#I’ve definitely been kinda sick with Something all week but obv wasn’t gonna cause a fuss over something small
curly-cottage-girl · 8 months
I feel like I’m losing the battle of treading water and am just starting to drown in exhaustion now
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
hi baby!💚okay... IF you r comfortable w this subject... what about... seb was filming (something) in (anywhere) (lots of details, i know) right before quarantine, the reader (seb's friend) that lives in that city was really worried abt him getting on a plane, airports and all.. and asked him to wait like a week to come back to ny (in her house obv) a week later its announced the quarantine, all the chaos, now theyre stuck together and some.. feelings or needs.. are really taking a toll on them
Hi, babyy! I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot lately! Thank you so much for the request!  This must be the fluffiest smut I’ve ever wrote? I’m soft... Hope you like it!
The news were scary. You had no idea it would get a lot worse, but still, you didn't want your best friend to get sick. He had just finished his latest movie and didn't have any new projects for now. So you insisted for him to spend just a few more days at your house, only until the situation was back to normal. Of course you didn't have to beg that much. You and Sebatian were childhood friends and his crazy career never allowed you two to have fun like the old times. What you didn't know was that at some point it wouldn't be a choice anymore. The airports closed and he couldn't go anywhere, not even if he wanted to. At first, you felt absolutely terrible. Like you forced him to stay there with you, instead of being home. But he was grateful. He would lose his mind if he had to go through all this on his own, and both of you couldn't ask for a better company. It was all about playing games, watching movies, dancing to 80's soundtracks, eating cereal at 2am cause time is an illusion... And there was this one day when it was your turn to pick the movie. "The covenant." You gasped. "I would personally rather die." Sebastian rolled his eyes. "What?" You laughed. "It's a classic! Come ooon! For the memories... I remember visiting you on that set. And we used to party a lot with those boys and..." "Fine." He tried to hold back his smile and the fact that he knew it would actually be fun. "I always do everything you want anyway." "Cause you're the best friend in the world." You said as you searched for the movie on your laptop. Half a movie later, you two already had tears on your eyes from laughing so much. Back in the year it was released, you used to thing those special effects and the acting were AWESOME. But now, it was hilarious. "God, why are you doing this to us?" Seb rubbed his eyes in pure shame. "Sebastian..." You tried to sound disappointed. "You just don't get it... the idea of living in such an aesthetically pleasant dark place with your girl friends and each one of you have a wizard boyfriend??? Fuck, my heart can't take this, I'm numb." "You're so dramatic." He laughed out loud. "It's true, though." You shrugged. "That movie is hot as fuck if you ignore a few things..." "Hot?" He mocked. "Didn't know you were into these weird stuff." "I'm into a lot of weird stuff." You admitted. "Like what?" He asked, kinda seriously now. "You don't want to know." You blushed a little. "Come on..." He insisted. "What if this is the end of the world?" "What exactly are you suggesting?" You raised your eyebrows. "That we should totally fuck cause the world is ending and you have no better options?" "I didn't say that." He tried to hold your arm, but you stood up quickly. "I'm going to bed, I'm really tired." You told him. "No, don't go to bed mad at me, let's talk, please." He stood up too. "Goodnight, Seb." --- You were laying in your bed and Seb was on the guest's room. You used to call it his room, cause he visited you whenever he could. But neither of you could sleep. You kept thinking about how Sebastian had changed and you never noticed. All you knew was that your Seb would never even think of using you like that. And Sebastian was thinking about how stupid he was. Something he never told you was that all his previous relationships ended because of you. There was a certain time when his exes would get jealous of you, but he always picked you ever them. And every single time he broke up with a girl, he promised he would finally tell you how he felt about you. But he was afraid. He was afraid of forcing you to deal with the media, it was his job and he still hated that part, he didn't want you to go through that. He was afraid you would say yes and, because of the distance or whatever could happen, he would never be the man you deserved. He was afraid you would react like you just did. In all these cases, your friendship would be ruined, and he couldn't stand being without you. --- When you woke up, you felt terrible. Not only because you barely got three hours of sleep. But also because you knew you couldn't hide in your bedroom forever. You had to go out, carry on with your life... but Sebastian was somewhere out there at this very moment, and you didn't even know how you'd be able to look at him. When you finally gathered all your strength to get dressed and go to the kitchen, you saw Seb on the sofa. He looked at you and you could see he didn't sleep much better than you. "Morning." You gave him a weak smile. "Y/N." He ignored your greeting. "Can I talk to you now, please?" You sighed and sat beside him on the sofa without saying a word, just ready to listen. "I'm so so sorry for what I said last night." He started. "You know I didn't mean that." "How would I know?" "Well... you know me..." He was clearly cofused. "I would never treat you like some... I don't know, you're too important to me." "Yeah, I didn't recognize you." You admitted. "But it was you. It's not like you were drunk or something like that." Silence. "If you want me to leave, I can find another place to stay." He suggested. "Of course not. It's dangerous." You sighed. "Y/N." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I have to tell you something, okay? Since everything is fucked up already... I just want everything to be very clear around here." You were a mix of surprised, confused and scared. He was about to tell you something big, but he wasn't nervous. He looked relieved. "Listen." He turned to you and looked deep in your eyes. "I'm in love with you. Fuck... I've been in love with you since we were teenagers. I don't remember going through a single day of my life without thinking about you. I know I dated other girls, but not one of them was half as funny and half as beautiful as you. But I know I waited so damn long to tell you this... it's probably too late now." As subtle as a punch in the face. You couldn't say anything at the moment. You had feelings for him too, but... he was a famous actor surrounded by all those gorgeous actresses and models, while you were just a normal girl. Besides that, you had the same fears as Seb, that this could ruin everything. "I love you too." You almost whispered, fighting back your tears. "What are we gonna do now?" He sighed. He always dreamt of hearing you saying that. But definitely not with tears in your eyes and barely looking at him. "I don't know. I need some time to think." You said. "But don't leave, please." "Okay, darling." He smiled at you and caressed your cheek, making you look at him. "You have all the time in the world. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." --- It was the longest day ever. You spent it alone in your room and Seb on his. And it hurt so much, because the last days were so fun, and suddently, all the joy disappeared. You knew that's how your life would be without Seb. The night came and it was impossible to sleep again. You daydreamed of all possibilities. You and Seb being happy. Laughing. Holding hands. Kissing. Sometimes you were haunted by images of it all going terribly wrong. Camera flashes. Other girls. Him leaving. Coming back. Forgiving him. Those lips... hands firm on your waist, or gentle on your face, just like they were earlier... no. Definitely firm on your waist. You needed them like that now. Your hands on his back. Fuck, his back. He was so hot. Your body shivered. You wanted him so bad. And he was right there... so close... You looked at the clock and made a decision. It was 2am. You would knock on his bedroom door. If he was asleep, you would consider that as a sign to forget all that. If he was awake... then you'd see what would happen. You walked slowly. Changed your mind three times on the way. Shit. The door was half open, that wasn't part of the plan. Maybe you should give up and... "Y/N?" He called. He was sitting on the bed and could see you standing there like an idiot. You took a deep breath and walked in. You stood beside his bed for a moment. The part of you that hoped you would change your mind gave up as soon as it saw how soft he looked with his messy hair and old shirt. Now there wasn't a single cell in your body that didn't want to call him yours. You sat beside him, ready to say something. But you didn't plan that part either. You didn't plan that he would look at you with those beautifully confused blue eyes and lick his lips the way you loved. "Kiss me." You asked. Seb leaned towards you slowly. He didn't close his eyes until his lips touched yours. He wanted to make sure you wouldn't give up. As soon as you felt the warmt of his mouth, you melted. Your arms automatically went to his shoulders, gently bringing him closer. It started to get deeper. You pulled him closer and closer, until he was laying on top of you. Everything was always so natural between you and Seb. When he realized how far things went, your legs around his waist and his hand under your shirt, he broke the kiss. You two looked at each other and laughed. You had never felt that comfortable in your life. He closed his eyes and was about to kiss you again, when you whispered against his lips: "Make love to me." He left a little "Fuck" escape in return. You stood like that. Lips barely touching. He allowed you to take his shirt off. "Are you sure?" He said as if it was too good to be truth. "No." You chuckled. "But we're always together when I make stupid decisions, have you noticed that?" Before he could say anything in return, you removed your shirt and guided his hand to your boobs. He started to kiss all the way from your neck to your naked chest as his hands worked on removing your pants. He looked at you one more time to make sure it was okay, before removing your panties as well. "Fuck, Y/N..." He said as his lips returned to your neck, filling it with lovebites. "You're so fucking beautiful." "Sebby..." You moaned. "Please. I need you." He nodded and pulled his pants and underwear down, throwing it somewhere in the room. His hands gently touched the inside of your thighs, pulling them apart so he could position himself between them. He entered you slowly and it felt like heaven. You never realized how bad you wanted him for all this years until this very moment. And while he made love to you, you felt nothing but the purest happiness. It was slow, passionate, filled with laughter, and whenever he hit your spot just right, the smiles would be replaced by a few swears, but when your eyes met, you'd smile again. In the end it got faster and messier. Moans filled the room. Seb's name on repeat, it was the only word you could remember. When it was all over, two rounds later - cause you were too sore for more - he held you so tightly, cause he wasn't dumb enough to let you go ever again. "Can't believe we wasted all this time." He said as he spread kisses all over your face. "Can't believe you had to be LOCKED in my house to realize that." You mocked him. "Even if the quarantine is over tomorrow, you're not getting rid of me." He shrugged.                                    
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United vs Brighton, 12/02/2020
Interesting that United appear to have played this game without a RB 👀 (I jest)
Anyway, the format of this one is gonna be a little different cause honestly, not much happened. And I’m kinda sick of repeating myself every game. This is gonna be mostly just thoughts, and ranting, so buckle up.
- Thought Ross started decently, she worsened as the game went on, and should have been subbed off at halftime I think. (Lil moment of appreciation for Casey’s “well done Jane!” bc same, even tho mine was a lot more sarcastic). I think she needs to grab some bench and get comfortable there though.
- Amy and Martha.... I just. I have very little words. The jogging sends me, the back passes send me, Amy’s long passes need to stop (or at least stop being overhit) before I have an aneurysm, Martha gives my anxiety anxiety. I have to say I was deceased at Martha (of all people) giving Amy instructions/advice early in the first half, like sis she does your job better than you do 90% of the time lmao. (Obvs idk what she actually said to her but my point still stands). Anyway, neither of them had a particularly great night, I can’t decide who was worse but I do think that they are both treading on thin ice when Abbie comes back - Amy more so maybe because apparently nothing will make Casey bench Martha 😩 I did like Amy’s boots tho. That’s not really relevant, I just thought I’d share. (Martha also gets a silver star bc of that impeccable tackle towards the end of the 1st half, I don’t have it in me to give her a gold one lmao)
- I think United started the game better, and were the stronger team - definitely in the first half, but Brighton just somehow managed to smother everything. Like barely anything got through that midfield. Brighton’s goal I think ultimately came down to a defensive mistake, I have no idea who left their man (woman?) open in the box tho. I’ll have to watch that back.
- Those backpasses have to stop. Find a new trick girls. Now. (This needed a point of its own just to hammer it home. I am SICK of watching that ball go backwards.)
- I think Smith was the best out of that back line tonight, girl was electric all down the left. (You’ll note almost nothing offensive came down the right).
- Pace of Galton and Hanson was missed massively - again. I desperately hope they’re not out for much longer (and that their respective injuries aren’t that serious) cause we’re really gonna need them back for the run in to 4th, especially with the build up of postponed fixtures.
- The corners still need a little work, but the free kicks have improved thank you Katie 😘 Amy also appears to be our main aerial threat? I would have assumed it would be Millie, considering she’s so tall, but the ball seems to be fired towards Amy if she goes up for the corner... interesting.
- Zelem was off tonight too, unusually sloppy and sometimes it looked like her head just wasn’t in it?
- I’m also just ignoring that blatant penalty that was missed because honestly it’s just not worth the trauma it’ll inflict on me lmao. I am getting incredibly tired of incompetent refs though. A lot of foul calls missed (going against Brighton) tonight.
Foreal tho, this was the worst United game I’ve seen in a long time. Even the Bristol defeat was better cause at least there were some amount of chances created. Nearly everyone was out position at some point, some were started out of position, there was pretty much zero pace going forward, the movement off the ball was shocking, defence and passing was sloppy as hell. Idk whether the pitch and the rain had anything to do with that, but it was hella uncomfortable to watch. I actually felt like I was watching the men at points - the entire performance was listless and uninspiring. The rhythm (when it was there) was way off, and it was just overall way below par from what we’ve come to see and expect from this team. I thought it was pretty stale viewing actually.
The girls have been off the ball a little bit since Christmas, but I can’t understand how this is the same side who pushed Chelsea so close last week? Something’s off. Like, one or two off days is understable, but for at least 8 of them to be so off at once... Idk what wasn’t clicking... whether it was the pitch, or if they’re just physically and mentally drained from last week. I just expected a little more against a side we’ve beaten so comfortably in the past - especially as we can’t really afford to be dropping anymore unnecessary points.
My highlights include (and are pretty much limited to) Casey absolutely going OFF on the sideline, “WAKEY WAKEEEEY” was my moment of the game. Casey for POTM perhaps? None of the other girls deserve it.
(Sidenote: sometimes I feel like I should just upload the handwritten notes for these cause they’re honestly so much funnier, but no one would be able to read them 😪)
As always, these are just my personal thoughts and opinions - feel free to disagree and whatever. ✌🏽
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lenalvthor · 6 years
I am itching to post a comment for the recent update, but I’m also in the middle of finals and would not be happy if I didn’t give this week’s update the comment it deserves. To think it took all day to send this out alone! So instead, I’m hitting both of you up with a couple questions and headcanons requests. (Apologies in advance cause there’s quite a few of them 😅)
1. I’ve been wondering for a while now since we’ve seen them interact with other Arrowverse characters in their social media, but do the Legends still maintain contact with Snart? He’s the only one that’s literally a city away and contacting someone you’re used to seeing face to face constantly isn’t always easy.. How’s he doing over in Central City?
2. Do y’all have any headcanons for the OG Legends? How did they become the Legends? Or tell us about one of their OG misadventures (that may or may not have resulted in detention). 😉
3. Since y’all also mentioned that Ali is now running with the Soph Squad™, I was wondering if you have any headcanons about them? I just want to hear some cute stuff for them (especially cause Lil’ Sharpe is a fucking fav. Did they adopt her like how Sara merged the friend groups? Did they playfully tease Ali after learning her middle name like finding any and every way to play “Jenny from the Block” every hour on the hour (totally haven’t done that >.>).
(Imma stop there cause I don’t want to push it, but I hope that both of you have a good week ahead. Best of luck during finals, hope work isn’t to busy, and I do hope you’re feeling better from your being sick!)
do you know how much getting massive messages like this asking for this many details about our story literally makes our Entire day? like, screw entire days, our entire Weeks. it’s just so hard to comprehend that people care this much about our dumb little world that we’ve created, so firstly, literally thank u so much for taking the time to send this, and thank u for the time you’ve spent reading this fic and being this invested 💖
1. snart. mick definitely keeps in touch with him, and he’s pretty good friends w barry so wally hears abt stuff through barry. sara tags him in memes every once in a while and texts him abt stuff, occasionally they tag each other in #tbt posts, but they don’t maintain That much contact really, but they catch up if they ever get a chance
2. i feel like you wanted something nice and fluffy for this but we ended up just going on angst spirals about freshman year sara instead lmao. in our minds, the legends group isn’t Quite the legends group until late in their freshman year. sara grew up being best friends with laurel, tommy, oliver and thea and they were pretty tight knit for most of her life. it wasn’t until middle school (or rather, sara’s eighth grade) that suddenly the older three were at a different school and both thea and sara kinda looked to expand their friend group (and it’s around this time that sara met and started dating nyssa). in freshman year, sara’s going through a bit of a hard time finding herself. she’s in this super low spot of trying to be both like laurel and not like laurel at the same time, and it hits her super hard how much her mother just Doesn’t care and her outlet ends up being acting out a lot. 
she becomes pretty tight with mick and snart and they get into a lot of trouble together for a while during the year. ray, amaya and jax are the three who manage to worm their way into sara’s life and become friends with her and slowly ease her away from that self destructive behaviour, esp ray and amaya - ray with getting through to her understanding what it’s like to have that constant comparison to a sibling, and amaya by being one of the first female friends that sara has had in a while and who she refreshingly needs to find her own since of femininity and style and stuff that isn’t in some way trying to emulate or be opposite to laurel at all
sara drags mick and snart with her away from that whole troublemaking thing and at the same time, ray starts dating kendra (who sara knew through nyssa) and amaya becomes quite close with nate, so them + jax are the original legends.  
it’s very early sophomore year that snart moves away (he comes back to visit a few times and he and sara hook up one time after nyssa leaves). kendra starts to drift a bit after nyssa leaves as well, and has her own group of friends even though she and ray are still dating. zari moves to star city right after christmas break and ray and jax are assigned her ‘buddies’ to show her around and she sits with the legends those first few days at lunch. she and amaya click almost immediately, and she likes nate even though he’s a bit annoying and ray is sweet if not a little overwhelming and jax and mick seem pretty chill. but she and sara butt heads so quickly, and a lot of that is bc sara isn’t in a good place at all after nyssa leaving and zari reminds her so much of herself that she’s starting to think all these things about the legends replacing her somehow, and it’s not until ray picks up on that and quietly takes her aside and promises that it’s nothing like that, that zari just needs friends the way they all did last year, sara eases up a bit. (zari tries out for the soccer team soon after though, and it’s there that she and sara realise how well they work together and how good friends they could be if they just tried) 
ray and kendra break up early junior year, but they’d been distant for a while anyway. kendra still remains pretty good friends w the legends tho. nate and amaya also break up junior year but it’s an amicable break up and obvs they both stay in the legends. 
as for how they became legends - i don’t think neither me or rachel are particularly inventive when it comes to pranks and creative adventures and misdemeanours, so if you (or anyone else) has any ideas for various mischievous things the legends got up to to earn their name, pls send them our way!! 
3. they are the fucking cutest okay. thea and ali have been friendly and all since middle school and they’re on the same lacrosse team and ali always thought their group seemed cool, but it’s not until she’s trying to find a new table to sit at (pointedly avoiding looking at her old friends) that thea waves as though they’re Best Friends and points at a free seat beside roy. we have thea, roy, curtis, rené, sin and probs a few other OC’s as their friend group. it’s a big group but everyone has kinda smaller mini groups within it and that group ^ w those names is the group that ali gets adopted into. it’s kinda weird for ali bc she hasn’t had a lot of guy friends before, but she immediately loves it. curtis teaches her how to play video games and she schools rené big time in basketball and when she realises sin is gay, she explains why she left her old group after their homophobic comments abt ava and sin immediately grins and goes “i like you.”  roy and thea become ali’s best friends out of the group though, always inviting her to stuff and making points to get to know her and funnily enough, ali never quite feels like a third wheel (i mean, she does sometimes), but it just feels natural. she joins the school archery club bc thea encourages her to, she goes round to the queen house all the time to study and it’s cool bc the queens are friendly with the sharpes bc they’re in the same social circle and thea gets having parents who are Like That and ali realises that she’s never felt more comfortable with a group of friends in her life
(there are so many more headcanons abt the third thing but the post is so long & so we’re gonna save those for another time heh) 
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streetcornertwoam · 7 years
babbling in those tags about high school memories reminded me the other night i remembered this one time freshmen yr in creative writing...
we were like in groups or something writing something, i don’t remember lmao
anyway...when one of the girls who was a senior in the class asked the teacher how to spell ‘schizophrenic’ and i don’t totally remember what her response was, but basically kinda laughed and said they’d have to look in the dictionary
and...i NEVER talked in class...ever
not...any class...not if i didn’t really have to
(or unless i definitely 1000% KNEW the answer and i wouldn’t look like an idiot for saying the wrong thing but even then...nah mate lol)
anyway...so i think she decided she was gonna use a different word, or maybe went to look it up...(again don’t totally remember) but i just busted out how to spell it
‘cause while i’d never claim to be smart or know many things, one thing i do say about myself is...i’ve always been pretty good at spelling 
(now admittedly i only knew how to spell that ‘cause i had a shirt that said it. y’know those shirts from hot topic back in the day? the ones that are super cringe now? but like then it was like ‘lol schizophrenic’ that’s funny. yea sorry)
BUT STILL...i knew how to spell it...i was a freshmen...and i just told this senior girl and my teacher how to spell this word
and...fuck if i can remember their reactions...i think mrs. linder said something like ‘sounds right to me’ or something, and i think she looked it up and yea obvs it was right
but it’s one of those things looking back...that’s maybe a sorta weird thing to just know how to spell? idk
that was my favorite class though...i wish i could have taken it all four yrs but it was an elective class so i couldn’t
there was also the one time i had to make up a quiz i missed when i was sick in science
(and yea i was...such a bad student i just...straight up never did homework, so i had to repeat freshmen science three yrs in a row...yea lucky for me...me and the teacher super got along lmao)
ANYWAY....so go up to grab the quiz and head to the library to take it and i grab it and he’s just...got a death grip on it and i wasn’t expecting it and he finally lets it go laughing...and i just...hit him with the paper????? and he just keeps laughing and it’s again...one of those things i just did without thinking and so y’know...i think i was a junior when this happened...so y’know...all these freshmen are just watching me ‘hit’ the teacher and i just walk out of the room
i think i might have said something to him...i don’t remember what. but bet you can’t guess what i did when i came back and gave it back to him? yup...the same thing he did to me. and he didn’t even expect it which made it all the sweeter lol
he also always liked to call kids up to get papers back in funny ways...so if he could do something fun with your name he would...
now i don’t think he started doing this til my sophomore yr, though i might be wrong...but *sigh* every time i got... ‘WILLLLLSOOOONNN!!! WILSON I’M SORRY!!!’
y’know...Castaway? yuuuuup
which y’know...it was funny, but it was also embarrassing...which is why he did it
and then there was one time...again i think sophomore yr...i don’t remember how it got started but it was like...valentine’s day or something, and he was talking about presents and he just was like ‘how would you react if your boyfriend got you a plant?’ or something like that i don’t remember exact wording but, i remember it was definitely ‘a plant’. and i was just so bluntly like ‘i don’t have a boyfriend’. and he was taken aback for a second...i don’t know why, but it was funny...and he was like ‘hypothetically...’ and i don’t remember anything beyond that haha
then (lmao this is just gonna be random high school memories you’re welcome) there was the one time in intro. biology (junior yr, second science class, in same soom as other science class lol), we were watching mythbusters...and of course...what movie clip do they show? yup.
now...intro was a different teacher, but mr. emery (the first science teacher) would frequently come in and out of the room to do things since it was also his room and he was of course...in the room for ‘WILSON!!! WILSON I’M SORRY!’. and we made eye contact he tried not to smile and then he just walked outta the room...lol
another one that i remembered from the other night along with my spelling prowess was...again one of the few times i ever spoke up in class...
junior yr...history...we had a sub...and our teacher did this quiz game thing and whatever...so the sub had done it with us and i don’t remember why but he then just did like...bonus questions about random shit that didn’t have to do with history. and he asks this question like...who recently won some award or presented some award...i don’t know...he’d done something lol. i don’t remember the award ‘cause it wasn’t anything i’d ever heard of at that time and so we were all like ‘uhhhhhh what?’ so then he had to think of something we’d know this guy from...
and then he’s like... ‘who played the french race car driver in talladega nights?’ and i was just like ‘sacha baron cohen?’ and obvs correct and my ‘team’ cheered and were like ‘HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT??’ and like...i had literally like the night before been looking him up ‘cause that was back whenever i watched something and i saw someone new that i liked i immediately went to their imdb and just...learned all i could. oh and i think that made my team the winning team btw
so basically anytime i spoke up it was just...super weird and awkward lol
i could probably think of other things, but it’s 2 a.m. and i should go to bed...
one last quick one...
back to mr. welch and speech class (another class i had to retake ‘cause again...super loser anyway) so i ended up being in the class with my younger sister and anyway...one time she did a speech on golf i think it was....must have been
and i said to her that we should ask him if you could show one of the scenes from caddyshack (i don’t remember which one) and we asked him and he laughed and basically said yea ok ask long as it’s NOT the scene where they get high and we laughed and promised no no of course not
so...lmao...goddammit...it was the remotes fault...i’m trying to help her get the video to play ‘cause it’s my dvd and i’m trying to skip or whatever and THE SCENE JUST STARTS PLAYING AND I’M LIKE AHHHHH!
and he’s just laughing and like I TOLD YOU NOT THIS SCENE 
and i’m just like frantically trying to get it to stop do something...and it was just...a mess but goddammit it was funny
well that’s enough remembering my high school memories for now
hopefully i won’t have any weird dreams now...there were a few times after high school i had dreams that mr. welch was in and it was just O.O
nothing bad happened...it was just when i woke up it was like whyyyyyyyy
(ok there was the one i had and we were slow dancing but y’know...it’s fine)
it was so weird...lol i don’t remember much about it other than that...and that’s just ‘cause it was so fucking weird
........i was weird though i mean...we got him a birthday present???? like...lmao
idk it’s maybe not that weird...but...no it’s weird lmao
whatever it’s fine...he was turning 40...how am i NOT gonna get him something?
....i’m gonna have weird dreams tonight aren’t i
i mean....i only dreamt last night that dan and phil came to my house and just stayed for a week and we just...hung out
which y’know...is fine but...like what? lol i don’t remember much...i remember just...literally laying around...and there were other people there but i don’t remember who but...it was just...laying around...laying on top of each other (in non sexual ways just like...chilling)
and then i was singing with phil....y’know as you do
and then they had to leave and it was super sad, and we just went out in my front yard and played in the snow?? and made bird noises???
like the bit i remember most clearly is the end (of course) and i was like face to face with dan and just...doing bird noises and i was trying to make him laugh so i just busted out some chicken noises and he kinda half smiled and i shoved him and i was like c’mon that was funny y’know that was funny and then...i don’t remember how this happened but he like tackled me? and then we just...rolled around...and kept rolling til we got to phil and then we just stopped and all just...lay there
it was um...it was an experience lmao
it’s weird how clearly i can still visualize dan’s face right in front of mine #themcurlsupclose
christ this is...too much go to bed self...
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