#I’m still mad at SPN though
lorstone · 4 months
Can we PLEASE stop sending gay love interests to some kind of hell?! 😂
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mpregspn · 3 months
You seem like you’ve been in the spn fandom for a while so I was wondering why is Jared a controversial figure in spn fandom? Is he still very mixed opinions in fandom or is it just a vocal minority? I’m new to fandom so was not really there for any drama.
oh dear lord
i got here in 2012 stopped watching after 12x02 but i kept in touch. i feel like jared has never been a controversial figure until 2020 - the nov 5th fiasco and the finale made many people very very mad. suddenly there were 40k notes "in case you didn't know jared padalecki is a literal monster btw" thinkpieces going around. claiming that
dean and castiel didn't get to smooch bc the finale was a promo for walker and jared's homophobic (jared, who openly supports an lgbt charity and is open to fans' headcanons, and who's not actually a part of destiel. not jensen ackles, the dude who would actually have to smooch misha collins (and didn't he give his all in the confession scene. the love in his eyes. woah) and who's very clear about his dislike of destiel and bi!dean headcanons. no, jensen was heralded as their "heller king")
all but accusing him of abusing misha on set but not using the same lens to view misha's actions
/// there's a story they told at a con years ago about how misha lost a big amount of money to jared playing scrabble, felt indigantion bc jared hasn't even finished college, decided to give him the money in small change, and did it by filling jared's trailer when he wasn't there (his dogs were there though). jared then scooped all of it up and put it in misha's car, and later it turned out one of the pennies got stuck in a seatbelt, causing misha come trouble with his kid's car seat.
when they told it in like 2012 it was just a funny story about on set pranks. when i saw it going around in 2021 it was "j*red p*d*lecki thoughtlessly endangered the lives of misha's children"///
bringing up some twitter fights from a decade ago and last but not least *clutches my pearls* jared getting into a bar fight once.
this got long so i'll shut myself up but i'm open to further questions. hopefully that caught you up on the drama
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monstermoviedean · 14 hours
regarding your post about 13x13 dean and cas’s interactions after they get cas back from asmodeus and what you said about cas changing the topic and apologizing for smth he’s inevitably gonna do again: i genuinely have no idea how people think dean sabotages their friendship/romance more than cas does?! cause like, yeah dean may have a hard time asking people to stay, but cas is the one often actively lying about his plans and ghosting dean 😭😭
like genuinely i’m so confused where it came from cause i was not in the fandom when the show was airing, so idk how people’s opinions developed. does this go back to the general “womanizer dean can’t have healthy relationships” idea that’s just such an overall misunderstanding of his character but has been here for so long?? is it because dean blames himself for everything in dialogue and people assume that’s the contextual truth? OR was there a specific season/episode that kinda cemented the idea in the wider fandom that dean is the bigger saboteur in their relationship specifically?? a combination???
i have theories but they're overlapping and i don't have full context since i'm still missing about two seasons. however. what i have generally seen:
this particular combination of assumptions (origin unknown): dean is repressed whereas cas is completely emotionally aware. dean does not know how he feels about cas and doesn't care to figure it out. cas is in love with dean, always has been, and has always known it. dean bad cas good. (this works with, as you mentioned, "womanizer dean can't have healthy relationships")
dean tends to be more outwardly emotional, including expressing upset with cas. because cas tends not to be as outwardly emotional, i think this becomes read as like...cas never getting a chance to stick up for himself? cas just taking it and never complaining? of the examples i can think of off the top of my head (dean giving cas the cold shoulder in 08x22, dean being upset with cas for running in 12x19), dean has legitimate reasons to feel hurt by cas' actions. the problem is sometimes that those actions are far removed from dean's reaction (...because cas literally hasn't been there to react to!) so it could feel like it's coming out of nowhere.
the widespread belief that dean makes cas feel unwelcome/uncared for. mostly predicated on dean "kicking cas out of the bunker with nothing" in 09x03. sigh. i understand why people get mad about this one, i really do. but even if i take my deangirl glasses off i think 'wow, dean was in a tough spot and made an awful choice that he thought would keep sam and cas both alive.' i see why he did it even though i don't like it, obviously. i simply do not believe there is any evidence to support 'dean kicked him out with nothing,' however.
a pattern many others have pointed out: dean tends to apologize more. the apologies stick out in people's minds, so it feels like dean has done more wrong because he's saying sorry more often. (this aligns well with what you said about dean blaming himself for everything)
this is just a suspicion because i haven't seen all of s15 and cannot be sure. however, the way i've seen people talk about "divorce arc" tends to suggest that the show places blame on this rupture on dean, and fans followed that blame. it also may be that this happened more recently so people remember it better than, say, cas breaking sam's wall in s6.
just a side note. i was here and active in the spn fandom 2011-2015, give or take. and while it is fully and entirely possible that this happened and i just don't remember it...i don't remember this kind of moral accounting, which one of them is the good one and which is the bad one, ledger of outstanding crimes which need to be addressed thing. i remember it being more balanced and a lot more "yay dean! yay cas! yay dean and cas together!" and less "who is ruining everything."
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castielmacleod · 2 years
Desti3l critic:
One of the things I dislike most about the way fans treat this ship is that... it is always about Dean. The way Dean is focused on and portrayed rather than it being about Cas himself. It is usually about how Castiel gives something to Dean and Dean gets the focused POV, Castiel is just... there to be an emotional support. And honestly the way it tracks with the show's portrayal of things and the way the protagonist centered POV plays out and the way the show itself does the same thing with Castiel's character.... is just simply sad.
NO FOR REAL THOUGH.. even when I was more tolerant of fanon D*stiel this ALWAYS bothered the shite out of me.
Because for 99% of these people D*stiel literally IS about Dean, ultimately, and always has been. The whole narrative that they find so compelling is about the ~faithless man~ saved from damnation by a literal angel. It’s about Dean getting to have this literal angel look at him and all his flaws and save him and love him anyway because that’s what Dean needs. Like it literally is about Dean fans wanting someone to come and therapise Dean at any cost and fix him with his (fetishised) gay love and it’s infuriating. Even when they do try to talk from Cas’ pov it’s still Dean centric, because they say Dean specifically is the only reason Cas rebelled and that Cas could only find contentment in life if Dean loved him back, or it’s discussion of Cas doing xyz sacrificial thing for Dean and never any of Cas’ other actions that are unrelated to Dean. No matter which angle they come from it always seems to be about what Cas does for Dean. I’m sure (sarcastic) that has nothing to do with the fact that Dean does absolutely nothing for Cas, ever 🥴
Like above all D*stiel has to be about Dean because if it was actually about Cas then it would have to be about how Dean is categorically Cas’ abuser who literally created or otherwise exacerbated so many of Cas’ severe psychological issues, and heIIers don’t want to confront or even acknowledge that because that contradicts the “secret good” spn that they hallucinate over the actual episodes (that they then get mad at other people for not seeing 😭)
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 08x01 We Need to Talk about Kevin
Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 08x01 We Need to Talk about Kevin
“Do we really need to talk about Kevin?
🎶secret Kevin man🎶
“Asian Kevin” “that’s some x-files shit right there” “He has a girl in his tent. What’s up with that?” “what the fuck” “blood splatter everywhere still has good hair” “Does this go on the bullet list of how to be a good man? Always have good hair?” “and be well moisturized” “what the fuck is happening?” “what.the.fuck is going on here” “Yeah because that’ll heal easy” “Why is he dumping the blood all over the pelvis?” “Ok. Mr. Texas” “Kermit the 𓆏” “that’s sam Winchester” “who the fuck is that?” “I’m confused. Is she a demon?”
The demon storyline is over “PeePee, I’m not very good at this” “Winterfish? Whittling fish? You can whittle a fish on a stick or you can fish whittle sticks” “what the fuck” and laughter
“What the fuck” “the ritual is baked in at this point” “oh shit. How long was he down there?” 🎶it’s a dick in a box🎶exploding dick in a box🎶
Laughter “that’s not funny” “Who is Sam talking about?” “You don’t know who Sasha Grey is?” “So they both just made a joke about a porn star? That’s why I laughed” “Little extra grizzled from purgatory?” i like the purgatory plot line
“Last season was ok, I guess. The ending felt anticlimactic” “Wow. He really sent this guy out for a piss” “6 months, eh?” “phone lines aren’t free. Did he pay for a phone he didn’t use for 6 months? Or did he just steal the phones?” “oh yeah just zoom and enhance” I don’t think there is a college in Centerville, MI
“Wasn’t she headed to like Yale or something?” “yeah fuck dogs” “hot take”
“I can relate” “I don’t trust most people’s dogs, though. Maybe I hate the owners more. Maybe it’s not the dogs’ faults” “colonial man” “that was very rubbery” “That’s not good” “Jesus fkn Christ” 🎶scowling at the world🎶
“He’s always thinking” “I can relate. It’s impossible to shut your brain off” “I feel like Sam should be more surprised to see Dean back. This is #2 back, right? He’s just mad now. Aw fuck, my brother died twice so I’m angry” “Just one of the many things I don’t like about sam” “Is this a bros before hoes moment?” “that whole room matches minus the carpet. The carpet does not match the drapes” “Be fair I haven’t seen any drapes yet” “What did Don ever do to Dean’s joints?” “lacing the drugs?” “I feel like he’s been there a year and hasn’t had one of these conversations already? And this guy is saying you can’t trust anyone?” “So Adderall puts you on a mission from god? IS that what I just heard?” “that’s a weird thing to say” “what the fuck” “looks like a ferrofluid” “which one are you staring at bud?” “the fuck?” Sam hit a dog and met a girl while Dean was making friends with vampires and fighting in purgatory
“I feel the same way” “That’s the face I’m going to give you next time I have a burger” “Didn’t he spin around the laptop already?” “oh he turned it back” “that doesn’t look like that good of a burger. Like a college campus burger” He hasn’t eaten much in the last year 
“That’s true” “Why wouldn’t he be at a church? He’s a prophet of the lord” “He could have been dead for 6 months already” “It’s been 6 months since your last confession” laughter
“Is Kevin Tran a dark version of Ash Ketchum? Crowley’s the old man you see in every room, because the old man tells you what skill to remember, and you remember the skill” “It can’t be what - a couple paragraphs” “some shithole in Wisconsin” I mean there’s a lot of open space in Wisconsin. Farm land and stuff” “fkn goat” “because he’s the greatest demon of all time” “Man this show could have really gone a different direction” “Yup” 🎶fuck you sam🎶
“His hair is extra fucked this season, too” “This is the weirdest shit ever. All the candles are lit. We’re in some old ass church” “What the fuck did I just miss?” It was a bad joke
“Is that why I don’t understand it?” “This is not the lesson you want to teach kids” “Yup” “Could have just said that with your eyes” Did you get the blowjob joke? “No, I didn’t get it” “Sounds like locker room talk to me” “oh shit. Speaking of locker room talk” “they don’t have any leverage, to be fair” laughter
“That was rather emasculating” “Why find another one?” “oh. Well shit. Fuck you Crowley” “The head doesn’t like being hit” It’s a Marine phrase
“I guess John was a marine” What did you have to do down there, Dean? “Did this guy play another character in the show?” Yes, he was actually a vampire in an early season
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incarnateirony · 2 years
It would be sad if it wasn’t scary to see narcissists get away with grifting people about it all. I at least can comfort myself that I didn’t get taken in and that I’m actually watching and enjoying TW something I’m not sure they know how to do with any TV show frankly
They don't, because realistically it's about them and trying to force their perspective, whether it's the true perspective.
In this case, they're the Men of Letters. A bunch of mostly white people that hate pre-christian mythos and swear up and down that these Akrida things are the bad guys invading they have to stop, even if that just enforced Chuck's christianization, and The One and those that Act As One have always been the true thing.
They scream over it. That even though Lata called this shit out verbatim, the authors couldn't possibly know. They MUST, they are culturally privileged dickheads that *can not comprehend the universe doesn't work the way they imagine it*, or that *people are complex, multifaceted creatures, even writers*, because they're still really only looking at themselves and what they want to see.
I can't imagine them having good readings on any show, really. SPN let them get away with delusions the longest due to fuckery, but this kind of mindset is innate and the lesson gathered here is something everyone needs to take with them well outside of Supernatural/TW so they avoid repeating this in the future.
I'm mad about the grifting thing on their part, yeah, they've fucked a lot of people over money, for luxury rides, gold passes, then give pocket change back to charity and tell themselves they're great righteous saviors, while actively attacking truth and creatives. These things do not absolve each other. If anything, it just further shows a lack of honesty in the motivation behind the charity drive--it's for image of self, which is why it took me turning up the heat for half a year about their grifting before they ran one. It's not about the trevor project, it's still about them.
I'm glad TP got *something* but instead of like 4K if they got the like 50K burned on the signatures and gold passes and travel for those scripts, that would have been a lot nicer, huh.
Either way I'd like to hope the impending end will make it clear enough to the people who made the unfortunate choice to join them thinking they were helping charity, as to what people's motivations and truths are in time. Cuz again, it's coming, and they can only lie to their internal cult-groomed userbase so many times to ignore the truth before they keep asking why reality keeps punching them in the face (ie: "but script fake!!!")
There's personal accountability for the people falling for it too. They, too, are driven by agendas and biases, so they aren't acting or listening critically or looking at the cracks, flaws, motivations, etc. They're not even inspecting their OWN motivations, why would they inspect the weird grifter? 2po swears he's doing it For Charity, and they tell themselves this is For Charity too (and maybe that's true in some small part), so... clearly!! They don't have to change anything! This somehow morally absolves them and even guards them from reality touching them, in their heads. Except it doesn't.
So it's less me ~feeling bad. People are still making their choices for their reasons, while actively choosing not to listen to the show.
I don't feel bad.
I'm like Robbie.
I feel vengeful.
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cornflowershade · 2 years
okay so I watched the Winchesters pilot (c’mon, it’s Jensen’s show. I had to, despite myself.) And considering I had negative zero expectations... I’ll say it was fairly okay. The pacing sucks (hopefully it’ll improve) but that could be because they had a ton of exposition to include. The filming and music are also nice. And it had a vibe it was going for, even if that wasn’t nailed all the way through the pilot. But yeah, pilots can be rough. BUT OOH I gotta add, Carlos is wonderful. (I’ll definitely keep watching for him.) Now as for the main characters..... John is actually great. I thought I’d be mad because he’s not Matt Cohen haha—and don’t get me wrong that would’ve been cool—but this worked. He’s written quite faithfully in personality to what we’ve previously seen of young John, and the acting is very good—he carried most of the episode. I’m also impressed his performance was so consistent, considering he was acting across a LITERAL BLOCK OF WOOD. Which brings me to the depressed part of my review, which is that Mary absolutely sucks. Not only is she written EXTREMELY out of character (falling more into a stereotypical “action girl” trap* rather than being her own person, who we’ve seen brought to the screen beautifully by two different actresses in the past), and not only does she look wrong (the hair. the makeup. the styling. I’m still crying over this), but she’s so annoying. Yes, not just cookie cutter, but actively annoying. And worst of all is that the acting for her is plain bad?? When she talks it’s like she’s reading off a script, without bothering to actually acknowledge that there’s other people around her in a scene. It’s like she’s walking around in an invisible box, and John and everyone else are on the other side of it. They may as well have green-screened her in. I wish she could be recast because Mary is the weakest part of the show, no question, and I’m happiest when she’s off-screen. Which makes me so sad to say. (Also side note, but this led to me musing that John and Carlos had five times as much chemistry as John and Mary did lol. Tell me I’m wrong. Two scenes and by the time they were in the back of the van I was like... okay yeah I’d ship that for fun.)
* @argentnoelle​ noted to me that it’s a bit like she’s acting in a different genre from the rest of the show. One part stock-cw-action-character and one part netflix-original-movie.
Also Latika is kinda stock and a bit over-acted. I kept going back and fourth on her. If they bother to improve her, I think that could be very possible. 
Ada on the other hand is already good imo. I like her and hope she will be recurring.
ANYWAY those are my feelings on it so far, and surprise, I will in fact keep watching. Yes, it’s kinda mediocre, but again? John and Carlos are both good characters, as is John’s mom by the way. Also I want to know how the canon-conflicting content will be explained away. (Probably something to do with angels? I think the magic box thing has to do with angels btw. It glowed blue, and for me that counts as evidence lol. Also speaking of effects, why do the demons have voice filters, that is such a bad choice. The visual effects are also kinda odd and not very spn.) But yeah it has just enough going for it that I’m gonna stick with it, especially because this is Jensen’s lil passion project. What can I say, it’s been 15 years and I wanna support the guy. 
*sigh* I’m gonna struggle sitting through more scenes of Mary, though. They did our girl SO dirty. In a show with generally good writing/characterization, and otherwise nice casting, I’m just so confused why Mary suffers from the exact opposite.
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demolitiondrz · 5 months
obligatory intro post
hi, welcome to my personal shifting wonderland. my name’s jesse, or evan, whatever you prefer. he/him only please
i’ve been a shifter since the dark years (2020..), but only really started to connect with the community this year. pleeease be my friend if you have similar drs as me or are a system shifter or both
some drs of mine (cuz yall aren’t mind readers):
— band dr
— multiple kpop drs (mainly seventeen)
— alice: madness returns dr
— spn dr (that’s a given for being on tumblr)
more abt me below
Tumblr media
outside of shifting i’m kinda lame actually. my biggest interests right now are alice: madness returns and creepypastas, though there’s a lot more. talk to me about kpop— though i haven’t kept up with it in ages— anything alternative music related, anything chemistry!! (yes the school subject), or minecraft
other things important to note:
— i’m autistic 100% and i hate using punctuation and emojis actually
— also a system.. ask abt it idrc
— trans man and a minor please be chill
tag system (still updating this):
🌀 | i know what’s real! — my posts
🐈‍⬛ | only a few find the way — shifting reblogs
🔪 | every picture tells a story — pictures/silly reblogs
🪄 | who set that bloody train in motion? — system related
🃏| there is no method in this madness — misc interest related
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sarah-dipitous · 11 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 292
Breakdown/The Doctor Falls
Plot Description: when Donna’s niece is attacked and kidnapped, Sam and Dean help track her down, and in the process discover a very sinister operation
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: right off the bat, it doesn’t look promising. You could not get me to stop at that rest stop. Nah, I’ve got AAA, I’m not getting out of the car, I’m ok
(Megumi is trying to attack my phone screen or locking my glasses at every turn so this could take a while)
Poor Donna. First everything that happened last episode, now this
Oh. When that guy said family reunion, he meant when the remaining women of spn rescued the boys
I get what Sam is saying, but Dean’s right. They can’t leave even if it means potentially attracting the attention of the real fbi again
Dean’s such a good big brother though trying to cheer up and reassure Sammy
This dude is so freaking creepy, Megumi’s scared of him too
Donna’s good at being a cop (derogatory). It’s so disappointing how many characters are cops
I don’t necessarily believe this pastor they brought in but the cashier who told Donna’s niece to smile more is too obvious. I also don’t think it was the long haired guy…maybe.
This is too regular horror for me.
Oh the cashier IS involved. He calls the sicko auctioning off human body parts to monsters as food when he finds someone he thinks no one will miss. I hate him. I hated him before, but this is a new level
I’m so mad Charlie’s dead at a time like this. She’d be able to crack where this dude broadcasts from
(What if it’s Ketch? I don’t think it is, but I could see him using people………………….WHAT IF IT IS THE FBI AGENT?!?! It’s not because he’s with Sam but how sick would that be?)
WAIT!! The FBI agent IS in on it?
I can’t believe I was right about the FBI agent, but who is the guy in the mask?
(Oh. Right, they’re trying to auction off Sam now. I dunno what part of him went for $5k but that’s not bad)
Goddamn $500k for Sam’s heart
Ah yes, the good old pan away from the gun that’s supposed to be shot only to reveal that the monster got shot by one of the boys (obviously Dean in this case)
Poor Doug is so freaked out about having been a vampire got a couple hours, are he and Donna about to break up? ☹️
Oh, Sammy. The boys really do just trade off who’s lost all hope
“The Doctor Falls”
Plot Description: The Doctor makes a final stand against an army of cybermen
These cybermen scarecrows are reminding me that we never found out who was under the mask in spn…guess it didn’t matter
I knew Missy wanting to be good was too good to be true……but she did seem surprised when Simm!Master came back. She’s probably seizing the opportunity. It’s easy to fall back into old habits
Oh. Shit. That’s either really smart or really stupid, expanding the definition of humanity to include brings with two hearts
She’s such an opportunist. I love her
Bill’s heart is still in there 😭😭😭
Excuse me?? Bill’s just…back now?? Not mad about it. Just…I can’t tell if she looks like herself or if they’re hiding that she still has the facade of a cyberman (ok. It was the latter. I figured as much)
Tell her the truth Doctor (I hate that both Bill and Danny got turned into cybermen)
I’m so mad that this is how it’s going. Bill deserves so much better than this. I’m pretty disengaged despite regeneration coming and Simm!Master being here
Is it time for Missy and the Master to be heroic? And go get his TARDIS? So maybe they can also get the Doctor’s?
The tension between the two Masters is funny because they’re constantly trying to answer the “would you fuck your clone?” post
Twelve’s speeches are always so good, and him pleading with the Masters to just do the right thing this time is so heart wrenching
The fact that Simm!Master completely ignored everything the Doctor just said is even more heartbreaking for Twelve (but that’s just who that character is)…but now it falls to Missy
“Stand with me. It’s all I’ve ever wanted” “Me too, but no. Sorry.” 😭😭😭 they want me to cry myself to sleep tonight do they??
Noooooooo. The Doctor charging Nardole with the safety of everyone on this ship and their evacuation from this floor while he stays (and Bill stays) to blow the whole floor up
I know Missy just betrayed the Master but I cannot tell what she actually did. She poison him?? So he’d regenerate into her converging the timeline so she could go help the Doctor
NO!! He shot her in the back, and in some weird way that should prevent her from regenerating (but we all know she will)
Twelve will never know she was going to come back 😭
It’s starting!! He’s regenerating!!
Good lord, how did he survive that blast? The short answer is he didn’t, but that should have instantly killed him
EXCUSE ME?! The girl from the puddle……..oh. No. I’m so confused. Bill’s no longer in the cyberman armor and the girl from her first episode is back but how is Bill not dead, IS she dead? It appears to be some kind of almost limbo state that’s just this side of actual living, but they do get to be together so I guess that’s nice.
Has there been a lot of melodrama this episode? Yes, but I’m really curious if Moffat can stick the landing
Twelve’s hair is so floofy I love it…oh, he stopped his regeneration. He has spent a LONG long time being Twelve. He spent two BILLION years in that prison in his confession disc thingy. I know he’ll say he’s only like 2000 years old or whatever but you can’t discount all that
Baby, it’s time. It’s regeneration time. Or not. Looks like we’ll get that next time. That said, Walter Frey as the Doctor is definitely something that requires getting used to. He definitely looks the part but all I can think is that he orchestrated the red wedding
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
I’m so glade that your happy about finding another person who hates Dean Winchester! Cuz I’m happy too since it’s amazing!
Exactly like despite even knowing Sam’s history with everything it’s still so fucked. I think him knowing about the history though adds a whole new level of fucked up to the situation. And then like you said the whole him being like ‘I’d do it again’ is extremely fucked and annoying. Especially when the narrative agrees with him and it’s incredibly annoying. Because Dean does interpret that way of ‘oh you don’t love me’ and the narrative takes his side. They seriously had a whole ep of Sam setting boundaries and then by the end of the ep Sam gets guilt tripped. And there’s so many levels of fucked up about the events that happen after cuz it adds to the whole guilt tripping.
Exactly like Sam put everything into raising jack and into treating him with kindness. And just be there for the guy but somehow he gets put in the ‘uncle’ category meanwhile the dude who tried to kill/shoot jack multiple times gets the ‘father’ card. I love that tag of yours so much cuz I also only trust Sam with a child. I just hate how Dean gets the whole ‘loving father’ thing by the fandom meanwhile he treats kids/teenagers like shit. Even taking out the whole jack thing and what he does to jack: he still treats children like shit in the whole show. Like maybe he has his moments here and there but overall he still treats them so awfully. Meanwhile sam is over there constantly sympathizing with children/teenagers and actually helping them out. And taking their feelings into consideration.
Yeah no I totally get it about watching the shows. Ngl I literally probs was on my phone when watching spn too just because sometimes I wouldn’t be able to actually pay attention to the show.
(sorry for taking forever to reply to these ^^;)
It's definitely not the majority opinion so stumbling across others is very nice :)
Frankly I think that if the narrative didn't take Dean's side so much I wouldn't dislike him as much as I do. But he has to be right all the time and it's so grating. Like no! Sam is right to be mad! Let Dean realize he truly fucked up and let Sam be mad! Sam gets guilt tripped for a lot of things, I think, and he doesn't deserve to be guilt tripped for setting boundaries after Dean fucked him over.
He still treats kids like shit! Exactly! I will admit only really watching the one episode earlier on where Dean interacts with the quiet (mute?) kid who draws all the time and he ends up saving the kid from the ghost trying to drown him, and I thought that was cute. And Maybe with that one baby from the other episode. But I mean, threatening Jacob after killing his mom? The whole "three of the cheerleaders are legal" thing? Everything with Jack? No, nope. Can't do it.
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anotherneworld · 2 years
Hurt my own feelings by going on my fandom twitter today which I knew was a bad idea as it was going to be filled with all the RICC stuff. I’m so so happy that people are having an amazing time and that Jared (and the other Walker peeps, even though I think the show kinda sucks) get to be love-bombed by fans in a more relaxed (and affordable!!) atmosphere, and I am sad that it’s likely a one-of event as Creation expands their purview to encompass J2′s post-SPN projects. It’s very clear that these smaller more general conventions provide a better experience for both guests and attendees, and I’m mad at myself for spending all that money on VanCon ($750 worth of J2/Jared tix that I still haven’t been refunded--kind of giving up hope about that tbh) which had its moments but overall was crowded, super rushed and anxiety-producing. Doubt I’ll ever get to see Jared again, which hurts a bit as he’s my dude. 
Basically, I wish Creation Entertainment would die in a fire (after refunding me the money they owe me), and then maybe the Walker crew could come to Rose City Comic Con some time. *Shrug*
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scentedfictural · 2 years
summary of my thoughts on The Winchesters 1.01 (but slightly to the left)
sooooooooo mad rn i wrote an entire summary of my thoughts on the spnwin premiere and then fell asleep and my laptop shutdown so now i have to do it again:
anyways (medium spnwin spoilers belooow)
- Overall I really liked the pilot. It messes with the core plot quite a bit but in a way that makes it clear that there’ll be some sort of plot twist. I’m excited to know where it goes to say the least. There was an issue with really fast pacing but I think thats usually a problem with pilots anyway so fingers crossed next week’s episode goes at a slower pace.
- I think the best part of the episode was the new characterisations of John and Mary. They feel like themselves but in fresh, new ways. John (who I hate in spn) especially, I found very compelling. because we see him start off right as all his problems do, just returned from war. The John we know is still just around the corner for him, though, and the show will probably follow him as he steps into the role (before Mary dies anyways). 
I really liked Mary’s character in season 12 and 13 of Supernatural, and The Winchesters Mary has a lot of potential. She reminds me so much of Sam in season 1, wanting so badly to get out of hunting, though we know she never truly will. Of course, she is also very deanlike in general attitude, but I think the parallels with Sam got me more excited. Since it’s clear spnwin diverges from canon (for now) I wonder what it means for Mary’s character.
Carlos and Latika are great, although I don’t have much to say about them. Latika’s moment with John gave me a tiiiny sliver of hope that Mary and John would each try to escape their fated romance with other people, until they get magneted back by the forces that be. Tbh I doubt that’ll happen though (cant get my hopes too high). I kind of wanted someone to be killed off immediately but thats because I hate quads im not gonna lie. 
Not loving the scooby doo van, or energy to be honest, but I can overlook it because I like the characters. 
- Now, about the romance.
 Please, god, the dialogue. Everything else was fine but some of the dialogue is. yikes. Mary especially is the worst offender for this with lines that feel so painfully CW (are you KIDDING ME.)
I also (no shocker here) don’t like Mary and John’s romance, i’m sorry. I really don’t feel the chemistry between them... hopefully thats on purpose? (its not). I don’t like how fast Mary warmed up to and was ready to explain the hunting life to John, it does not feel consistent with her character. I do not at all like their banter. Also I know Jensen was probably trying to sneak a little cameo in there with the nickname ‘soldier boy’ but I hate it. a lot. (that is just a personal thing though). I’m really banking on this show playing with the whole ‘destined to be together but aren’t gonna work’ thing that John and Mary have, because if it’s just Supernatural: love story edition i’m going to be very sad. 
- seeing dean at the end had me smiling because he’s BACK!!!! and he’s back in the CAR!!!! Where is he? No idea. Where is he going? No idea. Does his appearance and voice over actually add anything to the story? Probably not yet. Am I happy to see him? Absolutely. 
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Anyway, stan Hannibal if only for the utter lack of queer baiting
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If Mary is killed by Jack next episode because she’s sad about John or whatever (despite all indications early in the season that she was moving forward with her life), I’ve got a full-blown rant in me about how she then needs to be the reverse Lily Sunder, and instead of dying to be with her kids she has to be able to make the choice to live for her kids (a possible solution given Chuck’s return (Rob was at the s14 wrap party) and Sam’s cryptic hashtag #neversaydie on Instagram). I know this is the Winchesters and Cas’s story, and all other characters are expendable when they’re no longer needed, but Mary deserves to have a story too, one where she moves past her grief and looks forward into the future, as, again, she had shown signs of already doing in 14x01 and 14x05. Otherwise,what was the point of brining her back for more than one season, Dabb, other than to prove you could? In this essay I will-
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restlesshush · 2 years
do you have like. a fic that deals with the soulless jack arc the way u want
Hiii anon this ask absolutely made my day. Very excited to answer this.
Okay so, I don’t have a fic of this but I do have the secret better soulless Jack arc that exists in my head. This originated from me brainstorming it in DMs to @autisticandroids (so there is stuff in here that is from them) around the time I watched the canon version for the first time a couple of months ago. It diverges fairly significantly for 14x16-14x18 and then sticks more closely to canon for 14x19-14x20, but like, the things I've changed mean that those episodes are put in a different light by the time we get to them, and so the main point of this soulless Jack arc is “okay, what actually is the best way to deal with this?” and the answer is compassion!!
(About 2k under the cut)
Obviously, Mary doesn’t die in this au, because it undercuts stuff to the extent that I don’t think it can have been the original plan. That doesn't mean, though, that I'm reverting to the improved soulless Jack arc I think s14 was building to before it got derailed by Mary's death, because that focusses a lot on Dean and Dean & Jack parallels, which isn't really the most interesting to me. This is a very Cas & Jack centric soulless Jack arc, as it should be.
So, the major structural diverging for me starts in 14x16 – in this version, instead of Cas being off screen, him trying to find a way to fix Jack’s soul is the focus of the episode. He gets to have two episodes getting increasingly desperate and probably physically threatening people (because I will forever be mad about the fact that in the entire show he punches 1 (one) car for Jack and that’s it). The idea of this – in addition the fact that Cas’s pov here is the most compelling objectively – is to help to maintain the sense of foreboding re soulless Jack, but also crucially to keep it in the right context of this being specifically something devastating for Jack and people who care about him. The idea of him as a potential ‘threat’ isn’t the point.
Then, I’m a little torn because I do think the s14 Nick stuff is the stupidest writing decision spn ever made, but I do also think Jack killing someone intentionally (as opposed to the stuff with Mary) is an escalation point that makes sense, because like, the issue with soullessness is that his moral reasoning’s off, but with a trustworthy guide he would still be fine! So I think while the emotional core of 14x17 is Cas still trying in vain to find a solution to Jack’s soul, this is the background to salmondean having taken Jack on some kind of motw case, explicitly as a test-drive for him, effectively. So the question the episode is asking – while it becomes increasingly clear that Cas’s mission going to be fruitless – is “is Jack’s soullessness going to be a problem?”, and then when he (well-meaningly!) brutally kills some malevolent civilian and flies off in a panic, we get the answer “apparently yes”.
Okay so NOW we get to my alternate 14x18 which is my favourite bit. In the canon soulless Jack arc, obviously we get Hallucifer 2.0, which I find pretty insulting tbh – I think it smacks of the writers being like “oops! We don’t know how to convey Jack interiority properly so we’re going to make him hallucinate someone to talk to instead!” (From the point of view that Nick’s death was probably meant to be the escalating event rather than Mary’s, this would make slightly more sense as a fossil of that, but it’s still annoying.) SO my solution to this is to convey Jack interiority by co-opting a bunch of other characters to voice his worst fears to him, in a way which escalates the situation, but like, in a way that makes it clear that the situation is being escalated because it’s being handled poorly. We’ve turned this into a Jack character study episode and all of the other characters are tools to serve this goal <3
Firstly, we ideally have a morally dubious ally. Annoyingly, I think Rowena's already too good by this point, and while an Uncle Crowley would be perfect, he has been killed off leaving his slot vacant. Anyway, we have [whoever. A not-dead Aunt Meg would also be great] make a spike btvs “I’m not good but I’m okay” style argument – “it’s fine that you don’t have a soul, you’re just like me and I’m fine”, which is kindly meant but still upsetting to (an already pretty distressed) Jack.
Then we get apocalypse world Bobby, with some other hunters in tow (including non-fridged Mary trying to talk him down), and (in line with the vibe from him at the beginning of 14x19, which was just never followed through on) he’s like “you are just a monster now, and we’re therefore going to kill you”. Which is clearly completely the wrong approach and just escalates things further as it reinforces Jack’s fears about himself and makes him more upset. Jack sends out some sort of shockwave in his panic to get away, and injures a couple of the apocalypse world hunters as well, but not intentionally. By this point he’s so upset that he’s leaving a bit of a trail of destruction in general, and that obviously increases people’s belief that he’s dangerous but like – he’s just distressed! They just need to be kind to him and tell him it’s okay and that they’ll help him!
And then we get to salmondean driving to intercept Jack. Cas is racing back from where he was of trying to fix Jack's soul, but they’re still a lot closer than Cas is, so Cas is begging Dean on the phone like “please please wait till I get there to talk to him. Please.” But Dean’s like “no, we need to sort this out right now” and so he and Sam barrel into the situation without Cas. They try to holy fire ring Jack to contain him while they try to talk him down, which obviously just makes Jack even more upset. (Sam is uncomfortable with this and tries to talk Dean out of it / tries to use waiting for Cas as an excuse, but he does ultimately fall in line.) And then when they’ve got Jack in the holy fire, Dean is taking what he genuinely thinks is a tough love approach of “well you’re not a monster, if you can get this under control” (voicing Jack’s fears to him. We’ve co-opted the avatar of the narrative to serve the end of expressing Jack interiority <3), and Jack’s like “otherwise you’ll kill me?” and Dean’s like “yeah. If I have to”. It eventually escalates to the point that Jack feels so overwhelmed that he is about to give up and just walk through the holy fire, not knowing whether it’s going to hurt him, but just before he does Sam caves and breaks the circle, so we don’t actually know what would have happened, just that he was prepared to do it. Salmondean don’t quite realise what was about to happen, but the audience do.
So we finish 14x18 with Jack still at large, and still upset and therefore out of control, and the crucial takeaway is that all of these attempts to talk him down failed because everyone was making the same misapprehensions about how to help Jack, making Jack’s non-monster status conditional, just feeding into his fear that he can’t avoid being a monster, and the destructive distress it’s resulting its, whereas Cas’s approach would have been “no you’re not a monster, and I’m going to help you” which is why it’s the only one that would have worked.
Then, when we get to 14x19, escalating to trapping Jack in the box makes more sense, because they have already tried talking to him. At the same time, the audience knows that trapping him in the box is still the wrong approach, because Cas's compassion that he didn't get to exercise is still in clear contrast to all of the other failed approaches. The Dumah stuff in this episode probably gets replaced by something where Jack has a little more agency, because the point is “yeah he might do dubious stuff in a well-meaning way without a guide, but if he is looked after he’s fine", so it makes sense to show him doing some well-meaning 'bad things' – having stuff that he's purely manipulated into is a little dull.
In addition to the fact that salmondean wanting to trap Jack in the box makes more sense in this version, because Sam let Jack out of the holy fire ring, Dean can leverage Sam’s ~responsibility in whatever chaos Jack has causes since, to persuade him to go along with the box plan, so the character dynamics make a little more sense there. Also obviously, removing the revenge motive that comes from Jack having killed Mary makes Dean come off as less callously vindictive, and more (very poorly, but still) trying to deal with this very difficult situation. Like, he's still not behaving particularly sympathetically, and he has fallen back pretty quickly into his earlier ways of viewing Jack, but it's much more earned, and less "woah! Where did that come from?!" than in canon 14x19. Another thing that's fixed by Jack not having killed Mary is that he looks much less gullible for being tricked into the box, as opposed to the canon portrayal of which is sublty ooc in a really insulting way.
And then, like in canon, Cas is away while all this is happening, and stuff plays out pretty much the same when he returns, except that Dean tries to physically restrain him from going to get Jack from the box, and Cas shoves him out of the way, because I do have an agenda re the angel and (here, very mild, but still) violence in defence of his child <3
For Moriah, the actual Jack stuff can play out pretty much the same (but of course with the prevailing sense that "no, Dean is wrong to think he has to kill Jack! Cas will be able to sort it!"), only obviously Chuck doesn’t kill Jack. This is for several reasons: 1) Chuck killing Jack is a massive cop-out in that it avoids dealing with the repercussions of Dean nearly killing Jack, which is lazy, boring writing; 2) if the point of this rewritten soulless Jack arc is “what is the solution? Is there an alternative to trapping/killing him?” we need him to survive so that we can see that the solution would have worked, have the cruel approaches refuted; 3) for there to have been something gained from all this, the arc needs to conclude with Cas leaving with Jack. Cas has had major revelations re the situation his child would be in continuing to live at the bunker, and also been shown the extent to which his drive to take care of Jack differs from Sam and Dean's, both of which are reasons for him to realise that he does need to step up as Jack’s parent, in order to do right by Jack, the way he wants to. Like, Cas has learned stuff from this, and he should get to act on it, rather than just having his child killed in front of him. Also, I get a real kick out of getting to say to the audience “look, only one of these three can reasonably be considered Jack’s parent after all that! It's only Cas!”
Not sure what really happens after that. Certainly I am super enamoured with the whole “Cas caring for soulless Jack” vibe – it compels me greatly. I also have in the back of my mind a character-stuff-masked-as-lore solution which could happen either instead of or following that, where Cas sacrifices his grace to fix Jack’s soul, and then Jack is able to restore Cas’s grace via giving him a little of his own (given it’s turbocharged nephilim juice), and it doesn’t give Cas angel terminal illness this time specifically because it’s the grace of his son. Like, their chosen relationship being recognised metaphysically in a way that resolves the situation.
Anyway crucially, the soulless Jack arc has been rewritten so that the instead of the clumsy canon version, the focus is “what does it truly mean for him to be soulless? How do we resolve this situation?” and the answer is that while his moral reasoning is a little out of whack, he does still mean well, and we can resolve things by being kind and having his dad take care of him <3
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smol-and-grumpy · 3 years
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Summary: Y/N helps Jensen relax when he's nervous. Basically a follow up timestamp to Like What You See? 
Warnings: Jensen in Soldier Boy suit, blow job, dirty talk, praise kink, hair pulling, eh, the usual.
WC: 1873
A/N: There may or may not be mentions of a camouflage banana hammock.
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My idea of a camouflage banana hammock got overruled. And I’m glad it did. I love this suit.
#SoldierBoy @theboystv @voughtintl @ljsupersuits @amazonprimevideo
 [Me] Camouflage banana hammock? Really?
[JA] Oh, come on, it’s funny
[Me] Way to hype it up. Now your fans won’t be able to picture you in anything else
[JA] Shit. Didn’t think of that
[Me] Of course you didn’t
[JA] Only the fans, though?
[Me] Oh, now I’m absolutely sure what you’re doing
[JA] Did it work?
[Me] If you want me to picture you half naked, jokes on you. I’m already doing it 98% of the time
[JA] Only 98%? What’s with the other 2%?
[Me] I need to remember to breathe and eat, y’know, things that keep me alive
[JA] Fair. Just so you know, I picture you naked 99% of the time
[Me] Why are you texting me? Shouldn’t you be getting ready?
The ellipsis keeps appearing and disappearing, and she can’t help but grin because she has an idea why he’s texting her. 
[Me] Jensen, are you nervous?
[JA] Yeah? And I can’t call you because you’re at work and you told me not to call unless it’s something important
[Me] Relax, everything will be okay
[JA] Easy for you to say, you’re not going to film in your new suit today
[Me] I mean… that can be arranged. Filming me in my birthday suit… 
[JA] Stop putting dirty thoughts in my head! This suit is not made for boners! 
[Me] Now, who’s talking?
[JA] I hate you
[Me] You wish you could
[Me] Seriously, gotta go back, you got this, okay?
[JA] Yeah, yeah.
  Twenty minutes after she texted him, Y/N finds herself knocking at the trailer door. 
“Come in!” Jensen shouts from the inside, his voice a little gruff. 
If she didn’t know any better, she’d think that he’s upset or mad about something but she knows him enough to know that it’s only his nerves.
Pushing the door open, she finds him sitting in a recliner, script in hand, probably going through the lines again before he has to go out there. His eyes go wide when he spots her and immediately, his lips curve up into a smirk. “What are you doing here?”
She strolls over to him with a smile, and when she’s close enough, he grabs her wrist and tugs her onto his lap. The suit really does fit well, although it stretches a little tight over his broad chest. Maybe he should tone down the workout if he doesn’t want it to rip, but where’s the fun if she tells him that?
His arms wrap around her as he pulls her closer and she takes the opportunity to bury her face into the crook of his neck and inhale his scent. Jensen always smells incredible, and now that she’s allowed to do it without fearing that he’ll catch her, she fills her lungs shamelessly, making him chuckle and dropping a kiss on her cheek. “You got your fill?” 
“Not enough,” she admits, breathing in again one last time before she noses at his jaw. He turns his head enough to capture her lips, while he palms her cheek one handed. 
It’s crazy how a seemingly innocent kiss can always turn dirty with him. Next thing she knows, his hand that’s on her face is at the back of her head, fingers curling into her hair as he pulls her closer. His tongue fills her mouth, god, he has such a wide tongue and the best thing is that he definitely knows how to work it. 
“Jensen,” Y/N mumbles into the kiss, feeling him smirk when she tries to pull away. He lets her, although his teeth still nibble at her bottom lip. 
“Still nervous?”
He tucks a loose strand of hair back behind her ear, and pecks her nose, “Much better now.” 
She cocks an eyebrow at him, “When do you have to be on set?”
His eyes flit to the microwave and back, “About ten minutes if they’re not running late. Why?” Y/N slides down his lap and he sputters, “Oh, no, I know that look. You’re not gonna— fuck!” With a smile, she noses at his crotch. 
“Gotta get you to relax a little,” she whispers as she lays a hand on his cock through the fabric, it seems to twitch to life. 
“I’m in my suit,” Jensen tries to argue, but it has no heat or meaning behind it. He’s so into this if the spread of his legs to accommodate her is a sign to go by. 
Finding the zipper at the crotch of his suit, she pulls it down while smirking mischievously, “What do you think this zipper is for?” 
“I’ll sweat and it’s gonna be gross,” is what he says next and now she just thinks he’s fishing for something that will make her pull back and it’s probably more for her benefit because he can’t stand if someone sees her for anything else than his partner. Catching her in this position would definitely put her into the whore category, his fans can be cruel. 
Jensen lets out a hiss when she reaches into his suit to pull his cock out of his underwear and through the slit of the suit. It’s already almost at full attention and she can’t help the drooling.
Y/N spits into her palm and works her saliva-covered hand over his engorged dick before using both her hands to jerk him off slowly. She laughs when he jerks his hips. “You’re going to be in this suit for what? Twelve hours? I’m sure you’re going to sweat nonetheless. And if you’re going to sweat anyway, why not sweat while coming down my throat first?”
“Jesus Christ, your mouth,” he bucks his hips into her hand as she works his balls with one hand, and he throws his head back on the recliner, “Since when did you get so wise, huh?”
Chuckling, she lowers her face to his cock and sticks out her tongue, flickers it over its head. She curls the tip of her tongue, lapping up the precum, and swallows it. Jensen growls at the sight. She fucking loves the sound and she would probably drag it out as long as she could but time’s ticking so she makes quick work to finish the task at hand. 
She seals her lips around the tip of his dick before sliding down on it, feeling light-headed at the heady scent of something that’s distinguishably Jensen. 
“Fuck, baby,” his one hand rests on the back of her head, fingers curling into her hair as he guides her, uses her, pushing her down further, and god, she loves it when he takes control like that. “So good, taking good care of me, ain’tcha?” 
Y/N hums around his lengths, making him grunt and then he pulls her back a little, so that only the tip of his cock is still in her mouth. 
“Open up, let me see,” 
She does, sticking her tongue out while he takes his cock by the base and slaps it onto her tongue. It’s hard and heavy, and so warm on her tongue. 
“Fuck, look at you,” his breathing is ragged, and she knows he’s already close. It’s the whole situation they’re in that makes him lose control so quickly. It’s because he knows someone could walk in here anytime. It turns her on too, and she’s so wet already but that’s not what she came here for. He slaps his dick onto her tongue once more before pushing it right back in and she can not do anything else than take it, not that she actually wants to do anything else, so everyone wins, basically. “Eyes on me, Y/N,” 
Her cheeks are hollowed out and he’s halfway inside her mouth when she looks up at him and bats her eyelashes. She’s sure there are tears stains around her eyes, not that she can care about them now. 
He brushes over her cheek with his thumb lovingly, smiles when he looks at her, “Looking so fucking good with my cock in your mouth, baby, so beautiful.” 
God, that praise alone is making her gush move and she clenches around nothing. Maybe when she gets him off, she will stay behind and take care of herself before she has to go back to work. 
She takes him deeper and he goes back to grunting and groaning. It actually makes her proud to be the one who knows how to reduce Jensen to groans and grunts. His fingers pull hard at her hair and since he knows she loves it, it makes her hum and moans with his cock in her mouth. 
“That’s good, pretty thing. Yeah, just like that,” at the praise, she bobs her head faster, one hand goes to cradle his balls, twirls them between her fingers. “Always taking such good care of me, yeah? Fuck, that’s it, just like that, your fucking mouth will be the death of me.” 
His nails dig into her scalp and that’s when she knows he’s close. Jensen snaps his hips up, pushing a little further in, making her choke and gag but he’s relentless when it comes to that, knows the limit quite well and as long as she doesn’t tap out, he knows he can keep going. “Fuck, Y/N, I’m gon— fuck!”
He can’t even finish what he starts to say before his dick twitches in her mouth and the warm cum spills down her throat. There’s just really so much of it and she swallows whatever she can, before she starts to lick down his shaft and slurps up the cum that she didn’t manage to swallow. 
Jensen sags into his recliner, his eyes hooded and his breathing heavily as he watches her clean him up and tucks him back in. “Fuck,” 
She chuckles, “Nope, you gotta go out there and work.” Standing up, she brushes at her mouth with the back of her hand but he catches her wrist again, pulls her back onto his lap. His lips find hers immediately and he eagerly sucks his own taste from her tongue. 
“Jensen, are you — oh, sorry!” The woman stops in her tracks when she notices them curling on the recliner together. “It’s just, you’re needed now. Are you coming?”
He grins as he presses his mouth to Y/N’s temple, “I just did,” he murmurs so only she hears and she barks out a laugh. He gets up with her still in his arms before setting her down and turning to the woman, “I’ll be right out.” 
The woman nods and walks out but she did leave the door open.
She digs into her purse and finds chewing gum, hanging him one too. He’s still grinning when he pops it into his mouth. 
“What are your plans, going back to work?” He asks, one of his hands sneaks around her waist and pulls her into his chest.
“Maybe later,” she grins, “Gotta find a camouflage banana hammock for you to wear first.” 
“No, you don’t."
“Yeah,” she stands on her toes to peck his lips, “I do.” 
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Follow up: Helicopter
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