#I'm just.... very.... VERY slow y'all... I'm sorry :'D but I hope this was a pleasant surprise! ♡ ♡ ♡
hyaciiintho · 11 days
Send me a 👍 and I’ll draw our muses as one of those “Draw your OTP like this” pictures | ✿
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🌸。*゚+. I decided on THIS prompt-- it was just very fitting :D He loves his ghost son SO MUCH !!
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goose-duck · 6 months
Mandela Catalogue Texting 👁️
✨Jonah and Adam✨
🌙Adam: we have no power
☀️ Jonah: why
☀️Jonah: what
🌙 Adam: the power is out
☀️ Jonah: ehy
☀️ Jonah: why
🌙Adam: they are working on the lines
☀️Jonah: why
🌙Adam: I don't know
☀️ Jonah: is it day 7?
☀️ Jonah: or day 3
☀️ Jonah: it's the same day
☀️ Jonah: it's one of them
🌙 Adam: 7
☀️ Jonah: thank you
🌙 Adam: I only count the first 4 days
☀️ Jonah: I had to think harder abt that than I would have liked
🌙 Adam: haha
☀️ Jonah: Well, that makes sense, it just repeats
☀️ Jonah: I don't know why they even give us 8 days
🌙 Adam: yeah
🌙 Adam: knowing the days repeat it's weird
☀️ Jonah: maybe it's for fun
☀️ Jonah: maybe 8 is someone's lucky number
🌙 Adam: maybe
☀️ Jonah: I just tripped up the stairs, I'm so proud of myself
🌙 Adam: ahaha
☀️ Jonah: I feel like my shoes are loud
☀️ Jonah: it's very quiet
☀️ Jonah: it's weird when the school is quiet
✨Evelin and Sarah✨
💕 Evelin: Sorry I haven't answered ur messages today, I've been in Halifax
💕 Evelin: I'm very happy for you though <33
💕 Evelin: tell me abt ur boyfriend :D
🍓 Sarah: :33
🍓 Sarah: his name's Crow
🍓 Sarah: he's like a year younger than me
🍓 Sarah: but he's super sweet
🍓 Sarah: and like gives off soft boyfriend enrergy
💕 Evelin: Yayayayayay
💕 Evelin: I'm happy ur happy :D
💕 Evelin: y'all know eachother in person?
💕 Evelin: Crow is such a cool name
💕 Evelin: it's a name one could eat
💕 Evelin: soft bit energy is such a vibe
🍓 Sarah: he's from Canada
💕 Evelin: SARAHHHH
💕 Evelin: UR CURSED
💕 Evelin: I'm happy you have Crow but it's very funny that he's Canadian
💕 Evelin: what part of Canada?
🍓 Sarah: I think New Brunswick
💕 Evelin: :0
💕 Evelin: that's really close to NS
💕 Evelin: the school I wanna go to is in NB
💕 Evelin: u rlly like ppl from the south shore lol
💕 Evelin: must be the accent
🍓 Sarah: I think it is
🍓 Sarah: I heard his accent and I just knew
🍓 Sarah: but idk if it's Canadian
💕 Evelin: Sorry to just complain randomly, but I've been in this vehicle for an hour and I need to tell someone abt this lady's terrible driving
💕 Evelin: She keeps almost driving off the road 😭
💕 Evelin: She's barely making the turns
💕 Evelin: I'm just scared
💕 Evelin: Anyway, I'm very happy that u and Crow are together :D I hope y'all are very happy for a very long time, maybe even forever >:D
🍓 Sarah: that's scary
🍓 Sarah: and yes
🍓 Sarah: hes a total husbando
💕 Evelin: cone
💕 Evelin: FUCKKKK
🍓 Sarah: bruh
💕 Evelin: SAVE ME
🍓 Sarah: YOU DRIVE
💕 Evelin: I MIGHT
🍓 Sarah: get her her driving glasses
💕 Evelin: She slowed down, we're doing the speed limit now
🍓 Sarah: what's that in miles
💕 Evelin: 150 m/hr
💕 Evelin: I think
💕 Evelin: I don't have internet, so I'm doing my best
💕 Evelin: She's supposed to be dropping this old lady off somewhere b4 me bc it's on the way to Milton and she passed it 😭
💕 Evelin: "oh, there's Dansville" *keeps driving* "oh, right, we needed to go there" *does a fucking U-turn on the highway*
🍓 Sarah: oh my
💕 Evelin: I hope she actually makes it to Milton
💕 Evelin: Never trust a Canadian mf with a French accent istg
💕 Evelin: French Canadians are insane, I swear
💕 Evelin: Our asses are not making it to Milton
🍓 Sarah: lol
🍓 Sarah: be safe pls
💕 Evelin: I'll message u when I get home so u know I'm not dead lol
💕 Evelin: I'm gonna try to have a nap
🍓 Sarah: ok good
🍓 Sarah: Au revoir
💕 Evelin: I'm home :D
🍓 Sarah: ok good
💕 Evelin: I'm gonna have a bath and try to relax
💕 Evelin: Should I have a bubble bath or a normal bath?
🍓 Sarah: Mmmmbubbles
💕: it's gonna be the best bubble bath ever
🍓 Sarah: u enjoy it
💕 Evelin: Merci très cher
🍓 Sarah: ?
💕 Evelin: Je t'aime, Salutttt <33
🍓 Sarah: <3
✨Jonah and Adam✨
☀️ Jonah: I can't fucking see
☀️ Jonah: fucking
☀️ Jonah: Aahdbsks
☀️ Jonah: Sorry I was not happy eafukng
☀️ Jonah: Earkk
☀️ Jonah: worss
☀️ Jonah: help
🌙 Adam: huh
☀️ Jonah: I'm fucked
☀️ Jonah: fucking
☀️ Jonah: can't see
🌙 Adam: wdym
☀️ Jonah: can't look at shit
🌙 Adam: why
☀️ Jonah: fucking
🌙 Adam: are u ok?
☀️ Jonah: When the pictures send you'll see
🌙 Adam: why
🌙 Adam: are you high
☀️ Jonah: I can't see
☀️ Jonah: This ddudkc
☀️ Jonah: Sycj
☀️ Jonah: fuck
☀️ Jonah: Why CBA I wrote that but nkw workx
☀️ Jonah: Fuck j
☀️ Jonah: When will this he'll end
🌙 Adam: I dont understand bud
☀️ Jonah: I don't understand either
☀️ Jonah: I can't read
🌙 Adam: get better
☀️ Jonah: Instahrm
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an assortment of author rambles (7/24)
Hi honeybees,
I have a couple of things I need to address before they get out of hand. There’s also some updates in this mix. ༘⋆♡⸝⸝💌⊹。°˖➴
I’m endlessly appreciative of the people who are supportive; the plethora of asks I’ve received that have been sweet and thoughtful have warmed my heart.
I’ve gotten a few messages that go something along the lines of “do ___ or I won’t read your IF” or “thanks for making ___ change, I’ll still be reading” and it’s pissed me off enough to address it.
It’s physically impossible for me to please everyone. Do not send me messages like this. You will be blocked. Yes, even if you’re saying you’re still reading my story. Because you’re not saying it out of interest and out of love for the world I’m creating, you’re saying that because you got your way.
I have different options of approaching my interactions on here. I would prefer to be transparent with you all in my writing process; I also don’t want to create false expectations by not updating you all on ‘major’ story changes. Authors change elements of their story all the time. It's part of the game.
That being said, I have the ability to just write my story and post updates when it’s necessary. There’s no obligation to be interactive. Not ideal for me and my personality type, but if it saves me stress and prevents me from receiving rude, entitled messages, then so be it.
If I need to, I'll turn off anonymous asks for the time being.
Anyways, updates.
To everyone that's sent in their thoughts on MC stat checks or romance routes, I did read all your messages and thank you for your opinions! I didn't respond to all of them, but they are appreciated.
The V romance isn't working and i have to remove them as a triad RO. It's like putting a square peg in a round hole and hoping no one notices. Polyamorous people or people who want to experience a healthy, equal triad relationship deserve better than what the V romance would turn into. With that in mind...
V-type poly with V and MC dating Zero and not each other still works just fine. Any and all MC's can romance Zero, can still fight with V and gain friendship/rivalry with them.
If V is removed as a RO outside of the v-type poly, that means I would add another as an official RO. I'm between Carter and Delphine. Leaning towards Delphine because she's gorgeous and sapphic and I adore her. She would be introduced a few chapters in. Carter and Maggie would remain as flings/possible additions to the group scattered throughout. That would make the official RO's A, C, D, X, Z.
No MC stat checks to initiate any of the RO routes. If there are some incompatibilities, that will be a conversation with the RO and you might get more of a slow burn romance (ex. stoic MC's with C) There might be personality/stat checks to initiate certain moments in the romance (ex. if you're a very sarcastic MC, your RO may not think you mean your affections and you'll have to put in the work to convince them)
I'm gonna get to everyone's asks!! (eventually) I work during the day and I'm writing essays for my medical school applications which take up a lot of my time. So if it's been a while since you've sent your ask, don't worry. I'll get to it! Especially if it's a RO reaction or lore related, those take me much longer to write and cost more energy. But i do love chatting with y'all, so I try to carve out some time for that.
Do not send asks complaining about the changes; they will be ignored and/or deleted. I share them to be transparent.
Okay I think that's it for now. Thank you again for all the amazing messages y'all have sent and I'm sorry for this tone switch, just needed to clear this up. ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
I'll be online later tonight to answer more fun asks and be silly goofy with y'all!! (and if you read all this, thank you for reading my lil novel of a post)
All my love,
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loveyourlovelysoul · 10 months
I recently started journaling, just keeping a digital diary for a month how and ever since she passed I've turned my 'dear diary' entries to 'dear mom' to dedicate all my thoughts at the end of the day to her, like we used to talk about everything. I tell her all I'm feeling and hope she knows she can rest now. I guess i just wanted to vent about it. Thanks for reading 💗 hopefully i can find ways to get adjusted to this grief.
Hey you :) Forgive me if I am only sharing this part of your ask.
First of all, thank you for sharing such a heart-breaking experience with me. I am very sorry about your loss and my deepest condolences go out to you and your family. It's indeed a tragedy, also seen how much she wanted to live, for y'all too.
I'm not religious either but I call myself spiritual. I personally found comfort in realizing (and experiencing myself) that the souls of those we love(d) do stay around us even when we cannot see their bodies anymore. And they do send us messages and signs, maybe through random images/shapes, words, sensations, smells but even more dreams. They can still connect with us, when we need it the most. But we don't have to overstress and search for signs constantly... which is something that may happen to some (not talking to you now, js in general). They will reach for us when it's time.
I understand your worry about her, and I get why you feel so lost and confused, and your thoughts are running so fast, having had to say goodbye to such an important figure for you so suddenly. It's earth-shattering to say the least. When I lost my dear ones I told myself "At least they're not suffering anymore", and it somewhat made me feel a bit better about them, leaving most of the remaining grief/closure on me, on the relationship we had. But probably their situation was different from your mom's one. Idk.
The only thing I think I can say to you now is: let these feelings flow inside of you freely. And keep journaling about them, about everything you need. Keep sharing your pain with those around you, if you can. Give yourself time, try to go as slow as you can and cry anytime you need. You'll find a new balance within about this new reality, it will happen at the right time. Right now, let confusion, pain and all your emotions be there, and take care of those feelings, accept and nurture them. Especially when things seem so hard, everything is so silent and heavy and memories and pain come back to you to shout at you. If you cannot deal with all that in a precise moment ofc take a break, be nice and compassionate with yourself always, but when you can, come back and give it all the attention it deserves. Give yourself and your emotions the attention y'all deserve. Hug yourself in any way you can. And ask for help: you don't have to deal with all that alone. It's a huge thing. And yeah, grieving is a very complex path, try to not rush through it or neglect your own emotions and needs. Stay by your side and also do things you like doing when you can.
I am sure your mom is listening to each of your letters, and will soon send you signs about her being okay and still around you to guide you.
I'm sending you a huge hug. You will make it, I'm sure. Take care of you<3
And if you need to vent again, here I am. My dms are open too.
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Let her cook she'll figure it out
Idk if she's here for that
"Yeah we already did that a few minutes ago behind your back" LDJFHDS MELISSA 💀 XD
Ahh aw hey at least they're asking :'))
Awww honey 😭😭😭
And especially because she can't be here :'(( 😭😭😭❤️❤️
Honey :'))
I mean it's you guys and the kids that are important and unique :')
Yeah :')))
Yeah hard to put on a plaque lol xD
Meat tenderizer o.o
Melissa this is too specific xD
Aww Janine 😭
Always gotta go back to teach with what we have xd unfortunate but true <3
Yeah guys slayed :D
OOP did she figure it out :O :D
I mean they have a point but yeah go off girl xD hope you internalized that still lol
Also ignoring the pleas lol
AUOGH I'm loving the Jacob Gregory friendship content this episode :'DD 😭❤️❤️ xD
I love them so much <33 besties your honor :'))
Yeah girl the running again xD
I think you were
Get where
Oh y'all aren't going xD
Okay just needed to be asked xD
LOL Gregory getting up so slow xD He is so me 😭😭❤️❤️ xD
Aww is that the picture we saw earlier :'O
Aww yeah 😭❤️🥺
That's amazing
John Quincey Allen
Nice <3
First group :')
"And now we know" yeah <3
Doing the very best with what they had :') yeah <3
No us without them, exactly
AWW y'all I love them so much <333
Aww them complementing her 🥺🥰🥰
LOL the the bucks xD
I think she will be
"Yes" XDD icon
"Which one do you think was the Jacob?" "None of them" sorry honey xD but yeah lol
Still Abbott lol
(it tilting)
"Stop trying to take my job" iconic xD
Awww Janine :')) I'm so happy for and proud of her <33 :'DD
Ending it just silent on the shot of the picture was amazing
I loved that <33
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flockrest · 1 year
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mun(day) questions / @sentinaels, @vigilantdesert, & @stygicniron
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thank you lots for these! ♡ very fun to think about and answer! all under the cut because it's a doozy. i am not a concise person, what can i say :'D
when did you first start writing?
in the roleplaying context, ten years ago ( half of which i took a hiatus for aslfkjsdl )! core memory, no joke, i can still very keenly remember weird details of the day it all started. as a hobby, this started way back before i even hit secondary school! i was not an objectively good writer, but no tween really is. i had lots of fun and all the cringefail phases i've gone through since have helped me get to where i am now in my writing development — i can at least say i'm happy with where i'm at with that! and i'm still having fun! ♡
in what language did you start writing?
online? english....my beloathed. very ironic, i know aslkfjdsl
if your mother tongue is not the language you write now, what caused you to switch languages?
quite honestly for the engagement! then simply because i feel i got better at writing in english than i could in vietnamese — my education for both differed, especially in my adolescent years, and i've practiced literacy in this context more for english than i have for viet.
i am still very insecure about my grasp of english in online spaces though ( my writing process involves a lot of me searching up even the simplest words to ensure their meaning and that they will convey what i want you to feel, i still forget words or mix phrases up — sorry to my dm buddies when this happens btw — and my editing is so time-consuming because i have to often cut things or rephrase them to avoid being redundant ), which is why i have that it's my second language disclaimer alfjslfk
what was the first muse that you’ve written?
my first ever muse was my lovely queen zelda from twilight princess! she saw me through a lot of my roleplaying firsts, honestly. she still holds such a special place in my heart because of all the experiences writing her allowed me to make, as well as all the wonderful people i befriended through her that i still haven't forgotten about to this day!
( i always find myself missing one in particular when the mood hits, because we were years-long mains during what felt like the peak of the zelda rpc prime and she was as close to an exclusive affiliate i'd ever get. i hope you've been doing super well out there, my liege!! if we ever somehow get to writing again, y'all will just not be ready for my unhinged status over her link, and my zelda, and the midzelink we've crafted entire worlds over, and that is a promise aflkjdsj )
do you still write your first muse?
unfortunately, no! i have dipped in and out with her before, but i don't know if i'll ever return to her now when i've got so many others wrangling for my time and energy...i think i would like to if i got the opportunity to regularly write with twilight princess muses again :) zelda was a more character-contained muse, in that i studied less of the world-lore around her and more of her, her dynamics, and her relationships, so activity would be very slow and pretty contingent on level of interest from others aslkfdjf
what caused you to start writing? what was your key point?
okay. don't laugh at me please. i'm pretty sure this is a connecting point for a few of us. but for fanfic purposes, of course asflkjds i started reading fics before i started writing any, and only began doing so because there was such a dearth of the stories that catered specifically to my niche whims and wants that past ray was like "FINE. i'll do it myself"
now, fr, you gotta promise to not laugh at me. the want for a more interactive experience didn't really hit until i discovered tumblr ask blogs, wherein i wanted to have a try at running one myself! then that evolved into more writing than art...then i just leaned into roleplaying wholeheartedly asflkjdf everybody say thank you to artists for inspiring artists!
have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
not that i can think of, no! i don't tend to pick up muses i don't feel super invested in. if it's meh in the more oh this character SUCKS sense, then i guess. rauru? like i love that funky fellow, or at least huge parts of him that i'll steal from nintendo because man what the fuck were they doing with him, but he seems to be my most polarising muse in terms of audience reception aflksjdla this isn't a dig at anyone for that btw!!
how far do you go with divergencies when it comes to your canon muse?
as far as it'll take for me to be satisfied with them! this ofc differs with every muse, but i try to keep general characterisations unchanged — or at least the parts of them that stand out to me and feel crucial to who my muses are.
e.g. i ignored the entirety of the hidden world when it came to writing toothless from httyd, because its depiction of his behaviour ( and hence, implicated thoughts ) was so extremely Bad Tier, i was flabbergasted that it came from the same writer as httyd2. there was, imo, such a huge gap between the toothless of httyd2 and the toothless of the hidden world in terms of characterisation and character development ( ESPECIALLY with what it did to his bond with hiccup. i'm still infuriated about that ) that i had an entire rewrite where things might've ended the same way, but it would've taken a different road for berk to get there in the works.
that's when canon has disappointed me to the extreme, though aflkdslj i have misgivings about totk, yes, but i doubt you'll be seeing unprompted >2.5k words essays from me regarding my birdies or even rauru ( if only because nintendo didn't give us enough about him to make me feel like they fucked up beyond words ) anytime soon.
with rauru, anyway, it's more of a..."i am construing him differently; you couldn't make him palatable despite clearly wanting to do so, so i'm making him 'palatable' ( in the HE AND HIS FAULTS ARE SO INTERESTING I WANT TO EXPLORE THEM IN A WAY THAT DOESN'T HAVE ME GAGGING sense ); also i think you make him way too important without actually committing to the bit, so i'm gonna give him so many complexes about it" case.
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writing-nebula · 2 years
Update! (Also, sneak peek at the chapter!)
Admittedly, most of this is going to be copied from AO3, with a few wording changes, as I summed myself up pretty well there, s o if you don't happen to follow Aura on AO3-
"I'll let you know if I think a chapter will take 6+ months" 9 months (10 months now, near 11 w h o o p s), no chapter, and no update later:
All I can really say at this point is sorry about the lack of update- I got a job, started writing a few other stories, some oneshots you may have seen me post if you've looked at my AO3, and just generally been Too Busy to work on Aura, even if I hadn't been having major writing block issues for it specifically
I'm making this update to assure you guys that this story hasn't been abandoned, that I'm not dropping it- I am still working on it! It's just going a lot slower than I would've liked, and I'm not sure if there's much I can do about that at this point in time.
That being said, I'm making this update now because I have actually made great progress on the next chapter! It's certainly not done, but the block seems to have mostly lifted for now, and I know exactly what I want to write for the rest of the chapter.
A n d, so I don't just leave you hanging here, I d o have a few scenes I'll be posting alongside this- both to assure you I am working on it, and to apologize for taking so long lol. I'm doing my best with it, I promise you!
That's all I have to say, I think- thank you all so much for your patience, and I hope to have something more out for you soon!! Alrighty- with that being said, I have a few scenes to add here, also copied from my update on AO3, so if you read there nothing has changed! But for those who might only follow Aura via Tumblr, here are a few preview scenes for the upcoming chapter, under the cut! I'm really excited to show the whole thing to y'all when it's done :D
"That was, uh, Mark and Amy, probably- I had a dizzy spell a few minutes ago, they both freaked out when I hit the floor."
"Oh," that would explain the suddenness of it- "then- That means there's someone new?"
Now excited- and feeling less shaky- Anti pushed himself to his feet, smiling when the human joined him and trying to peer past him again. "Who is it? A fan ego? I know there are a couple out there you like-"
He cut himself off when he registered the confusion drifting out from the living room, and from Jack himself.
"...What is it?"
"...See, we don't know who or what appeared," Jack told him with a frown. "Nothing changed, and we can't find sign of anybody..."
When he entered his room, the feeling increased tenfold, which should be impossible, Marvin put spells up to prevent him from feeling their emotions so strongly up here- ...Which meant he was right.
There's someone in here.
Anti took a deep breath, trying to push away the fear and apprehension that kept squeezing, tightening like a vice around his chest- it's not me, it's not mine-
He took another deep breath, letting it out slow.
He shut the door behind him.
"...I know you're there," he started quietly, not wanting anyone outside the room to hear him. "I don't know why you're hiding from everyone, but... I'm not going to tell them." He paused, shoulders slumping in relief as the fear eased up somewhat.
"I won't tell them you're here, but you can't just hide in my room forever, okay? Not without at least calming down. I can... Feel you, and it's a lot."
Still no response, but as he sighed, going to his little desk and sitting down to use his laptop, he felt the fear in the air receding further- to be replaced by a gentle spark of curiosity.
He smiled, just to himself, and put on Jack's Resident Evil playlist. I'll give him some time to adjust. It's not like I can blame him for being nervous... 
When he felt a presence watching over his shoulder, he chose not to comment aloud, and he was very proud of himself for not immediately turning to look- though he honestly doubted he'd see anything anyway. 
...I just wish I knew who the hell 'he' is.
Anti was honestly used to the feeling of someone watching over his shoulder, at this point. Three days and this mysterious, silent, invisible ego still hadn't shown himself, though Anti was very sure he was still there.
Besides the watching whenever he was using his laptop, he could still feel him- nervousness, curiosity, faint stabs of irritation. It felt like a million things at once and were way stronger than one person's emotions could feel, but it had only ever seemed like one person, so he just dealt with it.
Today it was Golf With Friends, rather than the usual horror game- he mostly had it up for distraction, because despite Marvin's charms on the room, he could still feel Jack and Mark's excitement from the recording room, though thankfully he was too far away to physically hear them.
...With how focused he was, trying to ignore the emotion feelings, he wasn't really paying attention to his 'roommate'.
But he still noticed the instant that presence solidified, became something real-
And Anti found himself holding his breath as the semi-annoying phantom sensation became the very very real feeling of somebody actively leaning over him.
it's a hell of a time to stop being shy why the fuck-
"...What are you watching this time?"
Anti's racing thoughts screeched to a halt, and he exhaled sharply, keeping his gaze fixed on the laptop screen.
He felt frozen, fixed in place- and it wasn't because the guy finally spoke, the question startled him, sure, but it was reasonable enough, he probably couldn't see the screen very well.
No, the problem wasn't the question- it was the voice.
Calm, but deep enough for a faint rumble in his chest. Smooth, but not soothing- more cold. 
The faintest of echoes ringing in his ears, two voices just below the first- similar, but different.
...I know that voice.
(Please note that these are still from a newer draft, and wording or more may change between these and the final chapter!)
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effielumiere · 2 years
The Companion 5
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Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader
Genre:Romance, Idol AU, Drama, Comedy, Angst, Soulmate AU (Begins on this chapter), Slow burn (ends here)
Chapter Warning(s): Crying. Secrets unveiled. Little Jimin :D UNEDITED!
"English words that are said as is and or/ translated from English to Korean"
Word count: 3.4k maybe 4k (?)
A/N: Hello! I've returned! The slow burn ends here! As the reader, you'll now know why Jimin gets jelly and is very protective of her. Just a quick reminder that this has Soulmate AU included in the genre. I tried to make this a little bit more longer than the usual itty bitty chapters since it's not only gonna be in the MC or Jimin's POV because there's a part that's in Third Person POV from now on, butttt I keep getting the alert of 4096 word block limit on my pc so, Im posting this using my phone. sooooo I'll update soon to make up for the cliffhanger sorry, y'all. (squint in tiny, there's angst in there somewhere lol) I hope you'll enjoy this one💜 Please don't forget to reply here or send an ask (you can be anonymous <3) on what you think about this chapter or the series, like and reblog!
< fourpointfive | masterlist | fivepointfive >
"Good morning," Namjoon grins as he drinks his coffee, the other members were grinning as well and just like that I knew I was in for a treat [insert sarcasm].
"You look great!" Jungkook says a bit too enthusiastically which had me shaking my head as I told him "And here I thought you two had my back,"
"Y/n-ssi," I heard my name being yelled from another room, surely by a certain Park Jimin, "Help... please"
"Does this man know any other word aside from help and please?" I mutter to myself as I walk towards the dressing room, all of the stylists were outside talking about today's set for the performance video. I chug the last bit of my coffee into my mouth as if drinking a shot of alcohol and threw the paper cup into the trash bin before entering the room to my surprise was empty except for Jimin and I.
"Could you help me with my cuff links?" he asks curiously eyeing my movements as I move to the table to remove the cuff links from its box and walking up to him. Reaching for his wrist, I hold it lightly as I put his cuff links in place. I look up and catch him staring at me.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask him quietly.
"Why are you avoiding me?" he talks back in a quiet tone, I sigh and look away from his face and look down, holding his other wrist and mirroring what I'd done to the other one.
"I'm not avoiding you, Jimin-ah," I say as I struggle a little with his cuff links "I'm busy"
He scoffs, "With what?"
"I actually help around, you know"
"I'm pretty sure Sejin-nim knows you're my... personal assistant, meaning you're not meant to be moving around much unless I say so," he says looking towards the door then back down at me. I turn his hand upward as I struggle with the last cufflink, the tips of his fingers gently touch my wrist before lightly wrapping holding it in his hands. I stare at his hand on me before slowly looking back up at him finding his eyes on me. It's been weeks since the music video for Butter was released and I avoided him like the plague on the second day of filming the music video. After that, he kept his distance from me which made me slightly relieved but also unsure. His hair was growing out, rainbow highlights gone and his dark has grow out a bit under the platinum blonde hair.
"I can't just sit around and wait for you to tell me what to do,"
"The staff have plenty of help, Y/n-ssi" he says in a low quiet voice "I thought Moni-hyung told you you're job is to be an emotional companion; next to me most of the time."
"Jesus Christ, Jimin!" I huff in frustration "I need air and space just like any other person!" I drop his hand as I stomp out of the room and walk the empty seat behind Sejin.
"You look like you're about to wring someone's neck." Namjoon says as he stands next to my sitting form "Is that 'someone' Jimin?" Taehyung walks up next to him straightening his shirt a little.
"What did he do now?"
"He doesn't like me walking around helping the staff," I tell them "It's suffocating"
"He just doesn't want to getting tired?" Namjoon says in a questioning tone, unsure with what he just said
"Don't cover for him, Joon" I softly scold him "I don't care if you're siding with his 'good reasoning', y'all are being strange."
"He just cares a lot about , Y/n. Don't question his actions too much, " he says almost dismissively as he straightens his posture next to we when Jimin watches us like a hawk while a stylists fixes his hair.
"Stop questioning everything he does or say," he mutters beside me looking at his phone "He's protective of you for a reason, you'll understand soon. Just give him time and be patient,"
"I don't think I could say before the two year contract ends, Joon" I confess looking around the room as the production team makes sure that everything is all set and ready, "I don't exactly know when, but I'm resigning earlier than what you guys expect." I stood up from my chair and turned around to find Namjoon looking like a goldfish jaw moving, stuttering to say something but I cut him off before he could even say something.
"Don't worry, it's not today or tomorrow, the day after, the weekend or the end of the month or the month after, but it's gonna be sooner than expected if this keeps going" I smile at him as I walk backstage to grab my bag and headed for the exit, hauling a taxi to drive me back to the apartment. Sending Jimin a text saying that I was headed home, not bothering to check my phone when there were notifications that vibrated one after the other.
I was passed out on the couch after eating a lot of popcorn with two bottles of soda when the chime of the doorbell woke me up. It was repeatedly chiming signaling that whoever was on the other side of the door was very impatient and probably deserved a bat to the head they Steve Harrington crushed a demogorgon's skull into a very unpleasant pancake. I got up slowly cradling my head in my hands, squinting at the bright light of the apartment.
"Calm the fuck down!" I groaned, yelling at whoever was at the door.
"'The fuck you want?!" I exclaimed, pissed as I pulled the door open revealing pillowy lips, puffy cheeks and a pair of dark brown puppy eyes staring back at me, I groaned for the second time resting my forehead on the doorframe "It's late, Jimin-ah! Isn't my job supposed to be over hours ago, besides it's the weekend."
"This isn't work related. I promise." he smiles a little "get dressed, wear something warm and hurry,"
"why?" I croaked
"Because it's gonna be a bit chilly where we're headed, hurry!" he pushes me back inside gently as he enters the apartment with me. I was about to point out that it was rude of him to invite himself in but then I remembered that this was his apartment. I caught him looking around a little bit when I came back after changing my clothes and grabbing a short trench coat from my closet. I was at the doorway putting my shoes on when he slowly walks up to me and waits for me to step out of the apartment before putting his shoes on and locking the apartment door behind him. It felt somewhat like a routine, me putting my shoes on and waiting for him to put on his shoes as he locks the door behind him. It was very couple-like. It was... strange.
"Deja vu"
"Hmm?" he turns towards me "Did you say something?"
"Deja vu," I stare at my feet "It feels like I've been here before,"
"We all get those moments," he says after a little while "You probably experienced it in a different life. It sounds like something Jungkook or Moni-hyung would say."
"It does," I smile as we put our masks on as enter the elevator, heading to the lobby.
"Where are you taking me?" I ask as he drives, light posts passing by, two cars were behind us I guessed it was security. They were always around and I've grown accustomed to it, "Where are we gonna go?"
"Be patient, Y/n-ssi," he smiles as we drive uphill.
"I can't really be patient or calm for that matter when you're driving uphill in the dark," I chuckle "It's past 8pm, we should be in our own beds asleep,"
"This is more fun than sleep," he smiles reaching over to hold my hand, threading his fingers through mine "Let's call it a tourist spot by Park Jimin," he pulls up on an overviewing parking lot of the city. the city light almost covering the entire city. Yellow, white, bits of blue, green and rights in the distance covering buildings making it look like it was a Christmas Village without the snow. He locks the doors and opens the sunroof of the Palisade, pushing his seat back to give him more leg space before reaching behind us where a bag I didn't notice appears. Placing it on his lap he opens it, pulling out a bottle of Soju placing it on the cup holder on the console and pulling out a cylindrical food covered in tin foil then handing it to me. I stare at it then at him as if he was ridiculous.
"What?" he asks, eyes wide
"What are we doing?" I ask carefully
"We're on a midnight picnic," he motions for the tin foil covered food on his hand and I take it from him. Carefully undoing and unrolling the foil I was met with a thin sheet of seaweed wrapper and rice underneath it.
"Did you prepare this?" I ask him as I take a slice of the Gimpab and put the slice in my mouth as I open the packaging at his direction and he grabs a slice
"No," he chuckles "I mean I did, but Yoongi hyung sliced it. I sliced the first one that Jungkook ended up eating, it was all wonky"
"Thank God for Yoongi then,"
"Hey!" He exclaims laughing "I prepared almost everything in this bag for us," He reaches in and pulls out two two-layered bento boxes handing one to me before reaching in again and producing a tiny bag consisting of our utensils
"You can drink the Soju if you want, I could too, but I need to drive us home," He smiles reaching for another slice. Turning behind us again he takes two water bottles and and hands one my way. I look at the windshield again at the city when I noticed a few stars twinkling in the night sky. Remembering that he opened the sun roof, I look up again,
"Woah," I gasp in awe "Now would you look at that..."
Jimin couldn't bother about the bento box on his lap and the empty insulated lunch bag in between them. He stared at Y/n, watching her wide eyed staring at the clear stars in the night sky. She gasps as she forgets her food momentarily, mesmerized by the constellations above. He initially planned to show off his Astronomy knowledge by stargazing with her while they sat in the SUV, enjoying late dinner. But the tables turned for a second when he saw how her eyes widened as she looks at the view before them then hurriedly shuffling the get in a good position to look at the constellations above them. Stargazing was his plan, dinner was a last minute idea since he knew that she didn't have enough food left in her pantry, except for the abundance of rameyeon which he now disapproved of because she was losing weight from the looks of it. So he made dinner, two varieties of kimchi, a few slices of samgyeopsal, three medium sides chunks of hanwoo beef that Yoongi taught him to prepare among other things. But everything was momentarily forgotten when he was very close to her. Almost so close that their shoulders were touching. Y/n was oblivious to what she was doing while Jimin was between a rock and a hard place in his head, deciding on whether or not he's going to admit too early the truth of why she was there. Why he really hired her despite how mad and confused the other members where with why he was so adamant that he needed to hire her. The truth.
The truth being out of all of the people in the world and how rare their situation was - rare because not everyone experiences what they did even though she didn't have any knowledge about it - that said situation being soulmates.
Jimin was around seven or eight years old when he dreamed of being at an unfamiliar house. But it seemed so real that as a child, he was convinced it was real. Thinking that he was on a family vacation with his family, he calls for his dad, nothing. He tries calling out to his mom, nothing again. His little brother maybe?
"Eomma!" he tries again "Appa!" feeling a little scared that his parents weren't with him in an unfamiliar house he's never been in before, he heads towards the living room couch sitting atop it. He waits a few more minutes hoping his parents will arrive soon for him to get him.
After what feels like hours, the sun was close to setting and he knew it was going to get dark soon, he gets up from the couch to switch the lights open only to be surprised when the lights didn't open, he ran around the house panic setting in as he tries to open the lights to no avail. He opens a door to a bedroom, getting inside he closes the door behind him and climbs the bed hiding under the covers. Soon the sun disappears and it was very dark with only the moonlight from the window being his light.
Jimin bites his quivering lip, 'I'm brave,' he thinks, convincing himself 'I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of the dark.', he repeats his mantra. He tries to call out for his parents again when no one answers, a tear falls from his eyes followed by more his previous mantra of not being afraid of the dark long forgotten. He sobs quietly under the covers, arms around his legs, forehead on his knees, lightly rocking himself back and forth, he calls out for his parents again. For what feels like a long time he feels his back a bit cold and when he looks up he watches the sheets being pulled back for a second his lifts thinking it's his mom pulling back the sheets only to find a little girl around his age, on top of the covers looking back at him wide-eyed. His eyebrows furrow as he looks at her with tears in my eyes, he decides to ask her if she has seen his parents, but before he could ask she reaches forward speaking in a language he's never heard of before.
"Hello... Don't cry," she says every once in a while after reaches forward wiping his tears with her tiny hands. When most of the tears were wiped from his face, he stares at her face wondering if she was an angel, his guardian angel. She smiles at him and she speaks again "Don't cry, okay? What's your name?" She asks as she wraps him in a hug, he was reluctant at first but once he felt her warmth, he immediately hugs her back holding on to her, scared she might disappear and he'll he alone again, so in that moment at a young age, he made the decision to fully trust her and at that moment the room was filled with light, the question of what his name was forgotten.
Opening his eyes, he looks behind the little girl where the door was open revealing the entire house. From where he was, he was able to see the couch where he was at earlier the entire house was filled with light and when he looked back at the little girl, he finally gets to see how she looked like in the light. He hair was down, lips just as pouty as his are, eyes wandering around the room in bewilderment. She was just as surprised as he was when the light came on, when her eyes landed back on the little boy with pouty lips and chubby cheeks, she gasps. Carefully holding his face she noticed a purple bruising on his right eye where there were tiny lines, not it was her who had watery eyes as she looked at his eye. Jimin finally realizes she was staring at the stitches on his eye that he got a few days ago after slipping in the bathroom.
"Oh this?" he points at his eye, he was about to touch but he remembers his mom telling him not to touch it so he drops his hand "I'm okay," he tells the girl who was now very much sobbing, he points at himself "Okay!" He wasn't entirely sure what it meant but in school the teacher would say it often and he knew it was a good, happy thing. As long as it was happy, she'll probably not cry over it. Jimin gently wipes a few tears that escaped the girl's eyes. He realizes she looked angelic but she also looked as adorable as other babies, he grabs her face gently in between his hands "Baby-ah" he calls her
"Huh? What did you say? I don't understand you," she says, wiping her face.
"I don't understand you," he tells her, she huffs in confusion quickly realizing that he doesn't speak the words she was speaking.
"Hmm... It's okay," she smiles "You and me should stay together," she makes a motion of putting her to index fingers side by side. Jimin nods, understanding the little sign she made. Getting off of the bed together, he grabs her hand and she lets him as he walks ahead of her looking around the house as they made their way to the fridge to find food. After Jimin was doing the extreme stuff for his new found friend; grabbing a nearby chair and climbing it to open the freezer, he grabs the tub of vanilla ice cream and one spoon from the table top (they didn't know where the cutlery was and no one was around to ask), they hold hands again as she leads them to the back yard as she carried the tub and Jimin was holding on to the spoon. When she opens the door to the backyard Jimin sees the ocean and a few coconut trees. They sit on the swing next to each other, eating the ice cream and when Jimin looked up he saw countless stars above him, he tried counting them all with the little girl but they fell asleep next to each other, before he fell asleep he smiled through his one swollen eye at her "I'll stay here with you, I'll never leave you. I promise," Y/n looked at him in confusion but seeing him with his pinky out she quickly wraps her pinky around his and smiles "I'll see you again when we go to sleep, I guess. Now I don't have to be alone here".
When he did wake up, he was back in his room in Busan and for the first time in years, the first thing he did that morning was cry his eyes out startling his parents and his little brother. When his parents asked him why he was crying and kept repeating that he left 'her' when he promised not to, it just made him cry more and when he finally calmed down, he explained to them his dream. His parents look at each other with a look and they smile at him proudly "Jimin-ah," his dad says happily but also sympathetically at his crying first born "You met your soulmate,"
"What is that, dad?"
"It means she's the one you're going to spend your whole life with, someone who is going to love you forever. Kind of like how your dad and I ended up," his mom tells him
"Did she tell you where she's from?" his dad asks to which he shakes his head
"She didn't speak Korean. She knows what Okay means."
"Ah..." his dad nods before looking at his mom who was giggling who said "He's going to have a hard time finding her but at least he knows how to somehow find her,"
"I had a hard time looking for you and you were just a few districts over," he laughs "he might end up going around the globe to look for a soulmate."
Jimin's dad then turns back to him and says "You'll see her again, Jimin-ah. As long as wherever she is, she's asleep. You'll see her again. You'll remember her, but she won't remember you when she wakes up."
"How come she won't remember me?" Jimin asked his dad feeling sad
"Because it's how soulmates work, my son" he smiles at Jimin "We are supposed to find them; they're the other half that will complete us and we, in return , complete them, but we are supposed to find them not the other way around.
She'll remember you when she's asleep, but not while she's awake. So ask her everything you can to find her. Just remember to be kind to her Jimin-ah, and love her unconditionally"
Jimin watches his parents, thinking about what his parents said if what they said was true then he was going to see her again tonight when he goes to sleep. But she didn't show up that evening, and he patiently waited for her until he fell asleep and woke up in his bed again crying to his parents that she wasn't there leading to them comforting a very confused Jimin.
The little girl was there however, but when she fell asleep and arrived in the house at the beach Jimin was already fading meaning he was already waking up soon and she sat there on his spot watching the sunrise crying that she didn't see her new friend at the beach house all because she flew on a plane with her parents to a place called Seoul.
< fourpointfive | masterlist | fivepointfive >
A/N: Reply down below if you sat the Do You - RM, I think he knows - Taylor Swift and Promise - Park Jimin references💜
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ettawritesnstudies · 2 years
Friday Kiss Tag
Thanks @dontjudgemeimawriter for the tag! I think there was also some other people to tagged me but I don't remember who so I'm very sorry if I msised you. This is for Madelyn and Seth, I think.... maybe... this might be first kiss scene I've... ever written? I hope I'm doing this right sldkfjsdlkj.
Their notes and plans lay abandoned on the table as the night stretched late and Madelyn and Seth moved to the couch to continue their discussion. It'd been hours of debate and refining ideas, scheming about the future, circuitous tangents about everything and nothing, an excuse to drag the visit out just a little while longer.
It'd been a few months since their confession, and Madelyn still couldn't quite believe her fortune. After all their history, seeing the worst sides of each other, fighting with each other, fighting with each other... she realized she couldn't deny the fierce fondness she held for the witty, honorable, brave man who sat beside her now. Even more shocking was the realization that he loved her back, with all her stubbornness, despite her previous rejections, in his endless patience and quiet devotion from a respectful distance she had been so blind to notice for so long.
And now, there was no distance between them anymore. His arm was around her and rested gently on her waist as she leaned into his chest. Soft, steady, sturdy, secure. She couldn't make out his heartbeat, but could feel the rumble in his lungs as he spoke; slow and thoughtful responses to her theories whipping around like a whirlwind.
Eventually the conversation came to a lull as the deep-set exhaustion of a demanding week and the reality of the late hour sank in, and Seth gathered himself to leave the study and return to his own quarters. Madelyn sighed as his arm left her shoulders and they stood. It was so natural to be near him - not the giddy rush of a childish crush, or the sparks of passion flashing through her stomach, but a peace so fundamental that she noticed the cold void of its absence. He smiled at a joke she cracked, and she felt warm with the satisfaction of seeing his lips twitch upward into that fleeting, soft expression he guarded so closely but gave away freely to her.
"Thank you for keeping me company," she said, giving him a hug goodbye, "I'll see you in the morning but don't want to keep you from rest."
"You're never a burden, I want to spend time with you," Seth reassured her. Then, as she began to look up at him, she felt her chest tighten. Not the familiar anxiety of betrayal, the paranoia that wormed its way into every other interaction, but a new sensation of anticipation. They were so close, face to face, not for the first time but it was such a nice night and she didn't want it to end. Should she ask for more?
Before she could say anything else, she felt his lips brush against the top of her head. A shy test, a safe gamble. He was always so careful to respect her boundaries, knowing she would create the permission to let him in if she wanted, willing to wait for her cue. Now, she wanted take his.
"Aren't you going to give me a kiss goodnight?" she asked.
There was that beautiful, endearing smile again, and then she tiptoed as he leaned down to bring his lips to hers. First a soft brush, before leaning into the embrace, his hands gently cupping around her head, fingers weaving through her loose hair, pulling her close. She let herself melt in his warmth. No need anymore for worry or doubt. She could be happy, here and now, with him, and no gods or devils would take the beauty of this moment from them.
Tagging the Laoche list, you're all welcome to join if you want but here's some fluff for y'all. Ask if you want to be added or removed~
Laoche tag list reblog: @thescreamingtwenties @abalonetea @yearlyaquariace @inkwell-attitude @re-writing-h @andiwriteunderthemoon @viawrites-andacts @thescatteredscribbles @booksnotbookies @writeblrfantasy @siarven @talesfromaurea @avian-king @solennitawrites @thelaughingstag @violetcancerian @solangelo-is-my-otp @jacquesfindswritingandadvice
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jenleigh1 · 2 years
For the Fanfic Writer Ask Meme: B, E, N, R :D
Thanks very much for the ask!
B:  What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for?
Oh man, I'm going to date myself here. xD My very first fic-reading fandom was The X-Files, way back in the day. The first fandom I ever wrote anything for was Sherlock Holmes (I'm sorry, I'm an incredible nerd!), but of course it's just MGS nowadays.
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
Ah, in the MGS world I'd have to go with Otacon - I imagine he's a popular choice, lol. I suspect most of us have a little "stammering, insecure scientist who happens to be in love with the big beefy jock" somewhere deep down inside.
In all seriousness, though, I've always found Otacon to be one of the more heroic characters in the series, in his own quiet way. He overcomes a lot of personal baggage, and his own fear/insecurity issues, and always manages to Get Shit Done when push comes to shove. He doesn't do the flashy, 'blowing-things-up' part of the job, but he's consistently shown to be very competent at what he does. And when he has to do something that's very much NOT in his wheelhouse (like dragging his half-dead partner out of a river during a manhunt, or flying a helicopter full of hostages to safety right after watching his sister die), he steps up to the plate and does what needs doing.
In terms of fic, I'd say probably Taught By Thirst?? I am a huge sucker for Otacon being a terrified-but-competent badass in the immediate post-tanker aftermath, and that's a huge part of what that particular fic is about. He's the biggest unsung hero of the series, truly. ❤
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
So many, lol! My problem is that I'm an *incredibly* slow, plodding writer, so it takes a long time to actually get anything to fruition.
Currently, I'm working on finishing up the last chapter of Or Else The Light... which is coming along nicely but DEAR GOD, it's going to be long. 😫 Hoping to have it done and posted sometime in the next couple of weeks or so.
Once that's finished, I do have several other ideas on the docket. In no particular order, they include:
Another longish, multi-chapter fic in the same series as Taught By Thirst, Everything That Rises, and Or Else The Light - set in the time period between MGS2 and 4, and dealing with their acquisition of Sunny and the start of Snake's accelerated aging issues.
A smutty 'sneaking suit sex' one-shot, because God knows I like PWPs as much as the next person and I have *thoughts* about how this might go down.
A "five times this happened" kind of thing with several loosely-related vignettes taking place at different times in the series, centered around scenarios where Snake runs into trouble in the field and Otacon has to deal with the aftermath - featuring different moods (awkward, funny/cute, angsty, etc.) depending on the details. Would likely include some bits from very early Philanthropy era, MGS4 era, and everything in between... kind of, tracing the evolution of their partnership (and, ahem... *partnership*, if you catch my drift) over time, through that lens.
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
OH MAN, that's a tough one. I honestly think I take a little something away from almost everything I read, whether it's related to phrasing, word choice, character development, plotting, etc.
Because the truth is - writing any kind of fiction is fucking HARD, y'all. Much harder than I would have guessed, before I'd ever tried it myself. (How the fuck do people do this for a living??? Hats off, for real.) So nowadays, I like to pay attention to the mechanics of how the author is doing things when I read.
In terms of fanfic, when I was pretty heavily involved in the SH fandom, there was an absolutely amazing writer I still remember - she was very prolific, and her stuff was absolutely S-tier in every way. Beautiful prose, beautiful dialogue, story structure/theme that just got better the more you analyzed it, etc. Reading her stuff felt like reading a really excellent, beautifully-written published novel, and that was the first time it really struck me that fanfic could be... *that*, you know?
Don't get me wrong - I also like quick little character studies, and fun trashy smut, and everything in between! I also love that writing fanfic is something that literally anyone can try their hand at, and no one is necessarily expecting that you're going to sound like James Joyce. There is very little pressure to be "good", however one might try to define that - kind of like singing karaoke, in a bar. 😂 We're all just here to have fun, first and foremost.
BUT - I still remember the impression that made on me. And I still think about her now, when I write.
In the real world of published writing, there are SO MANY wonderful authors whose stuff I've loved. But in terms of... writing style, I guess? Word choice and phrasing, and the way a story is constructed - probably the two biggest standouts for me are Margaret Atwood and Tana French. I admire both of them tremendously.
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heartcal · 3 years
update 012222 📌
hi guys!
i'm so sorry that the rejected series is slow to update :^(
plenty of things in my life have been happening and preventing me from being able to comfortably sit down and write, ranging from my housemates showing symptoms of covid (eventually wasn't covid, just a cold and allergies lol) to my dog getting sick (she's 12 so it's worrisome, but she seems to be doing better now), and now to whether or not i'm moving at the end of the month (rent has gone up a lot in my town and the landlord may raise the rent). it's very hectic for me right now, if i'm being honest lol.
other than that, i'm hoping to have the preview to part four by the end of the month, and if not that then early february. then, the full part will be posted before the end of february.
thank you for being patient with me :^) and also thank you for the likes + reblogs on the story :^D
sorry for rambling in the beginning but a TL;DR -- part four of the rejected rewrite should be posted before the end of february with the preview being posted before the end of this month :^)
i hope you guys are staying safe and healthy, especially those dealing with snow storms! see y'all soon :^)
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Weekly/Monthly Update for 28 December, 2019 (+Other Stuffs)
Hey folks, we decided to mainly do an Update towards the end of the month, so here we go! Keep in mind that Rissa is also now sick and I still am, so game progress will be slow for the next week or two!
Dragon Pact
Not too much has been done in light of Rissa getting sick, but they have gotten quite a bit of mapping done for the new route DP will take! I'm also gonna add a link to the updated information for it in case anyone still hasn't seen it:
Some new stuff is happening with Nelroche! Another project of Rissa's is merging with it, so it's becoming even more diverse! This does mean it'll take it even longer to come out, but it is definitely well worth the wait!!! Rissa is planning to release a big post about it soon!
Mind Games: Obsession
I'm so sorry I haven't added much onto MG:O in a while given everything going on, but I DID get some work done on it the last two weeks! Chapter 5 is up to nearly 3,000 words and the first branching has began. I'm thinking I'll have an update out sometime in maybe late January or February at the latest, but I'm really hoping for mid January!
Other Stuff
I'm very excited to say Rissa has become the truest MVP and has ordered me a Bluetooth keyboard!! Should it all work right, I'll be able to type from a keyboard onto my phone which should greatly increase my work amount!!! It'll definitely make writing the gigantic monster Chapter 5 is gonna much easier,,, (I'm expecting a 30k word count for Chapter 5 at the absolute LEAST amount). The new keyboard should be here Tuesday and I'm v v v excited!!!
In other news, I am likely working on a new secondary project that's quite a bit different MC-wise to my previous projects which I'm really glad about. I'm sure you peeps will be too :D Ah, I so do love the trope of the MC being "naiive" to the supernatural world and then getting dragged into it...
There's still content coming out for this month! We just don't know what's going to be released in these last few days of December at GSS! Thank y'all for listening!
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eggos-world · 5 years
Complainers (A MHA fanfic)
Midorya x Fem! Reader
(A/N : So this is my first fanfic EVER and I've really been into MHA for a while now and I LOVED reading all the fanfics, and I saw this particular ask to a blog if the reader had a writing quirk and how would Midorya and two other characters would react (I am so sorry I forgot the blog who wrote that) but I wanted to put my spin on it and make the reader be into slam poetry and let their tongue be their weapon. This particular poem is by Rudy Fransisco!! Not my original poem!! Hope y'all enjoy!)
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When you write, it's like the whole world around you finally goes silent. You live out the daydreams in your own head feeling the words on the page a safe space. This was your quirk. Even if it didn't seem as great to be in combat fighting villains, at least it's something to fight your inner demons. That to you was enough.
Midorya was well use to the song and dance of getting you to snap out of your world when the bell rings, apologizing in advance. In truth he hates breaking your concentration, he knows full well that he hates the feeling being separated from writing his notes. But he knew you would sit there for hours on end just writing in your book, even if you finish it all in one go you wouldn't notice that you were writing on the desk. (And yes he had to get you out of there and insisted to clean it up for you). Even after all of this he still admired your quirk no less.
The bell had rung for lunch and everyone stood up and packed their books away and walked out one by one. You feel a tap on your shoulder not a minute later, and a familiar soft spoken voice breaks you from your concentration. " Hey, Y/N, I-Its time for lunch" He says with a smile and you close your book and packed it into your bag, walking with him side by side to the lunchroom.
"So what was today's story in your book?" He asked with a smile looking to you.
"Not a story today, I've been into poetry for a while. So I figured I might try something different. " You say smiling back.
"Woah, I didn't know you were into poetry. That seems really cool! What was it about? "
You were always so surprised that he was interested in your work. Since it was such a personal thing to you and you haven't really shown off your work due to self consciousness, he was always very supportive even from the beginning. Later on you realized that he also loved writing. That was one of the many things that formed a great friendship between you both, besides from your love of heroes and nerding out with each other of course!. You both carried out your conversation while getting your lunches. Sitting down on the table along with everyone else smiling and joking you all causally eat your meals. You pull out your notebook, sliding it over to Midorya to take a look after you promised him too. He smiles and opens to the bookmarked paged, but a soon as he does a hand flashes and snatches the book out of his hands.
"Please tell me you don't think your sorry excuse of a quirk would get you into the top ten!" Bakugou loudly exclaiming with a smug look.
Well shit.
While he was chuckling you were about to stand and get it back, but Midorya beat you to it trying to pry it off of his hands, but Bakugou only lifts it up higher. "What's your deal nerd? Trying to stick up for your little girlfriend?" He says chuckling louder.
"S-she's not my girlfriend kachan! Give back her book! It's not yours!" Midorya says with a blush forming on his face. But Bakugou shoves him away and faces you.
"What makes you think that writing fairytale lands and princesses would make you pro hero? That's not going to save you from the real world. What's going to happen if a villain comes in and starts destroying everything around you? You're gonna write him a love story with a happily ever after!? Give me a break! " He says with a laugh.
"Kachan! You need to stop this" Midorya says stepping back up to him. "Not everyone's quirk is perfect!"
"Heh! If you really think she could handle the world on her own-" He says before holding out the book "Let's give her a chance to prove me wrong! "
And just like that, your notebook, your work your safe haven was blown up to flames. Bits of burnt paper flown into the air, your book quickly into ashes. You didn't notice midorya quickly moving to get his water and put the fire out, your eyes was fixated on Bakugou. A smirk had formed on his face that made your heart sink into your stomach. A lump forming within your chest as you fought the urge to cry. He moved his arms and raised his eyebrows, waiting for you to make the next move. But you felt a hand around your arm.
"Y/N, you don't need this now. Let's just go-"
"No... " You say stepping up to Bakugou. Taking one last look at your destroyed book you turn your head back to him. "It's a shame, because the poem I was just writing... Was about you. " You say with a sad smile and a nod. He blinks back in surprise, his smirk growing larger than before. "That's not a good thing.. " You later say. Even though it was still in the works, even if you didnt get to finish it you felt your tongue burn. An unfamiliar sensation forming in your mouth. Usually you would feel it within your hand as you write, a soft glow transferring onto the words you'd write on the page. But now that feeling had made it's way from your throat and to your mouth.
And it's telling you to speak the fuck up.
You took a breath, looked him deep in the eye and let your mouth took the wheel.
"The following are true stories.
May 26th 2003 Aron Ralston was hiking, a boulder fell on his right hand. He waited four days, then amputated his arm with a pocket knife.
On New Year’s Eve, a woman was bungee jumping in Zimbabwe. The cord broke, she then fell into a river and had to swim back to land in crocodile infested waters with a broken collarbone.
Claire Champlin was smashed in the face by a five pound watermelon being propelled by a slingshot.
Matthew Brobst was hit by a javelin.
David Striegl was punched in the mouth. By a kangaroo.
The most amazing part about these stories is when asked about the experience they all smiled, shrugged, and said “I guess things could have been worse.”
So go ahead.
Tell me that you’re having a bad day.
Tell me about the traffic. Tell me about your boss. Tell me about the job you’ve been trying to quit for the past four years. Tell me the morning is just a town house burning to the ground and the snooze button is a fire extinguisher. Tell me the alarm clock stole the keys to your smile, drove it into 7:00 AM, and the crash totaled your happiness.
Tell me! Tell me!
Tell me, how blessed are we to have tragedies so small it can fit on the tips of our tongues?
You see, when Evan lost his legs he was speechless. When my cousin was assaulted, she didn’t speak for forty eight hours. When my uncle was murdered, we had to send out a search party to find my father’s voice.
Most people have no idea that tragedy and silence have the exact same address!
When your day is a museum of disappointments hanging from events that were outside of your control, when you find yourself flailing in an ocean of “Why is this happening to me?”, when it feels like your guardian angel put in his two week notice two months ago and just decided not to tell you, when it feels like God is just a babysitter that’s always on the phone, when you get punched in the esophagus by a fistful of life, remember that every year two million people die of dehydration so it doesn’t matter if the glass is half full or half empty, there’s water in the cup.
Drink it, and stop FUCKING complaining.
Muscle is created by repeatedly lifting things that have been designed to weigh us down. So when your shoulders feel heavy, stand up straight and lift your chin – call it exercise. When the world crumbles around you, you have to look at the wreckage and then build a new one out of the pieces that are still here.
Remember, you are still here.
The human heart beats approximately four thousand times per hour.
Each pulse, each throb, each palpitation is a trophy engraved with the words “You are still alive”...
You are still alive...
Act like it."
When you felt the sensation cool from your lips and the tip of your tongue, Bakugou's eyes were wide. His smirk had fallen. Silence filled around you, even from Midorya. Everyone has seen and heard the whole thing. Just as you were about to walk back to your table to grab your things and leave, you hear a slow clap. Then another. Then another. You turn your head to see everyone clapping and cheering. You smile a little. Bakugou steps back and walks off with a smack of his teeth.
"Tch, whatever weirdo.. " He mumbles under his breath.
You walked over to Midorya smiling and he quickly gives you a hug. "That was amazing! The way you kept firing words at kachan was incredible! I never seen him so speechless like that! " He pulls away with a smile and a blush.
"Oh hehe! It was nothing really" You say forming a blush yourself, looking away shyly.
"I'm really sorry about your notebook though. I could buy you another one and bring it to you tomorrow! "
"Oh no it's okay! I have extras at my house-"
"Nope! It's my treat." He smiles and the bell rings again, making everyone pack up and ready for the next class. Midorya grabs his bag and hands you yours. Making your way back into the building he stops you for a second. "Hey, speaking of treat, d-do you think we could both head out f-for some ice cream after school? " He says with a heavier blush and fiddles with his tie. He always did looked cute when he blushed. You smile and giggle a bit.
"I would love to.. "
(Woah hey! First fanfic done! Hope you all enjoyed that!! 🤣💕)
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rogerina-yee-haw · 6 years
Joe Mazzello - NSFW Alphabet
a/n: I'm dedicating it to @starfleet-wannabe💓 babes, you make my days better!!! ily!!!(also I promise you that those imagines abt Joe x Reader will see the light once...I promise you, Erin)
I can't insert the "Keep reading" link from the tumblr mobile app, cause I'm really dumb, so if you don't want to read it - just scroll down k thx
this was requested many times and I'm sorry, my dudes....this is really bad....
warnings: obviously smut lmao, typos (sorry I've read it too many times just to check on errors and I can't look at this text right now, and there are obviously still bunch of mistakes, sorry, fellas)
Joe if you ever see this I'm sorry I hope it never happens
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Joe is the softest human being ever (well, mostly). It doesn't matter whether the sex was romantic and tender or rough and passionate, the aftercare is always the same: he helps clean you up and then make you both tea, while you lie in bed, talking and just spending time with each other.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of their partners)
As it was considered on this website, Joe is an ass man. You can count the times his hands were off your bum; he always keeps his hand on your lower back, and then, if he's in the mood (and he's always in the mood) he starts caressing your butt through your clothes, grabbing and tapping it when he can. It's not like the ass is the only thing he admires - Joe loves all of you, every part of your body and soul. But your ass is just so squishy and soft, and he can't get enough of it.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
If the sex is unprotected, he cums on your ass. Period.
D = Dirty Secret
Joe doesn't have dirty secrets. If he wants to try something, he'll tell you about it; there isn't something you two can't discuss.
E = Experience (How experienced are they?)
Joe is very experienced. He knows exactly what to do to make you scream his name in the bedroom.
F = Favourite Position
Doggy (unbelievable, right?). He also loves reverse cowgirl for obvious reasons. But it doesn't mean that you don't change positions while having sex. He loves seeing you on top, riding both of you into orgasm; he enjoys missionary and every other sex position, simply because he gets to try them all with you.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
Come on, it's Joe we're talking about here. Sex is sometimes filled with him telling you stupid jokes, and always it turns out to be just like he's having a stand up show, while you lie down naked under him. He may crack up some dad jokes during the most tense moments, like when you're on top of him, and you're gasping and moaning, "I'm cumming", he'd say breathlessly, "Hi, cumming, I'm Joe", and you'll just burst into crazy laugh, even though the joke is stupid and not funny.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He doesn't like to be completely bare down there, so he just keeps it trimmed.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Joe is very romantic (we been knew). He just loves you so much that, even if the sex rough, he still wants and needs you to feel loved and comfortable. The man is so in love with you that he can't stop kissing and touching you, whispering how much he adores you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
It's a must, if he's away filming. You two like to get yourselves off while talking on the phone, breathing and moaning messily while telling each other the filthiest things. Joe is actually an expert in dirty talk.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Joe's got hella lots of kinks. He's most preferable ones are:
Daddy kink. Do you really think this man doesn't like to be called daddy? If you do, you're wrong. Seeing you twirling in ecstasy when "daddy" is the only thing you can weakly whimper makes him bust a nut right then and there.
Edging. He's an asshole sometimes, alright? Joe enjoys it when you desperately beg him to fuck you. He loves when you're being restrained all day, and you walk around frustrated and horny. Not to mention that the thought of fucking you hard later turns him on immediately. (You love all of it too, even though you don't admit it sometimes; you're also fond of the idea teasing Joe like this later).
Slight voyeurism, but he likes to watch himself fuck you. He's bought a huge mirror for the bedroom, so that you two could have sex in front of it. He loves to pound into you from behind, holding your hair, slapping your ass and saying the dirtiest shit, like, "Watch yourself being wrecked by my cock" or "Look how pretty you look, look at your pretty tits boucing like this cause I'm fucking you so hard"
Dirty talk (it's considered as a kink, right?). Come on, Joe is a master at this. He'd spill the filth at random places; like you two are doing grocery shopping and he comes to you holding a watermelon, leans in and whispers in your ear, "I wish I could bend you over this shopping cart and fuck you till you can't move". And you just stand there bewildered, while he continues his routine. Or when you're on some fancy event, he'd put his hand on your waist and say to you quietly, "You look so sexy like this with this red lipstick. Can't wait when these pretty lips are wrapped around my cock". And your eyes go wide as you choke on your drink, while everyone looks at you weirdly.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Um, anywhere? Joe's just turned on by you 24/7 (as well as you are by him), so he doesn't mind having sex with you in restrooms, closets, empty hallways, in his trailer, your childhood bedrooms... Once you were at the party and caught your friends having sex; no wonder that fifteen minutes later you and Joe were doing the same thing in the bathroom, of course, in front of the mirror. Sex in his car is a must too, especially when you're driving - he thinks you look really hot while doing so. One time you were almost caught doing it in the car by the police, and since then you can't stop giggling like two teenagers while remembering about it.
But Joe loves sex in your bedroom. He just feels like this is the most intimate place on the Earth, where you two can be sincere and sensitive.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Anything. He's got the crazy sex energy, and literally anything can make him go. Once, when you were brushing your teeth, and wearing one of his old tee-shirts and baggy pajama pants, he decided it was a good idea to start teasing you, by leaving wet, mouth-opened kisses on your neck and by fingering you slowly. You evidently couldn't brush you teeth normally at that moment.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Joe wouldn't do something that'll harm and hurt both of you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He's a pro in giving. You'll be screaming and grabbing his hair tightly, even though he barely touched you. And as you love giving too, he wouldn't ever be against it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
You can experience every pace during the time you have sex. He may start roughly, pounding into you harshly, and then go slower, stretching you gently and whispering sweet nothings against your skin.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Joe loves quickies. Once when he was on set and had to leave for shooting in five minutes, he pinned you against the wall of his trailer and fucked the soul outta you. "It's just a preview of what you're getting at night", he winked at you while leaving and you just gasped. This man is something, y'all.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
You both love taking risks. Joe enjoys having sex when the guests you invited to your party may come at any moment; he once decided to start fingering you while you were at dinner with your family. "Such a good girl, taking me so well", he whispered in your ear when you struggled not to moan loudly in front of your parents. "I'm gonna fuck you so good when we get into the car. I'm gonna reward you for being such a good girl and not cumming here".
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last)
If he and you are feeling alright, 2 and more rounds. But if one of you is not okay, and the sex is just full of love and reassurance, there'd be just one round.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
You own toys. And Joe's using them on you. Especially when he's being a little shit - means when he's edging you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Once you were having an unplanned and sloppy sex in the secluded bathroom at one after-party of the awards, and he pulled out right when you were about to cum. He initiated the sex and denied you both. That's how much of a "tease" he is.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's loud when he's in the mood. He can moan loudly, and sometimes when you feel incredibly good he comes while screaming your name.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Joe's got a breeding kink. (It's not really surprising, though, this man radiates dad energy). He gets hard just thinking about you being pregnant with his child. Man wants to have a family with you, and that's why he can barely keep it in his pants when you're around (always).
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
His dick is a perfect size to make you scream. That's it.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Joe's sex drive is immeasurable. You have no idea how this man can always be horny and ready to fuck.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He falls asleep as soon as you two cuddle; when you start breathing in unison, he nods off pretty quickly, still holding you tightly.
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its-sad-boy-hours · 6 years
Okay so I'm a little confused. I met my girlfriend when I was 14 and she was 16. For the longest time (about 5 years) I thought of her as a sister because I didn't know how to recognize my own emotions as romantic or platonic. Carmen and Gray's relationship reminds me a lot of me and my girlfriends relationship before we got together, and I ship them because they remind me of that. Does that mean I'm currently in an incestuous relationship? Sorry if this comes off as rude or anything (1/2)
I’m just having a hard time understanding your thought process and the point your trying to make. Thank you for your time. (2/2)
I just woke up so forgive me if I’m a bit slow (and this wasn’t rude at all friend)!.
First off, I dont find the relationship described weird at all, given that I thought of my best friend like a sister, then years later I had reason to believe she had developed feelings for me (I am unsure if this is true as we are no longer friends at this point) but our friendship became very awkward after that as the attraction was very much one-sided.
But, when there is a very clear, “I think of this person like a brother” relationship between two people (and we can stop with the whole pedophilia thing please, my brain is fried for trying to explain Carmen and Grey’s clear age gap, but to each their own I guess) and people start shipping them, saying that they aren’t related so its fine, I start to draw the line. Carmen very clearly thinks of Grey as an older brother, and the “date” Y'all insist he invited her on wasn’t even that, cant a guy ask someone to hang out without it being a date? And, literally, moments before that scene where she sees Grey at the cafe, she tells Player, she thought of him as a brother. Now, I interpreted that as she just wanted the old familial relationship they used to have in the academy before Carmen left. She clearly misses him and cares for him, but in no way but platonically.
Basically, this whole thing is reminiscent of The Fosters “Brandon and Callie” thing, thankfully, I was never in the fandom and never got caught up in shipping was and, despite this being only a few years ago, wasn’t really aware that the whole show was basically plotted around incest.
Now, tell me, those of you who shipped Brandon and Callie (ew) I bet you’re going to say, that in the earlier seasons, it was okay, that they weren’t siblings yet. Except… they were, they were foster siblings. What does this have to do with anything? I’m not sure, but this whole ordeal reminds me of how people are fine with shipping literal siblings, related or not.
I am a person who is very in-tie with my emotions and I only ship based on the emotional and romantic vibe the other characters give me. They need to have chemistry, and background, if not upfront feelings. And for Carmen and Grey? It’s all platonic, not a single romantic vibe from either of them. The only thing there is Carmen missing her brother figure, one of the only real family figure she knew, alongside Coach Brunt. And now with Grey’s memory gone, she hoped she could get that familial feeling back.
But that’s my opinion.
I don’t care what you ship, but please keep in mind that Carmen and Grey’s relationship in CANON, has been shown to be strictly platonic.
Thank You for the ask, and I hope you have a wonderful day :D
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araminthe-ispwitch · 8 years
I'm in love with a fairytale
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Yuri on Ice
Rating: K+
Pairing/s: past-Georgi Popovich/Anya
Once upon a time, there was a man named Georgi Popovich. Somehow, his story is trying to compete for the title of "Greatest Romantic Tragicomedy of All Time."
Alright, here we go, my late birthday fic for my stupid emo son! (Still can't believe they made his b-day the 26th.)
As I've mentioned in The Accursed Tale of Viktor Nikiforov, Georgi's oneshot is the literal side of the song "Fairytale" by Alexander Rybak (y'all should really watch his live performance of this seriously you won't regret that handsome man). Whereas I've waxed lyrical on the life that Viktor had to choose for the career he has taken, I've... uh... pretty much just did a short play on Georgi and the disaster that was his love life during the anime.
But no worries. Remember that woman he went on a date with in Ep. 10? :D
Cross-posted in: AO3 (don’t bother with the FFNet version because FFNet rejects songfics so I had to edit out this poetic fiction of mine there—but as if that’ll make me stop writing them because of the music industries’ logic)
Important Stuff to Note: 1) This is a song fic, in which I've closely followed the lyrics to portray Georgi's life. Which means you really should watch/listen to "Fairytale" by Alexander Rybak. (not just because it's the greatest song of 2009 what are talking about)
2) Envision the structure and flow of this fic as an AMV about Georgi. Makes better sense considering how short this is compared to Viktor's oneshot, right?
3) Those lines centered, bolded, and italicized all together are the lyrics... and other stuff. ;D
4) A lot of short flashbacks in here, too.
5) This is not my usual writing style, oh no. But nevertheless, hope you enjoy and appreciate this minimalist approach I did for this oneshot.
6) Did you listen to the song yet? :v
I'm in love with a fairytale
Part 2 of the Two Sides of a Fairytale series
Once upon a time, there was a little boy who dreamed of romance.
He dreamed so hard.
Like, really, so damn hard.
All his life.
Oh, god, this boy...
Years ago, when I was younger
I kinda liked a girl I knew
Georgi adjusted his collar for the fifteenth time, straightening the lapels as he stood in front of his floor-length mirror. Everything must be perfect today.
It was just another date with his beloved, most precious Anya—their 13th date, actually!—but everything must still be perfect.
Georgi Popovich wouldn’t settle for anything less when it came to his one true love.
She was mine and we were sweethearts
That was then, but then it’s true
Georgi’s jaw fell and so did the bouquet he bought on the way to his date.
His Anya—his precious, most beautiful Anya—was in the arms of an interloper!
This cannot bE—
He was about to hit the stranger where it really hurts, but then suddenly, his angelic Anya—
“Let go, you idiot!"
Three seconds on the leaf-covered ground later, Georgi looked up at his girlfriend with a flabbergasted look on his slapped face.
“A-Anya, my love, why are you—!”
“We’re through, Georgi.”
I’m in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts
Georgi stared at his fallen bouquet. It hadn’t been trampled in the wake of the chaos that happened in the last few minutes, but Anya might as well have trampled on them the same way she trampled on his tender heart.
‘Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind
I’m already cursed
Every day we started fighting
Every night, we fell in love
Groaning, Georgi crossed out Procedure Number 16 on his list. He looked back at the tabs of articles open on his laptop as he repositioned the ice pack on his head.
Surely there was a way to get Anya back? She couldn’t possibly be satisfied with that oaf!
There must be a way.
No one else could make me sadder
But no one else could lift me high above
“Anya, my love, I—!”
I don’t know what I was doing
When suddenly, we fell apart
“His theme is what?”
“Coach, don’t you think he’s getting way into this…?”
Georgi ignored the others as he repeated his routine on the rink. He knew they were all watching him and pitying him—largely because he’s been crying non-stop while practicing—but he won’t let their opinions get to him.
He’ll show that wretched woman!
Nowadays, I cannot find her
But when I do, we’ll get a brand new start
Georgi practiced with renewed vigor after hearing Yakov’s news. Viktor was gone! He was now the top skater they have and he has a shot at reaching the Grand Prix Finals!
Finally, he can show the world the fruits of his labor!
And he’ll get to rub his victory at stupid Anya’s face, too! Now she’ll regret dumping him!
I’m in love with a fairytale
The setting couldn’t be more perfect. Anya will also be competing here in China! What a marvelous way to display his intrinsically artistic program to the world!
Just she wait... He'll prove that those... those... stupid Instagram photos of her and him kissing don't mean a thing to him...!
Even though it hurts
I’ll hunt you to the ends of the earth, and I’ll find you! I will cast an eternal curse on you!
‘Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind
Never mind! I’ll save you with a kiss right now, my princess!
I’m already cursed
Never mind… I will… take a break for… now…
She’s a fairytale, yeah
Georgi watched as Mickey landed another flawless jump. There was so much more emotion in his performance now that it wasn’t hard to deduce what he was skating for.
The scene tugged at his cold heartstrings and he had to smother a sob.
He promised himself that his Free Skate at the Cup of China was the last time he’d cry for her.
Even though it hurts
“And you are…?”
“Georgi! Georgi Popovich! You looked beautiful out there, Anya!”
“… Why, thank you~!”
‘Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind
“Y-Yes! My treat!”
“Hm… Why not?”
I’m already cursed
“Will… Will you be my girlfriend?!”
“Georgi! I’m so sorry!”
Teal-colored eyes blinked into focus as a familiar blonde woman came running towards him. “Ekaterina, are you alright?!” he asked, standing up with hands outstretched, ready to steady her if she wasn’t.
Ekaterina sat down on the park bench with an exhausted huff and flashed him an apologetic smile. “I didn’t think… it would take me so long…”
“You didn’t really have to hurry so much… I could have waited,” said Georgi with concern as he sat back down. Try as he might, he was too busy guiltily reminiscing what happened a year ago at this very same park anyway.
But Ekaterina just waved him off with a chuckle. “But I didn’t want you to wait.” When she peered up at his face with those sparkling gray eyes of hers, Georgi couldn’t find it in himself to chastise her any further—not when she looks so happy.
Why was she looking so happy?
“Here…” She then passed the small box she had brought to him.
“Hm? What’s this?”
Georgi’s eyes widened when he found a variety of sumptuous-looking cupcakes inside. “Try one,” Ekaterina urged.
He chose a cream-colored one and took a bite. “Oh, wow, these are delicious, Ekaterina! Where’d you buy them?”
“… I made them…”
Georgi had to thump his chest to avoid choking, but when he finally calmed down, he looked at Ekaterina like she had revealed herself to be an angel.
“Y-You did?! Really?!”    
The blonde looked down at her lap, but she was glowing red with pride and joy. “W-Well, I… I didn’t want to not bring anything for you like last time so…”
Georgi blinked in confusion. “Oh, you didn’t have to. I mean, I’m fine without anythi—”
“But it’s our date and I wanna bake something for you!” she cut him off loudly—before turning even redder as she realized what she had just squeaked.
Georgi, on the other hand, tried to still his thundering heart and chant to himself that he ought to take this new relationship slow. Because… Because…
He glanced at the beautiful woman next to him, fiddling with her bag’s zipper as she avoided his adoring gaze. Because this time, I want her to want to stay with me.
But it seems… he won’t need to worry much about that, he thought in awe as he took another cupcake.
“Thank you, Ekaterina… They’re really good!”
“O-Oh! Y-You’re welcome!”
“I guess this means you’d make a great housewife, then!”
“Ack! Sorry! I-I… F-Forget I said anything!”
“N-No! It’s… It’s fine…”
“… Maybe I can make you some Stroganoff next time…”
“…! E-Ekaterina…!”
“Eh?! G-Georgi?! Are you alright?!”
… Crap, I’ve been cursed again.
The End. . . ?
Perhaps not.
But at least this little boy is still dreaming with all his heart.
Okay, so unlike the other oneshot, this doesn't need much explanation 'cause, well... it's literally the song itself.
We can say that Georgi's been in love the fairytale that is Anya herself, yes. But my preferred symbolism here is that Georgi's been in love with the idea of love and romance itself. Honestly, I actually believe that the situation with Anya with hadn't been the first one. (Perhaps he had a crush that didn't do so well back then) With this, the chorus makes so much more sense: that even though Georgi's been hurt, he just loves it and wants it so much--almost like he's cursed--that he doesn't mind trying again, even if it means he might get hurt again. In conclusion, my son is a gutsy risk-taker and I just love him so much. (which is why i sprinkled this with comedy because he just inspires my funny bone so much)
I've taken the liberty of calling that blonde woman in Ep. 10 "Ekaterina" as a placeholder name, and I've gone ahead and interpreted a possible persona for her. I already have so many headcanons for her... Crossing my fingers that she's finally The One in S2... >~<
Also, if we'll compare my two oneshots in this series, Viktor's is more about his whole life while Georgi's is just specifically about his love life. AND Disclaimer: Just because Viktor's is longer doesn't mean he's my fave between the two, okay? :v
I'm gonna go ahead and announce this: if I do oneshots about these two again, Georgi will have more because he hasn't gotten his happy-ever-after yet (while Viktor already has Yuuri in canon lol). Also, why did I try to compare them with this songfic series? When Georgi has enough trouble being in Viktor's shadow? Simple. Georgi is supposed to be Viktor's foil in their story. By exposing Viktor's flaws and "ordinariness", Georgi shines more as a likeable and relatable character. Either way, I just hope what I wrote made you guys root for him more.
Belated happy birthday, my stupid son. Easy with the romancing, alright? :v
And with that, Two Sides of a Fairytale is finished. :)
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