#I'm gonna get hate for this post but like idk pals
separatist-apologist · 2 months
TTPD at it's core is about the slow, miserable death of a life you've imagined with a man you desperately wanted to be the love of your life and then the rush of a toxic situationship with a man more in love with wasting your time and the idea of you than he is WITH you, while you project your hopes and fears onto him because you're terrified no one will ever truly love you.
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frociaggine · 3 months
8, 9, 10, 11, 13 abt John
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
tbh quite rarely! the highlight was when I wrote a Cancellable Fic and I woke up to my email inbox full of angry comments and I made a video montage set to twenty one pilots.
Please imagine being in the despair-filled depths of the first lockdown and waking up to THIS. Priorities, folks!
(cw I guess — don't watch this if you're sensitive to fandom harassment, I'm very very over it and I make fun of it, but it's probably a bit anxiety-inducing ig)
A more recent memorable one was a long rant about Alecto that I don't really remember in full but said something like "I bet you're one of those people who gets off to Joss Whedon's sad barefoot beaten-up women"
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
If we're talking TLT... this is sooooo hard but I'm gonna have to say Palamedes. Because he's a reasonably popular character that I mostly vibe with in specific ways, so when I check out Pal fics I never know if I'm going to love them or backclick right out.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
The Study of Doctor Sex because it's my least favourite of the short stories (& also I think the Sixth come out looking creepier than most of the fandom thinks)
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
IDK who counts as unpopular in my little lyctorfucking cave, so I'm gonna go with Silas. Teenage Pope! He never had a chance! He is THE ONLY person in the Canaan House group who looked at the Lyctoral process and said, undoubtedly and without even thinking about it "If God asked me to I'd say sorry God you're wrong." Can't wait for him to get back in AtN
13. Unpopular opinion about [John]?
This post I reblogged this morning says it better than I could, but in general I think fandom analysis doesn't engage enough with his identity as an indigenous man. I do have others :D but this is the most niche I think!
[salty asks list]
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breyito · 7 months
Batfamily Introduction- Matt Reeves universe
So...this is how I'd go about assembling the Batfamily in Reeves verse. I have (at least the movies about Jason) completely developed in my brain, but well, writing the scripts is a whole other issue. I could, but 2k fics are too much for me at the moment, so I thought I'd share this with the world, free some space in my brain, so to speak. Praying that someone out there, that has the actual pull to make this happen, reads this and maybe uses it a little. Mainly about Jason, because my poor boy deserves better, and an live action portrayal that is accurate and true to character, instead of the constant angst trainreck that is his life in the comics, for some reason.
The more detailed an idea is, the more doubts I have about it, idk. Dick's is less developed since pretty much everyone is familiar with him, so I kinda skipped him, sorry. And Damian...well, I don't know enough about him to write him much more than he is, and tbh, I'd like to do something with him and Jon more than anything else.
Here it goes!!! (Also, I'm just a fan, so please don't hate on this, yeah? If you don't like it, move on.)
Batman: Gravity / Gravitas/ Gravitational Pull
(Dick's origin story as Robin movie, Zucco,  Selina helps, Ace shows up, Zucco almost dies but D!R decides not to, little scenes with Batgirl (?),etc)
      •Robin the first*: Dick's solo movie when he's older, establishing the Titans (Babs, Roy, Donna, Joey(?)), Deathstroke as antagonist(?). He ends the movie as Nightwing (?).
Batman: Mind Games
(Jason as Robin origin story, Jason steals the Batmobile tires, B sends him to a home. Mad Hatter/ Dollmaker is buying kids from Ma Gunn's and Jay helps B & Gordon realize this and to put a stop to it, B ends up kidnapped and Nightwing isn't answering Agent A and Batgirl is holed up in the precinct with Gordon; so Jay dresses up as Robin and goes to try and stop the freak. He trips the rogue with his marbles and knocks him out, waiting until Batgirl/Nightwing come to free the hostages from the tech, keeping the conscious kids calm. Dick is surprised about Jay but not a dick about it. Bruce offers to adopt Jay, and says it's not necessary to be Robin too, but Dick Is all "unless you want to, little wing! I'm gonna teach you all the *best* moves B is too old to do!" Sue me, I want one happy Batfamily, ok? Ok).
      •Robin the second*: Jason's solo movie, Kid Devil Pen pal, Kyle(?), Rose(?), Gar(?) or the Titans say he's too little?; Catwoman/Ivy/Nocturna as mentors/aunts? Heist movie. Professor Pig/Toymaker as antagonist? He ends up saving the Titans/Batman despite the doubts about him.
Batman: "A death in the family"/[?]
(Garzonas/child trafficking ring; they butt heads about 'procedure' and 'too much violence'; Barbara is paralyzed; Jay looks for Haywood, she sells him out to Joker, Jason dies. A few months later, B gets called to deal with Flashpoint and finds out Flash is the reason Jay died ("Allen, you killed my son? You killed my SON!" "I'm sorry- Bruce, I'm-" "Effective immediately, Allen's tenure in the Justice League is terminated. Central City will be relegated to Wallace, if he's ready to take on the name." "Bruce!" "If he can not use his powers responsibly, he can not be trusted with them. Unless you want me to give you an antidote." "...you don't have one." "Are you willing to try me?" post-credit scene. Jay's hand breaking the ground of his grave post-post credit scene)
Batman: [?]/Bane of the City
(Tim as Robin Origin story. Broken back, Dick as Batman for a little while, they defeat Bane, Bruce heals a little bit, Barbara remakes herself as Oracle and saves their asses at a crucial moment, etc. Jason is alive and with the LoA, baby!Damián? post-credit scene.)
    •Robin the third*: Tim's solo movie, he finds Connor and goes against Lex? + Cassie and Bart, of course. Steph is introduced at the end (iconic brick-in-the-face moment).
Batman: Under the Red Hood/[?]
(RH takes over the Alley in a couple of weeks; steals the kryptonite and ruins deals for Black Mask; kills the leutenants of the mobs and gains control over them, etc. ("B, this guys is not out of control." "Dick?" "I'd say this guy is completely in control. Look at these! He hasn't killed a single innocent. Every one of these men and woman have charges for murder, rape, abuse, child pornography or molestation, human trafficking... and all of them got away with it or got the minimal sentence or had the charges dropped or the witnesses killed. They weren't casualities, they were targeted." "It doesn't matter, he's still killing people." "Yeah, bad people! The worst society has to offer." "Dick..." "Bruce, we have bigger problems than a man that keeps the civilians out of things, the children protected and only takes his rage on the worst of humanity.") Jason still attacks Tim at TT, but only to keep him out of the final confrontation -broken wrist, ankle and bruised ribs- ("No more dead Robins" is written in Jason's blood on the wall). Jason as RH reveal; B accepts Jay killing Joker -he turns around and gives him permission- but the damn clown blows up the building before he can and scapes even after RH shoots him a few times. Jason collapses in Bruce's arms, sobbing, terrified. B asks Jay to comes home and he does, to a heartfelt reunion. Jason apologizes to Tim, giving him the R he cut off the Robin suit in the case instead of the one he took in the Tower. Damian's existence bomb drop post-credit scene. One big happy Batfamily, see?).
    •Robin the fourth*: Steph's solo movie. She starts the movie as Spoiler, ends the movie as Robin but dead. Steph tries to stop her dad, meets R!Tim, they fall in love somewhere in the middle. R!Tim wants her as part of the Titans, she refuses cuz her mom doesn't know about Spoiler and she wants to stay in Gotham due to Cluemaster. Jack Drake forces Tim to give up Robin (Steph finds out his identity due to him screaming threats to Bruce) and Bruce offers R to her a few days later, she agrees. Tim doesn't like ir, but Steph is Tim's only contact with the Batfam, so he's ok-ish with it. Cluemaster realizes his daughter is Spoiler/the new Robin and sells the info to Sionis, hoping he'll get him out of prison (he thinks Black Mask will use it to find out who Batman is, not torture her to death, but still). B&Steph butt heads, some "you're too much like Jason" comments/classism thrown her way (Jason is in the LoA trying to convince Talia to give up Damian to B, btw) She starts a war between two gangs to stop them destroying her block/neighborhood's business and homes. BM kidnaps her then, and tries to torture the info of Batman and Red Hood (his bitter enemy) out of her. She holds out until N&B&RH rescue her, but too late. She "dies" then ("was I a good Robin?" "you were a great Robin"). (Post-credit scene is her waking up gasping in a hospital bed, her window shows a Savanna.)
Batman: Blood Son/ Blood Feud
(Damian gets to Gotham to witness the end tail of the gang war after Steph's death. Tim is back in the Manor, back as Robin (he put on the suit to stop the war and BM; since Jack is in a coma he doesn't care anymore), working with B & N & RH to clean things up. R almost kills BM by beating him, so RH puts a blade to the guy's throat and says he will kill him if Tim says the word. Tim, in the end, says no. RH then cuts through BM's spinal cord, leaving him paralyzed. ("As a compromise" he grins savagely at Batman, winking.) Damian tries to off Tim the moment they meet, but Tim is very on edge and puts him down quickly and brutally ("You want to be Robin, remplace Steph, with *those* skills? Ha! Give me a break/Pathetic.") Dick tries to explain how fragile Tim is at the moment, while Jason & Alfred try to make them bond by cooking together, and B makes them solve cold cases together (it turns into a competition, of course, but since it ends with Tim spending less Time on the field, B doesn't stop it). Jack dies after an attack at the hospital by Cap Boomerang; after the funeral he goes out as RR, to get revenge. Zsasz gets him first, since RR is out of it. Damian -who was following him, not worried- ends up saving Tim after Zsasz kidnaps him on BM's orders, as payback. He stalls Zsasz until the others get there and cuts off one of his arms while trying not to kill him. (I wanna add Killer Croc here somehow, he's hired but Damián either convinces him to leave or beats him by drugging him or something). While Tim is recovering in the hospital/cave he passes the R to him. (''You'll do a good job." "Tt, of course I will." "Just...maybe get a less sharp weapon?" "Because blunt force trauma is more elegant?" "Nop. It's usually less deadly, tho."))
The (*) means I have no idea for a tittle. I know I want it to be secuencial, like a series, because that's what they are lol.
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3416 · 4 months
man, is beefing about Max really the vibe, here? i respect your opinion on him, but idk pal. its fine if you don’t understand how toronto might feel about Domi, the Domi name. and its totally fine if you hate him for some shit he did on twitter a billion years ago but idk if the energy expended here is worth it.
fwiw i know he’s a really nice guy, maybe his opinions have changed, who knows. either way, i am here to just say i like him as a player - i was fucking stoked when he got traded to us. i’ve been keeping tabs on him since he got drafted up. i think the team likes his vibe, and i know keefe seems to, because he’s been steadily moving up the lines.
anyway, my two cents. 🫡 have a night!
am i the one making it my vibe? or are people starting one sided beef with me about something i very rarely comment on because they got offended? it's not like i'm filling up his tag with my dislike for him. i think i'm allowed my reasons for disliking him and i really don't talk about him or anyone i don't care about that much on this blog (ppl trying to beef with me BECAUSE i don't talk about him, lol). as far as sports shit talking goes, i definitely think i'm on the less aggressive side. it's abundantly clear what i'm stanning the leafs for and what my blog's about 99% of the time.
like... this is my blog. you all have blogs. you're allowed to like him, hate him, post about him, not post about him, whatever. i literally follow people who both like and dislike him... i just do not bother making or interacting with content about him, nor am i suddenly gonna start. i cannot control people getting upset about me poking fun at his lack of defense and dumb quotes from the media once in blue moon during a game on my own blog. truly, i don't know what you want from me or this whole situation. we all have felt our one sided beef on the internet before, but sending insulting anons and trying to stir shit instead of just being the bigger person you insinuate you are and muting or blocking is.... not my doing tonight!
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cheezekennith · 1 year
So uhhhhhh...welcome to my stupid blog!!!!
And i have a list of my ocs to you :)
Sam (my FNAF oc, and she is a human btw)
Hell madness (my first utau oc that is a Mary sue and a concept(
Akane (my toh/the owl house oc)
Medicine (my 2nd FNAF oc and she is an animatronic)
Willow (my welcome home parody oc)
Ludwig (my welcome home oc)
Yume-loid (my first utau oc)
Henry (my fourth fnaf oc that is a carrion crow)
Jerry (my third fnaf oc that is saw whet owl)
Phoenix (my fifth fnaf oc that is a great gray owl)
Bobby (my sixth fnaf oc and is a tanuki)
Ella (my seventh fnaf oc and is a fairy)
Heres my shitty info of me :
my name is ??? Or eli
my birthday is august 24
im a filipino
i am half catholic and christian
I do speak filipino a little bit but speaking english is kinda easy for me
my race is half filipino, half chinese and spainish
im from the philippines
my zodiac and chinese zodiac is virgo and rabbit
im a female
my height is 5'3 tall
and im a multifandom artist
and i am straight and pansexual (yes I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend)
And also I have mild autism
I support LGBTQIA+
stuff i like :
vocaloid and utauloid drawing
making utau covers
ghost and pals
animal crossing
DNI if :
NSFW watchers (cuz i really hate them and they are really gross)
p0rn blog
Dawko haters
Touhou fandom (the nsfw one not the regular ones)
Anti-LGBTQ+ and Anti-LGBTQAI+
Ghost and pals hater
art tracer and art stealer
Goanimate/vyond fan (the uttp ones not the regular ones)
Frans fans (plus do you know sans is older than frisk and also they are a child, that is Pro-Shipping and also pedophilia)
Vore and tickle, and inflation, kaa hypothesis, and DeviantArt k¡nk/F3t¡$h enjoyer
K¡nk/F3t¡$h blog
SSSniperwolf stan
Fandoms im not interested (but if you like this fandoms i will respect your opinion) :
barney and friends
disney (a little)
Ok Ko lets be heroes
Gacha life
Fandoms im up into :
dawko(youtube)/darkest desire
utauloid and vocaloid
splatoon 1,2 and 3
ghost and pals
animal crossing
sander sides
the owl house
Some fandoms I'm gonna get interested now :
Welcome home
FPE or fundamental paper education
Fandoms/commnities i left :
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
But some fandoms that I'm not interested in but I created an au :
but please do not block me but warning my post contains⚠
and swearing
and bleeding
and only minors are in this blog but...... no 17+ accounts allowed cuz its disgusting but if your a 17+ account i will report you
Art trade : closed (but no fetish and nsfw because i hate it)
And plus I have bad spelling tho💀
And also I'm a dawktrap simp cuz ye cuz I like this dude cuz idk I'm simping on him.... *Dies of cringe*
Main account : @cheezekennith
Alt account : @cheezeyidiot-1000
Putting *character* in places blog : @putting-oliver-in-places
My multifandom ask blog :
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credit to @sweetpeauserboxes, and this pinned post was inspired by @eminsunnytoons123
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noahrmal · 5 months
hi everyone! i'm kat (she/her) and this is my messy son noah (but honestly, everyone in this rp is gonna be messy as hell lbr)
some brief stuff under the cut but tbh the most info is in his extremely casual bio and very basic barebones stats page. i do have some baaaaasic plot ideas below as well though i prefer messaging to plot especially when the muse is this messy 🤪
edit: i have a more specific plot ideas post here c:
as for messaging, i prefer disco/rd (thegongoozler over there) but i can be persuaded to use tumblr ims if needed!
brief tldr
noah was born in australia, and lived there until he was about 9. mostly raised by his mother, barely knew his father (running business in seoul)
his parents were technically married but basically separated
(tw: car accident, death) well, his mom dies in a car accident when he's 9 and that's when things begin to go wrong
he had to move to seoul to live with his father since he was a child... and this man is basically a stranger to him
thankfully he does speak korean so he isn't hopelessly lost but still
in early schooling (like i'm thinking ages 9-12) he was mostly quiet, lonely, sad.
something changes when he hits high school and he's suddenly a wild child (attention starved)
noah is muse f in subplot 3--so he's one of Those Boys......
tbh i just think he's so excited to have people who care about him in his life that he's willing to do anything for their approval
so he does some not so good things (bullies, cheats, lies)
he was also frequently known for hosting insane parties in his father's home when he was on business trips
and also taking his dads car for joyrides with his friends... etcetera etcetera
noah's big Plot Secret in his app is that his dad bribes/pays off an underage dui he gets on one of these Joy Rides. very few if any people know about this whole thing
anyway, at present, he's finishing a business degree at university (he hates it)
plot ideas
idk i think it'd be fun if one of his friends was in the car when he got the dui and they were sworn to secrecy
someone who was on the receiving end of noah's meanness in high school... he's not like that anymore but also he's too much of a coward to face the consequences of his past actions
someone who desperately wanted in on the subplot 3 trio? maybe they were treated nicely, maybe they weren't
i also just think that noah was probably a lot nicer when he was alone/separated from The Boys in high school--someone who didn't understand why he was suddenly an asshole when with his pals? peer pressure is a hell of a drug
obligatory section for ex friends. ex flings. ex partners, fwb, etc etc etc!!
idk please plot w/ me, this isn't my normal kind of muse so i'm sure a lot of it is going to happen in one on one discussion!!!
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checkthebox · 1 year
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Doodle dump, I don't have anything to post rn
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uhhhhI can't remember the context
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I got my grand ol' buddy o'd pal into mtl and we made fan characters, thought I was gonna use him for like one thing but I like his eyes enough so maybe idk, background character
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Something about all my LMMS files being labeled very similarly, although I like how I can count the amount of times I've been sick
I could've just screenshotted it, I wasted like 8 minutes
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This one I madeuhhhhh,,, beginning of the year I think, idk I'm not getting up to check the date
err is so tall here
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high res version of; I just got really confused idk how to write that sentence
This was gonna be a chart of like, everything.
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This one is like 6 months old now?? i don't remember what I typed, anduhhh I should make more quip collages
thunder brush
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I was playing alot of Stardew Valley for a bit, and I hated when I forgot I had an item in hand and I go to talk to someone AND I GIVE IT TO THEM ON ACCIDENT uhhhhh yeah
#1 Shane hater, haven't played it since.
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penguin--person · 1 year
Surprise ask 🔫
Share your favorite picture of a cat you've taken recently
Share something about Czech language that doesn't occur in English/something that doesn't have an equivalent/etc
AH!! SCARY!!! gonna put it all under the cut as to not flood peoples dashes:3
hmm ... kitty, huh.... i dont know if i know a beast like that:/ is that some kinda alien kinda creature? ive never heard of it so idk. but check out this weirdo
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. i know i've already posted this but. she rlly was so sweet to come up and cuddle!! she NEVER jumps on my stomach!! DISLIKES being held!!! so her coming to cuddle when i was in tears . made me cry further!! n she was so kind . so nice. shes just a little kitty dude. though i sitll dont know what a 'kitty' even is. are you prnaking me??:(
mm . theres a lot of stuff like that, But i'm gonna share with you two dumbfuckeries that i hate!! first is!. i Think its called declension? its fucking stupid. its. the word changes based on the context of the sentence. there are seven declensions. theyre "Who, what? without Who, what? To who, what? i see who, what? to call out to who, what? about who, what? with who, what?" this all sounds simple, yea? it is! until you get a sentence like. fucking. god. i dont remember the exact wording but it was like "He saw a tree in a painting". so you'd think the 'tree' will be a fucking. the first declension, yea? "who, what?" because its "where is who, what?" yea? so its gonna be the fucking declension?? you agree with me?? good. well my czech teacher somehow fucking. it was an adjective so fuck me i guess. it WASNT!!!! a fucking adjective!!!
and then the other is fucking. each noun (and adjectives too but those are easy, theerse only two) has a 'model', which depends on its 'gender'. theres three groups, each have four basic models and then the masc gender is just a huge fuck up. theres 'alive' and 'nonalive' models, theres EXTRA models that just!! its!!:( Im sorry you came here to learn something new and im simply complaining. im gonna give you a true fun fact
a thing that you can do in czech is build up on words! you can add a milion sufixes and prefixes and then a thousand Other things that i dont know the terms of. so. the longest czech word is nejneobhospodařovávatelnějšími. haha jk i lied they can get longer, nejzdevětadevadesáteronásobitelnějšími. maybe even longer i dont know. this is fun! this makes it so that each of my cats has a thousand nicknames:3 gonna list out fousek's for you
fousek - fous, fousánek, fousínek, fousáč, fousín, fufík, foufík, fufán, fufínek, fousáček n possibly more that i might be forgetting! dolochovs are. theres way more of them . arthur has the least ,he has like, "artur, arturínek, arťounek, arturák" are the main ones i use! theres More possibilites for diminutives of his name but. tbh i dont like them hehe its My cat and I get to choose his diminutives!!!)
infinite diminuties..
mm . damien . damík , damánek, damoušek, damínek, damča, damoun, damák, damín . i'd call you komín hehe .. u can look up domonik diminutives and replace the o's with a and í/i/á/a i think?
love u dude!!!! have a photo of saffie, a cat that Is mine and Only mind and dont let anyone tell you otherwise shes Mine and Mine alone and Dnot get suspicious shes Mine i acquired her Legally shes My cat ok shes Not my pal theos no shes Not stop Talking shes Mine shes My cat shes a Baby
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louise-verneuil · 1 year
the day y'all share your sources with me will be the day hell freezes over, honestly. where are all those interviews? share a link, pal? // the day you realize stating facts isn’t “hate” will be the day hell freezes over. Here are the sources and links, pal. Most of them posted by yourself. Don’t you read her interviews or what you post? You posted that screenshot of Amanda’s post yourself. You must be new and don’t remember the days Louise blocked people who commented about her real name being Pauline and being from the south. I guess you just have to accept that sometimes some people’s lives and personalities aren’t as shiny and cool as you want it to be. You have to accept that you can like someone’s work but still admit they’re not who you expect them to be. I don’t hate Louise, I enjoy listening to some of her songs because they can be quite enjoyable, but I’m also aware of that side of her that you and her so called fans keep denying. Not gonna get started on so many other aspects of her and her life cause you clearly don’t like to reason and don’t even bother remembering what she said in her interviews, asking me to share links as if I’ve made stuff up and now I’m gonna fail providing you with sources. Again, this is not “hate”, just facts & things that exist. Such is life, pal.
"Beware, I talk a lot!”
"I am an extroverted person, extravagant but with flaws"
"I am very extroverted when it comes to singing"
“How much we love to talk” comment on Amanda’s post
thank you, wasn't that hard now, was it? nobody said you made shit up, i was asking for sources? i have a life of my own, i don't have the goddamn time to memorize every single thing i post & read -- especially when it's an interview from 2-3 years ago; no matter how much i like someone or not. i'm not that obsessed. i still think that being shy in some areas doesn't mean that a person can't talk a lot or be extroverted in other aspects (especially when around people she knows/is comfortable with, like amanda). she's been saying she's shy in some form or other for the last ten years now. that same interview (beware) where she says she's 'extroverted' is also the same one where she says she felt shy about performing her songs/lyrics on stage. there's literally an article from her 'the voice' days (2012) where it's said her legal name is pauline, she's answered questions about it in interviews, it has never been a secret (that same quote that started this whole discussion is literally about her creating the 'character' of 'louise verneuil'). idk what some of you guys' issue is with her using a stage name. are y'all all in lana del rey's & lady gaga's comments like this as well? are you reminding elton john every five minutes that his birth name is reginald? she's also talked about being from the south. maybe it's the tone in which you guys leave these comments that makes her block you? like why are you so pressed about this? who cares? she's not a criminal for creating a stage persona (so many artists do) or giving different answers/changing over the years. i could've sworn many years ago harry styles either said he'd never go solo or go into acting (one of the two or maybe both) & look at him now. are you calling harry styles out for his answers as well (now i'm not a fan nor do i go on his fan pages, but i'm very positive that no one is leaving asks about how his answers have changed over the years). & if she wants to block someone then that's her right, it's her account. she hasn't hurt anyone with her name or saying she's actually multi-faceted & has more than one characteristic. why does this bother you so much? why are you letting her have such an affect on you?
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starleska · 2 years
i am so sorry you're getting these anons star😭 idk why they think it's an okay thing to say to someone, especially an enjoyer of said character! i agree with what you said, i think it's awesome that every character no matter how different has at least someone thirsting after them, and it's honestly bizarre that that bothers people so much to the point they send these kinds of things
anon, if you don't agree with a post like that, then it's not for you! just move on, it's okay lol
aw hey it's okay!! thank you for the support lovely anon 🥰💖 don't worry - the more i think about it, the more i reckon it wasn't meant to be malicious but still, it's better to express discomfort and set your boundaries, right?
hell yeah!! open call for anyone to just send over an ask with whatever weird ass character they're in love with right now, it makes me so happy 💖💖 my pals wife everyone from a Looney Tunes protag, to a character from the Cars universe, to an obscure Muppet, and i love it. i also adore being assigned characters to check out! i've had people come in here recommending everyone from the sweaty moletaur from Centaurworld, Comfortable Doug (and they were correct, i adore him) to Blendin Blandin from Gravity Falls (who is admittedly very cute and could well be the subject of a future fixation). it's fun!!
well said 👏👏 in fact, every time i receive anon hate from now on i'm just gonna go spend half an hour looking up content for my weird fictional loves. self-care babey 🔥🔥
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bibookmerm · 7 months
content notes: long post, personal life, strained family relationships, bad choices?? (neglecting self care, seeing people that are bad for me), thanksgiving, but positive stuff at the end.
Life update!
I've been ill all month, still not recovered because I am working despite my illness. (first of the "bad choices"). So, that's fun. I tried to chill and drink tea today. I've had a week off because my workplaces are closed on thanksgiving day, I get 1 designated weekend off which was last weekend, second job slashed hours, and it just lined up that way. At least for this little break, I've done pretty good with the house cleaning goals I set, but not overdoing it. That's something!
I am trying to emotionally prepare myself for thanksgiving day. Going to visit the extended family. Every time I see my family, I feel stressed, sad, and hurt. I'm really on edge the whole time, then I come home exhausted and I fall apart. Or go numb. So seeing them is the second of the "bad choices." But this year, my wife and I are driving ourselves, so we can leave when we want to. Yay agency!
I'd really like to find a way forward navigating family pressures and obligations and all of my feelings on it with a professional. I liked my past therapist a lot, but I thought her advice about family was...incomplete, and didn't quite fit my situation. I'm hoping to feel comfortable plainly saying when I'd like to look at other options or from a new angle, with my next therapist. But for now, I am going to "celebrate" the holiday I loathe with the people who do not understand me, again. I'm going to try to be kind to myself throughout the day and afterward, even though going at all is not very kind to myself. My friend said his house is open for people to hang out on thursday, so I think going there instead of straight home will cheer me up.
Idk, I posted about my cousin's wedding back in July, and being the only queer there without my wife and no one to even acknowledge how hard it was on me, how disconnected I felt, was part of what made it suck so bad. I am going to reach out to folks this time instead of keeping it in.
So yeah, this time of year is rough. I generally feel I have to trudge through a bunch of stuff I hate when all I want to do is curl up and hibernate until February. I am at least Making Good Choices in small ways. Hydrating, eating, folding the laundry, going for walks, reaching out to friends. Listening to sad music but not ONLY listening to sad music and shutting the world out. It's a process! I think I am staying more, um, recovery minded than backsliding? Overall. Mental health wise. I'm really trying!
Also, this is very obvious but when transphobia gets you down, listening to music by trans artists helps 1000%. It's so healing. I'm gonna have my playlist at the ready.
I have some creative project ideas cooking. Still working on that one story I mentioned a while back! The multiverse one. I'm learning more about the inciting incident in the story and I like how it's developing.
I also made some preliminary sketches tonight for a zine I want to make. Just a cute little fan zine. I have a lot of zine making pals but this will be my first one!
Also! Today I just heard back about the date for session 0 for a TTRPG with cool new friends. I can't wait to try roleplaying again. I'm gonna look into the mechanics of the system before then so I don't feel lost and I can focus on having fun.
Also, after all the thanksgiving day nonsense...on Saturday, I get to see my amazing friend who is visiting from the other side of the country. They're having a party which I'm sure will be amazing. And next tuesday my friends and I are going to the movies. So. thursday is one crummy day, I will survive it, and there is the warmth of friendship on the other side. I got this. Have a great evening, y'all.
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mostlymaudlin · 3 years
writer tag game wooooo
thanks @palimpsessed and @captain-aralias for the tags!!
a few tags.. @urban-sith @snowybank @tea-brigade @seducing-a-vampire @xivz @facewithoutheart @unseelieseelie @motherscarf @stillmadaboutpetra but as always i love reading these so lie and say i tagged u if u wanna do it!!
How many works do you have on AO3? 17, 15 of which are for simon snow series What’s your total AO3 word count? 97,953 How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? ive published for three! simon snow, check please, and one direction. ive also written some steve/bucky that never went anywhere. What are your top five fics by kudos? In black ink my love may still shine bright Want to mark you up (e-rated part two to "In black ink.."!) Nothing Equals the Splendor a bully and a snob and a complete arsehole Light Me Up
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to but if too many come in at a time i get overwhelmed haha. that's only happened a few times tho, toward the end of my multi-chap when people were subscribed and ready. i love replying to comments bc i write a lot more than i post — if something makes it to ao3, that means i really like the story! and if people want to talk to me about it, that's like.. the best thing ever.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i was gonna be like "oh i always give them a happy ending" but then ao3 told me — that's not true! Yellow was a lil deleted scene thing i did abt simon buying his yellow breakup stationery, so obviously the ending is big owie. and my humdrum fic, Hunger of the Shadow... i mean its a humdrum fic lol. idk which is angstier, its different types i guess.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i got a comment that bothered me once that was like sort of judgmental abt a bit of my plot, and they were like "you should have done __ instead." and i was like ummmmmm... but not HATE i suppose.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i wrote smut on my own once (Want to mark you up). i mostly wrote this one to capitalize on the horny momentum of In black ink my love may still shine bright, in which simon and baz go out to a bar, etc. also i wanted to make a joke about lamb hahahah.
then i did a few smut pieces with some pals via Frantic Fanfic. One of them, A for Effort, is actually technically my second most-kudos-ed fic, but it didn't feel right to claim it because Kay (xivz) did the heavy lifting on that one!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Just the Frantic Fanfic stuff!
What’s your all time favorite ship?
i wanna say snowbaz because im elbow-deep in it right now, but i don't know! i've definitely written most for snowbaz, but i think that's just because i'm more confident of a writer now than i was in my other fandoms. i think ill always be a slut for a certain 1d ship that really embarrasses me but i like..... can't get over it lmfao. also steve/bucky comes back to haunt me quite often
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
i have a lot of wips that im determined to do, but it might be a while. i have one wip that is heavily rooted in a new england summer setting that i recently moved to my Graveyard folder on google drive because i was like... i don't think i can write this as well now that summer's over. the first sentence in that doc (which is entirely scrambled outline) is "this fic should smell like sunscreen." i will probably revisit next summer if im still around because im super invested in it. it's a childhood friends>rivals>friends>lovers with copious new englandisms, ghost hunting, simpard, explorations of guilt that are like super catholic (again: hello new england), queer identity stuff. i think shepard is a trans dude in that one too which was fun. idk!! this answer got long. it makes me more certain i will return to it lol.
What are your writing strengths?
hmmm probably like - earnest descriptions of emotion? like, if the character is going through something, im going to take you through allll the stages. i personally think im funny, which is what matters to me as my own reader lmfao. and i think i like to break them out of the usual settings and plotlines! i really like setting as a literary tool, thinking abt the obstacles that come wherever your characters are. im in the ideas stage of a road trip fic and i think that's going to be a really good way for me to flex there.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes dialogue, sometimes not. Elaborate plots that can't be tied to character development. I've said this before, but I find my writing to be quite plain in terms of syntax/word choice/etc... this is usually fine but sometimes my writing can get very like "action, thought, action, though, action, dialogue." idk. i dont know that i have a word for this, am open to suggestions.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
i can only write in english!
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
one direction lol
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
pshhhhh....... i like really love everything ive published for the simon snow series so idk. im most emotionally invested in my multichap, Nothing Equals the Splendor. But also i had the most fun writing both Jump Up, Chosen One! (where they get stuck in a mario game lmfao) and Light Me Up (my stoner fic). theyre all my favorites for different reasons lmfao.
if you read this whole thing i love u. i put the read more cut in at the top and then i was like 'i can wax on as long as i want now" hahaha. i love talking abt writing and idc if it makes me self-absorbed i love my fics 😂
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mariaiscrafting · 3 years
ahhhh ty ty ty <3
ok, so I think that what makes Dream act this way (iykyk) is how dreamwastaken became so big so quickly. and by quick I mean fucking lightning speed.
he didn't have enough time to learn enough about cc etiquette, especially in these three aspects: influence, boundaries and fanbase/stans/whatever you call it. I'll try to explain it:
• Influence: Does he know the influence he has? Like, when he hears that he is the myct with the largest fanbase, does he really process that? I remember he talked about not being able to control all of his fanbase and there's bad apples everywhere -- which is true, and that only like 1% of his fanbase breaks his boundaries (that include sending hate for him, harassing, doxing, etc. yk, basic twitter culture lol) but, honey, with your big ass fanbase, 1% is still a lot of people. As a content creator you *have* to be aware of that.
let's take the hbomb situation. First off, as a streamer, it's you that set the mood of the stream. Even if he was only messing around with his pals, even if they did say to do not send hate to hbomb, dt dunking on him created a toxic environment, which caused his fans being toxic towards hbomb and you know what happens next. Hell, when this happened, I was watching Tapl and he was watching them and he was crying laughing over them screaming bc they were just. so loud and so aggressive that it was kinda ??? Sirs, this is literally a Minecraft Stream lmaooo
my point is, that was not the road that dreamwastaken, 21M fans, should've taken. he don't condone his fans actions but he knows his fans are diehard and will always be on his side, he should be more careful before stating negative opinions, especially if its towards another person.
• Boundaries and Fanbase: He posted a list of his boundaries a while ago, idk if you know or seen it (btw please george copy your bestie for the love of god <3) but I'm not talking about those boundaries, I'm talking about the basic boundaries between cc and viewer. boundaries that, in my opinion, should exist between cc and viewer. I get that Dream is an open person, an oversharing type of open person if I may add, but I think he should take a step back regardless. When I heard that he was taking a time from twitter, I genuinely got so glad, not because he couldn't start any drama then, but because it would do so so good for his mental health. I'm not even that fond of him, it's just that for me, any cc taking a break or outright leaving twitter is a win for me. I know how RSD is hard to deal and honestly letting shit out it's better but dream you have dt you have bbh so please don't make things worse online 😭 I know how good can be to feel validation from millions of people but. it's not a good idea, especially in the state that his fanbase is on rn (this topic is kinda sensitive to talk abt for me bc people be outright ableist and hide it as criticism like. say that shit's not helping his reputation and whatever without acting like he's fucking. manipulating his fanbase for being affected by his rsd💀 or, on the other hand, don't say that hes just being adhd🤪 when he's just being an asshole like damn that's a Him thing bro lol)
(omg it's so big I'm so sorry and theres a part two I'm so sorry tumblr user messed-up-gal ToT) - morango 1/2
pt. 2:
Dream is the proof that the people who loves you can be your downfall. istg. Have you noticed that every drama that Dream enters, people usually get more mad abt how his fanbase reacts (85% they'll react in a bad way) than Dream himself? it's not always, but its definitely more likely. I'm not saying Dream is saint, he Is petty and his ego does him dirty and made him choke multiple times before,, But! i dont think hes a bad guy. he's literally just a dude. ok, he's a 21yr old white gamer man that has a trumpie past (maybe?? idk. I think hes cured now ig lol) so he's bound to do some shitty things but he still tries to get better and hopefully he'll mature. 21 is old enough but it's still so young, yk? I kind of lost my mind during the end and my eyes are literally begging to be closed so tl;dr: Its gonna be hard for him to become a better cc bc his fans don't let him be criticized (by infantilizing his adhd symptoms or the mob mentality as soon as someone says anything abt him), the honest criticism get lost between lies from antis that don't know shit, he still has a lot of growing up to do and overall he became famous too fast and he needs to learn things even faster bc as soon as there's not a single one dream hater on sight they'll turn their back and attack him instead lmao I hate twitter i definitely have more to say but I'm tired and my memory is shit. just-- hate dream if you want, love dream if you want, nobody is obligated to have an opinion but I wanted to express mine. have a lovely day! -morango 2/2
Aight, there's a lot to unpack here, so Imma try to only go into the points I have something to add to (here's what I talk about in each paragraph, if you want to jump to a specific point):
Speed of Dream's rise to fame
The "bad apples" in the Dream fanbase
Post-MCC HBomb stream
Not condoning versus actually condemning his fans
Manipulation & RSD
Criticism of Dream, his fanbase, and his brand
The “just a dude” argument, flipped
First, I agree that one of the many factors that has resulted in the current image Dream has set up for himself, the way his fanbase functions, the ways people hate on him, and the way the Dream brand functions, is the speed of his rise to fame. It's unique, and there are probably a hundred social/psychological angles that could be used to examine the exact effects of that speed upon all of these facets of the Dream Name; did rapid fame beget the rapid rise of unrighteous hatred, did those waves of hatred then instigate the rise of a surprisingly overdefensive fanbase, did that rapid fame get to his head and/or result in an inability to appropriately handle all the after-effects of rapid fame, etc.? That point you bring up, about how the speed of his rise to fame requires him to learn even more quickly, is so interesting to me. I think that maybe Dream expected to get pretty famous pretty quickly, hence the preparedness in regards to some mechanics of influencer fame- merchandise, business-building, networking, knowing how to manage his fanbase to best benefit him. But I don't think he expected to get this famous this quickly. This is all speculation of course, as are this entire post and your ask, but I think that he just couldn't anticipate having to learn how to handle enmasse controversy, waves of antis, or every Youtuber speculating/knowing about him; and yeah, that results in him having to learn all of these things very quickly, lest he allow his whole brand and fandom to fall apart.
Second, I disagree with the frequent argument that Dream's fanbase is only marginally toxic. Personally, I think that the circumstances of Dream's fame, his personality and management of his fanbase, and his brand of content have resulted in the very specific kind of stan that Dream stans are. I don't think this is simply a case of "all fandoms have a small percentage of assholes who take it too far;" rather, the nature of the community itself breeds the kind of mentality of "an asshole who takes it too far." I only even know this because I was a Dream fan (kinda a stan, I'm ngl). At one time, I watched every single Dreamwastaken & Dream Team video multiple times; I listened to the Manhunts on repeat, as though they were podcasts; I followed mostly smiletwt and dttwt accounts on mcyttwt; I had upwards of 10 tabs for AO3 DNF fics open on my phone at a time; I watched DNF and Dream Team Being A Family-esque compilations on repeat; I watched every George and Sapnap alt stream I possibly could; I went out of my way to defend Dream against Redditors and Twitter antis regarding the cheating scandal. For the latter half of 2020, and a couple months of 2021, I lived and breathed this part of the fandom; so when I say that Dream stans are a whole other breed than any other kind of mcyttwt stan, I say that because I used to be like that, too. I usually use parasocial very loosely or ironically, but Dream stans are genuinely one of the most parasocial fanbases I have ever seen or been a part of. The level of investment Dream stans have in this man's life, the lengths they will go to to defend him, the amount of psychonalysis and digging they do on his life and character, the amount of emotion he can evoke in them- it's taken to another level, man. This isn't just characteristic of a fraction of his fanbase; this is what the fanbase is like as a whole.
Third, I partially disagree with your take on the HBomb thing, but not in the way one might think? I actually empathize with the way they reacted much more than I thought I would, simply because I suspect I have RSD (also suspect I have ADHD, have for several months now) and I can see myself getting insanely frustrated because of something like that. Like yeah, it was "just a MC stream" or "just an MC game," but that's kinda disregarding the fact that something that might seem like "just a [insert inconsequential thing]" to a rational mind might have a major emotional consequence/take a major emotional toll on someone with RSD, or really anyone who gets easily impatient/angry about video games (Sapnap reminds me of many of my friends, in that way). The issues I, personally, had with the way they handled the HBomb situation is that these are simply explanations and reasons for my empathy; they are not excuses. I have no excuse when I get irrationally angry about something inconsequential in my own life, for a couple of reasons. One, because I am an adult and I need to learn how to handle my reactions and manage my own anger. Two, because as someone with many mental problems, it is my responsibility to learn coping mechanisms to ensure my own emotional stability and livelihood; this includes learning whatever I need to handle RSD- whether that be isolating myself from others when I know I will become violently/passionately angry about something, creating and sustaining a support system that can get me through bouts of extreme emotion, finding healthy emotional outlets for my negative emotions that won't harm myself or others, or a combination thereof. I don't think what they said about HBomb post-MCC was an irreversibly horrible thing, or anything. I think there were errors committed by two men who should be fully capable of foreseeing and preventing those errors, but I don't unconditionally hate Dream or Sapnap for the post-MCC stream or comments. I just wish they had made amends quickly, publicly, and sufficiently, because the greatest consequences from the whole thing weren't even from those two criticizing HBomb themselves; they were from the waves of backlash because of their immense influence on the MCYT fandom, which could've been prevented, if they had acted maturedly and responsibly after the stream.
Fourth, you’re right, that he doesn’t seem to condone his fans’ behavior. I detest the frequent anti argument that one of the reasons Dream should be criticized is because he explicitly uses his fanbase to attack others, or something of the sort. Personally, I think he created his fanbase in a very specific way and interacts with them in such a way so as to benefit him as much as possible, yes, but he never actually tells his fanbase to go and yell at or harrass anyone. Still, there is a significant difference between not condoning something and condemning something. It might seem unfair, and it might be annoying of me to say this, but I truly think that someone with this large a fanbase, especially one as overzealous as Dream’s, needs to be condemned every single time it goes on some kind of rampage/harrassment campaign. Either that, or Dream needs to make a definitive, permanent statement against any kind of harrassment of others on his behalf. I know he’ll occassionally make the odd tweet or serious stream addressing something his fanbase did, but one of the many reasons his fanbase keeps doing the same damn thing is because he’s so lukewarm and spotty about this condemnation. A fanbase like his needs to be given explicit guidance and boundaries for the numerous things they do in his defense- harrassing/doxing antis, harrassing people who criticize him who aren’t antis (respectful criticism, other CCs, other MCYT stans, etc.), harrassing the people he critcizes (i.e., HBomb), speculating about his personal life (his relationship with his gf, his mental health/ADHD, his romantic life, his childhood, etc.), and speculating about his relationships with his friends and colleagues.  My personal ideology is that, if you have significant influence over someone or a group of people, you are at least somewhat responsible for the things those people do or don’t do, if it at all relates back to you. I’m so fucking tired of the argument that CCs aren’t responsible for what their fans do. Obviously they aren’t responsible for every single one of their fans, and obviously they can’t fully control their fans at the end of the day. But I think there are certain things that reach such a level of extremity that does make those CCs responsible. This can be measured by either scale or intensity; that is to say, if a CC’s fanbase does things on an extremely large scale, or one person from/a fraction of the fanbase does something really extreme, then the CC is made all the more responsible. Another CC I’ve always had trouble discussing with other people on this subject is Pewdiepie, in particular, about the extremists in his fanbase. Because the things a small handful of his fans have done in reference to him and/or in his name were so fucking extreme, I thought Pewdiepie had to take at least some responsibilty. Along a similar vein, because the things Dream’s general fanbase does are so widespread and on such a massive scale, Dream has to take at least some responsibility.
Fifth, okay. Hmmm. I want to tackle this point you made about the ableism he faces in some criticism of him carefully and with empathy, but not coddling. One, I do think a lot of the criticism he receives for the ways he handles criticism (post-cheating Tweets, reactions to John Swan, post-MCC HBomb stream, etc.), disregard his RSD and can be oftentimes ableist. I’ve actually encountered people irl who criticize this aspect of Dream’s character, and have had to explain to them their disregard for how ADHD/RSD affect neurodivergent people’s reactions to criticism. But - and this is a big, and very controversial but - I think mentally ill/disordered people can 100% leverage their mental illness/disorders for the sake of manipulation. This is actually something I’ve learned from a psychiatrist, regarding the ways people I know and I handle our anxiety and depression. This manipulation can be unwitting or intentional, but it is entirely possible, and the possibility shouldn’t be entirely dismissed as ableist. Living with a mental illness or disorder that others know about/that you are very public about puts you in an interesting position to receive frequent sympathy, empathy, and/or pity. I’m not saying that empathy for Dream having ADHD/RSD is entirely unjustified; on the contrary, I have frequently expressed how I can relate to his ADHD symptoms and have defended him for expressing those symptoms, both on mcytblr and in real life. I am saying that Dream fans tend to use his ADHD as a kind of shield for a lot of criticism levied against him, including the supposition that he could be manipulating his fanbase to defend him because of his public expressions of RSD. So yes, my theory is that Dream knows how to levy every aspect of his life for his personal gain and for the growth of his brand, and that includes his ADHD. I think he has courage for his openess about his ADHD, I think his openness has contributed to the rise in awareness of mental health and empathy for neurodivergent people within Gen Z, and I think at least some of his expressions of RSD publicly/online weren’t intentionally made public. All that being said, I also think he has to know just how much his fanbase cares about defending him for his ADHD, and I think he has to know that some of the things he does related to his neurodivergence endear him to his audience, in a coddling, baby-ing, mildly ableist sorta way.  Maybe this is all incredibly presumptuous of me. Of course, I can never know the real intentions behind any Dream video, Tweet, or stream. Maybe I’m just projecting, because I can see myself doing just this, if I had the maturity I had circa 2018-2019. Idfk know, man.
Sixth, I actually agree with you here, people probably do get more mad at his fanbase than him. Dream puts out content pretty seldomly, considering the frequency of content output for other Youtubers/streamers in his field/at his brand size. And yet, he has received masses of criticism. Considering that the things Dream himself does/says do not entirely correlate with the amount of criticism he receives, I think it’s a logical assumption that a lot of that criticism actually goes back to the size of his presence online, rather than the man himself. That is to say, because of the massive community he’s amassed, the exponential growth of his fanbase, their presence on every single social media site and in virtually every single Internet space/fandom, and the size of his metaphysical presence in his fields, Dream is much bigger than the man himself, so the criticism he receives will, at least in part, be a direct or indirect result of all these other aspects of the Dream brand.  Something I don’t think many Dream fans/stans, or even most MCYT fans in general, understand, is that Dream isn’t just “one guy” in the eyes of the Internet- at least, not anymore. He hasn’t been for nearly a year. Like Pewdiepie, Mr. Beast, and other CCs who have amassed similar levels of fame and wealth via Internet content creation, Dream is a brand now, and most people will treat him as such. He isn’t just some uwu soft boy playing Minecraft anymore. He is on a whole other level from any other MCYT in his friend circle or colleague interaction bubble. His words will never again live in a vaccum or private bubble, his friend circle will never again be under anything less than intense scrutiny, his past actions will never again be simple mistakes or silly errors, his words will never again be casual tweets or streams for laughs among a couple thousand followers. Dream’s name represents something much bigger than just the one man. As such, all aspects of his brand, including his fanbase, will tie back to him and, ultimately, to any general criticism of him.
I’m not saying I like any of this, and I actually think the evolution of influencers from people to a marketable brand with similar mechanisms, responsibilities, and liabilities as a corporation is some kind of late capitalism nightmare fuel; I’m just stating my own observations and theories as to why so much anti-Dream criticism seems to be directed at his fanbase, rather than him.
Seventh, he’s just a guy, you’re right, but I think a lot of the antis on Tumblr understand this more than you know. As I’ve seen it, the sentiment among much of the “DSMP stans DNI” crowd seems to be that of “Dream/other MCYTs are such ‘bad’ people, so why do their fans stick to these mediocre, racist men, when there are so many better people to watch/better content to consume?” We know this argument is flawed for many of the obvious reasons - the conflation of all MCYTs’ actions regardless of individual identity, the equating of a CC’s fanbase’s morality to that of the CC they enjoy watching, the exxageration of any error MCYT CCs have committed as bigotry/racism, the fundamental misunderstanding and misinformation that led antis to believe this exxageration of the facts, etc. But I want to focus on the general, underlying sentiment of, “why not watch someone better, when your creator is problematic?” Sometimes, I ask this of Dream stans. Yes, being mildly ignorant, getting involved in the scandals Dream has, and being a right-leaning/libertarian centrist in the recent past all seem like harmless things, all things considered. One could say Dream isn’t nearly as bad as many antis who are misinformed seem to believe, and that there are much worse CCs Dream stans could be watching and creating fan content for. But I think what Tumblr antis wonder is, aren’t there also much better MCYTs/CCs people could be watching and stanning? Because he’s just some guy, right? Is his content truly so exceptional or is he really so exceptional a person, that people have to stick by him, despite the things that spike up regarding his current or past actions? I think that’s what made me finally decide to stop watching Dream. I realized he was just Some Guy. The Dream Team was a comforting dynamic to indulge in, DNF was a cute ship to read and speculate about, and Manhunts were fun videos to watch; however, once the Reddit posts came out and I read them in-depth, the cost-benefit analysis tipped over to the “not worth it” side for me. I realized Dream’s content, while fun and comforting, was not entirely unique, and wasn’t worth sticking around for, given what I then knew about his past political leanings. If he is just Some Guy, then there are a hundred more like him out there. There a hundred more ships, a hundred more found family dynamics, a hundred more entertaining and skilled Minecraft players. So while I agree with you on the point of people being allowed to love him regardless because he is just a guy, at the end of the day, I think that, if we are to believe that sentiment or use that argument in such a manner, we should also understand the flip side- that, if he is just some guy, why is it worth sticking around? To that I say, maybe because people just enjoy the simple things they enjoy.
Anyways, I wholly agree with your tl;dr. Thanks for that insanely long ask, this was a fun thing to keep me occupied while I’ve been at work, facilitating Zoom sessions this whole morning.
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paruecake · 3 years
12.29.21 - 6:48am - Wednesday
I desperately need to watch something else in tandem with Elementary, because I am now starting to get horrible nightmares about murders and bodies and I absolutely hate it. Whenever I'm really into something and think about it a lot or spend a lot of time doing/watching/playing the thing, I dream about it. So yeah, it's not going great in my dreamscape right now.
I think I need to pause reading Wheel of Time and read something else. I saw on reddit other people were suggesting to read other book in between, and to take your time with them. My first thought was, "nah I'm gonna read them all straight through!" but LOL was that a lie. I just can't get into book 4 right now, even though I heard that it was really good! So I think I'm going to try other things and hopefully after a few books, I'll get to it! It'd be cool if I could finish the series by the end of next year, but we'll see how it goes. I wish that I liked Michael Kramer & Kate Reading so I could just do audio while I read other things, but man I'm just not a fan of their narration style. If only Rosamund Pike could just record everything and they can release it all at once. That would be lovely.
I'm thinking of making a post in one of those like... find a friend/pen pal reddits, because I'm just so fucking lonely and it's probably a huge factor of my current depression hole. I messaged two people yesterday in response to their posts but I haven't heard back so idk. I guess I won't hold out hope. Sometimes I wish I wasn't so shy/awkward/introverted because it makes it virtually impossible for me to make friends. I sorta made some in a discord I was part of a long time ago! But I stopped playing Animal Crossing and just felt too awkward to come back. Now idk I'm not part of any smaller sized discords and I feel like those are the ones I do better in.
Man is it sad that sometimes I find anime to be depressing because a big part of it is finding friendships (especially for the characters that are lonely like me) and I just keep thinking to myself, "fuck I wish I had that but I can't see that happening for me."
Anyway, I guess we'll see where it all goes.
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rurifangirl · 3 years
oc askssss💅
Tumblr media
What is the DND alignment?
What are their opinions on children? Do they view children as sweet angels or evil crotch goblins?
Your character has been invited to a masquerade ball. What mask do they wear?
Do they have any nicknames or pet names or other aliases?
Does your character have a comfort item?
*cutely saves It*
What is their DND alignment?
I just took a test as if I was him, and It got me Lawful/True Neutral, so take that as you will😩
What are their opinions on children? Do they view children as sweet angels or evil crotch goblins?
HOHOHOHO SHE HATES THEM. The litteral only one she actually really likes Is Bone,, and they're dead. And also pretty active but not in the annoying way for them.
I'm gonna go further in their own post, but she had quite the opportinity to stay with much younger kids, and in the conditions they were, It didn't end up well. And from that, she has a stigma towards most if not all children.
They're little devils but not the good kind. Also she may or may not have actually kicked some children in their day out with Avril.
Your character has been invited to a masquerade ball. What mask do they wear?
I'm pretty indecise on these two. Or even both at the same time, swapping them time from time.
He even would bring in two completely different outfits so It would fit each mask. And would get extremely upset if he'd get them dirty.
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Do they have any nicknames or pet names or other aliases?
They do!! Quinn mainly gives them, some are more general like "Lil' devil" and others are just like "Bon-Bon", there's no in between. Avril sometimes calls them "Knifey", because idk If I've sent you somethin of them but,, let's say a knife Is pretty much in their design. She does eventually end up using Quinn's nicknames too and they don't mind it.
I dunno If I'll ever make them meet for now,, but If Moor would see them, they'd call Bone "Glassy", cus since Bones a Ghost n a lil transparent n full,It reminds him of glass. He gets big himbo pass again.
Does your character have a comfort item?
Ahhh yesyes, he does!! He has a few actually. One of them Is a little pearl. Well, at least for him, normally it's pretty huge. It was one of the first things he had a connection to, other than his fish pals and Tina. (Tina's the shark I talked ya bout shjdksk N NO IT'S NOT CUS OF SORBET COOKIE SHARK AGAIN🤬/j)
Another one Is a near sea plant tree. Whenever he swings its leaves, especially with hands, he gets a pretty reassuring feeling. He doesn't know much bout why too, but he visits that whenever he's not too busy with his job.
He also has a collection of lost, outside the world items, but since they're pretty small, he doesn't have a connection like he had w the other ones. But, that not only fueled his wanting to know more about what's the outside like, but only an odd connection with kinds of people who would've lost them.
For example, let's say he finds an old, ripped plushie. He may think it's owner didn't take much care or was forced to give It away. And with that, he gets a very rough idea on how things would be. Either rough or pleasing. It's a pity he can't use many of them, but Moor Is passionate about It.
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@a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose @nadi-117 @infra-jaded
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book-a-holic · 4 years
Live watch: Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
OK, yeah, I don’t usually do this, or actually ever (I don’t even post stuff)... but I have absolutely NO ONE in my life who watches this, or I feel comfortable ranting a LOT (because believe me, I have a lot I’m feeling), so here I am.
lets be real, love live is king in queerbaiting, and it really fucking irritates me, it’s such good setup, so much love, so many girls being pals, aaahhhh it’s so fucking sad, I thought I gave up after Sunshine’s love confession by the sunset from a girl who reads yuri, like COME ON WHAT... but well I was watching some rnd stuff, and I watched 22/7, and gosh I missed love live and there was this new one and I’m now on episode 3 and remembering why I loved it so much and hated it so much...
so first episode: I can’t believe I’m here again
I was so mad at myself for doing this again to me and uuuuuuhhggggg I can already see the bait and we are only 2min in D:
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Look at those 2 sdjkvlabsdfkjhbasdfkjblaskldbjf the are so cute and so cute and oh no shit I’m in this again... ok, keep calm you know what to do... fuck canon, they are clearly already a couple, they are together and dating for so long they are completely casual with each other and have a happy relationship, that’s it, no I’m not delusional you can clearly see it there (let’s see if I can keep myself deluded of the whole season)
so... YAYYY FIRST MUSC TIMEEEE that was so cool look at all those horible CG fires oh wow I forgot how good and cool and everything the dances where, like really good 3D character animation and composition and camera work, yep Love Live really is the best, there is no comparation..... and all those extra of how Yu see’s Yuki’s concert, wow super awesome!! I I particularly liked this shot
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seeing it again as I now know Yu is not an Idol but a fan/supporter it really makes me love it more, you can clearly see how she love’s it but also the divide like “nope don’t wanna be there, wanna watch it” yay really simple analysis great work also, the hand drawn fires are motherfuckin awesome
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so it goes on and wow they are so married already, look at Ayumu waking up her gf and OHHH are they gonna do next building neighbors again??? oooohhhh next door neighbors JEZUZ FUCK NTR FLASHBACKS SHIT Y DID I WATCH THAT SHITSOW awn they are so cute and OMG I’M blind Yu’s hair is green and that weird/cute bang on Ayumu wow they outdone themselves on the girls’ design and ohh new main girls and oh the prez is that the idol girl I'm sure and oohh more members and that girl is a model, fancy~~ and YAHHH BABYYYY two songggssss and oh it’s super different to have song from 1 character (and now that I’ve seen some info on the character awesome that makes so much sense) OMG THEY HAVE MATCHING SQUARE THINGS THEY ARE SO IN LOVE
Episode 2: shit it is so good I’m so happy
ohh a fight between Yuki and Kasumin funn! Miss Model-san get’s the award smart girl, and also nice that she isn’t in the club but wants them to succeed because of her waifu (yes Emma is her waifu ep 3 proved that)... well I don’t really remember much from this episode, just that Ayumu was kinda jealous that Yu was calling Kasumin that was cute, and It was also nice seeing someone realize what they did and try to change, and Ayumu trying her hardest was so damn cute, and also really nice seeing the other characters know each other and interact. Welp I guess I don’t have much to say about this episode because Kasumin is def not my kinda character, she was ok, her music was ok....
Episode 3: OH NO I’m already in too deep
YAY I was right about prez, well obv it was really in your face... also not that much to say.... I loved the continued interaction from everyone, it really gives another feel to this series, it’s not them trying to get members, they already have people interested, they are already friends, lets get this show GOING FAST. I’m loving having Yu as a main character, it’s really refreshing not having an idol but someone seeing someone who wants to support them and loves that stuff, really interested to see how she keeps on helping the others grow.
Some random stuff from this episode:
look at those girlfriends they are she cares so much :3
Look at that Yu being so perceptive and considerate and loving her idol
look at that total dork Yuki having a completely different personality, and her music is so cool *-*
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I love how on the cast image in the end she has an idol costume, not her uniform
also I’m really enjoying Ai and Rina, their interactions and that cat are so cute, really looking forward to ep 4
Sooo what was this all about.... I’m enjoying myself, I’m really scared to be sad about the bait because it’s already happening... but also I’m happy and it’s cute IDK, I just wrote a bunch and I swear I’m not drunk and I’m not sure it makes sense and I write so many ands, I swear I know how to write.... and those are my thoughts at the moment I’m gonna.
Am I gonna write about anything about the next episode? or the rest of the season? who knows, not me.. and that’s all I think, have a good life if you were crazy enough to read all of my ramblings :D
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