at the local supermarket. Cereal boxes went flying, and the rest, as they say, is history.
A few weeks later, you went on your first coffee date.
But it wasn't just the hockey games stressing Auston out. His contract was also on his mind. He had one more year left in Toronto before it expired, so he needed to re-sign or potentially join another team.
But he really wanted to stay in Toronto. It was his team, the one he'd been with since 2016. It was home.
And it was your home too.
Normally, Auston would mostly think about himself and his career. But ever since he met you, he couldn't help but wonder how you felt about it all. To be honest, maybe all his worry wasn't just about re-signing or his salary.
He was also worried about you and your relationship. You didn't grow up in the hockey world like many other girlfriends and wives. You weren't used to how the whole moving teams and cities thing worked.
And that had Auston beyond stressed out.
And it was this worry that led to a conversation one casual Tuesday evening. You were both sprawled out on his sofa, watching TV after a delicious dinner.
Auston was on his back, facing the TV, and you were on top of him, your head and hand on his chest.
His breathing was slow, but it wasn't steady. Auston had something on his mind.
Out of the blue, he broke the silence.
"(Your nickname)," he began, still staring at the TV.
"Yeah, baby?"
He turned his head to look at you.
"What if I don't re-sign?" his voice was low and shaky.
"What do you mean? You still have one more year," you matched his low tone and looked up at him, resting your head on your hands.
"Yeah, but what if I don't re-sign or get traded?" His eyes looked sad, and his expression screamed worry.
"Then I guess you'll find another team that'll be lucky to have you," you reassured him with a soft smile.
"Yeah, maybe... but," he bit his lip, struggling to get the words out.
"But what, baby?" you raised yourself up a bit, supporting your weight on your arms, and looked deeply into his eyes. "Auston, you're an amazing hockey player, and you played so fucking well this season. The team even came closer to winning the Stanley Cup, which, from what I understand, is pretty impressive, and you were a big part of that."
Auston nodded slightly, and a small smile crept back onto his lips. "I know... it's just... what about us?"
"What about us?" you asked gently.
"I mean, if I were to move... what about us?" His smile faded again as his eyes locked onto yours.
You let out a little sigh. You'd talked about this before, but it was different back then, when you were just getting serious. At that point, you both wanted to take things slow and not think too far ahead. You just wanted to enjoy the moment and see where it led.
But now, it was time to face it.
"Aus," you whispered gently, "Remember when we first started seeing each other? Your determination and how many times I said no," you said, your lips curving into a fond smile. "Even though deep down, I knew I wanted to be with you, because I had my doubts about dating a pro athlete,” You paused, collecting your thoughts. “But you, Auston, you changed everything. I couldn't resist you. I fell head over heels in love with you. And I'd be in love with you anywhere in the world. So, if it means embracing your hockey career, then that's what we'll do - together."
Auston looked at you, silent for a moment.
Your eyes locked as he absorbed your words.
"So... you'd be up for moving with me if that's what it takes?"
"If you want me to move with you, hell yes," you almost whispered, smiling as you saw the wheels turning in his head.
"I'm never gonna give you up, you know that, right?" he grinned.
"Oh, I'm counting on it," you giggled softly. "You won't get rid of me that easily."
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hetalia-club · 11 months
I'm not normally one to rant or anything but here goes.
I hesitate to tag this. but I feel it needs to be said, in fact I feel it HAS to be said or I think this fandom is just going to be done for within the next 5 or so years. People need to read this and understand what is happening within the fandom and not continue this behavior or turn a blind eye to it.
This fandom has a SERIOUS problem. I don't say that lightly either. I feel like 99% of this fandom are sweet and caring people. but we have that 1%.
This 1% is killing the community in this fandom. How is it okay to message someone, demand they make a statement on THEIR blog and when they say they don't want to talk about it you then tell them you wish they would die a horrible death?
TW for suicide and SA! (you have been warned) Long rant below. (preempted note to let everyone know that I am fine, I am not posting this for people to feel bad for me. I am using my own experiences as examples, but this is not a 'me' issue this is a fandom issue)
Why is that so normalized here? The vague blogging and the call to arms people in this fandom do is actually disgusting. Picking one person and just beating them down until they eventually leave the fandom and at the SAME people will be like. "Why is the Hetalia fandom so small?" Who wants to be in a fandom where making one statement that's not even bad could get you death threats?
I don't think the fandom realizes how hurtful what they say can be. Sure you might not have liked a post someone made because you disagreed. Well then scroll down, hit the block button and carry on with your life. Why do some of you feel it is acceptable behavior to make mass posts calling out someone or going into their inbox to tell them you wish they would kill themselves?
I say I don't like Spamano and people say they want me dead. I say I don't want to talk about IRL politics on my parody Hetalia blog and my life and entire country is threatened.
I say we shouldn't insert our ships into everyone's lives and let people ship what they want and not feel forced to appease you. and you guessed it people wish terrible things onto me and my body.
I feel the only way this behavior will change is if we start calling it out more. I know it will feel repetitive but I think ignoring it is only making it worse at this point.
I know a lot of people would read this and think "If you don't like it then leave the fandom" well YOU'RE the issue. This is not normal behavior. These are not actions of someone who is mentality well. Why should I leave a fandom I've been in for 10 years because some idiot cannot handle that I don't like shipping characters together? How is that impacting their life at all?
a few months ago I made a post and it was highjacked and someone totally just took it over and added their own thing onto it talking about SA. Totally out of left field not related to what I posted at all. I simply messaged them and asked them if they could please remove the comment as I am a survivor of SA and it don't think it was funny or appropriate to add onto my post and they just said. "No I can say anything I want to. I was talking about Hetalia so it's fine." like what do you mean no!? Who responds that way? What a normal considerate person would do is say "I'm sorry of course! I can just go make my own post." but no they just left it there. It's still there, won't say which post or who it was because it doesn't matter anymore.
But this is the kind of behavior I'm talking about. This weird entitlement of everyone being so defensive and angry all the time. Just wanting to pick a fight over nothing. You never know if simply saying something like (Example) "I don't really like Austria" Could land you 100 anons all saying they wanted you to off yourself. It's like a game of Russian roulette. It's a very stressful environment for a big creator to be in. All it really takes is the wrong person to see a post you made and disagreed with and all of a sudden they are making posts about you without mentioning your name but are CLEARLY about you saying "This person hates all Austrians, they are a neo-nazi and we should all block them and send them hate and also let's just reword what they said to make it sound 100x worse because people won't read the original post and they will just believe us." Who would want to be a creator in an environment like that?
would you believe me if I told you I still to this day am getting someone in my inbox calling for my r*pe because of the stupid fucking beauty pageant poll I did? Is that not insanity? Who is that person? Wtf is their life? I personally could not imagine sending hate to anyone for any reason, and if I did it would be off of anon and I would say it with my chest. Because in order for someone to push it that far they would have to saying some absolutely terrible stuff to make me take time from my day and life to give them negative energy.
The fandom is shrinking because of the 1% driving them away. They come after artists who draw a character in a way they don't like. They come after writers for depicting a character in a way they disagree with. They go after shippers for portraying their ship 'wrong'. They will comment on people's fun little head canons and just leave the rudest most unnecessary comments thinks like "He wouldn't do that" like okay?? Thanks for your insert betty sue. And it's always when you were never trying to set someone off is when they lose their minds. They do not understand even if a blog is big and has a lot of followers it is still THAT creators blog. they are a person not an identity who just churns out content for just you and they have to say and do whatever you want.
Another thing the 1% like to do on here is they will wait for you to say something and then they will jump to attack a person who does the thing you said you dislike and they will tell that person "blog name XYZ said you are a horrible person and I agree kill yourself" That one is a near direct quote I got not too long ago. I got several like that and actually had to message said creator and say "Why are you mad at me?" and they were completely confused, had no idea how they decided to attack me because of what they said. When I tell you that the 1% are sitting there frothing at the mouth wanting to send hate and death threats I mean that 100%
It's not JUST me either. All creators in the Hetalia fandom I'm sure could tell you about upsetting hate they received and had no idea what they even did or said wrong. I have spoken to former Hetalia blogs ones who I used to call my pals before I went on my hiatus and came back. They all said they left not because they started hating Hetalia but they left for their mental health because the 1% got too bold and unchecked. This was never an issue before quarantine. I know it brought a lot of new fans and that's great! But I also feel along with bringing in some wonderful people it brought in some really dark minded people as well. Saying "Just disable anons and move on" is also not a solution. these people are still here and if they're not bothering me or you they are tormenting someone else because that's what these people do. That 'someone else' may only need the tiniest nudge at the edge and they may just actually hurt themselves. You don't know people. You don't know what everyone is going through. You don't know what someone's life is like outside of here.
PLEASE Please! stop telling people to kill themselves. Stop telling people to go get R**ed in a gutter. Get some help talk to a therapist, a friend, a trusted teacher, a life coach, your parents, your sibling. anyone! And if you don't have anyone in your life you can talk to you can message me and we can talk about what you're going through. I'm sure any other Hetalian on here would say the same thing. Bloggers are real people.
International suicide hotlines
Website to help you find a therapist in your own country and in your price range
I know I will more than likely get hate for posting this. Which is upsetting to just know is going to happen but someone needs to say this because it's getting kind of out of control these last couple months I feel.
if you read this through reblog it, spread it around let the people who NEED to see it see it.
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blakeandaffairs · 3 months
The Big Bad Lore Discussion: JESUS
Justttt gonna step over the landmine that is the current situation of this tag, as today I'd like to discuss an important lore point in the game:
I made a short little post asking about it, but the more I really thought about it, the more I realize how deep the rabbit hole goes. Jesus' existence itself is already an enigma, but it's even moreso in whb???
Let's discuss, and for context, was forced to take Salvation History and Creed in college, hold on tight, this is gonna be a yap session
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The Plotholes
Several issues immediately arise because of the fact that...well, God disappeared shortly after Solomon.
Why is this a problem? Because Solomon is approximately 900 years before Christ, now I know the timeline is all screwed up as well in whb, but if I'm assuming the bible canon, then, none of the things past Solomon had happened, including the birth of Jesus.
This conflicts with the fact that Minhyeok briefly mentions his neighbor, who is a Christian, and the fact that Christmas exists. Meaning some form of Jesus DOES exist, but just in the written scripture.
Why is that?? Well I have several theories:
1. Jesus already exists
Not LITERALLY. Without God there then how was the miraculous conception was supposed to happen, but since Jesus is considered the Word of God, and the Word of God has existed ever since the creation of the world ("On the First day, God SAID let there be light"), and with those first words uttered, Jesus was made manifest in it. He just isn't able to manifest physically due to a lack of God.
2. Jesus is some form of copesona or propaganda of the angels
We know that, at least according to Ppyong, that the scriptures are apparently propaganda made by the angels to make devils look bad, if that's so, to what extent? I'll assume it's somewhat minimal, they just want to make the devils look bad, because in general, Solomon is painted in a pretty good light, which is uncharacteristic of them. But how do they come up with someone like Jesus? It seems strange of them
The answer: Gabriel
Since Gabriel is the one that announces the birth of Jesus, it's likely he knows that Jesus already existed, and was expected to be born, but with God's disappearance, Gabriel, the unhinged, likely more unhinged, probably started making up stories about the Son of God that was never to be.
3. Jesus the person, existed, but he was just an ordinary mortal
We already believe the Jesus Christ, or more specifically, Yehosua Messiah (original Hebrew name) existed historically, it's likely this is the case as well. He was probably mythologized with the inception of the new testament, it's not the first time this has happened (Gilgamesh the king became the legend he is with the Epic of Gilgamesh)
Why Jesus likely doesn't exist
1. Usually, people are normally referred to as Son/Daughters of God, but in Lucifer's selfie story, he doesn't call us that (calls us Son of Adam/Daughter of Eve), meaning the original sin that those two committed have not been cleansed. (Jesus' death would have cleansed everyone of it)
2. In the Gamigin Event, Lucifer is said to be second only to God, which is odd, that's Jesus' spot. ("he is seated at the Right Hand of the Father, he will come again to judge the living and the dead")
3. It's a bit iffy, but the Christmas Event was also termed 'X-mas', which usually excludes the celebration of the birth of Jesus.
4. Since Jesus is the Son of God, he would have inherited the throne of God as well, and it's likely he would stop the ongoing genocide of the devils
It's likely that Jesus was something meant to exist, but with the disappearance of God, that never truly happened.
But these are my thoughts. If y'all managed to make it this far, then I thank you for listening. If this gets enough views, I'll probably make more (such as the Solomon and Lilith conundrum)
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Cheese's 100 follower special part 1
(Thank you all for following me and sticking around to see what contents I post!!! For hitting triple digits I'm doing special posts. This one is all about the cut and unused content ideas/plans for RPs.)
(For the people who wanted to be tagged: @ilovefukuchi @myluckymoon @caffeiiine )
Each unplanned idea will be in character order of when I first created them.
There's a lot with Levi when I first made him. At first there wasn't a proper backstory for him other than that he was a traumatized guy.
Levi was already arrested in his backstory before, so my whole goal with him was to get him arrested again and sent back to prison.
This would have triggered a rescue mission, or a prison escape (in my head I made Sayaka and Oscar go save him)
On the same topic of rescuing Levi, I have this old idea I played in my head where Levi was supposed to be kidnapped by this ability user that had the power to trap people in this video game. Bro Levi would have been in a little cage like Princess Peach.
If Levi was ever brought back to prison I would have created a little headspace segment for him (kinda like omori)
At first, Ross wasn't supposed to be a military captain. Instead, he was going to be some doctor to kidnap Levi back for experiments. This was changed to fit the backstory more.
Ross and Levi were supposed to have this big fight at one point.
And Ross was supposed to die by Levi finally killing him but in a bitter sweet goodbye.
Dr. Ikari
He was supposed to be the more cold doctor, but instead, he gave a more "I don't give a crap attitude."
He was going to help capture Levi, only to calm him down.
Nothing much about him other than a potential death.
Oh boy, there is so much for Cooper.
At first, Cooper wasn't going to be brought back entirely. All because the og Cooper was dead and it would have ruined some of Levi's character development. So instead, I made this Cooper from a different universe.
At first, I was going to have him wander around and ask multiple people, "Are you my master?" But on the first one with Shibusawa, I had him settle with him for a long time.
He was almost gay or bi, but I gave him a female love interest. (Also his "love" for Shibusawa was more so a obsession than actual love.)
Big one‼️ Cooper at one point before he killed X, was going to go back to X. Either through by getting fired or just plain manipulation.
There were going to be multiple times in which he got kidnapped but those never happened.
At one point, he was going to snap, but that never happened as well.
Richard Connell
He was going to be more of an evil, bad guy with a god complex. Now he silly.
Fiona Delgado
She was created to flirt with an older version of Shibusawa. That never happened.
She was supposed to work at a normal boring job but I changed it to be the Port Mafia.
Was going to die, never happened.
He was going to be a cool priest, but now he works for the Special Operations Division.
Dr. Paul
Was supposed to hunt down every vampire and try to kill then all.
Perhaps give him a potential love interest in which the irony of it is that the love interest is a vampire.
He was supposed to be more angry and charming, but he's just some goofy guy who yells at his rival and is actually a lot more friendly.
He was supposed to be ability-less but him having a cool sword as his ability sounded cool.
At one point, Lance (from Prime Softwares) was going to change Felix's "programming" and make him go on a murder rampage. Possibly a really intense boss fight with X.
Prime Softwares
Lance was supposed to die (he's barely alive but he's alive)
Lance and Grian were supposed to have this discussion and Lance would have threaten to deactivate Grian.
At one point, Grian would have completed a mission, but Lance would deactivate him anyways for a more new and improved model.
So Grian was almost a box of scraps for anyone to take.
The whole thing with the androids was to learn how to fuse ability user's blood into androids so androids could have said ability from the user. Basically weapons.
Because Lance wanted to take over the world with these androids.
At one point Grian was going to turn on Lance and attack Lance instead.
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