#I’m sure it’s just the fandom dying down as we come to the end of the year and no more ST for a while
roanniom · 2 years
People always comment on the fact that I reblog the fics that I read and try my best to leave enthusiastic responses along with the reblog. And I’m so happy to do it.
I also do it because it’s a good example of treating others how I’d like to be treated ♥️ if you like my writing, it’s amazing to hear what you liked about it. Even if it’s simple as “_____ line made me laugh” or “_____ was so hot/sweet.” It means a lot, you have no idea.
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title: Weakness is For Fools (PT 3)
author: sciencebecameouraddiction
fandom: hazbin hotel
rating: PG
genre: Angst with a happy end
pairing: Alastor x Reader (Use of Y/N)
warnings: Alastor is not with it on this, unhinged, confused and a bit of back story sprinkled in. Rosie is also not having any of Alastor’s shit. Alastor may be OOC
summary: Alastor had never felt this before, and he swore he would never have a weakness.
← PART 2
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“Alastor standing there in an apron is scary.” Angel murmured watching as the Radio Demon set plates down on a table.
“The only reason I’m standing here is because Rosie told me she made sure the food was edible.” Charlie added on watching from the bar.
“I still have a bad feeling about this…” Vaggie murmured. Husk grunted in agreement.
“C’mon Vaggie, we have to give him a chance, even if it is scary.” Charlie said, walking over.
“Do you want some help setting up or anything?” Charlie asked Alastor. He started to respond when Rosie peaked her head out from the corner.
“Nope! He’s got it all covered, don’t you Alastor?” Rosie asked, feeling like a mother of a century old being.
“I-I have this, my dear. Go back and relax. It’s the-“ He looks physically ill as he says “It’s the least I can… do. After everything.” Charlie nodded and left.
“Okay, did Alastor get replaced? This is like 180 for him.” Angel commented, taking a sip of his drink.
“I think more than his soul is gone now. Maybe like his frontal lobe?” Husk asked.
“Oh! A lobotomy! I had one of those alive.” Nifty pipes up manically chuckling as everyone looks down at her. Angel just pats her head as she scurries off.
“I’m really not sure. Maybe he feels bad?” Charlie added.
“Not gonna bring back Y/N though.” Husk mentioned. “It would be a miracle-“ Just then Husk was cut off and the door opened as you walked in. You smiled as you saw your friends and they all called your name.
Rosie came and stood off to the side and when you saw her you ran up to her and hugged her. “Rosie, oh my gosh, I’ve missed you!”
“I’ve missed you too ya little sweetheart. Glad you could make it to dinner.” Rosie smiled.
“Oh I wouldn’t miss it for the-“ You stop and stare seeing Alastor come around the corner holding what looked to be a pie. “World.” You finished softly, your hand gripping Rosie’s shirt tighter. Alastor looks up, wondering why it was quiet and immediately sees you. His damn heart flutters at the sight of you and grimaces at the feeling. He takes a step forward, not knowing what else to do, but stops when you take a step back from him. His eyes widen and he holds up his hands in mock surrender and leaves around the corner. Rosie sighs and then looks at you.
“Don’t you worry about him.” She says and brings you over to the table. “This is an apology dinner but it’s also so you and your friends can talk.” You nod and sit, everyone coming to the table as Rosie goes into the back kitchen where all the food was. That’s when she hears quick breathing and when she sees Alastor in the middle of a panic attack.
“Alastor?” Rosie asks gently.
“I-I can’t do this. Why can’t I do this? I’m the Radio Demon for fucks sake.” He growls, hands pulling at his hair.
“Because you’re scared.” Rosie gently says, pulling his hands away from his hair and smoothing it out. “You’re scared that they won’t accept your apology, even though you need them to, you’re not sure you want them to, because you feel you don’t deserve it.”
Alastor looks up shocked. “How?”
“Because I know you, honey. You’re my best friend.” Rosie says plainly. “Even if you are a little daft sometimes.” She sighs and grabs the last few bits. “They consider you a friend whether you like it or not Alastor, figure out if you consider them friends, and then apologize.” She says and walks out. Alastor grabs the drinks and carries them out, the conversation not dying down when he entered this time. Somehow, the only seat open was next to you, and you were engaged in a fully heated discussion with Husk and Angel on who the best housewife was from a show you all three watched. He sat down next to you, and just watched, looking to Rosie who smiled at him. A part of him, the small part he thought he buried, turns out he didn’t, wanted to leave. He had never felt more alienated and alone.
A glass clinging tore him from his thoughts as he looked up to Charlie. She thanked him and Rosie for the food and the preparations tonight and then handed the floor off to Alastor. He cleared his throat.
“I-“ He sighed and looked at Rosie again. She nodded in encouragement. “I am sorry.” The collective gasps were distracting but not as much as Angel pulling out his phone trying to film. “Angel, I do not wish to be recorded by your device, put it away before I snap it and then eat it.”
Angel’s eyes widened and he quickly put it away. “I am sorry.” Alastor repeated, as he did, he felt the old Alastor fall away, almost like a shed of skin from a snake. In its place stood something raw and something new. Something he had no idea how to navigate. To this version of himself, his… friends were important.
“I was wrong to be as horrible as I was a few weeks ago to all of you. It was inexcusable.” There was silence so Alastor took that as a sign to continue. “I… value… each one of you. And Y/N?” He asked you specifically. Your head whipped up. “I am especially… sorry… to you.”
You look at Alastor and the whole table seems to be waiting on your reaction. You get up and walk over to him, his eyes widen and he steps back a bit, but you follow until you are right in front of him. Your eyes searching his, when you suddenly wrap him in a hug. He freezes and slowly wraps his arms around you, relaxing in your arms.
“You’re an idiot.” You murmur to him.
“That’s the third time this week I’ve been called that.” Alastor murmured.
“It fits.” You quipped back. Alastor sighs and looks at you.
“I am truly sorry.” He says.
“I know. I know you are.” You say, nodding your head.
“Does this mean you’ll move back to the hotel?” Charlie’s asks, sliding up to you both. You look between her and Alastor, his ears perking up a bit.
“Yeah, as long as my room is still available.” You say, joking.
“Oh, you don’t have ta worry about that, toots. Smiles here made sure no one but him even went near your room.” Angel laughed and you looked at Alastor. He glared at Angel.
“Had to make sure it was ready for your return.” He whispered.
“You just assumed I was coming back?” You asked, gently bumping his shoulder with yours. He looked bewildered for a second and then shook his head.
“No. No. But I… Hoped.”
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← PART 2
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Hello my wonderful fandom :) I CANNOT believe we are at the finale already. This season went by in the blink of an eye. I was VERY excited for this finale and what it would bring. They don't have a ton of moments. But the ones they do the writers made count. My goodness I was happy and hopeful after this episode ended. Hard to believe we won't see our babies on screen till 2025. *grumble*
D sent me something about that actually (thank you bestie) Here it be. A.H. saying he's pretty sure all networks are doing this mid season 18 ep start. One of the reasons being the Election coming up. They want to protect shows and their ratings from the debates, coverage etc. And those usually happen on Tuesday nights. Which is actually really intuitive foresight from ABC. So to protect our ratings and show I get it. Especially if we wanna lock down a S8. I don't love it but I get it. Anyways lets get to it shall we? My last "mini" thoughts of the season.
6x10 Escape Plan
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Always makes me nervous for Lucy going UC but still amazing to watch her in her element. Even if it makes my stomach tie in knots. Now maybe this is just me but Lucy seemed EXTRA uneasy on this OP. This is pure speculation on my part. But could be lending a little more credence to this not being the path for her? Just the feeling I got while watching her in these moments with with the kids in this one and the sneaking around.
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I will say I do love seeing Lucy with the kids. Gives us a glimpse into her as a mama. I'm liking what I am seeing. Can't help but have that thought. I really can't. Chenford has taken over my brain and I'm very ok with it. Smitty's text to Lucy did crack me up. 'Red incoming.' Gotta love Smitty. Lucy is giving me a damn heart attack being undercover though.
The panic in her soul is so evident the minute she sees Monica is approaching. The way she guides the kids out of the room. Then the sheer terror when the kids wanna take a shorter exit. She has to pivot and redirect them quickly. I feel like the pressure of this specific UC mission was getting to her. I really do. It was felt in all her movements and body language through out these scenes IMO. I could be wrong but it was just a gut feeling I got watching her.
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I think her expression in this scene after Monica departs is everything. Melissa be crushing it out here. Almost like she has to take a deep breath. Calm her racing heart down before unrooting herself from that spot to investigate further. I feel like her look of unease and panic here brings home the point I've been making.
Her questioning if doing UC is worth this stress? Worth the constant worry? Like I said back in my 5x20 review. Just because you're good at something doesn't mean it's meant to be your destiny. i.e. Lucy being a permanent U.C. Pretty sure her cover is blown after she runs right into him but she got the info she needed. At the expense of my own anxiety and worry though ha
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The look in this scene oh my lord. How can they have so much chemistry with just one look? Melissa and Eric are a damn treasure to this fandom. To this amazing ship. Tim saying 'It's good to have you.' That loaded look between them. *screams into a pillow.*
You know that man is happier now that she's folded into this OP. His eyes were on her from the moment she stepped on scene. Be more in love with her Tim please. Then sharing a look with Angela. I’m dying. Angela is us we are Angela. She is the fandom in this moment watching this exchange. *sigh* So good.
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Someone please tell me how do they look so amazing just standing next to one another? It's unreal how they can exude SO much chemistry just standing next to one another. Forever floored by the amount of physical chemistry these two have without even touching. It blows my mind in the best way.
Also I always enjoy me some Tim in T.O. mode it's sexy af. It revs my engine to watch him back in leadership mode. Not gonna lie. So very confident and sure of himself. Gah makes me need to cross my legs watching him in action LOL Sorry (sorta)Feral Caitlin made a return there haha But I do love seeing it. Like he’s getting his mojo back professionally. It’s nice to see. Does my heart good to watch it.
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Oh my word they haven’t really been alone to talk (not counting the hug last ep) since 6x06. I’m so happy. I was legit buzzing watching this. My heart Tim telling her he took her advice and went to therapy. Yessss been waiting for this to unfold. Was hoping when they got a moment alone he would tell her about it. Look at him taking the first opportunity they have solo to tell her this. The growth of this man is incredible to see. I'm so proud of him it's insane. He takes a beat and makes the best of their time together. Breaking the uncomfortable ice with it. *happy sigh*.
I'm so proud of him. I can't state this enough. It is NOT easy to have this convo let alone be the one to start it. Another way to see he's grown. Tim is tackling the conversation. Being the one to broach it. Not Lucy dragging it out of him. I love her telling him that's not normal what happened for him. Definitely hasn't been my experience haha I do love her following up her little joke with being serious. Wanting to encourage him to keep going. I love this. Doesn’t want him to think one bad experience will tar the entire profession.
Tim nodding with a smile asking her if she wants to know the irony of it all? Lucy of course does. Tim continues on that she was a good therapist. The sessions they helped him. Damnit Blair.... I do adore the way Lucy is looking at him while he speaks about this. That angry look she started with has softened quite a bit. Truly hope he continues in S7 and we get to hear about it. God I would love to see sessions. Some of my all time fav Beckett scenes in Castle's S4 was getting to see her sessions with her therapist. It's on my wish list. *fingers crossed.*
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His continued sharing with Lucy makes my heart so happy it might implode. Letting Lucy know therapy despite Blair being dirty has been good for him. She unearthed things he wasn't even aware of. I felt the same way too after a couple weeks. I felt more regulated tbh. I had massive sleeping problems from age 15 to when I decided to go to therapy in my 30's. After a couple sessions my sleeping issue's were gone for most part. I had been carrying my problems for so long. Like a pressure cooker with no release valve. So with no outlet they followed me into my unconscious and manifested into anxiety attacks. Couple weeks of sessions and my sleep issues all but disappeared.
Therapy when you truly lean into it can do wonderful things. i.e. Tim opening up to Lucy like this. Also look how SOFT Lucy looks with him as he bares his soul to her. I would be remiss if I didn't go in depth on this. The look of pride and love splayed all over her face is everything. Also reverence and love as well. This episode has a lot of loaded looks and I ate them all up. We started this scene with her face hard and holding a lot anger still. Then Tim melts it with his genuine vulnerability and sharing of what going to get help has done for him. Not only that but giving her props for the original advice in the first place. I'm beaming with delight.
We move onto Tim is being anxious his sessions are going be heard for evidence cause of the FBI investigation. Ugh. This kicks Lucy's brain into gear about that. Asking if he said anything revealing about her? His reply had me rolling. I adore him making a joke like this. Letting her know he mentioned ‘Freak in the sheets.' about her. I’m dying. I have no doubt there is some truth to that for them both LOL Look at our boy making jokes and getting her to laugh. God it was so so nice to see her laugh again. He earns a smile out of her too. The first time he's been the cause of that since her gifted her that KIA Radio in 6x05. I'm floating. They're both smiling by end of this scene. *sigh* We needed this.
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We got to see some BAMF Lucy in this moment. Something that just like Tim in confident T.O. Mode has been missing since 6x06. I love her being like take this guy my man is in trouble. Getting him dropped off and instantly taking off after Tim. Who is also trying to pull off some bad assery tbh. A little recklessly but that's why Lucy is coming after him.
She see's his play and wants to be there to back it. Literally waste's no time in pursuit of him. Peels right out of that damn laundromat after him. Tim's play going south VERY quickly when this guy catches on to him in the bed of the truck. Sends his gun flying and my heart racing.
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Adore the worried wifey look as she watches from the car. It's pouring out of her in that brief shot. Well done Melissa. Just like Eric she knows how to convey so very much with just a look. Lucy knows Tim is in trouble. That she can't just sit there in pursuit of the vehicle without helping him.
Especially after she watches him get pulled into the cab. Knowing that he is currently at a tactical disadvantage. No way in hell she is leaving him to fight this guy off alone. Telling Lopez to take the wheel as she makes her way out to help him.
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Lopez's face when she makes the jump is shocked and amazed. Lucy continuing her BAMF streak on this OP. I loved the surprised look on Tim's face when she first jumps on the truck. Like he can't believe she just risked her life to come help him out. He can't stay in the feeling long as she takes the guy out for them. But it needed to be noted his utter surprise she was there to have his back. Risked her life to do so. Such a bad ass battle couple. Back to back finales we get to watch them be poetry in motion in the field with a battle.
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Oh my lord what an epic scene to watch. Lucy jumping onto that moving truck bed to save her man. They take him down together. Their work dynamic easily coming back into play here. They don't miss a beat in this moment. Working as harmoniously as they always have in the past together in the field. I love the looks shared once they've stopped the truck.
Especially Tim's. He is so damn impressed with her. Always finds a way to blow him away with the bad ass she's become. Man is falling in love all over again. It shows all over the two looks he gives her in this scene. First one is his falling back in love again. I mean he already was but think sunk him deeper. Second one is more of just being in awe of her. The pride he feels watching the amazing cop she's developed into. I love these two so much.
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Let me start with how happy it makes my heart that Tim smiles when she walks up to him. Despite all the hurt just the sight of her elicits a smile out of him automatically. His walking sunshine. Love of his damn life. She truly is his happy place in human form. Lucy making a crack about him taking a half day. Their banter still simmering beneath the surface. It's a little subdued in this moment but it's alive and well with Tim's reply. He is ever the gentlemen letting her go first.
His elevator version of holding the door for her. That chivalry never dying with him. It's the little things. Can't ignore how Lucy is looking at this man the entire scene. From start to finish. With such reverence and love. Still so in love with this man standing in front of her. Lucy can't help it. She is a moth to a flame with him. Especially with Tim thanking her for saving his life. Let's delve into that a little shall we? Tim Bradford is saying he didn't have it. Admitting fault he would've lost that battle without her.
Saying not only did he not have it but Lucy did. That he wouldn't be standing here without her. Giving her the kudos and all the praise for saving his life. Far cry from 1x01 and his future reaction to that moment in S5. This is a different Tim we see standing before us everyone. The amount of growth in this moment is immense. Because not only did she save his life but she saved him in a deeper sense. Feels like it's truly hitting him like a freight train the impact she's had on his life. I think there is double meaning to his words above. It's what leads him into this next section below.
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The loving expression on Lucy's face when she replies ' You're Welcome.' That look of I'm still in love with you, I would do anything for you despite the hurt, and her realizing the deeper meaning of Tim thanking her. The growth she is currently seeing in him is prompting this soft/warm look and even softer reply. It's what encourages Tim to say his next portion. You can see him psyching himself up before he turns around to apologize. To own what he's done to them. To her.
Tim starts his apology by telling her he knows what he’s done (thank you lord for this) That he knows he ruined everything. You sure did babe...but you’re gonna earn it all back I know it. Lucy has the most loving and forgiving nature. The biggest heart. Also we can see there is still a tinge of anger to her expression at first above. So that journey will not be an easy one for Tim. Nor should it be. He has a lot to make up for. But my god will it be worth it in the end. I truly believe that. I'm going to be crying river's when we get there.
Look at how he has grown. Immediately spilling his guts emotionally to her twice in one episode. Not once but TWICE. Hell three times really. With saying she saved him and admitting fault to what he's done. I can't get over this. He had two really hard conversations with her in this episode. Swallowing that pride of his he's trying to hard to overcome. Doing this in order to communicate better with her. To show her he's putting in the time and the effort. To let her know he knows he messed up and is owning that. Something Tim wouldn't have done before. At least not easily. These are great strides for him. I couldn't be prouder of where they are ending the season for him. Imma need more therapy though in S7 you hear me writers?
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Tim thanking Lucy for extending him the kindness she has shown him. *my damn heart.* That he can never explain how much he appreciates it. That she could've easily turned on him and he would've understood. But that's not Lucy. We all know that's not who she is. Or ever will be. It's that forgiving nature of her's that is one of the many reasons Tim is so damn gone for her. I think there is once again a double meaning to his words. To me Tim is saying this is for far more than just post break up. It's for their entire relationship. Together/apart and especially when they were not 1-4. The kindness and the empathy she's aways shown him. Even at his worst.
Like I said earlier it's all hitting him hard. The place she held in his life for so long and the impact she's had on him. Imma cry. A giant epiphany moment for Tim I think. Maybe starting to slowly understand the unconditional love she has for him. This scene made me tear up. That anger that is still present melts away a little more for Lucy. If she continues to see Tim work on himself. He shows her his continued growth. No reason she wouldn't take this man back when he's put in the work to re-earn that place in her life. Tim saying he's gonna spend rest of his life repaying her back for said kindness. *screams into the void.* In whatever small doses she allows of course.
Respecting her boundaries and hoping she will allow him to do so. It's the sweetest most sincere part of his apology. The way she looks at him as he departs. *heart clutch* You can see he's stunned her into silence. But also Lucy can see the growth in him and it’s written all over her face. This is a fantastic way to end the season for them. It wouldn’t be right to get back together right now or even just a 'we almost died' hook up. (Wonderful fic's out there for that just recently BTW.) Just wouldn’t. As much as my shipper soul LONGS for them to be back together. Legit longs so much it hurts. This was a good way to end them for the season. With some hope, some growth and a path forward leading us to S7.
Some Final thoughts below. With a Chenford hug to this lovely fandom of ours.
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First off I want to thank you all for doing this not so mini review journey with me. I was nervous to do them. Even after doing 9 plus months of them with 1-5. This was different. It was first impressions. Hope you all enjoyed them. I'm more than happy to do this next season too. First impression thoughts for S7 as well if you are all interested. Let's move onto some final thoughts I'm having. You know months could pass by when we get to 7x01 in their timeline. I’m hoping he’s in therapy during this duration. Ready to prove he wants to earn her trust back. To earn her back. I don't think for one second that moment in the elevator is the last deep conversation they're going to have before we get a reconciliation. Tim has her love. Always has. Always will.
Lucy's decisions and responses in 6x10 show that. No matter what she loves this man. What he needs to gain back is her trust. To prove over and over again. He's there to stay. To show her through kind acts. To rebuild his rapport with her. I’m excited for that journey cause when we get there. *phew* God the fandom is gonna implode with happiness. It’ll be well earned. Their relationship is going to be even better with the growth Tim has done. (Hoping for some more for Lucy as well and getting the support she needs/deserves)We saw massive results in this episode alone. Can you imagine how it’ll be when they’re back together? *chefs kiss* it’ll make all the hurt and pain so worth it.
Getting emotional writing about this. This ship has a stranglehold on my emotions and I’m ok with it. Eric and Melissa love our passion for this couple. So I won’t be ashamed for the affect it has on me. I’m excited for s7. It’ll be a long hiatus. But we will get through it together. I will probably wait till mid July to do my thoughts fully fleshed out for S6. Think we all need time for finale to settle. For us too as well. I'm most definitely not ready to re-dive into everything just yet. Especially 6x05/6x06. But I'm hoping couple month hiatus for me will help with tackling that. Then we can start that journey for us all to go on with my deeper analysis.
As always thank you all for the likes, comments and reblogs. For being interested in my thoughts at all. It means the world you have no idea. Love this fandom, love this show and this incredible ship we are so fortunate to have. So once again thank you all for being on this journey of S6 with me. Like said earlier I’ll get started in my fleshed out S6 reviews come mid July. :)
Side notes-Non chenford
Monica cleaned up a mess for Blair. Manipulated her by helping her most Monica thing I've ever heard. Glad to finally have answers to that. I knew it felt like manipulation. She had too much of a conscience to be dead inside and doing it for money. Sucks cause she is very good at her job. That scene with Aaron was a mic drop moment for him. So proud of how far he came this season as well.
Friggin Nolan never listens. And get shot for not listening. In the ass. Because he's a pain in one. Was apropos. Also he's right back to being a dumb putz to me. It was short lived john you made it half an episode before falling out of my good graces LOL
Once again music amazing for their final scenes whoever handled that this season crushed it. Bringing out all my emotions.
See you all later this summer for my in-depth ones. Till then be kind and rally around each other. Gonna be a long hiatus.
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techs-goggles9902 · 5 months
From the WIP ask game: I would like to know about the modern au tbb please? :)
TBB Modern AU Pt.1
Requests are open for all listed fandoms! See Masterlist for details. It’ll take me a minute to write bc I’m still emotionally traumatized by TBB s3
Summary: the bad batch but in a modern setting (duh).
Warning: talks about death and a bad car accident. I think there’s swearing (I forgot lmao) nothing bad happens but traumatic pasts are talked about.
Word Count: 1530 (I think)
A/N: Im so tired 😭 it’s 1:14 am at the moment. Anyway, I didn’t plan on making a series but I’ve kept you waiting far too long, bestie. THE ENDING IS INTENTIONAL. IM WORKING ON IT I SWEAR
NOTE: if confused about the occupations of the batch members, see this link.
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“Echo, help me!” Omega says, bounding down the narrow hallway of the small apartment they were currently living in. She holds out a hair tie with a few stray strands of her blonde hair curling around the fabric.
Echo sighs, taking her hand in his good hand and leading her over to their raggedy couch littered with rips and mismatched pieces of cloth stitched to the creaky leather.
“Why didn’t you have Hunter do your hair? I don’t even have hair,” he sighs, gathering his sister’s wavy locks with his hands, careful so her hair wouldn’t get caught in his prosthetic.
“He’s sleeping. Still. He and Crosshair were trying to beat… what’s the game called? Gobbler’s Gate? I don’t know, but anyway, he and Cross pulled an all-nighter.” She never could remember that damn game her brothers were obsessed with beating.
“Baldur’s Gate,” Echo reminds her, sighing deeply. Hunter had to start making his deliveries soon, people needed their Doordash.
“Yeah, that!” Omega winces as Echo pulls her hair while tying off her ponytail.
“Sorry, kid.” He gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze with his left hand, his only real hand. “Come help me pick my hat.”
Omega gasps and whips around to face her big brother. “Really? I get to pick your hat today?”
“Yeah, why not? C’mon.” Echo takes her by the hand, always his left hand so he can feel her warm fingers clasping his own. They tiptoe through the hall, Echo’s footsteps muffled by the thick, fluffy slippers he wore, and towards the room he was given when he moved in with them. He’s a brother they didn’t know they had.
Jango got around, Rex had said when he introduced Echo to the batch. That’s what they called themselves, the “batch”. I raised him right, don’t worry, boys. Echo’s a good lad. He had gotten into a car accident not long after he and his twin, Fives, turned 21. Both sustained catastrophic injuries, Echo losing both legs around the knees, his right arm, and gaining severe burns on most of his remaining body. Fives on the other hand… he didn’t make it to the hospital.
Echo was slowly but surely growing back the hair he lost, yet he still finds comfort in wearing his beanies, whether it’s his tie-dyed one or the white one with yellow eyes on the fold, just like the creepy clown Omega had nightmares about.
“Which one for today?” Echo asks, gesturing to the assortment of beanies he keeps laid out on his dresser. He lowers himself onto his mattress with a low grunt. They couldn’t afford bed frames. Omega looks back at his pale blue hoodie, which Echo also has a colorful assortment of, and she selects the royal blue beanie, placing it on his growing follicles.
“That one’s perfect.” She steps back, admiring her work.
“Alright kid, what’s today’s objective? Park? Library? Bothering Wrecker at the mall?”
Omega looks down and furrows her brow as she thinks of what she and Echo should do. She looks up at him with thoughtful eyes. “Can we… visit Fives?”
Echo blinks in surprise and a smile tugs at his chapped lips. “I’d like that. I’d like that alot.”
They’re interrupted by Crosshair’s cursing from the room he shares with Tech. “Shit shit shit. Echo, what the hell? It’s almost 9!” He spits out over his shoulder as he rushes down the hall.
“I’m not in charge of your schedule, Cross! It’s not my fault you played Baldur’s Gate all night,” Echo stands and meets his fuming brother in the living room/kitchen. Crosshair’s trying to tie his shoes with shaky fingers. He’s never been late before, not once. His job was one of two stable jobs the batch had.
“Hey… calm down. They can’t fire you, you’re the reason the diner’s getting busy again.” Echo’s knees creak as he kneels down and puts a hand on his brother’s shoulder.
Crosshair sits back on his heels, tilting his head back with a sigh. “Y-yeah… nothing to worry about.” He looks back at Echo. “You good with spaghetti tonight?”
Echo hums in agreement as Crosshair gets back on his feet. “I’ll be back at 6.” Crosshair unhooks his keys from the rusty rack and leaves.
Omega comes out of Echo’s room wearing his black beanie. Echo groans, “Meg, that clashes with your outfit, I can’t be seen with you now.”
She giggles, pulling her soft teal cardigan around her body. Her white leggings were just begging to be stained. “Echo, I do believe you’ve said ‘black goes with everything’.”
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head fondly.
They ate, forced Hunter to awaken from his peaceful sleep, and walked Wrecker to his job at the nearby mall as a security guard. He only took up the job since they lived in a bad neighborhood and he got to tackle people for a living.
“Isn’t it funny that Wrecker’s kinda a cop and Tech sells illegal stuff on the black market?” Omega asked Echo after Wrecker jogged off to make it on time for his shift. The pair strolled towards the bus stop they used to get from Ord Mantell to Coruscant.
“Well…” Echo considered. “It’s a little funny.” Omega grins and clasps his hand tighter. They step into the little covered bench at the bus stop.
“So… how come you moved out of Rex’s house? I mean, he has a nice place and all.” Omega wasn’t with the family when Echo moved in. She’s never asked him about his life before the batch, not unless it was about Fives.
“I… Rex takes in a lot of our brothers. He wants the Fett family to… stay together, I guess. We were all marines or some type of soldier at one point, so we’re all similar. I didn’t… fit in with our other brothers, even if we’re all family. Rex introduced me to the batch and they said I was welcome to move in.” Echo gives her hand a squeeze. “They needed the rent money, too.”
Omega grins, squeezing his hand back.
The bus dropped them off a block away from the Coruscant City Cemetery, which was in a pretty decent neighborhood. Omega tugs the wired earbuds out of her ears, handing Echo back his phone. On bus rides, he always let her listen to her music, mostly to make sure she didn’t hear the things drunks always say to Echo.
“Who were you listening to this time, Meg?”
“Lana. I like her song Salvatore,” she says, slipping her hand right back into her brother’s larger one. Lana as in Lana Del Rey, one of Omega’s favorite singers.
They take their time strolling down the Coruscant streets, Echo pointing out his favorite spots occasionally. The wrought iron fence bordering the cemetery comes into view; large, shiny headstones poke out of the ground behind the iron gates.
Echo memorized the spot where he buried his twin, Section 5, row 5, 5 stones from the fifth tree. Of course Fives’ name wasn’t actually Fives, he just loved the number.
“Jango loved Fords… so he named Fives after ‘em.” The small headstone is just up ahead. Omega slowly walks up to it, kneeling a few inches away from the edge of the stone.
“Ford Fett… Echo, what’s your real name?” She asks, gently brushing her palm over the granite marker, stray pine needles blow away as she does so.
Echo pauses, keeping his distance from his sister and his brother’s grave. He slides his hands into his hoodie, shifting his weight. “Elliot.”
Omega hums in acknowledgement, bobbing her head. She says something under her breath to the headstone, Echo doesn’t bother asking her what she said. He keeps his gaze down to the dirt beneath Omega’s knees, a soft smile tugging at his lips.
We have a sister, Fives… oh, you would’ve loved her…
Aggressive meowing comes from the apartment as Echo and Omega walk up to the door. The pair exchanges glances. “Is that a cat?” Omega asks.
“I… I don’t even wanna know.” Echo sighs and opens the door to find an angry Tech and a gross looking cat staring up at him. The cat’s dusty brown coat is surprisingly shiny in the light.
“You cannot chew my socks. How many times have I told you this?” Tech spits out, jabbing a slender finger in the cat's direction.
“Are you having a full conversation with the cat? Also, why do we have a cat?” Echo asks. Omega smiles and kneels down beside the feline, new grass stains on the knees of her leggings catch Tech’s eye. He sighs.
“Wrecker brought him home when he returned from his shift. He’s out acquiring the needed supplies for keeping a cat. He named him Gonky. Who names a cat Gonky?”
“Wrecker, apparently.” Echo looks between his brother, the cat, and Omega, sighing and walking off to his room. He wasn’t sharing a room because his nightmares kept his former roommate - Hunter - awake. He can hear Gonky meowing at Tech, an occasional hiss when Tech refuses to give him a sock, along with Omega’s laughing.
“What the… why the hell do we have a cat?”
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Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @hellhound5925 @dangraccoon @skellymom @ithillia (so you know I posted)
Please lmk if you’d like to be taken off or added.
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bad268 · 1 year
Liam lawson
I remember there one dtm video(red bull) being where alex and lily were in it and that was rlly cute
so hoow bout the reader coming to watch liam and they juts being cute throughout :)
Compilations (Liam Lawson X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/Formula 2/3
Requested: Clearly (bruh I strayed so far but I think this is cute too. I rewatched all of the DTM videos and I was like *compilation*), (italics are clips from the video)
Warnings: Language haha
Pronouns: I/me/they/them
W.C. 3428
Summary: Liam and his significant other take a trip down memory lane for a video.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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~~(^Google/RedBull Content Pool)
It was two in the morning. My phone should not be ringing. Rolling over and answering it without looking at the ID, “Well, someone better be dying.”
“I’m dying,” the voice, who I was able to recognize as Liam, laughed on the other end. “Okay, I’m not dying.”
“Could’ve had me fooled,” I mumbled, burying my face into my pillow while keeping the phone to my ear. “Not that I’m upset that you called, well kind of actually, but what do you want?”
“Oh, do you not want me to call you?” He teased back.
“I do just not at two in the fucking morning, Liam,” I complained, “Especially when I had an alarm set at three for my flight. I’m not going back to sleep now, so I hope you’re happy with yourself.”
“I’ll keep you company,” He chuckled. “I was mainly calling because I wanted to make sure you were still coming this week.”
“You couldn’t have called me a couple of days ago?” I accused. I didn’t let him respond as I continued ranting, getting increasingly louder as I progressed. “Or yesterday? Or last night? Or fucking texted me because it is two in the morning?!”
“I mean, a reasonable time to call you would’ve been mid-day or something for me and I was doing car stuff,” He explained calmly, knowing that I was just moody because he woke me up too early. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” I grumbled, immediately switching the call to a FaceTime. “There, if you’re going to make me stay awake, the least you could do is let me look at you.”
“Glad you find my looks good enough to keep you awake,” He joked.
“Anyways,” I switched topics as I propped my phone up against the headboard, so I could use my hands to hold my head up, “I know you did not just call me to ask if I was still coming. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to make sure because the Red Bull media team wants us to do a video for YouTube,” He explained as he moved on his end to a corner of the trailer after being given the go-ahead to chill out until they went back to the hotel.
“But I’m not a driver?” I asked, confused as to why they would want me in the video.
“Never said you were, love,” He chuckled again. “They want us to react to some videos.”
“That makes me nervous,” I replied with a nervous laugh. “Do I get to know what videos?”
“I don’t even know,” Liam started.
“You are not going to break him that easily, Y/n!” Alex cut in from the background. Just then, Alex‘s head appears in the corner of the frame with an enthusiastic wave, “Hi, by the way.”
“Hello, Alex,” I giggled, waving back, “Do you know what we’re doing?”
“Do I look like I’m in Red Bull? No,” He laughed in response. “But hey, I need to steal your boyfriend. We need to do a final debrief before heading back to the hotel. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there tomorrow afternoon,” I said, shaking my head at his nonsense. “Do I at least get a moment to say goodbye to my boyfriend?”
“Don’t keep him too long,” Alex says, leaving the frame and walking away, “The faster we do the debrief, the faster we go to sleep!”
“Huh, funny how you guys get to have uninterrupted sleep tonight, and I’m here bickering back and forth with my boyfriend and his teammate at two in the fucking morning!” I said sarcastically before dissolving into shouts toward the end.
“There’s no way it’s still two there,” Liam quipped back.
“Ah, you’re right,” I replied sarcastically after I checked the time before yelling, “It is three in the fucking morning now!” I stopped, taking a deep breath and calming down before saying, “I need to finish packing. I leave for my flight in a couple of hours, and I need to get ready and take a shower. I’ll text you before I take off, not call you because I value your beauty sleep. You need it.”
“Hey!” He objected. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means I love you, and I’m hanging up now,” I smiled into the camera, pretending to not see his shocked expression.
“This isn’t over, but I’ll let you go,” He said while pointing at the camera. He put his finger down and just smiled at the camera, “I love you too, call me when you land please?”
“Of course,” I reassured, “I’ll see you tomorrow. Wait, today technically. I’ll be there by dinner.”
“Good, I’ll take you out,” He responded.
“I don’t know if that’s supposed to be a threat or an invite, and I’m not sure if I want to stick around to find out,” I joked quickly before saying bye and hanging up just as fast.
Landing in Italy was crazy because of the time change. Initially, I thought I would land in the late afternoon/early evening time frame but due to the difference, I was already getting to the hotel before lunch. Part of me just wanted to pass out from jet lag, but the other half wanted to go to the track to see Liam. Come to find out, they had free practice, so I wouldn’t even be able to see Liam until afterward anyway. Thus, I just decided to chill out, nap, and unpack a few things while I had nothing else to do.
At around two, I got a text from Liam, asking me to meet him in the lobby, so we could do the mysterious video.
“Do you know anything now?” I asked as soon as I sat in the car.
“Well, hello to you too,” he joked, waiting for me to greet him, and when I did, he continued. “No, all I know is they want you and me to do it.”
“That is definitely not suspicious at all,” I replied sarcastically before we pulled up to the track. We walked hand-in-hand to the AF Course trailer where we would be filming, and they already had the cameras and lights set for us. “Do we get to know what we are reacting to, now?”
“Yes,” one of them laughed. “Fans have been sending us these compilation videos of you two around the paddock, so you’re both going to watch it. Make it cute.”
“Oh, no pressure there,” Liam jested, taking a seat on the couch while I follow to sit beside him. They signaled that the cameras were rolling and that we could start the intro at any point. I decided to let Liam take the lead from the beginning since I wasn’t a driver and wasn’t social media trained. “Hi guys, welcome to the Youtube channel. Today, we brought in my significant other, Y/n, and we are going to react to the compilations you sent us.”
“Yeah, what he said,” I contributed quietly, causing him to laugh at my shyness.
It was the first race of the DTM season. Everyone’s nerves were through the roof, but it seemed like Liam’s were through the stratosphere. It was a new season, in a new car, and it was with a new teammate. It was safe to say that he needed all the support he could get, so I decided to surprise him.
With a little help from the crew, I was able to get an extra key to his hotel room and sneak in while he was doing media. I decided I would make myself comfortable, taking one of Liam’s shirts out of his suitcase and changing into it before pulling out my laptop to get some work done while I had the time.
I had my music playing, and I was in a groove, getting a huge chunk of my essay drafted. I took a little dance break when I spun around, and immediately started screaming, not expecting Liam or a camera to be in front of me. “Hey! There’s this new thing! It’s called knocking!”
“Didn't think I needed to knock for my own room,” Liam responded in shock. He slowly approached me as I caught my break before he wrapped an arm around my waist and grabbed my hand. “What are you doing here? You said you have an essay due.”
“Surprise?” I said while shrugging my shoulders, ”I have wifi here, so it’s fine.”
“Happily surprised, yes” He chucked back.
~ “I remember that,” Liam laughed as he paused the video. “I didn’t even realize you were wearing my shirt until just now.”
“Wait, actually?” I looked over at him in confusion. “I thought that was the first thing you noticed.”
“No, the first thing I noticed was my significant other singing and dancing in my hotel room,” He deadpanned before sarcastically adding, “Forgive me for not noticing what you were wearing.”
“Oh, what’s next?” I joked, “You gonna tell me that you didn't notice I cut my hair there either?”
“You cut your hair?” He asked genuinely, rewinding the video to see your hair.
“Oh, brother,” I rolled my eyes.
This was a bad idea. The worst actually. Why and how did I let Liam convince me to get in the car with him? I already hate seeing him race at these high speeds. I did not need to experience it, yet here we are. And he is fucking laughing.
“Stop laughing at my pain,” I shouted at him as we took the corner faster than I would have liked. My arm shot out to grab him out reflex as I begged him to slow down. “Liam, my love, apple of my eye, future husband, please slow the fuck down. I’m going to die.”
He just laughs in response, slowing down slightly, but not enough to make me let go of his arm. “If I slow down too much, I’ll get a penalty.”
“What do you mean a penalty?” I shouted at him, “There’s no fucking race!”
“That you know of,” he joked, slowing down even more so he could let go of the steering wheel momentarily to pry my hands off his arm. Once he gets them off his bicep, he just holds one of my hands in his. “Here, you can hold my hand, and I’ll go slower.”
“Not on my watch, mister. You put that hand right back on the steering wheel,” I protested, pulling my hand from his and pushing it toward the steering wheel. He kept laughing at my outbursts while glancing over at me from time to time. “Keep those hands on the wheel, eyes on the road, and get me back to the garage pronto.”
“Damn, so bossy,” he chuckled, proceeding carefully around the circuit, “Y’know, the fans are gonna love this.”
“Well, I’m glad they find my pain amusing,” I groaned, throwing my head back. Liam just laughed in response before I lifted my head, making eye contact with the camera on the dash, “You know what guys, just for my pain, I’m gonna need you to like and subscribe to the channel. Like this is horrifying. I will never do this again, so the least you can do is like and subscribe. Please.”
“Shameless promo, we love to see it.”
“And I never did it again,” I smiled at the camera. “I don’t trust him anymore, actually.”
“Hey, I got you back safely, right?” Liam asked, leaning into my side as he wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his head on my shoulder. I turned my head to nod and place a kiss on his forehead. “I haven’t pressured you to do it again either.”
“Maybe I’ll let you do it at the next race,” I whispered to him.
“Really?” he perked up.
“Fuck no!” I exclaimed. “You scared me half to death last time. Why would I willing do it again?”
We were in the Hitech trailer with Juri, filming something for their Youtube channel. I was behind the camera just minding my own business while Liam and Juri were arguing, like always, about something I didn’t care to figure out.
“Y/n/n, tell him I’m right,” Liam complained, pulling my attention away from the book I was reading. I look up at them, seeing Juri shaking his head ‘no’ while Liam’s eyes are pleading with me to side with him.
“I think you two can settle this on your own,” I sighed, going back to my book.
“Aren’t you supposed to love me?” Liam groaned, sliding down the chair he was sitting in just to be dramatic. “How can you go against me like that?”
“You’re teammates. Work it out,” I pressed, pointing between the two.
“Alright everyone, it’s official,” Juri starts, looking straight into the camera, “Y/n and Liam are breaking up. Sorry guys.”
“Cool, I’m single now,” I jested, “I’m gonna call Oscar.”
“You better not!” Liam shouted running over to me, grabbing my phone and throwing it to the side.
“Way to go dumbass,” I grumbled, watching my phone shatter against the wall.
“I’ll buy you a new one, just don’t joke about that,” He whispered, pulling me into his chest.
“You know I would never leave you, definitely not with Oscar of all people,” I whispered back, playing with his hair. I decided to tease him even more, “You’ve got hotter friends.”
“Hey you’re messing it up,” He whined as he pulled away to fix his hair. “And I’m gonna pretend I didn't hear you just call my friends hot.”
“You’ll live. Now, finish filming because we are going to get a new phone today,” I said as I pushed him toward Juri.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Ew, don’t ever call me that again.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he responded as he turned away from me, walking to Juri before turning back around to face me once Juri burst out laughing at my glare. “Wait, sorry. Won’t happen again.”
“It better not, Lawson.”
“No, not Lawson,” He whispered with a light chuckle, hanging his head to hide his smile.
“They resorted to your last name,” Juri wheezed but I didn’t hear either of them, “you’re in the doghouse.”
I wiped tears away from my eyes from how hard I was laughing, “You guys actually said that? I couldn’t even hear you!”
“Clearly the microphones did,” He laughed at my reaction. “Did you ever end up finishing that book?”
“I don’t think so,” I responded after a second of thinking. “I don’t even remember what book that was, to be honest. I was more focused on my shattered phone.”
“I said I was sorry!” He defended.
“Sorry doesn’t bring back my phone!” I retorted.
“I bought you a new one!”
“But my old one was red. This one is silver,” I complained with a pout.
“There’s a red case on it!”
“Doesn’t mean it’s the same.”
“You are unbelievable,” He rolled his eyes, jokingly before looking straight into the camera, “I can never win.”
“Nope,” I smiled as I popped the ‘p’ and moved to press play on the video, “Now, onto the next clip!”
Wet races always gave me anxiety, but they seemed to bring a lot of excitement among the drivers. Originally, it was only expected to rain lightly for the last couple of laps, but that was thrown out the window when the first drops started falling on lap 23 of 28 and the downpour began on lap 26. It felt and looked horrible, yet the stewards did not red-flag the race.
I couldn’t even watch the last laps. Last I checked, Liam was leading with Oscar right behind him, but the rain was making it difficult to see who was winning. It wasn’t until the team started cheering that I was able to let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Juri had an engine problem earlier in the race, so I knew that Liam finished the race safely.
Completely disregarding the torrential downpour, I ran out of the garage toward parc ferme where Liam had just parked his car and jumped out. I didn’t give him much of a chance to regain his surroundings before I jumped into his arms, hiding my face in his neck as I wrapped my legs around his torso and his arms held me close. I couldn’t stop the tears from collecting in my eyes, but no one could tell due to the rain.
“You did amazing, Liam,” I whispered after I pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes. “I’m so proud of you.”
“I thought you hated PDA,” he chuckled as he leaned his forehead against mine. “For once, I didn’t initiate this.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“That was our first public kiss,” I laughed, facing Liam who was still leaning on my shoulder. I leaned forward to place a light kiss on his lips then. “Now, I have no problem with kissing you in front of the cameras.”
“You were a lot more shy back then,” He pointed out, moving to kiss all around my face.
“You say that like it was so long ago. It was maybe a year or two ago,” I giggled, pulling away slightly.
“Actually, that clip was almost three years ago now,” one of the team members spoke up, making us remember that we were not alone.
“You’re kidding!” We both exclaimed.
“Wait, that actually makes sense,” Liam says after a moment of thought, “We’ve been together for almost four years now.”
“God, that makes me feel old,” I sighed.
“Old? We’re 21!”
“And your point?”
“You should be out celebrating your birthday,” I cried into Liam’s chest as we laid in his hotel bed. Liam had to travel to the Red Bull factory during the off-season for simulator work, and he brought me with him since it was over his birthday weekend. However, a bug had been going around the factory, and I was its latest victim. So much for celebrating his 21st. “You don’t need to take care of me.”
“What if I want to?” He comforted me, rubbing up and down my back in an attempt to calm me down. “Spending the day cuddling with you in bed doesn’t seem too bad.”
“But you’ll get sick,” I complained. “Then Christian will get made cuz you can’t do the simulator, and you’ll be upset cuz you’re a baby when you’re sick-”
“I am not,” He cut me off, offended.
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Are too.”
“Are not,” I replied quickly before realizing what he did and immediately backtracked. “No, you can’t do that. My brain is running at 900 ping right now.”
“Nope, you admitted I’m not a baby when I’m sick. Which I’m not,” He pointed out as he pulled back a little to check my fever, feeling no change since the last time he checked. “Why don’t we just chill out and watch a movie?”
“That sounds fun,” I mumbled, moving around to get comfy again as Liam laid back on the pillows. “But you pick the movie, birthday boy.”
“Oh, I was already planning on it,” He chuckled, smoothing out my hair that was all over the place. “I don’t think you’ll last 30 minutes.”
“That’s offensive,” I pouted, burying my face in his chest. I was going to complain more before a yawn cut me off, “Ok, you might be right.”
“Of course I am,” He joked lightly. My eyes were already shutting when he looked down at me, kissing my forehead one last time and pulling me in tighter as I fell asleep. “Sleep well, my love.”
“I didn’t even know this was recorded,” I said, eyeing the team that stood behind the camera. Conveniently, none of them made eye contact with me. “Huh, wonder how that happened.”
“You have to admit, we’re pretty cute though,” Liam chuckled.
“I wasn’t saying we weren’t,” I argued back. “We are always cute. I mean have you seen us?”
“I think this is a good place to end the video,” He laughed. “This has been my significant other and I reacting to compilations of us.”
“If you want to see more of me, like, comment, and subscribe,” I plugged. Liam and the crew started laughing as I once again promoted the channel. “Maybe I’ll come back for a part two of this.”
“That would be interesting,” Liam said, pointing at the camera. “Anyways, see you next time!”
“Bye!” We said in sync as we waved to the camera.
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dearsnow · 9 months
- it’s just you, your best friend, the sunset, and a heap of buried feelings in a big grass field. (jacaerys velaryon x gn!reader, modern au, fluff)
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word count: 808
a/n - a fic for a fandom i’m not hyperfixated on anymore 🤯 it’s a bit rushed and not proofread, but i hope someone can get some enjoyment out of it anyways 😭 somewhat based on woodland by the paper kites
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You smile, squinting at the pink and yellow sky. Jacaerys is in front of you, hair set alight by the dying sun and a sparkle in both of his eyes. “Come on, don’t waste the moment!” He shouts, urging you forward.
The grass field around you is large and slightly slanted. Wild grasses cover the expanse, tall and blowing in the breeze. It’s nearing the end of spring, but the flowers and weeds are still in full bloom. As you move forward, legs picking up speed and wind whipping around your face, the stalks and leaves around your feet brush against your ankles.
Jacaerys is leading, running so fast you think he would be flying if he wasn’t firmly stuck to the ground. You, of course, like always, follow.
It’s been four years since you met the boy in your 7th grade chemistry class, but it feels like a lifetime has passed since. You were fourteen and awkward, and in all honesty, so was he. 
He seemed like the coolest person in the world; he had money, friends, these glasses with thick frames that were just beaten-up enough to be “stylish”. His hair was parted to the side, he had a little bit of acne, and his front tooth was twisted. Despite that, despite everything, no person could deny that he had a certain charm- you least of all. When he was seated next to you, your heart began to pound in your chest.
You also had an awkward phase. Multiple, if you really wanted to dig into it, but he stayed by your side the whole time. You just clicked like that, in a way neither he nor you had ever clicked before. 
He’s changed a lot since then. He discarded his glasses for contacts, though he still keeps a pair of thin frames tucked inside his backpack, he has a nicer, longer haircut, and his mom forced him into braces the year after you met him. You will always see him as younger, though, and the redness around his cheeks and forehead will never let him forget it.
“I’m coming, slow down!” You pant, stumbling over your own feet. “You’ve been insufferable since joining track.”
“And yet you suffer me.” He jokes, turning around to walk backwards. “Wrestling just wasn’t enough.” He’s strong now, something you so often forget. Gone are the days of being able to beat him in an arm wrestling competition.
The sun shines over him. He looks ethereal in the light; it makes you want to push him over to make him stop being the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your life. So, like a best friend would, you do.
He grabs onto your hand at the last moment, but the damage is done. He falls backwards, landing on a soft plush of grass. In a moment, you feel a tug on your arm and see the world spinning out of view. You fall on top of him, laughing so hard you think your lungs might explode. He’s got a grin on his face as you roll to the side.
“Getting violent, huh?” He laughs. “And here I was, thinking that you loved me too much to try and kill me.”
“Oh, I love you, sure. That’s why I always want to kill you.” You stare up at the sky while he stares at you. “It’s like when you see a cute baby animal and just want to squeeze it.”
He squints his eyes. He’s always been able to see under your words, getting through the cracks in your voice like he was meant to know something deeper. But, like the gentleman he is, he’ll never call you out on something that he wasn’t supposed to know. He’ll savor the moment for now. The comfort of knowing you love him in one way or another, just like how he loves you, is a quiet reassurance. 
“That’s sweet.” He scoffs. He gets up slowly, looking down at you still enveloped in the grass. His hand reaches out, offering an easy trip up for you. Your heart starts beating wildly at the idea of his palms touching yours, as if you’ve never touched him before. Of course, though, he has a trick up his sleeve.
He pulls you up and spins you around, causing you to trip on the side of his foot. Your footsteps stutter and he takes off, sprinting down the field while you’re still trying to regain your balance. 
“No fair! God, fuck you.” Your eyebrows are furrowed as your voice rings out, but the sound of his panting laughter puts a smile on your face. 
“You better catch up, ‘cuz I’m not stopping ‘til I reach the sun!” He calls. 
You roll your eyes as you chase after him, the sun sinking lower and lower on the horizon.
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Taglist (bolded are unable to be tagged): @mmmimilan @its-halleys-comet @savagemickey03 @persephonesportal @lovelyliliya @the-jess-life @spaceandstars @bbosica @hopelesswritergall @watercolorskyy @ghostheartbeat @cecespizza01 @panelhone @writervaul-t
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twink-between-worlds · 10 months
safety net
hello linked universe fandom, we have returned after months with queer rabbits. tried a more spaced-out format, trying to please people who said our other writing style gets too confusing. (i just think they cant read -dex)
ao3 link; x
“What’re you doin up here, rabbit?”
“Ah—oh! Honeybee, hi. Sorry, did I wake you up?”Ravio turned to the side, watching as Legend sat down next to him on the roof.
Legend just hummed. “What’s wrong?”
“You only do this when you’re upset. What’s wrong?”Legend shouldn’t push him, not really, but it’s the only way Ravio ever admits when something’s bugging him. They’re as stubborn as each other sometimes.
For a minute, it’s quiet, the only sounds heard being each other's breaths. Then, “I get scared when you’re away,”Ravio whispered, barely loud enough to be heard, “I get scared that you won’t come back. That you’ll get hurt, or worse. I mean—you got stabbed, bun. That’s—that’s scary.”
“I don’t like being away either,”Legend admitted. “I never know if you’re safe when I’m gone. Realistically I know you are, but..”The hero trailed off, ending with a vague, “Yeah.”
Ravio let out a breath. “Yeah.”He repeated with a small laugh.
Another silence followed, but this one felt…lighter than the one before. No baited breath, waiting for one of them to admit to anything.
“Wouldn’t want Hyrule’s best merchant to die off, would we?”Legend grinned slightly, a lopsided little thing.
Ravio couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Well lucky, I don’t want my favourite customer dying anytime soon!”
“Can we go back inside now? It’s freezing out here.”
“Well, Mr. Hero, maybe you would be warmer if you didn’t insist on wearing a dress in all weather!”Ravio tutted at him, but began to unwind his scarf from his neck.
“It’s not a dress! They’re tunics, not dresses. And they’re way more comfortable.”Legend complained, arms crossed.
“Whatever you say, honeybun.”He replied, simply looping his scarf around Legend’s neck a few times. “There we go~ You should be warmer now! I won’t charge you for this one.”
“You would charge me for it?”
“...nah, probably not.”He admitted with a sigh.
“Good. Guess that means I can take your scarf more often then, right?”
“You like it that much?”Ravio laughed, face tinting slightly red when Legend nodded in response. “Wow.”
“It smells like you.”
“Oh.”The merchant paused, not having expected that. “That’s nice of you to say, Mr. Hero.”
“Mhm.”Legend hummed out, leaning against the other. “...I’m sorry I got hurt.”
“No no no, don’t you dare apologise for getting hurt. You didn’t exactly do it yourself!”Ravio laughed. “...did you?”
“No, Rav, what the fuck?”
“Hey, you can’t blame me for asking!”Ravio cackled. “For all I know, you stabbed yourself so your lovely, caring boyfriend would nurse you back to health~”
“I’d rather die.”Legend huffed. “I wouldn’t trust you to look after me with a stab wound anyways.”
Ravio gasped, loud and dramatic. “That’s so mean! I would take the best care of you!”
“Yeah right.”
“I would and you know it. I’d take the best care of my prince,”He grinned, throwing the nickname in there just to see the hero go bright red, laughing when the other pushed him away, embarrassed.
“I-I told you not to call me that.”Legend complained, though the blush on his face and the way his ears pointed downwards betrayed any semblance of annoyance.
“Fine~”Ravio giggled, nuzzling Legend’s shoulder. “I won’t call you my prince. Even though it’s true.”
Another laugh.
“We should probably go back inside though. You’re right, it’s a little cold.”
“A little? It’s fucking freezing.”
“You didn’t have to come after me.”Ravio offered a hand to the hero, helping him climb down the side of the roof.
“Yes I did,”Legend insisted. “I needed to make sure you were okay, rabbit.”
“Awh, that’s so sweet of you~”
“Go to hell.”The hero replied bluntly, sighing quietly when he was standing on the grass again, waiting for Ravio to hop down from the roof.
“I’ll probably meet you there, Mr. Hero.”
“Probably? Nah. You’ll absolutely meet me there. No doubt.”Legend snorted, heading inside the house when Ravio finally gathered the courage to jump down from the roof.
“Guess you’re never getting rid of me, then!”Ravio replied cheerfully, pushing his hood down once they got inside. He doesn’t understand it, but Legend has a rule about hats and hoods being worn inside. Says it’s bad luck or something.
The two made their way back to their bedroom, quiet so as to not disturb any of the heroes currently sleeping on the floor in the living room.
“You put your prosthetic on just to check on me?”Ravio realised belatedly, as they made it to the bedroom and Legend sat on their bed and began to remove the aforementioned metal leg.
“Couldn’t get onto the roof without it.”Was all he got.
Ravio wants to tease him for it, or remind him that he didn’t have to come and check on him, but any words he had died in his throat as he settled into bed, Legend curling up into his side. Legend was worried about him.
It’s…not too surprising—Legend’s always cared in his own way—but it still catches the merchant off guard.
“Rulie healed the wound after it happened,”The hero mumbled. “Made sure there wasn’t gonna be any lasting damage outside of a scar.”
“That’s good,”Ravio hummed, running his hands through the other’s hair. It’s suspiciously pinker than usual, but he won’t ask about it. Not right now, anyways. Maybe later. “Sucks that there’s gonna be a scar, though.”
“Eh,”The other shrugged, “It’s just another one to the collection.”
“I know,”He sighed. “Sorry. It’s just easier to think of them as a collection instead of injuries.”
“It’s okay.”Ravio assured him, pressing a soft kiss to Legend’s forehead. “...you’re gonna take the scarf off to sleep, right?”
“Um…I wasn’t planning to, no, but if you’re worried about me choking or something I can take it off.”He laughed quietly. “Do you want me to remove it?”
“If..you don’t mind. I just worry that it’ll get tangled.”
“Fair enough,”The hero shrugged, unwinding the scarf and placing it on the table beside the bed. “I’m really fucking tired, so I’m definitely going to fall asleep soon, but if you need to leave again, wake me up. Okay?”
“Okay, good night bunny.”
“Night, rabbit.”Legend pressed a kiss to Ravio’s cheek before settling, burying his face into Ravio’s neck.
He was asleep within minutes, which isn’t really anything new. It warms Ravio’s heart a little, knowing that Legend feels safe with him. The merchant continued to play with the hero’s hair, staring up at the ceiling and listening to the other’s breathing. He knows he can’t protect Legend when he’s out adventuring, when he’s doing his job, but… At least he can protect him here, and at least he knows Legend is safe here. That’s all he can really ask for. Ravio knows he can’t make him feel safe all the time, but he’s glad he can at least make him feel safe in his own home. Which is a bit of an odd sentence, but he knows that Legend struggled with that a little bit before he came along. He sighed, closing his eyes. He shouldn’t still be awake, Legend will worry if he has bags under his eyes again. At least he fell asleep easily tonight, which probably had something to do with having the hero asleep in his arms, safe and sound.
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writer-by-the-sea · 2 years
elliot w an asexual reader? trying to navigate and communicate their relationship and it ends in fluff maybe
Thank you to my friend @chenziee for helping me out with this. Please go take a look at all their Ace fics they have available in the One Piece fandom :)
Snuggled beneath the blankets, a toasty fire and a cheesy movie playing — a repeated date night like many others with the farmer that I would never grow tired of. They lean against me, their head resting on my shoulder as I take another sip of my wine. The popcorn we had earlier surprisingly paired well with the red wine, but now I felt myself becoming sleepy with the farmer here beside me keeping me warm and comfortable. 
For a few weeks now, we’ve been seeing each other. Maybe not considered ‘official’ quite yet, but I could feel us moving in the same direction. Each night I spent with them I felt myself growing deeper feelings, feelings which I could only dream that they would return. As I cuddled closer to them, adjusting my position to place my arm across their shoulders, I knew that this was a relationship far beyond that of friends or even a new crush. 
I was falling in love. 
“Hey,” I mumbled when the movie credits began to roll, the soft singing of some unknown performer slipping through the speakers. “Do you mind if I stay the night?” I kept my gaze to the tv screen, knowing that if I were to make eye contact I might reveal just how nervous I was to ask this. Normally, in my past relationships, by this point we would be sleeping together. With my question I suddenly became aware of the old condom sitting in my wallet. Good lord, how old was that thing now? Hardly usable based on age alone, but the friction in my wallet had no doubt torn it to shreds. 
I shook the thought away, there was no chance we’d be using that condom, let alone any condom tonight. I could tell the farmer has been apprehensive about becoming intimate, and if we were ever to move forward in that sense it would be when they were comfortable—
“Sure,” they replied with a smile, looking up at me while still relaxing on my shoulder, those gorgeous eyes luring me into a quick kiss on the lips. When they pulled back, they chewed at their bottom lip, their hands coming to sit in their lap while they fiddled with their thumbs. “Look, there’s something I need to tell you.” 
My heart dropped.
The worry in their eyes, their sudden shortness of breath, the way they were the one now avoiding my gaze as they stared down at their lap. 
“Is there someone else?” I asked. My heart felt as if it could burst from my chest. Of course, this all made sense. Of all of the other bachelors and bachelorettes in town, there were much better options than me. Alex and his strength, Penny and her kindness, Harvey with his practice, Sebastian and his homegrown plants in the basement. 
“What?” The farmer laugh, short and sweet. “No-“
“My god, are you dying?!” 
“Elliott, no.” 
“I’ll give you a kidney if you need it, just say the word.” 
“I think we would need a blood test first…”
“Then let’s go to Harvey’s! He can see if I’m a match right now!” 
“Elliott, I don’t want your kidney!” 
“It’s perfectly healthy, I promise!” I pressed my lips together in thought for a moment before continuing. “Wait, does wine affect the kidney or is that the liver? Farmer it might not be that healthy after all but—“ 
“Elliott, No. Look, I’m ace.” 
“Ace?” I paused. Ace. What on earth was ace? “You… don’t have kidneys? Like at all?” 
“No, just,” the farmer covered their mouth, muffling themselves. 
I took their free hand, holding it gently while I looked deep into their eyes. “Please, don’t cry. We can figure this out together, and I’ll be here for you every step of the way.” 
They shook their head, suddenly dropping the hand covering their mouth only to reveal their laugh. The farmer rolled back, forcing me to drop their hand as now both of their hands covered their face while they continued to laugh, only their laughter growing even louder.
“If you’re dying this isn’t funny.” I pouted. 
“No, no—“ they snorted, tears now coming from their eyes. “This is hilarious—“
“I hardly find kidney failure funny—“
They sat up, wiping the tears from their eyes before the spoke. “I’m not dying.” 
I let out a breath. “Oh thank heavens.” 
“Ace means… well, it has to do with sex.” 
“Ahh.. yes, ace.” Right. Ace…. “Actually, no. I don’t know what that means. Does it have to do with golfing? Or poker?” I scratched at the back of my head, it wasn’t that I wasn’t into role play, but I would play a very poor golf instructor. 
The farmer snorted by trying to hold back another laugh. “No, it means I don’t want to have sex. As in… With most standard relationships… There is sexual attraction on both sides. I’m not… sexually attracted to anyone. I don’t get aroused in that sense.” 
“And if that’s an issue for you—“
“Are you… boyfriend attracted to me?” 
The farmer tilted their head, baffled. “What?” 
“If you don’t want to have sex, and if you’re not ‘sexually’ attracted to me, am I boyfriend material?” 
“You don’t mind that I don’t want to have sex with you?” 
“Will you keep watching cheesy movies with me and sharing your wine?” 
“Well, yeah—“
I pulled them into a hug, kissing the top of their head before resting my chin there. “Then you’re stuck with me, darling.” 
“And you’re sure you’re okay not having sex?” Their question was muffled by my shirt but still loud enough to be heard. 
“Of course! If I get to spend time with you… I’ll be the happiest man alive.” 
“Thank you, Elliott.” 
“Don’t thank me. Thank the ancient condom in my wallet that kept me from ever making an awkward move on you. It might even be old enough for a sip of that wine by now.” 
“Liar. Let me see this thing.” 
I chuckled and pulled away from them, taking out my wallet and plucking out the condom to be handed over. I didn’t even feel the ridge in it anymore, honestly how old was it? 
“I’ve never even heard of this brand,” the farmer said while they inspected it. 
I nodded. “Pretty sure their factory went up in flames many years ago.” 
“Hm. Sounds like they didn’t protect themselves very well.” The farmer smirked and passed the condom back. “Thanks for being so understanding… I really appreciate that you’ve been so… not pushy.” 
Sliding the condom back into my wallet for no reason, I laughed. “Not pushy Elliott at your service, my dear.” 
They stood, taking my hand and dragging me along with them. “It’s late, we should head to bed.” 
“As you wish… and hey,” I stopped, still holding their hand and made them look back at me. “If I ever make you uncomfortable, just let me know, alright?” 
The farmer nodded and delivered a kiss to my cheek, their free hand coming to rest on my chest. “You have no idea how much that means to me.” 
“You will always mean more to me than sex, I hope you know that.” 
The sadness that flashed across their eyes was something I never wished to see again. I could only imagine how hard this must be for them, and relationships that may have ended because of it.
“My dick on the other hand… will be hard as a rock in the morning and I apologize in advance.” 
“Elliot, oh my god!” 
“It’s human nature!” 
They groaned and smacked my chest. “You ruined the moment!”
“How could I ever?” I laughed and scooped them into my arms, my need for sleep now stronger than ever as I carried them into the bedroom. “When I love you as much as I do!”I dropped the farmer onto the bed, both of us giggling as I crawled under the sheets beside them. 
They dropped their face into their pillow and sighed. “Don’t confess to me after talking about your dick. Tell me you love me again in the morning.” 
I leaned over and kissed their cheek, earning a playful glare in return. “Anything for you.”  I would make sure to tell them as many times as they needed to hear it. 
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starfruitsaturn · 2 months
Okay so, i haven’t posted about Underverse on this account despite being a fan of it for a while, but i just wanted to talk about it being canceled for a second
First of all, the show being canceled gives you no right to send any hate to Jakei, we were lucky enough to get the series in the first place, and any hate they get over wanting to stop the series only PROVES THEIR POINT ON WHY THEY WANTED TO STOP IT. Yes im disappointed to, I’ve been fixated on this for a really long time, and its sad to see it end, but you guys have got to have some sympathy.
Also jakei is definitely not wrong for this fandom being toxic as fuck, people are constantly just spreading hate to others, and overall, it just seems like in this fandom some people just enjoy being problematic. While i do not believe the majority of the fandom is like this, it still is enough to cause an impact to someone. This is just my opinion, but it shouldn’t matter if any of the AU’s are portrayed in a way that you don’t like or find “canon” these are all AU’s of a fucking indie game that came out years ago, why does it bother you that much? People are allowed to have fun and be creative with the AU’s (which in my opinion is the beauty of them, just getting to see everyone’s creativity) Also, to me Jakei didn’t even do a bad job writing the characters (but of course that’s just my view on it)
And for anyone complaining that “this will be the end of the Underverse and Undertale fandom as a whole” 1. Wtf? 2. No it won’t, while the series might be coming to an end, it dosen’t mean the fandom will, there are plenty of fan works and others series that have come out of Underverse or just the AU’s as a whole, wether thats fanart, fanfiction, comics, merch, and more. This isn’t the end of the fandom as long as people are still in it to keep it alive, there are plenty of other shows that ended that still have a fandom, why should this be an exception? Also claiming that this will bring down the Undertale fandom as a whole is just dumb. Even if the Undertale fandom isn’t as active as it was in the late 2010’s, doesn’t mean the fandom ever died. Sure i would agree that with Underverse being an ongoing series, it might’ve helped contribute to people staying in the fandom, but they’re plenty of people still in the Undertale fandom who don’t like Underverse or any of the AU’s.
Basically, Jakei, i hope you take a well needed break and step away from this fandom, you deserve it after some of the shit that had happened, I’m sorry and I hope your mental health improves.
Underverse fans, please chill out, you have no right to claim your fandoms dying or send any kind of hate or threats to the creator for wanting to step away from a problem that you caused.
Okay, I’m done talking now, sorry for yapping about this so much, i don’t actually expect anyone to read this-
(Also sorry for any bad grammar or anything, I’m kinda dumb and don’t feel like reading back through this)
Anyway, remember to take care of yourself 🫶
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angelasscribbles · 9 months
Unexpected Chapter 11: Let's Be Happy
Series: Unexpected
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings: Riley x Maxwell, Riley x Liam
Rating: MA
Warnings: None for this chapter
Word Count: 2,919
My other stuff: Master List.
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Riley folded clothes and placed them into a suitcase as her mind ran through last night’s events.
Everything was out in the open now. Max had always known about Liam, of course. But now Liam knew about Max as well.
The reveal had gone far better than she would have imagined. She wouldn’t go so far as to say Liam hadn’t cared. He had been a little hurt, a little angry, a little jealous even. But by the night’s end, they had been on the same page.
She would stay in Cordonia. She would continue her relationship with him. He would marry someone else. She would be free to continue her relationship with Max.
Bertrand was going to be livid. She did not doubt that he would make good on his promise to withdraw House Beaumont’s support, both publicly and financially. He’d likely cut Max off as well.
Liam had brushed her concerns about the future aside, telling her not to worry, he’d handle it. For now, she would keep her room at the palace. She would attend the engagement tour and before they left, she would move into a new suite of rooms in the royal family’s wing.
She wasn’t crazy about not having a solid plan for the long term and she was even less thrilled about living in a room right down the hall from Liam’s wife, especially if that wife turned out to be Madeleine.
Liam had assured her he had no intention of marrying the countess, but Riley wasn’t sure that Kiara or Penelope would treat her much better.
There was a knock and Riley crossed the room to open the door for Hana. She pulled her inside and enveloped her in a hug. “I’m so happy to see you!”
Hana returned Riley’s embrace with a laugh. “I’m always happy to see you. But why, specifically?”
“I have a lot to tell you, but you first!” Riley released her and returned to folding clothes to place in her luggage. “I am dying to know what you were talking about last night. What did you mean when you said you weren’t sure you still wanted to marry the prince?”
Hana sat on the edge of the bed and stared down at her hands. “I don’t want to marry Liam. I mean, I did, when I first got here. In addition to making my parents happy and being able to put my considerable skills to good use as queen, he is hot as hell.”
“Right?” Riley laughed in agreement. “I didn’t hear a downside in there!”
Hana looked up with heated cheeks. “What about you?”
“What about me what?”
“If he chooses you, will you say yes?”
“Oh, he’s not going to choose me.”
“You can’t be sure of that.”
“I can. We discussed it last night.”
Hana couldn’t hide the astonishment that crashed through her. “I knew you were close, but I didn’t realize he was confiding in you about such things. And if you’re that close, then why wouldn’t he—”
Riley dropped the blouse she was folding and grabbed Hana’s hands. “I’ll tell you everything, but not until you tell me why you don’t want to marry Liam. You would be a great queen.”
An idea seized hold of her. Hana would be a great queen. And she wasn’t a bitch.
Hana screwed her courage up, determined to say what she had come to say. The next time she would see Riley would be at the Beaumont Bash, an event sure to keep her too busy with hostessing duties to find a moment alone for a conversation. Then after that, the Coronation Ball.
It was now or never.
She drew in a deep breath and blurted out, “I can’t marry Liam because I’m in love with you!”
Drake lifted his hand to knock just as the door to Liam’s office opened and the prince’s personal lawyer stepped out. “Rashad, I didn’t realize you were here today.”
“Last minute meeting,” He explained as he nodded at the other man, “Nice to see you. I’m on my way out.”
“Nice to see you, too. Hello and goodbye.” Drake chuckled as he entered the office and closed the door behind him. He took in his best friend’s demeanor. “Wow. You look downright chipper this morning.”
Liam grinned at him from his place behind the highly polished mahogany desk. “Oh, I am! I spoke to Riley last night and I think I have everything figured out, Drake.”
Drake suppressed a long-suffering sigh. “I thought we settled this. You can’t marry her—”
“Oh, I’m not. I can’t. You were right about that. And she doesn’t want to be queen, anyway.”
Drake had been reaching for a donut on the service cart. His hand froze midway as he did a double take. “What now?”
“She doesn’t want it, Drake. Can you imagine? A woman who doesn’t even want the damn crown!”
“And you’re happy about that? Because yesterday you were still trying to find a way to marry her.”
“I realized I can’t marry her. You were right about her and Max.”
Drake poured a cup of coffee to go with the donut and sat down across the desk from Liam. “I’m very confused. She doesn’t want to marry you, and she’s fucking Beaumont. Why are you happy?”
“Because my overstepping, interfering stepmother is right about one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Queen is a job title. One that Riley is neither prepared nor suited for.”
Liam leaned forward with excitement. “I thought I needed her to marry me to be happy, but I don’t!”
Drake lifted an eyebrow skeptically. “You don’t?”
“No. I don’t. I just need her in my life, and she’s agreed to it. I’m determined to make this work. My marriage will be in name only.”
“But….she’s still sleeping with Max, right? You’ll never be able to reign her in. That girl is a wild card.”
Liam leaned back in his chair with a grin. “Perhaps I like that about her. She just follows her heart and does whatever the hell she wants. What freedom that must be.”
“That’s one way to look at it.”
“Yes. But also look at it this way. I’ll always know she’s choosing to be with me because she wants to, not because she has to.”
“How do you figure?”
“You know I’ve always had issues with women wanting the crown more so than me.”
“She doesn’t want it and she won’t have it. There will be no marriage contract to bind her to me. Every moment we spend together will be because she wants me. Liam, the man. Not the king, not the crown.”
“I think you’re forgetting one very important thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Your money. She may not want the responsibilities of the crown, but how can you ever be sure she isn’t just enamored of your wealth?”
“Ah. I have a solution for that as well. That’s why Rashad was here.”
“I don’t follow.”
Liam pushed a folder across the desktop.
Drake flipped through it and whistled. “Wow. You really have thought of everything.”
 “I know.” Liam gave him a self-satisfied smirk as he rose from the desk. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go pack.”
Drake’s head snapped up. “Pack? Why? We don’t leave for Ramsford until tomorrow.”
“Court doesn’t. Riley and the Beaumonts are leaving this morning. I plan to surprise her there.”
“At Ramsford? Where she’ll be with Max?”
“I can handle Max,” Liam assured him with a scowl. “It’s Bertrand I’m worried about.”
“Bertrand?” Drake sat up straighter, “Explain.”
Liam quickly filled him in on what Riley and Max had confided to him before heading to the royal quarters to pack.
Thirty minutes after arriving at Ramsford, Liam was alone with Riley. Bertrand had been thrilled to provide them with a private sitting room and shoo all the servants away from the area.
Riley’s eyes flicked back and forth from the paperwork in her hands to the man standing in front of her.
Liam was vibrating with excitement as he waited for her reaction.
She shifted through the documents in confusion. “I don’t understand. You’re giving me Valtoria?”
His grin broadened. “Yes!”
Her brows drew together. “What is it?”
“It’s a duchy.”
“Wait. You can just give someone a duchy?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Yes, of course?” She scoffed, “This is brand new information to me, Liam!”
“You’ll be a duchess, complete with full Cordonian citizenship and voting rights in the House of Lords.”
“I’ll be a duchess….”
“Yes, with everything that entails. Lands, titles, bank accounts—”
Her head jerked up as her eyes flew from the document she was holding to his face. “Bank accounts?”
“Naturally. You don’t need Bertrand’s money and you won’t be beholden to him or anyone else for anything from here on out.”
“Liam, this…this is incredibly generous, but I don’t know anything about running a duchy!”
“You don’t have to run it, Riley. You can appoint a prime minister to do all the work.”
“And I’ll keep this as long as I’m your mistress?”
“You’ll keep it, regardless. I have signed and filed all the paperwork, Riley. It’s yours with no strings attached.”
Her mouth fell open in disbelief. “Why would you do this?”
“Why?” He took her hand in his. “Because it would kill me if I ever thought you were sleeping with me out of some sort of obligation or because you felt backed into a corner financially. And because I love you. If you cut me out of your life tomorrow, I can live in peace knowing that you’re taken care of.”
“I’m sorry I can’t marry you, Riley. But your future is secure, with or without me in it, so would you please stop worrying about that?”
She threw herself into his arms.
After several moments filled with laughter, tears, and lots of kissing, she pulled away from him. “This is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me, Liam. I love it and I love you. I feel selfish for asking, but there is one more thing I’d like to ask of you.”
“I’m gratified that you’re so happy. It gives me great satisfaction to please you. If there’s something else I can do, please tell me.”
“I want you to marry Hana.”
The moment the guests arrived, Liam pulled Hana aside for a confidential chat. Then he spoke privately to his father.
“I had hoped you’d choose Countess Madeleine.”
“And I had my heart set on marrying Lady Riley.”
“The council—”
“Won’t approve her. And neither will you. I know. Lady Hana isn’t your first choice, nor is she mine, but she’s an excellent compromise. She has the correct background and education. She’s poised, talented, charming, and beautiful. She should have no trouble securing council approval.”
Constantine laughed with relief, proud to see his son making logical compromises. He had been worried Liam was going to be intransigent about marrying the waitress. The lady from Shanghai was indeed an excellent choice. Regina wouldn’t be happy, but he could handle his wife. Clapping his son on the back, the king assured him, “I’ll have them get the approval pushed through by tomorrow.”
The Beaumont Bash went off without a hitch. The overnight guests were served a late brunch the next day. Liam insisted Riley return to the palace with him.
“Surely you don’t need her for the cleanup? You have staff for that, right?”
Bertrand nodded his agreement with glee. “Yes. It’s fine. Go. Go.”
Liam pushed away from the table and held his hand out to her. “Come, Riley. I’ll walk you to your room. Max, would you please join us?”
Max looked up from his plate in surprise. His eyes flicked to Bertrand, who was shooting daggers at him, then back to Liam. “Um…yes, sure.”
Liam ushered them into Riley’s bedroom and closed the door before turning to face them. “Take anything you care about. You too, Max. The day after tomorrow Bertrand will realize that his plan has failed. I want you both out of his reach. The worst he can do is withdraw his support of Riley and disinherit you. It won’t matter. As I’m sure she’s shared with you by now, Riley is a duchess in her own right. Regardless, you’re both welcome to stay at the palace for as long as you want.”
“With pleasure!” Riley was already pulling her suitcase out.
Max watched Liam’s face closely. “I understand why you’re helping her. But why are you helping me?”
“It’s the same answer. You’re important to her, she’s important to me. I hope you prove worthy of it. Now go pack. We’re leaving in an hour.”
It was coronation night, and everything was in place. Liam hummed happily as he stepped out of the bathroom into the small but elegant sitting room just down the hall from the grand ballroom to find Madeleine waiting for him. His jaw clenched in annoyance. “What are you doing in here? This is a private room.” He was going to have a very stern talk with his head of security.
“We need to talk.”
“What could we possibly have to discuss?”
“Our engagement.”
Liam tipped his head back with a sigh. “We are not engaged, Countess.”
“But we should be. I know you’re in love with…” she grimaced, liked the words burned in her mouth, “…the American. But arrangements can be made for that…”
“I’m aware of what I can and can’t do!” He turned his back on her and headed for the door.
She lunged after him, grabbing his sleeve and jerking him back toward her. “What other woman is going to offer you the freedom to—”
“Any of them!” He jerked his arm free. “Do you imagine I’m going to enter into a marriage contract without a Cordonian Arrangement codicil? Looking the other way while your spouse has dalliances is politically arranged marriages 101, Madeleine. You should know this.” Liam shook his head. “I’m disappointed, honestly. For all the talk of your political acumen, you have very little.”
“I have what it takes to be queen, Liam, and you know it!”
“No, you don’t. You’re not fit to rule. You paint yourself as regal, but you’re not, you’re just plain mean. You intend to rule through fear and intimidation based not even on any power of your own, but on mine. The fact that you don’t realize you have no power is pathetically evident in the way you’re behaving right now, as if you’re holding all the cards in this dynamic.”
“I’m simply trying to look out for you, Liam. The monarchy needs to be strong, you—”
“You think you’re the best choice for Cordonia?”
“Yes, of course! It’s my duty—”
“You don’t care about duty. You like lording your position over the other ladies of the court. Do you think I don’t see that?”
The countess straightened her shoulders indignantly. “That’s not true! I am committed to serving my country!”
He adjusted a cufflink as he gave her a considering look. “Do you wish to be queen, Madeleine?”
“You know I do!”
He stepped into her personal space. “How much?”
He took her arm and pulled her closer. He lowered his head so that his lips were just inches from hers. “Will you fulfill your wifely duties?”
She flinched, but she didn’t pull away. “Of course. We must produce heirs—”
He ran a finger down her cheek, then down her bare arm. “And you’ll look the other way while I take whatever lovers I so desire?”
“I’ve already agreed to this! What—”
His fingers dug into her arm deeper. “Will you be nice to the other ladies of my court? Stop being a bitch to the servants?”
“I…I suppose I could be a little…softer…”
“I don’t like your father. Are you willing to cut him out of your life?”
She hesitated for a scant moment and then whispered softly, “Yes, I’ll do it.”
He shoved her away with a laugh. “See? No power. Stop acting like you have anything to bargain with.” His eyes ran down her body, “Other than your physical attributes. But every other lady here has those as well. What else do you have to offer? You are not smarter than Kiara, you are not more cultured than Hana, you are not more charming than Penelope and you’re sure as hell not Riley.”
A primal roar broke out of the usually composed blond. “You can’t marry her! The nobility will turn on you. You—”
“I never said I was going to marry her.”
“But….the matching outfits at the Beaumont Bash….the diamond and sapphire necklace around her neck that she obviously can’t afford….the two of you sneaking off into the hedge maze…”
“I’m sleeping with her. I love her. But I’m not foolish enough to marry her.”
“Then who—”
“You’ll find out when everyone else does.” He pulled the door open and then paused. Looking over his shoulder, his voice dropped low and menacing. “Oh, and Madeleine? If I find out you were involved in the attempted sabotage of Lady Riley or Duchess Olivia, I will make sure you pay for it.”
Madeleine stiffened slightly as her eyes widened. Then she sniffed indifferently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“For your sake, I hope that’s true.” He left without another look back.
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chaotictarlos · 5 months
Fic Pride Friday
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thank you yo @bonheur-cafe for the lovely tag
Who is she? Making a banner? Participating in a fandom fic tag game after months? Crazy how much motivation and time I have now that I'm not stressing over classes and just have to do my job. I've only picked a few fics to highlight here but you can read anything I've written HERE
THE LOFT || TK and Carlos decide that they're going to stay home for their honeymoon instead of going someplace else.
Carlos gives TK a look that seems like he wants to argue but then apparently he thinks better of it and sighs, looking down at their clasped hands. “I’ll never be able to thank the universe enough for putting you in my path,” Carlos says. “I don’t think there is any other person who would put up with all of this and stay or even find excuses to justify it all.” “Being with you isn’t ‘putting up with all of this’,” TK says. “Supporting you, loving you, caring about you is so far from ‘putting up’ with things. You’re not a burden for me Carlos, you’re the love of my life and I’m committed to being here with you and helping you through everything that life throws at you. We’re a team and we face things together.”
[REDACTED] || TK posts a picture that certainly gets Carlos' attention.
“I know why you posted the photo,” Carlos says as he flicks the toy on. He turned it onto his lowest vibration before going in search of his phone. Once he finds it - in his pants pocket, of course - he syncs it up with the toy. “You wanted attention and you wanted to make me jealous because you like it when I’m jealous. You know I’ll come home and give you exactly what you need. You know I’ll fuck you hard and won’t stop until you forget about everybody else who’s given you attention because their attention doesn’t matter. At the end of the day what matters is the attention I give you and the way I fuck you. You know that nobody in that phone would ever be able to satisfy your needy hole. Nobody knows how to handle you like I do.”
You took the best of my heart and left the rest in pieces || An exploration of emotions. The Breakup Era from Carlos' POV
There was no comfort to be found when he was basically told that the love of his life had a big chance of dying. He knew that TK was strong, that he was a fighter, but how many times could someone brush close to death and come back? His mind reminded him that TK had died before he was brought to the hospital and it was only because of Nancy and Tommy that he was even still around to struggle and slowly slip out of his fingers. He wasn’t sure if he would have preferred for TK to die out on the scene, to get the call and have his heart ripped out of his chest all at once, or to be where he was at the moment with TK so close, yet so far away and slipping further with each breath he struggled to take.  “Why?” Carlos asked out loud. He lifted his head and looked up, staring at the cross above. “Why can’t I have him?” All through their relationship, there had been ups and downs - more than Carlos had ever faced in a relationship before. TK always ran away from him and Carlos was dumb enough to keep doing the chasing. He saw so much in TK, loved him as a whole person, that he wanted to chase him, even if it meant that he kept getting his heart broken. “Hasn’t he suffered enough? Haven’t I suffered enough? Why does he keep ending up here? Always fighting for his life?” Carlos asked, voice barely above a whisper because he didn’t trust it not to break. “TK is a good man. He doesn’t deserve to always fight for his life and be so scared of losing everyone that he runs away from love and happiness. He doesn’t deserve the hand that he’s been dealt.” Carlos was frustrated and hurt, wrapped up in a ball of pain that hadn’t gone away since TK had walked out of their loft four months before.  Now that pain was bigger, consuming him in more ways than he had ever thought possible. He continued to talk, to plead, to beg with God as he sat there. He was sure that everything he said was going to go unanswered but it still felt good to get some things off his chest and not have someone sitting beside him and try to comfort it all away.  “Please, I’m begging you to let him wake up. Don’t take him from me before I can prove that I’m worthy of him,” Carlos finished. He wiped the remaining tears from his eyes and stood up. 
I don't know who's been tagged so sorry for tagging you again. I also don't know who to tag since I've been away for so long so if you want me to tag you in things let me know.
NPT: @kiloskywalker @paperstorm @thebumblecee @cowlos-reyes @mooshkat @detective-giggles @sanjuwrites @lightningboltreader @liminalmemories21 @lemonlyman-dotcom @bonheur-cafe @carlos-in-glasses @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut
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moltengoldveins · 6 months
That TCU post…that is truly one of, if not the greatest thing I’ve ever seen come out of this fandom. I tried my own hand a while back at writing “the dsmp but taken seriously”; gave it a name and a playlist but didn’t really write much before I went back to my other projects. If you ever have the motivation to do more with that outline I’d be honored to be a co-writer or help out in any way, or if you want you could just use my title as a name for the series: A Ballad of Broken Dreams.
holy crap op this is so sweet. Thank you so much. I’m… wow ok. That. Wow. Thank you. That’s legitimately so kind and I’m so glad you enjoyed it XD. Id also Love to see your playlist and your thoughts behind the songs if you’re down?! That sounds awesome :D
funnily enough, I’ve had a drafted outline for this heccin thing running around in my head since the Butcher Army arc. Right around when SAD-ist dropped her animatic, I simultaneously realized ‘oh wow, I Adore this concept’ and ‘oh wow, I Highly doubt the CCs are gonna manage to do this the way I’d want to see it’ and lo and behold: I was correct. So painfully correct. (There were also People Involved whom I had Really Bad Feelings About from very early on that, sure enough, turned out to be exactly what i thought they were, rip) So the Emduo prequels, Icarus heccin Dying, and the end of Axe of Peace have been around for Ages.
I’d honestly love to do more with this concept, (i am designing movie posters as we speak) but due to Chronic Illness Pog I’m in a rather unstable financial situation? And don’t have a ton of free time for art. Any big projects are gonna take a While, or id need to find a way to use it or something adjacent to fund, y’know, Rent. That being said, I’m definitely writing the emduo prequels, both as movie scripts and as novels, as those are the films focused on, yknow, My Bois. I also think it’d be hilarious to release the novels and then the scripts and watch people Loose Their Minds over the ‘inaccurate adaptation >>:(‘
I’d absolutely love to work with other people in the fandom on this stuff, though I’ve never been the best at directly co-writing (my writing method and style is painfully specific (ie needlessly poetic) and I’m very autistic: I don’t like it when people touch that Specific Thing) but literally anything else? Im open ears. I love collabs.
and finally, I adore your name for the series, (excellent word choice there /srs, it fits perfectly with the symbolism of the whole story) and I think it works really Really well for the actual DSMP, but if I’m entirely honest… I’m not sure it fits the TCU? Like genuinely I’m so grateful for the suggestion, I love when people offer ideas and bounce things around like that. But one of the main things I tried to do with this concept was work out how the story could actually end Well. A deep-seated belief in the good-but-fallen nature of man, the importance of hope, and the inevitability of redemption kinda comes part and parcel with the whole Being-A-Christian Thing (if it doesn’t, you’re missing the Whole Point Of The Bible) and while the actual DSMP may have ended in broken dreams… this doesn’t. That was my first thought when writing that outline: This Is Going To End Well. Not for wish-fulfillment reasons, not because I’m naive or I don’t like bad endings, but because fundamentally, everything sad is a lie, and if the story has ended in tragedy, it hasn’t ended yet.
If I had to pick a series name now, I’m not sure what I’d pick. A part of me balks at referencing anything popularized by Our Local Redacted, but ‘unfinished symphony’ wasn’t his in the first place, it was from Hamilton. “The Finished Symphony” has a cool ring to it? I dunno. If anyone else has ideas please feel free to toss them in here aight, I’m not settling on anything for a While.
Anyways, thanks for Ted talking with me, drink water 💜
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hii im just adding on to my old one with more about me! new info will be in pink <33
uhh im an indian teenage (14-15 though i look younger) girl and she/her presenting. im very easy to tell im indian. i have brown/tan skin and dark brown eyes. i have black curly hair but the tips are dyed a dark red. my face shape is pretty sharp, heart shape i think?? and people say i look like a cartoon? i have bangs that curl and swoop across my face though they fall straight across my forhead when straightened. 
im pretty short too, easy to pick up lol im also INSANELY clumsy and fall down a lot, very high pain tolerance tho! physical touch is my love language >>> HUGS, FORHEAD KISSES, HOLDING HANDS, just laying across each other?? omg i love it all
I'm very energetic and it shows. Im bouncy and fidgety and easily excitable. I'm very friendly and silly, and just chaotic in general. I'm an ENFP and fit like all the stereotypes and everything. Or if you know Owl House, I'm exactly like Luz Noceda. I care a lot about my friends but im not sure if i show it enough? i come off as a lot at first and am very awkward Tons of people associate me with hyperactive adhd (not diagnosed )! I'm pretty optimistic and positive in general, UNLESS we're talking about my humour- its the corniest dad jokes mixed with dark humour thats a very aqcuired taste, i also LOVE inside jokes <33 Like my vibes are all cutesy and sunshiney except when you know me you know im Very Concerning™ (my friends say my bracelts fit my vibes perfectly and theyre like yellow and pink with hearts and smiley faces but say Death and Arsonist) uhh, im also the mom friend along with the chaotic gremlin?? Yes, lets get in trouble but only if you take care of yourself! (i always carry bandaids, pain killers, ect. though it might also be the part of me obsessed with medicine and healing lol)
i like to read! and hang out with friends! adventures and exploring and doing things im not supposed to
FIRE AND NATURE AND OOO ANIMALS  CREEKS >>> CAVES >>>> just finding little places where we can be ourselves together you know? i really love cozy fantasy and believing in magic and just have a sort of childish innocence (this world is depressing without it :pp ) which also leads me to be pretty gullible :sob: -
i also like to write, though im not very good at it. I doodle sometimes for fun. Crafts are fun too! I bake when i have time but i mainly hang out with friends <33 I love to try new things, though I'm not really good at it lol ALSO I'M BI-ROMANTIC AND ASEXUAL (questioning for both) so i dont mind girl or boy, just SFW thank you so much btw, i love ur hcs so much and its really creative :DD
I’m giving you two different fandom ships
Your Fandom Ship(s): Tim Drake (Red Robin, DC Universe) and Steve Randle (The Outsiders)
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Explanation: starting off of the parents I think that Tim would absolutely find you attractive and he would think that you’re one of the cutest people he saw all day. He would love your heart shaped face and love your curly hair with the red tips at the end and think that it made you stand out from other people, and I feel like his eyes would just be subtly on you as he walked by.  he’s also pretty short and I feel like it would be kind of a running joke between the both of you if you weren’t insecure about being short, of course. He’s not super clumsy, but he thinks the fact that you’re kind of a klutz is utterly hilarious and he will laugh at you a bit before helping you up with a smile. I honestly don’t hc him as being very interested in sex, so I think he would totally be fine with you being a sexual and willing to skip over that part of your relationship. He also really loves physical affection too, (to a limit) so I feel like he would be all about cuddling with you and hugging and kissing. But I also feel like he would need a break sometimes from that which you would totally respect. But he would love climbing through your window late at night, laying down in bed with you and just talking and having those deep late night conversations. So Tim is the type of person that doesn’t really use alarms and he doesn’t really get much sleep either. He’s very intelligent and mostly thrives on coffee and very much stays up late and doesn’t get enough sleep so I feel like he wouldn’t be as chaotic as you, but I feel like he would help wake him up a little bit in a way that even coffee can’t I feel like you guys would perfectly balance each other out because he’s definitely a bit more of a tired guy and you’re definitely a bit more oh my gosh, look at that look at this. Watch me do this! Type of person. It also works in vice versa because I feel like he could kind of be your melatonin a bit and help you kind of remember to relax calm down. Take one step at a time not in the way that’s squashing your excitement and chaotic kindness, of course, but more than a way that just kind of grounds you. He’s a bit of a nerd too and comes off a little bit awkward when he’s not in his red Robin superhero persona where he hast to be smooth and he’s just in regular old Tim Drake so I think you guys would kind of be together because you could bond over that a bit and kind of feel like the other person is way smoother or something than you and feel like you guys are really on the same page. I feel like Tim also kind of needs you because he definitely doesn’t take care of himself and it’s kind of funny your relationship because he’s going to tell you oh don’t break the law and you’ll be like well. You take care of yourself you have a broken arm you shouldn’t even be, doing that anyway and then you guys will both stare at each other like “shit. You have a point.” I feel like he kind of makes more nerdy jokes, but he would definitely appreciate your dad joke, humor and you guys have so many freaking inside jokes. It’s not even funny like you guys talk to each other around the rest of the bat family and they’re just so clueless as to what you’re saying because of how many freaking inside jokes you guys have referenced in one minimal conversation. He also loves reading so I feel like that’s something you guys could do together. Just have a little reading and music dates where you sit down and just vibe and then maybe later talk about your books and I feel like he’s the type of person that after reading a book would love to come up with all sorts of theories about it And things like that because he is a better detective than Bruce Wayne himself in canon. I feel like Tim would love film theory (the YouTube channel). Anyway, I feel like you guys could also go on hikes together and that’s something that he would enjoy. 
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Explanation: starting off with physical attraction I think that Steve would be very attracted to you and think you’re extremely beautiful. He would love your heart shaped face and the way you look like some sort of animated character just popped right out of television and in front of him and he would think that your hair is super cool, but he would never tell that to you until you were way further in the relationship. He is a lot taller than you and would love picking you up and spending you around and teasing you about being short and because you’re so clumsy, he would probably be jokingly calling you “dummy” a lot while fully knowing that you could definitely beat him in any academic test easy. He’s totally fine with you being as sexual as he doesn’t really care that much about that in the relationship as long as he gets to be with you. He would love physical affection, though it might take him a while to get used to it and you might have to do it later on into the relationship. Once it finally happens I think he would totally be in love with holding hands with you, kissing your cheek and things like that. as for your excitable personality and very ADHD chaotic gremlin vibe I think that you guys would be a great match together because he’s kind of a grumpy vibe and I feel like you would even each other out like you’re one of the only people besides his best friend that can make him smile and he’s one of the only people that can calm me down if you can’t focus because there’s too many things in the rumor something like that. He likes that you take care of him because sometimes he gets injured whenever he’s working on cars and it’s pretty convenient that you always have bandages on and alcohol wipes, and things like that. It also makes him feel cared for whenever you do it. He would laugh really hard at your dad jokes and I feel like you guys would have a decent amount of inside jokes as well. As for your kind of sunshiny side I think you guys would be a great pair because he’s kind of colder and grumpy so I think you guys would even each other out. He doesn’t get reading as much, but he would really love it if you read to him while he was working on cars so he had something other to think about.
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maleyhae · 5 months
Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano x Fem! immortal! reader
summary- You've finally found love in a person who truly loved you, but you have been cursed and you try not to get too attached to him, but you failed and ended up hurt more than you were with your past lovers in other lifetimes.
fandom- Tokyo revengers
Warnings- Angst poorly written bc it's me who's writing it, cussing, mention of death, uhm non canon deaths and possible spoilers for it? thoughts of cheating (Mikey thinks Ur cheating which Ur not) probably non cannon reactions.
word count- 1115 (counting spaces and etc)
A/N- uhm thank you to my friend toby for this idea bc of our convo of immortals and recantation also I'm back probably not for long though #i'mslowlygoinginsaneandshit.
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Reader has been acting strange again. She's been avoiding me and hanging out with Takamichi a lot more. But she wouldn't cheat on me, would she? No no no she wouldn't and sure as hell not with that crybaby. Maybe I did something wrong... I should ask Emma why a girl would start being distant.
"EMMAAAA" I yelled while looking for her. She didn't answer so I go to her bedroom and open the door. I saw her and reader hanging out. I tilted my head "hmm? I didn't know reader was coming over..." I said quietly which wasn't normal for me to do unless upset. Which I sorta was knowing my own girlfriend was over and not even hanging out with me. Reader looks down her {} falling over her beautiful face covering it. "Hiya reader..." I said and she waves back while I frown.
"Emma, can I speak to you alone?" I ask "Sure, hold on reader i'll be back!!" Emma says to me and reader as she walks towards me and to the kitchen. "What's up Mikey?" She asked "So uhm reader has been ignoring me here recently again like she did when we first started to date but I haven't done anything and has been hanging around Takamichi" I tell her. She looks at me and sighs and tells me what could possibly be. Which didn't help me at all, so I just sighed and left to go see Takamichi to ask wtf is going on.
I recently learned from Takamichi that Mikey will be killed soon but I won’t be like Takamichi who is just letting him die. I’m trying to plan out how I can save him. I needed him to survive this lifetime. I can’t take another lover dying and me not being able to stop it. I have so much blood on my hands I can’t do it anymore.
I stayed away from him to try and lose feelings as well, but it pains me every time I see his face when I ignore him. I’ve been hanging out with Takamichi to gain information about the problem like who, how, when and where. I wanted to marry Mikey and live old and happy with him. 
But from what I'm being told I don’t think that will be happening. But I'd rather try and save him then have it happen and not stop it. I was at his house talking to his sister about something, I forgot when he came in. Gosh he was so handsome, but I wanted to break the silent treatment I’ve been giving him and hug him. He looks so tired and like he’s been crying so much...
It hurt my heart because I know it’s my fault. He took Emma somewhere to chat and I was stuck in the quiet which I hated and was stuck with my loud thoughts and looked down at my hands and saw the blood of Mikey from other lifetimes me and him lived in where I had to hold him while he died. I got up and walked out of her room and to the kitchen where I saw him beg her to tell him what’s wrong with me which she didn’t know so he just gave up and left. I felt hurt and walked out to the kitchen and she looked at me and said, “Please talk to my brother, he is in so much pain, reader.” and then hands me a cup of water and walks back to her room to probably call Draken. 
I chugged the water and ran out to Takamichi's house because that’s probably where Mikey was. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed him. 
My reader was immortal…? READER WAS IMMORTAL??? Why was Takamichi telling me instead of her? I got deep in my thoughts till I heard a female voice scream for Takamichi, and I turned and saw my beautiful reader.
She stopped and looked at me and teared up and ran into my chest hugging me. I was wide eyed as this was the first hug from her in weeks. I looked down and smiled at her with love and hugged her back, calming her down as she started crying. I listen to her muffled apology. I Accepted and told never again, and we pinkie promised it...
It's been 3 days since then. She keeps trying to keep me home which is never like her. I told I couldn't as much as I'd like because this was important, so she then asked if she could come instead. Why is she being so needy today? Not that I'm complaining, it's just out of the norm for her. After a few minutes of her begging I folded and let her come with me.
Blood. That's what covered your shirt, knees and hands. You were crying something Mikey never saw you do before. You picked him up and put him in the back of y'all's shared car Takamichi driving as you were fit to. It was getting hard for Mikey to keep his eyes open while you begged him to try harder but, in the end, you kissed him and hugged him tightly knowing it was time for him to leave this hellish earth. "I love you so much my love" was the last thing he heard before he died.
He was rushed into the hospital, you and Takamichi sat in the waiting room for hours, eyes were on you which you would usually freak out and Mikey would comfort you. But well, he was gone. But it wasn't because of your thoughts it's because of the traumatized look you had and that you were covered in blood...
After a few hours you were able to see him while you sat by him holding his hand and fell asleep for the time you were there.
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Part two...?
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squeekybeeps · 7 months
✩Looking for FNF RP partner(s)! (no mod Characters, I’m so, so sorry.)
✧˖°୨.୧°˖✧ Introduction Hello, I’m squeekybeeps and I’m looking for RP (a) partner(s) to do an FNF RP with. Been searching around for like two days, and I refuse to go to amino, so this was my last resort. What am I looking for? I’m not really looking for a very serious RP, but I do tend to write a lot, though, don’t worry if writing paragraphs aren't your cup of tea, I welcome all RP styles, as long as you can bring something fun and interesting to the table. And can spell, ofc. But even then, I don’t care much, English isn't everyone’s first language after all. Chances are, the less you write the less I write haha. And yes, I do ships. nothing specific though, even if you ship something fucking wild like daddy dearest x Pico or some shit, hell yeah, I’ll give it a go.   I also wanna preface this,(note: the title) I am not into mods and I’m sorry. I have never really been interested in the mods, so I do feel a little out of place posting in the FNF fandom, but I hope anyone reading can at least understand where I’m coming from. Yes, I know that just makes it harder for myself to find an RP partner, but idc, I’ll just hope for the best. Lastly, I’m okay with OC’s and such. I wanna try to be inclusive as I can, but I prefer my partner to play canon characters as well. After all, I don’t wanna be playing the whole cast. So if you have an OC you wanna use go ahead! Just make sure to pick some canon roles of course. 
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CharactersI can play pretty much anyone but ones I prefer:
-Boyfriend -Lemon Monster -Daddy dearest (yeah this is kinda when the “no mod characters” rule is kinda not helping my case) But don't let this list scare you away. If you're dying to play boyfriend or anyone else on the list, you sure can! These are just ones I’ve used the most in my experiences!
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In regards to headcanons? Let loose. I’m okay with pretty much any of them. Infact, I have several headcanons, and if you have any for the characters I’m playing, I’m happy to use them! It always provides not only a challenge, but I really enjoy other’s Ideas and love to work off them!
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Plots? Okay so this kinda just all comes down to pms. But if you have a plot in mind, feel free to share it. But don't worry much if you don't, I can always come up with one. Or, if you're feeling extra creative, we can come up with one together! Though again, do keep in mind I’m not too serious. Like yes, I’ll take serious moments in the RP seriously, but it's not my main focus, unless I find myself getting REALLY into it…which actually has a high chance at happening so we’ll see.
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Very scary warnings, and the end.  Ayo SCARY WARNING coming up!!! MUST WARN. Since you started reading this godforsaken post, you may have noticed the doodles in between the topics that were all pumped out in less than 3 mins. If I like our rp a lot, I’m probably gonna draw and send you LOTS of these. I just really enjoy doodling like this, so chances are you’ll have to go through this horrid practice of mine. Super scary, I know! I’m fucking evil! So if any of this interests you, PM or comment! I've got lots of free time at the moment, So I’ll pretty much be available at any time! Thanks for reading! 
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sea-moon-star · 1 year
Bangtan Village: Pregnancy Series || Hyung Line: 1
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1: Deciding to have a baby
Pairing: BTS hyung line x f!reader, namjoon x lawyer!oc, seokjin x professor!oc, yoongi x chef!oc, hoseok x fashion designer!oc
Genre: Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, husband!BTS, dad!BTS
WC: 4k (1k each)
Summary: The part of Bangtan's life where they're all living next to each other in a privately owned township that's just outside Seoul, it's close enough for them to get to their social & work lives but far enough to provide them with privacy as they've become global legends after the end of their most successful reunion, comeback & tour of 2025-26. While they continue working simultaneously on solo & group endevours, they take it slow to focus on their personal life, especially with their growing families taking precedence. As of now, all 7 members are married, with Hoseok & Jimin already having kids of their own. But they're nowhere close to done, the number of tiny humans in this village is yet to increase.
A/N: Here's me celebrating JK's BB All Kill, we did so good Army! Fandom hug & here's a gift for all of us 🌊🌙⭐️
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Kim Namjoon x Im Mae-Hwa 🌸
Unlike most couples, Namjoon and his wife had the baby talk even before they were married, or rather on the day that they ended up becoming engaged to each other. It went all the way back to that day when she’d told him that they needed to “talk” just as things were getting serious and he worried that he’d lost her even before things had become official. Here, he sat with a ring in his pocket while she looked so pale and serious, with her feet rocking constantly under the table, that he was certain she was going to break up with him. He thought that the fame had caught up, the curse of it all was finally going to end up with him losing yet another of his simple joys. Another loss for Kim Namjoon even as RM of BTS peaked. He wanted to speak, to make a last ditch effort to salvage this, to do whatever it took to convince her to change her mind but she wouldn’t allow it, she put a finger on his lips, “Please, don’t. You’re far too much of a smooth talker and I’ll fall for your charm all over again and lose my will to do this. I need to, I have to do this. You don’t understand…” Even as he struggled to fight the words at the tip of his tongue, something in her gaze told him to swallow his pride and listen. Tears glistened in her eyes as she looked at him and said, “I have been hiding something from you. I never wanted to, I wanted to tell you right away but it was never the right moment. It was too soon, then things were going so well that got swept away in the romance of it all and now it’s too late to fix it, but I have to come clean. I know you brought me here to propose to me, I heard you talking to the waiter as I stepped out of the washroom, but don’t. We can’t do this, not until you know what you’re signing up for. Icanthavekidsican’tbeamom.” She said without a single breath between the words, knowing that it was the only way to get them out without them dying in her throat. “I know you want kids, I do too. And I know your parents want them too, I know you’re old enough and you want to settle down more than ever. But… now you see why we can’t? You’d make a great father and I’d want nothing more but to raise children with you, I can’t imagine doing it with anyone else. You want a house full of kids, I’m not even sure I can give you one. So I’d understand if you change your mind, you haven’t even given the ring yet. It’s not too late, think it through.” But to her utter shock, he sighed and smiled like she hadn’t just given him the most devastating news of his life. He reached out to squeeze her hand as he got out of his chair and went down on one knee, pulling the ring out as he said, “It doesn’t matter. I love you. I want to marry you. If there’s anyone I want as my life partner, my best friend, my companion, it’s you. Mother of my children or not, that’s just one of the many roles. We could adopt, try IVF or surrogacy, or we could just not have kids altogether. I’m okay with whatever we decide, just as long as I get to decide with you beside me. That’s my only deal breaker, not this. Never this. So will you, do me the honor of being my wife and grow old with me by your side?” And as tears of joy and relief streamed down her face, she nodded her head off as he slipped the ring on. And on the day they signed their marriage certificate, they also decided to file their paper work for adoption, knowing that it would take it’s own sweet time to come but they were ready. They had a head start to baby planning, afterall. And he’d never given up on the hope that she would be his baby momma. 🌸
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Kim Seokjin x Choi Yun-Hee ��
Jin was on video call from set, as he rejuvenated himself from a busy day at work by watching his sister in law and you play with his nephew & nieces. As the phone got passed around the house like a hot potato with everyone wanting to talk to him, the one person he wanted to speak to the most was busy with the youngest addition to the family. She was putting the littlest one to bed, rocking his cradle with her eyes trained on the rosy cheeked infant and even as Ahreum passed the phone to her, before he could say a word, she shushed him. “Yaaaah! He’s sleeping. Keep it an octave lower.” The same person who had fallen in love with him for his high triple notes and silver voice was now telling him to be quiet. He found it hilariously ironic but followed her lead. How could he not? She had him wrapped around his tiny little pinky, even though it had been 3 years since they had gotten married and way past their supposed honeymoon phase. “Jagi, I know he has my genes and he’s cute and all, but you do remember, I’m world wide handsome right? I have to be back in 2 minutes, spare me a second, wont’ you?” He exclaimed and her cheeks matched the colors of her blush as she turned to him sheepishly and said, “Hi, Jinnie. You’ll always be my number one, you know that! How’s your day going, love? Have you been hydrating? Please take care, it’s been a long day. You look exhausted, when will you be back? What do you think will help you relax? I’ll keep myself free when you return, we’ll do whatever you want.” She bombarded him with questions as he cut her off and retorted, “Whatever I want? Do you promise? Then let’s make a baby tonight.” “Yes, sure.” She replied without even registering what he asked. Until it sank in a moment later. “Wait what?” She asked with a “o” framing her face as he grinned till his ears turned red and replied, “I know we we both wanted to focus on our careers and take things slow so we could enjoy each other’s company but don’t you think it’s time, jagi? Seeing you with him? I don’t think I can wait any longer. And I think hyung and noona are done having kids, if we start now, they’ll be able to grow up together. Won’t that be wonderful?” “You know I always wished I had a sibling, like you and your brother, I think you’re right. The baby fever is at an all time high and usually, I used to hold myself back because it wasn’t the right time, the right place, the right finances, always something or the other. But the way in which my body is reacting to this little bundle of joy, I think it’s time. This a sign, let’s do it.” She affirmed with a nod and he flashed her one of his trademark kisses and ended the call, fervently anticipating what was to come. 💐
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Min Yoongi x Kang Deu-Lae 🌼
Min Yoongi & his wife were the kind of couple to plan everything down to the dot. They had a timeline for everything, from first kiss to living in, to getting married & down to the time when they'd start trying for kids. 2 years into their marriage, they'd promised each other. And as expected, as the date drew near, they had already mapped out the changes that were to be made accordingly- work schedules to be cleared, his wife had to stop consuming alcohol, he had to eat healthier & exercise, they wanted the best chance at conceiving. Yoongi carried a bottle of wine, the last one he knew his wife would have before they started officially trying. And she'd called him over to have a meal of his favorites at her restaurant, knowing that his diet would change too. This was a night to let go & mark the end of their honeymoon phase & enter the new era of their married life. As he got near the restaurant with a spring in his step, excited to get some quality time with his wife after a long day at work for both of them, he was surprised to see the number of light's on & cars parked outside. She'd called you after working hours & usually, you both would have the place to yourself but it seemed as if the staff hadn't left yet. To his utter shock, when he opened the door, what he didn't expect to see was you being paraded around the restaurant while the staff lifted you up on their shoulders as you made everyone around drink from a popped bottle of champagne. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits & celebrating that they didn't even realize you had entered.
It was only when his wife made eye contact with him that she quickly instructed her staff to put her down on the ground & dismissed everyone, they scampered away not wanting to bear the brunt of their head chef. They knew that the same jolly person celebrating with them was also capable of being a strict boss in a split second if needed. Yoongi loved that about her, knowing that while you were one of the most kind hearted & positive people in real life, when at work- you took on an alter ego that went hard & didn't compromise in the slightest. It helped him realize that there were others who'd understand the duality he himself faced both as Yoongi, BTS' Suga & Agust D. Although he loved her, that would never change but in this moment- all he could feel was anger & a sense of betrayal. He had no intentions of being the first one to make a move, seeing as she was the one who had ruined their night, not only had she decided to include others in what should've been their night alone, but moreover she had celebrated even without feeling the need to have him there. It was more like she had forgotten all about him, maybe this date wasn't as important as he'd assumed, perhaps she had changed her mind about wanting to start a family with him. He knew that her career was important to her, as was his to him. But if he could drop everything as per their planning & their timeline, couldn't she? It was something they had both agreed to before their marriage, so wasn't he only being fair in asking for that same effort to be reciprocated? As the room emptied out, with just the both of them left gazing at each other from a distance, she felt her legs go weak. They felt like jelly, she wasn't sure whether if it was the fact that she was been lifted around & now the floor didn't feel stable anymore or if it was the alcohol that was messing with her balance or just the way Yoongi was staring at her which caused her lose her mind, but she tripped over her own feet & stumbled forward. Yoongi rushed ahead out of instinct as he grabbed her before she hit the ground, lifting her up & making her sit on a chair. She was drunk, that was so unlike her that he felt another flare of anger but he swept it aside, knowing that she needed him right now & this would be better dealt with at a time when she was sober.
"Here, drink this. You'll feel better. Have you eaten yet?" He gave her a glass of water & noticed her stomach rumbling. He knew only too well how ironic but common it was for chef's to be the ones to be surrounded by food but constantly neglecting their own hunger pangs. He knew how often you worked full shifts without managing to eat yourself, sustaining a kitchen at one of the most popular restaurants in Itaewon wasn't an easy job, after all. He sighed & entered the kitchen himself, looking for food that he could give her, even though he hadn't eaten dinner either. He grabbed a pack of bread sticks with butter & gave them to her, intending to go back to the kitchen & cook them a meal. But her hand caught his wrist, holding him back from going back in, as she whispered,"Yoongs, please don't go. I'm sorry... I can explain." "Y/N, let me go... I need to get some food in you. Some real food! Let me cook us some pasta quickly, & then I'll be back. I'm not going anywhere." "You're mad at me, I can tell. You called me by my name, you only do that when you're upset with me. I'll cook you a meal, I'll make this up to you." She exclaimed as she got up from her chair & felt dizzy a minute later, seeing stars before her eyes as she tried to make it to the kitchen. Yoongi shook his head & took matters into his own hands, quite literally- as he lifted her up in his arms, even as she protested & took her to the kitchen, placing her on the counter top. "Okay? Now you can see that I'm not leaving you? I'm right here, I'm going to cook while you sit there quietly, alright? Please, baby?" He included the last bit for emphasis, knowing that she wouldn't be reassured without it otherwise. As he handed over the bowl of pasta to her, she gave him the first bite & he took it begrudgingly when she added, "You must be hungry too, you always say we shouldn't take our anger out on our food, so please eat with me?" When they'd finished eating, both of them feeling an improvement in their moods with their bellies full, she decided to break the silence by getting straight to the point, knowing that he wouldn't have any patience for her stories. "We know from unofficial sources that we're getting a Michelin star! I know what today means & I had all the plans to focus on that, on us but... you know how huge this is? I just got swept away in..." "Wait.. what? You're now a Michelin star chef? OMG, I'm so proud of you, love." He said immediately, cutting her cut off & catching her off guard. "You are?" She asked, as she pinched herself on the arm, checking if this was a dream or not. He let out a whoop of excitement & did a little dance around the kitchen, as if to show his happiness. "Baby, I know we had plans & yes, I was a little bit agitated but now that I know why... it doesn't matter. None of it matters. I'm so overjoyed for you, I'm proud of you! We can put everything else on hold while you focus on this yeah? Don't worry, I'm on your side, I'll support you in every way you need." Tears glistened in her eyes as she heard him express his love, & she smiled as she reached out to hug him tight & he lifted her through the air, getting her off the table onto the ground. "I appreciate what you just said, what you're offering me is something that I could only dream of. But as kind as you're being, I can't take it. I don't want this to change our timeline, today was an exception. But none of this success matters if I don't have you by my side to celebrate. I want to grow in my career but only if I also get to come home & share my wins with you & our kid... And before you object to what I'm saying, I'm going to quote you- you just said that you'd support me through anything I need- well, this is what I need. So are you in, you did promise you'd be on my side?" She said as she tilted her head & gave him her best puppy eyed look, which she knew would work.
Sure enough, he nodded in the smallest possible way, "I still don't think it's a great idea but we can think it through & if that's what you really want, then I guess we can make it work..." His lips betrayed him as they turned upwards to form a smile when he saw her fist pump into the air as she grinned from ear to ear at his answer. This was a strange turn of events despite all your planning, but if anyone knew of how life can turn out unexpectedly, it was him. And despite all the possible pain & loss he'd been through, he was also a firm believer that good things would come his way too- after all, that's how he'd found BTS, how he'd come across you.🌼
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Jung Hoseok x Baek Hae-Baragi 🌻
Hobi was the first of the Bangtan brood to have a kid with his fashion designer, wife who he’d met through his sister-Jiwoo. Geum-hee was the first child in the family and rightfully spoilt with love by everyone. His daughter who’s name meant brightness, had truly brought light into the family with all her Samchuns & Imos doting on her, never leaving her alone for a second. She was pampered in a way that she wouldn’t even sleep without someone rocking her in their arms & as she grew up- she had Jimin’s eldest daughter, Ae-Cha who was the same age as her, alongside to do everything. However, in the recent times with the birth of Jimin’s second daughter, Mi-Cha, their attention had shifted & play time with Ae-Cha had reduced drastically. Even as adults kept her company at all times, she missed having someone younger who could keep up with her speed & interests. And today was no different, as soon as Hobi picked Geum-hee from pre-school, Geum-hee’s slouched & sulked in the back of the her car even as Hobi tried to get her to frown to turn into a smile. Usually singing alongsider her dad in the car, cookie dough ice cream from her favorite parlour, some cuddles from her dad & painting her nails were enough to distract her & make her happy but it had been hours since Hobi had been trying but all in vain. He’d been clinging to her, desperate to not leave her side as she moped around but she took that split second of his distraction to run into her room & close the door behind her. The sound of the slammed door shook both parents, Hobi’s wife widened her eyes at him, wondering what could’ve gone so wrong in her absence. “You try, I’ve done everything possible but nothing. She hasn’t said a word since she got back. I don’t know what’s wrong.” Hobi said as he tried to appear calm & nonchalant but it was obvious in the way that he clenched his jaw & paced around that he was anything but relaxed. The only thing that kept him going was the reassuring smile of his wife as she made her way to her daughter’s room, he trusted her to get through when he couldn’t. She knocked softly on her daughter’s door, only to be answered by the soft sobs that quite frankly broke their hearts. Hobi was one step away from knocking the door down, hearing his daughter’s wails pierce the silence at home. But his wife stopped him, gesturing at him to be patient until she’s tried. Geum-hee’s mother knew her daughter well enough, she saw the flutter of shadows from the cracks beneath the door. She knew that even if her daughter didn’t speak, she was here, she was listening. And so she sat down with her back to the door, hoping that her daughter would do the same on the other side & give her a chance. “It’s okay to cry, sweet girl. I know bad things happen, and it’s better to get it off your chest than to hold it in. I’m sorry you had a rough day, little one. Mommy & daddy have those too… but you know what keeps us going? We know that we’re not alone in it, as long as we’re together, everything will be alright… we have Hope on our side, how could it not?” Hobi admired the way his wife spoke to their daughter like she was her own person, not like a child who didn’t understand nor like an adult that was in a smaller body, but like someone who was young & yet who had her own choices to make & voice to be heard. “That’s the thing, I don’t have anyone. Everyone has someone or the other, mommies & daddies are together, siblings at school are together, I always get left alone.” Their daughter mumbled, as both parents train their ear to the door, to hear her soft words. “But you have us, cutie. You know appa would never leave you alone…” Hobi prattled anxiously but his daughter, hoping she knew that he’s always put her first. It was his wife & his rule that no matter what, Geum-hee had to come first. “But that’s not fair, appa. You shouldn’t have to choose between your girls. At the rollercoaster, you sat with me but even mommy was scared but she was all alone.
That always happens, you always take my side, never mommys.” The color left Hobi’s face when he heard that & realized the message he had been passing onto his daughter, he lip synced a “sorry” to his wife & his face sank into his palms, in regret. His wife quickly tried to repair the situation as she said, “But baby, omma doesn’t mind. Appa always asks omma if she’s okay, & only when I say yes, does he do that. Your appa loves me a lot & he takes care of me, you don’t have to worry.” “I know that but I don’t like you being alone. And sometimes, when you & I have girl’s nights- appa is alone. When we travel, we’re alone in the compartment with the other women, when we shop, he’s never there in our section, he should have a boy to give him company too.” Geum-hee shared & Hobi’s heart melted at the concern in his daughter’s voice for him, he lifted his face from his palms & leans against the door frame, as if willing the door to disappear so he could touch his daughter. “I know dad has his brothers from BTS, but they’re not always here. You both are not always with me. So the best solution is if we get me a brother. That way, everyone has someone- just like Jiwoo Imo & Appa.” She added, her voice getting louder & firmed, as if she was proud at having landed at this solution all by herself. “Is that what would make you, happy? If you had a sibling?” Geum-hee’s mom asked with bated breath & her loud resounding, “YES” made the answer quite clear. It was a split second decision, Hobi & his wife spoke soundlessly as he arched his eyebrow, asking her if she agreed with their daughter’s demands & her shrug as if to say that she had no choice but to do what their daughter asked. They both loved their daughter more than anything & although it was far from the right time to have a kid, they had gone back to using protection & birth control, their careers were in full swing, a 5 year gap wasn’t even ideal, until now they’d been of the opinion that one child was more than enough. But this changed everything, she changed everything. “Baby, if we say yes, will you open the door?” Hobi asked gently & his chest heaved in relief as he heard the click of the lock opening & his daughter put her arms around him & his wife. “Geum-hee, even if we have a baby, it may not be a brother… that’s not something appa & omma can decide, it’s upto luck. Is that okay?” Geum-hee’s mother tried to explain, not wanting there to be any misunderstanding. She knew how big of a decision this was for her family & wasn’t willing to go ahead until she got full clarity & in this case, approval from her daughter. “Does that mean I’ll have a sister? Like Ae-Cha has Mi-cha? That’s okay too!! Daddy will be still be alone but atleast you can give him company while I enjoy with my little sister… or brother. I don’t mind, I’m just excited to be a big sister!” Geum-hee squeeled & her parents smiled warmly at her answer & kissed her senseless, surprisingly happy at the turn of events. 🌻
To Be Continued... 🌊🌙⭐️
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