#I’m suddenly very obsessed with this ship
dk7634 · 6 months
One ship I always ALWAYS come back to is Sterek, I can go months without reading anything to do with them and then suddenly I’m stuck on them again, I just adore them so much! They were the very first ship I’ve become obsessed with!!🫶🌹
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luffington · 4 months
Hello!! Hope you’re having a wonderful day!! I wanted to request something uwu
I’m currently obsessed with Bartolomeo, I was wondering if you could write something for him. Like him talking about how beautiful and wonderful is lover is to the strawhats and of course Sanji has to be the jealous one and be like “you have a girlfriend? please who would date you?”
And suddenly reader appears and smacks the shit out of Sanji uwu
// could the reader be a female gothic girl pls 👉🏻👈🏻
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➤ pairing: bartolomeo x reader
➤ word count: 602
➤ warnings: none
hiii i'm sorry i took so long to get to this! barto is so silly i love him too <3 i did bullet points instead of a full story i hope that's okay!
(also this seems like a sanji hit piece i'm so sorry)
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Bartolomeo always goes over the top with his dedication to someone so he's fucking OBSESSED with you. Sure, he's not the most classically romantic boyfriend ever, but he makes up for it with how much raw love he has for you.
But you need to accept very early on in your relationship that the Straw Hats are his number one priority. He obviously loves you too (in a very different way) but Luffy always comes first.
Most of the time you think his fixation on them is pretty cute - a feared and vicious pirate who goes soft for a tiny reindeer. You haven't met the crew in person yet, but from the stories Barto tells you about them, it seems like they take advantage of his kindness sometimes. He doesn't see it that way, though, and brushes off your concern.
The next time he sees the Straw Hats, he excitedly tells them about you - not to brag (bc who is he to brag to his idols?) but to combine his two favorite things. He adores you all so much so of course he should include you!
That man can ramble for HOURS so he starts by explaining how you met in way too much detail (Luffy falls asleep two minutes into the story) and then expresses how beautiful and perfect and incredible you are.
Sanji ignores Barto until he starts describing your physical appearance, and then he sees red. There's absolutely no way a creep like him could pull a girl as gorgeous as he claims you are. He accuses Barto of making up a fake girlfriend to impress them, or at the very least, greatly exaggerating what you look like.
You're lurking nearby, enchanted by the way your boyfriend describes you but not wanting to interrupt his time with his idols. Of course Sanji's comments infuriate you.
You wait to see if he would finally defend himself, but unsurprisingly, he immediately caves to Sanji. He insists that you're real as gently as he can, trying his hardest to appease the cook. He couldn't live with himself if a Straw Hat was angry at him.
That's when you finally step in and smack Sanji on the back of his head, hard enough to almost knock the cigarette out of his mouth. Barto's eyes pop out of his skull and he fucking screams, shocked that you would dare to hurt someone as strong and incredible as him.
(But he's secretly very happy that you get Sanji to stop harassing him and fuck does he love you.)
Sanji whips his head around, ready to curse out whoever the fuck smacked him but he immediately stops. Absolutely horrified that he was ready to kick the shit out of a beautiful woman.
The blonde was about to embarrass himself with dumb pickup lines, but you rush over to Barto and cling to his arm, calling him 'honey' and nuzzling against his shoulder.
"This is, uh, who I was talking about," your boyfriend says shyly, with bright red cheeks and a dreamy expression. Sanji's face immediately falls and Luffy bursts into laughter.
Luffy-senpai likes you!! He can finally breathe again and he returns your affection by throwing his arms around you and pulling you into a tight hug.
Later that night, when you're back on his ship and lying in his shared bed, he confesses that sometimes he also thinks you're not real. He doesn't deserve the love of someone as wonderful as you.
So you smack him this time and tell him to get out of his head, stop being so corny and cuddle you already.
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Hello, I was wondering if you would do a one shot of Yandere Zoro & Sanji obsessed over the same person. Maybe a marine taking the reader causing them to form a truce and leading them to sharing them.
Truce{Yandere!Zoro x Reader x Yandere!Sanji}
Rules Word Count: 1.2k Spoilers: None TW: Yandere themes, slightly sexual?
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“We both feel the same way, don’t we? If we work together we can keep (Y/N) on a tighter leash."
“Shut it,” Zoro snapped, “I’m not working with you. They're going to be mine.”
“Think about it you brute, if we stop trying to kill one another we could go so much farther. No one would be able to hurt (Y/N) if we’re both there to stop them.”
Zoro only huffed, glaring at the blond before begrudgingly agreeing to form the truce.
You kicked and let out muffled screams at the hands that restrained you. Tears pricked your eyes as you thought back to how badly you had messed up. A big miscalculation on your part, and now you were stuck as a hostage to lure the Strawhats out into the open. You felt terrible. How did everything manage to go this poorly?
It wasn't long before you were thrown in a cage with a group of marines looming over your crumpled form from the other side of the bars with mocking stares. A mirage of harsh looks and ridiculing smiles.
You shut your eyes tightly as they neared closer and closer to the cell door, no doubt coming to torture information out of you. You flinched back in surprise when one of the marines got kicked right into the damp stone wall that enclosed the prison. The rest of them quickly fell into a pile of corpses, as their blood washed over the dirty grounds of the jail.
"Are you hurt?" Sanji asked, his worried gaze scanning over you as he kicked the metal door inward to reach you're shivering form.
"N-No no, I'm fine," You responded, trying your best to sound reassuring, "Thanks for coming."
"Be careful next time." Zoro scolded as he crossed his arms and possessively glared down at you.
“Y-yeah, yeah,” You muttered out breathlessly, “I pr-promise I will, thank you, guys.” You were finding it hard to keep your voice even as you stood, leaning on the wall for support, before starting to make your way out, expecting the other two to follow behind.
"Ah, ah, ah," Sanji stuck his hand out to stop you, "Where are you going?"
"I thought we were leaving?" Your words came out as a question since you didn't know what else they had in mind. Everyone was taken care of right? Shouldn't we be fine to go?
"There's no way you could walk on your own," Zoro spoke, "Let me carry you back to the ship."
"What! No, I was going to ask them first!" The blond turned to him angrily before facing you once again, his tone and body language shifting drastically. "Allow me to carry you, my dear, I'll surely be more careful than him." He said, glaring pointedly at the swordsman.
"I-It's fine. I'm a little shaky, but I can still walk on my own."
They both gazed at you in a deafeningly long and slightly awkward silence, before Sanji spoke up, "Of course, lead the way, my love."
Things had been different ever since the incident with the Marines. It had suddenly been very rare for you to find yourself in a fight with anyone at all. Sanji and Zoro even seemed to start getting along a little better now, they still argued, but you couldn’t help but notice how often they hung around each other- you couldn’t help but notice how often they seemed to hang around you.
"What's wrong?" Zoro's low voice questioned bluntly as his heavy steps approached where you stood peering off the rail of the deck.
You were hoping you wouldn't run into him this morning, it'd been getting harder and harder to find a moment alone. Just a second away from their overprotective grasp.
You waved a hand dismissively, "Nothing, just thinking."
"You seem eh- stressed, darling, are you sure you're ok?" Sanji asked, suddenly appearing beside you.
One time. Who knew getting caught by the Marines once would cause such a reaction out of your two crewmates? You loved them both to death, but you were quickly getting sick of their constant presence within your days. You didn't even see Luffy as much as you saw these two.
"You know you can tell us anything." The cook spoke up again, tipping your head up gently to face him. You briskly threw your hands out in front of you, startled by his sudden closeness you attempted to put some distance between you and the blond, although, you had pushed yourself right into Zoro, who was quick to grip your shoulders roughly from behind, his chest just barely touching your back.
"Uh- Sure, sure!" You responded, uncertain of what to do in a situation such as the one you had found yourself in. "You guys know I'd tell you if something was bothering me."
You felt their eyes burn into you as you held your breath. You finally felt Zoro nod after a moment as they left you be again, seemingly accepting your answer. You waited till they were gone before exhaling in relief. Something was off to you, those weren't the crewmates you remembered.
Things slowly seemed to start getting better, you were finally finding time by yourself, away from the controlling reach of the other two. It was refreshing, although, new problems started to arise. Things of yours had started going missing. It was only ever little things- things you didn't really need like pens and other junk you had scattered around your room. It was small, but it was enough to get you to notice.
"Hey, Zoro?" You called out as you entered the Crow's Nest of the Sunny. "Have you seen anyone else awake at night when you are?"
The greenette gave you a confused look, "Just me, why? Something the matter?"
You shook your head in response, "No, it's nothing. Thanks anyway!" Maybe you were the one to have lost them? No, that couldn't be, you felt certain you had placed them there, didn't you? You continued to think it over, retracing your steps in your mind as you made your way down the ladder and back onto the dock.
"You need to stop taking so much, they're catching on," Zoro spoke harshly at the blond who stumbled out of where he was hiding with your panties still dangling in his hands.
"What I'm doing is nothing compared to what you do!" Sanji retorted, "If you keep slaughtering people while they're right around the corner shopping, they might find us out! An angel, such as (Y/N), shouldn't have to be witness to such horrors!"
The two continued to argue as you wandered back to your room, blissfully unaware of what that funny little feeling in your gut truly was. It was better this way- at least that's what your two crewmates thought. They would hate it if you had to find out about their little obsession, it would only complicate things further. No, this was fine, they just needed to keep you here- to keep you docile, and then everything would go the way they wanted.
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GRAND FINAL - Fei Du vs Quan Yizhen
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The final match to determine the Ultimate Shixiongfucker is between Fei Du (shixiong: Luo Wenzhou) from Mo Du vs Quan Yizhen (shixiong: Yin Yu) from Heaven Official's Blessing
Propaganda under the cut
Fei Du:
Fei Du: evidence? The entirety of Mo Du. His shixiong is is Luo Wenzhou, a dude with an eight-pack and parents who love him and love fei du as well, and a dude whom fei du is willing to not die/consider the future with, and consider himself not a monster to be with. Fei Du says shixiong to Luo Wenzhou so flirtatiously that they both stop and stare. Luo Wenzhou gets him birthday cake, a video game when he was small and a promise. (Also, they are cat parents)
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If, like me, you go feral over ships where one of them is like this, then vote Fei Du!
#vote for fei du#the man who actually did fuck his shixiong despite all his best efforts to push him away
#vote fei du!!#who actually did fuck his shixiong#fei du died saving lwz
#anyway yeah vote fei du. for the suffering luo wenzhou had to go through when a slutty rich twink began to call him 'shixiong~'
How could I see these tags and not post a greatest hits compilation of Fei Du's "shixiong~~" moments!
Fei Du paused; then some mood caused him to add, “Shixiong.”  Luo Wenzhou: “…”  How could he use such an ordinary tone of voice to speak such an ordinary form of address and yet make it sound so sexual? It was really incomprehensible. 
In this small place, where every breath and bowel movement could be heard, Mr. Fei, who was so close to him, didn’t open his mouth when he had something to say; he had to use the office’s WiFi to send him a WeChat message: “Shixiong, can I take you out tonight?”  Luo Wenzhou looked up at him. Fei Du seemed to be focused on the screen of his laptop; if not for the suspicious trace of a smile at the corners of his lips, he would have looked absolutely upright and proper.  The “upright and proper” Mr. Fei moved his fingers, and another WeChat message appeared in front of Luo Wenzhou’s eyes.  He said: “I like your abs.” 
Fei Du sighed gently. “Shixiong, I’m going to love you until you can’t escape.”
Seeing that, after going inside with the box of cured meat in one hand and the clanking bicycle under the other arm, Luo Wenzhou still showed no signs of ceasing hostilities, Fei Du, without any warning, suddenly hugged him, kissing him like a surprise attack, this time saying the proper lines. “Shixiong, I was wrong.”  “…” Luo Wenzhou kept his face as stern as possible, but his voice relaxed uncontrollably. “Don’t give me that.”  Fei Du lowered his head slightly, burying his face against his neck. He thought about it, then said, “Can I make it up to you with my body?” 
Fei Du laughed quietly, pecking at the most sensitive place at the base of his ear, his other hand untucking Luo Wenzhou’s shirt. “I just got a scare. Shouldn’t you make it up to me, shixiong? My technique really is very good. Just try it, I guarantee…”
He was so angry he was incoherent, forgetting how to speak.  Fei Du, stunned, blinked his eyes, then took Luo Wenzhou’s hand with the veins standing out on it in both of his hands, brought his palms together, and curved his peach blossom eyes in a roguish manner. “Shixiong, I love you.”  Luo Wenzhou: “…” 
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additional fei du propaganda: (almost) every time he calls luo wenzhou shixiong
Quan Yizhen:
Obsessed with his shixiong, much to said shixiong's chagrin. Someone who's a proper quanyin shipper can write better propaganda, but I just know he belongs here
Someone who's a proper quanyin shipper can write better propaganda
Well, okay. So Quan Yizhen was originally a street kid that was taken in as a disciple by the sect master at Yin Yu's (the shixiong in question) request because he was impressed by Yizhen's potential. But all the other disciples hated Quan Yizhen's guts due to a mix of his utter inability to read social cues and envy towards his raw talent, only Yin Yu was nice to him which is why Quan Yizhen's obsession with his shixiong took off. Yin Yu is the only person Quan Yizhen cares for.
Eventually his cultivation led Yin Yu to ascend to godhood and he took Quan Yizhen to heaven with him as a deputy god because he knew he couldn't leave him alone. Quan Yizhen doesn't care about prestige, he only cares about martial arts and shixiong, so he asks Yin Yu if they can't go back and if ascension is really that great to which Yin Yu replies to give it a try: Quan Yizhen does and actually ascends as a proper god.
However because Quan Yizhen is so naturally talented he quickly came to eclipse Yin Yu, which he didn't even realize because, again, he has zero social skills. This festered resentment in Yin Yu who eventually exploded and told Quan Yizhen to go kill himself... while Yizhen was wearing a robe that made him follow all fo Yin Yu's commands, so he almost does kill himself. He was stopped and Yin Yu was thrown out of heaven.
But!!! Quan Yizhen doesn't care about any of that! He still wants to meet his shixiong and is sure it was all a misunderstanding. Quan Yizhen actually beats up his own devotees if they trash talk his shixiong, nevermind that as a god his existance is dependant on said devotees. But he doesn't care about that! He only became a god because of shixiong.
When he finally meets his shixiong again, he recognizes him by Yin Yu's mannerism despite Yin Yu wearing a mask. Yin Yu hits him on the head with a shovel and he still doesn't care!! Quan Yizhen still follows his shixiong like a loyal puppy. When later Yin Yu dies trying to protect him Quan Yizhen cries and apologizes for not being able to protect him despite only being good for fighting. Quan Yizhen carries his shixiong's corpse all the way while heaven if falling apart. The last chapter implies Quan Yizhen is trying to nurture Yin Yu's soul to get him back and in the post-canon extras Yin Yu makes a cameo. So Quan Yizhen was succesful!! Death can't take him from his shixiong!
give it to quan yizhen!!!! his whole THING is unconditional love for his shixiong. No matter what Yin Yu does, qyz will love him forever!!
#i will not have my boy who literally calls out SHIXIONG any time he sees yin yu#and desperately chases after him even after everything#lose like this
#yall better give this to quan yizhen#if there's ever a shixiong fucker IT'S HIM
#yes!!!!!!!!#quanyin#he loves him so much!! it’s unconditional!!#vote qyz#tgcf#svsss
#quan yizhen is a real deal shixiongfucker#admit that every time you see his name you're screaming “shixiong!!!!!” reflexively in your head#polls
#qyz propaganda: wdym this guy was ready to kill and be killed for his shixiong#qyz is the most precious#he fights his worshippers if they talk shit about his shixiong#never minds the fact that said shixiong nearly got him killed#THE SUN AND MOON PAIRING#he's the epitome of head empty only shixiong
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you don’t understand, i need this win with every part of my soul
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the-badger-mole · 5 months
Love how you shamelessly hate Aang—I mean this totally as a compliment by the way! I’m so tired of seeing “I ship Zutara but I LOOOOVE Aang he’s a cinnamon roll baby!!!” and “you can like Zutara and also like Aang” and “it’s the WRITING that’s bad not Aang!” takes…ugh. Please. He’s a cartoon character and I don’t like him. That isn’t a crime. He’s boring at best and an entitled borderline abusive little shit at worst. I don’t like him! It’s so refreshing to read your blog, I don’t understand this fandom’s obsession with acting like he’s a real child we have to coddle
I don't understand it either. Then again, I will go to the mat to defend some pretty controversial characters, so who am I to judge (justice for Mr. Collins!) ? I don't mind that other people like him -some of my favorite people in the fandom like him- as long as they don't come after me for not liking him.
But yeah, the defense of him boiling down to "bad writing" always felt off. To me, bad writing is when the character suddenly takes actions that seem to come out of nowhere. Aang's actions in the back half of ATLA and into the comics and LoK track. They track very well with who he was even in the first season. Yes, he got worse as the series progressed, but the seeds were always there. I guess, if you want to make an argument for it being bad writing, you could talk about how his bad traits in the first half seemed to be setting up a growth arc that was abandoned in the second half. There's an argument to be made there, but it's not an argument that Aang's worst traits were OOC for him. I am not shocked at the kind of family Aang ended up having. I'm not shocked at how Kataang the couple turned out. I'm only shocked that Bryke managed to be that honest about Aang without realizing how awful he was.
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tokkias · 6 months
you can just fall into me ship: natsu dragneel x lucy heartfilia summary: Lucy had always known that big changed would come into her life as she stepped into her new role at Heartfilia Konzern she just hadn't expected one of those changes to be the result of a threat to her safety. The feeling of dread through her veins is no longer an uncommon one, but at least the feeling is eased when Natsu is by her side. ao3
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The quiet bloop of an incoming email pulled Lucy out of her moment of concentration as she tapped away on her keyboard. Any other time, it would have been an inconspicuous sound that she paid no mind to, just a regular part of her business day, but things at the Heartfilia Konzern had been... complicated as of late.
Stepping into the position as C.E.O. and owner of Heartfilia Konzern, she had kept a low profile. Sure, she had expected massive changes in her life—that there would be more attention on her than she was once used to—but what she hadn’t expected was the intense attention of one individual in particular.
It had started innocuous at first—a few social media posts expressing their infatuation with the pretty new girl in charge of the railway conglomerate—but it had slowly devolved into something much deeper and sinister. A few social media posts had turned into a few emails, turned into a few phone calls, turned into showing up outside one of the office branches one morning in a bid to catch her on her way in or out. Thankfully, it had not been one of the buildings she frequented, but it had sent her anxiety over the edge. This man was obsessed with her and was quickly becoming a threat to her safety.
She didn’t read through the incoming email for the sake of her own sanity, but from the brief glance she had captured, she got the gist of it. They’d gone from pleading to threatening, an attempt to scare her into giving him the attention he craved. Her team had told her not to respond, and though she had heeded their advice, it had made her feel so helpless.
She was scared.
Even with her security team around, there was always the lingering thought about how there was someone out there who quite possibly wanted to hurt her, and based on his actions so far, he very much had the means to do so. For the most part, she could push it to the back of her mind to get through the work day, but reminders like this did her no good.
If she thought she had successfully masked her anxiety, she was quickly humbled by Natsu’s worried expression from across the room.
Just as she was about to speak her reassurances, a knock came at the door, causing Lucy to jump and undoing all the work she had put into convincing Natsu that she was fine. Peering out the glass wall of her office, she saw her secretary, Aries, standing outside, and she let out a quiet sigh of relief. If someone were here to kill her, they probably wouldn’t knock, after all. 
“Um, Miss Lucy?” She meekly said. “Mr. Beaufort’s assistant just called to say he’s cancelling his meeting with you next Wednesday. He said something about… um… security concerns.”
Lucy didn’t bother to hide the frustrated groan she let out, her head falling into her hands, elbows thunking against the table.
It was easy to pretend the problem didn’t exist when the problem wasn’t making itself at home in her work emails. Admittedly, she was picking up a bad habit from her father before her of throwing herself into her work to avoid thinking about the problems in her personal life, but suddenly her personal problems were beginning to affect her work life too. This was not the first time someone had cancelled a meeting for safety concerns, and for as long as this issue was prevalent, she was certain it would not be the last.
“I-I’m sorry!”
“No, it’s not your fault,” she assured with a weak smile. “Thank you, Aries.”
With her dismissal, Aries rushed out of her office, leaving just the two of them alone once again.
“Dunno what he’s talking about worrying about security concerns,” Natsu said, air quotes around the last two words. “You got the best security around,” he added with a grin.
Lucy offered him a smile at his fighting words, but it didn’t quite go up to her eyes, and she knew he could tell. Any other time, she would have wholeheartedly agreed. Natsu and his team were great; they had never let her down before now, but they had also never faced a threat like this until now.
She tried not to frame it like that. He wasn’t a "threat," he was just some random with too much time on their hands, chasing after her like all the boys had in high school, but then again, those boys hadn’t shown up outside of her place of work. She tried to convince herself that it wasn’t a big deal, that she would be safe, but she still couldn’t help but worry.
The only time she ever truly felt safe these days was when Natsu was in the room with her. If she was a little jumpy in the office, that didn’t compare to how she got when she was at home. Given the current circumstances, Lucy had a member of her team with her at all hours of the day, but realistically, it couldn’t always be Natsu. He was her employee who still had to go home at the end of the day. He had friends he drinks with on Saturdays, he had a cat at home to feed. There was no amount of money she could pay him that would take away the fact that he still had a life to live outside of her.
Natsu protects her during her work hours, while Erza and Gray take the night shifts at her apartment. They were both scary and more than qualified for their jobs, but she just seemed to feel at ease with Natsu in a way she couldn’t with them. That wasn’t a knock to them; there was just something about Natsu that she could never find in anyone else. She always felt calm around him, entirely at ease.
The rest of the afternoon came and went without incident, much to Lucy’s relief, and before long she found herself being escorted into her apartment by Natsu behind her. That wasn’t originally part of his job description—he would meet her at the office in the mornings and leave in the evenings, but now that there was the concern about her being jumped on her commute, it was better safe than sorry.
Gray was taking the evening shift tonight, and while it would have been reasonable for him to be the one to escort her home, these days it was always Natsu taking her to and from work. Even though he was technically off the clock, even though he wasn’t paid for the extra twenty minutes before and after, he never complained about it, and Lucy couldn’t be more thankful. Maybe having someone on her tail at all times could have been overbearing to some, but she didn’t mind it so much when it was Natsu.
Gray was already standing outside her building by the time they arrived, and the pair escorted her to her apartment with only little fuss.
Though a little unnerving at first, Lucy had grown used to having someone with her at all times. It was better than the alternative, given her current situation. Gray mostly minded his own business, and Plue had gotten used to the company quickly, so it wasn’t all that bad. Tonight, though, the company just didn’t seem like enough to keep her from getting antsy through the evening.
She tried her best to busy herself to keep her mind off today’s events. She cooked her and Gray dinner rather than ordering out; she finally got a start on that new podcast that she had been meaning to listen to, but even as she tried to focus on other things, she couldn’t help but let her mind wander. It was bearable for a while—she could rationalise with herself when the lights were on and Gray was in the room, but as the sun dipped below the horizon and Plue yapped at her to get into bed, things quickly went downhill. Every time she closed her eyes, her brain would be washed over by a series of what-ifs.
What if the security wasn’t enough?
What if when she opened her eyes, he was standing, looming over her?
What if he intended to make good on his threats?
Even with Plue snuggled up in bed with her, ready to go on the offensive and do whatever his little body could do to protect her should the need arise, she just couldn’t seem to shut her mind up.
She wished Natsu were here.
He was the only one who could truly make all the voices in her head simmer down, if even for just a few moments. Natsu had proven himself time and time again as her protector, shown his willingness to go above and beyond for her to keep her safe. She knew that all of her team would do that—it was their job after all—but with Natsu, it felt like something more than that. It wasn’t just the physical safety he provided her; it was emotional too.
Harm couldn’t come to her when Natsu was around; he would never let it. That was even true when it came to the anxious thoughts plaguing her head.
She tried not to talk about these problems with anyone, to not let anyone in on the fact that she was struggling. She already had so much pressure put on her as the new head of a massive conglomerate. The media made sure everyone knew she was unqualified for her position, and they were right—she was just a nepo-baby stepping in to uphold what little of her family legacy was left behind for her. Still, she couldn’t let the media, the public, or her peers think of her like that. She was a hard worker; she was well-spoken, smart, and kind. Given the time she knew she would flourish into something great.
She couldn’t let them see that behind that confidence and composure, she was just a scared little girl, lost and confused.
With Natsu, she didn’t need to maintain that image. Due to the nature of his position, he was the person she spent the most time with these days, and there wasn’t anything she could hide from him. He was the only one who really knew the inner workings of her brain, the real fear and confusion she felt from everything that was happening around her. He was the only person she really felt she could confide in.
A soft sigh passed through her lips as she gazed at the dark ceiling. Yearning would not make Natsu magically appear, nor would it make all her woes and worries disappear. Figuring she wasn’t about to get to sleep soon, Lucy crawled out of bed and made her way into the kitchen in hopes that a warm drink might ease her woes.
The lights were still on in the living room when she passed by, and the television was playing softly as Gray kept himself occupied. Though she tried to pass by unnoticed, Gray was still on the job and wasn’t about to let anything slip past him.
“You alright?” He asked.
His voice stopped her in her tracks, leaving her standing static in the doorframe.
“Yeah, I just…” She trailed off, realising that Gray was no fool. There was no stepping around it, no pretending that she was fine. “I can’t sleep.”
“Yeah, I get that,” he sympathetically replied. “I’m sorry.”
He furrowed his brows as he tried to search for some words of comfort, but he was her guard, not her therapist. Though they were friendly, he wasn’t close to her like Natsu was.
“You’ll be alright,” he settled on.
Lucy offered him a soft smile.
“I know.”
She bit at her lower lip, hesitating for a moment before she made her way to the kitchen.
“What time does Natsu start?” She asked.
“He’ll be here at six,” Gray replied.
Lucy glanced at her phone, finding that it wouldn’t be another four hours until Natsu would arrive. She’d usually be long asleep by now, but today’s events had been weighing heavy on her mind, leaving her more anxious than usual.
“Okay,” she said, trying her best to hide the disappointment lingering in her voice. “Thank you.”
The taste of lavender overcame her senses as she sipped on her mug of tea, hoping that the warmth that spread through her body as it went down would soothe her.
Plue let out a soft whine as she crawled back into her sheets, roused from his slumber upon her return. She murmured a soft apology as she stroked his fur in an attempt to soothe him back to sleep. She would rather at least one of them get a good night's sleep tonight.
She didn’t have a television in her room, knowing that one would just keep her up on nights she just needed to know what happened in the next episode of her soaps, but she had never regretted that more than right now. A distraction was more than welcome right now—a trashy reality programme to keep her mind off her own problems. Unfortunately, tonight it was just her and the flitter of moonlight that made it through the curtains.
She closed her eyes and tried to simply will herself to sleep, counting sheep until her consciousness faded into dreams, but as had become routine for this evening, that just wasn’t the case.
And so she lingered awake, accompanied by nothing but the shadows on her walls and Plue’s dreamy whimpers.
After what felt like hours of sleep evading her, a soft knock came on her door, and assuming it was Gray, Lucy let out an affirmative murmur to let him know he could come in. When she looked up, however, it was not Gray’s gaze that she was met with. In her doorframe stood her day guard, Natsu, with messy hair, a dark grey hoodie, and a pair of pyjama pants covered in little cats.
“Natsu?” She croaked out. “What are you doing here?”
She wondered for a moment if she really had fallen asleep, if she was simply dreaming this moment up. What he said next proved that she was very much awake.
“Gray called me and said ya couldn’t sleep, so I came over to make sure you were okay.”
Lucy was quiet as Natsu made his way to her side, sitting down on her bed next to her.
“You didn’t have to do that,” she said. “Your shift doesn’t start until six; I’m not paying you to be here.”
“I’m off the clock, which means I get to make my own decisions, and right now I wanna be here for you,” he replied, his hand reaching for hers in a comforting manner. “I’m not just your bodyguard, y’know. I’m your friend, too.”
She looked up at him, even in the dark, still able to make out that trademark Natsu smile on his face.
Natsu was always a nice guy, always kind and friendly towards her. She was never sure how much of his friendliness was just part of the job that she paid him for. In his words, she realised that their relationship went beyond that of the paycheque she signed for him every week—he saw her as a friend.
“I’ll stay for however long you need me.”
His thumb ran gently across the back of her hand, and immediately she felt herself growing more at ease. The worry still lingered in the back of her mind—it had never fully gone away since the very first incident, but with Natsu by her side, she finally felt herself safe enough to let out some of the fear that had been plaguing her brain.
“Natsu…” She murmured, her voice soft and low as she spoke. “I’m scared.”
“Yeah, I know,” he replied, his brows knitted together in concern. “But I’ve got you, okay? Nothin’ bad is gonna happen to you while I’m here.”
She wholeheartedly believed him.
He had protected her from drunkards and catcallers; he had never hesitated to throw himself in harm's way to keep her safe. Nothing could dare touch her if Natsu had anything to say about it.
The thought of him fending off some perpetrator in his kitty cat pyjamas made the corners of her lips quirk up in a small smile. That sounded like exactly something the silly boy she had come to know would do.
“Get some sleep, okay?” He said, his voice more tender than she thought she’d ever heard it before.
“What about you?”
“I’ll be alright,” he assured her. “Me and Plue are gonna keep you safe, isn’t that right, buddy?”
At the mention of his name, Plue stirred a little before giving out a huff of what Lucy liked to believe was affirmation before going back to sleep.
At his words, she slowly sunk back into her pillow and let her eyes fall shut.
She felt better, safe, comfortable.
She felt like grasping sleep tonight was no longer something well out of her reach, and as she faded out of consciousness, she was in no mind to consider the moral implications of falling asleep, holding her bodyguard’s hand.
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atlasscrumpit · 2 years
I don't know if someone has already requested this but here we go! I was thinking that Maybe Mando was a Yandere of Grogu, but grogu got out of his sight and is suddenly in the hands of the reader. He is about to kill the reader when he sees how caring she is to him and he also realizes that she is homeless. So he invites her on his ship and his obsession over her begins to grow. I hope that isn't to much! Have a lovely day and keep doing what you are doing!
New Attachment
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He never had much in his life, mainly just pain and surviving.
But, when he’d found Grogu he found himself getting attached very quickly.
He knew he would never ever let him out of his sight, and never let anyone near him.
But, he’s two worst fears had just come true.
Grogu was missing and Din felt like he was going to go insane.
He ran around the strange planet they had landed on, it was covered in lush forests which made it even harder.
He eventually found Grogu, in the arms of someone causing his anger to grow even more.
He stepped out and readied his blaster, you heard the noise and looked up in fear.
“We mean no harm! Please, please don’t shoot. I’m not armed.” You muttered, still cradling Grogu in your arms.
Din noticed how happy he looked.
“What are you doing with him?” He growled as Grogu held onto you.
“I found him wandering around, so we started playing games. I’m sorry, I just didn’t want him to get hurt out here on his own.” You said, fear evident in your voice.
“And what are you doing out here on your own?” Din muttered, slowly coming forward.
“This is where I live, sir.” You relied as the Mandalorian studied you.
You definitely were harmless and unarmed.
He came close enough that he could take Grogu from you.
“You kept him safe, the least I can do is offer you some warmth and food.” He replied as you looked up at him with hope.
“A-And I wouldn’t have to do anything else?” You whispered, looking away from him.
He couldn't imagine what you’d been through.
“Nothing else, you have my word.”
Din had gotten you wrapped up in a blanket with some hot food in your hands.
You sat there happily eating as the Mandalorian watched you.
“How have you survived so long?” He asked as you looked up at him and swallowed your food.
“If anyone came through I was usually just climbed into the trees, there’s plenty of fresh water and a lot of foliage for me to eat.” You explained as he nodded a little.
“I don’t think Grogu is too keen on seeing you leave. I can offer you shelter and food.” He offered as you looked at him in shock.
“Why would you do that?” You whispered as he slowly came closer.
“Because I don’t think I could live with myself if I left you back out there. You wouldn’t need to offer me anything.” He explained as you nodded a little.
“I could clean your ship for you when you needed!” You suggested making him chuckle.
“That would be lovely.”
It had been a while since you’d been with the Mandalorian now, who you now knew as Din.
You’d explored so many places, you’d never even been off your planet before.
You noticed how attached he was to Grogu, and now you were realising how attached he was to you.
But, maybe you didn’t mind. You never had anyone even care about you, so having some obsess over you was somehow nice.
And maybe having someone around who could actually talk and obey him made Din happy as well.
He came back from a mission and climbed into the razor crest to see you in his seat with Grogu cuddled to your chest, you were both fast asleep.
He chuckled and slowly took off his helmet before kissing you on the forehead softly.
“Sleep well, little ones.”
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musicalmoritz · 7 days
Just saw your TBHK headcanons post and saw the one about Akane being the father who stepped up for Tiara since she sees him and Teru as her parents (Literally adore the mental image btw) Do you have any other headcanons for how Akane and Tiara would interact?
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Omg yayyyyy yay more TBHK found family asks. Ya’ll are giving me too much to yap about, I feel spoiled. Alright onto the silliest father/daughter duo of all time, we’re about to take more liberties with fanon so everybody fasten your seatbelts
• So this headcanon happened as a result of the whole “Teru is basically raising Kou and Tiara” thing
• I feel like it’s true, their dad is absent and while most of the household work falls on Kou (a massive responsibility on its own), Teru seems to take on more of the “parenting” responsibilities. Such as training Kou and giving him guidance, plus the way he interacts with Tiara feels v much like a parent and their child
• I don’t mean to take away the sibling dynamic at all tho, there are plenty of oldest siblings out there that have had to raise their younger siblings. Being a parental figure doesn’t cancel out one’s role as a sibling
• Anyways that made me think that whoever Teru ends up dating is probably gonna end up co-parenting Tiara, especially if it turns into a long term relationship
• If their dad never gets his act together Teru will likely be the one having to raise Tiara into adulthood, I don’t think he’d let Kou take on that much responsibility (plus he likes to be involved in his siblings lives, I think he’d genuinely enjoy it)
• Since Teru and Kou are closer in age tho I don’t think the co-parenting thing applies to Kou, he’d be a regular brother-in-law (minus maybe one awkward “I’m not calling him dad” moment)
• Terukane is my main Teru ship so naturally I have to imagine Akane getting overly involved with the Minamotos
• “But what would that progression look like?” Tysm for asking, I’ve given way too much thought to this
• Tiara initially goes through a phase of not liking Akane very much, he’s way too blunt with her and she’s used to being coddled
• In return, Akane doesn’t like Tiara too much bcuz we all know he’s not above beefing with toddlers
• Since Tiara is five tho she gets over that hatred pretty quickly. All Akane has to do is, like, bring her a juice box and suddenly they’re best friends
• Akane wants to make Teru’s life a little easier bcuz he can’t help but want to take care of every person he falls for. I do believe his obsession with Aoi was unique but I also like to think it’s partially just an Akane thing, when he falls he falls hard. He locks in
• When I write Terukane I usually try to balance their canon dynamic with Akane’s obsessiveness, tho I don’t mind when some writers lean more into his yandere side for the ship. I know some shippers really hate it but I kinda like seeing various interpretations (keep in mind tho I don’t read Terukane fics often so I’m not the best authority on this lol)
• Holy Tangent, Batman! That is not what these headcanons are about. I need to yap on track
• Anyways, because Akane wants to take care of Teru he ends up babysitting Tiara a lot. This gives both the Minamoto brothers more free time, and it fulfills Akane’s need to constantly be making himself useful
• Their dynamic is one of the very imaginative, hyperactive child and the apathetic dad who adores her. He’s not overly doting like Kou and Teru are but that’s weirdly what makes Tiara attach herself to him, he’s different from most people she knows
• Oh yeah she calls him papa btw. This stems from my headcanon that she calls Teru mama, and this is where I have to reaffirm that I’m not trying to feminize him guys I just think it’s funny :(
• Basically just picture Loid and Anya from Spy x Family, that is how I imagine Akane and Tiara
• He hangs around so often that she genuinely starts to think of Teru and Akane as her dads. This indirectly strengthens their relationship bcuz like…they can’t just break up now. That would be like divorce for Tiara
• Every time they have a mild argument Teru’s like “think of Tiara :(”
• In turn, Akane starts acting more like a dad. He takes Tiara to the park and prepares her snacks when Kou is busy
• One day Tiara calls him papa in front of his parents and they have to grapple with the realization that their son has had a whole ass child for months and neither of them knew
• Akane’s dad panicked for like a full minute thinking it was a teen pregnancy before he realized that’s not really possible
• Akane would def introduce Tiara to his favorite rock bands (totally not based off me and my dad)
• Seeing Teru and Akane together actually helped Tiara understand the concept of marriage (since she doesn’t seem to understand it in canon), and that there are different types of relationships. Teru had to sit her down once and carefully explain that he and Akane aren’t married. She didn’t get it but, oh well, baby steps
• Akane introduces Tiara to people as his daughter, which results in a lot of confused looks from strangers
• When she gets older Teru becomes “dad” but Akane stays papa. She also calls him “old man” sometimes
• Since everyone seems to agree Mirai is a sister-figure to Akane, I could def see her making Tiara call her “Aunt Mirai” lmao (they would be best friends, trust)
• If someone upsets Akane or tries to hurt him, Tiara will go full lightning mode on them. Legend has it her first words were “Nah, I’d win”
• By the time Akane meets the Minamoto Father it goes down like “Who are you??” “I’m the owner of this house🤨”
• “Father?? No, you’ve been demoted to grandpa”
• Akane gives Tiara a lot of piggyback rides
• He tries to give her a lot of attention bcuz his own parents aren’t very involved in his life and he knows that can cause issues
• She likes her sandwiches cut into little shapes and Akane can accurately guess which shape she wants every time
• He can do hair really well because of Aoi and Mirai so he styles Tiara’s for her a lot
• I like the headcanon of Akane becoming a psych major (we’re twinning) so I like to imagine that when he eventually takes a lifespan development or child psych class he’s like “Teru. Teru we need to develop authoritative parenting styles. Teru we’ve been too permissive. Teru.” • I think they’d already be authoritative but shhh
• He becomes mindful of the type of attachment style Tiara has and tries to make her feel as secure as possible
• He picks up a couple parenting books
• Him and Teru would also be the type to read their Tiara LGBTQ+ children’s books. Woke parenting/j
• I think it would make both Teru and Akane happy to know they don’t have to go through with getting married and a whole adoption process for Tiara to see them as her parents. They don’t have to rush into anything or follow any standard process, they can just do their own thing and be a happy little family
• And Tiara gets to grow up with two parents who love her more than anything in the world
I’m ending it there because I could yap abt the Minamotos forever. Glad I got to spend my Terukane Girl Dads agenda again. Hope you enjoyed!!
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sadly-never-after · 25 days
I don’t have any real preferred endgame ships for Daring. I like Darabella more than the average tumblr EAH account and I love Dizzie but in a very different way than most shippers, I think.
Whenever I’m in my comfort place (my post canon extension based on Athena-xox’s amazing timeline (all time fave post. Truly an amazing accomplishment)) I like imagining that Daring will consciously decide to stay single and NOT mingle for a while, until he has come to terms with certain things. And I like imagining that Rosabella will be there for him, but rather as a friend with some unacted romantic chemistry. I want to believe that everything that happened since Legacy Day, culminating in his abrupt change of imagined destiny will trigger a more pensive side of him. And here’s when Lizzie comes. I want him to slowly become aware of how much he hurt her, even when it was never his intention.
I know this is a franchise made to sell dolls at tweens so it’s weird to get this dark about it, but let’s do this for the sake of my fantasies.
I feel like Daring has been hypersexualised and objectified through most of his life. His place as the most Charming of all the Charmings has turned him into a figure of lust and of status even before he was really aware of what those words meant.
The hypersexualisation can be seen through the recurrent jokes about girls fawning over him, following him, his dashing smile, and I honestly feel like Sparrow’s dare that lead to the entire thing with Lizzies was also based on that etc., etc., etc.,
When it comes to the objectification I think Duchess obsession with him is a good example. In NTV it becomes clear that she is not truly in love with him and when he scorns her she even daydreams about being the one able to reject him. Daring is not much of a real person to her. He is a symbol. He is the best of princes who saves his Princess and gets the two to live happily ever after. Everything that Duchess longs for and is denied.
To a lesser extent I also think that Ravens reaction to him (apparently) writing her a love poem could also be an example of this. Even if she has never been interested in Daring and has actually described her type as his opposite she still takes this as an accomplishment of some way.
Just to clarify: by no means do I blame neither Duchess nor Raven for this. They aren’t really at fault. This is more of a societal issue.
So, as he now realises all this things about his life, I want him to remember Lizzie. In my Sparchess heart the two are talking and Sparrow asks him about that one date Daring & Duchess had and after that a rush of unprocessed memories come at Daring and he can’t stop thinking about what he did to Lizzie for at least a week.
I want him to stay up away at night and cringe at himself wondering if an actual apology would be welcomed or not. It would make him feel better, sure, but is it Lizzie or his guilt conscience whom he wants to console? I want him to remember things about Lizzie that he otherwise didn’t think of very often. I want him to suddenly tell all of this to Rosabella only for her to feel disappointed and conflicted. I want Lizzie to catch him looking at her during lunch with a strangely contemplative expression and to turn away in apparent apathy only for her to be weirdly sad for the rest of the day and remember how isolated and betrayed she felt not only by Daring but also by Duchess.
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
Subtext Glorious Subtext! A Dreamling on Netflix analysis in The Sandman - Masterpost
Shortly after realising this show was going to become my new obsession, I decided to throw myself into all things Sandman, which meant actually reading the comics (several times over) and listening to the audio book on Audible. The one thing that struck me most after consuming all Sandman media, was how different the tone of the Netflix show was. In particular, the choices made in the show for the Men of Good Fortune sequence in episode 6 The Sound of Her Wings which is the reason I fell head first into shipping Dreamling. The Netflix show portrays Dream and Hob’s relationship in a whole different way to the comic and the Audible book.
Whilst it IS possible to pick up certain moments in the Men of Good Fortune comic which can be interpreted with a queer lense, (the rose, Death’s knowing expression, etc) there isn’t really much to work with until we get to Hob’s dream in Season of Mists (and I’m losing my mind thinking about how the Netflix show will adapt THAT).
The queer coding in the show however is laid on so thickly, it’s difficult to ignore it. Like with most popular fandom ships, the reason Dreamling has suddenly become SO popular, is because viewers all collectively watched this 30 minute sequence, and had the eyebrow raising realisation that this was actually all very romantic and subtextually very queer.
I have yet to see a full meta analysis of the episode, so thought I would write a breakdown of Dream and Hob’s meetings over the centuries and outline how their differences from the comics have had such an impact on Dream and Hob’s relationship. How everything from the tweaks to the dialogue and additional scenes, the acting choices made, music cues, and the use of classic love tropes in TV have all come together to give us a subtextual masterpiece of queer coding and very much turned a friendship into something more. Even if you don’t ship Dreamling, I believe it would be very difficult for anyone versed in fandom culture (and anyone with a good knowledge of film and TV analysis) to ignore just how thickly the queer subtext is laid on.
Besides, its also writer acknowledged that there was intention there among the creative team, whatever they may decide to do with that going forward.
Initially I was going to put this entire analysis into one long post, but it is far too long and Tumblr was getting angry with me for the amount of gifs I was using. Instead I have broken my meta essay down into 8 parts as follows under the cut:
Chapter 1 - A Walk with Death and the Return to the White Horse
Chapter 2 - 1389 and 1489
Chapter 3 - 1589
Chapter 4 - 1689
Chapter 5 - 1789
Chapter 6 - 1889
Chapter 7 - 1989
Chaper 8 - Reunited
I have been writing this meta essay very slowly over the space of 7 months and I would love to know your thoughts, feedback, comments, or questions on it! Tagging those who may be interested and those who have asked to be tagged:
@notallsandmen @academicblorbo @just-cosmere-fan @seiya-starsniper @littledreamling @altair214 @lulusolier @joyce20091234 @zenkitty714 @tickldpnk8 @timeuntravel @marlowe-zara @mr-sadman @duckland
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sol-consort · 27 days
I’m obsessed with the idea of being the only human on an all alien ship.
Sure aliens do see a lot of humans on the streets in the Citadel, but those are strangers, even staring at them for too long is considered a rude gesture. Most aliens never get the chance to get closer to a human, let alone interact with them anywhere that's not public space.
Being on a ship is more intimate, living in close proximity with others amidst a metal tube floating in space just enforces that intimacy.
Humans are social creatures by nature, much like we need sunlight, without it we wither and spiral into depressive moods. We need some form of interactions, loneliness is deadly to us.
So imagine how these aliens must feel when after so many years of only seeing the humankind as strangers—a mystery so close by yet so out of reach, a species that speedran joining the citadel and fully acclimated to the space life at such a fast pace, barely anyone got to know or discover much about them and next thing you know, they get their own seat in the council.
And now, there's a whole human living in the room next to them. This shiny new thing, eager to talk and socialise. Suddenly, they're face to face with the object of their intrigue. They have a million questions for you, eyes following you when you're not looking, unconsciously tracing your features as you talk to them, a pause in there speech once they feel your soft skin against their own after you accidentally brushed against them.
A turian who treads cautiously around you, unsure of just where you stand when it comes to the first-contact war, knowing that many humans still aren't over it.
He tries to keep his distance as not to make you uncomfortable. But by the spirits, human, you just make it impossible to stay away.
Offering him a polite hello as he steps into the ship joined kitchen, you're sitting on the counter stirring a cup of some...warm liquid? He assumes based on the mist dissipating into air.
A slight swing to your bare legs, courtesy of the pyjama shorts you started feeling comfortable enough to wear around—he tries not to gawk at your thighs. Why do they look so squishy exactly? A passing thought of how his claws would feel digging into them, he quickly forces it away alongside his gaze.
Your eyes are on him; he can feel their heat. Human eyes aren't exactly subtle with your white sclera—unlike the turians dark ones. He accurately guesses your line of sight from a mile away.
Turian brains simply can't ignore it even if they tried to, you're constantly triggering a primal instinct deep within them, a siren going off telling them that they're being watched by what very possibly could be a predetor.
The human tendency to smile with their teeth doesn't make this any easier either. How could such teeth be hidden by something so soft and plump? Lips...he thinks they were called. And to think just your saliva is enough to send him to the hospital, yet you're sharing the same kitchen as him.
You talk casually with him, sipping on your drink occasionally. He almost forgets what he came to the kitchen for...oh right, food.
Humans words aee hard to read, to tell apart their sarcastic and rhetorics from sincerity. The many colourful expressions, he's still not over the last time you loudly announced, "Oh bite me!" after accidentally dropping your fork.
It wasn't an invitation, apparently, just an expression of frustration...not that he was thinking about it or anything! Nope, nah.
He is especially not thinking about it right now, considering the way your shirt is falling to the side, collar almost slipping off your shoulder. Exposing your whole bare neck and collarbone to him, a tantalising view that he has to peel his eyes away from.
You've kindly indulged him in the past, humouring the rest of the crew's curiosity that they couldn't keep contained for longer than a couple days after finally being in such close proximity with a human.
The only human on this ship.
He never stood close enough to one to smell their scent before, let alone the fact that your room just happened to be directly next to his, a thin platinum wall separating the two of you.
You're not aware of it, how you smell to him. Maybe it's the fact humans can get away with wearing such little clothes in space without side effects that your scent in particular stands out the most amidst all the other species.
The colour of your blood is another thing that he overlooked before. When you yawned, licked your lips or anything that involved opening your mouth, he never expected the colour of your tongue to be a reddish pink, for the wall lining and your gums to be a similar yet deeper shade of red.
It seemed so obvious in hindsight, but seeing it with his own eyes was another experience entirely.
Humans are very receptive to touch, he observed. The way you leaned into the asari touch when she massaged the nape of your neck, her hand firmly squeezing the knots out.
The way you had no qualms about one or two of the Hanar tentacles wrapping around your forearm, intertwining the thin end with your fingers, enjoying the pulsing colours within the soft jelly-fish like flesh, a pale pink/light purple gradient.
Layer your head on the krogans legs so nonchalantly while watching tv, barely registering the way his entire body stiffened.
Welcoming all of the salarian's curious touches, studying your features, plucking a strand from your hair to analyse later. Lounging on her his lap while listening to his long speeches and info dumps, even if it's a subject completely out of your field of knowledge, you seem content.
It's so easy to forget how all of these situations are normal bonding moments between close humans.
Everything ranging from playfighting with the drell only to end up pinned to the couch while giggling, to exaggerated proclamations of marriage proposals to the quarian who let you have half of the chocolate bar his family sent him by mail.
...the turian really wants to join, he sees you mingling with everyone without a care in the world for them being a different species. All the research he made about humans—the many search histories he had to delete, the booke he read, the articles, the videos he watched.
So why can't he bring himself to do it? How is fair that you'd pepper the asari with soft cheek kisses if she simply asked for it, but he cannot even manage to look you in the eye for more than 5 seconds because he feel your gaze tracing the facepaint on his plates, the memory of you commenting on how beautiful it is in your literal first meeting still haunts his mind to this day.
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ryuichirou · 21 days
Some replies!
About some random stuff (twst related or not), plus a longer one about AzuIde Marriage AU.
Anonymous asked:
First TreyRid and now RookVil, Ryu do you wanna kill me?? I'm so weak for the "queen/their knight" ships (those two precisely), thank you thank you thank you, your art is amazing as always 🙏
Hehe I’m sorry, Anon! Please survive so I can keep harassing you with my drawings!
I always feel like we post these two ships all the time, but I guess I’m just delusional?? But luckily, there are a lot of sketches of them that we’d like to finish and post one day, so you’ll definitely see more of them eventually.
Thank you for your kind words <3
Anonymous asked:
I love the random Stich figure amidst all those anime boys
He is my favourite anime boy, Anon 🥰
The figure is pretty old, but I’ve been thinking about starting to collect more Stitch figures lately lol We’ve been having a lot of cursed Stitch-related discussions…
But still, there are just so many cute ones. Like this one for example.
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Anonymous asked:
What do you think about the headcanon of Demisexual Killua Zoldyck? So many people get defensive saying he could only be gay, but you're more open minded, so I wanted to know your opinion!
We don’t headcanon characters’ sexualities, so I don’t have an opinion about it. Sorry.
Anonymous asked:
What do we think of old Vil??
Sexy grandpa!
Jokes aside, I really love this segment, and I love how they made Vil’s beauty “fade away” without really holding back much; I think it was important to convey the point. I still want to draw him being a stylish sexy old grandpa one day though lol
Anonymous asked:
As someone who was constantly getting crushes on my teachers/professors, the TWST fandom needs more student x teacher ships
You are absolutely right, Anon. Crushing on your teacher/professor is a very real thing, and channeling that feeling through characters or just imagining them going through something like that is so much fun.
I think a lot of students have a crush on Crewel, but for a lot of them it’s just Stockholm Syndrome lol He is so strict that when he suddenly compliments his student, they begin to melt… I think Deuce suffered from that once or twice, this poor boy.
Anonymous asked:
In relation to the question about the marriage au, I noticed that you said that Azul was crazy about Idia. Is there a reason he’s like this but Idia isn’t? Does Azul like Idia more than he likes him and, if so, was it always like this? Or did this happen in time?
Like I mentioned in another reply about them, Azul has more to gain from their relationship than Idia, and he himself rationalises this obsession by thinking that Idia is his golden ticket, his door to a lot of opportunities, power and wealth. Getting married to Idia is such a check-mate to him that he is very possessive over Idia… all of that is true, of course, but not the only reason why Azul feels the way he does.
Azul did end up falling in love with Idia overtime because underneath all of his greed and ambition, Azul really wants companionship and genuinely enjoys being with Idia and spending time with him. He enjoyed playing boardgames with him, enjoyed solving puzzles with him, he enjoyed all of these things and he has a big soft spot for Idia that he doesn’t want to acknowledge properly. He doesn’t even think that he needs to because Idia is already his spouse, how closer could two people get? And yet, Azul craves for more, for something that he can’t quite buy with money – for Idia to be genuinely in love with him as much as he is in love with Idia. This is something that happens deep inside Azul’s heart, mind you, but it does affect the way he acts.
Idia is very aware that Azul mainly sees him as an investment, not even a business partner or anything, and he doesn’t really mind that because he never really wanted to be anything more than that, but this could also be one of the reasons Idia wouldn’t allow himself to get more invested in their relationship, and wouldn’t allow his own feelings for Azul to blossom as much as Azul’s did. There is a disconnect between them that prevents them from being vulnerable with each other and committing to being an actual couple… and none of them really think that this is something that they genuinely want or need. Whatever they have, it works, so they keep being together like that.
Sigh, these two…
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steddieunderdogfics · 30 days
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  @stevestark ! With fourteen Stranger Things fics and twelve in the Steve/Eddie tag, their charming works make waves in the fandom!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @stevestark:
they told me all of my cages were mental (so I got wasted like all my potential)
i think your house is haunted (your dad is always mad)
i was hitting my marks ('cause i can do it with a broken heart)
Eddie and Robin's Very Real Heterosexual Adventure
it’s hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound (it’s hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you)
Whether their fics are under 5k or over 10k, their world-building is so good! they have a way of making our boys feel so natural and the progression of the relationship always feels realistic. they were one of my favorites back in 2022 when s4 dropped, and they've made a sudden return to the fandom this year with new stories that are just as good if not better than what they had written back then! I'm always so excited to see they've posted something new, no matter if it's a new chapter or a whole new story. -- anonymous
Below the cut,  @stevestark answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
After watching ST4 Vol. 1 I was obsessed. Steve Harrington was one of literally two characters I loved from the very first time I “met” them (the other being Jim Hopper, which is why he tends to feature heavily in my works as the resident Dad) but I had never really been into any ships for him up to that point. The immediate chemistry he had with Eddie Munson though? Woof. I knew I had to write them, and it honestly was like I blinked and had suddenly churned out multiple fics. I stopped writing in general around the end of 2022, but when I got fired from my job in April, I got bored and reread my own works, which drew me right back in, especially because I had already written about 10,000 words of they told me all of my cages were mental (so I got wasted like all my potential) but had yet to finish it. I wanted to read the ending so badly myself that I simply picked it back up, and then next thing I knew I was writing more and more.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
There’s so many. I’m always a sucker for some good old fashioned Hurt/Comfort or Angst With a Happy Ending, but I think my all time favorite has to be Enemies to Friends to Lovers.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Definitely Angst With a Happy Ending. I don’t think I really know how to write anything that’s just straight fluff or even straight smut. There has to be some angst in there, and I’m not really one for an unhappy ending. I’ll maybe do ambiguous, but I was raised on Nora Ephron and Nancy Meyers ⸺ we’re happy ending girlies.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
The One In Which A Time Loop Is Fucking Exhasuting. by badpancake on AO3. I think about that shit daily. Every part of it is absolute perfection, and I'm in love with it.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Fittingly with the last question, time travel! I have a title for a time travel fix-it already, I just need to let it ferment a little in my mind so I can figure out how to do it in a way that feels at least somewhat unique.
What is your writing process like?
Step 1: Put Taylor Swift’s folklore on repeat. Step 2: Open GDoc. Step 3: Stare at GDoc. Step 4: Start writing the first thing that pops into my head and hope it comes out coherent in the end. Step 5: Publish and then immediately reread my work after it’s already live, and pray I only find minor mistakes that I can quickly fix before anyone else reads the fic and spots them.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I always have the title before I even know what the fic will be! 99% of my fic titles are Taylor Swift lyrics, and it’s usually a process of me hearing a specific phrase and thinking “This is so Steddie coded.” After that, I begin the above process, and hope I do the lyrics justice, because I tend to choose the ones that are the most poetic to me personally.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Definitely when I finish writing. I’ve tried holding myself to a schedule before with multichaptered fic in other fandoms, and it just never works out the way I want it to. I actually have an ongoing Steddie WIP that I haven’t touched since April, because I’m waiting for the next chapter to come to me fully before I start writing it, and I do kind of regret posting it as a WIP in the first place. I feel much more accomplished when I can just push the whole work out at once, i.e. my season 2 rewrite where Eleven is found and taken in by Eddie and Wayne, which I had debated posting as a multichaptered fic as I wrote chunks of it at a time. I talked myself out of it though, and despite the fact that it took me weeks to finish, once I got there it was so satisfying to hit that publish button.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Definitely i was hitting my marks ('cause i can do it with a broken heart). There’s a whole entire 58 track playlist to go along with it that I carefully researched and curated before writing even a single word of the story, broken down into specifically themed mixtapes in a GDoc; it's linked at the end of the fic, with a breakdown of which mixtape each set of songs belongs to, and it is my absolute pride and joy.
How did you get the idea for they told me all of my cages were mental (so I got wasted like all my potential)?
I had a passing thought one day about the fact that Steve seemed to just tangentially know who Eddie was by the time we met him in canon, and wondered what it would be like if he had actually sort of known him, and what that would look like. Then I thought about the legend of King Steve, and the fact that he probably did know Eddie, if only as a dealer, and the whole thing sort of wrote itself after that.
When writing they told me all of my cages were mental (so I got wasted like all my potential), what was something you didn’t expect?
Definitely how long it ended up being! The plot was truly just a passing thought, and I honestly believed I would write little vignettes of the two of them getting to know each other at parties over the years, but what actually transpired was some deep character work and a true slow-build to anything substantial between Steve and Eddie.
What inspired i think your house is haunted (your dad is always mad)?
Honestly the title itself! Sometimes, when I pick a Taylor Swift lyric and decide it would be a pretty fic title, that’s where the inspiration ends. With this one, I thought about the fanon (and somewhat canon) belief that Steve’s parents are assholes who don’t really love their son, and even though I’ve known the lyrics to folklore backwards and forwards since the album dropped in 2020, for some reason that line hit extra hard in April of this year, and all I could think about was how badly Steve Harrington wants to be loved and wanted, and I just started writing and didn’t stop until I was satisfied.
What was your favorite part to write from Eddie and Robin's Very Real Heterosexual Adventure?
The entire thing. I’m not just saying that, either. Sometimes, such a good idea falls into my lap that I actually do a proper outline, and with this one, I fully had little sketches going on and everything. I meticulously planned every date they would go on, and I knew exactly how it would end. Though, if I had to isolate any single part that was the most fun to write, it would be the last few lines. Just pure chaos. It makes me laugh every time.
How do/did you feel writing i was hitting my marks ('cause i can do it with a broken heart)?
That was one of my favorites to write, and it flowed out so easily; I had just finished rewatching all of ST, start to finish, for the first time since right before ST4 Vol. 1 dropped. And the only thing I could think about after finishing was that even though it made sense for Max to be cursed, it would have made infinitely more sense for it to be Steve. All we ever see in canon of Steve Harrington is his insecurity and feeling that he’s never enough for anyone; season 1, he thinks Nancy is cheating on him with Jonathan, and they try to keep him out of the Upside Down stuff. Season 2, Nancy actually leaves him for Jonathan, and tells him that he ⸺ and his love, and loving him ⸺ is bullshit. Season 3 is literally the story of how King Steve became a nobody who never wins a fight and falls in love with people who will never love him back. Even season 4 ⸺ when Dustin comes rushing into Family Video to try to track down Eddie somehow? Steve’s immediate reaction is “Oh, your new best friend Eddie who you think is cooler than me because he plays your nerdy game.” He’s never not a mess of insecurity and self-loathing, and nobody around him ever really does anything to rectify that feeling for him, so he’d be perfect Vecna bait. And the whole thing started with the playlist, really, because I had this idea that Steve is a vibes guy for music, rather than a style or genre guy, and then it was just a matter of writing around the mixtapes I’d mapped out. Which, naturally, led to breaking my own goddamn heart writing what I think it feels like inside his head, because I was  ⸺ and still very much am ⸺ that person in the friend group. Never the first pick, always an afterthought, the one people always think is fine but never bother to actually check if they are. So, I guess, it felt cathartic to get it all out somehow, but it was also just so deeply sad, because that feeling never really goes away completely, and I hated doing that to Steve.
What was the most difficult part of writing it’s hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound (it’s hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you)?
Probably just the physical aspect of shotgunning, honestly, and also trying to accurately describe the high. Weed doesn’t do anything for me mentally, and I don’t like what it does for me physically ⸺ to the point that I actually wonder if I have a mild allergy to it ⸺ so it’s not really something I can pull from personal experience in regards to describing it, which made it more difficult than I was prepared for.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
Definitely the opening bit of there’s something about you in the moonlight (but your eyes go so well with the day). Both the Eddie intro and the Steve intro. It was just so fun to tap into that feeling of being a kid and getting hit with the lightning bolt of why people have crushes, but I especially have a lot of love and fondness for the way I described Steve’s desire to find his perfect match, and how it’s not rooted in sex like people thought of King Steve, but in his desire to find someone he’d have fun with forever.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’m currently working on a multichaptered fic where Eddie lives, but leaves Hawkins the very night he’s released from the hospital without telling anyone; he does stay in contact though, and he and Steve end up falling in love through letters and phone calls, until, eventually, Eddie realizes that he ran away from the one thing that made him feel the most alive. At last edit, which was yesterday, it’s at 15 chapters and 18,000 words, and I’ve only just gotten to the point where Eddie and Steve are playing phone-tag. Also, if anyone is interested in a non-Steddie but still relatively Eddie-centric fic, I rewrote the entire season 2 canon in are we out of the woods? (are we in the clear yet?) and I am currently working on a season 3 rewrite, which will be followed by a season 4 rewrite, wherein Steddie will become canon. It’s definitely for the long-haulers, but I think it’ll be worth it. Actually, despite being non-shippy so far, it’s probably my favorite thing I’ve ever written. There’s just something about Wayne Munson as the world’s best dad that does it for me, and, as we’ve seen in canon, Eddie is surprisingly really good with kids. I like to think that he’d have been an excellent brother, and I got to explore that with him and Wayne deciding Eleven was theirs.
Thank you to our author, @stevestark, and our nominator! See more of @stevestark works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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mylesimeblr · 6 months
Thigh fucking?? Anyone can top and any Spider ship.
There you go :) I hope it'll be ok!
Pairing: Spider x Lo’ak
Warnings: very explicit smut, very explicit language, dominant Lo’ak, annoyed but sub Spider, obsessed Lo’ak, size difference, human/na’vi, some realism, pseudo secret relationship, slight cheating mentioned, thigh fucking, rimming, masturbation, hair pulling, power imbalance, mild body worship
“Lo’ak,” Spider whines, “We have to go back before they notice we’re gone!”
But Lo’ak isn’t listening. He’s already pressing Spider into the ground behind an abandoned marui at the far end of the village near the forest where no one never comes. Spider licks his lip, his knees digging into the rough sand, the grains marking their way into his flesh painfully. Large hands grip his waist, a mouth closes on his collarbone. A tongue laps hungrily at his skin, warm and raspy. 
“Lo…” Spider tries again, overwhelmed by his friend’s intensity.
The Na’vi ignores him.
When he’s like this, there’s no point arguing with him. Spider might as well make conversation with the sand… 
Long fingers start working hastily on his loincloths, losing patience as they fight with the tie. He just hopes Lo’ak won’t rip yet another. It’s becoming difficult to replace them without raising suspicion, the argument that he’s grown out of them growing cold on Norm. Plus, he’s pretty sure Neytiri is having thoughts of her own. She keeps sending those calculating stares at him, making him feel even more uncomfortable and unsafe in her presence than he usually does. 
Today won’t be the exception it seems as Lo’ak loses patience after a full minute of fight and forcefully opens the cloth, tearing it in half. Spider rolls his eyes. Yet another one…
The Na’vi stops to observe the human’s bare body. Spider hears him gasp as he takes into the whole of him, waiting on his knees and elbows, ass perfectly heart-shaped, his hole hidden in the patch of darkness offered by his slightly parted cheeks. Even though he can’t see him, he knows Lo’ak is probably ready to go, just seeing him like this. His obsession for Spider’s ass is bordering on unhealthy. 
The Na’vi’s large hands run on Spider’s muscled back before falling on his well defined ass cheek, one globe of flesh in each hand. They’re so big and warm on his skin. It makes Spider bite his lower lip and moan. 
The touch is gentle at first - oddly so (Lo’ak is not gentle - Spider knows this a bit too much, there’s not an ounce of patience in that big blue boy).
Suddenly, a controlled slap lands on his butt cheek, startling him. Lo’ak has learned to master his superior strength. But it still stings and Spider lets go of a moan of pain. The hand pats the growing redness on his cheek, soothing it. Lo’ak shuffles behind him and replaces his hand with the warm dampness of his mouth, kissing it before giving way to sharp teeth, sinking themselves into the soft and fragile flesh. He doesn’t bite hard enough to break skin but it still stings and Spider whines, wiggling his butt in the air to make Lo’ak’s teeth release their hold.
“Be good!” Lo’ak warns, slapping him again with a blunt palm, more to assert his authority than cause any actual pain.
Two large hands suddenly part his cheeks. A finger brushes against his virgin hole. Spider recoils immediately, unprepared to be touched.
“Damn,” Lo’ak mutters, “Why do you have to be so small… How am I even supposed to fuck you… I can’t even see any opening in there…” The finger touches him again but never enters, “Maybe I could train you…” The finger curls and the tip gently pressed into the rim.
“No!” Spider says, “You’re too big.”
“Just a finger!” Lo’ak tries to bargain.
“I said no! Your finger is the size of my dick.”
“What about your fingers then?”
“What?!” Spider asks, turning toward the Na’vi to look at him with a frown.
Lo’ak puts him back in place, “You could open yourself for me.”
“I’m not fingering my ass in front of you. Forget it.”
Lo’ak huffs, “You’re no fun.”
They’ve had this discussion dozens of times already. It’s not that Spider doesn’t want to have sex with Lo’ak. He does. Lo’ak is gorgeous. But contrary to him, Spider doesn’t live in fantasy land. He’s sufficiently informed to know the consequences of mating with a guy twice his size and taking a dick as big as his forearm in a hole as large as his pinkie. He tried to finger himself before. Never again. It was just too weird. Lo’ak doesn’t seem to get it. He seems to think Spider’s hole will magically stretch and seal itself back on demand. The guy clearly is deluded… 
“I’d let you fuck me, you know,” Lo’ak says, “If your dick wasn’t so small…”
“My dick is not small!”
“You said it yourself, it’s the size of my finger!”
“That’s because you’re a giant, skxawng! It’s all about perspectives! And that giant cock of yours stays away from my tiny butthole. I don’t want to end up gaping and shitting myself like an old man or being ripped open to my balls, thank you very much!”
Lo’ak rolls his eyes, “You’re so poetic bro!”
“You’re a bad influence!”
A large and raspy tongue suddenly touches his hole, making him yelp and quiver in surprise.
“Lo’!” Spider whines.
The Na’vi ignores him and keeps on licking him, the hard tip pushing into his hole and the sensation is so weird, Spider grimaces a little.
“Come on,” Lo’ak insists blowing against his hole, “I’ll be super gentle!”
“Aaaaaand…. That’s still a no! My ass is not open for business! Besides, why are you so obsessed with getting your dick in me? Don’t you want to preserve yourself for your future mate? I mean, what will Tsireya say when you bond with her and she sees all those times you’ve begged me to fuck my tawtute ass?!”
“Don’t talk about her now!” Lo’ak admonishes before licking Spider’s hole again, “I’m so hard for you, bro! What am I supposed to do with myself if I can’t put my dick anywhere inside you?!”
“Well, find something else! But leave my asshole alone!”
“You don’t even like my tongue?” Lo’ak asks, smiling playfully as he tickles Spider’s hole with his tongue again.
Spider bites his bottom lip, “Mmh…” he moans, as Lo’ak swirls his tongue a bit into him without forcing to pass the rim, “Your tongue does feel nice…” he admits.
Lo’ak’s smile widens, “See? I can be good and gentle with my tiny tawtute!”
Spider flushes at the pet name and size mention. He doesn’t like being babied and at the same time, there’s something about Lo’ak’s voice and the way he’s grabbing him that makes his dick twitch.
“You taste so good…” Lo’ak praises, “You’d be so warm inside… So soft… Eywa, I want to fuck you so bad…You have no idea…”
Lo’ak’s mouth suddenly retreats from his ass. The Na’vi presses his lower back into the ground, making him arch, and spreads his legs. Spider frowns, not really understanding what Lo’ak is doing, until something impossibly large and spiky slips its ways between his parted tights. The human gasps. Lo’ak adjusts his legs until the opening fits the bumps of his cock.
“Yeah… Stay just like that…” Lo’ak whispers in a hot, raspy voice, “Don’t move hì'i 'u…”
Lo’ak presses his hands on Spider’s waist and begins to fuck his thighs, his huge cock going back and forth on his soft skin. Spider moans. The bumps, ridges and spines scratching against his flesh and brushing right under his sensitive balls.
“Lo’...” he moans, letting himself sink into the sand.
Lo’ak spreads Spider’s butt cheeks again and Spider knows he’s staring at his hole.
“You feel my spines, yawntu?” Lo’ak asks, breathless, “They’re for you. They’re just for you.”
Spider gasps. Male Na’vi spines harden when they’re ready to mate… with their mate. It’s usually the sign they have reached full maturity and are ready to bond. The thought makes Spider dizzy.
Lo’ak’s hand trails up on Spider’s back and grabs a fistful of golden dreads. He pulls on it - still surprisingly mindful of his strength - as he keeps on fucking the human’s thighs and perineum.
Lo’ak uses his free hand to pull Spider on his knees, the human’s back pressed against his chest, his other hand still buried in Spider’s hair possessively. With their size difference, Lo’ak easily towers above the human and sees without effort his own cock appearing and disappearing from the human’s tights, the human’s cock bumping against his stomach, leaking.
“You’re hard too, yawntu… So hard… Touch yourself for me… I want to watch you come…”
Spider moans and does as told, wrapping his hand around his cock that he begins to stroke in fast, desperate gestures.
“Love your cock…” Lo’ak groans, “So pretty… Just like the rest of you…”
Lo’ak grabs the human’s waist with both of his immense hands as he keeps rocking behind him, the largeness of his cocks and the bumps and spines causing a bloody redness on Spider’s thighs where they’re repeatedly going through. He will need balm to soothe the growing irritation. 
Spider’s hand moves with jerky movements as Lo’ak’s blue one curls around Spider’s hip and stomach, pressing their bodies impossibly close.
“Come on baby…” Lo’ak encourages, “Let me see that pretty white stream…”
He lets both his huge hands reach toward Spider’s narrow pelvis, passing on the flexing abs on his stomach and buries his fingers into the damp heat of Spider’s pubic hair, gently circling the base of his cock, the tips of his long fingers brushing against his balls.
Spider lets his head rest completely on the Na’vi’s stomach, lips parted, eyes closed. There’s some fog on his mask from how hard he’s breathing.
He comes, spilling on his hands and stomach.
Lo’ak groans. His kuru bumps into Spider’s hip, the tendrils desperate to connect and attach themselves to something. He stares down again at his own purple cock slipping between Spider’s thighs, some of Spider’s seed dripping on him, coating his cock in the human’s warm cum he so desperately wants to taste.
It’s enough to send him over the edge and he follows, going rigid, his hands pressing hard into the human’s waist, his tail slapping his own back. He wants to bond, kiss and bite. But Spider is too small and his mouth closes on empty, his tendrils clenching around nothing.
He lets himself ride his orgasm for a few seconds, Spider’s small hands rubbing circles on Lo’ak’s much bigger thighs. They rest like this, in comfortable silence, enjoying this moment of peace before they have to return.
Lo’ak kisses the top of Spider’s head.
“Still, I’m sure I could train you to take my cock,” the Na’vi notes after a while.
“You’re no fun…”
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elijahstwink · 4 months
katherine x elijah. please, we need more kalijah fics. they've been physical in canon and i think they were 💯
Till the Sun Rises
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A sweet smut shot between Elijah and Katerina based off Elijah’s flashback in TVD.
Thank you for the great request anon!
I’m totally obsessed with any Nina Dobrev x Daniel Gillies character ships so this was so fun to write.
A few notes:
Katerina is aware of vampires at this point.
Also Elijah has TVD season 2 hair cause the long hair wasn’t it.
This is a historical smut so I’ve tried my hardest to not use any terminology that wasn’t around yet.
Content Warnings: smut, dom! Elijah, human! Katerina, slight anal play (f! receiving) , squirting, praise, small bit of spanking, historically inaccurate language, fingering, handjob, oral sex (f! receiving, m! receiving), slight sub drop, aftercare, Elijah breaks his word.
England 1492
“I won’t!”
“You have to chase me!” Katerina laughs, holding her green dress up slightly as she runs through the gardens, her long curly hair blowing in the autumn breeze. She stops at a small stone bench, overlooking the beautiful rose bushes and the setting sun.
“You’re meant to catch me!” She giggles, finding it easier to catch her breath as she is not required to wear a corset under her casual attire.
“Well if I catch you the game will be over.” Elijah says, walking towards her, his maroon shirt matching the colour of the many leaves littering the ground, leaving naked trees in their wake.
Katerina looks at him, a breathy chuckle leaving her lips.
“Thank you for entertaining me, m’lord.” She says sweetly.
“Oh, you looked lonely inside, so I took pity on you.” Elijah teases, smirking at her and earning himself an incredulous look.
“Klaus promised to spend the day with me” Katerina explains, taking a seat on the bench. “But he never returned home from the night.”
“That’s because Niklaus does not live by any rules but his own.” Elijah looks down at the girl, admiring the way the hues of the fading sun brush against her olive skin.
From the moment Elijah first met Katerina, he was transfixed by her. He expected this, as she looks identical to his first love Tatia. However, he never imagined he’d fall for anything more then her physical appearance. But he can’t deny the quirk of his lips when he hears her laugh, or the way he finds himself wondering what it would be like to court her, make her his.
“He is a very charming man. Hard for any woman to resist I suppose…” Elijah blinks as he returns to the present, looking at Katerina with a slightly longing expression.
“And yet?” Katerina doesn’t miss the way his eyes linger on her lips.
“And yet..” she hesitates. She was completely smitten with Elijah when they first met. So much so that she was no longer interested in meeting Klaus, and was slightly disappointed when he sent Elijah away.
Katerina knows it is wrong, she is going to be courted by Elijah’s brother, but she has lost so much already. So she decides that she would follow her heart.
Katerina stood up, rounding the bench slowly and standing in front of Elijah’s tall frame, his onyx eyes gazing down at her with an unreadable look.
“And yet, my eyes are set on another.” Katerina murmurs shyly, her face flushing the colour of the roses behind her. She tears her gaze from Elijah’s shocked face, suddenly very interested in the grass at her feet.
Elijah composes himself before placing a soft hand upon Katerina’s cheek, tilting her head up to meet his eyes.
A shiver runs down Katerina’s spine at the contact of Elijah’s cool hand against her burning skin. She gasps as she realises how close they are, their chests touching.
“Is that so?” Elijah’s thumb drags across her pouty bottom lip. “And who might this lucky man be? Hm?” He tilts his head, a boyish grin adorning his face.
Katerina flushes even more as she feebly attempts to avert her gaze from his captivating eyes.
Elijah tsk’s softly, holding her firmly in place with a hand on her waist, and the other resting on her cheek still, his fingers gripping her jaw. “It is too late now to be shy, answer my question pretty girl.”
“You, m’lord.” She whispers, her mouth stays parted slightly.
“Call me Elijah, darling.” He says, leaning in slightly, having to bend his head down to accommodate their height difference.
“Elijah.” Katerina repeats, her eyes fluttering shut, so close now that she can feel his warm breath upon her lips.
Elijah takes a split second to admire Katerina, with her pinkish lips parted, her head tilted and her eyes shut. When he cannot physically hold back any longer, he drops his mouth down onto hers, swallowing the whine she releases.
The kiss starts sweetly, Katerina lifting a hand to place on Elijah’s chest. Elijah moves the hand on her waist down to rest on her lower back. He uses the slight moan Katerina releases to slip his tongue inside her mouth.
Elijah pulls back after a minute, breathing heavily with his forehead pressed against hers.
“Allow me to court you instead.” He commands rather than asks, gazing at Katerina with a look that made her knees weak.
“What will Niklaus say, what if he hurts-“
Katerina is interrupted by the addicting taste of Elijah’s lips once again, all her prior worries seeming to melt away.
“Do not worry about my brother, I will speak with him.” Elijah speaks against her lips. “It is getting dark.” He trails off slightly, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before moving the hand on her back lower. “Lay with me tonight?”
A sudden burst of confidence flows through Katerina’s skin. Perhaps due to the pleading look in Elijah’s eyes, showing that he wants her as much as she wants him. She raises her free hand to his jaw, the stubble prickly against her palm.
“I shall, if you promise to keep me up till the sun rises once more.” She says teasingly, leaning up to place a soft kiss on Elijah’s neck.
She feels him swallow, the rumble of an inaudible groan vibrating against her lips. Elijah pulls Katerina from his neck, holding her face in both his large hands. He looks at her with lust flowing through his eyes, along with a glint of adoration.
“You have my word.” He smirks, pulling back and grabbing her hand in his own before leading her back into the house.
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“Come here my love.” Elijah demands, crooking a single ringed finger in a come hither motion.
Katerina obeys, walking across the wood floor of Elijah’s bedroom and towards the man standing patiently at the end of the bed.
Elijah gently turns her away from him, before untying the back of her dress. Katerina steps out of the fabric as it hits the floor. She takes it upon herself to remove her undergarments, leaving her bare.
Katerina turns around, giggling as Elijah shamelessly stares at her chest, her nipples hardening from exposure to the warm air.
Katerina squeals as Elijah suddenly picks her up, tossing her on his bed. He begins to undress, running a hand through his hair as he steps out of his trousers.
Katerina sits up, shuffling forward till her legs dangle over the foot of the bed, looking up at Elijah. She kisses along his happy trail, before grabbing the waistband of his underwear and pulling it down. Elijah hisses as the cool air hits his length. Katerina wraps her hand around his impressive girth, bringing her mouth toward to lap at the bead of arousal leaking from his tip.
“Katerina,” Elijah moans softly as she looks up at him with innocent doe eyes. “Open.” He says, hooking two fingers between her lips and forcing her mouth open.
“Good girl.” He praises, not missing the moan that Katerina releases at his words. “Do you enjoy being called that?” Elijah smiles at her enthusiastic nodding, stroking her hair before guiding her head towards him. He removes his fingers from her mouth, replacing them with his erection.
Katerina eagerly sucks, hollowing her cheeks and running her tongue around his tip. Using one hand to stroke the part that won’t fit in her mouth. Elijah keeps a strong grip on her hair, groaning at the innocent look Katerina is giving him. He pulls her off by her hair when he notices her rubbing her thighs together, in a feeble attempt to gain friction.
“Elijah, please,” Katerina begs, lying flat on the bed with a hand hovering dangerously close to her core. Elijah slaps her hand away, kneeling at the foot of the bed. Katerina squeals as Elijah yanks her towards him by her hips, before licking a long stripe up her cunt.
“Good lord, Elijah.” Katerina moans, pulling at Elijah’s hair with both her trembling hands. “No one’s ever-“ she cuts herself off with a loud moan as one of Elijah’s thick fingers stretch her open. He looks up at her, adding a second finger. Elijah crooks his fingers, hitting a spot inside her that she wasn’t aware existed.
“Are you implying,” Elijah kisses her sensitive bundle of nerves, “that no man has tasted you before? Niklaus?” He asks, still fingering her softly.
“Me and Niklaus did not lay together. I’ve only been with one man from Bulgaria,” Katerina gasps, “we never did anything like this, I did not know it could feel like this.” She manages to get the words out between moans, as Elijah kisses up her body, his fingers still working at her core. He lingers on her neck, sucking and nipping at her soft skin. Katerina can feel his fangs graze against her, but he never pierces the skin.
“You have never reached the peak of your pleasure before?” Elijah asks, his veins retracting from around his eyes as he pulls away from Katerina’s neck and meets her gaze.
“I did not think women were able to.” Katerina replies. Elijah smirks before placing a soft kiss on her lips.
“Let me show you.” He says seductively, making his way back down to her core.
Elijah speeds up his fingers, sucking hard on her bundle of nerves.
Katerina feels the pleasure build in her lower tummy, she begins to grind against Elijah’s face, using her grip on his hair to pull him impossibly closer.
Elijah places his free hand on Katerina’s lower stomach, pressing down to hold her hips in place. The pressure of his hand adds to the growing pleasure. She thrashes around on the bed, the way her body’s movement is restricted by Elijah’s strength makes her even more wet.
Elijah suddenly removes his hand from her stomach and his mouth from her soaking core, using the heel of his palm to rub her pearl along to the movement of his fingers.
He moves back up her body, Katerina’s legs wrapping around his waist. Elijah supports his weight with a hand next to her head, before leaning into a filthy open mouthed kiss.
Katerina can barely kiss back, drowning in a sea of pleasure, her only thoughts being on the man above her and the way he is making her feel things she never knew possible. Elijah pulls back, smirking as she opens her mouth in a silent scream, gripping at the arm moving between them with both her hands, overwhelmed by the pleasure it is giving her. Regardless of her clawing and scratching at his bicep, his hand does not falter.
“Eli- Oh gods!” Katerina whimpers, her eyes clenching shut as Elijah’s hand reaches an inhuman speed, his two curled fingers constantly hitting that spot inside her and his palm rubbing across her sensitive nub, her wetness allowing an easy glide. She wraps her hands around Elijah’s neck, her torso curling upwards slightly as she hangs onto him for dear life.
Katerina almost gets a fright when Elijah speaks, his voice deep and strained, “Open your eyes, my love.”. Katerina does as she’s told, peering down between them to see Elijah’s hand moving against her core that is getting increasingly wetter.
“Katerina, Look at me,” Katerina meets his lustful gaze, the eye contact overwhelming.
“That’s my girl.” He praises, his tone dripping dominance.
Katerina almost screams, his words giving her that last push and breaking the dam that had been building inside her. The feeling was euphoric, the pleasure reaching every inch of her being. She gasped as a burst of fluid rushed from her core, so intense that Elijah’s fingers are pushed out. She squeals as he instantly plunges them back inside her, prolonging her release as she buries her face in his neck.
Elijah’s fingers slow to a halt. He removes them before sitting up on his knees, pulling Katerina up with him and into a straddling position. He wraps his arms around her, one resting on her hip while the other cradles the back of her head. Her face remains buried in the space below his jaw, her shuddering breaths warming his skin.
Elijah releases an endearing chuckle as Katerina releases another moan, her body shaking uncontrollably in his arms as the last of her climax washes over her.
“You did so well, darling.” Elijah coos softly. The only acknowledgment he receives is a kiss to his neck. He smiles, tightening his hold on her and massaging her scalp.
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“Is it always that way?” Katerina mumbles into his skin a few minutes later. “With the- the liquid?” She elaborates
“Not always, no. All women are different.” Elijah explains, deciding he wouldn’t tell her that he knows her body quite well already, seeing as her doppelgänger Tatia, was his first lover.
Elijah gasps as Katerina reaches an arm between them, the other still wrapped around his neck. Grasping at his length, her small hand is unable to wrap fully around his girth. Elijah releases his arms from her body, placing them on the bed behind him for support. She swipes her thumb over his tip, spreading his arousal down his shaft. Elijah’s eyes shut as he groans. He tips his head back, giving Katerina more access to his neck. She sucks and nibbles at his skin, creating red bruises that fade away almost instantly.
“Katerina,” Elijah moans, “I am not going to last much longer.”
Katerina pulls her hand away and removes her face from his neck, causing Elijah to look down at her in confusion. When Katerina is positive he is watching, she lifts her hips slightly, running her fingers through the aftermath of her release. When her hand is thoroughly coated, she spreads her fluids along his shaft, creating a much smoother glide.
Katerina giggles as she looks back up to Elijah, her hand speeding up. His mouth is hanging open with an expression of pure desire.
“Oh my, you are perfect.” He swallows, bringing a hand to her face, caressing her cheek.
“My beautiful girl.” Elijah pulls her into a heated kiss, winning dominance as he sucks lazily on her tongue.
Elijah breaks their kiss, looking down at Katerina’s hand, working quickly over his length. He moans loudly, both of them watching as white spurts burst from him, coating their stomachs.
Katerina removes her hand, leaving Elijah’s still erect member twitching in her wake. Elijah swipes two fingers through his release on their bodies.
“Open.” Elijah commands, pushing his white coated fingers past her lips. “Good girl.” He praises as she sucks, swirling her tongue between his digits.
Elijah removes his fingers, guiding Katerina to kneel at the centre of the bed. He pushes her chest flat into the mattress, her back arched and her face resting on its side.
“Mmh, still so wet.” Elijah kneels behind her, swiping his fingers through her folds. “Do you want all of me?” He teases, grabbing her wrists and holding them behind her back with one hand.
“Please, Elijah. Make me yours.” Katerina begs, her words slightly muffled from her face being half buried in the silk sheets.
Katerina moans as Elijah taps his erection against her bundle of nerves, still sensitive from the thorough treatment he had already given her pink and swollen cunt.
Elijah sighs as he slowly enters her tight heat. He holds Katerina’s wrists tightly, as she squirms and whines in pleasure.
“Elijah, Elijah, Elijah.” She repeats his name like a prayer, her core clenching around his length.
“Yes, my love?” Elijah smirks, giving her arse cheek a playful smack with his free hand. “Does it feel good?”
“S’good, so good.” Katerina slurs, trying to move her hips. This earns her another, slightly harder slap.
“You will take what I choose to give you, Katerina. No more and no less, do you understand?” Elijah demands, still not moving inside her.
“Yes, m’lord.” Katerina mumbles, her shoulders aching slightly from her arms being held behind her back.
Elijah smooths his hand over the red mark left of her skin, before moving his hand up to hold her hip. A squeal escapes Katerina’s mouth as Elijah suddenly thrusts deeply.
“So sensitive,” Elijah chuckles, thrusting his hips at a rough albeit slow pace. “Such a sweet little cunt, made just for me.”
Katerina releases little uh’s at every push of Elijah’s hips, his impressive size allowing him to reach every spot inside her.
“More, Elijah.” Katerina moans, arching her back even more, presenting him with her most intimate parts.
“Where have your manners gone, young lady?” Elijah scolds. Katerina is about to apologise, beg the man to indulge her when she hears Elijah spit, a glob of saliva landing at the base of her spine, sliding down in between her arse cheeks. He rubs at her virgin pucker with the pad of his thumb.
“Oh!” She gasps at the unfamiliar feeling. “Please Elijah, please give me more.” She begs, squirming on his length as it speeds up slightly. Elijah yanks at Katerina’s wrists, pulling her back onto him as he thrusts forwards, his thumb still playing with her rear hole.
“Has anyone ever touched you here?” Elijah asks, pressing against her pucker while he pounds her cunt.
“N-no.” Katerina whimpers, tears of pleasure stream down her face. It’s all becoming too much, the overwhelming feeling of pleasure and the lack of Elijah’s warmth is causing her mind to drift away slightly.
“‘Lijah.” She sobs, Too far gone to communicate her need for comfort.
Elijah however, being the kind hearted man he is, instantly notices her slipping. He releases Katerina’s wrists and removes his thumb from her arse, flipping her onto her back while slowing his thrusts slightly.
“It’s alright, sweetheart.” Elijah shushes her, leaning down until their chests touch. He holds Katerina to his chest with an arm behind her back, hand tangling in her soft hair. He cradles her cheek in his other palm, feeling the dampness of her tears. Katerina wraps her arms around his neck as a worried expression floods Elijah’s face. He stills inside of her.
“Good tears.” She mumbles, running a hand through the part in his hair. Katerina could tell Elijah was worried she wasn’t enjoying this, which couldn’t be more wrong.
“Are you certain? Am I being too rough? Too mean?” He questions, suddenly aware that she hasn’t had a good sexual experience yet, and he might have ruined this one for her.
“No, no. I swear Elijah, I just needed to touch you.” She reassures him, her fingertips carding through the strands of his brunette hair.
“I really like the way you talk to me.” She admits shyly, her cheek heating up underneath his palm.
“Is that so?” Elijah smiles, his thrusting starting up once again.
“I like the way you tell me what to do,” Katerina mumbles, both her arms wrapping around his neck again. “I enjoy being your good girl.” She looks away from him, embarrassment mixing with the pleasure already flowing through her.
Elijah speeds up his thrusts, the new angle allowing him to hit her sweet spot perfectly, her bundle of nerves brushing against his lower stomach.
“You are my good girl, letting me pound this pretty cunt, taking me so well.” He coos, bending his head to capture her lips in a sweet kiss.
Katerina feels the now familiar knot in her stomach tightening, every thrust of Elijah’s thick shaft pulling it tighter and tighter. She pulls away from his lips, releasing a wail of pleasure.
“E-Elijah, I’m almost there again.” She stutters out between moans. Elijah sits up, Katerina’s hands unwrapping from his neck and instead gripping the headboard behind her. Elijah places her legs over his shoulders, wrapping his arms around them. Katerina screams out when he begins to thrust at vampire speed, groaning heavily as his own release nears.
“Let go Katerina. Let go all over me.” Elijah moans, his balls tightening as they slap against Katerina’s arse. He allows her legs to fall from his shoulders before he drops down, wrapping his arms tightly around her and cradling her small frame to his chest.
Elijah climaxes first, burying his head into the pillow behind Katerina. His seed spurts deep inside her clenching cunt. The feeling of his twitching member filling her with warmth pushes Katerina over the edge, another gush of liquid flowing from her core as she screams out, biting harshly into Elijah’s shoulder.
Elijah thrusts slowly through their releases before flipping them over, staying inside her as she continues to shake and moan in his arms.
Katerina buries her face in his neck, unable to stop the pulsating of her walls around Elijah.
“I will never return to Niklaus.” She mumbles randomly into his skin. Elijah barks out a laugh, causing her to giggle tiredly.
“Are you tired, sweet thing?” Elijah asks, as she yawns against him. Katerina grabs his jaw with a shaky hand, turning his head to meet her lips in a lazy kiss.
“I only need a small nap.” She explains, turning his laughing head away again before cuddling into the scruff of his neck. “Besides, Elijah, I believe you gave you me your word.”
He grins, before looking out the large window across the room. The stars that litter the night sky are the only sources of light.
“You are correct,” Elijah smirks, running a hand along her back. “And I certainly cannot yet see the sun.”
Elijah doesn’t get a response, Katerina already dead weight in his arms. Her heavy breathing indicating her state of slumber.
Elijah allows himself to rest his eyes for a moment. However it isn’t long until they are both deep in sleep, dreaming of each other.
In all fairness, Elijah can’t be expected to always keep his word.
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Thanks for reading :)
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ushsblog · 25 days
Cedlock fic I'm working on
(Again, this is another post where I show my obsession with this ship. If it's not of interest to you, keep sliding. Thank you very much!)
Well, I've been working on a little Cedlock fic where Greylock is a silly teenager trying to confess to Cedric. I didn’t want to share anything yet, but the truth is, I’m excited and need to say it.
I’m not even halfway through, but I hope that announcing it will force me to finish it, lol.
A small preview:
A cheerful silent melody danced through his mind, making his heart flutter at the thought of Cedric. Immersed in his writing, Greylock forgot he wasn’t alone.
“I like everything about you, your terrible humor, your passion for…” a voice recited behind him, reading what he was writing. It was Muldo, his roommate.
Greylock immediately jumped in surprise, flipping the parchment face down onto the table with a dramatic slam before placing his hand on top to prevent Muldo from reading any further. A deep blush spread from his face to his pointed ears.
Muldo laughed, smiling in amusement.
“I didn’t know you were in love, Greylock” he said. "Is it someone I know?”
Greylock hesitated to tell him.
“Come on, tell me who it is” he insisted. “I told you about Huan.”
“You told everyone about Huan” Greylock replied. The whole previous month, Muldo had bragged about his latest success in courting his crush. Greylock couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous.
His small distraction was enough for his friend to grab the letter. Muldo held it high and quickly read aloud the last part written by Greylock.
“The potions and the books that no one understands. Your curly hair and your long nose that I’ve teased so much…” Muldo squinted in confusion. “I thought Cordelia didn’t like potions” he murmured more to himself than to share the thought.
“It’s not Cordelia!” Greylock shouted, trying to reach the letter. Muldo was quite tall. Or maybe Greylock was just a bit short.
His friend continued, struggling to keep the letter above him. “Your dark hair streaked with that white that…”
Muldo’s eyes widened as he realized. Suddenly, he stopped stretching and slowly lowered the letter, handing it back to Greylock.
Greylock took the parchment angrily and quickly rolled it up, looking at Muldo with a red face in awkward silence.
“So… Cedric.”
Greylock wasn’t going to be a coward this time and deny it.
Muldo is a canon character! I don’t know if you remember him, as his existence is only based on a mention by Cordelia in "Too Cute to Spook." I like to think that Cordelia and Greylock are somewhat friends, so I figured Muldo would know Greylock too.
I’m having fun.
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