#I'm a godmother!
rosasstrangemelody · 10 months
My first reaction to this:
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OK, but I can't stop thinking about it 💀
(Now the thought and theory that Magnifico is kinda fairy godmother is increasing)
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(TelI me I'm not alone)
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bethanydelleman · 3 months
Speaking on the Ellen Show, Knightley said her daughter (who was born in 2015) was “banned” from watching Cinderella, which Disney produced as a cartoon in 1950 and a live-action film in 2015. “[Cinderella] waits around for a rich guy to rescue her. Don't. Rescue yourself!
Says the woman who starred in a trilogy that said, "No murderers and theives were good actually because they wanted freedom."
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e-rated-beardo · 20 days
Good morning, and welcome to another upset in the fandom. 😥
I've been seeing some very distressed and anxious posts from GO fans today and I've been online for less than an hour. I worry whether people are okay. (Some aren't. I know that. Shit.) ❤️❤️
I don't know how productions work and there's lots of great discussion with more insight elsewhere; in general people seem to agree it's too early to worry and the wording of that article is actually cause for hope. But if you worry, you worry. One sentence from me isn't going to change that.
Um. I don't know how to do this. And I realise maybe all of five people are even going to see this post? But. If you think it could help you to shout into a stranger's DMs (about this, or about something else fannish, or idk, social issues? French phonetics? Maths? We all know I like maths), perhaps I could help? I might not be online all day (I won't be), but I'll read when I am, and I do get notifications. I'm not a mental health hotline but I'm a person who's got intimate knowledge of what it feels like to feel like shit. And maybe that's enough?
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beyondtheseaofstars · 5 months
she's so claude monet pretty
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riddlerosehearts · 10 months
i am so tired of seeing this screenshot about wish's ending reposted everywhere and used to make fun of the movie:
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and this is coming from someone who didn't even like the movie very much, but this is misrepresenting what happened. yes, there is a thing where asha wears a cloak resembling that of the fairy godmother and at the end star makes her a magic wand and the kids say she's like a fairy godmother, king magnifico does get trapped in a mirror, etc, and the movie was absolutely filled with easter eggs and references to previous movies--yep, when i saw the movie i did in fact take these scenes as just easter eggs! after all, think about this logically, if all currently existing movies in the disney animated canon were meant to take place in the same universe, and asha canonically grows up to be cinderella's fairy godmother, then...
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how can you explain such a drastic difference in appearance? how can you justify asha, a brown-skinned afro-hispanic girl with a face full of freckles and long brown hair, and this old white woman being the same person? you can't, because they're not!!!! if i recall correctly asha doesn't even wear that cloak at the end when they're calling her a fairy godmother, she just wears it during one scene when she's a fugitive and has to sneak around. also...
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the creators of the movie have directly confirmed that they were not trying to set up a disney multiverse and that it's not meant to be taken that seriously. rapunzel and eugene's cameo in frozen also wasn't meant to be taken anywhere near as seriously as everyone took it. neither were any previous cameos like belle in hunchback of notre dame or aurora in oliver and company (and if aurora being in oliver and company was canon, she'd be over 600 years old!). and, back to wish specifically, the little easter egg earlier in the movie where magnifico sees a wish bubble from someone who wants the perfect nanny to take care of their kids and says he's "poppin' that one" also doesn't mean the banks family from mary poppins canonically lives in rosas. the scene at the end where a boy named peter who wears all green and dreams of creating a flying machine goes to work with a girl in a blue nightgown whose wish is to fly doesn't mean peter pan and wendy actually somehow lived together in rosas and knew each other before the movie peter pan ever happened. it is literally impossible for all of these movies to take place in the same time period and universe, so it's a good thing that they, uh, don't, and were never intended to. please, if you don't like the movie, that's perfectly fine, but don't say disney is trying to create some convoluted multiverse and "MCU-ify" their movies when that just literally isn't true.
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captain-policebox · 7 months
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just a teardrop
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grapejuicegay · 1 year
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"Keep fighting, theerak"
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maia-radfemdu · 4 days
I really love old ladies so much. Eastern European old ladies even more. Evrey one of them is my grandma. There are no kinder eyes or more worn out hands.
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ophanim-vesper · 4 months
Hello world, have my BOTW/TOTK OC
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Her name is Ciara (pronounced Kiara). She has quite the lore so strap in.
CW[?]: oc x canon, headcanons that not everyone might agree with, angst, tragic character death. Ciara was Zelda's lady-in-waiting, back before the Calamity struck. Ciara's mother was a wealthy noblewoman. Her father was a villager from a now extinct tribe within Hyrule.
[btw if you want to know more about that, here's a google doc on the Hylian tribe I made up for my OCs: doc]
Overtime, Ciara and Zelda grew close, to the point they were inseparable. At first, King Rhoam viewed this as a normal friendship; but as the two grew, their affections for one another became increasingly obvious.
In an attempt to separate the two, Rhoam makes Zelda visit the Sacred Springs to awaken her powers. Of course, he assigns Link as her appointed knight, as he views him as a prime suitor for her in the future. However, Zelda manages to sneak Ciara out of the castle and has her secretly accompany her.
Ciara was taught the culture of her tribe from her father, but due to her royal duties, was never able to practice them. Ciara rediscovers herself in the wilds of Hyrule, even befriending a Satori as her steed, despite her fear of horses. Sadly, Zelda was not having as much luck, as she struggled to unlock her latent abilities. Out of envy and frustration, she lashes out at Ciara, who returns her anger, and the two fight for the first time. When Calamity Ganon awakes, he attacks Zelda, but Ciara sacrifices herself to save her instead. Now reincarnated into a centaur-like spirit, Ciara roams the kingdom of Hyrule as an enigmatic entity. Her presence and power scares away Ganon's servants, to the point that they become paralyzed from fear. She is soon known as 'The Centauri', often associated with the Satori, and is known to protect those threatened by monsters. However, she carries a deep regret for not reconciling with her princess before her death. She wishes she could meet her again, even in this new, strange form. She watches the sky for the light dragon when it passes by, the sight of which sparks an eerie familiarity within the Centauri.
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horsechestnut · 10 days
Well, it took until season 6, but Once Upon a Time has officially stuffed in so many flashbacks that they destroyed the timeline's continuity.
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letteredlettered · 6 months
guys it's true I'm only on book 5 but would it be a spoiler to tell me why Xie Lian's robes and hair are always pristine and swirling about in a very romantic manner in every visual I've seen? His robes are "coarsely made" and frayed; why are they always twirling like silk? Where is Xie Lian covered in dust with his hair glued to his neck by sweat and even Ruoye looking kind of tattered like a centuries old cloth should (even though it's magic)? I get that he's a god, but like, where are his bags of rubbish no one wants and the little patches he's had to sew onto his elbows and knees because he literally only has three outfits? Where are the holes in his robes and the scrapes on his knuckles because he can't even use his power to heal himself while in the Mortal Realm? Where is his limp hair and battered, ugly hat????
Meanwhile, Hua Cheng in the jewels and silks of literal empires looking at Xie Lian's hem six inches deep in mud and saying "his eyes are brightened by the exercise . . ."
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
Ok. I need to talk about S5E23: The Mangiacavallo Curse Makes a Lousy Wedding Present because it's a) a damn good episode and b) so filled with Blanche/Dorothy (and a good pinch of Golden Wives too) I can feel my gay power level increase minute by minute every time I watch it. Under a cut because I (unsurprisingly) got verbose about it.
First of all: the whole thing with Blanche 'lending' one of her men to Dorothy for the wedding. The concept alone is just -- I've said before, several times, that the Girls treat their men as accessories, and this episode just spells it out.
Dorothy doesn't really want a date per se, she's mostly upset because of social expectations:
"I still don't have a date for Jenny's wedding. My own goddaughter, and I'm gonna show up alone."
She's worried because weddings are events where you typically bring a +1 along, especially if you're closely related (either as family or via friendship) to one of the spouses. She's worried about the social norm! This is a bit of a general thing in the series, especially for Dorothy, I think; there are several instances when she's upset at not having a date for a specific event, rather than not dating in general. Plus, she gets over it fairly quickly! Before Blanche agrees to lend her the judge, she tells Sophia that she's just going to go alone!
Speaking of Blanche, look at how she describes her men! Here's some quotes:
"You can borrow one of my extras. What kind of guy would you like?"
"Oh, Dorothy, come on. Borrow one of my men. One of my many, many, many, many, many, many men!"
"Oh, Dorothy, not Doug! I couldn't possibly. He's on my A-list."
"Oh, Dorothy, let me get you somebody hot off my A-list. Somebody tall, good-looking, goes with everything!"
"Don't you forget, you be careful. This man is on loan from the Blanche Devereaux collection."
I mean -- she might as well be talking about a purse or a pair of shoes! (As a side note: yes, all those lines begin with 'Oh, Dorothy'. I checked.)
Dorothy fully embraces this point of view, too:
"You always do this, Blanche. You always keep all the good guys for yourself and you give us the leftovers."
She complains about Blanche's lack of generosity -- and this might just be my personal opinion, but generosity is usually connected to material things. Once again: she might as well be getting upset because Blanche refuses to let her borrow a purse.
Rose is the only one who's somewhat concerned at not having Miles as a +1, but it seems to me that's essentially because of the 'getting hot at weddings' thing. When she introduces the problem, we get this dialogue between her and Dorothy:
"Miles can't take me to the wedding. He's going to be out of town at a teaching seminar. Now I can't go."
"That shouldn't keep you from going."
"Oh, I have my reasons."
And then she says:
"So now you see why I can't go if Miles is gonna be out of town. I might end up almost going to bed with the caterer again."
It seems to me she's not that upset because of Miles's absence; she would have gone anyway without a care in the world if the event wasn't a wedding. She doesn't necessarily treat Miles like an accessory, but she's not particularly saddened by his absence, either -- just worried about the effect weddings have on her.
And then, with all this established: the toilet scene. When the scene returns on Dorothy keeping Blanche trapped in the toilet, there's already a couple of guests looking at them and whispering among themselves (which isn't strange at all: they're making A Scene™ right there in the ladies' room!). The whole fight has such an incredible Married Couple Quarrel energy:
"Dorothy, let me out of here right now!"
"There's only one way out, Blanche, and I don't think you can hold your breath long enough."
"You're just making a mountain out of a molehill."
"Five years of molehills. They add up."
"I didn't know Doug meant this much to you."
"I'm not talking about Doug, this is about you."
Talking to the small group of guests that gathered at the scene, she then adds:
"She asked me for another chance, I gave it to her. I trusted her. Biggest mistake I ever made."
Tell me those lines aren't the most married thing you've ever heard. I'm almost tempted to make a poll and ask people what they think about this quote; I'm sure at least a good 85% would assume this is being said by someone to their lover (or ex-lover, at least!).
Then the bride (because let's remember, this is all happening at a wedding) appears and likens the situation between Dorothy and Blanche to what's happening between her and the groom -- so we have a clear line drawn between Blanche/Dorothy and a committed romantic relationship. She calls Dorothy 'Aunt Dorothy', as is expected since Dorothy is her godmother, but she also calls Blanche 'Aunt Blanche', because... I don't know, there's no heterosexual explanation for it. Note that this girl invited Dorothy and Sophia to her wedding (no wonder: her godmother and her godmother's mother; they must be close) but she also invited Blanche and Rose, whom she technically has no relation to -- we have to assume they were invited because of their relation to Dorothy (she's possibly close to them too, considering she calls Blanche her 'aunt', but that's still due to their relation to Dorothy, of course). I mean -- would you invite your godmother's roommates to your wedding, as a general rule?
And!! After all this, the whole talking/not talking thing! Dorothy tells Jen:
"Jen, honey, I think you should go and talk to Joey. The best thing to do in any relationship is talk."
She says this right after she found an excuse to speak to Blanche in private and trapped her into a toilet because she wanted to talk:
"Listen, Blanche, we have to talk."
"Not now, Dorothy."
"Suit yourself."
"Dorothy, will you let me out of here?"
"No way, Blanche."
Once they turn to helping Jen and Blanche finally escapes the toilet, Dorothy is understandably upset and refuses to talk to her, and this makes Blanche very upset in turn. I'll let the dialogue speak for me on this one because there's no way I can say it any better:
"Dorothy, I wish you'd talk to me."
"I really do, 'cause what I need is a good talking-to."
"I don't care what you say, just so long as you care enough to say it."
"You stink."
"God bless you, Dorothy."
Yeah. Married. Blanche is so relieved and reassured once Dorothy starts talking to her again that she follows the conversation for just a little while after that (just as long as they're talking about Rose) and then immediately zones out again, because she's back in her comfort zone. Dorothy's talking to her! Dorothy forgave her! Everything's fine -- back to your regularly scheduled Blanche Devereaux™ content. (Note that she also pointedly does not dance with Doug after he comes back, even though he's from her A-list. This episode should have ended with a Blanche/Dorothy dance, if only to spite Doug.)
Rose is mostly busy dealing with her own thing in this one, but you all know I love the Golden Wives, so let me point out a couple of things:
Blanche and Dorothy (especially Dorothy) really do take care of Rose at the wedding! ... well, at the beginning of the party, at least. But they do genuinely try to reassure her! It's sweet! "Rose, honey, take it easy. Breathe deeply. It'll be all right." "Don't worry, honey. Nothing to worry about. We're here to look out for you." [...] "We're gonna have to keep an eye on her." "Hmm." We see her flirt with a couple of men during the party, but she only ends up going away with Doug and only while Dorothy and Blanche are having their little moment in the ladies' room, so it seems like they did keep her out of trouble after all! Until they got tangled up in their own thing, that is.
Right after they get out of the ladies' room (i.e., right after Dorothy tells Blanche 'I have nothing to say to you") Dorothy immediately notices that Rose isn't around, and talks to Blanche about it, despite the fact that she's supposedly not talking to her at all.
Blanche manages to keep her attention up as long as she and Dorothy worry about Rose, then gets immediately distracted by a man in the band. This exchange specifically is really touching to me: "Oh, I hope she can forgive us." "She will. That's what she does best." Just -- the complete certainty... my heart...
Blanche is really aggressive to Doug when he comes back! She was using every trick in her book to get him to act as her date earlier on, but as soon as she gets the hint that he took advantage of Rose, she immediately enters Protective Wife Mode™.
This line by Dorothy: "He must really be something." "So is Rose." This line? Said with the most affectionate smile in the world? Yeah. Yeah.
So anyway. I just spent like an hour and a half writing all this down, I love this episode, I adore these ladies and I am going to scream, thank you, goodbye.
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blushinklaine · 2 years
i loved every. single. thing. from the christmas special but when the plague ghosts showed up i was GONE
their reactions was everything to me
these besties right here
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i LIVED for them
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the-shadowcat · 4 months
@riz-the-ball-gukgak Sorry I missed your birthday when I was possessed by Ankarna. As you're godmother, I have to get you a belated present. Would you like a dead bug or rodent on your bed like I gave you ever other year?
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nguyenfinity · 1 year
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"This’ll be a quick sketch” I said,”A fast design” I am a liar and a fraud to myself. Anyways here’s Fairy Godmother Wataru as promised @niicookie​
He deserves only the most convoluted and glittery of outfits tho
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ginnyrules27 · 3 months
It is officially July 12th, 2024. Rise of Red will be available at 3:01 am my time (Eastern Standard Time). I have work in the morning. Do I do the mature thing and save RoR for after work or do I watch it when it drops?
*checks fridge and confirms the existence of caffeine*
My curiosity is piqued even if I have yet to read the book lol!
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