#I'll watch someone else play tho for the funny stuff
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gameswithcookie · 28 days ago
Recently played the everhood 2 demo and these screenshots were incredibly important to share
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enbysiriusblack · 7 months ago
not sure if any mutuals out there are alvin and the chipmunks fans but when i was ill i started watching the cartoon show and i carried on watching cause honestly it was fun. and i've just finished it so i've got to say... at least in the show, i think eleanor and alvin would be a better couple than eleanor/theodore and brittany/alvin...
like okay so eleanor is very much the most emotionally mature one of the chipettes and she's quite into politics and stuff but also enjoys going to the skate park and playing football, plus she does find alvin's pranks funny but also has a go at him when he goes too far but in a way that's just like "don't be a prat, but i'll help you resolve this mess".
and alvin is probably the least emotionally mature of his brothers (maybe on par with theodore, idk), and he enjoys football and going to skate parks and stuff but we do also see him encouraging and cheering on his brothers and dave and chipettes when they have achievements. also there's so many episodes where eleanor has a problem so he goes and helps her as hard as he can. like if they can't figure something out themselves they go to each other for help <33 (unless its more something that they need stem nerds simon and jeanette for tho)
like also they both bitch the most about their siblings (especially with each other!!) so i can imagine them literally just gossiping about people all the time and having each other as someone to confide in when people are pissing them off (cause they literally are already that for each other)
plus that episode where britt and alvin do that soulmate test and get each other and absolutely hate it and alvin imagines life with brittany being her making him carry loads of shopping and wear pink instead of red and stuff and britt imagines life with alvin being alvin hogging the spotlight and not letting her be a popstar anymore. and tbf that def isn't what it'd be like 💀 cause ofc alvin is going to just refuse britt and ofc britt is just going to ignore alvin.
but alvin and eleanor??? like i can def see them being together in the future and although their main career is obviously their own bands, eleanor would prob do coaching in one of her hobbies or something (since she enjoys it a lot) and alvin would do like professional skateboarding competitions and stuff, but they'd also like go on adventure weekends and stuff and they'd pick up random hobbies together and get super competitive with each other but cause they find it fun!!
also alvin and britt would sooo not work out. they both love the spotlight too much, it'd be constantly fighting for attention and refusing to give it to each other, plus britt is very neat and tidy whilst alvin is absolutely not but brit would refuse to clean after alvin and alvin would refuse to constantly have to tidy up and again, they'd jusy argue.
and with eleanor and theodore, it's more just a matter of eleanor finding him very sweet but she enjoys competitions and debates and theodore is just going to follow along whatever she says. plus theodore would hate all of eleanor's active hobbies (like i remember she's into fencing and stuff whilst theodore would be terrified of all that)
obviously i can feel people saying "oh but now theodore and brittany are alone" okay, so 1. not everyone needs to be paired up in relationships, 2. i also feel like brittany is the kind of person to be like "i'm the hottest, coolest, most interesting chipmunk around, why would i need someone else when i have myself?", also 3. britt is soooo either aroace or a lesbian, also 4. theodore may date sure, but show eleanor ain't a good match for him
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bithegai · 4 months ago
Hey this might be stupid or not helpful but idk felt like saying it
I've followed ya for a long while, ya were one of the first blogs I followed like what? 3ish years ago and am in shambles as well cause of. Well. All that. And just wanted to say that if ya will leave, I'd suggest not deleting anything permanently. I can't say much specificness cause I can't remember that time well but I do remember yr blog was always nice to check, wish I would've interacted more when stuff was good. Idk. Like at the end do whatever n all but I've liked the stuff ya put here and idk. It's a nice place. English isn't helping me much right now but I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed following ya, I didn't really know ya but you were cool. Wish you the best during these difficult times and just. Thanks for everything
Aw thank you.... that's very kind of you to say ❤️ and reassuring considering the thousands of blogs that come and go. I always just used this as kind of a rant blog for all HC stuff so it's v sweet hearing at least someone else got some joy out of it too lol. Feels like it's just another speck in the abyss, so genuinely it's very sweet that you remember it anon. Even crazier that you've been here for all these years too.... Would've been awesome having another friend to enjoy the wild ups and downs with
And honestly I'm not final on what I'm gonna do, just very.... lost like you. It just feels so weird right now cause like, pretty much my existence here is bc of Stress? (And yes, even though those involved have said all the issues were only with the other person 1. she still left and 2. the vast majority of her content involved him) Like I started this blog and made a twitch account for her. I learned how to archive vods bc of her. My first HC fanart is of her. The first "big" post I made was a list of recommendations for Stress episodes. And even though I talked abt her less recently compared to back then, personally she was such a big part of my enjoyment here that now I'm just ......?
Like I haven't posted about this, just bc I agree the focus should stay on those hurt by his actions and amplifying their stories. But god there was so much more I wanted to see from Stress. I was looking forward to the completed "Sentimental Stress" base. Possibly a revival of the Allium Alliance, and maybe even one day a 5/5 hermit gals collab. But it's never happening now. And honestly? I think I could've been fine, moved on. But it's the fact that there's nothing left to look back on either that hurts me the most.
In the past, when something grim happened, I would just play an old HC episode or a funny vod to cheer up. But all those videos I turned to, always feature either one or both of them. Not to be a stereotypical stan, but they were rlly my safe haven on those dark and dreary days. ......and now here we are. Not only is there little to look forward to, but it feels there's nothing left behind either. Cause tbcfh? My favorite part about HC is the history, seeing how long these friendships took to develop and how much stronger they are for it. So I loved those older, cringy series like Hunt the hermit or Foolcraft. And ofc I also downloaded a bunch of vods to watch back. Like the first big vault after co-op crystals were introduced, or that one 2021 twitch rivals with the two and False and Impulse. Hell I even have Ren's old MC dungeons vod of the three of them from when the game first released. But what's the point now? Everything I used to look forward to now leaves me sick, so what is there to turn to?
Honestly tho you're right anon. For preservation's sake I'll keep everything here even if I do end up going. With tumblr how it is, things get a lot more difficult to reach once someone deactivates. And I forgot I have things that False and Cleo (for the short time they were here) reblogged that I'd like to save. But we'll see. I hope you've been doing alright with this too anon. I mean hey, we've stuck around here for over 3 years now. All this time with the hermits has taught us that the best thing we can do: is to listen and support each other to build a brighter, kinder tomorrow
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mapplesand · 7 months ago
i'm bored but apparently there's a fun tag going around with the headcanon site (here) and i'm gonna do it because it sounds funny
basically i'm gonna put my ocs into it and say if the headcanon would be accurate or not
anyway enjoy
Marco sleeps in until noon.
oh yeah, it's canon that Marco usually sleeps until at least 1pm
Tristan is a theatre kid.
he's not because he's shy and scared of being perceived by other, HOWEVER he's a big poety nerd
Josh desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one.
yes and no because Josh needs a hug but doesn't think of himself as "desesperate" so he won't ask one because he doesnt think he needs one, idk if that makes sense, there's like a whole subplot about him going to Tyler (out of all people) for comfort
Tyler is constantly singing for no reason.
nah you barely hear him talk
Marco is in your house.
uh oh
Tristan watches My Little Pony.
YES YES IT'S CANON Tristan had a big special interest on my little pony as a kid, his room was filled with my little pony and he still has stickers on his shelves, this is so true thank you headcanon generator
Josh listens to 80s music.
probably a bit but only the mainstream one that got popular again because of shows like Stranger Things you know, he mainly listen to popular songs you'll hear on the radio
Tyler is oblivous to any and all romantic interest someone may show them.
well, he IS autistic and has a very hard time understanding others so he would probably not get the hint at all, or he'll respond very literally to everything (he also has weird ass relationships with people so all he knows is blurred line between platonic and romantic relationship)
Marco shops exclusivaly at Hot Topic.
yeah honestly have you seen him
Tristan is tumblr famous.
Tristan does have a tumblr, that's the cool thing about writing characters in modern day lol, i don't think he'd be famous tho, just normal amount of followers
Josh is a youngest child.
I mean yeah, simple but yeah, he has an older brother
Tyler likes board games, but no one else wants to play with them.
man why does Tyler get all the random hit in the jaw, but yeah he probably does, he's a lonely guy (i do think he'd try to play with his younger sister who's 7 but he wants to play things like cluedo and she's too young to understand anything so it wouldnt be fair)
Marco can kill you in an instant, but wont.
LMAO yeah.... he's the strongest out of all 4 of them, also he reguarly beat the shit out of people, he also has a gun
Tristan can hug you and will.
Tristan is big on physical affection so yeah
Josh is a cry baby.
he's actually is a bit of a cry baby not gonna lie
Tyler has not showered in two and a half weeks.
for real this one applies to Marco and Tristan too, they're all bad with hygiene and Josh is the only one to shower everyday, Tyler probably doesn't care that much, it's not that he forgets he just,,, doesnt see why he should do it often i guess (my characters stink)
maybe i'll steal more stuff like this just because i'm bored and i need reasons to rant about these dudes
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cntrpt · 2 years ago
Random Question Time! Just because! And only if you want to! If any of these are too personal you don’t have to answer them!
1. What is your go-to self-care activity or ritual when you need comfort?
2. What keeps you motivated on difficult days?
3. What was the last song you listened to?
4. What’s next on your tv watch list?
5. What’s something you are proud of?
6. Are you a water, earth, air, or fire sign? (This might be too personal, or you might not be into zodiac stuff, so no worries if you wanna skip this one!)
Happy Weekend, friend!
Hi! I swear these come always when I least espect them and that's amazing, I'm always taken by surprise lmao
Ok some answers apparently needed a little too many words, so:
It depends, usually reading/playing/watching something and telling myself that I don't need to do anything else for now because it wouldn't be productive, that I am allowed to have that me-time. If it's bad and I can't even enjoy those things, it helps watching something funny. Other times, going out, meeting my friends, or even just walking and having people around helps, even strangers. It takes my focus away from ""me"" and places it on my surroundings, changes perspective, you know
Ok, I realized that I actually don't know😂 If I lack inspiration I just tell myself 'If I do X then I can do Y'. If someone is counting on me to do something it's easier, I'm a people pleaser so it doesn't really matter if I want to do it or not, if it can help someone I'll gladly do it lol
...Gollum's Song. One of my friend is making us watch all The Lord of the Rings movies and today it's the third one turn, so I'm preparing... it's a very good song tho, highly recommended
I actually just started Doctor Who (2005)! But I'm also planning to watch soon Friends and The Last of Us (I FINALLY STARTED THE GAME EVERYBODY CHEERED, so yes, as soon as Part I is done I'll watch the show too)
The friendships I'm managing to build, irl and here too! Until the end of high school I've never been the one to make the first move, and besides my long time friends I was pretty closed in on myself. Since then I'm learning to open up more and push through the anxiety that comes with meeting new people, and it's gone well so far!
Not very into it but I'm a fire sign! Though I generally find the whole horoscope thing pretty irritating, because I almost never relate to anything they say about my sign lol
And good weekend to you too! I'll probably recycle some of these, but give me some time to come up with different questions too, then it's your turn to write an essay😌
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devotedgossamerreader · 2 months ago
Mr Monk and the Red-Headed Stranger
ok, a blind person can 100% be a witness. just probably not what anybody hopes for
SHE REACHED WITH HER LEFT HAND! SHE SAW HIS CAST! I remembered she wasn't totally blind though, and I've been watching for proof
the fast pace this show moves at is always so funny to me. like, we as the viewers just found out that the shooter spoke to the blind lady- "tell anybody about this and I'll kill you." but the cops already brought in willie and several other guys to have an identification test, they were waiting right outside the room
Trudy and Adrian lore- their first date was a willie nelson concert
ok but i know how this show works. the second they showed me Adrian practicing the song for the radio show, and doing super well, i started to be concerned he won't be able to play it when the time comes, or will be interrupted. it's some charlie brown murphy's law stuff
of all the concerns for Monk returning to the force, I'm surprised nobody's brought up his pattern of getting too close to the suspects during investigations. I'm sure he just gets away with it from being a consultant
I'll never get tired of Monk and Sharona reenacting crimes
oh. my. word. that guy is just rude, even before covid i feel like putting your mouth on someone else's instrument was a big no
i feel like if I was blind i wouldn't care to make my clothes match. except I'd probably have to do it for other people's sake like to look good at work
OH SHOOT i heard them say the victim was found guilty of drinking and driving and that the accident had casualties. i heard the lady say she lost her sight in the car crash that killed her parents. I didn't put 2 and 2 together tho
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yaboiwormy · 3 months ago
When I moved out, I didn't leave on good terms. I didn't even tell my parents I was leaving, honestly "moved out" isn't really how I'd describe it, I waited till they were on a trip and I ran away.
To gain my freedom and safety i lost almost everything: my family, my home, my cat, my sense of self because I'd lived 20 years being only what my parents wanted and nothing else.
Family was the biggest loss. I live in the same town as some extended family, but I didn't know who I could trust. You know how it is, someone might just be trying to keep tabs on me to report back to my parents, or every meeting might just be them trying to guilt me or convince me to go back to my parents.
I ignored and avoided my extended family for months because I was so scared of having to cut them off (which i would do if they tried to fight me on my decision).
But recently I've been going through my first ever breakup. And it sucks, despite the nature of my life thus far, this has been the worst pain I've ever felt.
But you know what's made it better?
My family. (Extended, still not talking to my parents lol but that's for the best)
First my sister, we reconnected after almost a year of radio silence and it has been amazing! I've missed her the most since moving out and she's just as amazing as I remember her! I'll probably write a whole post just about her but she's great and I'm so happy to have her in my life again ♡
Then there's my aunt and my cousin. My aunt let me come over when I was really upset, she talked with me about healthcare and helped me look at cars on Facebook marketplace. She took me and my cousin to get Subway and it was amazing. She opened her home to me when I really needed it even tho we haven't been super close, and that means more to me than anything right now ♡
My cousin sends me memes and funny pictures on Snapchat, she showed me how to play her favorite card game and we watched sitcoms together and played minecraft. We went shopping together and she helped me find good makeup and bought me a hot cocoa ♡
One of my grandpas (i call him Papa) has been checking in on me and sending me pictures of his cats and all the critters that stop by his house, lots of deer and pigeons, because he knows I love pigeons ♡
Not family but honestly i wish they were, my coworker has been checking in on me literally every single day since the breakup. I get a text every day: "How are you doing today pookie?" And I love it, it makes me feel so cared for and loved ♡ This coworker has also been planning a hangout but I had to cancel last time because I was at my aunts house but we will reschedule! ♡
Another coworker recently messaged me and said that if I need anything he's here to help, then he sent me the 23rd Psalm, which is my favorite passage of the Bible. I never told him that, somehow he just knew to send it, and it was exactly what I needed that day ♡
One of my friends (who i joke is my new dad) brought me a cheesecake and has been sending me pictures of her cat to cheer me up ♡
That friends sister (who I joke is my peepaw now) had been helping me with car stuff and job stuff and just life stuff in general lol ♡
My best friends have been beyond amazing, one of them sends me pins on Pinterest and tells me about what she's doing in college, it really takes my mind off everything and I love it. She sends me Bible verses when I ask for them, she is literally genuinely the greatest person I've ever met and will ever meet ♡
My also best friend (and wife (jk)(I wish tho)(I mean I'm single now so)) got groceries delivered to me which was so sweet. She asked me what frozen dinners and drinks and fruits and such I like and she got me all of them, including 3 pounds of grapes, which is the best gift anyone could ask for ♡
Another friend who i actually met through my ex has been chatting with me like every day. We both info dump to each other about obscure cartoon characters or video games, he's amazing and i love talking to him, even if my relationship failed, I gained him as a friend so it's worth it to me ♡
Overall: i feel so loved ♡
God truly gave me the family and friends i need right now, even when things are hard, and believe you me life is very hard right now, He's still looking out for me ♡
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dan-crimes · 2 years ago
I was gonna say it's fucked up that ads are made into jokes and memes and is part of some humour but then I remembered that's exactly as it was when there were the same ads playing on TV constantly between shows so rlly nothing has changed besides ads being much more intrusive and annoying
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lucky-draws · 3 years ago
hi so i wanted to ask u for art blog recs! specifically metal gear! i've been looking for blogs like yours but none are really very active anymore sadly so if u know any and could direct me to some that would be awesome!
ohh hello!!!! ok, i can list some ppl who i like, some of them are more active than others bc yeah ur right it's hard to find lots of super active metal gear blogs sadly...in my case i just happen to have too much time on my hands right now xD
i guess i won't like. actually tag them bc i don't rly know most of them to talk to jggjjg so i feel shy doing that but I'll just list some urls, some of these will probably be people you've already seen tbh jgjg problems of a smallish fandom
- bigmonsteras is someone whose art i love, they do a lot of peace walker stuff that's rly good! - daydreamycrustacean posts quite a bit of mg stuff and i rly like their art too, they've done some great comics. - 730chocolate has a really unique style, so i like their stuff a lot, altho they're not super active. - pyersiki is also someone i rly like, they draw a lot of kaz content lol which is great. - sgushyonka has some rly good mg stuff, they did some cool pieces as well as funny stuff. - someone who is pretty active is the esteemed ba7land ...they draw a lot of uh. bara stuff like Very Big Tits big boss but i mean good for them. they do a range of stuff actually some cute snake eater content tbh. - pe4cewalker is doing some rly nice art of, uh, surprise surprise, peace walker related stuff, some very good kaz content. - kokirby has a cool style and did some great ocelots although i don't know how active they are metal gear wise. - berserkbrandee seems to be fairly active, they do some cute otasune stuff. - littlenim does some lovely art, cool style and does mgs3/pw as well as otasune era stuff. - jxthics has some great stuff although they're not as active now mg wise i think, but i like them a lot. - crybabimeiri has done some really lovely pieces but not as active mg wise at the moment either. - groznisad has a really fun art style, they posted recently so i hope they're somewhat active. - pejuad has some very cool stuff, i love their solid snake pieces, v interesting style - truthful-tidings used to do mgs stuff, i think not as much now, but their ocs and other stuff looks cool lol - gncbigboss posts mgs art occasionally, they did some cool sniper wolfs i seem to remember - wingedtrumpet is a blog i just noticed the other day, they did a post with some funky looking raidens, so one to watch maybe
i guess also just keep checking the mgs tumblr tag for new posts/new artists cropping up! i know tumblr messed up the search so that if you go to the 'recent' section you get a load of stuff unrelated to mgs, but if you click on the 'tagged' section instead, then you actually will get recent posts that are almost all mgs related. (that's what i’ve found on mobile anyway lol)
im sure there are many good artists i’ve forgotten or not come across, these are the somewhat active/current mgs ones that come to mind though anyway. i’m only on tumblr for fandom stuff, not twitter, so i guess there’s good stuff on there i might be missing. (u won’t catch me posting on the light blue hellsite anytime soon tho LOL)
actually, for art in general, i keep seeing a bunch of disco elysium related fanart on my dash and all of it looks so good...i’ve never played that game or know anything abt it but everyone into that seems to be doing amazing art lmfao ...not relevant in the hunt for mgs blogs but it’s something i was just thinking the other day lol
i hope this was somewhat helpful, or alternatively if u already knew most of these blogs on the list then my apologies jjgjh, anyway thanks for dropping by!
and actually, i guess if anyone else wants to rec any blogs i didn’t mention - or even to plug ur own blog lol, nothing wrong with that - then feel free to drop an ask i guess and i’ll answer that here too!!
(also feel free to take a shot every time i used the words “cool” “stuff” and “lol” in this post jjjhhhghg)
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colour-outside-the-liness · 4 years ago
First of all!! Loved the MoU fic update! left you a comment on AO3 and all. 10/10 ratings haha.
Secondly, moving countries is great you should try if you ever get a chance. I've always wanted to do that and jumped in on the first opportunity I got to make that dream come true, and I recgozine how lucky I am to be able to do so. It's definitely not easy but I'd do it again if I could (in true sag fashion 😎 haha). Where would you want to live? You ever been outside the UK?
Hahaha you and I in a team would be a nightmare to play against I think. Oh come on you absolutely do not deserve people questioning your intelligence! I like to play dumb in addition to the taunting so people underestimate me, they never see it coming when I win. They never see the cheating coming either, my friends are always shocked when they find out, but I do it almost every single time! 😂 I'm competitive too but I like to play it cool especially If I lose I'll be like "it's just a game calm down yall" but if I win I'm like "in your face losers!" (very mature I know).
I love your drunken story, though does sound like it was very dangerous so I'm glad nothing bad happened to you two! Ah I love yalls nordern accent (me and everyone in this fandom 😂) haha your friend's sense of humor is golden.👌 I'm glad you enjoyed my worst drunken experience, that was the last time I did something like that, I felt bad bc my best friend had to take care of me the whole night and you're right she should've told me it was just a rock! Lucky you you didn't get a hangover the day after, I certainly regretted drinking too much that night however fun it might have been haha.
Like I said before your niece is a really cool kid haha I'm glad you have someone to talk to about Bly Manor, don't know anyone who watches the show and my friends don't like scary stuff so I have to talk to myself about it 😂 and now you! Thank you for entertaining me ;) and I only watch the parts I really like now, I'm tired of crying every time I watch the whole show haha.
Do you do random accents really badly like Dani too? 😂 it is kinda funny your mom said it like that yeah hahaha maybe she just meant the good bits? And I mean, do you think you need help? Lol
I have a sneak peek of that damie fanart here, don't think I'll ever finish it tho. I want to do a medieval AU inspired fanart. Maybe it will also inspire someone to pick up the idea and write it haha.
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How's your weekend been so far? My neighbor is making me watch Grey's Anatomy season (???) 500 idk but I wish I was reading that pirate AU instead 😂
Awwh thank you so much!! I will get around to replying to the comment on AO3 tomorrow when I reply to the others I've had a very busy day today though so haven't even had chance to read any comments yet but thank you so much for giving it a 10/10!! I wanna do it as soon as I get chance but I know it's gonna be hard and that I am gonna need a bit more money behind me first but I definitely wanna do it when I can... yeah I've been out of the UK twice- one time I went to France for the weekend when I was doing my A Levels and was like 17 the college I was studying at took some of the art kids and since I was doing a photography A Level I got to go and then a couple of years ago I went to LA for a few weeks which was great but I've never been out of the UK for longer than that!! A nightmare for everyone else but it would be hilarious for us I just know it would haha... I sometimes do I have said some dumb things, I actually used one of my dumber moments as a funny little story in one of my fics- people still laugh at me now for what I said and it's been 10 years... my roommate will not let me live it down!! See surprising people that way is always brilliant like when people just expect you to lose and then you win? That's the best kind of win in my eyes!! I don't cheat at games I am just ridiculously competitive and can't stand losing unless it's something like a video game I am okay with losing those but board games I can't stand losing and I am also a terrible winner my roommate won't play games with me anymore!! I can't say anything about anyone being that kind of a winner because I know I am and one of my sister's is terrible too we literally make a song and dance over winning Oh it was so dangerous and we were so dumb to do it like anything could've happened and we both sit and look back at that and go "man we were dumb" but I also sit and go "oh my god she's gonna be a mum in like 4 months" because we've done some crazy / stupid stuff!! My roommate is without a doubt one of the funniest people I have ever met and she's not afraid to tell it how it is... I'll admit because I have a Northern accent Jamie is like the only character on Bly Manor to not have an accent to me so when I hear people talking about her accent I'm always a little like "what?" Because to me that's just how people talk around here haha I did enjoy your drunken story and honestly we've all been there I have had to be taken care of on more than one occasion for being too drunk like to the point of people having to help me into my pyjamas and everything I've been in some bad ways haha!! She should've definitely told you it was just a rock and not a turtle!! Yeah I've only had one hangover and that was after a night of drinking where I blacked out and don't remember any of the night!! Yeah the night of the drinking is always fun- the hangover isn't though and often makes you wonder if it was worth it haha She's so cool like genuinely just a cool and funny kid and she just asks all the questions about shows she's watched so with me its Bly Manor with her mum and dad it's Stranger Things she asked me about it once but I had to tell her I'd never watched it she didn't seem impressed but yeah I'll talk to her about Bly Manor any day of the week- and you too now honestly I will talk about it to anyone that will listen... I can't not watch it all if I watch it because there's just so much about it that I love even if it makes me cry... episodes 4,6, and 8 are my favourites though and are probably the ones I have watched the most!! Yeah I do random accents all the time and they're always terrible but I always find myself really funny- I had this friend at Uni that had a slight southern English accent because he had spent most of his childhood there before moving up north and he still said certain words in a southern accent and I used to do his accent all the time but it was always terrible!! Oh yeah my mum is pretty blunt with stuff like she'll say things sometimes without thinking about how it sounds that or she just doesn't care like she's said
somethings haha I am sure she did mean the Dani thing in a nice way though because she said she liked her- Dani and Owen were her favourites and I mean some help for me wouldn't be a terrible thing I'll admit haha That fan art is incredible!! Like seriously amazing!! I would love to see some medieval fan art for Damie!! I have been sent a few medieval prompts for Damie and I have started writing some of them but it's taking time to actually get full chapters together but once I have and once I have more time from wrapping up other WIPs I'll make a start on editing and uploading those because medieval stuff is always great!! It's been good thank so far today I went to a little beach town with my mum, 2 of my sisters their partners and two of my nieces (my cool niece was one of them… not that my other niece isn’t cool but you know what I mean) and me, my two brother in laws, and my nieces all played a game of crazy golf while my mum and sisters went to a cafe and had cups of tea... they didn't wanna play with us but we still had fun while we played (I came second which I was very happy with)!! I hope you enjoy Grey's Anatomy and that you get chance to read the pirate AU soon!! It's soo good!! ☺️
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cheolbooluvr · 4 years ago
so ill get to our big shared chonker of a message hopefully later tonight (sorry i'm taking a little bit with it! i've been weirdly busy the past few days), but i just wanted to respond to the shorter one + address the latest mission!!!
fun fact, you and i are in a very similar position with jun haha. i have a lot of wips with him too, but like, i've never finished a jun fic outside of short little one shots... which is quite frankly obscene because minghao has a word count dedicated to him that's literally more than everyone else in seventeen... I don't even know how many times more because my latest fic with him just reached about 50k... but jun is meant to be my second!!!!! i really want to finish something long with him 😭
still! I know you said its your fault but I will apologise for the confusion regardless! And look at someone who both writes and enjoys angst, no angst is ever too much hehe. there's a weird sense of catharsis in tragedy, at least my onion. I'm excited for how tragic things will get in your latest jun wip. A FREE ONE WAY TRIP TO SPAIN WITHOUT THE S... I LOVE THAT... BUT I totally understand! bittersweet stuff in general sticks with me longer than any other genre of fiction I find, because you continuously think about how they could've been happy but it didn't work out for x or y reason, or maybe even a combo. I'm so happy for you though, I know how good it feels to work on something that you can't stop thinking about, because I've got that fever myself hehe. and that's such an interesting way to write? I can never bring myself to write out of order so I always really admire those who can do it haha. I just never trust myself to remember what details I have established when if I do it out of order like that. Is that how you usually write your longer fics or is this one different?
YESSSSS I ABSOLUTELY AGREE... and he's expressed his desire to act so many times... pledis please... I'm begging u... he would be so good in a tragic drama...
omg I'm so dumb I have to share this with you but ??? I started watching it and I was like wait a minute why do I feel like I'm missing a lot of context... but it was still fun to watch all the characters interact (plus it made me tear up which like.... wowee)... but turns out I started on episode one of SEASON 2...... IM SUCH A FOOL.................. 😭
also! I don't know if you saw the next mission, but were you up for making a play list? I just thought I'd ask before I sent in any prompts!
- 😺 carat anon
omg no worries! i have also been weirdly busy??? idk why but i hope you're able to get some rest soon <3
i'm gonna work my way backwards :D
re: the new mission - yes!!! i LOVE curating playlists, like LOVE IT. idk why but let me know any genres you like/don't like, anything at all and i'll do my best!!
OMG SEASON 2 HAHAHA that's so funny plz!! tho tbh, the nice thing abt hospital playlist is that there's no major plot but yeah, there is a bit of context you'll miss out on T^T i hope season 1 is going well tho!! it's kinda long if you're not used to it, but i promise it's super worth it :D idk if you’ve had time to watch anymore, but i’ve been watching it/catching up and it’s rly so good. i cried so much in like…ep 5 of s2? i think? idk one of those ones. but i just rly love how they portray the small things in life. it’s rly beautiful and so well done.
i think my favorite fics are actually angsty ones. i love happy endings for movies and stuff, but the fics that make cry and hurt are my fave?? kinda interesting, the contrast. but yeah, i think you’re right abt that, there are always those lingering ‘what if’s’ those angsty fics always leave you with T^T i mentioned this in the most recent ask, but i can’t write in chronological order rly, lol. i tend to just write scenes that pop into my head first, and then go back and piece it together. it’s tricky for sure, but if i try to move chronologically, i tend to get stuck. so i just jump around instead. and i did that w jun. i divided it up into 4 parts, and then wrote fcertain scnes and then went back to add what i felt i needed to fill in the gaps!! but not trusting yourself w the details, i literally did that w this fic. there are some inconsistencies but it’s posted now and i’m like…too lazy to fix it LOL. but maybe i will……..
wahh!! junhao have dedicated word counts!? that’s amazing. what are they?? :o if you don’t mind me asking ofc.
WAIT 50K WORDS OMG. I WAS JUST READING THAT A STANDARD NOVEL/NOVELLA IS LIKE ANYWHERE BETWEEN 50K-100K WORDS OMG. you’re so amazing, i rly respect you for that omg i would LOVE to hit 50k for a single fic T^T
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jessicajonesrp · 5 years ago
An Awkward favor (reposted, since I screwed up response in last one)
It's been about a week since Jessica told Luke that she was pregnant and they were going to be parents. It was news that Luke was excited to hear even tho it scares the hell out of both him and Jessica they were still quite happy. However his wife's unrelenting hatred of doctors is a REAL PAIN IN THE ASS!
It came down to either she bit the bullet and see a doctor or Luke did something that was completely uncomfortable for all involved. It took a day or two for him to get up the nerve to make the call, funny the man can let a grenade explode in his face but calling her made him hesitant.
After finally making the call a meeting time was set..a neutral spot in a Manhattan coffee shop. Luke debated taking Jessica with him, I mean this was basically walking off a cliff for him because who knows what his firecracker of a wife will do but this is for the sake of their baby so he really didn't have a choice.
They arrived about 20 minutes early and found a table towards the back. It wasn't long until a woman walked up to them and sat down, she wore a short jacket to cover up her dark blue scrubs, the meeting time apparently coincided with her next shift. Luke stood up, pulling out a chair for her, smiling at the woman to cover up the awkward feelings he had seeing her again.
"Hey Claire, thanks for coming." 
Claire eyes him for a second before smiling and addresses Jessica holding out her hand. "You're Jessica Jones? Hi I'm Claire it's nice to meet you." 
Luke thrown a little when she ignores him but not so much that he doesn't notice the wedding ring on her finger.
"You're married..Congratulations I'm happy for you."
Jessica had always thought that she was the one with mental issues in their marriage. Apparently she was wrong, and Luke had hidden depths of crazy of his own. Because what kind of guy thought his ex wanted to be the baby doctor person- whatever, she wasn't an expert on pregnancy related terminology yet- of his current wife? Or that she, said wife, would be comfortable with the idea of a woman her husband assumedly slept with looking at her naked?
The only reason she even agreed to a meeting with Claire to see if the woman didn't laugh in both their faces, which was no less than Jessica expected, was because Luke trusted her. And for Jessica, that said a lot. She was very skittish with any touch from anyone not within her tiny circle of trusted ones, doctors included. Even pre Kilgrave- after all, it was doctors who made her and Phillip what they were. But if Luke trusted someone, she in turn trusted him, which was more than could be said for a random stranger.
Besides, this was not an ordinary baby or pregnancy. If she had to see a doctor, it had to be one with superhuman experience.
"Yeah, hi," Jessica nodded stiffly, giving Claire a brief glance over and wondering if the woman was doing the same towards her. She shook her hand as quickly as was minimally polite and as was her way, got to it.
"You probably wonder why the hell your ex would ask you to come meet his wife when she isn't obviously about to die, so lets get to that so you can turn us down and go. Right, I'm pregnant, and I hate doctors, because of many reasons, and he says I have to go to some doctor. And he says he trusts you, and I trust him, but obviously with you being ex and me being current you're going to say no. So, sorry for wasting your time."
She starts to back away, ready to leave since she assumes she just had the whole conversation for everyone.
Claire looks at Jessica bewildered. "Excuse me, first of all you don't know me..At all! Second I'm a medical professional so if someone needed my help I have to help them third ain't nobody thinking about yo man or dying to see you naked. Now how about you asked me what you wanted to ask me and let me decide on rather or not I'll do Boo for your skinny ass!" With that she turns to Luke and begins cussing at him in what is probably the dirtiest Spanish on the planet.
Luke holding up his hands in his defense says the equivalent of Yes yes, I'm sorry, but please we need your help back to her in Spanish and smiles at her, 
Claire tries to bring herself to cuss more but sighs before turning back to Jessica. "Look.." sighing again "You need someone that knows how to monitor you and your bady.. And I have experience dealing with you kind of people..So look Luke's a jackass but..Damn that's all I got he's a jackass, so let me help you."
Turning back to Luke. "I don't do this stuff for free anymore, this won't be cheap because some of the stuff we'll need is expensive..But Mr. Big Time that shouldn't be a problem for you."
 Luke nods yes. "Whatever you need I'll take care of it..But this is absolutely on the down low Claire..So not even your husband can know about this." He looks at Jessica concerned "Guess it comes to you Jessica, what do you want to do..If not the hospital or Claire, something else?"
"We'll do whatever you want." Claire moves closer and smiles again "This is some awkward shit but I can do this..Hell I've done harder with less than what your husband just agreed to buy and not be cheap about it either." Giving Luke the side eye 
"Its gonna be ok.. I'm off Sunday, I'll come by the club and take a look at you." 
Luke interrupts her "Actually we have a place in Harlem, it's nice I'll text you the address." 
Claire gives Jessica one more look of assurance.
Jessica turned back to face Claire, taken aback by her attitude. This was the first time she had met someone who was actually more verbally feisty than she herself, and for a second she just stared at her, a little stunned by her response. She was still processing that the woman had more than just dished back at what Jessica had laid out at her, and was in the middle of turning over in her mind how Claire had figured out she was squeamish about her seeing her naked while simultaneously calling her skinny, before the Spanish flurry of exchanges started.
"That's fine, anyway I have to get to the hospital to start my shift, so see you Sunday?" She looks at Jessica waiting for an answer.
Jessica, who knows about as many Spanish words as might be uttered in a Taco Bell commercial, outright stares when Luke starts responding back to her in Spanish in return. She had no idea that he knew Spanish, let alone enough to be able to understand the rapid, angry-sounding spew of words that Claire had just flung at him.  Her taut shoulders ease up a little as she watches, and she slowly starts to smirk.
“Damn, Luke. I’m starting to see a pattern, you really like women that say it how they see it, huh.”
When they finally start speaking English again and Claire addresses her directly, Jessica stiffens, not liking her calling Luke a jackass, but she can get why she would feel that way, considering the position he’s putting her in as his ex.
“So…wait, you’ll actually do this? Even though you sounded like you wanted to take his head off a second ago?”
When Claire continued to assure her, she shifts nervously, playing with the sleeve of her jacket.
“What stuff do you need? The expensive stuff you’re talking about. And, uh, what do you need to do to me, exactly?”
She hesitates, hating as usual to have to actually verbalize any kind of feelings-related, vulnerability-involved things, but if this woman is going to be her doctor, it’s more than likely going to be a necessity, so she makes herself spit it out.
“It’s not really the you being ex thing that trips me out, okay.” She took a breath, then ground out, “ I have PTSD. I don’t always do great with people touching me. And the last few encounters I’ve had with doctors have been the doctors that made me what I am, and the doctor that made my rapist who he was. Who also happened to be his father, and trying to save his life, but that’s a whole different story. I’m not trying to be an asshole, I just…..it isn’t anything personal.”
She looked towards Claire, but not directly at her as she finally answered. “If you’re willing, I guess I’ll try. I want the baby to be okay. Just…you have to tell me what you’re doing, and why, and stuff.”
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shauna-the-kdrama-banana · 4 years ago
Private lives episode 4 thoughts.
*warning spoilers below*
I'm typing this as I'm watching the episode so technically it's live commentary lol.
Seeing joo-euns reaction to the body in the morgue, I genuinely thought it was jeong-hwan. I wonder how she could tell it wasn't him tho 🤔. No disrespect to the dead but, that body was crispy.
Joo-eun: be careful with the evidence.
Myung-hyun: gotcha *proceeds to jostle the evidence bags around hap hazardly*
Myung-hyun is baby and I don't make the rules.
Joo-eun really be threatening a dead dude through a portrait.
Ngl I would honestly shit myself if my mother suddenly appeared outta nowhere in my apartment.
Joo-euns mother is a bitch. Song seon-mi really did a good job of playing the mean money grabbing mother.
The father did nothing wrong, the mother is just a big meanie >:[
All the snack varieties in the convenience store make me hungry.
I too would eat onions rings in the corner of my workplace, while my co-worker talked about the new case.
Honestly I don't think jeong-hwans car crash was an accident. I feel like it was done on purpose, either by someone else or by himself, maybe he faked his own death to avoid something.
Myung-hyun never wiped his greasy ass onion ring fingers before answering the phone.
How considerate, not wanting to break the news over the phone.
"Kimchi and dumplings are good with any drink" I'll keep that in mind.
Oh so it doesn't go well with beer?
Putting on the sunglasses, that's peak rich widow behaviour.
Ngl those urns are pretty.
Lmao almost thought jeong-hwans urn was a rice cooker.
The audacity that bitch has turning up to her daughters husbands funeral looking for money.
Min-Jung seems like a good friend. She's just trying to help.
Joo-eun is absolutely wasted. The poor girl she's really suffering.
For some reason I was expecting her to break her ankle on those heels.
I was so unsure about whether joo-euns feelings for jeong-hwan were genuine, but seeing her in this really broke up state, you can tell she actually loved him.
Oh shit she's ready to kill jeong-hwans rented parents.
Lmao did she sus out the menu and pick the most expensive thing in advance, cause if so mood.
It's either joo-euns trying to hide something or she's just not in the mood to talk.
Are they watching running man!? Lmao.
Uh oh avoiding the question of "did you really love him?"
Oh shit here comes the yakusa.
They really came unprepared.
She must be light as fuck if he lifted her up that easily.
What a smug bastard.
Ah we have a name to the face, tae-joo.
Maybe there was a reason jeong-hwan didn't tell tae-joo that he was getting married. He's probably bad news.
Tae-joo better get his stinky ass feet off of that coffee table.
Ooooooh Joo-eun knows her stuff.
Joo-eun is having major financial problems rn.
She seems so empty when she's handing in the death registration form.
Threatening bok-gi with a pencil that's badass.
But on another note, I am gay for bok-gi, she's so pretty.
Ms. Ko the meat shield.
The tension between bok-gi and Joo-eun is so thick.
Jeong-hwan ain't in at the moment cause he dead.
Only viliians have classical music as their ringtone.
I think Joo-eun is starting to put 2 and 2 together.
Dude they're cops!? And a woman pointing a phone scared them?! Lmao.
That's some fancy ass fruit juice.
She's covering for jeong-hwan? What!?
Oh shit is bok-gi bribing the police!?
Throwing a brand new phone out a car window and running it over, my wallet is weeping.
The fact they watched twices running man together is kinda cute tho.
Clever girl, she only took the hard drive.
Ms ko gonna marry jeong-hwans ghost lol
Ooooh we got 007 here sneaking into jae-wooks house.
I found the fact that a body guard is chasing a pomeranian that is also chasing Joo-eun so funny for some reason.
Oh shit it's the stig from top gear.
Wait by any chance, does the cop who was talking with bok-gi at the bar earlier have anything to do with tampered dna results!?
We'll find out next time.
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shiro-0197 · 4 years ago
Of course! The title is Yuukoku no moriarty, and it's honestly one of the best things I've EVER watched (next to aot and haikyuu) and I watch it with my mom 😆 they're all so pretty I might cry
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oh that is SO understandable. We get flooded with lots of work too, our days are always filled with tuition classes and stuff, and the more active you are, the more responsibilities you have, which also eats a lot of time. (I'm VERY active in clubs and extracurriculars so I low-key don't have any time at all when schools on, so it's very nice to relax now)
I hope you find out soon!! And I hope you don't get those headaches :( they must be very annoying... Skdhskks that sounds so nice!! I hope breakfast goes well!!
I woke up early to join an event another Leo club from a different school was hosting. The president invited me and I went as a favour hhh. I'm probably gonna spend the rest of my day working on our event, and inviting people. My email and phone are so packed with contacts to invite 😣🙀 and I've been calling my members since morning to get them to help me with the promotion :D
oh that's so cute! It just personalises the names so well uwu and that way no one else except you guys will ever know which store you're referring to.
YES IT WOULD!! I'd love to bake with you. I totally wouldn't smear flour on you when you aren't noticing, wdym? 💁😼😋
oh I see!! So they celebrate Eid, then? Tho yes I think new year's is universal :D can't wait to count down and welcome the new year~ that sounds so cool!! Gonna check their videos out if I have time, and I added the song to my playlist!! I get what you mean, whenever the singer screams or something, chills istg! I used to listen to a song like that, it had a scream in it halfway but I forgot the name. I'll let you know if I remember!! Do you have a celebrity crush? I'm curious x)
IM GONNA FITE YOUR HEADACHE HOLD ME BACK HOW DARE IT PLAGUE YOU AND MAKE YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE >:(((((( brb gonna Google how to fight a headache :] tho I hope you have a good brunch :D
JB skfhskjdks no 😭😭 me and my friend constantly annoy each other with his song titles, especially "baby" cuz it's the cringiest thing ever, but we can't ever seen to drop it skckdhkdk
thank you!! And good luck to you too, I hope you have a good day!
Ohh, it looks good! Thank you, I'll check it out<33
Ahh, that sounds so stressful!! I'm glad you have time to rest today, and I'm proud that you got through that everyday, I would've probably shrunken or something at that amount of work XD
Yep, though sometimes I get distracted enough to not notice them. I forgot how it feels to live without a headache, and now I dont know if I dont have it all the time and if I just imagine the pain sometimes, it's so confusing😭😭 It did!! It was nice, it was really quiet and I decided to put my phone away and it felt pretty good<3
Oho?? That's so cool! From a different school? Our schools have connections too but tbh we dont hold meetings together at all, that sounds so cool. I wish I went to your school😩 mine isn't bad but tbh I'd need something to keep me busy. I'm literally so used to having free time every day it's annoying. I hope you're holding up well with all your work, good luck♡♡
Ahahah, food fight during baking🥰 that sounds like a huge mess, I'm in.
Yeah, they do!! Though not everyone does the fasting part, they still celebrate it.
I hope you like 'em!! And sameeee the absolute blast I feel whenever they scream is INSANE, I'd love to hear that song you're talking about hehe~
A celebrity crush? Well, I'm not really big on celebrities right now XD though about an year abo I was obsessed with Brian Dechart and Ben Lambert, the guys who played Connor and Simon in Detroit: Become Human. I watched EVERYTHING I could find with them.
Also, idk if it counts, but I really admire a girl from Kuro's school. He keeps talking about her, saying how cool she is and what awesome stuff her and her class do. Shes also one of the main members (idk, maybe shes the leader? I'm not sure) of the KVN club of their school, which is really cool. It might be a waste of time, but if you're curious you can check out the team's insta - 6madam - and theres everything else you need. The girl's name is Raushan and the amount of stuff she does for the school is really cool:)
BWAHAHAH I feel you, when someone mentions the "Baby", no one can stop singing the freaking "baby, baby, oeaughbehhfhdhhr" part and it's so HORRYFYING sometimes but also so FUNNY😭
I hope school's been treating you well, love you lots😝💖💞💝💕
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mystic-messenger-writing · 8 years ago
(1/2 again lmao stop me) Uuugh same, all of the routes are so perfect??? Like you wanna cry at the sad moments but also at the happy ones, too! FEH is pretty good so far, but I'll definitely be sure to check out Cybird's games!! There are two point and click mobile games (You. Me. Hell. and You. Me. Heaven) that are awesome as well, they're a bit morbid and hard to play though rip. And wow, fan translators are honestly such life savers #bless. Those all look fun to play/read ^-^ -🌵cactus anon
(2/3 oops) So cool that you like Diabolik Lovers too. Who’s your favorite character and have you seen the animes? And yess d&p’s playthrough is a big factor in why I downloaded it but aa the game so cringy in a funny way. That’s really impressive how you sew by hand (broken sewing machine or not ahh that has to suck, hopefully you can get a new one soon!!!), I’d love to see your cosplays too! (Wind Waker is the best Zelda game!) -cactus anon 🌵
(3/3) My first cosplay was Eren Jaeger from AOT. So cool that Link was your first, did you buy the stuff or make it yourself since you were new to it? I want to cosplay Police!Officer Kotori Minami and, ironically enough, V too! A wig for V is so hard to find without cutting it tho ;-; hopefully you have good luck finding yours!! What cosplays have you done so far? -cactus anon 🌵
I’ve never felt so emotional over something until I played Mystic Messenger, but you’re right, the happy moments are what I live for lol!! I’m a Fire Emblem addict so I mainly play Heroes to collect my husbands oops! xD But I’ll definitely check out those games you recommended, I love playing new otome games! Lol Diabolik Lovers is such a guilty pleasure anime/game for me but my favorite is Subaru followed closely by Reiji (because I relate to him so much aaa) What about you, my friend? After watching Dan and Phil play My Horse Prince, I decided that it may be a little to weird for me so just watching them play it was good enough for me! Ughhh my Link cosplay is so cringe-worthy, trust me I made it in like two weeks so it’s awful! I hand sewed the Link cosplay, then bought my next few, then went back to sewing because it’s a lot cheaper. So far I’ve cosplayed as Link from LoZ, Lucy from Fairy Tail, Hinata from Nartuo Shippuden, Makoto from Free!, and most recently, Seven obviously from MysMe! But I’ve always wanted to cosplay as an AoT character but since all of my favorite characters from that anime died, I quit that one lol. Ahh Police Kotori would be so awesome!! You have to let me know if you cosplay as her! Oh my gosh what if we both cosplayed as V and then we could be V twins aww think of how cute!! Have you cosplayed as anyone else? Who is someone that you’d love to cosplay as but their outfit is waaayyy too complex? I hope that you have a super wonderful day cactus anon!! ^^
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Janis & Jimmy
Janis: Can we talk? Jimmy: Meant to be my line I thought Jimmy: In your text you said Janis: I know, my bad Janis: Can you be ready to talk now, I guess Jimmy: Depends what you wanna say Janis: Okay, shit Janis: not thought that far ahead Janis: sorry, obviously Jimmy: Alright Janis: It ain't though Janis: it wasn't Jimmy: It's words Jimmy: Same as what I did Jimmy: Not enough and too much, like Jimmy: Nowt more than can be said probably Janis: Nah, that's not true Janis: it's not just words Janis: but I don't know where to begin with showing you I'm sorry, tell me and I will Jimmy: I can't tell you anything else Jimmy: That's what fucked it all up Janis: No, that was me Janis: I did that Janis: it wasn't what you said, that's not what's wrong here Jimmy: What then? Jimmy: You fancied a run Janis: I was just scared Janis: but that's not your fault Janis: and it's fucked you got caught in that mess Jimmy: You think I wasn't scared to finally say it out loud? Jimmy: I'm always scared Janis: I know Janis: just less scared on this one Janis: not much of a victory but Jimmy: Don't remember accepting that challenge as well Jimmy: You think you know, but you don't, you can't get it or you wouldn't have disappeared on me like that Janis: No, I know I don't Janis: I can't explain why I did it Janis: I knew it'd hurt but I thought it'd save more in the long run but I still regretted it, straight away, whilst I was doing it Jimmy: That's not your choice to make Jimmy: I put myself out there for you 'cause it hurt more being fake Jimmy: I love you if you do or not and that's for me to deal with Janis: I do Janis: I know I fucked up, on every level I could Janis: it was on me for reckoning I could punish myself and you wouldn't be hurt too Jimmy: I know Jimmy: I don't need to hear it to be told. Not that much of a dickhead Jimmy: But if you can't trust me it doesn't fucking matter Janis: I do trust you, have for ages Janis: It's me I've got the issue with Jimmy: Not when you were scared Jimmy: You could've just told me I freaked you out Janis: I thought that'd be worse Janis: at the time Janis: obviously looking back, like Jimmy: We've talked about heavier stuff Janis: but all I wanted to say, meant to say Janis: was it back Janis: but then I couldn't so what else could I? Jimmy: I didn't say it to get it back Jimmy: I just wanted you to know before you left Jimmy: 'Cause I've wanted to say it for ages, and didn't. Couldn't Janis: I know but Janis: fuck, it just made me feel like i was back at the begining again, square 1 Janis: 'cos who can't just fucking say three words, jesus Jimmy: Me. Plenty of times Jimmy: Didn't have to take me with you to square 1 with you, like Janis: I'm stupid Janis: and a dick Janis: long and short of it Jimmy: Same Janis: No you're not Janis: you're surprisingly normal all things considered Jimmy: Alright, but so are you for someone with 10 siblings who lives in trackies Janis: You still reckon Janis: really Jimmy: Can't turn it off Jimmy: I've tried, mate, I really have Janis: oh Janis: you want to Jimmy: If you're gonna fuck off again then Janis: thought about it, won't lie Janis: but i got some pretty resounding nahs and solid advice otherwise so Jimmy: Too late for me to add one? Janis: not to diss the others but Janis: only one that really matters, like Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: Stay about Janis: Done Janis: anything else? Jimmy: Depends where you are Janis: Dunno if Grace's pity socials fooled you, but my social life isn't all that wild rn Janis: my bedroom's never been so familiar, like Jimmy: Come and find me and I'll know it's not just words, won't I Janis: serious? Janis: alright Janis: i look how i feel and that's fair warning Janis: give you a chance to do the runner though Jimmy: Funny Jimmy: Unless you went to a piss poor Spanish surgeon you still look like you Jimmy: that's all I'm bothered about Janis: I didn't go that ham with the ✂ Janis: tempting as it is to distance myself from the bitch #idontknowher Jimmy: Good Jimmy: It's more tempting for me to never let you leave #whichsoundedlesscreepyinmyhead Janis: 😂 Janis: it's cool, i like it Janis: and i don't want to Jimmy: I don't want to have to miss you like that again Janis: I can't promise you that you won't have to ever again Janis: and it's just words, yeah? Janis: but watch me show up every day, hold me to it Jimmy: I will Jimmy: Twix too Janis: 'course Janis: know she misses me Jimmy: Unbearably Jimmy: Been getting on the table for the good acoustics to howl Jimmy: Tempted to join her but don't have the lungs Jimmy: #antismokingad Janis: awh Janis: poor baby Jimmy: 💔's a bitch. I told her Jimmy: Didn't wanna listen Janis: I can imagine the side-eye Janis: I'd let her know it was my bad but don't wanna break it anew, like Jimmy: Yeah, quality it was Jimmy: She'll probably just run. Lot of that going about Janis: Ow but fair Janis: get her on that short leash like Jimmy: You and her both Jimmy: 😂 Janis: Steady 😏 Jimmy: Sorry Jimmy: But like, not Janis: I missed you Jimmy: One time it probably shouldn't be a competition, but fuck it, I missed you more Jimmy: 😏 Janis: Nah Jimmy: You reckon you can beat me when you haven't yet? Janis: You reckon Imma play SO nice that you can just have it? Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: Still me, babe Janis: said you wanted that Jimmy: Not THAT mad about it Janis: Good Janis: wouldn't be you if you weren't a LITTLE bit still Jimmy: 😎 Janis: if you're rocking yours i get to wear mine Jimmy: I'll take as many layers off you as you want Janis: damn Janis: okay Jimmy: Just words again like but Janis: awkward Janis: don't wanna have to tell everyone ur a cocktease but Jimmy: Come here to me then Jimmy: I'm at work but I suddenly feel the need to go home sick Janis: okay Janis: i'll keep enough distance that it's not any more obvious to poor old manager mark Janis: the glass front ain't hiding no thang Jimmy: I couldn't care less now Jimmy: I've gone too long without getting to see you Janis: I feel it Janis: can go back to the barn, make up for lost time Jimmy: Good thing I'm so well practiced at not being spotted 'cause yeah Janis: Well Janis: give you chance to work on it, mate Jimmy: Challenge accepted Jimmy: I'll show you 💪🏆 Janis: Just me tho Janis: that's the challenge 😘 Jimmy: Done Janis: been walking and talking Janis: there in five Jimmy: Good Jimmy: Been enough waiting Janis: all your nan fans gonna have to wait Janis: soz brenda 🤷 Jimmy: She'll be fuming Janis: you've handled worse Jimmy: Yep Jimmy: Practiced at dealing with the fans now too Janis: good Janis: 'cos i'm #1, naturally Jimmy: 💕
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