Life Changes
219 posts
Sometimes through this journey of our lives we find ourselves at a standstill wondering, waiting, thinking, and over analyzing our choices and spaces. This is one woman’s journey through such a phase. I am your average everyday run of the mill individual with something to say and changes to make.You will see my weight loss goals and struggles, my make-up trials {those are fun as I attempt to learn something new}, my daily rants and praises, and anything else this world places at my feet. I am a Catholic woman so you may see some religion here but I promise it wont be to turn you one way or another its just whats happening in my life at that moment.So please join me on this journey and see where it takes us. Who knows what will happen, what laughs we may have, tears we may shed, pounds we may lose, or friends we will make. I look forward to talking with new people and learning new things along the way.Cheer’s to new thinking & new life,Nicole
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
30 Day Challenges
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What is a 30 day challenge you ask? According to “a 30 Day Challenge is a proven strategy for implementing new healthy habits in life. It’s a great way to try new things, keep life variety high and undertake new challenges without putting too much pressure on yourself.”
The lists are endless! If you have a habit you want to create or add to your life than a 30 day challenge…
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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Did anyone know about this? I just happened to catch it on @linkedin! Way to go @burgerking & @mcdonalds way to come together for a great cause! (at New Jersey)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
All Things.....Coffee!
All Things…..Coffee!
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Who doesn’t love coffee? Ok tea drinkers you can put your hands down now thank you! I mean coffee is LIFE to some. The smell, the taste, the blend, the beans, the way you brew it, right down to how you prepare it makes some go crazy excited. I know I am a HUGE coffee snob. I do not drink just any coffee nor do I drink it just any way. I have a “magic” preparation depending on where I am getting…
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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#Vacation #FallLove #CoveredBridgeHereICome #CoveredBridgeFestival #Family #SpecialTimes #Memories #Shopping (at East Brunswick, New Jersey)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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Hair isn’t quite this long but that’s what it looks like this past week! #BigHairDontCare #CurlsCurlsCurls (at East Brunswick, New Jersey)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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When your #Twin @wat1uwant feeds on your #ShoeObsession (at East Brunswick, New Jersey)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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What a phenomenal day! #Leadership2019 #RCPManagement #Princeton #Coworkers #Vendors #MotivationalSpeakers #LessonsLearned #September2019 (at Chauncey Conference Center)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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#HelloAutumn #ILoveFallColorChanges #FallNails #FallDress #BringOnThePumpkinEverything #MyNailTechKnowsMeToWell #TryingALongerNailThisTime @elegancenails_1 (at Lake Estates)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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When you have #FreshPickedApples you make #ApplePie #AppleSauce #FriedApples #AppleCrumbCrunch I have one happy Daddy that’s for sure! (at Piscataway, New Jersey)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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Went through my phone contacts and deleted a ton!! 3,546 contacts to 94!! (at Piscataway, New Jersey)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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#Fall has Finally come to my office! #Pumpkins and #Leaves and #Flowers oh my! I even hung up the #LEDLeafLights and why yes those ARE #PumpkinScentedCandles burning on my desk! (at Lake Estates)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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Can we ladies just take a minute here and appreciate @ddlovato and her #BikiniPost She is #TakingCharge of her look and #OwningHerBody she is exuding #SelfLove here! #WayToGo #LoveYheSkinYourIn #BeautyBeginsWithin #HealthyNotPerfect #CellulitLove (at New Jersey)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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So I did this thing.....I made popcorn in a pot! #Burns #PopcornMakingAccidentSurvivor #ItHurtsMoreTodayThanItDidThreeDaysAgo (at New Jersey)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
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When your playing a game and you look at your bank account! Must be lucky! (at East Brunswick, New Jersey)
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msancona85 · 5 years ago
#BirthdayCelebrationsVideo #34 #100sOfMemoriesMade #BirthdayWeek #Virgo #BirthdayPrincess #MiniVacay (at New Jersey)
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msancona85 · 6 years ago
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#BirthdayWeek #MiniVacay #NewHair #MoreToCome (at Laurence Harbor Waterfront)
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msancona85 · 6 years ago
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And my #BirthdayWeek continued down at @seasideheights (at Seaside Heights, New Jersey)
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