#I'll leave Patton's mystery man up to you
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exhaustedfander · 5 years ago
Not Quite According to Plan
Word Count: 2,225
a03 link
My Writing Masterpost 
Virgil’s head was spinning. His stomach lurched, anxiety spiking and turning his blood to fire. He wondered, distantly, if this was what it was like to give way to insanity.
He was in love.
It wasn’t at all his choice to be in such a state. He’d never wanted to fall for anyone…or at least that’s what he’d told himself. For a very long time, he’d decided that it would be the most practical to live his self-sufficiently. After all, relying on other people got messy, and Virgil wasn’t looking for a mess he’d inevitably be tasked with cleaning up. In all honesty, he didn’t believe he’d be granted the luxury to be put in such a situation, even if he wanted to.
He’d never been very good with people, enjoying the company of very few and knowing even fewer people who enjoyed his company. As far as he was concerned, Virgil simply wasn’t very enjoyable to most people, and as such, he was convinced he and love were two separate entities entirely.
That was until Roman Knightly had waltzed into his life.
In the beginning, it had felt like a bad dream where he was tortured by a man who failed to grasp the concept of personal space. His first impression of Roman was that he was loud, obnoxious, more than a little self-absorbed and a real pain in the ass, observations that all turned out to be true to some extent. With that being said, he was also very cute, and unfortunately, Virgil was very, very gay.
They’d met at a club, of all places – what the hell had Virgil Storm been doing at a club? – a fact that would forever amuse him. With how well Virgil did around people, which was to say utterly horribly, it was no surprise that he also didn’t fare well in social scenarios. Virgil wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like that – or at least, not usually. The only problem was, one of Virgil’s only real friends, Patton, had dragged him along with him.
For the life of him, Virgil would never understand how anyone as kind and sweet as Patton would put up with someone like him. He’d tried to get it through the man’s skill that there were ever so many better options for a best friend out there, but damn it, Patton stuck by him stubborn as ever, and honestly, Virgil wasn’t complaining. He loved the guy and couldn’t imagine hanging out with anyone else, despite all of the terrible puns Virgil pretended not to laugh at.
Having such a wonderful friend, however, came with some serious consequences, going out and socializing being a major one. He really hadn’t wanted to be in that club that stunk of booze and sweaty, horny people grinding against one another – which normally would’ve surely driven Patton up the wall, but he was busy flirting with some guy he’d met a while ago who happened to be there. With Patton preoccupied talking to the guy, Virgil was left on his own.
In this setting, Virgil felt more out of his element than ever. Everyone was all flirty, talking and dancing, and then there was him: standing in the corner, trying to avoid any and all attention. Unfortunately, this hasn’t worked in the least bit because before he knew it a tall, handsome guy was leaning against the wall with a positively punchable smolder on his face. And Jesus was his line cheesy! Did it hurt when he fell from Heaven? Yuck!
Virgil tried to tell the guy, Roman, to get lost but the damned smile that had stuck to his face seemed to give off the wrong impression. This Roman guy was not walking away and trying to flirt with someone else and it only heightened Virgil’s anxiety.
He didn’t know what he was doing at all, because even if he found Roman the least bit attractive – which he totally didn’t! – he didn’t know what the hell he was supposed to do. No one had really wanted to talk to him for this long, save for Patton, and he wasn’t quite sure what was supposed to happen from here. His chest was tightening, face red and hot to the touch, and, God he felt like he was going to lose consciousness or something!
The rest of the night was a hazy blur of anxiety and alcohol. He remembered Roman dragging him by the hand onto the dancefloor. He recalled wearing a stupid fucking smile on his face, and he remembered, for whatever reason, not actually wanting to go home. But the thing that was the most unbelievable was the fact that he’d gone home with Roman’s phone number, a number he’d surely be waaay too nervous to even think of using.
As it turned out, though, he’d given Roman his number as well.
From there on the two began talking on the phone, much to Virgil’s nervousness. And from there was their first date, where somehow Virgil had managed not to pass out at any point; score! Amazingly, there was a second after that, and a third, and a fourth, and a whole bunch after that. And even after all that, he’d still managed not to screw everything up.
It was a blink of an eye before the couple was living together, closer than Virgil had ever been to anyone in his life. He just…he couldn’t believe how well things had gone. Though they had arguments from time to time, it always ended in an apology and a bone-crushing hug. Nothing had gone wrong from for them, and it seemed that was what frightened him the most. Virgil was, to his utter dismay, stupidly in love.
He’d never pegged himself as the guy who got the fairytale ending. But now here he was with this great guy who he adored with his entire heart, and he didn’t know what to do. It would get ugly eventually, right? It had to; Virgil wasn’t lucky enough for anything else. Even so…Roman said he loved him constantly. He showed it too, with massively grand gestures and dinner dates and just plain human affection. Goddamn, Roman was affectionate.
Roman made him weak, and Virgil loathed his own weakness. He didn’t want to rely so heavily on someone, to need him the way he did. As much as he’d wanted to be able to be on his own, that dream couldn’t live any longer. It was no real dream, to begin with; a previous coping mechanism, but certainly not a dream. Because damn it all, he’d fallen so fucking hard for this boy and he wasn’t getting out of it any time soon. With that being said, he’d gotten some twisted insane idea stuck in his head and it was driving him insane.
He was considering proposing to Roman.
See? Crazy. But the whole ‘considering it’ thing had become a full-blown plan with a ring and memorized speech before Virgil knew what happened. He was sure that he was losing his marbles; he was actually going to go through with this.
He’d never wanted to grow so attached to someone, and despite everything, it had happened and if he could help it, he wasn’t going to let it go.
“Virgil, darling, is something the matter?” Roman asked, arching an eyebrow as he placed a hand on Virgil’s, resulting in a flinch and his heart squeezing in his chest. They sat on a blanket in the park, their picnic having been finished as the sun began to set and the sky was painted in oranges and pinks.
“No – no,” Virgil swallowed down his nerves, trying his hand at a nervous smile, “I’m fine.”
Roman titled his head in disbelief, seeing right through Virgil’s sorry attempt at playing it cool.
“Bullshit, Hot Topic. What’s really going on?” He asked, eyeing Virgil carefully. The emo shuddered under the gaze.
Now or never, Virgil. Come on, don’t chicken out now, he thought to himself, resting a hand on his hoodie pocket with a very important object stuffed inside. He took a deep, shuddery breath before grabbing Roman’s hand and lacing their fingers together, squeezing tightly. He tried to smile again, looking deeply into Roman’s eyes that narrowed in confusion.
“Ro…I…I really, really love you. L-like, a lot.”
A smile of endearment played across Roman’s face as he nodded, bringing their clasped hands to his lips and pressing a kiss to Virgil’s knuckles.
“I know, dearest,” he said, chuckling lightly, “I love you too. Like a lot,” he added. After a moment, though, he realized just how bright red Virgil’s face had become as well as the fact that he was beginning to tremble. “Virgil, are you okay? You seem nervous – I’m not making you nervous, am I?” Virgil swallowed the lump in his throat, clutching his pocket with his free hand.
“Roman, I can’t believe we’ve been together as long as we have. T-three years. Damn. That’s – that’s way longer than I thought a-anyone could put up with me,” Virgil spoke through a strained laugh, trying to remember everything he’d planned on expressing but finding himself unable, his heart pounding in his chest.
Suddenly, with a final nervous flinch, Virgil managed to knock the small black box out of his pocket which landed unceremoniously in the grass. Shiiit. Roman had seen it, there was no backing out now. Roman’s face went sheet-white, a trembling hand picking up and opening the box with slow, flickering movements. He let out a loud, squeaky gasp as he caught sight of the gold band with the red stone glimmering in the fading daylight.
“V-Virgil…?” He tried to formulate some kind of a coherent sentence as he held the box in his hand, tears already forming in his eyes as he stared incredulously at his boyfriend, his face slack with shock. Virgil swallowed, trying to regain his bearings somewhat, his shaking hand still clutching Roman’s.
“This – this was supposed to g-go a lot smoother. Fuck. I – I was supposed to k-know what to say, b-but I’m –.”
“Hey, hey, no. You’re doing so well, darling! Keep going,” Roman interrupted encouragingly in an awed voice, a watery laugh escaping his lips as he wore a smile so wide it threatened to split his face in two. Virgil nodded slowly, anxious but determined.
“R-Roman you make me so, so happy a-and even though that scares me sometimes, it’s – it’s also so nice. I don’t ever want to lose that, i-if I can help it. I didn’t ever think I was the guy who was going to find love or a h-happy ending – but then there you were. You’re my happy ending, Roman, and I love you with everything I have. So I was wondering, i-if you wanted to if you’d marry me? I’m sorry, this i-isn’t coming out ri –!”
Virgil’s rambling was promptly interrupted by Roman’s lips pressed to is with more force than necessary, pushing both of them into the grass. He felt the tension dissipate as Roman kissed him with more passion than he thought possible, his hands threading through Virgil’s faded purple hair.
“I assume I can take that as a yes?” Virgil managed to choke out when Roman pulled back, laughing boisterously, tears of mirth streaming down his face as he pressed his forehead to Virgil’s.
“Yes. Yes, of course, I’ll marry you! I love you, Virgil, darling! Oh, I love you!” He cried passionately, pressing kiss after kiss to Virgil’s face. Virgil laughed loud and hard, knowing his tears were causing his makeup to run, not that he cared.
They held tight to each other, lying in the grass after Virgil placed the ring on his boyfriend’s – scratch that, fiancé – finger, the gem sparkling.
“How dare you be the one to propose?!” Roman asked after a long moment of content silent, earning a chuckle from Virgil that rumbled with amusement, “I was planning on doing it soon! I didn’t have the ring yet – but I was going to!” Roman exclaimed, laying against his fiancé’s chest with his arms looped around his waist. Virgil exhaled deeply, a smile etched onto his face he half-believed to be permanent at this point.
“Too slow, Princey,” Virgil said, snickering at the pout Roman’s face twisted into, “But seriously, that’s kinda amazing. Here I was, afraid you might say no or something, and you were gonna propose to me yourself,” he added, muttering the second half.
“What?” Roman’s voice was thick with shock, “In what twisted reality would I say no?! I love you, Storm-cloud, more than anything. Marriage was always the end goal for me.” Virgil shrugged, leaning to face his lover.
“I dunno. You know how I am, anxious about literally everything and it’s not like it really went according to plan. I was chocking the moment I started.” Roman shook his head, scotching closer and leaning up to press his lips to Virgil’s.
“Not even close, darling. You did wonderfully.”
And though Virgil couldn’t agree, he was sure glad Roman thought so. Virgil had never expected to live a life so dependent on someone else, telling himself for years how detestable such an idea was. But lying here with Roman now, for once, he gave way to the unexpected, opening the future with open arms.
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thecrowslullaby · 3 years ago
If you want to for the setting, trope and sentence thing 13, Q and 42 and you pick the ship.
But you just start it by doing as much as you want than I'll carry on as much as I want and than whomever wants it to continue will carry it on.
That is, if you want to and I'm sure you are a good writer, you clearly planned out the murder mystery AU very well.
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I combined two prompts because I'm a cheater like that.
CW: none I can think of
Summary: Patton plans a group vacation in the mountains, too bad 4 out of 6 friends couldn't make it to the destination before the snow storm hit.
Pairing: loceit (hey, you told me to pick a ship so you have yourself to blame for this)
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He was stuck alone with Logan.
He was stuck alone in a house with Logan in the middle of nowhere without a clear notion of when the others would arrive.
It was Patton's fault. As per usual he insisted they should all do something together. He rented a vacation home and more or less forced all his friends to spend their winter vacation together.
To say Janus wasn’t thrilled about the prospect of spending 4 days of his hard earned work-leave with so many people, with one of them being his crush, in the middle of nowhere would be an understatement. He really thought it couldn’t get worse. The universe seemed to prove him wrong.
Logan, ever the pedantic, arrived first, retrieved the keys and settled into one of the rooms. By the time Janus arrived, tired out of his mind from his business trip, the tall man managed to unpack his suitcase and refresh himself.
The trip was supposed to only last a day, but his boss underestimated how much needed to be done, again. So Janus was forced to stay behind another day to help close off the deal, again. He thought he would be the last one to arrive, but instead the only one there to greet him was Logan.
“Where are the others?” Janus asked and Logan’s face fell a little. “Shouldn’t they be here by now?”
“Unfortunately Patton's mini van broke down and the rest of the group was forced to make an emergency stop. To make matters worse there was a weather forecast for a snow storm so Patton, Virgil and the twins decided to wait it out in one of the hotels along the road.” Janus made a face.
“Great.” He said sarcastically. “Just what I wanted to hear.” Logan raised an eyebrow.
“Why would it-”
“That was sarcasm, dear.” Janus signed. “Is there any good news?”
“Their van is repaired but they most likely won’t be arriving until tomorrow.” Logan said “Patton promised to keep us updated.”
“Splendid” Janus signed. “So I guess we’re stuck here for the next few hours.”
“I’m going to inspect all the windows.” Logan informed Janus.
“Suit yourself” Janus signed, his bag still slouched over his shoulder “I’m gonna lay down and die for like a half hour okay?”
He didn’t wait for a response and quickly made his escape. He threw his bag next to the armchair in the living room. He still had some time before the others would arrive so he didn’t need to worry about securing a good bedroom and rest up after the long day he had.
He opened his phone to a dozen missed calls and unread messages, most of them likely warnings about the upcoming weather change. He signed as he started reading through them.
At least he still had reception. He considered that a small blessing.
That is until Remus called him. Sure he could have not picked up but he was desperate for a distraction. And his friend was distracting if nothing else.
'How's your one on one vacation with Venti ma-hot-ion going'
'Please never use that nickname agan' he could hear Remus cackling on the other side.
'You never answered my question.'
'We're stuck in a house together, how well do you think it's going?'
'Very well? You already smooched him? ' Janus signed, rubbing his temples
‘Nothing happened, and nothing is going to happen Remus’
'Booooooring, come on Janus, tell him you like him keep me entertained a little'
'Go bully your brother'
'Nah, that's too easy.' Remus signed dramatically and Janus could hear Virgil snickering in the background. Remus probably put him on loudspeaker.
'Do it Janus' he could hear the emo shout 'do it fo looooove~' he teased
'You have to Janus~' Remus joined in, much to Virgil’s delight 'go confess your undying looooove~'
'Hush it, both of you.' he hissed at his friends who only started to snicker more. He might trust Remus and Virgil with this information, but Lord help him if either Roman or Patton would find out.
'Oh come on, you love us~'
'Not as much as he loves Logan~'
They started to snicker again.
'One more word out of either of you and I'm texting Patton for your location to drive over and kick your asses'
'Maybe focus on Logan's ass for now.'
'That's it, I'm disowning you two'
'Will Logan get custody of-'
"Janus?" Logan poked his head into the living room. Virgil and Remus started to chant 'Logan' while snickering like madmen, clearly loud enough for Logan to hear, as he pointed to the electrical device "Are those Remus and Virgil" Janus quickly hung up.
"What do you mean?" He smiled innocently at Logan and batted his eyelashes.
"Nevermind" he said slowly, thankfully deciding not to press. "I'd hoped you'd help me start on dinner in case we lose power later on in the evening."
Oh yes, perfect. Just what he needed to get his mind off Logan: spending more time with Logan.
"No thank you." The look on Logan's face was priceless. He stood there, mouth wide open. "Unless you want flies for dinner I suggest closing your mouth, dear."
Logan drew his mouth into a thin line. And Janus snickered, sliding off the couch.
"Fine, fine, what do you want me to do?"
Janus was halfway through chopping tomatoes when he heard his phone buzz.
It buzzed again.
And again.
He signed as he wiped his hands on a kitchen cloth.
A text-spam from Remus, each of them reading ‘Janus’
‘What?’ He angrily texted back.
‘Ok, I have your attention’ Janus rolled his eyes as he watched the three dots blink under Remus' contact.
'Hey don't freak out' this was already off to a great start.
'What did you do?' Janus wrote back. This couldn't be good, but then again he should have expected Remus to stir up some chaos before the vacation ended. After all, his first encounter with his current best friend was trying to get him out of a literal burning dumpster. He hoped whatever it was, it didn’t involve arson and a lengthy lawsuit this time.
'But I might have sent something to the wrong number.' Ok, this couldn’t be that bad.
‘You want me to help clean up your messes again?’ He teased.
'Well, this is technically more of your mess.’ he could hear Remus gulp. ‘I might have accidentally sent something meant for Virgil to Logan and it might or might not mention our most recent conversation.'
Oh no
Oh no no no no no
‘You did WHAT?’ He quickly typed back, no,no, no. This had to be a mistake
‘An upsy daisy?’ Remus had the audacity to write back.
'I'm going to murder you.'
Janus took a deep breath. If he survives this, his friend sure won’t.
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mycatshuman · 5 years ago
A Risky Mystery
This is heavily based on an ask on @the-officially-kat 's blog about how prinxiety got together in their Scooby-Doo au. You can find that ask here
Art by @the-officially-kat
Colored by me
Masterlist | More
Warnings: There is a moment when the others think Thomas and Virgil have gotten seriously hurt, so look out for that. Let me know if I missed any.
Thank you to @icequeenoriginal for reading through this for me!
A lone van drove along the twisted road into the town of Letchworth. The people of the town watched the van through their curtains as it passed by while on it's way to the town's only hotel, Brooks Inn. The town was on fear induced lockdown during the night. But the people in the van couldn't possibly know that. 
The people in the van were actually kind of professional sleuths. They had handled countless different mysteries before. Each one ranging from predictable to bizarre with various different monsters as the cause of each one. Of course, the townspeople couldn't possibly know that. So they watched with fear-filled eyes as the van pulled into the Inn's parking lot. 
Out of the van came a small odd little group consisting of two glasses-wearing figures, a princely looking fellow, a fellow with dark eyeshadows under his eyes, and a dog. Together, they walked inside the Inn and the townspeople lost sight of them. 
An older woman sat at the front desk to the Brooks Inn. The inn was empty, not a guest laid in her rooms. It was to be expected, the recent events have scared away any previous guest and most others left after one night. The old woman, whose name was Agatha, sighed. She wasn't sure why she didn't just close the inn. After all, it was late and recent circumstances provided a bit of a risk in staying open at night. Just as she decided to close the inn, a small group walked in. She quickly put on a small, reserved smile and greeted them. "Hello, welcome to Brooks Inn." 
The one in darker blues and glasses stepped forward. "Yes, hello. We would like two rooms for the night please." 
The woman nodded. "That will be $75," she said as she moved to grab two keys for each room. She placed the keys on the counter and took the money the man in front of her had placed down. "Can I have a name for the records?" 
One of the others spoke up, "Virgil Rogers." 
The woman frowned a little before filling out the information on the computer. "Alright," she said. Let me take you to your rooms. She led the group up the stairs and then to their rooms. "Here we are." She handed the keys over. "Rooms 2B and 3B." 
"Thank you!" One of the group called. He had glasses and lighter colored clothes. 
The one from earlier, Virgil, spoke up as he glanced around suspiciously. "This town seems awfully empty."
The woman bit her lip. "Oh, that." The group became alert and they all turned their attention to her. "Um, recently, we've been having some trouble in town." 
"What kind of trouble?" The last human of the group asked. His look seemed to consist of colors one would associate with a prince. 
"Well.." The woman hesitated. She didn't want to sound crazy but she decided to just tell the group, it wouldn't be right to keep it from them, they were at risk too, even if they didn't know it. "A phantom has been terrorizing the town recently. They scared off my last paying guest." 
The bubbly one's eyes lit up as Virgil groaned. "Well gang, it looks like we've got a mystery to solve!" The woman's eyes widened in surprise. The first one of the group, the one wearing the ascot, spoke up. "We are sleuths. We've solved a few mysteries before. This one will be a breeze. And I assure you, there is most definitely a logical explanation for this." 
The woman nodded slowly, not quite believing them. "Well, enjoy your stay," she responded before turning and leaving to go shut down the Inn. 
The group watched her go before turning to each other. "Alright, we'll see you tomorrow. Sleep well!" The bubbly one exclaimed and took one of the rooms with the other glasses-wearing figure following him after giving his own good night. 
The other two and the dog turned to their own room and closed the door. 
The next morning, the gang gathered in the inns dining room to discuss their next move to begin their investigation. "Alright, let's start by looking around for any clues and if we find anyone willing to be interviewed, we'll interview them," Logan explained. 
"Sounds like a plan," Patton agreed. 
 "We're not going to split up, right?" Virgil asked as he scratched behind Thomas's ear. 
"Not, yet," Logan answered and pulled a journal out of his bag. "I've written down a few questions and things we should look out for while we're investigating." 
Roman rolled his eyes. "Come on, Logan we've been through this a million times. We know what to look out for and what kind of questions to ask. Let's just get going already." 
"Be nice," Patton chided. 
The group got up and left the Inn and began walking around town. They found it a little weird that the town now seemed so lively. When they had arrived last night, it was still fairly early, far too early for everyone in town to be all locked up in their homes. After walking for a fair amount of time, the gang noticed a few people walking around as if they were on eggshells. Virgil bit his lip before jerking his head at one of them. "Maybe we should ask one of them." 
"Alright." Logan walked over to ask if they could interview them while the rest of the gang waited. Soon Logan waved them over. The gang approached as the person before they inspected them carefully. "You said you saw the Phantom," Logan started. "Would you mind telling us about that?" 
The person bit their lip and glanced around. "Well," they started. "I was just taking my evening walk. When I started to hear this loud wailing." The person before them shivered. "It was really unsettling, so I turned to go home only to run into the Phantom. It looked like they had stepped straight out of a scary movie. They had pale bluish-grey, ghastly skin and it terrified me." The person sighed. "Ever since then, the Phantom has walked around every night. And two nights ago, they nearly pushed someone off the roof of the library." 
The gang shared a glance, they had never dealt with a mystery like this. Sure there were some terrifying monsters they had to deal with but none of them ever put people’s lives at risk. "Did the Phantom say anything to you?" Patton asked.
They nodded. "Yeah, they told me to leave and never return before I regretted it." 
Roman's nose wrinkled. "That's interesting. Is there anything else you can tell us about the Phantom?" 
The person shook their head. "Nope, I'm sorry." 
"That's okay, thank you for your help," Patton said and the gang walked away. 
"Do you guys think whatever this phantom wants is something that involves getting all of the people in town to leave?" Roman asked. 
Virgil shrugged. "I mean, it seems like it, but why?" 
"Let's head back to the Inn for lunch and then I'll do some research on the town and see what I can dig up." 
"Sounds like a plan," Virgil said as he ruffled Thomas's head. The gang head back to the Inn. Patton ordered a pizza while Logan went to get his tablet. Roman, Virgil, and Thomas wandered into the dining room to wait for their friends. Soon they were joined by Logan who immediately began working on pulling up the town records, recent articles, the most recent town map, and an older town map. By the time Patton came in with the pizza, Logan had about three different theories about why the town was being haunted and a few different suspects. 
"So, what have you discovered, Logan?" Patton asked as the group ate. 
"Well," Logan began. "I have found that recently, a wealthy business owner had offered to buy the whole town. But they refused. So he offered to buy single bits of land at a time." 
"I thought it might be something like that," Roman piped up. 
Logan nodded. "Yeah, I think our most likely suspect is Carl Livingking. He's the business owner. Although why he would want to buy up the town, I haven't a clue." 
Virgil bit his lip, "I have to agree, that seems like the most likely situation. But why would he go to the lengths of risking people's lives to get the town? I mean, it seems like he's trying to scare people off, and you can do that without putting people's lives at risk so why is he doing it?" 
Logan shrugged. "That's what I can't seem to find anything on. The land isn't even that good. But something tells me that we're missing out on an important clue."
"Hey, L," Virgil started. "Can I borrow your tablet for a minute?" 
Virgil quickly opened a new tab and did a quick google search. Soon he found something that looked promising. "Maybe you can't find anything, because this town is fairly new." He spun the tablet around to face the rest of the table. Thomas hopped up on a chair to get a closer look. "It says here that apparently, the land that this town sits on is part of a larger area that is said to be the hiding grounds of the legendary Sanderson Gang." 
"Oh, I've read about them!" Logan exclaimed. "They were train robbers. They stole over two million dollars worth of coins and precious stones. But they were never caught. No one knows where the loot went. Rumors spread that it was somewhere in this area but most people thought the gang had fled the country with their treasures and settled down on a remote island somewhere in the Pacific. Eventually, the rumors died down and some people settled down here and started a town. Since then, the Sanderson Gang faded into legend and most people forgot they were real people." 
"So Mr. Livingking must be trying to find the treasure," Patton exclaimed. 
"And what better way than to buy up all the land, evict the town and start a massive expedition."
"He could keep people out and avoid anyone trying to steal the loot." 
Logan nodded. "Yes. It seems so, he isn't doing a good job of covering his tracks. He was actually able to buy a nearby abandoned factory." 
The gang went silent as they looked between each other. "Should we set up a trap?" 
Roman asked. 
Logan bit his lip. "It would be wise. During my research, I found that the Phantom has put two people in the hospital with near-death experiences. Even if it's not him, the Phantom is clearing trying to scare people out of the town so they should still turn up if we are out at night." 
"Yeah, I'd rather have a trap for the most likely culprit already then not have one and risk someone else getting hurt," Patton agreed. 
"Alright, so what's the plan?" Virgil asked as Thomas hopped up on the chair beside him. 
Logan quickly opened the drawing app on his tablet and began to sketch out a plan. 
"Okay, Patton, Roman and I will set up a trap in the town square-"
"Oh don't tell me," Virgil started. "Thomas and I are gonna be the bait." 
"Well, you two are the faster runners out of all of us," Logan explained. "It's only logical." Virgil and Thomas pouted. Logan rolled his eyes. 
"Would you do it for a Thomas Treat?" Patton asked Thomas. The dog's ears perked up a bit but he stayed still. 
Roman poked Virgil with his foot. "Do it or you're straight." 
Virgil sputtered. "Don't threaten me!" 
Roman snorted. "Then do it." 
Logan rolled his eyes at the two childhood friends. As Patton finally convinced Thomas. And it only took ten Thomas Treats. "Okay, I need you two to go on a walk around town. Virgil, I need you to talk out loud about buying the whole town with Thomas. It'll be like you surveying what you're going to buy while taking your dog for a walk." Virgil cringed, not likely the idea of acting like one of those rich people. "I want you to eventually end up at the abandoned factory and if you happen across the Phantom, lure him back to the square. Okay?" 
Virgil groaned. "Yeah, I guess." 
"Great," Logan said and the gang continued to flush out their plan. In the end, they came up with an elaborate trap, one of the few things Logan allowed himself to be elaborate in, that included the entire town square. They were to block off all other entrances into the square except for the one leading to the factory. Virgil and Thomas would lead the Phantom into the square where they jump on a trampoline in front of the town hall and jump up onto the balcony and when the Phantom tried to jump on it, Logan would click a button to release the mechanism which would cause the trampoline to be pulled along a track and drive him right into a giant ball out in front of an apartment building where Patton and Roman would drop a large net over from the top of the building. The plan was flawless.
Virgil and Thomas walked through the old factory apprehensively. "I don't know about you, Thomas, but this place is really too scary." Thomas nodded his head in agreement as they walked. "Like, I think there's no one here, so let's go." Just as Virgil and Thomas turned to go, a loud wailing sounded throughout the factory, bouncing off old machinery and creating a terrifying echo. 
"Get out!!!!!" Virgil and Thomas froze. The wailing got louder until the Phantom stood right in front of them. "GET OUT!!!" It screeched. 
"Don't worry, we are!" Virgil shouted and he turned tail and ran with Thomas running along beside him. The Phantom chased after them with a terrible that grated at their ears. They raced through town but ended up getting turned around. Eventually they scaled up a fire escape and ended up on the roof of Town Hall. They skidded to a stop as they got to the edge. They gulped as they looked down at the trampoline below them, a jump from this height would still be risky. But soon the Phantom was behind them. And before anyone could blink, Thomas and Virgil jumped. 
Roman groaned as he waited. "Where are they?" He asked Patton. The other shrugged. Just then, as he glanced around the square, he noticed Thomas and Virgil on the opposite roof with the Phantom close behind. Roman's eyes widened in fear. Before he could say anything, the two jumped off. "Virgil!!" Roman screamed. 
It all happened in a blur. The Phantom jumped off too and bounced right back into the air after landing on the trampoline. They flew in an arch and landed into the ball pit. Roman and Patton dropped the blanket in shock and raced off the building quickly as they could. Meanwhile, Logan raced over to the ball pit with the police. The Phantom was indeed trapped. "Just hold on," Logan told them before meeting up with Roman and Patton. "What exactly happened?" 
Tears streamed down Roman's face as he answered. "They jumped off the roof!" 
"What?!?!!?" Logan exclaimed. "Where are they????" Roman went to answer only for a shout to draw their attention. 
The gang turned to find Thomas and Virgil stumbling out of the doors of town hall. The world around Roman stopped. The noises and flashing lights of the police cars fading into the background. Images flashed through Roman's mind. They have been best friends since birth. This was the boy who dyed his hair neon green on a date, the boy who ran to his house to show him his new dog, the boy who continuously jumped into terrifying situations willingly for his friends despite his fear. And suddenly the realization that he was so irreversibly and incredibly in love with. 
Roman marched as fast as he could to Virgil without running. His hands cupped Virgil's face as soon as he reached him. He slowly leaned in and kissed the other softly. Virgil returned the kiss without hesitation. It was so much better than either could have imagined. 
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Thomas howled approvingly as Patton and Logan clapped. Eventually the two pulled away. "How did you-" 
"I found some rope and tied it around my waist and a hook on the roof before I jumped and we swung down into the open window." 
"I was so worried." 
"I'm okay. I'm okay."
"I think we should just hurry up and wrap this mystery up and get out of here," Patton said. 
"Agreed," Roman and Virgil said in sync. The gang moved over to where the police handcuffed the Phantom. Roman clung to Virgil, which made it a little difficult for them to move, but they managed. 
Logan walked over and grabbed the mask. "This is none other than Carl Livingking!" He exclaimed. 
"What?" The sheriff asked. 
"Carl had learned about the legend of the Sanderson Gang's loot and decided to look for it. So he offered to buy up the town. But when he was refused he decided to try and scare everyone out so he could begin looking for the treasure."
Carl huffed. "Yeah, and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids and your dog." 
Roman sighed as he laid in the back with Virgil, clinging to him like a kola. "I'm sorry again, Thomas." Thomas turned his head back to face them from his spot in the front seat as if to say it was okay. Roman smiled and nudged his face into Virgil's chest. Virgil pulled him closer and they slowly fell asleep. Content being in each other's arms. 
Taglist: @spxced-oxt @superwholocked-for-life @mirror2thespirit @aroundofapplesauce @lyditist @little-euro-girl @unicornofdarknessstuff @maryann-draws @odette-ssbu
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bing-fucker · 5 years ago
Plot twist, Remus was amping up his annoyingness and grossness just so when Anti is all fed up and says "UGH IS THERE ANYTHING THAT WILL GET YOU TO SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE" Remus can then say "lemme fuck you and I'll shut up for the rest of the day". It was all part of his master plan to get at Anti's twink ass
Remus is an evil master mind and I love him for it. Also, I'm using this ask to write it because y'all have given me far too many ideas for this, and if I have to suffer with my thoughts, so do you. Also, just for Hearts Anon, I did mention Anti bottoming for Dark. So there.
Also, I can't add read more links on my phone, so I'm sorry.
Warnings: Remus being Remus, mentions of wound-fucking and blood play, Anti's throat wound, mentions of suicide, dildos used as gags, use of the term "glitch bitch" in a sexual context, Remus licks Anti's throat slit. Ask me to add as necessary!
Meeting the Sides was supposed to be exciting! It was supposed to be fun and cool, because the Sides were new and it was fun to meet new people. Schneep had immediately latched onto Logan, and the two were talking about math so quickly that Anti wasn't even sure they were speaking English (he did, actually, hear some German words occasionally). Marvin and Jackie had both quickly been dragged off by Roman, Chase was speaking to Patton and Deceit, and JJ awkwardly teaching Virgil some Sign.
Which left Anti, who would have much rather been left alone. Unfortunately, however, Anti was not alone. No, instead, Anti had been annoyed all day by one Duke Remus Sanders. Remus was, to put it simply, fascinated by Anti. And, specifically, Anti's neck wound. Anti had attempted to escape him by going outside, but that just got him followed.
"Hey, if someone fucked your throat wound, would it be, like, deep-deep throating?" Remus asked, looking around the backyard of the Sides' house. "Or! Or! If you sucked someone's dick, could it go through the slit?" Remus looked back at Anti, who was sitting on the porch steps, looking exhausted. Remus leaned closer to Anti and poked his throat wound.
"Don't feckin' do that, you eejit!" Anti exclaimed, slapping Remus' hand away. "It isn't all the way cut through, dumbass, that isn't how biology works!"
"Have you tried it?" Remus asked, cocking his head curiously.
"Then how do you know?"
"Because I'm not feckin' decapitated, this isn't just a hole in my throat!" Anti groaned and stood, stomping back into the house. It had been like this for the five hours that him and the others were visiting the Sides, and he was very close to taking Dark's advice and trying to kill himself again. Or maybe killing Remus. Either were ideas that would work.
Anti stomped into the living room, where most of the others were gathered. Remus followed behind him quickly, rambling on about something Anti wasn't paying attention to and never had been.
"Oh, for feck's sake!" Anti exclaimed, stopping and turning to look at Remus, who stilled and cocked his head curiously. "What do I have to do to get you to leave me alone!?"
Remus grinned wide. "Let me fuck you and I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day." Anti heard the very distinct sound of Schneep cursing in surprise, and even a surprised laugh from Chase.
"Are you serious?" Anti asked, glaring at Remus.
"Deadly so," Remus agreed, grinning wider.
Anti glared harder. Was it worth it? The average man lasted three to ten minutes, to be fair. So it was three to ten minutes of Anti's life for hours of piece. "Fine," he said, drawing more surprised curses and laughs from Henrik and Chase. "But you don't touch my neck."
Remus looked shocked for a second, then grinned and grabbed Anti's hand, quickly sinking down and subsequently dragging the glitch out of the living room and into Remus' room. Anti looked around the room, glitching in annoyance.
"Wow. Great decorating skills," he said sarcastically. Remus' room was dark, messy, and probably a health hazard.
"Thank you!" Remus replied, seemingly mistaking Anti's sarcasm for genuine admiration.
"Yeah, whatever." Anti sighed and turned back towards Remus, opening his mouth to say something else. However his words were quickly cut off by the duke crashing his lips against Anti's. Anti yelped into the kiss, fumbling with his hands hand a second before settling them on Remus' hips.
"Jaysus feck!" Anti exclaimed, pulling away from the kiss briefly. "Warn a guy!"
"I thought the whole 'let me fuck you and I'll leave you alone' bit worked as a warning," Remus replied, moving to kiss at Anti's throat and frowning when he remembered. "How am I supposed to do foreplay if I can't mark your throat!?"
"Try taking off my shirt, asshole," Anti replied, pushing Remus away and pulling his shirt off. "There are other places to mark someone!"
"Works for me," Remus replied, quickly taking off his own shirt and shoving Anti onto the bed.
"Ask me to do things, don't just shove me!" Anti hissed, glitching slightly as he arranged himself on the bed.
"That's boring," Remus replied, straddling Anti's thighs and quickly setting to work marking up the glitch's shoulders and collarbones. "Hey, is it going to bleed? Like, while I'm fucking you?"
"You're feckin' disgusting," Anti replied, voice glitching into a soft moan when Remus licked around his nipple.
Remus didn't respond, only ground against Anti's thigh lightly. Anti winced slightly, suddenly very much reminded that the only time he'd bottomed before was when losing a fight to Dark- and Remus was shaping up to be quite a bit rougher than Dark.
"You hump like a wild animal," Anti hissed, holding back a sound as he shifted beneath Remus and was reminded of his own cock, straining in too-tight skinny jeans.
"Yes, well, it's one of my charms," Remus responded, sitting back slightly to admire the mass of dark bruises he'd left littering Anti's shoulders, chest, and collarbones. Anti glared weakly up at him, earning a sigh. "Are you going to glare the entire time?"
"Until you do something that's worth me not, yes," Anti replied.
Remus shrugged and climbed off of Anti, roughling yanking the glitch's jeans and boxers off in one smooth motion. Anti yelped, gripping Remus' hair as the duke lifted his legs in the air and pressed his face right against Anti's entrance.
"What is with you not warning people!?" Anti exclaimed, blushing and staring down at Remus in shock. Remus just shrugged and licked around Anti's hole wetly, drawing a startled moan from the glitch.
"Y-you're doing horribly," Anti commented, words falsified by the high-pitched, glitching moans he gave as Remus ate him out.
"You say that," Remus replied, pulling back slightly. "And yet every other part of you disagrees." As if to prove his point, he dragged his finger up the underside of Anti's achingly hard cock. Anti yelped, hips bucking up in response.
"See, look at that," Remus purred, snapping his fingers and locking Anti's legs into previously unseen stir-ups. He pulled away to undress himself. "You seem so open for me. Pity your mouth can't quite shut up."
"What are you gonna do, gag me?" Anti replied, blushing brightly at the lewd position Remus had put him in.
"You know," Remus commented, standing and walking to a chest of drawers across the room. "That's not a half bad idea. Let's test something out." Anti craned his neck to try and see what Remus was doing, blushing more as he became more excited at the mystery.
"There we go," Remus purred, returning to Anti's side with something hidden behind his back. "Open wide, my dear glitch bitch." Anti rolled his eyes at the name, but opened his mouth obediently, silently justifying his obedience by saying it was for the sake of being left alone. Anti's eyes once again widened as Remus shoved a rather sizable dildo down his throat, reflexive tears almost immediately springing to his eyes as he glared at the duke.
"Well, that was disappointing," Remus observed. "You were right." Anti rolled his eyes as if to say 'Duh, of course I was'.
"Don't get snippy," Remus laughed, climbing back onto the bed and between Anti's lifted legs. "You look rather beautiful, you know. All spread out and silenced. I bet you'd look even prettier with your lips wrapped around a cock."
Anti blushed and moaned around the dildo in his throat at the praise, arching his back as Remus slowly pushed the head of his cock into him.
"Oh," Remus breathed, watching the demon beneath him as he pushed fully inside. "Somehow I didn't peg you as the praise type. Hah! Peg!" Anti rolled his eyes again, letting out a muffled moan as Remus angled his hips and pressed against Anti's prostate.
"You feel so good," Remus purred, waiting less than a minute for Anti to adjust before setting a punishing pace. "Better than I imagined." Anti's eyes fluttered closed as Remus continued, moaning desperately around the dildo down his throat.
"Fuck, you're hot," Remus praised, gently stroking Anti's cock as he fucked him. Anti moaned loudly, not even caring as Remus leaned down and licked along his wound. Anti whimpered and moaned desperately around his gag, bucking back against Remus' thrusts as he came far too quickly for his own liking.
"That's very cute," Remus grunted, thrusts becoming erratic and even rougher as he came close to his own orgasm. "How quickly you came just from getting fucked. We should do this more often~" Anti didn't even have the coherancy to roll his eyes in response, or be disgusted when Remus came inside of him.
Remus pulled away with a soft laugh, licking his lips at the sight Anti made and staring for a few minutes. Eventually, he released Anti's legs from their stir-ups and pulled the dildo from the glitch's throat, impassively watching Anti gasp and choke for breath for a few seconds before offering a bottle of water.
"There we go," Remus laughed, getting dressed and tossing Anti his clothes. "That was fun wasn't it?"
"Ah!" Anti made a gesture for Remus to shut up when he was coherant enough to start getting dressed. "You said you'd leave me alone!"
"Does that have to start now?" Remus whined, watching Anti get dressed with a pout.
"Yes," Anti replied, pulling his shirt on. "Yes it does." With that, the glitch turned and stormed off, followed closely by the laughing duke.
Anti collapsed on the living room couch gratefully, looking forward to spending the rest of the visit in silence. Silence which he only got to enjoy for about ten minutes.
"Guys," Jackie said, voice soft. Anti groaned and looked away from his phone, looking at Jackie, who was now holding a sleeping Jameson, the youngest clinging to the hero like a koala. "Get your stuff, okay? We're gonna head home."
Anti stared in shock. He did all of that for ten minutes!? He could've put up with Remus for all that time! Not that he was too bothered about getting to fuck the other man, but still! It was the principle of it! Ten minutes!
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Anti exclaimed, his loud voice joined by Schneep and Chase's loud laughter.
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squish-bean-uwu · 6 years ago
-Fruit Pie-
A Moceit fanfic by @.Purple Hair and Crofters on Amino. (I've been given permission to post it here since they do not have a tumblr as of yet)
Triggers: Mild Swearing, Sympathetic Deceit, lots of food mentions
Words: 1955
Link: http://aminoapps.com/p/t5ga2k
Spreading his arm so that he could reach the edges of the table, Patton swept the cloth across the surface and watched as the mess left by an adoreable but rather irritatingly disruptive toddler disappeared. He ensure that the correct amount of cutlery was placed into the metal cylinder at the centre of the table, as well as menus stashed behind it and a pair of salt and pepper shakers set out neatly in view at the far end of the table.
He stood back for a second, tucking the dirtied cloth into the tie of his apron and, tilting his head, smiled in satisfaction. There never were many people in the diner at any given time, but when there were people he wanted to ensure that they enjoyed it as much as was possible.
A small chiming sounded it's way from the door. Patton turned his head so that he could look over his shoulder, a smile breaking out on his face as he saw who it was. Quickly running towards the kitchen, he pushed open the doors and into the heat.
Despite the little diner not being overly filled - in fact never even reaching its full capacity - the kitchen was still hot to the point of sweltering; clanging, yells, bubbling and cracking sounds all seemed to originate from every corner of the room, various people rushing from pot to pot, testing this and stirring that to ensure that everything was cooked to perfection. Humming to himself, Patton swerved out of the way of a waiter who was carrying several plates on his arms as he went towards the main diner, nodding in greeting towards Patton before disappearing though the double doors.
"Logan!" He called over the noise, looking around for any sign of his main chef, a small frown flowering on his face "He's here and I need-"
"It's gooseberry as requested". Patton spun around to see Logan stood behind him, a freshly made fruit pie held out in front of him. "A most unusual flavour, however I am sure your intuition on this can not be flawed". There was a slight sarcasm to Logan's voice, but Patton just smiled and took the pie.
"You're the best" he proclaimed before sidestepping and walking past Logan. "Remind me to give you a bonus at some point, you deserve it!"
"Don't worry, I will not forget" Logan mumbled, smiling slightly as he watched the jovial man disappear into the dining area before looking back around the kitchen, frowning and walking around "Roman! I told you not to put the chicken in yet! It's going to be so fucking dry I could use it as a towel!"
Boots crunching against the gravel as he walked up to the entrance of the diner, a slight smile began to form on Deceit's face. Just the appearance of the small place was enough to put him into a good mood; large plants in pots placed around the perimeter of the diner, bright colours used to paint it and a neon sign flashing "Lil' Pat's" just seemed so ghastly to some, and yet held the ability to strike joy into Deceit's frozen soul every time he saw the place.
The familiar chime of the bell as he entered alerted people of his entrance, his smirk growing as he saw Patton spot him before rushing into the kitchen. Walking over to the window, Deceit sat in the same spot that he had sat in every day now for the past two years - two years today.
The diner was new. Recently opened, as Deceit had heard, by some man named Patton Morales. Not long ago moved into the area, else Deceit would of heard about him before, his willingness to reinvent and save the failing local diner also catching his attention. It had been expected that the place would shut down and be taken over by one corporate company or another, so the moment that it was revealed that some new guy with no history of owning a diner would be taking it over, talk spread like wildfire across the community. And no one took more intrigue as to the mysterious saviour of a local treasure then Deceit.
As he rounded the corner, he had to stop and blink for a few moments as he registered the brightness of the colours. The forward nature of the design. He frowned. It could always have been worse. He didn't know how, but he's sure that it could of been worse
Walking into the diner, the first thing he noticed was the music: some sort of cheesy song that was probably put on in a vain attempt to distract the customers from the ghastly decoration.
"Welcome!" It took all of Deceit's self restraint not to jump into the air as a smiling man suddenly appeared in front of him. He seemed oblivious as to how much he had truly scared Deceit, a sense of relief settling over him as he realised this fact. The man had dirty blonde hair, which he was at present pushing out of the way for his glasses that rested on his face. His head was tilted so slightly, and there was something.. mesmerising about him.
"I assume you're Patton Morales?" Deceit questioned, holding out a hand for the man, one corner of his lip rising in a smirk "Pleasure to meet you. Deceit Lyand."
Patton took the hand extended towards him and shook it, smiling wide "Pleasure to meet you as well Mr Lyand." He looked around, eyes falling on an empty table near the window "If you wouldn't mind sitting over there, I'll start your order. Do you know what you might like?"
Carefully slipping into the seat, Deceit adjusted his gloves and removed his hat, placing it on the empty space next to him. He thought for a moment before smiling up at Patton. "A fruit pie. Any flavour. Surprise me."
He'd gone to the diner everyday since. He was lucky that he owned his own business, meaning that he held the ability to take a break whenever it suited him, and whenever he desired the company of the other man. Deceit wasn't entirely sure how, but a bond had grown between the two. On busy days, Patton had enough time to serve him and talk to him for a few minutes before being reluctantly forced onto the next person who walked through the door. When business was slow, Patton would often take the empty seat opposite Deceit and the two would talk for however long it took for Deceit to finish the pie which Patton had provided for him.
Then there was the pie itself. Patton had taken what he had said that first day to heart, never failing to surprise him as to what fruit concoction he was being given that day. One day it would be something as simple as apple or rhubarb or cherry, the next a complex combination of cinnamon, blackberry and raspberries.
On the occasions when he could get a hold of more exotic fruits, Patton designed a recipe to use them; pineapple and raspberry, once even mango and blueberry. Obviously, there were still the traditional ones that were dotted inbetween Patton's random ventures of flavour, just to remind Deceit as to why he had fallen for the food to begin with.
Ok. So if he was being entirely honest, something which was relatively uncommon for him around others, he hadn't just fallen for the food. He'd also fallen for Patton.
Deceit was snapped out of his trance as he heard the tapping of feet against stone, looking up to be greeted by Patton's beaming face. In his hands he held a pie, steam still pouring off it. He'd never quite understood why, but Patton had always felt it necessary to make each pie from scratch and finish cooking it moments before his arrival.
In fact, Patton had always done this because he had wanted to impress Deceit, a small part of him terrified that the man would leave if his pies were anything below the standard level. Today, however, he had simply wanted him to take his time in appreciating the food, something that happened often, but was incredibly important to happen today. Placing it down in front of Deceit, he untied his apron and draped it over the back of his seat, sitting opposite the other man as was custom.
"It's gooseberry" he said happily, watching as one of Deceit's secret smiles spread across his face. The man didn't seem to realise when they appeared, making them all the more special for Patton on the times when he notices and has the chance to appreciate them. "It was the very first pie I ever made you."
"I remember" a small laugh escaped past Deceit's lips "I thought you were crazy. Then.. well it turned into my favourite, if only for the sentiment behind it" he looked up at Patton.
Patton shuffled slightly where he sat, sitting on his hands to stop himself from fidgeting. He bit his bottom lip, a large smile on his face as he watched Deceit. He could even pinpoint the moment he had realised he was in love.
It had been raining heavily over the past couple of days, and Patton wouldn't have opened up were it not for the fact that he lived almost next door to the diner. The roads were flooded, pavements turned to rivers and the car park for the diner had transformed into a swimming pool. Needless to say, noone came into the diner. That was, until Patton had been sat on one of the tables, humming and swinging his legs, when the door chimed. It had been Deceit, drenched head to foot in water, looking as though he'd just walked through a storm - which essentially he had - but grinning. "I couldn't miss your pie now could I?" That. That had been the moment that Patton realised he was in love.
Patton looked away for a moment, staring out the window, a ghost-smile appearing on his face as he remembered the moment. It had been a revelation to say the least, but one which he had been so relieved to accept. At the least he now knew what he was feeling, the turning in his stomach and the flattering in his chest which he felt every time Deceit walked in.
Watching Patton gaze out of the window wistfully, Deceit slowly reached into his pocket and withdraw a small, diamond encrusted ring. Placing it on the top of the pie, he coughed. "I think there's something in the pie that shouldn't be there."
"Hmm what?" Patton frowned, turning 'there shouldn't be I made it from scratch. I can make a new one if you-"
His breath caught as his gaze fell onto the ring, rested carefully against the pastry. He barely managed to drag his eyes upwards, clasping a hand to his mouth and trying not to squeal and Deceit reached over, picking the ring up and taking Patton's free hand. Tears prickled his eyes. He'd just wanted to make a good pie.
"Patton Morales" Deceit smiled "you're fruit pies are the best thing that I have and ever will eat. You're imagination is second to none, your determination is above all others and every moment that you've spent talking to me has been a moment well spent." His hands were shaking "So, would you do me the honour of becomming my husband?"
Patton nodded, crying. No sooner had the ring been slipped onto his finger as he was throwing his arms around Deceit's neck.
"I must make really good pies" he mumbled between tears, causing Deceit to laugh and hold him tighter.
"You sure do."
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So this was actually for the #FoodDrinkContest but I became far more involved in it then I had first thought I would. Genuinely, love this x
Also, please thank SQUISH for helping with inspiration for this, as the entire diner au is part of a rp we're doing -PCAC
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