#I'm fine i just need to be annoying about this because
kujakumai · 2 days
On the subject of being good with children, which characters do you think WOULD be good babysitters?
Seto Kaiba runs an entire company dedicated exclusively to safely entertaining children, and unless his parks are getting continually sued I believe he knows how. Your kindergartner is not only safe with him but will probably leave knowing how to play chess and write in C++. He may allow them to play with knives, but only if they're 9 or over, plus he has all the emergency numbers on speed-dial.
Hiroto Honda babysits his niblings on the regular. Can warm a bottle and change a diaper. A level-headed and practical guy. He’ll be fine as long as his friends don't drag him into a horrible game-themed deathtrap. Don't ask why that caveat exists.
Rishid Ishtar is safe, experienced, has dad energy, however he will crumple like wet paper at the first sign of conflict re: ice cream for dinner / no bedtime / blood-soaked cross-country quest for revenge / an extra episode of cartoons over the screentime limit.
Ishizu Ishtar would make a great babysitter. I don't really have a quirky joke here she just would.
Jonouchi used to watch his little sister and I think he'll do about as well as any other teenager you're paying minimum wage, and with a lot of earnest enthusiasm. Your child will be fine at the end of the night, though they will probably have eaten some junk food and played a T rated videogame.
I do not think Atem would know what to do with a baby, and may panic about it, though if you have an older child he will be happy to offer a rousing speech and some deep-voiced mentorlike advice while teaching them to play board games. Not a bad choice, just try not to leave him with anyone under seven.
Yugi knows zilch about kids and often appears a little annoyed by them. Same general rules as Atem--do not leave him with a baby, but he'll probably just teach an older kid to play shogi or something.
Mai Kujaku will put the kid in front of the television and order pizza while she paints her nails. Honestly, though, what more are you paying her for?
Listen, I love Anzu. I do. She’s smart, driven, and big-hearted, but she is also sort of short-tempered and impatient, and patience is like 90% of child-rearing. Please do not ask Anzu Mazaki to watch your children. She WILL say yes because she needs the money, and she WILL go into it with optimism and gumption, and yes, both she and your child will both be in one piece at the end of the night, but it will be clear from both of their frazzled expressions that she lost most of her sanity an hour in after the fifth "Why?"
Ryou Bakura would in theory be a perfectly good, if kind of spacey, babysitter, but you cannot trust him to remain Ryou Bakura, and the other guy is definitely not someone you want anywhere near your children.
I don't think Marik Ishtar has ever interacted with a child for very long and the number of people he talks to that are even his own age is in the single digits. And he is definitely not getting spat on or dealing with any bathroom stuff. I'm not saying he can't figure it out but the learning curve is going to be steep.
I have to put Yami Bakura here in principle and yet for some reason I think it wouldn't go that bad? I mean he definitely doesn't care about the safety of your child. And he may enlist them to the armies of darkness. And he's not cleaning anything up. But he's like, a weird socially awkward over-the-top guy? And children love those? Honestly I think they would both have fun. For at least an hour until everything goes horribly wrong.
Please do not summon Zork Necrophades to babysit your child.
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 days
“If you roll your eyes one more time.” For First Lady and Jack
From the moment you had woken up, it seemed as if you had an attitude with everyone and everything including your loving husband who was thoroughly confused by the entire thing. The previous night, the two of you had taken a bath together and watched a movie after putting all the kids to bed in their respective rooms. You fell asleep halfway through the movie and cuddled up to Jack the rest of the night. 
He guessed that he could blame it on your pregnancy mood swings, but he wasn't so sure. One minute you couldn’t keep your hands off of him and the next moment, you wanted to be by yourself surrounded by a tower of cheese curls. You were now in month seven of carrying your twins and everything on your body hurt and you were constantly annoyed.
Jack felt like he was walking on eggshells the entire day thinking that you were mad at him and it started when he told you that he was leaving out for a meeting and that he would be back in about an hour or so.
“Baby, I'll be back soon. But if you need anything just call me, okay?” He told you as he reached down to place a kiss on top of your head. You instantly let out a huff and rolled your eyes which made Jack turn up his nose.
“Is something wrong, babe?”
“Nope.” Was all you responded as you then turned on the TV to watch Netflix.
“Obviously there is because of that huff you just let out.”
“Jackman, you have somewhere to be so I suggest you get there. Don't be late on my account.”
“Yes, I will be late on account of you. You're my wife last time I checked and I want to make sure that you're okay.”
“I'm fine. Bye.” You said as you were struggling to adjust the pillow behind your back and Jack quickly did it for you. 
“Not leaving until you tell me you love me.” Jack said and you rolled your eyes once more.
“You know I do.”
“So? I still want to hear it.”
“I love you, Jackman Thomas, now get out of my sight.”
“Um, okay. Not what I was expecting. I love you too.”
It was now ten at night and there you were sitting with your arms crossed against your  chest as Jack walked into your shared bedroom from checking on the triplets and Nova.
“Baby?” He started to say and you instantly rolled your eyes, for Jack that was the absolute last straw.
“If you roll your eyes one more time….” He said and your eyes immediately snapped up in his direction.
“You’ve had a damn attitude from the moment your ass opened your eyes this morning and I’m tired of it. So what the hell is the problem? Are you mad at me? I obviously did something because every time I open my mouth, you roll your eyes at me. I will fuck that attitude out of you. So, out with it. NOW.”
“You got me pregnant…..”
“Um, yes? I know, babe. I was there when it happened the last time I checked. I was an active participant."
“I should roll my eyes again for you saying that. You got me pregnant and my body fucking hurts and I’m swollen and look like Shamu the whale.”
“And you’re mad at me about that? And you do not look like a whale so stop saying that.”
“Well who else can I get mad at? You’re the one who did it. And when you did the laundry last week, you shrunk my fuzzy pink socks that I’ve had since I was pregnant with the triplets and you know that those are the only ones I wear when I’m pregnant! I’m so just fat and tired of this. My belly is so heavy, I crave KFC all the time and I want to throw up at the thought…”
“Not too much on KFC now….”
“Shut up, Jackman and let the pregnant woman finish. As I was saying, carrying a mixture of genders is different than carrying just one. When it was the triplets, I was swollen but not like this. Nova, I didn’t even know about until it was damn near my due date, these boys are kicking my ass. I am DONE after this.”
“Baby, I’ll buy you more socks. I can fix that problem, but I can’t make them come out any faster. They still have to bake.”
“Did you just compare our children to bakery items?”
“They’re in a warm, safe environment, so same thing?”
All you did was stare at him as you sighed.
“Is there anything else I can do for my wife to make her feel better?” He asked as he scooted closer to you and kissed your cheek.
“No, and I’m sorry that I was a brat earlier. I just wanted you to stay with me all day, but I know you can’t do that.”
“Uh, yeah the hell I can. Meetings can wait. I have one wife and if she needs me, she needs me. Not you getting mad and having an attitude because you wanted me all to yourself today.”
“I always want you to myself. I can’t wait until this pregnancy is over.”
“It’ll be worth it, babe.”
"Sooo.... are you still going to fuck the attitude out of me?" You asked as you glanced over at him and he immediately smirked.
"Lay on your back."
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l-in-the-light · 2 days
Why is Law more stressed, more serious and often grumpy and annoyed in Wano? Thought he would be relieved after Luffy defeated Deflamingo 🤔he couldn't even relax at the banquet 😑
Broody Law is actually my favourite Law, which means I enjoyed him so much in Wano ❤ But why is he delivering behaving like that, indeed? Let's summarize the Wano experience from his side, shall we?
his alliance with Strawhats gets sidetracked because Luffy went to Big Mom to retrieve Sanji. He barely avoided a conflict (not really)
he's stuck at Wano, worrying his ass off for Luffy, hoping he's not left with half of Strawhats crew to take care for forever now
everyone is dying of hunger and getting sick in Wano, because they can't stop drinking water from the polluted river
Luffy finally arrives, Bepo gets sick, Luffy in the meantime does The Worst Thing Possible and Law's efforts to patch up the situation do not work out
Luffy snaps and runs off to fight Kaido
Kaido bombs away Strawhats and Hearts crews while Luffy and Law are already near town and can't do shit about it
he fails to stop Luffy from fighting Kaido
he fails to stop Kaido from putting Luffy in prison
freaking Hawkins getting in his way
crews turn out to be fine, but freaking Kinemon soon leaves to find remaining Akazaya samurais. Now the whole raid plan and making sure it's not exposed is Law's job. On top of that, he needs to take care not only of his Heart Pirates, but also Strawhats, because their captain is in jail. Two crews, a raid plan and the weight of 20 years of revenge is all hanging on Law's neck.
freaking Germa (he's a Sora follower, ok)
he almost throws it all away when Hearts get put in prison
he's got accussed that his crew is crap and he should just kill them off, all that coming from his very own allies he's been taking care of for last couple of weeks!
freaking Hawkins again
getting tortured (just another monday morning amirite)
finding traitor and making sure the raid doesn't fail in the process. Is Luffy finally out of that prison, what is he doing there? Or maybe, that's for the best, he can't make the situation even worse...
Luffy arrives late to the raid and late to the rooftop battle
Luffy brought freaking Eustass Kid to the raid
Luffy is ordering him around in front of freaking Eustass Kid
Luffy tells him to get along with freaking Eustass Kid
Zoro-ya almost died on his watch
Kurashi-ya (literally) caught him in a middle of an embarrassing blunder
Eustass Kid is behaving like a newborn baby and Law has to babysit him
now it's Law's job to fight Big Mom. He didn't sign up for this!
Luffy nearly drowned in the sea while fighting Kaido
Luffy lost and died while fighting Kaido
Luffy got revived and won against Kaido
Law had to make bigass room, bigger than anything he made in Dressrosa, probably cutting down on his lifespan in the process
Law has to take care of stuff no one cares about after the raid succeeds, which is taking care of the ships, searching for the poneglyphs (no one but him cared for that in the middle of the raid!) and probably patching many, many people up
he ends up stranded with Robin in some moldy underground chamber for hours, while being seriously exhausted, sleep deprived and in the middle of recovery from his injuries
he doesn't join in the banquet out of spite (no one told him about Jimbei joining the Strawhats. Is Law a joke to them?!), besides just in case a certain Luffy would assault him there, make him go all night long eating and playing around and celebrating, all the while probably bugging him to become a 100% part of the Strawhat crew or at least extend their alliance to together forever status.
And that's just the major things listed! I'm sure I missed some details here and there.
Overall, I think he was stressed and exhausted, because he was carrying a lot of responsibility (and the stakes were extremely high!), at certain points almost the whole raid plan's success was depending solely on him, while others merrily ignored the dangers. He also had two crews to take care of for the whole arc, constantly worried himself over Luffy, got pissed at Eustass Kid and had to cooperate with him (he hates that dude!), and at the end of it his world got almost turned upside down in worst possible way (Luffy dying and raid failing as the result, and the vision of all of them dying flashed before his eyes).
As Bepo reveals to us in the midst of Winner Island escape, Law wants to stay behind with his crew even if it kills him and needs to be reassured that no one is dying there. That suggests Law doesn't deal well with people close to him dying, which shouldn't surprise us after what happened in Flevance and later also to Cora-san. I'm sure Wano hit Law harder than we expect, because there he was, finally believing in people again (Luffy), only for Luffy to die on him as well. Old issues must have resurfaced and his fear of losing people worsened as the result.
I think we should cut him some slack, shouldn't we? Wano was definitely not a walk in the park for Law, especially psychologically-wise. Though to be fair, he could relax and laze around a bit, we see it happen, right before Strawhat Luffy waltzes into the country. That was the last time we saw him actually calm and resting, so I guess that alone gives us another answer to your question as well ;)
And then his alliance ended, and we know Law doesn't like dramatic things, which also means overly emotional goodbyes. It was probably pretty difficult for him to part ways and maybe he thought it would be easier if he avoided Luffy for most of the time after the raid finished. And then Chopper went and almost blew all his efforts up with his warm send-off! Law owes a lot to Strawhats and his debt is only getting bigger, but it won't change his withholding personality.
Did Law find peace after Mingo was defeated? Not exactly, because I don't believe Doflamingo was Law's end goal. Just take a look at his reaction when Luffy finally wins:
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Everyone is crying and celebrating, but Law's face looks like this instead. Does this look like a face of a person who finally got rid of his demons and is set free? What about Flevance, are we forgetting that? Law has a lot on his plate, Mingo was simply one of the obstacles in his way (but an important one!). If you want to know more about what I think about Law's end goals, I wrote about it here: https://www.tumblr.com/l-in-the-light/761556630027616256 (the topic starts somewhere around the second picture). That's why I don't think he is at peace or that his revenge is over and we shouldn't expect him to completely "move on" or reach perfect closure just because Mingo is now out of the picture.
There's one exception though. I do believe Law is showing his emotions more openly after Dressrosa. And I think it's actually a sign of him healing and partially moving on.
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Because just look at this. Law was always annoyed with his beloved Cora-san as well, and yet we never doubt he loved him dearly. In Wano Law is acting the same way towards the Strawhats, openly showing when he's annoyed and angry. That's how he shows affection and worry. Compare it to Punk Hazard, when he's always holding back, stoic and cold, keeping his comments and reactions to bare minimum. Dressrosa changed everything in Law's emotional department. And the result is that he did open up to his allies.
Also I feel like it's my duty to remind the world about this, often overlooked, fact: so far Law celebrated in the feast exactly one time, in Dressrosa. He didn't join in on Punk Hazard, Zou or Wano. So it's not really a "Wano thing", but more like Law almost always choosing other things over feasting ;) personally, I think it's because of that "30 minutes on festival" rule he had in his household as a child. He's probably not used to just playing around for hours. Besides, we should never underestimate Law's pettiness. Not joining the celebration might have been as well just a petty payback of his, for every offense that happened to him in Wano, lol.
I'm not sure if you liked my answer, anon, but I hope you at least smiled a bit when I tried to mimick Law's grumpiness in this post :D
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ajalholland · 3 days
House-husband Sephiroth x reader
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In the quiet home, Sephiroth stared at the mountain of dirty laundry, his brow furrowing as he tried to sort the various colors and materials that lay before him. The mighty warrior had to accept that, in this new realm of housekeeping, he was nothing more than a bumbling beginner.
He picked up a shirt, its sleeves stained with some unidentifiable substance. He had tried to cook spaghetti for the boys, but his skills in the kitchen, much like his laundry sorting, left much to be desired.
Kadaj and Yazoo were walking down the hallway, bickering amongst themselves as they approached their father.
"Old man, we're boooored..." Kadaj whined, flopping onto the floor.
Yazoo rolled his eyes at Kadaj and crossed his arms. "Don't whine so much, Kadaj. It's annoying."
Sephiroth smirked as his two sons approached him, their usual banter a familiar sound to his ears. He continued sorting through the laundry, his hands working busily as he addressed them.
"Bored, are you? Well, I suppose I could use some help with this mountain of laundry." He gestured to the pile of clothes before them, the different colors and materials creating a chaotic mess. "And it's dad to you, Kadaj."
Kadaj looked at the pile of laundry and screwed up his face in disgust. "Ugh, laundry?! That's for sissies!"
Yazoo rolled his eyes again at Kadaj's childish outburst. "You're just saying that because you don't know how to do laundry."
Kadaj stuck out his tongue at Yazoo. "Am not! Shut up, loser."
The two of them were like two peas in a pod sometimes, Sephiroth thought. Always competitive, always trying to one-up each other.
"Well, whether it's for sissies or not, it still needs to be done," Sephiroth said, a hint of sternness in his voice. "Besides, it's a good life skill to learn."
He looked at Kadaj, his eyes narrowing slightly. "And stop calling your brother a loser. We don't insult each other in this house."
Kadaj folded his arms and pouted, crossing his arms. "But it's true! He is a loser!"
Yazoo shot Kadaj a glare, his eyes lighting up with irritation. "Yeah? Well at least I'm not a crybaby!" Yazoo snapped back.
Kadaj's eyes widened in anger, his face turning red. "I am NOT a crybaby! You're the crybaby!"
Sephiroth pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache starting to form. These two were going to drive him insane someday.
"Enough, both of you," he said sternly. "You're siblings, not enemies. Fighting all the time isn't productive."
He looked at Kadaj and Yazoo, his expression firm. "And neither of you are losers or crybabies. Now, help me with this laundry, and no more fighting."
The boys looked at each other, then at Sephiroth, and then back at each other. "Fiiiiine," Kadaj grumbled.
Yazoo nodded in agreement, still looking annoyed. "Yeah, fine."
The two of them walked over to the pile of laundry and began sorting it into piles. Kadaj was still mumbling under his breath, clearly not happy about having to do housework.
Sephiroth watched as his boys began sorting the laundry, Kadaj being the less enthusiastic of the two. He knew they would complain at first, but hopefully, they would learn the value of housework in due time.
As the boys worked, Sephiroth thought about his days as a SOLDIER. Life had been much simpler then, with nothing but missions and battles to worry about. Sure, it was a hard life, but at least it made sense. But now... now he was a househusband, a role he never thought he would find himself in.
Sephiroth's thoughts were interrupted by a soft sob coming from the doorway. He looked up to see Loz standing there, his face red and his pants noticeably wet.
Sephiroth's expression softened immediately as he noticed Loz, his youngest son, standing in the doorway with tears running down his face. He immediately stood up and made his way over to him.
"Loz, what's wrong?" he asked gently, crouching down to meet his son's watery gaze.
Loz sniffled, his small body shaking with sobs. "I-I had an accident," he mumbled, his voice barely audible.
Kadaj and Yazoo looked up from the laundry they were folding, their faces registering surprise and then amusement at their brother's predicament. "Ha! You peed yourself again?!" Kadaj laughed, nudging Yazoo.
Yazoo smirked, "You're still just a baby, huh?"
Sephiroth shot Kadaj and Yazoo a stern look, silently scolding them for their reaction. They should not be laughing at their brother's accident.
He turned his attention back to Loz, his voice softening even more. "It's okay, son. Accidents happen. Let's go get you cleaned up."
He gently took Loz's small hand and led him away from his brothers, leaving them to continue sorting laundry.
Kadaj and Yazoo watched as their father led Loz away, their laughter not dying down.
Loz clung to Sephiroth's hand as they walked, his body still trembling. He was so ashamed of his accident. why do his brothers make fun of him? Is his father angry at him?
Sephiroth felt Loz's small hand trembling in his larger one, sensing his son's shame and fear. He knew how important it was to handle this situation delicately.
"Loz," Sephiroth said gently, his voice firm but kind, "it's okay. Really, accidents happen. No one is angry with you."
He knelt down to meet Loz's eyes, his expression earnest. "I understand it's embarrassing, but you don't need to worry. We'll make sure you get cleaned up and fresh clothes, and everything will be alright."
Loz looked up at his father, big tear drops still rolling down his cheeks. He sniffled and nodded, slowly starting to calm down a bit. But he still couldn't shake off the feeling of being a nuisance.
"I-I'm sorry," Loz mumbled, his voice small. "I didn't mean to. I don't know why I keep having accidents."
Sephiroth's heart ached as he heard the shame in his young son's voice. He didn't blame Loz for having accidents, it wasn't his fault after all. He knew his son couldn't help it.
"Loz, listen to me," Sephiroth said, his tone gentle but firm. "You don't need to apologize. But we need to find a solution. Can you tell me how it happened?"
Loz looked down at the floor, his cheeks turning red. "I-I was playing... And I... I just couldn't hold it," he admitted in a whisper. His lower lip trembled, feeling embarrassed and ashamed at the lack of control he has over his bladder.
Sephiroth nodded, understanding the situation better now. "I see. So you had an accident because you were too caught up in playing to notice when you needed to go," he said calmly.He gently placed a hand on Loz's shoulder, meeting his gaze. "It's okay. But you need to pay attention to your body. When you feel the urge to go, don't wait. Just pause your game and go to the bathroom. Okay?"
Loz nodded, his head still hanging low. He felt so embarrassed. "Y-Yeah, okay," he mumbled, still too ashamed to meet his father's gaze. Kadaj and Yazoo peaked around the corner.
Sephiroth glanced up at the corner where Kadaj and Yazoo were peaking and he shot them another stern look, silently reminding them not to tease Loz.
He turned his attention back to Loz, his expression warm and reassuring. "Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it. Now let's go get you cleaned up."
Loz nodded again, his face still red with embarrassment. He held onto his father's hand as they continued walking towards the bathroom.
Kadaj and Yazoo quickly retreated from their spying spot.Sephiroth led Loz into the bathroom and guided him over to the tub, turning on the water and making sure it was the right temperature.
"Okay, Loz, you wait here for a moment. I'll go get you some clean clothes."
Loz nodded obediently and sat down on the edge of the tub. He tried to stop the tears from streaming down his cheeks, but they stubbornly continued.
Kadaj and Yazoo appeared in the doorway to the bathroom, holding a clean set of clothes. Kadaj handed them to Sephiroth, both of them looking sheepish.
Sephiroth raised an eyebrow at Kadaj and Yazoo's sudden presence, but he graciously accepted the clean clothes. He could tell that both of them felt remorse for their earlier behavior towards Loz.
"Thanks, boys," he said, his tone gentler now. He knelt back down to Loz's level. "Are you okay, Loz? Still feeling upset?"
Loz looked up at his father and nodded, his little body still shaking slightly with sobs. Kadaj and Yazoo stood a little awkwardly off to the side, their expressions now full of guilt and shame. They knew they had been making fun of their youngest brother but now, seeing him so upset, they felt like jerks.
Sephiroth's gaze flickered between the three of them, noticing the shift in Kadaj and Yazoo's behavior. It seemed like they had learned their lesson, seeing the effect their teasing had on their youngest brother.
He placed the clean clothes on the counter and then gently turned back to Loz. "Loz, take a few deep breaths," he instructed, rubbing soothing circles on the boy's back.
Loz sniffled and did his best to take deep breaths, trying to calm himself down. The tears slowly stopped falling from his eyes and his shaking slowed down a bit.
Meanwhile, Kadaj and Yazoo fidgeted nervously. They didn't know what to say, feeling guilty for their earlier behavior.
Sephiroth continued to comfort Loz until his sobs settled down to sniffles, his breathing becoming slower and more even. "Loz, hop in the tub and wash off, we'll be right outside." Seeing that his son was calming, he turned to Kadaj and Yazoo.
"Boys," he said, his tone calm yet firm, "can I talk to you for a moment?"
Loz nodded and began undressing, slowly climbing into the tub.
Kadaj and Yazoo looked at each other, a nervous look in their eyes. They knew they were in trouble. They followed Sephiroth out of the bathroom, closing the door behind them, leaving Loz to have some privacy.
Once the bathroom door was closed, Sephiroth turned to Kadaj and Yazoo, his eyes meeting theirs with a stern look.
"Boys, what you did earlier was not acceptable. Teasing and laughing at your brother while he was having a hard time is not how we treat each other in this family," he said, his voice firm but not angry.
Kadaj and Yazoo looked down at the ground, shame washing over them. They knew they were wrong and that they had hurt Loz's feelings.
Kadaj spoke up first, his voice small. "We're sorry, dad... We didn't mean to make Loz feel bad... We were just... messing around."
Sephiroth nodded, his expression softening at Kadaj's words. "Doesn't matter, what you did was wrong either way. Loz is your brother, and you should treat him with kindness and respect. Do you understand?” He looked at Yazoo next, silently urging him to speak.
Yazoo looked up, meeting Sephiroth's gaze, his expression still full of guilt. "Yeah... We understand. We shouldn't have teased Loz like that, it was mean and wrong," he agreed, his voice also small.
Sephiroth nodded once more, satisfied with Yazoo's response. "Good. I expect better behavior from you two. You're brothers, you're a team. You should lift each other up, not tear each other down."
He paused for a moment, looking at both of them. "And I expect you to apologize to Loz as well. Can you do that?"
Kadaj and Yazoo both nodded, their faces full of remorse. "Yeah... We'll apologize. We promise," they mumbled in unison.
Just then, the bathroom door opened and Loz stepped out, his hair still a little wet, but wearing clean clothes.
Sephiroth smiled as he saw Loz walk out of the bathroom, clean and dressed. "Feeling better, Loz?" he asked, gently tousling the boy's damp hair.
Loz nodded, a small smile on his face. He was still embarrassed about his accident, but the bath had helped him feel a little better.
Kadaj and Yazoo, feeling guilty, approached their youngest brother. "Hey, Loz," Kadaj began, his voice sheepish. "We're sorry for making fun of you earlier."
Yazoo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we were being jerks. You don't deserve to be teased like that."
Loz looked up at his older brothers, his cheeks still flushed from the crying earlier. He could see the remorse in their eyes and knew they were being sincere.
"It's okay," Loz mumbled, his voice still small. "I forgive you."
Kadaj and Yazoo breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that Loz was forgiving them so quickly.
Sephiroth watched the scene unfolding, feeling proud of all three of his sons. It warmed his heart to see them apologize to each other and make amends.
He placed a gentle hand on both Kadaj and Yazoo's shoulders and spoke up. “See, that wasn't so hard, was it? When we make mistakes, it's important to apologize and try to do better next time.”
Kadaj and Yazoo nodded, their shoulders relaxing under their father's touch. They knew that they had done wrong and had learned their lesson.
"Yeah... We'll do better next time," Kadaj chimed in.Yazoo nodded in agreement. "And we promise to be kinder to Loz from now on."
Loz, feeling more like himself now, looked up at his brothers with a small smile. He could tell they were sincere in their apologies.
"Thanks," he said, his voice soft. "I appreciate it."
Sephiroth smiled at the scene, glad to see that his sons had made amends. He ruffled Loz's hair gently before addressing them all. "Now that that's settled, how about you help me get dinner ready before your mother gets home?"
Kadaj and Yazoo both perked up at the mention of their mother. They always wanted to make her happy and help out.
"Yeah, we can help," Kadaj exclaimed, a smile on his face.
Yazoo nodded in agreement. "We'll help you get everything ready for when Mom gets home."
Loz, still a bit embarrassed, mumbled a quiet agreement to help as well. "I want to see mommy happy."
Sephiroth chuckled at their eagerness, the boys always enjoyed spending time with their mom. "Alright then, let's get to work," he said, giving Loz a comforting pat on the head.
Over the next hour, the kitchen was bustling with activity as the four of them worked together to prepare dinner. From peeling vegetables to chopping lettuce, they all worked in sync, each one contributing their part to make the meal just right.
Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz immediately recognized a sound, their attention shifting to the front door.
"Mommy's home!" Loz exclaimed, running out of the kitchen towards the front door. Kadaj and Yazoo quickly followed, both of them equally excited to see their mother.
Sephiroth smiled at their enthusiasm, knowing how much his sons missed their mother while she was at work. He also missed her, of course, but it amused him to see the excitement in his boys.
He finished washing his hands quickly with some soap before heading towards the front door, where the sound of the boys' chatter was already getting louder.
By the time Sephiroth reached the front door, Loz and his brothers were already swarming around (Y/n), all of them talking at once. She was at the door, pulling off her shoes and taking off her coat, bombarded by the three boys.
"Mommy!" "We missed you!" "We made dinner!"
(Y/n) couldn't help but smile as her sons surrounded her, their excitement and energy practically overwhelming her. She knelt down, trying her best to give each of them the attention they wanted, patting their heads and pulling them all in for a tight hug.
"I missed you all too," she said, her voice warm and loving. "You guys have been busy, huh? Making dinner with your father?"
"Yeah!" Yazoo exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement. "We've been helping Dad cook. We peeled the vegetables and chopped the lettuce."
Kadaj chimed in, "And we made sure everything was perfect for you, Mom!"
Loz spoke up next, "We even got your favorite dessert for after dinner."
Sephiroth approached the doorway, watching with a smile as his wife interacted with their sons. He leaned against the wall, enjoying the scene before him. It was moments like this that made him grateful for the family he had.
"They were all very eager to help," Sephiroth said, his voice soft yet amused. "Especially when they heard you were on your way home."
(Y/n) looked up at Sephiroth, her smile widening at the sight of him. "I can see that," she said, her hand still in Kadaj's hair.
She chuckled, imagining the antics they had gotten up to in the kitchen, and the mess that must have been left behind. "I hope they didn't cause too much trouble for you," she added, her voice teasing.
Sephiroth shook his head, a smirk playing at his lips. "Not too much trouble. Just the usual amount of chaos," he replied, his voice equally cheeky.
"Hey! We didn't cause that much trouble!" Kadaj protested, pouting a bit. Loz and Yazoo nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, we were just having fun!" Yazoo chimed in.
"We wanted to make you happy, Mommy," Loz added, a pleading look in his puppy-dog eyes.
(Y/n) chuckled at their protests, her expression soft and warm. "I'm sure you had fun," she said, tousling Loz's hair affectionately. "But I know you can be quite the troublemakers."
She stood up from her crouched position, looking at her sons with a loving smile. "But I appreciate your efforts to make me happy. You all did a great job."
Kadaj and Yazoo beamed at her words, preening under her praise. Sephiroth moved closer, wrapping his arm around (Y/n)'s waist as he spoke, "They were on their best behavior. Well, as best as possible for them, that is,” he teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
Loz, not wanting to be left out, tugged on (Y/n)'s shirt, "Hold me, mommy!"
(Y/n) laughed, leaning into Sephiroth's touch as he wrapped his arm around her. She turned her attention to Loz, who was pulling on her shirt.
"Of course, my little one," she said, scooping Loz up into her arms and holding him close. "Did you miss me that much?"
Loz nodded vigorously, snuggling into his mother's embrace. "Mhmm," he mumbled, burying his face in her shoulder.
Sephiroth chuckled, looking at the spectacle with a smile. "Where's my attention?" he said, his tone lighthearted. "I'd like that kiss you owe me."
(Y/n) rolled her eyes playfully, a small grin on her lips. "Oh, I see how it is," she teased, holding Loz a little more secure in her arms. "You want some special treatment too, huh?"
She turned to face Sephiroth, meeting his eyes with a smirk. "Can't a woman hug her child without being interrupted by her husband's demands?"
Sephiroth shrugged, feigning innocence. "I can't help it if I want a little affection from my beautiful wife," he said, his eyes sparkling with playful mischief. "And the boys have been hogging you ever since you got home."
(Y/n) laughed, the sound warm and sweet. "You're such a drama king," she teased, shaking her head. "But I suppose I can spare a moment to give you some attention."
She leaned in, keeping Loz balanced in her arms, and gave Sephiroth a quick, playful kiss. "There, happy now?"
Sephiroth chuckled, pretending to pout. "That was barely a kiss," he complained, the corners of his mouth twitching with a smile. "I think I deserve a little more than that."
Loz, still in (Y/n)'s arms, let out a soft giggle watching his parents banter.(Y/n) chuckled again, rolling her eyes fondly. "Oh, you're not going to let me get away with just a quick peck, are you?"
She shifted Loz in her arms, trying to balance him while still giving Sephiroth a proper kiss. She leaned in again, her lips meeting his in a more lingering kiss, holding it a few seconds longer before pulling back with a smile. "Is that satisfactory, you needy man?"
Sephiroth's eyes lit up with a satisfied gleam as she kissed him more properly this time. "Much better," he said with a smirk, pulling her a little closer against him by her waist.
Loz, squeezed between his parents' embrace, wriggled and protested, "Eww, gross!" Kadaj and Yazoo laughed, before darting off into the dinning room.
(Y/n) couldn't help but join in the laughter, chuckling as Loz protested being squished between her and Sephiroth. She ruffled his hair affectionately before turning her attention back to her husband.
"You're insatiable," she teased, her words lighthearted. "You have a one-track mind, you know that?"
She glanced towards the dining room, where the other two boys had darted off to. "Should we go check on them before they cause any mayhem?"
Sephiroth laughed at her comment. "You're one to talk," he replied, a smirk still playing on his lips. "And yes, we should probably make sure they're not ransacking the kitchen or starting a food fight."
He took a step back, his hand still on her waist, and nodded towards the dining room. "Lead the way, my dear."
(Y/n) smiled at Sephiroth's response, shaking her head in mock annoyance. She moved with him towards the dining room, still holding Loz in her arms.
She loved her family.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 2 days
Woo, in on time for WIPW! Could I ask for more arson!Neil please?
WIP Wednesday (9/18) | Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 233)
As they eat their cake and drink their hot chocolate, Andrew learns a great deal about Katelyn. It seems all they needed was a minor disaster to loosen them up enough to graduate from small talk to interesting conversation. And once Katelyn starts, she doesn't stop. She tells Andrew about her favorite movie, her childhood dog, and that she thinks Aaron's eyes are different from his. She also likes painting but is no good at it— her words, not Andrew's. 
Funnily enough, Katelyn brings up Supernatural when Andrew asks if she has a favorite TV show. Andrew tells her how he’s working his way through season one and she gasps in surprise. Aaron seems shocked by that too. Katelyn asks who his favorite character is (“Dean, the other one’s annoying.”), then starts rambling about a character Andrew hasn’t met yet. He stops her from spoiling the show and they talk about other things. Music, hobbies, favorite subjects in school.
It's strange, really, how much they have in common. The biggest thing they have in common keeps giving Andrew a strange look. He ignores it to ask Katelyn how the fuck she makes hot chocolate, because she was right. It is the best. Or, it's better than the Swiss Miss that lives on his counter. She lights up and goes to grab the recipe, handwrites a copy of it for him then and there. Andrew skims over it and tucks the index card into his pants pocket.
"Thanks," he says, earning a smile from Katelyn.
"You're welcome. Sorry, there weren't marshmallows. It's even better with them, but we ran out the other day." Katelyn explains.
"It's fine." Andrew glances up at the clock and has to resist a yawn. It's late. Almost ten o'clock.
"What's wrong?" Aaron asks, looking over his shoulder. He grimaces when he sees the time. "Oh fuck. It's late. You have work tomorrow?"
"Yeah. Guess I should go." Andrew says, reluctantly. As much as he dreaded this evening, he ended up having a good time. And three layer chocolate cake, which he thinks he could probably finish off by himself if given the opportunity.
"I'll walk you out," Aaron says, taking Andrew by surprise. Walk him out? The door's ten feet away. But Andrew doesn't comment, just nods and stands up. Aaron grabs his coat from the back of the door and stuffs his arms into it. Once they're in the hallway, Aaron says, "Thanks for coming."
Andrew hums.
"Did you like the lasagna?"
"Well, it was no chicken nuggets and Twizzlers. But it was all right," Andrew says, making him laugh. Before he can blink, he's being yanked into a hug. Surprisingly, he lets himself be yanked. Lets himself be enveloped by familiar arms and Aaron sighs heavily.
"I'm glad you came."
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no-gender-only-rage · 5 months
Dude who GIVES A SHIT about how "firm" somebody's handshake is ANYWAY
It's such an outdated fucking custom to begin with, besides which, SORRY I DON'T WANNA CRUSH YOUR HAND?
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bixels · 3 months
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tarpit site.
#personal#delete later#for context a tweet i made in the middle of the night blew the fuck up and brought the attention of anime fans who've been#harassing and hassling me about my big factual blunder for an entire day straight#“ok i'll apologize” “bro it's not that serious.”#“you're right it's not that serious“ ”why won't you just admit that you're wrong and apologize!“#i'm not going crazy right. i feel like i'm getting manipulated into thinking i must've been wrong#it's crazy how twitter hate will trick you into believing saying something someone else disagrees with is a moral failing#sorry i haven't seen frieren i guess but what's it to you. i wasn't making a claim or statement#also because nobody has gotten this in the original post i wasn't talking about the quality of animation i'm talking about solid drawing#which is a very specific principle of animation. dandandan has really good solid drawing wherein all the characters are animated#with realistic and proportional 3d depth. newsflash but trigger doesn't prioritize solid drawing in their animation and that's fine#it's an aesthetic choice and has ties to production limits. none of this is a big deal. this is all so stupid lol#i've dealt with worse and more annoying weebs though it's fine i'll put on my clown nose twitter needs their stupid guy for the day#oh btw at the end of the day this doesn't matter. it'll be over by tomorrow. all that's happening is petty angry emotions.#so please don't involve yourself by jumping into the argument and prolonging this shit#i'm about to go on a date with tulli after being apart for a month this is the furtherest thing from my mind rn
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lloydfrontera · 2 months
my biggest gripe with the manhwa rn is that they made javier more of an asshole than he is in the novel and then took away most of the scenes where we see him being kind and soft with others.
javier can be an ass, he is a brat and he's especially annoying when he's with lloyd, but above anything else he is kind and loyal and selfless and good. i cannot emphasize enough how good javier is. he's the kind of person who cannot see someone in trouble or danger and do nothing about it. he's the kind of person who would sacrifice his life for total strangers and no hope of any reward. he's the kind of person who can't even enjoy a lavish party without feeling guilty because he'd much rather help people in need with that money.
he's so fucking good, lloyd is a little annoyed by it because he keeps getting dragged into life-threatening situations because javier just won't stop helping people they don't even know. mind you, lloyd is also endeared by this and would not want him to change but god can it be frustrating in his endeavor to keep them both alive.
there's this particular scene that i just. i'm so sad it was cut. where javier is helping around the refugee camp, going without sleeping and eating so he can focus on helping as many people as possible and then he spots a little kid that got lost on his way back. so he decides to help him.
and he's so gentle with this kid.
Javier walked over to the kid and called him. The flustered boy looked up. Javier strove to put on a warm smile on his face. "Are you lost?" “...” The boy nodded, his eyes all wet. Javier carefully stroked the boy's head. "I think I can help you with that. Why don't you let me help find your tent?" suggested Javier. “...” The boy nodded again. "But why didn't you eat the food? It's going to get cold. Are you not hungry?" "I am… hungry," the boy finally said. But what he said next caught Javier by surprise. "But I won't eat it," said the boy. "Why not?" "My mother is hungrier." "Is that so?" "Yes." “...” Javier wondered why this kid came out to take the food when he had a mother. There must be a reason, he thought to himself. He held out his hand. "I will hold the tray for you." "..." "I won't spill it. I promise." "Okay..." Javier took the tray and wrapped the boy’s hand with his own.
like. god. javier is not a naturally warm person. he's very reserved and stoic and sometimes outright cold, but he still tries so hard with this kid. because he knows what it's like to be him. he knows what it's like to be a child and be scared and hungry and without a home. and he remembers how much it meant for a kind adult to reach out a hand to him and help. and he wants to be that to others too.
everything he does, he does because he genuinely believes it's the right thing to do and therefore his obligation. and even when it doesn't come naturally to him, like being warm and gentle to a child, he still tries his best to do so.
and like that wasn't enough, when they finally find the kid's mom, javier finds out she's blind. recently blinded actually. that she used all her strength to get her child to safety and now she has to depend on him to take care of them because she can't do it anymore. her blouse is smudged with porridge.
so javier kneels down and explains who he is, why he's there and that he wants to help. he lifts up a spoonful of food and slowly and carefully starts to feed her himself. she's a complete stranger and javier doesn't hesitate one second to do this for her.
this is who javier is!! this is who he is at his core!! he's kind and he's selfless and he's above all else good!!
if your audience can't imagine javier comforting a child, then you failed your audience. you missed the point of his character.
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laufire · 7 months
early 00s comics be like. everyone was SO mean to stephanie for NO reason.
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antianakin · 10 months
I'll never understand how some fans are so incredibly willing to just be okay with "it happened in a timeskip" to excuse bad writing lol. Like "oh yeah these two characters who have been enemies for like four seasons of a TV show had their entire reconciliation OFF SCREEN in the time skip between episodes right at the end so it works" or "oh yeah this character who was left basically broken had their entire growth and development where they came to terms with the thing that broke them in the time skip so it works" kind of stuff. Like that's literally the ENTIRE emotional climax of a story that's been building for a while and you're FINE with not getting to actually SEE IT???
Can't relate.
#fandom wank#i'm so so tired of people telling me 'well it happened in the timeskip' when i get annoyed about something#like a character doing a personality 180#or a character suddenly changing their mind about something that was really important to them#or literal wholeass character development that's integral to this character's story#there are some things that can happen in a timeskip and some shit that CANNOT#like imagine if luke had NEVER confronted yoda or obi-wan about keeping the truth of his parentage from him#like we come into rotj and they're just fine and it's never addressed#like luke's just never mad and they never even have a convo about it#imagine how unsatisfying it would feel to have had that massive bombshell dropped without any real payoff to it#imagine never actually getting to see luke work through that particular revelation or how it impacts these relationships#and they were just like 'well it happened in-between movies'#it would SUCK#you NEED those convos in order to actually understand how luke fully comes to accept the truth about anakin#because even if he's calmer by rotj he's still upset by it a bit#only by TALKING to yoda and obi-wan does he actually get to the point where he has total faith in anakin's goodness#we HAVE to see that he's still frustrated about this and still working thru it#we cannot fucking skip it#i'm willing to accept that he's calmer about it due to the timeskip but not that he's already worked thru it all#there's a fucking difference
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scoliosisgoblin · 5 months
Which version of Rick is your fav?
it's so hard for me to choose tbh. HOWEVER, I'd say Evil Rick
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then I'd say it's C-137 and Memory Rick
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I love how pathetic™ Evil Rick really is tbh. love that he's being controlled by his Morty. can you guess who my favorite Morty is?
#the only reason why Evil is above C-137 and Memory is because#Memory's design is something I don't really like in the style of the show#his fanart makes him look so much cooler but in the show he just looks.. unfinished?#idk it's weird to me. I love him outside of that though#and with C-137. I'M SICK OF HIM LMAO I AM SO SORRY#there are too many fucking episodes dedicated to this man. pushing everyone else aside just to have him yap about his dead wife#I love him so much but there's only so many times we can bring Diane up and not really develop her as a character but rather to boost Rick#and the show is Rick and MORTY yet all I see is Rick 😭😭 don't get me wrong I love this man#I just feel like we know more about Rick than the rest of the family#WHICH IS FINE IF THAT WAS WHAT THEY WERE GOING FOR#and if they wanted to go in that direction so be it! it's fine!#I just feel like he needs less screen time or at least balance episodes among the family#cause even the most recent Morty episode is about Rick. it was so frustrating watching it cause it's literally MORTY'S fear hole experience#yet we're watching Morty's head canons about his grandparents#I also hate the narrative they took with Diane. only ever having Rick talk of her or others bring her up#it just doesn't make her a character but rather an extension off of Rick. that's how I'm feeling rn with the family#they're all just there to prop up Rick or something. super annoying#but that's about it. I'm not gonna continue my rant#unless you want me to?#idk if I even made sense but that's all good#rick and morty#rick and morty fandom#rick#memory rick#evil rick#C-137#Rick Sanchez
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
One of the best Voyager scenes to indicate Tuvok & Neelix's dynamic and how I think Tuvok is just as if not more 'annoying'(positive) than Neelix is when Neelix pours Tuvok a fresh squeezed glass of a fruit juice blend and Tuvok's like (paraphrased) "I don't want to drink this." and Neelix is like "Can you please try it?" and Tuvok's like "I don't want to, you're really bad at this sort of thing. It's going to taste bad." and Neelix says that Ensign XYZ said she LOVED it, she even had a second glass! And Tuvok says Ensign XYZ could drink poison without a second thought and Neelix is like "Tuvok could you please just TRY it? Just try a little SIP of it PLEASE??" and Tuvok sighs and rolls his eyes and sniffs it before taking a sip and it turns out he loves it. Turns out it tasted good actually. And then after all that Neelix tries to talk to him over eggs (which he's again cooking fresh for him) and Tuvok tells him he doesn't wanna hear "the life history of his breakfast." Absolutely insufferable this man I would have burned his eggs on PURPOSE!!!!
#I love Neelix so much and I think he and Tuvok are very funny together - irritating4irritating#People say 'Neelix is so pushy with Tuvok!' and you know what? I think Tuvok can handle it. I think maybe he does need to be pushed -#down a flight of stairs. (he's my favorite character and he's so annoying...TUVOK!!!!!)#Tuvok: -kicking and screaming- I don't want to drink the juice!!! It's poison!!! You're trying to poison me!!!!!!!!!#Neelix: Can you please drink the juice. The fresh squeezed juice I made for you Mr. Vulcan??? Can you please???#Tuvok: Fine but if I die it's your fault. If I die from the poison you're FORCING me to drink it's on y- Oh this is delicious actually.#and don't tell me 'Neelix didn't make it SPECIFICALLY for Tuvok' bc I know he didn't but he says#'I'll start squeezing that second glass!' after Tuvok finishes his sip so he IS freshly squeezing it#Neelix: -makes Tuvok fresh squeezed juice-#Tuvok: Are you trying to poison me???#Neelix: -talks to Tuvok while making his eggs-#Tuvok: Can you be quiet???#<- TUVOK!!!!!!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU EHHEHEHEH <3#Tuvok is the most annoying guy ever bc he doesn't care about what people think and is a snob with a lowkey superiority complex#vs Neelix is perceived as annoying (post his relationship with Kes) bc he cares a lot about being useful and helping the crew and sometimes#is too pushy because of that but listen...I think Neelix is sweet and genuinely trying his best - after the Kes plotline with him ends I#really don't find him objectionable. Just chatty & a bit overbearing maybe Meanwhile Tuvok !!!#Meanwhile Tuvok!!!!!!!!! HHEHEHHE#st voyager#star trek voyager#I think they should have done more with Neelix thinking the crew of Voyager were spoiled - specifically how Tuvok acts Like That sometimes#little lord Tuvok. oH SORRY...for DEIGNING to speak while preparing your eggs your HIGHNESS!!#I think people do a disservice to Tuvok by not talking more about how he's kind of a hardass and a snob v_v also a disservice to Janeway#indirectly bc her bestie is kind of a hardass and a snob and what does that say about her??#I also wish Neelix kept up a bit of that 'these people are crazy and also so soft oh my god shut up about the food being bad - we're trying#to SURVIVE!!! Eat the Leola Root!!' from the earlier seasons...I like when he shows he has a bit of bite#It's just funny and interesting that Janeway isn't friends with Tuvok bc he's 'not like other Vulcans' - she's friends with the most#Vulcany Vulcan ever and I love that for them.#CRIMINAL that we don't ever get any in-depth insight into their friendship#Tuvok
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requiemforthestars · 9 days
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We need to talk about the insane gargantuan victim complexes that people who like a very popular and widely beloved character/ship/celeb/thing/WHATEVER have because what the fuck are you talking about????
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walterdecourceys · 2 months
i want to try playing thirsty sword lesbians so bad but both the groups i do d&d with would be so turned off by the title alone
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corvid-gae · 11 months
People really will do everything to claim that the mob vote is rigged every year, won't they?
Year of the Glow Squid? Dream rigged it
Year of the Allay? Tommy rigged it (iirc, i did see quite a few people claiming this. Maybe it was Tubbo though, i don't quite recall)
Sniffer actually didn't get too many accusations of this like the last two years.
But this year? People are quite literally claiming Mojang rigged it, despite the fact that I saw an OVERWHELMING support for the armadillo all over tiktok and tumblr before the vote, but somehow after the vote it's the general consensus it was rigged?
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izzyspussy · 5 months
deeply unproductive therapy visit today lads
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