#I'M the idiot
amyelyseneer · 2 months
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I got a tad bitter about my deteriorating body. Buy some art to help me afford jury-rigging my flesh prison so it will work a little bit.
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0rchidrose · 3 months
Guess which idiot forgot to bring their sheet music to their final performance exam 💀
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friend-crow · 11 months
What idiot scheduled me for an 8 AM appointment the day after I got back?
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wtfjd95 · 1 year
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Aloy is me right now, barely hanging on.
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virtualgirladvance · 6 months
Mom, can we go to Legoland tomorrow? Please i got an A+ in math, i deserve it. You promised. Please!
Why do you even want to go to Lego land you don't even play with them after you make it???
Thanks tumblr for somehow both wanting me to be a milf while also making it the least sexy thing ever. I'm going to become a nun or a hermit or something
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This is how I feel trying to catch up with all of Genshin's quests in less than 6 months because I started the game in January when I heard that Fontaine was inspired by France and would drop in July, and thought that I would have plenty of time to be up to date on the story before that, but I had NO POSSIBLE IDEA that this game was so HUGE and filled with so many cutscenes and so much runtime so I am trying to go as fast as possible while also taking my time because I love the game and the characters so this is genuinely how the situation looks like in my head
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btw the fact that Mihoyo deletes all the limited time events quests even though they hold like 100 hours of cutscenes is a shame because if you're a new player you never experience them, but it's also honestly what saves my life right now not gonna lie
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nostalgiamonster · 1 year
This just in: local idiot showered and did their hair especially for a voice call
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wingsdreamt · 2 years
guess which idiot burned their fingers trying to catch a heated steel pan this morning
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yisanged · 2 years
look at this idiot taking screenshots every other dialogue line if you want to look at all those scenes again later so bad just play the game again god damn
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svitiplyn · 24 days
I find it very funny when people assume I'm good with technology. I look like I am but I've managed to knock up several devices and I just found out that you can do ANIMATIONS in Powerpoint. Let's just say... I had fun...
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quietnjustice · 3 months
Weightloss is going good again, life on the other hand not so much. Keeping it together, and eating enough to feel good, and still doing exercise, but man is my mental health right on the edge. Bad day breakdown to follow
After our days visiting the in laws side of the famjam come back to work, to just constantly be chasing anything productive, I just want to cry alone but I'm still working and doing stuff. I think I'll have a chance to do so work yesterday but I need to send someone home and cover that department because... well fuck who cares why, just fuck, so I come home. I'm playing with my daughter she's being a bit extra because she wants her mom who's now at work after being around the last week I go in my room to get her dressed for bed and I'm standing in water. Our upstairs neighbour flooded our house the week before we left and that was an accident I asked her not to use the outside tap outside our room because of that she used it again without having it fixed. So I lost my mind I went upstairs and just unloaded with swear words at her. Of course not the right thing to do as an adult but man it's been a rough week, and if I sprayed water in her bedroom I'm sure she'd be unhappy. Then I went upstairs to make sure it was off and her boyfriend is talking spit "his kid is down there crying because he's an idiot" I'm just like ya I'm the idiot like you didn't just flood my house and I'm cleaning it up water rapidly instead of comforting my child who is crying, because yes her dad's and idiot, and yes he yelled, but she's also crying because her toys are all wet and her dad is trying hold it together. So all cleaned up hoping she'll go to sleep I'm to angry to sleep but who love some time to myself. She finally falls asleep at 3am, I take some time for myself because I just keep going over and over how made I am. I play a game I have a single of tequila and finally get to sleep by 5, I get up at 11:30, eat and make coffee by 1 child is up, girlfriend is up by 3 ish, I mention so neighbour wasn't impressed that yelled and instead of being understanding to me she's like "well ya", then I'm like we'll she intentionally flooded our house, she's like "intentionally?" so I explain well the first time it was an accident and I'm all kinds of understanding didn't even get mad I took the day off and cleaned it up but when you use the same tap after being asked not to because it flooded out room, ya, that's intentional. She didn't respond. So I guess I'm the asshole.
I just feel so done.
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helianskies · 5 months
is it so fucking hard to let me know you're going to be late, or to send me an update about where you are or what's happening, if you're meant to be coming over to my place and YOU told me what time you would be here for? i told you, i have shit to be doing, i have coursework, i don't really have time to see anyone right now, but since you're suddenly around you wanted to know if i was on campus (no!) and then, oh, well, i'm going back home this eve passing by where you live... so close yet so far... so i invite you for a cup of tea because i feel like you're fishing for it, and you insist 'it'll really have to be quick because i need to get back'. meanwhile i'm sitting here trying to do coursework but not wanting to get too into it because i know you're meant to be coming and it'll cut off my work flow, and i don't want that to happen if i'm at the crux of a translation. and it's been half an hour. and you haven't sent me a text. a 'sorry, running late!'. you were dropping off a laptop because you've resigned, and that was meant to be it. your own words. that was an hour ago. i am at my wits end with this fucking friendship of ours, because it is really starting to feel like 'take take take'.
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crowleys-hips · 7 months
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wtfjd95 · 1 year
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Managed to override a Tallneck but then almost got trampled by a charger.
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archfey-edda · 10 months
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pencilmint · 16 days
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Sunset in Shinjuku
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