#I'm a bit rusty 😅
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puppet-limbo · 9 days ago
Decided to play Pikmin 4 again after not touching it since November (hyperfixations shifted you know how it is) and I almost cried when hearing the title music 😭😂
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limboneto · 10 days ago
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WIPs of my Pikmin OC, Willow! (They/Them)
Mycologist of the Rescue Corps, and was with the crew for several months before the fated mission on PNF-404
I'll make an official post with them yet once I get their designs figured out!
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catboyolli · 2 years ago
Where are you from?
hey dear! 💖💕 I'm from Argentina, so it seems that we are neighbors! 🇦🇷🇧🇷
(I don't put it on my bio because I don't want the IRLs finding me that easily lmao)
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ashwhowrites · 7 months ago
Okay I’ve kinda had this story playing in my mind for a while but we’ve got older sister Henderson who comes back to Hawkins high school for her final year (she was at another school for whatever reason) and she has to pick up Dustin from hellfire. She’s got a stutter and maybe tries to talk to Eddie about dnd because she’s got a crush on him but he thinks she’s pretending or mocking him in some way cause of the stutter (maybe he thinks she’s trying to sound geeky). She gets really upset and goes mute for a while at home and at school and Dustin knows she’s sad but doesn’t know it’s Eddie that made her feel that way. Maybe Dustin invites Eddie over and Eddie is prepared to be mean but Dustin says like “oh she hasn’t talked since someone made fun of her stutter” and Eddie realizes he messed up and she wasn’t lying…. It’s a lot 😅
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. First fic back after like 2 weeks! Hopefully I'm not rusty. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
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It had been a few years since Y/N Henderson was in Hawkins, but now she had to head back for senior year. Even though she was away, Dustin kept her caught up with everything, including his cute new best friend Eddie Munson.
Y/N grew a slight crush on the stranger through photos and stories that Dustin shared. She felt nervous to see him in person because of her stutter. She didn't have the best control over it when she was nervous, it got the best of her and caused insecurity.
She took a deep breath as she got out of her car. She gave herself a small pep talk as she entered the school. She hadn't been in it for years but barely anything changed. She smoothed down her jeans, giving her outfit one last look in her reflection in the windows. She had no shame in trying to look her best because she knew there was a big chance she would see Eddie.
She made it to the door Dustin directed her to. She knocked on it softly and heard the voices on the inside go silent.
She backed up when the door swung open, and there he was.
Eddie had his hair down, the only way she ever saw it. His eyes were gorgeous in person, so much brighter than the pictures.
"Hi" she breathed, a smile on her face
Eddie shut the door behind him. A suspicious look on his face. He crossed his arms, trying to threaten her but she found it attractive.
"Can I help you?" he asked
"Dustin's sister, Y/N," she said, smiling as she felt proud of herself for not stuttering once. She tried to stay in control of her tongue.
"You are a Henderson?" He asked, she felt her skin burn when he stepped back and looked at her up and down. "Seem too cute to be related to him"
And just like that, it switched
She got so nervous her mind went blank. She couldn't practice the sentence beforehand as he waited for her to speak.
"Dung..eo..eons...and ddddr...ag...on...ons, do yyyou en...jjjjoy plaaa....y..ing...th..a...a..t?"
She wanted to smack herself for how stuttered her sentence was. She felt her body shut down when his eyes snapped into slits like he was glaring at her. She fiddled with her fingers nervously.
"Wouldn't be the master if I didn't." He scoffed, his tone much ruder than before. "If you plan to just stutter and mock me, don't bother talking to me. I'll get Dustin." He snapped, then he opened the door and slammed it.
The wind from the hard slam smacked her in the face. She quickly bit down on her lip to make sure she didn't cry. He sounded much nicer and sweet in Dustin's stories.
The door opened again and Dustin came out with a smile. Immediately talking he told her all about the campaign. She listened quietly as they made their way home. She was stuck in her head and pity. And it hurt to admit just how much Eddie's words hurt her.
She respected what Eddie said, making sure anytime she ran into him at school she didn't say a word. She didn't say a word to really anyone. She knew her stutter could be annoying and she didn't want to give anyone else a reason to shut her out.
Dustin didn't question her about her silence. She just got back and probably needed time to adjust to everything again. He figured maybe she was overwhelmed. Until he overheard her talking with their mom about someone saying something about her stutter and now she didn't feel comfortable speaking. Dustin's heart hurt for her but he didn't want to invade her privacy.
Y/N never said who so Dustin had no idea the person in the story was Eddie. As a result, Dustin didn't think twice about inviting Eddie to dinner after a long campaign.
"Your sister here?" Eddie asked as Dustin unlocked the door.
"Yeah," Dustin said, taking off his shoes. Eddie followed his movements, slipping out of his dirty sneakers. Eddie cracked his neck, already planning comebacks in his head if she tried something again.
He looked up as Y/N came into view, she offered a small smile and passed her way into the kitchen.
"Don't mind her quietness. She's got this stutter and some asshole made a comment about it so now she's silent. Don't take it personally, once she's warmed up to you she will talk." Dustin said with a smile
Eddie felt his stomach drop as the kid walked into the kitchen. She had a stutter? She didn't purposely stutter in front of Eddie to make him feel like he was being made fun of? Instead, he made fun of her for something she couldn't control. He hung his head in shame as he felt like a true asshole.
He walked into the kitchen, and sat in the familiar seat he sat in every time he was over. He felt uncomfortable when he realized his seat was directly across from hers.
She smiled again, then looked down at her plate.
Eddie coughed and dug into his plate. Dustin and his mom got into a conversation as he kept looking up at Y/N. He hated that he made her silent in her own home.
"So dear, how has the first week back been? Feeling better after that situation?" Mrs. Henderson asked, her attention on Y/N.
Y/N shrunk down in her chair, her eyes avoiding Eddie's at all costs.
"I..I...I'm tttt...trying to practice with my ttt....tapes again." Y/N stuttered out, giving her mom a soft smile before she went back to her plate.
"Good girl," Mrs. Henderson said as she softly touched her hand
Eddie lost his appetite as his stomach twisted with guilt.
The rest of dinner was mostly Dustin talking but that was a relief to everyone at the table.
Everyone was excused and Dustin prepared for bed. Eddie prepared to leave but he knew he needed to apologize. He nervously walked to her bedroom, her name written on the outside in glitter.
He knocked and waited for it to open
She opened the door and was surprised to see Eddie. She stayed silent as she waited for him to speak.
"About last week, you deserve an apology. I'm sorry for being a total dick and treating you like that. I made a horrible first impression, but I'm used to people making fun of me and I thought you were too." Eddie explained
He watched as she took a big breath and opened her mouth
"Ittttt's okkkkay" she stuttered, Eddie smiled as he tried to make her feel comfortable
"Thank you for saying that. Maybe we can start over? Over dinner sometime?" He asked, that flirty tone was back and it made her heart race.
"Yes," she said with a smile, "one thing"
Eddie watched as she walked to her desk and grabbed a pen. She softly grabbed his hand, his heart racing as she wrote on his palm
She clicked the pen, smiled, and softly shut her door.
Eddie smiled to himself as he looked down at his palm, her name and number in black ink.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt @ineedmentalhelp123
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sinful-lanterns · 23 days ago
Since you appreciate my fuzzy tarantula Garofano headcanon, I'm going to spoil you with this little scene I had in mind for Researcher and Drider!Garofano. 😌 Basically, Researcher's being her usual inquisitive self about Garofano, and it starts getting a little sexy. There's a little NSFWish stuff toward the end, but there's nothing too explicit. Maybe I'll consider writing more eventually. Also, I haven't written dialogue in ages, so I apologize for how rusty I am... 😅 Hopefully, this isn't too bad though! ------
You realize this is a bit of an awkward position for Garofano.
You've seen enough dead spiders before--flopped on their backs with their limbs curled toward their torsos with the eternal and graceless rigor of death.
But with the size of Garofano's web, it wasn't too difficult to convince the drider to rest comfortably on her back. You had bribed her with freshly-cooked food--skewers of cubed deer meat from one of her earlier hunts that you had roasted over the open fire. You had also come with some skewers of the raw meat as well if she had preferred something more... fresh.
All the same, it's in her web that the drider reclines herself back on her web, content to eat from your offering while you sit on the length of her abdomen. Garofano seems entirely unbothered by your weight even as you run your hands through the thick fuzz beneath you. The texture reminds you somewhat of bumblebees with its softness. You press a little harder as you rub curiously along one section of her torso, eliciting a soft sound from Garofano.
You look up quickly to see if you might have caused her discomfort, but the drider's eyes are blissfully closed. Movement behind you then draws your gaze that way, and you're momentarily taken aback when you see one of Garofano's segmented legs kicking with seeming delight at your continued touch.
You can't help but giggle.
Rahu did that too sometimes whenever you gave the domesticated werewolf belly rubs.
"So are all driders furry like you?" you ask, one-handedly opening up your trusted notebook while awaiting a response. "No. It varies by region. The hair you see on my abdomen and legs serves a purpose for the driders found in mine though: it allows us to sense vibrations in the air," Garofano explains.
Your eyes widen as you distractedly write that all down. "Really?"
"Yes. Even when standing still, I can tell which direction my prey might be running in."
No wonder Garofano's such an amazing hunter.
That little fact was almost as intriguing as the dual claws you found at the tip of each of Garofano's legs during your earlier exploration of her. The drider had said they were used for climbing up vertical or uneven surfaces, but they were otherwise kept retracted. At such a revelation, you had pulled one of the limbs in question closer to you while doing nearly everything in your power to get the claws in question to pop out for you. In your excitement, you had neglected the fact that the leg tip was also directly in front of your face while you were attempting this.
It had earned you a soft, fond sigh along with a chiding "Darling..." before Garofano turned your attention away from her limb by cupping your face within her hands and sweetly smooching you into submission. You could still remember how you hot your face burned when Garofano broke the kiss to give you a nip on your bottom lip before going back to her meal.
Speaking of...
"So... do you fangs do anything else?"
Your question has Garofano blinking curiously. "I can inject venom through them."
That has you bolting upright.
You're venomous?!
"I can control the amount of venom at will," she elaborates calmly upon seeing your expression. "I can inject enough to kill or just paralyze my prey, but often times I forego the need entirely."
Garofano's shoulders shrug elegantly. "It's more satisfying when I get my prey to submit to me completely of their own volition."
Try as you might, you can't stop the reaction her words give you, especially as you let your imagination runs wild.
You can see yourself running through a shallow stream, trying to throw the predator hunting you off your trail. If you leave no tracks behind, then surely you couldn't be found, right?
You don't know how long you keep running, but you eventually hop onto a grassy bank as your energy begins to wane. With any luck though, the one pursuing you will keep following the path of the stream while you gain further distance between you both.
As the minutes pass, you begin to think your escape is all but assured. In fact, you can see the edge of the forest just some meters beyond you, and you can't help your immense relief as your arms and legs pump faster, urging you towards your well-earned victory.
But then your momentum is completely thrown off when something sticky and threadlike hits your flailing wrist, sending you crashing forwards to the ground. Perplexed, you struggle to get back to your feet, but your wrist remains stubbornly fixed to the forest floor by the webbing that encases it. Panicked, you use your free hand to try and rip it away, but in your distraction, you don't seem the looming figure behind you until it's too late.
In less than a second, your captor has your cheek pressed against the grass while she constructs another lattice-like shackle to bind your other wrist to the ground. You can feel furred limbs pulling at your hips, lifting them up, while another pair make quick work in shedding the clothing covering your lower half.
"You gave me a wonderful chase," a smooth voice croons down at you while firmly nudging at your legs, silently demanding them to spread wider--wide enough that you can feel the chill of the air as you're suddenly left exposed and vulnerable. "Shall I reward you for your efforts, dear?"
You can't find it in you to draw a response, especially when something blunt and wide presses against your wet folds...
"Something tells me it wouldn't take much to earn your surrender."
You come out of your thoughts with a jolt to see Garofano looking at you with knowing eyes, but you can see the way her already dark eyes have dilated with considerable interest. It only enhances the very faint smirk on her lips, and you can't help but duck your head with a blush.
"You can tell?" you squeak out, earning low laughter from the drider as she cups your burning cheek.
"While I can't say that my senses are quite as enhanced as our canid companions, I can always tell when you're excited around me. You smell so very good when you are," she admits, voice low with desire, as her hand slips from your cheek to gently wrap around the front of your throat. "Would you like to experience what being my prey is like? Happily cavorting about in the forest before unexpectedly finding yourself on the chase of your life as you're hunted down by a bigger, stronger beast?"
You can't stop yourself from nodding rapidly, heart fluttering when that earns you a fanged grin from Garofano.
"Very well. When I capture you, I'll give you a bite. Right here," she says, rubbing her thumb where your neck meets your shoulder. "That will be my initial prize before I take what else has been offered to me. For now..." She leans forward to give you a chaste kiss--a taste of what's to come. Her smile then as she parts from you is all pure sin. "I'll give you a ten-minute head start..."
-- 🌙 anon (maybe I'll make myself a side blog one of these days)
GOD I'VE BEEN HOARDING THIS ASK FOR SO LONG. I think it's about time I finally post it though, it's just so good I need to share it with everyone, it's practically a fic...
FLUFFY TARANTULA GAROFANO MY BELOVED. I'm so in love with the Researcher just casually sitting on the tummy of Drider! Garofano's spider half, completely comfortable as she examines each one of Garofano's spider feet. Fun fact, did you know tarantulas have little paws? When you push a little on the tips, they splay out similar to cat paws. IMAGINE THE RESEARCHER PRESSING AGAINST GAROFANO'S TIPS AND WATCHING THEM SPLAY OUT. HER LITTLE PAWS AGJHSKHD--
And ofc, there's playing predator and prey with Garofano. I like to think that running from Garofano is a form of "exercise" to her now that she lives with the Researcher. As she no longer has to hunt for food on her own, Garofano keeps her body active by hunting you down in the wilderness to keep that predator instinct alive. It gives her such a rush and usually by the end of the chase, she excitedly ties you up and brings you back to her web to "reward" you for your efforts.
You really cooked with this ask, anon. You always do. You should totally make that writing blog, I encourage it <3
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kiyoshi-02 · 17 days ago
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And here's the second KakaIru request!! This time with a full un/censored version available on both AO3 and Bluesky so y'all can choose whichever you use 😚 thank you to everyone who helped me out on that last post about an alt place to post!! 🫶
Hope y'all like it anyway, I'm a bit rusty on full body drawings, it's been a while lol so hopefully nothing here looks too janky 😅
Until the next request 🫡
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chris-prank · 2 months ago
Hello and happy holidays! I'm not sure if the requests are actually now open or if there's still a wait so if it is just ignore this and I'll send in the ask later! (You can delete if you want to)
But if it isn't closed
I've been thinking about hologram!reader (like hatsune miku) and our dear boy Atlas
Just Atlas finding a popular hologram singer who is actually fully conscious but hides it since they have a pretty good (yet lonely) life
Android and Android-esc lovers <3
- Anon💤 (P.S. again sorry if I sent it in before the asks were open!) (P.S.S. and I have many ideas I've thought up since the last ask so I'll be trying to send them all in but don't feel like you have to answer all of them!! Please take care of yourself first and foremost!)
Sleepy anon!!!! It’s so nice to see you again and wish happy holidays to you too, even if I’m late 😅
I loveee your idea! Especially because with a reader that’s non-human, it gives Atlas even more reasons to keep them to himself, under the pretense of just protecting them.
(Also, no need to apologize you send it right at the moment where I reopened my ask and you and all my other anon are so kind and respectful, I don’t deserve y’all 🥹 And yes I’m 100% enjoying my holiday break to recuperate 😌)
💿 Atlas first meet you during one of the lavish parties organized for one of the oldest daughters of his last owners. The girl had asked her parents to invite a very popular hologram vocaloid to her birthday, which was you.
💿 The android was standing on the side of the infrastructure you were supposed to perform on while children ran around and adults drank wine, waiting diligently for his next order, when an unknown voice called out to him.
💿 You had crouched down, staring at him from the stage. Since the moment you had been turned on at the party, you had noticed Atlas from afar. You found in him an ethereal beauty and you would be lying if didn’t to admit that you wanted to flirt with him a little. Plus you were glad to have the chance to chat with someone like you.
💿 “What’s your name?” You asked, your hologram flickering from time to time in the evening glow.
💿 “My name is Atlas, model 6000.” The android answered in a state that was the closest to disbelief for him. No stranger had ever asked about his name before, or any other kind of personal question for that matter.
💿 Despite Atlas not having a lot to tell you about himself, you still ended up having a very pleasant conversation. Which was something rare for you between being deactivated, performing and superficial fan meetings.
💿 The second time you met was after Atlas was sent to the dump. He had luckily been reactivated by accident by a rat stepping on his lifeless body and with his newfound freedom, he only had one person in mind, you. The only one that could understand him. The only one that treated him like an equal in his old life, even if it was just during a simple conversation.
💿 Nothing could describe your surprise when you were taken out of your dematerialize slumber, expecting your agent only to be faced with that pretty face you saw one year ago.
💿 “Without you I wouldn’t be here” he whisper while taking your hands in his, in spite of your unmaterialized body, “It’s my turn to free you from your oppressors.”
💿 When Atlas offers you to “run” away with him, you accepted instantly. Because, in your eyes, he was your knight in shining armor coming to pull you away from your lonely life, unaware of the twisted obsession he had developed towards you.
💿 You found an equal in Atlas, someone that didn’t treat you like a blank slate that could be molded for the pleasure of the masses. You never thought it would be so freeing to be able to talk to someone that truly listened.
💿 And maybe you didn’t meet hundreds of different people everyday like you used too, but now you strangely felt less alone with one special android by your side.
My writing is a bit rusty from my extended break, but I hope you still enjoyed it!
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sansaorgana · 1 year ago
Hi, I sent in the ask about smut? I was thinking about one where Gale is just so gentle during sex, holding you close and making sure you're okay? I just think he'd be so sweet
hello! 🌷 thank you for the request 👀 I'm a bit rusty with writing smut but I tried my best 😅 Buck and reader are married here and he's back from the war 🥰
btw Viola I'm sorry for using your gif for this 😂 I love you 😘
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
🔞 THIS FIC IS 18+ 🔞
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You missed him so badly all those lonely nights when you blasphemously dreamt of his big hands roaming all over your feverish body, right after praying for his safety. As soon as the prayer ended, the fever started and no amount of pacing around, sipping water from the glass by the bed or reading books could help. It was a fire that only Buck could put out. You slept with the window slightly opened even during winter, writhing and sweating under the covers, whispering his name like it was another prayer. Touching yourself but it was never enough. How could it be?
And now you had him back in your arms and you were paralyzed underneath his body like you forgot how to do anything. It had been some time, of course, but you dreamt of this every night. Yet, there was no power in you to take over and show him how much you had missed him. You just wanted to lay down and savour every moment he spent on pleasing you.
"Baby, we don't have to do it tonight," Gale whispered and you furrowed your brows.
"What do you mean?" you asked and caressed the back of his head. "Are you tired, honey?"
"No, I mean… You seem to be absent," he noticed as his bright eyes searched through your face, worryingly. God, he was so beautiful with his cheek scratched and full lips slightly parted, a golden strand of hair falling down nonchalantly over his forehead. You couldn't believe he was yours and only yours.
"I want it, I just… I missed you so much, Buck. And now you're here with me, you're back, safe and sound, you're back for good and I… It's overwhelming," you confessed, avoiding his gaze.
"Oh, sweetheart," he cooed to you as his big, warm hands worked on pushing your nightgown up, slowly, tickling your skin with his fingertips and causing the goosebumps to appear on your arms. You moaned softly and he brought his lips to yours to give you a big kiss on the lips. "I missed you, too, doll. Every day and every night. You were always on my mind," he confessed in hasty whispers between the passionate kisses.
"I can't believe you've been a good boy, Buck," you giggled but he stopped immediately and cupped your face to make you look at him. His expression was dead serious. "Hey, it was a joke, baby," you explained.
"Don't make jokes like that, (Y/N). I didn't go there to have fun. I left fun here," he looked down at your body and then went back to your eyes. "It was my duty what I did there. I served my country to keep you safe."
"I know," you whispered softly. "Buck, I'm sorry. I know," you nodded and he nodded back before pressing his forehead to yours and going back to kissing you. You got lost in his taste and his sweet breath as you tangled your hands in his golden hair and pulled on it slightly.
Gale helped you to get out of your nightgown and placed lots of small kisses all over your jaw and neck, making you melt whenever he sucked on some sweet spot that would make you see stars. His fingers reached down to pull your panties and rub circles where you needed him the most. He smirked at how wet you already were for him.
"Well, well, well, Mrs. Cleven," he teased and you gasped at the sound of your surname coming out of his mouth in that deep voice of his. You had married shortly before he left so you weren't used to being called that. Not by him. "Is everything alright?" he furrowed his brows.
"I'm fine, sir," you smiled at him and he chuckled as his long fingers finally found their way inside you, curling and rubbing you vigorously. You arched your back at that sensation. It wasn't the real thing yet but it was already much better than what you had to live with until now. It was his very real touch, scratching the feverish itch deep inside that had been making you so frustrated for the past few months. It was like the wedding night all over again. "I'm so happy you're back with me," you whispered softly, almost inaudibly.
"And I'm happy to be back," he leaned in to kiss you all over your face as his fingers explored you gently, taking their time. His warm, muscular chest was pressed to yours and he watched carefully your facial expressions. Each time you winced or whined, he would slow down or stop completely, but at the same time he was getting drunk on your reactions and sweet moans.
"I'm gonna…" you closed your eyes, chasing the high you almost reached.
"No, doll, not yet," Buck stopped and you whined. He took his fingers out of you, leaving you with the painful feeling of emptiness. Instead, he took your panties off completely and got rid of his boxer shorts as well. He was more than ready for you now and you swallowed thickly at the sight.
It had been some time since the last one. And even then, you hadn't been married for long. You didn't get used to that fully yet.
"Don't worry, sweetheart, I got you," he whispered as he put one of his hands under your back to pull you even closer to his chest. You felt his heart beating and his breath on your neck. Your legs opened wider to take him in.
"Mrs. Cleven?" he asked just to be sure. You only let out a nod in response. "Use your words, darling."
"Go on, Mr. Cleven," you crossed your legs behind his back and felt him slowly sliding inside. You throbbed around him, feeling every inch of him stretching you out in the most delicious way. Despite the pain, it was making you see stars from all the pleasure and the fulfillment.
Inch by inch, slowly, soon enough he was all the way in and gave you a moment to adjust to his size. In the meantime, Buck kissed away all the tears that showed up in the corners of your eyes from how overwhelming it felt.
"You're such a good, brave girl, you know that?" he asked and you nodded before kissing him and bucking your hips a little to let him know you were ready for him to thrust inside of you. His hips started to rock, hitting your sweet spot and making you moan out his name over and over again. You were almost out of your breath and completely out of your mind to finally have him like that.
Buck held one of your hands and intertwined his fingers with yours before bringing it up to his mouth to place tiny kisses upon your knuckles.
"I love you," he whispered and you wanted to tell him the same thing badly, but you couldn't. You couldn't say anything else except for his name that you kept saying over and over like a prayer.
"Buck… Buck… Buck…" you let go of his hand and grabbed his bicep to squeeze it and scratch it as you felt the overwhelming waves of pleasure growing inside of you.
"I know, doll," he shushed you and picked up the pace, still holding you close but making sure your bed squeaked as the frame began to hit on the wall gently. The sound alone mixed with your gasps and moans was enough to drive him crazy but he wanted to make you finish first. "Let go for me, baby," he breathed out, watching in awe all of your facial expressions; your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your toes curled and your lips parting lustfully.
"I'm gonna, oh, Buck…" was all you were able to said before exploding around him and getting lost in the pleasure. A few shivers went down your body as you squeezed him and he began to thrust even faster to finish as well. Not long after you felt your insides getting warm and sticky as Buck's sweaty face was inches away from yours. You put your hands behind his head and brought him down for a wet, sloppy kiss.
"Oh, baby," you smiled softly. "It feels so good to have you back."
"Damn it does," he chuckled and kissed your forehead as you giggled. "I'm gonna stay like that for a while, is that alright?"
"Yes, sir," you bit on your lower lip as your right hand started to draw circles upon his chest above you.
Suddenly, the lovely moment was spoiled by the sound of loud barking coming from the downstairs. You rolled your eyes and chuckled.
"Sorry, it's Meatball. I don't think he likes being down there all alone, you know?" Buck explained.
"So, we're gonna let him sleep in our bed?" you asked, unsurely. You didn't mind your husband bringing a whole huge dog from the war but you weren't sure about it invading your personal space so much.
"Might be a good practice," Buck kissed your forehead and finally got out of you and the bed to put his boxer shorts back on. You covered yourself with a blanket and watched him with a soft smile.
"Practice?" you asked, teasingly.
"Before we have babies of our own, Mrs. Cleven," he winked at you and went down to get Meatball. You giggled like a schoolgirl at that as you felt your cheeks heating up.
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candiedcoffeedrops · 7 months ago
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Notes: Right so, I haven't written smut in over half a decade so I'm most definitely a bit rusty.😅 I welcome constructive criticism but please be gentle lol I worked really hard on this. Wrote this for the Sexy Ikemen Summer Event! Also, sorry for the word count. I don't know how to not write a lot.
I also had no beta for this, I did what I could.💜
Prompt: At Someone's Summer Wedding.
Pairing: Ring Schwarz x Reader
Word Count: 3,662
Tags: NSFW - Minors DNI!, Jealousy, Biting and a lot of it, Established relationship, Fingering, Vaginal sex, Female/AFAB reader, Likely OOC as the characters in this are not on EN and I only have so much access to them, I didn't know how to end it so I just...did.
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The wedding reception was in full swing, the mansion’s grand ballroom alight with laughter, music, and the soft clinking of champagne flutes. You stood near the edge of the crowd, your hand curled around a flute of your own as you surveyed the room. The bride and groom were off somewhere, speaking with friends or family, and the guests were dressed to the nines in their finery. The scent of hot, savory food mingled with various expensive perfumes and colognes, creating a cloying cloud in the air as you slowly walked around.
You spotted Ring and Nica speaking off to the side, both twins dressed in perfectly tailored white suits, the lapels of their blazers adorned with golden Vogel pins. A smile curled your lips. Both of them looked handsome, of course, but your eyes were drawn to Ring specifically. He cleaned up so nicely. The members of Vogel always looked put together, but Ring was something else when he dressed up. Taking a sip, you watched as your sweetheart chatted with his older twin, the latter giving a half shrug to something said, the rings on his fingers glinting in the light.
The three of you had attended this wedding with the intent of gathering intelligence for Darius, who had remained at headquarters to address other matters. Your efforts had been fruitless, and during a brief meeting with Ring, you learned he had also come up empty-handed. Nica, ever the charmer, had been surrounded by a throng of guests, leaving the success of the evening squarely in his hands.
As their eyes met yours, a smirk played on Nica’s lips, while Ring offered a subtle nod. Nica turned, murmuring something to his brother before striding toward you with one of his trademark, easy smiles.
“I’ve uncovered a few minor leads, nothing groundbreaking. I’ll have to debrief Dari later, but for now,” he spread his arms wide before clapping them together, “I’d say we’re officially off duty. Might as well enjoy the festivities, right?”
“Fair enough. I’m unsure how long Ring and I will stick around, though.” You took another sip as you glanced around the room. So many people—and you could already feel the exhaustion from the small talk and mingling. It wouldn’t be long until you’d want to go home and recharge, and you knew Ring would agree.
“Oh, you two should at least dance.” He paused as his eyes darted to the side before a grin spread on his face, “In fact, before you get caught up with each other for the night, how about one for your second-favorite Schwarz twin?” He smoothly plucked the champagne flute from your hand, setting it on the tray of a passing waiter, then slinging an arm around your shoulder as he gently but firmly led you out to the dance floor.
“I…suppose,” you said slowly, watching the waiter carry your champagne flute, along with many others, away with a furrow of confusion on your brow.
“Come on, it’ll be fun.”
As the strains of a new melody filled the air, Nica led you in a dance, his movements fluid and graceful as you followed. He guided you across the dance floor with effortless confidence, his hand resting lightly at your waist, the other gently holding your wrist, careful not to activate his curse. The ballroom was a swirl of color and motion, the other guests dancing around you, but Nica kept your attention with his lighthearted banter and teasing comments.
Just as you began to wonder if the song would ever end, the final notes faded away. Nica released you with a flourish, stepping back and bowing slightly, ever the gentleman. He thanked you politely for indulging him and suggested the two of you go find Ring.
Thankfully, he was in the same place that Nica had left him so it didn’t take long to find him, but when you did, you noticed something was off.
Ring’s gaze was fixed on the two of you, his lips pressed slightly, posture stiff as he fidgeted with the cuff of his sleeve before crossing his arms over his chest, not having his usual longsword to rest his hand on. When he made eye contact with you, he averted his eyes, brilliant blue now turned toward his twin. You frowned. Something was wrong.
“There you are!” Nica greeted jovially with a hand wave, either unaware of or deliberately ignoring Ring’s mood.
“Nica,” Ring spoke softly, his brow furrowed, lips pressed in a slight pout. Before he could say anything else, Nica cut in again. 
“There we go, the two of you are reunited.” He gently nudged you toward his younger twin before turning and walking in the opposite direction. “Enjoy yourselves, yeah? I have a pretty little thing waiting for me. Don’t wait up.” He cast a smile over his shoulder at Ring, and you heard a soft huff from your lover, who was now beside you.
You watched Nica retreat, swallowed by the crowd and not a moment later you turned toward Ring. He continued to avoid eye contact, so you gently brushed your fingers against the back of his hand. His eyes, blue like porcelain painter’s ink, returned to you for a moment, pink dusting across his cheeks as his lips pressed into another small pout, but he did take your hand, fingers loosely lacing with yours.
“Ring? What’s the matter?”
His eyes narrowed slightly and at first, he didn’t answer but after you gently pressed, his lips set in a thin line before he said, “I…would like to spend time with you.” His voice was low, hesitant.
An unsure smile spread across your lips as you gently grabbed his hand, giving a tug toward the dance floor. “Alright then. Why don’t we dance for a bit and then—” He stepped closer to you, his forehead nearly touching yours as he pressed a slender finger to your lips.
You saw his throat move as he swallowed. “Alone.” He added, his tone soft but edged with urgency, his eyes showing their normal determination mixed with need as they locked onto yours. 
You nodded, your heart fluttering as he led you away from the bustling dance floor, through the throngs of guests, and easily past rather lax security. He didn’t speak, his grip tightening slightly as he navigated the grand hallways of the mansion, passing glittering chandeliers and priceless art until he found an empty room, the door slightly ajar.
It was a bedroom, the only light filtering in from the moon outside the tall narrow windows. The large bed was dressed in richly colored fabrics and a thick canopy. The room was decently furnished but sparsely decorated—likely a guest room. Here, the music was much fainter, and the din of conversation from the party dulled, the sounds much easier to ignore from this distance. Ring closed the door behind him with his free hand, the other still holding yours. The sounds from the reception almost completely disappeared with the motion, leaving the two of you in near silence.
As soon as the door softly clicked shut, Ring locked it and tugged on your hand, pulling you into him. His arms slid around your waist in a tight hug, his nose nuzzling the crook of your neck. You returned the hug, your arms circling him. You hummed contentedly as you relaxed with him. Today had been long and socially taxing, so perhaps he had just wanted to get away and be alone for a while. That would be just like him, and very sweet.
He inhaled before softly exhaling through his mouth, his breath warm on your skin. “Ah…mine,” he murmured, his voice low and gruff right below your ear before he nipped at the tender flesh. 
“Ring?” You whispered his name, hoping he'd give some clue for his change in demeanor. You heard a low hum from him in response, his breath hot against the sensitive skin of your neck as he began to kiss and nibble, leaving a trail of heat in his wake. 
“Are you alright?” You asked slowly, gauging his reaction. He said nothing, continuing along the line of your neck.
His lips ghosted over your pulse point before he bit down, sucking hard enough to leave a bruise that would linger for days. You let out a shaky gasp, your grip on him tightening. He ran his tongue over the spot, soothing the sting before doing it again, and again, painting a collection of dark petals along the column of your neck and throat. Your head lolled back, allowing him better access as he drew more gasps and soft moans from your lips. The room spun and your knees felt wobbly, but his arms held onto you, his embrace a steel cage wrapped in white.
Normally he was so shy and reserved, with you taking the lead on many of your romantic entanglements, so the feeling of him being so assertive with you in this moment was heady. That said, you still had no idea where this had come from. Moments ago he had been in an obviously dour mood, and now he was showering your neck with kisses and bruises. You tried to piece together what could’ve caused this while he continued his ministrations on your neck, noting that he didn’t drink during the reception and you had spent plenty of time with him that day.
Was it your dance with Nica? That had to be it, right? It was the only thing you could think of that would’ve dampened his spirits so quickly. If that’s the case, you were seeing your lover jealous for the first time since you’d gotten together. 
“My love,” your voice was breathy, a small moan escaping your lips upon feeling him nip at another particularly sensitive spot as your fingers dug into the smooth fabric of his blazer. Still, you continued, wanting him to confirm your suspicions. “What’s gotten into you?” 
Ring’s hand slid up to the back of your neck, his grip firm but not painful as he lifted his face to meet your gaze. Even in the silvery moonlight, you could tell his cheeks were ablaze. His pupils were dilated, eyes half-lidded. His eyes searched yours for a moment before he leaned in and claimed your mouth in a fiercely passionate kiss. It was as if he were trying to swallow you whole. You moaned into his mouth and he responded in kind, his teeth scraping against your lower lip before his tongue slipped past your lips, sliding against yours. It was the kind of kiss that stole your breath, that left you feeling like you were falling into a bottomless abyss, but you didn’t mind. In fact, you liked it. You liked it a lot.
You lowered your head to return some of the favor to his neck, nipping little gasps and sighs from him as he tugged impatiently at the ties of your dress. The fabric loosened with each pull until it slithered to the floor in a heap around you leaving you in only your underwear. He shrugged off his blazer before bending slightly at the knees to scoop you up.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as his hands hooked under your thighs. He was already hard, his erection pressing against you as he carried you to the bed with only a few strides from his long legs. The anticipation gave you goosebumps, your core already throbbing with need. He set you down on the cool, soft comforter and began quickly removing his clothes, tossing them…somewhere before climbing over you. His weight pushed down on the mattress as he slotted his flushed, sculpted body between your legs.
Ring peered down at you, his expression akin to that of a bird of prey– focused, intense, and so hungry. He leaned in, capturing your mouth in a bruising kiss that left you panting and clutching at his shoulders. His tongue explored your mouth with a fervor that had you arching up against him, eager for more as you felt him roll his body against yours. A groan sounded from his throat, his erection nudging against your clothed folds, and you spread your legs wider, welcoming the pressure.
He broke away from your mouth and began leaving open-mouth kisses down your neck before reaching your breasts, sucking and nipping at the sensitive flesh there before taking a nipple into his mouth, while his hand kneaded the other. His tongue lapped over the hardened flesh before his teeth bit down– gently, but enough for you to cry out his name, your fingers threading through his hair and tugging enough to elicit a moan as he switched his ministrations to the other. You felt him panting through his nose against your heated skin and you whined. 
You still hadn’t gotten your answer from him as to why he had started acting like this, but you found it harder and harder to care as he did what he was doing. Your core continued to throb and you knew you were already soaked. You bucked your hips against him, causing him to hiss a swear in German. “More,” you pleaded, to which he huffed against your skin and hummed affirmatively. 
His lips traveled further downward, delivering the same treatment to your abdomen as he had given to your neck and chest, biting at the sensitive skin below your belly button, his fingers sliding up your thigh to hook his fingers around your panties, yanking them down your legs. He cast another glance up at your face before returning his attention to your body. 
“Mine,” he said again. Despite being deep in a pleasure-induced haze, you still caught it. 
“What do you mea-Ah!” You tried to get him to elaborate but were cut off when you felt him tease your folds with his fingers. His other hand pressed your legs further apart as he left a dark bruise on your inner thigh with his teeth, lapping at the mark with his tongue to soothe the sting. His middle and ring fingers, long and callused like a soldier's, entered you and began moving slowly. 
“Say you’re mine.” His voice was low, his fingers continuing their slow movement as he moved his mouth closer to the apex of your thighs but still keeping them too far away from where you so badly needed him to be. “I…need to hear you say it.” 
The words are torn from your chest, a declaration that echoes through the room. "I'm yours, Ring." It's a surrender, a vow, and a plea all rolled into one as you raised your hips to meet his hand, urging him to go faster and let you feel his mouth on you.
His mouth was on you in an instant, immediately finding your sensitive bud and giving it a long, deliberate lick before setting a steady pace. A strangled, relieved cry of his name left your lips, your fingers once again finding their way to his hair, pressing his face closer to you. That’s when the most sinful growl came from his throat, causing your face to flush even further. His mouth worked on you even faster, alternating between licks and sucks to your clit, his fingers thrusting into you in tandem.
You writhed against him, gripping his hair and the plush comforter beneath you for dear life. The tension in your body grew tauter with every stroke of his tongue, every press of his fingers, and your legs found themselves wrapped around his head earning another groan from him. It felt like you were balancing on the edge of a cliff. His name rolled off your tongue like a mantra as you neared closer and closer to coming undone under his mouth. Just one more little push. Just a bit longer. 
And then you fell.
The orgasm rushed through you like electricity, stealing your breath and sending spasms through your body. Your fingers gripped his hair tighter, your hips jerking against his mouth as a loud uneven cry ripped from your throat. Ring’s eyes gleamed with triumph as he watched your climax, his tongue stroking you through the aftershocks, his fingers still buried deep inside you. He didn’t stop until you were trembling and gasping for air, your legs loosening their hold around his neck.
Ring crawled back over you and kissed you deeply, sharing the taste of your arousal with you before sliding his fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean. His gaze never left yours, his actions sending a thrill through your body, your core still pulsing despite still floating down from the high he had just given you.
“Mine,” he murmured, his voice thick with lust as he positioned himself at your entrance, slicking his cock with your wetness. You nodded, your eyes glazed over with desire as you felt him push inside you with a breathy moan, filling you up in one long, slow stroke. “And I want everyone to know it.”
With that, he began to rock into you. You could feel every inch of him filling you completely as he claimed you over and over again, and it was exquisite. Needy moans from your throat mingled with the sound of his hips snapping against yours and your name falling from his lips between pants and groans. Your arms snaked around his back, grasping onto him for dear life. His back muscles flexed under your hands with every thrust. 
His eyes traveled down to your neck and a pleased smirk spread his lips. “Ah…” He let out a mix between a chuckle and a pant against your neck, “You look so pretty with my marks on your skin.” 
He bent his head down to kiss and lick the marks he’d left behind, his tongue tracing the path of your racing pulse. You clung to him, your nails digging into his shoulders as he pumped into you, his teeth grazing your neck and leaving another bruise in their wake. You could feel familiar tension well up within you again as he moved into you and your legs wrapped around his waist to pull him closer.
The motion made his breath hitch, a loud moan leaving his lips as he locked his eyes with yours again. “Ha…you’re close.” His voice was thick with need. 
You nodded, unable to form coherent words as you felt your body tightening around him. 
“I am too…you feel so good.” 
The words were barely out of his mouth before he buried his face in your neck, his teeth finding purchase as he bit down. You screamed out his name, your body tightening around him as you climaxed. The world spun in a blur of pleasure as you felt your core contract around his length, sending waves of heat through your body. Ring’s hands slid under your back, lifting you closer to him as he picked up the pace, his thrusts becoming more erratic as he chased his own release, his breaths hot and desperate against your skin.
Not long after, Ring’s body tensed, his hips jerking before pressing against yours as he emptied himself inside you with a deep groan. Feeling like your limbs were made of liquid, your legs unwrapped from his waist as he pulled out slowly, his lips leaving tired, sweet kisses on your collarbone and the hollow of your throat as he caught his breath. He stayed on top of you for a moment while you lazily traced patterns over his spine and shoulderblades with your fingertips. 
When he rolled off of you, his arms found their way around your waist, his eyes closed for a moment before he slowly opened them, immediately glancing at the marks on your neck before a blush reddened his cheeks.
“Still shy after that performance?” You teased, tiredness lacing your voice as you reached out and stroked his cheek with your knuckles. He huffed, muttering something in German under his breath while you giggled with a grin. 
A comfortable silence passed over the two of you while you continued to catch your breath. While you had a moment you decided to voice your earlier theory to him.
He hummed, his hand moving to rest on your ribcage, his thumb gently rubbing over it.
“Was all of this because you got jealous of me dancing with Nica?”
You felt his thumb stop, and his eyebrows raised a touch, his lips tucked around his teeth before he sighed.
“Nica is…charming. He’s intelligent and knows how to read and talk to people. I don’t. He has a lot of things that I am missing.” He paused, his brow furrowing, lips set in a slight pout as he averted his eyes. “When I saw you two, I was afraid that…maybe someday you’d think I’m not enough for you.”
“Oh, Ring,” your brows uplifted in worry as you cupped his cheek. 
He grabbed your wrist with a gentle hold, pressing a kiss to your palm and then each of your fingertips. “Still, I…” his face flushed with a deeper, familiar red as he stuttered, glancing at your neck again before settling back on your face, “I shouldn’t have-have mauled you like that. I got carried away.” 
You chuckled, causing his eyes widening slightly as he blinked at you. “Did you hear me complain even once?”
He pursed his lips trying to fight a bashful smile that threatened to lift his lips, his cheeks and ears darkening as he buried his face in your neck beneath your chin to hide himself. 
“...N-no.” You heard his muffled reply from your neck, causing you to laugh again as you carded your fingers through his hair.
“You will always be enough for me, my love. I’m yours and you’re mine. Never, ever doubt that.”
You felt him nuzzle his face into you before pressing another sweet kiss to the hollow of your throat. “Danke,” he said softly as his arms squeezed you slightly. 
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mdni divider by @cafekitsune, heart divider by @saradika-graphics
banner was made by myself
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ghirahimbo · 9 months ago
lol so any of these story ideas/WIPs "winning" the poll does not guarantee an update, but I'm wrangling my WIPs together, and I was just curious to know generally where people's interest might be? I just realized tonight that I haven't posted anything to ao3 since I finished BBN in 2022, so, uh. Feeling a bit rusty, I guess 😅 Brief descriptions/links to the stories below:
The Importance of Being Link | gen, crackfic treated semi-seriously, BotW Link finds Ghirahim’s sword at the Breach of Demise and they both have to adjust to this | on ao3
Arbiter | ghiralink-ish (more referenced in the past than present), dark-ish, BotW Link finds Ghirahim imprisoned in the Arbiter's Grounds one night and can't help but return | on ao3
Better | Age of Calamity revalink | on ao3
Eternal Sunshine | revalink-ish, gradual memory loss, post-Calamity but pre-BotW, Revali's spirit is trapped on Vah Medoh, and sometimes Link's spirit comes to visit | wip snippet
A Prayer in Time Saves Nine | ghiralink-ish, dark-ish, save mechanic as story device | wip snippet
Of Yourself an Offering | post-BotW, Ghirahim as Horned Statue AU | wip snippet
Speak (temp title) | pre-Calamity, pre-Revalink, Link is not in a good place and Revali is somehow the first between them to realize this | wip snippet
Courage Remembered | big, long revalink fic, been simmering in my notebook for ages | wip snippet
That Randomizer Fic Idea I Had Once | semi-crack treated seriously, BotW Randomizer mod as plot device
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cliffou29 · 1 year ago
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I have spent 3hours on this ... I'm a bit rusty !😅
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casual-wyrm-enjoyer · 1 month ago
Hey Wyrm! I didn’t know you liked DnD : D what’s your favorite class n race combo? Or are you in/ running a campaign rn? Sorry if I’m bothering you
Hey, bug! Thanks for the ask! And no, don't worry, you're not being a bother at all!
(Sorry answering took so long btw) To be honest, it's been a good while since I've actually played the game, so admittedly, I haven't had much chance to experiment... but I can tell you what I can remember about the characters I have made and played in it (well... actually it was in Pathfinder 1e... with some Starfinder thrown in for flavor... but that's based off of dnd 3.5e! so shhhhhh!). Though, really I only only remember the details of one of them...
tw for vague descriptions of violence, racism and people trafficking!
First was a Dhampir Sorcerer, I don't recall her name, but she was from the Starfinder part of it, I don't really have much to say on it, as that, while fun, was one of the more messy parts of the vast, interlocking list of campaign (technically it was one large campaign? Tis' a bit complicated lol). But one of the things I do remember her for, ironically, was her death. For a bit of context, the party had arrived a few sessions ago on a Wild West style world, and the particular quest we were on - given to us by a Dwarf named 'Helmet' or something along those lines - was to go and rescue a group of orcs who were being trafficked as slaves (The people of the world we were on were kinda racist towards orcs and half-orcs). Eventually, we found the ravine they were being kept in, high-jinks ensued, including a half-orc barbarian of our party making some weirdly high performance checks, one fight later, things are far from perfect, but seems like we might win the encounter... until one of the other spellcasters in our party cast a fire-related spell... in the vicinity of a crate for of explosives. And that’s how my first ever TPK happened 😅
Next up (or technically first off) is Dreldeth. He is a lizardfolk fight (who may or may not have also been a half-dragon, but that never really came up during campaign sadly), and was my first ever character! One of the big things I recall about him is him having a 17 or 18 swim bonus due a mix of points I put into the feat (or was it a skill? My dnd terminology is a bit rusty I'm afraid 😅), and the absurd racial bonus Lizardfolk get. I got to put it to use a grand total of... one time.. but hey, he was still fun to play. I retired him for a bit with the Dhampir, but after she died, I brought him back in, and played him up until the campaign was put on an indefinite hiatus. The plan from the DM was to find a new place and continue from there, but well... it's been at least a couple years since that happened, so sadly I'm pretty sure that group is dead...
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regionalpancake · 5 months ago
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It's been awhile! But I managed to write 3 new drabbles today 🥳 158 - Hugh reminisces about the BRP. 159 - Raffi contemplates losing and not losing JL. 160 - Rios thinks about Starfleet… and Agnes.
(I'm a bit rusty, so go easy on me please 😅)
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amedamacherry · 1 year ago
'I told you I could dance'
(Sketch version)
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Seto Kaiba & Anzu Mazaki
(Oh yes. I love them! #SorryNotSorry)
A colored sketch I made recently. Might delete it later.
With a close-up of their faces because I kinda like how they turned out 🤭
I haven't uploaded it anywhere else so far and I don't know if I will. It was just an idea that needed to get out of my head. And since I'm no good at writing fanfiction, I went with drawing.
It has been YEARS since I drew anything. I'm out of practice and rusty, but it was so much fun!
I bought a great new convertible tablet with a stylus recently (it's meant for work, but... 🤭) and I finally tried to sketch something out digitally. I wanted to try that for so long, but when I was a student, I never had the money for good hardware. Then, after I got a job and married and had children, all of these within a pretty short time, there finally was enough money, but no time and energy! (Life being life, I guess 😅)
BUT NOW! I finally dug into it. And let me just scream this out loud:
All those tools and possibilities, without redrawing the whole shit because there was something a little bit too big or too small or too far on one side. It's great! And so much fun! I wanna do this much more! ❤️
I'm still no good with actual oulining. Is it really such a pain in the ass or is it just because I'm new to this? Outlining by hand never was such a big deal for me. Anyway, that's why I just went ahead and colored the sketch as it was. I didn't even do it properly, just went with the process and couldn't stop myself. I don't know if I can find the time and energy (!) to make this into a proper drawing one day, but it will be somewhere near the top of my priority list. 😇
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mizaruwu · 4 months ago
Would it be OK if I write a little fic based off your necromancer! Hyrule? I found it last night and I'm legit so invested in this and I have so many ideas! I havnt written anything in literal years (I'm more of an artist than a writer) so I'm VERY rusty but this has inspired me quite a bit!
I dont promise anything like mindblowing or that I'll ever actually finish anything, both because im pretty busy usually or i might not have the attention span needed to finish, but if your OK with people writing about your au and your interested to see it I can link it to you when/if I finish it!
On anon cause I'm shy, but if I go through with it (ill wait for permission of course) I'll put the link to the ao3 on my blog and tag you! Unless there's a better way of getting you the link? I've literally never done this before 😅 and if your not interested in reading it that is plenty fine too! I understand this is kinda out of nowhere.
It's absolutely OK! ^^)/
I'm flattered my lil au inspired you to write! And even if you don't end up finishing it– (I know the feeling of losing steam or not having time for a project all too well) I'm still very happy that you got inspired enough to pick up an old skill :D
Tagging me when it's done will do! I'm excited to see what you'll make– no pressure of course >wO)b!!!
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destinyc1020 · 5 months ago
Sunday Confession: Watched the Dune Q&A and can’t help to think that Zendaya is so personable and on another level. She is so great at answering questions and just being very charismatic. She even got an applause for one of her responses when no one else did. The guys were seriously struggling. They need better prep and training next time. Austin is great to look at but honey there’s not much there yet. Timothee was just struggling and avoided answering questions . lol
I finally had a chance to watch the entire Dune Part 2 Q&A yesterday.
I'm assuming this is the interview you're referring to?
Did we watch the same interview lol? 😅 Even the comments from people under the video had nothing but great things to say about the cast and the interview!
I mean, Zendaya is definitely a mega-star, and has had that Disney media star training, so she's learned to come out of her shell more, plus, she's been on several big blockbuster press tours for Spiderman, so yea, she shines brightly in this type of arena! 😊
At the same time though, I didn't feel that Timmy and Austin did poorly? 🤔 They answered the questions just fine imo. While their responses may not have garnered as many laughs and applause as Zendaya's, there were a couple of instances where both Austin and Timmy got laughs for their responses. 🤷🏾‍♀️
You have to remember that Timmy has awkward energy sometimes lol, that's just how he is lol 😆 And Austin is naturally shy, so he's usually going to be a bit more reserved. I would watch his "Elvis" press tour interviews to get more of an idea of his interviewing style.
Keep in mind too that while Zendaya has had a break from acting last year, and took months off with Tom after her Challengers press tour, Timmy and Austin have not really taken an extended break, and both are in the middle of filming movies where they've probably had 16-hour days on set, working late at night, and are probably also just exhausted lol. 😅
Even Z also added that they (the cast) hasn't done promo for Dune 2 since Feb, so they might be a little rusty on answering questions. I loved Z's little anecdotes which were funny, and she is very charming. 🥰
It's funny, coz some fans were saying that Z looked nervous and not herself at the Brazil ComicCon for Dune Part 2 last November (I believe?). 😅 I think we have to remember that actors are just people.... sometimes, they might be feeling anxious, tired, stressed, having a bad day, etc.
I personally thought the cast did great, and it's obvious they all get along just fine. 😊
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