#I'm going to hand this on my wall in a golden picture frame!
hacked-by-jake · 7 months
I don't know how or why but I think I have a girl crush on you you are so cool
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Wahhhhhhhhh! 😭 I'm so sorry my answer took so long but tbh, I had no idea what to answer because I wasn't able to find words that would really show how freaking happy your ask made me. Like seriously, you're so kind and it's just such insanely huge honour for me to read this. When I hear people saying they like me it's just so mind blowing for me. I can't describe how much it means to me. 'Everything' would be an understament. Just a big thank you for taking the time to leave those words in my ask box and for making me so happy with it. I wish I could give this happiness back to you somehow. I appreciate so much. People just randomly leaving kind asks is unbelievably wonderful and the world really need more people like you. 🥹🫶🏻
And I can tell you're fucking cool as well! I mean it! 💚💚
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
Severus Snape x Fem!Reader || Drabble
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Plot: Severus finally finishes it; the painting of you - the only girl who ever kissed him. The one who didn't care; who then broke his heart and went off with another boy. // Alternatively; Sev's a glutton for punishment.
Warnings: Oh theirs a lot wrong with this picture- pardon my pun. Entrapment (literally), age difference (Technically you are the same age but you died at 17, so your painting is 17. And he's in his 30's), entitlement, self hatred, etc. Snape's a mess.
"Pingis... vivi."
With those words spoken and a waive of his hand over the canvas, the paint melded together to look 17, alive and beautiful, just the way that you did, something changes in your acrylic eyes. Something turns from fake to real. Then you blink, and shift out of the position he painted you in. You tuck hair behind your ears again, and get up off the seat he drew for you.
Snape watches in reverent silence, waiting... will it be you? Really you, or a pathetic pantomime? Will you recognise him, decades later, if you are you?
He's staring, so the girl inside the frame gives him an odd look, and turns away to ignore him- then snaps her neck back his way. Recognition in your wide eyes. "-Sev???"
"... Y/N."
"Did you make yourself an aging potion to get into the club?" You giggle, the sound better than windchimes to him. "I mean- the professors robes are kinda sexy, but I think you put in a little too much aging agent! You look- " Before Snape can speak, you're reaching forward for him-- and missing. Eyebrows furrowing, you step forward this time and try again, still reaping the same results. Its as though no matter how far you go, you don't truly get more then a foot away from your spot.
Stepping back, you look around you- left and right, seeing things that Snape can't fathom (not being a painting himself. Perhaps the scene behind you continues on, or perhaps there are long, eternal hallways. He's never cared to stop and ask any of the annoying idiots on the grand Hogwarts walls.). Still watching you carefully, he sees the exact moment that realisation dawns on you. You lower your arms, cross them over your chest, and slowly look back at him. "Sev, am I dead?... I mean- I must be. What happened??"
"Thats not important- "
"It's very important, Severus." You snap. Its not the firet time you ever cut him off, but it has been a long time since anyone did that to him. Especially not a school girl. He doesnt enjoy it; it puts a sour taste in his old mouth. "Tell me."
"It... I said it's not important." He almost gives in to you, like he used to. But he's not 17 anymore, he's a grown man and you're just a girl. "Wasnt me, anyhow, if thats what you're thinking." You will listen to him. You have to, now. With both hands on the ornamental, golden frame he encased you in like a pretty thing just to look at, he leans in towards the paint. "You listen to me, now... I brought you back. So... "
"So that makes me your master." He hisses quickly, making your eyes narrow. What can you do about it, though?? Nothing. You can't leave. He can say whatever, he wants. "Allow me to repeat, my words. Hm? You. listen. to me."
"I don't have to do anything you say." You scowl, waiving a dismissive hand at your old friend. Your old almost. Your dodged bullet. "Severus, just disenchant the painting."
With an eye roll, Snape adjusts his thick fingers on the frame; frustration heavy in ever muscle. You're not getting it. Always so thick in the head, you were. So stubborn, so imperious.
That would have to stop.
"I... can't... "
"What do you mean you can't? Yes you can, Severus. I'm not playing a game here. Disenchant the painting right now."
"No." The one word stops you talking for a whole moment, and it's the first time Severus ever stood up to you. It feels good. So after Straightening up, letting go of the painting - of you, - , and fixing his robes; he repeats it. "No, Y/N."
A new smoke begins to floods yours wide, clear eyes, then; fear. And a dark part of Snape enjoys it. "... What do you want?"
"... What do you think?"
"I don't know, I can't understand crazy people." Anger takes fears place; anger and hatred. Just like that.
... Snape figured this would happen, so he isn't hurt. Not yet, anyway. This changed nothing; all that matters is that you're all his, now. You were always a fickle little thing, anyway.
He gives another eye roll instead of fully reacting to your crassness; beady, dark, almost-black hues almost dissapearing entirely into his forehead. "I assure you, silly girl, I'm entirely sane... " With a swish of his robes, Snape turns his back on you suddenly and moves around his room- looking for something as you watch. "Would you believe it, if I told you I... missed you?"
"Oh my god, you turned into a sad old man- didn't you? I'm not surprised." It's all you can do to him, your capter- insult him. So you will, and you'll enjoy it. "And by sad, I mean pathetic."
With a squinty-eyed scowl thrown your way, Snape pulls out a draw from his desk and sifts through it; choosing to ignore your cheap, juvenile jabs. "Well, I have missed you. You were... you were the only one, who... " You watch him pull out a framed photograph. There's no dust on it- so why was it tucked away in a drawer? He gives it a soft look for a moment, before returning to you. "You were the only one who noticed me."
Rolling your eyes across the canvas, you shake your head at him. No... "I didn't care for you, though, if that's what you're on about. I was kind to you, because you seemed like a future creep and I didnt wanna be murdered. There's a difference."
He gives a huff. So?? "Sure. Whatever." Whatever makes you happy. While you continue to glare at him, thinking of what to say next- what would pull him apart (You ended up quite good at that. Which is why, he needs you)- Severus sets down the framed photo; setting it ontop of a nearby pile of luggage facing you. It's a picture of you and him, of course. Taken by you, not so long ago. Or... quite a while ago, by the looks of Snape.
While you grimace at the picture, he takes another turn around his room and locates a little vial of potion. When you notice him approaching you, or your portrait, with it- you turn up your nose. "... what's that?"
Snape barely spares you a glance, uncorking it and ysing his thumb instead to cover the top before he shakes it up; being sure that all the ingredients are properly mkxed together. Focused on it. "Mm, just a little fail safe for myself... or you."
"What do you mean??" Eyebrows knitted together in frustrated confusion, you comb your brain for any information you had about enchanted paintings, but come up short. Severus was always a better student then you were.
"Just have to... " Severus dips a paintbrush into the vile, the brushes coming back wet with some clear liquid. "Give you one more, final, coat. And... " The feeling of being painted over is cold, but not wet. More like a cold chill that leaves you feeling bare and exposed for a few moments. Snape paints over your entire scene, from both of the top corners to the both of the bottom corners. When he's finished, you look around to see if anything different... and find nothing. What did he do?? "You should be... safe."
"...- safe!?"
"Stuck." He amends, raising his brows as if to say 'what are you going to do about it?'.
Him saying that gives you a very bad feeling and you immediacy move- attempting to leave the scene just like you've seen all the paintings in Hogwarts do. Weave in and out of different works, like a ghost.
But the moment you try and leave the frame, you bang right into an invisible force like a wall. A gasp springs from you, as you step back and reach forward to touch it. It feels solid like brick. With incensed eyes, you whip your head around to glare at Snape. "... of all the cruel things. You're trapping me here!??"
"Its- "
"You bring me back from, what was quite possibly peace, and make me look at your ugly face for the rest of eternity!? How is that fair!"
"Oh don't throw a tantrum. No need for dramatics, you little twit. You won't be here for an eternity." He rolls his eyes upwards, pursing his lips and shaking his head at you like you're just a silly little girl. "The paint'll dry and flake off, long before that." 
"So, what then?? How long?"
"Just... " For the first time since he enchanted the painting, Snape's eyes find yours. "Until... "
"-Until??" You narrow your eyes some more and set your hands firmly on your hips; waiting expectantly for an explanation. What you punishment here was, exactly.
"Until... " He could tell you the truth, he thinks. The whole truth. About Dumbledore and the Lord, and Lily... you couldnt go and tell anyone. Not even if someone came in here looking for secrets, you wont come alive for anyone else but him. He was quite good at potions. "I feel... " Until he's atoned. Until you've punished him well enough. Until he feels better. "-until I'm no longer lonely, Y/N." He finally says quickly, lying. He can't help it. Maybe one day he can tell you, but he can't bring himself to say any of it- not just yet.
The responce gives you pause, anyway. You don't know what to say. Are you supposed to... what? Feel sorry for him??
"And you chose me, to fill your sad pathetic void, Severus??
Oh, you are going to be sorry you brought me back Sev. You're stuck with me now, and I am going to make your life hell."
"... good." Thank you.
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Leonardo from rottmnt planning a romantic date with a female reader (or whatever you think it’s best) ? Thank you !
YES YES 1000× YES!!
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Summary: Leo plans a romantic date for the two of you to celibrate your guys' anniversary.
Warnings: None!
Requested: Yes!
Female Reader!
You sat on the edge of your bed, waiting for the blue shimmer of Leo's portal to appear.
Today was your first anniversary, and you couldn't be more excited. Leo said he had planned an entire day with you, and had asked you to text him once you were ready to leave. Then he'd portal into your room to pick you up and you'd be on your way.
You were wearing your favorite outfit, your hair was styled in the way you knew Leo loved, and most excited smile of your life adorned your face.
A familiar blue light of Leo's portal appeared, and Leo strutted through, his usual confident smirk gracing his handsome face.
"Hey there, babe. You ready to go?"
You nodded, smiling happily as you stood up from your bed and closed the space with a kiss.
"More than ready." you said when you pulled away.
Leo smiled, then gently took your hand into his, then pulled you through the portal. The two of you now stood on a rooftop overlooking the city lights. You took the opportunity to really take in his appearence.
He was wearing a blue hoodie, and some dark jeans, with his sword now strapped to his back.
Leo turned to smirk at you, and you felt the blush creep up your face. You turned away, face bright red.
Leo laughs out, "C'mon, babe, there'll be plenty of time for staring at my handsome face during dinner."
You blush harder, "Shut up.." you mutter.
With one final chuckle, Leo tugs you along the rooftop, pulling you around a wall, ypu gasp at the sight before you.
Just ahead of you was a picnic setting, a blanket layed out on the concrete with an asortment of foods covering it. Candles were everywhere, framing the rooftop in a soft golden light.
"Do you like it?" Leo asked, "I asked Mikey to help with the food since, well, I can't cook, and the candles were Raph's idea-"
"Leo," You cut him off, "I love it, it's amazing!"
You gave him a quick cheek kiss, then moved to rush to the bowl of strawberries, but Leo grabbed your arm, and pulled you in for kiss.
You melted into the contact, wrapping your arms around Leo's neck as his hands found your waist.
The two of you pulled away with stars in your eyes, looking at each other lovingly.
"Picnic?" you muttered, smiling softly at the blue clad turtle.
"Picnic." he agreed.
And so the night carried on, with the two of you sat under the New York lights, stealing glances whenever you thought the other wasn't looking.
The date ended with Leonardo on your fire escape, his sword over his shoulder and smile on his face.
"I had fun tonight." you said softly, holding one of Leo's hands in your own.
He smiles wider, his cocky smirk returninv at your statement, "Yeah, me too."
You look out at the sunrise with a sigh, "Well, I suppose you should go, huh, Champion?"
"I guess so, but I'm going home with style."
With that declaration, Leo kisses the back of your hand, whispers, "Hasta luego mi amor.", then flips off the fire escapes and into a portal that would return him to his home.
You chuckle as you watch him dissapear, turning back into your bedroom. You tilt your head in surprise at the small gift box on your bed.
You pick up the small box gently, and remove the ribbion. You gasp with a smile at the small locket inside. You open the locket to reveal a picture of you and Leo, smiling like the idiots in love that you are.
Yes, I google translated the spanish. no, I have no idea if it's correct 😪,
Hasta luego mi amor: see you later my love
But here is your ask Anon! hope you enjoyed! 💕💕
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I guess there's no better day to drop my silly little les mis playlists! e/R playlist under the cut for length, since I've added relevant lyrics.
Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears
There’s a room where the light won’t find you / holding hands while the walls come tumbling down / when they do I’ll be right behind you / so glad we almost made it
(planning an animatic for this one once I learn how to animate! This song is so them coded)
The Secret Garden by The Divine Comedy
So much time and so little to do / I furnish my mind with pictures of you / Fading portraits, peculiar names / Replaced by your face in a big golden frame
Golden fragments of moments in time / Tarnished with guilt for an innocent crime
The Rise and Fall by The Divine Comedy
(Basically all the lyrics but especially the chorus:) Hold me in your arms / Hold me till you kill me / Hold me till you break my will / And passion fills my heart
Ignorance is Bliss by The Divine Comedy
You rely upon my charity to survive / I deny myself to keep this world alive / You walk headlong off the edge of the abyss / I oppose the motion / Ignorance is bliss
Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie
This is our last dance / This is our last dance / This is ourselves / Under Pressure
Your Daddy’s Car by The Divine Comedy
Can you feel the sadness in our love? / It's the only kind we're worthy of / And can you feel the madness in our hearts?
Timewatching by The Divine Comedy
If I fall in love it could be forever / So I'll never fall in love / But the moment I can feel that you feel that way too / Is when I might fall in love with you
I Will Follow You Into The Dark (Obviously)
Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered jazz standard)
Lost my heart, but what of it / He is cold, I agree / He can laugh, but I love it / Although the laugh's on me
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by the Smiths
To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die […] To die by your side, well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine
And in the darkened underpass / I thought "Oh God, my chance has come at last” / But then a strange fear gripped me and I just couldn't ask
Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now by the Smiths
I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour / But heaven knows I'm miserable nowTwo lovers entwined pass me by / And heaven knows I'm miserable now
How Soon Is Now by the Smiths
You shut your mouth, how can you say / I go about things the wrong way? / I am human and I need to be loved / Just like everybody else does
(I think of this one as the switch from outer words to inner feelings)
It’s the End of the World as We Know It by R.E.M.
World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleedYou vitriolic, patriotic, slam fight, bright light / Feeling pretty psyched / It's the end of the world as we know it / It's the end of the world as we know it / It's the end of the world as we know it / And I feel fine
Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives / And I decline / It's the end of the world as we know it / It’s the end of the world as we know it / It's the end of the world as we know it / And I feel fine
You Take My Breath Away by Queen
Every time you make a move, you destroy my mind / And the way you touch / I lose control and shiver deep insideI could give up all my life for just one kiss / I would surely die
So please don't go / Don't leave me here all by myself / I get ever so lonely from time to time / I will find you anywhere you go / I’ll be right behind you / Right until the ends of the earth
Watch What Happens by Michel Legrand
Let someone start believing in you / Let him hold out his hand / Let him touch you and watch what happens
Falling in Love With Love by Carmen McRae
Falling in love with love is falling for make believe / Falling in love with love is playing the fool / Caring too much is such a juvenile fancy / Learning to trust is just for children in school / I fell in love with love one night when the moon was full / I was unwise with eyes unable to see / I fell in love with love, with love everlasting / But love fell out with me
Born With a Broken Heart by the Divine Comedy (I actually don’t like this song very much but it gives such Grantaire vibes especially with the loser recorder solo so I actually like it)
Basically all the lyrics buckaroo it’s a Grantaire song
Hallelujah (assorted versions but I didn't think about it till I saw the George Blagden version)
Well baby I've been here before / I know this room and I've walked this floor / I used to live alone before I knew ya / I've seen your flag on the marble arch / But love is not a victory march / It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Also I forget if he does this verse but:
Maybe there's a God above / But all I've ever learned from love / Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you / And it's not a cry that you hear at night / It's not somebody who's seen the light / It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
I Wanna Hold Your Hand by the Beatles (I’m so sorry)Oh, yeah, I'll tell you something / I think you'll understand / When I'll say that something / I wanna hold your hand [something = long live the revolution! I belong to it]
All That Jazz by Echo and the Bunnymen
Where the hell have you been / We've been waiting with our best suits on […] See you at the barricades babe / See you when the lights go low, Joe / Hear you when the wheels turn round / Someday when the sky turns black
You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi
Shot through the heart / And you're to blame / Darling, you give love a bad name / An angel's smile is what you sellYour very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye / Oh, oh, you're a loaded gun / Oh, oh, there's nowhere to run / No one can save me / The damage is done
When Did You Leave Heaven (jazz standard)
If I kissed you would it be a sin? / I am only human but you are so divine / When did you leave Heaven, angel mine?
Maid of Orleans (the Joan of Arc Waltz) by Orchestral Manuevers in the Dark
(Basically all the lyrics)
Electric Blue by Icehouse
Are you hiding somewhere behind those eyes? / I just freeze / Every time you see through me / And it's all over you / Electric blue
Thank you for bearing with me through this awfully disorganized list! Happy Barricade Day Part II!
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faggotwalkwithme · 2 months
here are the pictures from when i visited twin peaks!!!!!!!! (part 1)
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explanations for if u dont recognise the places or what im referencing LOLS:
1: the exterior of the laura palmer house (as seen in the pilot, the return, and fire walk with me) 2: the table and couch with accurate crochet blanket as seen in fire walk with me and the return (for the scene in the return where laura's homecoming picture gets smashed, they used mary reber's framed copy so they gave her a new one and she got sheryl lee to sign it!!! she keeps the cigarettes and stuff :) ) 3: laura's bedroom from the pilot, mary reber put the This Would Look Nice on Your Wall and also has a lot of laura stuff in there 4: laura's bedroom from the pilot, she keeps a BOB mannequin in there and it jumpscared me like 3 times 5: the bathroom that laura washes her hands in and cries into when leland tells her to go wash her hands (scariest scene ever imo) 6 and 7: the ceiling fan... need i say more 8: the kitchen from the pilot, mary reber also keeps a very similar phone to the one sarah uses in that scene. her daughter also made biscuits and they were really good :) 9 and 10: the living room from fire walk with me, the return and the pilot. i tried to recreate that one shot of laura smoking in fire walk with me but i stood on the wrong side of the room lmao 11: my parents and i recreated that one pic of sarah, laura and leland :) 12: took a pic with mary reber!!! shes super sweet!(and she let me get a print for free :3) 13: my mum just took this picture of me taking a picture of the ceiling frame but i thought it looked a bit like one of the shots in fwwm. this is the front hall :3 14: donna's house exterior!!!! 15: mary reber answering the door for my dad hehe 16: just me in front of the house lol 17: the roadhouse exterior as seen in the pilot and fwwm!!! (maybe the return too i dont remember lol) 18: i'm being sheriff cable bending steel in the back of the deer meadow sheriff station and where the shed was in fire walk with me 19: this is where teresa banks' body was found and where leland pushed laura into the water after he killed her. i was collecting water for my science experiment lols :p 20: jack rabbit's palace from the return!! 21: my mum and me where donna and james were when they hid the other half of laura's heart necklace 22: the other half of laura's heart necklace (the tour guide put it there and it hasn't been removed for 8 years lol) 23: this is the area of the motel thingie where leland saw teresa, ronette and laura together (apparently if you stay in room 9, they've made it all creepy and burnt up and stuff and they call it the david lynch room) 24: same motel, but its room 8 which is where mr c like knocks on the door to go meet phillip jeffries 25, 26, 27, 28: the double r diner!!! i think we sat in the same booth that bobby, shelly and betty were sitting in the return, and i sat on the same (or like at least very close to) the stool bobby sits on in the pilot!! it was super cool, they had all the signs up and the menu and stuff and i bought an audrey magnet and laura sticker and we had coffee and cherry pie :) 29: nadine's silent drapes shop!!! the shop keeps a golden shovel and the drapes!!!! 30: me at carl rodd's bench with the titular twin peaks in the background :3 the tour guide provided a prop RR2GO cup for pictures lol
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Art in Motion
Pairing: Loki x reader (established relationship)
Warnings: all the smut, 18+, really that's all this is, oh with some plot, and fluff...lots of fluff....hehe
Summary: you are an aspiring photographer, and your boyfriend decides to inspire you...
**so I edited this pic and got....inspired....and this happened.....hehe
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You climbed up on the counter, arranging the fruit in the bowl just so before snapping the pic. "Darling, what are you doing up there?" Loki asked walking into the kitchen "what do you think of this?" You asked turning the screen towards him "Mm very nice." He said kissing your temple. "Oh! I have an idea!" You rushed pecking him on the lips you jumped off the island running to the living room hearing him laugh. You pulled a small box from the closet setting it on the coffee table and got to work.
You straddled the table, setting everything up just right. You smiled grabbing your camera as you laid on your stomach snapping the pic. Sitting up your back met a wall of muscle, an arm wrapping around your middle "Darling, you simply must tell me what this is." You heard him laugh. "Well, its my lego collection, and I pose them to take a picture see." You smiled showing him the screen. "I..is...that me?" He asked pointing to the tiny lego Loki in his golden horns. "Yup..." you said "and I built you a throne and everyone is kneeling....my king" You smiled turning your head seeing him smile, kissing his jaw his stubble tickled your nose.
"Have I told how much I adore you?" He asked smiling "yes...but I'm not adverse to hearing it again." You smiled back. He cupped your cheeks with both hands "i...kiss...adore...kiss...you" he said peppering kisses along your face. "Oh that's what they all say." You said laughing "they?...whose they Darling?" He purred digging his fingers into your sides making you freeze "no! No tickling sir!" You tried grabbing his wrists. "Well then you had better explain yourself..dear." he growled in your ear twitching his fingers. "AHH..NO NO I...HAHA STOP!" You yelled trying to pull his fingers off you "what was that? I couldn't make it out." He feigned digging his fingers into your ribs making your leg jerk and kick Lego Loki.
"L..LOKIII.....WWAAIII....hahaha!" You laughed "and now you've dethroned me! Brought down by the woman I love.." he sighed dramtacally placing a hand on his forehead, the other traveling to your arm pit digging into the sensative skin. "IM...IM SSSS....SORRRYYYY...HAHAHAHA....NO MORE!" You yelled, tears rolling down your cheeks "I think you owe mini me an apology y/n." He said picking up the tiny Loki. "I..im sorr...hahaha sorry little l...llloookiii." you laughed bringing your knees up. "I believe he deserves a kiss from his queen." He said holding it up. You smiled, leaning forward you pressed a kiss to the little Loki before kissing your Loki "there is only you my king." You said cupping his cheek. "What am I if not benevolent darling." He smiled placing little Loki in your hand. "Carry on love." He smiled kissing your forehead he stood up going to the bookshelf.
You looked over at him, taking in every detail. He was a work of art and you couldn't admiring him. Starting at his pristine white socks your eyes moved up his powerful legs, past his strong calves to his muscular thighs that could snap someone's neck In an instant, seeing the muscles shift as he leaned to look at which book he wanted. Your eyes traveled further up watching him stand back up, his cheeks flexing "did he just thrust?" You asked yourself licking your lips, the tan pants he was wearing hugging every inch of him to perfection. He turned to the side, pushing his hair behind is ear, a few strands escaping and hanging In front of his beautiful face. His white button up hung loose around his frame, but you were able to see a sliver of his toned chest at the top where he unbuttoned it a bit. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing those sinful forearms as he flipped the pages back and forth.
You watched his long slender fingers go to his lips, his tongue poking out licking them as they returned to turn the page. You felt the heat pooling in your stomach remembering what he's done with those fingers, that...tongue. You pressed your thighs together remembering where that tongue had been just last night. "Like what you see love?" He asked, snapping you back to reality "you know I do." You winked "but, I don't think my little Loki here would appreciate me ogling someone else." You purred holding up the Lego Loki. "He does seem rather ruthless darling, you best...behave." He growled leaning over you. You got to your knees looking up at him "what if I don't want to..." you trailed off, bumping your nose against his. "Well, I heard rumor he has no issue punishing....bad girls." He purred, his green eyes boring into you.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes inhaling his scent letting it wrap around you. Hints of sandalwood and pine, of forests and winter mixed with leather seeped into you. You opened your eyes seeing him smile "your distracting me mister." You said staring into his eyes "my apologies my lady, I shall leave you to your...fun." He purred, rubbing your nose with his as he stood up, walking over to the large wicker chair you had in the corner. You watched him sprawl out, spreading his legs wide as he settled down, his thighs on full display. You just wanted to sink your teeth into them. You cleared your throat placing your little Loki back on his throne picking up your camera you snapped a few more pics before your eyes trailed back to the God of a man in the corner of the room, watching his finger run the length of his lips. His concentration focused on what he was reading.
You slowly slunk off the table onto the floor, kneeling down you held your camera up snapping a pic of him. "Darling.." he said not looking up. "I didn't do anything." You rushed out looking around. "So you did not just take my picture?" He asked snapping his book closed "umm....nooooo." you smiled watching him shake his head. He set his book down, adjusting himself in the chair unbuttoning a few more buttons on his shirt "now you may take my picture." He said leaning his head on his arm looking at you. You stood up, shivering as you looked into the screen snapping the picture.
You moved to the side, his eyes following you as you snapped a few more, kneeling down by his knees to get another. "May I see?" He asked holding his hand out. You walked closer, yelping as he pulled you into his lap making you straddle him. "These turned out pretty good yes?" He asked going through them. "Well it's easy when your beautiful." You said grabbing the camera looking down feeling your face flush. "Well then I will need some of you then." He said taking the camera back. "No! No loki I don't take good pictures, I'll look terrible." You said trying to grab the camera "nonsense darling...let me show you what I see." He purred. He laced his fingers through your hair, gently pulling your to him pressing his soft lips to yours. You turned your head deepening the kiss, moaning feeling his fingers slide up your shirt slowly unbuttoning it.
You felt his tongue slowly glide across your bottom lip, asking for entry. You parted your lips, allowing him in feeling his tongue caress yours. You felt his hand slide down your neck, dipping under the collar of your shirt sliding it down your arms. He slowly pulled back, sucking your bottom lip as he looked up at you. Your cheeks flushed, your lips puffy and red "beautiful.." he breathed, picking up the camera snapping a picture. "Loki!" You yelled trying to grab the camera "ah ah...it's my turn love." He purred, flicking his wrist making the camera disappear. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you flush to him latching his lips to your neck, gripping his shoulders you felt his fingers travel up your back to the clasp of your bra, flicking it sliding the straps down your arms tossing it aside as he nipped and sucked your collar bone.
"Aahh...loki..." you breathed, feeling his tongue glide down to the valley of your breasts, kissing and sucking. You rocked your hips against him, feeling him harden beneath you. "Mm...y/n..." he breathed, cupping your breasts massaging them. You leaned back, placing your hands on his knees pushing your chest out, throwing your head back feeling his tongue circle your nipple. "Aahh....Loki..." you moaned as he sucked it onto his mouth, the pad of his thumb rubbing your other one. "L..loki...please..." you moaned, rocking harder against him. He pulled off with a pop smiling up at you "yes love?" He asked running his hands up your chest. "I..need you Loki...please..." you breathed looking down at him. He looked at his work along your chest smiling, flicking his wrist he conjured the camera, quickly taking a picture. "Lookkkkiiii." You whined. "Patience love." He smirked vanishing the camera.
He reached up engulfing your lips with his, kissing you passionately as his hands slid down cupping your ass as he stood up making your yelp. "Loki!" You yelled gripping his shoulders. "I have you don't worry." He smiled kissing you again. He walked to the couch, laying you down pressing his chest to yours. He closed his eyes, feeling your skin tingle you looked down seeing your were both bare, his cock firmly pressed against your thigh. "Arms up darling." He purred. You reached up grabbing the armrest watching him lean back on his knees. You spread your legs wider, placing one foot on the floor you watched him reach down pumping himself a few times as he lined himself up, slowly pressing into you. "Aahh fuck...y/n..." he moaned conjuring the camera you watched him aim it where your bodies met taking a picture "You need to see how well you take me....how fucking hot you are..." he growled, snapping his hips into you bottoming out making you cry out.
"Fuck...Loki..." you moaned feeling every inch of him stretching you. "You...feel soooo..good..." you breathed, feeling him pull out to his tip, slamming back in. "Norns y/n....ahh you are....perfect..." he panted. His pace was hard, jolting you up the couch with each thrust. "L..loki...I'm gonna..." you cried out digging your nails onto the armrest. "Come y/n...let me feel...ahh fuck...I need to feel you.." he groaned, throwing his head back hooking his arm under your leg he lifted it up, angling your hips to hit that soft spot inside you. "Gaahh...Loki!" You cried out feeling the coil in your stomach tighten "come now y/n...aahh gods..." Loki yelled out. Your orgasm slammed into making you arch off the couch as Loki thrust into you holding himself there releasing into feeling him throbbing inside you making you shiver.
Loki collapsed on top of you, propping himself up on one elbow gently kissing you "you are exquisite love." He smiled pushing your hair back. "Your pretty good yourself." You said smiling. "Oh..just pretty good?" He asked laughing "yeah your alright." You winked reaching up kissing him. "Stay here, I'll be right back." He said slowly sliding out of you he headed to the bathroom. You closed your eyes basking in the afterglow of passion your lover always gives you when you felt his fingers on your knee "open for me." He said reaching down cleaning you up. He tossed the cloth aside, joining you on the couch conjuring the camera "care to see.?" He asked smiling. He flipped through the photos, stopping at the one of your chest "I love seeing you covered in my marks." He growled flipping to the next one "this I think is my favorite." He said, you felt your face heat up seeing it was him entering you.
"Oh, and this.." he trailed off showing you the last one. You were spread out on the couch, one arm over your eyes smiling. "You truly are beautiful love." He said smiling setting the camera down. "How did I get so lucky?" You asked pressing your ear to his chest hearing his heartbeat "I ask myself the same thing." He said hugging you tighter. "I love you Loki." You whispered, closing your eyes. "And I love you y/n." He said, conjuring a blanket he draped it over you "sweet dreams my Love." He whispered kissing your head. He closed his eyes, deciding he would definately need to get copies of those pictures......
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @mochie85 @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @xorpsbane @schizonephilim @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @all-envy-suyu @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @123forgottherest @silverfire475 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @glitterylokislut @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @lulubelle814 @irishhappiness @wolfsmom1 @luvlady-writes @lovingchoices14 @thomase1
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muserryy · 8 days
LIFE OF REVA MASTERLIST || main masterlist
summary: Reva, a young woman who recently moved to a foreign country to pursue her higher education, is striving to adapt and navigate her new life. Harry, her flatmate, becomes a significant part of her journey.
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Reva D'Souza
Bristol. This is somebody's hometown, and I've never been here before. 
It was just a city I heard about in conversations until now. As I wandered through the neighbouring streets, unfamiliar buildings. unknown faces, and sights, the sounds of this place were far from the comforts of home. It was all exciting but also more intimidating for me. 
The evening breeze gently caressed my skin, still warm under the almost setting sun. I strolled past varied shops, stores, and graffiti-covered walls, trying to soak it all in. 
The streets beyond the museum were bustling with vibrant colours, and scenes, full of life. I was in awe of all the work done on the buildings. My feet came to a stop in front of a phone shop. The small building was painted with various phone application icons and logos from top to bottom. Even the shutter, which was down, had work done on it. The shop was closed.
My hand almost reached into my pocket for my phone to snap pictures, but I hesitated, feeling the familiar tug of self-consciousness. It always holds me back. It's not just shyness; it's this nagging feeling, maybe my mindset, that people might judge me. They might think it's better to live in the moment than to constantly snap pictures like a typical tourist or worse, a wannabe social media influencer. But then maybe they wouldn't care at all and might mind their own business.
Although there's nothing wrong with wanting to capture every moment, in fact, it is a sweet thing to do– preserving moments. I've never done that. I want to, but I think I just couldn't get to it. I don't remember ever taking out my phone in public unless it's necessary. 
It's funny how little things like this can hold me back. Maybe I'm too sensitive or anxious, but the thought of  being judged makes me self conscious, even in such a beautiful and vibrant city.
Maybe some other day, I told myself, now that I'm living here for my studies. I guess I'll have plenty of time.
I continued walking until I found myself once again stopping in front of a cafe. The frames of the glass windows and the door were painted in deep red. Through the glass windows, I could see its cosy interior– the warm golden lights were inviting and there were only a few people sitting inside, so it was not crowded. It looked classy.
I stood there for a moment, gathering my thoughts and debating whether to go inside and treat myself to a coffee or just continue my walk before heading back to my flat. The second option seemed easier to me, a lot easier than interacting. 
But I felt like trying. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone. I had never been to a cafe alone before, let alone bought myself a coffee. But then again, I had never travelled so far away from my family and lived apart from them. Yet, here I was, and I still couldn't believe it. I had never envisioned a day like this. The thought of living on my own and being away from the people I had always been dependent on never seemed like a possibility.
I looked up at the sky briefly and a realization struck me: no one knows me here, and I don't know anyone either. I can choose to present myself however I want. No one knows me, no one to stop me from doing what I want. I shouldn't care about how people who I don't even know will perceive me. 
It is a strange sense of freedom– the thought of being outgoing, being loud, being different. I can be anything I want in this new place, right? No… no! I cannot. All my life, I have been a quiet and shy child. That's who I am… or at least, that's who I've always been. Can I change that? 
I sighed. I'm dwelling unnecessarily. It's not a big deal. It's just people, a cafe, and a cup of coffee.
"I think I really need that caffeine fix now," I said to myself. 
I pushed open the door and the bell chimed as I stepped inside. The warmth of the cafe enveloped my skin, along with the distinct and sweet aroma of various types of coffee and freshly baked goodies, drawing me in further. I had no idea what I wanted to order. I knew I wanted coffee but I hadn't really thought about the specifics.
Approaching the counter, the barista greeted me with a friendly smile. "Good evening ma'am. What would you like to have?"
oh, ma'am??  
I returned the smile, peering at the menu board pinned on the side wall. There was so much to choose from– espresso, cappuccino, lattes, americanos, mochas, and more. What was even the difference between all of them? I was an inexperienced coffee drinker, you see.
After scanning through the options, I made a decision and turned my attention back to the barista. "A cappuccino, please." I politely requested, feeling a bit nervous.
"A cup of cappuccino, what size?" he nodded.
I paused, more like my mind was loading. "A small one, please" I gestured with my fingers.
He nodded again, typing away on the computer. "A small cappuccino… anything else?"
"That's all, thank you."
"That'll be £2.50"
I rummaged through my bag, retrieved my wallet, and paid the amount. 
While waiting for my cappuccino, I took the time to scan the interior of the cafe. The sound of the coffee machine filled the air. The chairs and tables were made of dark wood, the red and beige walls looked pretty under the soft golden lights and a few potted plants were placed around the space. 
My eyes fell on a small table near the window. It was empty and looked like a perfect spot to sit and enjoy the view of the street outside. I patiently waited for my drink, feeling excited because I was done with the ordering and payments. 
"Your cappuccino." The barista slid the cup towards me. 
I thanked him, picked up my cup, and headed to the very table that had caught my attention earlier.
I settled into the chair and placed my cup on the table. I smiled to myself, that wasn't hard. It might sound silly but ordering a drink by myself felt like a small victory. 
The cup was a classic plain red china, filled with creamy milk and a foamy layer. It was only then that I noticed the colour scheme of the cafe– red and beige. Everything in the cafe was almost red, from the napkins to the barista's uniform. It was lovely, though I had yet to taste my cappuccino.
Bringing the cup to my lips, I felt the comfortable warmth from the cup around my fingers. I savoured a sip; it was velvety on my tongue and perfectly sugary. I felt content and satisfied. 
My ears were filled with the sounds of clinking cups and plates along with the low chatter of people. I slowly drank more, gazing out of the window at the street. The sun was almost setting, with people passing by and vehicles speeding past. 
Yesterday, I called my mum to share news of my new life in Bristol. I mentioned the flat and the flatmate I'm sharing it with. but I also politely requested her not to tell dad about this particular detail– that my flatmate happens to be a guy. He would never approve, so I asked her to just mention that I was living with a college student, without disclosing the gender.
When I first arrived in Bristol, Siya, my sister's best friend, came to pick me up. I stayed at her apartment until my enrollment procedure was completed. Once done with all the paperwork, I realized that the route to my college from there was annoyingly long. 
I took my time and did my best to secure an on-campus dormitory room, but unfortunately, they were already taken by the time I applied. I was frustrated and desperate for a place to live. I talked to my parents about my situation and  began my search for off-campus housing. Thankfully, I found a nearby flat for rent. Siya helped me a lot by doing half of the talking and research for me. 
The apartment I was renting was located in a very nice area within walking distance of the college. When Siya and I first visited, the landlord told us there weren't any vacant flats available. However, to my luck, he then informed us about the current tenant who was looking for a flatmate. Unfortunately, we couldn't meet him that day as he was on vacation, but he was fine with us checking out the flat. The landlord seemed to have a very positive impression of this young guy. 
"He's generous and a really sweet guy. You have nothing to fret about," he reassured us, mentioning that he had been living there for nearly two years. 
That was my chance. I knew it could easily be snatched up by another student, so after hearing all the good things about the guy, I took the opportunity and told the landlord that I was firm on renting it. He agreed and said he would talk to the guy to see if he was also okay with me sharing the space. 
I knew we were complete strangers and couldn't meet face-to-face to talk, but to my surprise with the little information given about me, he agreed. I was thankful. Siya was unsure but supported my decision. 
I knew I shouldn't make assumptions about this guy until I met him, but I told myself that even if he turned out to be a "bad influence" type, I would keep my focus on myself and my studies.
The first time I met him was when I was moving in and bringing my belongings. Harry Styles, my flatmate, was in his early twenties and currently in his final year at the same university as me.
I must admit, I initially felt intimidated by his confident and outgoing demeanor. However, he was kind and helpful. He assisted me around and even offered to lend me a hand in settling my stuff. I also immediately felt a flutter of attraction towards him– he stood tall and lean, exuding a rough boyish vibe that contrasted with his sweet personality. He was kind and respectful, and I felt at ease.
Beautiful. He was truly beautiful just to sit and gaze at. His emerald eyes were simply captivating, I couldn't even look into them during our brief interactions. His hair was a thick, soft mass of chocolate brown curls, that he always ran his hand through to push back. His lips—
Wait, wait, wait. Am I moving too fast? It hasn't even been a full week, but there's no denying that I'm drawn to him.
I sighed and stared at my empty cup, wondering when I finished it. I glanced out of the window, noticing the sun had set and the sky had turned dark. I felt a shiver of anxiety. I noticed a rowdy group of friends, who appeared to be college students like me. They were talking and laughing loudly.
I couldn't help but wonder what my college life would be like.
chapter 2 !!
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finnegansundaysociety · 2 months
A Clean Treatment
Session 1
<<1ST | < PREV | NEXT >
this is a fanfic including my utmv oc Sanitizer!Sans and @stitchau's character Stitch. i fell in love with Stitch pretty much instantly, and Cleaner Sans is directly inspired by Stitch. i think they'd be good friends, Stitch cleaning up people's mental junk while Cleaner cleans up the rest! plus my boy needs therapy
fic under the cut!
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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The clocks on the walls of Treatment Space clicked like several synchronous metronomes.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Cleaner's boots tip-tapped on the wooden floor while he fiddled with his fingers and shifted in his seat on the couch.
The florescent bulbs pulsated rapidly, likely imperceptible to anyone but Cleaner.
"You can stand and walk around, if that'd make you more comfortable."
Stitch sat in the chair across from Cleaner. Cleaner was hesitant to try therapy, but Ink kept recommending it. When he first walked into Treatment Space, Cleaner was pleasantly surprised at how tidy Stitch kept his space.
Cleaner took Stitch's offer immediately and stood. He walked around the room and took a greater stock of everything. The desk behind Stitch's chair was covered in various papers. The two doors on either side of the room both had small smudges. There was a bookshelf against one of the walls. None of the books had any titles on their spines, but they had varying colors and were all the same width and height.
"In your file you mentioned a pocket dimension? What is that like?" Stitch asked.
"Oh yes, the place I live in is pretty similar to this actually," Cleaner said, slightly absentmindedly as he was still analyzing the room, "I call it Safespace actually," Cleaner chuckled.
Stitch flipped another page on their clipboard. "You wrote that you struggle with eating? Would you like to talk about that?"
"No," Cleaner said, his tone as cheery as it was when he walked in, "I can eat just fine when I'm not in Safespace, it's not that big of a deal." Cleaner bounced up and down on his toes.
"When you're not in Safespace? Are you not able to eat in your own home?"
"You know just because there's books on these shelves doesn't mean the books don't collect dust," Cleaner walked over to the shelves and looked closely at the patterns of dust. Most of the books were absolutely covered, while some had less dust than others. Cleaner assumed that Stitch used those books more often than any others.
"I didn't know that, thank you."
"Whenever you're ready to answer the question we can continue."
"It wouldn't take much at all for me to whip these shelves into shape. I could do it in two shakes right now if you'd like."
"If that'd make you more comfortable."
A handheld feather duster materialized in Cleaner's hand, his trusty Dustarella, and he went to work clearing off the bookshelves.
Ten minutes later
Twenty minutes later
Thirty minutes later
Stitch looked around their office, patiently watching Cleaner work. The papers on their desk were put in very neat piles. The floor and the rug were both completely spotless. The picture frames had been wiped clean of any smears. The golden doorknobs sparkled.
Stitch had to yell over the din of the vacuum that Cleaner had manifested, "If you're almost done, we can get back to work."
The vacuum clicked off, "What was that?" Cleaner asked.
"Would you like to sit down and answer the question I asked you at the start of our session?" Stitch asked calmly, with the tiniest hint of irritation in their voice.
The vacuum disappeared in a flurry of pink bubbles. Cleaner plopped down onto the couch, "I'd like to ask you something first."
"Go ahead. I'm an open book," Stitch said.
"What was Nightmare doing in your office?"
"That falls under client confidentiality, I'm bound by code not to disclose anything about potential clients." Stitch said, looking down at their clipboard.
"Would you like to get back on track or would you like to end our session here?"
Cleaner moved to stand again so he could get back to work. Stitch interrupted him with another question, "How did you know Nightmare was here?"
Cleaner stated simply, "Stains under the rug, I'm guessing you couldn't get them out of the floor and moved the rug to cover them."
A spray bottle manifested in Cleaner's hand. The nozzle was purple and it had a lavender colored liquid inside of it. In the center of the solution sat a glowing yellow heart shape. "I could get them out for you next time I'm here, but I think our time is up."
The clocks chimed softly. Stitch's next patient was here.
"I hope I haven't been a difficult client," Cleaner said with sincerity in his voice, "Thanks Doc. Until next time."
Cleaner left Treatment Space.
This is going to be quite the treatment journey...
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Thank you for reading!!! i'm hoping to do at least a few more of these, getting into Cleaner's mind, his history, and maybe helping him out a little bit!
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ariellewm · 1 year
Czar Agskaga Headcanon : A Modern Headcanon
....Mr. Czar Agskaga will be seeing you now...
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You work for the Amber Lily Company, a large tea company well known throughout the world. They also run a multinational tea chain, Agskaga Tea House, and grow amber lilies and other tea plants not only for consumer consumption but for medical purposes as well.
Living in the bustling city you applied two years ago at their headquarters. Lucky for you, they hired you on the spot. The pay is good, benefits exceeding your expectations. You were finally able to pay off that college loan you've had since graduating. Even better, you got a new apartment of your own close by to your job.
Moving your way up at headquarters, you're given the role as executive assistant to the CEO. The former CEO had retired, leaving his nephew to run the company.
Before starting, Mr. Czar Agskaga wishes to conduct a final interview. Many have mentioned that this newer CEO was very...very appealing to look at. Nerves were setting in the night before.
You make sure to dress your best: a scarlet dress, black heels, hair tied up. You even wore your mother's golden charm necklace as a good luck charm.
The elevator doors open, making your way toward the large, long oak doors. Taking a deep breath, you push your way in walking down the hallway leading deeper into Czar's office. Deep wine and onyx wall printing surround you with framed black and white pictures of the Agskaga family. Achievements hung on golden frames and milestones the family has made over the years.
The oval office is large, luxurious. Bigger than any office you imagined. Gold and coal coloring with hints of mahogany. Sleek onyx marble flooring. High above the city the view is breathtaking. Skyscrapers close and far.
Closer to the back of the office was a vintage large sepia desk. The desk was scattered with documents, papers and a laptop flipped open. Next to that was a golden jeweled serpent figure coiled around a cup filled with ink pens.
You attention is immediately drawn to a dark figure leaning against the window overlooking the city. The very CEO you would be assisting.
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Long sleek black hair, pulled back into a loose ponytail with some strands hanging loose. His skin tanned and glowing, even from the cloudy setting. Dressed in a black suit, intricate gold designs along the wide peak lapels. The cuffs, loose collar, even the tie, had the same mystical gold design.
He turns slightly toward your direction. His unique crimson eyes gazing at you as you approached the desk. A smile spreads across his face. For a moment, you weren't sure if you had seen small fangs as he grinned.
His movement was feline-like, graceful as he grew nearer. He extended his hand, decorated with silver rings. Nervously you introduce yourself, joining his hand with yours. His sophisticated, charming aura already drawing you in. You could even smell that rich coconut sandalwood coming off of him.
"My dear, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. Please, have a seat." He gestures to one of the black armchairs before leaning against the sepia desk behind him, " This interview shouldn't be long. And my..." He glances at the golden necklace, the dress before meeting your eye's once more, "you look lovely this morning." You already feel a blush forming but you try to hold your composure.
The interview is going well. Czar learns a bit about yourself, your past, your education. He wanted to also know where you see yourself within the company in the future. Czar also tests your knowledge on the company, the teas, and their mission.
"I'm impressed darling. You know so well about the company. And yet you've only been with us for two years." He asks if you'd like something to drink, which you accept. After all, your nerves are causing your throat to dry. He returns back with two glasses of water, passing one to you. Your hand accidently touches Czar's, his warmth causes goosebumps to slither up your arm.
"There is only one thing left for you to learn, however." "And what would that be, sir?" You asked, taking a small sip of water. Despite his professional appearance, you are slowly growing entranced by him...and he can see as well.
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Another of his charming smiles appears, his red eyes glowing, "Well, about me of course dear."
You go over your responsibilities, his preferences, etc. You are to be with him during executive meetings, tastings of new variants of tea and tea blends, and go over scheduling appointments. You'd also be joining him in luncheons and holiday parties. Of course, he'll give you time off if needed. He isn't that horrible of a CEO, and the company holds up to its standards in taking care of its employees.
He has an understanding about his employees, including yourself. Needing time away from the office to destress is number one if they need it. Your worried, but he tells you not to as he has known about how hardworking you are within the company.
As a new hire for the CEO, he sends you a special tea to your place. You've gotten to try a sample one time when you started two years ago. But being in a higher position, you were given a lifetime supply of the tea blend. It's a rarer variant of the amber lily, aged and mixed with other ingredients to help those relax.
You decided to brew some of the special tea before bed. You were able to get some much-needed restful sleep, and yet you still managed to make it on time on your first day as executive assistant for Mr. Czar.
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lustastarte · 1 year
♠of love and sex | giomis♠
genre: smut
mista convinces don giorno to take a vacation
published: 2020
written by request
Knock knock.
"Yes?" The blonde received no answer. "Come i-"
"Mr. Giovanna~," a sculpted man sang, suddenly behind Giorno.
"Mista. For the last fucking time. I can and will put a bullet between your eyes if you don't stop doing that every time you feel the need to talk to me."
The brunette mocked him. "No you won't. I'm the only one that runs your errands without mistakes."
Giorno sighed, rubbing his thumb and index finger just above his brow, moving them apart, extending his hand before rubbing it over his forehead and loosely tied up hair. "What do you even want?"
"I feel like you could use a break," the older began massaging his counterpart's shoulders.
The blonde scoffed, taking a long sip of his hot, dark beverage. "A break? I run the mafia, Guido. If I take a break, this whole thing crumbles. Besides, I can't go anywhere without my body guard, and I don't want to overwork anyone."
Mista tilted his head, a puzzled look spreading across his face and shining out of his eyes. "Giorno. I am a 24/7 body guard. I live with you as your full time body guard."
"... You live with me because we're engaged, you absolute deadshit."
Mista giggled, running his hand through Giorno's hair. He strolled over, thick wooden soles clicking on the pristine marble floor and sat down on the younger man's desk.
"Come onnn," the older whined. "You need a break... Please? Just for like three days."
Giorno stayed silent, thinking about the problems that would arise from him leaving for just a few hours, not to mention days.
"Fine," he answered defeatedly after a full five minutes of sitting silently, ignoring Mista's eyes.
Giorno's golden blonde hair whipped behind him as he basked in the sunlight and cool breeze generated by the speed of Mista's stolen convertible. Taking a deep breath, he surveyed his surroundings. The beach seemed to go on for miles, salty waves kissing the sand, driftwood and seaweed docked just above the tide as decoration. Directly across the highway stood a rickety, wooden, top-heavy dock house, a weather-beaten, mini cabin of pure, disintegrating mid-eighteenth century raised up on bowed, waterlogged, rotting supports for the purpose of enabling elderly ladies in tea dresses and floppy hats with ribbons to sit out on good afternoons to watch the sailboats tutting along the horizon at their work - a setting rendered completely imagined and unreal by the thick, suffocating saline air surrounding the coast. Waves repetitively crashed over the warm, sunbaked sand, spreading it's webbed foam like the edge of a nightgown. The costal wind blew in bitter gusts, temporarily sending chills down the blonde's neck. The salty, fishy air lay heavily on his tongue and aggressively filled his nostrils. A golden comforter outlining the shimmering, tropical teal sea, creating a picture perfect image. The large, blazing sun was perched high in the sky, shining like Elijah's fiery chariot to heaven. The sun beat down on the calm ocean as another, chilly gust of wind forced itself past Giorno. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the faint taste of salt on the breeze that was complimented by the godly, ambrosial aroma of the flowers growing around the rolling dunes of sand.
The seaside cottage has mortar walls like cold set oatmeal, painted canary yellow with window frames of birch and shutters of grey. Inside is the gentle whirr of the overhead ceiling fan, chairs relaxed in the sunlight outside. The old windows are mullioned, overlooking the garden of flowers and towering palm trees. The rickety little building hunkered low on the coastal moor like a child in a heated round of hide-and-seek trying to keep from being caught. The cottage looked as if it was straight out of a fairytale with a happy ending or a picture book for little kids. It was rusty, old, and quite dusty from the outside, but rather welcoming inside. The whole house was made of birch and mortar. A tiny stove, two small wooden chairs, a circular table, a full sized bed, and that was it. Quaint and calming. Succulents, tropical flowers, and so much more flora. A wrought iron gate with paint chipping and flaking off was the door to the property, leading onto a narrow sandy path with small shells and pebbles. There was a tiny tide pool with barnacles, starfish, urchins, sand crabs, tropical fish, anemone, algae, seagrass, and a few seagulls. The dune grass was green and yellow, scorched and toasted by the sun in the balmy Italian summers.
"See? Are you happy you took this break now?" Mista opened the door to the cottage, breathing in a briny mix of cypress, blood lily, hibiscus, and African violet. He dropped their luggage on the creaky birch floor, sending a cloud of sand into the air.
"Not yet. It's pretty, but I kind of have a really important job to do."
"Awww, Gio-Gio, come on," Mista whined, pulling the other man into his chest. "You know you like it here~"
The blonde's face began to heat up, but he tried to keep a poker face. Mista connected their lips softly, smirking as he ran his hands down Giorno's sides. Giorno shuttered, leaning into Mista's chest. What was this feeling?  He felt as though he needed to throw up, but instead of stomach acid, he wanted to throw up his entire heart. Heat pooled in his abdomen.
He was all logic, feigned, cool detachment until Mista touched his skin. Then, something primitive, something carnal not only stirred in him, but completely took over his thinking. The rest of the dull, drab world became an unimportant blur that was quickly banished into the far, compartmentalized recesses of his subconscious mind. The only thing that mattered to him was being touched even more by Mista, kissing his slightly chapped lips, surrounded by scratchy stubble, feeling his large, warm hands on his stomach, trailing to his legs. Mista tried to be gentle with Giorno's clothing, not having the slightest desire to replace a $10,000 suit, but it was so hard. Giorno tried to keep his breathing steady, but soon began panting, not quite sure if out of nervousness or arousal.
With the front door closed and locked, every former falsification falls. The façade the mob boss and his guard show the world instantaneously melts away and all Mista wants is to fuck every drop of life out of Giorno. Every kiss he gives has a raw intensity as he glides his tongue down the blonde's body - Giorno's breathing fast, but his heart rate's much faster. Before they know how it happened, the two are naked, skin moving softly and desperately together, like the finest of Mulberry silk. Giorno groans as he feels Mista's hand enter from below, one finger moving against his most sensitive parts, their tongues entwined in an aggressively passionate kiss. Then Mista has three fingers inside, changing Giorno's heavy, desperate breathing with every thrust, taking pleasure in hearing his moans, which were so perfectly timed to his body. All at once, he stops and kisses from Giorno's neck to his stomach, his greedy hands light; then, he's licking and using his fingers all at once, watching the blonde's reaction, feeling and laughing at how his spindly legs move, watching his body writhe with each brush against the deepest parts of him.
"I'm gonna make you beg for this, you know that?"
Giorno whined in response, unable to form anything intelligible.
In seconds, he's on Giorno again, fucking him hard, just long enough to intoxicate his mind before stopping completely.
"Please- Please- Guido, I-"
"You what?" Mista smirked at the blonde, tugging on his hair as he pushes just his head in. Giorno cried out in misery, needing to feel his fiancé inside him. "Hmm?"
"I need you! I need you to- to fuck me sen-senseless! Please," he wailed, never before having this feeling.
That was all it took for Mista to give in, holding nothing back as he slammed into the blonde. Mista's hands pinned Giorno to the bed, hair coming undone and toes curled. He left every part of the younger man untouched and as quick as the two started screaming, crying out for one another in the heat of the moment, it was over. Giorno arched his back, almost drooling out of pure pleasure, and Mista pounded into him, biting his neck and squeezing the headboard with one hand. The blonde screamed out, digging his short, manicured nails into the older man's tan back. Mista's thrusts slowed and he gently kissed Giorno's soft lips.
"Oh- Oh my god..."
"Was that a good first time?"
"I- Honestly, I think it's the best," Giorno giggled, panting and still shaking from pleasure.
"Happy you took the vacation now?"
"Oh, definitely."
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lelouchxl · 4 months
Devils Sonata
The Devil's Sonata  
Chapter 1
“Thus, the Lord regretted that he made human beings on earth, and his heart was deeply troubled,”
 Canzo said, raising his eyebrows. 
“Isn’t it such a fascinating passage, Vincenzo?” 
"Do you believe that God, as powerful as he is, could emanate such melancholy?" Canzo said softly, Vincenzo sighed, rubbing his nose. 
"It's as if the notion fashioned in thine image is undeniably true," he continued, prompting a taken-aback response from Canzo.
 "True as in what?"
 Canzo inquired,  surprised by Vincenzo's statement. "True as in God took pity on us, true as in God is merely a human being," 
Vincenzo remarked with a confident smirk.
 "This is blasphemy, Vincenzo," 
Canzo retorted, raising his voice and unintentionally standing up, escalating the tension between student and mentor. Canzo, attempting to diffuse the situation, forced a laugh and added, "You think God regretted making us because of himself?’ 
With a smile, Vincenzo said  “He claimed”, “Love has existed since he entered the universe, that is his essence. However, that does not guarantee the absence of the negative, It's as if despair overshadowed him; nothing is perfect, Canzo, perfection is only a maker’s flaw, and that's why we humans are so flawed, we continue to repent even knowing we’ll sin again, it's a cycle of imperfection that God gave us and if he gave to us then it is him who had first”, 
Vincenzo laughed and said I'm only speculating Canzo calm down.
Canzo with a red face got up and said 
“You fool” 
“Wait till I tell your father about this”,
 “My father” 
Vincenzo said laughing
 “Now that is a fool, a man with no love, only filled with hatred, my father should take notes from God, as he loved his children.” 
Chapter 2
The conversation gradually eased to the point where it was utter silence,  
 looking away from Canzo and slowly turned to the window, with a saddened sigh Canzo said 
“If it's freedom you want then leave, go far away Vincenzo, and explore the world” 
Holding one's head in one hand Vincenzo said to Canzo, 
“You know I can never leave right? I am bound to this house and the family name” “Foolishness Vincenzo”
 Canzo said with flashing eyes 
“this is your life Vincenzo Agosti you are your own man”. 
Vincenzo stared at Canzo with a strange look and said 
“Why the sudden change of heart Canzo, were you not going to tell my father of my blasphemy”
“ fear not Child it is just a shock of anger, Don't look so gloomy,”
 Canzo said, 
“My life was once similar to yours, freedom is hard to grasp, yet we have it by right” 
As those words echoed in his mind he left the room, the hallway to his bedroom was endless and had a profound melancholy that enwrapped all the wood, an endless walk to a cage with no lock, the wood on the walls were old and smelt like death, pictures of past ancestors hung on walls left and right, Vincenzo looked like a lost soul wandering around with chains shackled to the house, he finally got to his room, and slowly laid on his bed, and fell quickly to sleep.
Chapter 3 
 The heavy rain the following morning abruptly awakened Vincenzo from his peaceful slumber. Recalling his conversation with Canzo, he muttered "Blasphemy" with a vacant stare. He pondered aloud, 
"Isn't death too harsh a punishment for freethinkers?" 
The thought of death did not bring any closure to his mother's death. 
, Vincenzo dressed for breakfast amidst scattered music sheets and violin strings. Despite not being a prodigy, playing the violin brought him solace; he often improvised musical notes for pleasure. Adjusting his tie in the mirror, the twenty-year-old revealed his tall, lanky frame and unbuttoned black blazer over a brown shirt with a golden cross. Vincenzo's rugged appearance, with his once-patchy black beard and sunken eyes, contrasted starkly with his father's demeanor.
“Good morning,”
 one of the maids said to Vincenzo as he was approaching the door to the dining table, “Please come in Giana said” 
prompting her hand to the door, you look lovely madam, Vincenzo said, As he walked in he could see his father at the end of the table staring at him with a cold glare, Aldo Agosti one of the last remaining aristocrats in Italy, his family fortune stemmed from old artifacts. As Vincenzo entered the room, he took his seat at the opposite end of the table avoiding eye contact from his father. The maids, acting in perfect synchrony, brought out the food, and they commenced their meal in silence. After a while, Aldo cast a quiet glance at Vincenzo and spoke slowly,
 "I notice that my son enjoys questioning what he does not understand. God is not some human you can analyze”.
Vincenzo glanced around, searching for Canzo, but his father interjected,
 "Do not fret, son. I am aware of everything."
Aldo then introduced his proposition: an invitation to a prestigious European school, facilitated by his connections, in exchange for Vincenzo assuming the role of family heir, with Aldo arranging suitable matches for him.
"You desire freedom from this false dilemma; I offer it at a price," Aldo stated.
Confusion enveloped Vincenzo as he pondered the offer. Was it out of pity?
 "Why grant me a fleeting freedom only to ensnare me in a lifetime of corruption?"
 he questioned through gritted teeth.
Aldo, wearing a cold smile, asserted, 
"Because you are my son, and you will obey."
 With a snap of his fingers, a maid presented a plate bearing a key and an envelope containing money.
 "This is all I will provide: your dormitory key and limited funds,"
 Aldo declared. "The school is in Vienna."
In a state of shock and bewilderment, Vincenzo sensed a ploy. Why allow me to journey across Europe, only to expect my return?"I may not grasp my father's motives, as with those before him, and God whose cause do you serve?"
 he mused silently amid the melancholic echoes of the rain-soaked dining hall
Vincenzo abruptly excused himself, prompting Aldo to order, 
"Giana, ensure my son remains confined until he provides a definitive answer."
Chapter 4
 He strolled past the entrance of the study room, catching the familiar tune of Canzo's humming. Vincenzo recognized it instantly. As he entered, he found Canzo seated near the open window, engrossed in the writings of Thomas Aquinas.  Canzo, looking up, noticed a somber silhouette at the door. With a teasing tone, he called out, 
"Vincenzo, you fool! Are you spying on me?"
 "Ironic," Vincenzo retorted. "
Now, now," 
Canzo chuckled. 
"I never thought your father had rats, although I always suspected as much”.
“The freedom you sought after has arrived; all that remains is your response."
 Ignoring the question, Vincenzo swiftly remarked, 
"Mahler's Symphony No. 2 'Auferstehung'—the embodiment of resurrection."
Canzo replied, 
"the most poetic conclusion to a song that mankind has ever created.” 
instantly shifting the conversation Vincenzo said I think I'm going to decline my father's offer, he said to Canzo,
 “as you said I'm my own man, I don't need help from a man with no love in his heart.”
“So be it,” 
Canzo said. Vincenzo left while wanting to meet his father at his office, but he was hesitant, so much so that he waited for the rain to calm down, so he could venture off into the garden maze they have in the backyard.  It's been years since he walked around in that maze. 
It was a challenging one, he never truly grasped the route to its center, knowledge only his father possessed, despite his constant attempts he felt like he was walking around with no hope, it was just countless frustrating dead ends, but after ten minutes of walking back and forth he stumbled upon a small dent in the ground.
The end had a musical note on the floor with a small pressure plate on the left, it was a bass clef, he stood back confused about the fact that he had never seen this note during his youth. Vincenzo stepped on the pressure plate and the grass end in front of him opened up. 
Chapter 5 
The sun was beginning to rise, and while the water dripped gently amongst the foliage of the maze, one raindrop fell on top of Vincenzo's head, he looked up as the sun shined in his eyes. 
Slowly looking down, the passage was fully opened, and he took two steps in, looking left and right he saw no path, only the one in front of him, he saw a dark, sleek narrow pathway, the path in Vincenzo's eyes looked like the dark endless abyss. He began to walk down, eerie as it was, with no sound, but only his breathing and heartbeat, he had not known what lay at the end. 
He walked for almost five whole minutes, the pathway was covered from top to bottom with leaves that had the smell of an old cellar. The end was near, and the pathway followed a left corner with what seemed to be another long walk but light was at the end. He stepped into the light, finding himself amidst the maze. 
The center of the maze was spacious, featuring a conspicuous statue at its core. As Vincenzo approached, the figure grew increasingly shrouded in darkness. When he looked up, the statue's eyes seemed to pierce him with a haunting gaze, revealing sinister carvings that sparked a sense of fear. 
His gaze shifted downward, revealing long pointed toenails, and as he looked upward again, the statue's naked form stretched from toes to wings that, despite their angelic appearance, looked like something malevolent.
 In a hushed tone, Vincenzo murmured, 
"A demon statue in our yard, how could this be?"
 His eyes returned to the statue, now captivated by a chilling scene — the demon playing a violin and gazing down at the floor. 
Despite the absence of horns, the statue portrayed a melancholic expression with flowing hair. As he surveyed the surroundings, Vincenzo noticed a small passage beneath its back right foot, marked with the inscription, 
Vincenzo stepped back a couple of meters, walked back to the front, and realized who this was. Without hesitation, he turned around to find the passage, looking left and right hastily to leave the maze. As he walked near the middle of the dark pathway, his heart began to pound rapidly, then at a slow pace he started to run, the long narrow and dark path seemed endless, he took the left and saw the opening, running out he took deep breaths, he realized it was raining still, confused he looked up at his father's window, and he saw him staring at Vincenzo, as he quickly turned away closing the drapes. 
Chapter 6
His heavy breathing followed him into the back door, he found himself staring face to face with Giana the maid, 
“what's wrong Vincenzo does everything seem to be alright?” 
Giana said with a worried face  
he replied while his heavy breathing subsided, walking away from Giana he left her by the door with wet shoe prints that followed. 
He walked straight to his room, but on the way, his head started to ache, some horrifying sound came into his consciousness, like someone playing the violin backward, it was ringing so loud his ears were about to pop, and he fell to his knees holding both his ears, looking down he saw a shadow walk close to him, the shadow grabbed both his hands and pulled Vincenzo up, a snap in his head went off, and the sound went away.
 He saw that it was Canzo, who was lifting him, 
“what in God's name is happening”
 Vincenzo said loudly,  frustrated as he was, he asked Canzo 
“Help me to my room mentor, there's something I need to tell you”. 
Canzo laid Vincenzo on his chair near the window, Vincenzo quickly looked outside at the maze, but it was too tall for his house to even see the middle. 
Looking back at Canzo, he hastily grabbed his hand with strength pulled Canzo near his face, and said, 
“Don’t lie to me for God is my witness Canzo but why is there a statue of the fallen angel in the center of our maze” 
Canzo stepped back pulling away from Vincenzo's hand looked at him and said, “Is this some kind of jest” 
“Does it look like I'm joking Canzo” 
Vincenzo said while looking into his eyes.
“I'm going to find my father”, 
leaving the room. Canzo walked towards the window looking at the maze and saw that there was nothing there, only a small garden with a cellar entrance to the right. Canzo said to himself while looking at the door that Vincenzo walked out of  “We never had a maze”. 
Chapter 7   
His head still echoed with the haunting melody of the shattered violin, producing an eerie and malevolent sound. 
The paintings adorning the walls of his father's room depicted ancient ancestors, resembling those he had near his bedroom.
 As he walked through the hallway, he cast glances in both directions, the feeling of being observed was haunting him sending shivers down his spine. The sensation persisted, as though unseen eyes tracked his every move, with the instinct to quicken his pace. 
With each step, the corridor seemed to constrict, its walls shifting in tandem with the peculiar ambiance of the mansion. 
Determined to synchronize with this otherworldly phenomenon, he began to walk at a steady pace. Wiping sweat from his face, he approached his father's room, its presence was insufferable. It stood with a  black door, and a small knob featuring an intricate knock mechanism adorned with angelic facial features. 
As he extended his hand to knock, a sound caught his attention. He halted, listening intently as footsteps approached the door. 
To his surprise, it swung open of its own accord. 
He entered the room to find his father gazing out the window into the garden. 
Taking a few steps inside, Vincenzo glanced to his left, expecting to see the source of the mysterious door opening, only to realize it was a mere maid. She respectfully lowered her head and withdrew, leaving father and son alone. 
Aldo turned around looked at Vincenzo with a smile and began saying 
“My lost son returns with an answer, what shall it be? 
Looking at Vincenzo with glaring eyes of fire, Vincenzo sneered and said, 
“As Satan himself tempted Christ and failed, I shall do the same, your presence is only that of an ill omen, your offer is meaningless, and your temptation has failed” 
with a glance of an eye, Vincenzo caught the tip of a piece of paper underneath his father's bookshelf. 
He looked back at his father for a response, but only exchanged glances Aldo broke the stare by saying  
“So be it, for the last twenty years you've stayed locked in this mansion, and you’ll stay for another twenty, you've been an insolent child, a spawn of the devil ever since you were born”
 Aldo said with an anguished look, 
“I'll be gone for three days on a business trip, the last thing I want to see is your face, leave me be” 
Vincenzo looked back at the paper, walking backward near the door, and turned around and left, leaving the door open, as he walked down the hall he felt his father's glaring eyes following him. 
Chapter 8 
It continued to rain the next day, as his father left early around 5:00 am, the mansion felt quiet and clear of any evilness that surrounded the halls, it was like a fresh breeze of clean air that hit Vincenzo's face. 
He got up and quickly dressed, for he felt a good day would be at hand, three days of complete freedom he thought, no eyes or ears, just him and his mind.
 Vincenzo walked past the library and saw Canzo reading near the window again, the spot he adored because the sun would shine on the book. 
Canzo looked up and saw him pass by, but paid no attention to it, Vincenzo walked down his father's hall and again saw his black towering door, he stared at it for quite a while, and then proceeded to open it. 
As he walked in a cold breeze brushed his face, and instantly turning toward the paper from before which had still laid there without notice, he walked towards and picked it up, looking at it he realized it was a music sheet of an old song, without reading further, he swiftly stashed the sheet into his pocket and slipped out of his father's room, as if no one had never been noticed. Walking back to his room he passed by the library, Canzo still sitting there called out to him, 
“Has one been engulfed with happiness, or is this the morning doing its wonders” 
 Vincenzo popped his head back in the room and said 
“God has given me peace it seems”
 he smiled and walked away. He entered his room, walked to his chair by the window, sat, took out the sheet of paper, and began reading it. He was puzzled for some time, he sat there until the afternoon. Canzo walked by his room and saw him sitting there in deep thought, and knocked and said 
“Vincenzo you missed breakfast, and soon brunch”
He walked in and glanced at the notes on the paper, grabbed it from Vincenzo's hand, and said
 “once a fool always a fool, it seems the music sheet of notes is reversed”,
 “but why”
Vincenzo said 
“ It seems someone was playing around with the song for fun, the song is the Devil Trill Sonata”, 
Tartini Vincenzo said with a puzzled face, 
Canzo said but it's only showing the ending of the song. Canzo looked at Vincenzo and said 
“It was stated that the devil visited Tartini's dream and played this song to him, some say it was a deal, others say it was only a silly dream, but the notes and difficulty of the song were not man-made” 
and who said that Vincenzo said
“I did”  
Canzo said. Canzo walked away and said 
“Don't miss dinner”
closing the door and leaving Vincenzo by himself with the notes of the devil.  
Chapter 9
A gloomy shadow rained over the mansion with a cast of doubt that washed through the halls leading to Vincenzo's room. He grabbed his Violin near the window and began playing the song in the correct version until he reached the altered part, he grabbed the sheet and played it, he played it so well that it rolled off his fingers with ease, and the sound was dreadful, bitter, but his mind and soul loved it, he felt happy for a moment, but then he realized it was the same sound that brought him to his knees, but for some reason it didn't bother him, and at that moment his conscious fell back to the abyss, he saw his eyes inside his head, he was flying away from his eyes, the visions of life was fading away. At that moment he heard a voice, the voice was soft and sad, yet it felt wicked, it was his voice, a shock came over him, confused, but he could not speak, his voice was taken from him, and given to the other. The other said 
“It seems you've played it again” 
Then laughing he said, 
“Your father is clumsy”. 
As the other was fading, he said to Vincenzo 
“She tried to kill you once, but failed miserably, as I stabbed her heart repeatedly, and the last thing she saw was your face, I shall leave you in this cage of despair child, and watch again as life fades through your eyes”.
 Canzo came by to remind Vincenzo that brunch was ready, he knew Vincenzo wouldn’t come, so he came himself. He saw Vincenzo sitting by the window with his violin in the playing position, Vincenzo said to Canzo with a voice of surprise 
 “Mentor you look like death has sat upon your shoulder” 
he walked towards Canzo's shoulder placed his hand on it, and said 
“Let us go eat before the cold engulfs it” 
He walked out down the hall and disappeared. Canzo walked towards the chair where he sat and saw the music sheet, picked it up, and put it in his pocket.
Chapter 10 
The house reeked of death and hopelessness for the past three days since Canzo last spoke to Vincenzo at the dinner table, these three days Canzo read by the window until the last day it had rained before Aldo came home. Canzo greeted him by the door and said “How was your trip, sir” 
Aldo said with a cold stare 
“ it was fine, though I found the violin performance after my meeting to end my day perfectly” 
at that moment for some odd reason, Aldo felt a chill down his spine like before, Canzo looked at Aldo confused, and said 
“Is everything alright” 
 “where is Vincenzo”
 Aldo said to Canzo,
“He’s somewhere in this house I think, he's been gloomy the past three days “ 
Aldo looked at Canzo and stared at him for one minute straight, and then quickly turned left and ran to his room. Canzo has never seen his master act like this, he’s only been with the family for ten years, but Canzo followed himself as well.  Aldo ran into his room searching everywhere for something, Canzo followed in and asked 
“ what's wrong sir” 
but he ignored him, Aldo turned his room upside down, then yelled at Canzo saying
“Has Vincenzo entered this room, and don't lie to me” 
“ No sir………”
 but then Canzo remembered Vincenzo walking away from the direction of his room when he was reading in the library.
“Sir he might have, he had this music sheet with him, it was the Devil's Trill Sonata, but the notes near the end of the song were changed” 
“ Does he still have it?”
 Aldo said with a scared voice,
 Canzo  pulled the sheet out of his pocket and gave it to Aldo 
Aldo held it in his hands looked up at Canzo and said 
“ Canzo listen to me carefully and don't disobey me” 
“ Yes master, of course, anything” 
Aldo said “ Vincenzo is not the person you think he is”
 Canzo was about to speak but Aldo cut him off with a cold glare 
“ The Vincenzo that walks around the house is that of the devil himself, and none of us can do anything about it” 
Canzo was confused, but they heard someone coming up the stairs down the hall, Aldo quickly said, 
“Hide in the closet, my life Canzo is at an end, I have a pistol at the dining room on display, you must take it”. 
Vincenzo walked in and said 
“has my father gone insane, talking to himself now, how pathetic” 
Before Vincenzo could say another word Aldo said 
“it seems my son has played the song, though I will never see him again, I will trust that my hate is not something he dies with”   
Vincenzo walked close to Aldo thrust a stab in the stomach and pulled a knife up to his heart, leaving his heart exposed to air, Canzo watched everything through the closet door openings, as Aldo fell to the floor, The other got close to Aldo’s face and said 
“Isn't it beautiful, how life in the eyes slowly fades away, I pray that you are watching Vincenzo”
 He got up looked around, and left closing the door. Canzo waited ten minutes before leaving the closet, he walked to Aldo's dead and cold body and closed his eyes. As he prayed to God, beads of sweat formed on his brow, and his trembling hands made it difficult to speak.
Chapter 11
Canzo left the room, gently closing the door behind him. He briskly strode down the hall until he encountered a maid carrying a tray of food for Aldo. 
"Hold on, miss, I'll take that," 
Canzo said quickly. 
The maid bowed and departed as he hurriedly put the food in the library. He needed to ensure no one approached the room at any cost, but he somehow needed to get that gun, at this point, he thought it was no use, the gun was most important. He walked into the dining room and saw it cased in the glass above Aldo’s seat. Before he could contemplate retrieving it, Vincenzo entered the room. He saw Canzo near Aldo’s seat and said 
“Mentor God himself has blessed us to meet, I pray your day has gone well”
“My day has been interesting” 
As his heart started to pound heavily he said to Vincenzo 
“What brings you into the dining room in the morning, you rarely eat breakfast” 
“Very true Canzo, I shall leave you be then while you eat by yourself, oh I forgot to ask I changed my decision I'll be leaving for Vienna, my father has inspired me so much, the last few days of silence gave me peace of mind”
Canzo bowed his head to Vincenzo and said 
“The changed man has truly changed” 
Vincenzo walked away, leaving Canzo alone. Canzo waited for a moment before his gaze settled on the glass case. He opened the hatch on the left and retrieved the gun, it was a weathered American Colt Navy revolver. Leaving the dining hall, consumed by the urgency to confront Vincenzo, Canzo scoured every corner but found no trace of him. As he made his way towards the main hall, a chilling sight caught his attention, a pool of blood near the jacket closet. Opening it, he discovered four maids lying lifeless, their throats gruesomely slit from one end to the other, he quickly closed the door and at that moment he heard a violin being played, Devil's Trill Sonata was echoed from the library, he slowly walked to the door and saw Vincenzo playing seated and faced to the window, Vincenzo said to Canzo as he walked in
 “ just like the dream, you and Tartini both gave me a face of disgust” 
He slowly walked to the chair and pointed the gun at his head while still playing the violin, Vincenzo said 
“It seems my tim
The Devil's Sonata  
Chapter 1
“Thus, the Lord regretted that he made human beings on earth, and his heart was deeply troubled,”
 Canzo said, raising his eyebrows. 
“Isn’t it such a fascinating passage, Vincenzo?” 
"Do you believe that God, as powerful as he is, could emanate such melancholy?" Canzo said softly, Vincenzo sighed, rubbing his nose. 
"It's as if the notion fashioned in thine image is undeniably true," he continued, prompting a taken-aback response from Canzo.
 "True as in what?"
 Canzo inquired,  surprised by Vincenzo's statement. "True as in God took pity on us, true as in God is merely a human being," 
Vincenzo remarked with a confident smirk.
 "This is blasphemy, Vincenzo," 
Canzo retorted, raising his voice and unintentionally standing up, escalating the tension between student and mentor. Canzo, attempting to diffuse the situation, forced a laugh and added, "You think God regretted making us because of himself?’ 
With a smile, Vincenzo said  “He claimed”, “Love has existed since he entered the universe, that is his essence. However, that does not guarantee the absence of the negative, It's as if despair overshadowed him; nothing is perfect, Canzo, perfection is only a maker’s flaw, and that's why we humans are so flawed, we continue to repent even knowing we’ll sin again, it's a cycle of imperfection that God gave us and if he gave to us then it is him who had first”, 
Vincenzo laughed and said I'm only speculating Canzo calm down.
Canzo with a red face got up and said 
“You fool” 
“Wait till I tell your father about this”,
 “My father” 
Vincenzo said laughing
 “Now that is a fool, a man with no love, only filled with hatred, my father should take notes from God, as he loved his children.” 
Chapter 2
The conversation gradually eased to the point where it was utter silence,  
 looking away from Canzo and slowly turned to the window, with a saddened sigh Canzo said 
“If it's freedom you want then leave, go far away Vincenzo, and explore the world” 
Holding one's head in one hand Vincenzo said to Canzo, 
“You know I can never leave right? I am bound to this house and the family name” “Foolishness Vincenzo”
 Canzo said with flashing eyes 
“this is your life Vincenzo Agosti you are your own man”. 
Vincenzo stared at Canzo with a strange look and said 
“Why the sudden change of heart Canzo, were you not going to tell my father of my blasphemy”
“ fear not Child it is just a shock of anger, Don't look so gloomy,”
 Canzo said, 
“My life was once similar to yours, freedom is hard to grasp, yet we have it by right” 
As those words echoed in his mind he left the room, the hallway to his bedroom was endless and had a profound melancholy that enwrapped all the wood, an endless walk to a cage with no lock, the wood on the walls were old and smelt like death, pictures of past ancestors hung on walls left and right, Vincenzo looked like a lost soul wandering around with chains shackled to the house, he finally got to his room, and slowly laid on his bed, and fell quickly to sleep.
Chapter 3 
 The heavy rain the following morning abruptly awakened Vincenzo from his peaceful slumber. Recalling his conversation with Canzo, he muttered "Blasphemy" with a vacant stare. He pondered aloud, 
"Isn't death too harsh a punishment for freethinkers?" 
The thought of death did not bring any closure to his mother's death. 
, Vincenzo dressed for breakfast amidst scattered music sheets and violin strings. Despite not being a prodigy, playing the violin brought him solace; he often improvised musical notes for pleasure. Adjusting his tie in the mirror, the twenty-year-old revealed his tall, lanky frame and unbuttoned black blazer over a brown shirt with a golden cross. Vincenzo's rugged appearance, with his once-patchy black beard and sunken eyes, contrasted starkly with his father's demeanor.
“Good morning,”
 one of the maids said to Vincenzo as he was approaching the door to the dining table, “Please come in Giana said” 
prompting her hand to the door, you look lovely madam, Vincenzo said, As he walked in he could see his father at the end of the table staring at him with a cold glare, Aldo Agosti one of the last remaining aristocrats in Italy, his family fortune stemmed from old artifacts. As Vincenzo entered the room, he took his seat at the opposite end of the table avoiding eye contact from his father. The maids, acting in perfect synchrony, brought out the food, and they commenced their meal in silence. After a while, Aldo cast a quiet glance at Vincenzo and spoke slowly,
 "I notice that my son enjoys questioning what he does not understand. God is not some human you can analyze”.
Vincenzo glanced around, searching for Canzo, but his father interjected,
 "Do not fret, son. I am aware of everything."
Aldo then introduced his proposition: an invitation to a prestigious European school, facilitated by his connections, in exchange for Vincenzo assuming the role of family heir, with Aldo arranging suitable matches for him.
"You desire freedom from this false dilemma; I offer it at a price," Aldo stated.
Confusion enveloped Vincenzo as he pondered the offer. Was it out of pity?
 "Why grant me a fleeting freedom only to ensnare me in a lifetime of corruption?"
 he questioned through gritted teeth.
Aldo, wearing a cold smile, asserted, 
"Because you are my son, and you will obey."
 With a snap of his fingers, a maid presented a plate bearing a key and an envelope containing money.
 "This is all I will provide: your dormitory key and limited funds,"
 Aldo declared. "The school is in Vienna."
In a state of shock and bewilderment, Vincenzo sensed a ploy. Why allow me to journey across Europe, only to expect my return?"I may not grasp my father's motives, as with those before him, and God whose cause do you serve?"
 he mused silently amid the melancholic echoes of the rain-soaked dining hall
Vincenzo abruptly excused himself, prompting Aldo to order, 
"Giana, ensure my son remains confined until he provides a definitive answer."
Chapter 4
 He strolled past the entrance of the study room, catching the familiar tune of Canzo's humming. Vincenzo recognized it instantly. As he entered, he found Canzo seated near the open window, engrossed in the writings of Thomas Aquinas.  Canzo, looking up, noticed a somber silhouette at the door. With a teasing tone, he called out, 
"Vincenzo, you fool! Are you spying on me?"
 "Ironic," Vincenzo retorted. "
Now, now," 
Canzo chuckled. 
"I never thought your father had rats, although I always suspected as much”.
“The freedom you sought after has arrived; all that remains is your response."
 Ignoring the question, Vincenzo swiftly remarked, 
"Mahler's Symphony No. 2 'Auferstehung'—the embodiment of resurrection."
Canzo replied, 
"the most poetic conclusion to a song that mankind has ever created.” 
instantly shifting the conversation Vincenzo said I think I'm going to decline my father's offer, he said to Canzo,
 “as you said I'm my own man, I don't need help from a man with no love in his heart.”
“So be it,” 
Canzo said. Vincenzo left while wanting to meet his father at his office, but he was hesitant, so much so that he waited for the rain to calm down, so he could venture off into the garden maze they have in the backyard.  It's been years since he walked around in that maze. 
It was a challenging one, he never truly grasped the route to its center, knowledge only his father possessed, despite his constant attempts he felt like he was walking around with no hope, it was just countless frustrating dead ends, but after ten minutes of walking back and forth he stumbled upon a small dent in the ground.
The end had a musical note on the floor with a small pressure plate on the left, it was a bass clef, he stood back confused about the fact that he had never seen this note during his youth. Vincenzo stepped on the pressure plate and the grass end in front of him opened up. 
Chapter 5 
The sun was beginning to rise, and while the water dripped gently amongst the foliage of the maze, one raindrop fell on top of Vincenzo's head, he looked up as the sun shined in his eyes. 
Slowly looking down, the passage was fully opened, and he took two steps in, looking left and right he saw no path, only the one in front of him, he saw a dark, sleek narrow pathway, the path in Vincenzo's eyes looked like the dark endless abyss. He began to walk down, eerie as it was, with no sound, but only his breathing and heartbeat, he had not known what lay at the end. 
He walked for almost five whole minutes, the pathway was covered from top to bottom with leaves that had the smell of an old cellar. The end was near, and the pathway followed a left corner with what seemed to be another long walk but light was at the end. He stepped into the light, finding himself amidst the maze. 
The center of the maze was spacious, featuring a conspicuous statue at its core. As Vincenzo approached, the figure grew increasingly shrouded in darkness. When he looked up, the statue's eyes seemed to pierce him with a haunting gaze, revealing sinister carvings that sparked a sense of fear. 
His gaze shifted downward, revealing long pointed toenails, and as he looked upward again, the statue's naked form stretched from toes to wings that, despite their angelic appearance, looked like something malevolent.
 In a hushed tone, Vincenzo murmured, 
"A demon statue in our yard, how could this be?"
 His eyes returned to the statue, now captivated by a chilling scene — the demon playing a violin and gazing down at the floor. 
Despite the absence of horns, the statue portrayed a melancholic expression with flowing hair. As he surveyed the surroundings, Vincenzo noticed a small passage beneath its back right foot, marked with the inscription, 
Vincenzo stepped back a couple of meters, walked back to the front, and realized who this was. Without hesitation, he turned around to find the passage, looking left and right hastily to leave the maze. As he walked near the middle of the dark pathway, his heart began to pound rapidly, then at a slow pace he started to run, the long narrow and dark path seemed endless, he took the left and saw the opening, running out he took deep breaths, he realized it was raining still, confused he looked up at his father's window, and he saw him staring at Vincenzo, as he quickly turned away closing the drapes. 
Chapter 6
His heavy breathing followed him into the back door, he found himself staring face to face with Giana the maid, 
“what's wrong Vincenzo does everything seem to be alright?” 
Giana said with a worried face  
he replied while his heavy breathing subsided, walking away from Giana he left her by the door with wet shoe prints that followed. 
He walked straight to his room, but on the way, his head started to ache, some horrifying sound came into his consciousness, like someone playing the violin backward, it was ringing so loud his ears were about to pop, and he fell to his knees holding both his ears, looking down he saw a shadow walk close to him, the shadow grabbed both his hands and pulled Vincenzo up, a snap in his head went off, and the sound went away.
 He saw that it was Canzo, who was lifting him, 
“what in God's name is happening”
 Vincenzo said loudly,  frustrated as he was, he asked Canzo 
“Help me to my room mentor, there's something I need to tell you”. 
Canzo laid Vincenzo on his chair near the window, Vincenzo quickly looked outside at the maze, but it was too tall for his house to even see the middle. 
Looking back at Canzo, he hastily grabbed his hand with strength pulled Canzo near his face, and said, 
“Don’t lie to me for God is my witness Canzo but why is there a statue of the fallen angel in the center of our maze” 
Canzo stepped back pulling away from Vincenzo's hand looked at him and said, “Is this some kind of jest” 
“Does it look like I'm joking Canzo” 
Vincenzo said while looking into his eyes.
“I'm going to find my father”, 
leaving the room. Canzo walked towards the window looking at the maze and saw that there was nothing there, only a small garden with a cellar entrance to the right. Canzo said to himself while looking at the door that Vincenzo walked out of  “We never had a maze”. 
Chapter 7   
His head still echoed with the haunting melody of the shattered violin, producing an eerie and malevolent sound. 
The paintings adorning the walls of his father's room depicted ancient ancestors, resembling those he had near his bedroom.
 As he walked through the hallway, he cast glances in both directions, the feeling of being observed was haunting him sending shivers down his spine. The sensation persisted, as though unseen eyes tracked his every move, with the instinct to quicken his pace. 
With each step, the corridor seemed to constrict, its walls shifting in tandem with the peculiar ambiance of the mansion. 
Determined to synchronize with this otherworldly phenomenon, he began to walk at a steady pace. Wiping sweat from his face, he approached his father's room, its presence was insufferable. It stood with a  black door, and a small knob featuring an intricate knock mechanism adorned with angelic facial features. 
As he extended his hand to knock, a sound caught his attention. He halted, listening intently as footsteps approached the door. 
To his surprise, it swung open of its own accord. 
He entered the room to find his father gazing out the window into the garden. 
Taking a few steps inside, Vincenzo glanced to his left, expecting to see the source of the mysterious door opening, only to realize it was a mere maid. She respectfully lowered her head and withdrew, leaving father and son alone. 
Aldo turned around looked at Vincenzo with a smile and began saying 
“My lost son returns with an answer, what shall it be? 
Looking at Vincenzo with glaring eyes of fire, Vincenzo sneered and said, 
“As Satan himself tempted Christ and failed, I shall do the same, your presence is only that of an ill omen, your offer is meaningless, and your temptation has failed” 
with a glance of an eye, Vincenzo caught the tip of a piece of paper underneath his father's bookshelf. 
He looked back at his father for a response, but only exchanged glances Aldo broke the stare by saying  
“So be it, for the last twenty years you've stayed locked in this mansion, and you’ll stay for another twenty, you've been an insolent child, a spawn of the devil ever since you were born”
 Aldo said with an anguished look, 
“I'll be gone for three days on a business trip, the last thing I want to see is your face, leave me be” 
Vincenzo looked back at the paper, walking backward near the door, and turned around and left, leaving the door open, as he walked down the hall he felt his father's glaring eyes following him. 
Chapter 8 
It continued to rain the next day, as his father left early around 5:00 am, the mansion felt quiet and clear of any evilness that surrounded the halls, it was like a fresh breeze of clean air that hit Vincenzo's face. 
He got up and quickly dressed, for he felt a good day would be at hand, three days of complete freedom he thought, no eyes or ears, just him and his mind.
 Vincenzo walked past the library and saw Canzo reading near the window again, the spot he adored because the sun would shine on the book. 
Canzo looked up and saw him pass by, but paid no attention to it, Vincenzo walked down his father's hall and again saw his black towering door, he stared at it for quite a while, and then proceeded to open it. 
As he walked in a cold breeze brushed his face, and instantly turning toward the paper from before which had still laid there without notice, he walked towards and picked it up, looking at it he realized it was a music sheet of an old song, without reading further, he swiftly stashed the sheet into his pocket and slipped out of his father's room, as if no one had never been noticed. Walking back to his room he passed by the library, Canzo still sitting there called out to him, 
“Has one been engulfed with happiness, or is this the morning doing its wonders” 
 Vincenzo popped his head back in the room and said 
“God has given me peace it seems”
 he smiled and walked away. He entered his room, walked to his chair by the window, sat, took out the sheet of paper, and began reading it. He was puzzled for some time, he sat there until the afternoon. Canzo walked by his room and saw him sitting there in deep thought, and knocked and said 
“Vincenzo you missed breakfast, and soon brunch”
He walked in and glanced at the notes on the paper, grabbed it from Vincenzo's hand, and said
 “once a fool always a fool, it seems the music sheet of notes is reversed”,
 “but why”
Vincenzo said 
“ It seems someone was playing around with the song for fun, the song is the Devil Trill Sonata”, 
Tartini Vincenzo said with a puzzled face, 
Canzo said but it's only showing the ending of the song. Canzo looked at Vincenzo and said 
“It was stated that the devil visited Tartini's dream and played this song to him, some say it was a deal, others say it was only a silly dream, but the notes and difficulty of the song were not man-made” 
and who said that Vincenzo said
“I did”  
Canzo said. Canzo walked away and said 
“Don't miss dinner”
closing the door and leaving Vincenzo by himself with the notes of the devil.  
Chapter 9
A gloomy shadow rained over the mansion with a cast of doubt that washed through the halls leading to Vincenzo's room. He grabbed his Violin near the window and began playing the song in the correct version until he reached the altered part, he grabbed the sheet and played it, he played it so well that it rolled off his fingers with ease, and the sound was dreadful, bitter, but his mind and soul loved it, he felt happy for a moment, but then he realized it was the same sound that brought him to his knees, but for some reason it didn't bother him, and at that moment his conscious fell back to the abyss, he saw his eyes inside his head, he was flying away from his eyes, the visions of life was fading away. At that moment he heard a voice, the voice was soft and sad, yet it felt wicked, it was his voice, a shock came over him, confused, but he could not speak, his voice was taken from him, and given to the other. The other said 
“It seems you've played it again” 
Then laughing he said, 
“Your father is clumsy”. 
As the other was fading, he said to Vincenzo 
“She tried to kill you once, but failed miserably, as I stabbed her heart repeatedly, and the last thing she saw was your face, I shall leave you in this cage of despair child, and watch again as life fades through your eyes”.
 Canzo came by to remind Vincenzo that brunch was ready, he knew Vincenzo wouldn’t come, so he came himself. He saw Vincenzo sitting by the window with his violin in the playing position, Vincenzo said to Canzo with a voice of surprise 
 “Mentor you look like death has sat upon your shoulder” 
he walked towards Canzo's shoulder placed his hand on it, and said 
“Let us go eat before the cold engulfs it” 
He walked out down the hall and disappeared. Canzo walked towards the chair where he sat and saw the music sheet, picked it up, and put it in his pocket.
Chapter 10 
The house reeked of death and hopelessness for the past three days since Canzo last spoke to Vincenzo at the dinner table, these three days Canzo read by the window until the last day it had rained before Aldo came home. Canzo greeted him by the door and said “How was your trip, sir” 
Aldo said with a cold stare 
“ it was fine, though I found the violin performance after my meeting to end my day perfectly” 
at that moment for some odd reason, Aldo felt a chill down his spine like before, Canzo looked at Aldo confused, and said 
“Is everything alright” 
 “where is Vincenzo”
 Aldo said to Canzo,
“He’s somewhere in this house I think, he's been gloomy the past three days “ 
Aldo looked at Canzo and stared at him for one minute straight, and then quickly turned left and ran to his room. Canzo has never seen his master act like this, he’s only been with the family for ten years, but Canzo followed himself as well.  Aldo ran into his room searching everywhere for something, Canzo followed in and asked 
“ what's wrong sir” 
but he ignored him, Aldo turned his room upside down, then yelled at Canzo saying
“Has Vincenzo entered this room, and don't lie to me” 
“ No sir………”
 but then Canzo remembered Vincenzo walking away from the direction of his room when he was reading in the library.
“Sir he might have, he had this music sheet with him, it was the Devil's Trill Sonata, but the notes near the end of the song were changed” 
“ Does he still have it?”
 Aldo said with a scared voice,
 Canzo  pulled the sheet out of his pocket and gave it to Aldo 
Aldo held it in his hands looked up at Canzo and said 
“ Canzo listen to me carefully and don't disobey me” 
“ Yes master, of course, anything” 
Aldo said “ Vincenzo is not the person you think he is”
 Canzo was about to speak but Aldo cut him off with a cold glare 
“ The Vincenzo that walks around the house is that of the devil himself, and none of us can do anything about it” 
Canzo was confused, but they heard someone coming up the stairs down the hall, Aldo quickly said, 
“Hide in the closet, my life Canzo is at an end, I have a pistol at the dining room on display, you must take it”. 
Vincenzo walked in and said 
“has my father gone insane, talking to himself now, how pathetic” 
Before Vincenzo could say another word Aldo said 
“it seems my son has played the song, though I will never see him again, I will trust that my hate is not something he dies with”   
Vincenzo walked close to Aldo thrust a stab in the stomach and pulled a knife up to his heart, leaving his heart exposed to air, Canzo watched everything through the closet door openings, as Aldo fell to the floor, The other got close to Aldo’s face and said 
“Isn't it beautiful, how life in the eyes slowly fades away, I pray that you are watching Vincenzo”
 He got up looked around, and left closing the door. Canzo waited ten minutes before leaving the closet, he walked to Aldo's dead and cold body and closed his eyes. As he prayed to God, beads of sweat formed on his brow, and his trembling hands made it difficult to speak.
Chapter 11
Canzo left the room, gently closing the door behind him. He briskly strode down the hall until he encountered a maid carrying a tray of food for Aldo. 
"Hold on, miss, I'll take that," 
Canzo said quickly. 
The maid bowed and departed as he hurriedly put the food in the library. He needed to ensure no one approached the room at any cost, but he somehow needed to get that gun, at this point, he thought it was no use, the gun was most important. He walked into the dining room and saw it cased in the glass above Aldo’s seat. Before he could contemplate retrieving it, Vincenzo entered the room. He saw Canzo near Aldo’s seat and said 
“Mentor God himself has blessed us to meet, I pray your day has gone well”
“My day has been interesting” 
As his heart started to pound heavily he said to Vincenzo 
“What brings you into the dining room in the morning, you rarely eat breakfast” 
“Very true Canzo, I shall leave you be then while you eat by yourself, oh I forgot to ask I changed my decision I'll be leaving for Vienna, my father has inspired me so much, the last few days of silence gave me peace of mind”
Canzo bowed his head to Vincenzo and said 
“The changed man has truly changed” 
Vincenzo walked away, leaving Canzo alone. Canzo waited for a moment before his gaze settled on the glass case. He opened the hatch on the left and retrieved the gun, it was a weathered American Colt Navy revolver. Leaving the dining hall, consumed by the urgency to confront Vincenzo, Canzo scoured every corner but found no trace of him. As he made his way towards the main hall, a chilling sight caught his attention, a pool of blood near the jacket closet. Opening it, he discovered four maids lying lifeless, their throats gruesomely slit from one end to the other, he quickly closed the door and at that moment he heard a violin being played, Devil's Trill Sonata was echoed from the library, he slowly walked to the door and saw Vincenzo playing seated and faced to the window, Vincenzo said to Canzo as he walked in
 “ just like the dream, you and Tartini both gave me a face of disgust” 
He slowly walked to the chair and pointed the gun at his head while still playing the violin, Vincenzo said 
“It seems my time is up, but my mark will stain your life forever” 
As Canzo pulled the trigger in that split second The Other swapped, and Vincenzo cried out, his voice strained and barely audible, as if someone had ripped out his vocal cords. "No, Canzo," 
he managed to utter in a choked whisper."
 but the bullet was already discharged and Canzo did not hear the crying voice.  
The End 
e is up, but my mark will stain your life forever” 
As Canzo pulled the trigger in that split second The Other swapped, and Vincenzo cried out, his voice strained and barely audible, as if someone had ripped out his vocal cords. "No, Canzo," 
he managed to utter in a choked whisper."
 but the bullet was already discharged and Canzo did not hear the crying voice.  
The End 
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casspurrjoybell-31 · 10 months
The Consort - Chapter 17 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
"We're here, human. Wake up."
Cool mint washes over my face.
It's a decadent smell, the type you remember no matter how much time has passed.
It ranks above freshly baked cookies or even freshly cut grass before a summertime barbeque.
My eyes flutter open and Brayden's red eyes peer into mine.
He doesn't set me on the ground, though.
He holds my gaze, the intensity making my stomach bottom out.
"Th-that's good," I say breathlessly.
"Were there any problems along the way...?"
Brayden's lips crash against mine.
My mind goes blank. All I can hear is rush of blood pounding against my eardrums.
What's going on?
Maybe this is a mistake.
Or a dream.
Yes this must a dream and any second now he will pull away from me and I'll wake up.
Brayden's tongue slips into my mouth.
It slides and pushes against mine, lightly fighting for dominance.
Without breaking our kiss, his hands move along my back to guide me back on my feet.
My legs whine in protest and the aching stiffness in my joints is all the proof I need that is real.
I steady myself against his shoulders, sliding my arms around the nape of his neck.
Every inch of him is chiseled perfection.
His hand moves against the side of my face.
It's a cool and formal touch but there's a softness to it this time that makes it feel more real.
His index finger settles beneath my chin,and he angles my head to deepen our kiss.
Every one of my senses is heightened.
It's like I'm hyper aware of everything, including Brayden's free hand which is now settling around my hip.
His fingers dig into my skin and I moan softly at the pain.
It's a possessive and demanding type of touch and I can't get enough of it.
My hips reflexively rub against his.
The bulge straining beneath his pants is big enough to put mine to shame.
Brayden lowers his other hand to my waist.
He pushes my back against the wall and pins me there.
I struggle to breathe against the weight of his body, his kiss overpowering and never ending.
I'm too wrapped up in the moment to realize my next mistake.
I break the kiss and gasp for a breath of air.
My fingers intertwine with a fistful of Brayden's hair and I guide his lips to the base of my neck.
Like the other men who have kissed me here before, I expect to feel his lips gently run along my tender flesh.
Instead I feel the tips of pointed teeth grazing against my vein.
My eyes snap open and I try backpedaling but there's nowhere for me to go.
What was I thinking? I'm trapped.
My breathing becomes choppy and erratic.
I should be pushing him away from me.
I should be fighting what's about to happen with every bit of strength I have to offer.
But I can't.
It's almost as if the portion of my brain that registers fear is frozen.
I can feel the emotions but I can't act on them.
Even though I know I should try to escape, having him this close to me is intoxicating.
My mind is woozy from his smell. From his taste.
On some dark, macabre level, I want him to do it.
I want him to feed from me, to taste me and become consumed by me just as much as I am consumed by him.
His teeth press deeper against my skin.
I wince at the pain but don't stop him.
He's so close to breaking my flesh and tapping my vein... But then he's gone.
I blink in confusion, glancing around the foreign room and trying to catch my breath.
We're in a modernly decorated living room, one that reeks of overpriced, stale perfume.
Picture frames line the walls in an elaborate pattern but all of them are empty.
There are no couches or chairs.
Instead there's a fancy throw rug that takes up the majority of the floor.
It's a plush purple with golden tassels all along the edge.
A few throw pillows are gathered near the middle, each of them matching the color scheme of the rug.
"B-Brayden?" I whisper.
I shiver and take a step away from the wall.
The feel of his hands and his kiss still dance across my skin, now just whispers of a stolen moment.
I shiver and take a step away from the wall.
The feel of his hands and his kiss still dance across my skin, now just whispers of a stolen moment.
"I told you not to push me, human."
My head whips in the direction of his voice but he's still nowhere to be seen.
The double timbre of his words echo throughout the vaulted ceilings.
I swallow hard and my eyes dance to the stairs, trying to find where he is.
"I'm sorry," I say hesitantly.
"I wasn't trying to push you. I just wanted more."
More silence greets my confession.
I can't hear his breathing or his movement.
I can't even feel his eyes on me.
I don't feel anything.
My legs give out and I slump down to the ground.
It was stupid to let him kiss me.
He warned me not to push him,and there I was, just adding more fuel to the fire.
"Brayden?" I whimper. "Please."
'I'm scared'.
Normally when Brayden is around I can feel his presence.
Now I can't feel anything.
I lick my lips, looking around the room in desperation.
From the corner of the room, a sullen shadow slowly emerges.
I take a step forward in relief but then stop.
The vampire moving towards me looks possessed.
His eyes are black and glow with an unearthly type of darkness.
Elongated fangs glisten against the overhead light.
The desire pulsing through me turns to dread and after another beat of silence passes, the vampire lets out a sinister laugh.
It's not Brayden.
It's the vampire from the University.
He strides are long and purposeful.
I stutter out Brayden's name, wondering how I heard his voice just a moment ago but now he's gone.
Did he set me up? Is that why he brought me here?
Tears sting my eyes and I watch in horror as the menacing vampire approaches me.
There's nowhere to run.
There's nowhere to hide.
His hard fingers slide around my wrist, tightening like a sinister vice.
Memories from the day of the attack flash before my eyes, the way he sucked the life out of so many humans.
The fresh, bright blood staining his lips and teeth.
He smiles down at me, tilting his head in satisfaction.
"Hello Nirv," he whispers. "We meet again."
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etherealacoustic · 2 years
In The Stars
Pairing - Remus Lupin x Sirius Black
Warnings - character death, death, depression.
Summary - A oneshot describing Remus' state after the death of his husband.
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Sunday mornings were your favorite, I used to meet you down on Woods Creek Road. You did your hair up like you were famous, even though it's only church where we were going.
"Sirius!!" Remus Lupin-Black's tired voice called out yet again from his place on the sofa. "I swear if you don't get here within two minutes I'm going by myself!"
"Hold on I'm coming!" Sirius Lupin-Black yelled back from the bedroom making Remus sigh at the repeated reply.
He was sitting in the living room for fifteen whole minutes, waiting for his husband to get ready. They were just going to go on a walk across the street but Sirius heavily insisted that he needed extra time to become handsome.
"Sirius, love. We're not going to attend a bloody fashion show. It's just a walk for merlin's sake!"
"Yeah yeah just a minute!"
But it certainly had been more than a minute. Five to be exact.
"Sirius Orion-" Remus began in an irritated voice but was cut off by the devil himself standing in front of him.
There he was. Leaning against the wall, arms crossed upon his chest and the classic smirk stretching his pink lips. Dressed in skinny black jeans and a black silk button down with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a few buttons unbuttoned; he was quite the view.
"You were saying?" Sirius asked and stepped closer, placing himself only inches apart.
Remus' breath hitched as he noticed the hair being tied into a man bun and a few stray locks framing the well-defined face. "Nothing," he breathed and stood staring for a second before leaning in and kissing the other breathless and senseless, just like he had been moments ago.
"Oh wow," Sirius muttered after pulling away and grinned widely. "You're looking great too," he smiled.
A blush coated Remus' cheeks as they walked out and locked the door behind them. "Let's go".
"Yeah," he smirked and laughed before pressing a kiss on the other's cheek.
That was the last time they had ever hung out freely. Without any care, without any worry. Just them.
This was the last fond and happy memory they had before it was snatched away, taken from them sooner than necessary.
Now, Sunday mornings I just sleep in. It's like I buried my faith with you. I'm screamin' at a God I don't know if I believe in. 'Cause I don't know what else I can do.
Golden rays passed through the clear glass windows of the small cottage, drowning the room in warmth and waking up the sleeping man from his slumber.
He opened his eyes, not even bothering to look at the time as he sat up. Everything seemed meaningless and empty, but he was used to it.
Or at least, Remus thought so.
It had been three months and still, he felt his heart clench and tighten at the sight of every photo frame. He felt his chest become heavy and his throat burn at every memorable thing.
He walked into the kitchen and did all the work exactly in order, nothing even a little different than the other days.
Everything around him seemed hollow, dull, lifeless and void of every emotion.
He couldn't bring himself to even go outside for some fresh air, afraid that he'll see something that'll make his already broken heart crack once again.
He didn't have a single ounce of energy, hope, faith or warmth inside him. It was like Sirius hadn't just left, but had taken all these things from him as well.
He drained the cup of tea. Black tea, his preferred choice these past few days. The drink mirrored Remus' feelings quite accurately.
Dark. Emotionless.
He went out in the living room to sit on the couch and stare around mindlessly. His wandering honey-brown eyes stopped on a particular photo hung on the opposite wall.
It was their wedding picture.
Sirius, his husband dressed in a gorgeous black tux. His long locks swaying and a genuine smile painting his lips. His hands were intertwined with Remus, who was in a white suit. They were moving on the dancefloor, doing their first dance.
Remus pressed his lips against each other and shifted his glance to another frame.
A lone tear slipped down his cheek, dropping from his chin and onto his lap.
"Why?" He whispered, voice shaking a little. "Why me?"
But there was no one to answer that question. He was alone. Again. Forever.
I'm still holding on to everything that's dead and gone. I don't wanna say goodbye 'cause this one means forever.
18th June. One year since the death of Sirius Orion Lupin-Black. One year since he passed, leaving his Remus all by himself.
Remus was standing in his bedroom, arms wrapped around himself as he stared out of the window. It was late afternoon and he watched random leaves fly around in the air before falling down.
He sighed, biting his lip before opening his wardrobe. He pushed shirts in search of that familiar clothing and felt his jaw tighten after getting hold of it.
It was that black silk button-down shirt. Sirius' shirt to be clear.
With slightly trembling fingers, he took the clothing and wore it himself, instantly feeling a small amount of warmth and at the same time an abrupt coldness seeping into his body.
He then pulled out a black leather jacket, another one of his husband's prized possession. His fingers ghosted over the Orion belt stitched on the back before putting it on.
He then walked up to his mirror and examined himself, but not seeing his reflection, no. All he could see was Sirius' image staring back at him.
That carefree posture, his signature black clothes, hair tied back with the usual smirk. And those goddamn grey eyes, sharp and mischievous but also loving and sweet.
Remus blinked, and he disappeared.
He shut his eyes tightly for a moment and then went over to the photoframe that depicted a picture of Sirius.
He raised his hand to the level, fingers gently brushing across the length as he admired the beautiful masterpiece before him. A small smile spread on his face.
"I miss you, Sirius. So, so much," he whispered under his breath and then with the bouquet red roses in his hand, he disapparated to the village of Godric's Hollow.
Now you're in the stars and six feet's never felt so far. Here I am alone between the heavens and the embers.
Remus Lupin smiled at the familiar streets and houses. Feeling a little refreshed by walking in the fresh and clean air.
His feet kept moving as he looked around as though the path was way too familiar. And it was. He had been on this same road thrice already. Once for Euphemia and Fleamont Potter, the second time for James and Lily and the third for Sirius.
All three times being horribly painful, heart-wrenching and shattering.
He took in a shallow breath at the sight of that all-too familiar manor. Previously the most elegant, extravagant and comfortable, but now all broken, destroyed and cold.
Remus closed his eyes, preparing his body and his mind before entering the graveyard which was becoming quite a common place of visit for him.
He walked towards the graves, his feet moving on their own accord as though the route was memorized, and it was.
He stood in front of the gravestone, staring at the gorgeous and flawless white marble before letting out a puff of air and sitting down cross-legged.
A small smile spread across his lips as he looked at the name engraved intricately in the smooth surface.
In loving memory of
Sirius Orion Lupin-Black
3rd November 1959 - 18th June 1996
"What's life without a little bit of risk?"
Remus gently placed the roses on his grave, his fingers lingering on the surface and brushing stray leaves away.
He got up to sit on his knees, leaning forward carefully to press his forehead against the head. Eyes closed tight as he clutched the stone.
Abruptly, he felt a lump in his throat making him swallow down harshly. But it didn't stop, the burning sensation was still present and before he knew it, tears did escape.
And once they had a free opening, they kept falling. Trailing down his cold cheeks, to his lips, to his jaw and then falling down.
He breathed in and let out a quiet sob, being unable to pull himself away from the grave of his husband, wanting nothing more than for him to be alive, wishing nothing more than for the two to be buried side by side.
"Why?" Remus cried out silently, his voice trembling just like his figure. "Why'd you leave me, Pads? We had an agreement, remember?"
He sniffed and pulled away to wipe the tears none too gently. "Y- You don't understand how much I need you here right now. Why? You were always there for me, weren't you? And now that I need you the most, you're n- not here".
He let a few more tears fall down freely before opening his eyes and blinking to clear his vision. His eyebrows furrowed upon feeling something atop his head. He reached up his hand to see a leaf, a maple leaf.
And despite his earlier situation, he couldn't help but let out a small laugh. He looked at the leaf again before turning back to the headstone. "Look at you still making me laugh not even a minute after I cried".
With his honey-brown eyes twinkling, his gaze wandered and stopped at a sight that only caused the smile on his face to widen.
He was staring at the night sky, more specifically at a particular constellation that he spotted at once, his irises not moving from the brightest star that was shining up above in all its glory.
"Sirius," he whispered as he stood up, eyes still locked on the star.
"I know you're up there," he continued softly with his lips twitching. "And I also know you're having quite the fun. What with James, Lily, Reg, Marlene, Dorcas and Mary all being there. I'm really jealous now to be all alone here".
He blinked again to get rid of the few tears that were again welling up, "I miss you, my love. More than you can imagine. And I can't wait until I get to see you again".
"I love you so much," he murmured and looked up again. "Always and forever".
And Remus swore that he saw the star twinkling, he swore that the star actually did brighten for a second and a dorky and loving grin was etched on his face.
The dog star, the brightest star flickered once again. As though it was hearing everything, as though replying to the adoring statement that was said.
It was twinkling as if wanting to say a response. As if Sirius Lupin-Black himself was up there, with his dark hair tied back in a bun and his silvery-grey eyes dancing with mischief. With an affectionate smile on his lips and obvious love present on every inch of his face.
I love you too.
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petitmonde · 2 years
Random pranks over the years leading up to today. In no particular order or length.
To say that Kerri was enthused when she came home to her dorm room plastered with post-its would have been a major lie. Her bed had been neatly framed in blue and pink scraps of paper, bedframe and all. Nothing in the room had been spared from the paper terror, not even her favourite knick knacks had gone unscathed by. The paper painted the walls a multitude of colours in the shape of blocky flowers.
Not even her roommate's side had been spared from the paper menace, hinting at them not being the culprit. Nothing in the methodology hinted at who did this. That however, didn't stop Kerri from choosing violence as she snapped a couple pictures and sending them to Deja.
KERRI: Maybe don't tell anyone what you're doing
DEJA: Come on, Korn promised not to tell!
KERRI: She did me a great service
KERRI: Just come over and there won't be any consequences
DEJA: I'll be there in ten
KERRI: You better, or I'm letting Korn clean everything up
DEJA: She's innocent
KERRI: An accomplice must pay for their crimes
"Tell me why you did it."
"Remind me of what I did, Willow."
"The lucky charms, Daya!"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"You ate all the charms and left the cereal in the box with a picture of you eating them at the bottom."
"Oh yeah, I did that."
"Why would you do that? I'm pretty sure all that sugar would kill you."
"I was feeling on edge that day."
"Next time, don't try to overdose on my breakfast."
"Jasmine, could you come here for a second?" Bosco sat at the kitchen island, motioning for Jasmine to take a seat across from them. Two glasses of water stood tall on the island.
Intrigued, Jasmine comes over and sits down. "Yeah, sure. What's up?"
"My friend Ted showed me this magic trick today, and I thought I'd show you."
"What do you want me to do?"
"Okay, I can do that." Jasmine agreed easily. Bosco held back her smirk as she placed the two glasses on Jasmine's hands, taking careful notice of balancing them so that they wouldn't fall. And then she left Jasmine where she sat.
"Put both your hands on the table, backside facing up." Bosco demonstrated as they explained how the magic trick worked. "Now, I place these two glasses on your hands. Don't move until I say so."
"Bosco, hey Bosco where are you going?"
"I forgot to tell you that Ted is my horse back home." Bosco was at the door, ready to run when Jasmine had grasped what had truly happened.
"Bosco, how the hell am I going to move without spilling anything?" Jasmine's voice raised in pitch as she looked at Bosco in disbelief at having been duped once again. The door clicked open, Bosco a free woman not responsible for cleaning up the inevitable mess. At least it was just water.
Going to McDonald's had been a mistake. Or rather, it had led to a series of mistakes. Maddy could quite easily list the number of mistakes that had led them to this moment.
Mistake #1: Agreeing to go out with just Alyssa and Jorgeous.
The three of them barely knew eachother, only really speaking in passing. Jorgeous more than anyone was a mystery, she didn't even attend the college everyone in their friend group did. She just tagged along, looking for a good time. Alyssa could be fun when she didn't try to ruin people's food with her menial pranks. Maddy, ever the fool, fell for it hook, line and sinker when the Puerto Rican had invited her to hang out. Pretense being that she'd love getting to know her better.
Mistake #2: Ordering a large drink.
In hindsight, ordering a large coke hadn't been the smartest of ideas. Before even getting halfway through, nature was knocking on her door, which lead to her third mistake of the evening.
Mistake #3: Leaving her drink unattended.
Excusing herself from the table, her drink just sat there on the table all alone and lonely. Unviolated and virginal, begging to be ravaged. Really, what was Maddy thinking, leaving such a golden opportunity at the hands of two seasoned pranksters? And not expecting something to happen? Really, the fool was on her for thinking such a thing.
Mistake #4: Grinning and bearing it when she discovered what the two had done.
Returning to her seat, Maddy took one big sip of her drink. She wasn't surprised to find it had gotten a twist of tangy, sweet tomato ketchup, and judging by the taste, the two pranksters hadn't been shy in how much they had added. It tasted awful, but looking at their expectant gazes, she couldn't let them win. So Maddy finished her meal, had a lovely chat with her sort of friends, and went on with her day. But man, finishing that cocktail had been awful. Regret sure was a funny thing.
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uselesssomebody · 3 years
𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕥 - steve rogers x reader
complete masterlist | mcu masterlist | steve rogers masterlist
“𝕤𝕝𝕖𝕖𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕔𝕜𝕖𝕥
𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕤𝕙𝕖 𝕘𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕝𝕦𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕗𝕚𝕤𝕥 ” - apocalypse | cigarettes after sex
words || 𝟙.𝟠𝕜
summary || in which the reader finds peggy's picture in steve's locket
a/n || i'm sorry the ending sucks i liked the concept but forgot i had to create actual plot with it so it's cheesy ughh anyways enjoy and request if you want ➵ originally called ‘apocalypse’
warnings || fluff
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yellow light seeped into my room through the small crack in my blinds, causing the wall across from the bed to bask in a mellow hue. i rubbed my tired eyes, having woken up only a couple minutes ago. i wasn’t used to waking up by myself - usually, his hands would find their way into my hair and on my cheeks, soothing me awake and whispering quick goodbyes to my groggy self. before i’d have the opportunity to wake up fully, he’d be slipping on his coarse leather jacket, and would rush out of the door.
off to save the world.
i knew so many people would kill to be me. dating captain america - it’s a dream. but it didn’t come without its quirks. not seeing him enough because of his work, having to be away from him while he’d be on missions for weeks at a time, always worrying when a new gash graced his handsome face as he trudged through the door.
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yesterday night was one of those times. after three weeks of the house to myself, the sound of the front door creaking open made me jump. his loud, thumping footsteps, paired with the look of perpetual discomfort on his face, described exactly how well the mission had gone.
as much as my soothing words and quick hands took away the limp in his step and the blood from his wounds, his expression of exhaustion didn’t budge. his collapse onto our bed was less than graceful, and i smiled lightly as i slid in with him. his arms reached around me, his strong frame cradling mine. his head rested near my stomach, his feet dangled off the edge - his tall stature barely fit into the bed when he propped his head on the headboard.
my hands found their way into his his golden hair, lightly running my fingers through it. the deep steady breaths i felt against me told me he was out like a light.
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i pushed myself up a bit, craning my neck to the side to check on steve. his body had was splayed widely across the bed. i always teased him about the fact that our bed wasn’t shared - the amount of space i got to myself was more of a charitable donation from him. i admired him - his face had been cast in a light yellow glow due to the sunlight. it highlighted his eyelashes, and his eyebrows were furrowed slightly. his mouth hung agape. one of his arms draped over my stomach, heavy against my body, while his other clutched the necklace on his chest. the circular, golden thing was plain, but he quite liked it - barely having taken it off in all the time we’d been together. he fiddled with it often - whenever it did appear draped over his shirt instead of hidden under it, he’d bring his fingers to it, pressing gently or sliding his thumb over the metal. he did the same thing in his sleep, his hand moving slowly, but surely, over the piece of jewelry.
i started feeling the hoods of my eyes go more heavy. the amount of peace in his expression made the want to sleep contagious. i yawned, reasoning that i wasn’t busy today - and that i had woken up earlier than i need to. squishing my face further into my pillow, i placed my hands over the arm on my stomach, closed my eyes, and sought sleep once more.
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by the time the both of us had properly woken up, the clock on my desk read 12:49. we had breakfast for lunch. i rapidly gulped down my cereal - not realizing just how hungry i was. steve chuckled a little at my actions.
“you’re givin’ me a run for my money, hon.” i rolled my eyes at the comment, before smiling at the endearment. his super-soldier appetite was one i’d had the pleasure (or displeasure) of seeing on quite a few occasions, one that always ended with a very long and rather expensive trip to the grocery store the next day. his voice was still somewhat hoarse from when he’d been sleeping, and he slid into the chair next to mine, pushing his slices of toast into his mouth.
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he’d decided to take a quick shower in the evening, still feeling the remnants of the mission linger on his skin. i’d grabbed my phone, perching on top of the couch and scrolling with little aim or intent.
a couple of minutes had passed when i heard a faint call through the walls. getting up, i walked towards the bathroom.
“hey - grab - my clothes - forgot them.” his voice was muffled, but i managed to decipher his request. i hurried to the bedroom, and saw a shirt and pair of sweats crumpled on the edge of the bed. as i gathered the fabric in my hands, i heard a small clinking sound at my feet. reaching down, i realized i’d accidentally dropped his necklace. i quickly grabbed the thing, the metal cold against my fingers. i walked over to the bedside table, ready to place it there, when i realized that there was a small gap between the metal.
a feeling of panic surged over me when i, for a moment, believed i’d broken something so precious to steve. bringing it into a better light to examine it, i realized that it wasn’t broken, but was instead open.
one of the pieces of metal covered something small - some sort of paper inside the pendant. i sighed in relief, realizing that the necklace was, in fact, a locket.
“y/n?” i jumped, nearly dropping the thing again. i quickly gathered his clothes more securely and, after placing the locket down, i rushed to the bathroom. he thanked me quickly, and i heard the shower knob squeak shut, and the sound of rushing water stopped.
i thought about going back to scrolling through my phone, but i ended up finding my way back to our bedroom. my curiosity got the better of me, as i sat on the edge of the bed, once again examining the piece of jewelry. using the top of my thumb, i flicked it open, the metal flap snapping perpendicular to the photo.
it was a worn, black and white photograph. a gorgerous woman faced me, her small curls elegantly draped over her shoulders, and her lips quirked into a soft smile. her eyes were piercing, and i could almost feel her gaze, even though it was a photograph.
i was so invested in the photo - so confused as to who she was, how steve knew her, why he kept her photo so close to his heart (Iiterally) - that i didn’t notice his footsteps as he made his way to me.
“y/n? what are you doing?” my eyes snapped up to look at him. his hair was still slightly damp, and his handsome features were contorted in shock. “why’re you looking at that?”
“who is she?” the usual embarrassment i’d feel at being caught snooping was trumped by my confusion. his eyebrows were raised and his eyes were wide - his mouth hung open, but no words came. “steve?” i tried again.
“she- i, uh - she’s my-” he stammered, unable to formulate an answer. he cuts himself off with a sharp inhale, stilling his body. “she was a friend.” he says it quietly, his voice quavering over the last word.
“friend?” my lips curl up into an involuntary sneer - he must have known that was the least convincing thing he could have said, no?
“she was my - ugh.” he dropped his arms, his shoulders following them, and relaxed his posture. he took long steps towards me, small droplets of water untangling from his hair and falling onto the floor. he sat right next to me - closer than necessary, and reached over to cup his hands under mine and find his own grip on the locket. he didn’t try to take it away from me, though, instead opening it further and pushing our hands up to allow the picture to be placed under a better light. “that’s peggy.” his mouth was right above my head, and his words muffled slightly into my hair.
“peggy.” i repeated it slowly, drawing the name out. him sitting with me and talking so delicately wasn’t what i’d expected - but i couldn’t ignore his initial flustered reaction. “who is she?” he breathed deeply, sighing again.
“she was my first love.” my hands tensed around the locket. he must have noticed, as he immediately tried to soothe me by gently rubbing one of his fingers over my thumb. he continued quickly, attempting to answer my eminent questions, “in 1943. she’d helped with the serum and the selection process.” he paused, giving both of us a second to think.
“why do you have this? why’d you keep it?” my voice waved a little over the second sentence - sure, it was a unique situation, but why did he decide to keep his old lover’s locket? a wave of insecurity washed over me, but i kept myself from continuing speaking - unsure if the feeling was justified or not.
“when i woke up a couple years back, she - well, she’d already lived her life. look, it’s the only thing i have to remember my life back then. before the crash.” his voice became softer and softer, and by the end of his sentence, it was barely over a whisper, “i mean - did you think it was because i still love her?” he turned me gently, lifting my head to look at him. i tried to avoid his gaze.
“it’s this gorgeous woman in a necklace you never let go of - what was i s’posed to think?” my jaw felt hesitant to move, so my words come out a little garbled. i feel a slight pressure on my chin, so i finally look at him.
he has the hints of a smile on his face, “remember what i said? first love. when i came out of the ice - i thought i’d never find someone like her. but d’you know what happened?” i gulped in response, “i found you. remember the first time i saw you?” i smiled a little - i did, in fact, remember, “i thought you were the prettiest thing i’d ever seen. i couldn’t get enough of you.” his sighs, our faces so close that i can feel the exhale, and smell the small hint of mint on his breath, “and i know it’s been harder recently but - god, the way you make me feel? i’ve never felt that before. 20th or 21st century.” i sink my head, giggling at the stupid joke. he cracks a smile too, before leaning down to gently press his lips against mine.
in that moment, i remembered why i loved this man so much. and i knew that he felt the same.
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ellienettie · 2 years
9. SFGAE (Jasonette)
SFGAE (School for Good and Evil) au Jasonette where Jason and Chloe are part of the reader world. Chloe expects herself to be part of the ‘Good’ school and convinces Jason to come along with her in school for ‘Evil’. Surprise, they switched. Jason immediately becomes a knight for Prince Adrien, he befriends his rude kidnapper, Damian Wayne, and falls for Princess Marinette, Prince Adrien’s ‘fated’ princess. Meanwhile, Chloe is absolutely having a heart attack about everything to do with ‘Evil’ school. It’s drab, plain, boring and ugly. She wants to go back to the reader world... until she realizes that she can make a better future, where villains thrive. Their stories are twisted, interesting, dazzling and intriguing. Their walls start to sparkle, dark green magic twirling around her fingertips starting to flow out, crawl it’s way to wayward vines to make them bloom flowers with extraordinary colors and intoxicating scent. What would happen to Jason, Adrien and Marinette? What would happen to Chloe?  What would happen to ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’?
"If your heart is as true to me as mine is to yours you would tell me you love me."
"Believe me, my lady, my heart is yours. Anything of my own is yours to possess. Name it, I'd be eager to place it in the palm of your hand. My predilection for you amongst a crowd of women has colored me blind, and I follow any lead you give me. My sight, my lungs, my strength, my will, it's yours, and with such a generous gift I can only hope you forgive me for my inability to say 3 words." Marinette's breath hitched, a stern flat line on her face. She starts to talk.
"...3 words, 3 simple words. I do not wish for the world, I do not wish to own you, I wish to have you by my side and those 3 words will affirm to me that you are. 3 simple words, spoken from your sweet mouth is all I crave for. I'm sorry, my knight, but I do not forgive you. I simply cannot." Jason nods, looking down.
It's times like these that makes him wish he had never let himself be kidnapped, had fought hand foot and nail until Damian and his dragon grew annoyed and left him, all to avoid the pain of right now.
Loud footsteps hurriedly reach for them, and the two look up to see Adrien, Jason's prince, jogging to meet them. He was smiling, waving, and the sun seemed to shine around him, casting a bright halo around the golden boy.
"Jason! Marinette!" Would he greet him if he knew he has stolen his desire's heart? Jason bites the inside of his cheek before smiling at him, raising his hand to wave. Marinette turns around and walks away.
“Evil isn’t always in the wrong... what’s your name, reader?” Tim sighs, hands tracing intricate details on a crooked frame of his mother. She smiles gently in her picture, hair tied up tight and her uniform perfectly clean. 
Janet Drake was a beautiful woman. Her eyes shone a warm brown, reminding Chloe of home. Her smile was pleasant, and the small beauty mark at the upper right side of it left her feeling giddy. Evil... Evil was beautiful. Evil was more than beautiful. Evil was powerful, elegant, classy. Why she ever wanted to be plain old charming ‘Good’ is beyond her now that she looks at Janet. “It’s Chloe, sir Drake.”
“Chloe...” Tim looks at her, even as blue light sparks from his fingers, cleaning up growing mold from the frame. “You remind me of my mother. You’re ambitious, daring, hard-headed and once you’re set to a goal you see to it yourself that the goal is reached.” 
Chloe preens with pride at that, chest puffing up and a smug smile on her face. She was like Janet? Strong, refined, sophisticated Janet? Screw being a decorous princess when she can be a queen, ruling solo a kingdom of greatness with an iron fist. She curtsies. Well-- as much as she can with a short skirt. “Thank you, I strive to become better.”
There’s a sparkle in Tim’s eye, a malicious glint as he stares at her. “You’re doing an awful start, I’ll say. It would take a miracle for you to catch up to her reputation.” 
Chloe laughs silently, yellow light smoothly flowing from her own hand, fixing up the frame and diminishing vines that reach too close for her tastes. “You should know, sir. I myself am a miracle. I will turn Evil’s winning streak around.”
Tim nods with approval. “I look forward to it, Chloe.” She viciously smiles. 
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