#I'm deleting dragonball from my heart
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gffa · 1 year ago
Over the last week, I decided to go ahead with bookmarking all the fics I've recommended over the years on AO3 since I abide by tumblr poll results always (and man pour one out for all the fic that never made it to AO3 or has since been deleted, sooooo many gems lost to time!) and it was a bit more than the ~3,000 I was expecting:
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Hopefully, this will be easier than browsing the hundreds of recs posts I've made, since you can filter for any of the author's tags now! These are mostly focused on Star Wars and DC fandom, but I did my time in the anime mines and occasional tours through some TV fandoms or movies. You can dig into everything unfiltered and start your own filtering, or the bigger fandoms you'll find:
MAJOR FANDOMS: Each of these should have 100+ at minimum and, in the case of Star Wars, literally almost half of them are in that fandom. Look, Star Wars fandom might be a trash fire in a lot of ways, but it is ON FIRE with some good fic. (Older bookmarks not guaranteed to match my current sentiments, especially re: the Jedi, but they did catch my fancy at that point in time!)
STAR WARS: - All Star Wars -OR- All Star Wars minus the Obi-Wan/Anakin ship - OR- Nothing BUT Obi-Wan/Anakin
BATMAN/DC: - DC can sometimes be tricky, but you can do a Batman* search and get most of them (though, sometimes Nightwing* or Young Justice* or Superman* will catch some of the others). Honestly, though, you might want to just do a search for what character or dynamic you like and have fun from there, because otherwise you're getting a face full of my Dick Grayson Is The Center Of The Universe And I'm Making That Everyone Else's Problem agenda. ;)
MARVEL/MCU: - Marvel* will probably get most of the various properties, though you may want to filter for Defenders* or Guardians of the Galaxy* if you're interested -OR- Marvel* without the Thor/Loki - These focus a lot on the Thor* fandom if you want to witness the results of like 8 years of constant voracious reading in that fandom (Minus the ship), because, seriously, I read a LOT of Odinson family fic. - Bonus, just do a search for Maximoff* to find some really good X-Men: First Class-verse because, listen, I have been ALL ABOUT the Maximoff twins since long before the movies or MCU brought them over and I will DIE ON THE HILL of "Marvel, make Magneto their bio-dad again or I'm never reading another comic of yours ever".
TOLKIEN/LORD OF THE RINGS/SILMARILLION/HOBBIT: - Tolkien* -OR- Hobbit* -OR- Lord of the Rings* searches will turn up most of my Elf-hunting, I primarily focus on the Sindar Elves, but look I can't resist my problematic Feanorian faves or that I will die on the hill that Fingolfin is the best ever. (You have NO IDEA how sad I am that so much fic on Stories of Arda or FFNET is not easily bookmarked on AO3, sob. I externally bookmarked a few of the bigger ones, but sooo many shorter faves are missing from my recs tag.)
CLAMP: - X/Tokyo Babylon legitimately bums me out because it's not a huge fandom and yet so much of what was written was pre-AO3 and lost when CLAMPesque went down or was never brought over from Livejournal, yet this fandom (well, the Seishirou/Subaru pairing) still burns brightly in my heart.
MINOR FANDOMS: Ones that probably only have under 100 bookmarks (often around the 20-30 bookmarks range), but will at least give you a place to start! ANIME/MANGA: Bleach | Cardcaptor Sakura | Dragonball | Finder no Hyouteki/Viewfinder | Katekyou Hitman Reborn! | Kuroko no Basuke | One Piece | Sailor Moon | Madoka Magica | Naruto | Princess Tutu | Trigun | Weiss Kreuz | Yuri!!! on Ice
BOOKS: Chrestomanci | Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
DRAMAS: Nirvana in Fire | The Untamed -OR- Modao Zu Shi
TV SHOWS/MOVIES: Community | Game of Thrones -OR- ASOIAF | Good Omens | Hannibal | Highlander | The Old Guard | Our Flag Means Death | Stranger Things
VIDEO GAMES: Dragon Age: Inquisition | Final Fantasy 8 | Genshin Impact | Okami
BANDS: Arashi
All right, whew, that was actually a fun project, despite how much work it was to hunt down a lot of older faves to see if they were on AO3, hopefully you'll find this useful!
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mysticmeww · 5 years ago
I had accidentally seen something called dragonball heroes by toei... And just a few minutes in had me face palming. I had already dropped dragonball super halfway while I was trying to make my niece and nephew watch it.. It was not a good show like its predecessor db/dbz. But this latest instalment is just embarrassing. I know corporates want to milk a successful thing every moment but this is just ridiculous. I can't believe toei doing this, when they can simply support a new upcoming work and toriyama letting his own work get its reputation sink.
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jukeboxhound · 3 years ago
Fic Review
tagged by @tirsynni (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
How many works do you have on ao3?
45. I tend to have long periods where I just...can't write for a while.
What’s your total ao3 word count? 
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3 currently, 9: FF7, FF8, FF13, Dishonored, Avengers, X-Men, SPN, Word of Honor, The Untamed.
Are there any new fandoms you want to write for?
...No? If I wanted to write for something, I would. I just wish I had the executive function to write more often, more consistently.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
this grey house where I come from
Dreaming Electric
While Everyone's Lost (The Battle Is Won)
The Minor Fall, the Major Lift
Eir's Tomorrow
....Huh, the first four are Avengers fics, that's honestly not what I expected.
Which of your fics do you want more attention for?
I'm actually pretty happy with how things are now. I don't feel overlooked but there's none of the pressure of being really well-known, either, both of which are emotionally hard places to be in for their own reasons. 🖤
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try but don't always manage because I overthink my response and get anxious. I'm more likely to respond to direct questions or comments that are more in-depth.
What sorts of things do you normally write? Slow burn? Humor? Angst with a happy ending? Some adventure? Emotionally loaded conversations?
Looking at my AO3, it's pretty much gonna be "found family shenanigans" or "you WILL sit down and process your hurt."
(Would it be a jukeboxhound fic if there weren't any emotionally loaded conversations?)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
A Kingdom Hearts oneshot from years ago with unrequited love, which was me processing having my heart broken and losing my oldest friend. Fic is often my vehicle for self-reflection, which is probably why I always try to end it happily or, at the very least, ambiguously.
What’s a fic that pushed you out of your comfort zone?
I wrote an ABO for a fic exchange. Who even am I anymore?
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Crossovers, only between Final Fantasies, but fusions, yes! Before I accidentally deleted my old Tumblr account, I had an FF7/Guardian (the cdrama) fusion going on, lmao.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Some lovely folks over the years have done so. 🖤
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I'm too much of a control freak to share the narrative helm.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I once had a Gundam Wing, 2x5, post-Endless Waltz fic that I had started writing but never posted years and years ago called Buddha: Still Laughing, which I still sometimes think about.
What are you currently working on?
Crashing Like Stars (Jiang Cheng-centric trauma recovery)
Glitterhaze (unpublished; Cloud-centric post-FF7R longfic about gender exploration, dance and embodiment, and, yes, also trauma, meant to be a prequel to ANOTHER fic about Zack coming back and giving us some Clack)
What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm not too bad with handling the two emotional extremes of humor and trauma in ways that remain convincingly in character, but YMMV.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Extended scenes and pacing in much longer fic, imo. You can tell I'm used to writing oneshots, ha.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Most recent?
First fandom: either Dragonball Z or Gundam Wing when I was, like, 11
Most recent: FF7 for the holiday fic exchange :D :D :D
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Maybe History of the Chocobo Wars (FF7), despite being a Harry Potter fusion, because it still makes me laugh. Or maybe the world has teeth (Dishonored), because of the way it tries to explore what it means for a mortal to be the recipient of a god's...love, for lack of a better word. I adore the struggle of trying to dig into spiritual/existential experiences that, by definition, lack language to accurately describe them.
What fic are you most proud of?
Probably this grey house where I come from (Avengers). It's almost a decade old at this point and I'd probably do a lot differently if I were to write it now, but every so often I still get messages from folks saying that it affirmed something for them around domestic violence, sexual abuse, and/or unsafe intimate relationships. I get emotional with every single one because I honestly, genuinely can't think of a better way to have my fics affect someone. 😭
Tagging: @chofitia, @calamity-butterfly, @arinrowan 🖤
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