#I'm being so serious right now I genuinely can't believe that's what that person meant
running-in-the-dark · 7 months
okay I need to know this now. can't stop thinking about it (haha....) since I read that post.
so. you're supposed to just be able to stop thinking about things?? whenever you want? like. anything? even the really bad things? just. decide to not think about it anymore/at that moment/whatever??
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wrioluvr · 4 months
coming out to + confessing to belobog men. ⋆⋅♡⋅⋆
note: wanted to try my hand at writing more cute stuff <3 also there are like ZERO posts in the luka x male reader tag my baby deserves more. happy pride my beloved readers!!! i wrote this like 6 months ago and coincidentally just picked it back up in time for june! i don't even play hsr anymore... crying emoji content: male reader, fluff. luka, sampo, gepard
sampo (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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would 100% know before you even told him
"hey, [name]! heard you got something to tell me, don't worry, your good pal sampo's all ears."
"sampo... uh.....i like... guys...."
"oh, is that it? i thought it was obvious..."
"i meant- thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. your secret's safe with me, hehe." placing his hand over his heart in a dramatic gesture, he promises sincerely. despite his initial reaction, he really is touched. not many people trust him, so your willingness to share something so personal made him feel special.
"oh, and one more thing....."
"what is it? you got a secret boyfriend you didn't tell me about?" he asks teasingly, not expecting the bomb you're about to drop on him.
"...i like you."
his eyes go wide. "now that's a surprise."
even though he'd scam people without a second thought, some calling him cruel, he can't bring himself to be indifferent to you. here you were, pouring your heart out, with such a nervous expression on your face, how could he maintain his usual sly demeanour? in all seriousness, he knows he's a bit scummy, so he would be a bit hesitant about getting into a relationship for your sake. he's always running about, chased by the authorities, he doesn't want you to be involved into all that. but if you're willing to accept him and his slippery ways, he'll be sure to put an equal amount of effort. he hates owing favours, after all.
"oh, how could i refuse such a an enticing offer? of course i'll be your boyfriend, [name]." he can't help the grin that appears on his face at your expression, simultaneously shocked and overjoyed. "seriously, you're too precious.... c'mon, let's go on a date!" throwing an arm around you, he squeezes your shoulder excitedly.
"wha- like right now?? and you accepted my confession just like that???" you're at loss of words as he drags you along to who knows where.
"what are you waiting for? let's go, pal! wait- should i call you pal now that we're dating? how about buddy? hmm... still too friendly. how do you feel about sweetheart?"
every time he appears at your door, giving you a sheepish grin as he explains how he needs to lay low for a bit, it always comes with a kiss, or several, along with a heart-shaped box of your favourite chocolates. he might go missing for a few days at a time on "business" (probably some illegal trading), but he always makes sure to update you on his whereabouts so you don't worry, sending a bunch of heart pom-pom stickers to let you know he misses you. if anyone were to ever make some snide comments about your sexuality, his first instinct would be to drop every job he's doing and comfort you, followed by using his various contacts to deal with that person swiftly. natasha and seele can't believe he actually got someone to like him, much less get into a serious relationship, but nevertheless, they make sure to look out for you to ensure he doesn't break your heart. he vows not to ever hurt you though, it's the last thing he'd ever want. his promises are often fickle with his clients, but with you, they're always sincere.
luka (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭
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would definitely being overenthusiastic about being an ally
"[name], hey! you wanted to tell me something? i hope it's about training with me...."
"sorry, luka, it's not about that.... i.... i just wanted to let you know that i'm gay."
"oh! like seele and bronya!"
"i mean- i guess....?" your nervousness was immediately replaced by a comical surprise at his response, you had to suppress your laughter. he was so genuine, it was endearing.
"don't worry! if any thugs give you shit for it, just tell me. i'll deal with them right away... i've been itching for a fight anyway." he immediately gets into a fighting stance, throwing a few punches in the air to get his point across. he ended his little show with a wink, causing your stomach to fill with butterflies. you decided to tell him then and there.
"and uh, luka. i like you."
"aw, thanks! i like you too. you're a great friend, [name]."
"like, in the romantic way..."
"that works too! that way, i can protect you easier." without missing a beat, he flashes you a grin and a thumbs up, seemingly unfazed by your sudden confession. but the slight dust of red on his cheeks let you know your words did have an effect.
"wait... you know this means we'll be boyfriends?" your head's reeling at how easily he accepted your feelings. did this man really not think about anything but training and beating up thugs??? not that you were complaining, his drive was one of his charming points, but still.
"yeah, i don't mind. with someone like you by my side, i'm sure i could take on any enemy. thank you for giving me this opportunity."
even though he puts on a strong front, secretly, he's deathly afraid of becoming a burden, especially to you. one of his favourite pastimes is training and working out with you, or he'd be content for you to just watch him train and cheer for him as well. as long as he has the reassurance that you know he's getting stronger, allowing him to shield you from the dangers of the underworld. if he ever gets injured, a simple persuasion won't work, you'll have to physically hold him in place so that you can treat his cuts and bruises - no matter how much he protests and insists he's fine, he does appreciate it. a lot. he enjoys the little things, the way you run your fingers along the cool metal of his arm as you ramble about your day, or the enthusiastic whoop you give every time he knocks an opponent out at the fight club, or the scent of the freshly cleaned towel you bring him to dry his sweat. you help him realise that there's time to relax, his self-imposed training schedule being so intense and demanding. getting him to not be so hard on himself would be a treat. if you ever get derogatory comments about your sexuality... trust, he'll personally teach them a lesson, and ask natasha not to treat them once he's done. after all, you give him another reason to continue training to be the strongest. he has to be there for you.
gepard ( •̀ - •́ )
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dense cutie... wouldn't get your hints until you told him explicitly
"my apologies for being late, [name]... you had something you wanted to tell me?"
"no problem, gepard... i just wanted to tell you that-" taking a deep breath, you prepare youself for his reaction. "-i like guys."
"oh? me too, i'm quite fond of the guards under my care."
"i mean that i'm gay..."
"oh, that's what you meant. are you telling me this because you've faced some form of discrimination lately? don't worry, belobog has strict laws in place to prevent-"
"no, gepard- i'm telling this because i like you..."
congratulations, you've courted the sweetest man in all of belobog! initially, he was slightly worried that your newfound relationship would interfere with his duties as protector of the people, but much to his surprise, making time for you is easy. or more so, it's because you always make the effort to stop by whenever he's out patrolling, so you end up spending a lot of time together anyway. his face might get red when you blow him a kiss behind the rest of the silvermane guards' backs, but he always makes sure to let you know how much he appreciates your guidance. he's a little self-conscious about his lack of romantic experience, so be gentle with him! don't tease him too much. while he is fully devoted to his duty, he's not above slipping away for a few minutes when you text him to meet in a back alley, to gift him some flowers you may or may not have stolen from belobog's florist. the next day, he would return the favour by holding out a bunch of your favourite flowers, home grown (an attempt was made) in his very own garden. hey, even if they're slightly wilted, it's the thought that counts, right? don't look at him with that affectionate gaze! he's embarrassed. it would be quite funny if you had criminal tendencies, gepard would be absolutely torn between lecturing you and turning a blind eye simply because his lovely boyfriend had made lunch for him earlier in the day. especially if you're friends with sampo, the little shit would threaten to snitch to you everytime gepard almost catches him. or.... perhaps.... he let you off the hook because of that one time you pinned him against some alley wall (when he was supposed to be patrolling! blasphemous.) and kissed him so hard his legs gave out. you've become one of his weaknesses, but he doesn't mind it. at all.
pic credits to dailysampo, dailygepard and dailylukaa on twt!
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Vikings preference: your friend hits on you and gets aggressive
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Ragnar Feels genuinely hurt because he thought he could trust your friend. Whenever Ragnar went away, he'd ask your friend to keep an eye on you and generally make sure you're safe and sound. Makes veiled threats and passive-aggressive jokes at first, hoping that he can both force a boundary and not sour any relationships but his humour is gone when he realizes that your friend is not keen on taking no as an answer. If you raise your concern about "safety vs. keeping a friend", Ragnar makes a sarcastic comment about your sentiment - because a guy who forced himself on you is such a great friend to keep, right?
Gives you a knife to keep on you at all times. If you have the guts, and such an occasion arises, to stab the man once he gets physical with you, Ragnar will have your back no matter what. Also, low-key thrilled. But if you don't end up fighting your own battles, he'll gladly do it for you. Not an ounce of regret on his face during or after.
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Bjorn Pretty direct. Makes plausible threats and will fulfil them. Terrifyingly calm and collected for the most part. He's angry but also disappointed that someone you considered a friend could repay your kindness and affection in such a way.
If you tell Bjorn that you're unsure what to do because you want to keep your friend or you think that he's overdoing things, he might get short with you but it's not out of malice. He's worried that if you don't see your male friend for the lying snake that he is, you might get even more hurt and that possibility enrages him so much he doesn't entertain that thought longer than necessary.
Bjorn is definitely the type to make his revenge somewhat public. Not only will that make others keep their distance from you but it will also earn him respect among other men - he takes his husbandly duties seriously. Whether your "friend" lives or dies is entirely up to them and how callous they have been with you. Whether he meant to or not, Bjorn causes people to look away from you when you're walking through the town. No one wants to risk getting your friend's treatment.
After that, Bjorn will never trust any man who tries to be your friend or claims to be one.
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Ubbe Tries to be the bigger person at first and has a stern word with your friend. Ubbe is probably the only one to seriously take your word/assurance that there's nothing to get worked up about. He will also wait relatively the longest before getting seriously involved - not because he doesn't care, it's quite the contrary. He doesn't want to impose on your independence, so even if he's uncomfortable with the situation but you keep saying "I've got this", he will keep to himself although will voice his concerns (and will refuse to leave you alone at any place or time). When things become serious and the man starts to get physical, Ubbe will make it clear that from now on he's more concerned about your well-being than your freedom: "I'm sorry for disregarding your wishes but I can't sit and watch you get hurt". Believes to be responsible for your safety as your husband.
Ubbe is the type of person who will seek your friend out on his own and resolve the issue right then and there. He goes to the other man's house one night and leaves it only when an agreement is reached - doesn't matter how far he has to go to ensure that. Ubbe's not afraid to get his hands dirty for the right reasons.
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Hvitserk Also hurt because he was actually getting along well with the other man. Hvitserk will ask about your perspective and wishes but if your safety is compromised, he won't make them a priority. At first, he's trying to get you out of harm's way, so you're leaving your house only if he's by your side. But once he learns that your supposed friend forced his way into your home and put his hands on you, Hvitserk is determined to take things into his own hands. He won't seek out your friend on his own but rather wait for an opportunity to arise; doesn't start the fight but surely will end it. The next time another unwanted advances are made towards you, Hvitserk has an axe in his hand and this time, he's the one who doesn't take no for an answer.
If you ever befriend another man after that, Hvitserk will tolerate him but never let go of any suspicions. Also, might tell the story of your previous "admirer" to scare your new friend into behaving properly.
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Sigurd The most probable to get into a brawl right away. At first, he feels quite self-conscious seeing another man flirting with you but when the man in question starts to become aggressive, Sigurd coins his insecurity into hostility, effectively picking a fight. After what seems like lakes of blood and an entire concert of bones breaking, the brawl ends. Sigurd looks like he's been through Hell and still that's a lot better than your friend, who would be pronounced dead if it wasn't for the sporadic raise of his chest as he tries to take in a ragged breath. Sigurd will also voice his anger as he's caving in the other man's skull ("Was it fun when you grabbed her? Enjoying a little manhandling, eh? I'm happy to provide").
Gains respect in his brothers' eyes but none of them quite wants to admit it.
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Ivar He would also feel self-conscious at first. Considers your friend's bold behaviour an assault on his masculinity ("You think I'm not man enough and therefore think you have any right to bother my wife"). Not surprised in the slightest. Hated the guy's guts from the very beginning and made it obvious. Might actually say the dreaded "told you so".
Because he perceives your friend's aggression as somewhat personal, Ivar is driven to go quite far in order to make the punishment fit for the crime. Not only does he do it for your sake but also to make sure that everyone knows just how much of a true Viking is inside him. Some say that "silence is golden", so if your friend decides to use less-than-savoury language towards you, he might end up with his throat filled with liquid gold to ensure no more offence leaves his mouth. Similarly, he's going to suffer the "equivalents" for whatever other thing he's done. He grips your hand so hard there's a bruise? Ivar will wrap his hand with a chain and slowly tighten it until all the bones crack and the wrist is literally torn away from the forearm. But no matter what he does, in the end he still feels like it doesn't quite make up for your friend's wrongdoings.
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So if your looking at things from Jess' pov his mom just kicked him out to live with his uncle he barely knows, he has a lady he's just meeting for the first time talking to him about how she knows what he's going through and to him it feels condescending even if it wasn't meant that way by Lorelai. He doesn't want to be in Stars Hollow initially so he starts acting out to test how quickly he could get sent back such as stealing garden noms...etc, then he meets a girl who shares the same interests as him and the only person in town so far that doesn't automatically treat him like a preconceived opinion about him and she makes him feel comfortable so he proceed to impress his crush with writing notes in her book margins (that says I want you to know me) and pulls pranks that would make her laugh to then learn she has a boyfriend and learn that he is beloved by her mother that loathes him.
Dean does all the "perfect boyfriend things" while being a possessive, explosive, and an emotionally abusive control freak. Jess only wants to then spend more time with her, but the whole town already thinks he is trouble because of the reputation he set for himself.
He gets into a car accident with Rory and people then act like he's the spawn of Satan. He becomes so anxious and feels so bad after the accident that he leaves town because he doesn't want to cause Rory any harm or get harm from the weirdo townies. When she comes for him in New York he gets this burst of hope in him which is why he decides to move back for the possibility of being with Rory.
After Rory kissed him the first time he was so gone for her and in that moment that was all he wanted. He genuinely thought she was going to break up with Dean and choose to be with him, but when she didn't and left instead (my boy who already has deep abandonment wounds) is hurt because she didn't outright choose him and left. He then was alone without the one person in that town that he wanted to be around and so he met Shane who didn't want anything serious so it was a perfect way to try to mask his pain with her. He mysteriously gets a car, and people are going nuts thinking he stole it, and he's thinking I can't even get a second job without people thinking I'm a criminal, and I can't get a second job without people accusing me of being a drug dealer or a stripper.
Once him and Rory get together he is so happy he doesn't want to mess it up with her and he gets nervous because he wants everything to go right. She's the one he's been waiting for and now he has her. Then her ex boyfriend starts stalking and harassing him in secret and he feels like he can't do anything about it, and can't even tell his girlfriend about it because he thinks she won't believe her if he told her, so he bottles it up. When he gets attacked by the swan and she thought he got in a fight with Dean and didn't believe him it really hurt him. (I don't blame Rory for this she had no way of knowing and Dean was being manipulative with his "nice guy" and shitty behaviors but it still hurt Jess none the less.) After that he begins to put up his walls again.
When he realizes he's been messing up after not calling he then starts trying to do better and set dates and plans to be with her. All he wants to do is make her happy at this point. Then he gets the news that he's not graduating and in that moment it feels like everything everyone had always said about him came true, he felt like a failure and knowing that he wasn't going to be able to keep his promise to Rory that he would take her to prom crushed him. He wanted so badly to be there for her and do all the boyfriend things and he was so afraid of telling her he wasn't graduating and so upset he couldn't keep his promise to her. His smart girlfriend was getting into an ivy league school and he wasn't even going to graduate highschool and the thought of telling her that was horrible to him.
He could feel he was losing her and he thought once he told her that it would be over, and ended up messing things up with her anyways. He felt like he was doing her a favor by leaving because he figured she would want him gone. He didn't think she would want him to stay, even though that's all she wanted. He was battling his demons alone and was used to everyone shipping him off when he messed up that he thought he was doing her a favor by leaving after he messed up so bad.
His father that left him as a baby showed up in his life for the first time and he didn't know how to handle that. Once Luke kicked him out he ran to his dad that left him because crashing on his couch or floor was better than staying with his neglectful deadbeat mother.
He finds out his uncle was hiding his car from him and felt double betrayed he was already feeling abandoned yet again after Luke kicked him out to then find out he took something he worked so hard to get from him he was more betrayed. He comes back to Stars Hollow to get his car and everyone still wants him gone. Luke tells Jess to stay away from Rory so he proceeds trying to avoid her while he is there and he knows how badly he messed up with her and he wants to talk to her but when he sees her at the firelight festival he wants to explain to her but she is still so mad and all he could get out was that he loves her. He just wanted her to know he then leaves because he doesn't expect her to say anything he just wanted her to know. Jess is deeply hurting at this point inside and his pain is at it's peak. He just keeps digging a deeper whole and doesn't know how to fix it at this point.
Luke convinces Jess to go to his neglectful mother's wedding and goes to a bachelor party where he is assaulted by his stepdad to be at a bar and he naturally goes into defense mode. He was so used to his other abusive step dad's that he was constantly in defense mode and fought back. He goes to his mother's wedding anyways and walks her down the isle despite everything his mom put him through. Luke gives him the self help book that he had been reading, and Jess reads it and tries to better himself as well, meanwhile Lorelai scoffs to Luke about it. (I love Lorelai but that was extremely uncalled for by her and it just makes me think no matter what he does or how better he becomes he will always resent him, and it just makes no sense that she has this one sided grudge with a kid that was deeply in pain.) He makes up with Luke and thanks him for everything he did for him, and then he goes to try to apologize and tell Rory how he feels, but then he sees Dean there and he is thrown off and he just wants to make things right so in the spur of the moment he asks her to leave with him because he just wants to fix what they had. (He wasn't thinking rationally, but he meant it when he said she could count on him now and so he went out and turned his life around and made something for himself and came back to show her how much she could count him now even if it meant as a friend. He would still be there for her and he showed her that he could be the person she always knew he was. He still didn't expect anything from her he just wanted to show her his book, and let her know he couldn't have done it without her.)
He was so badly traumatized while him and Rory were together and it couldn't have possibly worked out at that time. He was battling so much pain internally, and everyone in that town was against him and actively hating him 😭 and I just feel for what he was going through, and I'm just so proud of who he turned out to be. I'm not sure what this rant was anymore but I'm just thinking about Jess' perspective and his pain right now. He was in so much pain while him and Rory were together and he didn't know how to properly express that or tell her that, and I just want to hug him and I'm so proud of him for how far he came and how much he overcame his pain and trauma and ugh I just feel so much right now. (Also I had a lot of coffee today and my autistic/ADHD brain is just going with thoughts right now.)
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I gotta get this off my chest. Am I the only woman who didn't like it? Really???
Here's a spoiler (rant) review, (not) sorry
To start off with, I really appreciate the effort into set design, fashion, music, choreography, casting, all the historical barbie references, how important barbie is to many girls, the nostalgia, HOWEVER....
'It's not meant to be taken seriously!!' The movie preaches about patriarchy and feminism, they literally go to the real world and interact with these real concepts, we are made to sit through feminist speeches about women who hate themselves, how are we not meant to take that seriously?
Fucking hell, I was being whammed on the head with a sledgehammer, the plot can literally be summarised with 'taking down the patriarchy'. And that itself isn't the bad thing, it's how they framed it -
Because just when that plot concept itself became clear, as if I was entirely stupid and needed to be reinformed, they then had several feminist quips and jokes (which can be summarised as 'haha look how women don't have any power in our US centric world view!') and speeches (used as actual plot devices to un-brainwash the barbies once the kens took over) wherein if I was a woman who already fucking hated myself and had no self esteem and hadn't seen any other movie in my life, I would've loved. While I understand many women hate themselves, the fact that there are women who don't hate themselves wasn't acknowledged at all when 'women' is used as a general term.
So guess I'm counted out.
There are scenes where the Ken dolls start enjoying stereotypically guy things like 'watching the godfather' and 'liking trucks' and 'having beers' and putting flatscreen TVs everywhere, and they are also even apparently mansplaining to the barbies. It's portrayed in such a silly way that suggests there is something cringe in real men genuinely liking any of those things. Yes, Ken is silly, but you are now incorporating real things.
I was confused the entire time - what is this supposed to be? A fun silly movie? THEN WHY ARE YOU PREACHING AT ME? WHY. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. DOES BARBIE SEE THE HORRIBLE REAL WORLD AND GO 'yes please I want to be there and find myself'
I'm sorry, what? You literally just established that ken's only role was to be Ken to barbie, and that he had to be himself, but you're saying barbie can't do any of that from barbie land just because she doesn't have a 'role'? THE MAN WHO DID NOT HAVE ANY ROLE EXCEPT TO BE A BARBIE SIMP GOT TO STAY BUT BARBIE BARBIE HAD TO BECOME REAL?
oh yeah and the whole 'become human and feel but also you'll just die at the end' because thanks yeah that's what we all believe right, that death is the end of everything but the pitiful excuse of our lives and ~~~~feelings~~~ makes it worthwhile? You can just tell an existential person wrote this
But also there were the weird metaphysical elements with the literal ghost of the creator of barbie being referred to as 'creator' and that she 'can't control you' so yeah, that perfectly sums up the fucked up theology and how humanity really fucking likes to think of themselves as gods.
'Mustard you're taking this way too seriously!! It's a fun silly movie about pink and clothes and dolls!' THEN WHY WASNT I ALLOWED TO ENJOY IT WITHOUT WATCHING BARBIE BECOME SOME RANDOM HUMAN WOMAN IN THE CHEESIEST FUCKING SEQUENCE???? She wasn't even allowed to be 'my' doll anymore!
'But barbie shouldn't only exist to be yours!' SHE IS A DOLL THAT IS HER PURPOSE
'But barbie never got to choose ken' - she's also a doll (Aka, not real, despite what the movie portrays). She has like, 200 careers. Having a hot boyfriend is not a serious problem. Barbie actually LIKES ken in other Barbie movies, and why would their theoretical doll relationship even exist if she didn't like him? (If you say heteronormativity I will bite you.)
His existential crisis was the problem that led to Kendom, but they did not spend an awful lot of time on his character for that. Barbie is allowed to sledgehammer home the points about women's self esteem and needing being perfect, but you LITERALLY HAVE KEN DOLLS RIGHT THERE being toned and sexy and hot, AND THEY DIDNT GIVE ANY LIP SERVICE TO THAT IN RELATION TO REAL MEN. EVEN ONE LINE. the closest they come is 'you're ken, not 'and ken'. Uhh thanks? If I based my feminism on this (which some people already are) then I wouldn't think men have ANY problems being human beings.
Barbie and Ken don't even end up together! It's not even that, but that they separate them so that they can NEVER be together and maybe I don't know, LEARN to love each other?? Clearly some of the other barbies were still attached to kens after they stopped being brainwashed. Why couldn't our barbie?
So the other problem is the heavy marketing of ken's feelings for barbie (complete with music video) made it seem like a romance. It was not a romance. And I felt like an idiot for expecting a little romance.
It swings from wildly silly to heavy concepts and back within seconds.
'But it's about forced heteronormativity' and 'amatonormativity' *BITES YOU BITES YOU BITES YOU* so it's NOT just a silly movie then? Huh?
That's its real problem.
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
What about a very spicy one with Brat Tamer/JM x Brat/Reader where he is her Dance Teacher. Jm wit dark hair
Jimin with black hair >>>>>>>>
"And where do you think you're going?" Jimin asks, running a hand through his hair thoroughly amused by your frustration.
"Home." You scoff. "Because you suck." Comes from you as well as you put your phone into your bag. You don't even know why you're at his place to begin with- yeah maybe you had hoped for him to genuinely help you get that fucking step right because he won't stop nagging you about how your foot is never placed correctly- but even after three hours of trying to understand the way he's explaining you still don't get it.
He calls himself a dance teacher and yet he's shit at explaining.
"Now now, we can still be classy about it, can't we?" He laughs, walking after you as you make your way to the door. "You're simply too tense darling-"
"Thats what you say every single fucking time!" You argue back, rolling your eyes. "You're too tense, you're getting frustrated, you're not paying attention~!" You mock him, absolutely pissed at the fact that he doesn't seem affected at all. He's still smirking, arms crossed and yet relaxed, watching you.
Maybe the worst thing is that he looks way too hot for you to actually go through with your threat of quitting.
Yes you might have a massive crush on your dance teacher, so what? So does every single other person he teaches it seems- even guys admitting his attractiveness, and it fills you with red hot jealousy because you just know you don't have a chance. And also because you know that he's a player- stories of one night stands and fleeting romances being thrown around left and right and all around him, tales told by whoever you may ask. It makes you mad. Why can't good looking guys have good personalities as well?
"Come on, I'm sorry I've upset you. We can take a break and try again later." He attempts to soothe your anger. "I'd hate for you to go home all riled up like this."
"Yeah right, you just don't want me to go around and tell people how you failed at teaching me." You mumble under your breath as you slip into your boot, pulling the zipper on the side up and catching your finger in it. "Ah fuck!"
See?" He clicks his tongue, moving closer so he can loom over you, taking your boot off again for you. "Dont go please."
"I'm uncomfortable mister park." You say sternly, and much to your surprise, he detaches himself quickly at that. It catches you off guard for a second, and your reaction doesn't go unnoticed.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push myself onto you like that." He apologizes, and it throws you out of your temper tantrum in a way. He would've laughed about it- if it wasn't for the concern that's now breeding in his head. "You seem surprised."
"I mean- kinda?" You say, voice now a lot quieter, almost hesitant. "I- thought you might-"
"I might?" He asks, face unreadable. "I don't believe in forcing myself onto women I'm attracted to- neither to I believe in convincing them." He explains with a serious tone.
"Why not convincing?" You wonder, unsure why you ask out loud like that.
"Sex isn't something you should convince someone to do. You either want it, or you don't." He shrugs. "I'm honestly sorry if I have interpreted your actions wrong. I really never meant to push you." He tells you again, and you sigh.
"Its.. you didn't interpret them wrong." You say. "I'm just.. I don't want to be another girl or guy you sleep with and that's it."
"I've never slept with any of the trainees if that's what you're implying." He scoffs a little. "In fact, I havent had sex in years, ever since I broke up with my ex partner."
"Oh." Is all you can get out, now fully embarrassed that you even for a second believed all of the rumors that were, and still are, floating around him. Of course rumors aren't truths. Why did you believe them so easily?
"Its not your fault for believing what you hear." He smiles again, relaxing. " after all, as a woman, you can't be careful enough these days."
"You seem quite aware of those issues. You know, as a guy." You say, awkwardly standing in front of the closed door.
"I've got many female friends." He shrugs. "Though that's all they are. Friends." He makes sure to press.
"Right." You nod. "Yknow, just like us." You laugh a bit embarrassed, making him smirk slyly.
"Oh?" He asks, amused. "I thought we might have the potential to be more." He wonders out loud, making your eyes widen.
But you easily catch yourself, looking him in the eyes as you cross your arms. "Maybe if you can do your job right and teach me right." You challenge, making him walk closer, close enough to run a hand over your hair- a delicate gesture that evolves into something far more sinful as soon as he grabs your hair firmly.
"How about I teach you proper manners first?" He asks, and you roll your eyes. The audacity.
"Can't even make me dance right." You tell him, and he laughs out loud at your bold words, before he looks down to you with half lidded eyes.
"Oh I'll make you dance, darling."
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therealbadegg · 18 days
ooc/hi, I'm 'you can just say war' anon, I see someone explained some stuff to you, but I'd like to clarify myself. I am not trying to hate on you or bully you or drag out drama, I'd just like to clarify my opinion.first of all, "I don't know if you've ever experienced war in your country" I have, I do right now, I am ukrainian and I say all that from that perspective."it would be really shitty of me to use this situation as a way to further Misha's backstory" I agree that you have the right to not bring up war in your rp, that's fine, but you already do, the only difference is that you're not making it clear which is worse than 'namedropping war' you said it yourself you just don't *explicitly state that the war is happening* also, this is characterization question, but why wouldn't misha want to bring up war. as you said, he has a deep love for his home country. and it's exactly why he would talk about the war. we're talking about Misha "So thank you Canada for killing my mother🖕(talking about chornobyl)" Bachynskyi? Misha "vladimir putin can eat the bag of dicks" Bachynskyi? every ukrainian I know would scream about the war any chance we've got, because it's personal to all of us, "y'know.. stuff" is *less* personal. ukrainians want to not be forgotten and you have no idea how happy I am when, for example, in rtc rps someone acknowledges the war because that means that we're seen. also, I can't at all understand your "if I were roleplaying as a russian" comment, can you explain what you meant?
Hi. I really am sorry for my response, I know I’ve said this before, but I didn’t understand why it was insensitive for me to not mention the war. Thank you so much for explaining your ask further.
Honestly, I can’t fully remember what my thought process was when I put those words, I believe it was something along the lines of “if I were roleplaying as someone on the other side of the war, would I want to portray their character as someone who talks about the war in a positive way or prefer to not mention it.” Looking back on it, that was a really weird conclusion to draw. It was also quite stereotypical of me. I’m aware that as individuals, not all Russian people agree with the war occurring right now. It also didn’t help my case anyways, which was dumb.
In reference to the characterisation, I genuinely did not remember that Putin quote. But yeah, Misha would probably be angry as hell about the war. I’m not entirely confident when portraying characters of different cultures than mine, which is a mistake on my end, and I was basing my words more on how I would behave in that situation. I was trying my best to respond in character as Misha based on my limited knowledge on the war at the time, which was quite thoughtless of me to do at the time as well as double down by defending it in my response.
While I can’t take back my words, I do understand that the circumstances are different for us, since I am not Ukrainian, and my perspective on the war is very different from a Ukrainian’s. Again, I apologise for misrepresenting your culture, especially with something as serious as the war, and I am very thankful that you explained your reasoning, rather than being more aggressive in your response like I was.
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imagine-knb · 8 months
hey! you can call me, "kiss". I am an enfj, capricorn and am usually the advisor of my friend group. there have been times when people thought that I wasn't a genuine person because of my "too polite" personality, but they ended up loving me after getting to know me! I'm kind of a jack of all trades so I don't have a particular hobby or hobbies that I like the most, it solely depends on my mood! my aesthetic is dark academia/royal.
my likes : classical music/music with classical instruments, anime/kpop, fashion
my dislikes : impolite/rude people, unhygienic people and... well, i can't think of a third one atp 💀
my favorite characters are akashi, kise, kagami, Midorima and imayoshi; but honestly, i love all the characters literally and wouldn't mind being matched up by any!
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Type of Romance
Rivals to Lovers
How You Two Met
Believe it or not, you and Kise met through friends who were having a social mixer. He was invited as one of the more attractive men (like he always was), meant to get the ladies comfortable and talking. You were invited for the same reason for the women. From your friends' points of view, you two would have made the perfect match.
If only reality had worked out the same way.
First impressions were not good, as Kise took your overly sweet and kind attitude as something fake. As such, he wasn't the most polite person he could have been, which in turn did not put him in your good graces.
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"You already know why I don't want to be apart of this mixer!" Kise exclaimed, loud and obvious as he glared toward the table where you and the other women were already sat. Everyone had seemed to look up at his words and when your eyes met his, he seemed to almost bristle. "I never have fun at these things whenever she's here."
"Just give her another chance," his friend reassured, practically pushing Kise over toward the table. "She's a lot nicer than you think she is."
Kise wanted to mutter under his breath about the niceties being fake — he wanted to prove that they were — but every get together you would prove him wrong, literally killing him with kindness.
How He Fell For You
It was through the insistence of his friends that the both of you were constantly invited to these outings together and, while a dislike and rivalry had been set up between the two of you at first, eventually that gave way to getting to know each other more. It took a lot for Kise to admit his was wrong about you and apologize.
He liked that you were into a variety of hobbies because he had dabbled in a lot as well growing up. It became a habit for the two of you to compare and contrast skills. It was a friendlier rivalry than before, none too serious at all.
To Kise, falling for you came a surprise, but it felt natural. It was as if all the disdain he held for you before had been replaced with something better and, before he knew it, he was asking you out. It was only the next logical step in his mind.
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"Why haven't we gone out yet, Kiss?" Kise asked one day. He was looking at his phone, a social media page pulled up on the screen. It was a distraction, something he could look at while he pretended to be nonchalant about his question.
Your initial response was to quirk a brow at him. "Because you hated me?"
Taken aback by your forwardness, Kise spluttered a bit and nearly dropped his phone. "That's in the past now, please stop reminding me!" It doesn't take him long to recover from his outburst, coughing into his hand to clear his throat before he tried again. "No serious, Kiss, let's try. What could it hurt, right?"
What a Relationship with Him is Like
All of your friends tease that they knew the two of you would end up together from the get go. Kise likes to say he knew it all along as well, but you humble him often by reminding him of all the bitter things he once said about you. It always ends with him turning those puppy eyes at you, begging for forgiveness that you'd given him long ago.
Of course, dating a man who used to be a model comes with its own challenges. It's pretty often that the two of you are subject to a lot of attention while out for a night on the town, both admiring and jealous eyes turned your way. You're put under a lot of scrutiny at first, but Kise defends you every time.
And on the days where the two of you would rather stay in than go out, he loves to indulge with you in your other likes. More often than not, he's asking you about your favorite kpop groups (insisting that his favorites are better) while the two of you lounge the day away.
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"What're you looking at, Kiss?" Looking over your shoulder, Kise notices the comments section of a recent social media post of his filling your screen. His lips press into a thin line when he realizes the majority of comments are disparaging you. "People are so mean sometimes..."
But then an idea comes to his head. Pulling out his own cellphone, he pulls up his social media and starts a live feed right then and there. Instantly a few of his more loyal followers join in, chimes of 'hello' and 'I love you' filling the screen. He plops himself right next to you, making sure the camera catches the both of your faces.
"Hey everyone," he greets the feed. "Just thought I'd show you the happiest couple this side of Japan! And nothing will change that!" You spend the rest of your evening trying to keep Kise from kissing you over and over for the world to see.
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Match Up Requests are Closed
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crimsoncircle2 · 10 months
No one wins | Transgressor | Trial | RE: Shisa
While Transgressor was furious, he would've let Panthera speak up before saying anything else. However, Shisa decided to tear into him and it felt like a slap to the face. Delusional? Delusional???
"Excuse me?"
The man growls, his harsh gaze now turned towards Shisa instead. It was his turn to look in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe that Shisa, of all people, also wouldn't understand what it'd feel like to lose someone dear to yourself - and be angry about it.
"Do you listen to yourself right now? I'm sorry, but who was trying to get one of us killed right now? No, actually, tell me this instead - if our roles were reserved, wouldn't you be furious, too? Wouldn't you have desperately tried to get behind the truth of who murdered Panthera as well? Would you have been fine to let a mistrial take someone else, maybe someone whom you are also close to as well?"
Because if his reaction right now is anything to go by, then clearly, it wouldn't be. Never mind what he did to Boss once he found out about his parents, but that wasn't the point. He wasn't so cruel as to point that out.
"It's not even that I don't understand why you were trying to defend her, because everyone knows what you are to each other, but does that automatically mean that we shouldn't be hurt that you were still lying to us? That I also don't want to lose any more people than we already have? That I wish we wouldn't have to lose any at all?"
(It's human nature to lash out at whatever or whoever hurt you. It hurts even more when it was about people whom you were fond of, whom you trusted and respected--)
(Which is why this stings all the more.)
"And are you-- a-are you genuinely trying to blame me for Ryo's death right now? You can't be serious, right?"
The absolute gall to try and guilt trip him, telling him he should've killed someone, as if to say that his life was expendable? As if he's the only person who should be doing it? As if he hadn't tried to claw his way out of that self-destructive behavior for the sake of everyone around him - Shisa and Panthera included - and himself right now?
It's too cruel.
Transgressor let out a shaky exhale, genuinely looking hurt by the accusation made by Shisa. Right now, it was hard to not question whether all his prior words and actions ever meant anything to him if it was this easy to push him back into his old ways as long as he could save Panthera.
(Used like a tool. Something he desired for so long--)
(But not when it always came at the expense of everyone around himself. No more. No more.)
"Don't you dare. Just like you, I've already lost people who were also very dear to me as well and I've never stopped blaming Leviathan for this. And I still stand by it - that none of us should be doing this. However that doesn't mean me or anyone who's grieving over Ryo's death shouldn't be allowed to be angry. So don't you dare spin my words around to fit your narrative."
(Why is his grief being weaponized against him? Why always him?)
"And don't you dare continue to blame us, because if we're going that way, we could start to blame you and each other for every other death that occurred. Where were we when Artemis-san died? Nightshade-san? Freesia-san? Why is it suddenly so different here?"
Because Shisa was now on the cusp of losing someone very dear to him and it translates into a grief that lashes out against everyone else. Grief clashing against grief. And neither of them could stop because their pain couldn't be contained anymore. There was nothing they could do to stop it from spilling out. Even if they didn't mean their words, they just kept pouring out, neither of them were thinking straight.
"It's never been fair! Haven't we known this from the very start?! It's not and has never been fair!"
It never was. Not now, not back then, not ever.
"And I don't-- I can't bring myself to believe you right now. Not after what happened. I-- I'll have to see for myself what happened."
Deep down, he knows that Shisa had no reason to lie anymore. But could anyone truly expect him to take him by his word when Shisa just breached that trust himself by trying to obscure the truth? To withhold those who wanted to have closure to never get it?
Transgressor has said it himself many times - he's no saint. He can't forgive everything. No one can claim to do that, because there is always a limit to what you can take before it gets too much.
Losing so many people dear to him at once was that limit for him.
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Hanma and Kisaki texts
Warnings: suggestive, swearing, and i feel like the characters involved should be warning enough tbh, also angst??? not sure
Desc: i hate Kisaki, but i find him and Hanma's dynamic to be hilarious. And i love Hanma. so this is just them being them. this is mostly for shits and giggles.
Hanma: hey babe ☺
Kisaki: who is this
Hanma: *gasp*
Hanma: you don't have my number saved???
Kisaki: obviously not
Kisaki: this is probably the wrong number
Hanma: is this Tetta-san? :)
Kisaki: ?
Kisaki: yeah?
Hanma: then it's the right number
Kisaki: oh
Kisaki: it's you
Kisaki: i told you not to text me unless it was something important
Hanma: it is important
Kisaki: what is it
Hanma: i'm bored
Hanma: let's FaceTime 😋
Kisaki: 😐
Kisaki: i have work to do
Hanma: ooo!!!
Hanma: who's murder are we plotting next
Hanma: can we kill Draken???
Hanma: i want a necklace made out of his big ass ears
Kisaki: fuck is wrong with you
Kisaki: and i meant homework??
Hanma: oh yeah i forgot you're in school
Hanma: i never went
Kisaki: i can tell
Hanma: god i love it when you degrade me
Kisaki: you have serious problems
Kisaki: i'm gonna do my work now
Hanma: 5 minutes of your time is all i ask for
Kisaki: i don't like wasting time
Hanma: but it's not a waste of time if you're spending it on me
Kisaki: it absolutely is
Hanma: you're so silly Tetta-san😚
Kisaki: don't say that about me
Kisaki: ever
Hanma: or what ;)
*Kisaki has blocked Hanma*
Hanma: oh shit
Hanma: i was joking 😭😭
Hanma: it was a joke
Hanma: TETTA
Kisaki: meet me at the park
Kisaki: shut up
Kisaki: i need you to drop me off somewhere
Hanma: omg you need me?? ☹️<3
Kisaki: could you stop being yourself for one minute
Kisaki: are you coming or not
Hanma: anything for you my lil meow meow
Kisaki: ?????
Hanma: i thought you were using me dropping you of somewhere as an excuse to hang out with me :(
Kisaki: why would i do that
Kisaki: i don't like you
Hanma: but i love you
Kisaki: i'm not gay
Kisaki: i'm only using you to get the woman i love
Hanma: so you're saying it'd be different if i was a woman?
Kisaki: no
Kisaki: your personality is undesirable
Kisaki: you're strange and offputting
Kisaki: and you're tall and lanky
Hanma: so what i'm hearing is
Hanma: you observe my body a lot 😏
Kisaki: 😐
Kisaki: bye
Hanma: WAIT
Hanma: believe it or not, i do have some important information
Kisaki: regarding what
Hanma: Hanagaki
Hanma: i'll pick you up at your school tmr
Kisaki: alright
Hanma: it's a date 😍
Hanma: i can't find your high school ☹️
Hanma: i've been driving in circles for a while now
Kisaki: i'm in middle school
Hanma: ...
Hanma: ...
Hanma: ...
Hanma: what 🙂
Kisaki: i know you've never been to school and all
Kisaki: but could you keep up
Hanma: what do you mean you're in middle school?????
Hanma: what grade are you in????
Kisaki: seventh
Hanma: WHAT
Kisaki: ??
Kisaki: 13
Hanma: ....😧
Hanma: please tell me you're joking
Hanma: genuinely begging you
Hanma: Tetta-san
Hanma: please don't tell me you're a pre pubescent teenager
Kisaki: i'm not pre pubescent, i'm going through puberty 🤨
Hanma: oh my god
Hanma: oh my god
Hanma: i'm gonna kms
Kisaki: why would i need to
Hanma: TO A 13 YEAR OLD???
*Hanma has deleted some messages*
Kisaki: i don't know what you're going on about, but i can see your bike
Kisaki: i'm coming towards you, you fucking weirdo
Kisaki: we were never together in the first place
Kisaki: i'm not gay
Hanma: how can you be 13 and homophobic
Kisaki: i don't have a problem with gay people
Kisaki: just you
Hanma: i-
Hanma: how many chest hairs do you have??🤨
Kisaki: ... lots
Hanma: i'm gonna go jump off a bridge
Kisaki: we succeeded, she's dead.
Hanma: lowkey felt bad for that one💀
Hanma: but it was fun ngl
Kisaki: why did you feel bad? we're a step closer to our plan
Kisaki: and she's involved cause she's Mikey and Izana's sister
Hanma: she's Hina's best friend, won't she be sad?
Kisaki: not once i propose to her and she see's how beautiful this ring is
Hanma: hmmm
Hanma: i won't lie Tetta-san
Hanma: this plan is flawed💀
Hanma: also
Hanma: you said "our" plan? 🙀
Kisaki: it's a full proof plan
Kisaki: and yeah, ig
Hanma: wait fr
Hanma: oh
Hanma: so am i still gonna hang around you when you and Hina get married
Kisaki: i guess
Hanma: k
Kisaki: don't cry or anything like that
Hanma: i'm not, i'm smiling 😁
Kisaki: your smile is creepy
Kisaki: don't do it
Hanma: can't stop, sorry
Kisaki: whatever
Kisaki: fucking weirdo
Hanma: yo, where are you???
Hanma: i heard a gun shot
Hanma: is Hanagaki dead??
Hanma: did we win!?!?!!?!
Hanma: Draken fucked me up ngl
Hanma: also yeah, Izana and Kakucho are definitely dead
Hanma: idk where Mikey is
Hanma: shit was wild today
Hanma: most fun I've had in years
Hanma: WHOOP❗❗❗❗
Hanma: right???
Hanma: Tetta-san?
Hanma: so like
Hanma: that was pretty traumatizing
Hanma: you were all crumpled up and gross
Hanma: didn't think Takemitchy had it in him
Hanma: to actually push you in front of a truck
Hanma: i know your trying to pry the gates of hell open rn
Hanma: i was the only one at your funeral, sorry :/
Hanma: it's been a few months, and i've been really bored
Hanma: Kakucho didn't die, apparently
Hanma: yeah
Hanma: god i've been so bored
Hanma: and lonely, ew
Hanma: your glasses r starting to rust for some reason, so i can only wear em at night
Hanma: you clothes are so small lol
Hanma: well
Hanma: just wanted to check in
Hanma: been a while
Hanma: i killed Draken
Hanma: well, not directly
Hanma: and it wasn't supposed to be him
Hanma: Hanagaki just won't die
Hanma: was tryna avenge you, or whatever
Hanma: uhm
Hanma: i'm 18 now, so that's cool
Hanma: idk if people are allowed to sleep in hell, but goodnight
Hanma: happy 15th birthday Tetta-san. I'll bring a McDonald kiddies meal to your grave
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choibinn3 · 3 years
[ nine. hehe ]
series masterlist
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⋆·˚ ༘ * in which jungwon had meant for that love letter to go to yeri, and not you—her bff. for some reason though, he finds that with each moment he spends together with you he's closer and closer to forgetting all about that damn letter.
no song for this chapter!
also partially unedited, sorry if some things don't make sense or are confusing T_T
The bell rang.
You made eye contact with Jungwon across the room, and yet his brown pools nervously flitted towards Yeri's direction instead. They were President and Vice President though, so you didn't question much. She was packing up her bag, and had sent you a small smile.
"I'll see you next class, ok?" she said, "Make sure you eat a full meal before work."
You grinned at her. "Got it! I hope you have a good time with whatever you said you were doing, sorry I couldn't eat with you today."
Being the only two people in your friend group with the same lunch period, you usually sat with her for it. Talking about classes, chatting mindlessly, idly looking around the cafeteria for people you knew was fun only when it was with her.
"It's fine," she replied, waving off your apology and placing her notebooks away. "It's your first day with a boyfriend, I want you to be happy."
You appreciated her genuine gladness for your own happiness so much, you could barely hold it in. You wrapped your arms around her, sending her stumbling a bit with your weight. "Woah, YN!"
Having someone so positive, so supportive, and so authentic as Yeri around you for so long had definitely brightened your outlook on life. Such a friend was a one in a lifetime chance, and yet you lucked out. You just hoped she thought the same of you too.
"Thank you! I love you so much!" you exclaimed into her shoulder.
She released a giggle, patting your back with one hand as if to ease you down. "It's the bare minimum of friendship, YN. I just hope that Jungwon doesn't hurt you."
The tone in which she said it felt more serious than it usually was, which was a bit odd. You understood her concern though, of course your friend wouldn't want you to be hurt! And yet, everyone and their mother knew that flower boy Yang Jungwon would be the least likely person to do such a thing.
You loosened your arms a bit, tilting your head at her confusedly. "Why would Jungwon hurt me..? You know he's too nice for that!"
You knew that Jungwon and Yeri had definitely gotten closer to each other since the Student Council elections, but your faith in Yeri had outshined any insecurities or suspicions that could've ever formed. She had definitely talked frequently to him, especially with all those times they've had to stay after school for paperwork, so you would've thought that she'd know Jungwon's personality by now.
She took ahold of your arms, smiling at you before wrapping her own limbs around your form. Gahh, hugs from Yeri! You giggled into her shoulder again, from where your face had buried itself into. "I know, I know. I'm just being worried, I think."
You nodded. "I get it, thank you."
Yeri and the rest had always been like this. Even though Niki would act disgusted towards your displays of affection, he loved it when you made time for him. Heeseung too, actually. Yeri and Heeseung were both equally protective of Niki and you, even though Yeri was your age.
Since the day you had became friends she was the one looking out for you. Not to say you were irresponsible, but because she was just naturally a protective person. It was a quality you and many others admired about her—her loyalty to her friends.
"Remember that guy that was obsessed with you? Back in middle school?" she muttered.
You hit her arm playfully, and she let you go. "He wasn't obssessed!" you insisted, "I thought the snacks were cute!"
Yeri laughed. "Ok, whatever you say, but he was always buying you stuff. Can't believe you turned him down, though."
Your eyes glanced towards Jungwon, who was waiting by the door with his hands in his pant pockets. The large mass of students filtering out of the opening had covered his figure at times, blocking your view when they did, and yet you knew you could point him out in any large crowd. He stood out in a way that had you nervous all over again.
"Yeah well," you started, looking away and instead down towards your shoes bashfully, "I told him I liked someone else, and now we're just buddies."
You slung your bag over your shoulder as Yeri decided to nudge it. "Wonder who that could've been," she teased, and you let out a indignant whine.
"You don't have to wonder!"
She pinched your cheek, and you pretended to attempt to bite at her finger playfully. As the both of you exited the doorway, you sent a smile towards Jungwon.
The brief eye contact made him look away again, for whatever reason, you didn't know. "I'll see you in the cafeteria, right?" you asked, a bit hopefully. Yeri stopped beside you.
He fidgeted a bit, nodding his head. "Yeah, I'll find you there."
You grinned at him, and went onto your tippy toes. Jungwon's large brown eyes widened, and he almost leaned back when you planted another chaste (burning) kiss onto his cheek. Again?! You're kidding!
Neither of you knew how relationships worked, but were you sure a kiss on the cheek could be considered the first step? He had to hold his breath, otherwise he would've made a noise.
"Ah—" Like the previous time, you moved away too quickly for him to have comprehended the situation fully—or to say anything.
Your bag slightly jostled as you promptly walked down the hallway. The figure of your back going further and further down, becoming smaller and smaller as he stood there once again. He held onto his cheek. The ghost of your lips were still there, faintly, but the touch was evidently still imprinted into his mind. He wasn't sure he'd ever be able to get used to that.
As you left, Yeri looked over towards him. Her smile was devoid, which was the first odd thing, and suddenly she grabbed his wrist—the one still tracing your kiss.
Jungwon looked after at her shocked, but she provided no explanation as she dragged him along with long, big strides. "What are you doing?"
"I said it'd be quick, you have to get to YN, right? Lunch with them?" She turned her head to the side, awaiting an answer.
"They told you?" he asked, but of course they told her. You were best friends. "I mean yeah, nevermind. I do."
He was going to tell you about the misplacement of the letter, too.
With how fast Yeri was rushing them both, they made it to the Student Council room much quicker than they would've if they had walked casually as they had done before. The windows of the Council room were open, the long curtains blowing with the passing wind.
The room was fairly old, not yet upgraded as the other classroom in the Hybe building were. They still had gray, cloth curtains connected to their windows, and Jungwon had found the curtains annoying when they decided to brush against his face while he was working.
Still, he found the sun and its brightness too pretty to try and close the windows. As he looked at them, Yeri had made a point to shut the door.
Jungwon glanced over in time to see her lock it, too. If he wasn't anxious before, he was now. "What did you want to talk about?" he inquired, placing his bag down.
No answer. He looked up, and blinked at her as she said nothing, just staring at him with her head tilted.
She took a step forward (he took one back, he had to), and another (his sneakers squeaked against the polished floor), and another, and another (Jungwon stumbled a bit, feet confused with his backwards direction), and more until—
Jungwon's back collided roughly with the wooden surface behind him, making an aching pain build upon the lower part of his body. Before he could even think about the spreading heat, Yeri had already slammed her hands on either side of the desk, shocking him into straightening back up.
She was close.
Not closer than you were, but close enough to where he was panicked on where to look. They had shared such a proximity before. Only once, but it was still near. He had leaned over to take a look at some paperwork on her desk, and her face was inches away.
He didn't notice her lashes though, nor her bright eyes like he did with you.
"I called you here today to speak to you," she began. Her voice was steady, calm, confident. Whatever she was planning to say, she had either rehearsed it or was steeled in her resolve.
"A-About what?" A stutter. Not good. He hadn't meant to stutter, so he just gulped down his next nervous words.
"About YN."
All of a sudden, Yeri had surged forward. Her stands of hair had flown with her, falling off her shoulders and hanging over Jungwon. Even though he was taller than her, he had to lean back to not come in contact with any part of her skin.
He held his breath again, like he did with you, but because he was terrified he'd accidentally breathe on her face.
Her eyes had narrowed. Yeri's eyes never narrowed. They had always been slightly curved from a smile, or fondly closed in thought, but never once had they even become close to those dangerous slits on her face.
Was this the same person he knew? What had initially drawn him to her was her sweetness, so how could she look so stone cold (read: terrifying) in this moment?
"Look, I know we're kind of close and all, but YN was my first friend and one of my only long-standing friendships since I was 9 years-old." Jungwon couldn't take her gaze, so he turned to look out the window as she spoke.
"They've been my rock ever since I started having trouble with my parents, and was always supportive of everything I did. YN is self-sacrificial and diligent in a way you'd only notice if you were friends with them, and observant to the small details, playful when you need them to be, and highly emotionally empathetic—"
She paused, as if finally noticing Jungwon's attempts to distract himself.
"—I'm talking to you here." His eyes snapped back towards her face at the harshness of the tone she used, and a bead of sweat formed at the back of his neck. Ok, never trying that again. "You're not a bad person, Jungwon. I know you're not the type to hurt someone like that, but I'm not taking that chance. YN is a very sensitive individual, ok?"
Yeri waited, long enough for the frightened boy in front of her to get the memo. Eventually, he nodded.
"Good. So don't you ever attempt to hurt them—actually, even if it was a mistake, I couldn't care less. I will make sure you won't live past the age of 30. You won't even be alive to see your grandchildren, Yang Jungwon."
To make her point clear, she turned her glare burning. He could feel it through his soul. Such a stare would generally leave his heart palpitating, and it was surely, but he'd be an idiot if he didn't know the difference between it beating in fear and from affection. Right then, it was fear.
As if she was finally satisfied, Yeri leaned back from the cornered Student Council President in front of her, and took several steps backwards.
"Take this as my blessing for your relationship," she offered, hand coming to give a small pat at his shoulder. It took every fibre of his being not to flinch. He did Taekwondo for God's sake, what was with him?
The words hadn't come out of her mouth, but it was silently spoken from one party to another. This wasn't just a blessing, this was a warning. A threat too, all in one.
Yeri took it upon herself to exit the room first, even making sure to close the door gently as to not disturb anyone around them, and Jungwon's legs took him to his Council President seat—because if he didn't take a seat, he was sure he'd faint somewhere along the way back.
Kim Yerim had just threatened him like an overprotective Mob Boss whose child had just gotten their first boyfriend. Kim Yerim, his crush, the girl he had been pining over since they had both been elected for Council positions, Kim Yerim—who he had apparently not known enough about.
Outside of the room, Yeri was making her way down the hallways, checking messages on her phone as she did so.
(10)! unread messages from Heeseung!
All with the same premise. What did you talk to Jungwon about? What did you say? Yeri? Where are you?
She should've known Jungwon would tell his other friends, it was only natural he would. I'll deal with that later.
She tucked her phone back into her skirt pocket, unaware of the frantic footfalls of someone running down the hallways in the opposite direction.
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TDLR: you kiss his cheek again, yeri drags jungwon to the stuco room, yeri will make sure jungwon wont live past the age of 30 :D
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i hope this was worth the wait you scoundrels
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hopeymchope · 2 years
I prefer the clone theory — that the V3 cast actually were like what we saw on the monitors, but were then cloned and the clones took part in the killing game. Like Monokuma was genuinely serious about that resurrection spell, a lot more than he should have been, and Tsumugi seemed fully prepared to present Kaede’s ‘twin’ as the mastermind before being forced to improvise. It would also fit with what Shuichi said at the end about who they were before being a lie while at the same time being true (and of Keebo also being an artificial being, and this being the future). I always pictured it as if there were a V4 sequel, it would essentially be a clone rebellion thing, like Blade Runner and it’s replicants, have Shuichi and Co. inspire a revolution, upending world society. Ultimately becoming a real and noble version of what Junko Enoshima was meant to be in the narrative of Danganronpa in terms of what she actually did — tear world society to the ground in despair, resulting in something new and good, no hope about it — facts. A completion of the narrative, full circle.
I don't think there's a lot of support for this idea in the existing canon, but I mean, you're welcome to have your own headcanons, of course.
This isn't for me, personally. I mean, I think the fact that they were kidnapped and forced into this killing game (and therefore the audition videos are phony) is pretty much an absolute lock at this point. Kodaka tweeted that we should, after finishing V3, go back and review the prologue to find any inconsistencies. And you can quickly see that their memories of being abducted against their will are right there. They obviously show no sign of being pleased about being on the show (despite what Tsumugi shows them in Chapter 6 - another inconsistency with reality), either. And there's other stuff like that. Plus I think there's reason to believe the 'Ultimate' talents are based in real talents they had.
That's an interesting point about how we're in a more futuristic world in V3 than we've seen in the other games. That is, assuming you don't think it might be virtual reality again — I know that's another popular headcanon for many, and I can see where people would get that impression. But if you think it's reality, then the Keebo and the nano-kumas and the ability for them to create a fake "outside" atmosphere where people can't breathe, and maybe even the Exisals?... those would all be beyond what we've seen in the franchise before now, for sure. And yet... that could all just be symptomatic of the fact that we're in a different universe now. Maybe it's not the "future" so much as it's just how the world of V3 has always been?
But that last part... I'm not sure how I take that. I get what you're saying about how V3's outside world — if it's indeed true that a significant portion of the population is totally fine with watching real people die on camera — probably needs a major overhaul. But there's still a lot of wiggle room on how many people are really watching "Danganronpa" the show, how they're accessing it, how much they believe in the "reality" of it, and so on. We don't know a lot about the outside world beyond the Ultimate Academy's dome, so I mean, do we feel like it definitely needs to be burn downed in despair? And why would building something "new and good" have "no hope about it"?
I think V3 makes it clear that it wants to move away from Hope/Despair despite the fan expectations that that's just what Danganronpa HAS to be. But it also gives so much lip service to the old Hope/Despair dichotomy for the last two chapters that it's hard to say it totally succeeds at the attempt to grow beyond it. I think it's mostly about a new Truth/Lies conflict, sure, but they don't exactly manage to cut off the vestigial tail of the Hope/Despair conflict from the Hope's Peak Saga. They're too aware that it's an expectation/demand from the audience by then (which the game even comments on).
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surrsilver · 2 years
Let me say something else, while I am still up. It may be that there are couples who are "meant to be," "soulmates," etc. There may well be some events that are "meant to happen" as well as some individuals with a "personal destiny." There is no outcome, however, that is absolutely certain to happen regardless of the subjects associated with it persistence in partaking in bahavior that is counterproductive to that end. Same with relationships, a couple may be especially compatible, possess magical chemistry, whatever...if they refuse to treat one another with respect, or communicate important facts about their individual lives, devote time and ebergy toward getting to know one another, etc they have the same chance as a couple with none of their advantages: none. For over a week, I begged to be informed as to what was going on in a certain person's life (because, there WAS, no doubt, something serious afoot. I knew, or basically knew, of a couple issues...but, held a strong feeling that there was something else...something I needed to ear, prior
To commenting on what I already knew...I knew, also, that I had to get clean...and I planned on discussing this with her, as well)) I wanted to know so I could attempt to do something to help her. She may have thought there was nothing I could possibly do....she should have told me anyway...even if I could do nothing, I qould then be aware. I could, at least, say that it was important for me to know. When I made her aware that during certain times, she did hurt my feelings, she completely invalidated them and continued the behvior. The thing is, this is her right.....but, it is suicide for any future connection with me. When I message her and she attempts to cause me to believe that she doesn't even know who I am because I included mme in the "ask" and right now, what's important to her important to her is the stupid image she has with stupid people on tumblr as she behaves like a fucking pig. She has somehow convinced herself that this ultra loose behavior is "cool," "irreverent" and "sexy" It takes absolutely no innate talents or abilities to get a bunch of dudes hard and jacking off to you. The unfortunate thing is that she has plenty of legitimate, rare, genuinely impressive ways to get the attention of others, and has ignored these in favor of bullshit.
She likely has, or has had many men who eould jump at the chance to build a great life with her. Men with great jobs, terrific personalities, good genetics, what have you. She has never done so...i'm guessing, in part, because she has never addressed certain addictions. The fact that, at any given time, 100 different shitheads, alk claiming to be her "friend" are pulling her in the opposite direction because they don't want to, or can't substitute for a good piece of ass.
I am no catch, it's true...even though what her fuckboy, who has apparently become an exponentially larger piece of fucking garbage with age, told her about my situatiob is not exactly true (there is no time...none, when I can't make a phone call and get money. I don't always do it, but it's always an option. Unfortunately, this was not even close to the most disgusting lie told. Anyway, da sad that i am not automatically motivated anyway, and need some outside influence to care.....yeah z, sorry. Anyway, I wouldn't want her to worry about having to pay for everything, nor would I want her to be embareassed....and I make good money when I work. I've made much more money than the dipshit who assigned himself her gatekeeper, and, hey, she stamped that claim. It's not even close, though...you'd think she would have, at least....fuck it, nevermind. that.... But, I digress....I know I am one of many, many, many men who were, at one time, excited beyond belief, and now are scattered. I simply do not believe that she wants irmit this way....she knows no other. She doesn't believe in herself....why don't some of her friends start being her friends? It seems she could really benefit. Obviously, I wrote this while PARTICULARLY angry and upset with her. I am sure that I will look back upon it a few days from now, and it will seem even more over the top, and insensitive than it does now....let's be sure we aren't the ONLY side who accepts responsibility for slacking in the sensitivity department.
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
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Pairings : Reader x Todoroki Shouto
Writing Style : 3rd Person, 1st Person
Warning : Cursing ( only a few) , OOC Shouto Todoroki
Word Count : 2487
3rd Person's POV
" I feel like I've been watched for the last 2 months and now it's kinda freaking me out " Y/n muttered sitting down on the sofa with a groan as the rest of the girls piled up around her.
" Well maybe you should just You know... Investigate? " Mina suggested staring at her friend.
" Yeah... Maybe it's just someone who LIKES you but is too shy to admit it? " Uraraka added.
" And who do you think it would be? " Y/n asked raising her eyebrows and simultaneously the girls around her groaned.
" Really y/n? For such a sharp person you're really dense.... And he's dense too! But you're even worst! " Hagakure muttered.
" Who's he? And I'm not dense you guys, I know what's happening around me " Y/n said in defense and the girls gave her a look which states ' No bitch, You don't '
" Oh really huh?... Ok then. Didn't Todoroki-kun give you flowers the other day? " Momo questioned and y/n was fast to answer.
" Yeah he did... So? What's up with that? "
" Oh my god! You're so dense it's actually painful! " Mina cried hugging her pillow.
" Ok let me Try " Uraraka volunteered as she scooted closer towards y/n who only gave her a questioning stare.
" Didn't Todoroki-kun.... Ask you to The Amusement Park a few days ago? "
" Uhh... Yeah but I was busy that Day so I said No.... Why? " Y/n muttered trying to recall the memory.
" Oh my god! I can't take it anymore! Didn't Todoroki-kun Say he Liked you !? " Jirou blurted out standing up from her seat and again the dense female nodded her head.
" Yeah he did and I said I like him too because he's a really Nice friend " Y/n answered and the girls didn't know if they should cry or laugh atbyehir friend's hopelessness.
" She's too dense Kero " Tsu muttered.
" Oh Lord Help me! And what happened after that huh? Anything weird happening with Todoroki-kun!? " Hagakure yelled unable to handle her friend's unaware nature when it comes to love.
" Uhh.... Well.... He started avoiding me? And... He was being really gloomy? And cold? A Bit... Mean? " Y/n tried her best to pick up on Todoroki's behavior and it was true. After that day he had been more distant and he actually snapped at her to stay away from him.
" Y/n... You like Todoroki-kun right? " Momo questioned and the girl gave her a nod.
" Yeah why? "
" More than a friend? "
" Yeah why? "
" Will you accept his love if he asks you to be his girlfriend? "
" Yeah why? "
" Then why the hell did You Fucking Reject Icy Hot!? Now everyone's got to suffer his moody ass and your oblivious fuckery! He Fucking Likes you too! And now he's cooped up in his room barely eating because you Fucking rejected him! You hear me!? " Bakugou suddenly stormed in the common room and y/n's eyes widened.
" Really? " She asked unable to believe the new information she had acquired.
" Oh my fucking-- yeah Really! " Bakugou yelled and she just gave an unreadable expression.
" Oh "
Everyone froze staring at her with disbelief.
Was she really that dense?!
" Y/n....if you don't get your ass up to his room... I will Fucking murder you! And blow your body to bits! " Bakugou threatened and immediately y/n made a run for it upstairs.
Y/n's POV
I'm not dense right!? No I can't be... Wait... Oh shit bitch I think I might be.
I didn't even notice that I was standing infront of Todoroki's Door.
Taking a Deep Breath I knocked on the door , once, twice, thrice, and whatever r the Hell's next.
But on the 9th try he finally opened up .
" Shoto!---" The moment he saw me he slammed the door in front of my face harshly.
" .... "
" Shoto?... Can you please open up? " I pleaded softly knocking on the door.
" Don't call me shoto " He spat out from inside his room.
" Shoto.... I know you Like me--"
" Oh you think y/n? "
' what the?.... Why is he being so sassy? '
" As I was saying... I know you like me--"
" No shit Sherlock "
' did he just curse at me? THE Todoroki Shoto just cursed at me '
" Just let me Fucking finish Shoto Todoroki!, I know you like me , I Like you too but I was too dense to actually notice the signs that you do like me back! I never confessed because I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable with me! I didn't want to ruin our friendship! Because it's the only thing keeping me close to You! I Like--- No.... I Love You! " I finally had the guts to confess but the only reply I was met with was Silence.
Sighing I turned my back against his Door and started walking away.
I didn't get far when his door flew open and arms were wrapped around me from behind.
" It's about Time you finally said something.... I was upset you know?... I thought you didn't like me" He whispered in my ear making my legs wobble.
This guy makes me feel weak.
" Shoto... I'm sorry for noticing a bit too late.... " I apologized in a sincere tone.
" No.... It's better late than Never " He muttered making me smile.
I didn't really expect him to collapse on me like that.
" What the? Shoto?! " I reacted quickly and spun around catching him and when his forehead brushed against my neck I felt how hot he was.
Oh my gosh? Can a person with an icy hot quirk get sick? Well apparently he's living proof of that.
" You're burning! " I began to balance him in my arm before dragging him inside his room.
It took me a lot of will power since he's bigger and heavier than me and I bumped onto ever furniture I passed by.
After a few seconds of bumping myself here and there I finally managed to gently lay him down on the bed which is a futon and by gently I meant falling on his futon with me laying on top of him.
I made sure to use my arm as a pillow for his head so the fall won't be painful for him but for me. It hurts.
I was about to roll off him but his arms wrapped around my waist securely when he felt how I was about to shift my weight.
" Stay...please " He pleaded with his eyes closed a pained expression on his face making my heart clench.
" I'll be back shoto, I need to get you medicine and food ok? Just wait here I'll be back I promise--"
" No! I want you! I need you! If I let go you won't come back! " He whined his voice weak and hoarse as he tughtened his hold around my waist.
" Shh...baby it's fine...i promise I'll come back but you need medicine and food. I'm going to take care of you ok? But you have to let me go--"
" No! No! No! Don't! Please! " He begged, this was a very weird sight to see. A very childish and vulnerable shoto unlike the usual calm and collected shoto.
People say Fevers make people act weird.... I believe it now.
" Shoto Please! " I raised my voice and this time he started sobbing.
' oh my fucking gosh what the fuck have I done!? Is this even shoto right here!? I think the fuck not! Damn it! '
" Don't leave! " He whined between sobs and I honestly didn't know what to do but let my instincts kick in.
Hushing him as I gingerly grabbed onto his cheeks and peppered his face with kisses while humming a comforting tune to calm him down and it worked, he was slowly calming down and when his eyes closed and his arms relaxed I waited for a few minutes before standing up from my position and crawling away from him.
Grabbing his blanket I placed it on top his figure before leaving the room.
I needed to find medicine, a towel and a bucket and maybe I could ask someone to cook chicken soup for shoto? .
I trailed down stairs where everyone was seated.
" Well!? What the fuck happened!? " Bakugou asked making me jump.
" Wow Bakugou... I didn't know you were this Nosy " I teased and the blonde boy growled.
" Ok, ok. Everything is fine now but shoto has a Fever and I need Medicine, a towel and a bucket filled with water, and can someone please make chicken soup?" I asked and everyone looked genuinely concerned for Shoto.
" Me and the girls will cook Chicken soup " Momo volunteered and the girls agreed.
" I'll Look for Medicine! I think I saw some in the Kitchen Cabinet! " Izuku stated.
" Don't worry I got the Towel and bucket of water Covered! " Denki smiled as I walked closer to them but again I felt a powerful and overwhelming air of fire and ice combined. I didn't even get the chance to react when I felt arms wrap around my waist harshly and I was pulled back against a hard chest.
" You said you won't leave! Why did you leave me!? " Shoto growled angrily, his tone was dead serious and cold. It made everyone in the room shiver.
" Shoto, didn't I say I needed to get -"
" Fuck Medicine and shit I needed you... I wanted you and you left---... Why'd you leave? " At the last bit of his sentence his voice broke and he started sobbing again , he dipped his head on my shoulder and I could feel the wetness of his tears as his sobs began to grow louder.
" Oh shit.... Did Todoroki just curse? " Kirishima muttered.
" Forget that.... Is that even Todoroki? " Came another comment from Kaminari.
" I heard from my mother that A fever could change a person's Behavior... As to what I am seeing today I highly believe that it is indeed true " Iida added.
" Y/n...shame on You for making Todoroki-kun cry " Uraraka was guilt tripping me and soon everyone joined in.
" Shame on you y/n "
" Hey! Why the fuck is it my fault!? " I growled and It seems like either Todoroki took it the wrong way or he misheard me.
" S-so you don't care about me? " His voice came out weak and pained and I turned around to place his face on the crook of my neck.
" No I care about you... That's why I came down here to get Food and Medicine for you right? I love you remember?. Why'd you come down here when you're sick? Tell me where it hurts " I softly cooed running my fingers through his hair and he visibly relaxed breathing in my scent as he buried his face further on my neck.
" My head hurts... And my eyes sting " He silently complained.
" Because you were crying, don't cry anymore ok? I won't leave you again and our friends are here to help us... Say thank you " I smiled as he shifted his head taking a peek at our classmates who watched in awe.
" Thank you guys " He muttered with a smile which made everyone's jaw drop.
" Wow.... Who knew the Queen of dense actually has a motherly side " Sero muttered.
" Y/n I think you should take Todoroki-kun back to his room, we'll take care of everything here and we'll deliver everything to his room once we're done! " Izuku suggested and I couldn't be happier.
Shoto was leaning all his weight on me and my legs were slightly shaking. It seems like midoriya noticed.
" Ummm.. A little Help guys? " I asked and some of the boys volunteered to help me carry shoto back to his room.
" We'll leave now Y/n! And take care of Todoroki-kun for us! " Iida stated as The rest of the boys who helped me carry him waved us goodbye and closed the door.
Shoto was on his futon my hand on his cheek . One of his hand holding onto my hand to keep it in place while he nuzzled his cheek onto my palm.
" Y/n...."
" Yeah? "
" Cuddle with me? "
" Umm.... "
" Please? "
" Fine "
Giving up with a sigh I laid down on his futon , his blanket covering us as I scooted closer to his body.
And to my surprise he pulled me closer only to climbed ontop of me in a very awkward position.
" Uhh... Shoto? " I asked nervously as his intense gaze pierced my own.
" I wanna lay on top of you " He stated with a monotoned voice before laying his head on my chest and his arms wrapping around my waist.
" Warm.... Soft " He mumbled clearly pointing at my chest as he nuzzled he face further.
' ok... Awkward... I'll try to not think about it that much... He's really lucky I love him'
Closing my eyes as my hand came to brush against his head I heard giggles coming from the door.
Opening my eyes I saw the girls standing in the doorway taking pictures of us.
" No! Stop that! It's not what it looks like! " I yelled as Momo came in holding a bowl of soup along with tsu and Uraraka holding a bucket with a towel and medicine.
" Relax y/n we're just here to deliver everything, hope we didn't disturb you guys " Momo chuckled placing everything on the table.
" Yeah right... You guys are here to deliver everything... It kinda looks like you're taking pictures from an exhibition or something " I deadpanned as Momo headed towards the door.
" Well, continue what you're doing Kero " Tsu smiled before shutting the door.
" Y/n? "
" Yeah? "
" I love you "
Looking down at him with a smile I kissed his forehead.
" I love you too Icy Hotty "
" Wait... You Think I'm Hot? "
" Shut up and go to sleep already! "
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lexi-evans · 4 years
𝙷𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 | 𝙲𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚌 𝚍𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚡 𝙼𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚍! 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛;𝙵𝚝.𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢
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Pairing: Cedric diggory x fem! Mermaid reader and Harry x Draco and professor's Remus Lupin x professor Sirius Black!
Didn't really plan on making it this long but—
CEDRIC LIVES! (I CAN'T BELIEVE I WROTE A FIC THIS LONG!! WHAAAT? —also please like and reblog🥺 I worked really hard on this fic) ❤💛💙💚
“But—professor if you already knew about then why call me, now? Why not before?” You asked, patting the fawkes on his head, gently. As it sat on your lap. Professor Dumbledore peered at you with his half moon glasses.
“Because we need you're help—now” You were surprised when he said, why in the world anyone would need you're help? “I'm sorry—professor, I don't quite understand, what you're saying”
Professor McGonagall entered the room and sat by the nearest couch.“No one knows the black lake better than you do, Y/N. That's why we need you're help” Professor McGonagall said.
“what is this about professor?” you asked, curiously. None of this make sense at all. “The second task, Y/N. It's in the Blake lake. We're going to take who is more important to our champion's and put them under the Blake lake, with a very powerful incantation. And the champions has to rescue them before 1 hour passes” professor McGonagall explained, you carefully listened to everyword she spoke.
“Wait—what? Er,you mean the task is in the black lake!?” she nodded her head, you shook you're head violently. “No—professor! This is a bad idea! If anything happens—then everything will go wrong, I can't—I'm so sorry, professor”
“Y/N, I believe you made a few friends in the black lake?” you nodded, “only a few—you have no idea what kind creatures lies in those water, professor. You're risking lives!!!” you said, you're patience wearing thin.
“I know—I know, you know the underworld better and this is where we need you're help, alright. You're job is to look after the champions, just making sure they don't get any injured—you're not allowed to help them but only make sure they make it out, alive”
“Make it out, Alive?” you sighed, heavily. You don't want anyone to get hurt, Not Harry, Not cedric, No one! “Alright, I'll do it—it's not like I don't want them to get hurt—I'll do everything in will, to protect them” with a heavy heart you agreed, at least for the sake of Harry.
Ever since his name came out of the goblet, he isn't himself. His boyfriend, Draco is doing his best to cheer him up. You felt the urge to protect the kid, from anything. He, of course is like a little brother to you.
“well, that's settled then” clapped professor Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall stood up from her seat, gesturing you to come along with her. “professor, you do realize what you're doing is not okay, right?” You asked, as both of you exited dumbledore's room.
“I know, Y/N. It's not in my hands to stop, now isn't it?—don't give it a much thought,alright? You'll be fine, don't worry”she said, giving you one last hug before leaving you alone.
Sighing you skipped down the Hallway, when you heard familiar laughs coming from the classroom. You turned around and decided to go in. “No—Sirius! Stop!! I can't brea—Ah, Y/N.” remus said, Sirius stopped tickling him.
“Hi, Y/N.Out for a walk, eh?” Sirius asked, settling down on the chair next to remus. “No, professor—I just talked with professor McGonagall and professor Dumbledore” they looked at each other, before looking at you with a confused face. “About the second task” their faces turned serious when you mentioned the task. You took a seat on one of the benches, Sirius looked at you intently. “Did Harry figured out about the egg, professor?”
“No, Y/N. He still didn't, says it makes a horrible noise whenever he opens it” Remus said. “The Blake lake” you glanced at both of them. “The second task”.sirius looked frightened, scared for his godson. Remus had a horrified look on his face. “That's what they said—I was planning on telling, Harry but since he hasn't figured out about the egg. I'm not going to—”
“It's okay, Y/N. There's nothing we can do, can we?” Said, Sirius. You shook you're head in pity. “what were they even thinking, Remus? They're going to kill these children with these kind of dangerous tasks”
“but—what does have anything to do with you, Y/N”
“You'll see professor, it's not for me to tell you—but you'll see. Please not worry, I'll do everything—anything to protect him. I give you my word” you were not kidding, when you said that. In fact, you meant every word in that.
You stood up, wanting time for you're own thoughts, “I'll take my leave, professor's and please don't tell anyone about this” they nodded slowly. You went outside.
Straight to the Blake lake, you stared at the water, intensely. Slowly loosening the tie around you're neck, you took of you're robes and jumped in the lake. In blink of eye, you're tail appeared with a huge splash, you dove in.
“Moony, I'm so scared—what if? What if something happens to him in the lake? It's too dangerous, Remus”
“I know, Love. But we can't do anything— remember what Y/N said, this has to do something with her. Trust me, she's an amazing witch I've seen—she gave us her word, I can see she meant it” Remus spoke softly, taking in sirius hand slowly rubbing it gently on his tender skin. Placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
“I just hope you're right, moony”
“But—I'm always right!?”
The following week went by, swiftly. You became close with the members. Especially Cedric. At first you just thought he was a show off because of his fanclub but he was genuinely nice.
Fleur... Well, she's great. Such a sweet person. Sometimes you get confused when she speak but she's cool.
Krum.. Well, you only managed to speak with him few times and... Yeah, he's not much of a talker.
Harry, you adore this kid. You knew him since first year, he's you're friend and obviously Draco too. They're such a cute couple, you absolutely love of those kids.
“Hey, Harry! Draco” You sat next to them, Harry smiled at you gracefully. “Hey, Y/N, morning” said, Draco. Despite, the fact that he's a Slytherin. Ever since Harry and him started dating, Draco spent most of the time with you guys.
“so, Harry. Did you figured out about the egg, yet?” He nodded.
“I did, Cedric gave me a clue though —wouldn't have done it without him” Harry spoke quietly. You remembered the night, the little adventure you guys did, or so it seemed like, in the prefects bathroom.
“Come on, Ced!” You giggled, dragging cedric with you towards the prefects bathroom. You're footsteps echoed through the wide hall. “Y/N!! Slow down!” He laughed at you're excitement. “Oh, My snail walks faster than you” the moon was shining, bright. You felt wide awake just as the moon itself.
You said as you both came across the statue of Boris the Bewildered. You stood by the door and whispered the password “pine fresh”
The door creak sound echoed, meaning the door opened. Pushing the door, you ushered cedric to move along.
It was softly lit by a splendid candle-filled chandelier, and everything was made of white marble, including what looked like an empty, rectangular swimming pool sunk into the middle of the floor.
About a hundred golden taps stood all around the pool’s edges, each with a differ- ently colored jewel set into its handle. There was also a diving board. Long white linen curtains hung at the windows.
A large pile of fluffy white towels sat in a corner, and there was a single golden framed painting on the wall. It featured a blonde mermaid who was fast asleep on a rock, her long hair over her face. It fluttered every time she snored.
“Y/N, what are we doing here? I'm a prefect, myself. You know I can report you, right?” he said, teasingly. You rolled you're eyes, playfully. “Not if I told you, I know how to figure out the egg, right? ” his eyes widened.
“go ahead, ced—report me” you grinned, devilishly. “no, you don't!” you looked at him, dead in the eye and said “Try me” before walking towards the pool and slowly took off the shirt, exposing the skin underneath.
“Y/N—you do realize I'm right here, right?” Cedric blushing madly. You stood there, in your bra and shorts on. Giving him a 'really?' Look. “I'm aware” you said, bending slightly pulling your shorts down slowly.
Cedric stood there awkwardly, looking at everywhere but you. You turned around placing your hands on you're hips. “You're not really planning on taking a bath with clothes on or, Are you?”
He shook his head, with his cheeks dusted with crimson colour. Without any further a do, you jumped into then pool and splashed water on him. “Hey!” He scowled lightly. “hEy” you said in mocking tone.
“Haha—very funny, Y/N” he said, you're getting impatient “don't just stand there,you daft–bimbo! Get in” he rolled his eyes before started taking of clothes his own. You swam around, making sure you didn't make such a mess.
You're hair slowly, turning into (F/C) color. As you're tail slowly, came into the view, “if you do—Y/N!! You—what?” you giggled softly, turning around to face him. You're skin,looked little paler than before.
You batted you're eyelashes playfully at him, looking at his shocked face with you're (F/C) eyes. “Like what you see, cedric?” you said, teasingly smiling at him sheepishly. The whole school is going to see you in you're mermaid form when the task day comes.
His gaze still lingered on you're lower body. You stretched out your hand, asking him to take it. When he touched it, you pulled him into the water. Laughing hysterically. “Gotcha”
He got up, and glared at you. Whistle you were still laughing at his face. “You better stop laughing, L/N” he said, watching you laugh at him. “Or what you gonna do?” you asked moving a little bit closer than you guys were already there.
“You might not it, L/N” He only called you, L/N when he's being serious. You, however find it very hot. He was only a few inches away from you. His few drops were dripping from his hair, “Oh, I think I might”
His eyes flickered down to you're lips and then your eyes. with any warning, he smashed his lips against yours, you immediately kissed him back, wrapping you're arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss.
You are absolutely smitten for this boy, it's been only few days but you felt like you know him from years. You're relationship with him.. Is magical.
“didn't think that would happen” He spoke breaking the kiss, as both of you ran out if breath. “did you?” you grinned, kissing him,again. After you're make out session.
“you were born with this?” He asked, you nodded shrugging. “A half—mermaid” You laughed a little playing with the bubbles. “I was born this way, I can change my appearance, at will”
“Kind of, messed up, isn't it?” You asked, blowing the bubbles. He shook his head, “I think you're pretty amazing and you're beautiful no matter what you are—human or—mermaid”
You faced him “Really?” Looked at him shocked. All you're life, you thought you were just—
“yes, you shouldn't talk about yourself like that Y/N—” He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, you rested on him. “It isn't always our choices, for everything we got. I love you and you also should love yourself” he placed a kiss on your temples.
You never felt so safe and this secured before. Does he truly care about you?
“So, how does this work?” He asked, holding the egg in his hands. “put it under the water” He did what you said, luckily this time it didn't scream. “Now wh—” you pushed his head under the water, along with you.
“Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you’re searching ponder this:
We’ve taken what you’ll sorely miss,
An hour long you’ll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour — the prospect’s black,
Too late, it’s gone, it won’t come back.”
You laughed as cedric took deep breaths. Then he turned to you “what does that supposed to mean?”
“Am I going crazy or —is Diggory seriously staring at our Y/N?” Draco asked, narrowing his eyes over the Hufflepuff.
Hermione who also noticed the famous Hufflepuff staring at you, laughed. Ron just rolled his eyes, went back to eating his food. You were too busy talking with Harry, you didn't notice.
Draco knows what you guys were talking about so he didn't bother asking, he trusts you. Were like his big sister, for both of them. These two were also very overprotective for you. Says they don't want to get you, heartbroken.
“Y/N!! I keep telling Draco—I don't dance and he says He'll teach me!” said, Harry Irritatedly. You laughed. “I will teach you!!!”
“No!!!” Harry dramatically whines. You glanced at hermione who's biting her lip to control her laughter, once you're eyes met both of you burst into laughter. “come on, Harry—I mean how bad could you be at dancing,hm?”
“You have no idea, Y/N. Last night , we practiced the dance together because he wants to impress our little ferret here. In conclusion, he suck at dancing” Ron exclaimed, following with a heavy sigh.
Draco pouted looking at Harry, omg he's so cute. “For me? Pretty please?”
“Stop! No not those eyes—draco!! Fine” Harry reluctantly, agreed. Who can say no this little cutie here, eh? The lot of you, continued eating, talking and lots of giggles from you, Hermione and Draco, though.
“Okay, alright—Let's talk about Y/N, here” Draco hushed them all, you laughed a little“what about me, dray?” you asked, confused. “Any reason, why diggory can't take his eyes of you?”
“what are you talking about, Draco—I don't, I don't understand?” you said, dryly.
“professor—you don't understand! If cedric really cares about me, then—I—how am I supposed watch over the others?” You panicked, looking at professor McGonagall. “I shall talk to professor Dumbledore about this situation, Y/N—don't worry”
“what about cho? She's close to him. She's his best friend!”
The yule ball came, quickly. Cedric asked you to the ball which you gladly said yes, for. The night took it's toll. Professor McGonagall and professor sprout were standing behind you as you stood in front of the mirror. Looking at you're reflection.
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“professor i—don't think I can do this!” you said, nervously. “Nonsense dear, you look amazing” professor sprout said, professor Lupin came into the room. “Professor McGonagall they—need you in the great hall”
Professor McGonagall nodded before leaving, you were standing in her room for Merlin's sake.she always looked after, as if you're her own but you never understood why? Nevertheless you were glad to have her. You were grown, alone. Having her always made you feel,happier. Professor sirius I mean black—peeked into the room. “Oh my—Y/N you look splendid!”
“Yes, Y/N—”
“professor McGonagall chose this dress, for me”
“Minnie, did a great job then!” Remus smacked sirius head, you giggled at you're professor's. You were always close to almost every teacher, except snape. You never understood why he's always so cold?
“The real talk is about you professor's!” you said, grinning. “You two look wonderful, rather very charming” You said, teasingly. Remus let out a laugh. Sirius flipped his hair “You can say it, Y/N—you're astronomy teacher looks better than DADA teacher”
“Enough! With the chitchat! Time for the ball, Let's go” said, professor sprout. “chop chop” The entrance hall was packed with students too, all milling around waiting for eight o’clock, when the doors to the Great Hall would be thrown open.
Those people who were meeting partners from different Houses were edging through the crowd trying to find one another. You slowly made you're way towards the stairs. You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself.
“well, don't you look—magnificent” you heard a familiar voice behind you, smiling you turned around. “Thank you, Freddie” he smiled along with his twin. “Seriously, Y/N. You look amazing—now I regret not asking you to the ball” said, George.
You giggled, “You alright?” Fred asked you, you looked at him, nodding. “Just..... Nervous” They smiled, softly. “There's no need to be—Diggory's got the most amazing girl” Fred kissed you're forehead.
“come on, we'll escort you to you're date” George offered his hand. You neatly tucked in you're arms linking with both of them, Fred to your right and George to you're left.
At the entrance of the hall, you found cedric standing nervously. Beside of Draco and Harry who couldn't wipe the grins of their faces. You have to admit it—they're such a cute couple.
Harry nudged the older's side, cedric finally lifted his head up. And his eyes met yours. His jaw almost dropped at how beautiful—gorgeous you looked. Harry and Draco smiled greatly at their friend. You we're striking down with the twins elegantly,arms linked with yours. He swore he never seen someone so breath-taking.
Carefully, step by step the twins helped you walk down because it's a little bit hard walking with such a pretty dress and heels. And they led you to Cedric “Hi” You said, anxiously. “Hey... —you look angelic”
“And you better take good care of this Angel, mate” Fred slowly pulled away his arm. Angelina came towards Fred smiling happily. “Don't want any broken bones now, do we?” George winked, as they head off.
“Mischievous one's, aren't they” He laughed, you turned to Harry who was smiling at something Draco said. “Harry!” You hugged him,“Hey Y/N” He hugged you back. “My little prince Charming is looking good in his suite” you ruffled his hair.
“I'm here too, you know” Draco rolled his eyes, it's clear he's jealous. “Aww, c'mere” You hugged him, softly pecked his cheek. “you're so cute, when you're jealous did you know that? No wonder Harry likes you so much” you pinched his cheeks. “Are you boys, ready? I wanna see my favorite couple rocking the floor” you said, feeling more confident than you did before you got here.
Cedric laughed, as if you said something silly. “well we d—” Professor McGonagall’s voice called, “Champions over here, please!” “I'm so not ready—let's do this” said, Draco. You giggled softly.
Professor McGonagall, who was wearing dress robes of red tartan and had arranged a rather ugly wreath of thistles around the brim of her hat, told you guys to wait on one side of the doors while everyone else went inside.
they were to enter the Great Hall in procession when the rest of the students had sat down. The doors were closed. “Ced—Cedric stop! Stop staring at me like that” you said, blushing. He smiled, like he's achieved something great. But he was genuinely liked you for real.
“You look marvelous, did you know that?”
“Oh my god” you covered you're crimson face, with your hands. “do I have to dance?” whined, Harry. Draco rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. “come on, Harry! You'll be fine! Just look at me, only!”
Once everyone else was settled in the Hall, Professor McGonagall told the all of you to get in line in pairs and to follow her. You've done what you've been told and everyone in the Great Hall applauded as all of you entered and started walking up toward a large round table at the top of the Hall, where the judges were sitting.
The walls of the Hall had all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of garlands of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling.
The House tables had vanished; instead, there were about a hundred smaller, lantern-lit ones, each seating about a dozen people.
The light music echoed, alarming it's time for dance. Cedric gently placed his hand on your small waist, taking your hand in his. In the corner of your eye, you saw Harry and Draco who were grinning like idiots.
“I like this” you said, staring into his eyes. “I like being with you” you said, making it a little bit clearer. His face soften at you're words. “Thank you”
“For what?”
“For making me feel this way” you said, placing your head on his chest, listening his heart beat as you guys continued dancing slowly. “it's too early, I know—but I love you” said, Cedric as his grip tightened. You lifted you're head looking at him, shooked. More people joined the dance.
“you mean that?” He nodded, “I know it might seem like a joke—but I'm being serious” He said, sincerely. You waited for him to say ‘I'm kidding’ or ‘sike’ but nothing came.
You pulled away you're arms, quickly wrapped them around him, pulling him into a tight hug as if you're life depends on it. “don't leave me”
“I'm not planning on it, darling”
Both of you continued dancing for the next few minutes, till you saw professor Lupin and Professor black sitting on one of the chairs. “I'll be back” you said, hurrying over to the couple.
“Hello, Y/N—having fun?” Remus asked, generously. You nodded “Clearly, you're not! Come on professor” You extended you're hand. “professor black!” you gestured towards the dance floor. Sirius took you're right hand, and stood up.
“Don't be a part pooper,Remus! Get up” said, sirius. You laughed “Don't want to keep you're boyfriend hanging professor, come on—look even Harry's dancing!” Remus finally gave in and stood up.
You led both of them, next to Harry and Draco. “You better not step on my toes, black” threatened, Remus. Sirius chuckled. “Since when did I ever step on you're toes, moony”
Remus rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, playfully. “I see what you did here” Cedric whispered in you're ear, you shrieked. Slapped on his chest, lightly.
“C'mon, Love!” He dragged you away from the couple so they could have some privacy. On you're way you saw Dean and seamus. Dean looked so done with his Boyfriend.
Seamus caught your eye and waved, Dean then followed his eye and quickly waved when he saw you, you waved back smiling. “Having fun?”
“Not much fun but since I'm with him, you know I can say a little bit fun” said, Dean boringly.
You leaned forward and so only they could hear“I overheard professor Dumbledore talking about the weird sister's performance here, now. Get ready, shit's about get wild”
Seamus cheered loudly but dean shushed him off. You winked at them, walked away with Cedric. “we'll sit down for a bit! I know you want to dance for weird sisters music”
You grinned, he's just caring for you. The two of you talked for a while until Dumbledore stood up
and asked the students to do the same. Then, with a wave of his wand, all the tables zoomed back along the walls leaving the floor clear, and then he conjured a raised platform into existence along the right wall. A set of drums, several guitars, a lute, a cello, and some bagpipes were set upon it.
The Weird Sisters now trooped up onto the stage to wildly enthusiastic applause; they were all extremely hairy and dressed in black robes that had been artfully ripped and torn. They picked up their instruments.
“C'mon ced! Let's go!! It's the weird sister's!!” you clearly forgot you're wearing heels and decided it was the great idea to run and almost fell, Cedric was quick enough to catch you just in time. “Easy there, love”
The crowd danced wildly, you laughed loudly as you're hair dances behind you. Dumbledore was waltzing with Madame Maxime.
He was so dwarfed by her that the top of his pointed hat barely tickled her chin; however, she moved very gracefully for a woman so large. Mad-Eye Moody was doing an extremely ungainly two-step with Professor Sinistra, who was nervously avoiding his wooden leg.
“HEY Y/N!!!” Harry yelled, getting a glimpse of you dancing in the crowd with Cedric by you're side. “ALRIGHT THERE, 'ARRY?”
The Weird Sisters stopped playing, applause filled the hall once More. And another song, started playing but this time it's faster. You came across Fred and Angelina, who were dancing so exhuberantly that people around them were backing away in fear of injury.
You pulled Cedric by his tie so he can leaned down “like I said Shit's gone wild” You yelled in his ear, causing him to grin. “Of course”
By the time songs ended, you were exhausted. Cedric noticed this and slowly led you out of the crowd so you can have some breath. You're face turned red and sweaty from all the dancing. “well, that was fun” Said, Draco from behind.
You noticed the couple walking towards the chairs beside you. “I wish this night was longer” you breathed, Cedric looked at you confused “why?”
Before you know it, the day finally came. The second task is today. The entrance hall contained a few last-minute stragglers, all Leaving the Great Hall after breakfast and heading through the double oak doors to watch the second task.
All the students made their way to the Blake lake, as awaits the boats to take them to the stands. Almost everyone left, You walked with Harry by your side. “Alright there, Harry?” he nodded. “You?” you shook you're head. Sirius had his arm on Harry's shoulder and Remus was walking along side with him.
“All my life I only hid my secret... Away from this world. And now—I just. Don't know” He nodded understanding. The night on the yule ball day you told Harry and Draco about what's going to happen.
“I hope Draco is alright, can't find mione either” Harry says, disappointed. “They were held as hostages, Harry. Last night I went in there, to look—took permission from professor Dumbledore”You said, kicking the small pebble. Remus and Sirius looked at you with widened eyes.
The four of you reached the dock, Harry, Remus and Sirius got inside. Remus extend his hand for you to take and get in. You shook you're head, while laughing.
“She doesn't need a boat, Remus” said, Harry smiling. You winked at him. “You guys go ahead” They nodded, paddling the boat. You watched them go a little bit furthermore.
Sighing you took off you're clothes and started sprinting down the dock, then jumped into the cold water.
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“Miss Y/L/N? Miss Y/L/N? Are you here?” professor Dumbledore called out, no one responded. The students looked quite confused why professor Dumbledore is looking for you. Cedric eyes searched around, but couldn't find you.
Suddenly, you're head popped up from the water. Professor Dumbledore let out a relief sigh. As students gasped. “can't get rid of me that easily, professor” He laughed. To others you looked like a complete different person but with same face.
Lugo bagman stood up pointed his wand at his throat as he had done at the World Cup, said, “Sonorus!” and his voice boomed out across the dark water toward the stands.
“Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One . . . two . . three!”
The whistle echoed shrilly in the cold, still air; the stands erupted with cheers and applause; without looking to see what the other champions were doing, Harry pulled off his shoes and socks, pulled the handful of gillyweed out of his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, and waded out into the lake.
You waited patiently for professor dumbledore to give the signal. You were used to this cold temperature but you don't know long they can be in their. “Miss Y/L/N, here is going to look after our beloved champion's since she knows the underworld better and has known for year's—I must warn you, better not make any remarks about Miss Y/L/N or—we'll be have to make sure, none of you does it, again”
“Wicked” said, the twins at the same time. “GO! Y/N!” Cheered Ron, loudly among the students. You waved at him. He grinned
“Miss Y/L/N—it's time”
“wait! —” said professor black. Sirius walked over to the edge of the stand and leaned forward you swam a little bit further so he could speak with you.
“Please, look after my godson Y/N. I'm counting on you” he said desperately. “Please not worry, professor. I'll protect him no matter what—I promise”
You turned around and dove in, making you're tail splash huge mount of water.
You swam as fast as you could—there's no sign of anyone. You came across forests of rippling, tangled black weed, wide plains of mud littered with dull, glimmering stones.
You swam deeper, hoping you could find any of the champions. Then you caught a glimpse of Harry, He got his wand out of pocket and used a spell on the grindylow.
You sighed in relief but immediately panicked when you saw more grindylow's surrounding Harry. You swam, faster and then you hit few of them with you're tail. Then used you're hands to make bubble boost making knocking them unconscious.
“Harry!” you hugged him, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” you're eyes scanned him for injuries. He has few scratches on his legs, “Y/N! Please I'm fine” He said, swimming away. You watched him leave, well at least he must've known what he's doing.
You turned around and swam further searching for other champions, your hair flowing behind you. The deeper you went the more eerily the surroundings got. Some things wrong, you can feel it.
You were about to turn around until you heard something coming from the deep, dark green weeds. You know it's dangerous, even for you. But you went in. What if someone got stuck?
You're eyes widened, it's fleur she's got struck in between the weeds and few grindylow's were attacking her. You kicked away few of them but many more are coming. You have to get her out of here. You used bubble blast, again but there's too many of them.
You managed to get them off Fleur, she's crying in pain you can tell. The problem in being water is—no one can understand you're pain, you can't feel the tears. You made a huge wave, and sending it straight towards them.
Knocking them off, “Fleur? Fleur!” you called out but she doesn't seem alright. You held her tightly and swam towards the stands very fastly. It hurts a little bit, putting too much pressure but you didn't care.
All you cared is about saving her. The crowd waited anxiously for someone to arrive, You're head hit the surface.You swam toward the deck “Professor!!!” you called out for help. Professor McGonagall who is closer to the deck, came in to give a hand. Madam maxime gasped “Fleur!” she looked horrified.
“She's unconscious! Help her—I have to go back” You quickly spoke to Professor Dumbledore, beside stood professor Lupin and professor black worriedly.
You know the exact location where the hostages were held, you're sure the champions must've found them by now.
When you got there, Harry was surrounded by the merpeople, a spike was held near neck as he was floating near Hermione. You angrily swam, towards them. “Get back!!!”
Of course they know you, you came in here more than twice, every week. You went in front of Harry, protectively helding him back.
“You take your own hostage,” one of them said to him. “Leave the others . . .”
“No way!” said Harry furiously — but only two large bubbles came out.
“Your task is to retrieve your own friend . . . leave the others . . .”
Harry shook his head, furiously. “Harry! Take Draco and leave—she's krums hostage” you said, calmly. “please”
He sighed in defeat. You turned around when you saw Cedric swimming towards you. He pointed towards the watch, the time is almost finished. He cut cho free.
“Is krum coming?” you asked, he nodded. “Go” He swam away, with cho in his arms. Even though you know she's his friend you can't help but feel jealous a little bit but you trust him.
a human body in swimming trunks with the head of a shark. . . . It was Krum. He appeared to have transfigured himself — but badly.
The shark-man swam straight to Hermione and began snapping and biting at her ropes; the trouble was that Krum’s new teeth were positioned very awkwardly for biting anything smaller than a dolphin, and Harry was quite sure that if Krum wasn’t careful, he was going to rip Hermione in half.
Darting forward, Harry hit Krum hard on the shoulder and held up the jagged stone. Krum seized it and began to cut Hermione free. Within seconds, he had done it; he grabbed Hermione around the waist, and without a backward glance, began to rise rapidly with her toward the surface.
You smiled proudly at Harry's actions. He could've just taken Draco and leave but he wanted to make sure his friends were alright.
He turned to you. “Fleur didn't make it, Harry” you said, worriedly. Her sister... If Fleur didn't rescue her and then—she's gone?
His eyes widened, Harry tried to speak but only bubbles came out his mouth. “if we don't rescue her now and then she's lost to us”
He looked around, the merpeople isn't anywhere near you two. “I'll take care of them, you go” he nodded in agreement. Harry darted forward and began to hack at the ropes binding the small girl to the statue, and at last she was free.
He seized the little girl around the waist, grabbed the neck of draco's robes, and kicked off from the bottom.
You were too busy, dealing with the merpeople you didn't notice some of them slipping past and went towards Harry. “Argh!” you winced when the spear peered you're skin on lightly.
Over the surface;on the stands Cedric was facing back and forth. The time is almost over and Both Harry and you didn't return. He knows something gone wrong. “I'm going in” said, Cedric removing the towel that was wrapped around his muscled body.
“Mr.Diggory—it's against the rules, you're not allowed to go in” Cedric let out a frustrated growl.
No matter how many you fought, it seems they keep coming. Finally, you looked at Harry. His flippers were gone, he was struggling to swim with Draco and Fleur's sister.
Harry no longer can breathe oxygen, with all the strength left he pushed Draco and Fleur's sister towards the surface. The merpeople surrounded him. “Harry!!” You kicked away, the merman and swam towards him quickly. You glanced at the surface, Draco and Fleur's sister are safe. Draco helped Gabrielle swim towards the stands.
You caught him, but suddenly, a grindylow came out of nowhere and gripped on you're tail. You yelped. Using the strength left in you're hands, you blasted away the grindylow. You guys were few feet away from the surface.
You pushed Harry towards the surface and then sent a wave with you're tail causing him to break into the surface. You felt enormously relieved.
Harry breathed heavily as he reached the surface. He swam towards the stands. And was immediately wrapped up in towel. “Oh, Harry! Finally!” Draco kissed his head, hugging him tightly.
Cedric made his way to Harry. “Ha—Harry where's Y/N?” He asked, worriedly. “she's—still inside, i—” He was cut off when Sirius walked over and hugged him tightly. “she saved me” he finished taking in deep breathes. Everyone looked at the water worriedly.
You got away and popped up into the surface, right in front of the docks. Professor Lupin helped you get up on the stands, you were still in you're mermaid form. You breathed heavily, you laid on the deck. Cedric walked over to you, taking you in his arms protectively. He wrapped his towel around you.
You're eyes shot up, “Harry!” you searched around, he over to you with Draco by his side. “I'm here, Y/N” He smiled, “thank god” you breathed out. “No, thanks to you” said, Draco gracefully.
You laughed, leaning back onto Cedric's chest. He placed a kiss on your temple. “You got me so worried, Y/N” you smiled. “I couldn't be more thankful to you Y/N, for what you did! I owe you” Draco hugged you.
You stretched out you're left arm, motioning Harry to hug you. He smiled, and joined you three. “Thank you, Y/N” Draco said, again. You just saved his life (his and his life? Harry is his life so his life, I say).
He pecked you're cheek, just like you do for him. You didn't stand up, because of you're tail. And you don't want to shift back because.... You're clothes?
Harry pecked your other cheek, causing you to giggle. The others seemed to be in aww at you're interactions with the boys. Fleur walked over to you guys. “You saved me, thank you, Y/N. Harry thank you for saving my sister even though she's not yours”
“well, I have loads of help” he said turning to you. You giggled hugging him, Draco smiled widely. “And you—you helped her” she said turning to Draco, he might have helped her sister swim “Ah, yes a little bit” she kissed his forehead “thank you” she left went back to her sister.
Draco turned to you guys with a weird expression“didn't expect that”.
“I could never thank you enough for what you did today, Y/N. No matter how many times I say it, it wouldn't be enough” said, Sirius seriously.
“thank you for keeping you're promise, Y/N” said Remus sincerely. Harry looked shocked “You promised them? To keep me, safe?” you nodded. “I didn't save you just because I promised them, Harry. I saved you because you're my friend—a brother—a family—I love all of you” you said looking at Cedric, Harry, Draco, Hermione, and ron who stood by her side then Sirius and Remus. You smiled widely.
“A hug?” you asked, sheepishly knowing you'll be crushed the next second. Every one hugged you. You felt tears glistening in your eyes. You may not have grown up with love and affection in you're life before you got into hogwarts.
But you never felt so loved before. “come on, Y/N. Let's get you dressed” said, Cedric and tried to pick you up, but you slipped out, “Nah-huh I'll meet you at the land” you said, jumping in the water purposely splashing water on everyone.
“IT'S SO COLD!! HARRY I'M SO COLD”you heard draco's voice, saying dramatically. “I only think you're hot, draco” “THIS IS NOT TIME FOR FLIRTING!”
Few years later;
“I can't believe this is happening” you said, trying so hard not to cry. It's you're graduation and now you know it's time to say goodbye to the place you called home for years.
“Yeah,I'm gonna miss this place” Said, Cedric looking at the fountain in the courtyard. “I'm gonna miss everyone” you said, as a tear fell from your eyes. “me too—gonna miss the adventures that and competition's which nearly killed us” He wrapped his arm around you.
“Remember how we met? I was assigned to watch over you guys” you said, recalling the memory. “I do”
“and I'll never forget it”
“So, now what do we do?”
“I'll be in training to become an Auror”
“I know” “I love you” “I love you too”
“Y/N!! Y/N!!!” you looked up and saw Harry and Draco running towards you. You smiled at them, over the years they've grown up so much.
You still remember the greesy haired Draco and messy raven Harry like it was yesterday. “Hey boys” you said, blinking off the tears. “we know it's you're last day at hogwarts” said Harry hiding something behind him.
“So—we got you a present” beamed Draco. “Aww, you know you guys don't have to” you smiled at the younger. “don't be so nice, Y/N—you're gonna love it”
He showed you the present—“is that a pygmy puff?” you gasped, “oh my god, it's so cute” you squealed. “yep, got one from the joke shop—Fred and george gave us this for free” said Harry
“when we said it was a gift for you, of course” Draco laughed. You took the small pink fluff ball into you're hands, you almost melted at how soft it was.
You handed the pygmy puff to Cedric, he gently held it in his palms, it looked so small in his hands🥺 You hugged Harry and Draco tightly.
You'll miss these boys, the most. “I'll miss you two, so much” you said, through tears. “us too, Y/N—don't worry! We'll graduate before you know it and then visit you whenever we want” beamed Harry.
You laughed, “Of course! Anytime you want, doesn't matter” Draco bought up his sleeve and wiped off you're tears.
“We'll see you soon, Y/N”
“WHat is going on?” you heard familiar voices, turning around stood there Fred, george and Your husband, Cedric in their suits. You let out a frustrated sigh. “They're arguing over who's last name they're going to use”
“Are you kidding? The wedding's in 5 minutes” said, Cedric checking his watch.
“Now they're arguing??” Asked, Fred who looked so done with the engaged couple.
Hermione groaned loudly, “Come on guys, let's go it's time”
You laughed at them, none of them really changed. Same kids from school, it's a good thing though.
❃.✮:▹ The end ◃:✮.❃
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I was watching the IT movie,again the other day. It's horror film written by Stephen King and it couldn't help but— (I saw this one in Pinterest and I don't know what—but)
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Anygays, I hope you guys enjoyed this fic and also thank you guys so much for 200+ likes for my “𝚈𝚞𝚕𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎| 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚘 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚏𝚘𝚢 𝚡 𝚙𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛! 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛” Fic and like I promised here, Cedric's fic.
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songsoomin · 4 years
Begin Again Part 3 (A, S, F)
Word count 7k
Idol!Jongho x Fem!Reader, Best friend!Hongjoong. Reader has serious body confidence issues due to an emotionally abusive past relationship but Jongho helps her recover. Y/N is struggling with the anxiety of being intimate due to feeling exposed because she still can’t imagine anyone finding her physically attractive.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, both emotional and psychological, body shaming, anxiety issues. Oral sex (m and f receiving), unprotected sex but reader is on oral contraception, very slight mention of manhandling and strength kink. Smut from the very beginning. In fact, most of this chapter is about Jongho and Y/N’s first time together.
Authour’s note: Reader is overweight but not as massive as she thinks she is. She has been conditioned through psychological abuse to believe she is very fat and unattractive. This is not intended to be the kind of story where reader becomes thin and is then happy and gets male attention (although, due to reader’s warped sense of self she does equate being thin with being happy). Even after losing some weight (for her own health and happiness) she is still somewhat overweight and curvy but the more important part is that she gets her confidence back and that is what makes her happier and more attractive.
Part 1 Part 2
Posted 9th February 2021
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Soft moans left you as Jongho kissed your neck, biting lightly then swiping his tongue over the delicate skin where he'd just bitten. You were laying on his bed where you had been watching a film until Jongho's gentle touches turned into something more.
It had been months now since you had officially begun dating, after that night at the club. At the coffee shop you'd almost convinced yourself that he probably confessed because he'd been drinking but he promised to convince you otherwise, having seen the doubt on your face. You'd gone to bed that night hoping you were wrong and, true to his word, Jongho turned up at your apartment the next day for a real date.
Despite it having been months - and Jongho being the most amazing boyfriend - you'd not gone much further than kissing. Sometimes he would touch your chest over your clothes but you were still too insecure to be undressed in front of him. It wasn't that you didn't want to go further because you really, really did. Jongho's lips drove you crazy but something in your head just wasn't letting you progress in your relationship.
You sighed, frustrated, and Jongho pulled away to look at you.
"Y/N...it's fine. I told you I'll wait as long as you need. You don't need to rush this if you're not ready."
"I'm sorry, Jongho, you know I want to...I just...I can't get past this insecurity. It's like my brain can't accept that you'll still like me once you see me with my clothes off. I still can't see why you like me even with them on."
Your boyfriend looked at you sadly, his shoulders dropping slightly. It hurt him how you still thought of yourself.
"Y/N, you are so beautiful and one day I'm going to show you just how beautiful I think you are."
Despite him saying this kind of thing to you often, he could see that the message still wasn't getting through and wondered if there was something else bothering you.
"You know you're safe with me, right?" He said seriously.
"Of course, I do! It's not that."
Jongho was nothing like your ex but the damage he'd done meant that you were still having trouble trusting your new boyfriend. You trusted him to treat you well and be the wonderful person that he was...you just didn't trust that he'd still want you once you were naked in front of him. You genuinely worried that once he saw you like that he'd be disgusted and change his mind.
"Why don't we wind back the film and catch up on what we missed?" Jongho suggested.
He could see you were deep in thought but it didn't look like you were going to elaborate on your reply.
You gave him a small smile but it didn't reach your eyes. You watched the film distractedly, too busy hating yourself for not being able to move on from your past and feeling like a massive let down to Jongho.
Some weeks later you were in the same situation except in your apartment now, Jongho on your comfy sofa with you sitting on his lap, facing him. When he first asked you'd resisted, sure your weight would make him too uncomfortable but when you voiced your concerns he'd cheekily replied with a wink,
"There's only one place you're making me uncomfortable."
Now you were straddling his lap you loved it. You could feel his strong thighs beneath you and his large hands on your hips. Your boyfriend's tongue explored your mouth once again and every now and then he would nibble on your bottom lip, eliciting quiet moans from you.
As he moved his lips along your jawline and down the soft skin of your neck, you started to feel that familiar tingling in your core and couldn't help but to grind against his crotch. His jeans were tight against the large bulge there and you smiled to yourself thinking back to his comment about you making him uncomfortable. You continued to grind against him and a louder moan slipped past your lips at the friction you felt.
Jongho took this as a positive sign and slowly moved his hands underneath the floaty top you were wearing. He always moved slowly so he could guage your reaction before going too far for you. You froze before quickly gathering yourself and pulling your top back down - the dark blonde man's hands already gone having felt you tense up.
Looking away from him you mumbled the apology you'd become used to giving and earning the usual sad look from Jongho because he kept telling you, you don't have to apologise for how you feel. Gently he moved you off his lap and onto the seat next to him but took your hands in his.
"Y/N...I'm not trying to rush you, I just really want to show you how beautiful I think you are...and how much I want you."
He sounded so sincere it made you feel even worse. You didn't want him to feel bad when he'd done nothing wrong.
"I know and I'm sorry. You're not making me feel pressured at all and I do want to do this but I can't get over the fear that you won't want me once you really see me."
"What do you mean?"
A confused look crossed Jongho's face as he waited for you to elaborate. You thought for a moment, trying to frame the words.
"Well...once you see what I look like underneath all this..." you said feebly gesturing to your clothes, "you won't want me anymore. I'll disgust you."
Jongho managed to look both astonished and incredulous at the same time.
"That's really what you think? That I'm so shallow I'd change my mind over your appearance?"
You looked away because the look he gave you now just made you feel ashamed.
"Haven't I told you enough times how beautiful I think you are?"
"I know I look better now I've lost some weight but - "
He let go of your hands suddenly and you felt the weight of your mistake in his absence.
"Don't you dare imply I only like you because you lost weight!"
He'd never got upset with you before but the hurt and anger in his voice was unmistakable.
You looked up cautiously not wanting to see the hurt in his eyes.
"The first time I saw you I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen - that's why I was so shy around you. I couldn't have cared less what size you were. When you mentioned losing weight I saw that as my chance to get to know you alone. I didn't think you needed to change, I just wanted to spend time with you."
"Jongho, I - "
"You know, I don't have any problem waiting until you're ready and feel comfortable but what really hurts is that you think I could be anything like him."
The disdain in Jongho's tone as he mentioned your emotionally abusive ex was so obvious it made the vast difference between them strike you even more. They were polar opposites so why were you treating Jongho like he could be similar in any way? You sat, quietly ashamed while he continued.
"I think you look amazing but you are so much more to me than what you look like. How could you think I'd only care about that? Is that the kind of person you think I am?"
You looked up at your boyfriend without an answer. It was impossible to escape that you'd really hurt him but you didn't know how to make it better. You'd let your insecurities cloud your mind to the kind of man he was. It was him who was amazing and you'd made him feel like you didn't trust him at all.
"I'm sorry, Jongho...I just..."
You didn't have any other words so you just looked down at your hands while you wrung them unconsciously.
"I know your past treatment has really damaged how you feel about yourself...but I thought you knew I was better than that."
He paused just long enough to collect his keys and wallet before adding,
"I'm going to head home. I'll see you later."
You felt helpless to stop him as he walked out the door and quietly shut it behind him. The fact he'd shut it quietly was more like a slap in the face than if he'd slammed it - it showed how much more hurt he was than angry.  
Tears bagan falling down your face as you sat motionless on the sofa. Jongho was so patient and understanding and you'd just stomped all over that. It was enough that your past was still hurting you; you couldn't allow it to hurt him, too.
"I don't know what to do."
"About what?"
It was Friday night, your weekly movie night with Hongjoong and your bright red-haired best friend was sitting beside you on the couch engrossed in the film you were supposed to be watching but you were having trouble concentrating. All you could think of was the last time you'd seen Jongho and how hurt he'd looked.
"I really hurt Jongho and I don't know how to make it better. Has he said anything to you."
"No, he doesn't really confide in any of us about personal stuff. What happened?"
You cleared your throat as Hongjoong looked at you, expectant.
"Well, we haven't been...intimate yet..."
You trailed off as the male's eyes widened slightly as he realised where the conversation was going. You looked away, somewhat embarrassed. You'd talked to Joong about sex before but not about your own sex-life - or lack-thereof.
"Oh. Right. Well, now I think about it I know you guys weren't doing anything at the dorm but I guess I just assumed you were doing it here at your place. Not that I really thought about it."
He quickly added the last part and you laughed despite your unease.
"Can I ask what that has to do with hurting him?"
You shifted uncomfortably because you knew it was unfair to have let your past affect how you thought of Jongho and you didn't want Hongjoong to judge you.  
"It's not that I think he'd be nasty or anything...I'm just so scared that he won't feel the same about me once he sees me...naked."
Hongjoong fixed you with a look that somehow managed to both sympathise and disapprove at the same time.
"Y/N, Jongho isn't like that. You know he's not."
You looked down at your hands, feeling a bit ashamed of yourself.
"I do know but I can't seem to let go of the fear that he'll realise I'm not good enough."
You best friend sighed and put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you to his side.
"I do understand why you can't; your ex spent everyday making you feel worthless. But..." He shifted so he was looking you in the eye,
"I don't think you'll ever overcome it until you take that leap. Until you do it and see that you were worrying for nothing, that fear will just eat away at you. You've made so much progress with your confidence lately so I know you can do this."
"Believe me I want to." You said earnestly. "He's so fucking hot I just want to -"
"Hey!" Hongjoong startled you with a shout, "I do not want to know what you want to do to him. He's like my baby brother, I can't think of him doing that shit."
"Ah, yeah. Sorry."
"Seriously, though, Jongho really likes you and I can't imagine anything will change his mind. He doesn't vocalise his emotions much but I've seen the way he looks at you when he thinks we can't see. He adores you. He has done since he first saw you."
You were resolved now. He was right, it would never get better if you didn't take a chance. You were supposed to be seeing Jongho tomorrow night so you wouldn't have long to wait.
"You're right, Joong. Thank you. I'm just going to have to go for it."
"Well, look at it this way...if you saw Jongho naked and he's not...uh...as big as you imagined, would it change how you felt about him?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Of course not. To be honest, though," You lowered your voice slightly, "from what I've felt I don't think that will be a prob-"
"Stop it!" Hongjoong looked horrified but you couldn't help but laugh.
"Sorry, Joong. You did bring it up though."
The next day you decided to do everything you could to make yourself feel attractive and desirable; you waxed, shaved your legs, put on your best perfume and make up. When it came to clothes you didn't go all out as it was just a night in with Jongho but, earlier that day, you did spend some time shopping for a new matching bra and panties set. You didn't want to go slutty (yet) as it was going to be your first time with him but you still wanted it to be sexy. In the end you went for a pink with sexy lace detailing and cute, little bows. You weren't really sure what Jongho liked yet but you thought a bit of sexy and bit of cute would cover all bases.
You'd probably overthought all of it because you knew Jongho wasn't like your ex and he wouldn't be cruel but, in the back of your mind, you still had that fear that you would disgust him. It's what you'd come to think anyone would feel upon seeing you like that. You knew he was entitled to be upset with you when you voiced those fears to him, though, because it implied he was shallow. Thinking that he might care more about what size you were belittled his feelings for you.
You knew those feelings were there in everything he did. Hongjoong was right, Jongho didn't voice his emotions much but you could see how he felt about you in how caring he was. Often asking if you're feeling ok, making sure you're happy, making you laugh. He wasn't one for a lot of physical affection but he'd always wind his arm around you when out walking. If you were just watching tv he'd hold your hand or pull you in to his side. He seemed especially aware of when you were anxious like he was attuned to your emotions. He wasn't obvious about it but he would just take your hand and rub soothing circles over your skin with his thumb until you felt calmer.
When you really thought about just what an amazing boyfriend Jongho was, you could hardly believe you let your fear of rejection marr your relationship with him. You had to overcome it, though, because Jongho was just too precious to lose. You hadn't fully acknowledged it yet but you knew you were in love with him. Hopefully he felt the same about you.
The evening came and you and Jongho were watching a Netflix show you'd recently gotten in to, however, he could see that you weren't really concentrating. Observant of you, as always, he noticed your fidgeting hands and took them in his to calm you.
"What's wrong, Baby?"
What were you to say? 'I want to fuck you tonight but I'm not sure how to start things off’? You were never the one to start anything physical between the two of you, given that the nasty part of your brain loved to remind you that you might not be wanted.
"Nothing...I just wanted to do something but I'm not sure how to start."
That was a lie, really. You knew what to do, you just weren't sure how to summon up the courage.
A confused look flashed across your boyfriend's face at your very vague statement.
"What did you want to do?"
Summoning your courage you leant forward and pressed your lips to his. You felt his surprise for a second as he was always the initiator but it was only for a second - he eagerly returned the kiss from there on.
Jongho parted his lips slightly and swiped his tongue across your lower lip - an indication that he wanted to deepen it, to which you more than happily obliged.
As your tongues swirled around each other's you shifted on the couch to straddle his lap, just resting on his strong, thick thighs. This was another thing you'd never done, too worried your weight would be uncomfortable for him but you imagined if he was, he would let you know but he gave no sign of that. On the contrary, he seemed all too pleased to have you there, his hands grabbing your hips and pulling you further down into him.
As you continued to kiss you could feel the bulge in his jeans growing and gave an experimental thrust of your hips, earning a low moan from the man beneath you.
"Mmm, Baby what's gotten into you tonight?"
The way he looked up at you, his dark eyes curious but full of desire stirred a long-buried confidence from within you, resurrecting your dirtier side.
"Nothing...but I know what I'd like in me."
The best word to describe the look on Jongho's face was dumbstruck. This was absolutely not the kind of thing he expected to hear coming out of your mouth and, after taking a few seconds to recover, he cleared his throat.
"Y/N, are you sure you want to do this? You know I don't mind waiting until you're ready."
"I don't want to wait anymore. I want you."
Just then a horrible thought struck you - courtesy of the nasty part of your brain. What if he didn't mind waiting because he didn't like you that much?
"Unless you don't want to, of course."
Jongho rolled his eyes.
"Baby, I want to. So much. Just because I'm willing to wait until you're comfortable doesn't mean I'm not desperate to fuck you."
"You have no idea how much."
Feeling elated, you kissed him feverishly, your confidence renewed by his words. He returned the kiss just as enthusiastically, slipping his tongue in and making you go weak, like always.
You began grinding your hips against his clothed cock once more and Jongho moved his lips from your mouth to your neck, kissing along your smooth skin towards your shoulder, moving the fabric of your flimsy top and your bra strap aside when it got in his way. Both of you were getting pretty worked up at this point so he pulled away to whisper in your ear,
"Let's go into the bedroom."
A thrill of excitement ran through you at the meaning behind those words because, despite your insecurities about your body, you had fantasised about fucking Jongho for months now.
He led you into your bedroom by your hand - he hadn't been in here before as you'd never got to this point but, despite having not seen it, he didn't waste time looking around the room; his attention was solely on you as he headed straight for the bed. He sat you down on the side of your big bed and gently pushed you back - you got the hint and shuffled into the middle of your big bed with him following. You laid down and Jongho settled beside you, propping himself up on one arm and looking down at you, his eyes searched your face one last time for any signs you weren't sure about this. It wasn't your first time but it was your first time with him and the first time with anyone since your confidence and self-worth had become so damaged.
"Remember...if at any point you don't feel comfortable or change your mind...tell me and we can stop."
You placed your hands on either side of his face and smiled up at him - he was always thinking about you over himself. You didn't know how you'd got this lucky.
"I might not feel comfortable with myself but I am with you. I won't want to stop." You told him confidently and it was true; you knew he was going to look after you.
You pulled him down towards you so you could kiss him again - it had only been minutes since you last kissed but you needed his lips on yours again.
Jongho's soft lips pressed against yours gently at first but became more demanding as time went on and you kissed him back with just as much enthusiasm. The way your tongues swirled around each other felt somehow different this time - maybe because you both knew it was leading to more this time. Sometimes when you were kissing Jongho you felt you were both a bit reserved about it because you knew it wouldn't lead anywhere so why get yourselves that worked up? This time there was more passion, more desperation; you both wanted this so much. He wasn't rushing, though, he was taking his time and allowing you to feel comfortable before moving on to the next step.  
Your boyfriend's lips left yours to travel down to your neck, kissing and sucking your delicate skin while you got your breath back from the long kissing session. While he did this, the hand that he had on the side of your neck slowly moved down your chest and under the flimsy top you wore. You couldn't help but tense up and he paused his hand's movement but you put your hand on top of his and moved it upwards, urging him to continue. As anxious as you were, you wanted him to carry on...to feel his hands on your body.
Jongho's fingers lightly ghosted over the part of your breast that wasn't covered by your bra and just this simple touch was enough to start the excitement building in you. You wanted more, you wanted to be free for him to touch your chest so you did the bravest thing you'd done in ages, you sat up and lifted your top right up over your head, throwing it somewhere on the floor. You felt exposed but Jongho smiled at you appreciatively. You didn't know but this reassured him in a big way. He was worried that, as he was always the one to initiate anything between you, he was pushing you forward quicker than you'd like but this small action let him know you wanted this, too, and that you trusted him to be exposed in front of him like this.
More confident now, the dark blonde straddled you on the bed and returned to kissing your neck, switching between soft kisses and licks to biting and sucking - wanting to mark you so everyone could see you were his. As he marked the sensitive skin between your neck and shoulder a moan slipped past you at the sensation and you bit your hand to try and stifle it, embarrased at how easy it was for him to affect you like that.
"Don't." He said, gently pulling your hand away from your mouth, "I want to hear you. I want to hear how I'm making you feel."
You nodded and he went back to kissing you, slipping your bra straps off and moving down your chest, stopping to mark the top of one breast before reaching his hands behind to undo the clasp and removing the pretty bra completely. Instinctively your hands flew up to cover yourself but Jongho was quicker, grabbing your wrists and pinning them on each side of your head.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asked with a small smile on his face. "I want to be able to see my beautiful girlfriend's body."
You couldn't deny him, not when he was looking at you so sincerely. Like he really did think you were something worth looking at.
"I'm going to let go of you now and you are not going to cover yourself up." The authoritative tone in his voice only added to your arousal but he really made you shiver when he brought one of your hands up to his head and said lowly,
"If you really need to do something with your hands you can play with my hair. I like it."
Your fingers trailed through Jongho's soft hair as he leaned down and brushed his lips against your breast...almost at your nipple but just teasing around it. Next he placed a kiss on the hardened bud, softly but just enough to excite you and have your core clenching around nothing. When he finally latched on to your nipple and sucked hard a thrill shot straight to your core and you pulled on his hair, earning a low groan from him.
He continued sucking and nibbling while he pinched and twisted your other nipple, switching sides every now and then and really working you up. If he was trying to excite you so much that you started to forget about your insecurities, then it was working. You didn't even tense up as he began to kiss down your stomach, undoing your jeans as he went. It would be a lie to say your worries weren't still in the back of your mind but Jongho was making you feel so good, kissing everywhere - even the areas you thought were too big - like he wanted to love every single part of you.
Your head snapped up when he stopped and got up - anxieties all ready to bubble up to the surface - but he just smiled at you from the end of the bed as he pulled your jeans completely off and said,
"Don't worry, Baby...my mouth will be right back in a second."
You giggled and relaxed back as he discarded your jeans, watching him crawl back up the bed to you before kissing you passionately. You felt his gentle fingers stroke your folds over your panties and had a brief moment of embarassment upon realising he must be able to feel the dampness from how excited he'd already made you. It was only a brief moment, though, because the overriding feeling was an absolute desire for him to stop being gentle and slide his long fingers inside you already. There was no way he didn't know this because you began to squirm slightly and bring your legs together in an effort to get a little friction at least.
"Are you that impatient?" He whispered in your ear, his hot breath fanning over your skin.
"I want you." You whimpered shyly; aware that he held all the power in this scenario but not minding one bit. If you had to define your temperament in bed, you would definitely be on the subby side.
"You can have whatever you want." He laughed affectionately, nibbling your earlobe before moving down to where you wanted him most.
Jongho slowly started to slide your damp panties down your legs and you felt like you just might explode. You were now wondering if he wasn't just going slow to make you feel more comfortable but instead wanted you to die from sexual frustration. You watched him impatiently as he finally took them off completely and he smirked. He was definitely teasing you and enjoying every minute of it.
His strong hands gripped your knees and parted your legs before positioning himself in between them but he wasn't done teasing yet. His soft lips ghosted over the delicate skin of your inner thighs right up to where they met your pussy. You could feel his breath tickle your folds as he hesitated, just admiring you and you whined loudly, partly because you felt too much on display but mostly because you needed some relief right now.
"Okay, okay. I'll stop teasing. Every single part of you is just so beautiful, even your pretty little pussy. I could just look at it all day"
You moaned again at his words and he dove straight in like he'd been waiting forever to do this, his hot tongue parting your wet folds and licking straight up from your core to your clit as his hands found their way around your thighs to pull you closer to him.
The moan that left you when his tongue finally touched you there was loud and erotic because he'd worked you up so much you'd become desperate for it - your clit so sensitive from anticipation that you imagined you'd cum embarrasingly quickly. In response to your obscene noises you felt the vibration of Jongho's low groan run through you - only adding to the sensations his tongue was providing.
As he lapped at your clit you couldn't help but grab his hair tightly, trying not to pull too hard but failing. He didn't seem to mind, though, he was getting more turned on by it if the grinding of his hips into the bed beneath him was anything to go by. Desperate for more you pulled him further in to you by his hair and he somehow knew what you wanted; he closed his lips around your clit and sucked hard. Another porn star-like moan escaped you; no one had ever made you feel quite this good before. He was almost taking your breath away with ther sheer pleasure his mouth was giving you.
Jongho's fingers dug in to your thighs as he pulled you impossibly close and alternated between licking and sucking but it was when he started to nibble at your clit that you came hard and loud, the waves of your orgasm flooding over you and drowning you in more pleasure than you'd ever felt before. It seemed to last forever as the dark blonde didn't stop, still lightly sucking to keep your high going. It wasn't until your legs were shaking and you were whimpering from overstimulation that he finally let go - not before a couple of kitten licks to your now unbearably sensitive bud.
Jongho crawled up the bed and reclined next to you, leaning on his elbow so he could look down at your blissfully fucked-out expression. He cupped your face with his hand and kissed your lips; you were still a little dazed but you enthusiastically kissed him back. His hand trailed to your breast, using his thumb to stroke your hard nipple and you squirmed a little as the feeling went straight back to your swollen clit. It was both excrutiating and incredibly pleasurable but too much for you to bear right now so you reluctantly took his hand and interlocked your fingers while you kissed instead.
Of course, he knew what you were doing and the smug look on his face confirmed that.
"Was it too much?" He inquired with fake innocence.
You shook your head and closed your eyes, still a little out of breath and he giggled at your still dazed state.
You laid quietly for a few moments, your boyfriend's hands stroking your skin, before deciding it was his turn. You got up and pulled on his shirt, indicating you wanted it off, he quickly complied and, once free of the clothing, you pushed him so he was laying flat on the bed. Straddling him you kissed his soft lips first, noting there was still a faint trace of you on them, before giving a little kitten lick to his top lip and moving down to his neck. As you kissed the skin around his collarbone he moaned lowly - clearly he enjoyed being kissed there as much as you did.
The noises coming from Jongho seemed to increase as you made your way down his toned chest and abs, running your warm hands over his smooth skin as you went. His body was so beautiful but, for once, you didn't feel inferior. The way he had treated you so far made you feel adored and even now, naked and exposed, he looked at you so appreciatively. The only thing you were feeling right now was amazement that someone this perfect could be yours.
As you reached the line of soft hair that went down from his belly button and disappeared into his jeans you felt excited to see what was underneath. You had a good idea that he was on the bigger side from the bulge you'd seen after some heated kissing sessions but you couldn't wait to see it for real so you started to unbutton his jeans. Jongho leaned up on his elbows, watching with anticipation as you unzipped him and took the waistband of his jeans and boxers in your hands. You looked up at him as you pulled them down, taking in his wide eyes and his bottom lip caught between his teeth. Part of you wanted to pay him back for the teasing while another wanted to draw out this moment of anticipation so you pulled down his clothing slowly, glancing up once or twice to see the slightly frustrated look cross his features. You smiled to yourself as you continued but the smile soon fell from your lips as you finally saw what Jongho had been hiding.
You felt your eyes widen as the smile dropped, your lips now open in awe. You knew he was going to be big but...fuck. Jongho wasn't just long, he was wide, too.
"Y/N?" His deep voice pulled you from your thoughts.
"You like what you're seeing?" He asked, looking more than a little smug.
"But what?" He teased.
"I just didn't expect you to be quite this...big."
Jongho giggled at your flustered expression. "You worried you're not gonna be able to take it all?" He said cockily.
"Oh no, I'm having it all." Your awe had faded and now you were getting excited again; you were desperate to see how he felt inside you.
Jongho groaned at your words and shimmied his jeans and boxers down past his hips while you took his length in your hand and slowly started to stroke up and down. He watched your hand moving as you gazed at him, not breaking eye contact as you lowered your head and gave his most sensitive spot a little lick. He groaned as you enveloped the head of his cock with your mouth, having to open wide to get it all in, then closed his eyes and threw his head back as you started to bob up and down.
His hands found their way to the back of your head - not pushing, just holding on as your head moved, intertwining his fingers with your hair. You could feel when he was getting more excited because his hand in your hair started to hold tighter, although it seemed like he was holding back slightly, trying not to hurt you.
You pulled off his dick, turning your attention to that most sensitive spot on the underside just under the head, flicking your tongue over it again and again. His hand in your hair shook slightly and he couldn't help but grab even tighter - you smiled and looked up at him teasingly. He almost growled but, surprisingly, pulled you off him completely. You didn't have time for your surprise to turn to worry, though, as he quickly said,
"If you carry on like that I'm gonna cum."
"That was sort of the point." You retorted playfully.
"I don't want to cum in your mouth just yet. Besides, tonight is for me to make you feel good and...show you how much I love you."
You heard the words but they didn't register fully as you were too busy worrying about him.
"But I want you to feel good, as well."
"Oh, I will," He replied confidently, "but I want to fuck you now and make you cum some more."
A shiver ran down your spine at his commanding tone. How could you refuse that kind of offer?
Jongho gently pushed you down so you were laying on your back, looking up at him in anticipation, the excitement was building inside you again. His strong hands spread your legs then placed himself in between them; he was looking at your pussy hungrily as it clenched around nothing but desperately wanting something to fill it. He leant forward and held himself over you with one hand while, with the other, he lightly started to stroke your wet folds with his fingertips. A shaky sigh left your lips and you closed your eyes, a little frustrated as your boyfriend seemed to be a master at teasing. You couldn't decide if you loved it or hated it because it drew the moment out and you knew it would feel a hundred times better once he finally entered you but god did you want his cock right now.
You opened your eyes again to see Jongho smirking down at you while he continued to stroke your folds - he was clearly loving the effect he had on you. You looked up at him with pleading eyes and he giggled but gave in to your unspoken request by sliding two fingers into your aching hole and curling them upwards to press on your sweet spot. You moaned loudly from the sudden relief - you were right...the teasing made it all the more rewarding now that he was touching you.
Your dark blonde boyfriend lowered his lips to yours and kissed you passionately, his tongue dancing with yours as you let him dominate the kiss. He pulled back slightly and sucked your bottom lip before gently nibbling it then pulling away completely. You chased after his lips, not wanting it to end so he gave in and kissed you some more, still sliding his fingers in and out of your wet hole.  
When he pulled away again you let him because you knew there was much better to come and you wanted more than just his fingers inside you. Jongho knelt between your legs and replaced his fingers with his achingly hard member, sliding it up and down between your folds and collecting your juices to lubricate himself before lining up with your heated core. As he pushed his length inside you, you both groaned in unison. You could feel him going deeper and stretching your walls out as they hugged his cock tightly - you'd never been with anyone that big before and it felt exquisite.
"Shit, you're so tight." Jongho growled as he bottomed out in you.
"Maybe you're just - aah! - too big." You said playfully as he found your sweet spot again.
Now that he'd found the right spot, Jongho continued to thrust, hitting it every time. It was overwhelming and you could feel the tension building in you causing you to keep clenching around his cock even tighter. As he picked up his pace even more, Jongho grabbed your hips so he could fuck into you harder. He was gripping you so tight you imagined the bruises that would be there in the morning and it caused your orgasm to approach even faster - you'd always had a bit of a kink for being manhandled.
Soon enough the high crashed over you and you cried out wantonly while Jongho did his best to keep going but your walls were holding him so tight now he could barely move.
"Fuck, Y/N, you feel so good around my cock."
As your high ebbed away and you relaxed a little, Jongho began to fuck you again. Now your pussy was hyper sensitive you could feel every ridge and vein as he thrusted in and out and the lewd squelching noises of him fucking your own cum back into you. His harsh movements were causing your breasts to bounce and you had a tiny moment of embarrassment. You moved your arms to cover yourself again but instantly Jongho's strong hands grabbed your wrists and pinned them on either side of your head.
"I told you I wanna see you while I fuck you. Your tits look so beautiful bouncing as I slam my cock into you."
As if to confirm how much he liked it he bent his head down and took one of your hardened nipples into his mouth and sucked hard. It felt so good you forgot all about being embarrassed and Jongho pinning you down while he fucked you was a bigger turn-on than you'd imagined. You hadn't told him but you loved how strong he was.
You could feel he was getting close to cumming by the way his hips began to stutter and his dick twitching inside you. You knew what you wanted but weren't sure if he wanted the same.
In a small voice you whispered, "Will you cum inside me?"
"God...I've been waiting so long for this. It was torture not being able to fuck you."
You took that as a yes.
Jongho's grunt increased as he neared and with a few more sloppy thrusts he came inside you, covering your tight walls in his creamy, white release.
He stayed inside you for a while, just getting his breath back. You gazed up at him wondering how he could be even hotter now that his hair was slightly sticking to his forehead with sweat.
Your boyfriend slowly pulled out of you and laid down beside you, drawing you into a hug and gently stroking your hair. It was quiet for a few minutes while you just enjoyed the sensation of being naked in his arms with nothing between you. Something was also playing on your mind, now that you remembered the words he spoke earlier but that you'd been to distracted to register at the time. After some time thinking you decided to just ask him.
"Did you mean it?"
"Mean what?" He asked, bending his head down to kiss your hair.
"You said you wanted to show me how much you love me." Your voice was almost a whisper as the fear of being wrong gripped you but without a second's hesitation he replied,
"Of course I did. I love you. I know I haven't said it before tonight but it seemed like a good time to tell you."
You looked up at him, gazing back down at you with the most sincerity you'd ever seen in his beautiful, dark eyes.
"I love you, too, Jongho. I think I have done for months now."
"You are the most beautiful person in the world to me - inside and out. Don't ever forget that."
"How did I get so lucky to have you?"
"I am perfect, aren't I?" He joked. You rolled your eyes and playfully swatted at him.
"If you want to," he said, more serious now, "you can have me forever."
"Deal." You replied, snuggling back into his strong embrace.
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