#I’m trying y’all 😪
hi-im-dr-spencer-reid · 4 months
Rick x black!reader
This has been sitting in my drafts for a lil bit. I need to post something. Enjoy.
Warning: cussing
“We only go in for what we need nothing else” my mama has always been tough even before the world went to shit. When the world did a whole ass 180 and flip things. It was only me, my mom, and my little brother. “Mom, stop. I ain't eight anymore” wouldn't say little. “On the count of three. 1..2..3”. I go first to scope the scenery out. The store was packed with so much it was like going to walmart. “It’s clear ma, yall can come in” i made sure they came in before i went to wonder. “Don't get lost and be careful”. My mama said out loud as she went her way in the. I need to go to the feminine aisle. Pads..pads..tampo..pads! There we go, let me just grab this. “Drop it and turn around slowly”. aw shit naw “alright, can you get your gun out my face now” damn did people forget how to say hello “how many are with you” the boy asked with the sheriff hat on. “It's only three in total, can i put my arms down, this shit hurts” for real it hurts. Sure” he said and put his gun in his pants. “So how many are there with you?” I ask as I go back to grabbing my stuff “There are four of us here but there are more in the group back home, my name is Carl”. There are more of them, which means there is a big place, and we are indeed of place. “My name is Ski, I like your hat, it's cool”. It was a cool hat. “My dad gave it to me, you wanna come with me to find him” he asked me “yeah, but don't try to kill cause im not ready” i said as i caught up with him. “I'm not yet.. Just playing” I hope so.
“Can you please just drop it”. “hell no i found it first” i heard my talking to some man ma “what happened” i said as i got closer to her. “this bleach baboon of a man trying to take my can of peaches''. they fight over a can of fruit “so y'all fighting over a can of fruit? Just get another can the more '' i said trying to solve the conflict at hand. “No I don't want another can, I want that one” the man said to me. So what's the difference, they're all the same.” like for real “no i want this brand, he can get the other one” you know what this isn't my problem. “Ok y'all work this out we'll be back” i said as i started to walk off “where do you think you're going with this boy i don't even know?”. She asks me as if she forgot the whole thing that just happened. “This is Carl and we are going to find my brother” I said as I grabbed Carl's arm and pulled him with me. “So is your brother younger or older?” he asked me as we walked the aisle. “He is younger, around your age i believe…jay”. I whispered a yell to get his attention. “Come meet Carl,” I said as he made his way to us. “Carl this it jay, jay this Carl,shake hands'' I said with a smile “goody, now let’s go find our mamas.”
“We have come to an agreement” the man said as came back to the aisle. “Ok. what is it?” I said to the man with blue eyes. “Were going to split the peaches” how the hell are you going to split peaches?. “How are you going to split them if we dont leave together” makes it make sense. “Well we have a new place to stay missy” mama said as she put her hand on her hip. “That's cool and all but what is his name” no really i want to know. “The names rick grimes and your name young lady” rick said as he held his hand out. “Ski monroe”.
Let me know if you like it
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gothsuguru · 7 months
ari & rem i just saw your requests i hope you know i’m mentally and physically frothing at the mouth
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haruchuiyo · 5 days
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how I feel knowing I got my welt fic ready to be posted anytime
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whateverisbeautiful · 30 days
♥️Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#33: The Push (1.04)
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While I had to basically dedicate a whole post to that one powerful line where Michonne expresses that she only feels safe when she's with Rick…we now have to talk about how the rest of this riveting scene goes. Because see, Michonne only feels safe with Rick...but Rick is not exactly the one in this gym with her right now as we get the return of his alter ego The Bold As Hell Talking To His Wife Like That Man 😑...
So after Michonne so beautifully and vulnerably expresses herself to Rick, I was very curious how Rick would respond to such a heartfelt confession. Like here is your lovely wife telling you essentially that you're her only true safe space so now you know that no matter how you try to keep her safe from a distance, she’s never really going to feel safe unless you’re with her. I just knew something like that was going to hit Rick’s heart.
But what I didn’t fully realize is that Real Rick is so deeply buried inside Dead Rick so even that moving sentiment from Michonne doesn't penetrate his heart the way I thought it would.
And with Rick's response, this is the most this man has ever tried it ever imo so let’s talk about it...
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After Michonne says she only feels safe with him, Rick silently stares at her, at a loss for words again and still frowning. While I know deep down her words hit him, he still has a wall up rn.
Upon hearing this, I feel like you can see on Rick's face that he knows the biggest obstacle to getting Michonne home safe is himself, because she loves him too much to leave him. Hence he proceeds to try and remove the 'obstacle' by no longer being a safe place to land for her which is hard to watch.
Michonne walks up to him and knowing he’s consumed with fear she softly but adamantly tells him, “We don’t have to be afraid, Rick.” I like how she says "we" instead of just telling him he doesn't have to be afraid. They're still one unit to her and they can face this together the second they get it together. She's confident they don't have to let fear dictate how they move because the two of them can always overcome.
Rick is also adamant tho when he responds saying, “Yes we do.” And then Michonne stays asking the right questions when she says, “So that's what I tell our son? That his father didn’t want to know anything about him because he was so afraid?”
Every time Michonne has to acknowledge Rick’s lack of acknowledgment of their son it hurts my heart. 😥 Like Rick, this is a special brand of hurt you are causing your wife.
But as y’all know, it only got worse. 🙃
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Rick says, “I’m not the Brave Man.” 😔 And one; I do like how at least him saying this means the Brave Man story Michonne told him about did stick with him. Like he had been acting like so much of what she was saying was just bouncing right off the walls of his heart, but it’s clearly all seeping in, he’s just trying to mask it.
And two; it very sad how assuredly Rick says this. Like he truly believes that the brave man he once was is no more. He only views himself as a fearful failure now. 😥
Rick doesn't realize that the fact that he's still on this earth after everything he's been through is a sign of his resilience and strength so he is still the Brave Man.
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And then…y’all, Rick says the one thing I told him not to say. 😪
There was one comment that was most off limits and it’s the one he makes when he says, “You shouldn’t have come. I was taken away. I didn’t have a choice. You did.” The audacity. I'm pissed every time I hear it idc.
It was so cruel, so wrong, and so unfair of him to say that. Especially with what this is implying about Michonne as a mother. I think we all knew there might have been a "You shouldn't have come" moment in TOWL but for me what makes this so egregious is him comparing her situation to his and basically saying she made a bad choice. Appalled tbh. 😑
(Even tho stepping outside of the show, I really respect Danai for trusting that she could have Rick say something so foul and still believably get Richonne to a rewarding point of reconciliation by the end of the episode. 👏🏽)
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When Michonne hears this you can see how incredibly hurtful it is in her eyes so she does the only thing to do in this moment and she pushes him away. And I felt that shove with every fiber and it was necessary because whoever this was in front of her wasn’t Rick. Like this was a pain-inflicting imposter and he needed to get away from her.
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As Rick does a figurative push away, Michonne does a literal push away.
And then the look Rick gives when she pushes him…y’all for me this is the scariest he’s ever been. 🫣
Like more than Machete Rick, and Feral Rick, and all those other lethal Ricks…this moment where there’s seemingly nothing behind his eyes is just straight terrifying.
I know I joke about The Bold As Hell Man as a new character thing but in this moment I genuinely was like 'Michonne, I do not know who is in this gym with you right now.' Like truly who the hell is this man in here cuz I don’t know him. 🫢
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gif cred: @ricksmarlene
Regarding the approach to Rick’s coldness in ep 4 - something I’ve lauded Michonne for in the past is how she is very good at both empathy and accountability and that’s how I personally approach this conversation about Rick’s fear-based behavior as well.
I empathize with the fact that Rick is operating from a place of pain, trauma, and deep love for Michonne while also knowing that the way he is hurting his wife is so not okay. Being in pain doesn’t give a free pass to deliberately cause pain to someone else. And he is intentionally hurting her.
I can both understand that he has severe PTSD and is really trying to hurt himself even more than her because he ultimately wants to protect her, while also knowing that ‘Dead’ Rick'...
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I’ve always felt that in a soulmate partnership like this, you have every right to feel what you feel but also every responsibility to not emotionally disappear on or damage your partner in the process of navigating those feelings.
But people are flawed and don’t handle everything perfectly, especially in the midst of trauma which is why I can empathize with the situation. Both on Rick’s end and Michonne’s too as she has every right to feel what she feels.
Rick is so convinced that he is not worth coming after. That she should have given up on him just like he essentially gave up on himself. It’s hard for him to grasp how valued he is. Self-depreciation is what he feels most strongly but it manifests itself as almost condemning her and telling her she essentially made the wrong choice as a mother to leave and look for him. It’s so below the belt to say that.
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Rick knows with the love they have this was really the only choice for her to come. I think that might be part of why she tells him he doesn't know anything anymore. Like he forgot how their love and partnership work. They don’t leave people behind especially not each other.
And Michonne was in such a tough conflicting situation when she learned Rick survived the bridge. On one side she has her kids to raise and they need her. And on the other side, her kids’ father and the love of her life has a 99.9% chance that wherever he is he’s in agony and imprisonment - because if he was at all okay and free he would have found his way home by now. So as Michonne, how do you live with that? Especially when your souls are as interconnected as Richonne’s.
She can feel him out there desperately needing her. She can feel her kids needing their dad. She had to go after him. And honestly, Rick knows if he were in her shoes he would have absolutely made the choice to go after her too.
In fact, I low-key feel like if Rick was on that boat like Michonne in TWD 10.13 and the roles were reversed where Michonne disappeared and Rick found signs that she was alive out there, Rick would have got on the walkie with Judith and his little girl wouldn’t need to do any convincing to get Rick to go after Michonne. Rick would just be straight-up telling his daughter, 'Hey Judith, I found out mom might be alive and I’m already en route to Bridgers Terminal to bring her home to us so...
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The choice to be away from her kids was not at all an easy one for Michonne to make and was rooted in deep love and loyalty to Rick and to her kids. So for Rick to frame it as anything else was just plain wrong. 
But again, hearing Michonne say she only feels safe with him a few seconds earlier it’s like Rick is trying to deliberately destroy being her safe space so that she can officially feel better about leaving him and going home.
We’ve always praised Rick for being willing to do anything and take out anyone to protect his family but what’s so interesting about TOWL is that we see Rick is willing to even take out himself and break her heart and his own to protect her. 🥺
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gif cred: @nat111love
In this gym, Rick is basically attempting to unalive himself again. 😥 I think that's even what his contorted expression was about when Michonne pushed him. Michonne's entrance into his life has made him come alive but he’s convinced he must be ‘dead’ for her to live. So he's doing whatever he can to try and stay dead - such as saying something this upsetting to the love of his life.
It’s a real conundrum because even back when he was Alive Rick, Michonne was the one who made him feel most alive so now that he thinks he has to be dead it’s especially complicated to be back with the brightest and most igniting light in his life - his wife. And I like how they explore the really dark effects of doing what Rick’s grandpa said and being the walking dead.
However, in his warped mindset, what Rick can’t quite see is that trying to take himself out rn and turn off his humanity is killing Michonne too. 🥺
They’re too interconnected for him to try and take himself out this way and it not take her out in a way too. But I do like how Andy plays this moment like the words taste horrible in Rick’s mouth as he goes against his very design and actively tries to hurt her.
Michonne fervently tells Rick he doesn’t know anything anymore - which it’s def seeming that way more and more. And then she smiles with tears filling her eyes and says, “So, this is who you are now? Big guy, huh. Solider of the CRM. You’re moving up right? That’s the plan.” She's letting Rick know he has an unnatural allegiance to losers, that's not like him.
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I like how of course Michonne picked up on the fact that Rick was soon gonna be moving up the ranks. And it’s so sad cuz in ep 1, Rick literally seemed disgusted at the idea of moving up the ranks of the CRM but he’s lost a lot of that defiance now.
Also, it’s really interesting to me that this is when Michonne starts addressing the CRM stuff. Because I feel like before she was always trying to rightfully bring the conversation back to their family but Rick was always deflecting back to the CRM. So now she’s just like okay since that’s all you can talk about, let’s talk about it since this is the clique you claim despite saying you don’t. 
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Michonne says, “Maybe I should be afraid of you in the red uniforms. I don’t know what you’re capable of.” And I was like - Rick, come on, this has got to be a wake-up call knowing your wife even has to remotely entertain the thought of needing to be afraid of you. 😥
But the way he’s looking at her it’s clear the wall he has up is pretty strong right now.
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Then while it pains my heart so much, I always love the way Michonne says, “You lied to me. You keep lying to me.” Like you just feel everything she’s feeling. Exceptionally acted. 👏🏽
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And then if I was fully feeling the emotion when she expresses her hurt over Rick continually lying to her when they’re the two people most meant to be honest with each other, I really really feel the emotion leap off the screen when Michonne says, “You think I’m not beating myself up for not being with my kids right now? That I’m not wondering how I’ll ever live with myself if God forbid….” Oof. 😣🥺💔
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gif cred: @riickgrimes
Y’all, this was an outstanding performance, and when I tell you these lines reverberated in my brain for days. It was so moving and so heartbreaking. Like even watching it now for the hundredth time I’m choking up. ����
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Michonne is a mother. An excellent and devoted mother. A mother who has been through so so much and more than anyone should have to endure. And she’s done it all for the love of her family. A large reason she’s even standing in front of Rick right now is because she loves her kids and they need their father.
Like don’t get me wrong she wanted to find Rick for her and for him, but we saw that convo in her final TWD ep between her and her daughter. Judith had to urge her to go because Michonne was hesitant to leave her babies.
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And since setting off to find Rick, Michonne has tried so hard to keep the faith despite the exhaustion and the hardship and now here this man is making her feel like she made a bad choice when she is already wrestling with the difficult decision she had to make as a mother.
Like the fact that she says she’s been beating herself up. Cue my tears. 😭 And the fact that she doesn't know the current status of her son and daughter and she can’t even bring herself to voice the potential outcome of something bad having happened to them while she’s been gone. 😢
Especially knowing that in the past when Michonne had left home for a far briefer time than this, she returned to find she had lost a son not once but twice. It's too much. 😞💔
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Michonne is very aware of the power of words and she doesn’t use them lightly. She doesn’t even like to vocalize painful outcomes like when she thought she lost Rick in Say Yes and couldn't say aloud that she thought he died. Both then and here, she trails off and shakes her head not even wanting to put those tragic scenarios in words.
It’s like how in that deleted season 7 finale scene (that will always be canon to me since it’s the only time Rick and Michonne and Carl really engage after Richonne became an official couple) Michonne encourages Carl to not fantasize about failing because she’s built this great resolve to not even give negative outcomes power in thoughts or words.
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I’m so glad Michonne got to let all that emotion out in this gym and be this raw and expressive as a woman and as a mother. This is Michonne at her most vulnerable, speaking about one of the most personal and sensitive things in the world - her children and her feelings and fears as a mom.
You’d think surely this time Rick would have a non-zombified reaction to seeing her pain and how deeply he hurt Michonne here. Like before when he’d been hurtful, Michonne hadn’t yet even cried like this so maybe this would finally be the wake-up call.
...But no. 😪
Instead, Rick just looks at her and grimly says, “That’s why you should go.” To which I always respond...
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That's my instinctual response every time cuz like how can you not roundhouse kick your screen when hearing Rick say this? 😒
And y’all, let me tell you, Michonne is my big sister in my head lol, and I promise you I would have been in my full Solange energy up in this building with Rick. Like, don’t let me be in any of these elevators with them because I’m scrapping for my sister. 🥊
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Rick responding like that had me wondering how much more audacity does this man have left because my goodness it seemed endless. This was genuinely painful to watch.
It would be hard enough to see Rick emotionally abandon Michonne on any subject, but when she is specifically expressing raw emotions about their kids as the mother of his children, and he still has a cold distant response - blood boiling, tbh. 😠
And also him saying she should go was extra frustrating because 🗣Michonne was going. She was standing right at the exit of this building when Rick came running for her. So telling her she should go was not only hurtful but unnecessary. 😒 
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Michonne responds like it’s really sinking in that whoever this is in front of her is not someone she knows.
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So she gathers herself after being fully emotionally abandoned by Rick and then she says, “Okay. I don’t know who you are. Cause the man I knew would never talk to me like that ever.” Gospel. Rick 'Loverboy & Family Man of the Year Every Year' Grimes would never be so disrespectful.
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It’s interesting that Michonne doesn’t say 'I don’t know who you are anymore' like she'd said previously. Now it’s almost like she’s saying 'I don’t know who you are at all.'
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And once again, Rick masks the pain inside with a steely-eyed sorta lifeless stare at her and it’s just tragic. 
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They hear walkers trying to get in and so Rick says, “We’re getting out of here.” And Michonne nods in a way that feels like she’s had to just surrender the hope of them ever figuring this out. Like as Rick grabs things to help with the escape, Michonne has such a sad sense of surrender over this whole hurtful situation.
She just poured her entire heart out to him about something she feels most vulnerable about - her kids - and for the first time was met with nothing back from Rick. Yet another sign that something is seriously broken within Rick because every other time she’s emotionally expressed herself to him he’s always handled her heart with care and met her where she’s at, like going to Washington and fighting the Saviors. 
Michonne grabs one of those pole things and the way she slowly walks over to join Rick at the door it’s like now she has to put a wall up too because Rick has become adamant about not being her safe space anymore. You just can fully sense how devastating it is that even after finally reuniting with the love of her life, she still feels alone. 💔
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This whole thing was such a brilliantly acted scene from Danai and Andy. 👏🏽 Like truly these world-class actors were continually confirming that they are powerhouses of the craft with this whole miniseries. 🔥
This gym scene is simultaneously riveting and a hard-watch because of how much visceral pain is infused within it. 🥺
So after Richonne’s most gut-wrenching moment of conflict to date, I remember one of my many thoughts was now how the heck does this episode have an S rating because ain’t no way Michonne lets The Bold As Hell man near her like that after all this. 🙃
But Danai is a sagacious writer and so the following adrenaline-pumping events on a stairwell help force Richonne back together in a very sweet way. And the timing of the following events couldn't have been better, cuz lord knows we and Richonne needed something to turn the tide after this heartbreaking gym scene. ❤️‍🩹👌🏽
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lyrakanefanatic · 3 months
Tig thingys because I suddenly felt the urge to make them:
Gigi: Nothing says summer like ripping out handfuls of grass and putting it on the lap of someone beside you!
Savannah: Nothing says boiling anger than when your sister puts a handful of grass on your lap.
Lyra: This morning, I almost dropped my phone on the soft, carpeted floor. But thanks to my years of dance and careful precision, I was able to use my lightning fast reflexes and slap it into the fucking wall instead.
Xander: British people be like, “I’m bri ish!”
Jameson: Is it because they drank all the t?
Rohan: Fuck both of you.
Avery: What is the dumbest thing you believed as a child?
Max: That when I turned 18 my parents couldn’t control me anymore.
Nash: I’ve never been more upset and horrified than the day my younger brothers learned to talk back to me.
Grayson: Money aside, what do you need right now?
Lyra: The money you just put aside..
Rebecca: You know you’re socially awkward when you become proud of yourself for just saying what you wanted to say.
Gigi: You never realize how inappropriate your music is until you play it in front of your parents.
Max: One time I accidentally played a not clean version of a song with like, maybe 2 swear words in it, and when I tell you I almost saw the light.
Eve: Being called a liar when you’re actually telling the truth is the most frustrating thing ever.
Grayson: Has this… ever applied to you??
Lyra: I like going for runs at night because the added fear of being murdered really does wonders for my cardio!
Jameson: I hate when you accidentally push a pull door and someone says, “You’re supposed to pull it”. Thank you so much! My next move was to start lifting it from the bottom!
Waitress: Would you like more water?
Libby: Yes, thank you!
Waitress: (Picks up cup to fill it)
Libby: Thank you. 😊
Waitress: (Puts cup down)
Libby: Thanks!
Max: Study tip: Stand up. Stretch. Take a Walk. Go to the airport. Get on a plane. Never return.
Xander: So I take it schools been stressful? 😃
Xander: Y’all ever try to breathe quieter while walking up a hill so bystanders don’t hear you fighting for your life?
Grayson: No, Xander.
Xander: It must be the scones. 😪😓
Lyra: Are you ever about to drop a sarcastic comment but then decide against it because their small brain won’t understand your elite humour?
OKAY THATS ALL!! i had so much more fun with lyra’s because now i know more about her character and can make more specific jokes, like about her running and dancing. 😜😜
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annisassintchaska · 1 year
bestie can I request toto with a black!femreader? he’s just so daddy😩that video of him surfing?! *debby Ryan hair tuck* got me all in my Toto feels😪
Idiot: Toto Wolff x Black!Reader
TW: Cursing, Slapping (non abusive!)
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The morning had just started as the sun had risen, lighting up the bedroom that belongs to the Wolff family, Y/n and Toto. Y/n was never one to be excited about mornings as she would rather sleep through the morning and work through the evening into the night; however she knew that staying in wouldn’t get the chores and multiple emails waiting for replies done so she dragged herself up and into the bathroom for a shower.
Upon her return from getting dressed and walking around the house to collect the things she needed, Y/n noticed that her husband who should’ve been at home with her wasn’t in the house yet he left his phone on the counter in the kitchen. Dropping everything in the living room, she went out to the sides of the house, to the garden in the front and had gotten no sight of her husband, she made her way around to the back thinking that he might’ve been relaxing at the poolside or even on a conference call with the team, but dear Lord was she so wrong.
Y/n walked out to find her significant other down at the sea, surfing his heart away with the widest grin mixed with concentration on his face. She was so mad at him yet did nothing as she watched him endanger himself even worse than before as his eyes caught hers and after a couple of minutes, his surf was over and he was on his way to get cleaned up.
Returning to the house walking with his crutches, Toto wasn’t surprised when he was met in the living room by his infuriated wife who was glaring at him from across the room. “Hey schatz, did you sleep good?” He asked trying to distract her from being upset. “Yes I did in fact sleep good. Thanks for asking, but you know what didn’t feel good? The fact that my husband seems to be out to give me a fucking heart attack by doing some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever witnessed on this planet called Earth. Why the hell would you go surfing while injured?! First you went bike riding, now you’ve got a broken arm and leg-mind you this isn’t the first time! Your forearm and leg are in braces for Christ’s sake! If you fell into the water your ass wouldn’t be able to fucking swim! What is wrong with you?! Why do you keep trying to kill me before my time?! I’m way much younger than you but it seems you want me to leave this world before you, huh?!” Y/n scolded her husband as she spanked him on his good arm with her hands.
“Schatz I’m sorry. I really didn’t think your mind would go that far, I thought of it as a harmless morning surf” Toto explained but it fell on deaf ears to his wife who noticed him wincing everyone he moved an injured body part but chose to keep silent. “You see, this is why women live longer than men cause y’all just jump into anything without weighing the pro and cons. You literally have surgery in a few weeks and it’s like you want to make your injuries worse than better so guess what, maybe I’ll call and have them cancel the surgeries, yeah?” Y/n replied sarcastically as he sat down on the couch to rest while Y/n went to start the laundry.
An hour and a half later, Y/n was sat on one end of the couch with her laptop in hand typing away, while Toto sat at the other end obviously now feeling the painful effect of his stupidity from earlier. “Y/n/n my leg hurts!” He whined as Y/n only looked at him briefly before shaking her head and refocusing on her task. “Y/n I know you heard me, please help me. My arm and my leg are hurting! The pain sticks!” He cries this time as tears poured from his eyes, showing that he very well regretted his past decision.
“I’m sorry Mr.I can do anything no matter my condition, I am unable to assist at this time as I’m on my lunch break” Y/n sassed at him. She allowed him to wallow in regret for a couple more minutes before she got up to get his medications and the necessary items to help with the pain. “Here, take a bite of this. Swallow the pills, then you finish eating it.” Y/n instructed as she iced and elevated her husband’s swelling leg. Toto did as instructed and rested his head after everything was done while he waited for the pain to subside.
After a while the pain had been fully gone and Y/n was now resting next to him as they watched some Tom and Jerry to occupy their time. “Thank you schatz for your help, your patience, your love and your kindness. I know that I am a lot of work but you manage me so well.” Toto expressed as his wife listened calmly on the verge of sleep. “You’re welcome sweetheart. I just hope that you’ve learnt your lesson and that something like this will not happen again?” She inquired from her husband “Of course not darling, I promise to stress you a little less. I love you” he giggled out his answer “I love you too you idiot” Y/n joined his giggle in reply while peacefully falling asleep, knowing that no matter what he promised, she would still be getting regular heart attacks in the future all because of her love for him.
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gibson-g1rl · 1 year
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Liked by billieeilish and 2 452 345 others
yourusername photo dump 😋
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billieeilish 💋💋
lizzobeeating cuties🩷🩷
yourusername love ya lizzo 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
y/nismywife 2nd slide y/n?? 🤨🤨
y/n_l/n_updates thats literally evan peters bye
y/nplsmarryme WHAT SHE HAS A BF?? NOOO😪💔
evanpetersupdates I know evan when I see him😨 that’s definitely him
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Liked by y/nplsmarryme and 14 142 others
y/n_l/n_updates y/n spotted with her bf in new york today!
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y/nplsmarryme this is getting too real now 😖
evanpetersrecent that’s literally evan 🧍
mrspeters nah I don’t think it’s him
evanpetersrecent @/mrspeters girl it is you’re just in denial
evanpetersismyhusband we lost him guys 😪
y/n_l/n_updates you never had him in the first place pls 💀💀
y/n_ismywife idc who it is as long as she’s happy 🩷🩷
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evanpeters 🥶
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yourusername cool hat!
evanpeters thanks 😄
evanpetersrecent @/yourusername HELLO??
evanpetersupdates @/evanpeters y’all think y’all so slick 🙄
mssarahcatharinepaulson looking good evan!
evanth0maspeters_fp she liked the post I’m done 🫠
mrspeters 😍😍😍
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Liked by evanpeters and 986 459 others
yourusername metgala 💃
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gabbriette gorg!
yourusername thanks angel 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
alexconsani ate
yourusername 🤭🤭
evanpeters 🤩
yourusername 😚😚
tate_langdon_defender @/evanpeters NO GO AWAY
evanpetersfan @/evanpeters out of all her pics to comment on you comment on this one 😭😭
evanpetersrecent his comment?? her reply?? they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore 😭😭
y/n_l/n_updates mother is mothering
evanpetersfan forget evan I want her 😫
mrspeters we don’t even know if they’re together…
evanpetersfan @/mrspeters shut up
y/n_l/n_recent evan is so lucky ugh
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Liked by pascalispunk and 4 237 444 others
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evanpetersrecent hello who’s he kissing ??😭😭
y/n_and_evan_updates we all know who it is 🫣
evanistheloml my eye started twitching fr
evanpetersfan pookie posted again 😋
mrspeters wish that was me fr 😔
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Liked by evanpeters and 4 783 351 others
yourusername can you tell he’s sick of me?
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evanpeters I could never get sick of you 😂❤️
yourusername you’re too sweet baby 🕺💋
y/n_updates OMGGG
mrspeters IM SICK OMG 😭💔💔💔
y/n_and_evan_updates THEYRE SO CUTE IM FREAKING OUT
y/n_ismywife can’t believe evan peters took my girl 💔
mrspeters you make it sound as if evan isn’t all that when in reality he could do so much better than y/n
y/n_ismywife @/mrspeters it was a joke 💔
y/n_l/n_pics @/mrspeters girl if you don’t-🌚
y/n_and_evan_updates no guys I’ve literally been waiting for this
y/n_and_evan_updates MOM AND DAD 😭 ADOPT ME PLEASE
evanpetersrecent his face in the 2nd pic 😭😭
taglist: @yes-divine-ruler @v-love @soaringcloud @laynna-mcknight @dewberryobssesed @demxnicprxncess @hxney-lemcn @champ1onsgirl @kitwalkersgfff @lollipopd @stilespeters @fand0mh03
let me know if you’d like to be added/removed from/to my taglist :)
reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
see ya soon pookies 💋
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sirensplayhouse · 2 years
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y’all are confusing the holy hell out of each of us having our own ‘different realities’ so buckle up because class is back in session🤓
now when we say each of us has our own reality that just means we all have different perspectives/morals of life. we see the world differently, we imagine the world differently. you’re in control of your own reality because imagination creates reality. we are all conscious of life through our own self. when you see us saying ‘your reality’ it just simply means your 4d imagination.
stop overcomplicating it please🙂
everyone in your life is real, they aren’t clones or copies. they just act on your assumptions of them hence the whole eiypo. when you manifest anything it will be visible to everyone unless you chose for it not to be.
now about this whole ‘can I manifest for others’ and so on so on. you can absolutely manifest for others. but if the assumption isn’t kept then it will unravel. Joseph Murphy stated in his book about how a wealthy woman used to always say and complain about how all of her money and her family was going to drive her crazy and to a mental institution. of course she said this as a joke to herself but she persisted in saying that she eventually ended up losing her money and ended up in a mental institution.
and I can already smell the “well I’ll just manifest that they keep persisting in the assumption” asks😂 yes you can do anything and yes eiypo however just like you everyone around you have their own realities. you don’t know what/how they’re thinking when you’re not around. that’s we say it’ll only show up in your reality unless the person shifts into a state and keeps the appropriate assumption. Neville stated how he used to manifest for people all the time if it met his moral standards. he talked about how he manifest wealth and health (ya girl got rhymes book me😪) for his students and how important it is to stay in the right state in order to maintain your manifestation. however, the subconscious mind is amenable to suggestion and can accept other peoples words as truth if you allow it. for example if you say to someone who’s always been trying to lose weight that “their slimming down” then that’s going to make them think about probably all they’re gonna think about and they’re gonna keep persisting in what you said to them and they’re going to accept it as truth and boom immediate results.
I really hope this was a good explanation because I’m tired of seeing this whole ‘reality’ and ‘no reality is different’ topic 😭
now this was not meant to discourage you so I don’t wanna hear “oh siren said I shouldn’t manifest for so and so” because I did not 😂
𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑛
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iloveyousmmm · 1 year
i have a lot
but here’s some head canons!!🥰😘
no they’re not organized.
i’m not really adding any ROTT hcs because i haven’t watched that in 2 years…i’m too scared to watch it again.
jim is bi or pan 100%
when toby was 10-13 he would literally go weeks without showers..
Bular isn’t straight either. he’s like under the bi umbrella.
dictatious is gay because like…yea
Gunmar slept with men because women were scarce.
blinky and dictatious both have audhd.
claire isn’t straight either. nobody in toa are straight…
angor called morgana mom more than 4004838 times.
angor is unlabeled.
gunmar and dictatious had a thing while in the darklands… but when they got out gunmar like got colder towards diccy max obvi.
when james sr left it took barbara years to try to get back into dating. like she started to date again when jim was 13.
y’all remember that one gumm-gumm troll who was crying when the nyarlagroths died? his name is jeram. literally sounds like how it looks.
anyway jeram and bular had a “connection” before the killahead bridge battle..iyk;)
bular can actually cook really good troll food (he makes really good…fleshy meals…if your a troll..)
dictatious knew angor rot in the past and they were actually really good friends. prolly more.
douxie used to trip over his staff many times cause he would all ways forget to put it in his bracelet thingy.
Bular was forced(by strickler) to wear a winter coat, pants, boots that were made for him, and a lil beanie when it was snowing outside even though he was used to the snow.
if bular knew what it was he’d definitely play electric guitar.
when given catnip, bular and gunmar(or any other gumm-gumm’s) will go crazy😪
jim hates his full name(James Lake Jr) because he was literally named after his dum dum dad.
toby has a full drawer of phones.
claire used to be a wolf/galaxy girl in elementary or middle school.
steve looked…questionable in middle school.
bular missed jeram every day.
gunmar actually cried alone about his sons death. if you caught him or anyone for that matter he’d kill you.
if bular was human in wizards he’d be some angsty teen.
bular would most definitely listen to queen, korn, mindless self indulgence, and MCR.
jim DOES listen to queen. that’s all he listens too.
jim would cry to the song beautiful boy by john lennon because it’d remind him of his dad in the past.
gunmar was good but tough to bular.
bular would have a love hate relationship with ice cream. he’d hate chocolate but love vanilla.
angor did the whip and nae nae once.
dictatious had a pet goblin who’d he take care of…a lot.. till gunmar ‘accidentally’ stepped on it. diccy was crushed.
dictatious and angor would definitely binge watch steven universe.
THATS ALL!! for now😈😈😈
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gothsuguru · 6 months
damn i should probably start adding a synopsis to my fics but i do Not know how to synop (word i just made up but methinks it works)
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soobinsfavfuck · 2 years
baking cookies w yunjin<33
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: fem!reader + light swearing
“ so do you want to do oatmeal or chocolate chip? “
“ CHOCOLATE CHIP CHOCOLATE CHIP !! “ yunjin giggled at how excited you were abt the cookies, but what can you say chocolate chip cookies are DELICIOUS‼️
“ do you have the eggs ? ‘ yes ’ the butter ? ‘ mmhm ’ the bowel ? ‘ right here ’ the milk ? ‘ ofc ’ the mixer ? ‘ yep ’ k all set !! ”
you poured the mix into the bowel while your gf melted the butter “ yunjin how much milk am I supposed to put in this ? ”
“ ummm just abt 1 cup ” you forgot the cap to the milk jug was already opened and : “ SHIT ” you yelped bcs of the cold milk spilling all over your lap
“ oh my gosh ” yunjin rushed to you quickly grabbing one of the white towels that were on the counter in case something like THIS were to happen. She gave you one of the towels so the both of you could attempt to get rid of the milk. “ damnit !! i just bought these leggings 😪 ”
“ dw you left that white skirt with the little cherries on them last time you came, you can change into that ” she patted your head softy as to reassure you
“ what happened ?? ” chaewon entered the kitchen with a confused look on her face
“ yn spilled the milk all over herself while we were TRYING to make cookies ” she playfully glared at you causing you to role your eyes dramatically “ LISTEN. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE STUPID CAP WASNT ON ?? ” you sassily yelled back while taking the now covered in milk apron off
“ umm idk maybe by looking🤦‍♀️ ” she said in a very sarcastic tone chaewon just laughed at the two of you’s adorable bickering while she poured the remaining cup of milk into the bowel and started mixing
moments later -
as soon as u entered the kitchen in a totally new aesthetic outfit, white crop top, the skirt, a white beanie and thigh high white socks you hear both of the girlies taking deep sarcastic sighs “ FINALLY , thought my gf had disappeared ” she mocked rolling her eyes
“ we actually already finished the cookies while you were having a fashion show ” chae joined into the BULLYING. “ y’all just mad bcs I’m in a better outfit🙄 ”
“ yah yah whatever taste the cookies ” yunjin offered the tray of freshly made chocolate cookies that smelt so fucking AMAZING “ OMGGGG THEIR DELICIOUS MOUTH WATERING FR ” they tasted oh so so sweet you wished you could eat them all up right now “ ik right , yunjin the best cook🤭”chae’s comment making yunjin flip her hair proudly at her achievement
“ I THINK NOT ” sakura entered the kitchen glaring at the three of you causing you n chae to giggle meanwhile yunjin took offense to that glaring back at the oldest
“ COOKIES?? LEMME TASTE LEMME TASTE ” the youngest came running into the kitchen stealing the tray of cookies “ HEY ?!?? not the whole tray ” you snickered stealing the tray back only giving her one cookie in return.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 5 months
Helpp sometime i can't take Paulie voice seriously because of his voice it's just very squeaky kinda remind me of grimace
Confession: okay I’m so glad you were the one to say this first because I agree. I absolutely adore paulie and he’s a favorite of mine out of the trilogy but….yes his voice is so just so damn nasally sometimes. Like especially when he’s upset or sad it’s just like…😪alright bro shut the hell up…low key been avoiding yandere Paulie because of this. Like I haven’t finished a single thing for him because I be giggling to much imagining him yapping on about some. “I’m going to kidnap you y/n” with his heavy ass accent.😭
Can you imagine him trying to be menacing 😂😂😂
Paulie: I’m going to make sure no other man-
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Im sorry but if y’all want yandere paulie or anything at all with him, just know it’s about to be some heavy crack because I cyanntttttttt take him seriously either
Listen I don’t care if y’all come for me. I’m both a fan and hater of the mafia trilogy. I earned my right to talk shit. No character is safe. Please speak your mind in my asks because I love when y’all are haters about them too😂💓
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mayoshifts · 4 months
shifting log 1
i’ve decided to start logging my shifting attempts on here because i read that logging them helps your journey or whatever. sorry if it’s hard to understand, i have a hard time explaining my shifting attempts sometimes😭😭
anyways… starting off, last night i didn’t really do a method just relied on the vibes💪🏽💪🏽. in the process, i also decided to think as my dr self and try to recall the events that would lead up to what i was doing at that time. i’ll explain a bit further
so first i started off by saying out loud, “the only way i’ll wake up in this reality is if there’s a small change. ” basically to ensure i’ll shift no matter what. i still haven’t figured out what changed but i’ll let y’all know when i do☝🏽after that i laid down and played the noise of an air conditioner in my earbuds. i don’t know why i chose an ac but i just needed something to occupy my ears. then i closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
next off i started thinking like i would in my dr.
“i’m so tired.”
“i wonder if mingi sent me those files yet…”
“thank god it’s spring break…i’m sick of seeing that goofy history teacher.”
“still gotta go back though”
“I FORGOT TO GET D’ANGELO A BIRTHDAY GIFT” (my little brother 💪🏽💪🏽)
“i’ll just buy it tomorrow😪”
and other random things.
i kept doing this for a while. after some time it became way more natural instead of trying to figure out things that i would say. i also ended up getting a dr memory 🎉🎉 it was so random but i was on an airplane with jongho and he had got up for something.
after that, i felt really connected with my dr. i kinda felt like i was in the middle of my o/r and dr.
moving on to a related topic, when i was scripting scenarios, i intended to open my eyes and be in my dr bed whenever i shift. so during my attempt after i thought like myself, i decided to recall the moments that would end up with me laying down in bed.
it was a saturday
i went to work at like 12 something
jongho came to my studio to bring me food💪🏽💪🏽
stayed there until 9 pm working on songs with jjong keeping me company
it started raining
we went home before the rain got too bad
he went to go shower
i went to bed bcs i had already showered that morning
then i woke up at 12 am (the time i wanted to shift to)
bro immediately after recalling all those moments , i fell asleep😭😭 i was out. i still ended up waking up here (well a version of my o/r considering my statement about shifting no matter what ) but i’m happy bcs i made a lot of progress💪🏽 i think i’m going to keep doing this process and working on perfecting it. i may try it with other drs to practice making the mental connection between realities but overall i’m satisfied.
again sorry if it’s hard to understand, if you want you can just ask questions and i’ll try my best to clarify!!
bye bye guys 👹👹👹😆👹
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
y’all i’m tryna write but this man is trying to eat me alive. #fightingformyvirginityrn😪
please bare with me i refuse to give up on this good idea for some peen. THATS LOVE🤞🏽
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TBB s3 ep 14
Only one more to go after this, we ready!? (no, pls help)
Yes Hunter, how IS Echo gonna get off the ship?
Oh I see we’re just gonna let him wing it and do it on his own?
Like don’t get me wrong I have full faith in Echo I just don’t like how Hunter is so focused on Omega he doesn’t even try to find a way to help out Echo
He also doesn’t listen to Crosshair’s remark about the Jungle being dangerous
Love how Omega is like “oh base on high security alert? Multiple explosions? it’s my brothers!!”
I swear Rampart and is constant bitching is so tiring
Gaaaahh Cross talking about his first time on Tantiss
His hand tremor acting up
Poor baby I love him give him a hug
“…but Omega didn’t leave me behind when she could have. I owe her.”
Bro just say you love your baby sisters like it’s not that big a deal we already knew
The utter fucking relief I felt when Echo made it off that ship unharmed
Jesus, I am so scared that we might,,,
Okay I don’t wanna jinx it so I’m just gonna say “scared that the writers pull another Tech”
Aaaaaaand Rampart’s bitchiness got them a) attacked by a giant beast and b) discovered by imperial troops
I hate him so much
Emerie not only recognising Echo but immediately volunteering to help?
She’s growing on me tbh
Is Omega gonna free the Zillo? To get out? Like as a distraction?
Idk that seems kinda dangerous girly
wait wtf that’s it???
That was already 20mins?
I wasn’t ready for the end there I though we were gonna get more😪
Tbh, I think it felt so short because they had to fit three storylines into twenty minutes. I really wish they were allowed 40 minute episodes, then they could’ve really done a deep dive into all three moving parts of this episode. Like at this point it’s not the writers or show runners fault, it’s just that they probably didn’t get the budget to make their episodes that long, which rlly sucks but like,,, ya can’t be mad.
But! I honestly still don’t understand how ALL OF THIS is gonna get wrapped up in 1 more episode. Like how? Genuinely, how?
On the one hand, that makes me worry that the last episode is gonna be super rushed and feel unfinished or whatever but on the other hand it gives me hope that we’re gonna get another show. Because we still don’t know how Gregor, Rex and Wolffe ended up on Silos (?) alone, what happened to their rebellion, where the entirety of the batch went, what the hell Echo Base on Hoth is all about, who tf CX-2 is and Hemlock and Rampart are still alive also?? Which seems like an oversight.
AND all the clones still need to be busted out of Tantiss and relocated and why am I getting the feeling that Tantiss is just gonna blow up with everyone still there and that’s the reason why Rex gives up SHIT FUCK DAMNNIT
Anyway, point being!! This can’t end well any way you slice it. Lovely.
I will say that all in all I did like this episode!! Rampart getting panic attack after panic attack was rlly fun, we got a heart to heart between Wrecker and Crosshair (brief as it was), Echo again proofed why he is an ARC Trooper and why, after the apocalypse and the explosion of the galaxy he will still be standing, and Omega showed us once again that she is a far cry from that scared kid in season 1 and has instead turned into a sharp, competent, mini soldier (lets not talk about the fact that she’s essentially been turned into a child soldier out of pure necessity)
Anyway!! Good stuff, I am terrified of the finale!! Hope y’all enjoyed!! Thanks for reading!! See you next week when I try not to have a breakdown!!
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malltake12 · 2 years
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GIF from @ifnotmethenwh0
(This story is short and this is my first time writing so don’t shame me)
Smut- 😫
Shuri x black reader (I only do black reader stories)
T’challa and the Queen are still alive in this story but shuri looks the same in the gif.
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 ⚠️⚠️⚠️‼️‼️
𝑺𝒎𝒖𝒕,𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓!𝒏𝒈,𝒕𝒐𝒚𝒔, 𝒑𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒔 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒌,𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 😪😪.
𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚! 🤭
You and shuri have been together for about 3 months but you guys have been 𝒉𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 your guys relationship.
“ Shuri….slow down” your pleads were like background noise to her she was knuckles deep in your pussy rn and you couldn’t handle it.
“ say my name again.” It’s like she was crazy, when it came to you she would beg you to let her eat you out,dick you down and all. You had her pussy whipped.
“ fuck. Right there shuri!” You were a moaning mess sitting on that table. She had moved down and started tongue fucking you. You pushed her head down trying to her to stop brushing past your g-spot.
One thing about shuri she will tease you. She knew that was the spot but she wanted to play around. “ cmon princess where’s the fun” she chuckled as she stood up and activated her purple s!rap.
“ fuck…” you were overwhelmed by the sight infront of you.
“ uhh fuck shuri! Shuri! Shu-“ you came on her again and then she came right after you but you two weren’t tired y’all were just getting started.
“ fuck princess cmon you can do you just a little lower, take the whole thing I know you can” she praised you to take her whole. It was roughly 7.5 inches it was alot for you . “ fuck, shuri I can’t” you pleaded but after some time shuri got impatient and just pushed you down causing you to moan out loud. Very loudly.
One thing you and shuri forgot about was that was that y’all were gonna eat dinner with her mother,brother,nakia, okoye, and riri.
“ Princess!, you-“ griot tried to warn us but it didn’t work. “ Fuck!,griot not right now I’m busy” she started at you and her thrust started getting deeper and faster . ( I forgot to say this but shuri can also feel what you feel rn) “ Ah! I’m about to”
The door opened. But you and shuri didn’t see or hear that so you and her both came and you both moaned out loud from your pleasure high. You and shuri breathing loudly and shuri was slumped over you “ fuck, oh shit, that was” she could barley talk she could only spill out curse words , just to be revealed to a group of people staring in confusion and some in disbelief. You and shuri wasn’t naked, you had on a crop top and shorts and she had on a beater and sweats that she connected the toy to.
Her eyes winded when she saw the group of people .
“ Shit..hey guys” she said awkwardly . Her eyes laid low from her being tired.
“ um who is that girl right there” you mother pointed at you but she only could your back and your hair. You turned your head around and saw them and quickly turned you head back. You pulled your shorts back on and looked presentable then greeted them .
“ hi guys um what are u doing here?”
“ oh we’re here for the dinner plan we all made but it seems you and shuri have forgotten and yours minds were about something else.” You were very embarrassed.
The Queen made shuri sit right next to her and you sit across from shuri.
“ so did you guys have fun?” Riri asked trying to be funny .
You and shuri now will never fuck in her lab.
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