#I’m quite proud with how I drew her hair!!
cakeywakeyfakey · 8 months
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Big Birds cousin, this one’s British!
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lasthaysileeshipper · 20 days
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no one has drawn the sisters yet so I did. yes I am aware I am not a great artist. this is why I write.
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theemporium · 1 year
Just a thought but Sirius or someone having a thing for you for ages and at some point you finally get together but Remus James and Peter just don’t believe it because you’re so opposite and Sirius just trying to convince them but they don’t believe him until they walk into you kissing or something. Love your work btw <3
kinda changed it to sirius being with someone they never expected but i hope you enjoy it! and thank you!!🖤
“Pads is dating her?!”
Remus and James stood in front of Peter, lips parted in shock at the rumour that just left their friend’s lips. They had been in the common room, respective textbooks sprawled around them when Peter came rushing in, eyes wide and cheeks flushed at what he had just seen.
At first, they thought their friend was taking the piss and waited for Sirius to jump out from the shadows with a grin on his face, claiming it was all a prank. But no Sirius had appeared and Peter kept talking and—fuck, they just couldn’t quite believe it.
In all honesty, it was shocking enough that Sirius had settled down with one person, let alone that he was dating you of all people. 
You stood for everything they assumed their friend hated, purely because you would’ve been Walburgha Black’s number one choice to marry her eldest son off with. 
You were raised with the pureblood etiquette, speaking prim and proper and not even allowing yourself to use slang as you spoke. You were a Slytherin, and proud to be so. You were crazy smart and you were the image of pureblood royalty, though the cold shoulder you usually gave people and the snarky attitude didn’t exactly make it easy for even those with a pureblood complex to approach you. 
Even if for some bizarre reason their friend had fallen for you, the fact that you liked him back was shocking enough to keep both boys seated on the couch as Peter retold the story for the thirteenth time. 
“I’m calling bullshit,” James said with a shake of his head. “This must be some elaborate prank he’s pulled off.”
“And what? Got her involved?” Remus asked. 
“Maybe it’s someone with a polyjuice potion,” Peter supplied. 
“Or maybe Pads is actually dating her,” Remus said before his nose scrunched up. “Yeah no, he’s definitely up to something.” 
It took less than five seconds to work out where Sirius was with the help of the map that was quickly shoved in their pocket as all three boys began rushing towards the courtyard, so sure that whatever Peter had seen had to be false. 
Because there was no fucking way that Sirius Black was—
All three boys quickly drew to a stop when they noticed you both. You were sitting on a picnic blanket, leaning back on your hands as you nodded along to something. Sirius, however, had his head propped on your lap, talking away as his hands moved animatedly to the point they could have sworn they saw your lips twitch into a smile. 
“Holy shit,” James gaped at the sight. 
“It could still be a prank,” Remus said, though he didn’t know how much he really believed that himself. 
And just when they thought they couldn’t be shocked any further, you leaned down to press your lips against the wizard, his hand coming to grip the back of your neck as he deepened the kiss. 
“Moony, are you seeing this?” 
“I’m seeing this, Prongs.” 
“Right, great because I think I’m gonna faint.” 
What they couldn’t see was the way Sirius’s lips twisted into a grin as he continued to kiss you, his fingers expertly pulling the clip out of your hair until it cascaded around you both. 
“Your friends are still staring,” you informed him, the words whispered against his lips as you began to pull back but he was quick to chase you. 
“Let them stare all they want, love,” he murmured as his thumb lightly brushed over your thumping pulse. “I bet they are fucking confused.” 
“Such crass language,” you hummed. 
Sirius smirked. “Gonna punish me, love?” 
You shook your head in amusement, pulling back fully despite the way Sirius playfully pouted in response. “You wouldn’t be able to handle my punishments, Black.” 
His eyes gleamed at the challenge. “Is that so?” 
“You are all bark and no bite,” you informed him and the boy was quick to scramble up, his hands darting to your sides as he crawled over your squirming body. 
“I can show you just how hard I bite, love, you just gotta ask.”
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annegrey · 1 month
Late night surprise - a "Two for the price of One" story
Max x fem!reader x Kelly
Okay, I never thought that so many people would like my story, so you can imagine I was quite floored when I was actually ASKED to do another. So here it is! I’m always happy about feedback, so don’t hold back! Also: would you like some (domestic) fluff with them? Like, how they got together, how it would be open for discussion who would love the Disney movie more between the adults and P. Just let me know. And now: to the smut!
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You didn’t hear the door, too focused on thrusting in and out of Kelly with the strap-on, which rubbed your clit almost the right way, like a constant tease, but when you mentioned it to your lovers before, they just kissed your cheeks at the same time, and Kelly whispered “We know, you should see how desperate you look when you fuck me with it. Concentrating on pleasuring me, and at the same time so frustrated because it just doesn’t work for you.” So you never replaced that stupid, annoying, wonderful strap-on, whining and panting while pushing Kelly’s legs up to get even deeper.
But it seemed like she heard something, maybe the lock, maybe the closing, maybe even the steps, as the woman turned her head, smiling at the man standing in the doorway, watching the scene before him. Only then you yourself looked up, and blinked in surprise when you saw Max. But when you started to slow down, a sharp slap to your butt told you to go on. Kelly was quite demanding, and you knew you would be rewarded in the best way possible whenever you obeyed.
“I thought you would come back tomorrow”, Kelly panted, and it was a bit annoying that she still had the brain cells to speak coherently. With a huff, you angled your hips a bit, and that seemed to do the trick, as she moaned loudly. Max still stood there, silent, with a smirk on his lips. He once admitted that he loved watching you two fuck, it was one of his biggest turn-ons. Especially after you started to feel more comfortable, often holding eye contact while still blushing furiously.
After another moment he pushed himself off the doorway and strolled over to the bed. “I convinced the others to let me go earlier. I missed you, with how stressful everything was, I just needed to be with you”, he mumbled, leaning down to give Kelly a truly filthy kiss, before turning and granting you the same treatment. You whined again, trying to chase after him when he pulled back, but another slap on your butt-cheek drew your attention back to the main program.
Almost as if you were apologizing, you kissed the woman beneath you, then slowly worked your way down to suck on her right tit, drawing another moan from her throat. Her hands immediately buried themselves in your hair, making sure you stayed in place.
You felt the mattress dip, signaling that Max finally joined you. But Kelly didn’t let up, making it impossible for you to look at the man. Which didn’t mean you were unaware of what he was doing. A hand, his hand, snuck between your bodies, starting to rub Kelly’s clit in a way that always drove her crazy.
Her moans got louder, with that specific pitch they only got when she was close, and you had to grin against her breast. As the ‘new one’ in this relationship, even after months, it always made you proud to make her cum. Both of them once praised you on how quickly you caught on, knowing now on how to make it more than pleasurable for both of them, if still not as well as the both of them. But to be fair, they had years of relationship behind, so it would be kind of weird and sad if you were better than one of them.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when your hair was gripped so hard that you hissed in pain, and Kelly arched her back, her moan drawn out and raw, before she collapsed back, panting. Not that she let go of you, or that you stopped thrusting, it was just slower, gentler. Just how she liked when she came down from her orgasm. Only when the woman finally pulled your head up to give you a soft, deep kiss, you pulled out.
Immediately two hands were on your hips, pulling on the harness that kept the strap-on in place, and you didn’t even have the chance to help before Max had it off your body and pulled you around, until you laid next to Kelly, your face pushed into the pillows and your ass raised.
It always caused goosebumps and shivers when Max manhandled you like that, and your lovers teased you often enough about how much of a submissive slut you were, whether it was how Kelly commanded you or how Max used his strength on you. And you couldn’t deny it, you loved being their good, sweet girl. No matter that Max was actually the youngest in the relationship, by two fucking weeks. Which you never let him forget.
Any thought left your brain as you finally felt the hard length push into you, and you gripped the sheets, gasping for breath. One of your hands was carefully pulled away and intertwined with Kelly’s, and when you turned your head to look at her, her eyes were both loving and hungry. It apparently was a thing for all three of you, to watch two of you fuck, you were just as guilty of this pleasure as them.
Then Max started moving, and you closed your eyes with a soft moan. Normally the one watching would force you to look at them, but it seemed like today Kelly was in a merciful mood. She just ran her fingers over your cheek, while you drooled over the fabric beneath you, and then you heard her address Max: “Be nice, she was so good today.” Another shiver ran over your body, and you whimpered as Max gripped your hip with one hand, while the other reached beneath you, to softly rub your clit.
Whining and squirming, at least as much as his hard grip allowed, you pushed back against him, the frustrating teasing of the harness helping you to reach your orgasm even faster than normal. But you forced yourself to keep it together, because if you came now, you would leave Max hanging high and dry.
Once again Kelly proved her eerie ability to know exactly what you were thinking, as she leaned to you and softly kissed your cheek. “Just let go. As I said, you were so good today. You don’t need to take care of him, I’ll do it. Relax and enjoy it.” And you don’t even know when it happened, but somewhen in the last months your body became so attuned to her, to her commands, that you felt yourself going pliant, letting yourself just feel.
Max, in an attempt to help, placed soft kisses along your neck, until he came to that specific spot, just below your hairline on the back of your head, your sweet spot where only a small breath would cause goosebumps to appear all over your body, and bit down. That was the last drop, the last push you needed. With a guttural moan you came.
Clenching around Max, you sobbed, gripping Kelly’s hand even harder. But he didn’t stop, he kept thrusting into you, causing you to squirm again, biting your lower lip, until your mouth dropped open again, panting and crying out. Just to feel another orgasm approach. That was something you found out not too long ago, the fact that you were actually able to cum multiple times in a row, as long as Max didn’t change a single thing.
It was scary at first, the overwhelming feeling of pleasure, bordering on pain, and no end in sight. Just to end in another peak. The record was four in a row, and that ended in your actually crying and needing to be held even closer than normal. But as soon as you were able to speak again, you reassured both of them that you actually loved it, that it more than blew your mind, and that you would love to try it again. Just… not anytime soon, otherwise your body might break.
Equipped with that knowledge, Max just kept going, just as you kept gasping and sobbing. It didn’t take long for you to finally cum again, and that was the sign for Max to slow down. Two was the limit for normal days, when you didn’t prepare for the mind-mush that came with more than two. A few last thrusts, then he carefully pulled out, but you still hissed.
Rolling to the side, still holding Kelly’s hand, you tried to gather your thoughts and closed your eyes for a second. It must have been longer, you must have blacked out for a moment, because when you opened them again, Max was on his back, whimpering just like you were moments ago, with Kelly holding his hip down and deepthroating his cock.
You personally knew how talented her mouth was, and you had witnessed how quickly she could cause Max to cum this way, so you grinned to yourself and watched while the driver was driven crazy by that wonderful, wonderful mouth.
When the signs of his end were showing, you forced yourself up to lean on your elbows and kissed him, while playing with his nipple with one hand. He didn’t really kiss back, just some sloppy movements, another sign that he was close.
His moans turned to groans, and then he seized up with a pleasured cry, probably trying to thrust into Kelly’s mouth, but that woman was stronger than she looked, without any trouble keeping him pinned down.
A few moments after, he was panting as if he had just run a marathon, and Kelly crawled upwards to press a kiss first on his lips, then on yours. She gave you a few seconds, before patting both of your thighs, and grinning. “Come now, we all need a shower. If you are quick, I’ll change the sheets while you shower.” That was definitely an incentive, and while it took you both a moment, Max and you crawled out of bed and stumbled into the bathroom. Because sleeping in a sweaty bed was really gross, and not having to change the sheets yourself was always a plus.
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gildy-locks · 2 months
May 4 | Prompt word: hopeless | Word count: 896 @rosekillermicrofic CW: murder, blood, sacrifices, paganism
It was hopeless. Barty was destined to be alone.
He stared at the body, a horrible blue coating its skin.
He had added everything to the spell,
Even a lover’s rose as the spell specified.
“He isn’t coming back.” Regulus had told him. Barty refused to believe it.
“He’s dead.” Dorcas had told him. He dismissed them.
“I’ve got the body!” A voice rang out, his savior. The only one who believed in him. He laughed as Pandora walked in dragging a man, who was struggling wildly, in her arms.
Barty frowned. What a shame the man wasn’t hot. He almost felt bad.
“What’s the man for?” He asked staring at the young man, his hair already graying.
Pandora smiled and threw the man on the couch, “I found a new one. A ritual.”
He raised an eyebrow but let her speak as she explained it. He hardly needed it as he took her outside to the woods behind the house.
She took out her bag, and dug through pulling out a book. He recognized it quite easily. The Book Of The Dead, or as she called it.
She waved it in front of his face, as if proud of her possession.
She grabbed something and drew on the clearing, a pentagram. They were calling upon the devil he guessed. She lit candles along each side, watching in awe as she did so. In a practiced technique.
“Three stages,” Pandora told him, Barty wasn’t sure if she was talking to him or the man, “we invoke the hounds,
‘Hounds of Heaven, Hounds of Hell, Hounds of Earth, Guardians of the Door, we summon thee to help us resurrect the fallen son.”
Barty took his cue and watched Evan on the ground, his darling, his lover on the ground, “No si vocare te. No si vocare te. No si vocare te. No si vocare te.”
Pandora became silent, giving him a small smile when barking surrounded him. He wasn’t scared easily but that freaked him out. He kept his eyes glued on Evan. They’d save him, they’d have to.
She gave him a small look before continuing with the next stage, “We bow before the Door that divides the World of the Living from the World of the Dead. With humble gratitude, we ask that it be opened.”
“Aperi ianuam. Aperi ianuam. Aperi ianuam. Aperi ianuam.” He chanted in response.
The candles blew out then, and he was fully freaked out. He wasn’t sure he wanted to continue but if the doors were open then he thought he’d have to.
Pandora grabbed the man, along with a large knife and smiled as she blew a kiss into his hair. Barty laughed. How he wished he had done that to Evan before hand.
“Unholiest of Spirits, we offer thee a life for a life! O mighty Dark Lord. . By whom all is set afire, thy power be thy path, thy will my desire.” Pandora paused, smirked down at the man and whispered, “shouldn’t have raped your daughter” before slicing the knife through the man’s neck. Barty winced as he saw the unworthy blood spill onto Evan’s beautiful body.
Pandora watched for a second before calming herself again.
“The Hounds invoked. The Door opened. The price paid in blood. Evan Rosier, we entreat thee. Rise. Rise. Rise!”
Barty watched as Pandora put on a timer, “Thirteen hours.”
“Let’s bury this mother fucker, huh?”
“Did it work?” Barty ignored the suggestion, staring at Evan’s body, “I don’t think I could- ‘Dora, I need him.”
Pandora gave him a sympathetic look before shrugging, “thirteen hours. Check again. Barty I miss my brother too. You aren’t the only one. But right now we have a dead guy on our hands.”
Barty shook his head and watched Evan, “I’m staying here. I want to be here when he… when he wakes up.”
Pandora nodded and sighed before tracking off deeper into the forest, “just sleep, will you?”
Barty didn’t respond as he stared at Evan, “we’ll bring you back my love.” He whispered, “you’ll be safe, my Rose.”
The ground shifted. Or that could’ve been an illusion. Barty didn’t care, dread filled his body as he gazed at Evan’s corpse. But it wasn’t as blue. His heart jumped as he stared at it. “Evan? Ev, baby are you-“
A large gasp went through Evan as he looked up at Barty. Eyes wide, fear pooling in them. “B-“ he clutched his throat, surprised at his own voice. And Barty threw himself at Evan, how could he not as he clung onto Evan, “where was I?” He heard his Rose whisper, “where are we?”
Barty felt around Evan, he was real. He was actually real, “we’re in the forests. Evan come on, I have Pandora. Do you want to see your sister?”
He watched Evan’s light bright up for a second, staring at Barty, “I was dead.” He whispered keeping his eyes on the ground.
“For thirteen hours.” He nodded,”but you’re back now. Oh god how I love you.”
Evan smiled softly and shook his head, “I want to see Panda.” He whispered. Barty nodded and grabbed his hand.
It had worked. He wasn’t alone. He had Evan, he had Pandora, and he had Evan. He smiled at he turned to Evan who stayed quiet as he followed him. His rose was back.
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 5 months
NSFW Request:
I’d love to see Trans fem reader finally letting her boyfriend Armin touch her down there after feeling so insecure about it for ages!
pairing: armin arlert x transfem!reader
word count: 1.2k+
tw: body dysmorphia, insecurity, mention of sex, sliiight dirty talk, kissing, sort of smutty??
a/n: im not transgender myself and have not gone through any experiences you might have, so i tried my best to craft this as beautifully and thoughtfully as i could. this fic is mainly very sweet, lots of fluff from armin. please, please let me know if you like it!
18+ | MDNI | NSFW
armin was the best boyfriend you could have asked for, truly. he had the kindest soul you’d ever known and a certain type of patience you couldn’t quite grasp. no one had ever been this gentle with you or been so understanding. armin was a god-send, crafted meticulously by angels themselves.
you were proud of who you were. you felt no shame in being transgender and neither did armin. he was never embarrassed to be your partner; he was only ever infatuated with you and your femininity. he adored you from head to toe and he begged you to let him show you just how much. despite being mostly comfortable with yourself, there were still some lingering insecurities that couldn’t just be washed off at the end of a long day. you were just a girl, after all.
armin wasn’t pushy when it came to sex but you could tell just how bad he wanted you. it made you feel guilty. you wanted to be able to do this for him, to strip down naked, baring your body and soul for him to see. it was just hard. incessant worries flooded your brain every time you thought about the topic. would he still love me? what if he changes his mind?
the day you decided to show armin all of you was a day you’d never forget, even if you had tried to. the way he was unflinching at your naked body, eyes filled with lust and love, was still burned sharply in your mind to this day.
the day you took that next step was a lazy one. it was pouring rain and armin was off from work for the day. you two spent the day together, reveling in the company of one another from the safety of your couch. your legs were draped over his and you let out a sigh. it was blissful here in your own private slice of heaven. the sound of your exhale drew the attention of your lover.
“hmm, what is it?” armin asked, peeling his eyes away from whatever romcom was on the television and turned to face you. he squeezed your calf lovingly. the simple gesture was enough to let you know he was listening and that he was here.
“i’m just happy to spend the day with you.” you admitted, a slight smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
“i’ve never been so happy for a rainy day, either.” he softly smiled, his voice calm and sweet. armin was truly beautiful. the way his blond hair was just slightly a mess…it was captivating to look at. you found yourself falling into silence as you studied your boyfriend, the pitter patter of rain in the background. “what’s wrong, baby?” he questioned, hints of concern emerging through his voice.
“nothing,” you sighed and turned back to the movie. “nothing at all.”
“(y/n.)” armin’s voice changed from concern to a certain kind of demand. it was enough to make you turn back around to face him. “what’s bothering you?”
“i want you, armin.” you looked out at the window, afraid of making eye contact.
“you have me. i’m right here.” he raised an eyebrow, unsure of just what you were trying to get across.
“no, armin. i want you.” you repeated, your voice quieter the second time around. feelings of anxiety you’d tried to push away were now bubbling violently in the pit of your stomach, begging to be heard. you swallowed loudly.
armin’s face fell and it became too silent for your liking. the way he was looking at you now, you felt like you were already naked. you crossed your arms over your chest because you felt entirely too visible for your own liking. “you do?” he asked, voice just above a whisper. there was a twinge of excitement dripping from each word. he had been patient with you, understanding your hesitation of taking it another step farther. he was never able to ease your nerves, no matter how much he reassured you that it wouldn’t change anything and that he’d still love you, perhaps more if that was even possible. so, hearing those words from your mouth was a dream to him.
you nodded, biting your lip. questions raced through your mind so loud, so furiously that you almost didn’t hear what armin said next.
“you’re sure?” it was a question, tumbling out a little forceful. armin couldn’t mask his eagerness to feel you, to have you. nodding was the only thing you could do. he shook his head. “i need you to say it for me.” his eyes, blue and serious, were unshifting.
“i’m ready, armin.”
“if you want me to stop, you tell me to stop, alright?”
as armin positioned himself just over you, some of the anxiety turned into butterflies. his lips were against your neck now, soft, leaving little trails of kisses. “thank you,” his breath was hot against the side of your neck. “i’m going to make you feel good, okay?” armin’s voice was gentle and his hands were just the same, cruising along your curves. soft moans came from your mouth as he nibbled the sweet spot on your neck.
“armin.” your voice was hushed. he mumbled a ‘hmm?’ into your neck, hands sliding under your shirt. “i love you.” it was true, you loved him. and your love was enough to mask the deep rooted fears that once tore apart your brain.
armin pulled away from your neck, his face now inches from yours. he leaned in slowly and gently pressed his sweet, pink lips to yours. “and i love you.” he murmured, going in for yet another. his hands wandered down away from your chest to your waistband. you could feel his fingers teasing you. “do you want me to touch you?” he asked, the same gentleness still there, now just with a hint of hunger.
“please.” you didn’t need to say anything more. armin left another tender kiss as a response. he sat back as his fingers fumbled with the button of your pants. you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. you raised your hips, allowing him to slide your pants down. left in your underwear, you felt vulnerable. part of you wanted to squeeze your legs shut and curl into a ball, shielding yourself from his prying eyes. then, you felt one hand on your hip and another pressing against the front of your laced underwear. swallowing, you looked up at armin with wide eyes. his face didn’t change, waiting for you to say something, to encourage him or stop him.
“tell me to stop, (y/n.) tell me if you don’t want this.” his voice was husky. you could see he didn’t want you to turn him away, the lust in his eyes all to prevalent. there was an insatiable hunger.
“touch me, armin.” you pleaded, words dripping with anticipation. his hands were warm against your skin, soft and making goosebumps appear on your stomach. you knew you had made the right decision in giving yourself to armin from the way he was touching you. the carefulness, the hesitation in his hands. he wanted to devour you whole but he was restraining, just for his poor, sweet, girlfriend.
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
Doodle Boy (Blue Lock)
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AND BOOM! We've got ourselves some good ol' Bachisagi! :D I was talking to a dear friend of mine (you know who you are :D) and the next thing I knew- here we are! It's not exactly how we discussed it (honestly it's been so long since we really talked about it I forgot what the original idea was) but I'm proud of it and I think you're gonna like it too!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @cupcake-spice13 @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @riisada
Summary: Bachira has a knack for drawing and doodles away in his notebook. For all his talent in drawing the people around him however- he can never quite capture his boyfriend.
Bachira grew up surrounded by paint.
The smell of acrylics. The faded stains on his mom’s fingers and clothes when she finished up for the day. The endless paintings of monsters and fields alike she created in her studio. Growing up, he loved sitting by as his mom worked, leaning on his soccer ball with wide eyed wonder.
“You know, Meguru. I have extra supplies- why don’t you join me?” She invited him once, warmth in her smile and green splashed across her cheek.
“Really? I can?” He was on his feet in seconds, running over to her as she pulled down an old sketchbook and pencils, all varying shades of the rainbow.
“Of course you can, baby. Come on- let’s draw some pictures.”
The pack of gel pens seemed to call to him when he looked- glittering in the fluorescent lights of the drug store.
“Hm? What is it?” Rin blinked, raising a brow when Bachira seemed frozen to the spot. “Do you want them?”
“What? Oh- Oh no. Nah, I just…” He looked at them again, brows furrowed. “I don’t…”
“...” Rin looked at him, then at the pens. Then- with a sigh, he walked over, picking up the pack and a pad of paper sitting below. “If you can’t afford them, I’ll pay.”
“Huh? Oh no- I can-”
“And if you can, I’m still paying. You want them, even if you're too stubborn to admit it.” Without looking back, Rin carried on his shopping, grabbing a bag of chips on the way to the cash register.
Bachira stared after him, eyes feeling strangely wet. Then he smiled, shaking his head and following. “I’m gonna draw you extra pwetty, RinRin~”
“Call me that again and I’m keeping the pens.”
Bachira tapped an ocean blue pen against his cheek, tongue poking out as he looked down at the paper. Isagi looked back at him.
Well- doodled Isagi. He didn’t quite capture the other boy right- the hair looked smooth and glossy, and his features were all in the right places. There was just something so…lifeless about it. The face was there, but there wasn’t any soul behind it.
Surrounding this particular doodle were others- poses of his fellow and former teammates alike. Chigiri, a human lightning bolt, streaks of pink flying behind him as he dashed across the page. Kunigami, standing tall on the Blue Lock building, a cape fluttering behind him as he struck a superman pose. He even drew Nagi, curled up in a gray futon with purple checkered print.
Aryu striking one of his magnificent poses. Tokimitsu’s nervous but kind expression. Rin melting into water. They all came so easily to Bachira, like he could pluck the image of them out of his mind and smooth them on the page.
And yet…
The door slid open. Bachira shoved the notebook beneath the pillow just as Isagi walked in, a towel around his neck. “Man, if there’s one thing I like here, it’s the baths! I feel so…refreshed.” He spoke between a yawn, cracking one of those impossibly blue eyes open to watch Bachira. “You good? You look like a deer in headlights.”
“Isagi~” Bachira schooled his features into a relaxed expression, grinning as he rolled onto his back, securing his notebook beneath the pillow. “Come cuddle with me.”
Isagi wasn’t one to pry. If he noticed Bachira’s sudden shyness around his notebook, he didn’t say. None of the team seemed to, if the dribbler were being honest. He’d get a few curious looks his way as he scribbled, but no one formally asked what he was working on or for a peek. It was something Bachira appreciated and grew bummed by. There were other pages he was willing to show, just…not these.
Another Isagi. Another frustrating attempt. He just looked so wrong! Every sketch had something amiss; his eyes were dull in this one, his nose was shaped weird in that, his smile was missing that versatility in it all around. It was just…off!
“Bachira, we’re heading out to dinner-” Isagi poked his head in just as Bachira nearly tore the paper out. “Whoa, what are you doing?”
“Huh? Oh!” Panicked, Bachira tried to shove the notebook away, but it was too late. Isagi was already across the room, resting his hands gently over Bachira’s.
“Dude, relax. I’m sure what you drew isn’t-” Isagi looked down and- paused. Staring. Bachira felt his heart rate accelerate as Isagi took in the slightly crumpled paper, eyes following every line and shape and block of color. His face was unreadable, further worsening Bachira’s anxiety.
“Bachira…these are incredible!” Isagi looked up, eyes shining as he grinned. “I didn’t know you could draw so well!” He looked back down, smoothing out the paper as he took in the doodled version of himself. “Dude- I look so cool! That..sounded kinda vain, huh?” He flipped the page, blinking when he found more of his face. “Oh wow…”
“D-Don’t look at those!” Bachira tossed himself over Isagi’s lap, hiding the notebook under him as his face burned. “They’re all wrong! Every single one!”
“Wrong? What’s wrong with them- I think they’re great.” His boyfriend poked lightly at his back, trying to peek around him. “And I’m not just saying that cause it’s my face.”
Bachira made a soft noise of distress, burying his face in Isagi’s thigh. Isagi frowned, noting the mood. “Bachira? Are you okay? Oh jeez, was this one of those private notebooks? If so, I'm sorry for prying-”
“No, it’s not…it’s not that.” Bachira sounded muffled, but Isagi could make out his words when he leaned down. “They’re terrible, all of them! I can’t draw you!”
“...I mean, I only got a glance but, Bachira, they look good.” Isagi offered gently, playing with the strands of hair along Bachira’s neck. “I don’t understand- how are they terrible?”
“They don’t look right! None of them really look like you!” The strokes seemed to calm him down some, but Bachira still sounded so…sad. “I didn’t want you to see them until I had you down pat, but…I don’t know why- you’re just too perfect!”
“Pfft!” He hadn’t meant to laugh, but Isagi found himself snorting at the word choice. Bachira gave him a mild pout as his boyfriend pressed his free hand over his mouth. “Sorry- sorry; I’m just not used to hearing someone call me that.” He dropped his hand, smile remaining. “But seriously- you don’t need to draw me perfect. The fact you drew me at all is such an honor! It’s perfect as is.”
Bachira didn’t look convinced, turning away and keeping his pout. Isagi reached up, gently poking his shoulder blade. “Bachira.”
“No.” Bachira huffed, pouting more even when he squirmed. “I don’t want it.”
“Do you really mean that?” When Bachira didn’t respond, Isagi poked him again, making him squirm more. “If you don’t want this, roll out of my lap.”
He paused, waiting. Bachira didn’t move.
“Figured.” He teased, switching to gentle clawing, running his hand across Bachira’s shoulder blades. The dribbler twitched in response, starting to smile despite himself. “You love it when I tickle you. Now- I’m not gonna stop until you let me see that notebook of yours!”
“Noohohohohoo! It’s ehehhembaahhaharassing!” Bachira whined, kicking his feet as Isagi carried on his tickly touch. “Iihihiihihiisahahahahgi!”
“Don’t try to lie- I watch you, you know? I see how pouty you get whenever none of us ask about your drawings! You want to show me!” Isagi pressed in, earning a proper bout of laughter from the smaller boy. “You want to show everyone your work!”
“Ahehahhahhaha! Dooohohohohn’t saahhahahy it ohohoohohutloohohohohud!” Despite his protests, he felt his heart do a little skip knowing Isagi was watching him. He tried fighting back, poking at the brunette’s ribs with quick fingers. “Thahahhake thahahaht!”
“AH!” Isagi yelped, nearly falling over. “Oh you’re slick! Come here!” He wrestled him on the bed, tossing the notebook out of the danger zone as he dug a hand into Bachira’s armpit, earning a squeal. “You’re really gonna get it now!”
“EHEHEHEHEHHEHHEHESAGIHIHIHIHIIHII!” Bachira howled, flailing on the bed beneath his boyfriend. Isagi just HAD to go for the spot right along the back of his pits, tickling both them and his dreadful shoulder blades at once! He’s too knowledgeable- Bachira unintentionally awakened a monster. “PLEAHHAHAHHASE IT TIHIIHIHIHCKLES!”
“That’s the point, buddy.” Isagi cooed, leaning in and pressing a loud smooch into Bachira’s cheek. “You gonna keep shitting on your amazing art or am I gonna have to destroy you?”
“AHEHAHAHHAHA! DOOHOOHN’T THRHEHHAHAHTHEN MEHHEHE WITH A GOOHOHOHOD TIME!” Bachira squeaked out, making Isagi guffaw. It wasn’t long before they were both laughing, side by side in the messy bed as they gasped for air between giggle fits. “Yohoohu’re toohoohohoo good at that!” Bachira fake whined, pinching his boyfriend’s side.
“Ehe! I learned from the best.” Isagi smiled at him, eyes soft and warm and god he looked so kissable right now-
“Mmph!” Isagi made a noise of surprise when Bachira leaned in, capturing his lips with his own. It didn’t take long before Isagi returned the favor, melting against him. “What was that for?” He asked when they eventually broke apart.
“Felt like it.” Bachira grinned before his smile dampened, a shadow passing over his eyes. “Do you…really mean it?”
“About? Oh.” Isagi blinked, shaking out of his brain fog. “About your art? Absolutely!” Reaching back, he pulled the notebook over, handing it to Bachira with a patient smile. “You don’t have to show me now- but I do think your work is amazing. There’s so much…you in it, you know? Like- just that one piece alone- that’s what the artsy folks call it right? A piece? Anyway- looking at it, I could feel you in it- like you were using your soul as ink. I know it’s me- but I felt like we were one in that moment.” He smiled a bit awkwardly, scratching his cheek. “That sounded really pretentious now, didn’t it?”
Bachira couldn’t speak. He couldn’t find his voice. His vision suddenly grew very blurry.
“Bachira? Oh my god- I’m so sorry! I meant it in a good way! Please, don’t cry.” Isagi sounded panicked, reaching out and wiping the tears falling down his boyfriend’s face with his thumb. “I’m sorry.”
“N-No, no it’s not-” Bachira sniffed, smiling through the tears. “I’m so happy…I’m just-really, really happy right now.” Isagi’s face relaxed, and he leaned in to kiss Bachira’s wet cheeks. “That means more than you know, Isagi. Thank you.”
Isagi smiled, cheeks warming with pride. He leaned in to kiss him properly before starting to sit up. “We should get dinner before they close the cafeteria. Care to join me?”
Bachira laughed, sitting up and putting his notebook back in its usual place. “I’d love to.” He took Isagi’s outstretched hand, letting himself be pulled up and escorted, hand in hand. “And I love you, Yoichi.”
The other looked back at him, eyes dancing. His smile nearly split his face from how happy he looked. It never failed to take Bachira’s breath away. “I love you too, Meguru.”
Later that night, Bachira finally drew his perfect Isagi- smiling the way he did in that moment.
Thanks for reading!
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vulpes115 · 2 months
Trans Bly Headcanons
- Bly always felt slightly off compared to her brothers; something didn’t quite feel right about that term when applied to her. Even as proud as she felt to be a part of the GAR, she knew deep down that she wasn’t quite built for the ideal masculine role that the clones were supposed to fit into, so she kinda tried to overcompensate for a bit.
- She did, however, really like the word “vod” as it was a gender-neutral way of feeling like a part of the whole.
- Sister was the first-ever Clone to come out as trans; she would be far from the first. When Bly heard about this, she felt a deep sense of admiration and a little bit of envy. However, she didn’t let herself delve too far into that feeling. As a commander, she felt she had to be held to a higher standard, and a part of her feared that even if Sister was able to get away with it, the Kaminoans might balk at someone as high-ranking as Bly doing such a deviant thing, and she might get decommissioned.
-To cover up this perceived inadequacy, she becomes a very duty-bound and dependable yet reserved soldier, only with her men and Aayla does she let her guard down remotely.
- One of the many things that drew her to Aayla was her natural beauty and her confidence in her own skin giving Bly her first real sense of gender envy, which then, of course, led into a strong crush—a crush Bly never thought would be reciprocated until a moment of relief after a battle where Bly nearly died caused Aayla to confess her un-Jedi-like feelings towards Bly in private, and after a lengthy discussion about balancing duty and romance, they unofficially became a couple.
- On a night where Aayla and Bly used the battlefield setting to get away with sharing a tent, Aayla admitted with a laugh, “You know? I didn’t think I was attracted to men until you came along.” This caused something to finally click in Bly’s head, and suddenly a floodgate of gender-related emotions came out. She asked in a soft voice, “What if I’m not a man, though?” This then led into a long conversation about Bly and her gender and her feelings about it. Once Aayla was done comforting her and it was all out of Bly’s system, Aayla grinned, “Then you’re the best girlfriend a girl could ask for,” which then led into their first kiss.
- After that, Aayla took extra care to make Bly feel pretty, showering her with compliments about how pretty she looked when she could get away with it, delighting when Bly grew out her hair, loving to play with it, and looking up HoloNet videos in her free time so she could help style it. She also encouraged Bly to come out to her men and her batchmates, well, when she was comfortable, of course. And of course, there was some teasing; I mean, they are siblings after all. But they switched fairly effortlessly over to calling Bly sister and using the correct pronouns. Bly was also honored when a shiny under her command also came out as non-binary and cited her as where they got their courage from.
- At this point, Bly is too well-established to get decommissioned by Kamino for something like this, though unfortunately, many Kaminoans see her gender identity as something trite like the names. Bly would usually just sit and take it, not wanting to go against her superiors, but Aayla would always go to bat for her, and eventually, Bly works up the courage to correct every time they try it.
- They continued to grow closer to the point where Aayla knew she could no longer balance being a Jedi with her feelings for her girlfriend and promised both of them that, while she felt she had a duty to see the war through, as soon as it was over, she’d leave the order, they’d go help Ryloth rebuild, and then settle there, get married, and raise a family.
- In a nicer world, they do. Bly and Aayla look stunning in their wedding dresses of blue and gold, and Bly is finally able to get surgeries to transition fully, and they raise three adopted kids on Ryloth.
- …But we all know that’s not what happens. Bly is forced to kill Aayla, and Bly shuts down; she starts dissociating hard so that all that’s really left is CC-5052, loyal Imperial soldier.
- But when the Empire tries to cut their hair for not being regulation, Bly comes out for just a minute to argue with them. They have taken everything else from her; she cannot let them take her hair on top of that.
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demoneyecandy · 1 year
When the Rain Washes You Clean, You'll Know - Part 2
Continuation of this fic
WC: 1.9k Relationship: Satan x Reader, Satan x MC AFAB reader, she/her pronouns and some gendered terms for reader Warning: Explicit, Minor Hurt/Comfort
Satan knew he would suffer for his antics later, but for now he was going to enjoy indulging in some good old-fashioned carnal sin with his new lover and giving his oldest brother an aneurysm. He was just glad she thought it was as funny as he did and was totally willing to roll with it.
They had settled on a pose where the blanket was covering her chest, her head turned to the side to display the many, many bruises littering her neck, and her hair fanned out on the pillow behind her like a halo. Her eyes were closed and her mouth just slightly parted, as though she had passed out after their encounter. To be fair, that wasn’t so far from the truth - she hadn’t felt this relaxed in ages. It was like his mouth had somehow removed all of the stress from her body. Satan was sure to save that image to his DDD for later. He was fairly certain they were together now, and he wanted nothing more than to have a souvenir of their first night together.
Maybe he’d even make it his screensaver.
The second he’d sent the picture to Lucifer, his DDD started ringing. Perfect, just the reaction he wanted. He could almost feel Lucifer’s anger flowing all the way from his study. He made sure to triple check that the door to M/C’s room was locked, and grabbed both his and his partner’s DDDs to mute and shove in her bedside drawer.
Suck it, Lucifer
Content, he settled back in to his position as the big spoon to M/C’s little spoon. When she felt his skin on hers, she sighed and relaxed back into his chest. They laid there for what felt like ages, just listening to each other’s breathing and appreciating the closeness after ages of letting their feelings go unsaid.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, gently stroking her hips with his thumbs.
“Better than I’ve felt in a long time. Thank you”. She turned in his arms to face him, placing one hand on his chest and using one to cup his face gently, bringing him in for a tender kiss.
As the kiss turned hungry, the human removed her hand from his face to trace down his body. She took a brief detour to play with his nipple. He sighed, and she made a mental note of his sensitivity for another time. Continuing downwards, she gently teased the V of his hips that she’d so admired earlier in the night. Tracing the outline with her nails, she drew small red lines and her demon seemed to melt into her. Her hand continued even further, grasping his neglected erection. The head was already leaking an impressive amount of precum, and it made her weirdly proud that he had gotten this hard from eating her out and stayed this hard just being near her, like her body was just that irresistible to him.
As the human’s grip got tighter and her strokes sped up, the demon was coming undone beside her after being denied for so long. It took all of his self-control to pull away from her mouth, guiding her to his neck.
“Mark me up, please. Bite me”.
How could she deny him when he asked so nicely? M/C did her best to oblige, kissing and licking and worrying red and purple marks all up and down the column of his throat. As she marked him, she kept steady with her pace on his cock. From the way his breath was quickening, she knew he was close.
“Did you still want to cum while you’re fucking me?”
“Yes… please… need you” the fourth-born wasn’t holding back, his moans filling her bedroom. He whined softly when she removed her hands from him and tried his best to get his breathing under control and come back from the brink. M/C wasted no time, getting up to pull a box out from under her bed.
“Would you mind wearing a condom? I was paying enough attention in biology class last semester to know you can get humans pregnant, and I’m not quite ready for that”.
“Of course” Satan’s heart quickened at the last bit of her request – not quite ready. Was he into that? He didn’t think he was into that. Well, that was something to examine later, and not when his lover was crawling across the bed to where he laid.
Handing him a condom, she watched with rapt attention as he removed the wrapper and rolled it down his length. Though she was plenty relaxed from her earlier orgasm, she really didn’t want to deal with microtears down there, so she passed him a bottle of lube as well. He eagerly popped the cap and stroked himself, more than happy to do anything that would make it easier to be inside of her asap.
“How do you want me?” she asked, and he didn’t hesitate to ask her to lay down on her back. He had plenty of fantasies where one or both of them was twisted up like a pretzel, but he needed to see her face when he pushed inside of her for the first time.
As she settled into a comfortable position, he waited with a barely contained excitement.
“You’re practically vibrating, I didn’t think you’d be this excited to get laid” she laughed.
“It’s not that I’m getting laid, it’s that it’s you I’m with. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted you like this, M/C”. His voice was kind, and he stared at her with so much adoration it almost made her uncomfortable – she still wasn’t used to having someone’s undivided attention like this. It was intense, but she wanted more.
Leaning over her, he kissed her cheek and then sat back on his knees. The human spread her legs for him, eager to feel the man’s thick length inside of her.
“I hope you know I’m probably not going to last very long, you’re very good at teasing”. She laughed a little, loving the idea that she’d gotten one of the Lords of Hell this worked up with a handjob. It made her feel powerful, and all of her earlier sadness had long since disappeared. There was only her and Satan. Her smart, articulate, weirdly shredded prankster of a …boyfriend? Lover? Partner? They could sort that out later but she was certain that this was not a one-time thing. She had gotten very good at reading him in their time together, and she saw in his eyes that this meant something to him.
“You can make it up to me next time”.
“Bet on it”. Satan grasped his length to line it up with her hole. After looking up for some kind of go-ahead, and receiving a nod, he slowly began to push into her. He watched her face contort in pleasure as she felt the pleasant stretch of his cock, feeling her body pushed to its limit in the best way. M/C couldn’t help but moan at the sensation.
“Satan, you feel so good inside of me. Put it all in, I can take it – fuck me”. It took all of Satan’s self-control to not just slam inside of her in one thrust, but he wanted to savor this moment. That, and M/C had a habit of biting off more than she could chew, and he wanted this to be a good memory for both of them.
He continued at his steady pace, finally bottoming out. The human was overwhelmed, able to feel nothing but his dick so deep inside of her she felt like she might break, but she loved it. The fullness, the growing knot in her stomach, she couldn’t imagine how good it would feel when he started moving.
“Please” she whined out, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugging him down to kiss her. He was more than happy to oblige. His thrusts were hard but slow to start, hitting the spot that made her nerves light up. As he got lost in the kiss, his thrusts got harder and faster, until M/C was holding onto him for dear life. Both of them were beyond being able to focus on anything besides what they were feeling, breaking their kiss and letting loose every sound they’d been holding back. Moans and gasps filled the room alongside the wet slapping sound of Satan driving his cock into her as hard as he thought her body could take.
“I love you, please tell me I can cum, please” Satan let the admission slip but he was beyond caring. He was imagining the condom wasn’t there, and that he was going to fill her to the brim with his seed. He wanted to see it dripping out of her, hear her disappointed whines as she tried to keep it all in but just couldn’t. He needed to claim her, to watch her body grow and change to birth his child. To show everyone she was his and he was worthy of her, able to give her anything and everything she wanted, including children.
Well fuck. He thought. I guess that is a thing for me.
M/C was just as lost as he was – “I love you too, so much, please cum for me, make me yours”.
He could swear he felt his heart explode in his chest.
“I’m yours, Satan, please, I need you”.
That was it for him. The demon thrust inside of her one last time, as deep as he could, filling the condom and wishing he was filling her. He moved a hand down between them, rubbing her clit until she came as well, screaming his name into his ear.
The two of them held each other as they came down, gently soothing each other with praises and further declarations of love.
Eventually, Satan got up to throw away the condom and to get a washcloth to clean the two of them up. Once they were clean and the bed was covered in new sheets, they curled up together and slowly drifted to sleep in each other’s arms. No words were necessary – they could all wait until tomorrow. For now they just wanted to be together.
Very late at night, or early in the morning depending on your perspective, Satan awoke briefly from the best rest he’d had in decades. Flipping over, he opened the bedside drawer to make sure his alarm was set so they wouldn’t miss breakfast. Unlocking his DDD, he was confronted with notifications showing 113 missed texts and 57 missed calls, mostly from Lucifer but a few from Mammon and Asmodeus. They hadn’t exactly been quiet so he wasn’t particularly surprised. What brought a smile to his face though, was the preview of the last text he’d received from Lucifer.
Lucifer: I hope you know you’ll be spending the better part of this week hanging upside down in the foyer. Maybe I’ll give Mammon a bat so he can treat you like a pinata.
He turned to look at the human in bed next to him. Her face was soft, relaxed. He could see glimpses of his handiwork from under her messy hair. He gently brushed some of it away from her face, and he received a gentle sigh in return. Turning his focus back to his DDD, he sent one last text before he would go back to holding his love in his strong arms – the sound of the ongoing storm lulling him to sleep.
Satan: Totally worth it
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decoloraa · 1 year
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Val’s daily to do list
✅ saving lives
✅ slaying
This is a redraw of an piece I did last year in march. Back then it had been a few months since I created Val and one day I just thought he’d look bomb in a dress. Since then he changed a lot: He originally was meant to be a bit rougher around the edges, but since then he has become much more graceful and classy (but he’s still a coffee addicted grump). There are quite a lot of changes that came to his character, most of them subtle but they had a big impact on him!
Not gonna lie tho, the biggest change is my art. I legit didn’t believe the date that was saved on that artwork below, because I could’ve sworn this was drawn a longer time ago. Looking at him now kinda makes me irk, but at the same time I remember how dang proud I was when I drew this. Still obsessed with his arm and even if I’m not happy with his face, I did manage to capture his body type incredibly well. He’s much more caked up in the new version. Maybe the old pic is him in his late twenties and the new one is him in his early 30s, because he does gain some weight after getting into a healthy relationship with Casther (my boy is finally eating enough, I’m so proud).
Well done past me, but also I kinda wanna cancel you for not drawing a single body hair on him. Don’t blame her, she just didn’t think about it and she realized how much fun it is to draw body hair just shortly after.
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One year later my anatomy is hot as shit, but I still can’t draw a decent background without a mental breakdown. I got better at drawing feet tho! And at shading digitally
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
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This isn’t my best, but at least it is something and finished.
Thank you to @gaviiadastra​ for the readthrough and for being her usual amazing self.
We have a conversation and a pile of FishTank that may or may not make any sense, but since it is past midnight and I have a 9am - 8pm day tomorrow, I’m dumping it here and running away.
I hope you enjoy it in any case ::hugs the lot of you::
“I want to do it.”
Gordon sighed. This was the fifth time his heavy lifting brother had asked and apparently he didn’t want to hear a no.
“You don’t need to do it, Virgil.” The breeze caught in the caldera cooled off his wet hair.
“Yes, I do. You can do it. I should be able to, as well.” He slapped his helmet on as if to end the argument.
Gordon sighed again and, shoving on his own helmet, pushed off the rock they had been using as a starting point for the afternoon.
They were supposed to be doing recertification diving drills…and they had. All the required ones. But apparently Virgil had a bee in his helmet and wanted to attempt some seriously deep diving.
Chances were the big softy had heard or seen something that could get a younger water-borne brother into trouble in some random situation.
Ah, for goodness sake.
He surfaced, swam back to Virgil, and switched to comms. “C’mon, fess up. Why do you need to know? It’s way beyond what you will need in the field.”
Virgil glared at him through his visor, lips thin with annoying determination. “But you can do it, can’t you?”
“Well, yeah. Aquanaut, you know.”
“Then I want to be able to do it.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“I don’t care. I want to do it anyway.” He pushed off the rock and looked ready to dive into the centre of the caldera and damn the depth.
Gordon followed him, determined not to let him out of his sight. “I just don’t understand.”
Virgil’s green-striped aqua-suit helmet turned to him. “What’s to understand? I thought you’d enjoy showing me this.”
“It can be dangerous.”
“Which is why I want to make sure I can do it.”
“Because you don’t trust that I can do it?”
“I know it sucks having to sit up in Two and just watch, but you know I know what I’m doing, don’t you?”
“Of course!”
“Then why? I’m the only one who needs to know how to dive that deep. You don’t, and I don’t want to risk you.”
“Now who isn’t trusting.” Virgil turned away.
“No, that’s bullshit, Virgil and you know it. I trust you with everything. It’s just…” His voice ran out of words.
Virgil turned back to him, the water rippling with his movement. “Just what?”
“It’s not safe for you.”
“But it’s safe for you?
“Of course, it’s safe for me! I have the training and experience. It’s not something that just happens, Virgil, it takes years of physical training…training that you do not have!”
Finally, it appeared to hit home, Virgil frowning in a way that screamed acknowledgement of facts.
“I’m sorry, Virg, this is beyond your current physical capability.” Gordon drew in a breath. “You are a good diver. As good as any, and I’m proud of your achievements. I love that you can swim with me, but there are things that you just can’t do.” He let the breath out. “I’m sorry.”
Virgil looked across the surface of the water, away, towards the villa, high on its cliff. He muttered something that didn’t quite make it over comms.
“’S nothing.”  He slipped beneath the water and his blue-green yellow shadow swam off towards the beach on the far side of the caldera.
Yet another sigh. Great. Now his brother was pissed.
And still Gordon didn’t know Virgil’s motivation for wanting to push the limits. He had his certification, enough for rescues, enough to accompany Gordon pretty much everywhere except the deep sea.
There was no way Gordon was letting any of his brothers down there. Certainly not without a Thunderbird.
Gritting his teeth, he swam after his stubborn brother.
Virgil got his feet under him and strode through the water and up onto the beach. The breeze chilled his hair as he took off his helmet and, with a sigh, clipped it to his belt.
The yellow of his underwater baldric was a glare broken by two green lines either side of the silicon leather and he randomly missed the familiarity of his green engineering and logistics baldric.
Because he wasn’t an aquanaut.
Just not aquanaut enough.
Behind him he heard Gordon surface like the fish he was, fast and as fluid as the liquid he lived in.
There were going to be more questions, Virgil could see them coming.
Sure enough. “Virg? You okay?”
“I’m fine, Gordon. Don’t worry about it.”
There was silence for a moment.
Just a moment.
“What’s got you so worked up?”
“I’m not worked up, Gordon.” He retracted his flippers and headed towards the track that led to the villa.
“Talk to me.”
His shoulders dropped as he turned back to his brother. “What do you want me to say? That I would like to be able to reach you at all times? That, yes, it is hard to sit up there and watch? That you need back up and I’m it? Well, you’ve made it very clear it isn’t possible, so it doesn’t matter. I’m fine. I’m going home.”  He turned away. Coffee would be great. A visit to Two in her hangar might be a lovely distraction as well.
Oh, for the love of-
“You do know that for all intents and purposes I am rarely that far out of reach. We do deep so rarely, the chances-“
“Have proven to be enough. Once is far too many times.”
“And what exactly do you think you could do?”
“Go with you.”
Gordon stared at him. The caldera washed up ankle high wavelets as if to beat off the time his brother was emphasising with his eyes. “And do what? Put both of us at risk? Force Scott to drag you off the ocean floor as well as me?” Gordon rocked back on his feet, one hand pointing at the sand in emphasis. “No. I won’t put him through that. Just no. You stay where you belong. Where you are most effective.”
“And where is that, Gordon? Where do you think I belong?”
Gordon opened his mouth as if to say something, but nothing came out. He stared at Virgil, his eyebrows slowly creasing his forehead down the middle.
“You’re a pilot.”
“Yes, I am.”
“And an astronaut. Fully certified.”
“Yes, we all are. Your point?”
“You don’t belong in space anymore than you belong in the water. And you’re only a pilot because of Dad and Scott.”
“That’s it, isn’t it.” Gordon took a step towards him, his expression one of revelation. “Scott was born to fly. John and Allie were made for space. But you…and I thought I was the odd one out.”
“What the hell are you on about?”
“You’ve gone out of your way to follow all of us, haven’t you.”
“We’ve all cross-trained, Gordon, its part of the job.” Virgil waved a dismissive hand, swallowed the lump in his throat, and turned back towards the path. And here he’d thought volunteering to learn a little more might have been appreciated.
So much for that.
The sand stuck to his aqua shoes as he stepped onto the gravel path, climbing up back to the villa.
He could feel Gordon’s eyes boring into his back.
He grit his teeth. Sure, he had shown interest in what his brothers were doing. They all found so much joy in what they loved, Virgil had wanted to support them any way he could.
Gordon was right in that Scott was born to fly. The moment he had been old enough, Virgil had vowed to follow him into the blue.
And yes, John being so far away, demanded that Virgil reach even higher when he needed to.
Same went for Gordon and his obsession with the ocean. He needed to understand and be there for his little brother, both to keep him safe and to show him how much…
And Allie. Virgil had to keep up.
He had to.
Virgil startled out of his thoughts, jumping as Gordon grabbed an arm, suddenly right…there.
Brown eyes, much like his own, but surrounded by soggy blond hair stared up at him, before pulling him into a hug, a very tight hug.
Virgil wheezed. “Gor-don.”
But his brother didn’t let go.
Asphyxiation by aquanaut was a thing, apparently.
He was just considering an application of heavy lifting muscles when Gordon finally let him go.
Virgil staggered back a step. “Are you okay?”
But Gordon was looking up the path, one hand still on Virgil’s arm. “C’mon, race you back. I’ll whip you up an iced mocha, just like you like it.” And Gordon was moving, tugging Virgil along behind him.
But he couldn’t help but smile, just a little, despite his concern for his brother’s mental state.
Because really, Gordon had answered his own question.
Virgil knew exactly where he belonged.
With his family.
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SxF interview & panel discussion at TICA
I was reading articles about Kyōji Asano (animation director) and Tetsuya Nakatake (producer) attending the Taipei International Comic and Anime International, so I’ve decided to share some of the interesting things I’ve read here.
In the YouTube live video, 
11:10 Nakatake gestured how tiny Anya would be in real life. Asano then gave a quick demonstration on “how to pick up baby Anya and carry her on your shoulder”. I thought that was really cute. As if they all know Anya so well they are ready to babysit her at any second.
12:47 Asano drew a bunch of Anya’s faces. From 12:55 onwards he just started pointing at the faces he drew, and said he enjoyed drawing them very much.
15:54 Nakatake jokingly said they (I’m guessing he meant Nakatake himself, Asano and other staff members who also have children) could particularly relate to tired™ Twilight. They have children and understand how exhausting being a parent could be. 
There are also displays of pictures of character designs and frames sketches. You can see they are particularly proud of the original designs and scenes they’ve created for the show.
No recording is allowed during the panel discussion. I’ve read several articles (Source 1, 2, 3) and a post by an attendee, and what they’ve shared are more or less the same: 
1. They spent a month creating the second ED. They’d actually cooked all the food and presented them on a table so they could draw it. (Source three actually provides many interesting photographs of the food and the sketches hey’ve drawn while producing ED2.) It's such hard work, so much so for a 10-second scene the team had created 100-130 frames, and a member of the team even said he’s gonna quit, but they’d all persisted. Asano said their goal was to make the audience hungry while watching ED2, and was particularly happy to hear from the attendees that they have succeeded.
2. They had also drawn the food Yor made before pixelating it. And no, the team won’t show us what they originally look like. The team likes the scene where Yuri ate and threw up at the same time so much the animator put in extra effort to draw it. (Nakatake: Don’t you like sick characters like Yuri?)
3. The work atmosphere while creating AoT was more stern. On the other hand, it feels more lively when producing SxF. The work atmosphere is usually affected by the content they are creating. The animators have their own ideas they want to express as well, and it is a lucky coincidence when they get to animate a popular work they happen to be interested in, and the audience likes the product as well. They feel the bliss while creating the anime, and hope to create something the whole family can enjoy.
4. They create the OPs and EDs as something to add to the world-building. OPs and EDs also offer an opportunity for the team to show the audience their own interpretation of/ reflections on the story. They went on to explain how OPs and EDs are usually done. Most of the time they would have the song first. The musician would read the manga and write the song. The production team would then design the scenes that would match the song. The director confirms what scenes would be needed, and the animation team proceeds to create the OP/ED.
5. It is of utmost importance to make Anya cute. Asano suggested to draw her hair first, then the shape of her face. Draw her facial features last.
6. When asked of their favourite scenes, Nakatake said the interview scene where Loid punched the table was what inspired him to push the sxf animation project forward. Asano liked ep 5. He thought it made the story livelier. 
7. Nakatake likes Yor the best. He says he wants to meet her in real life, and claims he doesn’t mind eating her food. (He also likes the scene where Bond ate the cookies Yor made and fainted.) Asano wants a daughter like Becky. If he had to choose between Anya and Becky, he would still choose Becky.
PS I've also shared an identical article here. I did the translation myself. I didn't translate everything. For example, Asano also mentioned AoT as another example of how they do original scenes. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this.
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writtenjewels · 1 year
Before they Fell
[Just a note that if you or any of your loved ones have served/are serving in the military, thank you for your service. And special thank you to all of our fallen soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice]
Jose was quiet at dinner that evening. His family was chattering all around him: his brother discussing the latest soccer game with their father, his two sisters gossiping about their coworkers. Now and then he felt his mother's eyes flick to him. He didn't have to look to know the expression on her face: a mixture of worry and pride.
Tomorrow morning he would be on the bus to boot camp, and from there the army would assign him somewhere.
Ever since he passed the medical exam-- just barely; there'd been some concern about his eyesight-- Jose felt that same mixture of worry and pride his mother was now displaying. He always imagined his career would let him work behind a desk with computers. Things didn't work out quite like that, but Jose could hope he wouldn't see that much combat. The news said the war was pretty much over.
“I'll help clean up,” he volunteered when the meal drew to a close. He gathered all the dishes and set about scrubbing them in the sink. They did own a dishwasher but the thing was old and needed elbow grease to do some of its job. If they put him on kitchen duty during boot camp, Jose was well ahead of the game.
“Mijo,” his mother called to him. He turned at her voice before going back to scrubbing. “You've been quiet all evening, mijo,” she went on.
“Just thinking about tomorrow, mama.”
“Let tomorrow worry about itself,” she counseled, and Jose smiled recognizing the Bible passage. Most of his mother's advice came from there. “Know that we are all very proud of you and will go to Saint Michael every day on your behalf.”
“Thanks, mama.” He didn't want to say it, but Jose didn't feel like much of a warrior. He wondered if he would start once training began. “I'll write to you as much as I can,” he added.
“Good.” His mother leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Don't forget to dry those when you're done.”
“I've been doing the dishes for years, mama,” Jose protested. She chuckled and brushed his fingers through his hair.
“Just giving you a taste of military life, mijo. Those drill sergeants will not go easy on you.”
“Then it's a good thing I have you and papa to prepare me,” he teased. She gave him a light slap on the arm before going back into the sitting room. Jose's smile lingered for a moment longer before fading. He tugged out the gold chain around his neck and kissed the cross.
Watch over them while I'm gone, he prayed silently.
– – –
Clarice still couldn't believe she got an assignment with the United States military. The interview was surprising enough but to be selected! She didn't even know the military had a division for the more scientifically-inclined: she thought they were all guns and bombs and other weapons of war.
She read through all the information they gave her. She had to fill out a bunch of forms once she accepted the job due to the classified nature of the project. That was probably the only downside: she couldn't boast about this to her family.
It was too bad, because the project was revolutionary. If it all came together, it would use satellite data to use thermal imaging data in determining weapon locations. It was apparently the brain child of an Air Force nuclear engineer. In a weird way, Clarice was proud of this person and they hadn't even met yet.
They proved that not everyone in the military was a jarhead, just as she proved that a woman who dressed “punk” could get a doctorate.
What would this Eric King guy be like? How long would it take them to complete the project? The excitement of it all bubbled up inside her. A project like this was exactly why she turned to science in the first place. She could hardly wait.
– – –
Nathan pushed himself out from under the belly of the car. He'd been working to restore the damn thing for a long time now and it still needed work. But hell, that was why he bought the junker in the first place. His wife thought he was crazy for doing it but he assured her it would be a money-maker once it was fixed up. Besides that, Nathan loved a challenge.
“It's why I married you,” he explained to her. Lori had replied by flipping him the bird. Goddamn, he loved that woman.
He washed his hands before slipping his wedding ring back on his finger. He thought about getting a chain for it and wearing it that way once he was shipped off, but his ring finger always felt naked without it. And if he was going to be naked, Nathan preferred it to be in the fun way.
“How's our baby?” Lori asked him the moment he was inside.
“Looks like she's cooking just fine,” Nathan answered with a meaningful flick to Lori's swelling middle.
“I meant the car, you lughead.”
“It's coming along. Should be done by the time I ship out.”
“Good, I could use the money it's supposedly worth while you're gone.” She turned to pour him a cup of coffee. “How long is the tour again?”
“Shouldn't be more than six months.” He took the coffee but set it aside again and reached for his wife instead. He patted her belly before moving a hand up to her breast. She complained about them being tender now and then so Nathan tried to be gentle. “Just in time for you to pop, babe.”
“Speaking of popping,” Lori hummed, reaching down between his legs, “the little soldier is standing at attention.”
“You gonna take him on a tour of duty?” Nathan smirked against her ear.
“Sure.” She flashed him a mischievous look. “I don't think it'll be six months, though. Maybe six seconds, if I'm lucky.”
“Nice one,” he approved. He was going to miss this-- miss her-- but that car would indeed keep her and their baby secure once he finished with it.
With Lori's hand on his crotch, though, there was something much more immediate that needed to finish.
– – –
Dar spread out his prayer mat and spoke the words. He always started with gratitude before moving on to asking forgiveness and lifting up his burdens. It was getting harder and harder to come up with gratitude these days. Years of serving the military and this was where it led him: his country overrun with Americans, the Guard broken apart.
He knew he was a stubborn man-- Fatima told him that often enough-- but it was that fighter nature that helped him rise to the rank of captain. He prayed to Allah that it would work for him now. Dar knew he should be praying that Allah take this anger and hatred out of his heart, but he didn't.
In truth, he was likely becoming a bit obsessive with his need to get back at the Americans somehow. Dar knew that the moment he caught the whiff of movement from their military, he would be gathering his own troops. Going after one unit would likely not do much in the end. It would still be satisfying, though, to have that one victory.
He would be granted that, Dar was sure.
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badartxd · 9 months
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So this was FUN and I drew most of it in one night, somehow! Based on a clear bunny outfit I saw on Twitter ^^
It was super neat to finally get all my current girlies in a literal row in a way that would reflect their personalities, heights, and body types!
From left to right, they are: Yara, Vasya, Niya, and Ellie!
Under the cut will be some more info on them and some close ups! Disclaimer cuz the description does touch a little on their attitudes towards things like lingerie.
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Yara: this one actually came easiest, since I’ve had the image in my head for a while. It was a fun chance to draw her at her full height, with battle scars and everything! I think that out of all four of my ocs, she’d be the one most flustered by outfits like that, largely because while she does enjoy feminine presentation in theory, it’s not something she’s too well versed with in practice. Def something she wouldn’t wear around other people. I tried to draw lil tremble lines around her fist from how hard she’s clenching it XD
Vasya: her and Niya are probably the ones who are most comfortable/confident in clothes like that, this kind of outfit actually totally being Vasya’s thing. She may prefer formal/practical wear in everyday life, but funky lingerie is her style! Hence the, erm, whip lol. Despite her deadpan expression, she’s having a good time - she just likes playing the part. Also this was a chance for me to show off the way she pulls up her hair, and the blood magic scars on her thighs and forearms - they’re both easily accessible parts that are covered by a robe, and have the least chance of causing too much damage.
Niya: also having a good time in this! She’s the kind of person to enjoy just about any outfit, to the chagrin of everyone who knows her and has to witness her confidently commit endless fashion atrocities with the same gleefully smug expression. She will wear crocs with a ball gown. This is baby stuff. Also I got to show off her new hairstyle and horns, as well as her tail and the scale freckling on her face/shoulders/elbows/thighs/knees! The scales are more dense on her back but she still has quite a few up front ^^
Ellie: is honestly perfectly content, even if her demeanour is a pretty timid one! She enjoys dressing up, mostly in very feminine/cute clothes, so she’s probably in the same camp as Vasya in terms of wearing a thing like this unironically with her partner. Also it’s been my first time drawing her full body, and her body type, so I’m super proud of myself there! She’s just petite and super soft, and I think she looks absolutely adorable here! Like if I got to assign my characters an impression, (Intimidating ruffian for Yara, Eldritch allure for Niya, autism creature keen but vaguely unnerving observer for Vasya, etc) Ellie would be the sort of person you’d want to bring into a hug or go to a sleepover with. She’s just sweet and approachable like that.^^
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narrators-journal · 4 months
persona 4 and 5
Kanji x ann and rise
Kinks: cuckquean, netorare(is considered If the cheated person knows?), blowjob, love Bites and scratchings, impregnation and Mating press.
After a sucessiful moddeling job and creating the clothes, kanji is rewarded by his hard Work How? By recording a breeding fuck session with his wife's best friend and co-worker ann takamaki. All set-up by his wife rise
Hello Man your Works are Very impressive i Hope you stay safe and be a even better writter. 🍷
This might be a bit eh, as I am a little rusty with the longer set-ups. But! I’m proud of this one! I like the set up, and I think I got all of your requests! At least, on the kinks. I often tend to just, run with my own ideas as I often forget the suggested ones lol. Plus! This is more fun! It’s like a lottery, what set up will you get lololol.
I don’t often write Kanji, so if he’s kinda eh, that’s why. As for Ann, I try to keep her to the characterization of having grown confident in herself and her sexuality in her adulthood? And I hope I’m not disrespectful with the character in these smuts hehe. Either way though! Hope you enjoy!
CW: A crumb of dubcon/coersion and impregnation. A bit o’ masochism, maybe a bit of exhibitionism/semi-public sex? Considering where this is? A new kink as well! Netorare! I had to look that one up, lol. It’s at least there in spirit, as well as Rise being a cuckquean. “Okay everybody! That’s a wrap, take ten and we’ll start on our next collection!” the photographer called as if it were a movie set rather than a rented out pool for his small group of helpers and their model for the day, a shapely blonde woman at the edge of the water.
And, as the photographer, lighting, makeup, and P.A’s scattered like rats for their own reasons, Ann Takamaki simply sighed and stayed by the pool to enjoy the cool water. At least, until an expected voice drew her attention, “Uh, hey there, Takamaki! Rise said you needed some of her makeup to show one of your people?” Kanji Tatsumi said, let into the set by one of the P.As like Ann had told them to. “Oh! Hey there, Kanji, yeah! Thanks a lot for bringing it, sorry if you had to, like, leave work or anything.” She chirped, finally getting to her feet to greet the man in the valentines-red bikini she wore with no shame. Though, Kanji seemed to have a different opinion.
Not that Ann could blame him, she could admit she’d grown into quite the attractive woman. With full breasts, breeding-ready hips, and supple thighs, her body was eye catching. And that wasn’t even to mention how her honey blonde hair was perfectly styled and her makeup was done up to make her as hot as humanly possible. And, after all of her experiences as a phantom thief, she had the comfort to take a bit of pride in how she could fluster men so easily.
Though, Kanji bit back his nerves to give her the blush Rise had used as her excuse. At least, until he remembered her attire. “O-oh, right, maybe I should keep hold of this until you’re...done.” he chuckled, a bit pink as Ann shrugged, “Just means you’ll have to hang around if you do that. Again, hope you don’t have to work today.” “O-oh, no, I’m off. Hence why, y’know, my wife sent me.” He said, all of the confidence and machismo Rise said he had in school, gone like a puff of smoke at the simple sight of Ann in a bikini. “I’m sure you did great today, by the way, Takamaki. Or...uh, you looked great? Uh, I mean, for the photos. Whichever is...appropriate.” Kanji Tatsumi offered, his attempts to keep his blue eyes off of Ann’s bikini-clad body while he tried to make some sort of awkward small talk kind of cute to the woman. She appreciated that the rather nerdy-looking ex-delinquent did his best to not leer at her cleavage or hips like most men.
Granted, Ann had long since become desensitized to the attention of men. Their eyes, words, and whistles all reactions she had come across in her years of modeling so many times that she could almost predict the ‘compliments’ and offers they would throw out. But, she still found it a bit flattering to see the ebony-haired man try to be polite. This is why I agreed to help your wife. “Y’know, Kanji, I could use someone to help me blow off some steam real quick before the photographer returns.” She mused, the tall ex-delinquent only able to give a confused look at her implication.
So, she smiled sweetly at him and strolled up to him to ghost a hand down from his chest, over his belly, and over his crotch. “Help me blow off some steam~” She reiterated in a more lustful tone. Yet, the man was as stiff as a board at her touch, so he couldn’t respond.
However, that didn’t stop Ann when she backed him up to the cold wall of the pool’s room before she lowered herself down to her knees and tugged his pants down to free his cock to the slightly humid air of the room. Free for the pretty blonde to stroke and toy with until it was at least somewhat erect. Of course, she didn’t stop there, though, as she escalated to rubbing small circles into the tip of his member to draw out a bead of precum. Which, with a smile up to the man, she kissed away.
And, with her lips pressed to the head of kanji’s semi-erect cock, the dark-haired man seemed to come to from his dazed state, a little frantic between her and the pool room’s wall. “Hey! Wait a second, I-I have a wife!” he reminded her, which made the blonde chuckle, sweetly humming with her fingers keeping his cock in place so she could speak, “Yeah, but doesn’t that make it all the more fun?~ It’s sooooo taboo~” She purred, before she silenced any further arguments with a swipe of her tongue against the tip. Though, she chose not to tease him further with the way the mention of it’s taboo nature made his member twitch, and instead took the head of him into her mouth.
From there, he fell into a stunned silence and let her bob her head further and further down to work him bit by bit into the warmth of her mouth. Her tongue pressed against the bottom of his length as it slid further and further towards the back of her throat. Just the right amount of suction and the careful strokes of her hand enough to earn a few quiet moans from the hesitant man.
However, Ann didn’t let Kanji cum justyet. No, instead, she let his dick slip out of her warm mouth with a soft, teasing pop, now erect before she slowly stood up in front of him with her false nails pressed into the man’s thighs to drag up with her. Angry red lines left in her wake before she pressed her ample chest to his with a coy smile. “Come now, Kanji~ Let’s just have some quick fun, okay? Your wife won’t ever have to know.”
Kanji paused to think for a moment before he answered with a kiss. A heated kiss, that he held as he turned the blonde so that shewas the one trapped between a body and the cool solidity of the wall. Something that Ann easily allowed the tall man to untie the bottoms of her bikini and hoist her up to wrap her legs around his hips. Which, allowed her to grind against his boner and earn more moans. All the while, Ann’s pretty nails bit into his skin and left more and more of those red lines on his skin.
Though, the sparks of pain she was sure her scratches left didn’t do much to dissuade the desperate man who rutted against her. The friction able to stoke her own embers of lust until, finally, his cock slid into her. And, god did he feel good. Jesus, I can tell how you got a wife so easily. Ann thought as his impressive length stretched her and pushed against all of the most sensitive spots within her the further he pushed in. The delicious waves of pleasure enough to draw out Ann’s own moans.
But, the warm pulses of pleasure didn’t stop there. Because, once Kanji was buried within Ann’s cunt, he hooked an arm beneath her thighs and forced them from his hips, to his arms. A move that simultaneously caused a spark of discomfort, but also allowed him to slip further into her before the ebony-haired man began to thrust at an almost feral pace. Which, was a fair choice, as Ann’s break before another photo shoot was sort of brief, but, regardless of that, it also made for an onslaught of surprising fun. Each time the glasses-clad man drove his dick within her, the coil within her belly tightened more and more. As if to make room for his cock within her due to how deep his thrusts went.
However, the blonde resisted the urge to throw her head back in some equally carnal howl of desire. After all, she was still caged between him and a wall, and a concussion wouldn’t be the best for her next photoshoot. So, instead, she moved to bury her face in the man’s neck to huff his musky cedar-scented cologne. Before, on a whim, she began to nip and bite at his throat to continue those sparks of pleasurable pain to push Kanji further.
And, in turn, his thrusts somehow managed to grow more feral, as if he sought to knock her up in the most brutal pace possible. Kanji almost seemingly lost in his own pleasure and unaware of how his desperate, sloppy thrusts flushed out Ann’s thoughts. Until, finally, they both seemed to reach a feverish temperature that blinded Ann to everything but the cold material of the pool room wall. The contrast of the heat of Kanji’s fertile cum as it filled her womb and the coarse wall enough to slowly anchor her back to reality, where Kanji panted, his blue eyes slowly beginning to focus back just like hers. ”Was that fun for you too?” She asked, able to watch the blush spread across his face as he dropped her legs and stepped away. “Oh my god...I’ve fucked up so bad…” “Oh don’t start that,” Ann hummed as she plucked her bottoms up from the floor and retied them back around her hips as if her legs weren’t jello beneath her. “It was fun! I’m sure your wife will forgive you.” She assured, but the guilt didn’t seem to go far, even as Kanji nodded and straightened his own clothes.
And, said nothing else as they separated once more. Kanji sure to scurry home, Ann to her next photo shoot in the pool’s water as if nothing had happened on her break.
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sammeez · 1 year
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Spent way to much time on this, but I think I’ve finalised my OC :D She still has the freckles, stubby eyebrows and ranga hair just changed her body shape and the outfit she wears. Pretty proud at how the hands turned out and the legs (like dear god why are calfs so hard to draw T-T), probably gonna use her for other fandoms just change the outfit and hair style ✨because I’m lazy ✨
Quick run down since my writings quite shocker >.>
Name, height, and pronouns: Sam Hipkins, 5’ 9.5” (says the .5 matters), she/her
Anything mango scented or flavoured
Cooking and baking
Body contortion
Dogs (specifically Pugs)
Close friends and family
Video games and anime
Fried chicken bagels
Tomatoes, pickles, and olives
Breaking promises
Bad B/O and breath
Egotistical people
Anyone who hurts her loved ones
Personality Inspiration:
Ameri, Erza, Tomo-Chan, and Shikimori
Strong and protective
Mum friend (ya need something? She has it!)
Always willing to help
Can look unaprochable at first glance but when you get to know her she very loving, supportive, and bubbly
Easy to fluster with sweet acts and words
Quite passionate and what she likes
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Also here’s another art piece with Sam and Chad from @heart-hunted!! Got a bit carried away with the butterflies as I saw TOO much white space so I just drew random wing shapes lolol. My criticism for this is Chads hand looks a bit funny bc it looks like there’s no wrist and his muscles are a bit blocky .—. BUT OVERALL I supa proud of both piecesssss ^_^
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