#achlys irakusa
Mizutsuki Sui and Irakusa Achlys
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Here is the first batch of name changes! We've got the childhood friend, Mizutsuki Sui (formerly Mizunami Haruto) and the brooding Irakusa Achlys (Formerly Irakusa Akuros)
I'll put the name etymology under the cut for those who are interested ^-^
Mizutsuki uses the kanji 水(mizu) "water" and 月(tsuki) "moon" Sui uses the on'yomi reading of the kanji 水(sui) "water" Additionally, the name for the moon jellyfish in kanji can be written as 水水月.
Irakusa uses the kanji spelling of the stinging nettle 刺草(irakusa), which is the English namesake of the Chrysaora achlyos (Black Sea Nettle) Achlys (アキリス) is the Greek personification of sorrow as well as the "Mist" blinding mortal eyes upon death, as well as the namesake for the scientific name of the Black Sea Nettle.
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
Pinned Post!
Hi! My name is Donut (She/They) and I’m a donut who. uh. actually idk what to say but right now I’m creating a Jellyfish Otome game! 
You can find everything I’ve posted about it in my Ite! It’s Jellyfish Love! tag, but I’ll put an overview of all the romanceable characters up here for easy viewing :).
Shinawa, Ponyo (The Protagonist) Mizutsuki, Sui (Childhood Friend) Irakusa, Achlys (The Edgy One) Sakasai, Chiaki (The Prince) Ameku, Momoka (The Oresama) Yamamoto, Rankou (The Playboy) Hiue, Katsuo (The Otaku)
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