#I’m tired of playing paw patrol
mylifeiscomics · 7 months
Why is it so hard to get affordable Doctor Who toys in Canada? Like I can’t find a simple TARDIS toy for my kid, no, it’s like a $100 cookie jar or an $80 coin bank. Whyyyy.
I just imagine in the UK they’re a dime a dozen, am I wrong? Is it also hard to get them there too? And the figures? I wanted to get my son a K9 because he loves him so much and it’s just not happening.
So today I bought a bunch of little wood planks from the dollar store and we’re going to just make our own TARDIS to play with for now.
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vinetae · 2 years
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Classified Nights - M
“Tell me what you want.” His chocolate eyes pleaded, but nothing escaped his breath. His lips flatten to a straight line, quivering outwards to give you some sort of hint to what he’d been playing at. 
“Ji-woo, tell me what you want to do. We’ve only got a little while before daddy gets home.” His arms across his chest, huffing in the way all three year olds do. When he doesn’t answer, you let out a deep sigh, lowering the set of choo-choo pajamas you’d originally planned for your son to sleep in. Once he was set on watching the rest of his Paw Patrol, you’d given up. Settling down into the comfort of your creme stained sofa, plopping down onto the soft material. Your son had almost calmed down, cuddling with the soft of his little teddy bear before the beep of your apartment’s door sounds, stirring the young child in his half sleep state. 
“Daddy!” He squeals, climbing off the front of the couch. Little onesie protected feet hit the floor, as Jungkook drops the tons of his light weight items to the floor, scooping the little child into his grip. 
“Ah, have you gotten bigger since this morning, Woo Woo?” A bright smile replaces the once dragging expression. Jungkook attacks the boy with cute little pecks all across the plains of his small face, sending Ji-woo into a fit of giggles. 
“I’m big!” He squeaks out, shimming his way out of his father’s embrace. Ji-woo’s arms come up to flex towards his dad, showing off his imaginary muscles. Jungkook’s lips roll out a cute little chuckle before gently holding out his fists in a fighting position on his knees. 
“Oh really? Come on, fight me!” The two let out their pent up energy between fake throws of fists and dramatic blows. Jungkook’s body plops to the floor, pulling his son into a bear hug, ending their cute little interaction. You let a sigh roll from your lips, pacing back over to take a seat on the couch’s edge, watching the two have their special moment. 
“Alright alright! You win!” Ji-woo had sat upon his father’s chest, throwing pouches left and right towards his old man. The young boy posed a beaming smile in victory, throwing his arms up. 
“I told you I’d win!” The two let out a few fits of giggles before Jungkook scoops him from the floor before Bam can lick his face for too long. “Ah, Bam, leave it. Down.” His hand extends down, patting his fourth family member in good behavior. 
Jungkook makes a bee-line towards you, holsting his son in one arm as he pulls you in with his other. A smile cracks your tired features, chuckling at his cute gesture. Twirling you around, as if it had been a ballroom dance rehearsal. 
“How’s my beautiful girl, hmm?” He teases, pulling the small of your body flush against his chest. The family group hug felt more than euphoric. Your son had been squished in the middle, giggling from all of the sudden affection. It’s not like you hadn’t given him any attention all day. Your whole life was your son. He was your pride and joy. You’d happily lay down your life for this little bundle of sunshine. 
“Feeling quite good, my dear.” You quirk back, raising on the front of your soles to press a kiss to his cheek. Ji-woo watches, smiling before doing the same. 
“Ah- Hey man. She was mine before yours.” Jungkook growls playfully, eskimo kissing the tip of your son’s nose. Ji-woo crosses his arms at the defense. 
“My mommy.” He reaches out towards you, latching onto your body in a second. His koala-like grip made a chuckle erupt from your chest, as you swayed in the imaginary music’s pattern while stroking the crown of his head. 
“Yes, baby. Your mommy~” Jungkook eyes the two of you huffing. He pulls your body closer, spinning you both around before landing in a tight back hug. 
“My mommy.” He kisses sweet pecks to the skin of your neck, nibbling on the lobe of your ear. You giggle, pulling away from his embrace. 
“Time for bed. Both of my boys.” 
You both let out a long breath, plopping down onto the sofa. Jungkook groans, rolling the joint of his ankle around as he unties the laces of his shoes. Your head cranes to the side, watching his motions, while reaching for the remote. Once he’s got both shoes off, he kicks back, enjoying the peace and quiet of your apartment. 
“How was he today?” He questions, snatching the remote from your grip to pick a movie himself. You chuckle, snuggling your head into the comfort of his shoulder. His tattooed forearm lifts, pulling you closer to the side of his chest as you both lay exhausted, sprawled out on the comfort of your sofa. 
“Well, we’ve been working on motor skills lately. He’s gotten the whole alphabet down so far.” He hums, clicking the remote before a cheesy rom-com flashes against the TV’s screen. The dimmed light illuminates a soft glow onto the both of you, making a little effort on pushing the atmosphere to be sprinkled with a hint of romance. 
“Korean or English?” 
“Both. We’re going to do flash cards tomorrow.” You comment, fidgeting in his arms before finding a less constricting position. One in which had your head resting on the dips of his shoulder, as his arm swoops around to hug you close. His chest rises and falls with a gentle rhythm. Soft glows from the city’s bright shines light up his face, as his eyes train on the little couple who’d been forced into getting married to keep both of their parents happy. It had been a classic trope as always. Jungkook had always been a sucker for these kinds of flicks. When you had been dating, he’d always turn up on movie night with the girls, holding either a romance or comedy, and some sheet masks in hand. All of your female friends loved him, but not as much as he had loved you. The last few days before college ended, he’d taken you to your favorite park in all of Incheon, got down on one knee, and popped the question faster than you could say ‘Chicken pot pie’. 
His lips part slightly, as the tips of his finger drag across your exposed skin, teasing the little hemmed shorts you’d decided to throw on before investing yourselves into some much needed quiet time. 
It was meant as an innocent act of love. As if sending flowers to your lover’s dorm room up until the next anniversary. (Yes, he’d done that as well. Junior year of grad school. You’ve got pictures to prove it.)
However, this had stirred a fire in the pit of your stomach that had been burning since you two last had a ‘different’ kind of alone time. Not as alone, and certainly not as quiet. 
In no time, you’d been able to swing the rest of your body over his, straddling his lap within mere seconds. The scene quickly changed from cute to sexy in the blink of an eye. (Much like his duality, you must admit.)
His hands almost instantly come to rest on the dips of your sides, bodies already in tune to what the both of you needed. What you craved.
“So, tell me about your day.” You quirk, lowering your body down onto the floor. His thighs instantly widening the distance so that your small frame could easily fit. 
“Some old stuff. We had a huge meeting this morning, talking about how the new project for our upcoming lin- oh fuck..” He groans, head falling back against the couch’s neck, as his lips part from the intense pleasure. Your hands had easily found themselves busy while unbuckling the lock of his trousers, slipping the thin material off in one go. His hips were to automatically lift, as his mouth kept babbling on. Well, that is until your lips wrapped around the head of his cock. Hand coiled around the base, as your head starts to motion in up and down patterns. 
You pop off with a certain sound, tongue swirling around his squishy tip. “Mmm, tell me more.” You tease, applying kitten-like licks to his length, watching as his chest stutters in motion before whining out a little answer. 
“Then Jimin and I went to sign some documents over for the company’s mar- Jesus fuck, Y/n..” His eyes flutter, straining to keep his thoughts in tact while you go down on him. This wasn’t usually how it was. However, the whole ‘mommy’ thing has given you an idea. 
His hand reaches outwards to grip at your roots, but you’re quick to swat it away. His head lifts in confusion, as a smirk presses your cheeks. 
“Did I say you could touch me?” His eyebrow raises, smirk curling his cornered lips at your sweet voice. 
“Is that really how you wanna play it tonight, babygirl?” Fuck. He knew all your weak spots. 
Of course he knew all your weak spots, Y/n. He’s your fucking husband. 
Your throat dries at his tone. You could’ve sworn the whole world just paused for a second. The chocolate swirls of his irises he’d passed down to your son had butterflies springing in the pit of your stomach. Even with your entire fucking body wrapped around his cock, he would be in control. 
And that turned you on more than you’d like to admit. 
The length of his index rubs against his bottom lip. A now calmed and situated expression and posture replaces his once confused and soft side. Your thighs clench at the sight, lips parting in awe at his sudden change in demeanor. 
Him and his fucking duality. 
“What’s the matter, sweetheart? Cat got your tongue?” He leans forward, tilting his head. His greasy smirk teases your sights, as a playful expression brushes his features. “All fun and games ‘til someone puts you in your fucking place, isn’t it?” His eyes flick down, noticing how your grip on his hardened cock falters. His grin spreads wider, as do his thighs to give you more than enough workspace. 
“Did I tell you to stop, baby girl?” You shake your head. His lips roll off a slight chuckle before his hand grips the point of your chin, forcing your eyes to lock with his. 
“Put this mouth to work or I’ll do it for you.” You’re quick to wrap the plush of your lips around his tip, earning a low groan from his end of this war. Tattooed digits come to grip at your roots, enough to where he knows you like it. He’d always been very careful when it came to sex. Although, careful doesn’t mean gentle.
“That’s right, baby. Fuck- your mouth feels amazing. I never fucking last when you do shit like this, Y/n-” Your hand clasps around the length of his cock -what you couldn’t fit into your mouth anyways- bobbing your head at a ridiculous speed before his tip hits the back of your throat. You lift off slightly, cursing silently for forgetting how to give some good head. This had been so easy in your younger days. Now? Your ran out of breath more than you’d like to admit. However, Jungkook still had the stamina of a 17 year old boy. 
“Damn baby, you’re getting old.” He chuckles, leaning forwards to press a kiss to your lips. He sits up, pulling your body quickly onto his a one swift motion. He’s already on the challenge of removing your -his- White tee, slipping from your body. 
“Shut the hell up. I’m not fucking old.” You groan, pulling the stretch of your black panties to the side. That had been the good thing about being married. You didn’t really have to dress up all cute and shit for him. He knew how busy you’d been with your son, and he loved you for it. Actually, the last time -you quote- he said 'I don’t care if you wear grandma underwear. I’m still gonna tap that.' 
His words. Ah, romance. 
He giggles, lining the tip of his cock at your soaked hole. Your pause, resting your hands onto the broad of his chest. 
“Uh, condom much?” In one move, he forces your hips flush down against his, making a whine escape past your lips. 
“Nah. I don’t feel like getting up.” His hips rise to meet yours, slow thrusts up into your core had the tingling feeling in your stomach satisfied. Well, not quite. 
“And I don’t feel like getting pregnant. One’s already enough, Kook.” His hips stutter against yours, cursed and mumbles groans escape his lips that had been busy pressing soft kisses to the side of your neck as a gesture of telling you to shut the fuck up. 
Eh, you never listen anyways. 
“Just- fuck..” His teeth graze the skin along your neck, sucking purplish bruises into the thin flesh. “I’ll stop by and pick up your pills tomorrow..”  His hands rest on your side hips, moving your body in unison against his to pull you off this topic. 
Your wrap around his neck, nails digging into the flesh of his back from pleasure. One, coming up to grip at his naturally coal-charged roots, earning yourself an unexpected growl. 
“I can’t go on the pills. They fucked up my appetite, remember?” 
He groans, flipping the two of your over so that you’re propped against the couch’s back. Ass up and proud of his taking. You weren’t really worried about getting pregnant. You just loved seeing him angry. When he is pissed, he’s always at his most dominant. 
“Baby, I love you but please- If you don’t shut the fuck up I’m seriously gonna tie you to our dining table.” A chuckle rolls from your lips, as you twist around, pulling yourself from his grip. He gruffs, watching as you lay on your back under his large frame. 
Your arms reach out, pulling his body onto yours as he lines himself up with your core. His biceps trap your frail self underneath the shadows of his protectant figure, as you press your body flush against his, lifting your leg up to allow himself the privilege of bottoming out. 
His lips curve into a smirk at your cheeky grin. A hand smacks against your thigh, as he yells quietly at your little teases. 
“You little brat!” Your head lulls back playfully, exatrerated moans lift from your chest. 
“Oh, I’ve been so bad, sir!” His chuckle falters to a pushed groan, hips rutting against your core as his balls smack flush against your ass. 
“D-damn right- Fucking.. Oh my God, baby.” His knees plant to both sides of your body, as his hands cup the rounds of your breasts. Fingers pinching and pulling at the erect of your nipples, before his lips exchange sloppy kisses against yours. 
After a few moments of hushed groans and tight moans -for your son’s sake- he’d reached lower, circling fast motions against your throbbing clit. 
Your body lunges forward, mouth gaping at the sudden gesture. "OH fuck!-" Jungkook chuckles, using the palm of his warm hand to clasp over your lips, shutting you up in an instant. He lowers the weight of his body, head resting closer against your neck as soft whispers dance along your heated skin of your collarbone.
"See baby? See how much better I am? More than that little peice of s-shit you call your v.. fucking-"
Your back rises off from the couch, heavy moans and pants slip out a few giggles in between their big performance. Your voice teases back with as much playfulness as his had previous. "What's the matter, baby? Cat got your- fuck!" His movements are quick to chop your words off as he lifts up the weight of your legs, folding them into your chest to plunge his cock deeper past your velvety walls.
"N-no baby, seems like the cat's got your tongue." His weight full umber dripped, uncut bangs fall heavily onto your face, tickling the tip of your nose as his hips snap against yours. Your hands trail up the plains of his back, before reaching out to lock onto the damp toussels, gripping harshly. His lips part, a deep-whiney moan rolling from the depths of his heaving chest.
"F-fuck you're s-such a brat." His voice is raspy and weak, barely being able to slip a few words into his sinful melodic register. A frail smile curves the edges of your lips at his confession.
"You know you like it~" He groans out a soft chuckle, pressing soft, butterfly-like kisses to your jugular.
You take quick notice in how his demeanor has switched. From controlled and in charge to whiney and sporadic. His irises flicker with need, silently pleading for his release. Thighs trembling for how long he's held this position, cock throbbing as his hips start to receed from his once fastening pace. The tip of his finger circling faster motions than he's ever done before. Your body practically lifts off the couch. His free arm lowers, unbeding your leg from its trapped position, stretching the limb past his body. Your thigh shaking at an uncontrollable level. Any kind of snarky or sassy comment that you were planning to make went out the window. Your nails grip along his back, feeling a few drops of blood drip onto your fingers.
"Sh-shit baby- I ain't your fucking scratching post." He chesty laugh only aids in twisting the coil that had been burning in your stomach for the past five minutes.
"N-no- oh fuck, Koo- I- oh fuck!" Your words had no coherence. As if you'd been reaching into a jar full of hyrogliphics and trying to pronounce them.
Beads of sweat roll down the sides of his neck, as he takes mental notes of reminding you to trim your nails later on cause holy fuck does it hurt.
"You gonna cum baby? Look at you. So needy for my cock, huh? What's the magic word?~" You had no idea what you'd been agreeing to. As if all logic had gone out the window, and only chants of 'please' took over your thoughts.
"F-fuck you and your magic word!" You groan out, breaths puffing out like you're running a 6k.
Right before the coil in your stomach snaps, all pleasure receeds from your body. His finger against your clit stills, as well as his thrusts.
His eyes, glassy and fogged with lust. Voice sounding in control, but he felt anything other. However, this had always been his favorite part. Rileing you up so much that you'd do anything for him.
"I said fucking please!"
"That's not it, baby and you know it."
His greasy smirk boils anger in your body. Yet. You'd been too clouded from your edged orgasm to even care at this point. Your arms grip onto his biceps, yanking his hovering frame to press flush against your body completely.
"Fuck me or I'll throw away all of your shitty action figures."
His eyes blow wide, gasping at your threat. "Not Iron Man! Babe!" His voice, now whiney and drat. "You wouldn't dare."
Smirking you raise your head up, grazing the lobe of his ear with your incisors.
"Wanna bet?"
He takes a moment in consideration before resuming his motions. Your legs immidiently are sent back into quivers, as you feel the quick recur of your orgasm. In a matter of seconds, the hot spurts of cum paint your walls as your own release practically makes your body go completely limp. His large frame weighs ontop of you. The two of you quick in trying to catch your breaths.
After a few moments, Jungkook sits up, taking a look around the room.
"Smells like sex in here."
You chuckle, toying at his soft-defined abs with the tip of your toes. He flinched, pushing your feet away.
"Ew! Gross, babe. I don't want your nasty feet on me!"
"Well I didn't want your nasty sweat on me either!" You sit up. Meeting his height by judt a few inches. Arms folding across your chest in annoyance. He coos, placing the warmth of his palm onto your reddened cheeks.
"It's a joke, babe."
You huff, relaxing a bit into his embrace. He pulls your naked body onto his lap, trapping you in a warmth of cuddles. Chests rising and falling at slowed paces, as the room ticks still. The grandfather clock against the wall had been clocking by for the past few moments of silence. Hands, coming to play with the greasy strands of your hair, as his lips press soft kisses onto your exposed shoulder. You giggle.
"So, about the action figures-"
"You try touching my babies and I'll cut both of your hands off." You chuckle, nuzzling your nose into his side neck.
"It was a joke, babe." You tease, grazing your worn out lips over his cooling skin. His chest heaves out a chuckle, plopping you onto the couch to pin your wrists above your head.
"Good. You'd have to fight me for it anyways." His nose brushes along your cheek, making a familiar sensation bubble back up in the pit of your stomach. You glance down, seeing the prominent hardness of his cock poking at your core once again.
"Round two?" He questions, tilting his head to the side. An innocent yet sexy expression paints his features. Your voice lowers, mimicking the seriousness of a video game announcers.
"Ready? Fight!"
A/n: Ahhhhh I wasn't planning on posting this so early but holy crap it just came to me and uhhh- I'm a sucker for DILF anybody. Like- guys it's an issue...
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jacksdinonuggets · 3 months
Hi there! I was hoping you could write a little one shot of Clara and Odette taking care of Vaggie who age regressed during training with the two of them :3 If you want you can add Carmilla (unless that’s too many characters for you) cause i’m a sucker for mama Carmilla :3
Here you go! it's really short, and i apologize for that. I just haven't been motivated lately since 1) I had to take care of my caregiver who went little, and 2) This one fic with little vaggie i really liked hasn't updated in a bit and it got me sad and unmotivated.
“Come on, Vaggie! You can do it!” Odette yelled from the sidelines.
Vaggie was currently sparring with Clara and not doing the best, even though she literally used to be an exorcist angel. It didn’t do the best for her self-confidence but she still wanted to at least land a punch. Clara was just really good, as she was taught by her mother since she was 5.
Clara kicked Vaggie in the stomach once more, making her fall to the ground. She was really starting to get fussy, desperately wanting to throw a tantrum because she wasn’t winning. She knew it was a fair fight, but something inside her made her feel fuzzy and small brained. Like everything wasn’t fair.
But yet, she continued to fight, trying to repress these feelings down. Clara and Odette started to notice Vaggie acting strange. When she got thrown across the room, she didn’t get up. She just curled into a ball and hid her face in her knees.
“Vaggie? Are you okay?! Did I go too hard on you?” Clara asked, rushing over to her baby sister’s side. Vaggie just tried to turn away from Clara.
“Sis, come on, I’m trying to help. Can you talk to me?” She asked. Vaggie stuck out her tongue and buried her head further into her knees.
Odette noticed her childlike behavior and came to the conclusion that she had regressed.
“Clara, I think she’s small right now,” Odette said.
“I can see that, ‘Dette” Clara snapped.
She sat next to Vaggie and started to rub her back. This calmed her down luckily.
“Can you tell us why you got upset?” She asked.
“You was winning ‘nd I cudn’t hit you…” Vaggie responded. She was a bit of a sore loser when regressed but come on, most kids are.
“Well, then how about we do something else? Something thats easy for you?” Clara suggested.
“Otay,” Vaggie agreed.
The three girls started to play tag first. Vaggie was in more of a toddler headspace so it wasn’t too hard for her. Still, her sisters made sure to not run at full speed so Vaggie could tag them. It made them happy to see how excited she would get when she won. 
The next game they played was hide and seek. Vaggie was a giggling mess during the whole game but whoever was ‘it’ made sure not to look there. 
After a bit of playing Vaggie started to get tired and a bit bored. So, they went into the living room, got Vaggie a sippy cup with fruit punch and turned on some cartoons and movies for her. She mainly was watching Jake and the Neverland pirates but would sometimes want to watch paw patrol or sofia the first, or bluey.
Carmilla walked in on the three of them, asleep and cuddling together. She took a picture before turning off the lights, letting the girls sleep.
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nxrseryclouds · 1 year
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Pairing: Caregiver!Johnny Cage x Reader (Gender Neutral Pronouns Used: They/Them)
Synopsis: After an incredibly long day on his newest film set, Johnny returns home bruised more than usual. However you know the exact solution to all his booboo troubles! Bandaids!
Tags: Fluff, Comfort, Soft Feels, Regression
Warnings: Use of Pet Names (Daddy, ETC), Bruise and Wound Mention, Fight Mention.
Word Count: 781 Words
Author’s Notes: This is my first time writing or posting this sort of content so please be kind! I plan on writing more content like this when I’m able to but for now please enjoy this fluffiness!
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Boring. Today had been strangely quiet for [Your Name]. It wasn’t necessarily unusual for that to be so, but they wouldn’t say they liked it. Quiet allowed time for thinking, too much thinking. Which meant they spent the last several hours drifting back and forth, in and out of their regressed headspace. They weren’t unable to handle it alone, just that they heavily preferred the company of their Caregiver. However Hollywood could never cut Johnny Cage any slack, whisked away for the newest and biggest project that his name would surely be plastered all over. If it made decent money and had plenty action? He was there. That man adored his name in the spotlight, the center of attention playing important characters on the big screen. His calling had always been acting, and he did an excellent job slipping into every role. His movies weren’t always appropriate to watch while regressed, certainly not a good chunk of them at the very least. Between the semi-realistic fight scenes and the rather graphic swears, he made it clear that they shouldn’t be watched without his supervision. Though [Your Name] was also quite the rascal from time to time, wanting to see Johnny work his movie magic as showed up to save the day or punch another bad guy in the face! Much too focused on the movie, they hadn’t even realized their Caregiver was making his way inside. Johnny’s keys rattled briefly until he managed to push the door open with a foot. His hands too bruised for him to strain them further than they already were. What called the Little’s attention to the Living Room was the tired sigh that was followed by a certain someone flopping against the cushions. He sprawled himself out, glancing over to see a lingering figure in his peripheral vision. They tilted their head, waiting to be beckoned by their Caregiver.
‘No need to hide over there Cupcake, come take a seat.’ He gestured for them to settle beside him, the cushion had room enough for a certain Little. They shuffled carefully, settling down as they looked over at Johnny. Exhausted was one word to describe him, it was hard to miss the bruises and scuffs that littered him too. Their face twisted in a slight frown, which then caught Cage’s attention almost immediately.
‘What’s with the frown? Worried about me my little Movie Star?’
“Your hands…” They spoke softly, though they came out a bit babbled and slurred.
‘Just a rough day on set, nothing your totally amazing Daddy can’t handle!’ He tried his best attempt at cheering them up but to no avail. Cage’s brows knitted together in brief thought on possible solutions to the case of frownies his Little was sporting, that is until they beat him to the punchline.
“I has a solution, sit still Mr. Daddy Cage.” They quickly toddled off without lingering protest from the man, he was just curious to see what they’d produce. To which they had surprised him by coming back with two complete handfuls of bandaids. Themes and colors were mixed together like it was no one’s business. Paw Patrol, Blue’s Clues, Disney, Bluey, Spongebob, Hello Kitty, you name it and it was more than likely in that pile. One by one they carefully peeled the bandaids, sticking each individual one to a different bruise, scrape, or cut on Johnny. Fingers littered in the colorful bandaids, knuckles, wrists, and his arms too. Cage felt akin to a sticker book, but the love and very careful attention his Little provided was more than enough to cause a smile. A fond upturn of his lips, watching as they paid mind to where each booboo was. Each one was also granted a peck, followed by a very enthusiastic ‘MWAH’. To which his Little had assured him that “Kisses made everything better”. He didn’t doubt it for even a second, already feeling much more relaxed thanks to them. When they were finished they took his bandaged hands and smiled, their creative and healing masterpiece now completed!
“Is okay, sometimes Daddies need bandaids too.” They said cheerfully, erupting into a fit of laughter as they were pulled against their Caregiver. From their forehead, to their little temples, and yes even their adorable nose Johnny covered them in kisses as his show of gratitude.
‘Sometimes they do, and this Daddy is very thankful to have as attentive of a Little as you.’ Though it hadn’t been the evening they expected, it certainly wasn’t unwelcomed in the slightest. The two spent the rest of their evening eating pizza, watching some much more appropriate movies, and per the “Doctor’s” orders- cuddling up together.
The End.
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silkclan-gossip · 24 days
SilkClan – Moon 1 By Snakepaw 🐾
Hey there, it’s Snakepaw climbing my way up to the top—literally and figuratively! I’ve been keeping my ears open and paws busy, and trust me, there’s a lot going on in SilkClan that no one’s talking about. Good thing I’m here to break the silence. Let’s get into it, because things are getting interesting.
🌕 Major Events:
Twoleg Nonsense: While I was up in my favorite tree (don’t ask how high), I spotted a Twoleg playing with a kittypet near our border. I swear, it looked like they were trying to teach it to pounce. Good luck with that! The warriors brushed it off like no big deal, but something feels off to me. Twolegs and kittypets don’t just “hang out” for no reason.
Duskkit’s Breaking Point: Look, I get it—being treated like a helpless kit can be a real thorn in the paw. Duskkit is fed up with being babied, and I’m here for it. He’s especially tired of Minkpelt hovering over him like a hawk. Not sure if he’s got a plan to deal with it yet, but knowing him, he’ll blow up eventually. Can’t wait to see how that plays out.
🌿 Warrior Drama:
Larkweb Scares Off a Rogue: So get this: Larkweb basically scared a rogue out of our territory with just his words. Yeah, no claws, no bloodshed—just a stare and some threats. It was pretty epic. But what’s up with Basilstar? She looked like she was annoyed by the whole thing. Maybe she wanted some action? Who knows, but something tells me she’s not exactly Larkweb’s biggest fan.
Wisteriaspeckle and the Chicken: Wisteriaspeckle strutted into camp with a Twoleg’s chicken dangling from his jaws. I gotta say, it was a bold move. But he’s been acting kind of… distracted? I heard him mumbling about Saplingstar and StarClan. Maybe he’s feeling guilty about taking from the Twolegs, or maybe he’s just trying to impress someone. Either way, that chicken didn’t last long—tasted great!
Burrowfleck’s StarClan Musings: Speaking of StarClan, Burrowfleck has been off in his own little world lately. He had another dream, but surprise, surprise—he’s not talking. I saw him staring at the sky like he’s waiting for something. Whatever it is, it’s got him all riled up. And he’s still holding a grudge against Pondquill. Can’t say I blame him after last moon’s fiasco.
🐾 Snakepaw’s Gossip Corner:
"You know what’s been bugging me? I keep feeling like I should be doing more around here. Yeah, I might be young, but I’m not useless. At least Posyclaw is cool enough to listen when I talk about it on patrol."
"Oh, and did you see the way Duskkit snapped at Minkpelt? I swear, he’s going to lose it one of these days. Bet you a mouse he makes a scene soon."
"I overheard Wisteriaspeckle, Burrowfleck, and Posyclaw having a pretty tight conversation by the stream. They’re getting really close, but what are they planning? Makes me wonder if they’re up to something big."
Relationships Rundown:
Crush Alert: Word around camp is Minkpelt has a thing for Pondquill. Seriously? That guy? Well, Minkpelt’s always been a stickler for rules, so I guess they’d balance each other out. Whatever happens, I’m keeping an eye on this one.
Posyclaw, Wisteriaspeckle, and Burrowfleck: This trio is tighter than a thornbush. They’re always whispering about something, and I don’t trust it. Either they’re planning something, or they’re just best friends who love a secret. We’ll see.
Basilstar vs. Larkweb: Tensions are still thick between these two. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a showdown soon. Just saying.
That’s it for now, clanmates! Stay on your toes, because things are only going to get crazier. Until next moon, keep your claws sharp and your secrets sharper.
– Snakepaw 🐾
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xxbabydragonxx · 2 years
"Little Wanderer"
Ch. 1: The Beginning
Summary:V finds out about your "Little" secret and takes care of you.
Very self-indulgent. I've been playing Devil May Cry 5 again and decided to write this! 1000% Sfw! Diapers are mentioned but it's just a comfort item!
This was originally posted on my ao3 page! Feel free to check my bio for a link to it!
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You’ve been traveling with the crew for a long time, even becoming an official member. You trusted these guys with your life, but even so you kept your little secret to yourself. Deep down you knew it wasn’t bad, it was actually healthy. I mean everyone needed a way to cope with the whole killing demons, saving the world thing and being a little was yours. You even had a few supplies that you were fortunate to get from an abandoned store during your time in Redgrave. You hid this little bag in your room back at the DMC headquarters. It was a tad difficult to be little knowing that demons could pop out at any time.
Today on the other hand was perfect for a little day. Dante and Nero were out on a mission, Nico was back in Redgrave with Kyrie, and V was out to a bookshop which means he would be there for hours. Everything was right and you proceeded to get your little bag out from your back closet. You excitedly pulled out your little things; a black paci, a dragon plushie appropriately named Dragon, coloring books, crayons, a baby bottle with dragons on it, some of your favorite little movies, and one other thing that you’ve been wanting to try for a while. You bought the pack of diapers on an impulse. You went out shopping for some things for the crew and stumbled upon them at the store. They were just too cute to pass up, I mean they had little animals on them and paw prints. So you bought them and sneakily brought the pack back to your room.
You were not so sure about trying them due to worrying that you may get a call, so you decide to wait a bit. You got dressed into your little outfit which is just a onesie with some cute shortalls on top. You clipped your paci to your shortalls and grabbed your bottle and went downstairs to fill it up with some apple juice. As you went down the stairs you were humming and singing the Paw Patrol theme rather loudly and jumping and skipping your way to the kitchen. As you hopped and skipped about to your little song, you didn’t notice that someone came back and you happened to bump into them on your way to the kitchen. A startled scream escaped your mouth when the impact was made.
You looked up to see who you bumped into and it was none other than the mysterious V. Your cheeks flushed a bright crimson as you began to stammer out an explanation only to be interrupted by a finger on your lips and a soft “Shhh” from V.
"Shhh. It’s alright little one, I’m not going to tell anyone about this precious side of yours.”
At that you couldn’t hold on much longer and you started to cry. As if on cue, V picked you up into his arms and started to bounce you on his hip while softly rubbing your back. He did this until your crying calmed down. Still in his arms he looked at you and asked “Do you feel better now my dear?” You just gave him a simple nod and a small smile formed on his lips. “I wouldn’t want to leave you in such a state alone, would you allow me to do the honor of taking care of you?” You were surprised at his offer and really it was all a dream come true but at the same time you didn’t want to bother him. You thought about it for a while and you just gave him a simple nod. You were just so tired emotionally from the crying and the events that happened prior.
V readjusted you on his hip and carried you upstairs to your room. He set you down onto your bed and then he sat down next to you. “Tell me little wanderer, what is it that you like to do?” You were embarrassed and shy and really you didn’t want to speak. You just averted his gaze and started to play with your paci that was clipped on your clothes. “Would you mind if I look through your box of little things?” You gave him a simple nod and you got the box of things from your closet and brought it to him. “Thank you for bringing it to me” with that he gave you a small pat on your head that made your cheeks turn bright red. You got back on the bed and laid down away from V as he went through your things. You could hear him hum to himself as he pulled out things and your eyes went wide as you heard the telltale sign of crinkling that he pulled out the pack of diapers.
You stayed quiet and still, thinking that if he couldn’t hear or “see” you, you would be invisible to him. I think he realized your plan because he said “Little one I know you’re there” and with that you let out a huge breath of air that you were holding in.
“You have quite the collection and I’m certainly impressed. Though I must ask if you would like to wear one of these, I’m certain you’re not wearing one since the package isn’t open.”
You stayed in your same spot and just shook your head no. “Little one it is nothing to be embarrassed about” he put his hand on your head and began to pet you. “You’re a baby and babies need diapers. So please don’t feel any shame.” You turned red again and tried to cover your face. “Ah-ah, don’t cover your beautiful face from me baby. Please tell me what you would like. You deserve a break at the least.” You mustered up all the strength you had just to say “You pick” You regressed rather deeply and that in turn took a toll on your vocabulary. Thankfully V understood. “Ah, so you would like me to decide our activities for the day?” You gave him a quiet “mhm”, which he then proceeded to turn you on your back and now you were looking at him directly.
He gave you a warm smile and said “Well first let’s put one of these on you” he gestured to the package of diapers. You looked away as he grabbed the supplies from the box and to your surprise he handed you Dragon.
“What’s your friend’s name? I’m quite curious”
“Dragon” you said quietly
“Ah what a lovely and suiting name”
He then proceeded to unbutton your shortalls. “Please let me know if you’re uncomfortable in any way” he gave you another one of his soft smiles as he brought your paci to your lips in which you shyly accepted. He chuckled and continued to unbutton your onesie and began to open the pack of diapers. V got one out and placed it next to you. He then removed your underwear and placed the diaper under you. He then sprinkled a generous amount of powder and taped the diaper up.
“See, now that wasn’t so bad Little one.”
He began to dress you again and when he was finished he picked you up. “You did so well during your first change. I’m quite proud of you.” You were rather ecstatic from hearing those words of praise. V must have noticed, “You should be pleased, you made quite a big step today and I do believe that deserves a treat!”. He took you down to the kitchen with you in his arms and made way to the small but full pantry.
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talonslockau · 6 months
Forest of Secrets - Chapter 19
Chapter 18 || Index || Chapter 20
Fireheart did his best to stifle a yawn as he gathered up another bundle of dirty moss from the elder’s den. Between his night vigil punishment and his dawn patrol for Tinyfrost, he was exhausted, but he had no time to rest yet. He could only hope that he would be able to catch a few winks of sleep once he was done with elder duty before he was due to go on patrol along the Twolegplace border.
He blinked out of his thoughts as he saw a white paw snatch some of the dirty moss away from him. He looked up from the moss ball he was making to see Snowkit helping by starting to make his own moss ball. “Oh! Er, thanks, Snowkit, but this is my punishment, so I think I’ve got it covered.” He mewed, trying to catch the tom’s bright blue eyes. He glanced over to Speckleflight uncertainly. “Uh, how do I get his attention?”
“I got it!” He glanced behind him to see Cinderspark bounding over, having just come back from her own dawn patrol. She swiped her paw under Snowkit’s nose to grab his attention, before launching into a series of head bobs, paw movements, and tail swipes.
“... What are you doing?” He asked her in confusion as Snowkit stepped away from him with a hesitant nod.
“Oh! Well, uh, you know Snowkit can’t hear, and he can’t talk too well either. But Speckleflight and I have been working with him on a way to talk without words!” Cinderspark responded brightly, her blue eyes sparkling in the late morning light. “See, I pointed to you with my tail, so he understands I’m talking about you, then I mimed making a moss ball with my head low to show that you’re doing it as punishment. Then I pointed to you again to show that you need to do this alone! It’s really simple, when you think about it.”
It didn’t seem simple at all to him, but he didn’t say that out loud. “You’ll have to teach me a bit more sometime, then. It sounds like it could be useful.” He looked back down at the ball of dirty moss he’d gathered so far. “But right now, I have to take care of this.”
“Right, of course!” Cinderspark’s relentless enthusiasm, especially when he was so tired and hungry, was beginning to get under his pelt. Thankfully, she hopped over to Snowkit, who was sitting there watching, and tapped him on the nose with her paw. Immediately, the white tom lit up and leaped at her, starting to tussle with her in a play fight.
Wearily, he tucked the moss ball under his chin and headed for the dirtplace to deposit it. Graystripe was sitting several tail lengths away, scowling at Fireheart as he passed by. He ignored it; he wasn’t going to get into a second fight with the tom in as many days.
He had only just left camp and started along the trail to the dirtplace when he heard pawsteps rushing up behind him. Bristling, he dropped the moss ball and turned, prepared for another ambush by the dark gray tom, but it wasn't Graystripe - it was his sister, Peppermask. She slowed to a halt just out of claw’s reach. “Woah, what’s gotten under your fur?” The tabby molly asked as the two stared each other down.
“Is it that hard to guess?” He grumbled, picking up the moss ball once more. “You try getting attacked by a cat you thought was your friend and see how you feel.”
Peppermask only nodded, coming to pad alongside him as they headed for the dirtplace. “I was going to ask you what in Starclan’s name yesterday was about. I took my eyes off of you for a moment, and the next thing I knew you two were rolling across camp!”
“You can start by asking Graystripe what his problem is.” The ginger tom growled as he walked along, doing his best not to stumble even though he couldn’t see the dirt below him. “He’s the one that attacked me. I was just defending myself.”
The spotted tabby hummed thoughtfully beside him. “So you don’t know why he attacked you.”
He grimaced at the thought. “Not exactly.” He saw her ears perk and sighed wearily. “I spoke to Silverstream that morning.”
“You did?” She mewed in surprise. “How? You weren’t on the Riverclan patrol, were you?”
“No, Tigerclaw had me guarding Brokentail. Again.” And now that the deputy had every reason to punish him, he was sure he would be doing little else for the foreseeable future. “But I overheard them making plans to see each other at the Gathering, so I got Tinyfrost to cover for me and went to go meet her before Graystripe got done patrolling Shadowclan.”
“That would explain why he was so eager for us to get moving.” Peppermask mewed, her tone disdainful. “And making plans at the Gathering, when anyone could hear them? It’s like they’re trying to get caught.”
“I know.” The dirtplace, normally blooming with flowers, was dry and empty due to the cold of leafbare. Still, Fireheart did his best to find a place to scatter the contents of the moss ball where they wouldn’t be seen. “I tried persuading her to stop seeing him… but I’m sure you can guess how well that went.”
“And then he just, what, attacked you?” Peppermask sounded baffled and incredulous at his words. “Just over that?”
“If only!” Fireheart scowled as he remembered preparing to go to sleep. If it weren’t for Graystripe, he would be well rested now, not stuck being punished. “He lured me behind the nursery and ambushed me! I tried to get him to calm down and see reason, but then he called me a kittypet…”
“He did not.”
“He did! I told him that him sneaking off was dangerous, because of what happened to Quickflash, and then he said ‘Don’t you dare throw Dad in my face, kittypet!” His tail lashed angrily and his claws itched to unsheathe, but he forced himself to take a deep breath. “And then… I don’t know. I got mad and stopped trying to avoid him lashing out. I’m sorry.”
To his surprise, the molly pressed into his side in comfort. “I don’t blame you.” She mewed softly in his ear. “You tried to get him to calm down, but he wouldn’t listen to you. And calling you a kittypet, on top of it - he knows better than that.”
He breathed a sigh of relief at her words. He’d been expecting her to be mad at him, given he had fought with her brother. “I thought you’d tell me that I should have done something else.”
“I’m sure you could have run instead of fighting back, or not bothered with Silverstream at all, but in your paws? I would have done the exact same.” Peppermask pulled away from him as he finished scattering the moss ball. “I can’t believe he would call you that. No wonder he’s avoiding me and Mom. Though I guess it doesn’t help that he's sleeping in the apprentices' den.”
Fireheart glanced at her in surprise. “He’s sleeping in the apprentices’ den? Bluestar didn’t punish me with that.”
“I think part of the point was to keep you two separated, which is difficult when your nests are right next to each other.” She pointed out steadily, and he had to nod in understanding at her logic. If they were put back in the apprentices’ den together, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to sleep knowing Graystripe could attack him again at any moment. “She definitely seemed angrier at Graystripe than you. I’m not sure what you two told her, but if it’s anything like what you told me, I can see why she’s been lighter on you.”
“I didn’t tell her about Silverstream, if that’s what you’re asking.” He mewed defensively. “I just told her we had an argument.”
Peppermask rolled her green eyes at him. “I figured that out, mousebrain. I’m sure if anyone else knew about them, it would be gossip all over camp by now.” She followed him up the slope of the ravine towards a grove of oak trees that he hoped might still have some dry moss. “I just meant if you told her he attacked you, mostly unprovoked, and he didn’t deny it - well, Bluestar would have more reason to be mad at him than you.”
“She did seem to believe me - even if she was still mad at me.” He pondered on it as he approached an oak tree with moss on it and began gently clawing it away - just like Graystripe had taught him seasons ago. The thought made his heart hurt, and he did his best to push it out of his mind. “I guess I should be grateful for that.”
“Bluestar’s always been very fair. I’m sure she’s only punishing you so Graystripe doesn’t have the chance to attack you until he cools down.” Peppermask copied him with a nearby alder tree, her movements graceful and effortless as she tore away sheet after sheet of moss. “Though I guess that’s little consolation, huh?”
Fireheart nodded wearily. Already he was exhausted, and starving, and he still had another half-moon of punishments to go. He blinked as he realized what the tabby molly was doing beside him. “Did Yellowfang ask you to go gather more moss?” He asked her in confusion.
“No, mousebrain. She’s got Dewpaw to do that for her. I’m here to help you.” She began piling the moss sheets together as she spoke, then neatly bundling it all together to carry back to camp.
Though he blinked gratefully at her, he still shook his head at her words. “Bluestar made it clear this is my punishment. I have to do this alone.”
“Don’t be badgerbrained. Bluestar’s not going to make a fuss about me helping you carry moss.” Peppermask chuffed as though he’d said something funny. “She’d rather have you rested and ready for your patrol than toiling away needlessly. Now hurry up!”
He wanted to argue with her, but he found himself agreeing with her words. “As long as I won’t get in any more trouble. I don’t need that right now.” He mewed warily as he collected a few more sheets and began to bundle them up.
“If you do, I’ll take the blame.” She purred as she watched him finish with his moss bundle, before picking hers up with her chin. He did the same, and they began gently trotting back to camp. 
As he entered, he was surprised to see Tigerclaw had chosen to take on guarding Brokentail, the dark deputy sitting and watching as their prisoner did the stretches that Yellowfang had given him. The two looked almost like littermates; even as he watched, Tigerclaw mewed something that he couldn’t hear across camp, causing the rogue to look back at him with narrowed but curious eyes. After a moment, the prisoner said something back, and the deputy moved even closer to speak with him quietly.
He felt only more convinced by the sight. Tigerclaw had to be Brokentail’s long lost son; no other cat in camp made sense. Part of him wondered what either might say if they knew, but he dismissed the thought as he turned to enter the elders’ den with Peppermask.
“Who’s there?” He jumped a little as one of the elders barked out the harsh question in the dim light of the den. He squinted, eyes adjusting to the darkness to see One-eye sitting up in her nest, squinting angrily at the shadow in front of her.
“It’s just Fireheart and I with fresh moss, Grandma.” Peppermask murmured soothingly as she dropped the mossball she was carrying in Speckleflight’s emptied nest. “Are you expecting someone? I can go fetch them for you, if you need.”
The white elder stared at them for a long time before huffing and laying back down in her nest. “No. I just wasn’t expecting to see two cats come in here instead of one.” She looked away and closed her eyes moodily, though her ears were still angled back to hear them. “Hurry up, then. No need to clean my nest; it’s fresh enough.”
The two warriors didn’t dare argue with the cranky old molly, instead busily getting to work on the remaining nests. Once or twice, he thought he heard someone tap the side of the den, but when no one else reacted he quickly discarded the noise as the general hustle and bustle of camp.
With Peppermask’s help, replenishing the nests with moss was quick work, and it wasn’t long at all before he was back outside in the thin sunlight. “Looks like you’ve still got some time left until sunhigh.” The tabby molly observed beside him as he came to a halt near the Highrock. “The hunting patrol isn’t even back yet. You should be able to get at least a few winks before- woah!”
Her sudden cry alerted him enough to barely dodge out of the way as something large, green, and spiky came careening past them. “What is that?” He asked in confusion, already leaning into a battle stance despite his weariness.
“Sandstorm! Watch where you’re going with that! You nearly scratched my muzzle with those needles!” He did his best to focus his tired eyes past the mess of rich, dark green spikes into the center, where a tawny molly was stubbornly marching past with a mouth full of branches. Slowly, he realized that the deputy’s daughter was carrying a thick bundle of pine across camp. “What are you even going to do with those?” Peppermask called after her in an irritated tone that Fireheart himself would never dare use to the young warrior.
The sand-colored tabby halted in the middle of camp as Peppermask’s words echoed, before slowly placing her burden down and turning to the gray molly with a haughty glare. “Goldenflower’s kits were complaining about a draft in the nursery. I’m going to use these branches to help fix it. Pine needles are excellent insulators, you know.” 
Fireheart’s tail bristled at the molly’s disdainful scoff, but his companion beside him perked her ears at the explanation. “Oh! That’s a great idea, Sandstorm, I didn’t even think of that. Did Tigerclaw tell you to go get those?”
Sandstorm’s eyes narrowed as she squinted at Peppermask, as though scrutinizing her intentions, but after a moment she shrugged off the compliment. “I don’t need his permission to do everything around here, do I? It’s a simple enough task.” She glanced at the ginger tom standing there, and for a moment he thought she was going to make a jab at him. Instead, she looked away with a sniff. “Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to finish this before sunhigh comes around.”
“Why don’t I help you? Four paws are better than two, after all.” Peppermask mewed eagerly as she stepped closer. Fireheart stared after her in shock. The cream-colored molly was nearly intolerable, at least to him; he had no idea why his friend would willingly spend any time with her. 
Even Sandstorm seemed surprised by the offer, her mouth slightly agape as the tabby molly crossed the clearing to stand beside her. “Uh, sure, I guess.” She mumbled, leaning down quickly to take half of her previous bundle. Even with the pine branches divided into two, both warriors looked almost like pine-needle porcupines as they crossed camp to the nursery. As much as he disliked Tigerclaw’s daughter, he had to admire the strength that she must have to have carried so much into camp.
At the thought of the dark tabby deputy, he glanced over to see he was now in deep conversation with Brokentail, having barely noticed the engagement happening in camp. Once again, he was tempted to tell them the truth; part of him relished the thought of Tigerclaw realizing he wasn’t a full-blooded Thunderclanner after all. Perhaps the news would humble the murderer, however briefly. Perhaps it would even shake his kits’ confidence in themselves as well, Fireheart imagined, glancing bitterly towards the nursery where Sandstorm was struggling to bring a particularly wide pine branch through the entrance. 
The thrilling thought made his paws tingle and his claws itch. Then it dissipated as reality set in. There was no way that would be a good idea - not while he was already on punishment duty for meddling in others’ affairs. Instead, he forced his paws to carry him to the warriors’ den, where he quickly settled himself into his nest. 
He had his own problems to deal with now; there was no reason for him to go poking his nose where it didn’t belong. Instead, he closed his eyes, welcoming the little sleep that was waiting for him. It would be a long time before he could rest again.
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sophswritingthings · 1 year
Longstar AU — Chapter Two
    “.. So what did he say?” Swiftpaw bounded up to Longtail, his ears immediately flattening.
    “He.. said he'd talk to her,” Longtail meowed. “But nothings promised.”
    “That’s—it’s mouse-dung!” Swiftpaw hissed, “I should be a warrior! I earned it, and so did all the other apprentices! Bluestar needs to stop hiding already and come out!”
    “I agree,” Longtail murmured, swinging his head toward the High Rock. “Just get some fresh-kill and get some rest. We'll go hunting in the morning, how’s that sound?”
    “Yeah,” Swiftpaw flattened his ears. “Thanks, Longtail.” He purred, bounding over toward the fresh-kill pile. 
    “Apprentice troubles, hmm?”
    He turned around, seeing the dusky brown she-cat standing there.
    “Sort of,” He mumbled. “More like leader troubles.”
    “How come?” Mousefur settled beside him, “She’s just sick, Longtail, she'll get over it. She always does, y'know?”
    “I get she’s.. sick, or whatever,” Longtail said through gritted teeth, staring at the dirt under his paws. “But she’s our leader, Mousefur. She needs to pull herself out of whatever this is, step up, and act like she is,” He hissed. “Fireheart is practically our leader. But he cannot make the apprentices, deservingapprentices, warriors by StarClan. It isn’t fair to them.”
    “.. I know, Longtail,” Mousefur sighed, gazing across the camp at the apprentices, playing with a few of the kits. “Brindleface's kits are late to be apprenticed, too. And the apprentices are deserving to be warriors, nothing could say otherwise—but you must give her time. Give her that and she may become our strong-willed leader once more.”
    “If you say so,” Longtail murmured.
    He wasn’t sure he believed Mousefur. Sure, she was his friend, he trusted her—but Bluestar had been so taken aback and worn down by Tigerclaw's betrayal, well, Tigerstar now—as he'd been told—that she'd gone into hiding in her den. He wasn’t sure she could bounce back from that. Not this time.
    Mousefur padded away, approaching her apprentice, Thornpaw. Longtail watched for a moment as the two had a pleasant exchange, and padded away together. With a sigh, he turned into the warriors den, and curled up in his nest. All of it was too much to handle right now, too much to think about.
     “Fireheart?” Thornpaw slipped into the camp, the rest of the patrol following close behind. “We’ve found something out in the forest, near the WindClan border.”
     “Well?” Fireheart questioned, “What is it?”
     “Scraps of prey littered on their border,” Darkear's piped up from behind the apprentice.
     “.. It must be WindClan,” A raspy voice mewed from behind, the patrol laying their eyes on the worn down ThunderClan leader. Her blue eyes were dull, tired looking. “They’re stealing the prey from us.. even more proof that the other clans are planning to align against us..”
     “We can’t just assume that, Bluestar, what if—“
     “Hush!” The blue-gray she-cats eyes flared with anger, “We will confront them about it at the gathering tonight.” With a hiss, she slipped back into her den, Fireheart skidding after her.
     “She has to have gone mad,” Darkear's murmured, earning a nudge from Whitestorm beside him.
     “That’s your kin your talking about,” Whitestorm narrowed his yellow eyes. “She’s not gone mad. She’s just.. not thinking straight. I’m sure Fireheart will talk to her.”
     “Yes. I’m sure.” Darkear's growled, stalking away with his ears flattened.
     It is a bit crazy, though. Longtail thought, gazing after Whitestorm as he padded after his eldest son. She takes one piece of information and blows it out of proportion! That could get the entire clan hurt. With a deep breath, he padded toward the fresh-kill pile.
     He picked out a thrush, and settled down between the nursery and medicine den, his ears pricked up for any information. Was he eavesdropping? No. Well, okay, yes—but he needed to know what in the world was going on.
     “Bluestar, it wasn’t WindClan, I—“
     “Fireheart, silence!” Bluestar growled, her tail lashing. “I am your leader. And you are disobeying what I’ve ordered. Have you become a traitor just like the rest of this worthless clan?”
     Fireheart flattened his ears, taking a few paw-steps backward. “.. None of us are traitors, Bluestar,” He meowed, his voice quite small. “I am only saying that maybe you should think about this before we go through with it..”
      “I have thought about it,” She hissed. “Tomorrow we will have a battle patrol go to WindClan. Now, leave my den and let me rest.” And with that, she curled into a ball in the very back of her den.
      A few moments later, heavily sighing, Fireheart padded out of the den. With a swift glance around camp, the deputy turned toward the entrance and padded out.
      Longtail narrowed his eyes. Finishing his thrush, he hopped to his paws, bounding after the deputy. Where in StarClan was he going and why? He surely wasn’t going to WindClan, was he? That would be mouse-brained, why would he do that?
       After a few minutes of following the deputy, he realized that was what he was doing. He was going to tell WindClan what Bluestar was doing.
       “Fireheart!” Longtail jumped out of the bushes, landing in front of the orange tom. “What in StarClan are you doing?”
       “Longtail—?” Fireheart stumbled back in surprise, “Why did you follow me?”
       “I heard your conversation with Bluestar,” His green eyes narrowed. “And now your going to tell WindClan what she’s doing? Have you been doing this the whole time? I—“
       “Longtail, calm down! For StarClan's sake I’m not telling WindClan all our secrets,” He shook his head vigorously, sighing. “I am simply going to speak with Tallstar. I don’t want to battle with WindClan if we don’t have to, especially not now. Okay? That’s what I’m going to do.”
       “Oh,” Longtail murmured. “.. Sorry.”
       “I would think so,” Fireheart narrowed his eyes. “You may as well come with me. C'mon then, let’s hurry before the sun starts to set.”
       Fireheart began to pad closer to WindClan territory, Longtail at his heels.
       “I only followed you for the good of the clan,” Longtail piped up, earning a glance from the deputy. “.. If you were doing something wrong, honestly, I’d wanna be the one to tell them..”
       “Why’s that?” Fireheart questioned, cocking his head.
       “Because I feel they don’t trust me, and neither do you,” Longtail took a deep breath. “I also thought maybe it would help my reputation. I.. want you to feel I’m trustworthy. Because I am. Just because I was friends with Tigerstar doesn’t mean I’m a bad cat.”
       “.. Oh, er,” Fireheart stared at his paws. “I get that. I wanted the clan to see me as trustworthy and a capable warrior, too, when I was mistrusted for helping RiverClan—and well, for being a kittypet,” He glanced back up at Longtail. “I wouldn’t want you to feel like that. I'll do better, and trust me, the clan will come around again.”
       “.. Thanks, Fireheart.”
       “No problem.”
       And with that, the orange tom padded over the WindClan border.
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 “Ouch!” Brownpaw let out a tiny yelp, as the magpie he was trying to catch flew away and hit him in the face with one of its talons. After a short moment, the apprentice, who should still have been a kitten in the nursery, got up and spotted something under his paw.
 “Nightleaf look!” He paused and picked up a small object off the ground, roughly the same size as his front leg. “I’fv caughwfft a featfher!” The apprentice exclaimed excitedly while holding a black-and-white feather in-between his jaws.
 The older cat slowly came up to Brownpaw, with a scornful look on his face and grunted. “Congratulations! You scared away our meal, and very likely each single piece of prey in Shadowclan territory, with all that racket!” Brownpaw sat looking up at Nightleaf for a moment, observing his mentor’s tail swinging back and forth, before lowering himself to the ground, lightly biting down on the feather he was still holding. “I-I’m sorrwfy Nighftleaff… I almost caughtf it b-but it hitfw me…” Nightleaf took a step forward, looking straight at Brownpaw but refusing to make eye contact with him.
“It wouldn’t have if you listened to what I’m telling you! It flew away first, and then it hit you.” His mentor stopped talking, Brownpaw was getting ready to answer but Nightleaf had to get a word in before that. “And let go of that thing you’re holding, I have no idea what you’re saying to me, and you sound ridiculous!” Brownpaw obliged and let go of his feather, before finally replying, trying to change the subject. “We’ve just been hunting for so long, can we play now?” The kitten didn’t realize his mistake until his mentor looked him in the eye, and snarled. “Play! Like a kitten? And here I thought you’re supposed to be an apprentice. Maybe all of this was a mistake, after all, you can’t even catch your own prey.”
 That got Brownpaw’s attention, he leaped until he was close to Nightleaf’s paws and started pitifully mewling. “No Nightleaf, I’m sorry I won’t do that again, I’ll do better I promise! I do want to be a warrior! I like being your apprentice!” He circled around his mentor and paced back and forth, trying to get his attention while continuing to quietly beg. Nightleaf eventually signaled him to calm down and stay quiet with a flick of his tail. “If you like being my apprentice so much, have you considered listening to my advice, then? I haven’t seen that from you yet I think.” And without waiting for an answer, he turns back and starts walking away slowly. 
Brownpaw’s eyes darted from Nightleaf’s direction, around, behind himself, and so on a couple times, unsure of what he’s supposed to do, until he heard his mentor calling to follow after him. The young cat did so in silence, walking paw-in-paw next to the older cat. They continued their trek until reaching the border with Thunderclan, Nightleaf sniffed around, making sure no trespassers are, or were present, afterwards he joins Brownpaw again, the older cat flashes him a single look, then pushes his head in another direction and beckons his apprentice to follow him with his tail. “Come on Brownpaw, we still have to check our border with Windclan.”
Before they get too far, Brownpaw notices the slowly rising ache in his legs, trying to not say a word about it to his mentor, hoping it will pass, but no such luck and eventually, the kitten could barely take a step without mewling in discomfort. His mentor turned to him and watched him for a while, without uttering a single word, that’s the moment when Brownpaw gave in. “N-Nightleaf, can we take a break? My paws hurt…” The large tabby continues staring at him with an unreadable expression, then growls. “A break? From walking? Are those the words of a warrior, getting tired from patrolling?” The young cat huddles close to the ground for comfort after these words. “I’m so sorry, that hunting session tired me out I think…" 
“That hunting session that you failed, you want to fail something as simple as patrolling, too? Hah, I bet all the other apprentices will share news about how their training went, and what will you say? That you couldn’t even check if our enemy was at the border because you were too tired?” The mottled kitten turned away, too scared to meet his mentor’s eye. Then Nightleaf continued. “There’s a reason why I don’t battle train with you yet, I don’t think you’re ready for this kind of task, especially not with how you’re acting.” At that moment all Brownpaw wanted to do was run into camp and get comfort from his mama, telling him that everything will be alright. 
“But sure, you want a break?” Nightleaf began dangerously, with no emotion in his voice. “Then you might sit exactly here, until sunrise. I think that’d get you interested in listening to my advice!” Brownpaw wailed so loud, it’s a surprise no one from camp came over to check on them. “No Nightleaf! Please not again! I’m scared of being all on my own…” That made the tabby laugh and scoff. “That’s the point!” The young apprentice knew there’s no point in arguing, as Nightleaf was already walking away. “And like last time, don’t worry. I’ll come and get you later.“ 
   In all of this there was at least one good thing, his mentor remembered and kept his promise, Brownpaw nearly couldn’t contain his excitement when he caught scent of the tabby coming from afar, he instinctively ran over to meet him, out of happiness and fear mixed, he stopped at the last moment, nearly in front of Nightleaf, expecting to be scolded, but his mentor just took a glance at him, nodded and turned away, slowly going back to camp, which Brownpaw guessed was a sign to follow him. He tried acting like a good apprentice should, and to show Nightleaf that he learned his lesson and didn’t have to spend a night in the woods alone again. But he wasn’t sure if his mentor was actually watching. 
By the time they were getting near camp, it was early morning already, and Brownpaw sprinted into the clearing, after a moment of hesitation he walked over to the fresh-kill pile, but as expected, it was almost empty. The ginger-and-brown kitten walks over to the now abandoned elders den, crouching down next to it, he thinks about going to sit with the other apprentices, but they’d all probably make fun of him for failing his hunting session, his patrol, and his mentor refusing to battle train with him for all those reasons. Momentarily the apprentice gets up to check inside the empty elders den, walking up to it and staring into the inside of it for a while, silently wondering what it was like when that part of the camp wasn’t empty. Lost in his thoughts he missed the sound of pawsteps and the scent of another cat behind him, he only realized after a couple heartbeats how dark it got. That can’t be right… Thought Brownpaw to himself and with a sinking heart he turned around just to see a large dark tabby sitting behind him, for a moment he imagined Nightleaf came over to take him out to train, or scold him for his behavior earlier, but after a quick look and seeing the bent tail-
 Brokenstar! Brownpaw came to the realization with panic. “I’m so sorry for not paying attention Brokenstar! I just didn’t expect anyone to walk up to me and-” The apprentice began, and without warning was cut off, by his leader talking over him. “Where’s Nightleaf? Why aren’t both of you out battle training?” Brokenstar’s tone came out soft, but ultimately as cold as ice in the harshest leaf-bare. “Um… We just got back.” The young cat replied weakly, wondering if telling Brokenstar the truth about what’s been happening is a good idea. “Really? But the day just started, and I didn’t see you when Nightleaf was leaving camp.” The orange-eyed cat said, this time in such a way Brownpaw couldn’t guess what he was thinking or feeling. But Brokenstar’s words, and with the big cat actually listening to him, made him feel a little more confident in himself, he will tell what happened and what has been happening for a long time, he decided. 
“Brokenstar, I’m honored to be Nightleaf’s apprentice, but he’s been treating me badly.” The kit began, he looked up at Brokenstar, his leader was looking at him without showing any emotion, he didn’t seem ready to say anything yet either, so Brownpaw continued. “He refused to train me because he thinks I’m too weak, he punishes me for failing at hunting or patrolling… Even the previous day he left me all alone in the forest as punishment, and he does that a lot, he even sticks nettle leaves in my fur!” Brownpaw’s tail was moving back and forth now, half in fear, but half feeling happy that he’s finally telling what he’s been through to some other cat. “Could I get another mentor? Pretty please?” He looks up at Brokenstar with the most desperate expression he can muster, hoping to be treated seriously, the big brown tabby keeps his silence for so long that Brownpaw is surprised it’s not getting dark yet. 
 “I do find him not battle training you troubling.” Began Brokenstar coolly. “But I trust his judgment almost as much as I trust my own, and by the other things you’re telling me, I can guess he has his reasons to doubt your usefulness.” Brownpaw’s heart sank, Brokenstar’s words hitting him harder than any blow ever could. “I will talk to him about taking you hunting, a good warrior doesn’t need that, he just has to know how to fight and help protect his clan.” As much as the tabby’s words hurt the apprentice just a moment before, he could never expect what he’s about to hear next. “After all, last I checked you weren’t too good at that, you and Wetpaw both. But at least he learned… I don’t think Mosspaw would be proud, seeing you right now. That’s not what he gave his life for.” Brownpaw backed away in shock, he remembered what happened to the brown-and-white cat in detail. They were training, everything was fine, then Brokenstar told them to practice a double attack and after that… “I’m sorry Brokenstar.” The young cat rasped. And after that I never saw Mosspaw again. “I’ll do better next time.” Brownpaw finished, before running off into the apprentice’s den, laying down on his nest and hoping all of this is just a big cruel dream. 
The shading, the angles, the poses!
not to mention the story!
great submission, all around!
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set-forth-a-dream · 2 years
Present Mic just dragged himself through the door after a long day. A radio show and teacher duty had been more than enough to keep him busy but he still had a hero licenses and was called upon for support or back up. This particular day Aizawa had called him.
He obviously rose to the occasion. Because Aizawa never asks for help. He’d have to be on his last limb before he voices the need for someone to step in. Just as Mic suspected when he arrived on the scene Aizawa had been hunched over holding the typical ‘vague serious side wound’, a heavy amount of blood surrounding him and oozing from his hand. His friend tried to play it off as if it was just some casual meetup, nodding upwards to him as Mic came rushing to his side with a calm and tired, “Hey.” Mic glanced up at the unconscious assailant dangling from a pole wrapped in the capture scarf.
“I’m not an ambulance.” Mic reminded as he made sure to get Aizawa to a hospital. “You don’t really have to keep this up you know. You are a teacher now.”
“Mic” Aizawa mumbled delirious with his anemia, “We wanted be heroes, remember?” Mic took a glance at him in the seat of his car- his poor, poor seats would need a miracle to ever get clean again. But that was only the second thing on his mind the first just happen to be a young Shota admitting to wanting to be a hero with some trace of young ambition in his usually sleepy eyes. It hurt to see him that way but in the face of his worry and sadness he smiled. For Shota. “I remember.” He answered softly.
“Watch Sushi for me…?” Aizawa’s next request had Mic perk a brow. His cat? ‘THE’ cat? Why, did he really think he was dying??! The hospital had treated him quickly. There was a gaping chunk from his side like the villain had taken a nice bite out of him. His organs were untouched though perhaps a little bruised. “She doesn’t like to be left alone for a long time. After five hours she’ll wreck the apartment.”
“Wreck the apartment? What is there to wreck, you live in an unfurnished box dude.” Mic felt the weak grip on his hand attempt to get stronger. Aizawa narrowed his eyes at him replying, “I have a lamp.” A silent laugh in the form of air being pushed out through Mic’s thin nostrils accompanied by a grin let him know he’d be there to protect his precious lamp from a lonely and zoom stricken cat. “I’ll be in first thing when the bell starts.” Aizawa promised. “Yeah right! You sit your ass in this bed and sleep!” Mic protested back. “I’ll be fine. It’s not like I have much of a class anyway, I have to talk to Nezu about re-enrolling them.”
With that it had been six in the morning by the time Mic had brought Sushi and a few of her belongings to his own place for a sleep over. He took his hair down and pulled off his jacket leaving the matching leather pants in a puddle at the start of his bedroom door and flopped face first into the mattress and his pillows asleep almost instantly.
“Meow” the cry woke him up. Crooked glasses on his face made the clock in his nightstand split in some half blurred vision but it looked like the clock had said 8am. 2 hours? No way. “Meow!” Sushi called again and leapt up on the bed. “Hm..” Mic grumbled now pulling the glasses from his face and felt the indent they left on the side of his nose. “Meeowww!” Sushi pawed at the blanket next to him. “Hmmm???” Mic groaned as if expecting the cat to realize he was too tired to deal with her but also inform her he heard her. She wasn’t asking for company though, she was hungry. Aizawa would always feed her when he slipped back in from his night patrol. “Meow! Meow! Meow!” Mic’s head popped up from the pillow, “OkAy! Okay… I’m up.” He whined fighting his body’s urge to lay back down and sleep. The cat pawed over to her food bowl then rubbed against her cans of food. Mic’s eyes hadn’t even fully opened as he shuffled over to pop open a can of wet cat food and set it in the bowl. “There. Fed. Now lemme sleep.” He lazily moved a hand over the orange fur before getting in bed and nuzzling into the pillow again. It had been only a few minutes of the cat smacking her food as she ate until she decided she’d been full. With a satisfied stomach it was time for exercise! And there was so much stuff in this new place!
Mic woke up to a series of loud crashes. Up again he dragged his feet across the floor. Should it be a home invader he was too tired to give a damn. All he’d ask of them was to take his stuff quieter. But it had only been Sushi, tangled in wires being down the appliances that were now scattered about the floor.
“Mew.” She answered up at him flicking her tail. Mic took a slow deep breath, “Whaddya mean *Meow’s cutely*?! I’m tired! I don’t wanna play!” He grumpily but gently untangled the cat from the wires and set things back where they belong. “Mew.” Sushi rubbed her head and body against his undressed ankles. “Yeah you better be sorry.” Mic huffed reaching down to pet and accept her apology. The cat trotted over to her box of toys and began to meow again. There was no negotiating with this cat. Aizawa must have kept this routine with her since he’d taken her in. Skipping a step would mean scratched furniture, more appliances meeting the ground, and annoying meowing until she gained the attention she wanted. “Alright” Mic’s voice wavered dipping into a whine, “we’ll play.” He took a stick from the box tied to the end was a fuzzy green worm like bait decorated with blue and pink ribbons. Sushi was immediately crouched and ready to chase and hunt the toy. Sleepy Mic took a seat on his sofa twitching the toy around letting her play while his eyes stayed half open. A whole hour. That’s how long the cat played. When he’d start to drift off and the toy hadn’t moved in a little while Sushi would meow to wake him up, then resorted to bitting his ankle. “Sushi pleeAase, can we go to sleep now??” Due to his lack of effort the play time hadn’t been all that entertaining and she’d gotten bored. She lied down beginning to groom herself until curling up with a steady purr. “Ah.. finally. Thank you.” He smiled leaning back against the cushions and dozed off sitting up right in his seat.
“Good morning” Aizawa’s voice woke him. “Coffee??” He took Mic’s hands and wrapped them around a foam cup of coffee. Mic whimpered to the light coming in through the windows and held the cup just because it was handed to him, not fully awake just yet. “Wha?? What time is it?” He picked his head up squinting around for a clock. “10:30am. We’ll be late, but we won’t miss if we go now.” Mic felt a warm sensation on his lap and looked down to find sushi curled up against him fast asleep. “What are you doing out of the hospital?” Mic finally asked taking a sip of the hot coffee. “I told you I’d be in. Once I got a few hours of sleep and got my energy up enough recovery girl was able to make a visit. I’m healed enough to stand in front of a class all day.” Aizawa explained sipping his own coffee. “Was she any trouble?” He motioned to his cat. Mic nodded, “All of the trouble.” Aizawa picked the cat up off his lap and cradled her in one arm while rubbing his face against her head as if he’d been another cat. His prickly stubble must have scratched her just right as she erupted into a chorus of purrs while kneading his chest. “Yeah yeah she’s cute so I’m not mad.” Mic grumbled taking another sip from his coffee and forced himself up again. A total of four or five hours off and on through the early morning before he had to start another full day. He’d make best friends with the teacher’s lounge coffee machine.
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bethannangel · 2 months
So I’ve been taking care of my little cousin for the past week and I haven’t asked which accounts I can use on the apps so I’ve been going through Peacock kids and I’ve seen at least ten movies on there.
Not the point
The point is I’m tired of dreamworld atm
So I put on cable cause apparently they have cable, and I put on Nickelodeon…
When I tell you all they play is Paw Patrol and spinoffs all morning and SpongeBob and spinoffs all afternoon, are you not surprised? Like yeah that’s your money makers but broooooo I don’t need three hours of Paw Patrol followed by three hours of the sponge world
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sweet-tea-dragon · 1 year
Knights - By Soph.
Chapter 2
BellaKit watched with jealously as PetalStar assigned patrols to HawkSoul and HoneySteel. 
“Don’t worry, soon you’ll be a knight too. You are almost six moons old. Then you’ll be an apprentice” BellaKit jumped, VanillaMoon had creeped up on her. BellaKit huffed with annoyance. Six moons old seemed so far away. Why couldn’t she be an apprentice now? BellaKit knew she would be able to catch a mouse on her first try! Or maybe second. Or third. The point was, she was getting tired of the nursery, and impatient! She could hardly wait. 
BellaKit sized up some of the knights in StoneTribe. She wondered who would be her mentor. Maybe NightSong, or maybe PaleSplash. BellaKit hoped for IvyGaze, she seemed so tough and talented. BellaKit knew that she would be best under IvyGaze’s teaching. 
“Wow… You’re so brooding. Hee hee.” BellaKit spun around at the sound of MapleKit, one of her denmates.
“I’m not brooding!” BellaKit exclaimed defensively. “I’m just… thinking.” 
“About who you want for a mentor? I know. You’re always going on about how you’ll be such a great knight.” Maplekit read her mind. “Just wait. You only have a quarter moon left!” Just then two younger kits tumbled between them, play-fighting.
“GoldenKit! SplashKit! Stop!” BellaKit complained. Those two were always fighting.
“Ha ha! Sorry.” GoldenKit said through a mouthful of SplashKit’s fur. BellaKit groaned, She really needed peace. And to get peace she needed to become an apprentice. Now she longed even more for the quarter moon to pass.
“He’s so dreamy, don’cha think?” MapleKit’s words snapped BellaKit out of her trance.
“Who? SplashKit?” But before BellaKit asked, she already knew the answer. MapleKit had been in love since she first laid eyes on him. BellaKit didn’t see what was so special about him. SplashKit had pale gray fur, with a black paw, and a black ears. His green eyes were always full of ferocious fire, which is why he became friends with GoldenKit. GoldenKit had bright yellow eyes, and tan fur. And he loved to wrestle. 
“Yup. Sooo dreamy” Was MapleKit’s only reply. BellaKit sighed. It was going to be a long quarter moon.
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pareparebear · 2 years
My Sunshine, chapter 3
Paul x reader      1.7k words
Every moment of Paul’s life had been leading to her. If someone had told him a week ago that his purpose for existing would show up he wouldn’t have believed them for a second, but here she was. All of the weird feelings he had experienced lately make sense. His excitement whenever he came a little too close to forks, his wanting to hang out more with Jake, Em, and Quil (which is something he would never choose to spend his time doing on purpose). He had been restless for weeks and couldn’t think of a reason why. He blamed it on the patrols. He believed he had been working too hard and that was it. Oh how wrong he was. It felt strange for him to suddenly be so nervous yet excited to meet a complete stranger when his previous feelings towards imprinting were anything but…
About two weeks ago Paul had been sitting lazily at his home when someone messaged him. He sighed heavily and reached for his phone. Most of his attention was on his television screen that was showing his favorite movie, but he peeked at his phone and saw texts from his fellow pack members.
Jared : “Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul”
Jacob : “Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul”
Embry : “Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul”
Quil : “Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul“
Paul sighed even more heavily than before he knew who was bothering him on his day off. Being a shifter and running around the woods all day in search of those bloodsuckers was hard work. He did, however, give in to their cult like chanting and answered.
Paul : “What do you want?” 
Quil : “And not two hours later after ignoring us!”
Embry : “AWWW he does love us”
Paul : “I'm Leaving.”
Quil : “wait waIT WAIT HOLD ON”
Jared : “We want you to come cliff diving with us”
Jacob : “Everyone is going to be there”
Embry : “come ON it’ll be fuuuuuun”
After some consideration Paul thought ‘what the hell’ and sent the guys a quick ‘be there in a bit’ text before grabbing his swim trunks and a change of clothes before heading out.
‘The one good thing about being able to shapeshift into a giant wolf’ Paul thought while standing in his backyard preparing to shift, ‘is definitely the speed.’ That was his last thought before turning into his giant silver counterpart. He leaned down to pick up his clothes and set off in the direction of the beach. Out of all of the things he hated about not being a normal human, at least running in the woods, feeling the wind rustle his thick fur, and the Earth under his giant paws was not so bad. It almost makes up for having to leave his old friends behind, going through that confusing and terrifying first shift, and the relentless invasion of privacy. 
When Paul arrived at the edge of the woods near the beach he could hear his friends laughing and decided to let out a small howl to tell them he was there before shifting back to a human and changing into his swim trunks. He ran towards the noisy group and came upon the boys playing a game of soccer in the sand. He grinned showcasing his pearly canines that transcend the wolf. This was another plus to being a shifter, he kept these sharp fangs. He playfully pushed someone on his way to greet Emily and Kim who were sitting off to the side enjoying watching them play, he didn’t see who it was but by the grunt of protest he heard as he passed he assumed it was Jacob. He ran to quickly hug the girls before returning to the pack and interrupting their game. Playful protests exclaimed amongst them, but other than that the game resumed and by the end they were all laughing and attempting to shove each other in the sand. 
When they were tired of their game they all decided to head to the cliff. Slowly they ascended the cliff side to dive down into the frigid waters below. Sam and Jared stayed back with their imprints to keep them company and warmth considering the sudden temperature drop. Paul glanced back while heading to the cliff and scoffed at the lovey-dovey display. He didn’t get it. How could they just throw themselves at their feet like that- what because some supernatural feeling told them to. He couldn’t imagine losing himself so completely. He liked having at least a little dignity left when at the end of the day he can transform into an oversized dog. 
Quil saw Paul's disgusted reaction to the two couples’ displays of affection. He couldn’t understand why everyone hated being a wolf so bad when it came with so many perks. You are faster, stronger, bigger, and better than you were before plus you get a soulmate that you can love for the rest of your life. Of course Quil simply enjoyed being cued into the big shape shifting secret so he can spend time with his best friends again. He wanted to speak up and ask Paul why he found the idea of imprinting so unappealing but then he remembered all the times Paul would complain about it and decided to save himself the headache.
‘It’s completely against our will.’ …  ‘Why would I want the universe to choose who I want to be with for me?’  …  ‘Don’t you remember what it did to Sam and Leah? What if I’m happy with someone and fate decides to intervene?’ … ‘It’s bad enough that I have to change into a wolf so what would I need an imprint for?’
Paul had made it abundantly clear on multiple occasions that he thinks the idea of imprinting is stupid and he simply won’t have one. As if he has a choice. Sam and Jared always told him that he would understand when he meets his imprint but Paul swore that if that day comes he would reject it. He would defy nature and its barbaric rules and would make a new destiny for himself. He wasn’t made to be a wolf. He wasn’t made to be a protector. He wasn’t made to give all of himself to someone else. At Least that's what he thought. Oh how wrong he was. 
Paul didn’t expect this pull towards Y/n to be this strong. It was like something invisible was tied to his navel, or more like attached, and was yanking him towards her. Something inside of him was begging to be near her, to touch her, to smell her, to hold her, to be anything and everything she could ever need. Paul wasn’t prepared for this. He also wasn’t prepared for his feet to start moving by themselves closer and closer to this unknown, beautifully radiant person. He couldn’t believe that he ever thought he could fight this. He felt almost disgusted with himself at the thought that he used to not want an imprint. Now that he sees her. Now that he can feel her presence and is aware of it he couldn’t imagine going anywhere or being anywhere that is not with her. Paul genuinely believed if he didn't get closer he might die. His skin was burning hotter than he remembered and his hands were sweating so severely that he had to wipe them nervously against his pants to try and dry them a little. Has walking always been so hard? He could feel his legs shaking the closer he got to his soulmate.
‘Be cool Be cool Be cool Be cool…’ Paul repeated in his head on his way to meet the love of his li- imprint. To meet his imprint. ‘Wow this whole destined to be together thing is really powerful,’ Paul thought.
His body had to have been working on autopilot because there was no way that his entire being could be filled with thoughts and feelings of Y/n and would still be able to walk correctly. This was the only explanation Paul could come up with that would make himself feel better for making such an awkward and embarrassing first impression on the person he had decided he would spend the rest of his life with. He’s mortified, scared, sweaty; but somewhat impressed that he actually managed to say anything at all considering how he can barely breathe. Her presence was suffocating in the best way.
“Hey,” Y/n replied back in the softest and most melodic voice Paul had ever had the privilege to hear in his entire life. He was determined to make her talk for the rest of his life. He never wanted to stop hearing her voice. But if he wanted to hear her again he would need to act fast because she was slowly realizing that staring intently at a stranger is not normal and that everyone else in the house had been completely silent this whole time.
“Hey guys sorry we are a little late but we brought some snacks for the bonfire tonight!” Seth proclaimed while bursting in the front door, effectively ruining any mood there had been as everyone swiftly eyed Seth and Leah and they walked into the house. Seth had both his arms raised with large bags of chips in each hand and a proud smile stretching across his face ear-to-ear. Leah trailed slowly behind him with a couple jars of cheese and salsa. She looked as though she would rather stick her hand in a vat of acid than be in this room.
Suddenly everyone in the room could breathe again. People started shuffling out the door towards the beach where the bonfire was taking place. Y/n, suddenly remembering how close she had gotten to Paul, quickly jumped away. She gave him a small smile before slipping out the door alongside Emily into the frigid evening air. As she got farther away Paul could feel the pull again, less intense than when they first met eyes, but definitely there. He almost whimpered when he watched her walk outside before catching himself and quickly following after her. He was officially and completely whipped and the only thing he knew about her was her name.
Hey guys! Wow two weeks has felt like FOREVER. Band has me exhausted but I’ve had loads of ideas and I didn’t want to leave you guys hanging for too long. This chapter I wanted to get the story from Paul’s perspective a little more. I am SO ECSTATIC with the amount of positive feedback my story has been getting and at the amount of people that have liked it so far! I cannot wait to upload more chapters. Anyways, Happy Reading!
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@randomstory56 @hauntedfunbouquetsposts-blog @blueshoelacess @adaydreamaway08 @lendeluxe @gabxbyr @rottenstyx @livieweasley
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bee-agere · 3 years
hi bee!!! i hope youre doing well <3
can i please request a platonic ranboo x little reader??? maybe ranboo is streaming and gets a text from reader saying that they’re home alone and little and scared or something like that !!!! she/her pronouns :) have a good day or night you are awesome 💗💗💗
Ice Cream
CG!Ranboo x Little!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None
Notes: I think I’m getting back into writing ! :D hopefully i update more now! enjoy 💗💗
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Ranboo was having a great time streaming, he wasn't in a call with anyone, but was having just as much fun goofing around by himself (and with chat, obviously). You were originally supposed to be in a call with him so you could play Minecraft together, but you suddenly canceled. Ranboo would be lying if he said he wasn't concerned, but after you reassured him you were fine, he went on by himself and streamed.
You were suddenly regretting telling him you were fine when in fact, you were not fine. You had a habit of involuntarily age regressing, but you had no idea it would happen today! You were home alone, which only made you more upset. You were bored, tired, hungry, and scared; not great combinations for when you're little.
With whatever energy you had in you, you took out your phone and opened up your messages with Ranboo. You typed out a quick text that you weren't even sure could be understood and then went back to laying on the couch bored out of your mind.
When Ranboo received your text, he was confused. What on earth did "litrlehfehwqscraredes" mean? Whatever it was, he knew it wasn't an ordinary text, so just to be safe, he ended the stream with a quick excuse and a goodbye. After he did, he quickly dialed your number and held the phone up to his ear as he took his mask and glasses off.
"Hewwo?" He heard your voice say very softly. It suddenly hit him; you were little. Oh, how could he have missed that in your text?
"Hi, sweetie." He said softly, careful to not be too intense for the mood you were in. "What's goin' on?"
"Little, and nobody home..." You said, a deep sadness in your tone. Ranboo's heart sunk; he knew how much you hated being alone.
"I'll be over in ten minutes, okay?" Ranboo said, "Can you get some stuffies and blankets from your room so we can watch a show when I get there?"
You gasped excitedly. "I can do dat!" You exclaimed, "Can we watch Paw Patrol? And eat icey-cream?"
Ranboo grinned. "Of course we can. I'm gonna hang up now, okay? I'll be at your house in ten minutes."
"Tay, Boo!" You said before hearing the 'end call' sound in your ear. You dashed upstairs to your room and filled your arms with your favourite stuffed animals and softest blankets. You then ran back downstairs to the couch, laying the blankets out in a perfect way for you and Ranboo, and placed the stuffies in places so they could see the TV.
By the time you were done, Ranboo was there. A knock was heard, you gasped. He was here! You ran to the door and looked through the window to make sure it was him, then opened it up.
"Boo!" You exclaimed as he walked in. He grinned as you wrapped your arms around him. He quickly hugged you back.
"Did you get all the stuffies and blankets?" He asked. You nodded excitedly. "Alright, I'll grab us some ice cream, and then we can watch some Paw Patrol."
You followed him to the kitchen and watched as he served up two bowls of your favourite ice cream. He handed you your bowl, and you sat down on the couch, leaning against Ranboo as he put on Paw Patrol.
You loved when Ranboo could come over and take care of you. It always made you feel better, even when you were sad. Ranboo loved being your best friend as well as your caregiver. He'd do anything to make you happy, even if he had to end stream and walk ten minutes to your house.
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nvertheless · 2 years
the babysitters club — feelings out
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1.76k words.
y/n and niki had sat on the floor as everybody started to leave, haruna waved goodbye as she walked out of the door and all the parents took their kids home, ms sakamoto looked at the two teens plus the little boy.
“are you guys sure you want to stay late to watch him? i’m sure i can just watch him!” she asked as you shook your head, “don’t worry ms sakamoto! you can go home and we’ll take care of him.” you replied back.
“alright then, make sure to lock the door once you guys are done, see you guys next week!” ms sakamoto said as she walked out and close the door. now it was just you, niki and yuno… in silence…
“so.. yuno what do you want to do?” niki had asked the young boy, who was in his lap. “wna watch paw patrol.” yuno mumbled in a tired voice. he must’ve not gotten enough sleep during nap time.
“alright we can watch paw patrol! you okay?” niki asked the little boy as yuno nodded his head, rubbing his eyes. you grabbed the ipad that ms sakamoto had left for you guys to use and put on paw patrol for the curly headed boy.
you put it on the floor in the middle so yuno could see the screen better. the room had stayed in silence as the only thing playing in the background was paw patrol. you looked at niki, who was also watching the show, which made you smile.
it had been two hours of silence plus small talk with niki until you heard a tiny sob, you both looked down to see yuno started randomly crying. “yuno what’s wrong?” you said as you pulled him off of niki’s lap gently.
yuno put his head on the crook of your neck, sobbing into it. you looked at niki as he had a concerned look on his face, rubbing yuno’s back to calm him down. “i miss my m-mommy, i w-want her.” he said, full on crying while stuttering.
both of you and niki’s hearts broke at the sight of him crying. “yun i know how much you want your mommy but she’s busy right now, she’ll come back soon don’t worry.” niki tried reassuring the tiny boy. yuno put his tiny arms over your shoulders as he cried more.
you patted yuno’s back gently, trying to get him to calm down, you did that more until his sobs slowly started to come down and all of a sudden you could feel his head falling flat onto your shoulder. he fell asleep soundly on you.
niki had softly smiled at the sight of you and yuno together, wanting to take a picture so badly but stopped himself from doing so. you mouthed to niki “put him on his bed.” niki had gently grabbed yuno off of you and held him in his arms before putting him on his bed.
you stretched as niki sat back down, niki looked at you as his heart started beating more faster than before, he suddenly got the courage to confess. “should i do it right now?” he thought
“.. ah fuck it.” he thought.
“hey y/n? can i talk to you about something really important?” niki suddenly said as you looked at him before nodding slowly, you were nervous on what he was going to say. he had opened his mouth before he was interrupted by the door slowly opening.
ms lee had quietly walked in as she saw her son, quietly sleeping. you stood up to grab yuno’s backpack and lunchbox off of the cubby area, you gave it to her. “how was he?” ms lee asked.
“he wasn’t doing well today, he ended up crying because im guessing he didn’t get enough sleep and he missed you a lot.” you told her as she sadly pouted. “poor baby, thank you for taking care of him and sorry for keeping you guys here so late.”
yuno had woken up to the voice of his mom, “mommy!” yuno had quickly walked to his mom as she put her arms out to carry him. “hi sweetie, again thank you guys so much and get home safe okay?” ms lee had said.
you and niki both nodded as you said your goodbyes to ms lee and yuno. they walked out and closed the door as it was now just you and niki in the room. “so uh what did you want to tell me?” you asked niki.
he got up and looked at you. “okay so uh..” his heart started skipping so much and he couldn’t control it any longer. “i’m going to be straight forward with you, i like you.”
your heart started beating faster than ever.
“i really like you y/n, since the day i met you here. you don’t have to answer me back about it right now but i just thought you deserved to know and honestly you don’t have to like me back like that’s completely fi-“
you stood there, now with your face feeling hot and your heart beating fast. “niki.” you said as he stopped rambling. “yeah?” “i like you too.” that’s all what you needed to say as he stood there, blushing.
“wait, you do?” you nodded and smiled. “it took me awhile to realize my feelings but i’m 100 percent sure, i really like you too niki.” you two couldn’t stop smiling at each other, if someone walked in they would’ve admittedly walked out.
“i just thought you didn’t like me back.” you admitted to him, “i thought i made it obvious i have feelings for you.” niki said, laughing. you could feel the animated hearts surrounding you two. “well, i’m glad we both made that very clear.” you said now laughing with him.
“so, can i be your boyfriend y/n?” niki asked as you nodded. niki yelled out a small “yes!” as you started laughing at him. “wait! are you free tomorrow then?” he suddenly asked. “i am! are you?” you asked him as he nodded.
“do you want to go on a date then?” he asked as you nodded your head. “i would love that niki.” he smiled at you as he excitedly hugged you, you hugged him back and it felt so nice. like really nice.
you finally had someone you could experience love with now,
ironic how it was someone from the hybe daycare too.
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a/n: AHH THE CONFESSION SCENE!! they finally confessed 🫶 vv jealous of the both of them :( one more chapter and then the babysitters club is finished :(
taglist (open!): @un-flirt @enhacolor @lovienikitty @certainyouthpeanut @yangrdn @nikipedia07 @acciomylove @alderiasamantha @markleepooh @enhasengene @myheartlikesu @prettysung @im-a-big-mess @ahnneyong @emoworu ♡
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tomdutch · 3 years
Fluff concept: Peter and Y/N are looking to adopt a puppy, but they are all so cute and adorable and Peter just wants to take them all home.
ahhhh domestic college!peter 🥺🥺
edit: i realised after posting that i did not read through your request properly and instead wrote pete and y/n already adopting a new puppy 😭 hope you like it still
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“i never thought i’d say this,” peter starts, making you look up to meet his wide, sparkly eyes, “but i’m leaving you for another boy. a very, very good boy.”
stifling a laugh, you poke his foot with your own, both of you sitting cross-legged on the floor. almost a year ago, when you and peter moved into your very own apartment together, you’d discussed getting a pet. of course, at the time, it was nothing but pillow talk and hushed, late-night conversations in bed after his patrol.
a few hours ago, you came back from the rescue shelter with a little blond puppy in the backseat of your car, his cage sitting in peter’s lap while you drove (“what, so i’m the chauffeur in this situation?” you’d said, and peter responded with a cheeky grin, “yes, and be careful, you’re got two very precious cargos in the back.”)
sitting in the living room, you watch as peter dangles toys in front of the puppy, who excitedly reaches out to flick them with his tiny paws. everything he does makes both of you coo audibly, completely enamoured with the little animal as he rolls around your carpet and lets out squeaky woofs when you tickle his tummy.
“we really ought to name him now before we forget to do it and he doesn’t learn to answer us.” you said, taking pictures of peter with the puppy in one hand and a chicken leg plush in the other.
“what about,” peter starts, bringing him up to his face so he can boop the dog’s snout with his nose, “precious bundle of god’s best everything?”
you snort and move closer to him, starting to pick up some of the toys around your two boys as the puppy yawns, probably tired from all the playing and peter’s childish yet adorable energy. “stop quoting the office, dork.”
“okay, okay,” peter giggles as you poke his side, “he looks a little like a buddy. but that’s too generic.” sighing, he lies down and sets the puppy beside him, which immediately snuggles into his shoulder and curls in on itself. he looks down at the pet, scratching him softly behind his floppy ears, “what should we call you? why can’t you speak like a human sometimes so you can answer me?”
twinkles form in his eyes as you let out a laugh at his silly behaviour, and he reaches out to intertwine your fingers as you lie next to him, the dog cuddled between you.
“he’s so small and soft, like a little teddy bear.” you whisper, watching his tiny tail move on its own. “i can’t believe he’s real.”
“teddy,” peter grins, dropping a kiss on the puppy’s head and squeezing your hand with his own, “i think we found the perfect name for him.”
+ extra
“our son.”
“he’s not our son, peter.”
“yeah? did i not spend nine months waiting for him? do i not love him and feed him and house him? am i not his father?”
“keep that up and you’ll be a single father.”
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