#I’m saying it’s racism
jellybellyblimp · 4 months
I’m not saying criticism of Snape is like invalid or immoral in any way, but I am saying it’s really weird that so many marauders fans jump to defend or soften or rewrite horrid death eaters like Barty or Bellatrix meanwhile they hate Snape who also happens to be the one described as having dark greasy hair, sallow skin, a hooked nose.
I’m just saying it’s kinda weird.
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transtief · 22 hours
i really don’t think it’s “typical dragon age fandom nonsense” for people to be genuinely upset about the world state choices. combat, level design, art direction, gameplay gimmicks, those have all varied across each dragon age game. the one thing that’s remained constant are nods to our previous choices.
i wasn’t expecting my HoF to come riding in on a griffin, but i can’t find a monument dedicated to warden tabris somewhere around the anderfels? lucanis couldn’t have some lines about the time that one arainai boy was stirring up trouble in antiva city? you’re gonna tell me that making a mage the new divine wouldn’t have some impact on nevarra and antiva? on the anderfels, the supposed most devout militant andrastian nation in thedas? you’re saying nobody in the north is paying attention to who rules orlais or ferelden? come on.
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ngl the "im white so i dont talk abt any characters' race ever bc im afraid of accidentally saying something racist" approach to fandom is like. very weak. imo.
like first of all: i get that "i dont incorporate race into my media analysis because i'm afraid of messing up" comes from a different place than "i don't incorporate race into my media analysis because I Don't See Race 😊 there is only The Human Race." but it has the same functional effect, right? that effect being that your analysis of [INSERT MEDIA HERE] ignores the very real way that race impacts people.
second of all: it feels kinda lazy! like ur saying "i dont know enough abt race to feel comfortable commenting on how race affects this show and i dont care enough to learn." the only way to become more comfortable discussing race is to actually practice discussing race. but when i see people saying this it feels like they're saying "i'm white, which means i don't know how to talk about race, and i don't have to know how to talk about race, and i don't ever have to know how to talk about race, so i'm choosing to never learn how to talk about race."
third of all: just because you don't openly talk about race doesn't mean you're any less likely to accidentally say or do something racist. implicit biases run deep, y'all. it's probably already there in your interpretation of the show. but the "i don't want to accidentally say something racist" implies that you are positive that your interpretation of the show isn't racist. and i'm not saying you're wrong. but i'm saying that if a person of color tells you that something you said about [INSERT MEDIA HERE] was racist, you better be prepared to actually listen and not just brush them off because "i can't be racist! i purposefully never talk about race just to make sure i'm not racist!"
which brings me to my final point: if you do accidentally say something racist... literally just apologize. if someone says you've been doing something racist, apologize and stop doing that thing. it's literally not that hard. i've done it. i've seen other people do it. "i'm scared of being called racist!" is such a weak excuse im tired of it. getting called racist is not the end of the fucking world. calm the fuck down and grow a spine. jesus.
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evie-doesnt-write · 4 months
Begging everyone to please be normal about this man
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wifegideonnav · 2 years
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kihteyu · 1 month
“I hate Luz! She’s annoying!” “The show would’ve been so much better without Luz.” “Luz is such a poorly written character.” Bro then why did you keep watching? She’s literally the main character. If you were seething in rage every time she was on screen you can’t convince me you enjoyed watching the show.
Why is she annoying? Why don’t you like her? Is it because she’s a 14 year old who acts like… a 14 year old? Is it because she’s made some minor mistakes? Just like literally every other character? Is it because she’s a girl? A teenage girl? A female who isn’t perfect? A girl with flaws? Is it because she’s a non white female character?
Do you hate when Luz is loud and outspoken but love when Eda or King does it? Do you think Luz is a terrible person but were quick to forgive Amity? Do you think Luz is irredeemable but don’t hate Alador for how he treated his kids? Do you nitpick every little thing Luz does and says but consider Hunter a perfect little baby who can do no wrong?
You’re allowed to not like characters but sometimes you need to take a step back and consider if it’s due to your own biases. If you just don’t find Luz relatable or whatever that’s fine but constantly bashing her over such non issues when you don’t do the same for male and/or white characters is not.
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44hive · 1 year
vini doesn’t have to be mature about the racial abuse he faces. he doesn’t have to be strong about being a constant victim of racism. vinicius doesn’t owe shit to nobody when he’s being hurt and abused every single day. enough with the “vini has to-“ he doesn’t!
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electric-friend · 6 months
wait hang on 😭😭 are people seriously debating “he’s a complicated man” right now??
i agree that izzy’s an unreliable narrator, and i think that some of the things he’s said about ed aren’t necessarily true, much as many other things he’s said are also not necessarily true. he’s not really aware of the full picture the whole time, poor duck, as much as i adore him.
but like… besides the fact it really doesn’t have anything to do with wether or not you think izzy’s doing complex evil shit to ed on purpose, and people seem to be making it about that…
ed is VERY MUCH a complicated man. as someone who relates to ed probably more than stede or izzy… he’s absolutely a complicated man. ed can be violent, and suicidal, and he clearly experiences some form of emotional dysregulation, and he’s done things to people that weren’t justified. the crew was traumatised by ed’s behaviour and how much violence he placed them in a position to commit.
the way ed responds to rejection is so violent and out of proportion, his consecutive raids, his suicidal antagonism towards the crew… and for me and my personal issues, that’s extremely relatable… but it is NOT mentally well behaviour.
ed also exhibits patterns of disordered alcohol use, and his anger often causes him to lash out (yes, often at izzy who pushes his buttons, and yes, izzy’s behaviour is a factor in this. but it’s also worth noting ed has agency as a character and his violence is still violence, provoked or not) and one of his most integral traumas is how an act of violence saved him from the violent alcoholic who was his father.
there’s nothing about ed that’s not a complicated man. he’s done bad things that weren’t justified. that doesn’t make him a bad man. it makes him a complicated one. it’s very clear he knows how to be a better person. and that he can be. that the show left out a lot of that journey is really disappointing, but ed feels like he’s a monster and he does bad things to become the villain he thinks he deserves to be treated as, you know?
he is SUCH a complicated man. that doesn’t mean he’s irredeemable or bad, it doesn’t mean there’s a moral obligation to dislike him either. none of that’s the case. but izzy got it right when he called ed complicated. i think in some ways izzy had finally realised that he wasn’t always going to understand ed because ed wasn’t always going to think the way he did, but he was coming to accept that he didn’t need ed to be someone he could understand as long as ed was happy? does that make sense? i know that’s a sappy outlook on a canonically toxic relationship but i just cannot believe that there’s a genuinely widely accepted take going around which boils down to people thinking it’s wrong to call ed a complicated man. like, huh???? girl….
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seveneyesoup · 10 months
ngl i’m still worried. like i Do have complete faith in ncuti gatwa but what i Don’t have is much faith at all in rtd’s writing about race
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spineless-lobster · 10 months
Cbs cutting the majority of kitty’s parts in happy death day makes me feel 🙃🙃🙃
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freshbeeth · 4 months
god the 14 year olds on twitter are calling me racist against white people. i love being liberal with the mute button
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irlwakko · 1 year
ao3 defenders will talk all day about how “anti-harassment” they are but as soon as someone brings up the idea of removing racist content from the archive, that’s “censorship” and it’s going too far… as if racism itself isn’t a form of harassment………. I guess harassment is only harassment when it happens to people they like
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starlooove · 7 months
‘Duke is normal for a bat’ just get it over with and call him a slur atp
Y’all fight to find every excuse to ignore and exclude or other him or just make him fucking boring in comparison to everyone else when that’s not the case? Like if you wanna compare missions/adventures whatever, right that’s just less run time; but y’all extend that to his personality and it’s so weird. Y’all make ‘lack of experience’ everything about him and it’s so irritating bc 3 guesses as to why we don’t have much Duke stuff? Hint It rhymes with bacism. And the crazy thing is the Duke stuff we DO have IS interesting and it has so much potential not just for him but to expand Gotham and the batfam, and even outside of that due to his relationship with the outsiders, in general but y’all can’t stomach that a black boy (BOY! Bc don’t get me started on the adultification to justify ignoring him in order to infantilize ur white faves) can be interesting or have a spotlight shone on him it’s so infuriating. I wish I could blast this into y’all’s brains over and over till you GET it
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jewishbarbies · 10 months
a lot of people assume that not having antisemitic intent means there’s no antisemitism perpetuated and i just want you to honestly ask yourself if it’s bad for a white person to say the N word even if they genuinely believe it wasn’t said with racist intent, because if the answer if yes then YES it’s antisemitic to say that jews influence or control the world’s governments and the media no matter your intention, because it’s quite literally the same logic.
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communistkenobi · 2 years
fondly remembering two years ago when I said I don’t like those pedro pascal reader insert fics because they were annoying on top of being gross and I got dozens of screaming essays in my inbox calling me a cunt and accusing me of ruining the fandom for like a straight week and now those same people are joining in on the finger wagging about calling pedro pascal daddy and pretending like they weren’t the ones who were calling him shit like “chilean cock monster” and saying they have “jungle fever” for finding him hot and screaming DADDY🥵🥵🥵 in the tags and replies of literally every single post about the mandalorian on this website
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jesse-pinko · 9 months
Anyways my point w the Andrea thing is that the writers of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are demonstrably talented and capable of writing both compelling female characters and romances and if they had any regard for their one ☝️ woc character the show would have been much stronger for it bc we actually would have had some investment in her character and relationship with Jesse and he still could have had his bittersweet ending where he has to face up to the consequences of his actions while also having his humanity and his trauma acknowledged BUT I would also like to add that it was a huge, huge misstep and a discredit to the narrative for a show with such a heavy emphasis on themes of toxic masculinity to skirt around the issue of Walter and Hank feeling emasculated by and deliberately targeting men of color as the recipients of their violence, because they resent having to put up a respectable suburban front while simultaneously believing that doing so makes them inherently more civilized. And it’s equally frustrating to me that the show never acknowledges that the reason Jesse doesn’t initially grasp the full scope of the damage he’s causing is because of his privilege and him essentially playing at being a gangster without having any real idea of what the consequences will look like bc of his upbringing, and how his naivety is a privilege in and of itself that does just as much damage as Walter’s straightforward entitlement and malice.
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