#I'm glad they're back together but oh at what price?
yiyika1929 · 2 years
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Guys, the funny robot killing show started to produce angst-
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justanoasisimagines · 4 months
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Summary; Alejandro encounters the newest addition to the 141. Someone with the nickname Spitfire Pairing; Alejandro Vargas x Female Reader WordCount; 541 Warnings; Mentions of past Phillip Graves x Reader, strong language A/N - Requests are open! Credit to @cafekitsune for the banner and th divider
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Alejandro strode through the barracks heading towards the conference room. Price had called a meeting to introduce the latest member of the 141 task force. Alejandro had no other information except for a codename; Spitfire.
"Soap, do you know anything about the new girl?" Alejandro jogged up towards the Scotsman who'd turned at the sound of his name.
"Spitfire? Yeah, I know the lass. We've been on several developments together in the past. She's good Al. She's more than qualified for the job. Frankly, I'm glad she's on our side rather than the enemy." Soap tapped Alejandro on the shoulder before they continued their journey.
Meanwhile, you were engaging in a similar conversation. Price and Ghost were trying to convince you this was a good idea. You knew you were more than equipped to handle the job. The prospect of trusting new people, however, left you feeling uneasy.
"Los Vaqueros are good people. I give you my word, Alejandro Vargas and his men stand and fight with us. Not against. They're not going to change sides when shit hits the fan."
"The less said about Graves the better. He's a dead man walking as far as I'm concerned."
"Graves will get his comeuppance one day, don't you worry." Ghost said from the corner of the room."
"I have asked a lot of you over the years. Told you to trust me countless times with little to no information. I know what Graves did has tarnished your ability to trust love, and rightly so. But I'm asking you to trust me again. Not as your Captain, but as your friend. Alejandro is a good person. I have no doubts you'll like him and later trust him."
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Alejandro didn't know what to expect when he finally met you. It certainly wasn't the woman standing in front of you. However, he understood why they called you Spitfire. Confident, friendly, easy-going, professional and an enigma. Yet Alejandro could sense there was something buried underneath the well-constructed wall.
Alejandro wanted to know; the darkness, the light and everything in between.
It became apparent you were familiar with Gaz, Ghost, Price and Soap as you made your rounds introducing yourself, embracing them with warm hugs and pats on the back.
"Colonel Alejandro Vargas it's nice to finally make your acquaintance. John has told me so much about you!" You held out your hand for him to shake. There was something Soap had failed to mention to him earlier;
The fact you were breathtakingly beautiful.
"Likewise and please call me Alejandro. No need for formalities between friends." You excused yourself to make your acquaintance with various others. Alejandro found himself standing there, dumbfounded.
"I told you, you'd like her" Soap smirked as he approached him.
"She's beautiful. Why didn't you warn me? I looked like an idiot"
"To see your reaction of course. Oh, by the way, she's single. Could use a good man after that prick Graves!"
"She was with Graves?" Soap nodded before continuing.
"Aye. I feel sorry for him though because he's gonna find out why they call her Spitfire real soon." Alejandro looked over at you once more. If revenge on Graves is what you wanted, he'd gladly volunteer to help you.
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tatasoom · 9 months
I've just watched an interview where Jimmy and Sea told that episode 9 is their favorite. Well, then it's a perfect moment to analyse some hints for the episode. Let's go!
1. The mind-blowing symbolism in clothing!
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We've seen Day and Mhok sleeping together twice. First time it was after tennis club party and drunk_but_curious Day was wearing this white t-shirt you can see in a scene from the preview! The second time was when Day stayed overnight at Mhok's house and maybe you can't remember, but now, when they're having another night together Day's wearing pants Mhok used to wear back then at home!
So we basically have Day being quintessence of their previous bed sharing moments and I love it so damn much.
2. Sightseeing and the book
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We'll have another beautiful way of Last twilight making us all checking ticket prices to Thailand. (In my case it takes my monthly salary just to go to Thailand and come back without all that accommodation, local transport, souvenirs, etc. And what about you?)
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I also have some questions for these book scenes. As we already know Day and Mhok (oh, sorry, Danainat and Methas all of a sudden haha) gave this book as a present to P'On and P'Pla, but here Mhok is reading it again. Also he's reading last pages.
Could it be that Day's father have the full version of the book? It would be interesting.
I remember when I was younger I've found a book illustrated with portraits by my father. Of course it's not a coincidence and my mother just took this book with many others from their once shared home library. But what impressed me the most is that I also used to draw portraits in my uni years and it turned really good (not my words). And I have never ever learned how to do it, but even my friend who's really into art and can draw anything complimented one of my work.
I'm curious what Day can have from his father he can't even remember.
3. Fading reality
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It seems after having some sweet moments Day is going back to black to vision issues. This leads to him asking Mhok to go to the mountains and see that last twilight in reality. The whole series is already bittersweet and so is episode 9.
I also like this excited Sea👇
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4. P'Aof and mountains
Everytime we talk about P'Aof coming back with another iconic mountain scene I remember Mix (who played Tian in a masterpiece named A tale of thousand stars) wearing a winter coat and crying behind the scenes, because they had a very emotional scene at night and it was cold in that mountains. Glad Mhok and Day have a plan to see twilight and not meteor shower haha
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Not them being goofy lovey-dovey ahh~ ❤️
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5. The night of love
Okay, let's be honest we're all waiting for this Friday not only because of our love for Thai nature🤭
Day will be playing the guitar, Mhok will be sitting there wearing Day's t-shirt...
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And then they'll have a night...
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... that will switch their t-shirts by the morning.
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Thank you for reading! I planned to say just a few words about upcoming episode due to the lack of material. How it turned out that this is an analysis I spent three hours making of... Anyway, I already love episode 9 sososo much for all it's aesthetic. Let's enjoy our Songkhla trip with Day and Mhok, let's find out what's wrong with Day's father and let's give a round of applause to everyone involved in making Last twilight!
Just one day until new episode. Are you ready?
A) no
B) I think yes, but no
C) have mercy, P'Aof
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bengiyo · 3 months
Don't Care for an Old Man's Underwear! Ep 7 Stray Thoughts
This watch made possible in thanks to @isaksbestpillow.
Last time, Makoto wanted to make up for what happened at the BBQ where he outed Madoka, and eventually had a really touching conversation with them in the park. Kakeru bonded more with Hasegawa, and had a meaningful conversation with his rival at a makeup tutorial. The focus of the episode was on Mika feeling like the family takes her for granted, and how the misogyny of her era kept her out of the workforce and pursuing a career in publishing that she was excited about. The family came together and got Mika tickets for her favorite boy band in a scene that made me cry.
It's a real relief to see Kakeru hanging around the family again.
Already getting emotional about Kakeru finding a school he wants to attend and recommitting to his high school degree. The trust he has in his mom and sister means so much to me.
That they're also willing to worry about the things that made Kakeru flee school with Makoto is a sign of how far he's come.
Oh fuck I forgot about the old creep that got moved to their team. He's awful. I like him as a character in this show. Makoto was trained by men like him, and it means a lot that he's turning away from that.
Aww the girls loved Kakeru's smile.
Well, Makoto finally got invited to lunch, but at what cost?
Okay, it's funny that they all got his standard lunch.
I am so rooting for Hasegawa to be Kakeru's friend.
I really like the way the girls treat Kakeru.
Uh oh, it's the rival again.
Oh, Makoto, don't just assume things. You're going to embarrass yourself again.
Madoka being a very good vet-in-training adds a good layer to his story.
Makoto, what did I say about making stuff up. This conversation was so awkward and off-base, but he's sorta right? Great comedy with Maki and Moe.
Yes, time for a walk with Carlos.
Incredible editing to go from Makoto flubbing with Kakeru, to having a good dad conversation about how Madoka is allowed to make his own choices and choose Daichi, to Makoto realizing again how he's taken Mika for granted.
28,000 yen for two tickets in the modern era is not terrible.
Oh, Mika doesn't seem happy about the price for the tickets.
This bra scene was also fantastic. I wanna see how shocking this old man into submission goes.
I do love this response to being asked about his sexuality. "I'm not sure who I might like yet," is a valid response. I like that Hasegawa framed this as an appreciation for Kakeru's strength or character because Hasegawa usually caves to peer pressure.
Don't let me down, Hasegawa!
I totally get Mika, but I'm glad that Makoto insisted that she still use the tickets and enjoy herself. This works well from what Igarashi said earlier, and it's something Makoto has needed to say for a long time.
Oh no. They're about to miss the hint that Kakeru isn't dating snyone.
Oof, there it is.
That's the big part about being queer that this show understands: the misplaced assumptions about you. Hasegawa did well earlier, as did the girls, because they responded to his energy. The girls saw that Kakeru didn't want to talk about the baseball club and left it alone. Hasegawa asked a direct question, accepted Kakeru's answer, and gave genuine appreciation for what that answer confirmed for him. His parents really mean well when they say they'll support whoever he likes, but they assumed he liked someone at all. Back in my Koisenu Futari feels. This also works well with the work stuff, where they're going to torment that old man with his own presumptions.
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yeyinde · 2 months
I think tumblr ate my comments because it hates how long I type them out- but I just wanted to say that your continuation of the John price babytrapping fic was absolutely stunning.
I knew it was your writing from the first paragraph- no one can put together words with such mastery and eloquence and beauty. You paint pictures and worlds with your words. I always adore your writing because even the length of a sentence denotes so much- whether the mood is frantic and intense, possessive or protective thoughts spiraling.
The way you write their consciousness is so absolutely breathtaking- because the sentence moves and shapes like it’s a living breathing part of their psyche- like we’re literally in their head following that synapse of thought. The depiction of John’s journey from fear and anxiety- the baby being something he’s always wanted but that it’s reality it seems so real that it’s almost reality shifting- his world crumbling and reforming.
The mix of not wanting to share his woman and going back to before, but forced to cope with the new reality that he loved and adores and fears in equals measure. He wants it so badly that is physical seems impossible for him to handle and adjust- a dream come to reality that he feels he doesn’t deserve yet can never let go.
Then the absolute recasting rush of love and protectiveness and emotion- swapping between chaotic need and intense love to tears- a cold hearted clinical captain swept away. It’s like a rebirth of everything for him- his humanity and heart wrapped into two beings. Anyway I love you and your writing
oh no!! my asks have been kinda weird lately! it keeps showing the notification for one, but when i check, nothing is there. but ahhhh thank you so much for this!!!! i love your comments because they're always so eloquently put, beautiful to read, and you just get what i'm going for 🖤
you cannot say such nice things about my writing!!!! i WILL cry!!! 😭 especially because i feel like you just get my style/the quirks with how i write in a way that makes me want to try harder, y'know?? i love seeing the breakdowns because you're always so good at pointing the little things i do out, and it makes me so happy that you even noticed them.
so, of course. you're spot on. i like cyclicity. i like when things come back full circle. and i should probably change it up once in a while lmao but i love when things end the same way they begin. or the beginning feels like an end, and the ending like a beginning. it's fun for me to map it out.
and i feel like he'd be very overwhelmed by the reality of children, despite him being Dad-coded. mainly, he's a control freak. babies are the furthest thing from controllable. and also, wickedly possessive when he finally does have what he wants (you, and then a family), so the evolution from him having you all to himself, to now having to share you, to accepting that he'll always be one half of a whole, was fun to dive into. wanting something, having it, combating the loss of control, rectifying his internal dilemma, coming to a conclusion, and then back to wanting something all over again. aka the staple of my Price narratives lmao.
ahhhhh, thank you so much for this!!!! i get so excited talking about character arcs and narratives so i tend to ramble lmao i'm so glad you enjoyed this little fic!! 🖤
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kedreeva · 2 years
If you're still taking ST prompts: Steve catches Jonathon looking his way at a gathering. Later on,after everyone else has left, Jonathon asks Steve if he can pose for some photos.
(my inbox is open for ST prompts!)(Previous prompts)(AO3)
Jonathan snaps another photo, this one of Will and Mike with their heads bent over the notes of a new campaign Will is planning. It's good to see again- it's been almost two months since they got Will back but lost El, and Mike had been distant through most of it. Will had had a hard enough time coming back, trying to fit back into life, without his best friend pulling away from him.
Looking past them, toward the Christmas tree - the Wheelers always leave it up until the new year, same as his own mom - Jonathan finds himself under Steve Harrington's scrutiny. Nancy's tucked into his side, under one arm, talking to Jonathan's mom about something. Jonathan raises his new camera and snaps a shot of that, too.
Steve's smile follows after instead of coming before, and something warm and confusing flutters in Jonathan's gut. They're not friends, exactly, but they're not enemies anymore. Steve isn't in the majority any longer.
"Oh!" comes a sweet voice behind him, and Jonathan turns to find Mrs. Wheeler beaming at him. "How do you like it?"
She's looking at the camera, so Jonathan does too, and he's not sure what to say. She had probably had a hand in paying for it, given the price tag he knows it carries, so he scrapes for something polite and grateful to say.
"It's a really nice camera, Mrs. Wheeler. I haven't developed any pictures from it yet, but I think they're going to turn out great." He fidgets with it for a second, and for good measure adds: "I didn't know Nancy knew anything about cameras, but she picked nice one."
"Nancy?" Mrs. Wheeler asks, smile not faltering even through her obvious confusion. Understanding lights her eyes. "Oh, I suppose they gave it to you together?"
It's Jonathan's turn to be confused. "Who?"
"Nancy and Steve," Mrs. Wheeler says, like it's just that simple. Like Steve and Jonathan hadn't gotten into a fist fight. Like Steve hadn't been the one to break his camera in the first place. "I may be wrong, of course, it just seemed like he was the one looking. He asked if Ted or I knew anyone else into photography that might have a recommendation. I'm afraid we didn't, but he must have found someone. I'm glad it worked out."
"Yeah," Jonathan agreed faintly, grip a little too tight on the camera now. Steve had bought him the camera? Steve??
Mrs. Wheeler gives him an awkward squeeze on the shoulder and excuses herself to head past him and join the others. Joyce opens the circle of conversation for her, and Jonathan watches Steve smile and greet her politely. He watches Nancy lay her head on Steve's shoulder, and the way Steve's fingers rest delicately on her arm, the same fingers from which Jonathan's camera had so carelessly tumbled not long ago.
He swallows, and turns away to go find Lucas and Dustin and Erica for a few more photos.
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theshimadaslovers · 1 year
Heyo~ Thanks to everyone that's enjoying this content! I'm really glad that this is working ♡♡ This chapter is a little more slow, is more...relaxing, if this is the right word. Enjoy ♡
(Hanzo x You Fem!Reader)
Parte 3
Art by: Yolo Pharaoh
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*At the roof preparing for the shift, Hanzo was thr first one to arrive. While checking his last arrows, the equipments and food, he heard something grabbing the edge, when he looked, it was a hook. He laughed and went to help you climb the rope. He looked down and saw you coming*
You- I'm sure that you didn't need to do that...!
Hanzo- Yeah...you're right *laughs and start to pull the rope with you* Come on...!
You- Oh...! *you easily got pull up by him* Wasn't expecting that.
*Arriving in the edge, he hug your waist to put you down safely*
Hanzo- There we go. Feeling safe?
You- *blush* Definitely...I knew that you were strong, but...yeah. *laughs*
Hanzo- Is not only muscles *smirk*
You- I see. *laugh nervously* Guess what...
Hanzo- Mm?
You- Ana Amari put us together.
Hanzo- Ana? *surprised but laughs* I don't know why I'm suprised. By the way, I didn't know that you're a sniper.
You- Yeaah...thanks to Ana, now I'm. *laughs and find the case with the sniper and opens up* Oh wow, they give a Havak Bravo.
Hanzo- Is a good one.
You- Shoots like a dream. *laughs* One of the top 5... 24-inch barrel...stainless steel and accurace of 1/4 MOA.
Hanzo- *surprised* wow...sounds...sexy.
You- *laughed hard* Sexy? That was a good one.
Hanzo- I don't understand much about rifles, but it look pretty good.
You- I don't understand about bow and arrow. *winks* You can teach me someday.
Hanzo- Of course. *blush and smirk* So...First shift. We should look more to the West, there's so trees with actually a good landing spot for a ship...*look at the binoculars* Is kind hard to see if something is coming.
You- Can I check it?
Hanzo- Sure.
You- *looks at the binoculars* Mm... Is a good view from here, but I believe they may get the West, yes.
Hanzo- We should look for everywhere. They may come from behind too. *You stand in front of him, pretty close to him and he blush* And...we should check 360 degree.
You- Yeah...Talon is not a easy target. Doomfist is not dumb bitch...and Reaper? Well, he's the head of all strategic missions.
Hanzo- I think they can imagine his strategy... that's we're here.
You- They're damn scary. *sighs leaving the spot and sitting down to prepare the rifle* The autumn is coming tonight here is Lisboa, it may get cold.
Hanzo- I'm wearing clothes enough *sighs and sitting beside you* And you?
You- Maybe *laughs* If I get cold, I do some pushups.
Hanzo- *giggles* Fine...what time it is?
You- Almost 6am... *look at the sun rising* Wow...look at this, Han!
Hanzo- *look at too* Oh...that's amazing.
You- Kind romantic, isn't? *laughs making him blush*
Hanzo- *giggles* Yeah...romantic. *grab the small box from his pants again* By the way, y/n...Have a while that I wanted to give you this.
You- What? *smile in surprise seeing the box on his hand* Is the size of a ring box *you looked at him provocatively* Are you asking me...?
Hanzo- ...? Ah! No! *laughs in almost panic* Is a necklace!
You- You mean, not yet, right?
Hanzo- *blushing hard* Ye-yeah...I...I guess. *gives to you* I hope you like it...
You- I never received a gift before... *grab the box and slowly opens up* Oh...this is so adorable! *laughs*
Hanzo- It's gold and ruby...*takes the necklace out of the box showing the whole thing* Can I put it?
You- Yeah, sure *blushing turning your back to him* It looks expensive...
Hanzo- Doesn't matter *smiles putting on you gently* The only price that matter now is how much you like it.
You- *giggles* I love it...The fact that you gave me is makes much more lovely.
Hanzo- There we go... let me take a look.
You- *you turned around and making a pose* It looks good?
Hanzo- *laughs* It looks beautiful...
You- Yeah? *smirk not expecting that answer* You think so?
Hanzo- I'm sure of it, my eyes never lie. *giggles and go back to his bow and arrows* Glad you like it.
You- I won't take it off, even if God ask me to.
Hanzo- *giggles* Sounds good ~
*After at least 3 hours of shifting and paying attention to the surrounds, Hanzo is demanded to go down for some new informations while you keep watch. Few minutes later, Ana appears climbing the rope on the edge, you get suprised and helps her*
Ana- Thank you, darling *laughs* I don't have the same strength...
You- You look great, Ana *smiles and she sits down* The fact that you still here fighting...
Ana- I should be retired... not fighting. So... how's going?
You- Here? Well, nothing strange...
Ana- I mean, you and the Shimada boy.
You- Oh...*blush holding the heart necklace* He gave me this...*sits beside her*
Ana- Oooh ~ *she smiles* This is ruby...true ruby. You know what it means?
You- What? The ruby stone?
Ana- It represents pure passion and warmth. Also is very valuable for keeping healthy of the body and soul.
You- *chuckle* You think he knows about that?
Ana- *laughs* Oh darling, he's not dumb at all. He confessed. He could gave a rose quartz, but he wants to go slow...
You- Slow? Why? *you looked worried* Something happened to him?
Ana- Yeah, I think you don't know about his past, darling...not yet. He went trought a lot, like us, but... still hunts him. I just ask you to understand him.
You- I will...I love him, Ana. I don't really talk to him that much, but I can feel a connection. Am I going to fast?
Ana- Soulmates doesn't need to know each other to feel the bond. It just happens and you just know. You're not rushing anything, sweety, you just realised that you love him.
You- *smiles* I hope he feels the same.
Ana- He does, trust me, I know. *smiles* So! The rifle! Did you like it?
You- Yes! Sure! It's beautiful and one of the best!
Ana- Is a pretty good rifle and not expensive, is a top 5 and economical. *look at the rifle that was positioned* You did pretty well building it.
You- Thanks to you, Ana.
Ana- *giggles* Phara never liked guns...she always preferred something a little more violent.
You- You never show her something about it, right?
Ana- I never wish her to join Overwatch...or the army. She's very independent, like her mother *laughs*
You- And she have a amazing mother *smiles*
Ana- Oh darling... thank you so much~
- ANAAA!! *Hear screams down there*
You- Is that...Reinhardt?
Reinhardt- One more minute without you! I'll die!
Ana- Oh my egyptians...*laughs getting up and going to the edge* Reinhardt, darling, don't be so dramatic, I'm going down.
Reinhardt- Come! Jump! I'll catch you! *open his arms*
Ana- *Laughs* Ooh you silly! I'll go down on the rope.
Reinhardt- So I'll help you! Wait for me! *Runs to the spot*
Ana- *laughs and look at you* Not easy, huh?
You- You should give him a chance, Ana. He loves you so much.
Ana- Oh, darling...I don't know. I'm to old for this.
You- Love doesn't age, Ana. *gets up* It's gonna be good for you.
Ana- *walks to you and put the hand on your shoulder* I'll give him a chance when you give a chance to Hanzo.
You- What? *laughs*
Ana- Y/n, if you keep disguising your wishes for him...it may never happen. You love him.
You- I...When I get the chance I may...try. *smiles embarrassed*
Ana- *chuckles* Don't rush, darling, everything will just happen. He just need a little push, you know? Try it out, it may be...fun. *wink and walk away*
*Ana went down and you sit again looking at the necklace, at the same moment, you heard Hanzo climbing and soon getting into the edge sitting down*
Hanzo- Here I am...
You- Welcome back *chuckles*
Hanzo- Reinhardt came from the other base to pick up Ana *laughs* They're so funny and...lovely. *Go sit beside you and take a deep breath drinking some water* Mm...it's night time already, I didn't even notice.
You- Oh, me neither *smiles looking at the sky* Is a little cold, isn't?
Hanzo- I just climb a wall so...I can't really feel *both laugh* Hey...you need my jacket?
You- No, is fine! I like this cold weather, is not that cold too...is just...good.
Hanzo- Right.
You- ... *look at him for a while and go back to the horizon* So, any information?
Hanzo- Well, there's no more attacks in the other countries...some of them holded the Talon's squad and others stayed a chaos after the attack. Jack said that they're may be coming here now.
You- We should much more alert now...at night is so hard...
Hanzo- Yes... but changing the subject...You think that Ana and Reinhardt may married someday?
You- They look good together, huh?
Hanzo- Amazing *laughs* I respect Reinhardt so much...such a gentleman.
You- I told her to give him a chance.
Hanzo- Yeah? *smiles and looks at you* I'll have that chance too someday?
You- *look at him surprised* I...! *laughs embarrassed* Oh god, I wasn't expecting...!
Hanzo- I'm sorry...*laughs and blush* Didn't want to scare you.
You- No no! You didn't scared me, I'm just.. surprised, that's all.
*A silence lay down between you two and both looked at the sky while hearing the sound of the city. The city lights started to wake up making a beautiful view from up there and both of you started to appreciate*
Hanzo- The city is awake...
You- I wish be there *smiles* Having fun...listen to some street music and eating a good piece of apple pie...watch the kids laugh and enjoy every step on the city.
Hanzo- I can show you Tokyo someday. What do you think?
You- Tokyo? *smiles in suprise* Sounds lovely, Hanzo! I love that city!
Hanzo- *laughs* So is gonna be our second date.
You- Second?
Hanzo- This is our first date. *look at the sky*
You- Oooh...*chuckles* Ok, I like that. I didn't even knew, but I won't complain.
Hanzo- Y/n... *his voice went more quite and sad*
You- Yes?
Hanzo- If...If I tell you everything about me, every life detail...every experience, my up and downs...would you still like me?
You- Why you ask me that?
Hanzo- I'm scared...*look at you worry* That you'll hate me knowing who I was. In fact that I still feel the same...I always tried to make changes on me and my head, view things from other perspective, fighting against every demon! But...the man in the mirror never changes.
You-...is because we can't see inside of us. The mirror will only reflect what it can be seen, but it will never show what is happening inside. If you look at me, Hanzo, what do you see?
Hanzo- *looks at you* A joyful beautiful woman...smart, sweet and a warrior.
You- *smiles and blush* Thank you, I wasn't expecting that either.
Hanzo- *chuckles* so...who you actually are?
You- I don't have idea, Hanzo. I didn't find myself yet, and everything that you said to me now, I can't see that on me. I see you as a great man, handsome and very sweet.
Hanzo- But I made a lot of mistakes....So many. *sighs passing his hand through his hair*
You- And it's ok *you smiled playing with some hair lines of his*
*Hanzo looked at you and smiles feeling I little relived, but still fricking out about the idea in telling you everything. You couldn't resist in fix his hair and started to play with it, he only laughed*
You- You should make to pony tails! *laughs* It would be so adorable on that manly face!
*Hanzo stayed hypnotized by your smile and laugh, feeling sleepy by the comfortable air you bring to him. One of his hand rest on your cheek making you shocked for a few seconds, then look into his eyes. You could see love, Ana was right and you can't deny. You could see his eyes shine while holding your face now with both hands*
Hanzo- I've never done this before...*He stutter*
You- Wh-what...?
Hanzo- Kiss *immediately respond*
You- You never kissed before?
Hanzo- Have you?
You- Maybe? *laugh*
Hanzo- I'm new on that, so, I'm a little nervous! I know I'm a man of 38 years old, I should be mature enough to deal with that but I do- *You press your finger against his lips* Mmhm...
You- More you speak, less we make.
Hanzo- *nodded*
Jack- Hey! *he called down there and you gets up going to the edge* Y/n, better stay focus on the surrounding now, they're coming this way! *screams for you and take a deep breath* Lena and the others found them in the air!
You- Copy that! *you turn to Hanzo* Well...
Hanzo- Better we...work. *cleans throat and gets up picking up the binoculars and kind disappointed*
You- Yeah... *walk to your sniper and stayed on positions again checking all surround with the rifle*
Hanzo- This rifle has night vision?
You- Yes, but it kind sucks. I'm not use to it. The binoculars don't have it?
Hanzo- Yeah...kind sucks too, not use to it either *chuckles*
You- *smiles and watch some weird lights on a woods a little far from there and gets serious* Hanzo...two hours, I can see some lights.
Hanzo- Lights? *take the binocular watching the position* Mm... wait a little bit more...we don't kno-! *suddenly a explosion on the building in front*
You- What...?! They're here?! *run to the edge seeing Jack Morrison* Captain!
Jack- I don't know that the fuck happened but get ready to fight! Move! Move!
You- *look at Hanzo the was already shooting against enemies* Hanzo...!
Hanzo- *looks at you* Let's fight in the name of our honour, together!
Art by: yildraws
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blackjackkent · 9 months
All right, we're inside the city and have 1234151234 new areas to explore!
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We're barely into the city and this is already more people than Hector has seen all together at once in his whole life. Even more than in Rivington, which was already kind of overwhelming for him.
But we'll take it one step at a time and see what we can find.
Some initial explorational notes from the area just inside the South Span Checkpoint:
The guardhouse has a notice from Duke Ravengard (presumably after he went under the Absolute's control) indicating that they are aware of the Ironhand Gnomes resistance and labeling them as "known terror-bringers and violent peace-disruptors... to be killed on sight."
There are severed limbs (???) in a pile of goods near the guardhouse:
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A Flaming Fist officer tried to hire Hector to bring them Wulbren's head. Hector, obviously, said no. The guard just shrugged and said someone in the city will be glad to do it instead for the right price.
We got our first Jaheira banter! Shadowheart said she was surprised the Harpers aren't always treated with appreciation, and Jaheira said, "Oh, a Harper does not go in for public acclaim. We work in shadow and secrecy, tragically unacknowledged by the ungrateful herd." lol. Interestingly, this makes me think - Hector has made it clear on many occasions that he doesn't like being acclaimed and celebrated for his good deeds, and he has speculated that maybe he won't go back to the monastery when this is all over. Maybe he would make a good Harper himself.
Fraygo's Flophouse and Sharess's Caress -- two major sidequest locations -- are both right here pretty near the gate, which is quicker than I expected to find them. We'll go into one of them in the next post. Dialogue from the locals suggests they're all booked up because of Gortash's coronation, though.
Quite a few merchants on the street, including a fishmonger (who sells four types of fish for camp supplies and nothing else) and a painter. The latter sells paintings, although I'm not clear on why I would buy one, but more importantly sell several varieties of dye we haven't seen before.
A random gnome named Neno Quilltop is freaking out when we try to talk to her: "Why is everyone acting so normal? The Absolute's armies are coming! We need to stock up!" Hector immediately deems her the most logical person in the city.
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sunfudge · 11 months
I have to agree with your stance on the AQ. I almost fooled myself into thinking it wasn’t good when the reality was I thought it was amazing but having to see so much grief throughout the quest knocked me out (in a good way). From the first 10 minutes where it was completely reasonable to see Navia break down after staying strong in front of the victims of the sudden flood, and her final bittersweet goodbye to Silver and Melus - wow. I’ve seen people deal with grief and if anything Navia was so damn strong for keeping it together. I’d be bawling for days girl like huh. And if you think about it, with how Fontaine has a strong theme of deception (like everyone is hiding something about themselves), isn’t it refreshing to have Navia who is so incredibly genuine and earnest with her intentions and her want to help everyone? I love her a lot.
Then we were hit with the gradual masking of Furina?
Like - we almost had her open up but then it was revealed we were in the Opera house. This was made worse later on when the traveller saw her inner dialogue during that moment was “surely I’m allowed to put myself first for the first time in 400 years?”. As the human side of Focalor, Furina was absolutely outstanding and selfless. Ohhh my God and the way Furina thinks of her suffering as a kind of “price” or sacrifice to pay for saving Fontaine? Direct contrast to earlier dialogue about how Silver and Melus should not be seen as a mere prices?? FURINA YOU’VE DONE SO MUCH MY LOVE
As much as it pains me that we didn’t get to see her at the end of the AQ to check on her, I guess it makes sense? If you were performing for 400 years and you finally get a chance to crawl away from watchful eyes like you wanted, I think it’s reasonable to just. Want to go away for a bit. But God I really really wish her all the best with finally being allowed to live as herself and not as someone else.
There’s so much to talk about I can’t condense it all. Even small details like a random audience member saying “wait, the death sentence? Isn’t that too harsh? Her only sin was making us!” made my heart clench. Furina begging her people to believe her because she is terrified that they will drown since her facade has been the only thing keeping the flood at bay. AND she will blame herself for not doing enough. Neuvi going “after 500 years, you think I would have the heart to proclaim them as guilty?” Focalor’s goodbye to Furina being “you can now live as a human like I always wished we could.” OUGHHH
Anyway. Wow. I just,,, yeah. I really really liked the quest in all honesty. I needed a good cry and I got it. To each their own opinion, and everyone has a right to not like things in the game. But personally to me this was fantastic.
I'm so glad you sent me this because I'm about to totally lose it about the archon quest in this reply.
Below are further spoilers for the 4.2 archon quest
I totally agree with you on the grief thing, and upon reflection and sleeping on it I think the fact I did this quest all in one continuous sitting over the course of hours added to my previous mixed feelings, just because it was SO MUCH sadness in such a short space of time that it kinda made me associate the quest with feelings of sorrow.
Had I completed the archon quests in parts, having gone away and came back to it later, I feel I'd have handled it better, but I can't stop myself from doing archon quests in one sitting, it's in my DNA to complete them all at once LOL
Navia's bit at the start... Oh it had been about 20 minutes into me playing and I was crying buckets. Full on sobbing.
I play in English and when I tell you her voice actress had RENT DUE because her crying, her voice, everything just broke my heart I literally was like okay great it's not even been half an hour and I'm broken for her, what the fuck.
As soon as I saw Silver and Melus weren't with her I teared up cause I was like they're dead, aren't they? And then I just kept crying anytime they were brought up, and then when they saved her from the primordial sea :(
Navia is a very good character, I love her, she's so authentic and genuine and strong it's made me wanna pull with her purely to spoil her because it's what she deserves.
On to Furina, my heart has ACHED for her since we found out the truth.
I always loved her, and I always thought she did have some sort of plan ever since she reacted with such anger to Arlecchino's insinuation that she was ignoring the prophecy and doing nothing. It was raw real anger from Furina which of course we now understand. It contrasted so harshly with what the game was showing us her acting like, plus Neuvi saying that she is 'taking the prophecy very seriously', that made me go 'we do not know the whole truth', and I was right but FUCK it was in a way I'd never have been able to predict.
WHEN I REALIZED WE HAD TRANSPORTED HER TO THE OPERA HOUSE I STARTED CRYING AGAIN I wanted to wrap her in a blanket and protect her. I totally understand why the trial took place, from the perspective of the other characters there is an impending doomsday that will wipe out the entirety of Fontaine's population, from their perspective it made sense and was justified because they weren't hearing Furina's thoughts and thought crucial information pertaining to the prophecy was being withheld from them, both them and Furina had the shared goal of protecting Fontaine - but that didn't mean that whole section didn't hurt like Hell to complete.
She thought her world was falling apart, after so many years of dedicating herself entirely to this role in order to save her nation she thought it was ALL over and those 146848 scenes (WHICH btw when it changed to THAT number of scenes I was BAWLING, what a hard hitting way to show her continuous suffering in a way that's so impactful) were for nothing.
You know I didn't even realize the Silver and Melus/Furina price thing until you just said it, oh mannnnnnn this fucking archon quest.
It's sore, but you're right - showing her at the end of the quest and us speaking with her would not have made sense. Giving her space after that made the most sense narratively but it definitely also made me feel like we had no sort of closure on her wellbeing (I'm sure her story quest gives us some of that) so that also added to my pain at the end because I was like ... The last time I saw her she was walking through the city as those people yelled 'the prophecy was wrong', and I hope she knows that the prophecy was only 'wrong' BECAUSE of what she did. The prophecy was wrong because of YOU, my love
She deserves a happy and peaceful life doing all the things she loves from now on.
Also, I presume she's mortal now? I'm sure Focalors made the point of saying her existence was what increased Furina's lifespan so like - now she's a whole mortal human being...
There's so many thoughts that have come from this quest.
The Oceanid reveal was so good, like you said that NPC saying her sin was making them, and now believing she'll be sentenced to death for it... Oh god.
The begging, her saying 'believe me I AM your archon' the slow descent into her crying because she believes it's all over when in reality she was FINALLY at the end, the fact she never knew when the end was coming she didn't know this was meant to happen she wasn't aware this was finally the end of her pain
Oh Neuvillette declaring the citizens of Fontaine innocent is one of my favourite moments in the entire game now.
Having had time to process it, I agree, this is one of the best stories in the game and it was told incredibly well and the whole thing was so fucking emotional I felt like I got battered after I finished it.
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rodolfoparras · 5 months
I did draw the art myself and thank you so much I'm glad you like him!!! :3
I have Nico pretty complete, he's the oldest of 6, his sister is closest to him, both in age and they're besties
The other 4 are all really young compared to him and his sister.
His dad is a piece of shit, when Nico and his sister were kids he was abusive, Nico would try to take the hits to protect his mom and sister :( he got the scar along his cheek from a really bad fight with his dad when Nico was like 16
Now his dad is "better", not physically abusive anymore but still very icky. Anytime Nico visits to see his younger siblings and mom, they almost always get into an argument
Nico is also half Korean and half Mexican and he knows Spanish, Korean and English :3
He absolutely adores Price, sees him as the father he always wanted :( I honestly can't decide defiantly who Nico dates, I like him with almost all of 141, Alejandro and Rudy
sorry for so much text I got excited talking about Nico
Also idk what emojis are all taken but like I go by cherry or sunny so like is it okay of instead of an emoji I just like sign with - cherry/sunny ?
Oh man you know who he’d get along with? Ghost! Just bc they have a rather similar background and I think ghost would end up taking a brother like role in his life!
They could talk about everything and anything together especially what they’ve been through and find ways to grow from that or if Nico had been to a family dinner and got upset ghost would always be there to talk
Price would def take ona. Father like roll but as soon as he sees that ghost is taking care of him, he backs off and let’s Simon run the show 😌🫶🏻
Also no need to apologize sugar!!! Pls don’t say sorry to me unless y’all have upset me there’s really no need to apologize for getting excited here 🫶🏻🫶🏻
You can definitely sign off with sunny/cherry I don’t mind sugar 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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meimi-haneoka · 9 months
Thank you Cinzia! I seriously need to check my notifications more. I didn't even realise that you had answered my ask. Loved your timeline and fanfics. I completely get what you are saying about writing fanfic. It kind of just flows out when you are that invested in a pairing. Also, that CCS in Public domain ask.... if I am not wrong, Japan seems to have a different approach to it. I mean I have seen doujinshis and light novels being sold legally featuring (and being advertised with) CCS characters. I am not sure but it seems that is legal in Japan? Not sure of all this but I assure you that I have come across some R18 doujinshis featuring Junior High aged SyaoSaku. The horror...... Also, I didn't realise that Akiho and Sakura had lived together as sisters for 5 months post Alice in Clockland. I mean, they all don't look much different (I kind of presumed that it had been just a bunch of weeks, like autumn is over and winter has begun). Frankly, they should be nearer to the heights in the final chapter of OG CCS manga if the second year is about to begin (since Sakura and Syaoran were reunited in the beginning of the second year of JHS in the OG manga). Oh well, I will just chalk it down to art style change.
Thank you so much for reading my drabbles and finally check my timeline, Aubretia!! 😁I'm glad in the end it worked for you! ✨
About the doujinshi matter, hehe, it's not that simple. From what I know, doujinshi are considered 二次創作, "derivative works", and as such technically they aren't legal, if they don't have the authorization of the author. Often fanartists who produce doujinshi also produce what we call "fan merch", like printing their art on acrylic keychains, stickers, acrylic stands and such. Those fall into the category too. However, in the industry there is an unspoken agreement that such works are "tolerated" by copyright holders as long as the price they're sold at can be proven as a mere "reimbursement of the cost" to produce such merch (like the printing cost for the doujinshi/anthologies and the manufacturing cost for other items). Basically, the fanartists don't have to earn money from this (or I guess the don't have to earn too much). Usually artists print a definite amount of copies to sell at conventions and a definite amount to sell online, so it doesn't "become too much" and attracts "too much attention" from the copyright holders. These are tolerated only because it turns into further promotion for the IP, so of course the fanartists need to know their place and not overdo it. So it's not legal, but it is common practice to "close an eye" on it (and yes, this means that there's literally anything, as you pointed out, out there).
For Akiho and Sakura living together, yeah it's more or less from 4 to 5 months! I calculated this from the fact that when the play started, they had barely changed into their winter uniform at school, and usually that happens on a set date in Japan, on October 1st. Now, in the chapter of the play (63) you can see lots of people attending the school festival, and many of them wear short sleeves, while other wear mid or long sleeves. This definitely made me think that there were still quite nice temperatures so it probably wasn't in late October but rather at the beginning of it (I even thought it might have been September and they changed uniforms early). When Kaito activated the forbidden magic, things continued exactly from where they were left off before he brought Sakura and Akiho to Clockland, so when we come back in chapter 70 it's still everything on the same day of the play. And then, when we see how things are going for them in chapter 71, we see everyone wearing the "super winter uniform", as I jokingly call it, along with coats, scarves, gloves, it's even snowing at some point! And they also say that "soon" Sakura is going to become a second year student at Tomoeda Middle school, so I had already pinpointed the month when all of this was happening as end of February. When the last chapter dropped, turns out I was right, because just 4 days after the "last battle" Akiho says she would've left Tomoeda one month later, and when we see her and Kaito on their departure day, cherry blossoms are starting to bloom, so that means that they are at the end of March. So, in short, Sakura and Akiho spent as sisters an indefinite part of October, all of November, December, January and all of February together before they realized what the heck was happening. Yeah, it's all a matter of looking around you and observing "the silent hints" (isn't all of Clear Card like that, after all?) and you can get a lot of the context. 😉👍
And oh, I absolutely don't suggest to take any of the OG manga panels as a reference for the heights and such because back then CLAMP's style was very different. They tended to make their characters so tall (and their legs so long!) especially when they had to indicate that kids had grown up. Their chins were more pointy, the shoulders wider (I always laugh when I look back to Syaoran with those wide shoulders)...yeah it was something completely different. Now Mokona sensei respects body proportions a lot more and I also have to say that the poses of her characters are more natural and not "stiff" as they were before. I also love how more expressive they've become. I do agree though that if she could make them a tiny bit taller it would be better. This is something that I've constantly "complained" about during the serialization.
Besides, I always understood that Sakura and Syaoran were in their first year at Tomoeda Middle school, at the end of the OG manga? Cause Sakura says "my brother is going to poke fun at me oversleeping even though I've become a middle schooler!" so it suggests that the change had just happened? Well, Clear Card is its sequel and it starts exactly like the last pages of volume 12, with an "extended version" of the finale, so I think that the kids being in 1st year of middle school is what CLAMP had always intended since 2000.
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lisutarid-a · 1 year
[Gakuen K] Yatogami Kuroh Route Translation
Thinking hard
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: (…It's almost evening. We still haven't found what Shiro-kun wants)
Saya: Kuro-kun, aren't you tired?
Kuroh: No, I'm all right. You're tired, aren't you?
Saya: I'm fine too. But.. I'm a little hungry.
Kuroh: I see… Let's go to the school store, it should still be open.
Saya: They said the sale ends in 5 minutes. We have to choose quickly.
Kuroh: Half price…
Saya: Eh? ...Oh, really. The three-colored dumplings for a half price.
Saya: So many unsold items, what a waste.
Kuroh: That's right…Let's take this.
Saya: Kuro-kun, are you going to make dumplings?
Kuroh: No, they're not for me. These dumplings…
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Shiro: Welcome ba-…Whoa.
Shiro: E-eh! What is this, first bread, now dumplings?
Saya: Here's the answer to Shiro-kun's requested present.
Shiro: I, requested…Oh, you mean "What I want most"!
Shiro: But, there's so many of them…Did you think I was in making dumplings?
Kuroh: No. I just happened to see them. There was a huge leftover, and the seller was having trouble with it.
Kuroh: The "thing" you are given is not important to you. Perhaps the "act" of giving is more important.
Shiro: Ahaha. Good answer, you are right. I don't have much of materialistic desires, so anything was fine for me.
Shiro: I like the moment when I feel that someone is thinking about me or doing this or that for me.
Shiro: You guys thought hard about what I wanted and did me a favour and bought me dumplings. That's why I'm so happy right now.
Kuroh: In your case, it's not "asking for a favor," but "getting someone to do it," right?
Shiro: Ahaha, that's harsh…But you're right. Thank you both for staying so late.
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Choice: [Was that the correct answer?]
Saya: So, was that the correct answer?
Shiro: Uhm. You can think of it as a correct answer.
Saya: I see~! That's great!
Shiro: Aren't you tired from all the walking around? I can give you a shoulder massage if you like.
Saya: My shoulders are fine. But I can't say the same about my legs…
Shiro: Well then, put you legs----Ouch.
Kuroh: Don't try to touch a woman's feet unnecessarily!
Shiro: It's not unnecessarily, but with a proper purpose. …Gloomy pervert.
Kuroh: Ha!
Shiro: You thought I was up to something, that's why you hit me, isn't it? There's a limit to how gloomy you can be.
Kuroh: Y-You…!
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Choice: [I'm glad you liked it] ❤️
Saya: I was a bit disappointed to hear that you were happy with everything. I'm glad Shiro-kun liked it.
Shiro: You're very kind. I can't believe you never complained about my selfishness.
Kuroh: Is that sarcasm towards me?
Shiro: Eh! I didn't mean that. It's just a misunderstanding~!
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Shiro: Now, let's eat the dumplings you bought together. Neko-o-o.
Neko: You called me?
Saya: Neko-chan, when did you get here!
Neko: Fufu. Wherever there's Shiro, there's Wagahai! Wagahai is always by Shiro's side!
Saya: Amazing…You are like a ninja.
Neko: Wagahai is a ninja? Yay, that's cool!
Kuroh: If you were here, that means you were back first. What did Neko give Shiro?
Neko: I didn't give him anything. Wagahai squeezed Shiro tightly!
Saya: You mean hugged him?
Neko: Uhm. Wagahai likes Shiro, Shiro likes Wagahai! It's nice to be squeezed by someone you like. Right?
Saya: Ahaha. I see. That's right.
Neko: Hey, let's eat dumplings quickly! Wagahai is hungry!
Saya: But first, I'm going to make some tea, so wait a minute.
Kuroh: I'll help you.
Saya: Oh, it's okay. Sit, Kuro-kun. I'll do it today.
Kuroh: I see. Well, then, I'm asking you.
Shiro: They look good together, aren't they?
Neko: Good? What do you mean? Wagahai don't understand!
Shiro: Fufu. It's nothing.I'm kinda really hungry too.
Kuroh: Can't you guys wait quietly?
Shiro: But I'm hungry. I wonder if tea is ready yet~
Saya: Sorry I'm late! I brought some tea. Let's eat dumplings.
Neko: Yay! Well, let's get started…
Shiro: Hey, Neko. Before you eat, you have to say "Thank you for the food" first.
Shiro: Come on, everyone, sit down well. Put your hands together-.
Everyone: Thank you for the food!
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[Prev MAP 3 Kamamoto Rikio][Next chapter]
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fervency-if · 1 year
If I'm not wrong Narciso would like the view of modern day lights, would he enjoy dancing fountain and light show then? If yes, maybe a little scenario where MC took him to see one from a less crowded area and asking for a kiss as payment? :3
He would enjoy those kind of lights, yes! And absolutely, that's sweet.
You take a look at Narciso's face as the two of you watch the lights together. Dancing and soaring, a brightness in the darkness. His features look calm and serene; it's clear to you that he enjoys what he sees. Neither of you care about the crowd; they're all so distant, these people who enjoy the fountain and the soft lights as much as you do. They have their own moment, and the two of you have yours.
"This is a sort of... what to call it? Development, perhaps? A sort of development I appreciate," he says after a while, his voice soft. "The way the world turns brighter and brighter. I was never one for darkness. I was never a bat isolated in a dark cave. A light is a light, even when it's artificial. We have to make do with that nowadays, people like me and you, after all..."
"I'm glad you're enjoying the sight," you reply. "Yet, as you know, everything comes with a price," you continue, looking at him, a friendly yet mildly teasing tone to your voice. Your facial expression mirrors it.
"Everything comes with a price, you say?" He chuckles quietly. Friendly teasing in return. "Whatever could the price be here?"
"I have some ideas," you say. "A kiss, for example. I certainly wouldn't mind that as a payment, if you're willing."
"Oh, but I thought the payment would be something that was of more benefit to you than it was to me? This payment seems to benefit the both of us in equal manner. Yet, who am I to complain?"
He smiles brightly, as brightly as the dancing lights, as he leans towards you, adjusting himself. You do, too, and when you notice that his eyes are closed, you close yours, too, to be fully in the moment.
His soft, plump lips meet yours, and he puts a large hand on your upper back, long fingers gently caressing your neck soon after it. The kiss is soft and sweet. Tender and loving, but not without some discreet passion. Warmth and joy, warming your cheeks.
You stand there for a while, simply enjoying one another. Enjoying one another's mouth, enjoying one another's warmth.
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Okay, you want more? Give me more please!
69 (nice) and 101 for the Spotify Wrapped fic thing! And does one work for willex? 👀
- @michelangelinden
Thank youuuuu! These are so fun! Two Willex-es for the price of one!
Okay, so I share(d) a Spotify account with my sister until very recently, so I actually don't know the song that's in slot 69. So instead, you get 68: They Don't Know About Us by 1D!
Willexxxxx! AU where they get together in high school, while Alex is still living with his parents. And... because of that, they mostly keep their relationship on the down low. The band and the rest of their friends know, but basically no one else. Willie also isn't really sure how Caleb would react if he discovered they had a boyfriend, so... none of the guardians know.
That kinda gets both of them down sometimes, cause they love each other and it sucks that they have to hide that. Alex is complaining about it to Reggie one day, and Reggie goes, "I mean, they'd just be jealous if they found out anyways." It's mostly an attempt to make Alex laugh, and it works. Alex tells Willie about it later, and he totally agrees.
After that, whenever one of them gets down about it being a secret, the other jokes that it's cause they don't wanna make people jealous, and it almost always manages to coax out a smile. This joke follows them through their lives. When someone gets weird about them being together, or about Willie being trans, etc, they pull out the "they're just jealous," joke. It's lovely.
101 is What's It Gonna Be by Shura. Well this song fully gives me new relationship vibes, probably because of Heartstopper, and we're gonna go with it.
Willie and Alex have been friends since they were little. Willie never really considered that Alex might return his feelings. I mean, he'd known them back when they still looked like a girl, and Alex is very gay, so...(In this case, Willie is an oblivious idiot(/aff) that doesn't notice all the heart eyes)
But in their senior year of high school, when they're starting to plan for life after graduation and stuff, Willie sorta comes to the realization that being honest with Alex is the most important thing to them, whether his feelings are returned or not. So he tells Alex they have a serious crush on him, and then is very very surprised when Alex says that he likes them too.
And then the two of them spend the next month-ish on this giddy high whenever they're together, cause "OH GOSH HE LIKES ME, PLEASE DON'T WAKE ME UP IF I'M DREAMING." Their friends go back and forth between thinking it's cute and being like, "Y'all have been in love with each other since like 5th grade at least, get over it."
Thank you @michelangelinden!!! You really shouldn't enable me but I'm very glad you do!
(Send me a number between 1-101 and I'll tell you a fic idea based on that song off my Spotify Wrapped)
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ladyloversposts · 8 months
Ice bath dreams
- this is what I was listening to when I wrote this, not my normal music taste but it was in my recommended
Warnings: Smut, sex, p in v sex, no protection mentioned, perverted thoughts. Lemme know if I missed any.
Can't get over the way these boys will obsess over a girl, stalk them, and fuck them senseless 😮‍💨😮‍💨
You joined task force 141 last week, being the only woman definitely made it awkward. Ghost doesn't seem to like me much but Gaz and Soap are fine, maybe even friends with me. Sometimes I feel like they're sexist but they're just keeping me from doing harder jobs, which I won't complain about having to sweep and do laundry rather than cleaning the barracks bathrooms. They let me eat with them but I haven't gotten to go drinking with them yet, not sure if it's because they don't trust me or themselves, or the alcohol.
Today we're doing ice baths since we had a bit of a rough mission. price has the tub set up and all the guys are shirtless as they take turns timing each other till eventually Gaz offers to time how long I can stay in. I accept the challenge, of course I do, I don't back down from these men..I mean sure their four giant walls of muscle and are Fuckin drool worthy, not that I haven't fucked myself on a dildo multiple times to imagining it's them tossing me around as they fuck me roughly, like I'm their personal Fleshlight....I slip my shirt and shorts off so I'm only wearing my bra and underwear. I don't notice the way they look at me as if I'm their fucking meal. I dio myself completely in not the water, gasping aslt the cold as I call out "Oh fuck!" It sounds lewd, my gasps and whimpers, as if their watching a personal porno. They can barely keep it together as they watch me gasp and whimper, cursing for the first time, palming themselves through their pants as they cum from the sight.
Since then I noticed they were being rough with me, doing anything to hear one of those lewd gasps or whimpers and occasionally an unintentional moan. I walk through their barracks every now and then, though I'm glad price gives me my own room so I have privacy, being the only girl I appreciate it a lot. I walk through on my way to the laundry, over hearing them talking. Gaz: "She's gotta know what she's doing, mean I know she's innocent but those moans and whimpers? Fuuuck" soap laughs. Soap: "I don't think she knows. I mean I enjoy listening to it, it's like live porn, helps me sleep at night knowing there's a pretty little thing like her on base. Maybe one day we'll get to fuck her properly."* The conversation continues but I keep walking, not wanting to hear more as the realization dawns on me. That's why they were rougher? To hear me make those sounds? Well fuck them, I'll resist.
The next morning I go in for sparring, wearing shorts and a tank top like normal, ignoring when I notice their boners when they see me. I sigh "Come on, I'll get you guys this time." Ghost chuckles darkly and we start to fight, sparring, of course, no real damage. I nearly kick his boner and he wants me but I stop and I glare as I yell at them, admitting that I know what their doing. They look ashamed, but lustful. Ghost pins me down I gasp as I squirm and he growls in my ear "fuckin slut, you knew and yet you kept on whimpering? well we'll make you whimper and moan properly." They circle me, my nervousness sets in as ghost commands me to take my clothes off. I obey. Taking my shirt and shorts first and then my bra, leaving me underwear though it's pointless when Gaz Rips them off me and Ghost pins me down. I gasp in surprise and my eyes roll back when soap suddenly stuffs his boner into my tight little cunt, making me moan and whimper beneath him as ghost and Gaz jerk off to soap Fucking me ruthlessly. I can barely keep it together. I'm moaning as I feel soaps huge cock pounding me, arching my back as I whimper a little. "soap I-I'm gonna cum! O-oh my god..." Soap goes harder before pulling out and jerking off till he cums on my stomach and chest. I pant softly, thinking I'll get to relax till Gaz shoves his cock into me, my eyes roll back and my hips buck up into him as I nearly cum. He's even tougher than Soap, rolling his hips into mine endlessly as I watch his cock disappear inside me. I cum around him and coos gently "That's it baby, cum around me, so fuckin pretty....being a good girl for your superiors, letting us fuck you so good" he loves the feeling of my cunt milking his cock as I cum, line it's a drug. He fucks me till he's close then pulls out and cums on my stomach and chest with a porn like groan. Ghost is next, I gasp when I see how..how big he is. He's huge and thick, in every way, he'll ruin me. It's hard to believe it'll even fit inside me.he puts the tip at my entrance and coos gently to me "Relax princess, I know it hurts,I know...just relax, you're so tight, I know it's big but it'll fit." Soap gives me a glass of alcohol,I drink it. Feeling my body relax ghost slides into me, I drop the glass in shock. Ghost chuckles q bit as he groans and curses about how fucking good my tight little cunt feels, how it's milking his cock. He starts slow, letting my body adjust. He soon picks me up, still gently thrusting and then my eyes roll back as my legs give out. He holds me up, Price slides into my ass without warning. I'm in another work of pleasure, moans leaving my lips like a poem as the two large and handsome men pound me. I orgasm multiple times, barely able to tell where one ends and where one starts as the two men alternate thrusts. I expect them to pull out like the other two did but they don't and I moan loudly and lewdly as I feel their cum pour inside me, painting my walls white. I spasm between them as I clutch onto ghost "Ghost I can't! I-it feels too good!" The men laugh at this and I finally relax into his arms when they slide out of my soaked cunt. God, the way they smile at you as you pant once they're done, dripping with their cum, shaking like a lead in a hurricane, only gets you wetter.
- Love my 141 boys :)
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theeveningletter · 2 years
Friday, 01/20/2023
Last Night's dream: I dreamt that there was a family of bears living in our backyard. And that Frank Ocean released a visual album - I think it was a new one - and we were watching it on the TV in the kitchen.
Where I went: res, school - stu's class for digital!, took the GO train home
What I ate: 3 bananas, oatmeal, cookies, a cracker, dumplings with soy sauce for brunch. For dinner, I had home food, which was egg + chives, chicken + da cai, coriander chutney, and a tuna sandwich that Chai Li brought home. For dessert, I had tiramisu, cookies, and tea!
What I did: So I woke up at 10:55 am. and I was like FUCK I'm late AGAIN. And I rushed to get ready for school and was out the door in pretty good time. I texted Sarah and we met up to walk to class together. She had asked me if I remembered where the class was, and I thought to meet her outside the pink wall, but because she texted 2 mins ago, I figured she'd be farther down the way so I kept walking (after I stopped!). And then I was like "where r u" and she was like "behind u" and I was like 0.0 lol. And so we walked to class together. Our computers weren't working so Stu had to help us, and Graham also came to help. Sarah's been working on her table merch for the zine club table! (I forgot what it's called.) I'm glad Carrie is joining her and Erica! Because maybe we can invite Erica to some dinners! I also let Sarah know about the depth cues zine submission coming up. I let Carrie know the day before. Sarah left class kinda early. It was hard to follow what was going on tbh. Stu brought the animation into photoshop and idk how he did it. I spent the majority of the class just looking at 3D assets and wondering how Stu did it. Instead of asking him, I just wasted time and left a little past 1:00 pm. Ugh. I need to get better at asking for help!! After, I went back to the dorm to have brunch. I had to eat all the bananas I got from Walmart because they would have otherwise rotted over the weekend. And when Carrie came back from class, we spent some time in the kitchen together, working and eating. She also did not do the rotoscoping thing, so she worked on that while I read and took notes. We also took a look at some of the forest finals people made in her class. I decided to catch the bus around 4:48, so I left Res at around 4:30 and caught the bus. Some people (including me) were running from the bus to try and catch the GO train at Oakville GO. I don't know if I even tapped correctly. I don't know if I hit the override button all the way. So I was sitting very anxiously on the train. I couldn't even read or listen to music. After I got to union station, I decided to do some reading, because I had to wait for like 45 mins until the next train. Then, I got on the train and kept reading there. I felt like such an intellectual. Oh ya, something I remembered from earlier today aka last night. I met Carrie in the kitchen at around 2-3:00 am and I was telling her how great the book was. And how a lot of the tips could apply to illustration. And she felt inspired hearing some of the tips and stories. And she also wants to make films! I am happy to hear. Anyways, Mom picked me up from the station, and we went to No-frills to buy drinks for tomorrow. I wore a thin jacket, which I kind of regret, but I have other jackets at home, so it should be okay. Then, we went to Woodside to pick up a cake for Alex. Woodside got pimped out. The dinosaurs move. And there was a DJ. And it was dark but there were colourful lights lol. We got the cake from Everbest bakery. 6 buns from there are $10 now :( they used to be 6 buns for $3. But for them, I understand the price increase because they're a small business. After we came back home, I took a shower, and then had dinner. Helped mom with washing some dishes, then made tea. And I worked on my rotoscoping assignment and watched EI and I'm about to go to sleep because I have work at 10:00 tomorrow.
Media: Emergency Intercom ep 79, Doja Cat, Miley Cyrus, TXT 0x1=Lovesong Japanese version
What I worked on: rotoscoping, reading
What I'm grateful for: Mom! She was literally up until 1:00 am cutting ingredients for tomorrow. She has work but still has to took dishes for CNY party. I'll try to help as much as I can, but I also have quite a bit of work to do.
Closing thoughts: I don't see the hype with ice spice. And I might eat my words later down the line, but at the moment I don't get it. That video of her peeing in a fan's mouth while she was performing is also quite disgusting and it was my first impression of her... I need to MAKE time for drawing.
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