#I’m so tired yall I can’t
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kingkai4ever · 1 month ago
Anyway Calypso has the mentality and maturity of a teenage girl because that's how the books framed her. By definition, she did not "mentally and emotionally grow up" as you say. Sorry, but that's how the books are written.
Funny how you say that “it’s how the books are written” but I bet you don’t like Apollo confessing to Reyna, right? But I could say Apollo isn’t a creep for that bc the books don’t depict him as a weirdo. So “that’s how the books are written”.
I could say that ares is an asshole who hates and abuses his daughters because “that’s how the books are written”.
I could say that Apollo is a sex-addict whore who neglects his children and allows them to suffer and die bc “that’s how the books are written.”
Don’t you know how stupid you sound? We’re talking about a literal predator that preys on young boys and vulnerable men. It’s clear that you have no idea what you are talking about because I had a seizure reading this.
So give me an example of how she is a victim in any way shape or form EXCEPT FOR THE FACT that calypso didn’t deserve being put on the island or being cursed. But it is SO clear that you don’t know how her fucking island works it hurts. I swear I got taken back to kindergarten by reading this. So since you can’t comprehend what a mythical island works, let me tell you!
Calypsos island is NOTHING LIKE the lotus casino. NOWHERE does it say that she is permanently a child. Nowhere does it say she is brainwashed into not knowing how much time has passed. And don’t tell me “Google told me!” And an AI comes up first or a CHB Reddit page comes up as well bc that doesn’t count because the AI probably took it from the Reddit post. It’s said that it COULD be possible. Not IS not CERTAINLY, COULD. MEANING THAT IT COULD NOT BE TRUE. If you’re reading through that Reddit and AI post.
So if your argument is “calypso didn’t age because she’s immortal!” Then Apollo hasn’t aged, Zeus hadn’t aged, Athena hasn’t aged and are all mentally INFANTS. So what about that? Since you say that calypso didn’t mentally age how would the olympians and other gods work bc they were born immortal. My argument is that she didn’t mentally or emotionally age because there was nothing to say that it didn’t let her, while in the lotus casino it literally TELLS YOU why nico didn’t emotionally or mentally grow.
This argument is so idiotic it hurts. Just because a book said so doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Did the books say that she doesn’t mentally age? Bc all the books I’ve read so far it doesn’t! It only says that she only eternally looks like a 15 year old! Just bc she looks like it doesn’t mean she thinks that way!
But also that makes me wonder, if she doesn’t mentally age in the books, why does she act like the way she does? Why is she obsessive? You could say “it’s her curse!” But an innocent teenager wouldn’t try to use an underaged boy as a green card then abuse him! And yes, she abused him, no teenage girl in love would constantly degrade her boyfriend. Realistically by your argument should be she should be head over heels.
But also, didn’t she HATE Leo when he came onto her island? She didn’t want him? So your argument if it was written in the books; calypsos’s curse is only that she can’t leave the island and is immortal! Meaning that the books say (at least the ones I’ve read) say that she says or implies she doesn’t fall in love with them when they wash up on shore!
Doesn’t say that she didn’t mentally age, didn’t imply it, didn’t do anything. At least with Nico you could CLEARLY TELL Nico did NOT mentally age! So tell me this, if calypso didn’t age, she was under a curse in the books, she didn’t know what was happening, then why did she try to guilt trip Percy into staying? Why did she hurt and abuse (I’m using abuse because a lot of other ppl agree, but you could say mistreatment.) Leo? Why did she manipulate and use Leo as a green card?
And then my final question, if she truly was mentally a teenager, then she should learn from her actions. Not mentally or emotionally aging doesn’t mean she’s permanently like that. What I mean is that they don’t learn from their actions or mistakes or they aren’t given the items to learn and grow mentally. Where does it say she permanently doesnt mentally or emotionally age?
Because it seems PRETTY WELL she learned from what has happened! That she didn’t love Leo when he washed up and tried to gaslight Percy and explained to him her curse!
Your argument is basically “my eyes were closed while typing this”. Because if you’re talking about what’s written in the books, SO MANY THINGS SHOULDNT APPLY. ares is a daughter abuser, Athena is a selfish person who doesn’t care about Annabeth or any other of her kids and more!
Yall are pissing me off atp bc you come in here anonymously spouting things out your booty hole that you clearly don’t know what is written. So please, if you’re going to argue that calypso shouldn’t be hated on for these things, look at what the books say. And please think before you type and try to annoy me.
If I seem pissed off I am bc you’re typing none-sense, and I’m gonna tell you all the sense. You can think calypso is an UwU little innocent girl; but you cannot say Apollo is a weirdo, Zeus is a weirdo and etc. and you can tell by the lack of emojis im typing I’m so serious .
If you’re going to try to defend calypso, at least have a good argument.
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virgothozul · 1 year ago
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almonddirge · 3 months ago
I love how MXTX plays with perception vs reality of characters. Wei Wuxian is introduced on page not through narration but first through hearsay. People can’t even agree on what the truth is about him, and we don’t learn the full story until well into MDZS.
There are many examples across all three novels but I love how she wrote it for Mu Qing specifically.
Not only are there things like him canonically haunting the dreams of people who make ugly statues of him and him literally pretending to be his own subordinate to avoid facing Xie Lian as himself, but also the rumors. Much like Wei Wuxian, there’s a lot of murk around what he actually has or hasn’t done. Unlike Wei Wuxian, though, it’s never fully cleared up. (At least, to the best of my memory.)
We see that Hua Cheng resents Mu Qing for kicking him out of the army, but we never see why. Was it for Hua Cheng’s good? Was it resentment?
Did Mu Qing kill Jian Lan? He says he didn’t, but no everyone believes him. I don’t know. We aren’t meant to know everything about Mu Qing. It makes him all the more fascinating to me.
There are things that are cleared up about him, like him not being Cuocuo’s father and him no stealing the red pearl earring, but I find it more fascinating when we just don’t know.
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acourtofquestions · 7 months ago
Since (haven’t read CC yet) 3 Maasverse main characters thus far are artists in one way or another (something I love in fandoms and especially these/Maasverse)
Aelin the musician (composer/piano forte player) & appreciator of the arts. Fashionista. & semi-ballerina.
Nesta the dancer (a lil lovely scene tidbit I thought was freeing and mostly fun)
And of course Feyre THE Artist (& best example as this is crucial to how she sees the world).
Especially with the latter 2 in ACOTAR & our Archerons; even their father was a wood carver/sculptor… (let’s stick with the latter phrase… cause it’s too soon for carver to be heard as anything other than CREEPY “bone carver”😅) … so that leaves us with one; Elain.
Random HC here but: what if Elain’s a singer?
Specifically thought of this because of a certain other “singer in the series” ;-) *psst* Azriel the “shadowsinger” cause while I know that’s not what they meant, it sounds fun to me :-)
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louisisalarrie · 28 days ago
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catzgam3rz · 1 month ago
So many of my issues would probably be solved by talking to my teacher but then I’d have to… talk to him
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okcoolthanks · 3 months ago
Neopronouns are so funny cause you can’t talk anonymously about people cause most of the time they’re (or crypt or bomb or sol or shell-) the only one with that so they automatically know who I’m talking about lmao
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wooawi · 9 months ago
chloe’s coming back in season 6?
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victorckk · 8 months ago
Hey Looney Tunes fandom
How would y’all feel about a Discord server that’s centered around LT OCs?
It’ll just be for like,, sharing OCs, taking about OCs, etc. etc. the usual OC stuff
Because I have been dragged down the LT rabbit hole (no pun intended) and I’m not gonna be crawling out anytime soon
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godblooded · 12 days ago
the Game or whatever is the worst part of dai i’ll say it.
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stadindays · 4 months ago
I might never post my art ever again
I’ve been doing an art class and I’m actually horrible. I’m reconsidering even doing art ever in my life again, and definitely thinking of just never doing an art class ever again. I knew I couldn’t do realistic before, but I’m pretty sure that if I show my art to anyone ever again I’m going to be seen as really bad and immature. I wasn’t thinking of pursuing an art career before but now I’m sure that I show never show people my artwork ever again, just mine so I can get rid of it at anytime without question. I don’t even want to identify as an artist.
I know that this might make people not want to follow me now, but I really don’t care. I’ll have my old posts up just because people have already seen it, but I’m most likely not going to ever post art related content again.
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ultraviolencced · 8 months ago
today is my brothers 21st birthday. instead of taking him to his first visit to a dispensary i’m on a flight to california to be in the same room as the person who was responsible for his death. and all of the fbi and doj motherfuckers who have continued to destroy my families lives
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thefcmilymcn · 2 years ago
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Howdy y’all I’m not dead I’m just a man now isn’t that rad
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placeinthisworld · 1 year ago
it’s almost peak
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tvrningout-a · 1 year ago
i have barely begun work and already i wanna go home oh my gosh
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gods-favorite-autistic · 1 year ago
Hey can people in my pep squad realize when they’re being bitches and hypocrites and also that saying “it was a joke” doesn’t make literally anything better
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