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two-person-job · 2 months ago
hi it's been a month and a new . hold. is over me. it's called hollow knight. and. I have. like. 50 hours in it. in the past two weeks. 150ish total. and i've almost 100%'d it achievement wise. I already got the pure completion/112% completion achievement the only thing I have left is um the p5 ending which i've gotten really close to. I got to abs-rad last time which is funny because the time before that I got to pv before dying and that's also funny because the time before THAT I got to nkg so each time I only got one boss further so hopefully next time if I make it past pv again i'll beat abs-rad (ofc I need to practice against her but yk (I'm so bad at fighting her)) ALSO tiso is my favorite character he's the best he's my favorite ant EVER second place goes to god tamer she's cool. I hate fighting her tho she actually can ruin my p5 run. boooo. grimm gets me my health back tho he's real one. anyways ig unpopular opinion but I LOVE godseeker idc that she hates ghost in a normal playthrough I heart her she's the best :) and I like cloth a lot too that's a normal opinion I think cloth is really neat! hive knight is also my second favorite character. I loveee the little bit of lore we actually get about him and I like how he goes "bzzz huzzah!" because that's so real hive knight!! huzzah!! and pure vessel. pv. oughh they're totally my favorite fight with hive knight being my second. pure vessel is so much funnn like idc that they already deal double damage like. they're soo much fun!!!! and speaking of vessels lost kin is also the best lost kin makes me want to cry sometimes. ough the nod after you finish the dream battle I KNOW THE LORE I KNOW WHAT THAT NOD MEANS RAHHHHH. I also like monomon and quirrel a lot. jellyfish and pillbug combo my beloved.. I want. the next username I need to make. monomonn. because I love her. and I think her name is super neat. also nkg is pretty cool but like his name is kind of. middle schooler. nightmare king grimm.. muah ah ah... but he's a fun fight he's an enjoyable fight. idc that he's also double damage it's fun!! it's so much fun I love how. he's .pink. anyways. yeagh. bzzz HUZZAH! bzzzzz HUZZAH!
#holy yap..#anyways I saw some like. INCREDIBLE pins. that were of the hollow knight charms#and oh my goddd I want all of them..#idc that it's 70 whole dollars for a set of ten rahhgghhg....pretty.. charms...pins...#I feel like tuk rn but i. don't care (tuk is a hoarder character in hollow knight sdhfdk)#also the mantis lords are SO COOL I LOVE TEH MANTIS TRIBE WOOOOO#YEAHHH SISTERS OF BATTLE!! WOOO YIPPEE#also I found mirei guys she's in hollow knight! help she's stuck in there and can't leave!! they changed her name to Myla!! free herrrr#oh and with the pins I WNAT THE SPELL TWISTER AND SHAMAN STONE ONE RAHHGHHGHHHH#also. the mosscreep THE MOSSCREEP!!!! and maybe even the delicate flower. or shrumal warrior. wah!. so real shrumal warrior.#ohh what were the others.#wayward compass LMAOO#ohh quickslash was so pretty.. like I'm not a quickslash gal but it was so prettyyy. wait did they have. unbreakable heart.#I don't think that they had unbreakable greed. they had strength! but I'm not really a strength gal either#omg bro I KNOW there were at least 8 charms I wanted I have to find them#ok Etsy tab is open thank u for the 15% discount code <3#MARK OF PRIDE AND HIVEBLOOD#ok mark of pride. hiveblood. mosscreep. spell twister. oh no shaman stone or delicate flower..#okokokokok these are the ones that I will get#mark of pride. hiveblood. mosscreep. spell twister. shaman stone. delicate flower. shrumal warrior. wayward compass.#'Each pin has been made to scale to match the official Fangamer Hollow Knight plush.' OMG I LOVE YOU?#STOP THATS SO THE BEST#oh I'm going to spend so much money on this dear god#57 bucks but shipping is like 1081924 dollar so I think it's gonna end up being around 70. it makes sense it's super far from me but ough..#we gotta remove one. shucks.#hiveblood I need to keep because of hive knight yk. mark of pride is just so iconic to me and I loveee the mantis tribe so yea#spell twister is my favorite charm and shaman stone is meant to look like my pookie snail shaman. and is also one that's always equipped#delicate flower is the doomed lesbians quest how could I remove that?? shrumal warrior is the best I love. hm.#mosscreep stays. oh but do I get rid of compass or WAH!!#oh I have to keep shrumal warrior. I'm sorry compass i'll come back for u trust me
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hollow-knight-fights · 8 months ago
Hollow Knight Fight Round 1, Wave 4
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Submit your propaganda here or in the tags/comments/reblogs!
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fungal-wasted · 2 years ago
every weaver costs 2 notches
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randomizers are fucking insane
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lynx-doodles-indie-games · 6 months ago
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i know i already have a bunch of series so far, but this one's a good one to quickly whip together when the ferretbrain or life kicks me in the teeth. little vessels! back in july, i sketched forty-three vessels based off almost every charm and most items in hollow knight, so here are the results of listening to a lot of long and boring lectures XD
so meet kindle and lyre! they're not proper OCs in the sense that they've got tons of enthusiasm or a role in a story behind them, but i can pencil out a history and trajectory for them.
links to everything below the cut:
wandering compass + map & quill; gathering swarm; stalwart shell; soul catcher, shaman stone, & soul eater; dashmaster + sprintmaster; grubsong + grubberfly's elegy; spell twister; steady body, heavy blow, quick slash, & longnail; mark of pride; fury of the fallen; thorns of agony + shape of unn; baldur shell; defender's crest; glowing womb; quick focus + deep focus; lifeblood heart + joni's blessing; lifeblood core + sharp shadow; hiveblood; spore shroom; nailmaster's glory; weaversong; dream wielder + dreamshield; grimmchild + carefree melody (here!); kingsoul and void heart; tram pass; lumafly lantern; hunter's mark; delicate flower
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thereareeyesinsidethetrees · 9 months ago
assigning some gravity falls characters hollow knight charm builds (for this we’re assuming they have access to all charms and that they’re doing casual playthroughs)
mabel - grubsong, weaversong, glowing womb, shape of unn, unbreakable heart, grimmchild (friend build, unbreakable heart adds health, is fun wordplay, and uh. rip leg eater. she just wanted to help him find love :[ friend of grubs, friend of weaverlings, friend of giant slug deity, don’t tell her about the grimm troupe lore, she knows, shhh. friend of grimmchild)
dipper - sharp shadow, hiveblood, soul catcher, stalwart shell, steady body (charms that he thinks are cool, plus he thinks they’re good probably maybe. sharp shadow lets you damage enemies when dashing through them, and it increases the length of your dash, which is good right? that’s good? he thinks it’s good. hiveblood regenerates the most recent health you lost. takes a bit, but still. good for white palace! …ignore that he doesn’t have any white fragments. soul catcher for soul, everybody loves soul charms. stalwart shell is really good because…it just is, trust him. steady body gets rid of knockback! sometimes he accidentally walks into the enemy because he forgets he has it on, but still!)
ford - voidheart, lifeblood heart, shaman stone, dream wielder, mark of pride, spell twister (more distanced attacks, more spell-based, had to give him at least one lifeblood charm because. come on. voidheart because he seems like the type to spend a lot of time exploring, plus its required to kill the radiance. i don’t think he would like the white lady. i think he would like the resting grounds, and especially the spirit’s glade. he likes seer’s little area and her design. he likes talking to her. he likes seer in general. he relates to the vessels. vvvvoidheart)
stan - quickslash, mark of pride, fury of the fallen, unbreakable strength (FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT. he’d be the type to damage tank. he sees the description for fury of the fallen and goes ‘oh fuck yeah’ and equips it half for the smidge of story and half for the actual effect. he likes the red overlay, he thinks it looks neat. quickslash means he can hit more quickly, mark of pride means he reach enemies to hit them more quickly, unbreakable strength means he can fuck them up even better. ford lets him know how to get all the pale ore so he can fully upgrade his nail. mabel makes him get the happy couple achievement afterwards. he’s certainly not complaining)
soos - carefree melody, grubberfly’s elegy, spore shroom, thorns of agony, dashmaster, sprintmaster (‘useless charms? nah, dude, they helped me beat pantheon five’. soos is a force to be reckoned with. carefree melody because melody, and sprintmaster and dashmaster reminded him of ford and stan and he thought that was neat enough to keep them on)
pacifica - weaversong, quick focus, unbreakable heart, gathering swarm, dream wielder, longnail (mabel gives her a few tips, hence unbreakable heart and longnail, but mostly her charms are based off aesthetics. she likes the way quick focus and dream wielder look, and she likes the way gathering swarm looks in use. weaversong was originally added because of mabel, but she ended up keeping it because it’s useful. yep, that’s it. definitely not because the little weaveringlings follow her around everywhere to the point of teleporting to the knight middair, and their slashes don’t do much but they’re trying their best, and they settle down to rest when the knight benches, and they were left behind by the rest of the weavers and- no, definitely not any of that)
bill cipher - wayward compass, dreamshield, balder shell, kingsoul (if you know, you know)
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richardazer · 2 years ago
Anyway no one except Ravi wanted to talk to me about what kind of bugs the boys would be
So tumblr gets this because I sad
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Brainworms with HK lore for nerds like me below + a silly ship sketch
So a bit of lore, technically the setting is in the middle of HK playthru yk?? But it's also on its own kinda?
The hive is opened after many years, there's a lot of commotion and infection and obviously the king is no more sooooo
3 pretty pale siblings come through the world searching for followers, all three are wyrms but they take on forms of different bugs
Ianite is a mantis
Mianite is a wyrm (kings mold kinda build?)
Dianite is a moth (Grimm type heho)
Sparklez the mighty ant
Born and raised in the city of tears (don't ask me where the rest of the ants are, we're all waiting for silksong lol)
He wanted to become a city guard but did not make the cut because of his size and species, seeking to become worthy he travels outside the city later to train with the nail masters and meeting Ianite and the Mantis Lords.
His charms are Nailmaster's Glory (for obvious reasons) and Mark of Pride given by the Mantis Lords. + unbreakable strength
He spends most of his time in the Colosseum of Fools and has become a valuable champion
The deepnest pretty boy aka Peter 'za' hhutt
He's the Midwife's precious son, he gets his hunger from her. Pete found the Wayward Compass charm and quickly became an expert in the maze that is Deepnest making him the most dangerous predator. He has never left the nest, didn't need to. Bugs would come wandering in, traitors and weaklings would be thrown in by the Mantis Lords. Plenty of delicious food keeping him fed and sane.
The other charms he's given by Sparklez when they meet. Sparklez loves exploring, taking on any battle he can. Pete puts up a great fight. The spider isn't used to pray fighting back so vigorously so he lets Sparklez go. Meeting a worthy opponent Sparklez offers companionship since the deepnest is a tough place to traverse.
Quick Slash and Dashmaster made Pete more of a beast but he's no longer fueled by hunger because Sparklez consistently brings him dead bugs from the coliseum fights to feed Pete.
Fuzzy bee X33n
He's just a Hivelink, some of them patrol outside the hive but Xeen never been outside. After the hive was forced to interact with an outsider X33n musters up the courage to go explore. He missed his exit at the Ancient Basin because the infected bugs there scared him. But the first time he goes to explore he ends up in Deepnest.
Poor bee gets chased by a hungry spider and ends up running into an armored ant hehoo
Sparklez saves X33n from hungry Pete and they sit down to talk about the hive and how a bee got lost so far away from home
X33n's charms are Hiveblood (obviously, he's a bee it comes with the Xbox!) Thorns of Agony and Heavy Blow to help him against the infected bugs
The ship silly for anyone who is nerd enough to read through all this
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"fed a stray cat now he loves me" VS "how can I NOT want to eat him he's so plump and fuzzy!!"
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hollowknighthelp · 10 months ago
I'm. I'm taking the Path of Pain
And I am way too in to give up now
Help me /j
Oh lord, I've. Never actually done the Path of Path myself. I'm good at Hollow Knight's boss fights, but I am ASS at platforming asgsgfgdg. I do plan to try it myself someday, with the hope that playing Celeste has improved my platforming skills somewhat, but I haven't gotten around to it yet
Still, as far as Charms go (though it's too late for you to change them now), I think my suggestions would be the similar to the ones for the rest of the White Palace. While you do get a lot of unlimited SOUL statues throughout the Path, Hiveblood is probably still good to have for those sections where you don't have immediate access to one. However, Deep Focus and Grubsong probably aren't as necessary.
I've also heard, though, that you do not want Sharp Shadow equipped, as even though it might help with some sections, it can also make other sections even more difficult since the area's not built for that longer dash. I believe Mark of Pride and Longnail are in a similar boat as well. (And maybe Quickslash too?)
That said, you probably do want some sort of offensive charms equipped, as the Path of Pain ends with two Kingsmoulds that you need to fight at the same time. So maybe have Fragile/Unbreakable Strength or Shaman Stone equipped too? And also make sure to always attempt that final section with full health and SOUL (there's an unlimited SOUL statue right before it).
It might also help to watch some videos of people playing through it? In which case here and here are the first two results I found on YouTube. Just... Maybe click off the videos as soon as they reach the Kingsmoulds, so you can see the final reward for yourself in-game <3
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hollow-knight-stats · 1 year ago
Exploration Charms - Most Used
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Of the ten charms used for exploration, half of them are one notch charms. The remaining five are split between 3 three notch charms and 2 two notch charms. Six of these charms are actually in the top ten combat charms as well; some respondents noted that they did not change their combat charms from their exploration charms, which is likely what led to this phenomenon. Interestingly, Mark of Pride takes third place in both the combat top tens and the exploration top tens. Grubsong moved up one place, from fifth to fourth, while the other overlaps moved down a few places. 
One thing that we found particularly interesting is that while Sprintmaster makes top ten, Dashmaster does not. It’s likely that it was very close to making top tens, but considering the two charms have a synergy that makes the Knight even faster, it’s a little startling that one of the two did not. Of course, the two charms aren’t identical, and Dashmaster adds an extra quality to dashing: downdashes, which seem to be controversial within the community. It’s possible that the fact Dashmaster gives you the ability to downdash actually turns people away from the charm, pushing it out of the top tens. 
Most of the rest are fairly straightforward guesses; Wayward Compass is very helpful when navigating the map, especially for people who have trouble orienting themselves on the map, and Gathering Swarm helps pick up geo that falls into areas inaccessible to the Knight. It certainly makes watching your geo fall into spikes feel less bad, because the lumaflies can help fetch it for you! And Sharp Shadow has obvious applications when exploring due to its longer shade dash length, as well as the damage value applied to shade dashing. Grubsong still has applications on the field, possibly more so since more enemies also means more opportunities to accidentally bump into them. It’s also useful in platforming challenges like White Palace, where it can be used with charms like Deep Focus and Hiveblood to make traversing the area safer.
We’re not sure why Defender’s Crest is in the top ten. We genuinely can’t think of many field applications of Defender’s Crest, besides maybe Leg Eater’s shop, where he gives you a significant discount if you are wearing the charm. If you’d like to share why you use this charm for exploring, feel free!
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flame-shadow · 4 years ago
4A + 1F + 2I ?
Hiveblood, Soul Eater, Mark of Pride
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An elegant and well-adorned mantis.
The asker has already passed on the design, so if anyone wants this for $15, let me know!
EDIT: sold!
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ask-zane-ze-medic · 4 years ago
How about hiveblood, mark of pride, and Weaver song?
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(Here you go and they also need a name krsghsrgo)
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radiovys · 5 years ago
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b time
growing up in and around the hive, their fighting style is very similar to the bees, using a combination of speed and brute force in battles. similar to hive guardians, they use their size to their advantage, slamming into opponents in an attempt to stun them, before attacking with their needle
they aquired the Hiveblood charm at a young age, allowing them to roam the hive freely without being attacked. the downside to this, though, is that they have a very fragile shade, but their shell is very thick, so it would take a very strong attack to create a crack big enough for it to be deadly
i headcannon that blood altering charms (such as hiveblood, lifeblood, and maybe even kingsoul if you wish) allow adult vessels to talk if theyve had it on long enough to become irreversible, as younger vessels dont have the mouthparts to be capable of talking. void is a material that can be either gas, liquid, or solid, and the void inside vessels is thick enough to not completely leak out if a large chunk of their shell is broken off
unfortunately lifeblood and honey is not thick enough, even mixed with void
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fly-sky-high-bug-games · 2 years ago
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So, I didn't really find any prompts I wanted to work with for art october so I made some myself based on charms/charm sets!
Here's to also pulling through the month because I made these myself and it would be silly if I don't (a little bit of self pressure shouldn't hurt haha...) 🤞
Will be tagging these as #hk artober '22
List of the prompts with the charms they're based on under the cut
Wayward Compass: DIRECTION
Gathering Swarm: COLLECTION
Starwart Shell: COWER
Soul Catcher, Shaman Stone, Soul Eater: LIFEFORCE
Dashmanster: SWIFT
Sprintmaster: TIME
Grubsong, Grubberfly Elegy: HOME
Unbreakable Heart/Greed/Strength: PRICE
Spell Twister: DRAINED
Steady Body: STURDY
Heavy Blow: ESCAPE
Quick Slash: DAMAGE
Long Nail: REACH
Mark of Pride: STAND
Fury of the Fallen: MORTAL
Thorns of Agony: SPIKE
Baldur Shell: PROTECT
Flukenest: OFFSPRING
Defender’s Crest: HEROES
Quick/Deep Focus: CRYSTALIZE
Lifeblood Heart/Core, Joni’s Blessing: TABOO
Spore Shroom: GROWTH
Sharp Shadow: DEEP
Shape of Unn: ADAPT
Nailmaster’s Glory: MENTOR
Weaversong: TRADITION
Dream Weilder/Dreamshield: PAST
Grimmchild/Carefree Melody: COMPANION
Kingsoul/Voidheart: UNITY
The meme version had:
Heavy Blow: USELESS Flukenest: BROKEN
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hollow-knight-fights · 5 months ago
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Okay so I have
-quick slash
-mark of pride
-steady body
-dream wielder
-unbreakable strength
-shaman stone
-soul catcher
-quick focus
-deep focus
-nailmsaters glory
-unbreakable heart
I think im losing my mind
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boopsnboop · 3 years ago
Hollow Knight related neopronouns!
General based:
Character based:
Watch/Watch's/Watchself(Watcher knights/Lurien)
Charm based:
Compass/Compass'/Compasself(Wayward Compass)
Greed/Greed's/Greedself(Fragile/Unbreakable Greed)
Steady/Steady's/Steadyself(Steady Body)
Pride/Pride's/Prideself(Mark of Pride)
Fury/Fury's/Furyself(Fury of the Fallen)
Thorn/Thorn's/Thornself(Thorns of Agony)
Crest/Crest's/Crestself(Defender's Crest)
Glow/Glow's/Glowself(Glowing Womb)
Life/Blood/Lifeblood/Lifeblood's/Lifebloodself(All lifeblood charms)
Sha/Shadow/Shadow's/Shadowself(Sharp Shadow)
Melody/Melody's/Melodyself(Carefree Melody)
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Not a headcanon but a recommendation for anyone currently or planning to be in the White Palace, turning off your sound and using the Hiveblood charm are life savers!
My reccomandations are deep focus, grubsong, and mark of pride.
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 4 years ago
For Tubbo’s most used charms in the Hollow Crown au, I’m thinking Wayward Compass (obviously), Dashmaster, Gubberyfly’s Elergy, Mark of Pride, Thorns of Agony, possibly a Quick Focus/Deep Focus combo, Sharp Shadow, and Hiveblood.
Later on of course we get things like Dreamshield and Kingsoul, and when Tubbo’s a god, he doesn’t need charms to use any of the different powers.
Oh that fits him very well. He speedy and he wants to have as much range as possible. Smart. I actually use some of these charms and I like them.
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