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joyridingmp3 · 2 years ago
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kibibarel · 1 month ago
when i watched Arcane season 1 i remember there being maybe one or two times maximum when i thought to myself "lmao, this song they're playing rn is pretty on the nose..." but in season 2 it feels like i am thinking that once or twice every single episode
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threetoadswaltz · 11 months ago
me, young and innocent, a month ago: I can probably put off finding out what the deadline for this is, right? it can't be less than 6 months
me, old and haggard, in the modern day: alas, the conses are quencing :/
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cmpumkin · 1 year ago
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They are coming to the en servers...
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quill-pen · 2 years ago
Just a little angsty number for Bess here. Definitely would be for a montage-type scenario, probably with her going to balls and participating in high society events under the orders of her aunt and uncle who would also always be pictured by her side, ensuring she always stays in line. And at this point, Bess can't fight back for risk of losing her siblings (her uncle holds that over her head) so she just complies with their wishes, her spirit slowly dying in increments. Scrooge would also be at several of these events as Lottie attempts to nail him down: Of course, he would be the only one who notices Bess' suffering.
Trapped Behind Glass
I've learned to put up the walls. Build them up, never let them down. Make 'em so that they can't fall. Make 'em cover me all around.
There's always reasons to stare. There's no escaping that glaring gaze. So just pretend you don't care, Pretend there's nothing to say.
They say, "Keep out of the sun if you don't wanna burn." There's no escaping the sun For me--I've learned, To take the burn.
On the inside, always looking out. People surround my cage--I wanna scream and shout. Please stop tap, tap, tapping on the glass. Stop staring through the windows. I start to cry, but no one seems to care So I just sit in silence while the gawkers blankly stare And keep watch, watch, watching through the glass. Stop staring through the windows. Ooooohhhhhh.... Does anybody see? Does anybody notice it's killing me?
Blinded with tears in my eyes. Lost somewhere that I don't belong. Beneath every sunrise I'm ever more lost, scared, and alone!
"Keep out, keep out of the sun, if you don't wanna burn." There's no escaping the sun, For me, I've learned-- I always burn!
On the inside, always looking out. People surround my cage--I wanna scream and shout! Stop that tap, tap, tapping on the glass! Quit staring through the windows! I feel I could die, but no one seems to care So I just sit in silence while the gawkers blankly stare And keep watch, watch, watching through the glass! Stop staring through the windows! Ooooohhhhhh! Does anybody see? Does anybody notice?
When you're trapped inside a stone cage and the sun is hot and dry, People wanna watch you shrivel up and die. When you're trapped inside a stone cage and the sun is hot and dry, People wanna watch you shrivel up and die. When you're trapped inside a stone cage and the sun is hot and dry, People wanna watch you shrivel up and die. When you're trapped inside a stone cage and the sun is hot and dry, People wanna watch you shrivel up and die! Watch me shrivel up and die! Watch me shrivel up and die! Somebody free me from this cage! Please, you can't just let me die....
On the inside, always looking out. People surround my cage--I wanna scream and shout! They're still tap, tap, tapping on the glass! Just staring through the windows! I am gonna die, but no one seems to care, So I'll just fade away while the gawkers blankly stare And keep watch, watch, watching through the glass And staring through my windows! Ooooohhhhhh! Does anybody see? Is anybody coming to rescue me? Ooooohhhhhh! Is anybody coming?! Save me! Save me! Saaaave meeeee! Oooohhhhh!
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@rom-e-o wilting rose imagery... *tears up*
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detailtilted · 1 year ago
Somebody saaaave me! (I need opinions about colors.)
I'm working on the Comic-Con 2008 enhanced edition videos. This one has presented some new sorts of challenges. One challenge is that a lot of the videos I'm working with have wonky (I think) colors.
The video editing software I'm using has some color correction capabilities, but I'm really bad with colors. I know we have some amazing artists here, and I think pretty much anyone, artist or not, will have better judgment on this than I do. I once had to Google what colors went with gray because I'd bought some gray jeans and then after I brought them home I was convinced nothing in my closet went with them. Yes, gray.
I've made some attempts to improve the video colors, but I don't have a clue what I'm doing so it's mostly trial and error. I've also been looking at them for so long that I'm not sure if I've made them better or worse. I'm pretty sure the first set is at least a little better, but I'm not sure if it's only better in that it will make people only want to claw out one eye instead of both. I don't want anyone to claw any eyes out watching my videos!
Below are the examples I'm currently working with, including my settings in case that means anything to anyone. Just don't laugh too hard if my settings are idiotic! I'd be happy for any suggestions or opinions, good or bad, regardless of whether you think you're good with colors or not. However you want to communicate is fine, including private messages if you prefer that.
Set #1
This set of videos will be the main set people see, so it's especially important to me that this one not look horrible. It has the most stable and consistent focus on Jared and Jensen and there's coverage for most of the event.
In addition to color issues, I adjusted the aspect ratio because the original video was squished. I noticed it in their faces first, but you can also tell pretty clearly when you compare the Comic-Con logos in the background with other video sets. This is the one where I feel pretty sure I made it better -- I'm just not sure if it's better enough.
Example video link.
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Set #2
This set of videos will never be the main full-screen video, but it will be my first choice for the talking head bubbles (not sure that's the right term, I'll explain at the end of this post) for the other guests when possible. It has the most stable coverage when focusing on the other guests. It covers less than 30% of the panel though.
I truly don't know if I've made this one better or worse. My initial reaction of the original was that it was way too green, but I've tweaked this one so much and nothing looks quite right to me. I think the tablecloth is supposed to be black, but tweaking the colors enough to make it more black makes the rest of it look worse to me. Similarly, I think their faces might be a little too pale, but adding in a little more red doesn't seem to affect their faces, it just makes the other parts look worse to me. The main pieces of this video that people will see is just the heads. (The example at the bottom of this post uses this video for Eric's head.)
Example video link.
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Set #3
This set of videos will only be the main full-screen video for very short segments of time, to cover gaps in set #1. It will mostly be used for talking head bubbles. This set covers most of the event, but it has much less coverage of Jared and Jensen and it's very jittery.
I actually thought the colors on this one looked very good though, so I didn't tweak them at all. I just upscaled the videos as normal and left it alone. Every time I look at this video, it makes me doubt the above changes even more because the colors in those really don't look like this one and I haven't been able to get them anywhere close.
Example video link.
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"Talking Head Bubbles"
Here's an example of what I mean by that. I'm trying to create a best-of-both worlds scenario where we can feast our eyes on Jared and Jensen the whole time, but also still see who's talking sometimes when one of the videos had coverage of it. It's taking quite a bit of effort to make that watchable -- the main video (Set #1) bobs around randomly, and the insert videos (Sets 2 and 3) bob around randomly in different directions, so it's been quite a challenge to make it look stable enough that people won't think I'm trying to hypnotize them with Eric's head or something as it swings back and forth like a pendulum! 🤣
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icypiece · 4 days ago
I've had the good fortune that a lot of good music that is relevant to my interests have been released lately so now my brain is like... the berries and the plums... saaaave meee....bara bada bastu bastu... I'm satanized... my heart broke and then the world broke and then my brain broke too... SAUNA... Blasphemy!... love always leaves you in the end... Perkele!...you have to live you haave to live...bastubröder det är vi som glöder....
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natelia-aldelliz · 2 years ago
What if Gaz his family find out about his new pack ( they're a loving and great family) and they're so happy, and would love to meet them...
Gaz gets all happy and is preparing for a week at his parents place ("don't worry were staying at the guest house" Soap: "Guest.... House?????")
Meanwhile Price and Ghost have to remind him that one of his pack is a cat and the other a human... But Gaz tells them it's FINE 😁
Que the 141 standing in front a small mansion ("yeah it's one of our vacation houses, we like to not be on the city too often" Roach: "ONE of your vacation houses?????" 😦)
And the Garrick family is all happy to meet them. And his mom asks "Do who's the cat and who's the human," 🥰
While Soap is trying to melt into Roach and Ghost, and Roach is just looking around like 😦😦😦😦😦.
Price is just standing to the side thinking how he and Gaz probably should e prepared the two Sgts a bit better. While looking and Soap trying to climb Ghost as one of Gazs nieces is smelling his leg.
Lmaooo Soap being like "I know I said I'm not scared of werewolves anymore, I lied, I'm sorry, saaaave meeee" when there's 4 puppies biting his trousers and fighting for his shoe.
And Gaz's mum like "oh girls, where are your manners? Please excuse them, the triplets just transformed for the first time last week, they're still a bit overexcited, so, are you staying in the guest house by the pool or in the boathouse? Don't worry, they're both as comfortable, it's only the sights that change 🥰"
And Roach saying "why the fuck haven't you said you're so fucking rich Garrick?? I'd have made you buy me so much shit"
Oh and Price coaching them before going like, "ok, listen, the Garricks are a very well known and influential pack in the British werewolf community-"
"they are????"
"-so please, behave, don't embarrass me. You don't want them to think I can't take care of their son, trust me."
And Gaz : ☺️
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funbonded · 2 years ago
Saaaav, I haven't been online for a while so I just popped in to see how things were going and golly your palettes & graphics are GORGEOUS, I mean they always are but your aesthetics are always so ✨�� chef's kiss ✨️ I'm in awe?? Dark purple and red pair with Funfred SO much I love!! ;u; <3
/. I needed a little break from here I've been over on my other two blogs: yellowpuppet & moralpuppet. I took a break due to some mental health stuff in real life which oddly had some connection to fnaf but I feel better and I've been back for a few days and everyone has been so welcoming it's been a great return to form for me! I'm so glad to hear from you too my friend!
Thank you for all the lovely comments! I love you and I've missed you!
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zoufalystudentnaskmupol · 6 days ago
doslova moje nejhranější písnička na spotify za poslední dny...
#ghost #satanized #skeletá #papavperpetua
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“Save me from the bottom of my heart I know,, Im SATANIZED”
AAAHHH HE’S FINALLY HEREE!! Im super excited for their new album to be fully released,, 😭🙏✨
Did some retouching to this artwork,, I realized some mistakes way too late when I posted this on insta.. But oh well, hope you guys like it!!
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fagdykevash · 3 years ago
UGH i only have enough money to buy pride flags or a slimepedia book.... horrible day on planet earth
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teacup-captor · 1 year ago
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I'm saaaaved
RDJ Sherlock save meeee
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snakeley · 5 years ago
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🐍 ooc:     When the WONDERFUL AND FANTASTIC @notoccultx​ SENT ME THIS ACTUAL PORTRAIT OF HER AZIRAPHALE AND MY CROWLEY, suffice it to say that my snake eyes turned into heart eyes within a second 😍😍😍
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neverstcp · 5 years ago
how cool would it have been for wally to get the save in the kilgore episode because of barry’s suit malfunctioning instead of wally being conveniently knocked out for the entire fight and only waking up when it was over 
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geee-three · 11 months ago
its actually 31st july to 10th august sksksks but anyway here are the cards (long under the cut)
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GOD. these cards are just so PRETTY. im gay alright. they all come with HAIRSTYLES as well all three which is FANTASTIC. my fave hairstyle and outfit is probably mizuki's but i have saki's card as my phone lockscreen. as in like 'make it until you can pull for her'. also they're lim cards as well so i have to saaaave i am literally saving Right Now for them and grinding CONSTANTLY in any free time to i can try to get all three. the event story is apparently really cute i haven't read it yet but i'm about to and the card side stories too.... i'm not normal about this set in particular. these are my no1 card (saki) no2 card (mizu) and no4 card (airi). cries. (for the record my no3 is shiho's hiding one's excitment. which i also want to pull for. FUUCK.)
WELCOME TO DINER!! sekai gatcha save me... coming to EN on 31st june....... help i love these cards
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idontunderstandchemistry · 2 years ago
Indecent Proposal (An academic rivals to lovers fanfic) - Tim Drake x Latina!Fem!Reader.
Sinopsis: Being a scholarship student at Gotham's most expensive school is not easy, especially when your academic rival, your nemesis, who coincidentally is the owner's son, decides to make you a rather usual proposition.
Tropes: Academic rivals-to-lovers, contract/bet, he loved her all this time, everyone else sees it except them, opposites attract, etc.
A/N: Hi guys! I hope you had enjoyed the holidays! So, just to warn you guys, the uptades may become more sparse due to the return to school, but I will continue doing my best to update at least once a week :/ Also, I just wanted to say that I'm very gratefull for every interaction from you guys ❤️ They keep me motivated to keep writing and I simply love to know what you guys think about Indecent Proposal. It makes me feel like we're all on the same boat, I don't know how to explain it lol. Anyways, tysm for evething! (Also, this chapter's song is just because it has been playing in my head non stop because of TikTok. I WANNA BE SAAAAVED)
For those of you that want to read some chapters ahead, feel free to acess my AO3 account here.
Warnings: Alysanne lightly fantasysing with Daddy!Batman (but to be fair, let he who has never sinned cast the first stone,I know I'm not going to be the one.)
Wordcount: 1715.
Chapter thirteen
Chapter Fourteen: Pictures Don't Lie
When you arrived at the studio, Aly was already in their costume, making the last adjustments. You couldn’t help but smile. They looked fucking stunning.
— There she is! — Aly exclaimed as you sat on one of the armchairs, waiting — The it girl of the moment.
— It's good to see you too, Alysanne — You said, taking your shoes off. Fabio’s n°1 rule: never wear shoes while trying on your custom-made clothes — Where’s Fabio?
— I have no idea, I think he said something about grabbing some pins — Aly said, looking at themselves in the mirror — I personally think he meant I’m skinny. Your costume is in the change room, he asked for you to try it on so that he would be back in a minute.
You got inside the change room and saw the beautiful white dress. You could easily be mistaken by a minimalist bride in this dress. The silk was so soft and shiny… the draped bust would make your breasts look even more amazing. You wondered what Tim would think when he saw you in this dress. You giggled like a child, wondering how much this dress cost. Aly loved to pamper you.
— You’ve already hidden your lover’s face from me, don’t hide the dress too! — Aly exclaimed from the outside. You finished putting the dress on and after a good five minutes trying to strap the wings to yourself alone, you got out of the changing room and asked Aly to help you. They helped you and you got to the mirror step to see it better — If i were a woman, I would envy you so much.
You laughed at Aly’s comment.
— I’m serious! — They exclaimed — You’re the only person I know that can make a romantic costume look hot without shortening your skirt or lowering the neckline. 
— Thank you, Aly — You said — You’re also rocking. You look simply amazing. The jewellery pieces will compliment the look so much you definitely are going to get Paris Hilton’s blessing.
— Oh, I’m sure I will — They said, smiling — It would be very dumb of her not to choose me as her successor. I mean, I’m thin, I’m blonde and my tan comes straight from Aruba. 
— Good that you know — You said.
After you guys took some photos for Aly’s instagram, they started to question you.
— Why don’t we call your Dilf Playboy so that he can see how you look good? — They asked, seated on the armchair beside you. You laughed.
— He is our age, Aly — You tried to guide the conversation — And I can’t show him.
— Why not? Is there anything of yours he hasn't seen yet? No slutshaming obviously.
You laughed loudly.
— Yes, Aly. There are parts of me he hasn’t seen yet — You said — And he is a cheesy motherfucker. Would try to match costumes with me, and then everybody would know about our… thing.
— You can just call it a relationship, you know?
— We are not dating. It’s purely physical.
— Maybe for you and that cold heart of yours — Aly pointed, fidgeting with the hem of their gown. 
— I’m not cold hearted — You answered, a bit offended — I just… have more important things. And I don’t want to be in a relationship with him. Things are good the way they are. 
— You're really not telling me who your mysterious twink is?
— No, I’m not — You said — At least for now. Maybe after this thing between us end, we can talk shit about him. 
— “I’m not cold hearted”, she says — Aly said and rolled their eyes. 
You spent some time in silence, watching tv. And then the reality show got interrupted by the news with an interview with Batman.
— Turn the volume up! — Aly exclaimed, worried, since the images were near their father’s work. You did as they asked.
“... The source of the explosion is already being investigated by Red Robin and I, there are no fatal victims and everything will be alright”. Your mind vented. Red Robin. There has been a while since you heard about him. Good to know he is alive. Aly, with a very confused look, turned their head towards you with a devious grin.
— What? — You asked.
— I know why you don’t want to tell me who you’re secretly shagging — They said, leaning towards you. You arche done eyebrow, confused — You’re fucking Batman! — Aly exclaimed as they heard the dark knight voice on the TV. Oh fuck, it was scary how Tim could mimic it almost perfectly — Does he fuck you with the mask on? How big is it?
— What?! No! — You exclaimed, laughing — That man is clearly in his forties, Aly, he could be my father. I’ve told you, he is our age.
— Look, of all the people in this world, you’re the one I’ve least expected to try to gaslight me…
— I’m not, Aly, I swear on my mother’s name.
— I heard his voice, little Y/N. It's Batman!
— No, he’s not! He just is really good at imitating voices — You tried to explain, but Aly wasn’t easily convinced.
— Oh, so he didn’t tell you then — Aly said — I really am a great detective!
— Aly, he is a highschooler — You said, holding their hands  — If he was Batman, he would fail every fucking class, and as hard it is for me to admit, he is kinda smart. 
— I demand proof. 
— What do you want? To see his fucking driver’s licence? Birth certificate? His report card?
— A picture of him will do.
You sighed. There must be a way out of this. You went through your secret gallery, where you kept the pictures you’ve taken together while you engaged in physical activities (you honestly thought it was a bit risky, but you had nothing to lose if these pictures were stolen. Well, maybe your dignity, but at this point you were pretty convinced you’ve already lost it), but they all showed his face or his stomach scar, and Aly had a fucking great memory. They would know it was Tim the second they saw his scar.
— Give me a sec.
You went to the balcony and called for Tim.
— Missing me already? — He asked, his voice echoed. Where the fuck was he that had echo?
— Are you in a cave? — You couldn’t help but ask — Your voice is echoing.
— Oh, I'm in the manor’s gym — He answered.— How can I help you, darling?
— I need a picture of yours — You said, biting your lip nervously — A picture that shows you’re not an old man and that at the same time doesn't show any of your recognizable features. 
— That’s a very specific request. May I know why?
— Aly thinks you’re a sugar daddy — You admitted, after a sigh — They’re convinced you’re an old man and I want to prove them wrong. If I don’t, they’ll mock me for eternity.
— You really do hate the idea of having a sugar daddy, don’t you? No one has pampered you enough?I can change that… — He said and you could imagine the grin on his pretty face. Smart ass.
— That’s not the point, Playboy.
— I’ve got you, darling. Remember that picture of us in your bathroom mirror, the one you’re wrapped your legs around my waist?
— The one I asked you to delete? You’ve kept it. Obviously — You said, laughing. You would be mad at him for keeping that picture, but it saved you right now.
— Sorry, I didn’t plan on keeping it, but you look so fucking pretty there that I couldn’t help it.
— That’s okay. Just send it to me, please.
— Sent already, darling.
— Thank you, Playboy.
— You’re welcome, love. 
— Bye.
— Kiss you later.
You hung up and walked back into the room. Aly was on the mirror step again and Fabio was back with the pins.
You got in Tim’s chat and opened the photo.
He was right, it was a good photo, but you didn’t want him to have it because of the way you looked at him in it. Too intimate. He was standing with his back turned to your mirror, his wet hair kinda messy and some water droplets sliding on his bruised back. You were being held by him, your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands cupping your ass (gently squeezing, actually, but no one could tell it by the picture), one of your hands grabbing his shoulders, your red nail polish in contrast with his fair skin. You were the one holding the phone and, with your hair wet and slight back, you looked at his smile with flustered cheeks and a sweet smile. Too fucking intimate. 
At least, neither his face nor his scars known to the public were showing.
— If you ever say he is old again, Alysanne Taylor Lewis, I’m going to beat your ass — You started getting closer to them. Aly got the phone from your hand and you were not worried that they could get out of the photo and try to discover his identity. You trusted Aly.
— Damn, y/n, you are aggressive in bed — They said, zooming in on Tim's bruises — Nobody would bet on that by looking at your face… always the quiet ones…
— I didn’t do it — You laughed — He got in a fight with his brothers. 
— Romeo? — Fabio asked, looking at the photo too. Aly nodded — His back seems incredibly familiar. Weird. I know these measures from someone…
— Maybe you’ve tailored something for him — Aly said, giving your phone back to you — She calls him “Playboy”, so he is certainly on your client’s list.
Fabio looked at you.
— I have no idea, maybe he is — You said, looking at the picture again. Even though Tim was filthy rich, you couldn’t picture him wearing hand made suits. The boy literally showed up at your house wearing jeans and a Flash merch sweater.
— That look on your face — Aly said — Are you sure you’re not in love with him?
— Shut up, Alysanne. 
— Maybe Red Robin finally found his match in the competition for your heart. Who would say, a hero and a twink… I guess you don’t really have a type.
You didn’t answer, as you kept looking at your face on the picture before deleting it. 
You were not going to let him crawl his way into your heart. 
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