#I'll elaborate on this au someday perhaps
noddynods · 1 year
I AM SLOWLY GETTING MY POWER (=drawing abilities) BACK
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Here is a doodle of the silly from a specific au (the most advanced after the ask blog au)
And I AM
Not going to explain anything he is suffering and there's nothing to fix it have a good day!
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kesobun · 6 months
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yuri shimamine i was brewing I'll explain my stuff more elaborately under the cut but this is my NEW!! disclaimer regarding shimamine fanarts i create and might do in the future ^_^
My timeline for this would be 8 years later, making Shima and Mine 38/27 respectively. Minegishi is a nonbinary lesbian in this au, where they don't really find Shimazaki that cool back in Claw lmfao. At least until they meet recently where Shimazaki comes back fully transitioned after being MIA, then the usual shimamine plot ensues haha
I'd love to write a fic about this someday, perhaps when I graduate this year I hope?? ;w;
Anyways, I'll be creating a tag between my nonfanbook (#nonfnbk) and fanbook compliant (#fnbkcomp) shimamines from now on; and I trust anyone who sees these tags will interpret these with the disclaimer I've linked above in mind 🙇‍♀️ thank u and love y'all..
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e1ectrostatic · 4 months
30 Day Fictionkind Challenge Day 20
Q: How do you express your fictotype? Clothes, merch, cosplay, maybe even name?
A: A few ways! I'm going for the completionist route. Mostly in name, but I express it through clothes (and... possibly merch?) too :]. I also express it in ways not listed in the question, including but not limited to art, music, and video games.
Name is... kinda obvious. My most preferred name is Luca, and that's the one I go by primarily, especially online. As far as I'm concerned, Luca Bal/sa is my full name. Feel free to treat it as such. I have other names and nicknames I go by both on and offline, but Luca is the one I'm happiest to be called. I'd prefer not to be called Prisoner, though. lmao
It's a bit more complicated with regards to my wardrobe. I use my clothes to express myself, and I'm me, so I guess by extension I'm technically expressing my kintype? I guess the thing is, I don't dress myself in this life like a 19th century nobleman. It's a great style, but I don't have the means or particularly strong urge to do so right now. And I guess this goes without saying but I don't dress myself in old timey prison garb either.
One thing I think is funny though is that I do dress myself like how I'm commonly drawn by fanartists in modern AUs. My taste in fashion also often aligns with how I'm portrayed in official art that puts me in more modern clothes. I like to wear chokers, chains, straps, and stripes, which seems to be the common consensus of what I'd wear in modern times anyway. I don't go out of my way to dress like my fictotype or closet cosplay, though. I mostly just wear what I want because I think it's cool. I'd like to go steampunk someday, too 🫶.
On the topic of cosplay though, I don't do anything like that right now, but would like to. Perhaps someday I'll put together my own cosplay. I think that'd be nice.
Merch... I'm honestly not sure if this counts. The only merch I have for my source is a little Eli plush. I can't recall what our relationship was in my canon (if any), but I love the little thing so much and pretty much anything related to my source makes me feel at home, so I'll count it anyway. I'd like to get more merch sometime, especially if I ever see any fanmade stuff at cons.
Art is one of the most effective tools I have for expressing my fictotype. I already mentioned it in a previous question, but I'd like to elaborate here. My favorite way of expressing myself is through drawing or writing out my noemata. I consider it less of an "external" way to express myself and more internal or insular, especially if I decide not to share what I make.
Whether it's actual concrete memories I have, how I remember the people around me to have looked like, or just making something to express fictotype-related feelings, it always feels satisfying to get out of my head and on paper. I also often make art of my source unrelated to my noemata, but it feels nice anyway. Even if something I draw or write didn't actually happen in my canon, I still consider it self-expression because it feels like building my source from the ground up, in my vision.
Music is a very internal way for me to express my fictotype, but it's my favorite method (with art being a close second, of course). Like I said in my post about what shifts are like, music can be a very powerful callback to my canon. Sometimes it just feels nice to be in my head and express myself to myself rather than be concerned about what I'm showing to other people. If I feel inclined, music can inspire me to express myself outwardly (through making art or just talking about my thoughts), but oftentimes I just keep to myself and let my mind wander.
Video games are a very fun way to express my fictotype, particularly with games that have character customization and/or various playstyles. RPGs are my favorite for this. I love to recreate myself in the character customization to the best of my ability, and then go with a playstyle that would best suit me. Admittedly, it can be a hit or miss. Some games are right on the money while others...not so much. The latter still has its own silver lining, though — it's fun to improvise and work with what I have, plus oftentimes the results are funny as hell. I have amassed several clearance section Luca Bal/sa player characters over several games.
Those are all my methods of self expression that I can think of off the top of my head. As usual, if I think of anything else, I'll come back to the topic. Take care :]
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tevinterdays · 3 years
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post-trespasser Octavius
with denial comes style? is that anything? anyway i wanted to draw him
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