#I’ve gotten a little too silly and have a new job now!!
bubbeebear · 3 months
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I wish I could fly!
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comfortless · 4 months
Dungeoneer!König and his gf... I mean, traveling companion
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but really this is how most of their practicing plays out. 😵‍💫
content/warnings: 18+. minors do not interact. sliiiight dubcon, breathplay?, masochism (without real injury), masturbation, oral (m receiving), absolutely unhinged “flirting”.
König knows his way around a blade. From the delicate daggers that thieves pluck from cloaks when the chance to strike is opportune, to the curved, dainty shashkas. His favorite would always be the doppelhänder, long things that strike fear into any man who sees it swung toward him. It’s why he chose to pay good money for one now, tossed a sack of gold at the blacksmith’s feet and demanded to have an exceptional blade crafted for him within a fortnight or so.
He really can’t afford to be too choosy nowadays: he doesn’t live on his own anymore. Before, his course was decided by tattered parchment pinned to whichever acceptable sliver of wood a wandering messenger could find. Now, it’s dictated entirely by the little knight who parades around like the finest tease in all the land. Even the world, he would gamble.
She whispers molten sugar into his ear on nights she’s drunk, lonely or especially sympathetic. Perhaps all three. She climbs into his bed: a tattered, linen sheet on the rough, cold ground most nights. Sometimes, it’s softer, a feather-stuffed mattress at an inn. Those always reeked of sin. Something carnal right where a couple must have lain together only a night prior, yet to be drowned out and washed away in the streams by some hapless innkeeper. It’s all went to his head, more than a little.
The lady knight sits across from him, tapping the rim of her mug of ale with such disinterest on her face that it’s König who feels sympathetic now.
She chose this tawdry place. Chose to don some silly armor and pretend it’s taking her to kneel in service to the King. The jobs never dwindle, but the motivation does. She never knows what she truly needs, but König always seems to.
“You want to fight? Me?,” she asks, to the wooden table rather than to him. Sluggish and gloomy with her own disappointment in this place, her own perceived shortcomings, something that he can’t fix. The King should have his head on a spear for not giving her everything she’s ever asked for, woman and benevolent thief or not.
“It has been a while, hm?”
She nods once, curls her mouth into a subtle smile that sends his heart swooping and something stirring down below.
“I suppose I’ve gotten comfortable.”
He knows well enough that he can make her less so, always seemed to with his groping and hovering. Even if she’s fed into it, a moth to flame, he’s never seen her bed anyone this entire aimless journey. It’s the rush of adrenaline that sends fire into her belly, makes her eyes shine and her legs tremble each time, never the flirtations.
König’s yet to win a bet, but this time he would wager that playing nice won’t grant him a thing. It never has with what’s dwelling in each dark corner of the kingdom’s underbelly, and it never has with her.
So when the sparring begins this time, it’s real.
The look of shock and betrayal comes immediate when she’s easily knocked back, her blade landing in the grass at her side.
“Again.” And again, and again, she says it as though the exhaustion isn’t already evident in the way her breathing grows heavy. Each time it’s the same, because the only thing he holds back from is severely wounding her. Even if he could, even if he knows roughing her up a bit is just how this should go.
“You are tired,” he observes, cocking his head to the side as she scrambles to search for her sword beneath the dim light of the moon. “Do you need a break, little knight?”
The look she shoots him is something akin to scandalized. König’s never been the one to taunt her like this. It’s new and tentative, and he prays it’s something she likes. The dresses and sparkling gifts from the dungeons did fuck all for any sort of progression, and by the end of the night she would know how dull all of this has become to him, too.
“I am not—“ A parry, a feint, a jab that lands on the air rather than striking true. Not enough. “I’m fine.”
It’s never been in this impromptu plan to shove her down, but that’s what happens when she doesn’t take it seriously. She moves towards him again. Steel clatters against steel, sinks forgotten into the grass. With a hand adhered to the back of her thigh and another at curve of her back, he drops her down too. No briny sweat clings to his temple, all of this is more simple than even the training he had as boy.
She doesn’t even kick at him, docile as any doe when she makes the assumption that all of this is playing pretend. Just another game: he’s less fit to be a monster than even the weak things dwelling in the dark in her eyes.
“I do not want your mercy,” he growls against her neck, weaves his fingers into her hair and tugs her head to the side. Just a little. Just enough. “Be sincere. Hurt me.”
“What are you talking about?” Her voice is a mere peep, lost to the wind that whips by and tousles all but the man affixed to her.
Explanations have never come easy for König. Not with words, not even with letters. He’s killed men without telling why, left wandering ghosts and their wives bereaved time and time again. It’s not something worthy of an answer, nor a thing he ever thought she would even ask. It’s never questions with her: only orders. Even a tamed horse can lash out, kick its master right off to trample if it sees fit. König is no different.
He licks a stripe up her throat, relishes in the way her breath catches and her hands rise to dig nails into his arms. His teeth catch right along her jaw, inhales against her cheek, and when she grows tense below him, claws her way down to his forearms, he knows she’s finally well aware of how this ends.
His hands study the expanse of her body, fisting the linen of her tunic upward to reveal all soft flesh and no more tricks. There’s an aching bruise on her neck, chest, below her ribs before the knight finally presses her palm to his forehead and kicks a rib to wind herself away.
“You’re so…” The word she searches for dies on her tongue when she scrambles over him, feels how greedy he truly is when his hips tilt skyward and the throbbing erection presses against her rear.
“Stupid, hm? Say it.”
She curls a hand around his throat and squeezes, her eyelids sinking to shield the dazed glimmer there as he slips a hand into the front of her trousers. A callused thumb brushes over her clit before drifting further, down where he realizes that he’s found a new treasure. She’s already wet.
“You are. Big fool. Brute..,” she grits out, delivers another blessed press of her hand. All another feint, because she remains stationed above him. Even mimicking the groan that rattles his throat beneath her palm with a sigh of her own. “I could kill you. You know that I…”
The knight dips her head to press against his chest as he spears a thick finger into her, and a greed surges through him at this sudden compliance. Poor thing is so winded that she does little else than blanket him and shiver whilst he grins as though he’s devil-possessed or the luckiest filth in the world. The thought of her fitting any cock- let alone his- seems unimaginable, so obscenely tight as she squeezes around one digit that it pulls even an appreciative grunt from him.
“You could try it.”
Her fingers dig into the skin at his neck, and none of it is enough. She’s so gentle with him, because maybe she even believes that she could. Killing wild men without masters or loyalties, just like the men in the stories she fancies. König guides a hand up to help her, presses down around his throat with more ferocity as she lifts her head and stares down at him like he’s truly gone mad.
“You want a leash..?,” she huffs, pretends she isn’t leaking onto his hand.
“Only if this—“ Another finger, a deliberate curl of both as they press to something soft deep inside of her. Something that makes her whimper rather than bark. “—is holding it.”
She only looks at him, sulky and humiliated when she’s pleasured, stumbles over some other mumbled insult as her back begins a slow arch. He guides his hand back to her thigh, pets along her softness and watches her with such adoration, a pleased purr rumbling in his chest.
“Look at you… cute thing.”
“Not a thing.” Her hissing only further goads him, because she does nothing to pull away, can hardly meet his eyes even with fire and hatred on her tongue.
“Ja… meine dame, is that right?”
Her breath catches as she grinds herself where she’s been impaled, legs trembling as his thumb brushes over the bud in repetition. It’s too soon, but he allows her to have her rapture, gaze drifting from her hair to the curve of a hip as her cunt gives a greedy pulse. All armor is shredded and ripped away, no defenses, catapults or blades, all are exchanged for soft cries and a burning ache. The hurried breaths she takes come almost stilted as she gives his fingers another generous squeeze, and he only feeds them into her with unhurried hunger.
“I want to feel it,” he huffs into her hair, savors the way she tightens the grip around his throat until his voice fetters to a whisper. “Just once, please.”
“No… not..,” is all she manages before the wave reaches the shoreline and she unravels over him. He feels the walls of her cunt throb as her head ascends to his shoulder, burying herself there in shame or bliss. The orgasm is soon but drawn out, some pent up need finally freed to open air, the very same longing that remains prevalent and urging inside of him. He fucks her through it with a bitter fervor, spearing and scissoring the fingers inside until her thigh draws up from around him and she detaches entirely to sit up at his side.
König is quick to rise before her, already untying the laces of what keeps him from the hope of sharing that same rapture she must have felt. The little knight only stares up at him with perplexed curiosity as his cock springs free, thick and long and angry after so many long months of suffering a callused fist or neglect. The tip drags over the seam of her lips as he takes the base of it into his palm, and the drooling maw above her only groans at the barest sensation.
“I will bite it off,” she declares, follows it up with a charming grin as though she hadn’t bruised him deeply hundreds of times prior to this.
“Ja, after… I don’t care.” And of course he does, but this is the closest he’s gotten to anything and he would be a fool not to take it, teeth or not.
She swallows pensively, then rolls her tongue over the slit of the enraged weapon in her face. Beads of salt aren’t fitting for a woman’s tongue, he knows, feels horribly dirty and miserable at the sight for a mere second before she takes him in earnest. Her lips wrap around him, send sparks of the purest euphoria through him.
“Is this how to shut you up, meine dame?”
Everything is gilded gates and ethereal meadows, the only damnation he suffers is the fact that he can’t move without bruising her: too big to feed himself down her throat, too untamed to hold himself steady should she ever allow it. He settles for her pace, watches in wonder as she allows half of him to reach into the warmth of her throat. The panting beast above her curls his hands into fists at his sides, certain that touching her would be the end of this boon of fortune.
Her tongue flicks over the weeping tip each time she draws back, hands grasping at his thighs to keep herself upright. Even when her teeth graze over the sensitive flesh, the cock in her mouth only twitches in agonized bliss. He melts before her, trembling in such pleasured fury that his nails threaten to break through the hardened skin of his palms.
“Ha… I need to… I’m going to come.” Only then does he reach for the back of her neck, forcing her in place to bear the taste of what’s to come. She doesn’t fight it, gazes up with a furrowed brow and delivers the gentlest bite along him. A warning or a dare. “Next time will be… fuck…”
Her titan crumbles before her as though wounded, can’t keep his hands in place then as he grasps at her face and his body grows taut. His hips press forward only to stutter as he tries in earnest to keep himself somewhat contained. She gags quietly when the thick ropes of seed meet the end of her, abrupt but as endless as the broken, pitiful noises that rise from his chest then. It’s miraculous how she swallows it all, bitter and hot as it spills in generous spurts.
It’s he who pulls back, giving the cock already softening a few more pulls before collapsing in front of her with acute love tucked away behind the glassy blue of his eyes. His little knight could feign indifference all she liked, but even those pretty tavern wenches and noble pricks she bats her lashes at could never have had a taste of what had just occurred here.
She wipes away spit and come with the back of her hand, tries her best to shoot him a look of disgust, but König does not miss the way that her eyes seem to twinkle in the same way his do now.
“I want to taste you, too,” he rasps, chest still rising and falling with rushed intakes of air. Even after he can’t keep himself from ruining any bit of sanctity or sanity within reach. Punctuates his statement by reaching toward her again, only to be pulled into the comfort of an awkwardly positioned embrace. His face lands against her breasts, and though he languidly runs a hand up her back, the other takes a tit. He toys with her in his palm, brushes a thumb over her nipple and rises up to kiss her cheek, silent pleas.
“You’ve had enough fun,” she answers, pulling his hand away with their fingers intertwined.
“You have more than just a mouth.” He flashes her the biggest, wettest puppy eyes he can manage. That may get him a scrap from her plate, but it’s worth nothing here. “I would make a good vater, yes?”
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
First, I adore you and your brain. Second, I have a silly little ankle tattoo of a doodle (it’s a lemon man) my sister made and fully love poorly drawn lil things so Eddie’s octopus is my favorite. Third! I picked up crochet during the pandemic (the first bit lmao where I got laid off and super depressed) and it’s so therapeutic when i need to just shut down and focus on one thing because I’m stressed or overwhelmed. I’m working on coasters right now, and god they’re so much easier than the first coaster pattern I tried (that one put me off for a while). I just had a funny thought though, of when Steve gets fully into it and does what a lot of us crafters do and stocks up on yarn for future projects.
I bought a big ass show organizer for all of mine and have to restrict myself to just what fits in there
(Also I’m picturing Eddie in a wonky hat like the one I just tried to make for my sister’s cat but he’s still wearing it super proud)
At the start of the pandemic, I got a new job where I was working half in the office and half from home. I also moved out of my parents’ house so I suddenly alone all the time and to kinda cope with that, I picked up knitting. I originally tried crochet but I just couldn’t get my hands to work right, but I’ve gotten it down (at least enough to do the second row), and I agree with you. It is very therapeutic and I’m happy that it was able to help you through a rough time.
And lol, but all of us crafters are the same because I have a whole shelf dedicated to yarn I bought for future knitting (and now crochet) projects.
It’s not Steve’s intention.
He is just trying this hobby out so he can tell his physical therapist that he gave it a go and it didn’t work. Steve is not crafty or creative like Eddie, so he doesn’t need to buy all this stuff.
But he did need to buy melting chocolate, so he agreed to go when Robin asked if he wanted to go to Michael’s with her. And yeah, maybe he did pick up a new crochet hook but that’s because there’s clearly something wrong with his. What other explanation is there for why he keeps skipping stitches?
And maybe he did get a new skein of yarn, but he’s just being practical. If he’s going to make Eddie a hat than he is going to need a color that compliments Eddie’s complexion, right? He might as well get this blue too. It’s a pretty color and there’s only like, five skeins left. It could disappear forever.
Then he bought a bowl to hold his yarn but it was cute! It was shaped like a sloth. And yeah, he got the yarn winder thing. That’s just practical. And okay, well. Joann’s has magazines with patterns in them so Steve’s going to need that.
And it all kinda just snowballs until, “Babe, what the hell did you buy for a hundred and fifty dollars at Michael’s?”
Steve, surrounded by yarn in each color, “Nothing.”
Also, Eddie absolutely wears anything that Steve makes him. A fan took a picture of him buying cigarettes in a lopsided hat. Another fan took a picture of him at show where his guitar strap has a single crochet chain wrapped around it. There’s a Tiktok where Eddie is pulling his hair up with a crocheted scrunchie.
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mymoodwriting · 2 years
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Request for Anon (Yandere Sugar Daddy NCT U) 9k, assault, verbal assault, physical assault, slut-shaming, public humiliation, bullying, name calling, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, penetration, blowjob, handjob, creampie, gang bang, breeding, pregnancy scare, forced pregnancy, non-con, kidnapping, yandere, bad ending, blatant disregard for womens reproductive rights
“Leave me the fuck alone!”
    This wasn’t the first time you had answered the phone in such a manner. Screaming into the little speaker, hoping to blow out the eardrum of the annoying caller, and then hanging up. It was a very frustrating ordeal.
“Damn girl, what’s your problem?”
“It’s nothing, Mina. Just trying to get my point across.”
“Is someone bothering you?”
“Then why haven’t you blocked their number?”
“Oh I have, but obviously they still know mine. So whenever I get a call from a random number, I answer by screaming.”
“And how long have you been doing that for?”
“Uh… a little over a week now.”
“Seriously? And they still haven’t gotten the message?”
“You know, what if those calls are important?”
“I don’t have any jobs or internships or anything that I’m waiting to hear back on, so it’s highly unlikely that’s the case.”
“Maybe you should change your number.”
“That would mean spending money I don’t have.”
“Really? Says the girl who has paid her tuition in full and doesn’t owe a penny in student debt. All because of some mystery job she won’t tell me about or share!”
“Well, you know me.”
“Yeah, I do.”
    You and Mina were close friends, having met here at Uni your freshman year and sticking together through it all. Now you were at the start of your final semester, ready for one last ride before starting a new chapter of your life. Of course the campus was jammed back as new students were moving in, and freshmen were trying to navigate this new place and find their classes. It was a really beautiful day too, and you had yet to start any of your classes, so you were in a pretty good mood. You knew you probably wouldn’t feel the same by the end of the day, but it was best to make the most of it now. That is until you were suddenly yanked back, and came face to face with someone you really didn’t want to see.
“You’re such a fucken bitch.”
    Jeno’s words dripped with venom. To say he was pissed would be an understatement. He was also the last person you wanted to see right now.
“What the hell are you doing here!”
“Why aren’t you answering our calls?”
“Oh, I am answering. I just don’t wanna hear what you have to say!”
“That’s not solely for you to decide!”
“Yes, it is. If I want to end things, I can, and I have.”
“Without a proper explanation? You’re kidding, right?”
“Does it sound like I am?”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“Leave. Before I call security.”
“We are not leaving until we talk.”
    You heard it then, the terribly familiar sound of a car engine, two car engines to be specific. You looked over and saw the vehicles pulling up, two gentlemen exiting each one, and making their way over to you. In the moment you attempted to run off, but Jeno grabbed your arm and dragged you towards them.
“There she is.” Ten teased. “Where ya been hiding love?”
“Fuck off! I want nothing to do with you! Any of you!”
“Yeah, we got your text. Now explain yourself.”
“What’s there to explain? I’m breaking up with you, period.”
“See that’s the thing.” Johnny grabbed your chin and forced your eyes to meet. “Where did that silly idea come from?”
“My head. Or is that too hard to comprehend.”
“Easy now, princess. You’re begging for punishment if you keep acting like this.”
“I’m not playing any games here.” You pulled away from Johnny. “We’re done, now leave.”
“That’s hardly an explanation.” Jaehyun hissed. “Do the last four years mean nothing to you?”
“Are you really all that dumb? Our relationship was just an exchange of goods and services, nothing more.”
“Is that so?”
“I’ve told you all about my dreams and aspirations for the future before. When did I ever include you in them?”
Yuta scoffed. “So you really just whored yourself out to us for four years so we could pay your tuition? And now that it’s all been paid off, you’re done with us?”
“Bingo. Maybe you’re not that stupid.”
“This was all just a fucken game to you?” Jeno yelled. “Four years?! A fucken game!”
“Not like you ever made a serious move, did you now? Any of you for that matter. So don’t come bitching to me about a broken heart or broken promises. It’s not my fault you caught feelings when I wasn’t sending you any fucken signals.”
“Yeah? What about all the nights out? The dinners, the trips, the clothes and accessories?”
“Dinners, and trips, you invited me out on. I never asked to go anywhere. As for the clothes and other stuff, that’s all at your place, isn’t it? I never kept any of the fancy expensive stuff you got me, did I? Nor did I ask for anything. I owe you nothing. You got what you paid for, more than that actually, but I’m fine leaving things as they are.”
    Your words had certainly stunned them into silence. And you also meant everything you said. It was certainly fun to be with them, to get a little slice of that kinda life, even if it was just for a while. You knew it wouldn’t last though, and that’s the mentality you kept, the one that kept you from falling for them. They were just rich guys wanting someone to mess around with, and now that their no-strings attached fuck buddy had left them, they were panicking. You said your peace, having to spell it all out for them. It was good to get it off your chest though, and with that you’d make you exit. Or at least that was the idea.
    As you turned around to leave, you felt a hand grab your arm and yank you back with enough force to drop you to the ground. You couldn’t get back up as they surrounded you. By then your whole argument had been noticed and a crowd of students and faculty had gathered around. Having this conversation out in the open was already embarrassing, and all the attention was making it worse. Although they were about to increase that exponentially.
“Whore.” Jaehyun spat. “Any money spent on you was clearly a waste. The only way you could think about getting through uni was to spread your legs. I bet you slept around with your professors too.”
“Excuse me!”
“Do you even have any brains?” Yuta questioned. “Or are you just playing pretend so you can wear a cap and gown, and show off some piece of paper.”
    You tried to get up but Jeno got his foot on your chest, pinning you down. You struggled to get him off, but he was putting all his weight on you. When your eyes met him you could see he was still pissed, and if possible, he was way more enraged now.
“You found someone else to spread your legs for, didn’t you!” Jeno yelled. “Whoring yourself out for whoever can benefit you the most!”
“Get off of me!”
“Why? Don’t you like having men on top of you?” Johnny kicked dirt at you. “Fucken slut.”
“Just do what you do best.”
    Yuta and Ten started yanking your legs apart, and you kicked and screamed at them. Although you stopped when Jeno put more weight on you and you struggled to breath. You were clawing at his leg, but he was relentless.
“What’s going on here!”
    Two officers from campus security approached and all the boys stepped back. Jeno moved away and you took in a deep breath, sitting up and coughing a bit.
“We’re leaving.” Ten smiled. “No need for an escort.”
“Hold on now, you can’t-”
“Just let them go.” You spoke. “I’m not gonna make a big deal out of this.”
    The officers didn’t do anything more, and so the boys walked off. Soon enough you heard those damn engines again, but you didn’t dare look over at them. For a moment after they were gone everything remained quiet and still, and then Mina came over to help you stand, the crowds starting to disperse.
“What the hell was all that?”
“Remember when I told you I got a sugar daddy…”
“Yeah, daddy, as in one, not five! Also, I didn’t believe you.”
“Well I wasn’t lying.”
“Clearly. And you couldn’t share any of them?”
“They’re not exactly easy to deal with.”
“Is that why you’d always ditch me? Disappear on weekends? Why we couldn’t ever really share a meal together? You were off with them.”
“You really are stupid.”
“Girl, when did you ever have time for yourself? Or anyone else in your life who was actually important? Here I thought you were just so focused on studying and busy working to pay off your tuition. I wasn’t wrong on the latter, but still.”
“Are you... mad at me?”
“No, not really. Just processing out loud... you did tell me about this, somewhat, I just didn’t think you were for real.”
“I know. If you had told me the same thing I wouldn’t have believed you either.”
“But you’re really done with them now?”
“Yup. I didn’t think they’d throw such a fit though.”
“A fit? I’d call that harassment, and assault. Shouldn’t you press charges?”
“There’s no point. They’d get good lawyers, and it’d just be a waste of my time. I don’t want anything to do with them anymore, so I’ll let it go.”
“Fine, but you are getting a new number after class. Got it?”
    That morning certainly killed the mood, but you went about your day trying to make the best of it. Of course your chest hurt pretty bad, but nothing some quick pain killers couldn’t deal with. Like you had promised, after all your classes, you and Mina went to change your number. Then you went about the grueling task of messaging friends and family to let them know you had a new number.
“Shall we go out for ice cream? You know, since you’re free now.”
“I could use something sweet.”
    You knew there would still be issues. If they made such a big show at your campus, who knows what else would happen if you met out on the streets. With that in mind you didn’t go anywhere off campus alone, and you didn’t visit any of their favorite places or usual hangouts. You thought you had it figured out, but there was something you couldn’t avoid. Everyone else.
    Word spread fast about that day. About how a girl got harassed by five guys, and all the slurs and insults that they threw her way. A few days later everyone seemed to know your name, and had an idea of the type of person you were. When you went to class all the others would purposely sit away from you, only Mina ever sat next to you. Then there were the whispers and chuckles. Every time you raised your hand to ask a question there was always some comment about you sleeping around with the professor. Regardless of who it was. It was frustrating, but you just pushed through. Although Mina certainly wanted to pick a fight with everyone.
“Just let it go.”
“How are you so okay with this?”
“I’m not, but it’ll die down eventually. As long as I don’t engage with them I won’t add fuel to the fire. So don’t pay them any attention.”
“They are slut-shaming you and saying all kinds of shit.”
“And I just have to make it through this semester. After that I can move forward and really build my life. I’m not gonna let some idiots who have nothing better to do ruin that. Besides, I’m sure they’re all just jealous I could actually get a Sugar Daddy, and five at that.”
“You’re not wrong there. Those people don’t just throw money at anyone.”
“I appreciate you ready to fight for me, but this ain’t worth it.”
Mina sighed. “Fine, but if you ever wanna start swinging, just let me know.”
“Will do.”
    You were right, in part. The teasing did die down, and you could go about your life like normal, but there were still a handful of dicks who found things funny. And one ballsy little fucker who decided to go a step further. As one of your classes ended, and you were gathering your things, another of your peers accidentally spilled their drink all over you.
“Oh shit, my bad. You must be used to getting soaked though.”
    That bastard and his friends snickered to themselves. You knew everyone got the joke, some chuckling too, but of course no one was gonna say anything or take your side. So you just did your best to clean your face, and then whipped around to look at your attacker. Of course it was a boy and his friends, although he got quiet now that you were staring at him dead on.
“Your mistake, right?”
“Yeah. I can be clumsy, you know.”
“Right. So then just pay up and we can call it even.”
“You said it was your mistake. So pay for it.” You held out your hand. “I think a hundred dollars should cover my hair and clothes.”
“A hundred dollars? You play around with some rich boys and now you think you’re worth all that?”
“So you’re not gonna pay me?”
“Fuck that.”
“Fine then, but we are gonna call it even.”
    Without missing a beat you swung at him and clocked him right in the face. He fell back onto his friends, and you noticed a bit of blood from his nose.
“My mistake. I guess we’re even now.”
“You bitch!”
    Not once in your academic career have you ever wound up in the principal’s office, this was the student dean’s office, so not the same but still. You had no problems with words, but things getting physical was crossing a line, and you weren’t going to sit still. You were still drying off as you sat in the dean’s office, listening to that jerk go off about how you were a monster and whatever. You weren’t going to apologize until he did, but that was definitely not gonna happen when his parents walked in. You couldn’t believe he actually called for help like this, and now they were demanding your expulsion. That someone violent like you shouldn’t be at such a place.
“Are you kidding? Are you even looking at me? Your son started this, and couldn’t apologize or pay up for his mistake!”
“A mistake isn’t met with physical violence!”
“He started it!”
“Please, everyone calm down.” The dean spoke. “We can resolve this without yelling.”
“I want that girl expelled.”
“That seems a little too-”
“Do you know how much we give to this school so-”
    The conversation stopped short as the door opened. You couldn’t imagine who else would join this conversation. When you looked back your eyes went wide, and you stood up.
“Sit down, baby.” Johnny said. “We’ll get you cleaned up later.”
“Who the hell are you gentlemen?!”
“Y/n’s sponsors.” Jaehyun smiled. “We heard there was a commotion involving her, and by the state she is in, I’m not very happy. What is being done to remedy this?”
“She hasn’t apologized for hitting my son!”
“Has he apologized for his actions?”
“Exactly who are you to be making such demands?”
“Ah, right. I’ve not introduced myself. I’m Jung Jaehyun. These are my friends, Nakamoto Yuta, Johnny Suh, Lee-”
“I know those names…”
“Good. Then apologize before you’re buried.”
“Or shall this be resolved outside this room?” Ten smiled. “I have no problem doing it that way too. I might actually prefer it.”
    You didn’t care much for an apology, you got to punch the fucker in the face, but getting one was the cherry on top. You didn’t apologize either and the situation was left at that. Now that you had a moment you wanted to go clean up, and the boys wound up dragging you into a gender neutral bathroom. Johnny locked the door, and leaned against it, guaranteeing privacy. You were ready to start screaming and fighting but Yuta turned the sink on, getting the water warm and grabbing paper towels. They weren’t saying anything, and you could silently be grateful for that. You washed up your hair, using the hand dryer to dry it off as best you could. Jeno gave you his jacket afterwards since your shirt was still dirty.
“Alright, what the fuck do you want?”
“We owe you an apology.” Yuta said. “For everything.”
“Go on then.”
“We’re sorry we attacked you the way we did that day.” Jeno began. “We were out of line and completely in the wrong for that.”
“Assholes. You know this is all your fault right? Everyone keeps calling me names because of you! And this was the first time someone dared to take it a step further.”
“We never meant-”
“Then what did you think was gonna happen when you screamed out that I was a whore in the middle of campus?”
“Good try, I guess.”
“You were right.” Ten admitted. “Four years is a lot of time, and yet throughout it all you never made a move to suggest you wanted anything more from us than attention and money. We never did anything to give you the impression that we wanted more from you either. I’m sure if we had, you would have said something sooner. So you were right, we had no reason to act the way we did. We’ve been seeing each other for a long time and you broke it off so suddenly. Our judgment became clouded, and we let rage overtake us when we should have been better. We can’t simply undo what we did, but we are sincerely sorry for our actions.”
“Hm… was it really that hard to take a moment and reflect?”
“Yeah…” Jaehyun added. “We’ve had such good times together, it was hard to believe you’d just leave us like that… but why was it so sudden? Why didn’t you just talk to us?”
“I… I wasn’t entirely sure how… we weren’t really boyfriend and girlfriend… and it’s not like we had agreed to anything specifically when we started this whole… thing… all I could think of was a break up text… I also didn’t think you’d explode at me the way you did… I mean, I always thought you had girls lined up that you played with or whatever… I didn’t think you’d care that much…”
“Well, as you can see… we care a lot…”
“Yeah… how did you even know I was in trouble?”
“We might have… been paying someone in the administrative office to keep tabs on you for us…”
“Yeah.” Johnny commented. “We’ve practically been with you throughout your whole academic career. You’re a good student, so we never imagined you’d get into any kind of trouble, but just to be safe. It worked out for us in the end. We’ve been wanting to talk to you, to apologize, we just didn’t really know how to approach you.”
“I see.”
“Which brings us to our other point. Do you think we can do this properly?”
“Do what?”
“We understand that you don’t see us in your future, but can we at least end things on a good note? We’ve been with you for four years now… we were all kinda hoping to see you graduate you know…”
“What exactly are you suggesting here?”
“One last dinner… one last trip…” Yuta mumbled. “That kinda stuff… let us see this to the end. We can just be another part of your Uni days and nothing more.”
“Can you at least give us that kinda closure?”
    You weren’t really sure how you felt about all this. You had already cut them out of your life, but they were clearly still hanging on. At least they had apologized, and did help you back there in the dean’s office. Truth was the way you handled things wasn’t all that great either. You had been worried that if you just talked to them they’d find some way to convince you to stick around, but that really wasn’t your life plan. Now they understood that, so maybe things could end differently. You also didn’t want to part ways with them on a bad note.
“Just until graduation?”
“We really wanna see you with that cap and gown.” Jeno admitted. “You’ll look so gorgeous.”
“Alright, we can somewhat continue as we were, but after my graduation, we’re done. Understood?”
“Got it.”
“Can we take you out to lunch then?” Ten asked. “Since you’re done with classes for the day.”
“You know my schedule too?”
“We were trying to figure out a way to talk to you…”
“Fine, let me just go change clothes first. I’ll meet you at my usual pick up spot?”
“That works for us.”
    It had been a while since you last hung out with the boys, so there was a bit of awkwardness. At least this was just lunch to ease back into things. They took you to one of their usual spots, getting a private room and ordering your favorites.
“So, you really just clocked him in the face, huh?”
“He could have paid up. I wasn’t going to let him do that without consequence.”
“Good on you.” Yuta cheered. “Although tryna get you kicked out, that’s ridiculous.”
“I can’t believe he called his parents. Such a momma’s boy.”
“Says the sugar baby.”
“I didn’t call you to come save my ass.”
“Ah, so you agree.” Johnny teased. “We did save you?”
“Well… I wasn’t entirely sure how I was gonna deal with that just yet…”
“We saved you. It’s okay to admit that.”
“You guys just wanna brag to my face.” 
“Is that so wrong?” Jeno teased. “Maybe you can shut me up with a reward.”
“You think you deserve a reward?”
“Don’t I?”
“Hm… what did you have in mind?”
“I have been missing you a lot.”
“Really? You? Or is it someone else?”
    Jeno had been at your side, and he was leaning in close asking for his reward. Now that you were teasing him back you leaned in too. You placed a hand between his legs, slowly moving it closer to his crotch. After breaking the ice, it was kinda easy to slip back into old dynamics. Besides, maybe you had missed something about them too.
“Oh… you want a reward out of this too, huh?”
“I’ve been good, haven’t I?”
“Easy now.” Jaehyun pulled you away from Jeno. “We’re just having lunch today, baby. Besides, are you still taking the pills?”
You sighed. “I stopped taking them when we parted ways.”
“Then we should probably get you back on them before we start playing. Don’t you think?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“We still have some.” Ten offered. “They should work just fine, right?”
“It shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Excellent. I’ll throw in a pregnancy test or two, just to be safe.”
“Well, you took a break from the pill, just a precaution.”
    Things weren’t exactly like before. They were more respectful of your time. Before they’d always be calling, wanting every moment of free time you had. They’d pick you up Friday night from school, keep you to themselves all weekend most of the time. You only ever got a pass during exam time, and when you had the guts to ask for a break. Usually you didn’t, not wanting to upset them and possibly lose out on your tuition money. It was exhausting, but it was all for a better life. At least that’s what you told yourself. This time around they were more like friends, checking in on you, and asking how you were doing.
    They definitely wanted to see you, but on your own terms. So occasionally you’d go out for lunch, maybe dinner, but nothing too extravagant, as you knew they were gonna go all out for the last trip and dinner. At least with these little outings they always brought you back to campus unlike before where you’d spent the night with them until Sunday afternoon. Things were better this way, kinda making you wish the last four years had been like this too. Although you were actually surprised when they brought up the last trip.
“Spring break?”
“Yeah. Let’s have a blast and unwind before you give it your all for graduation.”
“Uh… well… the thing is…”
“You don’t like it?” Johnny questioned.
“I had already made plans with my friends for spring break… and I thought you’d want to go out on a trip like after my finals…”
“Ah, right. You didn’t intend for us to still be in your life by now.”
“Then how about we split it.” Yuta suggested. “First half of your break, you hang out with your friends. For the second half, we get you all to ourselves.”
“Hm… switch it.”
“You get the first half, my friends get the second half.”
“How come?”
“Cause you guys can switch your plans around easily, my friends can’t.”
“Fair. So we’ll pick you up Monday morning?” Jeno asked. “Or can we come get you Friday night?”
“Oh, wanna kick things off early?” 
“If you can handle it.”
“Sure. I’ll pack some things after my class.”
“Can’t wait.”
    Even if you were acting cool, you were excited for this trip. They always treated you so well, spoiled you like a princess. This wasn’t gonna be any different. They had been modest so far, but now was their chance to do things like back then. They picked you up in a party bus, starting off strong with drinks, and congratulating you on your midterm exams. Of course karaoke and good food followed, and you were out celebrating until early hours of the morning. Somehow you all made it back to the penthouse sweet. You had a few more drinks before you made it to bed, half dressed with the boys piled around you.
    The morning was a hangover times six, although some of them had it worse than you. Thankfully breakfast was brought up, and hangover cures, so you just had to get up and put food in your mouth. When that failed Johnny was more than happy to feed you, the one of the bunch that could really handle their liquor.  You also needed to get yourself together. The party had only just begun, not to mention all the plans you had with your friends later on in the week. For now though, you just needed to make it through breakfast.
“Had a little too much?”
“I’m good…”
“Your face says otherwise.”
“What’s it telling you?”
“You wanna throw up?”
“I don’t want a bad taste in my mouth.”
“Then some ice cream to help soothe your throat.”
“Ice cream for breakfast?” Jaehyun questioned. “Isn’t that a bad idea?”
“This week is all about bad ideas.”
“So what’s on the agenda for today?” You asked. “More drinks?”
“We want you sober for all the memories we are gonna make. So no more drinks, is that okay?”
“Just fine.”
“Good. We were thinking of some tourist attractions, and some trips to the museums.”
“Yes. The aquarium is on the list.”
    Once you were all better you headed out, taking a limo into town. You had a chance to relax now that you were on break, and really take it all in. This was one of the last times you’d be around here, planning to go home after graduation. The whole day honestly made you feel like a child, indulging in everything you wanted to do or eat. To many you looked like a little sister with her brothers, or maybe just a lucky girl with her friends, but either way, you were glad you didn’t attract any negative attention. Some did recognize the boys, but that never became a problem, so you had nothing to worry about.
    You got to have lunch in the aquarium, watching all the fishes swim, almost feeling like you were in the water with them. The penguins were great too, and the jellyfish, and dolphins. You totally walked out with two or three plushies. For dinner this time you returned to the hotel, having some quality food, but as said before no drinking. Jeno and Yuta still felt the need to embarrass you and make a toast to your health and success in school. They even had a dessert brought out with a candle to once again congratulate you on surviving midterms. Although once back in the suite you better understood why there was a drinking ban.
    As soon as you set foot in the penthouse Johnny picked you up in his arms, taking you to the bedroom. He saw you down and laid you back, his hand caressing your cheek. You could feel one of the others getting your shoes off, and you knew where this was going. It had been a while, but you had been waiting for this. Besides all the attention and money, there was another benefit to having five sugar daddies. No one could ever take care of you the way you did. Johnny leaned down to kiss your lips, his hands reaching down to your shirt, although you stopped him.
“I don’t think you asked permission.”
“I’m not asking tonight, baby.”
“You have any idea how bad you’ve been?”
“Breaking up with us.” Jeno hissed into your ear. “Hiding away and trying to leave.”
“I thought we-”
“Sh, unless you wanna cause more trouble.”
“Tonight you’re gonna give us everything we are owed.” Yuta added. “So you better take it all with a smile on your face.”
    Suddenly Johnny had your hands pinned above your head as Jeno pulled up your shirt. He reached over to unhook your bra and push it up, exposing your breasts. He kneaded them for a moment and you bit your lip. His hands were cold, but he knew how you liked his touch. Then you felt hands getting you out of your skirt. The second your panties were exposed there was a hand grabbing your crotch.
“It did always hurt that you never invited us back to your dorm.” Ten commented. “Didn’t want you getting exposed to your roommate?”
“She knew… about our arrangement… sort of…”
“I didn’t say you could speak, baby.” Ten slapped your inner thigh. “Bad girl.”
    You bit your lip, instinctively trying to close your legs but Ten pulled them apart. The boys stripped you out of your clothes, leaving your panties on for the time being. Jaehyun had taken to holding down your arms as Johnny started kissing down your chest, Ten’s hand squeezing your thighs. Yuta and Jeno were already shedding articles of clothing, getting you all the more excited.
“You’ve been a good girl and taking the pills we gave you, right?” Jaehyun asked, and you nodded. “Good. So we can have all kinds of fun tonight.”
    For as long as you had been with them, you had always taken the pill. They didn’t always take you raw, but it was better to be safe than sorry. You were also glad they didn’t play around with that kinda thing, wanting to be safe with you even if they were gonna fill you up to the brim with their seed. Tonight was going to be no different, you figured they’d be desperate to do so. Even if they wanted to tease, they couldn’t help themselves for too long. Soon enough you were all naked, and you were getting attacked with kisses from all angles.
“Who’s first?”
“The eldest.”
    They still cared to make sure you were nice and wet, Johnny stretching you out a good way before giving you everything. It had been so long for you too, abstaining from sex to focus on your studies. You also hadn’t slept with anyone else but them for four years, and weren’t entirely sure how to get laid anymore. Even if it hurt at first, your body was quick to remember this familiar stretch, and feeling. Johnny hadn’t forgotten your body though, doing everything just right, doing it just how you liked it. Not to mention the others knew what to do while waiting their turn. Playing with your tits, stealing kisses, rubbing your clit, using your hands or mouth to warm up. You were gonna wear yourself out long before them, and they really loved when you became putty in their hands.
    Even with all the distractions you couldn’t ignore Johnny as he was the one pounding into you. He was always so rough and precise with his movements, hitting your sweet spot just right. Of course you had been getting yourself off in your dorm, but nothing could compare to one of them taking you over to the edge. You could tell when Johnny got close, he got sloppy and so desperate, trying to hold out to make it all last, but spilling inside you was just as rewarding. The warm feeling between your legs was already making you head spin, but you knew Johnny lost a bit of his touch if he didn’t get you off. He wanted another go, but Jaehyun was already shoving him out of the way.
    His turn was spent and Jaehyun would take pride in finishing you off. He had no problem slipping into the mess that was becoming of your cunt, eager to add to the mix. Of course Johnny wanted to give you a taste too, having you use your tongue to clean him up. If you had taken him all at once you probably would have choked as Jaehyun was giving you everything. He was making it very obvious he had a lot of pent up frustrations he was taking out on you. If he made you feel this good, you wouldn’t mind him holding off more often. Although he wasn’t gonna get the satisfaction of making you cum either as Jeno started playing with your clit, pushing you over to the edge before Jaehyun was even close.
    You squeezed Jaehyun tight, feeling as you were leaking out cum, your head thrown back as your mouth hung open in bliss. You vaguely heard Jaehyun scolding the other boy for taking what was his, but it wasn’t so bad if he got to fuck you while you were so sensitive. He moved with your climax, trying to keep you riding that high for as long as you could, but as you started to come down he got relentless. You couldn’t help but whimper, but that wasn’t gonna make him go any easy. In his own desperation he got close, unable to hold back before cumming inside you, making you overflow.
“Such a messy slut, taking two cocks so well.”
“Let’s make it three.”
    Jeno wanted to go next, but Ten kicked him off. He stuck two fingers into your mess, swearing cum on your belly, and then sticking the digits in your mouth.
“How’s that taste?”
    He swirled his fingers around before pulling them out with a pop. He could be real mean, playing with you when he wasn’t even filling you up. Your whimpers were adorable to him, especially when you got needy enough to start shaking your hips. Now you were begging, and he was happy to give you what you wanted.
    Hearing those words outside the bedroom certainly wasn’t fun, but in the bedroom, even if it was said with the same level of vileness, you’d happily accept it. Four years, the same five dicks, you were certainly a whore for them. Ten was certainly on the more elegant side, working you over along with him, knowing how to get you on his level so you’d both climax together. Even being a little out of practice with your body, he could still play you like an instrument. He always held your hands when he had his way with you, wanting more than just your cunt to squeeze him tight, he wanted to feel the rest of your body shake. You’ve left him with marks before, and he’d happily welcome them now.
“At a girl, still know who owns you.”
    You swear you saw white when he made you cum, drool slipping down your face. It was only your second orgasm, but you knew they could get more out of you. As many as they pleased. There was a safe word in place, but in all the years you had known them, you never used it. They seemed to know your limits as well as you did. Before you could even properly come down Jeno was already kissing at your chest, sucking on your nipples as he edged himself inside. The noise that was heard as he pushed aside everyone else’s seed to get in, an all too familiar sound you did quite enjoy to hear.
“You’re already so full, baby, can you take more?”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
    These sheets were gonna need to be thrown out when you were all done. You were already creating such a mess, and it wasn’t much compared to other nights. At least not yet. Jeno was practically digging into you, pushing in as cum came out. They had all had their turns before, being first or last or in the middle, so they wouldn’t complain about what stage they got to you. There were five of them after all, so they had to be good about sharing. Jeno was eager to make you unwind, so he gave you plenty of attention elsewhere. Twirling around your clit with his fingers, seeing it get red and swollen, another hand on your hip, keeping you from escaping him. He did it well enough you came first, already so sensitive, and he soon followed.
    You felt so fucken full you swear you were gonna burst, but you were just out of practice. Yuta peppered you with kisses, telling you how well you were doing. His fingers dipped into your sloppy cunt, having you get a taste of it. You certainly didn’t expect him to kiss you after, but they didn’t just play around with you. They had each other after all. You were already so overstimulated and lost, Yuta was kind enough to give you a little break before taking what was rightfully his. He had no problem playing around with your cunt for a while before dipping into the mess. He fit in nicely, having a pretty good idea how to keep you happy despite your state. He was ruthless, just as frustrated as Jaehyun, taking it all out on you and sparking you back to life. You really missed them.
    Now either the orgasm or Yuta made you pass out, but either way, you blacked out for a while. When you came to you were lying on the floor with your legs up in the air, clearly having fallen off to the side of the bed. Although Jeno was happily sleeping on your tummy, sighing dreamily and clearly cozy. You giggled at the sight. Sometimes you really did forget they were all close to your age, and yet living such different lives. You let Jeno stay for a while before you realized this position was very uncomfortable. You poked Jeno’s face to make him open his eyes.
“Why didn’t you pick me up? Do you think this is comfortable?”
“You looked cute, almost like you were drunk.”
“But I’m not.”
“Well, maybe not drunk off alcohol.” Jeno giggled and got up. “We were all out of it.”
    You got up, sitting down properly, well aware that you were leaking cum all over the floor, but that wasn’t for you to worry about now. Some of the others were lying in bed, and you crawled up to join them, pressing lazy kisses to exposed skin. This was all a little break for everyone. The night was still young, and even if you were four orgasms in, it was just one for each of them. They were greedy, and would certainly get what they wanted out of you, whether you were conscious or not. Waking up with a cock inside you wasn’t new, but certainly something you could picture for a night like this.
    You didn’t actually wake up properly until the afternoon. After that you knew the next day would be nothing but a lazy day. Somehow you managed to get up and get into the shower, knowing you needed a deep clean. Although you dozed off until Yuta found you sitting in the tub. He had the energy to join you and help clean you up, which you were grateful for. You returned the favor as well, the two of you the first to eat lunch from room service, waiting around for the others. When you were well enough you stepped out of the penthouse so they could clean up, heading to a park to enjoy the weather and sun. 
    The rest of your little trip was like that. You had some more fun at night, but not too much. Besides, you’d be going off with your friends, and you didn’t need to be completely worn out. Overall it was a good trip, a good last trip, one you knew you’d never forget. When the time came they dropped you off back at Uni, wishing you well with your friends, asking you to let them know if you needed anything. You thanked them for the adventure, glad you could still have all that. It felt more authentic given that this was really you going out with them as friends, not getting paid for your company.
    Of course at some point your friends had to ask about your little trip. Anyone who knew you now knew about your sugar daddies, so there was no point lying about it. You spilled what you were comfortable with, and just enjoyed your time with them. You couldn’t believe this was your last spring break, but you were so happy to have them with you. It was hard to fall asleep Sunday night, knowing what awaited you the next day, but you had enough good memories to get you through the door. So come Monday morning, you weren’t actually dead as you got to class, unlike most of your peers.
    The professors weren’t all going to be kind, so it was back to work like before. This was the final stretch for you, focus and study hard, and you’d be graduating. A part of you couldn’t actually believe it, but you had to, you couldn’t fuck this up. So you put a lot off to the side, including the boys. You still texted them, but you couldn’t do any mini dates, and they were very understanding. Even if you were the one working your butt off, they were just as nervous and as excited as you were. Although all that focus distracted you from something that was just as important.
“Holy shit, I’m late.”
“I was due like last week. Fuck.”
“Aren’t you on the pill?”
“That’s not foolproof.”
“Fair. Are you sure it isn’t stress though? I’m pretty sure I’ve missed a period or two cause of classes.”
“I don’t think I have before…”
“Well you are gonna graduate in a month. That is if you pass your finals.”
“Don’t fucken jynx it!”
“I’m just saying. You’ve probably never been stressed like this before. Athletes wind up not having a period for months cause of the stress they’re under.”
“I’m not a professional athlete.”
“Then go buy a pregnancy test and see if one of your sugar daddies is gonna be a father.”
“I wouldn’t fucken tell them. We’ve always been careful.”
“Then it’s just the stress. Problem solved. Also, don’t you have class soon?”
“Fuck. I do. I’ll get a pregnancy test later.”
“Cool, see you later.”
    You really didn’t think you’d be pregnant. You were careful, for the last four years, and you were very sexually active. Mina had a point though, you were under a lot of stress with graduation, but you had to be sure. Thankfully instead of buying one you remember the boys had given you some when they got you the pills. After classes you returned and used one of the tests, relieved to see it came out negative. So it really was just stress, and you were quite amazed it could do that to your body. Regardless, that was one less thing to worry about.
    To a degree you did feel bad you couldn’t see the boys after spring break, it had been quite a trip considering it was the last, but your academics were important. They wished you luck with finals, and you were ready for the last major exams of your life. You waited anxiously for the results, overjoyed that you had passed, and you were going to graduate. You had to celebrate, doing so with your friends. It was only once things wound down that you called the boys wanting to share the news.
“So, how did it go?”
“I passed… I’m graduating!”
“I knew you could do it.” Jeno cheered. “Our baby is so smart.”
“We’ve got to celebrate.” Johnny added. “Shall we pick you up?”
“I’ve already been partying, and I’m kinda spent. Maybe tomorrow?”
“Nah, it’s okay, you should rest. Don’t drink so much, okay.”
“I haven’t had a drink, can’t risk becoming a drunk mess before I take the stage.”
“Can we take you shopping!” Yuta asked. “Get you a nice dress for graduation?”
“I’d love that actually. Perhaps the one thing you guys can get me that I’ll keep.”
“If we don’t rip it off you.”
“True. Tomorrow then, shopping day.”
“We can’t wait.”
    Shopping wasn’t something to make a big deal out of, but how could you all not be excited. You’d be walking across the stage in the outfit you bought today, it had to be perfect. Not to mention the five guys buying it might wanna destroy it later, so you had to get good pictures first.
“We were thinking, after the ceremony, we’d take you out to dinner.”
“The last dinner.”
“Of course.” Ten smiled. “If that’s okay.”
“Yeah. It seems like a fitting end for us.”
“You better not cry.”
“I won’t.”
“Hm, guess we’ll see about that.”
    The big day brought on a lot of nerves, you could barely sleep the night before. Although when the sun was up, you and Mina were already getting dolled up, and she loved your outfit.
“You look hot.”
“So you really can’t come with me for dinner.”
“I already promised the boys. It’s the last one. Besides, I wanna see what kind of graduation present they get me.”
“Oh, they’ll probably give you a lot of money. Maybe a house.”
“That’d be awesome.”
“You better tell me immediately.”
“I’m sure I won’t be able to keep it a secret from you, so don’t worry.”
    Even if you looked stunning, it was mostly hidden by the gown. Still, you looked incredible and you couldn’t believe you had made it to the end. When you headed to the ceremony you looked around taking it all in. Even if you wanted your family there, you knew things had come up so they couldn’t attend. It’s why you were so happy to see the boys, knowing they were there for you. Although they did embarrass you a bit, Jeno and Yuta having a big congratulations sign, the others swinging around noise makers. Of course it dragged to wait for your name, but when it was your turn up on the stage you had the biggest smile, finding the boys in the crowd to show off too.
    You had tears in your eyes, so happy that all your efforts hadn’t been in vain. The boys had made their way over to you, embracing you in their arms, congratulating you over and over again. They said your tears were cute, but they were very proud of you. They even had flowers and a graduation bear as a present for you. They wanted pictures too, so you did your best to get rid of the tears and fix your makeup. After celebrating with your other friends and seeing the ceremony to the end you headed off to eat. You weren’t really hungry from all the adrenaline, but it was your last meal with the guys, and a very important one at that.
“You looked so beautiful up there.” Johnny complimented. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you. I’m glad you could be there.”
“Us too.”
“So, what did you get me?”
“After you eat.” Ten said. “So be a good girl and have your fill.”
“I’ll burn a hole in your wallet tonight. Just watch.”
“I’d love to see you try.”
    There was something so peaceful about this meal, and exciting. They all asked about your plans going forward, what you wanted to do. Of course this was where you’d part ways, but you knew there was always a chance you’d run into each other again. Despite all the good things, you couldn’t help but wonder what your present was. After dessert they finally presented you with a little box. Now your heart was racing. It could be a key to a car or house, or maybe a card to a bank account they had made you. Still, you thanked them all and opened the box. Your smile faltered as you stared at the contents, dumbfounded.
“It’s… it’s a pregnancy test…”
“I… I don’t understand…”
“Well, you always talked about your future.” Jaehyun explained. “And how we weren’t a part of that. It really hurt, but you were right. So we figured we should include ourselves in your future.”
“I’m not… following…”
“You’re late, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but I took a pregnancy test already. It came out negative. The stress-”
“The one I gave you was fake.” Ten said. “It’s meant to come out negative.”
“What… what are you…”
“The best way to become a part of your future is for you to have our kid.” Yuta stated. “Of course we’re probably not gonna know which of us is the biological father, unless you had like quintuplets, but we can raise it together.”
“Of course we’ll cover all the expenses.” Johnny assured. “So you don’t have to worry about food, or a roof over your head, nothing. We’re gonna be a big happy family now.”
“You’re… you’re lying… you… I’m on the pill!”
“Those were also fake.” Jeno added. “A placebo thing, right? Like sugar.”
“You planned this!”
“How else were we gonna be part of your future?”
“Truth is we always imagined a future with you.” Ten admitted. “After about a year, we realized how great you were, how perfect you were for us. So when you suddenly broke it off, we couldn’t believe it, but you were also right. We never really let you know we wanted you, so that’s on us, but we’ve rectified that now.”
“You’re fucken lying!” You stood up. “You did not get me fucken pregnant!”
“Shall we go confirm that?”
    You were furious, and you hated that they were throwing this idea out so casually. You took the pregnancy test and stormed off to the bathroom. They had rented out the whole restaurant, so you didn’t have to worry about anyone else. You nervously used the test, scared to look at the results, but they were clear as day.
    The boys had followed you to the bathroom, cheering and letting off confetti poppers. You stayed frozen in shock, trying to process this.
“It’s wrong… the test…”
“You can try again.” Jaehyun threw more pregnancy tests on the floor. “Better to use more than one anyway.”
“You… you…”
“Even if there wasn’t a baby inside you right now.” Yuta explained. “We’d have plenty of time to impregnate you now that you’ve graduated.”
“No… no you’re all fucken nuts…”
    You threw the test in the trash and intended to leave, only for Johnny to grab your arm, holding you back. Jeno was all over your belly, grabbing it and making baby noises.
“Easy now, baby. Now that you’re carrying our kid, we gotta take special care of you.”
“I am not having this baby!”
“That’s not up for debate.”
“It’s my body! And you fucken-”
“You think you can just play with us for four years?!” Jaehyun grabbed your chin, making you face him. “Four years, baby doll. That’s a lot of time to fall in love with a beautiful body and the girl that inhabits it. We weren’t playing, and we’re not gonna let you either. Your future is ours.”
“Fuck you! I didn’t consent to this! I’m not-” Jaehyun’s grip got tighter. “Let go…”
“You gotta be careful baby, don’t want you hurting yourself or the kid. We have a nice place picked out where we can look after you.”
“Let go!”
“Listen closely, darling.” Ten had Jaehyun let you go, stepping before you. “If anything happens to that baby, you are going to pay dearly for it. And don’t get any silly ideas in your head, you’re still young and very fertile, we have no problem tying you up and breeding you every night if something happens. So be a good girl, and smile, you’re gonna be a mother.”
“You’re crazy!”
“And you’re very hormonal, must be the baby. We should get you home.”
“No, no! Fucken let me go!”
“I can’t wait for the pregnant waddle.” Jeno cheered. “You’re gonna get so big!”
“I wonder if it’ll be a boy or girl.” Yuta said. “Maybe there’s more than one in there!”
“That’d be so cool.” 
“We’re gonna be dads!”
“I can’t wait!”
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fairmerthefarmer · 6 months
So I noticed a huge influx of followers, I kind of thought they were all bots, but after seeing some other posts from some of the blogs these accounts were following (thanks @bob-artist ) I think some of you may just be super new accounts and tumblr recommended me? (I’m very confused rn, my posts have found some people who like the things but they haven’t gotten THAT many reblogs or notes, this is a fairly new account itself)
ANYWAY if you are a real person welcome I guess, if you’re a bot I’ve been taking measures to do my best to protect my art from ai learning software and that’s gonna keep happening. If it turns out everyone’s a bot I’m gonna feel a little silly but I’ll survive.
So now I’m making an introduction post.
I’m Fairmer (The name is both because it’s my name in my stardew save with my sister but also cause I grew up with my dad being a farmer) I’m staying anonymous-ish for now, that may change. But being perceived on social media is scary so we are starting here.
I’m a graphic designer and illustrator living in Manitoba, who burnt out insanely upon graduation and stopped doing illustration outside of my job. I’m new to actually posting on tumblr, or honestly anywhere. Sometime I may link my portfolio here, but right now it’s under construction/being updated.
I’m also queer/bi, and have unexplained chronic pain that’s most likely from endometriosis but I keep most of my complaining about pain on my other blog.
I post mostly fanart so if you like:
- Nancy drew, PC games or otherwise. These in particular have motivated me to get back into actually drawing again.
- other games like Stardew Valley, Spiritfarer, Hollow knight, Hades, etc. (cozy games or otherwise) (also I was a teenage exocolonist except that’s gonna take me like a few business months if I decide to do art for it)
- Narnia, Lord of the rings, fantasy in general (Dnd?)
- Smosh, (current) dropout tv, starkid, tin can bros, shipwrecked, BDG,
- shows like ATLA, Ducktales 2017, ROTTMNT, The Owl house, Tangled the series, Hilda, Over the garden wall, etc.
- HTTYD franchise including riders/defenders of berk and RTTE, mostly rtte.
- like anything else, idk Barbie probably, maybe good omens or dr who? oh also I’m a theatre kid, big fan of hadestown and legally blonde.
You’ll most likely find me posting something at some point involving any of the above. I may post some originals too, but I’m not putting too much pressure on myself here.
Anyway, this is a pretty new account so I don’t have much stuff yet, but If you like my stuff you’re welcome to stay, apologies to any not-bots that attempted to follow me.
I may get into being open for commissions in the future, but for now it is what it is.
Also free Palestine
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m3l0diisbl00d · 11 months
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Guys I’ve started thinking about husband!Eidon and it would definitely be a hell of a ride. He would spend all the money he owns on your wedding because he would want it fit your dream wedding exactly. If the planner fucked up at all he would hire a new one immediately and they’d be a decomposing body in the woods gone shortly afterwards. He would put the biggest rock he can find on your finger, and if you ever ask where he managed to get such an expensive ring from he just giggles and smiles at you (he’s such a silly lil goober)
Once you’ve wed he’d let you have a job but not for long because he wants you to be his adorable little spouse who he can spoil and shower his affection to and not have them lift a finger and never leave his side, ever. He’d like being able to show you off to everyone in town to show that you’re his. To everyone on the outside, you look like the cutest couple in the neighborhood, and everyone would consider you to be really lucky to have a man who always provides for you and takes care of you the way he does. Always working to get you whatever you wanted and still smothering you with his love. Trust me though, as time passes he’d start getting the most intense baby fever. He’d buy clothes, mention particularly empty areas of the house that would make a good nursery, do tons of research, he’d want a goddamn baby whether you did too or not, and he’d be willing to go through some pretty extreme measures to get just that. You know, just prove you’re his, forever, and to ensure that now there’s no way of getting away from him now. ♡
Consider this a teaser guys, because I definitely wanna write more about this soon, and I’ve gotten some inspo from other yandere stories lately so this one’s gonna be real good >:) also expect to see a new oc soon because i think i have one brewing!!
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isawken · 10 months
haha heyyyyy jesties
this year has been rough stuff. and the problem is nothing life shattering has happened so i don’t even get to have a spectacular mental breakdown. it’s just been a lot of grind and disappointment and struggle to keep up or have any energy to do anything other than the bare minimum. to everyone who reached out to me with love or kindness or memes and waited weeks or more for a response i love you. and i’m so sorry for my total absence of personhood. i’ve never gotten a dm even if it’s just a silly post and an “i thought of you” that i didn’t like. and your patience with me is appreciated more than you know.
i have some stuff i want to work on. some hobbies i want to pick up again. some friendships i want to recultivate. some pieces of my life i want to try to rekindle. i used to have so much creative energy and impulse. did you know i used to make zines? i fuckin loved making zines. the tactile experience of cutting up thick paper and punching holes and using thread to bind em and filling it with vague thoughts and little collages and splashes of acrylic paint. that shit ruled. about a month ago i tried making one for the first time in years. i cut up some old paper and dusted off the ol' hole punch. this time instead of my usual embroidery thread i used necklace chain to bind it. i was proud of that idea. when it came time to put stuff in it i choked. i had no creative thought. i forced myself to cover the first page with orange and yellow crayola markers. but that was it. i had nothing other than that. just hasty sloppy color thoughtlessly and restlessly thrown down. a dull background promised to a more interesting foreground that never came.
that shit did not rule.
in 1883 in pecos texas the first recorded rodeo takes place. in 2001 rob smets attends the PBR world finals in jeans and a sports jersey bearing sponsor logos. in 1780 joseph grimaldi makes his stage debut at 2 years old at london’s famed drury lane. in the many, many years before any white person ever laid eyes on it, a man in what you’d now call northern arizona paints his body in black and white stripes and puts corn husks in his hair. in 1557 ivan the terrible acts as pallbearer to a man who walked naked in the streets of moscow, even in the dead of winter. 1568 the gelosi acting company coalesces in italy to perform the hot new style of live improv entertainment. in 2017 the ringling bro’s circus performs its last show, 146 years after the titular brothers first formed it. all of these moments (and more!) live in my head rolling around like marbles and one day i’ll tell you all why.
i’ve been on mood stabilizers for so long it’s hard for me to tell if this has just been a really long depressive swing or if this is just how i am now. if this is just what getting older is like. i don’t really think it is. i am like 90% sure this will not last. but the two questions that follow are always 1. how do i get out of it, and 2. what if it is tho xD?
i recently went down to southeastern ohio to visit my family. went up the mountain at 1 am saturday night to help my gramma grab the 8 year old boy she’s been helping to take care of from his strung out mother. the next day i saw my various other relations, aunts and cousins however many times removed. i hung out with my second cousin. same age as me, with two twin girls, 4 years old. she’s a great mom. and enjoys it, too. got a decent husband with a good job. obviously i don’t know her struggles. not like we talk often. but she seemed overall pleased when she spoke about her life. i told her about my work from home job and my loving partner of 8 years and my plans for the future. she told me i was living the dream. and like. i kind of am. so why do i wake up every morning in various states of hangover (it's the mental illness)
i live in one of the cloudiest cities in these united states. my house is about 500 square feet. it’s dark at 5pm now. i already miss the sun. i want to get sunburned again. i want to be sweaty. i want to put talcum powder in my skort. i want to get through this winter without having to rub snow on my face to stave off more serious impulses. i want to check the 5 items off my to do list.
all of my want is like a song stuck in my head.
i miss that stickbug meme
i should dress up like a clown again
maybe tomorrow i’ll just lay under my weighted blanket for 5 hours
or maybe i’ll actually do something i like to do and feel good and real and human about it. who knows. only time will tell. and in the meantime. thanks if you read this <3
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razrrgames · 1 year
tomorrow is the 7th anniversary of when i first released after the bell.
a lot has happened in the past 7 years.
i have/had an entire update planned, i wanted to rebuild the game from the ground up, especially since porting it to the steam version of 2003 fucked up the fade transitions.
but i never did.
i’ve tried starting many times, and failed every time.
i don’t think i’ve talked about it here, but im very open about this: i have ADHD and autism. the ADHD is what applies the most here.
the ADHD prevents me from doing what i want, and the RSD makes me overcomplicate things.
back when i made ATB, i was in a hyper focus state on RPGMaker. i had four ongoing projects at once: after i finished the first version of ATB, i was drafting the update, file:blue was added during a horror game jam, riitami, and one other project i literally cannot even remember the name of off the top of my head. i focused hard on these projects, mainly riitami, and then the novelty wore off. this is one of the worst parts of my ADHD. i get really into doing something for a short burst and then i get bored and can’t force myself to do it anymore.
i felt horrible for so long. why can’t i just DO things like everyone else? i need to remake ATB, i need to fix it, i need to take out the stair scene because it was in poor taste, i need to expand on the lore so i stop seeing people asking why ghosts can’t just go through the wall, i need to expand on these characters, etc etc etc. and i just couldn’t do it. i forced myself to come up with a logistical reason for not passing through walls, i rewrote and scrapped and rewrote and scrapped over and over again.
don’t get me wrong. i still do want to update after the bell. i want to remake it. i want to make it better. better maps, better art, better jokes, better characters, etc. but i can’t give you an estimate on when that will happen.
as for the lore of the game,,, i don’t want to put any more thought into it.
i didn’t go into that project with a real plot or world in mind. i just drew a little ghost girl and decided i wanted to make a game about her. then i made her a girlfriend and some classmates. i thought of a very simple fetch quest: getting her name. that’s all it was. nothing more, nothing less.
that said, i have new answers to things.
why can’t she go through walls?
who cares? i’m not gonna make transition events on every wall tile just to satisfy some people who can’t put their suspension of disbelief on hold for a silly ten minute game.
why are all these girls dead?
i don’t know. i just thought one character would be too lonely, so i added some more. i thought more ghosts would be better than filling the space with living characters and then dealing with whatever allows them to communicate.
and there was one person that once said in a comment that it was weird that protag’s parents had the same last name. that has always been a strange thought to me. they’re married? one took the other’s last name?
i don’t really know what i’m rambling about at this point.
in the past seven years (in no particular order), i have moved out, got my drivers license, lost my job, got another job, was ghosted out of that job, gotten a new job that destroyed my soul, fell into a deep depression at the start of the lockdown, went back to the soul crushing job once it resumed, fell out with my roommate, moved back in with my parents, quit my old job and got another job that i now love, adopted a hamster, had her until she passed away earlier this year from health complications, made friends, lost friends, started and ended therapy, got a psychiatrist, got on anxiety medication, started (trying) ADHD meds, started dating my girlfriend, saw her in person twice, was briefly hospitalized to get my first surgery (gall bladder removal), had ANOTHER surgery (septoplasty + removing polyps), went to new york to meet old friends twice, went thru multiple medications trying to find something to help me sleep at night, came out to my mother as a lesbian (she still does not know my gender identity), met some of the people who would become some of the most important people in my life, cried over dnd (positive), started writing stories again, tabled at a lot of conventions…
it’s been a long and wild road. and in those seven years, i have thought about the ATB cast. i know the game got a little traction when it was first released, and i’m a little shocked that it seems to get a lot more attention in spanish speaking communities! that’s a lil crazy to me! not in a bad way of course. i think that’s really cool. sharing our creations and experiences across different language communities is one of the coolest things in the world.
i’ve seen praise and criticism that have helped me think about my work as an artist, and some that have hindered me a bit. nevertheless, i’ve grown a lot since then. at least i hope so.
im rambling about a lot of things. sorry. my train of thought is more like a spaghetti junction, lol
at the end of the day, these silly little ghost girls were my first real journey into RPGmaker. i’d loved playing games for a long time and had made one shoddy little thing before, but ATB was my first real release. i’ve thought about these girls a lot. i don’t think too hard about their world, the lore doesn’t really matter to me; it was just a silly little game i made with no real forethought.
one day i will deliver that remake to you. i don’t know when. i love these characters, simple as they are, and i want to do right by them. im even thinking of asking for help, as i clearly have a lot of trouble moving forward; help with setting up maps and transitions is the most important thing, as i’m not very good at layouts or mapping, but i can handle all the artwork and writing dialogue myself. i also want to commission someone for custom music, as the original music used in the game was generated via online programs because i am also, shockingly (/sarcasm), terrible at music composition. or more like i have no experience with it. i’m tone deaf as all hell.
that is not financially viable for me right now, unfortunately (i owe my parents like $800 for insurance + some assistance from when bebbie passed away) and i do not want to just. not pay people for their work. as an artist i understand the value of the work that goes into these things, and i’m not about to run around asking for free help with a silly little ghost game. i want to be able to pay my help appropriately for their time and effort. that said, if you’d be interested in helping out when that time comes (paid of course, i can’t tell you when that’ll be bc as much as i love my job i don’t make a lot of money) please let me know.
i should bring this rambling to a close.
thank you for seven years of silly ghost girls. it’s been a long time, but i hope that these girls pop into your thoughts from time to time to say hello, as they do for me. i want to do them better, even if they are just a couple of silly middle school lesbian ghosts.
thank you for your patience and support. i’m sorry i haven’t lived up to be the person or developer that i wanted to be. i’m sorry i failed to bring you something to play so many times and for so long. i hope you can forgive me.
thank you, thank you, thank you.
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kfrances · 2 years
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so this has been simultaneously the most important year of my life so far and the most boring. but boring is good! boring means the Bad Things aren’t happening!
sappy essay below the line:
on new year’s eve last year i started my first job since moving out. the gap in employment there was hell for me, but this year, i was able to stay employed the whole way through. thank god. i also hauled ass out of that terrible corporate job i had and settled into my cozy little cafe job.
my boyfriend moved in with me this year, too, which was admittedly a lot to get used to, but very worth it. i got my first pet as a birthday gift from him. you’ve seen her. you’ve been updated. best birthday gift ever.
while commissions were slow this year (by choice), i managed to get like.. financially stable? sort of? like i can afford to buy luxury items now without ripping my hair out? literally insane.
so 2022 was kind of a good year, at least when it’s succeeding 2021 and 2020. jesus christ.
to everyone i met this year, and everyone i now consider a friend, and to the friends i’ve known for years- thanks for being there for me! every stupid laugh we’ve had together, every dumb drawing that came out of those moments, and even the most mundane conversations all meant so much to me.
it’s hard not to feel lonely these days- i think a lot of people are feeling it now, too. it helps to know that there’s people out there, real and tangible people, that i’ve gotten to smile. that have made me smile. 
here’s to another year of good and boring things, whether we spend it together or apart. please keep being silly and creative people. the world needs that now.
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thedisasterfam · 2 years
4E 206 - part I: Bruma
(Me? Posting my writings? Unheard of.)
The year is 4E 206. After all the trouble with dragons, the civil war, an ancient dragonborn and rampant vampires and so on, Listener Kajo has decided to focus on what is really important to her: The Dark Brotherhood. It is about time to begin proper rebuilding, spreading back into other provinces, and what could be the better place to start than Cyrodiil, the center most province of Tamriel. Surprisingly, Cicero wishes to tag along, eagerly offering his help once again, and who is Kajo to deny his wishes. He is the last remaining member of the Cyrodiilic Brotherhood, after all, and knows the secrets of the old Sanctuaries better than anyone else.
And of course, who else she would even want to bring into new adventures with her?
Bruma looked almost exactly as Cicero remembered it; Small, quiet, a bit rugged due to its location up in the mountains, but somehow quite homely. The walls surrounding the town were still somewhat damaged by the war that had ravaged around the province, but masons were busy setting the new stones, and life seemed to continue as normal. It was nostalgic, really, walking down the streets of Bruma again, just looking around and seeing if anything interesting from the past waited around the next corner. The houses did look exactly as Cicero remembered them, but it was funny to him notice how similar they looked to the houses back in Skyrim. Made sense, though, since many Nords favored this little town right by the border between Cyrodiil and Skyrim. Not too far from home for them.
“It really hasn’t changed much,” Kajo pointed out as they sat down on a stone fence by the market area, wanting to eavesdrop on people for a bit. “Or at least I don’t think so, but I only visited very briefly before crossing the border.”
“Not too much,” Cicero chuckled, nodding in agreement. It had been much longer for him since his last visit. Fifteen or so years, closer to twenty now! Yes indeed, he had been in his very early twenties when moving to Cheydinhal. “Bruma is very much the same as Cicero remembers it!”
“Have you seen any familiar faces?” Kajo asked curiously, wondering if people from Cicero’s childhood still lived here. The jester thought for a bit, furrowing his brows deeply as he stared at the people wandering around the market area.
“The current stablemaster looked quite familiar,” he scrathed his head then, humming in thought. “Cicero thinks he might be the son of the master I used to work for a short bit after getting kicked out.” The kind stablemaster let young Cicero stay in his barn for a while, even gave him food, only asked him to help with the horses in exchange. Not his favorite job, but it did lead to a fateful night when he killed a fellow teen who he had thought to be a horse thief and even got away with it, no one ever finding out what exactly happened. Well, except for the Dark Brotherhood, that is how they found Cicero and invited him into their family. Oh, how he fondly reminiscenced that night, how he found his passion!
“But he did not seem to recognize Cicero at all!” the jester suddenly exclaimed sorrowfully, sniffling in such a manner that Kajo instantly knew him to be faking his grief. “Cicero has gotten old, that is why! No one recognizes his wrinkly face!”
The bosmer snorted amusedly and slapped his thigh playfully, to which he giggled stupidly. “Maybe you have some wrinkles, but you are that not old, silly!” Kajo said, shaking her head.  
“Maybe not really, but Cicero sure feels like it!” Cicero shrugged. He had been through so much it felt like at least two lifetimes, and he was only barely 40! The same age as Kajo, yes, but age worked differently for mer, as she would live at least hundred years longer than him. “It feels almost like a thousand years have passed since I’ve been here.”
All things considered, knowing Cicero’s story, Kajo didn’t continue arguing and only nodded. “Right,” she said, resting her head against his shoulder and felt Cicero lean towards her a little, accepting this little show of affection. “How are you feeling, though?” the bosmer decided to change the subject a little, worrying that being here might be bringing back unpleasant memories. He didn’t seem uncomfortable at the moment, but it was sometimes difficult to tell with him and Kajo wanted to be sure.
After thinking about his answer for a bit, Cicero nodded. “I’m doing fine,” he admitted. “Bruma is not too bad. Cicero has memories here that he isn’t too fond of, but… not too bad. Quite funny to be back, even if just for a bit!”
“That’s good,” Kajo smiled widely, feeling relieved for now, although the slight bit of worry would probably never leave. “But do tell me if something is feels too much.”
“Cicero will!”
“There isn’t much left here,” Kajo sighed disappointedly as they cautiously rummaged through the old Sanctuary. A lof of it had been completely burned to ashes nearly twenty years ago, as Cicero had already told her, but Kajo hoped to find something, anything. But the damage of the fire that had once ravaged here was bad, and clearing the place would take forever and perhaps too much coin to do it discreetingly without rousing any suspisions in the town. Having been sealed away from the outside world for so long, the blackened walls still smelled of fire and ash, already causing Kajo’s head to hurt. Bruma would be a wonderful location, but this was a little too much to deal with.
“Cicero told the Listener,” the jester said as he kicked an old piece of charred wood out of his way, melancholically wandering around the old hall. There was a slight sting to his heart as he looked around and remembered that day. He had been out on a contract when raiders or soldiers – whoever, it didn’t really matter – managed to find their way into the Sanctuary and burned everything down, killing everyone within. He should call himself lucky, but it didn’t feel right. Such a tragedy and it felt sad to be walking these halls again, not being greeted by his dear dark siblings, many whose faces he couldn’t remember clearly anymore, faded over the years. “Nearly everything burned. Cicero did manage to save some old records and brought them with him to Cheydinhal. But other than those, I found nothing.”
Only the scorched corpses once the fire had calmed down enough, which he had carefully gathered to the tomb… gave them the best burial he could. Thinking about it hurt. Really, really hurt.
Kajo noted the jester’s sudden silence, and gave him a quick glance and saw him struggling to remain composed. He was on the verge of tears, she could see it, having hard time pushing aside the memory of that day. His family, a family that finally felt like one, gone in just a moment and he couldn’t do a thing about it. Life was unfair.
Kajo’s gentle voice snapped the jester out of his thoughts, and he saw her standing right by him now, tenderly touching his arm. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words wouldn’t come out; he didn’t really know what to say without breaking down. Instead, he reached for Kajo’s hand and held onto it tightly. She smiled softly and rubbed his hand with her thumb. “It’s alright. I think I’ve seen enough, we don’t have to say.”
There was nothing for them here, it was alright to move on, especially since it was causing the jester a great deal of sorrow. Something Kajo had feared.
Yes, this place was nothing but a reminder of the death of so many who had once been important to him, but regardless Cicero fought with himself, wanting to be helpful and keep digging, but at the same time knew that he shouldn’t be here, that it was too much. He nodded weakly then, tears finally forcing themselves out and he let them fall, and Kajo reached to wipe them away with her cape.
“How are you feeling?” Kajo asked, watching Cicero with worried eyes. They had settled in for the night at a local inn, and although Cicero busied himself with his usual evening routine of helping the Listener get out of her leather armor and writing in his journal, he felt off. He was so awfully quiet ever since they left the Bruma Sanctuary and for a good reason, really, and Kajo worried for him. She already felt terrible for dragging him along on this journey, even if he had suggested it. She did love his company more than anything, but making him face the past that still causes pain felt wrong. And Bruma was just the beginning, in Cheydinhal he could potentially face his biggest trauma.
Laying on the bed, Cicero sighed and rubbed his face, but turned his head to look at his lover then. He didn’t know how to put into words what he was feeling at the moment, as his thoughts were a mess, but he did give her a small, melancholic smile, which told Kajo more than a thousand words could. He was feeling upset, raw, hurting, but still tried to retain his usual cheerful self. Kajo tenderly smiled back at him and crawled onto the bed, snuggling against his side to remind him that he was not alone in this.
“I’m sorry,” Kajo said quietly after a bit, drawing circles on Cicero’s chest with her finger. “I’m sorry for everything you have been through and for putting you into this situation.”
Cicero looked at Kajo, a bit puzzled. “Listener needs not to apologize for anything!” He said then, shaking his head fervently. “Cicero knew what he signed up for!” He had known that this wouldn’t be an easy journey to make and had tried to mentally prepare himself for it, but… well, it was difficult to predict what it would be like to be faced directly with such sad memories. “Cicero is in his head a little now, but he is fine. Sad, I admit and I’m sure Listener can tell, but I will be fine. Cicero will be fine as long as Kajo is with him.”
Kajo sighed and lifted her head to properly look the imperial in the eyes. He looked quite miserable, yes, eyes red from crying and like he needed a very long nap, yet still he seemed determined to continue with her. She watched him for a bit, but leaned down to press a small kiss to the tip of his nose then, smiling when she pulled away and was met with his usual goofy smile.
“You can always tell me if something is too much, okay?” Kajo reminded him once more. “I want nothing but happiness for you and don’t want to put you through situations that hurt you. There have already been enough of those.”
“Cicero knows,” the jester nodded, looking a bit more joyful now, and pushed hair behind Kajo’s elongated ear. How she cared so much for him and his wellbeing made his heart thud with so much joy he could sing about it. But not now, he was too tired for that. Right now it was enough to just get to hold her close. “I want to be here and help the Listener, but I will. I will tell you if something is wrong.”
“Good!” Kajo chuckled and smiled widely, giving him another little kiss, on the lips this time. “Now, we should get some rest. We have a long trek ahead of us tomorrow.”
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cherrynojutsu · 2 years
Hello!! I’ve been reading your fic, Like Gold, for the past few days and I have fallen in love with it!! I really adore your writing — you make it so easy to get lost in your story; the way you write is just so captivating and beautiful. The transition from scene to scene, or shifts in time, are so smooth, and your prose, imagery and metaphors are nothing short of gorgeous. It’s clear that you love the characters so much: you explore Sasuke’s character in such a delicate yet deep way, Sakura feels so fleshed out and her conversations/interactions with Sasuke — however small — make me smile like an idiot. You nail every other character’s personality too. It’s so interesting to read a Sasusaku fic from Sasuke’s perspective and your exploration of his thoughts and feelings is done so well. I’m still in the early stages of reading, but your fic is so good that I had to stop by and tell you this. Your work is such a pleasure to read and you’ve also motivated me to write again. (I’m also learning new words thanks to you!)
In short, I love your writing so much and I hope that everything is going well for you. I wanted you to know how inspiring your work is and that I have been thinking non-stop about your fic for the past few days.
Thank you for sharing your work with us and take care! ❤️
Omg I'm so sorry, I'm not sure how long this msg has been in my inbox as I haven't gotten on Tumblr in a hot minute. Thank you so much!! I try to include a lot of narrative themes and imagery descriptors because they are what I love reading. Writing this story has been honestly therapeutic for me; I try to approach trauma in a way that feels realistic and messy. I've loved these characters since the tender age of 10-11 and have such nostalgia for them given I sort of grew up alongside them. (I'll date myself here: I used to get Shonen Jump delivered to my house in middle school bc not everything was available fully on my family's dial up internet.💀) I feel that Kishimoto did an incredible job setting up an immersive world with a diverse cast that also allows for a lot of varied character dynamics. It helps with characterization a lot when you have so much to work with already! Exploring those in the BP is the perfect setup as it's got room for extrapolation and filling in the blanks, so to speak.
Anyways I really appreciate the kind words. This story started as just a way for me to read the fic I wanted to read, to be honest. 😂 I've been very influenced by all of the great sasusaku fanfiction that already exists (Ghosts, Home is Where the Heart Is, Of Fate and the Unexpected, Unspoken, Samsara, etc.). There's so much already out there, but it's been quite a ride to throw my hat into the ring. I'm all invested in reader feedback and becoming a better writer in the process now, which is something I never expected. It's been so rewarding in that, as well as realizing someday I may want to write my own fiction with original characters and all that jazz. (I'll have to finish LG first, obviously, though I do have some original stories I add to now and then.)
And awww, I'm honored! The teacher in me loves exposing people to new words. 😂 All according to plan... lol jokes aside, thank you very much again for your kindness. I'm glad you're enjoying my silly little fanfic, and I wish you the best of circumstances in your own writing endeavors!
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bitletsanddrabbles · 2 years
Silly Little Thing
Up yours, bad mood! Up yours, writer’s block! I combat you both with nearly 1k words of PURE SILLINESS AND FLUFF! YAR!
This will eventually go up in my Ao3 catch all file, but for now....here! An apology for being so whiny lately!
“So, what did you think?” Guy asked, leaning back against the car’s upholstery. The two of them were on their way back to Hancock park, having just watched a premier of “The Gambler”.  Thomas had gotten in, free of comment, on the grounds of having been in it.
Thomas didn’t know much about cars, but he could tell that this was a nice one, and not just because it was owned by a movie star. He particularly liked that there was glass between the front seats and the back, allowing a bit more privacy for conversation. Not, of course, that the chauffeur was going to go blabbing to the papers about his employer’s relationship with his new dresser, not if he knew what was good for him, or because the conversation was overly incriminating. It wasn’t. Still, it was nice to have one less thing to worry about. “I liked it,” Thomas admitted. “It was nice to see it all put together like that, rather than in bits and pieces, all out of order. When you were all filming, it was difficult to imagine  how it would turn out. How it could turn out at all.”
Guy smiled. “There are practical reasons for the shooting scenes out of order, believe it or not, but I know what you mean. It’s sort of like hearing a group of musicians, each rehearsing their individual part of a concerto or something. It sounds strange, but then you put them together and it all makes sense.”
“I’ve never had that experience,” Thomas admitted, “but it sounds about right.”
“Well, since listening to the orchestra before the film starts up is going to be a thing of the past, I’ll just have to introduce you to some of my friends who play.”
Thomas grinned, pretty certain that he was blushing in the darkness, at least a little. ‘Meeting Guy’s friends’ had been something they talked about on multiple occasions, and had actually happened for the first time that night in limited, very public capacity, but a large part of him still couldn’t believe the other man actually wanted him to meet them. “I’d like that.”
“What did you think of the dinner scene?” Guy asked, his smile taking on a mischievous twist.
“I…” Thomas started, then stopped, his face twisting in on itself uncertainly. “I’m not certain, really. That is, you and Miss Dalgleish did a fine job, that can’t be argued. And for a bunch of people with no experience at all, who didn’t so much as gasp or say anything, well. I suppose the rest of us didn’t do too badly.”
Guy laughed. “That means you’ve done as well as any of people who make a living at it! Or Myrna and I, before sound for that matter.”
“I suppose…” Thomas muttered. There was silence for a moment, then he burst out. “I’m sorry, but all I could think about when we were watching it was how it had been when we were filming and I suddenly had Miss Dalgleish right on top of me! And her hands were on me and if I’d looked down I’d have been staring right at...well, never mind that!” By this point Guy was laughing uproariously, although not unkindly. Thomas continued, “And really, of all the men in the room, why did that have to happen to me?”
“The rest of them were all married, weren’t they?” Guy countered between guffaws. “Or at least spoken for. You think they’d have felt any less out of sorts having Myrna collapse on them in front of their wives?” He paused and then added, with that playfully ironic undertone that Thomas swore would be his undoing some day, “Can you imagine what Mr. Carson would have done?”
It took five full minutes for Thomas to stop laughing enough to gasp out, “He’d have died! He’d have had a heart attack and we’d have had to bury him along with old Lady Grantham!”
“And then Mrs. Hughes would have been a widow,” Guy pointed out, still grinning from ear to ear like an expatriated Cheshire cat. “We wouldn’t have wanted that.”
“Alright, you win!” Thomas’s ribs were starting to ache. “I still felt ridiculous at the time, though, and watching it, all that came back. And while we’re on the subject, why did only Andy and I have the silly period hair pieces and side burns? Heaven knows Molesley could have used one to help cover that bald head.”
“He’s not completely bald, don’t be mean!” Guy laughed, swatting Thomas lightly on the knee. More seriously he added, “That was meant to be a style for the young, desirable men. The older ones didn’t have to keep up appearances. Didn’t you think I was dashing, with my side burns?”
“Not bad,” Thomas admitted, still grinning. “Like you better without them, though.”
“That’s a relief. I’d hate to have to grow them out again.”
By the time they got home, Thomas was certain he’d pulled at least five muscles.
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
They’re just smoking at Eddie’s, not really doing anything special, when Steve gets the random thought: Eddie would make a really good dad. Steve has basically no filter when he's like this, so he just says, “You’d make a really good dad.”
“God, I fuckin’ hope not. Can you imagine?” Eddie snorts.
Steve doesn’t have to imagine, though. He thinks about how Eddie’s the only one Max lets help with a lot of stuff, because he lets her go at her own pace and never makes it weird. He thinks about how Eddie jumps around and does silly voices until all the kids are belly-laughing, even Mike at his surliest. Eddie is sweet and funny and patient, and he always puts the kids first. He’s already a fucking awesome dad-substitute, and Steve hopes Eddie gets to have kids of his own someday. 
It’s so easy for him to picture Eddie coming home from work, some kind of cool music job that lets him get back in time for dinner; opening the door to a cozy house and hollering Honey, I’m home like he’s in a sitcom from the fifties. Three or four little nuggets scrambling over themselves to run and greet him as he hangs his coat up, yelling Daddy, Daddy. Eddie squatting down to hug them and ruffle their hair and ask about their day, then looking up with a smile at Steve—
Well, obviously Steve wouldn’t be there. Eddie would be looking at his wife. Some, uh. Metal babe? Is that his type?
“Are you into, like, hardcore rocker chicks?” Steve asks, and then belatedly realizes that Eddie has not been following along with his entire internal train of thought, and this probably seems like it came out of nowhere.
“Uhhh,” says Eddie, eyeing him like he’s gone insane. Which is fair. “Not…really? No?”
“You don’t sound too sure about that,” says Steve. 
“Alas, I find myself ensorcelled by a far more conventional aesthetic, these days.” Eddie’s got a weird little smile like there’s some joke he’s making, probably at Steve’s expense. “I suspect the Moral Majority has finally gotten its hooks into my psyche somewhere, even if it’s not entirely how they envisioned it.”
“Oh,” says Steve. So, maybe what he was imagining wouldn’t be too far off. Just, Eddie’s megawatt smile would be directed at a former cheerleader type—blonde, maybe, with a perfect perm, making dinner and swatting him away with a laugh when he goes to kiss her hello.
And yeah, he knows Eddie’s not exactly the most popular guy around at the moment, but he can’t imagine any girl turning down a chance to have that life with him. Not really, especially not once she got to know Eddie past the soft dark hair and soft dark eyes and clever hands. Steve’s seen Eddie turn on the charm and win over complete strangers, not to mention gaining the adoration of the unwashed hooligans they’ve basically been co-babysitting, and Steve thinks that Eddie could probably get any girl in the world, if he wanted. 
“Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” Steve asks. 
“Wow. Okay. Didn’t know Dustin Henderson was in the room with us. Dustin? Hello? Finally crack that invisibility formula, buddy?” Eddie waves his arms around like he’s trying to catch a ghost. At least, that’s what Steve thinks he’s doing. It really just looks demented and random, which is not a new look for Eddie.
“I just mean, you know. I’ve never heard you talk about girls.” 
Eddie frowns at him a little, which seems totally uncalled for. “I’m…we’re not that kind of friends, Harrington. We’re not talking-about-girls kind of friends.”
“We could be, though. Right?”
“What is this, why is this my life,” says Eddie, but not in a way like Steve's supposed to say anything back. He sighs. “Okay, Harrington, why don’t you tell me all about your latest conquests. That what you’re angling for?”
Steve really hadn’t been. His mind goes blank. “We don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to,” he says, stalling. 
“No, no, now I’m consumed with curiosity about what gets Steve Harrington’s motor running these days. C’mon, what kind of foxy babes are on your radar?”
Eddie’s hair is everywhere and his eyes are so dark. 
“Nothing,” says Steve. “Nobody.”
(Edit: story is now complete on AO3!)
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fic-crews · 2 years
Hey you two! <3 How are you doing? I have a little writing/letter request, if it's not too much trouble 🥺. I'd love a love letter from (RZ) Michael Myers to me/reader insert. I've gotten a new job that is rather tiring and have missed spending time writing and doing arts n crafts because of that. That includes spending less time immersed in daydream or writing for Mikey;; and i miss that. I hope this makes sense and that I'm doing this right. 🦋 Hope you both have wonderful day! Sending my love and kindest regards!
AN: Hello Meadow, it’s Fang! I’m sorry to hear your new job is tiring, but I’m so proud of you for getting it! That’s amazing that you landed the position! I’ve also been hella busy which is why it took me so long to write this. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you.
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Micheal was agitated, more so that usual. You’d been gone more and more lately. His friend, his plaything… his prey! Micheal didn’t know what you were to him. But he knew one thing with absolute certainty, you were his! And he thought you understood that to, that you’d come up with a mutual understanding of how this all worked. But here you were, not home, not by his side. And Micheal was livid!
He knew he’d been gone for a while. He had to hide away for a few weeks until the police lost his trail. He wouldn’t risk leaded them back to you, putting you in harms way like that. He could survive prison, you couldn’t. But he was back now, and he expected a greeting when he walked through the door. But you never came. He checked the whole house, but you were no where to be seen. The house was a wreck now, but Micheal didn’t care. He just wanted you. His rock, his reason, his purpose.
So when you came home that night, you were shocked. Everything was in disarray, walls with holes, tables flipped, broken glass everywhere. It was a nightmare. You slowly dropped the groceries and carefully stepped over the clutter. You called out, hoping the intruder wasn’t still in the house. You moved your way through the kitchen as quietly as you could. A scream nearly escaped your mouth as big hands wrapped around you. One on your torso and the other over your mouth. Most people would be panicked, but you recognised those hands, his hands.
You spun yourself around in Micheal’s arms so you were now facing. Although do you the height difference your face was in the middle of his chest.
“Micheal, what are you doing? You scared me!” You scolded, although your voice got softer at the end.
You couldn’t never really stay made at him. He was just as much yours as you were his. The two of you belonged together. A match made in hell, or so Sam Loomis would say. That damn Sam was the reason Micheal had to leave you in the first place. And you swore you would make him pay for it. Micheal’s hands suddenly tightened around you.
“Micheal?” You asked.
He hugged tighter.
“Micheal you’re scaring me, what’s going on.”
He simply grunted and shook his head.
“You’re not gonna let me go are you?”
He nodded his head yes. You let out a little huff, before breaking into a fit of giggles. See this giant hug you right and shake his head like a love sick toddler made your heart sing. It was honestly a hilarious sight. If Michal wasn’t wearing his mask you would have saw him raise his brow at you.
“Oh baby, I missed you too.”
You finally wrapped your hands around you man, hugging him as tightly as you could manage. Although you were sure if he hugged you any tighter, he’s break bones. You didn’t really mind. He’d take care of you if you were broken, you believed that with your entire heart. Suddenly he let out an angry sounded noise. You looked up, but instead of pure rage in his heart, you saw a sadness in his eyes. That’s when you understood.
“You were worried when you came home and I wasn’t here huh?”
Another nod.
“Oh Mickey, I would never leave you! Even if that silly Sam tried to tear us apart, he couldn’t. I was at work baby. I had to get a new job so I could afford to keep the lights on, make your sweets. I’m sorry I couldn’t be here when you came home.”
You were shaking at this point. You felt terrible, and Micheal’s arms loosened around you, before he pulled you tighter into his chest and let you cry it out. The first time you cried Micheal felt panicked, he wasn’t used to such emotions. But now you cry for the both of you. Feeling Micheal’s emotions for him so he’s never uncomfortable.
You squeaked when he picked you up, carrying you up the stairs to the bedroom. The room was just as messy as the rest of the house, but you didn’t care, you could clean it later. And of course you’d make Micheal help, it was his mess after all. He gently laid you on the bed, leaving only to grab the blanket that was now half way across the room. He climbed onto the bed and pulled you into his side, pulling you into his strong chest. You snuggled up to him.
“I promise to give you my work schedule now that you’re back Micheal, just promise you won’t try to kill my boss ok? I really need this job.”
When he didn’t respond you squinted up at him.
“Promise me baby!”
He gave way at the nickname. And nodded his head.
“Good, now let’s gets some rest. Lord knows we both need it.”
You closed your eyes, trying to push yourself further into him. Almost as if the two do you would merge if you tried hard enough. When Micheal was sure you were fast asleep, he slowly lifted up the edge of his mask, bending down to give you a light kiss on the forehead. Micheal drifted off to sleep with the only person her cared about tight in his arms.
An: so sorry this was so short, but I hope you like it anyways @myers-meadow please take some time for yourself after work, and just try to relax. Don’t let the stress get to you so much. You can always talk to me if you need to. Love you bestie ❤️
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bettsfic · 2 years
i don’t want to bother my friends ranting about this thing i’m writing so for once i’m going to use my blog as an actual blog.
in what is becoming the grand tradition of going to writing residencies, i’ve pulled another “oh god i gotta finish this project before i go to this writing residency to work on a project.” 
in this case i’ve taken the stray threads of dirtbag that i couldn’t follow in fanfic and shoved the characters from baby into it. and...it’s working? i remember writing baby thinking, these are the right characters but this might not be the right story. and now i think i have the right story. all my other projects i’ve been hesitant about because editors would want to label them YA when they have way too much smut for that. not to mention, you know, they’re just not for younger audiences. this story can in no way be construed as YA. everybody’s old and miserable. hooray!
this thing has 7 alternating POV characters, 43 chapters, and spans 50 years. i had to build a whole-ass airtable database to keep track of character trajectories, back stories, and motivations. not to mention outlining it was so complicated i couldn’t use gdocs for it. airtable is the only way to keep a handle on the plot. but! it’s doing a very good job of it. it was just a bitch and a half to set up. 100% worth it to be able to locate all my ideas and notes easily.
i started working on it on monday and now it’s friday and it’s 45k words (some of it is taken from select scenes in dirtbag, some of it is from several trash docs repurposing some darlings, so it’s not a raw word count; i’d say what i’ve actually written is closer to 25k). i’m starting to have some hand problems so i’m going to take it easy over the weekend i think, and probably invest in an ergonomic keyboard.  
i honestly think one of the reasons this is going so smoothly is because of gdoc’s quality of life improvements. the way i used to draft involved a new document for every chapter, which gets confusing and annoying quick for big projects, but now i keep everything in one document and use the outlining feature for navigating and the drop-down menu feature for labeling what state of drafting each chapter is on. long projects have gotten sooooo much easier.
the best part is that i know all the major plot beats AND the ending. endings for original work have always been hard for me because i love my HEA, but literary fiction is all :/ about HEA endings*. but this one is too complicated for HEA, and anyway the whole thing is about secrets, so most of the conflict derives from a series of reveals. if you’ve been reading dirtbag, you’re getting a fraction of that already. it’s a lot of, how did we even get here? how have you made so many awful decisions and why?? the other conflict is, all these characters are distant from each other and they’re all slooooowly converging, which is one of my favorite plot structures.  
ALSO my entire writing life i’ve wanted to write a bank robbery book. this is it. it’s finally it. i have a father/daughter bank robbing duo and they are everything i’ve ever dreamed about writing. i never wrote about bank robberies before because i just don’t think they’re interesting enough to carry a whole plot. i mean, there are only so many ways to rob a bank? there’s only so much drama there? but in this case it’s only carrying a fraction of the plot. the only things i have to research now are cuckolding and dodging the vietnam draft. i bought a book on the latter, but i don’t think there’s a book on the former (besides darryl by jackie ess, shout out to darryl by jackie ess). to reddit, i guess.
this whole thing is going to be very overwhelming, i’m sure, and revisions will probably involve a lot of paring down and killing darlings, but that is a problem for future betts. current betts is just having a good time organizing her silly little airtable base and formatting her silly little story.
i’m also glad not to feel too fragile about this. i really thought vandal was going to get published but i’m just still so terrified of it being out in the world. i feel more like how i felt about zucchini, confident that it belonged somewhere and had an audience. i know what it is and so i don’t think, once it gets to a good enough place, that feedback will feel as jarring. the only thing i’m afraid of is my own hubris, where every time i start a project i think “this is going well! i’ll be finished soon!” and then it’s three years later and i’m wondering when i’ll pick it up again and if i’ll ever publish a book.
i’ll probably keep updates going because sometimes i just want to think about the process of writing it rather than writing it. i feel bad for not finishing the other fics i was planning to work on, but i’m just too excited about this. 
and for those reading dirtbag, don’t worry, it’s done and updates will continue twice a week.
* talking about endings in contemporary literary fiction is so funny to me because they’re all kind of awful. i had this running joke in my mfa cohort that every contemporary literary novel ends with a potluck. i mean it’s absurd how many lit novels end in a potluck.
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
all this devotion is rushing out of me
summary // Bucky Barnes is beautiful. No ifs, ands or buts. But there was something exceptionally beautiful about him that you were desperate to see. (bucky x fem!reader)
or; bucky barnes blushing is reader’s kryptonite and all she wants is to see it.
words // 2.0K
warnings // (hi there is a brief brief allusion to a breeding kink in this but i don’t write smut so it’s nothing graphic) mentions of pregnancy & sex 
notes // my second b.b fic also originally posted on my ao3 happy reading! i have more in the works! 
Bucky Barnes is beautiful. There’s no doubt about that in your mind.
From his newly cropped hair to the smile lines forming around his eyes. Down to the stunning metal arm and god his thighs.
Bucky Barnes is beautiful.
But your favorite part, the thing of his that you find most beautiful, are his flushed cheeks and embarrassed smiles.
The way he turns red from the tip of his ears to the apple of his cheeks and turns his eyes away with a small, embarrassed smile always makes your stomach flutter. It was so beautiful and rare that when it did happen, you just wanted to bring it back.
So while visiting Sam and Sarah, Mission Blushing Barnes, was born in your mind. You didn’t really want to embarrass him, far from it, so you knew you didn’t want to do anything in front of Sam or any of Sam’s family. But, fuck, watching him play with the boys and make himself at home with the Wilson’s had something growing in your chest.
And you wanted to see him blush. If only to end the day on a high note. So you waited and waited. Until finally, it was you and him sitting on the edge of the dock talking about nothing.
“Louisiana’s nice, isn’t it?” He asks quietly as he watches the sun set. You nod but don’t respond, too busy admiring his side profile.
The slope of his nose and outline of his lips has your mind jumping for joy that he’s yours. That he’s the man you get to wake up to and comfort. You smile when he turns to look at you, bemused by your silence. “What’s up, doll?”
You reach out to place a hand on his cheek. “Just admiring you. So pretty.” You keep your eyes focused on his face, expecting a blush at the term pretty instead of handsome. All that comes though is a snort. You drop your hand with a frown.
Bucky rests a hand on your waist and drags you closer to him. “Gotta do better than that, doll. You’ve been calling me pretty for months now. I’m used to it.”
You open your mouth in faux shock. “I have no idea what you mean.” You say in a pitched voice as you rest your head against his shoulder.
Bucky shakes with laughter. “I know you like making me blush. Gives you some sick power high.” He mumbles the words into your hair as he gives you a kiss.
You smile. You know there’s no menace behind his words. You can tell from his relaxed body language and quiet tone of voice your little mission doesn’t bother him all that much.
“Is that a challenge, Sergeant Barnes?” You glance up and Bucky looks down at you exasperated. For a moment, you think the red will appear and you’ll have won a bet before it’s even begun. But…
A smirk slides onto his face, something cocky and bright, that makes your stomach clench excitedly. “Calling me sergeant outside the bedroom isn’t gonna make me blush, sweetheart.”
You laugh softly and Bucky presses another kiss to your hair. “What do I win if you can’t make me blush by the end of the night?” He asks after a moment of silence.
You purse your lips and think for a moment. “What do you want?” You ask when nothing comes to mind. “Because I know when I win, you’ll be worshipping me.”
“I do that anyways.” He says immediately, making you laugh.
“I mean… I’ll be in charge.” You clarify with a raised eyebrow. Bucky bites down his lip to stop a smile and you hope that the blush appears just from the mention of you taking over for the night.
He shakes his head. “And if I win, you wear that suit Sam made you.” You watch as his eyes flicker over you body, definitely imagining the skin tight suit Sam had made as a joke after your complaints of how fictional heroes dressed. You had laughed and Sam had given you the real suit moments later, the skin tight suit had been stuffed into your closet and all but completely forgotten. 
“Sounds like a bet to me.” You pull back from his shoulder and hold your pinky out. “How about it, Barnes?”
Bucky leans down so his forehead rests against yours and with a wide smile he interlocks your pinky with his. “You’re on, sweetheart.”
The two of you just look at each other for a moment, until Sam’s voice breaks the comfortable silence. “Hey, weirdos! Come on, Sarah’s pulling out dessert!”
You scrunch your nose before hopping up. You don’t bother to pull Bucky with you, knowing his strength alone would probably end up sending you into the water. “Come on, baby, maybe we can steal some whip cream.” You wink as you walk backwards.
Bucky only laughs loudly and follows you. He reaches a hand out to stop you from walking off the dock and forces you spin around. “Strike one.” He whispers into your ear before running ahead of you to meet Sam.
You roll your eyes. Strikes weren’t a part of the bet and he knew it. He just wanted to psych you out. But you knew you could get that man to blush, you just had to find new material.
And you tried.
Leaning over when Sarah handed the ice cream and whispering as quietly as possible so only he could hear. “Forget the whip cream, ice cream might be a better bet.” Bucky looked down and shook his head before taking a bite of your chocolate.
Running your hand down his metal arm as you walked back to the Wilson’s. “Wonder what this arm could do to me.” Bucky had just looked down at you disappointedly. “You already know.” He hadn’t turned red, but you felt a little hotter.
You had even brought up the idea of sneaking in some adult time after the house was asleep. That had just gotten you a shocked stare as he pointed out the kids who slept upstairs.
It was getting late and you were getting desperate. It’s not that you really cared if you won or not, you know if there was something you truly wanted to try that Bucky wanted to as well, you would. You didn’t even mind the idea of wearing the suit for Bucky. The thought of wearing it even if you won had crossed your mind. You really just wanted to see his pretty face all red.
Then, the perfect thing happened. The kids were excited to mess around with Sam and Bucky. Both men were equally as excited to show off the shield and metal arm.
You hadn’t even started watching to find something to make Bucky blush, his bright smile and excited laughter as he and Sam pretended to fall to the boys power is what made you think.
Bucky wanted his own family. You knew for awhile Steve had been part of his family and when he come out of HYDRA, Steve was all that was left of it. He had you and he had the Wilson’s. But the two of you had spoken at length about your future and plans for your own family together. He was going on less and less missions and you had a steady job, so starting a family now made sense.
And you knew how you could bring it up and make him blush. It was an obvious win-win situation. 
“Buck!” You call out. His attention is immediately turned on you as he stands up straight and finds your eyes. You wave him over and laugh as the boys tease him about being in trouble.
You’re standing on the back stairs and end up being a step above him when he comes to a stop in front of you. His hands come to rest on your waist naturally as he looks up at you.
“What’s up, doll? Not in trouble, right?” He smirks and takes a step closer.
This time, you match his smirk with your own. You rest a hand on his shoulder and one on the back of his neck. “Not at all, Buck. Just wanted to tell you something.”
“Oh yeah?” He laughs gently. “You panicking? Cause I’m gonna win this bet?”
You hum in response and bend so you’re at eye level with him. “Was just thinking of how good you look with kids. I think you’ll make a great dad one day.”
The cockiness is wiped from Bucky’s face and replaced with a look much softer. “You think?” He asks quietly.
You nod excitedly. “Of course. I think you’ll make an amazing dad. I can’t wait to start a family with you.” You take a step down, so now you have to look up at Bucky. His eyes follow you happily. “In fact, I can’t stop thinking about it.”
You pause and Bucky furrows his eyebrows. You can tell he’s a little confused on where you’re going and that now he’s not even thinking about your silly little bet. Then you smile. “All I’ve been thinking about all day is you putting a baby in me, Bucky Barnes. I want it so bad.” You say the words softly as you flutter your lashes and smile alluringly.
Bucky’s eyes widen and he takes a shocked step back before looking down at you. Then you see it, starting from the tips of his ears and spreading over his cheeks. Bucky Barnes turns redder than you’ve ever seen.
“You…” He stutters as he looks around, like he wants to make sure that nobody heard the words that have just come out of your mouth. “Evil woman.”
You take a step forward to press a kiss to his lips. You can tell by his embarrassed smile that he can feel the flush on his cheeks. “Guess I get to be in charge when we get home.” You take a step back and turn to head back inside.
You feel a hand grip your own and look back at him. “Are you serious? About wanting a baby?” He asks almost shyly, like he’s worried the answer might be no.
You can’t even allow him to entertain possibility. You nod quickly and excitedly. “Of course I was, my love. I wouldn’t pull that out just to win some silly bet.” He lets go of your hand and an excited smile spreads across both your faces.
“Yeah? Gonna let me put a baby in you?” He asks, this time more excitement than embarrassment seeping into his tone and taking over his face. He moves to wrap his arms around your waist and you do the same.
“Yeah. I just might.” You scrunch your nose up at him and he does the same in return. “Might even wear the suit for you anyways, since you’ll be doing me such a favor.” You wink and Bucky laughs again. The two of you have gotten the attention of Sam and his nephews, but you’re sure they can't hear anything you’re saying.
“Think it’s you doing the favor.” Bucky leans in close and lowers his voice. “Having my baby. I know you’ll look beautiful. Fuck. I’m about to get us a flight home tomorrow.”
You feel heat on the back of your neck and butterflies in your stomach as you process Bucky’s words. “Gonna build our own little family, Barnes. Better get ready.” You laugh giddily as you lean forward to rest your forehead against his.
Bucky closes the small gap between you with a hard kiss. You press your body against his as he holds you tighter. The two of you are completely unaware of Sam’s shocked face or his hands rushing to cover the two children’s eyes.
“Gross!” He yells out and the two of you spring apart with embarrassed smiles. Bucky’s cheeks turn red again and that only makes you want to kiss him more. “That’s gross. There are kids here. And me. Nobody wants to see that.”
Bucky presses a soft kiss to your cheek before pulling away entirely. “I’ll see you later?” He asks as you begin to head back inside.
You nod with a mischievous smile. “I’m gonna go look at flights. I’m ready to be home with you, Sergeant Barnes.”
You laugh when a light blush graces his face again before he spins around and rushes back over to Sam and the boys. Sam punches him on shoulder and you can see the beginnings of a lecture, so you turn and rush up the stairs and head inside.
You rest a hand on your stomach. You’re unsure if it’s to quell the excited butterflies or because of your new plan to have a baby, but either way it makes you smile as you think.
Bucky Barnes was pretty when he blushed. Even prettier when it was the thought of having a baby with you that made him do it.
You would have fun with this.
notes // try and tell me the idea of only u being able to make bucky blush doesn’t make u warm inside u CAN’T! 
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