#I'm gonna redraw so much it doesn't even matter
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vynnyal · 5 months ago
Actually you know what, I'm gonna post this. Check it out, I'm fiddling with this PMV. Spoils the whole game ofc. And the name of the song is pure imagination by Fiona Apple!
Also I'm apparently a big fan of drawing moon laying down 😂 total count including scrapped drawings is 5 (technically 6)
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genericpuff · 8 months ago
From the standpoint of someone who doesn't even like LO that much. Reading through this gave me a strange sense of discomfort? I think. Something about the combination of the essays, and the digs at the author in a lot of posts, and making a community based on it, and the ranting. It made it feel a lot more group ragging on something than normal fandom re-writes. I can't help but want to say something on the subject (0/3)
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Gonna respond to all your asks together if that's okay, from what I can glean there's a word limit on mobile (?) so it makes it very interesting to see who's able to put all their thoughts into one big ask vs. who has to cut them up into parts 😆
So I can understand that discomfort, it's actually one that I also initially felt towards the community when I discovered it. Though even more so because when I found out about antiLO being a thing, I was still a MASSIVE fan of LO and my thought was "wow, these people are losers" LOL but then a lot of what they were saying resonated with me more as I realized the story was going nowhere (it was around the trial arc when Eris was revealed to be the 'reason' for Persephone's wrath).
All that said, I don't think I was wrong to feel off back then even though I don't feel that way now. We have our own takes and ways of approaching certain subjects, and how we feel is how we feel.
I will say that I can't, in any way, take credit for 'creating' the community. AntiLO pre-existed me by years and I was simply welcomed in as my opinions of the comic changed. I was a lot more involved in UnpopularLoreOlympus when it was born around the S2 finale of the comic. So... don't give me any sort of credit in 'owning' this community or anything of that sort, I came in during a period when criticism of the comic was becoming more common practice. I'm just also someone who's very verbose and loud in their opinions which appeals to a lot of people in this community, so I get why people might see me as some kind of "pillar" within it or like I'm the loudest person in the room, but I promise you that doesn't mean I have any sort of ownership over this part of the fandom or that I feel my opinions carry any more weight than the people around me. It's just a community, after all, not a religion.
It's true that saying I'm not making money off Rekindled doesn't mean I'm not benefiting off it in other ways. But the 'benefits' are still kinda... nothing? in the grand scheme of things? like okay great I have loads of people reading my stuff every update but like, this is still just Tumblr lmao none of this is real and as soon as Rekindled is over, I might be lucky to bring some of the readers over into my next project, but I doubt whatever I do next will get as popular as Rekindled was. All the "benefits" I get are virtually the same as what people writing fanfiction get on AO3 get or what people doing redraw videos on Youtube get. It's fake Internet points for making fan creations.
And that's okay, because that's sorta just the nature of fandom in general, throughout any niche community. People will be naturally drawn to what's familiar and what I do here appeals to the people who are familiar with LO and the criticisms of it, often people who agree with those criticisms. The Zelda community has LinkedUniverse, Pokemon has Hanamusa, Attack on Titan has communities that are dedicated to loving the anime, hating the anime, and even dunking on people who don't 'get' the anime, Undertale has every single crazy rewrite and rewrites-of-rewrites that have been spawned from its fanbase. Did you know there's an entire community of people who discuss and argue over fire alarms? I didn't, but when I found out about it, it was after listening to a video on Youtube discussing all the interconnected drama of the fire alarm community. Like that's wild and seems so stupid and pointless... but it matters to the people who are in it, and my opinion of how they operate isn't going to change how it makes them feel to be a part of that space. That's kinda just human nature, we create our own little microcosms of things to bond over so for people within those microcosms, any amount of disagreement or discomfort will feel massive in proportion.
I guess the point of what I'm trying to say is that a lot of this stuff feels crazy loud but it's really only that loud because it's occupying a single room.
The reality is that Rekindled is still a very niche project dedicated to a niche webtoon that's a part of a niche medium. As loud as it is within here, it's still only because it's such a closed community. Anyone outside of the Webtoons community has zero clue what it is. The 'attention' that I'm getting is still from other niche people who occupy a very specific interest.
And that's not even exclusive to Rekindled, despite Webtoons attempts to sell LO as a 'worldwide phenomenon', a lot of people don't know it exists and couldn't care less. Does that mean my rantings about the comic and its creator matter any less to me or the people who are interested in them? Not really. Is it all pointless? Maybe, but not everything really needs to have some bigger point. We're all kinda just here spending time talking about something we both love and can't stand. What I say about LO and do with Rekindled is undoubtedly inconsequential and pointless to people who aren't in the room. That's fine. That's why I keep it all in my own house. There are definitely people who talk about it outside of the home but that's far from what I can control.
That said, I think LO also does fall into a very unique category where it's very easy to do rewrites and redraws of it simply because it, in and of itself, is a rewrite. Rekindled is far from being the first "fix it" fic, not only of LO but also of any piece of media in general, it's not really a new phenomenon (but again, when it's loud, it can be easy to go "well clearly YOU had to influence this"). People are drawn to retelling LO or 'fixing' it because LO is based on Greek myth. If it weren't for that, no, I don't think people would be as interested in doing so. It's because we literally have a solid foundation of reference material - the myths and original poems - that we can go "hey, why did LO do this? it should have / could have been xyz". You can't really do that as much with a purely original work besides wish fulfillment of "what if xyz happened" because whatever an original piece of work winds up being is clearly what it was meant to be. We have nothing to compare it against.
But with LO, we know what it could have been because we know what it was trying to be since day 1 - a retelling of the Abduction of Persephone. That's not to say we always knew exactly what Rachel was planning on doing with it, but it's not hard to be disappointed when we see certain mythical stories being established in LO - such as the tale of Eros and Psyche, the Titanomachy, etc. - only to see them get dropped or completely mishandled.
On the one hand I could use HADES and Stray Gods as examples of popular media that don't get 'rewritten' the same way LO does because while they have their own unique interpretations of the myths they're based on, they still feel like properly thought out stories that appreciate the source material. LO, by comparison, feels like it's written by someone who hates Greek myth.
But on the other hand, those rewrites may absolutely exist and I'm just not aware of them because I don't occupy those rooms! The world is only as big as we perceive it to be.
That said, it's always sort of ironic to me when people say Rekindled is "riding off the coattails of LO" because while I can understand their sentiment - because obviously it's a direct re-creation of LO - that opinion seems to operating from the assumption that LO was ever not riding off Greek myth's coattails to begin with.
And no, I don't think my criticizing of LO on an LO-focused blog should in any way be conflated with "media isn't allowed to be bad". I've said this before and I'll say it again, I'm into loads of bad media. I'm also fully capable of enjoying a piece of media but also shit-talking it without actually feeling any sort of vitriol towards it. House M.D. is one of my favorite TV shows but goddamn some of the plots are just so dramatic and out-of-this-world that you can't help but laugh at them (and that's why we have spaces like /r/okaybuddyvicodin LOL). One of my favorite games growing up was Starfox Adventures because I had never played the original Starfox games but I had played loads of Zelda and Adventures was basically Zelda but with Starfox, and I know there are plenty of people who will go "but puff, that game is ass!" and I know! But I love it regardless.
With LO, it's not a matter of "bad media shouldn't exist!" it's a matter of observing what makes it so bad and why that's had a negative impact on both the audience it attracts (primarily teenagers and children) as well as the culture it's taking its ideas from. If LO was just some "so bad its good" webtoon that was easy to enjoy but also poke fun at, I would have zero issue. It's the fact that it's blatantly problematic in its writing and intentions but still hailed as the #1 webtoon on the platform (webtoons in and of themselves being a medium that I've lived in for over a decade so it's virtually impossible to get away from whatever is influencing the culture as a whole) while winning all these accolades for being "brilliantly written" and its creator is given a voice over Greek culture when she herself is not Greek or even well-read on Greek culture in any capacity - that's the issue and why I've spent so much time talking about LO. And if it wasn't me, it would be anyone else, because the problem has been around for ages and people have been trying to get the word out about it for years.
I don't necessarily think every 'fix it fic' is built equally. I think it's a case by case thing. A lot of people are deadass just doing it for fun and to be a part of a community, and I think that's wonderful. There are also people who try to do this but ultimately disrespect whatever the creator was going for by somehow implying that their own original ideas were inferior just by existing, or using their fix-it fics as a way to deliberately harass the original creators (ex. whatever the fuck 'art lore' is on TikTok, based on what I've seen it seems purely made for bullying budding artists and talking shit which is... gross af, but I don't think it's anywhere near the same as readers of LO calling out its highly successful award-winning creator for having zero clue what she's doing with her comic lmao). I don't think a blanket statement of "fix it fics are bad" accomplishes anything because it depends on a variety of factors like the person's intentions and what they're trying to accomplish. Many fanfictions in general could be called 'fix it fics' even if the creator 100% loved the source material with zero issue - because they're still saying "what if xyz happened instead"?
Me, personally? I'm someone who loves Greek myth and who used to adore LO. I was very discouraged and upset when I saw it turned into what it became, and I wanted to try my own hand at creating something new out of the rubble that could give me closure. It's what I choose to do with my time and other people seem to enjoy it as well. I'm sure there's loads to criticize and speculate on regarding my 'intentions' in creating it, but at the end of the day I'm sorta just doing what I want to do with my time because I have a lot of thoughts and ideas I need to get out of my head and many of them are thoughts and ideas that other people like reading about.
If you feel uncomfortable by the amount I talk about it here and the way I talk about it, that's fine. Those are your feelings. There are loads of other antiLO-themed blogs to read that might not give you that same vibe. Even I have certain icks towards certain opinions within the antiLO community, I've seen some people be genuinely shitty and I'm sure that's ironic to hear considering you're describing your own discomfort towards my stuff, but we all have different tolerances towards different things at the end of the day.
I do my part to keep things in my own house of a neighborhood that's really small in the grand scheme of things. It just feels like a big neighborhood if you don't travel. There will inevitably come a day where I'll pack my boxes and move elsewhere, talk about new things and write essays about other topics. That's obviously not today but I definitely don't want this to just be like, my entire identity or the rest of my life LOL it's just something I've chosen to spend my free time doing and I'm content with that. Maybe a year from now I'll feel differently, who knows? At the very least I'm hoping to one day finish Rekindled because no, I don't want this to actually be my identity for the rest of my life, change is a good thing LOL but what that change will bring is, for now, a mystery. Here's hoping wherever I end up at least brings its own uniquely good times like I've had here :' )
Sorry, that was a very long response with a lot of sorta aimless muddling over the topic at hand, but thank you for the opportunity to discuss it regardless ! because I do think it's important to find that 'grounding point' when it comes to stuff like this. because as much as I get riled up over LO, yeah, at the end of the day, it's just a dumb webtoon and I don't wanna go soiling myself over it LOL but I'm also just like... running a Tumblr blog with my personal thoughts and ideas, no more or no less. Even the "attention" I get is still only 200-400 notes per new episode of Rekindled, which pales in comparison to any real metrics of "success" imo LMAO again, it just feels loud because this is a niche community made up of a lot of the same names and faces; step outside of it and no one gives a shit LOL
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pjberribear · 10 months ago
Hello fellow folks! I don't know when there will be an actual new update for the "It Takes Two" AU I've made.
Yeah sure, there was that 3D model I made but that wasn't even an official thing. So, sense I've been kind of slow with updates, I'll tell you all some of the lore with the storyline. I'm still writing the story, some things might change later on.
I bet some of you guys were wondering why is Julie "Rose" in the AU. Of course, Julie haves a strong bond with both of them and It make sense why she's trying to help them love each other once again. Also, I seen some fans make little comics about how Eddie and Frank liked each other in the first place, Julie was the one who got them together in some cases. I wanted to add that into the story, that's why she's sad about them divorcing. Now that they are ending their relationship, Julie feels helpless by the fact that she didn't try to prevent this from happening. Plus, Julie feels like she was the cause of it. When Frank and Eddie argue, sometimes she over hears them and it sounds like they are indeed "blaming her." Julie wanted to run away and go back to her childhood home, she tried to leave cause the neighborhood brought back so many memories of her and them. Guilt ate her up inside so she left Frank and Eddie behind, hoping that they can solve it by themselves since she wasn't much of a help at all.
That's why I wanted to go with the "Alternate Ending" route, to show how Julie actually feels deep down inside. To show Frank and Eddie's hatred for each other, by making their anger into something that symbolizes an existing thing other than it just being an emotion.
Here's some reference images to go off of for my description I gave to you.
The creator that is made out of both of their anger.
(I'm gonna redraw it soon.)
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The whole level that surrounds Julies feelings and point of view.
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Song lyrics I thought matched her situation.
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I been having a bit of trouble with the ending for the story. I still want to do the "Alternate Ending" but then again, I want to do the original ending because it's too sweet to give it up. I'll just have to see about that. I was thinking about cutting out the original ending because some of the story elements doesn't really fit "Welcome Home" in general, I'm still sticking to the logic of "Welcome Home" while sticking with the story for "It Takes Two." The whole level with May finding back her passion with singing didn't quite work with Frank as a character. Sure he does sing, but I don't think it can be a passion of his. He also sings with the others too, so there's nothing really unique with that ability cause everyone does that in the neighborhood. I know that Julie, Frank and Eddie does gardening and that's something that is common in the area. But I think it can be their own thing that makes a difference for the rest of the cast, since they love doing it and they seem to be the only ones who does it.
Here's a video that covers the other ending for the storyline, if you're interested!
This is where these images came from.
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Anyways, this is a lot of typing so I'm done for now. Let me know your thoughts and opinions for the lore and story. There's much to cover for changes. I'll update this now and again, so if you want to ask a question for the storyline then my ask box is all open! I never get anything in there so it's open no matter what. If you want to know more about the other AU (DDLC) then you ask about that too.
I hope you have a great day! <3
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subzeroiceskater · 1 month ago
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Is this better or worse than what happened in 2021?
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Like that's a cute pic of Café, yes, yes somebody drew her, but I specifically asked if for just single characters I'd just like Tundra Man. That's it. That's not a single pic of Tundra Man. Am I asking too much. Am I being a dick?
Doesn't posting this early go against the spirit of the event? I don't know. Everything screams to me from somebody who can't follow simple instructions. Like, even the year is written wrong? It's like made and posted by someone who barely doesn't care about the what the rules say. Like one of the comments maybe she should post on Christmas and all she replies yeah maybe.
I don't know. Is this something worth bringing up to the mods?
No, wait, wait, I'm the one who can't read. She said there's at least another one and maybe that one will have Tundra? Fuck. I don't know. My stupid head's reeling right now.
I actually don't WANT to look like a dick, you know. I just don't want to be fucking hurt that badly again. It's why I tried to hard to keep my list simple. Like, okay, if you don't want to draw anything, just draw a simple Tundra pic. That's it. I don't want anyone to put their OC in the picture, don't bother telling anything about in the picture description or anywhere, and only tell one of their followers who asked 'who's that girl', that no I wanted some their OCs in there and thus signalling to their many followers something I never requested, never wanted, and fucking hurtful. It's not the presence of the OC, it's how little they seemed to care about my actual wishes. Like that's what fucking hurt me. Like who cares, dozens of other people liked/favorited/retweeted, what did some fuck's thoughts mattered.
You know what I just read the whole journal and it doesn't this kind of behavior (posting before Christmas) is basically against the rules, like at any point. Like, fine, talking to the mods is basically pointless unless I want to look like a biggest dick. God, it feels so against the spirit of the thing.
When I saw that she favorited my journal, I thought, uh, why would anyone favorite this thing unless they're the one who got me. And then I just panicked and thought, "yeah, the kind of person who lacked the self-awareness of this action is the kind who'd post something really thoughtless and without reading the rules/my list. They would bother wanting any more nuance because they can't pick up anyway." and I saw the pic, and I thought "Oh God I'm right," with a very, very simple straightforward list, I got someone who somehow found my words confusing, and that's where I am.
You know what I'm just gonna ignore this. I'm gonna finish up this dumb redraw but I've been trying to finish for days, log on DA, post my planned replies (which will look insane after this rant but I've planned this for days now), ignore everything else, every fucking thing happening, and just work on my own shit. If that's the only pic I get for whatever reason, that will be very fucking disappointing but hey, what can I expect for someone. Maybe this is a big fat stupid overreaction and there will that planned second thing on Christmas that actually read my list.
Like, come on, all I asked for is a simple Tundra pic. You can just draw him and I'd just thank you because that is what asked for and you cared enough to read through the list and make it. That's all I ever wanted, just to know someone actually isn't being absently thoughtless.
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hermitcatlongposts · 2 years ago
Sprite Animations
Hello! I'm here to talk about my sprite animations in my upcoming touhou-clone game.
This was even more overwhelming than portrait artworks. Because to animate is to draw even more when just drawing once overwhelms me. But here I am at the end of it.
Let's start from the easiest to hardest.
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Bellhead Monk was a smooth sailing because since long ago I always knew that all I needed was to just extend his arms and reverse. His main theme of attack is about expansion and shrinkage.
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Here's all 3 frames. I love how I briskly redrew the gray fur piece to deform instead of going the lazy route and just move only the arms and call it a day. I'm always afraid of sounding like a self-lusting narcissist, but it is very unexpected; the way even the smallest things I do as an artist make me feel proud of myself. Maybe I shouldn't be concerned about projecting the perfect humble gentleman image. Maybe creating art to make yourself happy is the point of life. Sorry, I got sidetracked.
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Next one is Buckethead Knight. He's harder but only because I shot myself in the foot by drawing the first frame without coming up with the animation idea. If I did know motion he would perform, I would've put the sword and the shield on a separate layer from the rest so I wouldn't have to awkwardly erase and redraw things.
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oh now that I look at it straight like this, it looks like a death animation, doesn't it. Well, he will anyways, tough luck.
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I cannot remember the reason why I put these two in one gif. They're not duo boss. For Flaskhead Alchemist and Lamphead Scientist I felt curious about utilizing particle effects and keep the actual animation frames as simple as I can because I'm suffering from skill issues.
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But even with that being said, this one's a bit of a step up because it's one more frame than previous two character.
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The spinning staff is separate sprite because it still spins on while the body animation stops at the last frame.
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Now, I could try the similar thing as Buckethead Knight and make a slashing (more like just swinging around) animation with only his one arm moving. But the time inevitably comes where I have to cut the "lazy and smart, haha" bullshit off. He moves all parts of his body so it's time to draw every frames from scratch. Ok, forget my big talk. I was joking. I'm still a piece of garbage. Due to the absolute requirement of outline thickness consistency, all these sprites are first drawn in 512x512 pixel canvas and then shrunk down to 128px inside the game engine for pixel per unit to camera size technical yada yada. But his long sword, or rather a bamboo stick couldn't fit inside the 512px canvas. What I should've done is to simply resize the canvas to 1024px and draw in the sword. But I was stupid and drew the sword in separate file and now it's kinda awkward relationship which slightly stops me from uploading his full resolution frames. But it doesn't really matter, you're only gonna see a very small 128px version in the game anyways. So here's a bunch of screenshots of the frames seen from the engine:
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And 3 frames of physics:
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Tho I didn't have the hutzpa to do it on the lower part.
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But can I gush a bit about the base frame. My expectations are constantly at absolute lowest and I always get happy when it actually turns out great. (subjective) I really hope it stays this way forever. God I hope it won't be the case in the future where after I practice art seriously it gets reversed and I always have too high expectations and live in a constant state of disappointment and hatred.
Thank you so much for bearing with me while I take on this overwhelming challenge. I'll go now and do less overwhelming but even more bulky task to the finish line. Until then, cheers!
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transsexula · 8 months ago
I was gonna leave this in the tags but holy shit. How is no one pointing out the blatant fucking lie in the original post:
The electoral college is NOT "unelected". We literally vote every four years for our representatives. They nominate those mfers. You can harass them for picking badly. That's literally their job. That's YOUR job as a voter.
The idea is that we vote for a person who sees our votes and votes accordingly. If they do not give their vote to the appropriate person, why the fuck would we elect them again?
I'm not saying that's how it actually works- we have billionaires, people can be swayed, bought, etc.
But holy fucking shit. Maybe instead of doing work for trump and telling people it's useless, we can stop lying about how our government works? Give real tangible options for change?
Do you know some states are trying to push for ranked choice voting? Did you know you can work within the system to change your life and those lives around you for the better? Did you know you can still do revolutionary action WHILE voting?
Also Clinton lost due to voter mapping. Only five defectors went to Trump. There was a difference of like 77 electoral college votes.
The problem isn't people in the general public "voting for nothing, because it doesn't matter at all"
The problem is how much power we have given to the electoral college. It's repeatedly allowing the election of mfers who redraw voting areas so Republicans can get more votes. It's continuing to not do SHIT and actively discouraging people from doing shit that will help even a tiny bit.
We just saw how local elections can mean life or death. Arizona has been battling old ass abortion laws and do you know who's been fighting it? Local dems. Who the state voted for. Someone they wanted and got who's doing their fucking job fighting archaic laws. Do you know what that means?
It means while they are doing that battle, the people that voted for them can continue to push for change in other ways- anywhere from campaigning (working within the system) to protesting, to taking action (working outside the system for change)
Anyways, the point is still there: even with all of the good points this post is making. It is still doing footwork for Republicans and fascists, who benefit in the long run from you not voting. This may not be the intention, but as we have seen repeatedly in history- it certainly works that way.
here's the thing: if you're not a member of the electoral college in the USA, it literally does not matter if you vote. electoral college members take the popular vote numbers, officially, as a *suggestion*, and they are full within their rights to vote against it (historically this was justified using the potential case of the ballots being collected just prior to some major event that would clearly invalidate a prior vote, such as a candidate being killed by another candidate). it literally only matters whether these unelected 538 people (unrelatedly, the USA has ~700 billionaires) vote for a given party. literally everyone in the country could vote for one candidate, but if those 538 people decided they didn't want to, they could just elect the other one, and it would be perfectly within the bounds of the US's constitution and so-called bourgeois 'democracy'.
Lenin said:
Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for the slave-owners.
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berrymoos · 2 years ago
📺 ▬ a picture, a stuffie, and maybe a paci
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❛ pairing — big sib!will & regressor!jonathan; mention of eddie at the end ❜
❛ summary — will is feeling kinda bummed. jonny doesn't like that. ❜
❛ disclosure/s — 573 words of very mild hurt/comfort ,, like it's so mild <3 also proofread twice by me so if there's any spelling / grammer mistakes im gonna cry /j
❛ a/n —I'M STILL WORKING ON THE EDDIE BLURB I POSTED LIKE A WEEK AGO I SWEAR, i just had an idea & acted accordingly. based off the post abt small jonathan trying to cheer will up when hes upset <3 ❜
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Will stares dejectedly at the drawing laying in front of him on his desk, one hand supporting his cheek while the other traces his eraser along lines that curved too weirdly and redrawing them half-heartedly. Erase. Redraw. Erase, redraw. Erase and redraw and erase and redraw and erase erase redraw redraw. Over, over, over again — and yet nothing looks right. Why does nothing look right? Does he need less lines? More color, maybe? Another piece of paper to start the fifth drawing of the evening that he may or may not end up getting rid of anyway?
"Wuh-wuh?" Jonathan mumbles.
Will turns his head away from his failing attempts at artwork to his brother, sitting on the floor just beside his chair. He shows a completed coloring page of a character of his — this go-round, it's Will the Wise casting a spell upon a dragon — with a sheepish yet proud smile peeking behind his orange pacifier.
"That looks great, Jonny." Will tries a smile, but it doesn't feel right. He turns back to his own drawing. Should his arm be above his head instead of in front of him...?
A soft whine meets his ears, and an ashamed feeling settles in.
"It really does look good, buddy, I promise." He knows he's doing a trashy job at babysitting, but his inconsistent lines and clashing colors disheartens him a lot more than usual. Usually, he'd make something work, but today ... today, it seems like nothing is, no matter what he tries. I'm just a mess.
The bottom of his shirt moves with a tug as Jonny whines louder — it's not very loud, but it still drags Will out of his head again. The drawing is set into his lap.
"Oh! Is this for me?"
Jonny nods. " 'ubba take!"
A genuine smile spreads across Will's face as he takes the drawing and hugs it to his chest. "Thank you, bub!"
The little guy beams, and as he crawls away, Will takes a moment to admire his gift. The clashing of purple and blue for the blast of magic ejecting out of the wand clash wonderfully, and the orange-red mixture for the fire spewing out of the dragon's mouth gives it such a realistic look. Oh, and the dragon itself! Another, lighter shade of purple for the scales paired with a cream underbelly...
Will glances at his paper, then back at Jonny's.
Could I make this a continuation of his?
He looks harder at his own, no hint of disdain but a spark of lost creativity. Maybe I can...
Tug tug.
Will turns to his little brother again. One hand holds up a small stuffed duck, and the other offers a pacifier. Another smile starts to rise, until he notices the pacifier in question is orange. The orange one that had been in his mouth is wet.
"Oh..." Will mumbles, willingly grabbing Ducky. "Is the ... paci for me, too?"
Behind his own new blue pacifier, Jonny grins, and Will can't say no to that. Oh, I hope that's water...
"Okay ... thank you." Reluctantly, Will pops the paci in his mouth, only to spit it out into his palm not even a second later, expression wrinkled. The wetness is not, in fact, water. "Jonny, you didn't wash this?"
While his little brother's tiny giggle makes it hard for him to stay grossed out, it also makes how much time he's been spending with Eddie very apparent.
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earnono · 5 months ago
I've seen posts about it back in 2019 in twt I think? Most of the artists I followed back then were drawing them craazyy. Then dropped after a year after and moved on to Genshin HAHA.
2. I can't remember but it might have been the Golden Deer/Redraw Reigan memes that actually piqued me.
or that one sylvix micecraft video.
or it could've been those sylvain dancing vids.
I've started playing around late 2020.
3.) Golden Deer! (Wanted to try BL but I was denying about how I was interested in Dimitri just because he was blone and blue eyes prince knight and older sis was going for BL first. So I went with GD😂)
4.) Either BL or GD. I just like theire dynamics.
5.) I think Azure Moon is my fave out of all of the routes. It felt personal (I've did every route except BL/AM actually. I've only watched it thru older sis's playthrough.)
6.) Byleth! I know it's dumb liking supposed insert characters but I've done that before sadly. (I still love you Allen😔)
I never even knew he existed because I never saw fanart of him till older sis started playing.
Byleth is a strong and seemingly perfect person but deeply cares for his friends and allies. He's a really dependable person and wants to help people. He indulges in his students' favorite hobbies and interests and I find that cute. The gap between his supposed cold and unemotional side and him basically learning how to interacting with everyone is cute. He likes to fish and every food you see in the game he loves them except for pickled food for some reasons, it's so cute. To me his special charm point is his cute ahoge, it's all part of his cute gap. I find everything about him cute. I'm not gonna deny it anymore😇
EDIT: I FORGOT TO MENTIONED, Byleth is so sweet that he asked Manuela to teach him in how to sing and act like in a play because he wants to show it to his papa jeralt. Jeralt mentioned he always wanted to go see a play with Sitri but never had the chance and doesn't have anymore reason to go to. Like uwahhhh😭
I find it cute that he looks like his mama than his papa and it was implied that no matter how much he tries, he told Alfred (Engage) that he can't grow much muscles like his papa😆
Fave moment in FEH is that Shez was trying to compete on who's the better mercanary lead and Byleth just instantly agreed that he's the better leader. Then proceeds to surprise Shez even more by eating huge platter of food😂
Other characters I like is Dimitri (hehe), Sylvain, Ashe, Claude, Hilda, Linhardt, M!Shez
7.) Ignatz! I used him alot when I played VW and also 3Hopes, lettimg him debuff enemies and do chipped damage. I think he's a chill guy who sees the world beautifully despite the war going on.
8.) Enlightened One and Great/High Lord because Byleth and Dimitri hehe.
Mortal Savant is cool. I think doing both sword and magic is cool, it reminds me of Tales.
9.) Sword and Tome
10.) I haven't played in a while so I can't remember. I'll edit once I remember.
11.) I haven't played in a while so I can't remember. I'll edit once I remember.
12.) Chasing Daybreak! This version of the music is my favorite (Right here)
13.) Fishing and eating. Just honestly running around the monastery. I don't get tired doing that even if it might break the joy stick lol.
14.) ClauHilda. I find them cute and 3hopes made me like them more hehe. I will get their pop up parade figurines soon huhu.
15.) I don't ship f/w or girl's love tbh. But I do like F!Shezleth (F!Shez x F!Byleth).
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Happy 5th anniversary to FE3H🥳🎉
Like the post and I'll answer the questions above hehe.
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