themuppetagenda · 15 days
i remember ages ago i did a poll on here that was a basic "if you had guarenteed income would you still choose to have a job?" and i was so shocked at how many people said yes. like i couldnt fathom how people would choose to go out every day just because they like having something to do and genuinely say they feel fulfilled by it.
...anyways it turns out if you, like me, consider the mere thought of work to be torture both physically and mentally, no matter how well it pays, you may in fact be experiencing "symptoms" of a "disorder", and should, perhaps, "talk" to your "doctor" ,
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themuppetagenda · 3 months
I showed this trick to my nephews. They thought it was great, but also the eleven year old wanted to know why I taught my dog about gun violence instead of just "roll over".
I taught my dog to roll onto his back if I give him the old finger guns 👉👉 and say, "bang! you're dead"
Look at my dog. He's a brilliant actor and I won't hear otherwise.
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themuppetagenda · 3 months
I taught my dog to roll onto his back if I give him the old finger guns 👉👉 and say, "bang! you're dead"
Look at my dog. He's a brilliant actor and I won't hear otherwise.
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themuppetagenda · 3 months
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‘Thoth and the Chief Magician’, 1925. Evelyn Pau
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themuppetagenda · 5 months
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Saw the first tulip flower of the year today.
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themuppetagenda · 6 months
nasa: we're going to shoot three rockets directly at the sun during the total eclipse. for study and research purposes.
me: oh cool
nasa: we have named the rockets apep. this stands for atmospheric perturbations [in the] eclipse path.
me: oh cool
nasa: apep is also the ancient egyptian deity of chaos and darkness, who ceaselessly seeks to extinguish the sun. we launch these rockets directly at the sun in the name of apep.
me: oh... cool?
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themuppetagenda · 6 months
He doesn't have a compelling arc, and his redemption feels fake. Like they just pulled it out of nothing for the last twenty minutes of a 9 hour series. I honestly would have loved to see a villain-demption arc for him.
He's insecure, fearful that he can never live up to Vader. He's angry that every situation spirals out of his control. Let's see him put fear and anger behind him. Let's see him turn to hatred and become driven by it towards success (villain success). Let's see him play mind games with the heroes and foil their every move. Uniquely successful because of his history with han and Luke, anticipating the heroes' actions. Actually becoming someone worthy of being afraid of.
Since we are already in the "old nerd complaining about star wars" mode, Kylo Ren always just sucked as a character. Not only in the fandom mode that he's a terrible ship with Rey, he's evil and such, but as a character, as a villain. He resembles NOTHING AT ALL to either Han or Leia, physically, personality, attitude or mannerisms, NOTHING. He simply isn't that compelling, I guess some people like the emo tortured soul kind of thing but to me he doesn't work. I was going to say he's just generic, but Star Wars is generic that's kind of the appeal. He isn't compelling. He just doesn't have presence like Vader or is sinister like Palpatine, even Dooku and Grevious are better. And he isn't that likeable to justify a redemption arc, they tried to make a pseudo-Zuko (maybe) but it just doesn't work. He just fails as a villain for me.
I actually had a character interpretation for Kylo that he's a bit of the insecurities of the sequels themselves made manifest. He knows that he can't be Darth Vader or live up to him, and that fills him with frustration and rage. Similarily, the sequels know they can't fill the role of the original movies and that's reflected on Kylo. It would actually had been fun and intersting to lean into that, he could never live up to being Darth Vader he's not a threat and he eventually realizes it and decides to be something else, and maybe you could set up the sort of arc where he gets put aside for greater threats.
But he feels just terrible as a villain. He has no connection with Leia, Han or Luke no matter how much the movie tells you, IT'S NOT THERE, it's like they inserted A Guy from a vampire movie and gave him a lightsaber. I can't shake the feeling that he just doesn't fit. And not in a good "ooohh he's misunderstood he doesn't fit" he just doesn't, he's not in the same movies I saw. Not even the name "Ben" makes sense (that's for Luke's son, not Han's and Leia). He's just a bad character.
Kylo sucks so much I don't know what to tell you.
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themuppetagenda · 6 months
“Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, ‘What do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.’ Yes, evil often seems to surpass good. But then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw. And so I must still have hope.”
— Vincent Van Gogh
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themuppetagenda · 6 months
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Desert duo horse headcanons? Horsing around I guess 😅
(my minecraft + mcyt tag)
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themuppetagenda · 6 months
The thing is. I would eat the grapes. I would eat the pomegranate seeds. I would eat the Turkish delights. It doesn’t matter what the stakes are if you put a little plate of snacks out in front of me I’ll eat them.
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themuppetagenda · 7 months
In honor of the Ides of March, my favorite Tiktok
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themuppetagenda · 7 months
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happy ides of march eve remember to completely disregard any weird happenings or foreboding omens and look forward to tomorrows beautiful day
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themuppetagenda · 7 months
knitting tutorial made by a twenty-something knitting influencer: 18 min long, 12 of those minutes being the intro and a sponsor plug, they show the first few steps of the tutorial at the slowest speed known to man, they show the most important steps at a neck-break speed, they stop every five seconds to talk about what they just did, 40,000 comments filled with questions ranging from insightful to “how do i knit”, filmed with a camera that costs more than a car, the tutorial is incorrect.
knitting tutorial made by a seventy-something grandmother: two min long, filmed 17 years ago, shows you what you want with the skilled patient hands of a beloved deity, made with the world’s shittiest camera, the best video on the fucking internet, four comments and 30 views, you lose the video and never find it again.
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themuppetagenda · 7 months
this is so funny
"but uh when we advocated for indigenous sovereignty we thought you guys were just going to make a big park or something"
"fuck you. ultradense housing that bypasses your stupid zoning rules"
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themuppetagenda · 7 months
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themuppetagenda · 7 months
Reminder, since we're entering slush season and a lot of people are buying them now: door mats that say "welcome," "come on in" or similar messages count as invitations to both the fey and vampires.
Door mats that say "Smith Household" etc are safe if you live near vampires, but may count as giving your name out to the fey. Don't risk it.
Door mats with neutral images or text are fine, but make sure it's actually neutral. It turns out all those cheeky d20 mats that say 'roll for initiative' not only count as an invitation but an invitation to fight.
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themuppetagenda · 7 months
One of my favorite genres of posts is someone immediately launching into an elbow deep media analysis of their blorbo. No tags, no preamble, no context whatsoever.
Yeah I post cool art sometimes, also here's 1500 words about a guy on a show that ran for six months on adult swim in 2002. I will not be taking questions.
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