#I'll get around to redrawing a couple of these
applesandbannas747 · 2 months
i wanna hear your thoughts on the fence challengers: long shot preview pages if you want to share!
oh mAN I have so many and they are all over the place!!
The first one is a little thing, but I bet Seiji had a crush on Marcus Washington when he was a kid--Nick's horror, Harvard's teasing, and Seiji's indignant blush imply as much.
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And a fun fact, Jo posted a mini preview of baby Seiji to Patreon on February 14th...maybe I'm reading into it too much, but that's nothing new XD
Next couple of things are about the scene with the trophy case. It was really interesting and fun to see side-by-side redraws of Robert! It really illustrates the way the style has evolved, and also I gOTTA say it feels like Jo is more invested in Robert based on the level of detail she put in--like it's not just a style comparison, it's also just obvious a lot of attention was put into these shots when a) she could have just reused old shots (which she's done before, so I know it was an option), or kept it more simplified like she did when drawing the original shots.
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I also think it's sweet that the redraws have Robert looking much more like Jesse than the originals.
And I am sure I will get flack for this, but I have incredible second-hand embarrassment from Nick leaving his newspaper clipping + note in the trophy case jfhdasl like bestieee noooo anyone can see that shit now oh my god please stooop
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Onto some Nichoji thoughts! I love that Seiji's been confirmed as a before-bed reader! Him having a Kindle makes sense for the sheer efficiency of it too lmfao. Of course it's also adorable to see him in reading glasses <3 And then my favorite detail is Nick's stupid nightlight...notice where it is?
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Rather than illuminating Nick's side of the room, it's peeking around the curtain and lighting up Seiji's reading, which is beyond adorable and sweet. I wonder whether Seiji stole it or Nick put it there knowing Seiji likes to read before bed, and I love both scenarios.
Also, it's fucking adorable that as soon as Nick mentions their date appointment, Seiji takes off his glasses and lowers his Kindle because it's got his full attention and investment.
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And a quick pitstop to the locker rooms!
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I like the visual metaphor here with Aiden and Bobby both very casual about changing and both literally having their shirts open; meanwhile, Seiji's straightening the cuffs on his button-down, which is already neatly tucked in and complete with his tie. It just highlights how Seiji's a lot more closed off than the others, and I think this was a neat trick to remind us of that.
In regards to plot, I'm still...really disappointed in the pacing. I know most people feel like it's a slowburn/it's taken a long time to develop, but if you waited to read Fence at all until it was complete and then read it all in one sitting, I think you'd see how unbalanced it is. Williams says that their first match will be in three weeks back right after tryouts:
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which means everything between issue 12 and CHALLENGERS has happened in 3 weeks. Seiji and Nick's relationship is so sweet and cute, but it went from resentful rivalry to puppy love overnight with very little 'screen time' dedicated to the actual transition from resentment to friends (which I could write a whole essay on but this is not the post for that lmfao). Furthermore, the fact that it's the first match of State Championships rather than first match of the season is crazy to me. I'll admit, I didn't fence in high school--it wasn't even an option because we didn't have a team. And despite hours of research, the structure of high school team fencing is not entirely clear to me. However, I do know that typical high school sports go through the season, facing every other team in their division or whatever. Based on performance in those matches, they can qualify for state, and then their win ratio determines their seeding order for the state championships that happen in like 1-2 days. Seeding order is who you go up against in a bracket, so it's what this diagram is, basically:
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(side note, but it appears there are 24 schools competing at state). Again, fencing could be different, but it kinda seems to me like we skipped over the season and went right to State Championships, which just cuts out so much development and build-up. It's like we're speed-running the entire story to get to the end faster. We cut out showing the development in the romance, and now we're cutting out the development of the plot. There's still plenty that we can do at state, of course, but imagine how much more it would mean to see Nick fencing in front of Robert if we'd built that up more. I just don't understand how we spent 12 issues on try outs, 4 on a practice match, 8 on camp, and none on the fencing season. It feels so abrupt and unbalanced. Tryouts and camp were my favorites arcs because they felt pretty well-paced as self-contained pieces of the story. I just feel like we needed waaaaay more relationship development between those two arcs to be satisfying, and I feel like there should be waaaaay more build up during the fencing season between camp and State Championships.
and now, the moment you've all been waiting for: my devastation over Eugene's role (???) in the story. I honestly question why he's in the story at all--at this point, it would have made more sense to have him flat-out not make the team. Except that keeping him this long lowkey backs up the theory I've had on his role since Striking Distance/RIVALS: Eugene is here to make everyone else look better/cooler/more impressive. The very first thing that struck me when reading the first look was this:
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The dialogue here suggests that only one reserve actually gets to be on the team in the end, and the reserve is Nick. And, worse, everyone expected it to be Nick. Sure, it's sweet that Seiji thinks Nick's the better fencer, but all I can think about is how hard Eugene's worked for ten years trying to make the team as opposed to Nick's three months of fencing. Now, I love an underdog story. But it's interesting because Pacat stated in an interview (I'd have to go find where for the specific quote) that he always feels bad for the person who's been working to be #1 their whole lives only to be knocked out of the running by an upstart underdog--which I've always assumed would influence the path taken in Fence...and it seems like we may well let Seiji and Jesse remain above Nick in skill (or at least it seems like we won't be dethroning Seiji, even if we go for Jesse), but Nick's overcoming smaller obstacles. And those smaller obstacles hurt worse to see crushed because Eugene almost made the team in a way that mattered, only to have that taken away. It would have been less cruel to him and his fans to let Nick take the reserve slot back in issue 12, but instead we brought Eugene along to serve as a means to make Nick out 'secret weapon' and elevate his story.
I will say though, this page is one of my favorite Eugene moments because I see the character I selfishly want Eugene to be in it. From the context of the panels above, this page is likely Williams telling them that only one will be fencing in State Championships, and this is their reaction. Eugene's immediate concern for Nick and the comforting hand on his shoulder followed by a bright smile and a thumbs up--he just cares so much about other people and it so used to smiling through his own pain/disappointment and comforts Nick through being positive (and as seen back in issue 12, up playing his competitiveness) and acting like it's no big deal.
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Eugene deserved better, but if this is where he goes out, I think I can live with it. Better to see him go now than continue to be a means to uplift the rest of team by being less than. but, man, I was really hoping we were turning it around after his moment in REDEMPTION being the only KR boy not to lose his bout
anyway, thank you sm for listening to my rambles!!! <33
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ja2m0n · 3 months
Can I know more about ur mcsm au?? The art and comic drafts are great but I don’t know what the au part of it is… keep it up tho I’m following along!!!
Thank you so much for asking! I'll be covering the overall comic im making and the ideas i have in stored for it. ive been collecting ideas and things that others like for the past couple of years and putting it into this comic, but anyways! 
My MCSM epilogue AU is focused on the aftermath of season 2 and picking it up where it left off with my little twist as well with the fandoms likings of headcannons. In this series, Jesse is still being controlled by the gauntlet dispite it not being under romeos control nor on Jesses hand, the gauntlet has its own thoughts and is being controlled by the idea of adminizing Jesse. Throughout the series, youll be able to see him slowly become into one, there will be betrayal, friendship, and romance (not heavy based)
Using the Radar arc focuses on betrayal and friendship. 
Most of the characters show will be:
it consists of Jesse trying to figure out weither or not he has done the right decision for not convincing Petra to stay at Beacontown. Upset at himself, he beings infuriated, wanting to see Petra to at least "convince" to her. throughout the arc, Jesse slowly turns into an admin without knowing that he is (except for the way he acts). Jesse becomes weary of the people around him and isolated himself, radar being the only source of the outside. not trying to be removed as his intern, he would become angry at anyone who wont follow under Jesse. Jesse opens up to Radar more snd more, talking about Lukas which goes into the second arc
The gauntlet is the source of Jesses admin powers but why is that? The gauntlet never left Jesses side, it remains under his skin, slowly taking him over and making him into an Admin slowly.
provide image here from 2020(?) (will not use)
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Who Are You arc focuses on romance (not heavy based) and betrayal 
Most of the characters show will be:
Jesses true nature begins to arise and most catch. of course except for Radar, still loyal and not giving up. Since the isolation, Jesse gets tired and sends an invite to Lukas to help him convince Petra.
Using the Radar arc will take at least this year to finish , or eariler depending how much i can do. so for now i leave you this, the closer we get ro Who Are You arc, the more information ill drop wink wink. Thank you for this question once again!
unused redraw of the first comic panels
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poster for the first arc wip
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empress-s · 1 year
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[Image ID: A digital drawing of Ruby and Penny from RWBY. They're both depicted as older than they are in the show. They're in wedding dresses, and are holding each others hands and looking at each other with massive smiles. End ID]
So I don't actually have a lot of energy to draw today lmao but I drew this a few months ago and never posted it so I figured I might as well post it for @nuts-and-dolts-week day 5: Wedding
I was planning on redrawing this (and putting Ruby in a suit this time) as well as doing a couple of other small scenes from their wedding. Such as Ruby bawling her eyes out crying with happiness, while Penny has the biggest brightest sunshine smile ever. And I was gonna draw them throwing the bouquet (but I hadn't decided who I wanted to catch it yet). Maybe I'll get around to drawing those later! But for now I'm just gonna post this one :)
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mikodrawnnarratives · 2 years
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People who have been here for a year, remember this? :)
I reblogged the post from a year ago a couple days ago but if not 2021 version is right here
Update: 2023 Version Here
The designs for Ladybelle and Marinette's redesigns have changed a little but the colors remain similar. I got to play around a little more with how the colors fit with the background/overall color palette in a way. I like it much more than last years, more dull colors lol
It was fun to change up the poses to be more dynamic! I'm really happy with how it turned out
Here's to 2023, hopefully it won't suck too badly and I'll actually get started WRITING this AU/Rewrite!
I'm gonna continue posting these redraws on my main account instead of the @jotg-miraculousrewriteau even though these drawings are for the jotg au
As usual there should be a timelapse of this on Instagram's version, I will update this if the timelapse doesn't work
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bitimdrake · 2 years
Do you have fic recs by any chance? You really seem to have a lot of comics knowledge so I trust that you know what’s accurate to the source material and what’s not :)
you know I've gotten a few asks about this and I never quite manage to answer them, because I'm always convinced that I will somehow end up with a perfect and complete rec list if only I wait to reply just a little longer.
SO I'm gonna try cutting myself off at the head this time, and not giving you a prefect list by any means, but at least giving you an answer:
Here is a collection that I'm slowly forming for fics that really feel like they're actually based off comics. It is currently very small and people are welcome to bookmark to it if they find other very comics-based fics, but it's a start.
And a couple random recs as I scroll through my personal bookmarks:
Redrawing the Lines (11k) is fantastic Batman Reborn era Dick & Tim & Damian fic, and it continues as a series after.
also the second before the other shoe drops (8k) about the same trio. AU where Damian makes a murder attempt in a subtler way--but most important, is not demonized by a narrative that instead gives everyone a fair shake.
will we ever get to the other side? (5k) Dick & Tim in a very specific era where Dick's life is falling apart and filled with trauma, and Tim has just been hit with a huge smack of grief and also trauma, and neither is at their best but they're trying.
Everything by @silverwhittlingknife is ideal Dick & Tim content, and all deeply rooted in comics. I will call out:
The Return (11k), which is Dick's pov of Tim coming back to Gotham after Brucequest
only you will have stars that can laugh (9k) which is sad and loney but also sweet on Christmas
Red Letter Day (42k, wip) in which god Dick is trying his fucking best to hold it together okay. (aka everyone is kind of prickly, Dick is stressed, there's a Mysterious Wednesday of unclear importance, and I love them sm)
@flybynightwing has equally comics-based and also absolutely fascinating and compelling fics. I'll call out:
How Far Love Goes (99k) a case fic that draws in everyone in the bat family, with a tilt towards Dick (although the Steph is also fantastic), and turns into a reflection on Bruce as a parent.
goal-oriented mindset (5k) Catalina's pov, meeting Dick again well after everything went down. Subject may not be for you, but I find it SO interesting and roll it around and around in my head. (And it is of the very very rare selection of actually comics-based fics about that arc.)
It's a Wonderful Earth-218 (7k). A thoroughly depressed Dick goes to a world where he was never born, it's a wonderful life-style.
(And carrying on with various authors again:)
Hate and Love are Two Sides of the Same Coin (5k + 13k sequel) every member of his family is forced to say what they like least about Dick. The fic makes no secret of its thoroughly contrived premise and doesn't particularly care to justify it either, but still comes out with great characterization and relationship reflections.
Mikey Dies At The End (4k), outsider pov centered around Jason as the Red Hood, which is so very confident in its characterization of him and has zero considerations given to fanon and it's an excellent read.
A Meditation on Railroading (24k), a Tim-centric fic that deals heavily with his relationship with his dad. This one is not really canon at all, but it is good, and its version of the relationship is compelling.
Young Justice Visit the Suez Canal (3k) look this one is pure 90s-style Young Justice humor. We're here for a good time.
Aaand I know there are many more good fics, but I have run out of steam and I am trying so so hard to remember that some answer is better than no answer. Though I am very sorry to all my beloved writers & mutuals who have written excellent comics fic.
Anyway final tip is when you find an author who knows what they're talking about, go through all their fics, and then go through all their bookmarks.
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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The Snake's Taken a Spouse (Visual Novel)
Created by: Games_of_CrimSin
Genre: Romance/Survival
This game is actually fairly fun all things considered and I enjoyed it. I think that some people might pass on this one because of the art, but honestly it reminds me a bit of DOL in some cases, especially with the Great Hawk and Shimil is adorable. This game is r18 though you can toggle off r18 things in the intro. You can find more at @gamesofcrimsin (which btw if you are reading this, I will literally redraw your sprites for you if you would like).
The story starts out with the MC walking around in the forest, only to stumble upon a naga person when hearing a scream. Their tail is stuck under a rock so the MC helps them out. Seeing as this is the nicest thing that someone has done to the snake person, they immediately tell the MC they want to marry them. A bit freaked out, the MC stumbles backwards and passes out, only to wake up in the snake person's den. This snake person promises that they will be able to love each other given time and goes out to get the MC a mattress to sleep on and a fire.
From then on, it runs mostly like a time management game where you can do anything from prepare food to nap, to wait, to try to escape. There are about six different endings that you can get through different means, but first I'll summarize Shimil's history as we know of.
The MC can ask about his name, introducing himself as Shimil. You can ask him about his species, the nagas. Shimil tells the MC that the nagas and humans used to live on the surface together, but the two hated each other, so the nagas of old hid underground so that humans could never bother them again. The MC asks why Shimil isn't underground, and Shimil states that he was banished because he couldn't do anything right and was burden. Comforting him will cause him to cry as he did try his best, but was never enough. The MC also finds a drawing on the wall and asks Shimil about it. Shimil carved it into the wall, trying to draw his mother and sister. Shimil talks about the two, how they were great at everything, how they were able to know what Shimil wanted or needed through body language and how strong they are. The MC picks up an object in the other corner, which Shimil frantically tells them to be careful with. When the MC asks Shimil about it, Shimil tells the MC that it's a toy that his parents got him, and that he loved it a lot. His sister gave it to him before he got exiled and even snuck in to grab his pickaxe. He reveals also that his dad died when he was younger, which is why he didn't draw him on the wall. This thought makes him cry, wanting to be able to draw them better.
There are a couple of endings, staying with him will make him happy, trying to escape may lead to failure. The MC can also dig footholds to climb out if timed correctly, or get rescued by a search time (though I couldn't get this ending because the timing is pretty finicky). Causing him to go out for the MC a lot makes Shimil go into a deeper sleep, thus being able to successfully kill him with the pickaxe, and finally, Shimil will kick the MC out if they break his toy (but it also breaks my heart).
I actually was more expecting a visual novel in the traditional sense because most of the entries seem to be of that style, so this was a nice change of pace. Like I said, it reminds me of the Great Hawk from Degrees of Lewdity, where you're sort of trapped with an animal creature that doesn't quite know what humans like or do but is doing their best to accommodate which is very enduring. Like the Great Hawk though, I do wish there were more interactions with Shimil besides what was given, though it's understandable since it was made for the game jam, so there probably wasn't a lot of time to implement a bunch of features (though I did see some of the notes in the script file for more endings.) If I were to make suggestions to add more features, I'd really like to hear more about Shimil's past or just get the chance for them to talk to each other about different things, such as Shimil sharing more about his culture or perhaps the MC sharing about their life as well. They could teach each other games or talk about other things that they might like. Just to really make that stockholm syndrome kick in. Of course, it would be great to do other things besides, eat, sleep, asking him to get things and having sex as well, since I'm sure it would get boring down there if it's all they could do. More endings are always great as well- I'll be honest, I just kept having sex with Shimil just to see if it would make a different ending or have different dialouge, but it would be pretty funny to see him have a proper reaction to that.
I'll be honest- Shimil is really cute. I really like the more sad and pathetic type yanderes that try their best and honestly listening to Shimil's backstory about how he was exiled and how he believes he's useless is really heartbreaking. It's also pretty sad that the nicest thing anyone has done for him was to save him from a giant boulder and even when trying to turn him down, he seems really happy that he's gotten so many compliments. He probably really misses his family seeing that all he has left are the things that he's gotten from home and a crude drawing, something that he often has to throw away (especially the pick axe) if the MC attempts to escape or hurt him. It made me really sad when the MC just broke his only toy since it was one of the last things he had left from them, so it's understandable he throws the MC out afterwards. Shimil is only really cruel when the MC is cruel to him and he honestly endures a lot of it, generally being more shy and reserved when the MC snaps back at him or attempts to murder him in his sleep which can lead to him raping the MC while the two try to sleep (though again, you have to be really cruel to him for this to happen generally). I can't really blame him since he doesn't have anyone and is just lonely, plus again, the MC is just outright cruel to him at this point when he's trying hard to provide food and other things for them.
I think overall, while the game is pretty good, the biggest drawback is likely the art. It's not... the worst that I've seen, but I can see why people might be turned away from it. There are some glitches in the code as well, sometimes with Shimil jumping up into the wrong position or some sort of error occurring, but they don't seem to be very big problems. Pretty much I feel that if the sprite art were improved, it would make the game a lot better since the design for him is pretty unique all things considered.
Overall, it's a pretty fun and short game. I hope to see more of Shimil in the future because I like his interactions and the history of nagas is actually pretty interesting and I hope there will be other endings for it. I'm gonna throw a bunch of redesigns for Shimil after this because I think he is fun to draw.
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gamerbearmira · 3 months
Little fishy in the sea
I wrote this earlier today, and I was gonna do more screenings redraws but oost motivation so fast 😭
Alma got out of the car, the triplets followimg close behind. The stoem began to calm, strangely, though the water was high on the hill. Alma checked over Pepa and Bruno, moving to the other side of the car to check on Julieta. She saw her eldest staring past her, and turned.
Alma's eyes widened. A boy, a small boy likely no older than the triplets themselves, stood there. He held the blue pale that belong to Julieta. She stared for a miment. Her daughter was right...
"There is a little boy," Alma muttered, moving forward. "Come over here! We'll help you! Stay there niños," Alma ran down the driveway towards the boy.
The boy, didn't seemed to pay any attention to her. He stared at Julieta, who was now looking at him. Seeing her face, he lit up, and began running towards her. He ducked beeath Alma's legs, much to her surprise, rushing towards Julieta. He held the bucket above his head, and suddenly he looked a lot more human, as before he had rather strange features
Julieta had no time to react as the boy slammed himself into her, hugging her tightly. She struggled against his weight as he picked her up, nuzzling her face with a surprisingly strength. Her younger siblings, Pepa and Bruno rounded the car, and Alma came running over again.
"Julieta! Do you know him?" Alma asked, staring at the two. Bruno hid behind Pepa, who inched closer to look at the two, though both of their eyes were fill with wonder.
Julieta blinked, shifting, and the boy set her down. They both stared at each other. The boy was smiling, but noticing Julieta's confused expression, frowmed softly, almost as if copying her. Julieta took in his features, her eyes scanning his face and his body. She blinked and suddenly she remembered, the light returning to her eyes.
"Agustín?" She said softly and he beamed brighter than the sun.
"¡Sí!" He exclaimed. "It's me, Agustín!"
Julieta steoped back in surprise. "It is you!"
Pepa and Bruno stared at the boy and suddenly he became familiar. "Agustín? Like...like the goldfish Julieta had a couple days ago?" Bruno asked and Pepa shrugged, but she looked happy.
Agustín laughed, jumping around and swinging the pail as Julieta continued to look at him. She then smiled at her siblings, who had gotten closer and now seemed as excited. The eldest looked at her mom, pointing to Agustín.
"¡Mamá, mira, mira!" She said, jumping up and down in excitement. "Agustín came back, and he's a little boy now!"
Alma blinked, and the sea suddenly rose, a sparkling gold clolor mixing with the blue and sun behind the clouds. Agustín picked up Julieta again, swinging her around. "I found Julieta!" He laughed, nuzzling her again, and this time she returned it.
Alma stared at the massive waves in awe before she shook her head. She quickly gathered uo the kids, rushering them to the front door, and pushing them in, slamming the door.
"Ok. This is...magical. And very strange, but it's ok. We'll take great care of you Agustín," Alma said, her face determined. "We have some work to do, and all of you are going to help me, ok?"
The kids nodded, and Alma moved to removed theur raincoats, hanging them up. She grabbed the lantern, sighing in relief when it flickered on. "I have an important job for you Agustín. Can you hold this lantern? I'll go get some towels."
Agustín nodded, and stared at the lantern. It felt warm in his hands, and he hummed softly, smiling.
Alma turned on a few more lights before disappearing into the other room. Tge triplets immediately began running around, and Agustín followed behind. Their giggles filled the room as Julieta guided them around the house. Agustín seemed amazed at everything, even if he kept running into stuff.
They were all running when Agustín found himself engulfed in a soft towel. "There you go. Let's dry you off now," Alma said, and Agustín giggled at the aoftness of the towel. He hadn't felt anything like it. "Look at that wonderful brown hair. It's almost dry actually...you're clothes are dry too."
Julieta walked over, wrapped in another towel. "Agustín's a fish! He can't get wet!"
"Huh," Alma mummered. "Well...ok then. Who's hungry?"
The children all exclaimed rushing to the table. Agustín seemed surprised but quickly followed. As he sat at the table, he saw the triplets having an animated conversation, and they asked him many questions. He smiled, his eyes bright. He already loved it here.
BRO LOVES BEING HUMAN❗❗❗ Felíx would likely join later, but well into the journey; like when they passed by the boats. He asks if he can come and they say yeah and he just jumps into the water and swims to their boat 😭 surprisingly his parents are pretty chill about it
ANYWAYYYYY I saw a Ponyo clip and decided to write this spontaneously <33 other stuff later, maybe...
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sirkelart · 7 months
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So... I've gotten super back into Sonic recently... and.. well.. I wanted to redraw Silencia from memory, and as always I enjoy the second draft more! I figured I would add Lynel here with his altered boots and both their Glowing features.
Since Silencia is based on the Silent Princess from BOTW, so I wanted to have her silent princess features be bioluminescent.
As for Lynel, I know Luxray have glowing eyes, I thought it might be neat to include as well as a couple other features.
At any rate, I feel like they found each other during the chaos of the Metarex arc in Sonic X. likely separated from their people they might make their way around the galaxy, before finding their way to Earth/Sonic's world intending to live there peacefully.
Maybe one of these days I'll actually do character and expression sheets haha! I've been getting really into the IDW Sonic comics recently
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askfallenroyalty · 2 years
Here's some more deleted scene panels that never made it in
sorry there's no captions, there's just too many panels to describe and i'm tired. hopefully i'll have the energy/rememebr to do so tomorrow ):
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IM REALLY SAD THIS ONE DIDN'T GET IN. I even drew asriel shutting flowey in a box for this joke to work. There was going to be a visual gag of it being a "soap" box. Haha.
Asgore was originally going to tell Asriel to think of something nice to get his mind off of his panic attack.
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Which, while funny, took away the feeling of intense panic the audience and asriel should have been feeling at the time. It just didn't fit the pacing/mood. It also showed that -well, i don't know if this is a legitimate grounding technique or if it'd be read as "its ok just think happy thoughts <3 then ur panic attack would end" which... is not.... how that works. Even if it was only to give Asriel a moment of respite, it's shown as effective until Asgore brings up a bad memory. So. bad comic sequence.
more stuff under the cut
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I had a really, really hard time balancing the tone of the scene that is currently happening in the redraw. it's why i'm so behind in my drawings, so i'm only now sketching the next couple month's updates.
This chapter has gone through SO MANY changes. I feel that comes with it being the first chapter to completely diverge from the original tumblr version.
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Asriel was originally going to have a very on-the-nose nightmare about Flowey feeling excluded from the family and fearing drowning. Now, the whole darkness/water metaphor for suicidal depression will be introduced when that stuff starts to come into play in chapter 4...
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i mean, just to really hammer home how much i had to delete for this: i actually did sketch out the original tumblr version here. I had it all ready before chapter 2 began posting. But as I was finishing the color for the warship section I realized, shoot, I don't wanna repeat it.
When I first made the tumblr version, i was getting burnt out and the characters just became so much... meaner? rude? to each other. some bickering or annoyance is fine but I have a bad habit of going overboard. That's something I hope to correct in the rewrite -and focus more on less drama and more wholesome/loving moments.
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(note the above scene is shown not in full. its jumping around a bit)
Even tho I was mostly keeping chapter the same the first time I sketched it for the redraw, I added this scene. The idea was that when the house was on fire, Frisk would of ran off to the right of the house to where you can see Old Home.
There, even tho Frisk can't verbally talk, the two have a nice heart-to-heart. Chara remember Frisk has [spoilers] issues. Chara was going to own up to their bad behavior.
Now well, hm. Chara's got a lot of shit going on. Frisk of course has forgiven them (like they do for everyone in the underground -_- oh frisk...) and it's going to be something that's addressed down the road. for now, they've held hands, and shown solidarity for each other. As kids, they're going to goof around and be buddies and not let the cruddy stuff chara did earlier matter. things are so much less of a big deal when you're a kid.
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hydn-jpg · 1 year
hello!! i am alive !!!!
how have y'all been? i've definitely been better lol
so... i can explain. or maybe not. i've never been good at talking about things but i'll do my best
under the cut bc a bunch of things happened and this'll probably be very long:
honestly where do i even start?
it has been a very rough almost month and a half for me, it was as if whatever god or entity out there went "lol wouldn't it be funny if we made this person go through several bad things all within the span of a few weeks" and then did just that
in early august i got a call from my mom that my grandmother had passed away. i had just gotten home from class at the time, but i immediately went out again and took the soonest available flight back to korea for her funeral. losing her hit me pretty hard honestly, she was the one i turned to when things were hard, and was also the only one who was generally supportive of my identity and sexuality. she didn't really get it, but she never made homophobic or transphobic comments, and was always kind and unconditionally loving. chuseok this year will be difficult without her around but at least she is in a better place i hope.
i took two weeks off from school to stay with my family after that. when i got back i was mostly catching up on all the classes i missed so i had very little time to do anything else. the stress coupled with all the physical exertion and everything else lead me to have the worst asthma attack i've experienced as of yet, it could've gotten a lot worse if it weren't for my kind neighbours who rushed to help me when they saw me struggling in the hallway
then in late august i got into a car accident. i was driving home from campus (which is an hour away), it was raining very heavily and i guess i lost control of my car. i am not sure what exactly happened honestly, one moment i was driving peacefully (and at appropriate speed for driving in the rain) and the next moment my car was spinning around and hitting the guardrails before crashing. it sounds cliché but everything was in slow motion and i literally saw my life flash before my eyes. i'm really thankful that the highway was basically empty, so no one else was affected. i somehow came out of the accident with only a concussion, a badly sprained arm and neck and some cuts and bruises. those will surely heal with time but the trauma of it will probably stay for quite a while.
so that's what happened. my mental health has not been great but i've been feeling a bit better lately! so that's good. i've been too physically, mentally and emotionally drained to do anything haha.
i probably won't be able to draw for a while thanks to my injury so you won't be seeing any art from me for at least another month or so,, to people i still owe commissions to, i will have to give you an IOU because again, i can't draw rn but also because i lost basically all the art that i haven't backed up during the crash, which unfortunately includes the commission sketches :( i'm so sorry, i'll redraw them as soon as i'm able to. i really wish procreate had an automatic cloud backup system so at least the sketches i did were saved but we can't always get what we want i guess,,
thank you to everyone who reached out and asked about my wellbeing and i'm really sorry for ignoring your messages and tags. i'll get to them as soon as i can!
tldr; my grandma passed, i had a bad asthma attack and i got into a car accident but i am okay. not really but i'll be okay maybe. lmao.
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jade-of-mourning · 5 months
hiiii lychee :))
as you can see I have too much free time on my hands. but I have a decent amount to say today, so prepare yourself
I’m gonna try and keep this organized and maybe short so 1: do you have any more thoughts on the avatar mako au to share because it’s been rolling around in my brain a lot and I want to know what you have to say about it bcs the way your brain works is so. hajdhskapxn/pos
2: mako learning to draw by engraving his parents’ faces in the dirt of an alleyway over and over and over for years even as he starts to forget their faces. mako who wishes he could’ve afforded paper and charcoal at eight to put down something permanent, something accurate. mako getting their family photo from yin and giving her the scarf, redrawing the picture on the nicest paper he can find to give to her as well. artist mako,, save me artist mako,,,
3: more fem mako thoughts but makorrasami love triangle/eventual polycule(?) except they’re all girls. I just feel like the pining after your team captain who you now do know is gay except it’s because she’s dating a rich girl who’s also very hot is just a whole lot more fun than what they had going on in canon because. girls but sports au. sooo in love w that. also I don’t think makorra would get together in b1 like canon did for a couple reasons. for one, the girl trauma in addition to general trauma of being a homeless orphan. touch and gestures of affection from a person she doesn’t know well yet would probably be a no-no, and korra seems like a very touchy person, just in the natural way that her space is yours and your space is hers. also her energy? like obviously mako would come around but korra in b1 is so much more excited about the world than mako and I think that would kind of, like, intimidate her. (<-also reasons makorra could’ve worked later on but not when they happened) but as the series progresses, korra mellows and mako gets used to her. it works.
but then how does masami happen so early? because asami is the moon to korra’s sun. she’s calm and a careful thinker and after korra’s exuberance breaks down mako’s walls a little bit, asami would be able to slip in being everything mako imagines herself wanting. also more than financially stable. so masami becomes a thing, and korra is jealous, but she’s not sure of who which I personally think is so funny
but yeah that’s basically it. I always love how you take my silly little commentary and give actual thoughtful replies, it makes my day 😭
with love
snailon! good to see you here haha i totally didn't die for like two weeks what fjsgjhjkgfhs (i'm so sorry i took so long that you thought you imagined this ask hhh)
okay i actually have not thought about it for a hot minute but get this… i get like 40 hours a week back because no more percussion! so i have so much time!!! dude i'm going to rewatch lok AGAIN and then brainrot some more. avatar mako's love hate relationship with the entire fucking world is the only thing about it in my head. i'm sorry i don't have a lot to say about this au right now :(( it'll happen,,, one day,,,,
oh! (sobbing!) personally i am a fan of aspiring writer mako but also artist mako is extremely valid and i love the hc's you've built around it :)
girl for girl for girl makorrasami is really the best version of it tbh! love all your thoughts and actually that's a hilarious angle of korra getting the Sapphic Confirmation but it's not a good thing bc the love interest is actually dating a girl who is NOT korra except oh shit this girl is also super hot and attractive. what the fuck is this. korra my favorite girl in the world ever you're allowed to like all the girls in the world if you want and no one has the right to fault you for it.
anyway thank YOU for always sharing your thoughts with me!! i love to hear it and i'm sorry there was such a delay bhjfjgfh i'll get to your other ask soon promise. my commentary is a little bit dead today but i wanted to get this out instead of leaving it rotting in my inbox forever because i promise i have been turning it over in my head for a minute now :P have a good day snailon!
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genericpuff · 2 years
always wanted to make one of those 'day in the life' posts so here u go!
TW/CW: Tattoo needles, mild blood/mentioning of blood
ima be honest with you, sometimes those 'day in the life' reels on tiktok n junk annoy the piss out of me because they seem so disingenuous, but that's honest to god probably just my executive dysfunction being salty because there's no way in HELL i'm gonna be on some 'grind' where i'm getting up at 6 am to make smoothies and do a workout before i have to go to actual work, i can't with that and i struggle to fathom anyone else doing that consistently LMAO (but i know there are and y'all are a different breed, i wouldn't be able to do it LOL)
like i literally get up anywhere between 30-10 minutes before i gotta catch the bus to go to work-
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(understand that i can only get away with doing this because the bus stop is LITERALLY RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM MY HOUSE LMAOOO i could also just as easily walk , work is about 15-20 minutes away, but like... i don't wanna when i could just sleep in for another 15-20 minutes LOL)
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most of my mornings consist of battling with myself to get out of bed until the last possible minute and then hoping the bus isn't early so i don't miss it on account of my own executive dysfunction, paired with timmy's because i'm a canadian hoser, buds.
i'm actually pretty hyped though for that apartment move at the start of april because as soon as we've moved, we'll be even CLOSER to my work to the point i won't even have to catch the bus anymore, you can literally see the new place out my work window. watch me find ways to still be late for work LMAO
anyways. i got off kinda easy today because NORMALLY i have to get up earlier as most of the time my appointments start at 1 PM, but I only had one appointment today and we had booked it for 3 so I got to sleep in a bit longer <3 This was the design I had made up for them (a sternum piece):
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but then it turned out i had completely neglected the one change they wanted, which was to make the middle flower a lotus flower. thank god for my ipad, having the ability to change up designs on the go was half the reason I bought it ~
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easy fix uwu
as for the setup, my tattoo setup is pretty simple, the machine isn't actually ready to go yet but i usually set that up after the stencil is applied to give the stencil time to sit and dry (and i don't like having nothing to do while i wait):
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(the actual machine once it's wrapped):
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it was a full kitchen in the shop today meaning me, my boss, and my two other coworkers who work in the open area were all working and having a good time. one of my other coworkers wasn't in today but they work in a separate private room so the main area itself was full. sometimes i'll come in and i can tell who was in first based on what's playing on the TV. if it's documentaries or reruns of old comedy shows (like the Office) I know it's my boss, if it's reality TV then I know it's L, and if it's music from Spotify then it's usually my other coworker S.
It was S today :' )
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here's the actual stencil on the skin! my client is an old pal who i've tattooed a couple times and was thankfully okay with me taking pics and posting these ~ (haha, no female presenting nipples here, tumblr!)
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as you can probably see I had to take a marker to the tail and redraw it so it would go around the belly button, originally the stencil went right thru it and wouldn't have looked good
but guess what? didn't matter anyways because the fucking stencil wouLDN'T FUCKING STICK. like, as soon as I started working on it, I realized it was gonna be one of those stencils, the kind that wipe away INSTANTLY. I think it was a combination of just the placement (backs and sternums don't tend to hold as well) as well as her skin type (not all skin types hold onto stencils and ink equally) and the fact that it was hotter in the shop than it usually is which amounted to a bit of sweat (esp in the belly area where things tend to be a lot warmer) which resulted in the stencil not holding in the slightest. y'all it was STRESSFUL and even after I tried to re-apply the stencil again as best as I could (with the tattoo already in progress and the old stencil pretty much gone) it STILL wouldn't hold, so I essentially had to bloodline the whole thing (i.e. line it in so lightly and quickly just to get SOMETHING visible in there after the stencil disappeared. half the lines weren't even genuine lines, just the tiniest faintest impressions that mostly consisted of blood, but still better than nothing).
eventually my coworkers had all clocked out for the day so i was the last one standing, meaning I got control over the Spotify >:D
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(and played pretty much the exact same music my coworker would have because we have the exact same tastes in music lmao)
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so this is where i had to re-stencil because the original stencil i had put on was wiping away like crazy, but then the second stencil ended up being just as shitty. like you can see where i had to put the lines in 'good enough' near the top because even the shoddy stencil redo was GONE as i was working on it, and it created this sort of cyclical problem where i couldn't just not wipe while i worked because that would result in there being ink anywhere so i couldn't see what i was doing... but then i would wipe to clean it up and poof stencil gone. it was a nightmare and stressed me out but big thanks to my client for understanding and trusting the process <3
because even tattoos are allowed to have an ugly stage before they look good ~
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all in all i'm pretty happy with how it came out in the end, the process definitely didn't go as smoothly as i had initially hoped and i would have liked to spend more time on the actual lining process in the beginning, but i had to rush that shit. thankfully as soon as that foundation was laid, it gave me time to just go in and tighten up those lines, a lot of this ended up being freehand compared to what i had planned on doing :' )
(the best part is this client has two lil' dermals just an inch or so above the tattoo that the snake's face and tongue line up perfectly with, it's adorable haha)
either way, that was my day at the shop, i was the last one there so it was on me to settle the debit/credit machine, set the alarms and have everything ready for another day tomorrow!
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very appropriate music for the last track of the day lmao and our shop pet, Smaug, poked his head out to say hello!
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for the most part, a good day! aside from that stupid stencil giving me a hard time, it was still pretty chill, came out to be a 3 hour day, I showed up around 2:30, my appointment started at 3 and we were all done by 5:30, left just in time to go pick up some sushi takeout and catch the next bus home <3
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(have I ever shown my face on my Tumblr before??? if not, here's me!)
My job's pretty cool. Still have to deal with a lot of "typical bullshit" esp when it comes to communicating with clients and setting up appointments as well as tattoo-unique bullshit like dealing with squirmers or crappy stencils or not being able to have a social life without people pestering me for free work, but it's the best job I could ever ask for especially in this particular location. The husband and wife duo who run the place are super sweet but have their shit together well, they run a tight ship and it means I don't have anything to worry about besides setting up my appointments and tattooing. It took a lot of fighting over the course of years to finally end up in a comfortable place, and many times I almost gave up, but it was worth it because now I'm in a great place that pays well and I get to do what I love.
But I'm still pretty eager to get home most days lol So I grabbed my sushi, caught the bus, and made it home.
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It was about 6:25 when I landed and because of Daylight Savings, it's still very light out. It does so much for my mental health to leave work and have it still be sunny, the ✨ seasonal depression ✨ is gone and all I have to worry about now is ✨ regular depression ✨ And it's gonna be even better once we move to the new place because it's on a ground floor and has windows aplenty, loads of natural light (compared to the gross basement we live in rn).
But until then, this is what I come home to (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
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I will now spend the next 6-8 hours playing FF XIV, watching my shows, and working on Rekindled and Time Gate, pretty much all at the same time or at least jumping between. Usually I'll have something playing on rerun on the TV in the background (so something I don't have to pay attention to, like reruns of the Office or Bob's Burgers or w/e I'm feeling that day) and then I'll be listening to music in my headphones or - if I want to engage with something that isn't a rerun - I'll put on a Youtube video that's easy to listen to and absorb without having to look directly at. Sometimes it's speedrun documentaries, sometimes it's GameGrumps compilations, just depends on what I'm feeling and what shows up in my recommended that day LOL Yes , it might seem 'pointless' to have a show playing in the background while also listening to music, but it's sorta just there as a presence and idk, it brings my ADHD brain comfort lol
If you don't believe me that this is the level of multitasking that I'm at, the other day I made a call to Nintendo Support to help my husband get back into his account and I did it while running dungeons in FF XIV, yaaaaay ADHD! My brain needs constant stimulation to function! ╰(‵□′)╯
(and yes, I'm usually joined by Psuwis - it's Maliseet for 'cat' - who's very needy for my attention as soon as I get home lol)
This is how I spend most of my evenings, and even entire days if I'm not in the shop (and my schedule's pretty flexible, sometimes I'm at the shop 5 days a week, other times I might only work 2 or 3 days, it just depends on how busy my bookings are). My husband is actually probably just getting off work rn so he'll likely be home by the time I'm wrapping up this post lmao
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I actually worked on Rekindled pretty much all day yesterday, so now the episode's almost done already, it's coming along nicely! I'm hoping to have it done tonight or tomorrow so that I can have it ready for Saturday when I'm away on my trip (and maybe get a headstart on Ep 12 so that we can have a new episode next weekend as well during my apartment move!)
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Anyone in my follows play FF XIV? Currently working on my Astrologian, it's pretty fun! You can find me (Pym Thras'rala) in Hyperion if you ever wanna party up sometime!
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That's pretty much it! Not really anything super crazy or exciting to show, my life's pretty routine and that's how I like it. A lot of my social life is online nowadays but I do make time to go out and hang out with IRL pals as well. If this were done on a Friday most of what I'd be doing is hanging out down at the bar with pals LMAO
So yeah! hope you enjoyed this lil' self-indulgent "talk about myself for 20 minutes" post ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ If anything I hope it offers some kind of solidarity to the other pals out there who need 27390572309 forms of stimulation to get through the day LMAO
(also not recommending anyone live the way i do, my back hurts, my sleep schedule is fucked and my brain is fried(*゜ー゜*)let's all hold each other accountable and remember to check our postures, stand up and stretch every hour, and stay hydrated <3 ).
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hugedwarflover · 1 year
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I haven't drawn anything related to my Mythical AU in FUCKING FOREVER and it's only because I always have a shitload of drawing ideas that take me awhile to finally get to working on. So Grumpy and Doc are not wearing their hats and I just thought that Bashful could be the only one who would wear a hat in this AU. Instead of making it where Grumpy and Doc have known each other since they were kids and that they would be in every single class together, I'll just have it where they met about 5 years before meeting Bashful, they dated for awhile, and something happened that cause them to break up and hate each other. They secretly still love each other and whenever they all get done in a battle, Grumpy and Doc would go somewhere private together, so they would secretly get back together and let everybody pretend that they still hate each other. This hairstyle that Grumpy has is from when I still that AU where they are all the cast from Whose Line Is It Anyway? and one of the things I reblogged a couple years ago was from my deactivated account where that AU was called Whose Dwarf Is It Anyway? and one of the prompts for Scenes from a Hat was "What really frightened Miss Muffet away" and Grumpy and Doc (as Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie) are just standing still awkwardly with Grumpy having his arm around Doc. 😁 This drawing here is pretty much a redraw of the first drawing I made for this AU, except this one is where the two of them are actually looking directly at each other and I just wanted to add Bashful and use this one old "draw your squad" meme. One of my next drawings will be a reference to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which is what I've been binge-watching lately.
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Brief Post on the AU's Origins
This isn't really a headcanon, but a post about how the AU came to life. How I just wanted a short little comic, to making this into a full blown AU.
I believe some of you are wondering how that progressed. I’m sure I covered this before, albeit briefly, but if I haven’t, I’m happy to bring it out. I've only told a few people about how it came into existence and I did write it at least once in the info box on a sprite animation I made back in 2018. And, that's where it starts, and that's also when I barely joined the fandom.
I wanted to have a crossover made for Classic and X, considering, at the time, I had the information of the two not being so directly connected to each other, and I was ALL OVER THE PLACE for the ship at the time (who am I kidding, I still kinda am lmao). I am one of those who headcanon they definitely are connected directly, and it should be that way imo. Since, in the classic games, at least some of them, Zero was in the process of being made. Especially Megaman 2: The Power Fighters. It may or may not be canon to the timeline. I say it does but idk how other people feel about it.
Though, I consider that canon, so- take that with what you will.
Anyway, ever since I knew of this happening, I wanted a crossover between the two games so bad. See how Rock and Roll react to X and Zero being from the future. How X and Zero's love influenced other., That kind of thing. Especially considering how that's also how Rock and Bass became shipped in my little circle lmao. I think I'll post another headcanon soon, possibly.
I drew a couple pieces pertaining to this, planning out how some scenarios could go, including a cover to the comic. Which I haven't posted anywhere, unfortunately, and I thought I did. But I didn’t. I also did a redraw, which I might also post but I'm not sure where I put it or the og, as it's all drawn traditionally.
Though, after all of that, this was also before I made the blog in November 2018. And the name was gonna be "The Love and Loveless". Yeah. Doesn't sound like a fitting title at all, does it? As a romantic writer and illustrator, if the story has romance at least half predominantly in the story, I naturally make a romantic title to it. And I didn't like it. I'm also one of those artists that come up with things on the spot and I usually like them. They mostly stay as they are, but sometimes, even after I like the first idea to come to mind, I'll change it eventually. And this was one of thoses things where I didn't like the first thing AT ALL and needed to change it.
So, for the next couple weeks after the title was first thought of, I thought about what the better title could be, and then my thought process went like this as I stimmed: "Hmmm… X is blue, Zero is red.. though mine is black armored. Hmmmmmm. Maybe something with 'Code' in it. Since the story does revolve around them more heavily in it. Ruby and Sapphire, maybe. Nah, too long. Crimson and Sapphire is definitely too long… …Waaait- Crimson. Sapphire. Crimpphire. Code: Crimpphire!! That's it!!"
And that's how the title became as it is now! Not only does it revolve them as a pair, but also as individuals and how their connection made them feel as one. How they supported each other as well as took care of themselves. They indirectly taught each other to do what they can to fight the evil in the world, albeit it was mostly Mavericks for a time. They became each other's heart and soul.
Though- back on topic, sorry lol you get the idea
I loved the title then so I decided to change it to that when I made more fan stuff to accommodate the comic. Though, as the month progressed (this is from September to October btw, right around the start of being in the fandom still), I thought about what X and Zero could do with the Command Mission crew at that point, then it escalated what could happen if they had a beach trip and then took the train home (you can thank the "Spirited Away" track "The Sixth Stop" for this lmao, along with a fanart of X and Zero resting on a train by themselves IT'S SO CUTE!! If I find the link I will put it here), and my mind just went BRRRR and made a little script out of it.
And it.. well - progressed into something way more than just a Classic/X crossover comic. I thought about what other scenarios can happen, especially during X5, so I started making the script for Zero and Dr Light's Deep Conversation. And it became the demo for this AU.
Then it escalated into what if I made this entire thing into an audio drama??? And that idea seemed to work- except I was dealing with a lot of problems behind the scenes, that I felt overwhelmed, and from then on by this post here, I decided to not make it into a full on audio drama anymore. But it's still been a huge process but I think I finally found an outlet that can work for this.
Especially since I haven't done it in literally over 15 years.
I DECIDED TO MAKE A FANFIC OUT OF IT!! And then audio dramas, comics and a few tidbits of art are gonna come out of that!! It took me this long to consider it but I think I'm finally doing it!!
Sorry this also turned into a full on announcement on what the AU's direction is gonna be, but I'm just excited to bring it out!!
That's how the AU became a thing and I'm glad it has with the friends I've gained over the years and it's great to have them!!
I'm glad you all came to see this and it has fed you well so far and I hope I can FINALLY give you a cohesive story I wanted to share since day 1!!
Hope you enjoyed reading!!
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herrscherofmagic · 2 years
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hello world
i'm still here!
i haven't posted art here in ages, not like I've made anything new in ages either, but I figured i'd start posting my older works to social media since I've finally kinda-sorta started drawing again recently, so this week I'll try and post a bunch of months-old things that I've worked on! And maybe a couple newish things too~
This is a bunch of messy sketches I worked on a while back, it's actually one of my favorite projects so far because I was getting bogged down in the details w/ the first sketch I was working on, and I was like "wait this is dumb this is going to take forever and I just keep feeling more miserable-er" so I decided to just wing it and do a bunch of super fast and rough counter sketch things and it actually worked???
so I went back over one of them a few times building it up, then I used the pose I was drawing as a guide to draw a different character in that pose, and it's the first time I've ever really done that? at least with a full-body thing, as opposed to background stuff
and the fischl painting??? actually kinda worked ngl
I really like showing off these rougher behind-the-scenes details because it's so easy to get caught up in the super fancy finished products that a lot of artists post, and obviously that stuff is amazing, but I also think it's nice to show the uglier side underneath all that, so that way newer and aspiring artists can see that the process of art is more complicated than just "have talent, make pretty picture", it's about actually screwing around and trying things out and not being afraid to make mistakes, knowing that nothing is permanent and it's better to try and see what happens instead of fearing that you won't be perfect...
anyways I haven't quite drawn like this in like two months or smth dumb like that, but I'm trying to get back on track! there's a Honkai comic I want to work on (redrawing a scene from Elysian Realm) and I still have tons of projects to get working on someday, so I need to actually draw and do things so I can actually get kinda good-ish at art, y'know??
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archfeyworkshop · 1 year
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Let's start with worldbuilding rambling, shall we? Above is the world of Arturium, what is ultimately a five-year project that has gone through...three and a bit iterations and two editions of gaming. So let's summarise quickly:
When I started GMing for TTRPGs, I made the big mistake of making a whole world from scratch for three weeks and ended up absolutely in over my head. I was a worse storyteller and world designer, and I don't think I even have the original map, made in Hexographer, anymore. At the time it was so much simpler too - the pantheon was pulled wholesale from Eberron despite knowing nothing about it, I had more cities in some places and fewer in others. For the time it wasn't bad but...it wasn't a world exactly. More a caricature.
The next iteration made some big changes. I laid out much clearer overviews of each nation, and threw out a lot of the Eberron gods in favour of my own. I kept one or two that I appreciated, but the new pantheon still kept the dual-domain style of the old pantheon, and a couple of higher powers like Asmodeus and Mephistopheles remained even today. The Hells just don't feel the same without them. That was the first glam-up on the map too.
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I had a drawing program, go figure. It looked better than the original but was essentially a redraw, and continued with the geographical issue of me not being very aware of how terrain formed. But it was mine. And was still...pretty empty. It was made during my first campaign which ended up running for three years, which ended up taking place over two continents and a lot of lore that was ultimately altered but not quite abandoned.
This most recent iteration and a bit has been the most substantial and worthwhile one. The pantheon got properly cleaned up with the last of the remnant gods being remade into entirely personalised ones, and resulted in the map above. Between iterations I had picked up bits and pieces about how terrain was loosely shaped, and that resulted in the remade mountain ranges and rivers. National borders became properly contained by natural terrain and we got some actual islands. It was the biggest change that took the world into feeling like proper terrain, breaking things up like landmasses that have drifted.
At this point all the nations got fuller updates on their individual cities with a paragraph for each, and a more complex interaction with the world around them. A topic for another post, perhaps. Keeping things at a macro level for now though...a number of species got reworked or renamed, or cut out entirely as I decided they weren't doing anything in the setting ecology. The Crayshaw Mountains got renamed to Agryphida, and then mysteriously disappeared from the earliest ages of the world...but that's its own story. Oh nine, there's the entire reworking of the timeline getting shorter and shorter too...welp, there's going to be a lot to talk about, much of it that will never make it into campaigns, so here's as good a place as any.
That's the final thing I'll talk about for this start post, I reckon. When I started my setting it was a D&D 5e setting. Now, thanks to my own system preferences, it's been adjusted to Pathfinder 1e. But I mean, with all the holes in 5e...that wasn't too difficult. It did force me to assign proper mechanical domains and alignments to the gods.
But I'm writing this quite late at night. A world has a lot of stuff you can do with it and plenty I want to talk about. Hell, there's plenty to do with a breakdown of each nation, the history I'm still writing, how the species interact. There's an entire dissertation I could write about how the northern nations on Almahd came out of one bit of art of a Lamia in a crop top...
So I'll leave you with that. The promise of much worldbuilding rambling and character design in the future. Probably tall and wide.
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