#I'm currently writing three oneshots for the series
artemis-the-author · 2 years
Confession time: I just changed what the next part will be about so now I'll have to write a whole oneshot from the start so I'm sorry about that but honestly I think this is better for the next part.
As an offering, I give you the title in progress: Weak Link.
Keep in mind that I literally just came up with the idea (like, 30 minutes ago, so the title may change)
I have currently written only 381 words of Weak Link. It will grow into a beautiful oneshot.
Also, I might start posting snippets. We'll see about that.
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krystalcat · 5 months
can I get a slight fluffy soulmate au ot8 oneshot of (me) meeting ateez after a show and catching their interest when I say something in my native language out of nervousness 🙈
since I am kinda tall (172cm), to have that as a mental image
Of course! This was my first time writing a soulmate AU, so I had to search a little to be sure of the story ideas. I hope I didn't drive away from what you were expecting and that you enjoy this! Also I'm so incredibly sorry for taking so long to post this, I was constantly rewriting the ending but finally came with something I also enjoyed.
This is also my first time writing ot8 so I tried my best to every member have some spotlight as well
What Is Love?
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ღ Pairing: AteezOT8 x afab!Reader ღ Genre: Fluff, Soulmate AU ღ Word count: 1,8k ღ Warnings: some cursing and I think that's it ღ Summary: For everyone, it was a known fact that the name of someone's soulmate appeared on their skin after meeting them. Spending your whole life watching your friends and acquaintances getting those marks on their skin made you believe perhaps you didn't have an assigned soulmate. ღ Disclaimer: This is only fiction, by writing this I am not trying to represent the members in any way. Not proofread!
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It was that time of the year again, a week before Valentine’s day. Once again, you were out with your girl friends in a cafe, discussing how everyone was spending their Valentine’s day with their soulmates. Except you.
Your 23rd birthday was coming up, and you still didn’t find your soulmate, despite visiting tons of places and currently living in the South Korea. Almost every one you knew had already found theirs, so saying you didn’t feel left behind was a blatant lie, despite it being no one’s fault.
At this point you had lost hope, you accepted you were part of the small minority who didn’t have an assigned soulmate. Your friends and parents suggested that you could start a relationship with someone else who also didn’t have a soulmate, and oh man you tried. Unfortunately, there was either always a spark missing or your date had to tell you they had found their soulmate.
It felt like it was destined for you to be forever alone, like the stars played a cruel prank on you.
“Yn? Did you hear me?” One of your friends woke you up from your deep thoughts, making you realize the table was looking at you.
“Sorry what was it? I was just thinking about something”
“Do you have any plans for Valentine’s day?” The same friend asked you, almost in a whisper. They knew they were touching a sensitive topic, but they still had hoped this year would be different from all the others.
“Probably the same as last year, being alone on my apartment and binge-watch some movies and series” The air now thick after your answer, leaving your friends both feeling bad for their nosiness and your situation.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with you, but I think I should go. I shouldn’t make you guys feel bad for something that is out of your control” You grabbed your things and gave them your part of the bill.
“Wait, just to make sure, you’re going to Ateez’s show tomorrow right?” She asked after you got up
“Of course I am, bye!” All three of them said goodbye as well as you left the café, making your way back to your apartment.
Seeing all the couples hugging and holding their hands felt like a stab in your heart, you just wanted to know what it was like to feel loved. You wanted to know what love felt like. Was it sweet like candy? Was it addicting? Could it make you feel like you were in heaven? Could it hurt you?
Ever since your teenage years those questions lingered around your mind, still left unanswered.
«—— ღ ——»
You were now waiting outside for Ateez to leave their music show to greet the fans, it was your first time going to one of the k-pop music shows, so you had no idea of how it functioned, but nevertheless you had a great time watching Ateez perform.
By the end your throat was sore from all the cheering and fan-chanting, you would hype each and every members during their parts along with your friend, despite knowing your screams would combine with everyone else’s. Every single one of the members looked so charming and charismatic with their stylish outfits and stage presence, too bad they couldn’t manage to get the win, losing only by a few points, you would’ve loved to hear them sing the encore as well.  
“Look yn!” Your friend patted your arm as screams erupted, making you look up from your cellphone, the members were leaving. Lucky you, they were passing right by your side, just on the other side of the iron fence.
You nervously clutched the album you brought for them to sign, your mind rehearsing what you would say. It wasn't every day that you got to meet your favorite group, after all.
The members approached, greeting fans and signing merchandise. As they drew nearer, you couldn't help but marvel at their charisma and genuine smiles. One by one, they signed your album, each exchange leaving you more in awe than the last.
When it was finally your turn to meet Hongjoong  you felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. You handed him the album, and he smiled warmly, ready to engage in a brief conversation.
As you stammered through your words, you inadvertently let out a nervous laugh and muttered something in your native language. The members exchanged curious glances, and Hongjoong's eyes lit up with interest. He leaned in, asking, "What language was that?"
You blushed, realizing you had unintentionally piqued their interest. "Oh, sorry, that was just my native language. I tend to switch to it when I'm nervous."
Seonghwa, who was standing nearby, grinned and joined the conversation. "It sounded beautiful. What did you say?"
You smiled back, feeling a bit more at ease. "I just said that meeting ATEEZ feels like a dream come true."
The members exchanged appreciative glances, and Yunho chimed in "We feel the same about meeting our fans. It's like a dream for us too"
They brisked towards the van, continuing greeting the other fans until disappearing inside of the van. You could see some of the girls looking at you weirdly, but as you stared down at them they diverted their gaze and stomped away.
“Girl you were noticed by them! We need to tell the others about this! It was so cool and honestly a little funny when you basically said ‘fuck off’ with your stare to the other fangirls”
After talking for a little while, you said your goodbyes and went to your house.
«—— ღ ——»
You tossed your little purse anywhere and took off your shoes right after closing the door behind you. You immediately went to the bathroom, pulling your hoodie sleeves up to wash your face after a long day. It seems only now your face had cooled a little.
But you noticed something on your right arm, the Ateez’s members names were written on it. You scrunched your eyes, not remembering when you had written their names there, shrugging your shoulders after thinking it was probably something you and your friend did out of boredom waiting for the queue to the music show.
Grabbing some soap and washing your arms didn’t seem to work, which made you even more confused, and then it dawned on you: it was your soulmate mark.
Water kept splashing against the sink as you kept staring at their names with an agape mouth. After all this time cursing the destiny at how you didn’t have a soulmate, you had finally gotten, not one, not two, but eight of them.
But now there was another problem: how the hell were you supposed to see them again? Their promotions are ending, they don’t have any fansign planned anytime sooner and you sure as hell wouldn’t be stalking them with a chance to talk to them. Especially when they didn’t even have your name, sure they might have it on their arm now, but who could say they would associate your faceto the name on their arm?
Needless to say you barely slept that night, and the one after that, trying to find a solution to no avail. It seemed like you had to wait even more time before you could meet them once again and talk about all of this.
«—— ღ ——»
It is now Valentine’s day, and you still haven’t seen the members. At this point you had accepted you would only see them next comeback season, which at least 4 months waiting. Different from the other years, where you would hide in your cave, today you were going for a walk, seeing the various couples dining in restaurants.
You were only sad you couldn’t spend the day with your soulmates, deep down knowing sooner or later you would meet them once again.
You sat on a bench, still seeing all the lively cafes and restaurants adorned with red and pink decorations, music buzzing through the walls, the loving gazes couples would give to their significant other.
“Excuse me?” A voice behind you interrupted your thoughts, “Is this yours? It was on the floor” turning around you saw a man wearing a mask holding a butterfly hair pin, touching your hair, you realized it was actually yours.
“Yes it is, thank you” He gave the pin back and walked away after mumbling a ‘you’re welcome’, you pin it on your hair more securely and turn to the path you were facing before, only to turn your head back once more when you hear quick footsteps approaching you.
The same man from before sprints into your direction, stopping in front of you, “Ex-Excuse me once again,” He says between breaths, “Is your name y/n?” You quirk your eyebrow, backing away from the man.
He takes off his mask, leaving you dumbfounded: it was San, Ateez’s San right in front of you, in casual attire. “I’m so sorry for scaring you, I realized you seemed like a girl I saw a few days ago” He backed away, giving you some space.
“Y-Yes I’m y/n, I’m the one you saw”
“Oh my God, we thought we’d never see you again” He gave you one of his signature dimple smiles, turning your belly into mush. “Are you busy? Do you have any place to be?”
“No, I was going back home in a few minutes”
“I’m actually a bit late to a dinner with the other members, but I’m sure they would forgive my carelessness if I brought a guest, don’t you think?” Nodding, San put his mask back on and gave you his hand - which you obviously accepted - guiding you to the restaurant.
«—— ღ ——»
They were dining in a secluded part of the restaurant, as you greeted them with a smile, you could see them changing their annoyed demeanor (due to San being late) to a surprised and happy one and called for the waiter to add another plate.
As the dinner progressed, you quickly began getting used to their attention and personalities. It was crazy how you turned from strangers to lovers in such limited time.
You finally understood what is love. Love is unconditional, the greatest gift you could ever give or receive. Love is when the other person’s happiness is more important than your own. To love is to be vulnerable, to trust others. Love is pain, and the enjoyment of it is anesthetic. To love is to admire with your heart, and to see something positive in every person. It is blind and the energy of life.
But you’d choose it everyday over being alone in a world devoid of connection and warmth.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
sup yall we're vibing here
anyway. hey, my name's freddie, and i'm finally trying to write an actual intro/master post which... we'll see how this goes.
important stuff is highlighted in orange.
so, basic stuff:
as I said, my name's freddie. he/him pronouns. i'm a college student (majoring in accounting, might add a psych minor). not gonna say which college but i'm currently in california.
i've been on tumblr since 2019 i think? not under this account, this started as a fandom account and then spiralled out of control... really fast. um, my regular tumblr which i've not actually opened in ages is @chronicchthonic14 so. yeah.
not particularly relevant to this blog, but i might mention it at some point so, i have autism and adhd. and some other things but. like. that list is very long and those are the two most relevant because i promise if i come off wrong/mean, i didn't mean to, i just forget to make my words normal. but. those are the two most referenced. if for whatever reason someone wants to know more or has questions you can send an ask ig?
i'm scottish, born there. moved to US when I was four. finishing uni and moving back.
some quick warnings
this blog definitely contains cursing/vulgar language, whatever you want to call it, so if you're not comfortable with that, probably not the blog for you, as i don't tag cursing or anything for you to filter out.
if, for whatever reason, if i ever reblog something that contains a slur (against racial minorities, queer people, anything) i will ABSOLUTELY tag that though.
also if anyone has any trigger warnings they think any content needs, please let me know-- asks, dms, comments, reblogs
the cursing thing also applies for sort of dirty jokes? think that only applies to like. two posts and very not explicit. those aren't currently tagged but if they get any more explicit they certainly will be.
queer identity because the explicit reminded me, i'm asexual, and probably straight. maybe bi? dunno, don't particularly care. and i'm trans. ftm. this isn't the blog i talk about that on usually though, unless it relates to a specific ask or a fandom thing.
which, getting into what this blog is for because i can't think of anything else i need to add here (guys let me know if i forgot important stuff, please, i'm an idiot!!! i will forget the important stuff and write random shit instead!! i've already deleted three tangents from this!!)
fandoms!! ones i write and/or post about or will potentially post about
percy jackson extending to hoo, toa, tkc (definitely post way less about this), mcga (again, way less). haven't read TSATS or COTG yet, but spoilers are fine. i post way more about minor characters. write fanfiction for and have some posted (both on here and ao3) and a bunch of snippets.
dcu-- films, comics, animated shows, all of it. personally, my favorites are young justice (the comics, not show version), new teen titans, and batman inc (batgirls, nightwing, and red robin esp). late 90s yj run is my favorite, and i loved the DCeased event. favorite batman comic is definitely court of owls run. no fanfics posted, but some on docs.
mcu-- way less so, but have a stucky oneshot. slowly making my way through in timeline order.
throne of glass. i'm an aedion and chaol apologizer because they do a bunch of dumb shit but then WHO DOESN'T in this series. fanfics in doc, not posted.
this would go on for ages if i listed everything so instead, here's an ask i answered on my fandoms/genres and everything. feel free to send me asks about anyone. if you send me something about radium girls i may cry though (tears of joy) so there's your advanced warning.
main things you'll see on my blog are incorrect quotes, snippets, and the occasional fic
my... idk, contact policy? seriously what do i word this
asks are always open, anon is on.
if you send hate... whatever. i'll probably delete it.
unless i find it funny. then I'll post it. there's really little you could say to me that would hurt.
when i say asks are always open, you can drop anything you want.
literally anything
you need to vent? want advice? want to request headcanons? request a fic? give me a prompt? ask random things about me? something else I've forgotten? go right ahead
if you want to ask me to update my fics? go right ahead. sometimes i forget i didn't post something.
send as many asks as you want, i don't care if it might be spam
i can't promise i'll respond to asks in a timely manner, sometimes i open my inbox and forget they exist for months, i'm sorry. if it's something you really want answered you can send another one
dm's are alright? if you want to be friends or something, go right ahead.
anyone can reblog any of my posts/comment/heart, i don't care. you want to heart 50 things in a row? i adore you. if i had kids, you would get my firstborn
if we're mutuals you can ask for my insta/give me yours.
now, other accounts:
anyway, i think that's it?
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spookykoolkat · 1 year
the red j.m. | chapter three
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series masterlist | main masterlist
previous chapter | next chapter
pairings: older!joel miller x plus sized!younger!reader
chapter summary: it's been three weeks since you decided to stay in jackson and you realized that your hatred and irritation caused by the man who let you live under his roof may be more than just that.
warnings: age gap (joel is 57, reader is turning 26), inappropriate thoughts, creepy joel if you squint, fluff/nicer joel, and a small breakthrough with joel, MDNI!
wc: 5k
na: HELLOOOOOO omg okay here is the third chapter of the red, my new passion project that i'm currently in love with. i have so many more one shots and ideas that i'm writing, including a request i hope to finish up before next week! i hope everyone is loving this series so far and i hope that you show ur love by reblogging, sharing you thoughts in a comment and liking :P i hope u luv this just as much as i do and hope y'all look forward to more chapters to come! (and oneshots and fics and stuff LOL) ps all love to my plus size girls i love u guys.
as the days went on, you found yourself falling into the routine of the world you live in now. you decided to stay, and it’s something you hadn’t second guessed either. part of it was nice, living somewhat normally, as normal as you could given the circumstances. It almost felt like a weight off of your shoulders. you could actually get rest most nights without the threat, some nights still being nerve wracking. 
it was your anxiety that kept you awake, your thoughts of depression and paranoia created a difficult defeat. It was hard. and you struggled, just not in front of anyone. your father wasn’t the best father, but one piece of advice you took from him was to never let anyone feel like they have to take care of you, always handle your issues alone because quote unquote, they’ll just throw it back in your face.
the deal was, you get a job while you take a few classes in order to take patrol routes, and the job was the local clothing store that did trades and fixer uppers. you didn’t know much about sewing or making clothes, you just remembered watching your mother sew holes back up after you skinned your knee trying to get away. 
ellie attended school, doing the best to get the education she needed before deciding what her role will be in this society. yours is being a merchant apparently, but you complied. it was money, at least whatever was comparable to money, and you needed it to get your own place. living with joel and ellie was fine, but you realized it was just you and joel most of the time. ellie managed to make her own space in the garage and joel let her, helped her even. he figured it’d be nice to have two different spaces for one another. 
he felt the same about you. but didn’t ever tell you of course. he figured you already had enough on your plate for him not to breathe down your neck until you leave. you saw it anyways though because joel could not help the way his face said more than he needed.
he was used to being alone, until he met tess, then he got used to having someone there and accommodated to living with another person. he hadn’t gotten used to you yet. in the kitchen wearing shorts and a long shirt as you made breakfast, for the three of you until joel would say that ellie was already gone. he would eat his plate quickly, saying a quick thank you and not saying any words as he does the dishes you just made. 
you would tell him you could wash them, that he didn’t have to, but he insisted you didn’t. not with his words of course, he’d just rush to do them before you could finish your plate. you didn’t know what to make of him yet.  
“i got your plate, you’re gonna be late for work,” he would say, taking your cup and plate to the sink to wash. he’d always be right though, you were going to be late on days you cooked in the mornings. but he just seemed to want to be out of your way and as far away as possible from you. you even asked tommy how to go about living with his brother. 
“best advice i can give you is to just do your own thing. he won’t pay no mind to you, like livin’ with a damn cat i tell ya,” he said playfully, but something in you made you believe it wholeheartedly. he truly was like a cat. quiet, reserved, does his own thing, and takes care of himself. you figured, how hard could it be? until actually living with him. now, you’re kind of bothered by the lack of interactions. you were here, you might as well get to know the people around you but he didn’t make it that simple. you didn’t either at first, so you’re patient. 
but then you got in your head. you don’t need to let anyone in, you aren’t here to make friends or share dark secrets. being here made you gain small hope, but it didn’t last once you started thinking again. there wasn’t a way for you to have people in your life and keep them safe at the same time. you realized that everything you had to fight for and protect, you failed. 
but you weren’t the only one still adjusting and battling themselves. joel put up a wall between him and everyone he’s ever interacted with. it was for his safety, and now ellie’s. 
sometimes he’d be surprised by you in the wide living room with a book in your hands after work. it wasn’t that rare you constantly met him in the living room after his shift was up, because by the time he was coming back home you were getting up for work. sometimes vice versa, and sometimes, very rarely, would you and joel be leaving the house at the same time. but still, after almost a month of being in joel’s presence there wasn’t more than 20 words exchanged each day. 
joel didn’t bother to get to know you, he didn’t ask you about anything and didn’t even ask you about your plans to stay or not. he just didn’t want you asking questions either. plus, he figured everything he knew about you was all that he needed to know. 
you would think joel would like to know who was living under his roof, but truth be told he hardly knows the people he calls neighbors. to him it wasn’t his priority to meet new people and indulge in normal life activities like watching a movie or going to the bar they hold in the town. he molded perfectly into the role he and others gave him, which was to protect and hunt. to do his part to contribute to the new making of jackson’s society. in joel’s mind, he wasn’t in jackson to make buddies and go on dates, and he wasn't prowling for anyone either. 
his mind was on survival, and calculating if every decision he makes will heighten the chances of him and ellie, now you, surviving. he wasn’t interested in the get togethers people invited him to, he couldn’t care for the annual small pot luck they have in jackson, all he cared about was making sure jackson stayed safe, that all three of you stayed safe.
so, he put off making friends and love, and focused on ellie. he didn’t need anyone else knowing him and his life anymore than they already do, and he didn’t need a stranger trying to pry his deepest and darkest secrets out of him. 
the thing is, you wanted to know him. even if you were still unsure of him, jackson, yourself─you could admit that he did his part in making you nervous, drawing you to something. you still had a dislike for him though. you couldn’t tell which feeling overpowered which.
jackson was bigger than you thought.. there were at least two or three subdivisions of houses, a school, a church, one bar, one clothing store, one hardware supply, and a small park that was really two swings and an aluminum slide. maria told you as she gave the tour that it took a while to build up, but with time came something amazing. something the QZ or the fireflies could never achieve, it was peaceful. everyone relied on each other, everyone trusted each other. except for three people—the three people who live under joel’s roof. that’s what the three of you bonded the most over, the fact that you all have trust issues. 
you noticed joel a lot more over the weeks. he was a grumpy man, a man who if he could, he’d get a newspaper with his coffee—straight black, and read outside on his patio as the sun rose. by himself, alone. how he wanted. and you understood of course, you know how it is to want your solitude. but, you also couldn’t help how eager you were to talk to him. surprised at every small good morning, or have a good day you get once and while from him. 
he was sharp and cold with most people, offering a hand to compensate, and helping those who need it. joel realized after a while it’s better to make acquaintances rather than enemies in such a tight knit community, a community that relies on the people within. he couldn’t break that cycle, so he was friendly with those who he got to know. 
you noticed how much stuff he would bring back on his patrolling days. a box full of female hygiene products, a box full of new clothes, or more ammo. you watched from the window as he looked around to see if anyone was looking, and would go to the shed he built that was in the backyard of the house. you wondered what he was doing to get all of these things, but you never brought it up to anyone. 
It wasn’t your business.
you didn’t bother to pry, and to be your usual curious self and ask him about it. you knew he’d shut the conversation down before it even started, and it wasn’t worth it to you. you did make a mental note to bring it up to him eventually. 
a small part of you liked him though. despite the mystery, the coldness, the selfishness, the rudeness, you actually liked joel because he reminded you of you. a small part would be an understatement. you always seemed to be looking for joel. whether it was downstairs, in ellie’s space, or in public. constantly wondering where he was, or if he was looking at you. whether you realized it now or not, his presence brought a certain comfort to you.
you volunteered in the kitchen serving dinner from time to time, and when you did you fought hard to not stare at the miller brothers walking in with ellie. but, ellie didn’t make it hard to acknowledge their presence and notice them.. joel would just nod in your direction, you’d give a small nod back and get back to making plates. you practically fought yourself to not glance over at him, just to make sure he was still sitting in his usual seat next to ellie. and when you lost, you’d look up to his seat just to see his eyes peering over his cup at you.
It was an odd dynamic that left you wanting more from him. you wanted to learn more about him when he had moments of vulnerability, which was only twice over the course of your stay.you only knew he was from austin and was a contractor before everything started. you wanted to pry more, to know him, to know what makes him smile and laugh.  and if you were going to learn about joel, it wasn't going to be through ellie or tommy, or even maria.
you wanted the accomplishment of getting to finally know joel all by yourself, it seemed like a challenge to you. everyone talked, people would ask you where you stayed here in jackson when a local notices that you’re a new face and would end up looking like they saw a ghost when the words, ‘i’m a friend of tommy’s, i’m stayin’ with his brother,’ came out of your mouth. he had a reputation obviously, but you didn’t know the extent. everyone knew joel miller and the little girl, and joel knew you’d get wind of the things people have said and feel about him. 
he just hoped that that’s all you got wind of. 
you were so confused at this new and sudden urge to be around someone all of the time, but it’s happening with joel even if you never act on it. you weren't going to force yourself around someone just because you wanted him near. 
you wanted him to be the one to break first. to talk to you first and ask about you, even act like you exist a little more than he did now. you needed him to feel this way about you, and more. you weren’t going to get hurt, and you weren’t going to let it happen by the commune’s biggest asshole. 
but then you would come back to reality. you realized joel miller had absolutely zero interest in you. not as a friend, not as a person━to you, he saw you as a temporary thing. and you would remember that the feeling of close proximity to joel and knowing who he was wasn’t going to make your life easier. It was a constant battle with yourself, fighting your vulnerability and settling for being the second hard ass in jackson. 
it was late at night when joel came home from his interchanging shifts with other people in jackson. you were humming to yourself  as you washed the pile of dishes that were stacked when joel walked in. with everyone trying to get settled, it was hectic. finding a new balance with being the new addition to the home, getting into a regular flow of things. so when you got home from work, you cleaned up as much as you could without moving things around even though you were desperate to. as long as you were here, this still wasn’t your house to mess with. 
you stayed in places here and there, a shelter in waco, texas when your parents traveled there for safety from the QZ, a stranger’s underground hideout the first two years of it, many more people’s homes and abandoned buildings and escaping from QZ’s around the states.but you never failed to tidy things up while you stayed, you couldn’t shake it. you respected your surroundings and were grateful for the people who did extend their hand to you, even if they hurt you and made you regret not killing them.
joel walked in with a hard face and an unhappy sigh, looking towards the open kitchen and seeing you in a long sleeve shirt that’s risen on one side where your waistband carries the old walkman, your hair in a lazy put together bun—a part of him couldn’t look away if he wanted to. still trying to get used to this. 
he had to be honest, he found it hard living in the same space as you. he noticed you getting a bit more hopeful these days, not looking as angry as he does every day, and talking more. not to him, but he watched from afar. always had an eye on you even when he wasn’t around. he made sure tommy looked after you, maria, he even made ellie make sure you were okay. making sure you weren’t completely out of your mind. not more than usual, at least. 
he had something for you. he didn’t know if it was true, if he could be this far gone that he couldn’t stand to be around you because he wanted to take care of you in ways you would’ve never thought of? he hated that you made him feel like he wanted to protect you. he also hated the fact that you could never make him hate you. 
you didn’t notice him of course, you continued to scrub and wash as he came up behind you and tapped you on the shoulder to tell you he was home, sending you to flinch and sigh. you removed your headphones and let them rest on your neck as you turn the knob of the sink. 
“fuck!,” you said, putting a wet hand to your forehead as you tried to breathe in, “why are you always doin’ that? asshole.” 
“watch your mouth,” he tried and you had to stifle a laugh as he plucked a beer can from the fridge and left the kitchen area to sit in the living room. it was always a little funny to see him irritated because of you, you couldn’t lie to yourself. 
“bite me.” you spit, putting your headphones back on and rolling your eyes. 
joel felt so wrong. your responses shouldn’t leave him wanting to hear more of your sharpness. he shouldn’t be curious as to what you sounded like when you laughed hard enough. he shouldn’t want to watch your every movement. 
you were lost, confused, trying to find your way and here he was watching you like a creep from his spot on the couch. he would’ve loved to turn on a tv right now, ignore his instincts and feelings and turn into whatever show was on. all he has now is a dull radio ellie traded with the neighbors for, and he decided to put that on instead. it was a bit rare to find music, good music even. 
by the time he found a soft 60s song, you were done and wiping up the area before drying your arms. you decided to grab a beer yourself, cringing at the dark bottle, and making your way to sit on the couch across from joel. he watched as you lifted the hem of your shirt to wrap around the cap of the bottle, twisting it off successfully. he couldn’t help but notice the exposed skin that was pressing into your black shorts. 
“i uh, never thanked you or tommy. for saving me, bringing me here. i’m just, it’s a lot to get used to. i still don’t know if i’ll stay,” you broke the silence and took a swig of the beer, downing it quickly. 
“don’t thank me, thank tommy.” he said coldly and looked at the burning wood in the fireplace against the wall. It was silent for a bit while joel’s eyes wandered from you to a nearby window, watching the snow fall.  you couldn’t help but think about it, and before you knew it the words were coming out of your mouth. 
“why did you want to leave me there?” you looked to him with the beer in your lap, sitting criss crossed on the couch and your fingertips tapping at the sweating beverage. he looked to you once and looked down and around, sighing. 
“it ain’t personal. tommy and maria, they don’t take people in like that. it shocked me, is all. i just didn’t trust ya,” he admitted and drank his beer, getting comfortable. 
“do you trust me now?” you asked and he kept his gaze on the floor. you didn’t expect a different response from him. 
you kind of sat there, stilled and quietly listening to the music that comes from the radio. he doesn’t watch you anymore, he just drinks his beer until he finishes and lays there with his forearm over his eyes. a part of it feels normal, like coming home from a long day at work and cracking open a beer, going to sleep after and repeat. 
“I’m trying, you know. trying to get my own place here, and work and make connections so I’ll be out of your hair.” you defended even though there was just silence. you felt bad, imposing on a man who clearly wants to be left alone. but he could be less of an asshole.
“I’m not tryna rush you out of here.” is all he says and you notice for the first time you’re actually having a conversation with joel miller. or the equivalent to a conversation. 
“It feels like you don’t want me here. I’d ask tommy and maria for a room but, they’re a married couple and she looks like she’s about to pop. feels wrong to invade their space like that.” you said and drank your coldish beer, not enjoying the foam it created. 
he sighs, sitting up from his slumped position and looking at you while your eyes are on the bottle in your lap. he didn’t speak immediately, so when his eyes trailed over you and your bare legs you could feel the heat from his gaze. It made you squirm a bit, your legs pressing together again as he makes your stomach flutter. you couldn’t help but look at the hand that grips his bottle. 
“It ain’t that either. you’re just,” he sighed again, half lying, rubbing the crease between his eyebrows, “you’re unpredictable, is all. don’t ever know what that mind of yours is thinking, if you’re thinkin’ of hurtin’ yourself or if this is all a trap still.”  he confesses and you form your lips into a straight line. 
you stay silent for a moment, before meeting his gaze. “I don’t want to hurt myself, joel. or you, or ellie. I have no reason to. I just, when you found me i was alone. and i like being alone, don’t get me wrong. but it gets… scary. depressing. I mean I’ve lost everyone, i’ve killed anyone i ever loved because of those fucking things. I had no one who cared if i was alive or dead anymore, and it just got to me.” 
“and i know everyone’s gone through the same thing nd more, it’s just,” you huffed and moved your eyes down to your bottle, “I’ve prided myself in being alone, that i don’t need anyone.I’ve shut everyone out and been so mean to everyone. but for what?” you asked rhetorically. 
you thought about it a lot. what was the point of trying to kill everyone before they killed you first? what life are you living if you aren’t trying to make the best of it? these were questions you asked yourself daily, thinking about how many people you’ve scared off because you felt they were too good for you. too kind, too caring, everything you wanted and needed you sabotaged because in your eyes, you’d rather get the blow over sooner than later. 
“your protection. and it works, it’s jus’  lonely.” he said, stealing the words from your mouth. 
“It’s lonely.” you repeat after him. 
for a moment, you felt yourself warming up to joel, understanding him more than you thought you would. solitude was something the two of you appreciated, but were tired of. having joel and ellie around made you feel less alone, like there were other people who understood how you felt. it’s why you liked talking to ellie so much, she reminds you of yourself when you were younger. she made you feel like maybe there was a chance to make things better for her, like joel wanted. you understood why he didn’t want to throw her in the world of being a protector at so young, she was just a kid. she deserved a chance to be just that. someone like that, someone who has fought and protected themselves and other people for so long, deserves a chance to be the ones being protected. 
“where were you when it happened?” you asked, a new song coming on the radio. you figured maybe now that there was conversation happening, you could try to squeeze your way into his mind even if it’s for thirty seconds.
“bailin’ my brother out of jail. you remember?” he asked. 
“yeah, i was like, playing with my dog. then it was like explosions and crashes and cars. it didn’t take my dad long to start boarding up the windows and doors. but yeah, i remember.” you said and he shook his head, wanting to say something but holding back. he paused, then spoke.
“I’m sorry about your family.” he said and you gave a tight smile, thanking him. 
“I’m sure they’d be proud of you. survivin’ this long. It ain’t for the weak.” he said and that you agree on. you would’ve never made it had you been softer, or allowed yourself to be scared. you couldn’t be though. the two of you sat in silence as the static poured through the song, comfortable, together. he broke the silence first. 
“I found some old cassette tapes in the house when we first got here, if you want them. ain’t got much use for em.” he said, standing up as your eyes followed him. you grew a smile, and he was watching you find joy in little things like old music. 
“yeah, yeah of course.” you said and set the half empty beer bottle on the coffee table, standing and following him to where the cassette tapes presumably are. he ends up leading you upstairs, hitting left at the corner where you turned right all of the time, your doors were down the hall, directly across from each other. 
“I stored em’ in case. I kept everything i found in here, never know when i’ll need it.” he said, and you smiled. he was actually being a softie right now, as soft as he’d get you supposed. 
you appreciated it. more than he knew because you didn’t know how often he’d get this gentle.to a lot of people, this was just an act of kindness. but joel miller is not kind, and you wondered why he was being so nice to you all of the sudden. even if he was being snappy and short with you, he was trusting you to be in his solitary area, at least that’s the way you saw it.
he looked disarmed even though you knew he had a gun pressed into his back, and he looked comfortable. at ease, like he wasn’t expecting impending doom for once.
“It’s called being a hoarder, joel.” he narrowed his eyes on you before going into his nightstand and taking out around five tapes. Donna Summer. Beastie Boys. The Fugees. Bob Dylan. Prince. 
“I love Prince.” you said with a small smile as you grabbed the tapes from him, looking through and inspecting them. you remembered your mother playing his 1999 album throughout the house when you were a small kid. It gave you a bit of nostalgia, and warmed your heart at the distant thought of your mother. It meant more to you than it meant to joel, and he could see it. joel was actually enjoying the fact that you appreciated this niche gesture for you. 
“thank you, joel. I think Queen and Etta James will be grateful for a break.” you joked and the corner of his mouth tugged softly into a resistant smile. still better than no smile. joel glanced at the clock and noticed the big hand hit one, remembering how tired he was all of the sudden. or maybe more so acknowledging the fact that this is the most you and he have talked in a bit. 
“you know you can ask me for anything, right? I mean, you know,” he struggled with the words but with your encouraging eyes, he had no problem continuing, “I’ll do what i can for the two of ya,” he said somewhat kindly, referring to ellie as well.
you wondered now what he truly thought of you. if he still saw you as a burden, a threat, or just someone he lives with. you also noticed he wasn’t too good at expressing his feelings, he wasn’t a visibly emotional person. maybe he really was just too desensitized to everything around him.
“I don’t want to be a bother, i’ve been okay.” you said as you held the tapes with grip. 
“you don’t bother me,” he confessed, “anything you need, a’right?” he said with sure eyes, needing confirmation back from you. now you really couldn’t get a read on him. this was what sucked the most to you. you didn’t want to say it, but he was so bipolar with you. with everyone you saw him interact with, he was just short tempered and selfish. it never changed, he was mean to everyone and anyone who was near. 
but with you, he just avoided you. and when he would come near, he was either angry or neutral. it was confusing to say the least, whenever the time came for the two of you to engage, it was always a surprise at which way the conversation led. It’s like you were able to get a read on him when he interacted with anyone else but yourself.
“yeah, anything.” you noticed you were more breathless than you intended to sound, so you cleared your throat, and averted his eyes.
you realized you stood in his room with a t-shirt as a dress basically, alone with the door shut. It made you nervous, and as your eyes examined the room just to fall on his bed, it made you wonder what it would feel like to be next to him as he slept. you bet it felt warm, cozy, safe. safe in his arms, held away from the world. but then you felt crazy. you don’t even know the guy and you’re thinking about sleeping with him? what happened to collectively hating joel miller?!
you didn’t notice the way he was looking at you until your eyes worked their way up to his, a small blush forming on your face as he basically caught you checking him out. but he didn’t look like he noticed, he seemed too dazed by you to notice you were even looking at him. 
“I should go to bed. thank you again for these, joel.” you smiled sleepily, breaking the small silence. his gaze went back to normal, you seemingly saw the darkness in his eyes fade as his eyes locked on yours again. he looked softer. 
“yeah, me too, and you’re welcome. I’ll see you in the mornin’,” he trailed off, you just nodded and awkwardly shifted out of the room, releasing a breath you were holding.  you finally felt like you could breathe again, like the weight of his gaze was suffocating you.
that night you fell asleep with your headphones on, listening to Protection by Donna Summer, and thinking of joel. 
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edgeray · 3 months
Ideas Post / WIP (Work in Progress)
This is mainly for me to have a place to write down my ideas somewhere that may potentially be written (and these do not include requests that I've yet done) because I have WAY too much brainrot for Arlecchino. If you would like to go ahead and request one of these ideas to be written / want me to finish a wip, go ahead! If you guys want to request send an ask. I priortise requests, so these WIPs/ideas are put on the back burner unless requested.
To other writers that encounter this post, feel free to use the concepts that I put in my ideas list down below if you feel inspired to to write them :) (no need to credit). I appreciate any and all arlecchino content. Of course, if the same idea is requested on my blog, I will write write even if someone else did.
WIP (Work(s) in Progress) -
link to Part 1 here
-> in progress, 9k~ words written
concept: arlecchino promised that they would keep you. they keep their word.
Part 7 and 8 of "ONE HELL OF A BUTLER"
link to series masterlist here
-> concepts have been written down
concept: Part 7 - reader learns of arlecchino's past, including her true name.
concept: Part 8 - reader comes across two orphans during a raid of a criminal's house and takes them in. arlecchino discovers fatherhood.
concept: Part ? - arlecchino and reader makes a bet, and arlecchino loses. reader has a devious plan for arlecchino that may or may not include a maid outfit
[currently unnamed, not posted] Arlevie Fic, Ghost Clervie AU
-> concept has been written down
concept: after clervie dies by peruere's hand, she wakes up as a ghost, able to wander freely but no one can see her. clervie decides to follow peruere, determined that she'll fulfil her promise of seeing the aurora with her. as time passes, clervie gains tangibility little by little, and peruere grows more conscious of the fact that clervie may not be as gone as she thinks she is.
will take name suggestions for this work :)
if requested, only one part will be done per request. like "ONE HELL OF A BUTLER" that is a multi-part series, this likely will also be a multi-part series.
[currently unnamed, not posted] Hurt/Comfort Fic Arlecchino x GN! Reader
-> in progress, 0.6k words written
concept: three years into your relationship with arlecchino, she finally confesses and you learn of her past, gradually. she starts with her true name.
Editing Previous Requests that weren't written as well as I'd like
cannot be requested, but I'd like people to know I'm trying to make an effort to
requests I want to edit: TO BREAK A CURSE, THE SUN SETS AGAIN
Ideas List (cool ass concepts that randomly came to me that I'd love to write if given the opportunity)
These ideas will assume gn! reader unless the requester specifies fem! reader. If I have thought up more of the concept, the arrow -> indicates further explanation of the idea written above. Some of these were ripped from my Arlecchino Oneshots Poll a while ago.
Romantic x Reader's (this is a long list lol, don't ask how I came up with these I genuinely don't know). If you couldn't tell, I am obsessed with this woman.
Idol! Arlecchino x Reader
Consort! Arlecchino x Emperor! Reader
Vampire! Arlecchino x Reader
Vampire Hunter! Arlecchino x Vampire Hunter! Reader
-> concept: you're a young, inexperienced vampire that falls under the cluthes of arlecchino, and you're immediately entranced. instead of killing you, she decides using reader would be more beneficial to her--you don't complain one bit about it.
Demon! Arlecchino x Angel! Reader
-> concept: arleccchino becomes obsessed with you during war, and after the war, arlecchino does anything to be with you. learning of how humans fall in love, arlecchino tricks you into forming a bond, making the two of you as the first demon and angel to experience love.
Fallen Angel! Reader x Reader
-> concept: arlecchino fell from grace-- and fell on your doorstep. now stuck in the human realm, you help her accomodate all while running from revenge thirsty angels and power hungry demons wanting her abilities
CEO! Arlecchino x Secretary! Reader
Professor! Arlecchino x College Student! Reader
Gentleman Thief! Arlecchino x Detective! Reader
Criminal Arlecchino x Detective! Reader
Soulmate AU! Arlecchino x Reader
Hanahaki AU! Arlecchino x Reader
Single DILF! Arlecchino x Babysitter! Reader
Mafia Leader Arlecchino x Assassain Reader
Body Guard Arlecchino x Celebrity Reader
Isekai-ed Arlecchino! x Reader
-> arlecchino dies and gets isekai-ed into your world where she's supposed to just be a fictional character
Modern AU! Cat Shifter! Arlecchino x Reader
-> you find a stray, injured cat. unbeknowst to you, your cat is not actually a cat.
Modern AU! Bunny Shifter! Arlecchino x Reader
-> same idea as the last one, but with bunny arlecchino.
Pirate! Arlecchino x Marine! Reader
-> as a part of the marine, you're supposed to capture and detain pirates. your marine crew abandons you when in a crisis, and you learn that pirates aren't so bad when the house of the hearth takes you in.
Foreign Prince Arlecchino x Princex! Reader
Knight! Arlecchino x Princex/Ruler! Reader
Streamer! Arlecchino x Reader
Historical AU! Goddess! Arlecchino x Follower! Reader
-> arlecchino is the goddess of death among other things. you regularly pray and give offerings to arlecchino, wishing for a painless death. as her most loyal follower, she watches you closely and appears in your time of need
Spiderwoman! Arlecchino x Reader
Cowboy! Arlecchino x Reader
Platonic x Reader's
Arranged Marriage AU! Arlecchino x Reader
Arlecchino x Biological Child! Reader
-> you inherit your father's curse. she helps you with its effects
Young! Arlecchino x Young! Reader
-> moments between arlecchino, clervie, and you at the house of the hearth
Arlecchino x Guardian! Reader
-> you learn of the house of the hearth's terrible 'mother.' after beating her up, you steal away all the children away from the fatuiand end up adopting the bunch of kids, including the two most closested lesbians you've ever seen (arlecchino and clervie)
Arlecchino x Child! Reader
-> Married Arlevie with reader as their child.
Alien! Arlecchino x Human! Reader
-> a few decades ago, humanity learned of faster than light technology and becomes apart of the intergalatic society with other planets and alien species. you, a human used as a test subject, escape and latch onto the closest ship to get away. the crew of the house of the hearth warms ups to you, and arlecchino and clervie adopts you into their already massive collection of stray alien orphans
Arlecchino x Harbinger! Reader
-> reader is requested by pierro to teach arlecchino what it means to be a Fatui Harbinger.
Arlecchino Ships (arlevie, arlebina)
Modern AU! Arlecchino x Clervie
Arlecchino x Alive! Knave! Clervie
Soulmate AU! Arlecchino x Clervie
Goddess of Death! Arlecchino x Goddess of Life! Clervie
SpyXFamily AU! Arlecchino x Clervie
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pleasantspark · 2 months
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Welcome to my BLOG!
Hello, I am Orion, I am a 20 year old Trans Masc from America, I make mid ass fanfictions because I cannot write well. Soooo, yeah.
I tend to write x Readers, OCs for myself, and I occasionally write content pertaining to my AUs.
I am known as Jeice and Frieza Lover.
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Fanfiction Related Questions
Where do I request stories? In my Ask Box
Am I allowed OC x Canon? I normally charge for it, because OC x Canon (Your OC) is too much work to do, especially if I'M not equipped to write it.
Where can I support you? I have a Kofi but currently Comms are closed, I do not have a working PayPal at all. So once I get that sorted out then yes, Alternatively I have a CashApp.
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Frieza and The Cold Family are MY personal ones from my AU. If you see anything that isn't Canon, read my Bio.
I run the Overhaul Doc for the Frieza Race located here: X
Most of the DBZ fics I write are enlisted in my main canon and not DBZ's Canon.
I own a Human AU, so if you want to request a oneshot, go ahead.
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This is the main AU overhauling EVERYTHING. Currently here's a roadmap.
Frieza Race Overhaul Doc: 100% Complete (Actively Being Edited Occasionally)
Saiyan Race Overhaul Doc: WIP
Namekian Race Overhaul Doc: 30% Complete; WIP
Android/Bio Android Race Overhaul Doc: WIP
Character DOCs
This is for the Characters in the AU.
Frieza: WIP
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Note: This section is currently being updated, any FanFictions I post are here for Navigation. Color Codes are below.
Update (08/16/2024): For better viewing I decided to split the Oneshots and Series for now, Imagine/Headcanons are situated under the Oneshots section.
Update (08/24/2024): Dunno when I updated it, but I added a color code for WIPs and the like. Adding Drafts as well.
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Green: General Audience Orange: Teen Red: Unrated/Explicit White/Black: WIPs (Drafts)
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Oh Mary, Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow? (Vegeta x Reader) I Can't Imagine A Future Without You (Jeice x Zarbon's Daughter! OC) Little Blue Book (Vegeta x Majin! OC x Jeice) Premature (King Cold x Female Frieza Race! OC + Frieza + Cooler) Red Magma (Jeice x Cyborg! Zarbon's Daughter! OC) Mating Season (Cell x Bio-Android! OC) Robotic Heart (Android 16 x Majin! OC) An Alternative Reality (Gevo x Saiyan! OC x Android 16)
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Headcanons & Imagines
Ginyu Force Is Still Alive - Headcanon Zarbon is French - Headcanon Frieza Loves Pudding - Headcanon Human Jeice - Headcanon Frieza's Favorite Past Time - Headcanon Soulmate Imagine - Imagine If Frost Met Frieza's Wife - Imagine Why Jeice Didn't Went Pro - Headcanon Cell With A Potential Partner - Imagine Raditz is Biologically King Vegeta's Son - Headcanon
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Forever & Ever Series (Frieza x FFR! OC): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Addict Series (Frieza x OC, Human AU): 1 Little Kuriza Series (Frieza x Sayian! OC + Kuriza): 1, 2, 3 Three Ways To Love You, But I Want To Say It In One Series (Jeice x Zarbon's Daughter! OC): 1 Just Yours Series (Yandere! Ginyu Force x Zarbon's Daughter! OC): 1 Arranged Marriage Series (Salza/Thouser x Zarbon's Daughter! OC): 1 A Prize To Be Earned, Not Won Series (Salza/Thouser x Zarbon's Daughter! OC x Jeice): 1 Baby Daddy Zarbon Series (Zarbon + Daughter! OC / Zarbon x Saiyan! OC): 1 A Monster Has Vices, Too Series (Monster Form! Zarbon x Saiyan! OC): 1 Pink Eyes Series (Yandere! Cell x Saiyan! OC): 1, 2, 3 Apart of Your World Series (Yandere! Dragon Ball Ensemble x Saiyan! Isekai! OC): 1 LOYALTY. (Frieza x FFR! OC): 1 Strictly Business (King Cold x Saiyan! OC): 1
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Regarding my stance on shipping!
I do not care who ships what, as long as you respect my boundries, I have had people who (I can't tell if they were joking) we're shoving Yamcha x Frieza onto me. And I don't ship canon x canon (I do only for one ship) so yeah, don't be discouraged if I don't do ships. I don't mind if you yap about ships. Just be mindful.
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Current Ships / OCs / AUs
Zarbon x Cell (Canon x Canon)
Zarbon x Zucchine (OC x Canon)
Jeice x Mikumi (OC x Canon)
Ginyu x Orion (OC x Canon)
Ginyu Force x Mikumi (OC x Canon)
Android 16 x Orion (OC x Canon)
Cell x Genesis (OC x Canon)
Frieza x Orion (OC x Canon)
Husk x Orion (OC x Canon)
OCs Please see this post for all my OCs: x Most of them are ALOT and I needed the extra space. :P
Human AU
Overhaul AU
Trepidation AU
Revamped AU (Android 16)
Rewritten and Revamped AU
Rewritten and Abridged AU
Yandere AU
Swap AU
Hazbin x DBZ AU
Soulmate AU
Frieza Redemption AU
Redeeming The Hellaverse AU (HH/HB Rewrite)
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Social Medias
You can find me over...
@xx16xOrionxx - Official Twitter
@CysLittleMini_ - Alt Account
Fangirlofsonic111 - Main
wallydarlingsmalewife - ALT [TRIGGERING CONTENT]
xoDuskerox - ALT
16xOrion - Main
PleasantSpark - Gacha Account
AshzieReads - Fanfiction Account
MammonGaming - AI Gameplay
YoutubersQuotesandClips - Clips Channel
BiblicallyInaccurate - Series Channel
RoseyPupWasTaken - Main
Starscreaming - Main
xoCaliPlayzxNolaxo - Main
cookiecrumbler9872 - ALT
PleasantSpark - Main
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queermentaldisaster · 8 months
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I'm Elowen! I write fanfics, and post about shit I like! I also talk with my mutuals a lot! I use she/they/it/xe/ze/lotus pronouns! I do read dark fic and have dabbled in writing it. This is a safe space for all, I do not tolerate hatred of any kind. If you are hateful to others, I will block you. I am not religious at all. I am happily taken, any attempts at flirting with me in a srs manner will be shut down. I do support Palestine, wholeheartedly. Zionists, racists, transphobes, homophobes, ableists, zoophiles, MAPs, etc, DNI (translation, don't be a fuckin asshole or creep.) Also, if you support making stories and art using AI or use AI to make stories and art, get the fuck off my page. Reasons for that are listed here. Dividers can be found here, they're by @gild-ui <3
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My AO3
(this has other fics there too, feel free to check those out)
My AUs
(I am begging you to ask me about these, please 🙏)
My DeviantArt
Blogs I run:
@fallenembe (marvel oc rp blog)
@dragonquest-rottenbrain (dq side blog)
@konigsblume-central (blog for me and my partner to ramble about the oc x canon ship we made)
@electricloverspider (Miles Morales rp blog set in the Insomniac Games)
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All fics/series currently on AO3:
"The Devil Made Me Do It; But I Also Kinda Wanted To" - Series, currently a WIP, two parts completed.
“Eldritch!Soap” - Series, one part completed.
"Mer/Siren Au" - Series, 1 part, WIP.
"The Dancing And The Dreaming" - HTTYD!AU, currently WIP, 3 chapters so far
“The Hunt Is My Muse” - Shifter!AU, nine chapters complete.
“I Have Traveled Far Beyond the Path of Reason” - MW3 fix it fic, part one of the Eldritch!Soap series.
“Stars Drawn Around Scars” - A Ghost/GN!Reader fluff oneshot.
“Count On Me” - A short Ghoap wedding planning oneshot.
“The Devil Made Me Do It; But I Also Kinda Wanted To” - Part One of my Monster!Au series, complete.
“Another Love” - Part Two of my Monster!Au series, complete.
“There's A Revolution Coming” - Part Three of my Monster!Au series, three chapters complete. Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
“Shoulda Been Dead a Long Time Ago” - MW3 fix-it fic with Venom!Ghoap :3
"5 Times Ghost Scared Someone With His Spidery Things + 1 Time It Made Soap Horny" - Spiderverse!Ghoap
"What if We Rewrite the Stars? (No One Can Rewrite the Stars)" - Mer!Soap x Siren!Ghost, part 1 of the Mer/Siren au!
"Godmother, Rise Up, I Need You to See Me For What I Have Become" - Brainwashed!Soap au
Out of My Head - Ghoap oneshot based on Soap's tendency to disassociate when left with nothing to do
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All 'me specific' tags will be in tags.
I tag posts in which I talk with other blogs with #convo posts so people don't get their dash flooded with this if they choose to block the tag. :)
My stance on fanart of my OCs, AUs and fics is here!!!
My askbox is always open!
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hermitknut · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Tag Game
@birdylion tagged me :D
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what’s your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
There've been quite a few over the years. Currently Goblin Emperor (slightly on the back burner while I unkink my writer's block) and Hands of the Emperor (just started dabbling, nothing posted yet). Before that Merlin, Green Rider, Realm of the Elderlings, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter predominantly, with little dips into Discworld, Sherlock, Sweep, Supernatural, Percy Jackson, Lady Trent, Life on Mars, Old Kingdom, Life on Mars, and MASH. I have some Narnia stuff kicking about in my drafts somewhere, and while I've never posted it I've been writing Animorphs fanfic for years.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Stairs Beneath the Heart: Goblin Emperor, a series of vignettes that runs parallel to the canon that I posted through the start of the pandemic and really enjoyed. It was the first time in ages I'd had a regular posting schedule, and the first time ever I'd had that much fandom attention on something I was writing - everyone was so lovely <3.
Take These Tower Stones: Goblin Emperor, the sequel to the above, a much more coherent and consistent story which everyone was again really supportive of <3
What Friends Are For: Discworld; Angua gives Vetinari the shovel talk. There's a big disparity in the stats between the previous two fics and the rest, so these last three were a surprise to me! I'm glad people liked them though :)
Fire in the Night: Merlin, somewhat angsty nightmare/comfort oneshot. Again, surprised to see this one so near the top, but pleasantly so.
The Michen Emperor: Goblin Emperor again, currently the bane of my existence because I can't seem to finish it (I will eventually, just need to unstick my brain). Really appreciate all the love people have shown it. Basically, what if canon but with smol!Maia.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably either Take These Towers Stones, or Red Sky (which is a tiny little snippet of fluff).
8. do you get hate on fics?
I've had a few shitty comments, and mostly I've just deleted them. I've never had any extended hate campaigns or anything, just people who mistakenly thought their dislike was worth expressing.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Occasionally; usually though not always queer, normally pretty tame. I read smut usually without worrying about the warnings, but I'm a bit too shy to comment on it, and I think that extends to my writing, haha. Maybe I'll get the hang of it some day :)
10. do you write crossovers?
Nah, for some reason they don't work for me at all - almost a squick, I don't read them either. The closest I got was considering a fic where the characters from Green Rider had diplomatic contact with the characters from the Chronicles of Ixia series, but I never ended up getting there.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so - I should probably put in my Ao3 that people are welcome to if they like, I keep forgetting. I'd be honoured if anyone wanted to.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope; I'm very picky and not good at compromise, though it's something I'd like to work on one day. It'd have to be very low stakes and with someone very patient!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Lines of Silver and Gold (Realm of the Elderlings) is probably my oldest fic that is both posted and unfinished, and I have no current plans to work on it. I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to come back to it, but that book series was my thesis topic and unfortunately I rather burnt myself out on it, so it might be a long while.
The Queen Rider series was originally going to have two more fics, but those have been scrapped; fortunately it resolves quite nicely as is. Maybe I will put up a little misc fic with what I do have of the rest some day.
And on a more positive note, my Animorphs fic - it was originaly going to be a full written-through story spanning a considerable post-canon period, but unfortunately I lost the original in a harddrive failure and while I rewrote some of it I rather lost my enthusiasm for it. However, I have been reconsidering lately and might post what exists as a series of loosely connected vignettes; we'll see.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue is what I find easy and what I've received the most compliments on; I think this is because a lot of my fic is drafted "out loud" before I get anywhere near setting it to page, so the first iteration is often predominantly speech. I'm also often told I'm good at mimicking the tone of the canon, if I'm writing for a book fandom.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Research (I'll do it if it's something that will otherwise potentially hurt people, but other than that I have neither the effort nor the inclination), and making things messy - that is, I tend to tidy things up a lot and I'm not good at letting my characters get things wrong/communicate badly/etc. Good for fix-its, less good for creating challenges in the story.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I am depressingly monolingual so I don't do it in my fics; as to what everyone else does I think they should have fun and do whatever they like, I suppose. Not enough knowledge to have more of an opinion than that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter was my gateway fandom.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ohhhh tough one. I'm immensely proud of the Keystone series (The Stairs Beneath the Heart and Take These Tower Stones), so they're solid candidates, but I also really like The Shadow of the Mountains (Lady Trent) and Miracles (Realm of the Elderlings), the latter of which contains possibly my favourite line of prose I've written.
I'm tagging @the-tao-of-fandom, @pipuhattar, @alittlefellowinawideworld, @nonasuch, and anyone else who'd like to answer!
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ladystarksneedle · 10 months
📖 Fic rec time! When you get this, reply with three fics that you've read and loved to pieces, then pass on to at least five other people who read fics. Let’s appreciate fic writers and their amazing stories 💖
Thank you so much for this ask Miranda 💕💕 I couldn't narrow it down to three so I'll mention a few more:
Ones I've loved on ao3 (currently reading):
1. The fool and the dragon by @prince-aemond-targaryen (Aemond and Faune are just so perfect together. One of my favourite oc couples)
2. The Protector of the Realm by @lullaebies (Alice does the greens justice like no other. I love their genderbent counterparts and individual character exploration)
3. The Prince's Pearl by @mejcinta (I've gotten into shipping Rhaemond through her fic. Really good politicking and slow burn romance)
4. The Phoenix King by @starstrucksnowing
(First crossover that I've loved so much. Azula is the perfect badass complex protagonist to read about who fits perfectly in this world)
Series I've loved on Tumblr (read):
5. Rev. 22:20 by @ewanmitchellcrumbs (this is one of my absolute favorites on Tumblr. From the trope, to the slow burn and religious guilt, it was a wild ride through and through)
6. She walks in starlight by @arcielee (the first fic I read on Tumblr which I absolutely adore to this day)
7. Greek mythology masterlist by @valeskafics ( love Bel's take on these au's I always gobble them up with joy)
8. The commune by @adragonprinceswhore (Intriguing to the bone. Absolutely loved the premise and the ending)
Oneshots I've loved on Tumblr:
9. A curse for a curse by @barbieaemond (I'm going to mention my favourite here despite fangirling over everything you write amore. Just perfect from the title to Aemond and his wife yearning for each other, pure goodness!)
10. A history not repeated by @assortedseaglass (loved this little insight into the greens' lives through Aemond's perspective. Reading about them with their dragons in a new light was super touching)
11. I'm A Fire, And I'll Keep Your Brittle Heart Warm by @randomdragonfires (Loved Aemond and his Tyrell wife's romance. The perfect metamorphosis of a couple throughout their marriage)
Special mentions:
12. All the ways lead to you by @boundlessfantasy (My favourite doctor/make up artist au. I vicariously lived through the reader who she wrote so so beautifully)
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librarylexicon · 2 months
20 Questions for Writers
EDIT: Now with question 17!
Tagged by @cuephrase (ty bb!!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
32 (that are attached to my account).
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
283,405. I very nearly posted 100,000 of them last year, and only noticed when I looked at my stats in January. If I'd known, I would have posted something else to get it over that line!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now, just Batman, but in the past I've written for Harry Potter, Anne of Green Gables, Little Men, Tintin and a handful of other fandoms. I have a Road to Avonlea fic tentatively in the works, and might return to any of these fandoms if inspiration strikes.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All the Corners That Are Left is an outlier in my stats because it has more than three times as many kudos as the runner-up. It's an exchange fic that was my first foray into posting Batfam fics, and I liked writing it so much that it actually sparked a loose series of Post-Crisis oneshots, currently called Corners.
Family Crisis is my beloved canon divergence AU of War Games. It's the first fic I started writing for Batman, and I'm so happy that people are reading it. It's very comics-oriented, but still easy to follow without having touched a comic (imo).
Harry Potter and the Time-Turner is the first multichapter fic I ever wrote and completed, back when I was in my early teens. I won't reread it, lest I die of cringe, but I'm bemusedly grateful that it still gets hits and kudos.
Home Assignment is a Dick whump fic I drafted quite a while ago, and finally had an opportunity to finish and publish when I signed up for a Dick Grayson event. I had fun playing around with unreliable narration in this one!
In Retrospect is a HP fic that was written for a challenge where I was given five prompts and a week to produce five one-shots. I chose to make mine interconnected missing scenes set during and after Deathly Hallows, and particularly like how Painfully Abnormal turned out.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! It's a habit that's carried over from my fanfiction.net days, and I receive a manageable amount of comments, so I try to respond to every one. (The only reason I might not is when someone leaves a string of comments that are all very brief. In that instance, I tend to reply to the final comment only.) I adore reading and replying to comments! 🫶
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I've always been an angst lover. The Last Enemy, one of my oldest fics, ends with (canonical) apparent character death, and For the Sake of Our Son ends with both main characters (canonically) dying. How fun!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Other than a shipfic that's now anonymous, I don't know! I tend to go for uplifting or satisfying endings without necessarily aiming for happy ones (although I rarely have unhappy endings). Maybe You Know I Love You? I do also have a handful of Batman ficlets that I recently wrote for a zine, and there's definitely fluff among them.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I think I got some on fanfiction.net back in the day, but the most hate I've received that I can remember is people being salty about a couple of fics I began when I was a teenager and never finished. I'm sorry, but it's been almost a decade! Yes, you can and should resist the urge to tell me that you don't respect authors who abandon fics!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
While I've toyed with quite a few crossover ideas over the years, I've only published one, which is a Rise of the Guardians and Peter Pan one-shot called Lost Boy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I can't recall any specific instances, but many of my fics have been on the internet for a long time, so they've definitely been scraped for knockoff sites, if nothing else.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, three times! Harry Potter and the Time-Turner has been translated into French, Shirley Not has been translated into German and At Home, They Call Me Tintin has been translated into Chinese. (Links to these translations are in my fanfic masterlist on Dreamwidth.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I'm open to the idea! I'd have to really know the other author and get over my control freak tendencies, though...
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't ship much (to the point where I have plenty of NOTPs), but I do love TimSteph, and I have soft spots for DickBabs and BatCat (Bruce/Selina) as well. All-time favourite, though? That would have to be Anne and Gilbert from the Anne of Green Gables series.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Before the War(drobe). Narnia fandom, I really want to return to you someday, but I have a couple things to do first!
16. What are your writing strengths?
My most positive comments almost always mention characterisation. I also think I write dialogue pretty well. In my mind, well-written dialogue is essential to good characterisation.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Even though I write about characters who are superheroes, I rarely write about them BEING superheroes, because I struggle with action scenes. Also description, but I like to think I've grown better at it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't like to use non-Latin characters in my fics for readability reasons, and I don't like to include dialogue in another language if I don't know the language. So, when my characters speak a language other than English, I either just use an English translation with a dialogue attribution (e.g. She said in Spanish) or just use the attribution without the dialogue, depending on whether or not the POV character understands the language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter! I wrote for it before I knew what fanfic was. I also joined the Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges forum on fanfiction.net back in the day, which led to my most prolific ficwriting period.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
My favourite fics tend to be my most recent ones, because they're the ones I've spent the most time on and am most proud of. I can never pick one of anything (as you've probably noticed), so my current favourites are:
Family Crisis – longtime labour of love and Bruce character study
All the Corners That Are Left – Dick character study feat. Jason
Flight Mode – Tim character study feat. Bruce
Phew, that was a lot of questions! I think a lot of people have already been tagged 😅
Scrolling through my mutuals and no-pressure tagging @silverwhittlingknife @geevesthevieve @batrachised @freyafrida and @silent-silver-slip and any other fic writers who see this! 🫶
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 months
4, 7, 13, and 19 for the fanfic writing asks
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
Oh man, you're making me CHOOSE??? This is fucked up and evil actually. Okay. Ugh, there are so many I love... buuut I can probably muster up three currently updating fics. If anyone wants my completed fic recommendations then ask away!
First of all, @angeart 's wonderful(ly evil) Help Me To Breathe, which I have been commenting essays on for a while now. I'm biased because we're friends but this fic does so many things right - it is long but for me it's definitely worth it. How she handles mental health struggles is really poetic whilst remaining grounded, which I appreciate a lot. If you're looking for... 242k words (so far) of scarian angst, this is the fic to check out. It's not finished yet but it is worth waiting for.
Next, @definitelynotshouting 's lost in the dark (he's got a heavy heart) is THE fic that started my obsession with watcher!Grian. It's the fic that inspired my own watcher/listener series (shameless self promo) and it is constantly taking up space in my brain. It is devastatingly sad, but it is about recovery, ultimately, and again I really love how it's being handled so far. Really worth the read.
Finally, @uhohbestie 's There Are Monsters Nearby .... when I say this fic has been living in my head rent free... I mean this fic has been LIVING. THRIVING. in my mind. This is truly classic zombie fiction, where the zombies are kind of second to the relationship drama. I love the explorations of disability in the apocalypse, something I myself have been advocating for in my original writing, and the depictions and emotional beats surrounding cheating, flawed perspectives and jealousy are heartbreaking and so realistic. Wonderful fic. I am in shambles. Please read it.
7. Do you prefer to read short fics or long fics?
My ideal fic seems to be anywhere between 5k and 200k, but then some of my favourites have also been oneshots. I tend to go for any multichapter with more than 1k words per chapter, and any oneshot that takes my interest (though a longer one (5k +) will catch my eye a bit more than a drabble). It's kind of hard for me to tell, because I read a lot of unfinished fics, but I do kind of prefer fics that take months to update but give a 5k + chapter every time... longer *tends* to mean slightly higher quality, but that is not always the case. Agh. I don't know. Every rule can be broken.
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
Yes and no. Multichapters tend to get their own little document for organisation with each chapter broken down into scenes. However, for Comms AU, I quite insanely went into it with no plan or outline. Yes, I am just now getting an outline together. Yes, it is a fic with 5 different timelines happening at once. Yes, I am regretting the lack of plan.
19. Do you edit your fics after you write them, or do you prefer to just hit post and run (because it’s someone else’s problem now)?
I write, then pass at least once (usually twice, sometimes even three times) to edit. My edits usually attempt to flesh out things that feel rushed or don't make sense. My writing is tricky sometimes, I hate writing plainly and that then becomes a weakness when I spend 5 paragraphs describing the texture of the air without actually explaining what's happening. So I try to clean that up. Comms AU gets one edit, usually, because it is just "audio", though with all my fics I sometimes edit as I write - especially if I've taken a break and decide to re-read what I've written.
Thanks for sending these asks! I have discovered that I need to make a longer fic rec post omg...
The ask game!
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writergirl2011 · 2 months
I got tagged by @musing-and-music!! Thanks!! 😊 So here goes...
Story I'm proudest of...
Argh. That would be so unfair to the other stories I've written. But if I had to choose, it would be the baseball story, Diamond in the Rough simply because I always wanted to write about baseball and finally found the perfect pairing for it! Not to mention how much research went into the story.
Your story that's gotten the most love online...
Funny that this came up because this just overtook the baseball story for most hits--though to be honest, I probably would've put this anyway given that it actually got several mentions on Twitter during the 2022 J/B fic exchange: you who know what love is (lol, musing-and-music, you tagged me in this and our regency stories are the most popular!!)
Tease a current WIP or idea that you're currently working on...
Speaking of fic exchanges, I just started working on my very short story for the 2024 J/B fic exchange. So sorry, can't...oh, what the heck. Heeeeeere's...a little bit from the next story in the "A Girl for All Seasons" series!!
JAIME: I don’t know whether I’m going to kiss you or kill you next time I see you
TYRION: ahhh I see you talked to ros
JAIME: you didn’t think she’d keep that to herself did you
TYRION: guess not
TYRION: it was for your own good
TYRION: not to mention mine because if I had to listen to you moaning about your blue balls one more minute I was going to smother you in your sleep
TYRION: though now that I think about it that would’ve cured yoru problem too
Your top 3 fandoms...
I only have two. A Song of Ice and Fire and Bridgerton at the moment.
Your top three ships...
Jaime x Brienne, Eloise x Cressida (shut up) and I guess that's really it. If I had to have a third, it would probably be Sansa x Margaery since I've paired them off in some of my fics, but they're not the main focus of my stories and I don't write for them specifically.
Rec someone else's fic...
Yikes, there are far too many I want to rec, but I'm going with the story I received in this year's smut swap because I just love it to death: BT, Phone Home by @angelowl-fics. Brienne as an alien!!!! Jaime as her wannabe boy toy!!!! If you haven't read this already--go read it!!!!
Pick one!
Fluff or Angst: I don't think I write things that are especially fluffy. At the same time, I don't think my fics are super angsty for the most part. Dramatic at times? Sure, but angst--the part that really, really hurts--not so much. But I'll put angst because I do drift in that direction more often than fluff. Where's the "snark" option? That's definitely my speed.
Oneshots or longfics: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Was this even a question???????
Canon compliance or canon divergence: I think it depends on the canon. For example, I'm not great at writing canon fic for J/B, so I stick with mod AUs. I was better at writing canon fic in other fandoms, though. So I'd say that for now, canon divergence. But I'll read both.
AO3 or ff.net: I somehow completely missed the ff.net experience. AO3 all the way.
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paranorahjones · 2 months
I was tagged by @dangerously-human like a month ago I'm so sorry for a fanfic writer tag game, and I finally remembered that I never actually did it!! I'm so bad at these things
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction? I was like 13 I think and I had become a rabid fan of the 2012 TMNT series, and I filled a brightly colored notebook with self-insert TMNT fanfic. 😂 What's funny is that at this time, I didn't even know that the concept of fanfiction existed, and that it was something other people wrote as well. Because I had very little online presence at the time (thank God), so I had no exposure to fanfiction in general. I just thought, "Okay I know this is totally crazy but what I put myself in this story and I was a teenage mutant ninja black panther and Leo was in love with me." I was truly a revolutionary. I didn't discover the massive presence of fanfiction online until about three years later I think, and that was when I started reading Gravity Falls and Miraculous Ladybug fanfics on fanfiction dot net.
2. How many fandoms have you written in? Good question. I haven't published everything for every fandom that I've written in, so some of these just exist in a locked vault inside my brain or in a long abandoned OpenOffice document. Or in a brightly colored houndstooth-patterned notebook. TMNT, Star Wars, Gravity Falls, How To Train Your Dragon, Carmen Sandiego, Stranger Things, Detroit: Become Human, Lockwood & Co., Legends of Avantris, Red Dead Redemption. I feel like there's probably more than that but I can't remember. The ones in green are the ones that I have actually published fic for, though a lot of the older ones have been deleted.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction? This is difficult because I haven't been writing fanfiction consistently for very many years at all, but I started writing fanfic like 10 years ago. Somewhat consistently? Like two years. 😂
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction? Very much depends on where I'm at in life and what media I'm currently fixated on, but for a while I've been writing way more than I've been reading. I go through phases of both.
5. What is one way you've improved as a writer? I think my pacing is a lot better than it used to be. I think I've gotten better at rereading what I've written and recognizing where the pacing is off. I often don't have an easy time of fixing it yet, because it's such an odd and abstract concept to nail down, but you can see it when it's wrong. Something I've tried to be very intentional about of late.
6. What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? The legal repercussions of assaulting a police officer in Michigan. That was for the Detroit: Become Human fic. 😂
7. What's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work? I LOVE when people pick up on my foreshadowing and start theorizing on various story elements that I haven't revealed yet. That basically only happens with And I Would Stay A While Longer because it's the only one of my fics with a significant amount of intrigue, but it makes me so happy seeing those comments. I love knowing that I've foreshadowed something effectively.
8. What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about? Hmmmmmm . . . is it fringe to write fanfic for a dnd campaign? That's probably the closest thing I have to fringe honestly. And as for fringe tropes, I'm not really sure that my fanfics feature many. My original work, on the other hand . . .
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write? Stories with large casts, where I have to keep track of a lot of characters. That's exhausting. I don't like it. 😂 I like my stories very intimate. My writing is very character-focused rather than plot-focused, and I like to reserve that focus to as few characters as possible. One of my original works only features two characters throughout the entire story and that's it.
10. What is the easiest type? Intimate, fluffy oneshots. Emotional fulfillment fics. Unsurprisingly.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? Back in the day I started out with OpenOffice, then I jumped to Google Docs, then I jumped to Microsoft Word, and that's where I'm at right now. I own Scrivener and I very much want to use it but it intimidates me and I am so bad at learning new software/word processors. 😭
12. What is something that you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day? The rest of AIWS 🤣 No but seriously, funny story, I had plans for YEARS to write my own version of Haymitch's Games from The Hunger Games because Haymitch is my favorite character and I was desperate for more of his story, so I compiled a whole document of everything we learned about the 50th Quarter Quell and Haymitch and his family/friends, and that document sat untouched for so long because I was too intimidated to try to write the story . . . and then of course the news came out that Suzanne Collins herself is writing it. And I couldn't be happier. 😂
13. What made you choose your username? My AO3 username is Fox_Autumn. I nicknamed myself after Fox Mulder, and I needed another word to stick on the end of that to make it a valid username. I love autumn, and I thought it sounded pretty so there ya have it.
These were super duper fun!! Thank you so much for the tag!! :DDD 💙💙💙
Tagging with absolutely no pressure: @womaninwinter @nomolosk @argentumcor @krash-8 @celestial-citrus
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kiwiana-writes · 4 months
15, 25, and 50 (what is your WIP list up to at the current moment?)
15. How do you deal with writer’s block?
In no particular order: -Cry to my friends about how everything sucks and I will probably never write again -Reblog a next five fic sentences/tropes mashup/three sentence ficlets here on tumblr dot com to try to shake words loose -Look at a doc that sparks joy instead of what I'm 'supposed' to be focusing on (at the moment, this is a lot of fic instead of my original novel lmfaooooooooo) -Try to recruit a doc gremlin who will just shriek at me to try to spark some actual enjoyment -Did I mention cry lol
25. Favourite part of writing
That moment when the thing you've got in your head ACTUALLY APPEARS ON THE PAGE THE WAY YOU WANT IT TO. Fucking magic.
Also just like... feedback? COMMENTS MY BELOVED.
50. What is your WIP list up to at the current moment?
frueqiofghueirhfgueiqh A PERSONAL ATTACK.
Okay. Officially, according to my Airtable tracker, my WIP list is at a mildly terrifying 62. However there are a couple of important caveats to that: -Kinktober 2024 is all one document, even though I'm planning to post as individual oneshots in a series this year. -The subscriber shindig documents are only getting added one at a time, as I finish the previous one, because pretty much all of them are getting written in one session and immediately posted. I've posted three of those so far, so the gdoc for #4 has been created and is included in the 62. Once that's done I have, uh... 56 more 👀
I feel like the people I didn't know pre-RWRB days who have looked at my AO3 and said "what the fuck do you MEAN 200 fanworks for Schitt's Creek" are finally starting to understand How I'm Like This lmfao
[A Writer's Ask Game]
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johnslittlespoon · 4 months
20 questions for writers
thank you @triggerlil for the tag!! <3 i'm so late omg but this was FUN, first tag game i've done that's more author than writing snippet/drabble related :-)
tagging @air-exec, @counting0nit, @don-humes-tiny-shorts, @eternallytired17, @hauntingcontradiction
@nicijones, @bucking-mustangs-with-wings, @swifty-fox, @mangokittokatsu, anyone else who wants to! i love reading tag games like these, it's nice to learn more about the ppl behind all the brainrot :')
questions & answers below the cut! x
how many works do you have on ao3?
what's your total ao3 word count? 50,182 wtf i only made my ao3 in january lol
what fandoms do you write for?
i've written for lotssss over the past decade, but my current ao3 is just saltburn and masters of the air fics :-) for the sake of this tag i'm just gonna stick to my mota fics in my answers tho since yk. mota blog lol
top 5 fics by kudos?
i don't wanna be alone tonight – buckbucky breathe me in (exhale slow) – buckbucky you're a dog (i'm your man) – buckbucky you put your arms around me (and i'm home) – buckbucky four–by–four – buckbucky
do you respond to comments?
every single one <33 i take a long while sometimes because i get too lost in the actual writing or i get overwhelmed by the kindness lol but i always always respond eventually :')
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
definitely i see you in the daytime (i hear you at night), my first fic for masters of the air actually that spawned as a way to vent my feelings after the dreaded third episode lmaoo </3 thought that would get those boys out of my system, and i couldn't be happier to have been more wrong <3
what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ruh roh this kinda made me realize all my fics have some sorta melancholy/bittersweet ending even when they're hopeful... yad(iym) is gonna fix me fr (i think). but i guess the fuse to my fire since curt lives and the three of them are curtbuckbuckying indefinitely <3
do you get hate on fics?
i have in past fandoms but not here thankfully bc i am sensitive LOL. i've had weirdo anons that bitch about john bottoming (and i don't think those people realize it makes me inclined to write even more sub and/or bottom john to be petty SJGDK) but i wouldn't consider that hate, just bad fandom etiquette ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
do you write smut?
YEAHHH BABY <3 that's like. 99% of my drabbles/brainrot posts here and it takes serious self control to not just constantly write pwp oneshots, it's too much fun!! finding the balance in my chaptered fic for how much nsfw is too much is such a journey too lol, i wanna cram a spicy scene into every chapter but the part of me that adores slowburn over any other trope reins the gay brain in </3
craziest crossover?
haven't written any as of yet, but i do have my leaving!bikeriders au that i'm hoping to turn into a chaptered fic this summer, and that's exactly what it sounds like– buckbucky, but yank parts of callum's character from the leaving series and parts of austin's character from the bikeriders to create a buckbucky modern au. :-)
have you ever had a fic stolen?
i'm sure back in the wattpad days of the early '10s lol but none that i specifically remember!
have you ever had a fic translated?
in past fandoms!
have you ever co-written a fic before?
perhaps @curtsbigspoon and i cooked up like. 15k words of buckbucky thigh fucking etc months ago that i just need to get around to cutting down/editing >:-)
all time favorite ship?
i mean for me it's always a ship from whatever media i'm fixating on, so right now any variations of curtbuckbucky and cattonquick are everything to me <3 but in terms of ships that'll always have my heart, i can't ever let go of drarry, pricefield, clexa/murphamy, sciles/sterek– any from media i consumed during formative teenage years lol. but i will say i have never created anywhere near as much content for any other fandom as i have for mota :')
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
for once i actually have none that i see myself abandoning! i would notoriously abandon wips in past fandoms and probably would still, but guess who finally got on adhd meds last month after years of waiting? this guyyyy. i can start projects... and enjoy them the whole way through... and not get frustrated and trash them... who am i
i mean tbf i have at least a dozen wips that i've gotten either a few paras or few thousand words into lol but then a new shiny idea grabs my attention, but i do think i'll end up finishing most if not all of them off eventually! once i've invested enough time/words into a wip, i feel way more motivated to finish it so i'm not 'wasting' my efforts.
what are your writing strengths?
i feel most confident when i'm writing dialogue over anything else. writing conversation–heavy scenes or just straight up porn is when i overthink the least lmaoo
what are your writing weaknesses?
oh god, definitely having to spell out what's going on in a character's mind. like, i know what they're thinking as i'm writing out scenes; i can feel their emotions and all. i just have such a hard time putting it into words in a way that doesn't feel too obvious/overstated, if that makes sense. i very much prefer to show rather than tell their emotions, but sometimes it's hard to get that right, and i agonize over solo scenes the most, when i can't show what a character is feeling by way of verbal conversation with another character.
thoughts on dialogue in another language?
no specific opinion! sometimes it's cool to read/write, mostly i don't really have an opinion one way or another :-)
first fandom you wrote in?
lmfaooo i'm pretty sure it was either for olddd youtube ships or frerard ngl. not sure which came first bc i wrote so much at once
favorite fic you've written?
you're a dog (i'm your man) has been such a labour of love for me because i care so much about doing it justice :') so maybe that one, but if unfinished fics don't count, i actually wrote breathe me in (exhale slow) in one rushed four–ish hour sitting and was kinda neutral on it until i got a completely unexpected burst of kind and beautifully worded responses, and then i felt a tiny bit proud <3
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weirdworldofwinnie · 1 year
* Welcome *
I'm Winnie (she/her) and this is my main blog where all my original posts and likes will be, more all-encompassing for reflecting all of my interests (art, photography, science, space, nature, animals, etc.) along with fandoms and actors, especially Cillian Murphy.
Side blogs (inactive):
Stranger Things @ Hey Kiddo (tumblr.com)
Cillian Murphy @ Cilly-Oppie (tumblr.com)
*Fanfiction Masterlist*
Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer x reader:
Heat of the Moment - One Night Passion
A Darling Distraction
Oasis in a Desperate Land of Dark Desire (ongoing series on pause)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Dr. Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow x reader (Batman)
Face Me (oneshot)
Jonathan Breech x reader (On the Edge, 2001)
A Safe Way Out (oneshot)
*Important Note: All of my fics are strictly intended for 18+ (minors do not interact) and female readers only! I also try to keep the fem!reader character as general in physical description as possible; I will never specify a certain skin color or body type (unless it's absolutely crucial to the story) because I do not want to exclude anyone and I want you to imagine yourself as much as possible! And lastly, my fics are not completely historically accurate or 100% reflective of any real people (including actors), living or dead. For entertainment purposes only*
I also won't write about Cillian personally as himself out of respect for his privacy and family (and he is a currently living person). And I don't take currently requests and please know I do not allow anonymous asks.
Thank you for stopping by and reading! 😊
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