#I’ve been having a bad relationship with art so I needed to take a break and make stuff I ACTUALLY wanted to draw
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nanstar200 · 1 month ago
Erm what the fri- *gets shot multiple times*
(More info about my comical disappearance in the tags LMAO)
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astrosky33 · 2 years ago
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Hello! I’m Skylar if you’re new to my page and I got my diploma in astrology from Kepler College (the #1 best astrology school in the world)
I’ve been studying astrology for over a decade now as well and these are the books I recommend
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The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need by Joanna Woolfolk
Goes over all the basic information for beginners and has interpretations written in as well. In the beginning of the book it focuses a lot on Sun Signs but gives more insight on other placements later in the book don’t worry
Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller
Another great book for beginners. I like the interpretations
The Inner Sky by Steven Forrest
Written by a very renowned astrologer. He goes over signs, aspects, etc and breaks them all down really well
You were born for this by Chani Nicholas
I love how this book goes over how to use astrology in your daily life and isn’t just cookie cutter definitions of placements like many other books. It’s also interactive and you can write in some pages which is always fun. It’s one of my favorite books for beginners
Aspects in astrology by Sue Tompkins
This is a great book for people curious about what each aspect means and how they can manifest into your life
Predictive Astrology by Michele Adler
This book is definitely worth the price. It gives lots of information on techniques you can use to make predictions in astrology. It’s based on Western Astrology
The Art of Predictive Astrology by Carol Rushmam
Another great predictive astro book that talks about how to make predictions based on transits in your chart
Medical Astrology by Judith Hill
This is a great book with information on body part astrology and medical information. Although I do want to note when reading this do not be afraid if you share one of the transits that the public figures mentioned had during their health issues arising as astrology is a polarity. Meaning you can take on positive traits rather than the challenging ones often
Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George
Goes over all the major asteroids in astrology. This can help you a lot if you’re interested in learning basic information on asteroids
Planets in Composite by Robert Hand
There are not many books out there on Composite compatibility so out of all of them this is my favorite even though it’s very basic it’s still a good read if you’re learning about Composite charts
The Psychology of Astrocartography by Jim Lewis
This is the best book about astrocartography I’ve found so far and very informative. The only bad thing I have to say about this book is that the print is really small. It’s amazing other than that though
Mastering Traditional Astrology by Mychal A. Brian
If you’re more interested in old age astrology then this is an amazing read. You can purchase it on Amazon
Astrology of the Tree by David Frawley
This is great for beginners in vedic astrology and goes over all the basics. Really anything by David Frolly is great if you want to learn about vedic
The Nakshatras; the Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology by Dennis Harness
It’s a short read and goes over all the meanings of all the nakshatras
Light on Relationships by Hart De
A very comprehensive read that goes over synastry in Indian astrology. It gives lots of interesting techniques that can give insight on future marriages as well
Mayan Calender Astrology by Kenneth Johnson
This is extremely hard to comprehend so don’t purchase if you’re new to astrology. Even I had to read it a few times to fully get it. It discusses the astrology that the egyptians wrote in their hieroglyphics
☆ BOOKS I STUDIED FOR MY DIPLOMA ☆ [these aren’t all of them just some of my faves]
Sky and Psyche; the relationship between cosmos and consciousness by Nicholas Campion and Patrick Curry
This is an extremely underrated book and one of my favorites by far. This book goes over not just meanings of the planets, houses, synastry aspects, etc but also why the planets manifest in certain ways
The planetarization of consciousness by Dane Rudhyar
This one isn’t a basic overview like the other books I’ve mentioned it’s more psychological type astrology which I found really interesting
History of western astrology volume 1 & 2 by Nicholas Campion
This goes over how astrology has been used throughout history and why it was used in the past
Moonology by Yasmin Boland
This is a manifestation astrology book. It gives an amazing story about the authors life before using astrology and manifestation and how it impacted them. Great for learning how to manifest using the moon cycles and astrology
The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes by Theodora Lau and Laura Lau
My favorite Chinese astrology book. There isn’t many good ones out there
Birth Time Rectification by Paul Manley
There are some things I would’ve added to this book that weren’t mentioned but other than that it’s pretty good in helping find the right birth times using vedic astrology
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winchesterwild78 · 1 month ago
The Art of Not Saying "I Love You" pt 4
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Master List
Characters: Soldier Boy, Ben x Reader, other characters from The Boys
Warnings: some angst, lots of fluff, Ben the ol softy 
A/N: I’ve loved writing this story. Ben always gets a bad rap because of his personality, but I see right through it. He was hurt and betrayed by his father and then the woman he loved. He was tortured for over 40 years, I don’t know about you but I’d be a little pissed too. I love writing soft Ben, because I have a feeling if the right woman came along she could break down those walls, brick by brick. I can see him falling in love and it scaring the hell out of him. 
I hope you’ve enjoyed this story. Thanks for reading it. 
I do not own the rights to the characters in this story. This does not follow The Boys timeline, and is a work of fiction.
All work is my own, please don’t take it or use it without permission. Reblogs and Likes are always welcome.
Written and edited fast, please overlook any errors. 
Minors DNI 18+
Annie looked at me stunned. “You’re what?!” Tears pricked my eyes, “I’m pregnant. Oh Annie, what am I going to do?” 
She pulled me close and wrapped her arms around me. “We will figure it out.” 
I swallowed hard as a lump formed. I knew the baby was Ben’s. Tom always wore a condom and never finished inside me. He always pulled out and finished in the condom. Ben however, was proud of the fact he came inside me. 
I placed a hand on my stomach. I couldn’t believe this was my life. So utterly alone, heartbroken and pregnant. 
I felt the bile rise up in my throat and I ran to the bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach. 
When I finished I cleaned myself up, brushed my teeth and went back into the living room. 
Annie was texting and my heart sank. “Annie, please don’t say anything to anyone. Even Huey. I don’t want Ben to know.” 
“Oh sweetie, it’s not my place to tell anyone. I was just letting Huey know I was staying the night with you. Y/N, I’m not going to tell you what to do, but I think you should tell Ben. If this is his baby don’t you think he should know. Even if you two aren’t together, don’t you want your baby to have both their parents in their life?” 
“I don’t know what to do, Annie. Can I really raise a baby on my own, do I want to? I was in love with Ben. Hell, I still am. If things were different I’d be over the moon to have a baby with the man I love, but he has made it clear he can’t or won’t have a relationship with me. I can’t risk him hurting this child. If I keep the baby, they will only know they are loved and wanted. I don’t want them growing up thinking they weren’t good enough to be loved by their father.” 
She touched my arm, “Well, whatever you decide I’ll be there with you. This baby will always be loved and taken care of. Right now let’s focus on getting you something to eat and relaxing.” 
I nodded and she pulled me in tightly for a hug. 
“I don’t have much here for food.” “It’s okay. I’ll run to the store since you’re not feeling well and grab some stuff. You stay here and rest.”
I nodded, she hugged me and left. I thought about what she said about Butcher. 
I took a deep breath, swallowing the lump in my throat and hovered over his contact information in my phone. 
I pushed it and bit my lip. One ring and he picked up. 
“Oi, love! Are you okay? Where are you?” 
My voice was soft, “Hey B. I’m okay. I’m so sorry I cut you out. I’ve been dealing with everything. I just needed to get away and clear my head.” 
“I understand, love. Are you coming home?” 
“No, I have a place now. I’m so sorry B.” Then I heard Ben in the background. “Butcher get the fuck off the phone. We have work to do.” 
I gasped at the sound of his voice. It sent a shiver down my spine. My breath hitched. 
“Shut it you fucking cunt. I’m talking to Y/N.” 
“What?! How is she, where is she? Let me talk to her.” 
“No, Butcher. I don’t want to talk to him. Please.” 
“No. She doesn’t want to talk to you.” 
I felt sick. My heart pounded in my chest. Part of me screamed out for him and another part wanted to keep him away. I was so torn. 
“Hey, Butcher. You sound busy. I promise to keep in touch. I love you, B.” 
“Okay, I love you too, Y/N.” 
We hung up and the tears fell. I sat my phone down and it rang almost immediately. 
I looked at the screen and it was Ben. I sat staring at his name. The call ended and he called right back. He was relentless. 
Finally I answered, “Hello, Ben.” 
“Oh my god, Y/N! Thank god you answered. Are you okay? Where are you?” 
“I’m okay Ben. I’m not going to tell you where I am. I need to protect myself from you.” 
He gasped softly, “Please don’t say that, baby. I would never hurt you.” 
I scoffed, “But you did, Ben. You made me fall in love with you and then you pushed me away. How could you do that?” A sob left my lips.
Ben ran his fingers through his hair, “Baby, I didn’t mean to hurt you. You’re everything to me.” “No, Ben. I’m not. If I was you wouldn’t have slept with another woman the day after we made love all weekend.”
He sighed heavily. “Ben, I need to tell you something. Before I do I need you to understand I don’t need anything or want anything from you.” 
“Okay, sweetheart. I understand.” Ben’s heart quickened and his mind began to race. 
“Ben, I went to the doctor for a physical and they ran some routine tests. The doctor called me today with the results.” I swallowed hard and took a deep shaky breath.
“It’s okay, Y/N. Is everything okay?” My voice quivered, “No Ben, but I will be. Ben, I’m pregnant.” 
Ben almost dropped his phone, “What? Is it mine or Tom’s?” “It’s yours. I’m positive. But I don’t want or need anything from you. I just wanted you to know. You have a right to know.” 
“Y/N, please tell me where you are. I want to be there with you.” “Ben, it’s too late. You made your choice and I’ve made mine. I’ll keep you updated on the baby, but I’m not expecting anything. I don’t want them to feel like they are unloved or unworthy.” 
“Don’t do that.” His voice dripped with venom. “Don’t do what? Tell the truth? Ben I know you used me. I was stupid enough to fall in love with you, stupid enough to believe I mattered and that you loved me too. But you’re not capable of loving anyone, are you?!”
“Stop! You do matter to me, dammit. I’m a fucking coward! Is that what you want to hear? I’m a fucking coward who finally let his walls down, made love to a beautiful woman, apparently made a baby with her and then I pushed her away. All because I’m too much of a fucking coward to admit…” His voice trailed off. 
I heard the pain in his voice and it sent a pang of guilt and sadness through my heart. “To admit what Ben?”
“Just forget it. You’ve made up your mind already, Y/N. I want to be in our baby’s life. They will know I’m their father and I’ll do whatever I can to protect them.”
“Ben.” My voice is soft and unsure. “Y/N.” “Please tell me what you were going to say. I need to hear it. Please.” My voice quivered and I felt the tears start to fall. 
Ben was quiet on the other end. He took a deep breath. “I um.. Shit, this is harder than being tortured for 40 years.” I chuckled softly, “Ben, please. You can trust me. I love you, Ben.” 
Just like that a switch flipped, “Y/N, I’m sorry. I’ve been a fucking pussy. I let everything Crimson and those Reds do to me cloud my judgement and build up walls. You broke through those walls without even trying. Now you’re having my baby. Y/N, I’m so sorry it took me this long to grow a pair. I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you.” 
My breath hitched and I smiled. There it was. Ben finally said it. Finally admitting what he had been pushing down deep. 
“I love you too, Ben. Now get your ass over here.” I gave him the address and he laughed, “Yes ma’am. I’m on my way.”
When Annie came back from the store I told her what happened and how Ben was coming over. She hugged me and told me she was glad he finally admitted he loved me. “I knew it this whole time. It was the only thing that made sense. He’s been terrified of giving his heart away again and having it crushed. I’m happy for your sweetie. I’m going to leave so you two can have some privacy. Let me know how it goes.” I nodded and gave her a hug. 
I sat on the couch and waited for Ben. My heart pounded in my chest. Every minute felt like an eternity. An hour had passed since the phone call. My heart began to ache. It doesn’t take an hour to get here from the apartment. Oh god, he did it again. I let myself believe him.
As the familiar ache started to fill my heart the sound of the doorbell pulled me from my thoughts. 
I took a deep breath and opened the door. Standing there was Ben. Looking as amazing as ever. In his hands was a bouquet of my favorite flowers, a bag filled with my favorite snacks and another bag. 
I chuckled when I saw it. His green eyes met mine, “Sorry I’m late sweetheart. I had to make a stop.” 
He walked in, sat the stuff down and I leaped in his arms. He pulled me flush to his chest and kissed me. The kiss was gentle at first but then it deepened. The pain and sorrow from the past two months melted away with every swipe of our tongues, every brush of his fingertips. 
When we pulled away from each other our chests were heaving for air. Ben’s hands cupped my face, “God you’re so beautiful, and you’re having my baby.” I smiled and leaned into his touch, “Yeah, we’re having a baby, Ben.” 
He placed his hands gently on my stomach, “Hey baby. It’s your dad. You’re going to come out and kick ass.” I playfully slapped his arm, “Ben, language.” He smirked, “Sorry, but he will.” “Oh so it’s a he?” 
Ben just looked at me, “I like to think so. He’s going to grow up loved, strong and I’ll always be so fucking proud of him.” 
I saw tears prick Ben’s eyes. I placed my hands on his chest, “Ben, you’re going to be an amazing father. You just have to let us in. Don’t push us away and always remember there is nothing you could ever do that will make us not love you. Hell, even after you slept with that woman I was still in love with you.” 
I stepped closer to Ben, “I still love you, Ben. So much. This baby, our baby is going to be loved and grow up strong like you are. You’re worthy of love and so much more.”
Ben pulled me close to his chest and held me tight. “How did I get so lucky to have your love? I’m sorry I pushed you away. I’m sorry I made you ever feel unloved and unwanted.” The tears that had pricked his eyes were starting to fall. 
I’d never seen him cry and my heart ached. I reached up and wiped his tears away with my thumbs. “Ben, you’re here now and that’s what matters. Don’t ever do that again or we (I placed my hand on my stomach) will kick your ass.” 
He chuckled, “I wouldn’t think of it. This, us, our baby, is all I’ll ever need. I made not saying I love you an art, but with you I never want to miss the chance to say it again. “I love you, Y/N. Now and forever.” “I love you too, Ben. Now and forever.”
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fluffyxai · 3 months ago
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Affirming Hypnosis
Who is really the master in this scenario? XD (Oops, I forgot to draw the summoning mark that appears on them when Caprii is there. I can't be bothered to add it now.)
I've been inspired lately by all the cute art that @hyenafu makes of their OCs from their webcomic Slightly Dammed with one of them as a big snake and this snake and elf have cute playful and oftentimes affirming and wholesome hypnosis and coiling and it's just so cute and sweet that I've been all over their art haha  So I really wanted to take inspiration and do something similar with my own elf and her eidolon Caprii! If you haven't met these two before, Taeryn is my D&D high elf summoner. She's 21 and formed an adventuring group with her friends to help people after she was kidnapped as a child, and would have been sold into some kind of awful trafficing if she hadn't awakened to strange powers through a series of 5 weird dreams, after which she gained the ability to summon this eidolon, Caprii the snake.  After Caprii appeared and basically tore apart the bad guys so the child could escape, the two have been living together ever since. And now Taeryn wants to help other people who are trapped and scared like she once was
Over the course of the campaign, Taeryn has become an incredibly gifted mage. But I always love how the relationship is between her and Caprii. Taeryn is supposed to be the master, but she goes giddy for her best friend's coils and hypnotic powers. Also, while Caprii is very standoffish and rude to most people, she ADORES Taeryn and will get very defensive over her. Taeryn however thinks of Caprii as her best friend and doesn't want her to get hurt.
So the two are a very cute pair, and spend most nights with Taeryn cuddled up in her big scaly friend's snuggly coils. (Sometimes a certain tiefling is invited into the hug too XD)
Here, we have Taeryn struggling to break herself out of the throes of intense work researching magic, or perhaps trying to find some way to best their next adversary. But after working herself to the point of exhaustion, maybe she needs a friend to force her to rest. Actually Venetia's player suggested that she probably asked Taeryn to stop and take a break first, but after Taeryn refused, Venetia gave Caprii a nudge to 'persuade' her to stop. I'm sure Venetia will join in the cuddle break time after not too much longer X3 She'll be willing, but maybe Caprii will give the tiefling some hypnotic therapy too~!
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azaharinflames · 3 months ago
I fell into the deepest depression I’ve had for years when Buck and Tommy broke up. I just wanted to cry so badly but decades of trauma kept me from doing that. Add on that Trump had just been re-elected, and add in that my Dad had been admitted to hospital with a collapsed lung it just took me down.
I’ve mostly gotten over it. I spent 24 hours writing my idea of a fix it fic (won’t happen on show cause they all suck but it was cathartic). I can’t remember what caused my breakdown but I did end up crying. My eyes felt less puffy after as well.
I understand that it’s a fake relationship in a fake show but something about it spoke to me. And just watch it end hurt me worse. The last time I had actually cried hard was in 2021 when my mother-in-law passed away from COVID. So why did this stupid relationship affect me so much. I feel embarrassed for reacting this badly. I don’t even like to talk to my partner about it because he wouldn’t understand.
Hi, Nonnie! Thank you for your ask.
I am so, so sorry to read that. Listen - it's not stupid. It's not embarrassing So don't think your feelings surrounding it and your reaction to any of it is that, because I promise you: nothing about it should make you feel embarrassed.
Here is the thing: Art, in whatever form, is one of the things that move people the most, historically*. Art is a universal language that doesn't simply exist in a painting or a sculpture but in a myriad of different forms that, especially in the last few decades, have expanded immensely. Art can be a channel for our emotions, can be our choice of escapism, can be the thing we see ourselves reflected in and thus, the thing that we connect to because, hey - that's us. And if we see 'us' overcoming on screen, surely we can overcome in real life, right? That's one of the reasons why representation is so damn important.
Yeah, it was a relationship. But it shouldn't be reduced to just that. Instead of dismissing our feelings by making our issue seem nonsensical and small, let's think - my issue was because a piece of Art I connected to deeply was dealt with in a damaging way. And that carries consequences.
There is also the fact that, I think, for a lot of us, it was more than the break-up. The biggest thing to take into context was the election because it is just a matter of fact that we needed a win so bad that week, and we got the opposite of that. To get a bit more personal, I was already dealing with my town being hit with the worst natural disaster in my country this century, still had to hear from some of my friends to know if they were okay or even alive (fortunately, they're all fine), and I was seeing only tragedy whenever I went online. So this happening hit me really hard as well - but, like you, it was one of the things. Still, I spent three days barely able to take a bite and barely able to sleep, and a week with really high anxiety.
And sure, I did feel silly, but if I do love one thing, I sure do love introspection, I reached the aforementioned conclusion and reflection on Art (let me know if it helped or is a bunch of bs tho).
I think what you're doing, writing a fix-it fic, is amazing! You're channeling your feelings through Art, and I am sure it does feel very cathartic. I haven't written for 911 yet (definitely want to, I have some ideas that could work), but I have some years of writing for Marvel and Seblaine (Glee) on my back, so trust me when I say this is the better choice you could do - channel your feelings through your Art, and you will end up with something beautiful, I'm sure of it.
Sorry this was too long, but I'm here if you (or anyone else) needs to rant, vent, or discuss something (911 or whatever, something else is valid as well)
Take care, Nonnie <3 and all of you as well <3
*I have a bachelor's on this, please trust me on it lmao
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danikamariewrites · 2 years ago
it’s your feysand anon again, i read better than books this morning & once again you have done a phenomenal job. i can’t express enough how much i love your writing and how well you bring every single one of your requests to life. you’re writing is magic, truly!
i’ve never requested a headcannon before, so i hope i’m doing this write lmao. could you do what and how feysand would be in a relationship?
thank you d, ily 💜
Feysand x reader headcanon
A/n: Feysand anon you are so fucking sweet. This legitimately made me shed a few tears, no one has said that before and you’ve just made my year and you’re my new bestie. Sending you all the love and I hope you have a fantastic day💜
Warnings: none
Most caring, loving, attentive partners ever omg you would be showered in love by them
You saw how in love with each other they are and you were jealous. You want that kind of love. When Rhys and Feyre asked you to be part of the relationship your heart said yes but your mind was racing
You didn’t want to come between them or anything
In the end you say yes because you love them and they’re showing you that they want you
The IC are very accepting of you since you have been around for awhile and are happy that the three of you are happy
Rhys’s love language is gift giving and Feyre’s is quality time as well as gift giving
They’d shower you in gifts. There doesn’t need to be a reason they just want to
You’ve had to stop Rhys multiple times from giving you something that was far too expensive (Feyre too) but you feel bad when he gets that little sad face bc he can’t give you something
Rhys loves giving you and Feyre matching gifts
Sometimes matching lingerie
You love spending your days with Feyre in her art studio, teaching classes and just talking with her
When you’re not with Feyre you help Rhys with work and have tea time when he takes breaks
You sleep with them but you do have your own room if you need your space
A few months into the relationship you started joining Feyre for training
She told Cassian to go easy on you but once she turned her back and went to spar with Az you gave Cass a shit eating grin, “don’t go easy. I want to be able to flip you.” Cassian howled after you said that and agreed
Hewn city visits are very interesting
Picking on Kier with Rhys and Feyre is very entertaining
Your first visit was a little nerve wracking. Kier thought it would be a good idea to insult you and your “purpose” but Feyre and Rhys weren’t having any of that
When you first entered the throne room you stood between their thrones. Once Rhys called the dinner to start he motions for you to sit on his lap
Their attention is on you as you hold Feyre’s hand and Rhys leaves kisses on your neck
You caught Kier approaching and froze. You heard Rhys and Feyre in your mind, “it’s alright darling just stay calm.” “He’s useless, don’t let anything he says get to you. Bite back and keep your face bored.”
They kept their hands on you as Kier spoke, their faces the epitome of boredom and irritation with him interrupting their time with you
AFTER Rhys dismissed him, Kier got mouthy, “One whore wasn’t enough so now you share one?”
Rhys and Feyre were seeing red at that point. You all stood and Feyre pulled you to her. You made sure to keep your face unbothered but you were a little hurt by his comment
Your eyes wandered around the room and you could see Mor was fuming, Cass and Az looked like they were ready to attack
Rhys stepped off the dias coming toe to toe with Kier, towering over him
It was clear that Rhys was in Kiers mind terrifying him. The male was sickly pale by the end of it, “You’re dismissed for the rest of the evening.”
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minimultiestfandoms · 8 months ago
~~🎀 fashion icon 🎀~~
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requested: yes
i hope this doesn’t suck to bad guys this is my first ever full writing and my first ever smut so please leave ideas and tips and feedback for me and let me know what you guys think! since i’m more of a headcanons and fake texts type of gal!
— Sunnie
inspired by song fashion icon by aliyah’s interlude
description y/n goes on a shopping trip with his friends and comes back to a clingy hyunjin who wants a fashion show from his very own fashion icon of a boyfriend.
warnings!: 18+!, male x male intercourse!, male x male relationships!, male feminization!, mentions of lingerie!, skirts!, handjobs!, boners!, cum play!, breeding kink!, anal sex!, mirror sex!, photography during sex!, nipple play!
It was an exhausting yet rewarding day, getting to hang out with the girls after so long was fun! going store to store and spending money on cute new things felt great, Y/N knew he would put these items all too great use as he wasn’t one for wasting his money on things he wouldn’t use and knows his boyfriend, Hyunjin would scold him if he did, anyway. Y/n enters his and Hyunjin’s shared apartment, taking his shoes off carefully and walking in holding about six bags, each from a different store in the mall, he looks around, no Hyunjin to be seen, which meant he was most likely in his makeshift art studio in the apartment.
Y/N slowly pats his feet on the floor as he makes his way to Hyunjin’s Studio, Holding his six bags, he slowly creaks the door open revealing a comfy domestic bare faced Hyunjin painting away at it slowly, the moon shun through the window of the room softly onto his skin making him look ethereal at this time in day, Y/N smiles “Hey baby” to which Hyunjin turns and smiles “Hey jagi, when did you get home?” “just now, what are you painting?” Hyunjin chuckles “oh I honestly don’t really know yet… I was about to take a break cause I’ve been in here a while… how was your day out with your friends?” Y/N, enters the room placing his bags down on the floor and sitting comfortably.
“It was great! We talked and drank coffee at first then went window shopping and actually bought some stuff, then we talked a little more and then they drove me back home!” Y/N explained enthusiastically causing Hyunjin to smile brighter as his boyfriend’s excitement and enthusiasm “oh, really? That’s great to hear, jagi, what did you buy?” “just some clothes” Hyunjin smiles “hey show me them! I want a fashion show, with my very own muse and model~” “Jinnie… right now? but you’re painting you really don’t need to..” Y/N pouted feeling bad that Hyunjin would have to stop doing something he loved just so he could watch him try on clothes “no jagi it’s fine, I told you already I’m blank anyway, you could give me some inspiration jagiya~” Y/N shyly smiles and nods, beginning to open one of the six shopping bags and pull out the articles of clothing from it signaling for Hyunjin to turn around with a wave of a finger, Hyunjin whines but listens turning around.
Hearing his boyfriend changing stirred something up in Hyunjin, he wasn’t sure what or why it happened but he tried to calm down when he heard his boyfriend state out a sassy “ahem~” to signal him to turn back around, Which Hyunjin did happily eyeing Y/N up and down slowly and smiling “you look good jagi…. the top and skirt look nice together….” Y/N smiles happily at his boyfriends response only to shift slightly from a change of glance in Hyunjin’s eyes, what was once admiration and love was now lust and desire, Hyunjin licked his bottom lip softly as he eyes Y/N “you know jagi… I might have a way to get inspired... care to help me out with that?” Y/N had never rushed so fast as he rushed towards his boyfriend clinging to him and whining “y-yes jinnie i wanna help~”
Hyunjin smirked carrying Y/N and lifting him over his shoulder as he left his studio and made his way to their bedroom, he placed Y/N softly down on the bed staring down at him as he softly raised his shift over his head and throwing it into some unknown corner of their room, Y/N sits up about to pull his shirt off too but Hyunjin stops him “ah ah ah jagi~ these stay on ok? ~” Y/N nods desperately laying back, Hyunjin leans down to kiss Y/N lustfully as he pull his sweats off himself, leaving him in his boxers as he starts to kiss and suck purple bruises of admiration and lust into Y/N’s neck slowly getting lower.
Hyunjin chuckles and lifts Y/N’s cropped shift just to where his nipples were revealed. Hyunjin slowly blows at them, causing Y/N to shiver and whine. Soon after, Hyunjin began to suck and lick at Y/N’s nipples while he palmed him through his short mini skirt, causing Y/N to moan and arch his back in pleasure. He slowly reached his big veiny hand under Y/N’s skirt and panties, pulling out his hard, fat and leaking cock, giving it a first few soft strokes as he kiss his boyfriend's lips once again.
Y/N moans into the kiss, causing Hyunjin to smirk and pump Y/N’s cock faster in his hands, god Hyunjin was so turnt on, he couldn’t help but grind the hard on in his boxers against Y/N, Hyunjin let’s go of Y/N’s cock for a moment, causing him to whine at the loss of touch, hyunjin needily taps his fingers at Y/N’s mouth placing them in his mouth once he opens his mouth and whines when Y/N sucks on them needily while looking up at him with his big doe eyes.
After a while, Hyunjin pulls out his finger and circles at Y/N’s entrance teasingly, causing him to whine “Jinne please~ don’t tease~” “why not jagi? can’t handle it?” “no please~” Hyunjin chuckles, usually he’d drag it out more but he couldn’t wait anymore he couldn’t wait to be in his loving little fashionable muse, he pumps his fingers in preparing Y/N for his cock and groans as he feels Y/N palm his hard on in his boxers, shit he might cum early….
He pulled his fingers out and desperately pulled out his cock from his boxers, shoving it into Y/N’s entrance causing both of them to groan “…shit… no matter how many times I stretch you out you always snap right back huh? ~ always tight for this cock huh jagi? ~” Y/N whines “mhmm haven’t even started yet jagi and your already speechless” Hyunjin smirks slowly moving, Y/N pouts “I am n-not speechless just… a little tired…from the mall” Hyunjin smiles “then let me take care of you baby~, be my little pillow princess~”
Y/N smiles tiredly and moans as Hyunjin speeds his hips up, the sound of slick, moans, pants and skin smacking on eachother fill the room in echoes, Y/N claws at Hyunjin’s back needily pulling him closer, Hyunjin’s free hand pumping Y/N’s cock, Y/N moans loudly and desperately as his back arches. Y/N couldn’t have thought his day would get any better, but getting fucked desperately by his boyfriend was something he would want to happen more in the future. Hyunjin sucks at Y/N’s neck thrusting and thrusting and thrusting when he feels something like a ribbon snap in him as he cummed in Y/N groaning, pumping Y/N more and more desperately, causing him to cry and spurt out a cumshot he whines.
“Fuck…. Jinnie I’ve never seen you cum so fast before…” “I’m sorry… I couldn’t help it…shit..” “mhmmm you feel nice inside….” as the two pant trying to catch their breath, Y/N notices Hyunjin’s disappointment and guilt as he felt like he should have made it last longer, Y/N chuckles “you know baby… if you reacted like this only to this outfit I don’t know how you’ll react to the other five bags especially the lingerie from Victoria's…” Hyunjin looks at Y/N and slowly smirks “your right… we still have five more bags for you to model for me jagiya~” Oh what a long night ahead of him Y/N had…
taglist; @bigkpopstan, @baka-writings, @haechansfbuddy, @jeonronwoo, @jiminslostjam, @bluejaem, @jisungismymom, @hyuckography, @i-luvsang, @neocrush, @moonshineboyz, @chewryy, @sugarcherriess, @jinkoh, @hazyhae, @angelbabyyy99
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nimbusalba · 8 months ago
Neil Gaiman, my thoughts and my love for good omens
I already said something about all this deal with Neil Gaiman yesterday in another blog. But I still have Things To Say, so here it comes (with links to all the info):
Here is the article (thank you @procrastiel)
Here is a link to the podcasts for free (thank you @queermarzipan)
Here is the Xitter post with the accusations podcast thingy (thank you @embracing-the-ineffable)
Here is the transcript of the first podcast episode.
The Main Thing I Have To Say:
We need to separate the author from his work (and with this I’m not speaking only about Neil Gaiman). While we might not agree with some things about the author's life or thoughts, that doesn't mean we can not keep enjoying their work, as long as that work is not morally unacceptable, obviously. Let’s take the example of one of my favorite tv shows of all time (other than good omens): Buffy The Vampire Slayer (and with this I’m showing my age here, ahem). Buffy is a magnificent show, a wonderful exponent of feminism (strong female protagonist and secondary characters), diversity (one of the main characters is a lesbian), critical thinking, death, love, inner strength, battling your own demons… As we all know, accusations of harassment against Joss Wheddon appeared in 2020 and a lot of his work was left behind. I agree that knowing that the creator of something you love is an abuser breaks your heart. But that doesn’t mean that you have to stop loving that show, that it stops being a great work of art or that you should feel bad for still liking it. Buffy the vampire slayer is still one of my favorite shows and I still rewatch it from time to time (not on loop as I do with good omens, but that’s another problem). And why? Simply because in that show a lot of very talented people worked very hard to make it great, not just Joss Wheddon. And I appreciate it even more now knowing that the actresses and actors (and rest of the crew)  in the series didn’t have as good a time filming it as they should have. 
My take on this story:
I’ve already said that my first impulse is always to side with the victims in these cases, because they rarely lie and the accusations tend to be proven true in the end. In this particular case, for the time being, I’m waiting for developments, as the information that has transpired is fishy, to say the least. I’m not defending Neil Gaiman either, mind you. Maybe tomorrow we will find another 20 people accusing him of abuse. I don’t know him nor pretend to know what he’s done in his life. For the time being, as I said yesterday, this looks to me like consensual sex between consenting adults. That shouldn’t be news to anyone, even if the practices in themselves are not your kind of kink. It’s not on to have sex with someone who is working for you, of course, but still in this particular case that’s not exactly what’s happened. The woman in question (Scarlett) was a friend of the family, not strictly a worker. They already had a friendship relationship before turning it into a sexual relationship and a working relationship on top of that. With this I’m only trying to say that it doesn’t look like she felt forced to have sex with him in order to keep her job and she has said that the sex was consensual. The other victim has also said that even if she didn’t particularly enjoy the sex it was also consensual. 
It looks like both victims were pretty young when the relationships took place. It's true that younger people can have problems when it comes to place boundaries, and an older or more experienced partner could take advantage of that. It is also true that later in life, when that person is more experienced or has had time to think about things, they can think about what they did and feel uncomfortable with it, even though it didn’t feel wrong in the heat of the moment and they said nothing then. But, as far as I know, that's not sexual assault.
This looks to me as something that’s been designed to hurt Neil Gaiman’s public image. Maybe he’ll come out of it without any criminal charges, as he has already offered his help to the New Zealand police and they have refused to interrogate him for the time being, apparently because of lack of proof yet. But his public image has been tainted, not only because of the accusations, but because anyone who has their sexual life exposed and discussed publicly suffers a great deal of humiliation, even more so if their sexual practices are not exactly mainstream. With this I’m not implying that BDSM or any other kink is wrong, as long as it is being played by consenting adults. No judgment here, everyone has their own kink, and I don’t care as long as they don’t harm anyone (or if they want to be lightly harmed).
Keep also in mind that one is innocent until proven guilty and in this case there is not a lot of proof yet and the place the news is coming from is suspicious, to say the least. Wait for developments (and see).
So keep loving good omens, I know I still do, keep enjoying it, writing fanfic, drawing amazing art, writing metas and discussing about it. Because this show is still a brilliant show, in which a lot of very talented people worked very hard to make it the wonderful work of art that it still is and we shouldn’t dismiss all that work because someone wants to hurt one of the authors. 
(Edited because of wording)
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zippyskyfalls · 1 month ago
Callista Marin: The Eris Conspiracy
okay, I originally wasn’t going to post this here on Tumblr, this is a very private and personal project and only one other person I know is meant to see this, but I really like how the first chapter turned out! Thanks to that, I’ve decided to put this up on Tumblr in case anyone is actually interested in my work!!! Thank you to my amazing friend @protagaster who read this before anyone else, your words always help boost my mood and it’s truly been a pleasure being your friend
shoutout to the super cool @circe-puppeteer who makes me realize that I have never had an original experience in my life
and enough Stalling, hope you Enjoy what i’ve written!
(ye, i’m a Riordanverse fan, can you tell?)
Look, I think we both know why you’re reading this Journal. You’re reading this because your interest in Greek Mythology and Modern Spins on it got you to pick up this book and see how it may compare to other works
I won’t try to shoo you away from this book because I know for a fact you won’t listen. I just want you to know that if I were you, and this story started getting relatable, i’d close this book.
It obviously won’t seem so relatable at the start, but hey, what do I know? Enjoy!!!
My name is Callista Marin, i’m a 14 year old girl living in San Diego, the current year is 1991.
I didn’t exactly have a normal life. I mostly grew up with my dad, traveling the world! We’ve gone to about 8 different countries, Brazil, Uruguai, Argentina, Ireland, Thailand, New Zealand, Australia, and Chile. We got back to the US about 2 years ago.
My father has always been there for me, he’s the one who fed me, kept me safe, kept me warm. I’m not sure I would have made it this far if it wasn’t for him.
He’s always been my biggest supporter, the man who paid for my art supplies even when we didn’t have the money, the man who taught me how to get past an art block, the man who taught me practically everything I know!
It’s always just been me and him… yeah, I should probably explain that.
You may have noticed that my mother hasn’t been mentioned yet! She’s… out of the picture. I never really met her, my dad says I have her eyes. Just basic brown, the most common of the colors. I personally don’t think I need to know about my mother, and I don’t want to know anything about my mother.
She had already made her choice the moment she left my dad to take care of me on his own. Even if she wanted to form a relationship with me, she missed her chance.
Alright, next order of business, my school.
For the past year, I've been attending San Diego’s Private School for Gifted Children, the name practically tells you everything you need to know. I had gotten in thanks to a given scholarship I earnt thanks to an art exhibition in which I won first place. I’m definitely better at some things than others when it comes to the school work.
The school takes education very seriously, any student with lower than a 75% grade isn’t coming back next semester.
Maths? Big no-no. Art? That’s where I shine! It’s all i’m good at, it’s all I can do. I don’t really get along with the kids in the school, they aren’t BAD people… I just don’t know how to make friends.
That was until this august.
“Please settle down, students.” Mrs Rivers began. She’d been a teacher at this school for 17 years, one of the oldest teachers here.
Mrs Rivers is a tall white lady with Brown Frizzy hair and looks like a hippie straight from the 80’s, a long, flowy skirt, a faded Fleetwood Mac t-shirt barely visible under her crocheted cardigan. She’s fun, I guess, but I personally think she tries too hard to make students like her.
“First off, I’d like to welcome you back from Summer break! I know everybody’s been busy getting that new Transparent landline phone I’ve seen appearing around stores”. A few students in the class stared at her with concern. I could hear Martha Stein, the dark-skinned blonde girl with braids who sat behind me, grumbling under her breath, something about the last generation needing to get with the times. 
I could definitely see her point. While I do think it’s unfair to judge Mrs Rivers for trying… it did make me cringe a bit.
“Second of all, we have a new student joining our class. Mr Jerrons, would you like to introduce yourself?” There was a brief silence before the classroom door creaked open. A boy stepped in, his left hand curling a strand of dark brown hair around his finger. “It’s uh– Herrans.”
His voice was soft, but there was something too even about it, like he was measuring every syllable.
The boy had short, curly brown hair that reached just below his ears. His eyes dark and his skin bronze. He wore a split red and black tank top tee with a black jacket with hot pink accents on top. His long, dark, Baggy Jeans made the sandals which were definitely not dress code approved barely visible
He wasn’t just good-looking—he was beautiful. The kind of beauty that made your brain short-circuit for a second because it didn’t seem quite real.
The other girls must have noticed it too since suddenly, the new kid already seemed to have eyes on him. Not just girls, even some guys, too. It was a rare sighting to see that.
Venus seemed used to it, too. He stood there patiently, waiting for the murmurs to settle, like this happened all the time.
“Alright,” he continued. “My name is Venus Martinez Areia Herrens. I’m fifteen years old, and I’m here on a scholarship. I, uh… have a deep interest in history and the arts.”
That made me blink. Fifteen?
He didn’t look fifteen. Fourteen, at most. Maybe even thirteen.
I wasn’t the only one who caught that. I saw Martha Stein’s eyes narrow slightly, and another student—Jonas broth, I think—whispered something to his friend.
“Wonderful! Welcome, Mr. Hairline.” “It’s Herrens–” “You may sit beside Miss Marin for the remainder of the semester.”
The second the words had been spoken, I melted to the back of my seat. I knew the reason why, of course. I wasn’t exactly surprised. Mrs. Rivers always paired new students with me thanks to how quiet I normally was and knew I wouldn’t make much of a distraction.
But now, with literally every student’s eyes following him to the empty seat next to mine, I wanted to disappear.
Most – if not all – students turned around and stared at the empty seat. Venus walked calmly, setting his bag down without a word. I didn't focus much on the lesson, something about the American revolution.
He just kind of… sat there. Unnervingly. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thunk he’d stopped breathing!
Them suddenly; Tap, tap, tap,
I stiffened. Someone was poking my shoulder
I turned my head slightly. Venus was watching me with an easy expression, holding out a folded piece of paper. Unfolding it carefully, I saw two words, written in slanted, careful handwriting:
Callista, right?
I frowned slightly, nodding. Was that really all he wanted to ask?
Venus flipped the paper over and scribbled something else before passing it back.
'Nice 2 Meet you'
It was oddly polite. Too… intentional? New kids usually waited a while before making conversation. He was getting straight to the point.
I stared at the note for a second before responding in my usual way: I pointed at the words and held up two fingers—same here.
I noticed from the corner of my eyes… He held a small smile on his lips. It was an odd feeling; the feeling of somebody you barely knew going out of their way to meet you, like a distant cousin you only met once at a family gathering
I didn’t mind it, Venus seemed like a cool guy!
Which was why, at the end of the class at hand, I had offered him a seat next to me during lunch.
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cosmoeticss · 2 years ago
The Pact | Aegon Targaryen Modern!AU (Part Three)
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Words: 2K
Pairing: modern!Aegon Targaryen II x reader
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI swearing. Mild slowburn. Overall bad writing. this is my ‘rom com’ fic so please expect rom com level corniness.
Note: Sorrryyy for building this up so much I’ve been going through it besties. Thank you for all the love and I hope you enjoy this.
my masterlist
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Looking back on it now, you couldn’t remember a time where a building looked so daunting. Even when you had first moved into the building with Dalton three summers back, it hadn’t made your stomach churn like it does now. In fact, you can hardly remember moving in in detail. The process had been severely underwhelming, and it had happened in the blink of an eye. I guess that was one thing that could hold a candle to how you were feeling now. 
Why the hell is everything happening so fast? 
Just three days ago, you had been in your flat surrounded by everything you’d grown accustomed to being around everyday. Just three days ago, you thought you were in a committed relationship. You were wrong. You couldn’t wait for this to be over. The only thing worse than sneaking into the flat you already paid this month's rent on to break all of your personal belongings out, was if you would have had to do it alone.
Toned, Slender arms drape over your shoulders from behind, snapping you out of your haze. Daeron leans his head against yours. “He’s not in there,” he assures you softly. “He’s at work, just like you said.”
You nod, half heartedly paying attention, neck craning up at the towering building. “He’s at work,” you repeat, mostly to yourself. 
Another hand finds the back of your elbow – Lucerys’ hand – and he squeezes softly. “We’ll be in and out faster than the bastard will know what’s hit him.”
You offer them a warm smile, rubbing your sweaty palms against your denim shorts nervously. “Let’s do this shit.” 
Your friends had pulled out all the stops to make sure that getting out of that flat went as smoothly as possible. Helaena and Daeron had offered up their cars, each of a decent size, and designated them for moving your belongings. Aegon had rented a pick up truck for some of your bulkier furniture. Helaena had found a moving company that rented out plastic moving totes for three gold dragons a day, each stack coming with a rolling cart, and Baela and Jace stayed behind at the townhouse to clean up your old room (when Aegon said he hadn’t touched it in nearly four years, he meant it.) 
Sandbox love truly never dies, and you found yourself grateful that you had found the greatest support system you could ever have at such a young age, and that they had stuck by your side through thick and thin.
“Alright, team!” Rhaena grabs everyone's attention by clapping her hands together three times. “Operation: Free My Girl Y/N is now in effect. I want everyone to listen up, Helaena and I are on bathroom and bedroom duty, I want Aegon, Luke, and Dae on furniture, Y/N wants her couch, her bookshelf, her desk, any art supplies you see, and a couple things out of the bedroom. Anything that looks like someone with taste bought it is going in the truck.”
“Aye, aye, Captain,” Aegon mock salutes her.
“You need to wait until Y/N clears out her desk and bookshelf so worry about those last,” she says pointedly. “Aemond, you’re the only one here I trust with glass, so you grab any dishes and nick-nacks that are hers.” 
“You got it, Rhae,” he replies cooly, hands crossed behind his back.
“You’re so hot when you’re bossy,” you quip, and she shoots you a suggestive wink.
“Other than that, once we think we’ve got everything, we’ll do a quick run through to double check, and we are outta this bitch,” she holds her hand out for you to take, and you gladly do. “Does anyone not understand their job?” When there are no objections, you lead them through the lobby, and the seven of you and your moving equipment cram into the newly repaired elevator. 
In an attempt to lighten the mood, Daeron and Luke did a ‘sweep’ of the one bedroom flat the second the door was unlocked. Their hands were folded to look like handguns as they maneuvered theatrically through the four small rooms you had once taken shelter in. Luke lifted his hand to clutch the air by his shoulder, speaking into it like it was a walkie. “Coast is clear. Tactical team move in, let's go.” 
“Affirmative,” Daeron responded, mimicking radio static with his mouth as he did. You shook your head, a miniscule smirk playing at your lips as you made your way to your desk, and the gang got to work.
Everyone kept to themselves mainly, other than the occasional query of if something was for certain yours, they seemed to know you well enough to decipher on their own. 
It was alarming how quickly an entire era of your life could be packed into bins and whisked away. It was, as everything else had been these past few days, giving you whiplash. You could admit it to yourself, Dalton Greyjoy was nothing special. He wasn’t a good listener, or particularly doting, and he had barely been holding up his end of your partnership for the better half of four years, but he was yours. He was someone to come home to, he was a quiet night in, he was safe and boring, and maybe he was a little possessive sometimes, but he was all yours. That’s what you had convinced yourself, that the lackluster in your relationship was what you were supposed to feel. That it was safe. That you were comfortable. 
It was enough for you at the time, and you had just assumed it would be enough for him too. 
A warm, heavy hand slides over your back, snapping you out of your daze and pulling you back down to earth. “That's the last of the bins, but Rhaena wanted me to tell you to double check that we have everything,” Aegon’s voice is smooth and low as he leans against the doorframe beside you. “Still feeling okay?”
You nod halfheartedly. “It just sunk in,” your voice comes out scratchy and dry, like you hadn’t spoken in days, and you clear your throat. “Two hours is what it takes to pack up my whole life, just in case you were curious.”
He offers you a sympathetic smile. “Rhaena leads with an iron fist,” It’s an attempt to make you laugh, and if you hadn’t been so melancholic, you’re sure you would have. 
“I’m going to be twenty-seven soon,” you mumble. “I don’t have a plan. I moved to this city with no actual prospects, and no plan for what I’m going to do with my life and then I settled down with the first man to pay me any attention.” 
Aegon stays quiet as you swallow the lump in your throat. “And I finished school for what? I’m still working at The Golden Stag, I don’t even paint anymore, like it would make a difference if I did. I wasn’t any good.” 
The words stung like acid coming out. You had been painting since you gained the function of your motor skills. As you grew up, you’d painted everything – people, places, anything that caught your eye. Aegon knew that better than anyone, when he wasn’t modeling in front of your canvas he was right by your side watching. It was never anything but a passion to you, your mother had drilled it into your brain at a young age that no one ever found a decent career being a sub par painter, and with that turning it into a lifestyle became completely out of reach for you. Dreams of art school became chasing a business degree you had no want for. Your passion became a hobby, and that fact made you so miserable you couldn’t pick up a paintbrush anymore without feeling like a failure.
“Don’t say things like that. You are good,” he took hold of your shoulders, forcing you to face him but you could barely meet his eye. “And it makes a difference because it makes you happy. Don’t you want to be happy?”
You can’t stop the tears that are freely flowing now, but Aegon carefully brushes them away.Your forehead drops to rest against his warm, soft chest. “I do, but I don’t know how I let it get this bad. I don’t know how to fucking fix it.”
“Hey, do you want to know a secret?” he whispers, and you tilt your chin up to finally look right at him. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing either.”
You simper, a faint huff of a laugh pushing through your nostrils. “No way,” there’s a hint of playful sarcasm bubbling beneath the surface. “You?”
“I know, who would have guessed?” he nods affectionately, shrugging softly. “Guess what I do when I feel like I’m lost.”
“What?” you mutter, and if he hadn’t been holding you so close he might not have heard it.
“I call my best friend,” he soothes, causing an all encompassing warmth to spread through you. “And she picks up the phone every time and sure, maybe I still feel a little lost afterwards, but I don’t feel so small and I don’t feel lonely anymore.”
You draw a deep breath in, trying to expel all the heavy tension brewing in your chest. Of course Aegon knows all the right things to say to you to make it all feel a little bit lighter. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Aegon promises, pointing towards the door. “Those idiots downstairs aren’t going anywhere, so if you need to breathe, or to fall apart for a while then that’s what we’ll do. We’ll just take it one moment at a time.”
You’re quiet as you press the heels of your hands to your eyes, rubbing them, and wiping away your tear stained cheeks. “Tell me what you need right now and we’ll do it,” his words are patient and delicate. “Whatever comes after isn’t important yet.”
Your gaze breaks from his, and roams around the white walls that had been slowly but surely closing in on you without you really noticing, then it falls to the laminate floor beneath you, cold and hard and unforgiving. After what feels like too long, your contemplating eyes find him, warm and welcoming and truly safe. Your thoughts wander to the familiarity of the townhouse, and your rambunctious found family floors below you. 
“I just want to go home.”
He keeps his promise. He takes you there.
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The moon is high in the sky when you’ve finished unpacking into your old room. Upon returning home to the townhouse, you find the real reason Baela and Jace have stayed behind to ‘clean’ was technically also a ploy for them to put together the bed and frame they had all got you as a gift. You found yourself crying freely at the heartfelt surprise and before you knew it, pizza was ordered, beers were opened, and Daeron and Luke had picked up interior decorating. 
Maybe it was something that could’ve been done with the same vigor as it had been packed with, but it's slow. It’s procrastinating, it’s laughing over nothing and everything, and taking prolonged breaks to lay on the floor and talk about life. It’s a form of therapy in itself, and you ponder how you survived so long without it. Maybe you didn’t, and that was the point, why it meant so much more to you now.
When the night eventually dwindles out into a close, hugs and sleepy goodbyes are exchanged, along with promises to see each other soon. For the first time in a while, you don’t worry that they’re promises you can’t make good on.
You’re eventually the only two tired bodies remaining, and Aegon plants a chaste kiss to your hairline and bids you goodnight, squeezing your hand before he stumbles into his room. You find your way to yours in the dark like it’s a muscle memory that you forgot you had, and you sink into your bed, a thick sleep creeps into your aching bones.
Yes, you were still lost. It was going to take time to feel like yourself again.
But you don’t feel so small anymore, and as you finally drift off you don’t feel so lonely either.
previous part | next part
@fan-goddess​ @heavenly1927​
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whakkicat · 6 months ago
i am leaving
i made a post on my twt about this, but i should make it here as well.
this is my last text post before i archive this account and start elsewhere. video about what’s been happening at some point.
this post will be a personal note to friends, mutuals, communities, etc, and what will happen from here.
brief warning for mentions of abuse
1. i want to start with a word towards the rain world community. first off, i want to thank rain world for giving me a home. for starting me off as an artist. i had never actively participated in a fandom before this, and it was a wonderful experience.
the game brought me and so many of my friends together, i met a lot of amazing artists, some of which i’m still shocked they’re my mutuals, and rain world itself changed my life for the better, i believe. it gave me hope and something to live for when nothing else did.
i’ve always been quite afraid of voicing myself, as i had never participated actively in a fandom before, therefore had never gotten used to talking in one. but to those who’ve stuck around, who have enjoyed my content, thank you.
2. to the people who have been there for me during the worst, who have let me know i am not alone in my suffering, it means so much to me. i really hope that i can still keep contact with many of the people i have met on here.
there have been so many kind people on this platform and it’s been a joy talking to you all. if this is goodbye, to some, i wish you all the best. it’s only what you deserve.
3. i will be reaching out to the main people who i owe art to, regardless of cmms or not. it is unprofessional of me not to keep track of myself and keep everyone waiting. my ADHD has not made it very easy for me. i apologize.
4. this point will mention abuse, so cw dealing and getting out of abuse this year was extremely hard for me, and is still taking its toll on me. it’s part of the reason i can’t stay, because i feel they still have power over me, even if they’re not actively in my life anymore.
as i move on, i don’t want to completely abandon my past, and everything that came out of that abuse in the first place. i am not abandoning myself, or forgetting what i went through. i want to grieve my younger, naive self as i go forward as an artist.
this doesn’t mean i’ve let them win and break me down. i won’t give up on myself. i need to be kinder to myself and heal, so being away from this will help. this also goes out to anyone else trapped in their friendships, relationships. you will be okay. talk to
please do not silence yourself for the sake of other people. your own feelings are just as valid and important as anyone else’s. don’t let people make you feel bad for feeling your own feelings.
5. to mutuals who’d like to stay in contact, i have a priv account on twitter i will mainly be using from now on. it won’t be used as much as it used to, considering this is a hiatus, but it will be where i will reside. you’re free to ask me in dms.
6. i’ve already begun starting over, i won’t be gone completely. if you happen to recognize me in the near future, please do not pester me about it. simply accept that i have restarted, as a brand, as an artist, and i’d like to start over from square one.
7. this account will also be public for the remainder of its existence, however i may clean it up for archival purposes. i don’t want to simply vanish, i am proud of some of the work i have published, and i don’t want it to be forgotten.
it’s a bit odd, considering most of my art is composed of doodles, non-serious jokes, and mostly fanart. hopefully i can make self indulgent art in the future. i’ve always wanted people to know my characters, but was always too afraid to actually talk to people.
closing point i’m sorry if my absence upsets anyone, if you are disappointed in me. i can’t stress enough that this year has been hard enough on me, and being here is hard enough. i want a fresh start. i want to be okay.
i love my fellow artists, my friends, everyone. there’s so many talented people i’ve met and i don’t ever want to forget them. my last post will be my video talking about my experiences this year, previous years, because i feel it’s important for me to come out about it.
this is a goodbye. i will miss many of you. here’s to hoping the rest of the year will be good for everyone! until our paths meet again. good luck out there
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rainbowdaisy13 · 1 year ago
Hey Rainbow, I'm kind of a new Kaylor. I knew of their existence back in 2016, but I wasn't part of this corner of Tumblr. It's only in the last few months that I've really become interested in Taylor's lyrics and the Kaylor storyline. The idea that she's closeted and struggling, and the beautiful and romantic tapestry of her lyrics that speak of a truly beautiful love story that the public doesn't really know about, these are the things that drew me to Taylor and by extension Kaylor. I know that the stuff with TK is PR. Dare I say it's the loudest and most obvious PR she's ever done. I know this, but it's actually getting painful to see it. I guess it's painful to see such a smart, articulate, and worldly woman be so happy in the company of the frattiest of frat bros. Or maybe it's hard to see her associate with them. Idk. I'm not here to attack her or anyone, but I guess I'm coming to you for a pep talk? I know this doesn't make me a good fan, but I'm not sure I'd like TS as much if I didn't think she was a closeted queer woman. I imagine I should take a break, but I fear that if everyone does that, will the Kaylor corner disappear? Will the comfort we find in Gaylor evaporate? I swear I'm a grown adult with a robust and fulfilling real life, but damn...this is getting to me.
Anyway, sorry for the novel. I hope it's not too annoying. You're so steadfast of a fan, and it seemed like you'd be the best to reach out to for support, ha.
First, never apologize!! Second welcome to Kaylor tumblr! Tis not for the faint of heart!
This is all I can give you in the way of a pep talk—I fully believe Taylor is a queer woman and that she’s been telling us that through art her since the very beginning. I also believe her and Karlie are in a long term secret relationship that they are choosing to keep hidden through Bearding and Lavender marriage for whatever reasons they have—and I’m sure there’s a ton of reasons that they have deemed good enough
As far as being a bad fan, absolutely not! I did not give a crap about Taylor until Rep. I knew of her songs but something about her always felt off to me, and disingenuous. Someone mentioned the word Kaylor and I went down the tumblr rabbithole of TTB and BOOM I was hooked. Taylor as a closeted queer artist made sooooo much sense to me as I always felt something was missing about her as a person, and suddenly here was this insane amount of evidence that only kept growing! It’s not like I joined during Rep and had to only look in the past, she continues to keep queer signaling in every aspect of her life. Thats a long way to say, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with loving Taylor for who she actually is—that doesn’t make you a bad fan for seeing her truth and loving her for it
As far as Kaylor tumblr disappearing, in the last 7 years I’ve been here, my follower count only grows. SO many people lurk in this space. There will always be some of us here documenting and discussing while others of us take breaks. We are pretty good about holding down the fort for each other in times of stress
Come and go as you need to, but us battle hardened OGs shall remain until she stops signaling through her art that she wants us to know the truth
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applestitches · 5 months ago
Hello, I have reflected on my faults due to events that have happened today, and I’ve decided that this would be a good time to create an apology post for those faults so I can move on from them along with detaching myself from them too.
So the first fault to start off with is a certain Deviantart account (that I will not be naming in this post, if you know which one then you know) I had created back in June to make fun of the users on there, and if you’ve been on that website for a bit you’d know what I was making fun of, but I had used the South Park characters and that was extremely inappropriate of me to do, for a laugh or not. A small temporary laugh is never worth the life long consequences, especially on the internet since nothing is truly deleted. I was honestly just looking for anything to make myself feel better with a laugh but a chose a really bad option and I’m sorry if I disappointed anyone with my actions here, I’m very very very sorry, I regret it so much.
By the time this post goes up, most of the art on that page will be gone and few drawings that I had decided to stay up will be up. There will be no way to interact with it because I wish to no longer be associated with it and to move on from it and remove some bad things that I should have never done in the first place. Even just for a laugh. I will never do anything like this again.
Secondly I want to say sorry for "the death" chapter of heavenparkawesome because it can be seen as inappropriate because of me depicting a character with nothing on (not in an explicit way, but still). I promise that if I ever release another page he will magically receive clothes, I very much apologize for this.
Finally, I’ve decided I am no longer going to post or reblog anything that is associated with shipping and will only stick to canon relationships, like Stan and Wendy and Tweek and Craig. I’m doing this to stay out of trouble with the fandom and to lay low with things like that, sorry to disappoint anyone who enjoyed that genre of my art. I don’t need to be shipping characters anyway.
I’m not going to quit or do that "I’m going to take a break for awhile, boohoo!" because of this, like I said previously, I want to move on from these things and make a few changes. No is obligated to forgive me, hell, you can start disliking me for these things I just confessed in this post. I don’t care, all I care is about me being able to continue to post fanart for my favorite show without any trouble following me.
I’m sorry
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demigodofhoolemere · 1 year ago
Things I can't stop thinking about from Steven and Vicki's Tales of the TARDIS episode
- This reunion. Seeing them together again kills me anyway, but when you look at the context of the last time they saw each other, both of them could have easily thought the other might be dead. The last Vicki saw of Steven he was bleeding out and slipping away from consciousness, and to Steven he woke up to learn that they'd left Vicki in a city that was being razed to the ground and its inhabitants slaughtered. There wasn’t a proper goodbye and neither could have known for sure whether the other had survived. These are two people who must have spent decades of their lives just hoping and praying that the other was okay.
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They take each other's presence in like it’s a miracle. I don’t know if they intentionally wrote/acted this with that particular context of their last time together in mind, but nevertheless it can very easily be read that way since their reactions lend themselves to it so well.
- ^ In particular, Steven’s voice breaks in a way that absolutely destroys me.
- Is this girlish giggling not the most Vicki thing you’ve ever seen?
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- There are certain moments that just really hit as, ‘This is them.’ I mean, look at her. That’s Vicki. It keeps blowing my mind.
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- Steven is SO happy to see her again, oh my word. “I’ve got my little sister back!” is gonna live in my mind for the rest of my life. To have that dynamic acknowledged in those words and to see how much they love each other kills me. Look at this unreserved fluff. This means the world to me.
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- Hearing that they’ve had wonderfully happy lives is so nice. Vicki could have been dealing with all kinds of turmoil given the time she chose to stay in, and with Steven’s luck he could have had literally anything happen to him, like Big Finish decided to do. I’m so glad they’ve been given full and happy lives onscreen, that Vicki has done so well in such a wildly different time and that Steven’s bad luck curse is finally broken. (The trauma curse is broken at least — it’s too much of a stretch for me to believe that he wouldn’t still have mundane bad luck lol.)
- Someone needs to either sue Peter for these faces or give him an award. There is so much emotion going on here and I can barely handle it. And knowing how much Peter truly loved this show and his time on it, I get the feeling some of this is real for him.
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- “Vicki, this might not be his TARDIS. I mean, can you imagine the Doctor wearing something like this?” Well I’m sure as heck imagining it now! Someone PLEASE make fan art of One in Six’s coat.
- Their reverence for the Doctor’s pocket watch. Vicki is so happy and clutches it with joy and Steven stares at it and strokes it for a good minute. 💗
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- Love having some skeptical Steven wondering if it could be a trap and warning Vicki to be careful. His older brother mode got reactivated so fast. And, “Don’t be such a spoilsport!” is so delightfully Vicki.
- Space helmet for a cow!!!
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- “Well, it had been a busy week.” Lol, more like a busy (or not so busy) 2 years on Mechanus! You’re more than excused!
- I know it was naturally gonna happen because they’re going over The Time Meddler but I love the references to the Monk, and I love that we also get a subtle reference to The Daleks’ Master Plan out of it.
- Another one of those moments that just strikes you. Look at him.
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- “He rescued me. I was an orphan and he became my family. I became the granddaughter he’d lost.” 😭
- Vicki’s little, “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” dance is so perfectly Vicki. It warms my heart how well-characterized they both are here.
- Anyone else see this and immediately start crying thinking about her putting her hands over her eyes in The Chase? Just me?
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- Steven’s face when he agrees with her about wishing more than anything to see the Doctor again. I love his relationship with the Doctor so much, it kills me to see him emotional about it, to see how much he still loves him after all this time. But on top of it, once again I feel like there’s some genuine Peter in here who misses Bill. You can see in a lot of interviews, panels, commentaries and so on that Peter really truly cared about Bill as his friend and is still protective over him as a person and his character. When Steven makes this face in agreement about wishing he could just see the Doctor again, I feel something else very real in it.
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- Look at them. Just look at them. No further comment.
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- Vicki’s face hearing the Doctor’s laugh is my face.
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I still haven’t been able to get through this without crying at his laugh. I don’t really have the words for how magical and touching it is that they included him in that way. It tugs on my heartstrings so hard.
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thelediz · 8 months ago
Spoiler warning: I write happy endings
So I’ve been reading this fic series which is actually just one very long story that for some reason the author has decided to break into separate stories EVEN THOUGH you cannot feasibly read one without context. Believe me, I have tried to skip stories only to end up confused because I have clearly missed a plot point. Seriously, why is this a thing people do, it's so frustrating and -
I have been reading this fic series.
It’s really good, and I really enjoy the author’s writing style. I find it super easy to read, and I want to know how the story ends. But each time I read a chapter story, I walk away feeling low-key annoyed, anxious, or upset. And I find myself wondering, this morning, why am I doing this? I am not actually enjoying this story, so why am I still reading?
When I interrogate myself about it, I realise I’m falling into the same trap I often do with fiction: I want to know how the story ends, so I’m tolerating lots of things I don’t like in the HOPE it will end well.
This is actually why I like spoilers. Because if I know how a story ends, and I know the character motivations, then I know whether the journey to get there is going to be worth the pain.
At the moment, with this fic, I don’t. Because it’s told entirely from the perspective of a very unreliable narrator, and this particular author has never written from any point of view except this character’s. So I don’t even have context clues to tell me what this author thinks of the other characters and their motivations. And as the story goes on, while I am becoming increasingly certain that we’re not supposed to trust this character’s perspective, it’s just a constant slow build of tension, all from this one character, who I increasingly dislike.
Now, the story can be saved, I think, if something happens and the narrator is forced to confront the things I’m not liking about them. If the other main character can be rounded out and properly seen. But that’s not going to happen until a climax that I keep waiting for and not getting. Right now, I'm not even sure the things I dislike are supposed to be bad things! Sometimes I think I'm supposed to feel sorry for the poor baby! (I don't and will not)
I don’t personally write fanfic about characters I don’t like, and I wouldn’t want to write a story about a character or relationship that’s objectively doomed. Doomed by their personal perspective, maybe, (get loved Alastor) but I just really personally dislike unhappy endings.
That’s what the real world is for. Entertainment is supposed to entertain and comfort and give me hope.
I don’t read or watch things that I know won’t end well, even if I know they’re amazing works of art. Which is unfortunate, because it means I miss out on a lot of the zeitgeist, but it makes me a happier and more hopeful person.
So I read spoilers, so that I know, in the end, there is going to be a happy ending, and these are the characters I should be rooting for. If I have to engage with something I won’t enjoy, I can quietly disengage and disassociate and let it wash past.
But here I am, with this story series that I’m not enjoying, waiting for a happy ending I’m currently pretty sure won’t come.
I need to break up with this thing and it is so much easier said than done.
So for those who read my stories, here is a blanket spoiler: I believe in happy endings. It may take a while to get there, whether literally or figuratively, but I always believe in happy endings. So please, judge my silly fics purely on the characterisation, the dialogue, and my incredibly poor proof reading, because it’s always going to end with someone smiling somewhere.
I hope that’s a comfort to someone.
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topconfessions · 2 months ago
Hey girl, ever since I found your blog, I’ve been lowkey obsessed—spent whole afternoons scrolling through every post and sitting with all the takes you’ve dropped (work and my dog permitting, of course).
As an OG fan, I’ve got some seriously mixed feelings about T.O.P. And honestly, his involvement in Squid Game 2 just stirred the pot. Out of nowhere, there’s a flood of new, over-the-top fans. Like, okay, I get it—no judgment. I used to be in that phase too. And, yeah, I’m genuinely happy for him if this project brings something positive to his life, career, or even just his state of mind. But at the same time, it’s hard not to feel some type of way about how he dipped out on us for years without a word.
Let me try to break this down clearly (even if I have to fight through the language barrier—English isn’t my first language—and my Aquarius sun/ascendant combo that really doesn’t vibe with shades of gray).
I know frustration and disappointment usually come from unmet expectations. And, yeah, I get that expectations are mostly the responsibility of the person who has them—they’re tied to personal needs and projections. But let’s be real: the person being idolized plays a part in setting those expectations, often through unclear communication. And from my perspective, T.O.P has created this toxic, messy dynamic. Even if it wasn’t intentional, the outcome is still the same.
His artistic impact, unique vibe, and the hope for a comeback don’t excuse his lack of consideration for his fans—the same people who’ve been propping up his career, financially and emotionally. Let’s not forget: without us buying his music, showing up to his concerts, watching his movies, or even supporting his wine business (hello, I’ve tried the Bordeaux—it took me a minute to adjust to its lighter notes, but I’ve gotta admit, it’s solid), he wouldn’t have the same visibility or lifestyle he enjoys now. It’s a simple fact.
This goes beyond gratitude—it’s about professional accountability. Being an artist is a job, and like any job, there’s a responsibility to the people who consume what you produce. A little recognition—whether through occasional updates or just acknowledging the support—should be the bare minimum. Continuing to make money off his projects while ignoring the people funding them? That’s exploitation, plain and simple.
In the entertainment world, the artist-fan relationship is like an unspoken social contract: fans give financial and emotional support, and the artist delivers art, entertainment, and at least a basic level of professional respect. Ignoring that dynamic completely? It tips the scales in a way that’s just not fair.
And look, if he doesn’t want to engage, that’s fine. But then step away from the public eye for real. Retire officially, stop living off our support, and find a different path. But clearly, that’s not what he wants—otherwise, he wouldn’t have signed on for something as globally hyped as Squid Game 2.
I’m really hoping tomorrow’s interview sheds some light on his absence these past few years. Best-case scenario? It’s the start of something new for him and a way to reconnect with the people who’ve had his back all this time. Worst-case? It’s just another cash grab, a strategic move with no real intention behind it other than self-interest.
And, yeah, I probably let my Aquarius energy run wild here—my Sag moon might’ve kicked in too, so if this got a little too personal, my bad.
Anyway, I’ve rambled on long enough. Sending love from Italy! ♥️
Italy? ❤️❤️❤️ oggi è un bellissimo giorno per farti unire alla nostra famiglia. benvenuto nel blog delle migliori confessioni e adoro il tuo intero punto di vista su di lui!! 😀
But this was so wonderfully written and I pray this will be the outcome for the interview today / tomorrow. We need answers. A thorough and thoughtful explanation about what he has been up to or what happened to him? Where he plans on going with this etc. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, I don't want to be disappointed. I understand how incredibly difficult it is but if he feels miserable in the industry then he needs to manage his money better, save, invest, sell some things, expand on the wine business into america or other countries or create a solid business and maybe go back to school then leave the industry like you said.
Not dating publicly especially another celebrity has hurt him more than staying mysteriously single. Also staying away from the public eye and isolated has kept him willfully ignorant to how people would digest acting these days and how films / dramas have changed. I think some people are perturbed by his acting and see it as over the top, excessive, exaggerated, and clumsy cause this isnt the type of acting direction and skill that matches the tone of the franchise and that type of acting is out of bounds for whats expected today. Gives me teas of him being stuck in the past.
I hope we get answers. The answers we want.
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