#I'm cooked 💀
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pinkbarbiebandaids · 1 year ago
10, 100% I am not making it lmao. My latest WIP was either about Resident Evil or Stranger Things and I'm cooked either way frfr, for ST I might make it through season one, but I'm also clumsy as hell so I might catch the Demogorgons attention immediately, and RE? I'm not making it out my first game fr 😭
you are personally and directly hit by a bus¹ and isekai-ed, via resurrection, into the body of the main character your most recent WIP
reblog and tell me: on a scale of 1–10, how screwed are you right now?
¹ this is, transparently, a plot device, so if you are about to tell me "joke's on you, I never leave my fifteenth floor apartment!" then you may rest assured it will have tremendous comedic value when the bus is launched into the sky and crashes through your apartment wall to flatten you anyway
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floridazcrazy · 10 months ago
You know your diss good if it's trending on flipping TUMBLR
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threbe · 3 months ago
W.i.t.c.h. 2023 reboot v2
Just some thoughts I had on this I want to get out real quick after reading it
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So I didn't know till last night that this reboot was out
So I read the new reboot volume 2
Before I get started I want to make it clear I have nothing against the people who worked on and made this reboot I can tell they put a lot of passion into it
I read it and I have a few things to say
First will she doesn't seem that much different than how she was in the original comic I kind of like that she's somewhat the same , there are some things I wish that they had kept the same like how the girls even though they had certain elements were into different activities and I'm going to get into that more when I get to Irma but when it comes to will it just doesn't really feel like she has much to do outside of worrying about the other girls and making her Mom worry and now it seems they have her falling for this new character who's heart is the heart of kandracar
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She not with Matt and will be with this Arthur dude 🫤
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This feels like one of my au fix where I'm shipping a character from another fictional media with an OC I've made like this is what this is giving with this Arthur character I know I can't talk cuz like I said I'm making an au where I'm shipping a character from a mango with an OC but this just feels like someone saw a hot K-pop idol and thought yeah we'll be good with them I don't know if this will actually be a thing but it feel like it's kind of hinted at and that will probably see more when we get volume three if he's in it
In the heartbeat he's
this feels like some deeper lore related BS and I really pray that doesn't mean we're getting more books from this series
I know we have one more that's coming out possibly next year I heard a rumor maybe one more after that but we do not need any more of these books if you like these that's fine if someone you know like these that's fine but I'm begging this fandom please don't buy these books again I want to make it clear I don't have anything against anyone who worked on these books but this reboot is just so hard to get through and I know people are probably going well don't
read it but I've been waiting for something related to this show and comic to come back for forever as has everyone else and I feel like this reboot just isn't the thing we needed I would have preferred if they made a new coloring book or something at this point that would be interested me more and I don't even lke coloring honestly wish they had just made like some special edition comics that sent her around holidays or something like they used to where we got to see the girls and their families and friends again doing holiday stuff that would have been more interesting like I said I get people worked on this and put passion into it but I just don't feel like this is something anyone really wanted especially after the reactions I remember seeing last year I have not really even seen anyone talk about this new reboot volume two I literally didn't know that this had been out for a month or more so yesterday cuz I saw a few people on Reddit talking about they didn't know it was out
Why this Arthur do kind of reminds me of Cedric and season 1 where he was getting close to Elyon and it seems he's getting close to Will and it's going to lead to some bigger reveal or something but I don't know
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and like what the first one is just I can't get past a lot of the things that are so different and I get that this is made for a newer generation I get the feeling that I'm feeling with a lot of the teen Titans comic fans felt when teen Titans 2003 cartoon came out and then we got teen Titans Go and everybody hated it
I feel like with the fandom for w.i.t.c.h it's about 50/50 maybe or it's just a lot of mixed feelings one thing I will not get over though is how they drastically trained tarrane personality saying what Cornelius of all people
And the whitewashing of darker skin characters from the original comic I get this as a reboot but we did not need to change everybody so many things about the characters it could have still had better similarities even the she r reboot which has a lot of things people do and don't like felt like it had closer similarities with the original She ra show then I'm feeling with this reboot
I'm getting that usual feeling I get when I see reboots of certain things where it's like someone wants to make something original but there are people who have IPS that aren't in use and they just throw them OIP and tell them to work on this show and have them just add the wrong touches to it from the original story they wanted to pitch and that's really what this feels like this was like this could have been another magical girl series like an original magical girl series but instead someone at Disney instead of giving someone a chance to make something original that stood out as an original magical show kind of like owl House or amphibia
They gave us a reboot that feels more like an original idea that's just using and changing characters we knew to fit the story they want to make again I know I keep saying this but I really don't have anything against these people maybe they really did want to work on w.i.t.c.h.
I don't know this is just what it gives to me when it comes to that when I see reboots especially when it's linked to Disney
Sorry for going off on like a side attention about all this I'm going to try to talk more about the other
They're trying to have it where they're trying to relate to kids or whoever who's reading this with Haley and she feels out a place since she's wants to be a part of her original culture but loves being in Heatherfield but I truly miss how we got to see you quirky fun and bubbly girl who liked sewing designing and painting and drawing
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When it comes to Irma I don't like anything they've done with her she's not as funny and quirky and sassy as she used to be they have her on the swim team it seems like for a minute since her power is water
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but I really did like that the girls in the original comic and a show had different interests unrelated to their powers will was the one doing swimming and wanted to go to the Olympics, hey lin, like aliens had different unique styles she did fashion or drawing painting designing in so many creative things, tarane wasn't a dancing studying and had confidence in herself which I do not see in this version they completely took her personality away she only wears black and gray in this comic I don't even remember of her brother was mentioned that all in this series but Cornelia has two sisters for no reason okay 🙄
And speaking of Cornelia her running to write reminds me of how in volume 50 of the original comic they had will become a writer and write a story about their magical adventures is the same energy I swear
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But them having her not being sure of herself or knowing what she wants to do, Cornelia was always such a confident character sure she came off as a bit mean but you grew to love her over time reading the original comic
her parents being divorced I guess they're trying to relate to kids who have divorced parents or parents who aren't together but honestly don't think we actually needed this in the story at all like kids who have some kids even myself whose parents aren't together I never mind it seeing families and media that were together it never made me feel sad or any other people I knew they actually like seeing whole families together that's why a lot of us really likes growing up watching certain shows where the
family was all together and stuff because it gave us hope for the future when we had families going yeah I can make a family that's together again I get there trying to relate to kids who are going through this and probably have siblings on top of it and going back and forth between two parents I had to go through that myself where it was mandated that I had to go to my dad on the weekends and all
summer and it was real hard for me back then I get there trying to relate to kids with that but this kind of just feels like that's the only thing we're getting with Cornelia is that she's unsure of herself and she just has issues because her parents are divorced and she stuck with siblings it doesn't feel like they're really giving her a personality or anything to focus on
At least with tarrane and Irma in this reboot you can see the things they're struggling with kind of I guess tarrane afraid of losing control of the fire magic or whatever it seems and Irma's interested in a boy is better than nothing and at least even from haylin you see that she misses her grandma and it feels stuck between two cultures again I get that they're trying to relate to people but I do wish they had kept more things from the original comic when it came to these characters personalities or at least try to give them better things linked to it I get maybe Disney told them to steer clear of referencing too many things related to the original so they wouldn't have issues or whatever I don't know maybe the original creators are still trying to fight to get the original comic back from Disney for all I know and maybe that's why they did this reboot to show that they could do their own version but it feels like also if I think about it it feels like Disney saw that winx was getting like a Jillian reboots left and right and then they remembered how back in the day kids would compete or compare the shows and talk about what show was their favorite and which one they stand with cuz I remember those days in school where me and my friends will argue back and forth over the shows and maybe that's what they thought would happen with this newer reboot that it would be a comparison between them and maybe they would win this time I don't know that's just me guessing I don't think that's the case I don't think Disney that petty or maybe they are 🤣
There are just so many changes oh and let's not forget the biggest change
Kandracar is gone in this it seems that the girls have these emotional portal worlds or whatever these are that they go to now to communicate with their powers I don't know if things are real or fake or if we'll see him again I don't know it just feels like I know we're only getting three volumes as of right now but this feels like there's a lot more lower that needs to be built and we would need maybe 4 more books for that
And that's kind of also my fear is that I really don't want any more comics after the third one that we were told we were getting like for years I've hoped for a reboot that will continue where the comic left off like I said with maybe some holiday specials or something or showing the girls a few years older in high school cuz they were in their final few years of high school I think they were getting to I don't really remember that's what it felt like to me I swear we saw the school year beginning in several times in the original comic even after the writing started to get really poor towards the final stretches of the comic where it felt like it was lessons of the week instead of having full arcs we were following with different villains and different characters and different worlds we saw them start school and in school again I believe or maybe they were going back and forth on breaks cuz I'm like where I live when I was in school we didn't get like fall break and stuff I remember my friend told me he wanted she transferred to a different School outside the city they have fall break and I had never heard of that before and they had other types of breaks as well where I lived you went to school hail rain fire or snow if you got a break it was Thanksgiving Christmas and spring break and that was it
So maybe in the original comic I'm confusing all the different breaks they had with them going back and forth with school
Sorry I know at this point it just sounds like I'm yapping but I'm just sitting here thinking back on the comic and wishing we could have gotten a bit more from that or maybe them just giving us a season 3 for the show like if they were promoting these comics to maybe give us a season 3 for the show then yeah I would be all in support of buying these even if I'm not really much of a fan of how these reboot comics go I guess if you want to collect these to just have them with the rest of the series or whatever the other that's cool but a lot of the choices in these are just so different it just feels too different and again I know I said earlier in my post this kind of feels like what happened with teen Titans versus the teen Titans comics that originally came out and then we ended up getting teen Titans Go and everybody hated that
And like also said the fandom when it comes to this comic seems about 50/50 some like it some just start like myself aren't really sure and just don't like it and I'm just really wish we could have got something related to the original
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crispycreambacon · 9 months ago
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— Love Soldier, I Want Closure —
One day, the Professor realized they have feelings for Ryan Bergara. They weren’t the kind he was craving for though.
SURPRISE!!! Yeah it’s the Ryan x Professor (aka Beefbuds) fic that I’ve been “hinting” at since last month. I was actually gonna rewrite segments of it, but then I noticed that
If I published the fic now, this fic will be the 69th fic in the Puppet History AO3 tag. Hehe, nice.
Today is Aromantic Visibility Day! Aka the most “funny on the surface level but actually extremely fitting once you read it” day I can publish this fic
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Besides I cooked with this fic. It needs no further editing (/hyperbole), so if you wanna read a Puppet History fic that includes
A one-sided but genuine exploration of the Ryan/Professor ship that isn't just crack or sexy times
The Professor screaming and crying and throwing up
Detailed descriptions depicting Ryan's ribosome rizz (do not look up what ribosome is)
Wholesome family bonding with both his dino parents and Shane Madej
Aromanticism. That's it that's the line.
Then this fic is for you. Support your local aroace today and support aro people forever or else. Anyways have a good day! ^^
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purpurussy · 17 days ago
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screamingcrows · 1 month ago
how many rounds can dottore go before he’s trembling and shooting blanks at your mercy? does he still want you to continue— voice catching when you go to pull yourself away and he can’t help but reach for you despite the clamminess of his palms. so desperate to pull you back, to not lose the warmth that’s wrapping around him and the pleasure that’s trembling beneath his skin that only you can pull out of him! ^^; i’m just curious heh heh 🌸
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I want to answer this. I really truly do. My brain won't let me. It short circuits every time I get to 'voice catching'. Literally can't deal with it. AHDKJGHSDGKSJADGKJASDJGHASKGHAKGJSDDGSHAKJSG /pos
I don't think I've ever gotten this flustered, not visibly at least. Usually it's contained to my mind being "oh ho that's nice". But this?? This had me staring with such desperation into my computer - and for such a long time - that my partner came over to ask if I was okay because apparently I'd ignored his last four questions. It's at times like these that I'm thankful for my aphantasia, I think it would straight up kill me if I could visualise this.
Vana. I'm coming for you 🫵 /lh
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fire-gift · 2 years ago
thank fuck that this page managed to find all the songs that play in the background in some scenes of interview with the vampire! I made a youtube playlist!!
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storytellering · 15 days ago
I am so grateful for your existence. Nobody does Morston like you
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🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much anon, that's so sweet! I wouldn't necessarily say I'm the only one (or even the best out of those out there), but I really do appreciate the sentiment a lot, haha. 🫶💕
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radaverse · 11 months ago
Do you ever feel EXTREMELY self conscious about your own work or something 💀
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artist moment
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nobodys-saviour · 1 month ago
no actually i dont understand a thing about walten files i just like watching them silly people do silly things. like child endangerment. and murder
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v3joker · 6 months ago
alfonse... 💀
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givehimthemedicine · 10 months ago
just had a horrifying family lore conversation with my grandmother and now I need to ask: did your family have an official barf bowl for when you were too sick to get out of bed in time?
if it was a bowl/pot from the kitchen, did it return to active use in the kitchen once washed?
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 5 months ago
I have so many drawing ideas for Poll and Tequilla but alas. My hands don't want to work with me.
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momentomori24 · 2 months ago
Literally just woke up to my cuboard having collapsed over my head. Didn't even wake up due to the impact, I think. Just to my sister coming into my room with both the cuboard and books, boxes and stuff on the floor and were my head was resting because she heard the crash a room over.
I have a bit of a headache right now, but otherwise I think I'm fine. Tho I don't know what's funnier: us having gotten someone to fix that thing literally less than a week ago and it already collapsing or the fact that said collapse couldn't even wake me up despite very likely having hit me and trashed my tiny room. Hurray to being alive, but what the fuck.
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pandoa · 8 months ago
feeling like epel felmier rn trying to unwillingly learn a dance in the name of friendship with zero experience in pop dance and a stiff, not good for dancing body as i suffer in the summer heat all because i am not shakira and these hips were not made for dancing i fear
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welivefast-dieyoung · 1 year ago
Callum! Get behind me! They tryna eat you up on the bird app 😭
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