#I'm a procasticator
Guess who I'm celebrating Christmas with. (It's not an actual person. Lol)
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Hatcher! He's my old Hatch-a-mal (IDK how to spell that :"P) He's a Hedgehen (Hedge-hen). I got him on my tenth B-Day, and he hatched the same day! So, we share a B-Day. He's years old! (I'm not gonna expose my age. But he is several years old) I actually forgot I had him for quite some time. Because if that, one of his wheels got stuck and won't move. I drew him (very poorly because I was 10 and had no good art) and i actually found that drawing under my bed. XD. If you guys want to see it, I'll show it next post. But I got 50 things I need to do. I'm just procrastinating on my chores and my mom ain't to happy. XD.
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its-maemain · 2 years
And if I started posting another Maribat fic
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sweetestcaptainhughes · 3 months
say whatever you feel,
be wherever you are
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Word Count - 3k roughly
Author's Note - I felt this need to write some Jack fluff since I'm been writing a lot of Jack being a complete idiot asshole lately. Thank you always for reading
Warnings - I truly can't think any
Summary - Y/N was a very social butterfly, she was blunt and witty. Not a single person that knows her would describe her as shy. But when it came to her expressing her emotions, she was definitely more reserved. Or three times Jack shows her that it isn't scary to show how happy he is, and the one time she shows him her own happiness.
Growing up you were never one of those people that felt as if they could show the world their every thought on their face. Maybe it was your personality in general or how you grew up, but you never showed how you felt to the entire world around you.Some people would describe you as shy for this, but you weren’t shy you were in fact a very blunt, witty person. It’s just for whatever reason you never let anyone know how a situation unfolding in front of you made you feel. It’s almost like you were always watching everyone else somehow seeing how they were responding and then reacting. Especially when it came to showing pure happiness, this feeling of carefree happiness and being lost in the moment of it. That entire idea was foreign to you.
Jack didn’t mind that you were closed off in showing your feelings to the world. He knew that you kept that part of yourself hidden from the world. A part of him actually found it like a small victory when he was able to have you act dumb with him even if it was within the private walls of your apartment. Jack wasn’t as dumb when it came to emotions as people in the media viewed him. Everyone thought of him as someone who was just a cocky little asshole who was nothing more than a hot head on and off the ice. But that was furthest from the truth, Jack was the first boy that showed you that the little moments in life could truly be some of your happiest fondest moments. Jack learned from you that sometimes not displaying all of your cards was actually better because when you were completely emotionally raw with someone it meant so much more. Jack knew you loved him with everything you had, and he loved that he was one of the only people on Earth to truly witness you being your truly carefree self. He loved how through each time you joined him in being completely carefree and happy. He felt like he was able to learn this whole new side to you even though you’ve been dating for months at this point. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It doesn’t matter where we are I’m happy with you:
Jack loved spending time with you, he actually was obsessed with spending every available second you both had free together. But due to the roadies schedule this year being insane he was about to go away for almost two weeks exactly. Since you guys started talking three months ago you haven’t spent that much time apart. The only problem was that you had a list of probably 10 ‘absolutely can’t procaste anything or my life will actually fall apart errands’ that had to get done today before your work week started tomorrow. But Jack left tomorrow morning and wouldn’t be back for two weeks. 
Jack knew that if you weren’t able to do your errands that you would probably spiral all week due to feeling behind. He also knew even though you would never admit it out loud, that you were already having anxiety about how attached Jacks’ presence you were already and how hard this first roadie would be. Thus how he came up with what he felt was his most brilliant idea in months. Luke and Quinn didn’t agree in the groupchat and called him a simp and asked how Jack became whipped so badly and quickly. Jack decided to ignore his brother’s and facetime with you to tell you his idea. You answered immediately even though you were in the middle of making sure you didn’t forget anything before leaving your place to hop in your car.
“Hi bubs, what's up? I’m in the middle of something right now.” Jack can hear the anxiety rising in your voice and can hear you being distant on the phone due to it.
“Hi baby… I have an idea.'' It's hard for Jack to hide the excitement in his voice. His smile drops a little as he hears you sigh deeply, knowing that you're probably snatching your voice a little annoyed.
“Jack, I told you I need to get all these errands done so that I’m ready for next week. Which I would have already done if you hadn’t spent the last 3 days at my place insisting we don’t need to leave the bedroom except for snacks and gatorade.” Jack can hear you continue to shuffle around in the background, probably slipping on some shoes and throwing a jacket on. 
“Yes.. which was fun but we don’t need to talk about that. Anyway, that’s actually why I’m calling you, let's have a car date.” you can practically hear the smile you know is radiating off his face right now announcing his idea to you. 
“A car date?” you shyly ask.
“Yes, a car date. We can get fast food, blast the best music, and I can drive you around and we will complete all your errands. But we also get to spend time together.” Jak rumbles off his plan and you can tell that he isn’t as confident as he once was.
“okay.” you say shyly smiling at the idea. 
“Perfect. Pick you up in 10.” he rushes out as he hangs up. 
That Sunday you spend eating way too much snacks from gas stations, fast food and having your own little karotake sessions. As Jack drives you around town one hand on the wheel the other switching between your thigh and hand. He can’t help the warm feeling in his chest as he leans over and sees a small smile on your face. 
“It doesn’t matter what we're doing, I’m happy when I’m with you.” he breaths out, and you can’t help but turn back to him as you let his words sink in. Jack knew that you probably wouldn’t respond. But when he felt you give his hand a squeeze he brought it up to his mouth to give it a soft kiss. Neither of you say anything else about it, moving on to scream singing to the next song that belts out from the speakers.
I am happiest when your attention is on me:
Jack and you were on an impromptu date night in Manhattan, deciding that it would be nice to go to the city for the night. As you are leaving the restaurant knowing that the night is coming to an end but not wanting it to. Jack offers to go on a walk for a little bit and maybe find some dessert. Spending time walking hand in hand, you couldn’t help but have a small smile on your face. But then you felt the never ending buzz of your phone knowing that someone was obviously trying to get in contact with you. Reductively, you reach into your back pocket to grab your phone, finding about fifthteen texts in the last 3 minutes from your cousin. Apparently, she was freaking out about something that happened in the family groupchat. Naturally, you slowed your walking pace to try and read all the messages. At first Jack was fine with you being a little distracting but then when you completely stopped walking. But once you got distracted and stopped walking completely Jack tried his hardest to be patient. But Jack isn’t really known for being the most patient guy or being good at staying still for long. “Who’s on the phone baby?” at the sound of his voice, you glance up.
“Oh it’s my cousin they’re telling me about what happened the family groupchat.” Once you see Jack nod, you return your attention to your phone. After a few more minutes Jack’s done waiting and wants to continue their walk.Due to his quick reflexes he quickly picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder and grabbing your phone in the process. 
Immediately you start laughing, hitting his back. In the most demanding voice you can muster in the middle of your laughing fit you scream. “JACK let me down! Give me back my phone!” He knew you weren’t mad at him so he decided to push the limit with how far he could go with this as he started walking down the sidewalk.
“Nope, not till I’m done texting them telling them that you're busy with your amazing hot boyfriend. And that your boyfriend demands your attention because another minute longer he might cry.” Jack shifts your weight slightly and you can tell that he really is typing on your phone. 
“Jack stop! I’ll give you my full attention, I promise.” as you continue to laugh while you hear Jack hum in agreement. 
“Okay sent. Now I can let you down.” You can feel Jack’s arms tighten as he lightly lets you down, both of your breathing speeding up due to how close your faces are when your feet finally touch the ground. 
“You said you're always happy with me.” you mumbled.
“I am but I’m only happiest when I have your attention.” he whispers, his eyes flicking between lips and your eyes. As if he was asking if he could kiss you in the moment, you slowly snake your arms around his neck and reach up to kiss him softly. 
As you pull away you can’t help your smartass response “you're such an attention whore Jackey. But I love you for it.” As you stay in his embrace a little longer, completely forgetting about your cousin and whatever family drama it was. Simply just allowing yourself to be lost in this moment.
I am happy with you because when I’m with I can block everything out:
Jack truly wasn’t afraid of his mind being quick witted, being loud or being too sarcastic. He wasn’t someone who was known for being shy about his personality. Especially when  he would go out with you somewhere and it would be like his body transformed into someone new. Someone who wasn’t afraid to scream at the top of their lungs just how happy they were that you were his and he was yours. Someone who truly felt happiest with you in their arms,
Tonight was no different for Jack at the lakehouse. He was so happy that you were able to get a long weekend off and come visit him in Michigan. As per usual for the summer house, there were people everywhere, From Luke’s old Michigan teammates, to some of Quinn’s teammates, to friends they grew up with on the lake, to Jack’s friends from when he played on the USA Hockey team. If Jack had to guess there were probably about thirty people right now inside his house  or outside at the bonfire. After spending the day with friends he was able to retreat to a lawn chair close enough to the fire to feel the warmth but far away enough that it's not insanely loud. Jack and you weren’t able to spend much of the party together sadly, due to the girlfriends of the boys pulling you away. It was nice to be welcomed but you were definitely missing Jack after having to meet so many people, you were feeling your social battery dying. As you exited the house, looking for Jack you were thrilled to see Jack not surrounded by people and just talking to Cole in some lawn chairs closer to the lake. 
Quickly you felt yourself heading towards your boyfriend, very much just wanting to be in his arms away from everyone else. He quickly caught your eyes as you walked up and you could feel yourself blush as his smile grew seeing you. “Hi baby!” Once you were in arms reach, making grabby hands at you pulling yourself down into his lap. Your back was leaning against one of the arm rests of the chair. One leg between Jack’s legs, the other swinging over the other arm rest. Your arms quickly circling around Jack’s neck trying to pull him closer to you. Usually you don’t show this level of PDA in front of people you don’t know and you literally met Cole four hours prior to this. Jack tightened his arms around you, nervous something was wrong. “Heyy babyy.. you okay?” he whispers as your face digs deeper into his neck. You shook your head yes and Jack took that as an answer, and continued to talk to Cole. Lightly rubbing your one his hands up and down your calf that was hanging over the chair. His other tightly holding your hip to make sure you won’t fall. His thumb under your hoodie slowly creases the top of your hip. He continued talking to Cole like nothing happened and Cole knew Jack well enough to know not to chirp either of you in the moment or he would have to look for a new place to sleep tonight. 
After a while Cole mentioned something about needing a refill and made his way back to the rest of the party. Jack knew that when you were ready to rejoin the world and be ready to talk to him you would. In the meantime he watched drunk people dancing to some soft country music softly singing along only loud enough for you to hear. You lightly smiled as you whispered “your lucky you didn’t go into the music industry because you are way off tone Jackey.” as you slowly move your head from his neck to his chest. 
“What I’m offended! I am a great singer.” you could hear the sarcasm clear as day on his voice. It still didn’t stop your small laugh as one of your hands went to play with the stings of his hoodie. He couldn’t help but ask if you were okay again though “did something happen or are you just tired pretty girl?” His hand on your calf went to your hand that wasn’t playing with his hoodie and held your hand in your lap. 
“Social battery.” you mumble sort of embarrassed that as an extraverted your social battery seemed to run out quicker than others. It didn’t slip past you that Jack’s hand gave you a squeeze as a form of comfort. “I just wanted to be held.” you let out the words before you even realize. Jack can’t help but lean down and kiss your forehead, knowing that you wanted to change the subject and he let you. After a half hour you can’t help but feel Jack’s head shake to the rhythm of the music. “You want to dance don’t you?” but Jack could tell by your voice that you weren’t feeling up to being around so many drunk people who were too drunk to know personal space boundaries. 
“We don’t have to baby, it’s okay.” He says making eye contact with you so you know how serious he’s being. 
“No it’s okay we can if you, I know how happy dancing makes you” as you start to shift to get off his lap, his hands tighten their grip on you.
“No Y/N.” As he reaches to cup your face with his hand, “I don’t want to dance. I like how happy I am right here with you, cause you block out all the noise. I am being here with you in my arms” As he leans in to kiss you deeply. “Okay?” he asks in a questioning tone making sure you understand what he’s saying. 
“Okay Rowdy.” as you lean further into his embrace. 
I can be the real you with me:
Suddenly you were back in your apartment, the season was in full swing. It was hard at times but you were slowly getting used to your apartment door becoming a revolving door due to Jack’s schedule. Jack started spending more nights at your place then his only because he said he missed being with you as much due to all the back to back roadies the Devils’ have had this month. At some point tonight Jack was supposed to come home and you physically felt your body shaking of energy at the thought. Craving something sweet you decided to make some brownies and figured that you could have them with dinner. Since you knew Jack was coming over you decided to make them gluten free so he didn’t feel terrible about eating them and breaking his diet a little. 
Your text to Jack has still been left unanswered about what time he’s coming home today but you knew he was busy finishing up with the media team. As you entered the kitchen you turned on spotify and connected it to your bluetooth speaker, randomly shuffling your playlist. After washing your hands you got everything out and started making the brownies. As you were standing there making brownies listening to Revival by Zach Brynn came on. Slowly you felt yourself softly singing to the song, giggling as you remembered Jack singing this song to you all those months ago at the lakehouse. Slowly you felt your voice sing louder and as the song got louder and Zach kept singing about how he feels reborn. Slowly you started jumping and twirling around to the lyrics. You're not sure if the music is too loud or just being stuck in your own world. Next thing you know you feel arms sneak around you, and slowly move against you. At first your body froze, scared, until you felt Jack’s voice. “Hi babygirl, i missed you.” Slowly you let yourself continue to get lost in the song. Both allowing yourselves to get lost in the song and kitchen dancing. After the song slowly came to an end, you felt yourself slowly stop dancing but neither of you pulled away yet.
“Hi Jackey, welcome home” you whisper looking up at him, as the next song slowly starts playing in the background. 
“Hey” he softly mumbles as he leans down and softly kisses your lips, no rush at all for anything more just pure love in the moment. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t stop dancing when I came up behind you.” he admits softly.
You shrug your shoulders “I don’t know, I guess I can be my real self around you, I’m not scared of showing you my emotions.” As you hear yourself admit this out loud you realize just how big of a deal this really is not only for yourself ,but  for Jack and your relationship.
“God I love you, but I really love when you let yourself be happy baby.” he admits, dipping his head down to steal another kiss. 
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strawb3rrysweetheart · 3 months
Lucifer Morningstar x reader (that guy has had me on a chokehold since I watched the show)
Basically, Lucifer has a crush on her (fallen angel or sinner) and he decided to try a few pickup lines as they are alone together in the hotel lobby. (Courting?) Something cheesy like "Ow, I scraped my knee, falling for you". But reader interprets it wrong and thinks he actually scrapped his knee. After managing to calm down her panic, get tries again with a cheesy pickup line, like, "I can't breathe, you're so breathtaking"(something like that😭?) And she once again freaks out and pushes him onto the chair to perform 'CPR'. He tries to object but before he could, she straddles him to get a better angle to do the CPR. His face turns red and she thinks that he's choking so she tries mouth to mouth. (Plot twist, she doesn't know how to do CPR and just basically kisssed him in her attempt.) Somehow she can't pull away when this CPR turns into a make out session? Smut? Thanks! Once again, love your work! ❤❤❤
AHAHAHAHAHHHH OKAY! I'M SO HONORED TO BE YOUR FIRST REQUEST, SORRY FOR GETTING TO YOU LATE</3 (totally not procastating writting part two of the angel dust fic bc it already got no likes to begin with noo..)
CW: the worst pick up lines, I'm sorry he doesn't know what he's doing. Reader was a nurse in her past life, but she still doesn't know how to do cpr. Very heavily implied smut (Im sorry I didn't wanna write it)
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Lucifer started visiting the hotel more frequently. He would swear it was to visit to Charlie, and well sure it might've started that way, but it was obvious. Lucifer had a massive crush on you. Everyone saw it.. Well execpt you. He had even started using pickup lines! Yet you weren't getting it.. Maybe you just didn't like him?? Well.. he had to try. As he walked over to where you sat in the hotel. He notices you were very distracted... perfect. Lucifer walks over to you, and fake trips. "Oops, I just fell for you~" Lucifer thought it was perfect, you were bound to jump into his arms, or at least his pride said so, he looks into your eyes.. why do you look so concerned..?? "Oh!? Are you okay?!" You ask in a panicked tone, looking at his knee which was slightly scrapped. What.. Lucifer looks very confused. Is this rejection? Its the weirdest way you could've done it if it is.. "Oh darling I'm fine.. that was.. well.. y'know what forget it I'm fine" He chuckles, sitting down next to you. "Y'know I must be going blind from your beauty~" He grins, this one has to get you. "Oh?! Oh my satan!? Let me check your eyes!" You ask in a panicked tone. You grab his face and hold his eye open, to lucifers dismay. "What.. are you doing..?" He asks as you clutch his chin with one hand, the other holding his eye open. "Making sure you aren't going blind! Duh!" You say, still checking his eye. "I'm fine dollface I swear.." Lucifer chimes into your panic. Were you really this dense or was this how you showcased not being intrested??. He has yet to find out. "You sure?" You ask suspiciously. "I swear on ducks" Lucifer chuckles. Once you finally let him go, you and him start having a conversation, Lucifer isn't really sure about what.. He zoned out and just started nodding along five minutes into the conversation. Now he's just staring at you, god you're divine in his eyes. "I can't breath, for your beauty has taken my breath away~" He says in a moment of silence. He sees your look of panic. "Lucifer?! Its okay I'm a nurse! I'll do cpr!" You shriek, very worried. Before lucifer can protest you smash your lips into his... This is when lucifer finds out you don't know how to do cpr.. so this just ends up being your first kiss. Lucifer ends up leaning into the kiss, which you take as a sign he can breathe again.. but I mean, kissing him is kind of nice. Lucifer grabs you by your hips and picks you up, carrying you into a seprate room outside of the hotel lobby. He sets you down on the bed. Lucifer pulls away softly. "I love you .. I always have" He smiles, and you smile back. "I love you too.." You grin. "What??? Why would you never return my flirting then??" Lucifer is very confused. What??. "What?! You flirted with me?? When" You question. "Uh.. like everyday??" He seems extremely confused. "Oh.." You slowly get hit with a wave of realization. That was flirting.. not lucifer just having bad health. "Its fine darling.. but you do gotta finish what you started~" He grins, before kissing you again, and you kiss him back. Eventually you feel his hands sneak down to the zipper of your dress. He pulls away from your lips. "May I~?"He asks, messing with the zipper.
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You cuddle against lucifers chest, his shirt thrown somewhere across the floor, and you were just in your bra. "Love you luci" You smile, you both are sweaty but neither of you want to get up. You will in a few moments, but whatever, now you just want to enjoy eachothers company<3
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inthelittlewood · 10 months
Awesome Decked Out Stream btw! Congrats on the first win!
Also; Sorry if you’ve answered this question before but what piece of equipment do you use to supplement your microphone to do all the cool voice modulations? On stream you were talking to Rendog about it and I swore you called it a “gargexalar” which absolutely can’t be right but I struggle phonetically! I also recall you spoke of it on the Imp and Skizz Podcast, but I couldn’t grasp the name there either. Would love to know how to get a cool mic set up for personal voice work and it sound like you know/have some good advice! :D
It's called a GoXLR, it's from a company called TC Helicon who seem to have abandoned the product earlier this year by laying off all but a few staff, so just be mindful of that if you purchase one. It's works just fine but any major errors or windows updates in the future I guess could have the potential to ruin things (although due to its popularity there's already a third party software etc made by the community)
I'm still wanting to move to a Rode Procaster Duo but currently it doesn't have and won't let you control virtual audio channels with its faders (which is important for me as I split game, music, chat and myself on to seperate tracks) - they have said they're looking to implement this feature in a future firmware update but there's no ETA given yet.
So the GoXLR is great but I worry about it's future, where as the Rode isn't quite suited to my needs yet but once it is I'll likely switch as they're a long established audio company with no signs of discontinuing support
The other little device I've mentioned before is the Tube MPC which is a handy compressor / limiter for boost audio without making it distorted (I admittedly haven't used in a while since I finally found some nice settings for the GoXLR that give the same results)
Hope that's helpful 👍
(also ty for the Decked Out love)
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xpc-web-dev · 2 years
100 days of code: Day 1 Javascript introduction (Yes, i am changing again. And everything is fine)
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How are you?
Here we are fine after making that decision.
As I said yesterday, I thought about going back to python and I really like the language (and I want my snake game). But learning the skills I'm going to talk about in a bit will be more profitable in the long run.
But I'm not going to start with HTML and CSS and I'm not going to continue with PHP.
I'll do the reverse, starting with JAVASCRIPT > JQUERY > MYSQL >
Leaving the ones I least like last, because in my logic I postpone/procast more and it will take me longer to finish the whole study. And after finishing the first ones, learning the last ones will probably be automatic.
ABOUT THE STUDY RESOURCES: I'll be using the MDN documentation to learn because I think it's very well done and will be easier to navigate in the future and my darling Odin Project.
I hope that you, who are reading this, are never afraid to make decisions / have the discernment to choose the best path and deal with the consequences of it.
And mostly, don't feel ashamed and don't care what others will say or think, it's your life.
Have good studies, have a good day or night, drink water and take care of your mental health. Stay safe
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mother-horrors · 5 months
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No I'm not procasting I'm just being weird again
Again my asks are open for spamton and the child requests if you want me to draw them doing something, also somehow drawing in pen is easier then pencil and I don't know why
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dcfanficsgallore · 20 hours
Finished watching Crisis part 2 (yes I'm procasting watching it all) and maaaaan are they sending up "Kara is Gonna Die" Signal Flares!!!
Part one was really good! The non-linear time thing kinda threw off at first. And Bats not having his wards? Sending Dick to an orphanage? What is he? Sensible?! Nonsense....
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shallliveoninsong · 27 days
@hatt1tude cont. from [X]!
"Earth? Haven't heard of that one." A tilt of Jing Yuan's fluffy head at the name. He'd been to a lot of places but had not heard of a planet named that. Still, he supposed it was possible there were just some small planets he didn't know about.
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"I'm from the Xianzhou Luofu and was procast--I mean working on some paperwork and then..."
He kind of didn't remember, but that could easily be assumed to be because he dozes off when doing such dull tasks.
"I thought I had just nodded off from boredom and yet I'm here."
But if his new companion wasn't some scientist doing some whacky experimentation with teleporters or something he didn't understand how this could have happened. Was an Aeon messing with them?
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betslumbur · 3 months
Sleep Expert Dr. Chris Winter Endorses BET SLUMBUR Earplugs
In the fast-paced world we live in today, a good night's sleep is more elusive than ever. Whether it's noisy neighbors, bustling city streets, or the constant hum of electronics, external disturbances can wreak havoc on our ability to get the rest we need. This is where BET SLUMBUR earplugs step in as your ultimate sleep companion, endorsed by none other than Dr. Chris Winter, a distinguished expert in sleep medicine. Dr. Chris Winter*, known for his authoritative insights into sleep disorders and solutions, recently recommended BET SLUMBUR earplugs during an appearance on the Apple Procast and Spotify Procast. His endorsement underscores the effectiveness and reliability of BET SLUMBUR earplugs in promoting uninterrupted and rejuvenating sleep.
Apple Procast
Spotify Procast
"I got some earplugs from a company called "BET SLUMBUR" They were slightly less expensive and they were a little tinier. The little part that you used to get it in and out of your ear was very small. I found these to be very comfortable, too. I was sitting there watching I'm getting caught up on I watched uh also the dragon I don't know if you've watched that the sort of the Game of Thrones show they're getting ready to premere season two. So my wife and I were rewatching season one so as we were sitting there watching. You know dragons fly around and people fight with swords actually put these in and po another kind of at the same time and and sort of listen to the show I thought the BET Slumber did a slightly better job of muffling sound and the BET Slumbers the small size of them might be more comfortable to sleep. In over time I slept in both really didn't see much of a difference now I will say perhaps if I played around with the tips of the BET earplugs maybe I could have found ones that fit even snugger it would have blocked more sound. I want to thank "BET SLUMBUR" for sending those out to me I really appreciate it."
Why BET SLUMBUR Earplugs?
1. Superior Noise Reduction: BET SLUMBUR earplugs are crafted using advanced noise reduction technology that effectively blocks out ambient noise, ensuring a tranquil sleep environment. Whether you're in a bustling city, a noisy neighborhood, or even on a plane, these earplugs provide a sanctuary of silence. 2. Comfortable and Secure Fit: Engineered for comfort, BET SLUMBUR earplugs are made from soft, hypoallergenic materials that mold to the unique contours of your ears. This snug fit not only enhances noise isolation but also ensures they remain securely in place throughout the night, so you wake up refreshed. 3. Portable and Convenient: Designed with travel in mind, BET SLUMBUR earplugs are compact and come with a convenient carrying case, making them easy to store in your pocket, purse, or travel bag. Never compromise on your sleep, whether you're at home or on the go. 4. Recommended by Experts: Dr. Chris Winter's endorsement of BET SLUMBUR earplugs underscores their efficacy and reliability in improving sleep quality. As a trusted authority in sleep medicine, his recommendation speaks volumes about the product's ability to deliver on its promise of peaceful sleep. Join the BET SLUMBUR Revolution
Don't let external noises rob you of the rest you deserve. Embrace BET SLUMBUR earplugs and experience the difference they can make in your nightly sleep routine. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to a rejuvenated morning, ready to take on whatever the day brings. Whether you're a frequent traveler, a light sleeper, or simply seeking a solution to noise disturbances, BET SLUMBUR earplugs provide a simple yet effective way to reclaim your sleep. With the endorsement of Dr. Chris Winter, you can trust that BET SLUMBUR earplugs are not just another product but a scientifically-backed solution to your sleep woes.
Invest in your sleep quality today with BET SLUMBUR earplugs and discover the blissful tranquility of undisturbed rest, wherever you are. Make BET SLUMBUR earplugs your choice for a better night's sleep. Your ears will thank you.
*Dr. Chris Winter
Professional Background
Dr. Chris Winter is a renowned American sleep medicine expert and neurologist specializing in sleep health and sleep disorder treatment. He has extensive clinical experience and academic achievements in the field of sleep medicine and is a dedicated advocate for sleep health.
Dr. Winter earned his medical degree from the University of Virginia, where he also completed his residency in neurology. Additionally, here ceived research training in sleep medicine at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland.
Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine Center:
Dr. Winter is the founder and medical director of the Charlottesville Neurology and Sleep Medicine Center in Virginia, a center focused on diagnosing and treating various sleep disorders, including insomnia, sleep apnea, and circadian rhythm disorders.
Martha Jefferson Hospital Sleep Medicine Center:
He has served as the director of the Sleep Medicine Center at Martha Jefferson Hospital in Massachusetts, where he oversaw sleep research and treatment programs.
Virginia Sleep and Wellness Center:
Currently, Dr. Winter is the director of the Virginia Sleep and Wellness Center, providing comprehensive sleep health assessments and personalized treatment plans for patients.
Academic Contributions
Dr. Winter is the author of two bestselling books, "The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep is Broken and Howto Fix It" and "The Rested Child: Why Your Tired, Wired, or Irritable Child May Have a Sleep Disorder—and How to Help."
These books offer scientific knowledge and practical advice on sleep health to a wide audience. 
He has published research papers on sleep disorders and neurology in various academic journals and frequently speaks at national and international medical conferences, sharing his research findings and clinical experiences.
Media and Public Influence
Media Appearances:
Dr. Winter is a frequent guest on various media platforms, including television shows, radio, and online podcasts. He has appeared on programs such as "Good Morning America," "The Today Show," and "CBS This Morning" to discuss important topics related to sleep health.
Educational Activities:
He actively participates in educational and advocacy efforts for sleep health, conducting lectures, workshops, and online courses to help the public understand the importance of sleep and how to improve sleep quality.
Certifications and Memberships
Dr. Winter is a certified member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and holds dual certification from the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) and the American Board of Sleep Medicine (ABSM).
He is a member of several professional organizations, including the Society for Neuroscience (SFN), the Sleep Research Society (SRS), and the American Medical Association (AMA).
Dr. Chris Winter is a distinguished sleep medicine expert known for his expertise and contributions in sleep health and neurology. Through his clinical practice, research, and educational efforts, he is dedicated to improving public sleep quality and helping patients overcome sleep disorders. His work is highly regarded in the medical community and has had a significant impact on the broader public.
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whispered-pear · 6 years
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Inktober Day 17: Swollen
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alaezasmystery235 · 2 years
Hello againn!! I hope that you’re having a good day. 🤍 my initials are RM 🌠.
Your trope with your fs.🫶🏼
As for me, I would say your trope would be he/she falls first but he/she falls harder. I intuitively thought that your fs would be the person who would fall for you, first. ( words I also associated: spring rain, coffee, fire works, “hold my hand”, soul, karmic, “never let you go”)
I feel like you’re a really great looking person and they might fall for your looks as soon as they see you. But then they will get to know you and I assume it might be a gathering with friends like festivals ( where light hearted talks and genuine smiles are.) they will be amazed. Amazed with your knowledge, thoughts and overall how you speak.
I think they wouldn’t be shy to approach you but their way of approaching might be different. Since love sweeps people off their feet that person might do silly things to make you smile. Tell absurd stories and jokes which only makes you laugh. Their love language could be quality time and you guys can travel small distances together.
Though I think you would assume them as your friend for a long time. That phase would end with a small argument and that person admitting; “because I care for you, I love you.” You might be shocked with this but not upset because I think that person would be your type too! And this passionate argument could be under the heavy rain while they bring an umbrella to you! ❤️‍🔥
I hope that you like. I did a little meditation and this is what I came up intuitively. Love you, and I hope that you’d like this!! (I’m sorry if somethings not right, reach me out if something doesn’t make sense .) bye 👋🤍
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Hiii ❤️
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The first thing I'm getting here is that your spirit Guides contacting you when you're being stubborn . You may already know not to do something and not to repeat a past pattern. You may have a habit of procasting which leads you to divert your attention from your goals . They want to always pay attention to your dreams and synchronicity. Ahhh I'm also getting you sometimes misinterpret their messages. Also maybe some ex friend or ex lover is coming back , but really you just need to do some cleansing work . I know it's hard but you have to go through some failures before achieving your goals . Don't worry , your spirit guides will always be by your side .
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Feedback is Compulsory
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gestasch · 2 years
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I'm procast when sketching... Just being lazy... Then "i wanna play game" in the middle wip
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nubian27 · 3 years
Follow my IG: Nubian_Remy
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fallenpoets · 7 years
Poor Souls
The unsuspecting gathered to purchase glimpses of happiness callously disrupted by malicious intent. Time ticks by, heart beats unsynchronized, echoed screams,shouts and cries, a foreign silence heard worldwide. Lives ending. Stories pending. Innocent blood is spilling The headlines read “Another mass killing” Even the apathetic with hearts so cold Will shake their head and whisper “Poor souls”
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theprocast · 8 years
You set yourself up for wanting someone well out of your reach. You feed your mind with hopes and lies and broken expectations. You give your all, you try and fail, and you try again, inch by inch. You crave love and affection, and you desire attention.
Note to self: Just stop.
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