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wolfram-but-art · 4 months ago
If we take that Engineers cord tail wags when happy, does it mean it will also wag when Dell is hugged/tickled or cuddled? :3
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there's a whole diaghram on tail emotions on my blog in the engineer tag somewhere, but it's old an crusty so i aint looking for it
but he 100% does wag his tail. i'd imagine if he's more relaxed (ex. cuddling) it acts more like a cat's tail where it moves gently and slowly
when he's excited it would act more energetic like a dog's tail
generally wags whenever he's content, more excitement = more tail movement
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insomnya777 · 3 months ago
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aurorangen · 3 months ago
I've decided to end the backstory there! I mainly wanted to tell Vincent's child/teen years by highlighting the key events in a story. It's a happy, but heartbreaking ending that leaves you wondering all sorts. Thank you everyone who has followed along! I understand story and wordy stuff isn't for everyone and how people generally favour gameplay posts over lots of words/dialogue in a legacy. Vincent's backstory is something I've set my mind to completing and I'm proud of doing that. I have a newfound confidence in my storytelling and writing abilities and it's all thanks to you guys ❀
Also how do you like my poem??? đŸ€­ I made the text underneath match the pictures but it can be read on its own. Honestly, I was writing this as I went and somehow it flows nicely đŸ€­ It's referring to Vincent's life with pain, coming, living with it, going away, etc
It was all a facade And I didn't know that We were just like any other family I remember it all so clearly Meeting new friends Making new memories But why does pain always come in the end?
I keep thinking back to those times When the good things come from the bad I saw all the signs When he was playing with our minds Staying strong was just so hard Even when the good people came For how long will I have to live with this pain?
There are some things we will remember For the rest of our lives Like my first love that September All its flashbacks start when I close my eyes No longer was I going to hide From all the events of those days Still, will this pain ever go away?
It was us against the world then Nothing was going to stop me Seeing my best friends again They say everything happens for a reason That I can take control of my decisions And make myself feel understood So is this pain finally gone for good?
And what if this pain comes back again?
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jayparked · 20 days ago
so hee said he was jealousy type, right? (like that one fan sign where op asked him if he’s okay with his gf texting a male friend every day he’s like ‘everyday?? why????’). dude. imagine dating heesung but on the dl. like not even his members know dl. (idk sunoo would probably know tbh he seems like he’d pick up on that stuff quickly BUT YOU GET IT). so if he introduces you as his friend and you get the chance to meet his members or txt or smt AHHHHH.
“Wait so who was your first bias?”, and god forbid it’s not him.
? What’s wrong?”
“idk go ask jay”
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i'll be so honest. i think during those promotional periods the boys were told to act more jealous. because it was weird to me how their theme of jealousy in their album came out and suddenly they were all saying things like jealous boyfriends. like even jay and sunghoon being more direct about things they would/wouldn't like when before they've been more vague in their answers (just my personal opinion)
although i do see heeseung kinda questioning why his partner would feel the need to talk to another guy everyday under certain circumstances. i think overall if the relationship is really stable and there's a lot of mutual communication, he wouldn't really care if you had a close guy friend that you talked to a lot! although he'd be even more comfortable if he was able to meet the guy and hang out with you to see the dynamic and get an overall vibe check.
heeseung is definitely the fake pouty/teasing type of guy though absolutely. he just wants to hear you say no one can come close to him and that he'll always be the only one you have your eyes/attention on
i think for riki's answers it's very much a "what's the context here" having a meal with someone where other people can think you're a couple? no. going to another idols fansign where you get to be in awe and flirt? no. i think him and heeseung are kinda the same in the sense of what i wrote above!
i try not to correlate the idol aspect of things when talking about how they would act with significant others because it feels a lil odd to me (kinda the same with why i dont write idol aus). it's too real and i know they only show us small parts of themselves and a lot of it is performative. with that said, i think riki has a very "mine 😠...fine..." attitude LMAO like only partially meaning it. he would try really hard to bottle up his doubts and would trust his partner a lot but would never be happy if the other person was picked over him! same with the rest of the guys tbh
(i've gotten a lot done today and will try to go to bed soon i promise!)
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fanaticsnail · 1 year ago
Pertaining to Sapsorrow, will we ever get to see the sun dress *ahem* in action?
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The moon must rise before the sun shines above the horizon.
The next chapter of Sapsorrow is the dance of courtship between Mihawk and his governess, courtesy of the Clown adhering to the traditions of Kuraigana. Mihawk never got the opportunity to woo his bride, and now he must in order to win her favour. Thanks, Clown.
The following chapter will be the tying and untying of the sensual sundress: tied by a blindfolded Benn Beckman, and hopefully untied by Mihawk - if there's no complications that has him losing all composure and cut the damn thing off.
But rest assured, dear anon. More is to come for this tale.
(I have been swamped a little in my personal life, and I want to make sure it's perfect before posting! It is coming, I promise đŸ–€)
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timmie15 · 6 months ago
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Most normal Freud behavior on the annual Vespers meeting
based on this meme as a joke on discord
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their designs by @beth4short-blog
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bobcat-pie · 3 months ago
OK so I was reading up on cloning in Star Wars and found out that:
the idea of "Palpatine's clone-based gambit for immortality" has been around LOOONG before the shit writing of the new trilogy, it's just that it was in the noncanon Legends continuity.
his clone vessels suck shit and age super fast and he can't make them stop aging super fast. This is because cloning "breaks the natural chain of life" or some shit, so his vessels have zero defense against the ravages of the dark side.
But like, what is the functional difference between birth from an artificial womb and birth from an organic one?
Well. The microbiome doesn't get established quick enough.
It's possible that the millions of living microscopic organs in everyone's bodies may play some part in shielding the body from the adverse health effects of the dark side. This is a shield that newborn clones would lack, since they couldn't inherit the microbiome their parent passed down to them.
But noooo, ol' Palpatine just HAS to throw force lightning around or psychically manipulate his underlings or something 0.1 seconds after he's decanted, thereby busting his telomeres clean off his chromosomes! Noooo, he CAN'T cannonball into a vat of probiotic yogurt first!
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creatureprofessor · 1 month ago
i'm at that stage of MA thesis writing where i'm doing all sorts of Activities that is NOT writing my thesis. in other news i started watching Rings of Power
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harveyspecterx · 7 months ago
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this is the hottest gifset â„ąïž
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modern-inheritance · 4 months ago
Modern Inheritance: Cracked Armor (Short) (Extended War Timeline)
(A/N: This devolved into Saphira and Glen quietly squeeing to each other while Eragon and Arya have a camaraderie moment completely oblivious to the possible deeper meaning of Eragon being so understanding of Arya's connection to FĂ€olin and Arya being so touched by it. It started out as a touching piece where Arya feels vulnerable about FĂ€olin and Eragon is, as said before, very understanding of it, but I had to run an errand in the middle and we ended up with this badly toned, no one is consistent with previous characterization slop. So take it with a grain of salt.
Also, if you ask Arya if she's superstitious, she'll say no. However, she finds many things the Varden soldiers do to honor their fallen friends a good way to respect the memory of the dead, so she follows some of their traditions. She also wears FĂ€olin's dogtags on her belt, muffled by magic ofc so they don't jangle around.)
Glen looked over when Arya let out a soft curse. “Ah, damn it all.” The familiar sound of an armor release clip clicked into the still dust laden air as the younger elf undid the fastenings at her right forearm. “Fucking Wardbreakers. I can’t fix this out here.” 
The dismay in her tone was enough that Glen leaned over his battlemate’s shoulder to take a look at the damage. The bracer was dented in significantly, enough that a dark bruise was already blossoming up on Arya’s forearm as she lifted the sleeve of her combat suit to check for any bleeding. Cracks shot out from the divot in the mix of spidersilk and aramid weave, all the way down to the interior layers. The thin sheaf of spongy aerated gel peeked through in places, a shimmering, foamy white among blued steel and matte black.
Mentally mapping out the angle of impact, Glenwing racked his brain. He was sure at some point he had–
“Ah!” The medic looked down. A blob of malformed metal was embedded in the abdominal region of his own armor plates. “Was wondering where that ricochet came from.” 
“Are you alright?” That she had asked him was telling, at least in their odd little language. The round must have stung on impact, enough that she was worried it had not slowed enough to prevent him from being harmed. He would have to look at her arm, but for now he was pleased she was moving it without any wincing or restricted range of motion. 
Having made his own assessment, Glen waved away Arya’s increasingly troubled frown. “Barely felt it. Looks like your armor’s the most damaged of all of us.”
Frown eased, the disappointed air returned to Arya’s face. “Yeah. Better the armor than any of us, but
” She trailed off, fingers tracing the damage. 
“You two okay?” Eragon was tugging off his helmet as he approached. He had caught the concern in the voices of his companions and, leaving Saphira in Blödhgarm’s capable hands to finish up the final nicks and scrapes, went to investigate. “Sounds a bit depressed over here.”
Arya held up the damaged bracer. “We took a casualty.” Eragon took the armor piece and let out a low whistle. “Don’t know who the hell fired it, but it was definitely a Wardbreaker.” Her expression soured further, eyes oddly soft despite the obvious annoyance. “I can’t repair it out here. Rhunön’s the only one who can fix something this broken, and who knows when we’ll go back.” 
Eragon passed the bracer back. “You have spares, don’t you?”
The elf shrugged. “For this one in particular, yeah. I guess it’s lucky in that regard.” 
“Oh.” Glen’s voice was muffled as he slid his chestpiece over his head. Once free he gave his currently wild silver mane a good shake to clear his eyes and tilted his head in condolences. “It’s that one.” 
At Eragon’s raised eyebrow, Arya rubbed the back of her neck. “It’s
a good luck charm. It’s not my original bracer.” Glen rolled his eyes and not-too-subtly kicked the side of his battlemate’s foot. “Fine! Fine. It’s FĂ€olin’s.” An unexpected blush met Eragon’s gaze when he flicked his eyes from the damaged armor back to Arya’s face. “Some
old tradition a buddy of mine taught me. Even if our dead stay dead, they can protect us in a way. I might have taken that literally.” 
To the elf’s surprise, Eragon was smiling at her when she finally looked up. A genuine, gentle smile that lit his face. Shit, why did he suddenly look so much like FĂ€olin in that moment? Not really, not his appearance, but the feeling he was giving off, that warmth? 
“That’s a wonderful idea.” The Rider touched Arya’s shoulder. “I know I’m not much on the whole repair side of things, but if Rhunön made it, then perhaps her spells from forging Bris–my sword. From forging it could help?” 
Glen didn’t move. This was a moment. Don’t breathe, don’t move, let them have it. He could feel Saphira’s mind hovering at the edge of his, questioning, and he let her in to explain and show what exactly was going on. The pleased amusement that radiated into his thoughts echoed his own, though far less tense in anticipation. 

These two dorks were fast becoming a fascination for the dragon and medic alike.
“Thank you.” Arya’s hand covered Eragon’s at her shoulder, genuine appreciation thickening her words with emotion. “That
that you offered means a lot. But Rhunön’s armor spells are different from her weapon spells.” 
Ah! Glen could see another hint of blush on both of them now. He shared his internal excitement with Saphira. The equivalent of a draconic high five buffeted his mental form in equal elation.  
“I see. Well, if you do want some help with it, just let me or Saphira know.” Eragon shifted his grip and gave Arya’s hand a quick squeeze before pulling back. “I think Rhunön did pack me some aramid repair tape when she was going through Saphira’s saddlebags. Would that help?”
“Immensely. Thank you!” The gentle squeeze was returned and just like that, the two separated. 
Glen hastily busied himself with unlatching the hidden clasps at his left bicep, a grunt of dismissal all Eragon got for a goodbye. The difficulty wasn’t entirely false, the armor never having been altered to fit over his prosthetic properly, and it provided the perfect cover to hide his smile.
A bit too tight still. Damn it. Okay, now he actually couldn’t–
“Oh, come here.” Arya reached up and seized a handful of his combat suit, giving the stretchy material a firm yank. Glen hit his knees with a whuff of surprise, eye to eye with his friend and giving her a sheepish grin. “If I get you out of this without taking your arm off, then will you tell me what the hell that weird look you were giving me and Eragon was?”
“What look?” He may have sounded the picture of innocence, but the open handed cuff to the side of his head made clear that his face was betraying him yet again. “It was nothing! I just hadn’t realized that you and Eragon had talked so much about FĂ€olin.” 
Arya rolled her eyes and, with practiced ease, teased the stubborn clip open with a satisfying clatter. “Uh huh. You looked like you had eaten some fermented mango again.” 
“I did not!” A teasing smile had started at the edge of Arya’s lips, her fingers finding the next clasp in the system out of pure habit. At the positive sign Glen lowered his voice. “Okay. I really didn’t know how you two were getting along. Neither of you mention it, but the Bloodoath is almost two years past now. You both seem
better. Even better than before.” 
A softness flitted across his battlemate’s eyes as she lifted away the medic’s bracer. “He’s really grown up. Saphira too. They’ve both matured a lot.”
The silence between them grew until Arya had finally shimmied the armored glove off Glen’s prosthetic. She regarded the final piece with a thoughtful look before turning back to her bestest of friends and, as gently as gently got with Arya, whapped him on the side of the head with it. 
“Stop being so weird about me and Eragon, weirdo! We’re friends! Stop making it weird!”
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mightyjemma · 1 year ago
we could start a war (or we could live in peace)
Some nights Chris cannot sleep.
(he wakes up coughing then, the pressure of a boot on his ribcage, ash in the air and in his lungs and hair. the feeling of fire too close to his skin, on his skin, burning flesh until the pain stops and all nerve endings are dead.
it isn't real. but it feels real. it was real, in another life.)
(charmed 1998, chris halliwell centric)
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two-person-job · 2 months ago
hi it's been a month and a new . hold. is over me. it's called hollow knight. and. I have. like. 50 hours in it. in the past two weeks. 150ish total. and i've almost 100%'d it achievement wise. I already got the pure completion/112% completion achievement the only thing I have left is um the p5 ending which i've gotten really close to. I got to abs-rad last time which is funny because the time before that I got to pv before dying and that's also funny because the time before THAT I got to nkg so each time I only got one boss further so hopefully next time if I make it past pv again i'll beat abs-rad (ofc I need to practice against her but yk (I'm so bad at fighting her)) ALSO tiso is my favorite character he's the best he's my favorite ant EVER second place goes to god tamer she's cool. I hate fighting her tho she actually can ruin my p5 run. boooo. grimm gets me my health back tho he's real one. anyways ig unpopular opinion but I LOVE godseeker idc that she hates ghost in a normal playthrough I heart her she's the best :) and I like cloth a lot too that's a normal opinion I think cloth is really neat! hive knight is also my second favorite character. I loveee the little bit of lore we actually get about him and I like how he goes "bzzz huzzah!" because that's so real hive knight!! huzzah!! and pure vessel. pv. oughh they're totally my favorite fight with hive knight being my second. pure vessel is so much funnn like idc that they already deal double damage like. they're soo much fun!!!! and speaking of vessels lost kin is also the best lost kin makes me want to cry sometimes. ough the nod after you finish the dream battle I KNOW THE LORE I KNOW WHAT THAT NOD MEANS RAHHHHH. I also like monomon and quirrel a lot. jellyfish and pillbug combo my beloved.. I want. the next username I need to make. monomonn. because I love her. and I think her name is super neat. also nkg is pretty cool but like his name is kind of. middle schooler. nightmare king grimm.. muah ah ah... but he's a fun fight he's an enjoyable fight. idc that he's also double damage it's fun!! it's so much fun I love how. he's .pink. anyways. yeagh. bzzz HUZZAH! bzzzzz HUZZAH!
#holy yap..#anyways I saw some like. INCREDIBLE pins. that were of the hollow knight charms#and oh my goddd I want all of them..#idc that it's 70 whole dollars for a set of ten rahhgghhg....pretty.. charms...pins...#I feel like tuk rn but i. don't care (tuk is a hoarder character in hollow knight sdhfdk)#also the mantis lords are SO COOL I LOVE TEH MANTIS TRIBE WOOOOO#YEAHHH SISTERS OF BATTLE!! WOOO YIPPEE#also I found mirei guys she's in hollow knight! help she's stuck in there and can't leave!! they changed her name to Myla!! free herrrr#oh and with the pins I WNAT THE SPELL TWISTER AND SHAMAN STONE ONE RAHHGHHGHHHH#also. the mosscreep THE MOSSCREEP!!!! and maybe even the delicate flower. or shrumal warrior. wah!. so real shrumal warrior.#ohh what were the others.#wayward compass LMAOO#ohh quickslash was so pretty.. like I'm not a quickslash gal but it was so prettyyy. wait did they have. unbreakable heart.#I don't think that they had unbreakable greed. they had strength! but I'm not really a strength gal either#omg bro I KNOW there were at least 8 charms I wanted I have to find them#ok Etsy tab is open thank u for the 15% discount code <3#MARK OF PRIDE AND HIVEBLOOD#ok mark of pride. hiveblood. mosscreep. spell twister. oh no shaman stone or delicate flower..#okokokokok these are the ones that I will get#mark of pride. hiveblood. mosscreep. spell twister. shaman stone. delicate flower. shrumal warrior. wayward compass.#'Each pin has been made to scale to match the official Fangamer Hollow Knight plush.' OMG I LOVE YOU?#STOP THATS SO THE BEST#oh I'm going to spend so much money on this dear god#57 bucks but shipping is like 1081924 dollar so I think it's gonna end up being around 70. it makes sense it's super far from me but ough..#we gotta remove one. shucks.#hiveblood I need to keep because of hive knight yk. mark of pride is just so iconic to me and I loveee the mantis tribe so yea#spell twister is my favorite charm and shaman stone is meant to look like my pookie snail shaman. and is also one that's always equipped#delicate flower is the doomed lesbians quest how could I remove that?? shrumal warrior is the best I love. hm.#mosscreep stays. oh but do I get rid of compass or WAH!!#oh I have to keep shrumal warrior. I'm sorry compass i'll come back for u trust me
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fivewholeminutes · 6 months ago
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Hey the guys are going around. Bringing warm beverages and love. Because you’re amazing. đŸ«¶
I received it, got very emotional about 'you snailed it' and promptly forgor about posting an actual response to this đŸ„șđŸ„ș i'm sorry and thank you, love, for such an amazing ask. I will keep 'you snailed it' in my brain forever đŸ„ș💖
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jayparked · 21 days ago
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guys look at this banner i made 😏
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redinthesea · 11 months ago
Would you guys still love me if I posted One Piece fanart.
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abbeyofcyn · 2 years ago
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Meme potential
Inspired by my exact reaction whenever I accidentally step on a snail.
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