#I'll reblog some ask games soon
frozenhi-chews · 2 years
"HMMM... IS THIS [Work Now For $15.00 an Hour!]??"
"Dunno mate, you want me to try an-"
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"HELLO EVERY !!! I AM SPAM- SPAMTON G SPAMTON! AND ThIS IS [Orange-Flavored][Scaredy-Cat] AND [Singular Brain Cell] TO MY [Left-Hand Man]!!"
"HEY! Not exactly the best nickname you could have given me, but its not the worst-"
"WITH HIS [Prime Hacking Skillz] W3 W3rE ABLE TO [Take Control] OF THIS SIT E-"
"Uh, P-Pancake gave...us the...password-"
"No but, seriously, Pancake let us do this."
"Just ask us any question, any at all, within reason, and we'll do out best to answer it! Simple as that! Quite easy, anyone could do it. Er, if you're up for it that is."
"O-oh there's also ask games! Soon."
"HOPE YOU'LL HAVE [[Fun For The Whole Family!]]!!!!"
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gahh I'm so nervous about school tomorrow😫
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nzaploveblog · 3 months
when will nzaploveblog come back from the war
hilarious that you sent this ask when you did bc i JUST got back into splatoon. my internet was horrible during lockdown so i kinda fell out of it but i have a stable connection now yay <3
i'd say the return has been pretty nice. i've forgotten most things but i'm still a slightly above average grizzco employee 👍
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lasi-nariyoyoreads · 9 days
✨1 year anniversary tarot event✨
Hello my beautiful cinnamon rolls! This blog is turning 1 year old soon around mid-October (which is also around my birthday lol) and to celebrate this milestone I decided to do a little game.
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I thought hard about what I could do, my main idea was to have you, person reading this post, as the main character, so this game will somehow be about you. But let's stop with the yapping and explain what this is about. What you have to do is pick one of these ask formats ->
📧Ask formats:
Ask 1: what would *insert idol's name* like about me if we met irl? Ask 2: who would I get along the best with in *insert group*? Ask 3: yes or no question (about any topic)
I don't know if it will be fun for you, or if this will flop hard, but hey trying won't hurt anyone. Of course you can choose the idol/group you prefer. For the yes/no asks, the topic can be anything, it can be also a personal question like "will I meet a new lover soon?" or it can be about an idol i.e. "will X have a comeback next week?", in other words it's blunt questions that can be answered in a straightforward way. Of course my answers won't be literally only a yes or no, I'll always add some comments, but it won't be an essay/in depth reading either. Now let's move on to the rules ->
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Before sending an ask:
Follow this blog
Like and reblog this post
I'll accept anons, but if I receive a lot of asks, public asks will have a priority
In the Ask I need you to:
pick one of the ask format
tell me your name/initials/nickname
tell me your preferred pronouns
if you want/can, add your zodiac sign/placements
add a lil comment 🥺 it can be anything, what's your fave song right now, what's the weather like where you live, what you ate yesterday etc.
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Asks will be open until October the 5th!
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homestylehughes · 2 months
3 times nico wanted to kiss you and the 1 time he did.
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pairing(s): nico hischier x fem!reader
summary: 3 times nico wanted to kiss you and the 1 time he did.
warning(s): absolutely none. pure sweet fluff :)
wc: 2.3k
an: hi loves! I'm so sorry for my lack of posting and staying on top of everything, life has been kinda kicking my ass recently BUT the show must go on! sooooo.. new nico fic! this is one of my favorite prompts of writing, so I hope you enjoy Nico's version! lmk if you'd like me to write anyone else to this! I loved writing this, and i hope you enjoy reading it! like and reblog if you do! I hope you all are healthy and well. much love as always<3
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Nico swore as he kicked the front door of his apartment. Today wasn't his day, first the devils lost their game in a shootout, a game that they should have won. Having to sit through mindless, annoying media after, putting nico in an even more shitty mood. Then he got stuck in traffic on his way back home, his phone died halfway home, and just as he got out of his car it started pouring causing him to get completely soaked. Just to top it all off, if his day couldn't get any worse, he somehow left his keys inside his apartment. Which led to the three kicks Nico gave to his door before dropping his head against the cold wood. 
Nico, too busy trying to wrack his brain on how to get into his apartment, didn't hear the elevator door open, as someone began to walk down the hallway. 
“Nico, are you alright?” a sweet voice says from behind him.
turning his head slowly to see yn, his attractive, sweet as honey neighbor standing next to him in the hallway. 
“Uh hi” he rasps put
“Hi” she replies sweetly, “are you okay?” she asks again
“Um, not really. I haven't had the best day, and I happen to lock my keys in my apartment.” 
“Oh no, im sorry” she says, a genuine look of empathy running along her face 
“Its okay, i'm just going to stand here until it magically opens” nico chuckles out sadly to her 
“If you'd like you could come post up in my place until you can get back to yours? I don't want you to sit out here by yourself all night.” she says softly
“Oh no, i don't want to be a bother”
“Nico you won't be a bother, and i'm offering so please” she says to him with pleading eyes
“Okay, thank you so much. I'll be out of hair as soon as i can” he smiles to her
“Don't even worry about it, you're more than welcome over at any time.” She smiles at him, turning on her heel to the other side of the hall to open her door, Nico following behind her, shutting the door after him. 
“I see you've changed some things, since the last time i've been here” nico says as he looks around her apartment
“I have! Changing it up a bit for the different seasons. Do you like it” yn asks shyly
“I do, its very..you” he smiles to her
“Thank you Nico, that's very kind.” 
“Oh! You're soaking wet, let me see if I have anything you can wear. Follow me” she says, turning away to make her way to what nico thinks to be her bedroom as he follows her.
“Yn you don't have too” he says, feeling bad that she's doing all of this for him 
“Nico please stop apologizing it's okay, i promise” her hands rummaging through her dresser as she speaks 
“Here! I have there huge sweatpants and shirt from my college days hopefully this works for you” she smiles, holding out the clothes in front of her
“This is great thank you” he smiles back, taking them from her hands. His gaze lingering a little longer than it should over her face, taking in the soft color of her eyes, as well as her smile, drinking each bit of her features as he could. 
“The bathrooms right down the hall, feel free to shower if you'd like. I'm about to get started on dinner” 
“Okay great, thank you so much again” nico says for the 15th time he thinks tonight
“Of course nico, whatever you need im always here” sending him another sweet smile, that almost makes him drop to his knees
“Well i'm going to get changed, i'll be down in a little” 
“Of course! I'll be in the kitchen, let me know if you need anything’’
Nico nods in response before finding the door to the bathroom, entering before closing the door behind him. Looking at himself in the mirror at his wet dog appearance. Sighing before turning around, opening the shower, turning on the water to the highest setting. Peeling off his wet clothing before getting in, the hot water is doing wonders for his sore body. 
The loss of the game, or being locked out of his apartment weren't on his mind anymore. The only thing he could think about was you, and how kind and sweet you were to him and how much he wanted to kiss you. 
Nico stands outside your door after delivering 3 heavy knocks in hopes that you're home. Since the night he spent in your place, you and Nico have gotten closer, meeting each other for coffee at least once a week, talking to each other in the hallway whenever you see each other, along with constantly keeping incontact over text. 
Nico who had been gone on a week and a half roadie is finally home, after learning one day when he was gone that you've never been to a devils game he decided that he wanted to change that, which leads him to where he is now. Holding a jersey with his number on it, in hopes that you'll wear it and 3 tickets for you and any two friends you'd wish to invite. 
Your door opens signaling that your home, nico perking up instantly once he sees your face.
“Nico! You're home hi!” you say, quickly pulling him a hug, pulling back quickly sending him a smile.
“I am, and i have a gift for you” he says with a smile
“Nico..what did i tell you about gifts” yn says sending him a slight pout 
“Oh shush, you're going to like this, here” he says holding the jersey and envelope in front of her to grab
Opening the envelope and looking at the jersey silently, pausing before looking up at him. 
“Nico this is so sweet” she says before pulling him another hug
“I hope to see you there, if you aren't busy” 
“Luck for you, im off that day” 
“Good, i can't wait to see you in my jersey” he says with a slight smirk on his face 
“Me neither..captain” she says sending him a wink 
Nico can feel his chest and his pants tighten at the nickname that rolls so smoothly off your tongue. 
“Well i'll let you get back to your night” 
“Right, thank you for this again, can't wait to see you in action in person.” yn says with a giggle
“I'll play my best just for you” 
“You better..captain. Goodnight nico” yn says, sending him another hollywood famous smile
“goodnight, yn” sending her one last smile, before turning towards his door, hearing her door softly shut just as he opens his. 
Entering his apartment, shutting it behind him, dropping his head against it. The only thoughts running through his mind is how would your lips taste against his. 
It's the night of the game you're attending and Nico couldn't be more scared as he steps on the ice for warmups. The whole team was already picking on him before the game in the locker room, when they found out a girl Nico was interested in was coming to watch the game tonight, thanks to jack. 
Making his normal rounds on the ice, practicing a few goals, passing a few pucks to jack and luke as he tries to settle his nerves. He spent the last two minutes of the warm ups looking all over for you in the stands, unable to remember where your seats are at, he hopes that you're somewhere in the stands. 
The warmups end as the team now gets ready for the start of the national anthem, lining against the blueline as the song starts. dropping his head, closing his eyes letting the song relax his nerves before the game. Once the song ends. He begins to skate off the ice, but not before he sees your face. 
There you are standing, in the stands with the brightest smile he's ever seen on your face. Your hair falls perfectly as you laugh at something one of your friends said, before turning back towards the ice where you lock eyes with him. Sending him a wave and smile, Nico flashing the same in return. His eyes taking over your jersey covered body, his jersey, his number, he can't help but feel a sense of pride as he looks at you one last time before making his way to the bench. 
“I know that look” jack says beside him, sending him a light shoulder push, “she's here isn't she?” he asks, already knowing the answer 
“She is, and she looks beautiful”
“You gave her your jersey didnt you?” jack asks a teasing smile on his face 
“ i did” nico replies meeting jacks eyes, his face now holding a shit eating grin
“Awwww little Nico's in love!” jack laughs 
“Shut up.” 
“When are you going to ask her out?” he asks 
“Soon, i hope” he replies 
“You really like her huh?” 
“I really like her” 
Really liking her as nico called it would be an understatement. He would give her the moon, and anything in between, if it would make her happy. He wants to know what it's like to take her on dates, wake up next to her everyday, and most importantly what it's like to kiss her. 
“Dinner at my place at 7?” reads the text from yn as nico checks his phone after practice, a smile spreading across his face as he responds sending, “i'll be there at 7:)” before setting his phone down, to finish getting dressed. 
“What's the smile on your face cap?” Jack asks from beside him, as he picks up his gear. 
“What, can a guy not smile anymore?” he replies 
“We know who put a smile on your face cap” Jack snickers to him. “So when are you gonna grow a pair and ask her out?” he asks, as he and Nico make their way out of the locker room.
“I don't know, maybe tonight? She invited me over for dinner. Sometimes i can't tell if she likes me or not” nico sighs out
“Dude.” jack says as he turns to look at nico
“You actually can't be serious. She's definitely into you. She literally came to her first NHL game and wore your jersey, AND she invited you over for dinner randomly. She definitely likes you.” 
“I hope so, i'll ask her tonight '' Nico says confidently, Jack's words finally knocking some sense into him. 
“You better, or I'll do it myself” Jack says with a smirk, Nico sending him a glare at his words causing Jack to let out a deep laugh as they make their way to their cars. 
“YOU BETTER DO IT!” jack says out his car window, as he pulls out 
“I WILL” Nico shouts back, sending him a thumbs up. 
As nick drives home the only thing on his mind is you, and how tonight he wouldn't back down, that tonight he'd ask you out, and maybe just maybe even kiss you. 
Nicos hand slightly shakes as he goes to knock on your door, giving it a firm knock. His grasp on the bouquet of flowers tightens as he hears your footsteps on the other side of the door. 
“Hi” yn smiles at him as she opens her front door, stepping back quickly allowing nico to come in, closing the door behind them. 
“Hi, it smells wonderful in here. What's on the menu tonight chef?” nico asks as he follows yn into her kitchen 
“It's a surprise” she says, finally turning around to meet his eyes. Nico finally got a good look at her for the first time tonight. He can't help but stare at her, taking in all of her beautiful features, mesmerized by how effortlessly beautiful she is. 
“Nico?” yns sweet voice breaking him out his daydream
“Are you okay? You kinda just stared at me for a sec” 
“Yeah yeah, I'm okay. Just got lost in thought. Oh! These are for you” he says trying to change the subject, holding the flowers out for her to take.
“Aw these are so cute! how'd you know these are my favorites?” yn asks, a bright smile on her face as she takes the flowers from him. 
“You told me” 
“Wasn't that like months ago?” 
“I try to remember everything about you. I know your favorite flower are tulips, and that you hate peas, how you only sleep on the left side of any bed." Nico cuts himself before he embarrasses himself anymore than he has. His face heats up with a deep shade of red as yn stands there staring at him wide eyed over his words.
“I'm sorry that was too much, and uncalled for.” he quickly says, in a miserable attempt to cover his tracks 
“No ones ever taken the time to ever know me like that before” yn says quietly  
“ I don't know why anyone would. Everything about you is perfect and beautiful” he says, finding her gaze. 
“Do you really mean that?” 
“I meant every word.” Nico says as  he continues to look at her. He can almost see the gears moving her head as she tries to find her words. Instead of speaking, Nico suddenly feels her soft lips against his. 
His body moving before his brain does, wrapping his hands around her face pulling her into his body, their lips moving in sync. 
“Wow” nico whispers, pulling away from her lips
“Why didn't we do that sooner?” yn says almost against nico lips, bringing her head up to look at nico whose hands are still around her face. 
“I don't know, but I think I want to do it again, '' Nico says before softly kissing her. 
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reloha · 1 year
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Jacobi and McKellen as grand marshals of New York City's 2015 pride march.
All Good Omens (show) fans will know Derek Jacobi as the Metatron. His brief role on Doctor Who is also getting a lot of mention in recent posts, but I'm not going to talk about any of that.
Like his Vicious co-star Ian McKellen, Jacobi has had a long and illustrious career in theatre, television, and film. McKellen and Jacobi met when they were at Cambridge.
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I'm not a huge fan of the Daily Mail, but this article, an interview with the two actors, is quite interesting. I'll just quote this part:
Jacobi says he came out to his mother when he was at university. ‘She said, “All young men, go through this phase, don’t worry.” I remember saying, “Don’t tell Dad.”’ He doesn’t know to this day if she did. ‘I think she did, but I don’t know. But they were wonderful, my parents, not much was said but they kind of knew, they got it.’
McKellen hasn’t heard his friend talk of this before. ‘That’s the first time I’ve heard that,’ he says, genuinely moved. ‘I never came out to my family. Biggest regret of my life.’ It turns out he didn’t even come out to Derek at university, even though it’s always been reported that he had something of a crush on him. 
‘Yes, I did fancy Derek, but I didn’t act on it, God, no. It was illegal, remember. I do get on my high horse about it, because it was so difficult. There were no gay clubs you could go to. No gay bars, no gay newspaper, nothing. What there was was a bit sleazy, I suspect. One of the reasons I became an actor was that you could meet gay people. Even then everything was difficult. When you went to America they asked, “Are you now, or have you ever been, homosexual?” I lied on the form. It was a different world.’
I want to talk about Vicious for a bit, the ITV britcom in which Derek Jacobi and Ian McKellen play an aging gay couple, (respectively) a homemaker, Stuart Bixby, and an actor, Freddie Thornhill, for fourteen episodes.
Freddie (McKellen) tells Stuart (Jacobi) about a part he's hoping to get.
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I had to add these for the Broadchurch reference.
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It's a law that British actors of a certain age play this part.
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I couldn't find one with Michael Sheen and the skull, but here he is in the role.
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McKellen did the part again at 81 in an age-blind production.
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Jacobi's big breakout was the titular role in I, Claudius on the BBC in 1976.
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In the '90s, Jacobi played amateur sleuth and 12th century monk, Brother Cadfael on the ITV series.
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I had watched some of Vicious before, but, spurred on by Jacobi's reappearance on Good Omens, looked for it again and watched both seasons a couple of weeks ago. Because I love a good fancast and Jacobi and Sheen (at least as Aziraphale) remind me a little of each other, I couldn't help but think that Jacobi and McKellen in their youth could have played a version of Aziraphale and Crowley. (There have been a couple of posts noting this about Jacobi, and that he might have been up for the part if it had been done soon after the book came out.)
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Jacobi, left, and McKellen, right (obviously).
I also think that Tennant and Sheen could have pulled off playing Freddie and Stuart in a flashback.
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An even younger version of Freddie and Stuart does appear in the series, however, played by Luke Treadaway and Samuel Barnett.
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Also good casting! They do a great job playing McKellen and Jacobi playing Freddie and Stuart.
Shoutout to this post by @ember-knights, that suggested Good Omens fans should check out Vicious for a glimpse of what life in the South Downs cottage might be. And also to other posts mentioning Vicious and Good Omens in the same breath, as well as comparing Sheen and Tennant to Jacobi and McKellen (which I probably reblogged but can't find right now).
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Cast of Vicious: Frances de la Tour, Iwan Rheon, Philip Voss, Ian McKellen, Derek Jacobi, Marcia Warren (Wikipedia). (Yes, the upstairs neighbor (Rheon) does go on to play Ramsay Bolton on Game of Thrones. He's a sweetheart in this, though.)
Now, I don't think Crowley and Aziraphale are the same as Freddie and Stuart, by any means. Freddie and Stuart say quite cruel things to each other. The characters become deeper in the second season; it’s a little sweeter than the first. I enjoy the bitterness of the first season too, though. It is funny, and Good Omens fans may enjoy watching it if only to see Derek Jacobi (who plays the Metatron) in a comedy role and a role that's sympathetic, especially if they are not familiar with his large and impressive body of work.
I don't think Aziraphale and Crowley's life in the bookshop as a couple, not just a group of two, or life on the South Downs, would be exactly like this, but there are somehow some similarities that I don't even know how to begin to pinpoint or explicate.
Crowley and Aziraphale’s affection is always so palpable and that’s not always clear with Freddie and Stuart. Crowley and Aziraphale are so loving that, even when they're bickering, it's joyful, even when they're arguing, even when they're coming apart (temporarily) at the seams, their love is undeniable. I don’t even think their breakup was toxic; although they were desperate at that point and hurt each other badly, it wasn't what they wanted. Sometimes it's that way.
And, lest I'm putting you off Vicious here, the Ineffable Husbands are a high bar as love stories go, but you will get to see some love and affection between Freddie and Stuart too, and I'd really love to see these actors work together more. (I am happy with how the show ends up, by the way.)
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Toodle-loo! Hope everything is tickety-boo with you.
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
imagine how cute it would be if skz 9th member had either a young kid or had custody of their young sibling. the boys helping out with raising the kid, like having 8 fun uncles or brothers. maybe a touch of angst about negative publicity about the reader having a young kid. i just think it would be cute if sometimes the kid was seen in the back of mvs sometimes or in the games they play. basically just skz with kids makes my heart melt <33
my aegi
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: fluff, angst
content warnings: parental loss, car accident
word count: 1.9k
summary: y/n was glad she had the boys there to help her raise her kid sister. she didn't know what she'd do without them.
Thank you so much for your request! Such a sweet idea! Sorry it's late, but I hope you enjoy it!
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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"Unnie! Unnie!" the sound of your younger sister calling for you filled the room, small footsteps padding across the floor until she found you and wrapped her arms around your legs, you picking her up in response.
"Were you looking for me?" you smiled at her, booping her nose and getting a giggle in response. You loved it when she laughed.
There was a time in your life when you thought you'd never see her smile again. 2 years ago, when she had only been 4 years old, and you, 18 years old, your parents had gotten into a fatal car accident, no other family around to be able to look after her. It was a hard time, just coming into a time out of lockdown when you had hoped to be able to see them again, yet that had all been taken away from you, at least you had your sister, Jisun. You were thankful to the company that they allowed you to look after her, as you really doubted that it would have been possible.
"Wanted a hug!" Jisun clung onto you, nuzzling her head into your neck, making you laugh.
"Made some breakfast, Sunny, want some pancakes sweetie?" you asked her, giggling yourself when she squirmed out of your arms and nodded. For someone who was so clingy in the mornings, food could really affect her mood.
Jisun had been really quiet after the death of your parents. She was sad, non verbal, always wearing a vacant expression. You were so glad that the boys were there to support you taking care of her, and lift her spirits. Her older brothers, who she each called 'oppa', could certainly bring her out of a bad day, even if it took all of them trying to make her laugh or sing to her. It surprised you at first, how much it had affected her. Selfishly, you hoped that she didn't remember them that much, but only so she didn't get more hurt in the process. But it was only a couple of months into being her primary guardian that you realised she did remember them. She couldn't forget about the cuddles from your mother, or being tucked in at night by your father, but she found a piece of that in you and the rest of the boys.
"Are there any pancakes left for us?" Chan rubbed his eyes tiredly as he entered the kitchen, the boys following in soon after, each of them hugging you in some sort of way.
"Nope, just for my Jisun," you teased as you did her hair from where she was sat at the table.
"Plaits or ponytail?"
"Pony pony!" Jisun cheered, making you and the rest of the boys coo at her.
"Pony pony!" Changbin and Felix cheered along with her.
"Ponytail it is my Sunny," you smoothed down her hair before fulfilling her request.
"I'm joking by the way, there's some pancake mixture left I'll make some more in-"
"It's fine, Y/Nnie, we'll finish up with it. Have you done some for yourself yet?" Lee Know got up and stirred the mixture so it didn't stick to the bowl, before pouring some into the pan.
"Ah not yet, I got distracted, but-"
"No buts, finish getting Jisun ready, sort yourself out, and then we'll have it here waiting for you," Seungmin waved you off, but you weren't going to let them deny you that easily.
"It's fine just let me," you began, only to be cut off again.
"No, take some time for yourself, yeah? We can look after Jisun too," Hyunjin got up and patted your shoulders, steering you around making you giggle as he gently pushed you towards the direction of your room.
With a sigh you got ready, so grateful to be surrounded by people around you who supported and understood your situation. At the start, when your situation had been revealed to the world that Jisun was now in your custody, fans hadn't taken to the situation too kindly. Some of them, instead of sending messages wishing you well and hoping that you would be ok, thought it was a ploy to cover up the fact that Jisun was your child. They thought JYP was so messed up that they faked your parents' deaths just to be used as a cover-up that you were a mother from the age of 16. You would have mixed preferred that if it meant your parents were still here with you, at least then you would have been able to have seen them become grandparents. Stays, the real ones, soon became more understanding of your situation, many of them calling you brave, and saying that they wouldn't have been able to do it at your age. 2 years on, at the age of 20, you didn't know yourself how you had been managing it. It just felt so natural.
"Y/Nnie? You ok?" Jeongin tentatively knocked at your open door, seeing you sat and staring blankly into space.
"Hmm?" you blinked yourself out of your thoughts, spraying some perfume on before grabbing your phone and Jisun's bag ready for the day.
"You were in your world again," Jeongin laughed at, brushing some stray hairs out of your face.
"Oh sorry, was just umm, making sure I had everything for Jisun ready today, it's the first time she's come along with us to an interview in a while," you smile shortly, yet it didn't fully reach your eyes as you headed back into the kitchen.
"Eat up, Y/Nnie," Han placed a plate in front of you as instructed by Lee Know and patted your head as he returned to his own seat.
"How long til we have to leave?" you asked, not even taking a bite yet.
"About five minutes, but we can take longer if we need, you haven't even eaten yet, I don't want you to rush," Chan said to you sternly, knowing you'd often forget about things in favour of the young girl sat in his lap.
"Is Jisunnie excited?" you asked your younger sister with a smile, taking a bite of your breakfast as she mirrored your facial expression.
"Yes! I miss the staff unnies and oppas!" she cheered.
"Oh, so you won't miss your oppas?" Changbin tickled her sides as she burst out laughing.
"Dwaekki oppa is too loud!" she yelled with laughter.
"I think you've got some competition there, Binnie," you laughed at Jisun contradicting herself, yelling just as, if not louder than Changbin.
Soon you had finished your food and it was time to head to the interview. You weren't nervous per say, but you knew it was more of a sit down and chatting interview which meant personal questions too.
"Sunny, be a good girl for your unnies, yeah?" you kissed her on the head.
"Yes Y/Nnie unnie!" she cutely placed a kiss on your cheek before following the stylists and managers backstage, watching in a room with a screen to see your interview unfold.
You couldn't help but watch over where she had walked off.
"Come on, she'll be fine," Felix guided you towards the stage, where chairs were set up in front of an audience, the interviewer, Kaelee, was sat waiting.
"Here we have, Stray Kids!" the audience went wild as you all walked in, taking a seat.
There were questions about music here and there, and then almost felt the air get thicker as her eyes shifted towards you. Thankfully a gentle smile was accompanied with it.
"So, Y/N, we understand that you take care of your sister?" she asked you.
"Ah yes, my Jisunnie, she is the sweetest girl," you replied with a smile, shyly looking down at your lap, when the audience cooed as photos of the two of you, and some with the boys appeared on screen.
"Those are our girls," Chan couldn't help but admit, the boys nodding along as the Stays 'awwed' once more.
"Boys, what do you make of Y/N here as an older sister, is she good?" Kaelee put the question out to everyone.
"I think she's really brave," Jeongin nodded.
"She's inspiring for sure," Minho added on.
"Her bravery, to go through what she has at such a young age, and raise a child, I think she's doing amazing," Hyunjin sweetly said, wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulder as you wiped some stray tears away.
"Well, on that note, if it's ok with you, Y/N, should we bring out Jisun?" Kaelee double checked it was ok with you before your personal manager, who was Jisun's favourite, walked her out. Jisun soon ran straight into your lap, nearly tackling you back against the floor as the audience cheered and squealed wildly.
"Not too loud, Sunny?" you whispered into the girl's ear as she turned to face the audience whilst sat in your lap.
"No it's ok!" she giddily smiled, holding onto your hands.
"Wow! It's like she's made for the screen! Jisunnie, can you do aegyo?" Kaelee asked her.
You couldn't see exactly what she did, but it looked like she held up a peace sign at the audience and grinned, showing off her adorable gummy smile. The whole time Stays saw you smiling behind her proudly, and thought that it was the most mature they had ever seen you, when you were around Jisun.
"I taught her that!" Changbin cheered, folding his arms as he was proud of himself.
"No, Seungminnie oppa did," Jisun turned to correct Changbin, making you all burst out into laughter.
"Wow, Jisun you really are so funny. What do you want to be when you're older?" Kaelee wiped a tear of laughter away and neatened up her cue cards as she asked Jisun another question. You rubbed her arms soothingly in case she got nervous.
"I want to be like unnie!" Jisun looked up at you as she said this, making your heart melt into a puddle on the floor.
"Oh really?" you almost felt emotional, managing to hold it back for the rest of the interview as you walked off at the end, holding Jisun's hand.
"Oppa will hold your hand, Jisunnie," Felix took her hand, sending a sympathetic smile your way as he walked her to the cars.
You lightly sniffle as you wiped a tear away.
"Ah, Y/Nnie, what are we going to do with you?" Han playfully sighed as he walked next to you with an arm around your shoulder.
"Sorry, I'm just, I'm so proud of her and when she said-" you couldn't finish your sentence, tears falling from your eyes.
"Aish, come here, love, it's ok," Han pulled you into a hug, tightly securing you to him as you felt safe in his warm embrace.
"You know that we're proud of you too?" Chan came up beside the two of you.
"Yeah, I know, I know," you laugh lightly as you wipe your eyes, "gosh I feel so silly, she's just growing up so quickly."
"We see it too, but don't think you have to raise her on your own, we're here for the both of you. So if you ever need time to yourself, we'll look after her, you know that," Chan kissed you on the head.
"What you went through, no one should have to, you're so young, Y/Nnie," Han wiped tears from your cheeks.
"I'm only 3 years younger than you," you laughed at him.
"I'm being sentimental, let me be. Now come on, bet Jisun is wondering where you are. We better head to the cars," Han suggested, Chan nodding which ultimately made the three of you head to the cars.
You and Jisun had lost your parents, but you both had 8 brothers there for you. It was an odd family, and not just by personalities, but somehow, you all made it work.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain
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bunnys-kisses · 6 months
bets made (and mistakes happened) - a restaurant au
john 'soap' mactavish
cw: restaurant!au, one night stand, smut/pwp, cocky!soap, bets/wagers, dirty talk enemies-to-lovers, (accidental) pregnancy, semi-long
bunny says: like this fic? leave a comment! really like this fic? suggest your own! reblogs are always welcomed!
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you could stand toe to toe with whoever got in your way. you REFUSED to be talked down to like a dog. you were a good sous chef, you didn't need the guy who washed the dishes to tell you how to do your job! you could've KILLED john.
and he probably would've let you. he wanted to see those blunt nails of yours dig into his throat. he'd take it as a challenge and give you the same energy. he'd probably grin as you like a madman before he could finally sink his teeth into you. he had been wanting to for years.
so in order to keep some semblance of peace in the kitchen, chef price sent you two out in the back for a smoke. you sat on the milk crate near the door and john pulled out his pack of cigarettes.
"i like yer fire." he said.
"i wish you'd go to hell." you replied.
he chuckled and shook his head, "yer too sweet. i'm surprised you didn't poison me when you had to show tonight's dishes to the rest of staff."
"i didn't expect you to count as staff. it was meant for the other cooks."
he put his hands on his hips, apron on and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth he tilted his head to the side and chuckled, "i'm staff, bonnie. more of the backbone than you are."
you stood up, and got close to him. you were facing each other and painfully close. you plucked the cigarette out of his mouth before you took a inhale of it. he looked at you in shock as you placed it back in his mouth. you turned away from him and said, "how about this, soap. you come to my place, we see who's the better cook."
he stood up a little taller and asked, "what do i get when i win?"
you narrowed his eyes at his words, you amped up the stakes. you replied simply, "i'll let you sleep with me."
the cigarette almost fell out of his mouth from the shock. he soon took it out his mouth and exhaled, "nah, nah. really, what is it?" there was a smile on his face. he leaned in a little bit to you.
"i told you... you, me, sex. do i need to spell it out for you?"
he laughed, "oh yeah. that's a good prize, that sweet cunt." he closed the gap between you two and took your chin in his hand, he held his cigarette in the other, "deal. maybe i can finally put ya in yer place. talkin' big game for such a little girl." he shook his head. he pulled away to have another drag of his cigarette.
the first thing you noticed at the end of the week. john 'soap' mactavish didn't taste like an ashtray when he kissed you. currently it was friday night, the only night you two had off, and john had just won your little bet.
he had you up on the kitchen table with his hand spread out on your thigh, pushing up your dress. his lips were on yours and you tried your best to NOT melt into the kiss.
when he pulled away he pressed his forehead to you and said, "how was that?"
"it's a bet, it shouldn't matter how i feel." you replied as you kept your arms around him. his laugh pulled something in you when you were so close to him.
you expected him to make some pasta with packaged noodles and a jar of sauce. you had seen what lunches he brought. but instead in your tiny apartment, he made you a scotch pie with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth the entire time. even with the ash, it was still the best thing you had ever tasted.
he knew he won because you couldn't hide the expression on your face fast enough after the first bite. when he laughed,you hit him then went in for seconds. who would've thought the annoying dishwasher could cook this.
"how?" you asked.
he put a finger over his lips, "family secrets. only shared through marriage, doll."
after the meal, then he took his dessert. his winnings from your bet. and in all fairness, if/when he was going to fuck you, he'd rather he did with after you had a good meal. it was going to be quite the energy waster.
you broke the kiss and looked at him, those big blue eyes stared back at you. you held his face for a moment to stop him from leaning in again. you said, "i'm not fucking on a table i got from goodwill."
he chuckled, "of course, my majesty. would you like for me to fluff the pillows first." then made a noise when you squeezed his face.
"i'm saying because the fucking thing will break." then let go of him. he backed up enough for you to get off the furniture and head towards the bedroom.
he trailed behind you, his cock stood at full attention in his jeans as he get his first glimpse of your bedroom. while he noticed that there wasn't much life to the decor of the walls. he did notice that your bed was unmade and looked very comfy.
but what drew his attention was the sight of you undressing. he watched you zip down the button of the dress. you stepped out of it then quickly got your underwear off. he was barely out of his socks by the time you were naked. your curves glowed under the light of the city outside.
you sighed and approached him, "i guess i have to do everything, huh?"
he was brought back to reality and stepped back, "you don't have to do shit, love. i just need you to lie there and look pretty. if you really wanted to put on a show, make the girls bounce a little." he chuckled as he pulled his shirt over his head. he showed off his lean body and caught you staring a moment before he went to his jeans.
soon both of you were naked, and you led him onto your bed. you kicked the covers further down the mattress as you laid in bed with the other man. you kissed once more trying hard not to fall for him with each linger of his fingertips across your back.
he held you like a protective force, even if his words were often biting. he wanted you. in a carnal, lustful kind of way. the kind that sent shivers down your spine.
his hands roamed your backside, his cock twitched against your thigh as you continued to make out with him. finally that cocky mouth of his was quiet.
you pulled away soon after and placed both hands on his chest. he looked up at your curiously and you gazed down at him. those blue eyes were like dark like rocky seas as you rubbed your knee up against his cock. he hissed through his teeth.
"careful, doll." he said quietly.
you held his face once more and gave him one last kiss before you moved away and got into his lap. your ass rubbed against his cock. the sensation made him exhale deeply to try and hold back a moan.
he placed his tattooed hands on your hips. you always did find his tattoos quite appealing. you did have a dream once where he was shoving those digits inside of your pussy. at the time it made you want to put bleach in your eyes. but now... you were second guessing it.
"like this?" you asked.
"oh yeah. i love a good girl on top." he purred as the two of you began to move your bodies against one another. his eyes closed for a moment as he pressed his head into your pillow. he was drowning in the scent of the strawberry shampoo you used often. he could get whiffs of it at work when you walked by, but to be smothered in it made his cock hard.
you placed your hands on his chest and leaned forward so his cock was pushed inside of you at an angle. you panted which was accompanied by his own heavy breathing.
"feel real good. like a glove." he said, heavy on the accent, "like two pieces the same puzzle. you and i, doll, are meant to be."
"one night." you affirmed.
he chuckled as he dug his fingers further into your hips. he watched you take all of his cock and replied, "that's what they all day." before he started to meet your pace more aggressively.
the bed creaked from your movements. the heavy thrusting of sex in the cramped room of your one bedroom apartment. you funded this life through cooking and you got out cooked by a dishwasher.
you should hang the apron up already!
the thought made john smirked as he felt his cock deep inside of you. he wondered for a moment if you could still run a kitchen while caring for his brats. but that thought was pushed away from the intense rush of pleasure through his body. made his head feel full as he got closer to orgasm.
"shit, soap. ah." you moaned.
he gave your ass a slap and chuckled, the sweat dripped down his back, "you can't get enough of me. you just love it so much. you love me."
you groaned, "in your dreams." the sex was amazing. you could feel the sweat on your brow as you rutted against him. your nails dug into his pecks as you moved.
he hissed through his teeth and drove his cock deeper into you. he could feel his heart hammering in his chest. nothing like a feisty chef to get his blood pumping! with a spark on inspiration, he took you by the hips and rolled you onto your stomach.
he lifted your hips up with ease and pounded away at your cunt with vigor. the angle took the air out of your lungs, you could feel his ramming against sensitive areas. your legs were practically in the air!
the angle was amazing for both of you and soon you were gripping onto the mattress under your head.
"who would've thought scotch pie would've let me fuck ya." he laughed as he scratched at your hips due to the force he was holding you.
"shut up!" you whined as your back arched. with a few more stokes of his cock, you both came. your mind went blank. you came so hard that you honestly forgot that he wasn't wearing a condom and had dumped a bunch of his scottish seed into your aching cunt.
this wouldn't be a problem later, right?
a month later you're sitting on top of the toliet with a pregnancy test in hand. your hand over your mouth as you watched the test read positive.
for a second you tried to rationalize that it COULDN'T have been john who got you pregnant. not that blue-eyed, mohawk having, smug dishwasher! but you sure as hell weren't pregnant before your night together.
you pulled your hand away from your face and putt he test down on the counter. you cupped your middle and sighed. you had no choice but to tell john about it. he was going to find out eventually.
you sent him a text message, 'soap. need to talk. urgent." then put the phone down. instantly you were on the phone with him, when you heard his voice you broke down. the normally cocky john sounded sincere as he asked what was wrong. you composed yourself for a moment and wiped your eyes and said, "you are your stupid scottish cock got me pregnant."
there was silence on the other end for a moment. he then said, "anythin' ya need, doll. it's yours."
you swallowed and replied, "you and some more scotch pie." you felt your heart do a somersault.
"ay." he said, "already got the scottish in ya."
xoxo, bunny (might do a sequel, let me know!)
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wolfofcelestia · 9 days
One of my last reblogs got me thinking about this so here is
How all four Zaynes + Sylus would treat you for low iron
Warnings: mentions of hunting, blood, suspicious food and drink. Everything aside from Doctor Zayne's section is not rooted in reality so don't take this as medical advice. If you feel tired all the time, go ask your doctor about it and get a blood test. Trust me, you're not supposed to be tired all the time.
Doctor Zayne
By the book treatments. You'll get iron pills and recommendations for iron-rich foods. If your stomach can't handle the pills, he might recommend iron infusions, all supervised by medical personnel. On his free nights, he'd take you out to dinner or cook for you to make sure you eat iron-rich foods, even if it's only in his presence
He'd repeatedly remind you to rely on him. Just stay in bed, he'll take care of the rest
In his world, everything you need to live is packaged in nutrient drinks or in pills, so he'd gather all these less than tasty nutrient drinks and pills but he'd also go to the outskirts of town, where the wild animals have taken over a part of a forest. They don't entirely live in harmony with the wanderers there. Some say they're no longer animals, but meat is meat, and only fresh meat will do for his beloved, especially when she's sick
He'd come home with freshly butchered meat, and the blood from the meat in large bottles, hoping she'd be able to get some benefit from drinking such a valuable and rare fluid
He wouldn't treat you. You don't belong in the tower. You'll only get sicker here.
"Go back to your people. Only they can help you. I have no means or the experience to cure you here."
But you won't leave. Stubborn, even in the face of an illness that makes you weaker and weaker by the day. But you've experienced this before. It's nothing new
Soon, you and Jas annoy him enough to convince him wild game is actually high in iron and, with his powers, he'd easily be able to hunt one near the tower
It would be his first meal with someone. A warm, hearty meal with the girl he's seen his other selves eat with so many times before
Master of Fate
"Close your eyes and hold my hands. Imagine my energy flowing out of my body, crossing over our hands like a bridge, and being absorbed into your body. Take as much as you need."
The Master of Fate is also a master of ancient energy magic, so something like mana or energy transfer would be easy for him if you're ill or need a boost
This won't fix the cause of your low energy of course, but this would be a start to get you on your feet
Once you have enough energy to travel down the mountain, he'd bring you to a healer, someone who works with and sells all sorts of dried herbs and Chinese medicines
Protest all you want but these bitter, smelly concoctions are going into your mouth one way or another. He'd laugh at your reaction and call you a child for making a fuss about taking your medicine, and he'd promise you a sugary treat if you take it like a good girl
"Are you ignoring Zayne's advice again? You're really putting him through his paces, huh? I'd have my own personal doctor take a look at you but I have a feeling you'd listen to him even less. Well, if it's iron you need, then tonight we'll have steak. And we'll have steak for as many nights as you like after that. I'll have the chef work on a meal plan with you."
With your steak dinners, he'd offer you a particular red wine. It tastes a little sharper, a little richer... The way he watches so carefully when you take a drink, and the way he smiles at you when you swallow... You'd be suspicious about it, if it weren't for the fact that you did in fact feel much better after each meal
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skz317cb97 · 2 years
The Beat
Jisung x Female reader
Word count: 2.5k (no look they're really drabbles okay?)
Synopsis: Jisung is having difficulties with a project and asks you to help take his mind off work for a bit.
A/N: 18+ ONLY! Okay seriously I'm on a roll right now but like I said they might not all come out so quickly so do bare with me if some of the others take longer. I am having so much fun writing these so I hope you all are enjoying them! Chan will be next! If you enjoy reading please reblog, comment, shoot me an ask, like, I love to hear from you guys! As always warnings and smut below the cut! 3/8
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Warnings: 18+ ONLY! MDNI! Swearing/strong language, eluding to casual sex, oral (m receiving), deep throating, face fucking, cum eating, breath play (kinda not really), masturbating, cum shot, slight exhibitionism (kinda maybe, not really), slight MC dom/Jisung sub dynamic (kinda). I think that's all but if I ever miss something please let me know and I'll add it immediately!
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It was the last morning before the guys were due back and you were on your knees under the kitchen table after you decided you’d rather blow Changbin than eat eggs and toast. You were sucking his soul out through his dick, choking and drooling all over his thick cock rubbing his balls and humming as you gagged on it again and again. Suddenly the front door opened and someone came walking into the apartment. Changbin had heard but apparently you didn’t because you were slurping and gagging on his fat cock when Jisung came around the corner into the dining room. 
“Hey Changbinnie hyung!” Changbin’s eyes went wide with surprise. 
“JISUNG! You’re home early!” You choked when Changbin shouted Jisung’s name and stopped sucking his dick for a second. But Jisung couldn’t see you or what was happening under that table and so you took Changbin’s cock back into your mouth and what you couldn’t fit you jerked off hard as you continued to fondle his balls covered in your saliva. You honestly didn’t know how he was holding it together, must be that strong jutdae of his. 
“Yea I wanted to come home a little early and get some rest before having to jump back into the grind.” Changbin bit his bottom lip and nodded, small beads of sweat were starting to form on his temples and forehead and he prayed Jisung didn’t notice. 
“Good idea Ji! Why don’t you go get you some rest!” Jisung looked at Changbin funny. 
“Yea, okay Bin I’ll do that.” Jisung shook his head and went to his room. As soon as Changbin heard his bedroom door click closed he groaned out and came in your mouth. You swallowed and kept slurping on him until he was sensitive and pulled away. 
“Remember this little moment the next time, pay back is a bitch.” Changbin laughed breathless, pulling you up from under the table. 
“For now though we should probably get you home.” Changbin kissed you deeply. 
“Go get dressed I’ll give you a ride.” He patted your rear end and you ran off to get your clothes on.  
A month or so went by and everything was still just the way it always was. You and the guys had your board game nights every other Monday and had been to the club to go dancing and drinking. You had fucked two of them and at least one of them knew and they both acted like nothing happened. Aside from a lingering touch here and there when passing you or sitting by you everything was perfectly normal. It was a nice day and you were walking to the park down the street from your place when you got a call from Jisung. 
“Hey Ji!” You heard him sigh heavily. 
“Hey y/n.” He sounded drained. 
“What’s wrong Sungie?” He took another deep breath. 
“I’ve been at the studio all night and I’m just so stressed over this song that I’m having trouble with. Do you...you think maybe you could come to the studio and help me?” You were confused as to why Jisung was asking you to do this when Chan or Changbin would be far better options since they actually knew how to produce music. 
“Ji I don’t know anything about music.”  
“I know I just mean come and hang out, maybe distract me for a bit, clear my head.” Well that made more sense, he needed to unplug for a minute. You were only going to go on a hike at the park because you were bored anyway. 
“Sure Sungie I’ll come hang out for a bit.” You could already hear his voice getting lighter. 
“You’re the best y/n. See you soon!” When you got to the studio the door was slightly cracked open. You knocked lightly and walked in. When you did you saw Jisung with his head laid on his desk; it looked as if he’d fallen asleep while waiting on you. You were just going to back out and let him rest but you bumped something by the door and Jisung’s head sprung up. 
“Oh hey! You made it great!” He rubbed his eyes. 
“If you want to nap a little longer, I can come back later.” He shook his head and stood up walking over to welcome you in. 
“No no I was only resting my eyes. Please come in.” He closed and locked the studio door behind you and ushered you towards the sofa in the studio. You sat down getting comfy and Jisung sat in the roll-y chair across from you. You both exchanged some small talk and caught up with what the other had been doing recently. Everyone had been so busy lately it felt like it had been forever since you’d see any of the guys when reality it had only been two weeks. The longer you sat there chatting with Jisung the more antsy he seemed to get, knee bouncing, eyes darting, if he chewed on his lip anymore he’d bite it off so finally you said something. 
“Sungie you’re supposed to be relaxing and clearing your mind a bit. You look like you're ready to crawl out of your skin. What’s going on?” His teeth let go of his lip and he let out a heavy sigh. 
“I... I really want to ask you something but I don’t want you to get upset with me or take it the wrong way.” His face was so soft and his big brown eyes seemed to have grown even bigger. You could tell he was genuinely scared you would be angry with him. You sat up and leaned forward a bit closing some of the distance between you and Jisung. 
“Well... I promise to listen and try to understand if that helps at all.” Jisung nodded and shook his head. 
“Okay... whewww... okay...” You braced yourself unsure of exactly what was going to come out of Jisung’s mouth. Jisung closed his eyes tightly. 
“WouldyoudowhatyoudidforChangbinniehyungformetoo?!” It all came out in a shouted jumble of words. You jumped at the volume of his voice and caught fragments of words but not enough to understand him. You shook your head. 
“Take a deep breath Sungie and slow down okay?” He took a couple more deep breaths and then closed his eyes again, softly this time. 
“Would you do what you did for Changbin hyung for me too?” Your brow furrowed in confusion and then the memory of you blowing Changbin under the table when Jisung came home flashed through your mind. You tried to play stupid. 
“Uh what do you mean? What did I do for Changbin?” Jisung’s face was buried in both of his hands embarrassed to say. 
“Well... you... know... you... uh... sucked his... d-” 
“HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?!” Jisung jumped and looked terrified that he had in fact upset you. You were just caught off guard finding out he knew; you coughed and lowered your voice. 
“How do you know that?” Jisung wrung his hands together. 
“Changbinnie hyung said you were going to be over for the weekend. When I came home I saw your shoes by the door and then... well I saw your feet poking out from under the table a bit, that and Changbin hyung looked like he was about to explode.” Your face felt hot. You were so embarrassed to find out that Jisung knew the whole time that you had been under the table. Then it registered and you remembered Jisung’s actual question. 
“Wait did you ask me...” Jisung waved you off in a panic. 
“Never mind about that, sorry! I shouldn’t have suggested it! You’re my friend and I respect you and I shouldn’t have...” You couldn’t help but be endeared by his babbling. 
“Sungie do you want me to suck you off or not?” His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open. 
“Words Jisungie. Do you want me to suck your cock?” He gulped hard shaking his head up and down. 
“Yes!” You tsked him. 
“Yes what Ji?”  
“YES PLEASE!” You hummed pleased and smiled at him. 
“Good boy.” You got on your knees in front of him and ran your hands up his firm thighs towards the waist band of his pants. He looked down at you with his wide hopeful eyes. You could see his pants already starting to tent from his growing erection. You slowly unbuttoned his pants, dragging the zipper down one tooth at a time, a little whine came out of the back of Jisung’s throat and you looked up at him. 
“Aww poor Sungie, you need it bad don’t you baby?” Jisung licked his lips and nodded. 
“Please?” You smiled at him sweetly 
“You asked so nicely how could I say no?” You grabbed the waist band of Jisung’s pants and underwear and pulled both down to his ankles. His cock was hard and leaking, smooth and pretty and while not as big as Changbin’s he was not lacking. 
“Such a pretty cock Jisungie.” You praised him. 
“Really?” He sounded surprised by your compliment. 
“Oh yes Ji, pretty cock for a pretty boy.” His cheeks started turning red and you thought it was so cute. You had always thought Jisung was cute, his chubby cheeks and toothy smile. You licked your hand and wrapped your fingers around his cock. You started to stroke him slowly, your thumb rubbing the tip of his cock before twisting your wrist and sliding down his shaft again. 
“Ffuck!” Jisung’s cock started leaking even more precum. 
“You’re not going to cum already are you Sungie?” You leaned forward and licked the precum off the head of his dick and he twitched in your hand hard. 
“N-nno I w-won’t please suck on it please!” The way he begged for your mouth made your body buzz with excitement and you could feel your arousal wetting your panties. You nodded and started gently sucking on the head of Jisung’s cock, slowly going further down his shaft, coating him in your saliva. Jisung gathered all your hair into a ponytail and looked down at you with your mouth full of his dick. When he hit the back of your throat and you gagged you pulled off and started jerking him off, looking up at him, your hair still held back by his hand. 
“You’re such a gentleman Jisungie, holding my hair back for me while a choke on your cock.” You hummed and took him back into your mouth bobbing your head up and down sucking, drooling, and swirling your tongue around him. 
“It’s s-so good y/n feels... Oh FUCK!” Jisung was glad the studio was soundproof because he moaned out uncontrollably when you gagged on his dick again and continued to suck him off. The grip he had on your hair tightened a bit as you repeatedly took his cock to the back of your throat, squelching, spitting, and gagging on it with pleasure before pulling off and stroking him again, harder than before. 
“You’re being so good for me Sungie. Stand up.” He did as you said although on shaky legs since you were still firmly jerking him off. He looked down at you and thought he’d died and gone to heaven. You were kneeling in front of him, blushing, your chin covered in spit and precum giving him those sparkling doe eyes. 
“Okay Jisungie, fuck my face.”  
“Excuse me what...” You giggled a little, seeing you all messy and sweet then hearing that come from your mouth short circuited something in Jisung’s brain for a moment. You repeated. 
“I said choke me with your pretty cock, make me deep throat you, hold me down on your dick until I’m gasping for air, face fuck me Ji, be good and I'll let you cum wherever you want. 
Jisung twitched uncontrollably in your hand and he got a little sparkle in his eye. 
“A-anywhere?” He asked unbelieving and you nodded, kissing the tip of his dick softly again and again. 
“That’s right baby. Now, fuck. My. Face.” You took Jisung’s cock into your mouth again and started a good rhythm then Jisung started to gently thrust into your mouth testing the waters. When you hummed in pleasure he went a little harder. Your hands came up and grabbed his ass pushing him deeper into your throat still. Jisung got the hint and started fucking your throat harder and faster. The sound of your spit and gagging, you moaning around his cock, it all made Jisung feel so lightheaded. Jisung’s grip shifted and one of his hands cradled the back of your head as the other supported your jaw. Once he had his hold adjusted he really started jamming his dick into your throat. He pulled you off and tilted your head up to look at you. You were panting, a little sweaty, covered in spit and blushing. He shoved you back onto his cock, pinched your nose closed and pushed the back of your head down until your nose was buried into the soft spot above his cock. He made several shallow thrusts, drool dripped down his cock and balls as your throat constricted over and over again around the tip of his dick while you were struggled to breathe. Jisung looked down and realized you had one of your hands down your own pants riding and fucking yourself on your fingers as Jisung choked you with his cock. He pulled you off again and spit trailed from your fucked out face to the tip of his swollen red cock. You smirked up at him. 
“Where do you want to cum Jisungie? Hmm?” You started stroking him with your free hand, your other still teasing and rubbing your clit. He bit his lip and whispered embarrassed. 
“uhon your f...” You spit on his cock and started stroking him faster and harder. 
“Sorry Sungie I can’t hear you baby. Where do you want to come?” You sucked on the tip of his dick as you continued to stroke him fast and hard, your warm wet tongue teasing. You stopped playing with your pussy and started gently playing with his balls. 
“ON YOUR FACE! GOD PLEASE LET ME CUM ALL OVER YOUR PRETTY FUCKING FACE!” You spit on Jisung’s cock again and stroked him as fast as you could, two fingers from the hand playing with his balls followed a wet trail down until you were softly fingering his perineum. You aimed his dick at your face. 
“Do it Ji paint my face with your cum baby.” The strangled moan that came from Jisung as he came almost made you climax untouched. A thick stripe of cum shot across your lips and nose, another across your cheek and one eye, another across your nose and forehead, more across your other eye, it pooled in your puckered lips as more stripes of his cum shot across your face. Your hand had crept back down into your pants again and you rubbed your throbbing wet cunt as you started to lick at the cum dripping down your face. Jisung helped wipe you off and once your face was clean again you stood and slumped back on the couch your legs spread wide.  
“Look Sungie, you made such a mess.” Your hands trailed into your pants again and you played with your pussy. Jisung crawled on the floor on all fours and his face hovered over your warm cunt while you continued to tease and finger yourself. 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @hyunelixies @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @minnysproutgriffinteddy
“Come now Jisungie, clean up the mess you made baby.”  
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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gysss · 3 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ late birthday art!!! I think the competition is already over so I'm just here to fangirl a bit. I was introduced to this game by a random girl at a summer camp and loved it since I first saw it. Saeyoung was my first favorite, and I later moved to saeran when I finally played his route many years later. this game has so much nostalgia for me, and these characters especially are so special. I was so happy to draw pieces of art for them, and I hope my fan art did them some justice (even though I'm still very amateur)!
some personal notes below ೃ⁀➷
I really hope y'all love this fan art! It was such a joy to make, and ive been promising it for a while, so I hope it delivered. mystic messenger is near and dear to my heart, and I recently jumped back into it for the summer (currently on rays route!!!! he's so cute <3). its so amazing how this game is practically timeless, and how it remains fun when replaying over and over. all the support I received on the last post of them was wonderful, I really appreciate everyone (also I saw an ask!! I've been meaning to listen to the song they mentioned in it, been a bit busy, so I'll try and get to it soon). I'm sorta curious about what everyones favorite route is, so please feel free to let me know either in the comments or reblogs or smth! mine is ray because he's cute but also because the story is quite interesting. below i’ll try and add some progress images because i think i said i would (added in editing, sorry the post is so long).
thank you all for the support!!! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ✎ (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) ༉‧ ♡*.✧
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rewh0re · 1 year
- angst, 1.1k, yelling and cursing, crying, fed up reader, crying reo (sorry!), Give it a read maybe and I'll give you a cookie! Reblogs + feedbacks are highly appreciated!!
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It was a highly extravagant restaurant with bright blinding lights and fancy customers murmuring amongst themselves. The sound of cutlery hitting the plates as people enjoyed their meal became more and more evident as time passed by.
You could see her. Your waitress. She was trying her hardest to subtly look at you after every 2 seconds, maybe waiting to approach you again. You took a sip of your water as you sighed and rubbed your neck, fidgeting with the beautiful pearl necklace that you wore. The one saved only for special occasions. You looked down at your phone for what seemed like the millionth time in an hour. Maybe they weren't really even looking at you necessarily but all you felt were pairs of eyes burning holes into your frame as you kept checking for at least one text. It never came.
"Miss?" Your waitress finally came up to you, a sheepish look on her face. You gave her a small understanding smile.
"Miss I am really sorry but you might have to give up this table. You have not ordered anything in an hour and the other customers are patiently waiting outside. So if you could please order something?" She gave you a smile that screamed the amount of pity she held for you.
"Uh no I'm fine, I'll be leaving. So sorry for keeping up the line," you blinked twice as you tried to keep the little tears at bay. You got up from your chair, smiled at her one last time and quickly walked out of the very expensive, very beautiful restaurant. You saved up for this.
You checked your phone one last time. No text or call from Reo.
"Fuck that jerk. Fucking shithead," you muttered more to yourself. You wiped the few stray tears that slipped and headed straight towards home.
All you wanted at this very moment was to change out of the clothes you were wearing and maybe just try to sleep. You couldn't sleep without Reo, but you have to today.
You opened the front door, ready to freshen up as soon as possible but you froze on the doorway.
There he was, sitting on the sofa, your cat on his lap as he was watching some football match you honestly didn't care about at the moment. You were angry, seething, all you felt was rage because what the fuck was Mikage Reo doing at home just chilling when you humiliated yourself at a restaurant where he was supposed to be on a date with you?
"Oh hey honey! You're back!" He gave you his million dollar smile and normally that would make your insides flutter but you clenched your jaw as you constricted yourself from screaming at him. Not so soon.
"What do you mean by that? What are you doing at home?" You asked in a flat voice.
"Oh well, practice ended early so I went over to Nagi's and we played some games. Then I came home and thought that we'd cuddle but you weren't here," he smiled at you from the sofa, softly petting your cat. "But you were not here. I assumed you went out with your friends so I didn't bother you by calling and all. Hey? Are you feeling okay"
You saw his face morph into one of concern and he probably saw yours covered in pure vexation.
"Am I okay? Am I okay?! REO! do you really not remember what today was supposed to be," you paced towards him, your footsteps quick and voice rising, slowly but surely.
Reo's eyes widened in horror as the realization finally dawned upon him. It was your 1 year anniversary. You both had decided on a date night at the restaurant for which he knew you saved up. You had mentioned this being extremely special for you.
"Shit," reo hissed as he shut his eyes, opening them to see tears almost streaming out of your own.
"Shit indeed," you turned to go towards your bedroom but he was quick to hold your wrist.
"Listen. Y/n. I am so sorry it completely slipped my mind. I-"
You laughed at his pointless explanation, "of course it slipped your mind Reo. It always fucking does! Last time, I asked you to hang out at my place and you forgot. Before that I asked you if you could check out the cafe near my office and guess what? You couldn't make it. Everytime I try to do something special for us, you ruin it by blowing up on me. So don't give me that bullshit that it slipped your mind because if you wanted to come with me in the first place, that wouldn't have happened."
You snatched your wrist away from him. You were panting from all the yelling you did and it was so evident that you were trying your hardest not to break down then and there. Reo had understood that his relationship was hanging on by a thread at this point and he was unable to do anything to save it.
"Baby listen. I'm sorry I've done this to you. I love you. I do, really and I can try to come up with an explanation as to why I stood you up but there won't be any. So I won't try. All I can say right now is that I'm sorry and I promise y/n. I promise that next time, I will not repeat this mistake. Won't you give me another chance?" By now even Reo was trying his hardest to keep his tears at bay. His lips quivered and voice broke with every sentence that he spoke but he stood his ground. He realized he might lose you very soon. Very very soon. But he would beat himself up over it if he at least didn't try to keep you with him.
You scoffed at his words, meaningless as they were to you, "Promise? Ha! Your promises have proved to be useless time and time again Reo. Your promises are nothing but a string of futile words attached by some lanky thread that grows more precarious every passing second. I cannot trust your words anymore."
You looked away to hide your tears. He tried to gently hold your face, look into your eyes but the way you smacked his hand away revealed how this relationship had already broken.
"This was my last straw Reo. I want you out of my house by morning," his eyes widened in pain and tears kept flowing but he knew you wouldn't change your mind. He knew you. Once you made a decision, you stuck to it, not being easily swayed.
"If that is what you want, what you truly, really want, then I will respect your decision y/n. But I need you to know that you look gorgeous today and everyday and I will love you. Always. You gave me the world and if you ever want to try again or if you ever find it in yourself to forgive me, I will be just one call away." He kissed your forehead, a kiss that lingered longer than expected because this was the last.
Reo was gone the next morning when you woke up.
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sylvirmist-s-cottage · 3 months
Sunset & Vine
ken sato x reader
type : short, cute, fluff, potential ooc behaviour
before you read - fox window -  A game in Japan that is believed to let you see the true form of yokai (Google). See picture in bottom.
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Ken Sato must be some kind of siren.
He didn't even have to do anything, all he had to do was look at you with those eyes of his, and you're compelled.
Does that mean he's some sort of vampire instead? You had no clue. All you knew was he was some sort of mythical thing - he had to be - and you'd drown in those sweet inky pools of - god, what was that colour? You didn't know how to describe, and you obviously couldn't stare until you do, he'd notice. But his eyes were so beautiful, so warm and you sink right into that warmth all at once and-
Ahh. Sink. Siren.
Which reminds you...
You grin, folding your hands in the form of the little window you had came across a few days ago while scrolling your feed. The fox window.
With that small window you made, you look around the place through it as if it was a camera with a filter - the trees, the sky, the birds and the empty convenience store front, then at him.
"What are you doing?" asks Ken, his head tilted to get a better view of you.
"Oh, ya know," you start with a grin, unfolding your fingers and giving him a boxy smile. "Fox window," you say and shrug.
He chuckles, giving you that smile and that laugh, god, that made him eyes sparkle even more. He looks at you, a brow raised, dark eyes gleaming under the light. "I doubt there are any kitsunes here."
"Hmm. I was looking at you."
"Me?" He asks, pointing at himself with a confused grin.
"Yeah. You," you say and grin at him again. Near him, smiling feels so easy, as easy as breathing. And goodness, you must look like a fool but it felt so good.
"Cause you look so pretty," you say as you lean in, "I thought you were some kind of mystical creature that came to mystify people."
Me, you wanted to say. You've bewitched me.
Kenji looks away, eyes shifty and an abashed look on his face as he clears his throat awkwardly.
Oh, so the greatest baseball player with an ego the size of a whale blushes at this single compliment.
Oh and how you loved it.
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I'll get working on the requests soon, on top of having exams, I am also sick, adjklfasd-
Did you know? I haven't written on tumblr for a while, I came back because of this man adfhkadhf-
It feels good though.
Reblog if you liked it. MWAH.
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Picture of fox window I got from pinterest.
A post I saw on facebook warned to NOT FORCE YOUR HANDS, since apparently, children mostly play it and since grownup hands are less flexible, ya might just break em if you force it. So, yeah.
Also, if you see ghosts, not my fault eh.
You also have one new way to flirt with your crush, if ya had one.
Or boyfriend. Or girlfriend. Or significant other. Or spouse. Your welcome.
I shall finish yapping. Goodbye.
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psychicreadsgirl · 11 months
🍂🧡👻🎃Ask Game: Halloween Edition🍂🧡👻🎃 (CLOSED)
No anons!
Reblog this post or like this post.
This ask game ends on October 31, 2023 at 11:59 pm KST. Any asks sent after this time will not be answered.
I may or may not answer all asks.
Pick 1 emoji out of the one listed below for your reading. 🪦- You can ask 1 q related to death. If it's about another person (non celeb), then you need to tell me their initials and their relationship to you. 🧛🏻 - What's 1 negative trait that your future partner has? 🦇 - What spooky/scary event will you likely experience? If you're asking about a celeb then I'll need their name. 🪓 - Will you experience some sort of betrayal soon or in the near future? If so what would it likely be? If you're asking about a celeb then I'll need their name.
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lathalea · 4 months
Lathalea's HUGE Follower Celebration Coming Soon
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Today was the day I checked my follower list for the first time in a year or so and 👀👀👀 WHOOOOAH! There's so many of you here, my lovelies, I had no idea🤩🤩🤩
I would like to do something special for you as a thank you for following this blog to celebrate this nice round number. But what is it going to be? You tell me!
Any other ideas? Let me know in DMs/comments/asks!
I'll be back here in one week to check the results of this poll and then we'll start celebrating! 🎉🎉🎉
RULES: 💎 If one of the writing-related events gets picked (Prompt Game, Tarot Game, Writer Support, Fic Spotlight), I will have 5-10 slots open. The participants will be picked on the "first come, first serve" basis.
💎 For the Art Treat, there will be one art slot open. If you're an artist and would like to be commissioned, please DM me/send me an ask! I'll be taking in prompts from my followers and then the winning prompt for the art will be picked randomly by my doggo. Don't worry, he's a pro, he just drools a lot 🐶
🎉🎉🎉 To take part in the celebration remember that you have to be my follower before it starts!
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ꕤ | Inked | Percy De Rolo
— VOX MACHINA : switch!percy x femcumslut!reader
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✩ 𝙎𝘾𝙀𝙉𝙀: ​you're the first to fall asleep at a party, and you get cumslut written over your forehead with a marker. it causes an "issue" for percy a few hours later. ✩ 𝙋𝙊𝙎𝙏 𝙄𝙉𝙁𝙊: fic (Part 1), 1.8k words ✩ 𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙏𝙀𝙉𝙏 𝙒𝘼𝙍𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙂: missing consent/dubcon (percy as victim), powerplay (subby percy into dom percy), degredation, namecalling (cumsl*t, wh*re, l*ve), somnophelia, cumhungry!reader, power dynamic switch, sir, mentions of breeding
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝙉𝙊𝙏𝙀𝙎 𝙁𝙍𝙊𝙈 𝘿𝙄𝙑𝙄𝙉𝙀: i did not proofread this :') hopefulyl its legible BUT eventually i'll go back and make the edits i need. the idea was inspired by this post, and it's probably (?) not done yet.
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“Oh cmon, wasn’t the bet that the first one asleep gets a dick drawn on their forehead?” 
Percy, your boyfriend, shoots Scanlan a dirty look through his rosy drunk cheeks. “Have you no decency? She’s a lady for God’s sake, Scanlan. How will I explain to all of Whitestone tomorrow if we have to leave the confines of our home?” 
The pop of a marker and the cap clicking against the floor was enough of a signal that Scanlan didn’t quite care all that much for the high maintenance prince. “Well, then you have an excuse to stay in for a day. Resting’s important, Percy,” he says, before hopping onto a stool to get to your head, slumped over on the couch. Percy stumbles to his feet to try and stop him from putting that bright pink ink on your skin, but he’s forced back into his chair at the hand of Vax. 
“Hey, he’s right, you know. You kind of need a day at home, if you ask me,” Vax says, leaning his weight on Percy’s shoulder to keep him down. Percy glares at him too, going to shove his hand away so that he could get to you, but to no avail. Percy’s too wasted for hand eye coordination.
“Oh, Percy, darling, relax,” his sister says from across the table, looking at Scanlan trying to balance and draw on your knocked out face. “She agreed to the game before we even started drinking, and she’s an adult, so I’m sure she’ll be fine. And if she isn’t– well, you can make sure she’s fine. In the morning. No more fussing about it now, you can barely get to your feet,” she says, words slurring before taking a swig out of her bottle. 
He can’t relax, at least not when Pike isn’t around. Pike’s usually the babysitter of the group, and with Keyleth vomiting her guts out again, they were somewhere downstairs in the bathroom. Grog wouldn’t be of much help either– he was entranced in some sort of conversation with his reflection in the mirror, flexing and unflexing his muscles to look at. 
“Annnnnd, ta-da!” Scanlan grins, showing the marvel to the three others in the room. Cumslut was written across your forehead in big, bold letters, with a penis as the T. Scanlan was really, an artist of all trades.
Percy was the first to react, and the only one that didn’t burst out in absolute side pinching tears. “Scanlan! You little useless bard!” He swung around to Vex and Vax. “I thought we agreed that it would be the dick drawing?”
“Well,–” Vex laughs, whipping away his tears. “There is a dick. There’s just–” he makes eye contact with Vex across the table, who was holding her own laughter for a little before the two burst out again into hearty giggles. “–some other additions.”
Percy sighed. There wasn’t really another other choice; what’s done is done. Hopefully you wouldn’t be too mad when you woke up in the morning about it. And hopefully, the ink would come off soon.
Percy, with his lithe frame, was not the one that carried you into bed. Grog actually carried the both of you into bed– bragging that he could do anything with his giant muscles. Percy would have been grateful for that omission of an opportunity to make a fool out of himself, had he been properly awake during that time of the night. He’d passed out on his own accord after a few more shots into the night.
It didn’t take long before he stirred awake. Alcohol never quite helped keep him asleep as well as it put him to sleep. But his body sure felt warm, skin flushed a little as he reveled in the pleasure of being under clean sheets. There was also pleasure budding from his core, some shifting between his legs– 
“What on earth?!–” he manages to choke out before throwing his head backwards as some cavern of warm, wet heat descends on him. It felt good and needy and desperate, and when he had the moment to take a breath from the sudden crashing waves of pleasure, he lifted the blankets to find you, face nestled neatly between his legs, with his cock in your mouth and a protruding cheek. 
“My love,” he says, voice soft and hitched at first. “Y-you need to stop or else,–” A groan cuts through, his hands fisting the sheet that he’s holding up to see you kitten licking his tip. 
“What’s gotten into you?” he hisses, but he doesn’t get an answer because you take his whole length into your mouth again, mushroom tip gliding against the roof of your mouth before sinking into your back tongue. He’s watching you, or doing the best he can with his eyes half-lidded and his mouth agape. When you wrap your hands around his base, twisting and bobbing at the same time, Percy grimaces, one eye forcing itself shut as he watches you with the other. His cheeks are flushed a deep red, and his skin feels sticky under the touch of your fingers, but all you can think about is his cum, and how much you want it down your throat. 
“S-slow d-down,” he stutters, a frustrated moan drawing out of his throat when you don’t listen. He can’t stop his hips from bucking up into your mouth, the sensation of your tongue swirling around the tip all too much for him. He’s close, and you know that, feeling his balls twitching under your chin– and perfect, because that’s exactly what you want. So you keep at it, watching him writhe and pant and seize up with his head thrown back and his eyes cross when he cums down your throat. It’s sticky and a little bitter from the alcohol, but you don’t mind it at all, because you’ve been craving this feeling since you woke up. You suck, and suck, and keep sucking him, milking every little bit that you can. 
He’s a whimpering mess now, his other hand grabbing you by the hair to attempt to pull you off his cock. 
“Love, love, please– please stop, I’m done, I can’t–” but that gets cut off by another moan, his knees shaking and bottoming out underneath you as your hands work his cock from base to tip, using spit and cum as lube. 
He’s never seen you like this before, so needy, so pushy for it– whatever it, was. In a moment of clarity as your hands lift on the pressure to his cock, he reads the word on your forehead again. Cumslut.
He puts two and two together in the middle of a desperate whimper, throwing his head to the side as the pleasure in his overstimulated dick multiplies. On the nightstand was the marker that Scanlan used, capped and sitting neatly by his nightlight. Grabbing it off the table, he managed what he could with you turning him into putty from the waist down, grabbing one of your hands that you were using to support your weight scribbling “obedient” into it the best he could.
Nothing different happened at first– you continued to milk him for all that he was worth, and Percy couldn’t stop his eyes from rolling to the back of his head as he felt the familiar coil in the abdomen forming, ready to snap. “Hah- hah, hmpfh, s-stop, love, h-hang on–” he begs of you, and for the first time in the night, you oblige, hands and mouth lifting off his cock with the nasty squelch. 
He looks at you, panting, undignified drool at the edge of your lips, and he slips a finger over it and wipes it away. Catching his breath, he dedicates a moment to taking you in; needy, glazed-over cum-hungry eyes as his cock rests on your cheek, tousled hair, plump, shiny lips coated in a thin sheen of spit and semen, the white of your teeth poking out from under. You looked gorgeous for him like that, and he let you know by pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“You want my cum that badly, is that right?” he says, tentative at first. But you nod, rather vigorously, at that. It flips some sort of switch inside of him, and you feel him pull you by the hair, your own whimper leaving your throat as he exposes your throat to him. 
“A little cumslut wants her holes filled. What a sight,” he taunts, a wicked smirk brewing at the corners of his lips. The way he looks at you runs a chill down your spine– it was the way he looked at something he wanted, no, needed, to be under his control. 
And you were more than ready to give that.
“Be a good girl, then. Get on with it. On your hands and knees, on the floor,” he commands you, nodding towards the wood floor you have next to the bed. You glance down and back at him, and he’s watching you expectantly. Heat rising to your own cheeks, you shuffle down, assuming position on all fours as he requested.
You hear him shifting off the bed, stalking behind you– you feel his hands wrap around your waist, and then– a searing burn on your knees as you’re re-oriented, looking up to see the closet mirror and yourself staring back at you, cumslut written over your forehead. And dauntingly, above and behind you, stood Percy. 
You’re naked, because you woke up earlier and tried to satisfy your urges by touching yourself, which, went nowhere, clearly, otherwise you wouldn’t be in this cum-drunk state– but he is clothed; well, partially clothed, his sleeping robe untied and hanging off his shoulders. He knees behind you, secures your ankles to the ground with the weight of his calves and body, and sinks his fingers into your sides. 
“Spread your pussy for me.”
Your eyes go wide, thundering in your chest. He notices your hesitation, and grabs a fistful of hair and pulls you towards him.
“I said, spread your pussy for me. Do I need to repeat myself?”
Some sort of noise comes out of you that sounds vaguely like a whimper and a “yes, sir,” as you take your hands and grab your ass to satisfy his request. You feel a bubbling of dopamine in your chest when you obey him, and it feels good, addictive, almost.
When you feel the weight of his cock pressed against your entrance, your body instinctively gravitates towards him, craving to be filled. But you feel his weight pull away, teasing it along your slit as he leans over to your ear. 
“Be patient, love. Just enjoy it, I’ll do the work, my little cumslut. You’re such a needy little breeding whore, aren’t you?”
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