#I’m off to my brothers cause they are throwing a lil bday party for me with my immediate family
rosicheeks · 4 months
What an asshole. I’m so sorry Rosie Hugs 🤗
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malloryslourd · 6 years
Burn The House Down | 1/2
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Pairing: Mallory x Reader
Warnings: Some Strong Language, Alcohol Use, Slight Violence
Words: 2,541
Y/N/N🌙: party tn since my moms r out? yes? no? maybe so?
madi🚬: yes
queenie👑: Personally I wouldn't risk it but it isn't my idea so go for it ig
zoe🌸: bad idea, none of us have any clue when they'll be back tm
madi🚬: stfu benson
mal🥀: i think zoe's right
Y/N/N🌙: but we haven't had a party in forever
coco💸: "forever" my bday party was last week and we barely made it out of that 1 alive
queenie👑: Then let's test our luck
mal🥀: every time we test our luck Y/N ends up grounded or missing death by a millisecond
Y/N/N🌙: i mean come on i haven't died yet mal
mal🥀: how about a nice quiet movie night
madi🚬: we're throwing a party
mal🥀: :(
zoe🌸: I will not be blamed for this
coco💸: i'm for it
queenie👑: Party it is then
Y/N/N🌙: dibs on playlist duty
coco💸: i want to make the playlist
coco💸: oh fuck you
madi🚬: alcohol?
mal🥀: now that's a REALLY bad idea
Y/N/N🌙: yea madi that's a lil... risky
madi🚬: don't care
zoe🌸: I'm calling it, we're all getting arrested
queenie👑: With that attitude we will!
"I really don't think this is going to end well."
Y/N looked up at Mallory and smiled. She was standing in her doorway, hand still clutched around her phone as more texts from the group chat filled in. Y/N only laughed at the witch, changing her position on her bed to give Mallory room to sit with her. "Okay, honestly, the worst that's gonna happen is I get grounded or someone dies." Mallory sat next to Y/N, rolling her eyes. "And we have you here so we should be fine," Y/N couldn't help but laugh at Mallory's scoff.
"I'm serious Y/N/N," Mallory elbowed Y/N's arm, fighting back the smile that was spreading across her face. "What if something really bad happens? Or what if your moms find out?" she was obviously worried. No matter how much the coven thought about how something would end out it was usually something they couldn't even imagine happening.
"You always assume the worse, it's really a horrible habit when we're trying to break the rules," Y/N laughed, Mallory slapping her shoulder. "Don't go get all pouty on me, you know I'm joking!" Y/N rolled her eyes. "Now help me pick an outfit idiot!"
The party had started hours ago. The girls had been able to have a pretty calm night so far- nothing to threatening of their lives. Madison, like she said she would, had gotten alcohol for the party. Which most of the girls thought was a horrible idea? It took one stupid kid who wasn't supposed to be drinking in the first place to screw up the whole party. But that was a risk Madison was willing to take.
Y/N walked into the kitchen, pushing through drunk teens gathered around an ice chest Madison had filled with beer hours before. She walked over to Zoe and Madison, leaning against the counter next to them. "How's everything going ladies?"
"Pretty well, but I heard Nick just got here," Madison nodded over to the rest of the party outside of the kitchen.
Zoe looked at Y/N in disbelief. "You invited him? Bad fucking idea kid," she shook her head, letting out a breath just thinking about what could happen with Nick Lecompte there. Nick Lecompte was known for being a horrible person. That simple. That's all he was. Not many people liked him or could tolerate his presence- let alone have him at a party.
Y/N shrugged as she thought about it, taking a sip from her cup. "I invited his brother, I felt bad."
"Wow, complete pushover," Madison nudged the girl's shoulder.
Y/N laughed as she shook her head. "Trust me though, if he causes any trouble the bitch will be thrown out a window faster than he can come up with an excuse for acting like an asshole."
"Where's Mal?" Zoe thought she had seen Y/N with Mallory not too long ago, them both out in the living room tomorrow.
"Out there with Coco. What about Queenie?"
"Drinking game in the backyard," Madison nodded. "She's kicking ass too."
"Nice," Y/N laughed.
"Everything's good so far, right?"
"Actually yeah! There was this one girl who took her bra off and whatever but her friends got to her," Y/N laughed loudly. "It's getting a little crazy, by nothing we can't handle, right?"
"Why does Coco look like she's about to explode?" Madison nodded over to the blonde entering the kitchen. The others looked over, laughing to themselves. "That's a you problem, we have to go," Madison took Zoe's hand into her own and dragged her off out of the other entrance of the kitchen.
Y/N just shook her head, taking another sip from her drink before turning to Coco. "Hey, we've got a problem," Coco grabbed Y/N's arm in a hurry.
"What happened?"
"Nick happened."
Y/N groaned as she followed Coco out of the kitchen. "Explain to me what's going on!" Y/N ran a hand over her face.
Coco shrugged her shoulders. She seemed to be in some sort of miniature panic. "I think he grabbed Mallory's ass or so-"
"What?" Y/N was a little too loud, people turning to look at her. "Where the Hell is she?"
"I left her with some guy I know, but Nick's still aggravating her," Coco looked back at Y/N. "I mean, just look." She motioned to Nick attempting to talk to Mallory just a few people ahead. Before she knew it Y/N had pushed ahead of her and towards the small group of people watching the chaos unfold. She had no option other than to follow her further into the sea of people in the living room.
Y/N stepped between Nick and Mallory, making sure she pushed Nick far away enough. He stumbled into someone behind them, he had obviously been drinking. "Hey, do we have a fucking problem here Lecompte?" Y/N took a step closer to the boy, eyebrow raised in question as she looked up at him.
Nick smiled at Y/N- a toothy, cunning jackass type of smile. "It's all cool Goode," he mocked Y/N, tilting his head to the side as he laughed at himself. He attempted to push her aside, placing his hand on her shoulder. Y/N slapped his hand away in response, making him upset to say the absolute least. He furrowed his brows in confusion in response to Y/N, looking down at her. "Look, I'm just trying to talk to her-"
"-Really?" people were starting to stare at the small group now, the room getting a little bit quieter than it was before. Y/N took a deep breath to calm herself, closing her eyes briefly to try and maintain her composure. "Listen, you were barely invited to this party, you should just really fucking leave," she nodded over to the door. That was his first warning for now, but Y/N was sure she would have to give him at least one more before she lost her cool.
Nick gave her another cocky smile as he leaned down closer to her face. "Or what princess?" he said the words too innocently, making sure to pop each one just to get on Y/N's nerves even more.
Y/N's eyes got darker as she heard that, her free hand clenching into a fist. Her blood was beginning to boil. "What the fuck did you just call me?" she kept her voice low, her teeth gritted as she stared up at the boy.
He laughed drunkenly, running a hand through his hair. "I said, princess," he was acting as if he was talking to a child. Maybe it was his drunkenness that was preventing him from seeing the fire in Y/N's eyes or it could have been the dark lightning of the room. "You shouldn't be stressing like this, go enjoy yourself," he patted Y/N's shoulder.
Nick attempted to move her to the side again, but Y/N stood her ground as she hit his hand away once more. "Say it again Nick," Y/N smiled innocently, nodding her head as she let out a sarcastic laugh. "I fucking dare you to say it again," she encouraged him, a dangerous smile covering her features.
He rolled his eyes, looking around the party before he leaned down again. "Princes-"
He was cut short when Y/N's fist met his face quickly. The punch threw him off balance, causing him to fall to the floor. Y/N only shook her head as she looked down at him, taking a sip from her cup before she "accidentally" let it fall out of her hand and onto the boy. "Oh, my bad Nick. I didn't see you down there," she let out a sarcastic gasp. "You have exactly two minutes to get your shit together and get the fuck out of my house. If you're not out in time I will set you on fire in the backyard like you're a goddamn bonfire. Get this dick out of here Ty," she looked up at Nick's brother, motioning to the mess on the floor beneath them.
Ty only shook his head as he bent down to help Nick. "Come on, get the fuck up dude," he grabbed him by the shoulders, pulling him to his feet.
Mallory grabbed Y/N's wrist, turning her around to look at her. Complete worry covered her features as she looked at Y/N. The commotion around them started to settle down, the noise rising in the room again. "That was a little intense, don't you think?"
Y/N shook her head. She looked over her shoulder at the boy getting carried out. She tried not to laugh when she turned back around, knowing that Mallory was actually worried about her. "It's fine. Are you okay?"
Mallory nodded her head quickly."I'm fine," she reassured Y/N with a soft smile, resting her hand on the girl's shoulder. "You aren't though," her eyes widened when she caught sight of Y/N's hand. "Look your knuckles are bleeding!" she took the witch's hand into her own, a worried pout covering her features.
Y/N shook her head as she inspected her hand. "Mal, I'm fine," she rolled her eyes. In her mind it was just a little scrape that would be healed in a few days, no big deal at all.
Mallory's face deadpanned. "There's blood running down your hand, that doesn't seem like fine to me," she crossed her arms before taking Y/N's other hand into her's. "Come on," she dragged her through the crowd of people, pushing through as fast as she could manage with a retaliating witch behind her.
"Who said it was my blood?" Y/N shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe I left a mark on the bitch?" she smiled at Mallory as they stopped in the kitchen.
"Not funny," Mallory didn't seem amused with Y/N in the slightest. "Sit," she demanded before she started to search the cabinets. Y/N didn't even say anything before she sat on the counter, swinging her feet back and forth as she watched Mallory. "I can't believe you did that!" Mallory turned to Y/N with a first aid kit in her hands. "What if he would have hit you back or something? You don't always have to be the hero," she shook her head as she started to search the box of medical supplies for what she needed.
Y/N scoffed dramatically. "Are you doubting my strength?" she smiled jokingly at Mallory. The witch only glared at her as she grabbed her hand, starting to clean the wounds with a wipe. "And I think I make a pretty good hero if I do say so myself, half drunk or-"
"-Y/N I swear to God," Mallory looked up at Y/N. She looked like she was going to slap her or pull her off the counter. Y/N couldn't tell. It was too dark.
"Sorry...," she rubbed the back of her neck. "Ow!" she attempted to pull her hand back from Mallory's grasp, only for her to grab it again.
"I thought it was his blood?" she smirked up at Y/N, her only rolling her eyes in response. "You can't go around punching all your problems."
Y/N scoffed loudly."It was Nick Lecompte!" Nick Lecompte was the biggest dick Y/N had ever met- and she had met some pretty big dicks. "I should be allowed to punch that problem if an- Ow Mallory! Jesus!"
"Sorry," she mumbled the apology before she went back to trying to bandage Y/N's hand without hurting her too much more than she already was. "Nick or not violence doesn't solve everything," she shook her head. "There, all bandaged up."
"You should put a bandaid on my forehead like the guys in high school around here wear to look cool."
"You're so lame," Mallory laughed, shaking her head at Y/N.
"Wow, thanks!" Y/N scoffed sarcastically, bringing a hand to her chest to seem even more dramatic. Mallory rolled her eyes at Y/N, hitting the girl's arm playfully. She put the first aid kit back in the cabinet. "Are you sure you're okay? He didn't hurt you did he?"
Mallory shook her head. She reached for Y/N's hand, squeezing it tightly. "I'm fine. If the guy would've hurt me I really would have let you give it to him," they laughed together lightly. If Mallory was hurt Y/N would probably be kicking Nick's face in on the front lawn by now. That would be a sight for sure. "Thanks by the way," Mallory smiled up at Y/N. "You really didn't have to do that for me," Mallory whispered, her cheeks reddening.
Y/N only laughed nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck. "He deserved it, no one should be treated like that," she shrugged her shoulders. "Thanks for this though," she held up her bandaged hand.
"Don't scare me like that, you could've gotten hurt," Mallory pulled Y/N into a hug, resting her head on the girl's chest as she let out a comforting sigh.
Y/N wrapped her arms around Mallory, letting her head rest on top of the other girl's. "See now you're getting all soft and I feel bad!" Y/N huffed as she looked down at Mallory. Mallory met her gaze, smiling sheepishly at the witch.
"Have you had a lot to drink tonight?" Y/N could barely hear her over the music, just barely catching what she has asked. She shook her head slowly, confused by the question. "Good, because I want you to remember this," she pulled Y/N into a kiss, having to balance on her tippy toes to reach her. Shock took over Y/N only for a second before her hands moved to grab Mallory's face. Mallory smiles into the kiss as Y/N deepened it.
"Oh my God!"
Mallory and Y/N pulled away from the kiss quickly. Their attention shot to Zoe and Coco in the doorway of the kitchen. "What the fuck Coco?"
"Holy shit, Madison owes me twenty bucks."
Mallory shook her head, burying her face in her hands. "What do you want?"
Coco nodded herself back to reality. "Oh right! Zoe is clearing everyone out, something broke somewhere that's all I know."
"Great," Y/N groaned loudly, throwing her head back. "We should go help."
"Yeah that's better than swallowing each other's faces."
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