#I'll get to updating the names on my main page... eventually....
Mizutsuki Sui and Irakusa Achlys
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Here is the first batch of name changes! We've got the childhood friend, Mizutsuki Sui (formerly Mizunami Haruto) and the brooding Irakusa Achlys (Formerly Irakusa Akuros)
I'll put the name etymology under the cut for those who are interested ^-^
Mizutsuki uses the kanji 水(mizu) "water" and 月(tsuki) "moon" Sui uses the on'yomi reading of the kanji 水(sui) "water" Additionally, the name for the moon jellyfish in kanji can be written as 水水月.
Irakusa uses the kanji spelling of the stinging nettle 刺草(irakusa), which is the English namesake of the Chrysaora achlyos (Black Sea Nettle) Achlys (アキリス) is the Greek personification of sorrow as well as the "Mist" blinding mortal eyes upon death, as well as the namesake for the scientific name of the Black Sea Nettle.
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sleepyboywrites · 9 months
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Hey all! In case you missed my last post Tumblr updates ruined my life and asks no longer allow you to save as drafts and then update them. Since I normally don't write all in one session I have quite a few in my drafts currently that I have to get creative in actually answering so that you all still get notified when I get around to your asks. Moving forward I'll just answer in one go but for older asks (ones before I noticed/before the update) will be answered like this! Also I haven't written in a while so I apologize if it's shit.
Save a horse ride a cowboy
Masky knew you were raised on a farm. His favorite, albeit slightly teasing pet name for you was 'Cowboy' or 'Farm hand'. He's seen you carry corpses of fully grown men in one arm since joining the proxies. He had confronted you on multiple occasions how and why and you had replied. "I've hauled hay when our tractor broke and carried a newborn filly to the truck to rush to the vet after she wasn't walkin'. I can hold my own Darlin'." And he had been oh so kind to remind you who you belonged to for your lip and sweet farm boy ways. Yet he still sometimes underestimates your strength and in all honesty it's your own fault.
Play fighting and rough housing was nothing at all new. Mostly because Masky suffers from cuteness aggression and you, farm boy, are sturdy enough to handle it as well as dish it out. You two did it so often that if you didn't people assumed you were fighting fighting. On top of this you had a bad habit of letting Masky win because he's just so cute all smug on victory and everyone likes to be shoved into the couch face first by their partner sometimes cause being manhandled is just as fun as manhandling.
That is until one day, a really busy one, you didn't really have the time nor energy to let him win.
Masky had been extra annoying today. Poking and proding and shoving and basically all over you. Normally no complaints whatsoever but you had a shit ton you needed to get done. The list of cleanup tasks you were assigned today was two pages long and with your boyfriend attacking you at every turn in some form of cuteness aggression taking over and possessing him the second he saw your face, you getting fuck all done. Cleanup from the cannibals of the mansion plus the targets of the main proxies (because apparently scrubbing the remains of EJ's lunch off of the kitchen walls for three hours wasn't enough to deal with) had made for an unusually large amount of work for the sole cleanup crew member, you, and you were over it. So as Masky tried to tackle you in greeting for the fifth time today hoping to instigate you to wrestle him and to in turn win and coerce you to get a little 'closer', you just held your ground picked up the corpse in one arm, pried his arms off with a "Hold on Darlin' I have work to finish and I'm running behind. Later." And walked away.
Masky had stood there for a moment with a confused look on his face before the realization struck and he remembered his view of you and your 'softness' was heavily skewed. But once the shock disappears he became determined to genuinely tackle you. Stalking, lurking, and hunting you as you attempted to finish your work as Cleanup. He had proven himself to be quite the pain in your ass as you avoided his attacks and eventually lost him all together getting to finish the long list of tasks you had been assigned. You took a shower changed clothes and were scrolling on your phone on the couch when you finally sensed him again.
His vaguely pissed off and irked in general aura slowly approaching you from behind. You pretended not to notice that he's approaching and place your arms over his as he hugs you, clearly mopey, from behind. "Hm... So we're doing angry cuddles now, are we love?"
Masky didn't reply shoving his face into your neck, you could feel his intrusive thoughts to bite you, his hesitation to do so. Masky begins walking away from you and into the kitchen.
Without warning you chase after him and pick him up as he shouts and squirms playfully trying to escape your grasp and flip the script, "Look, I'm sorry I was avoidin' you, 'm not angry at you darlin, I was just overbooked on what needed done. Now quit your moping." You explained as you threw and pinned him to the couch. Masky going fully silent and still as you pin him down, giving you an odd territorial and excited look. "What?" You ask as he stares up at you, an eyebrow raised.
"Save a horse..." He replied looking you up and down. As it slowly processes in your head what he's referring to and you scoff and chuckle as you shake your head.
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actualbird · 1 year
pardon me! I wanted to try the game tears of thermos, but I’m a little nervous since I don’t play these type of games. Do you have any advice on how to best enjoy myself and invest in its world/characters?
hi anon!!! im so glad you wanna try out tot!!! i do have some tips, but before i go there i must inform you that autocorrect mustve done something to your message because you said tears of thermos and i cldnt rest until i edited a meme of that
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im particularly interested in how you worded this ask!! ive had a lot of people ask me tips on how to start tot (and the relevant ones, i'll link in this ask too) but never on a narrative investment/immersion angle. so my tips for this will be a bit different
but before that, here are my past tips from my tot tips tag
general tips for a newbie (gameplay tips and story tips)
how to "predict" upcoming events
tot stories in chronological order (only updated til july 2022)
now for your question i guess my biggest tip would really just be to treat tears of themis like a visual novel that just so happens to update with more stories.
idk how much of a newbie you are to this genre, but when i got into this game i had NEVER played any other otome before in my life. so it was all new to me!! and i basically treated it like an updating visual novel, this is My Method, and that got me quite invested (as is obvious from my entire blog). so when i say "treat it like a visual novel" i mean:
im personally not particularly a card completionist or a gacha enthusiast. which, hell yeah, this game wont bankrupt me LOL. but also, since cards are the main way where new nxx boy stories are released through, for any card i dont have, i just watch it on youtube. because basically every card, event plot, minigame, etc gets uploaded by someone a little bit after its release. so if youre bummed you missed an event card but you dont really Want the card, you just want its story, just search it on youtube!! search [card name/event name] + [whichever language dub you prefer] + tears of themis and voila! new story for you to read!!!
if you want plot = read Main Story. this is where all the heavy main plot happens and it is SO GRIPPING AND RIVETING.
if you want character development and relationship development between mc and each boy = read Personal Story Bloom Chapter, and then the respective nxx boy's Anniversary 1 card, Personal Story Sweet Chapter 1 and 2, and then the respective nxx boy's Anniversary 2 card. the personal story routes (aka the routes where mc eventually ends up with the boy romantically) are where a BULK of characterization and character development happens, imo
if you want romance and oneshot dates = explore the available cards!!! the tot wiki has an archive of all the available cards per boy on each of the characters' main pages. for example, here's luke's page. scroll down to the cards section and Behold. Luke Stories As Far As The Eye Can See
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these pages dont have the story transcribed in them, but theyre great to use as a directory or a map of cards. so if any of the cards catch your eye, then take urself to youtube to find the card and voila (again)! new story for u to experience!
(note: SSRs always have a full 6 act story. SRs either have a 6 act story that is unvoiced, OR 2 voice messages. MRs always have 2 voice messages. R cards have no story and no voice messages)
if you want nxx team dynamics = read and/or play the events!!!! this is my favorite thing, the tot events are a treasure trove of fun cases and awesome team dynamics. in the game itself, some of the big events are available as DLC for anybody to play themselves at any time. to get there, X-NOTE Story -> lower and rightmost button Event -> upper and rightmost button Past.
if theres anything i would reccommend the MOST, itd be to download and pllay the event Mysteries of the Lost Gold. it's so good. it's my favorite event story. trust me on this
i hope these tips can help!!! happy playing :DDD
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It's time for another State of the Thatcher address. And this time I do it on the American Labor Day. For those who are celebrating, enjoy the day.
I chose this image, because I really wanted to use it on a previous book, but it didn't quite fit. Even without bimbo curves, that is one sexy dress.
The last couple months have been filled with a lot of work, writing multiple books, as well as my next fantasy novel. That fantasy novel, which I'll mention more about below, is now with my editor after a harried week to get it done. But after the major grind that saw me produce over 90k words in a single week, I'm able to sit back and relax a little.
Not that I'm completely taking time off. I took a couple days off last week, but I'm back to it with some great new material. But first, a reminder about where you can find my books.
Amazon is the main spot for most people, so here’s a link to my catalogue: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Sadie-Thatcher/author/B00B4MINAC
Smashwords is a great place to buy books, especially if you don’t like Amazon’s evil empire. You can find them here: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/sadiethatcher
Plus, you can find them at the Google Play bookstore: https://play.google.com/store/books/author?id=Sadie+Thatcher
I’ve added a new way you can get my books. It’s called Ream and it’s a bit like Patreon, but its author specific, made by authors for authors. In addition getting to read all of my new books for a monthly subscription fee, I also give you access to the images that didn't quite make the cut for my covers. You can see my Ream page here: https://reamstories.com/sadiethatcher
Additionally, my books are available through Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Scribd. I don’t have links to those stores handy, but if that’s where you like to buy books from, my books will show up there, eventually. I distribute through Smashwords and have to wait until the review team there approves my books for distribution. This can take days or even weeks.
If fantasy is your thing, take a look at all of my novels under my other pen name here: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Libby-Feron/author/B09PJ9J5RN
I have finished writing the final novel in the Magic's Most Wanted trilogy. I remain on pace for an October 3 release date. As the date approaches, I will be writing a special series epilogue that will be exclusive to newsletter subscribers.
And speaking of newsletters, if you sign up for the Libby Feron newsletter, you get other exclusive content and updates like cover reveals before anyone else. I have a bonus prequel scene up for the Magic’s Most Wanted Series ready to go, just in case you haven't checked it out yet. You can sign up here: https://libbyferon.com/newsletter/
With the fantasy novel plug complete, let me also mention some of the cool stories I have coming out in the next month month.
I just finished publishing the third novel in the At His Service Series. I really loved writing this and I hope readers enjoy it, because it took a lot of work to put it all together. The Billionaire's Bimbo not only wraps up the series, but it ties a nice bow around it all. And there's lots of sex throughout.
Next up on my list is a series that centers around free use and a draft for women. I'm still working on the details, but this series will be available to all paid subscribers to Ream, in addition to my normal publishing channels.
And after that, I've got a series about six friends who move into a house together start going through some changes. I'm still working through some details on this one, but I've already come up with a few things for some newfound bimbos to say in it.
Finally, I still intend to eventually release Fake It Until You Make It in audio. However, my narrator is just really busy and hasn't been able to devote the time needed to get this done. It's a long book, so it could take a while. But I promise it will happen. They even bought a new microphone just for this project.
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wordhobbyist · 5 months
This blog is dedicated to my WIP conlang, Plamanetan. (That name is temporary and will probably change throughout the project. I will update this post whenever I change it.) The main purpose of this blog is to get feedback via polls as I work on the project. Any detail about Plamanetan that I post on this blog is subject to change until I finalize the project.
If you are interested in the details of Plamanetan, I will go into detail below the cut. Thoughts and feedback are appreciated but not required :)
A couple notes:
I currently only have 23 words in the vocabulary and am just starting the process of applying new formation guidelines to them so they might all change. For that reason I am not including any specific vocab in this post.
The grammar is VERY loosely defined at the moment because I am still trying to nail down the best approach to it.
Goals & Inspiration
Plamanetan is intended to be an International Auxiliary Language. I started it because 1) I have wanted to make a conlang for a while now, and 2) While watching Conlang Critic I heard him say that he doesn't think an Auxlang can be good (or something to that effect) and I took that as a challenge.
Is that the best motivation? Probably not. But it has gotten me to stick to this project longer than I have stuck to any previous conlang project.
To be more specific about my goals here is a bulleted list of specific targets I have made for myself:
Keep the phonology simple and use sounds that are common across languages.
Avoid loaning words directly from existing languages (to keep cultural neutrality and to avoid bias toward any particular language or language family). (Exceptions may be made for things that are well known by a specific term, if that seems like the best thing to do in that scenario. Probably would only apply for very modern technology or concepts whose terms have been coined recently in a specific language and then adopted around the world.)
Make words sound representative of the thing they refer to by using things like Onomatopoeia and the Kiki/Bouba effect whenever possible (This is the most challenging goal so far)
Be minimalistic with the grammar that is required, but keep in easy workarounds to communicate information that would be lost by omitting a particular feature (For example, making adjectives for male and female for speakers who are used to denoting the sex of living things with grammatical gender.)
Use nouns as a base and derive all words of other types from them using suffixes. (To decrease the amount of vocabulary that has to be memorized without limiting what can be concisely expressed.)
I also intend to eventually create a corresponding sign language with the following goals:
Can be signed with a single hand (To make it more practical to use even if you are holding something.)
Be a 1-to-1 match of the spoken language (so that spoken and signed versions can be used simultaneously without much effort, and so that the signs can be a visual tool for deciphering spoken words you don't recognize.)
The only reason that I haven't started on the signed part yet is because I don't know exactly how to approach it, considering I do not speak any sign languages. I think it would benefit the project though, so I am keeping it in my goals list. I'll learn some ASL before I try to tackle that part.
Phonology & Orthography
So currently what I have is this:
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(Ignore the pink "a," that's just because it was added later.)
IPA symbol on the left, Latin alphabet in the brackets. I chose to use the Latin alphabet because it is the most common writing system and also because its the only one I can type.
I came to these sounds by:
Using a very messy not-really-criteria criteria to pick 15 source languages across various language families. (Lithuanian, Russian, English, German, Hindi, Bengali, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Swahili, Yoruba, Arabic, Hausa, Somali, Indonesian, Malay)
Going through the wikipedia page for each language's phonology and writing down all the sounds on the chart.
Making a list of all the sounds that showed up in at least 2/3 of those phonologies.
Picking sounds from that list while avoiding voicing distinctions and any sounds that seemed a little too similar too another sound.
As for punctuation, its pretty much just English. Period (.) to end a sentence, comma (,) to separate clauses, quotation marks ("") for quotes and dialogue, exclamation point (!) for exclamations, and a question mark (?) for questions (though I plan to add a question particle so that may be redundant). I'll edit later as I get a clearer structure for the grammar.
I decided that syllables in Plamanetan will have a ccvc structure. The only restrictions on what can go where are in regards to consonant clusters in the onset.
I allowed for consonant clusters at the start of syllables to give myself a little more flexibility in word formation. I chose the permitted clusters based purely on what I personally think are relatively simple sound combinations because I cannot for the life of me find documentation on this topic for any of the source languages. Its pure guesswork which really isn't good for my goals but its the best I got. Anyway, here's my list of permitted consonant clusters:
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I originally had a list of diphthongs with this but decided to remove them so that I can write vowels next to each other without confusion. They weren't that necessary and I think its easier without them.
Also, not sure if it belongs in this category but Plamanetan words have an alternating stress pattern starting with the first syllable. so like Plamanetan.
As I mentioned before, the grammar is the least developed part of this language so far. Or at least, its the part that feels most incomplete to me because I'm not very satisfied with it yet. And also my personal notes on it are very messy.
First thing I decided on was word order. I chose SVO as the primary word order because it was the most common among the source languages. Originally I wrote that the SVO order would be very strict, but I think the fact that different word types have different endings may allow for some flexibility. I also decided that words that modify a noun or verb should come after the thing they modify (like in Spanish) rather than before (like in English). I don't remember if I had a reason for that choice.
As stated in the goals, I have chosen to base the entire vocabulary on nouns. Every non-noun word must correspond to a noun of an equivalent or at least related concept. These words are formed by adding suffixes.
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I'll probably make some exceptions to this rule for conjunctions and adpositions unless I can come up with a creative way to implement them. Because I don't think that the "add suffix, now you're done" method works very well for these words. Maybe adpositions could be treated as adjectives? I'll figure it out later.
(You may also notice that this is very regular. No exceptions to grammar rules. This is on purpose because it makes the language easier and I have no intention of making this naturalistic.)
I decided to omit verb conjugations and instead have time information be communicated by adding words like "yesterday," "tomorrow," and "5 minutes ago." If time is necessary it can be added to the sentence. My logic here is that its easier to not require a grammatical distinction by making the information optional than it is for someone whose language doesn't have this grammatical distinction to be required to learn it. But if I find a good reason why it would be easier or more intuitive to add tense then I will do so.
^Same concept applies to other grammatical features such as gender, plurality, possession, mood, and evidentiality. Its easier not to require speakers to figure it out if their language doesn't have it. My only concern is that this will over inflate the sentence size and make it hard to follow what is being said. If you're interested enough to have read this far, I would love to hear your thoughts on this because I am truly torn on whether or not this is a good idea.
Word formation
And finally, the most recent thing I have added is a rough outline of how I intend to make words sound like what they mean. I may make edits to this process in the future but for now this is the system I am running my vocabulary decisions through. Most of this is based on what I intuitively think sounds best for these concepts so it may be English-speaker biased. But there's not really a lot of actual information out there on this topic for me to pull from so this is the best I've got.
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As you may be able to tell if you squint, this is the part that I tried to derive from the Kiki/Bouba phenomenon. I'm not sure if I fully understand how it works (I mean, no one fully does. But as far as whats known I am unsure,) and I also made up some of my own things. But hopefully this system has the desired effect. I'll test with polls as I go to see if people can accurately guess what a word is supposed to mean based on its sound.
If you read this far, thank you! I'm glad someone found this interesting! If you have any thoughts, questions, or suggestions I would love to hear them.
I hope you stick around!
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a0wz · 10 months
Moving Obsidian Notes From One Devise To Another (as of Nov. 2023)
I'm getting a new laptop but all of my writing is done on Obsidian and I don't have the type of account that would let me sync the data. There were some instructions on websites about backing up the entire laptop on Google cloud and downloading a random app to move it onto your phone and eventually the new laptop BUT I FOUND A BETTER WAY (hopefully).
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I can confirm it works if you want to have Obsidian on your phone and move everything from your laptop to the phone app (FOR FREE WITH NO SYNCING) but I'll need to update when my new laptop gets in to see if I can re-upload everything to a new laptop. UPDATE it works! A little bit of file nesting reorganization required but it's an easy move.
I'm not too knowledgeable on computers so this is a big win for me and I hope someone will find this helpful.
Note: I have a windows laptop and Android phone, I'm assuming all other types of electronics will allow for the options required for this method.
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How I Moved Obsidian Notes from Laptop to Obsidian Mobile App. (10ish Steps)
1. Go to computer files > locate Obsidian file > locate vault files > select all vault folders.
2. (while all desired vaults are selected) click Compress to ZIP file option.
3. Log into Google Drive on laptop> upload zip file
4. Download Obsidian app on phone
5. Log into Google Drive on phone > download zip file from Google drive
6. Locate zip file on phone > extract all files
7. Open Obsidian > allow file access > select "open folder as vault"
8. select devise (android took me to documents but to find the extracted files I had to manually locate them in downloads) > select individual vault file > select "USE THIS FOLDER"
9. Select "allow" when prompted "Allow Obsidian to access files in [vault file name]?"
10. You should be automatically taken to the Obsidian App main page that says "No file is open" > select collapsible menu icon on top left > all documents and sub-folders within vault should be present with preserved formatting
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mawu-writes-stuff · 2 years
hi, so.. i'm not really quite sure where to begin, so i'll just paste what i've got from the gofundme.
hi!! so, a little backstory.
my name's londyn lee billington. i'm a 21 year old transgender man from lower alabama. i grew up in a tiny town called samson, famous for what's called the worst mass shooting in alabama history, dubbed "the wiregrass massacre". there's a wikipedia page if you're curious.
i am a maladaptive daydreamer, among many other things!
when me and my cousin were very little, we used to play outside and make believe. LARPing, like all kiddos do.
well, for those almost 15 years, never once did it leave me. i constantly and continuously developed it over those many years, and i've found it's turned into something beautiful.
i've shown it to quite a few people, reception has been absolutely nothing but fantastic, it's more than i could've ever asked for. i'm gonna drop a link.
i'd like to try and hit 1k, but any help we can get would be greatly appreciated!
me and some friends are turning it into a webtoon. my mom's facing prison time.
it'll be the 5th time in my life. i don't know how long she's gonna be here, or if i'll see her again.
she's been begging me to write this.
help me make my mom proud of me c:
as a note! there's some really heavy topics in this.
sexual assault, abuse of all kinds, mental health, trauma, war. genocide, et cetera.
this is to raise money for my comic, it's not about world affairs, i've got a novel covering that.
this is just my passion. no real world politics here. we're going to use the money to pay our staff, create a larger team, set up and monetize a discord server, and eventually i'd like to try and pitch it to adult swim!!
i'm super excited to introduce our current team! there's four of us! we have!! (i will update with discord tags soon, i've gotta run it by them first.) imo, a good roleplay buddy of mine, handling editing. my qpr partner bubble, is doing the main art and promotional content, i'm writing the script and setting up the story. then we have my old friend toony, who's going to be drawing the official webcomic!
i'm adopted, my folks are getting older, we live on social security, and have my entire life.
they always told me i could do great things, let's make it happen!
i'm legally blind and disabled, so are my parents. my body nearly shut down from 3 months of not eating on wednesday, we're scrambling to file my taxes, schedule appointments, meet up with my new therapist, etc. bills are due, and i don't even have the money to get my hair cut right now but it's so long it's causing me dysphoria, which is adding to my stress.
please, if you like what you see and are interested in helping out, feel free to dm! my discord is owochi_mawu#2094, dms and pings are totally fine, so is spam.
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hololoveen · 5 months
When requesting a fic how specific should we be? Just a pairing and a vague idea? A pairing, a specific kink and a specific idea? How would you like us to format requests to make things easier for you?
Sorry in advance for this gigantic reply.
Honestly, it's a little difficult to answer. You can be as detailed as you want. I work almost entirely off of requests. But I don't have any examples of my previous works that aren't very far outside of this fandom. So I'm sorry for being very vague on my end to start with.
But as an example, you can send me 2 members and nothing else if you want. I'd eventually try to get around to it if i had an idea of my own that might fit them well. Or you could send me members, and specify "g!p Mumei" or something. And you could name some kinks you'd like included in your request. And I can do my best to write with that.
You can also go all out and give me members, kinks, and a short or detailed prompt for a scenario. The main thing I want to caution readers about with that is that I might get a little overwhelmed trying to fit a good narrative to something hyper detailed. But also sometimes it helps me get writing right away. It's really just a 50/50 on that one. So I'm sorry in advance. As an example, the previous ask I posted about Reine and Kiara is really good, and gives me something to work with. But I really struggled with Reine, since I've honestly never watched any of her solo streams before.
In general, I'll try my best to get some ficlets or whatever you want to call them of about 3-6k words done.
As I'm writing this I realized I forgot ot even format this blog to have my rules page and stuff. So I can put a general will or won't write list under the cut.
Will write:
Ficlets or shorter bullet point style head canon lists
Most to least and “Who would have [kink]?” type asks are welcome
Lesbian Sex (obviously)
Hardcore Sex or Scenarios
Anal (specify if you want that included)
Multiple Penetrations
Groups of 3 or more (but I might struggle with groups of this size)
g!p, but I won’t write actual hetero
AU Settings (sometimes I prefer them!)
Things not grounded in reality (tentacles, slime, monsters sex, etc)
“Horror” smut stories (ask me if you are unsure)
I’m not great at writing “cockwarming,” but I will try
I struggle writing BDSM and bondage kinks, but i can try if you give me some direction for it
I’ll write noncon and dubcon if requested
Will NOT write:
I don’t write yn or x reader
No extreme violence (bdsm related stuff is fine, but no intention to murder or anything like that)
No foot fetish stuff
Not comfortable with writing PMS related stuff
Not comfortable writing feederism
No poop
Anything else, just ask! The list will be updated as things go along.
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ja0-s-blank-canvas-fic · 10 months
Part 3 - Chapter 39 - Common Cause
Blank Canvas Part 3
AO3 - here
Fanfiction.net - here
Heyo! As promised, here is our usual update! It's more lead up to Kamino time! As always a slow burn because my brain demands it. We'll get there though I promise. ;)
We've got more pov changes this chapter so fair warning.
Also warning for the briefest of mentions of suicide baiting. Like seriously it's just those two words used and that's it.
Linktree to all the things!
End notes for the chapter are under the line.
The drama train is rolling out! Lies. Deceit. Betrayal. Sorry but Hitoshi is on a mission. But then again, family isn't always perfect. They'll get through this though eventually. First comes first. Rescue is the name of the game.
I always found their little dress up thing in Kamino hilarious. They are just so ridiculous looking. And for Yaoyorozu's coin locker thing, it's a little sketch in volume 10 of the manga just before chapter 86. Just a silly little detail. ^___^
Fun Facts About Japan:
Omg, this section isn't dead! :D JK, this is always an option but not all chapters have something I can talk about. A lot of them worked themselves in the beginning.
Anywho, we're going to talk about Don Quijote! In MHA, they have it called Donki Oote for licensing purposes, but in real life it is Don Quijote. It's a chain of variety stores that have about anything and everything you would be looking for. From candy and snacks to kitchenware to luggage and travel to so much more. Like seriously. They have floors and floors of stuff. Costumes, clothing, technology, souvenirs, and on and on. They even could have a themed cafe and a um, -blushes- adult area to purchase intimate things. I even found a bottle opener where the handle was a wooden carved penis. That was interesting which I did not buy but did take a picture of because reasons.
Anyway! For me personally, I would go there from time to time. My personal favorite things to get were kit kats, metal earth modeling kits, 3D crystal puzzles, and whatever else caught my eye. It was also a great place to find souvenirs at a reasonable price. And they aren't just in Japan but also a number of other asian countries and Hawaii. You gotta check 'em out!
Here is the main website and the wiki page for Don Quijote if you want to learn more. :)
Alrighty, the press conference is underway. What does that mean? Kamino is coming! We're going back to the villain side of things but these two sides are going to crash together eventually. Or should I say smash? ;) We'll have to wait and see! I'm just happy that Black Friday weekend is freaking over for this year. Ugh, working retail this time of year freaking sucks. Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter and I'll see you next time!
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globalphantasm · 11 months
Phantasm's Masterlist
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About me Hey! Just call me Phanta (sure, like the soda) or Phantasm. Any pronouns are fine. I'm not picky. I'm just a Cyber Agent. I mainly made this blog to get a story of mine out there that I've been working on for the past few months. I've sent it to some close friends and I've been urged to post it since they like it, so I guess I will. I'm also actually quite shy, so if I don't answer DMs, its not personal. I just like to hide in the mainframe, y'know? I really don't expect this to get traction. I'm just posting this in hopes a few people will think it's at least decent. I've actually never posted any stories anywhere. I'm serious. There ain't SHIT anywhere that's on the internet that I've written. If you go searching, I'll know. Trust me. What I write I mainly write fantasy. A lot of cyberpunk too. That's what this blog is for. My cyberpunk story. One day, I may add another story here, but my main focus is Neon Antithesis. I'm really just a sucker for characters with special abilities and powers slightly as copium bc we ain't gettin' that shit irl and I refuse to die until we do. I also take a lotta inspo from shit like Cyberpunk and various pieces of manga and art thank you Gokurakugai. Please keep in mind that most of what I post/write is more mature, and I would appreciate if minors did not wander over to my blog. Content warnings will be posted accordingly on each chapter of the story. Please be sure to read them and take care of yourself. ♡ Main Story Neon Antithesis This story follows two protagonists by the names of Yan and Chang who are actively on the run from their piece-of-shit corpo father who wants them dead because he didn't want to put up with them and vice versa. They're taken in by a man named Spike who came up with the agreement for both of them to work for him. In exchange for that, he'll pay them for their work and let them move in, and they'll eventually be able to hopefully escape the city (which is currently unnamed because I'm 4hed, but for the love of God, just bear with me). Follow both protagonists as they experience new adventures, feelings, and risks all for the sake of survival in a neon dystopia. After all, this city HATES people going against what it works for, and that's the big bad corpo CyberNet. Changelogs/Update logs will be posted accordingly for each change made to the story. A link to the chapter's song will also be added if there is a song for it. Be sure to check the song masterlist page! My askbox is ALWAYS open for questions, headcanons, theories, criticism, fanart, suggestions, and ideas! I promise I don't bite. ♡ P.S. I tend to write this story while I'm barely awake so there are bound to be typos, but I PROMISE I always look over it as best as I can! If you notice anything, feel free to let me know!
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"Pull the trigger, make it thunder."
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awiola · 1 year
Normal update, summer XXIII
RNG said to write the year in roman so here it is.
September is upon us so it's time for an update. I think I'll make them a seasonal[?] thing so there's actually enough to write about.
Let's start with failures ✨
My great, glorious and magnificient sunofes game with scifi elements is postponed indefinitely. I had some ideas but wasn't sure how to continue during certain moments so it's shelved for now. I still find the idea cool, or at least relaxing, so it's going to be finished eventually.
The spooktober idea has changed. Though I suppose that's not considered a failure? I realised that it's too big to create in a month and combining it with mushroom jam would feel kind of forced so it's also temporarily shelved. I'll talk about the new project later.
It came to my attention that most of my web builds don't display properly on mobile and require [not so] minor gui adjustments. I plan to take care of that this year if possible and also finish properly whatever project had some elements missing [like a CG, for example].
That's it for failures, time for other stuff.
Mushroom jam has officially started today.
It lasts three months so there's still time to join even after spooktober and such. As of writing this post, 236 people have joined so maybe we'll get 50 entries if it goes well.
Next year we'll have Insect (Adjacent) jam, lasting probably two months and starting around late summer. The exact date is tbd. Same with the jam's page so no link for now.
Current game stuff
[Apparently tumblr's html does not allow h3, interesting... ]
Other [secret] projects are going more or less as before, though I joined yet another one as a cg artist because I have absolutely no self restraint. It's not for a jam, though, so I can be prety chill with it. Can't really share the details yet but it's about ace teens. Look forward to it[?].
As I mentioned before, the spooktober project has changed. And separated so I'm also making something for mushroom jam later. Mushroom Game is still undecided but there's a strong chance it might be hanahaki inspired. But who knows, it could still change. I have three main contenders, might gain even more...
Spooktober Game is planned to be a surrealist dark comedy scifi [but unfunny cause I'm not funny]. How much it'll fit the genre - who knows. I'll definitely try.
I'm solo devving in case something went wrong; the character designs, however, were done by someone else as I can't decide on the general graphic design. I read a book on that so hopefully it helps me create better ui than before.
Plot wise it's inspired by many things but the structure is more like that of Liar Liar, Lily's day off or Pervert&Yandere. Basically save at every choice. I'll also prepare a handy flowchart for anyone interested as I'm using it to plan stuff anyway and name labels. The whole thing is supposed to be at least somewhat significantly chaotic but as usual, I ended up adding too many grounded[?] elements? Stuff that makes it less surrealist than I planned... I think it might actually change into a time loop story, even... Well, we'll see. I'll get a fun tester to see if it's okay or should be scrapped and rewritten.
Besides that... There's stuff I won't mention yet in case it never happened but I may or may not have some projects prepared for the future~~ But that's for the future.
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justtothesea · 4 years
FAQs about things+ fanworks use policy & contact info at the end
This is my personal (fannish) tumblr for all my fandoms. I reblog other's posts sometimes but mostly I use this tumblr to post my own art and answer asks/fangirl. I am in my damn 30s, so minors be wary (asks about rated g works from minors are okay)
Why is some of your older fanart not posted here?
Weell here's the thing. My old tumblr josiemus-prime was flagged to death because of the nsfw art I'd posted on it. I'm trying not to let that happen to this one (hence the censoring of some art with links to the uncensored versions on ao3). In other cases… I'm just not very fond of some of my old art and for pure ~aesthetic~ reasons I don't want them here (but it's still viewable there!).
Can you restore the link to [missing fanart] on ao3?
Sadly, some of my old art links are dead and gone forever. But I didn't delete them! I have never purposefully deleted any fanart, the only reason they're gone is that I lost the original files, and hosted the images on sites that were unreliable or now defunct (like imageshack or tinypic). I am going to try to redraw some of them eventually though! I hate seeing the dead links :(
Could you help me find [fic example]?
I have answered this in more detail on the faq page of my recs site but the short of it is; you're welcome to ask me anything! But I can't promise I can help all that much with newer fic/themed recommendations. I've listed some other helpful links on my recs faq if you're interested.
Why is some of your fic under another name?
I made thewordsleep as a way to try out other fandoms, but I'm happy with those fics so I've listed them here. I haven't moved them all over to my main account because I'm told people are subscribed to that profile in case I update there.
Why haven't you answered my ask/message?
I'm so sorry! I definitely try to answer them all, but my inbox gets flooded with bots and tumblr eats old asks sometimes bc I'm bad at getting back to people in a timely manner. If you can be bothered, you can send duplicates of the same message so I can notice it faster ;_; sorry again, I want to be friend.
What programs/hardware do you use for your fanworks?
I use Adobe Photoshop 2020 and I've started using Krita for sketching (which is completely free to use). I draw using a Intous Wacom, and I use Sony Vegas 16.0 for vidding. My art and texture resources can be found right here, under resources.
In regards to using my fanworks as prompts or inspiration for fic, vid cons, or anything else:
Go for it! Whatever it's for, I really appreciate being told about it in a comment or message in advance. Links to whatever it's used for are also nice. You can contact me if there are any issues with downloading videos, or if there's expired links or some such, and I'll try to help out if I can!
Please don't:
Claim my work as your own! Please do not copy my works to another site (i.e wattpad/ffn/ao3/pinterest/goodreads). Also, do not link anything found here to the people they are about - actors, band members, writers, etc - unless I have stated in the post or tags that you can. I realise that these days the fourth wall is about as real as the Tooth Fairy, but I'd still like to keep some of those imaginary boundaries. Thank you!
If there's anything else you'd like to contact me about you can always find me here on tumblr, or you can email me directly here: [email protected] :)
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awiola · 1 year
Super late mass update
And the title rhymes.
While I don't suppose a lot of people will read this, I'm pretty much dead everywhere besides discord at the moment [and even there I plan on taking a break] so a, belated, update is in order.
At this point my bird app account is pretty much abandoned and I don't wish to bother with reviving it at all so it's just waiting to rot and disappear, hopefully forever. There wasn't a lot of stuff there to begin with. Unless I decide to move somewhere else, tumblr will be my main platform of contact with people that don't share servers with me. Though I think I'll try my hand at a side art blog…
Anyway, this is a dev update so let's focus on games. Within the months of my inactivity and total radio silence here, a few games were created. Considering I have no idea how far back it should go, I'll start with my bird jam entry that I was a terrible lead for.
My total inability to assume responsibilities of my own work aside, the team did their job well. The actual story is finished and working and the only reason why the build has its current name is because I never went around to finish the GUI and the last CG properly and then disappeared for months due to personal reasons. As it stands, the story lacks nothing to enjoy it mostly as it was intended, though I may finally move my ass and update it. Just not now.
After that I took part in the creation of two projects for the queer edition of O2A2. One being a sequel of sorts to Annur's story, featuring Azazel. The other a very rushed personal project. Rushed only because I felt like making it at the moment and its quality only confirms that.
I won't really say much about either of them as due to the nature of the jam, they're naturally very short. I think both have around 700 words each? It would be cool if you checked Azazel out, though. That 'saga' might eventually get a third part. It's also pretty different from Annur's story, less horny and with a different artstyle… Or maybe just medium.
The newest creation is my submission to Orifice jam. Despite how it might sound, or maybe exactly because of that, the entries [planned ones included] are pretty cool. Not a lot of them at the moment of writing this post, though.
Both here and in my O2A2 short I decided to use the style that comes the most naturally to me. Maybe it wasn't a good idea, it's pretty avant garde and bizarro leaning, if I say so, though at the same time pretty normal and grounded. But those are my standards of normal, don't trust them. They're also chock-full of reference, although this time, based on the previous feedback, I tried explaining the most important ones. Everything else is still a bonus most likely no one would get. I just can't stop myself.
After that comes Mushroom jam which I'd recommend to join if you have even the slightest interest in the topic. It starts in september [technically august in almost all time zones] and is supposed to be as crunch free as possible, lasting three months and all. You can read the details on the page. It's a spiritual successor of Bird Jam and in a way OH jam as I ended up hosting a jam each year, always with a different theme, and plan to continue doing so, even if there ends up being close to no interest.
This also relates to my planned projects. As of now there are two main ones, one that I help with and is still a secret, two-three that I'd either finish someday or not and multiple "maybe if I get inspired to actually write" ones. Generally as long as it's written by me, it's likely to be on an unpopular topic or written in a way most people don't seem to like but as I have the most funn with these, well ¯_(ツ)_/¯ No one pays me for that, might as well.
Since there's no reason to disclose anything on the "maybe" category projects and the secret one, let's focus on the two main ones and these that probably should get finished.
Going by the chronology of planned releases, the first would be a some sort of SF story for sunofes playing with the idea of Agartha, Wanderers etc. I can't even promise what kind of mood it would have but given my lack of science skills, it would be closer to soft SF, if that's even a term that's used. Think analogous to soft fantasy but SF. Probably "interactive fiction" [actually kinetic, no choices, linear] with illustrations more so than vn as I wanted to write something longer than usual that's still moderately low effort. Not getting the urge to create custom gui really lessens the workload~~
The other project is for Spooktober, Mushroom jam or both. I kind of feel like it would be cheating, given the insignificant amount of fungi in the story but we'll see. Due to Spooktober rules, it's still in planning stage, though I'm starting design sketches. No idea if I manage to pull it off but I wanted to try something different style wise, with isometric view that changes depending on MC's mental state. It's honestly a lot of work for one person so I'm not even deluding myself I'll finish it for Spooktober, it would be just free exposure at this point :') Especially important as the SEO is going to be absolutely terrible and horrendous, being a yet another reference [created from two of my ideas that mutated and merged]. At least the non game results would explain what exactly was I referencing lol
If I actually manage to pull it off, it's gonna be the coolest looking of all my personal projects. Not that there's strong competition but still. Hope it works out.
From the stuff to finish, there's the above-mentioned bird game, Argousze and Red String Theory. RST's development doesn't exactly rely on my so it either remains a demo or the whole team gathers again to finish it. In the meantime I can draw my pretty boi Adisa whenever I want. As for Argousze, it's been close to three or four years since its initial release. I feel like I should finish it eventually, being ad short as it is but I kind of dislike the ending of the initial idea + had problems with designing aliens I liked so it either changes or gets a sequel/part with alien's pov as comparison, not sure yet. The pov change would have a completely different tone but would help me with my SoL sentai later on and as such requires further consideration. Hopefully it's finished before the fifth release anniversary passes.
Other than that there's some art etc related stuff going on but as it's not strictly dev related, I'll omit it. The whole post ended up quite long, as expected but that's what happens when you update people once a year. See you[?] next time.
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