#I’m not tagging each individual character💀
repliiku · 1 year
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Here are a select amount of homestucks from the past many weeks. I will try to post theme more conveniently as I have just noticed I have a lot bigger of a following on here than I thought I did 💀
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Hey Raven! 👋🏻 I just went through your #my art, and i wanted to tell you that i really really really like your artworks of Miss Raven and Co. You truly put a lot of effort into your artwork, and it shows! With each new drawing, you seem to be getting better! ✏️💕
As i mentioned earlier, i really liked your Miss Raven drawings! they're so cute! especially when you drew Miss Raven in alternative clothing. I also like how much detail you put in your designs for Miss Raven, like the ones for the Fairy Gala or Masquerade Ball are so beautiful 🥺 and still fit her character!
The one you did with her wearing different dorm uniforms from each dorm was such a cool idea! it was interesting to see how she may have appeared if Miss Raven was transferred to said dorms! call me biased, but i liked the octavinelle design the most 😂 but poor Miss Raven. If she had to work part-time in Mostro lounge, she'll have to avoid two predatory Eels 😭 One wants to tease her while the other either wants to squeeze her or dump all his work on her cuz he isn't feeling it today, then there's Azul who takes advantaged of the fact that Miss Raven is close to headmaster Crowley and makes profit 📈 Run Miss Raven Run!!!
Anyway, I think i'm going to steal her away and fight off a certain dangerous and manipulate Eel, a Skilful Hunter, a Lazy Lion, and a dude with the power of christ (idk is Rollo x Raven even a thing?!).
I always look forward to seeing a new artwork of yours truly~
[Referencing this tag!]
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Wehhh 😭 I’m glad you find enjoyment in my silly little doodles! Art is definitely an area I’m less comfortable with, but I do like dabbling in it when the mood strikes.
There’s something therapeutic in designing a new look for your OC! You take the time to consider their individual style, the overall theme, and how you can marry the two to create a cute outfit~ I’m really happy with how Raven’s Fairy Gala Couture came out; it’s definitely one of my favorite looks for her. The Masquerade outfit was also fun for me to assemble, but it seems a lot less cohesive in hindsight (probably because I didn’t line + color it, so it’s harder to distinguish individual elements??).
The NRC dorm uniforms (+ the sequel with RSA and NBC uniforms) was another cool project! I think my favorites from those are the Heartslabyul look (just because I’m a sucker for the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic + Raven is twisted from the raven in its infamous riddle), the Diasomnia look (it gives “fairy tale princess turned knight” energy), and the Noble Bell look (because the extra fabric is nice and flowy). You can see how the environment and the personality of each school/dorm influences her, right? ^^ It’s also interesting to think about how differently Raven might have turned out if each of these places had more of an influence on her life.
Bruh 💀 I think she’d die if she worked at the Mostro Lounge, dealing with customers and shady coworkers and employer… though that’s not to say that any of the other dorms would necessarily be better! Miss Raven would have gripes with or rivals in each of them somehow. It’s the Night Raven College way, I guess??
One of these things is not like the other… Looking back on it, 3 out of 4 of those are basically predatory-prey dynamics there there’s a type developing and I don’t know if I like it/j 😂 I’d say Jade’s the “main” love interest, while Rook’s the “oh, he’s cute” one… L*ona kind of started as a crack ship but now I think it’s more of a one-sided thing?? Like, Miss Raven still sees L*ona as sort of a rival, whereas he’s grown a little fond of her but knows he can’t do much to sway her… It’s the eternally “second place” syndrome… 😔
Rollo has the most complex relationship with her (sure, call it a ship if you want 😂), built primarily on a strange savior complex. He did some heinous stuff and dislikes her because she’s very pro-magic—but I think there’s a part of him that feels like she’s a lost lamb that’s been led astray by Draconia and therefore he needs to “save” and “correct” her. Problem is, he’s bad at Emotions so his anger gets redirected at Miss Raven herself. Meanwhile, Miss Raven realizes the similarities between herself and Rollo, so she wants to be a friend to him. She sort of forces him to be her pen pal (thinking that writing down how he feels will help him cope with what happened). So weirdly enough, Raven wants to “save” Rollo and Rollo wants to “save” Raven (but both suck at communicating well).
Who knows, we’ll see how things play out from here Nd when the whim to draw strikes next 📝
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no1ryomafan · 8 months
Thought about how given I’ve written so much for getter and rotate enough in my brain I could make hypothetical “how to write this characters” post if those even exists until I remember the factors of:
<the status of the tags doesn’t warrant a lot of writers as is and the only person to ask me this was a irl <I don’t wanna be gatekeepy even if I wouldn’t put my bias into it <who the fuck would it really be about besides ryoma and maybe hayato bc honest to god just grasping the team dynamic of the getter will make you be able to understand each individual pilot <I doubt myself I even write 100% in character despite what I’m told 💀
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lunarfolds · 2 years
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dossier / connections / pinterest / threads
     i wish i could relay just how excited i am for this group OERIEOE i’m an avid player of stardew valley and i always really loved how different each character in the game is and how they all cohabitate with one another, it’s EXCELLENT and i think it makes for such a nice rp environment ^.^ anyway, spiel over, i am goofy (i watched a goofy movie before i sent my reserve pls forgive me) and i bring to you my gentle ball of chaos, park minsi! i’m sorry if this feels disjointed or rushed at all, as i made a ton of last minute changes 💀 anyway, she’s a chef at her family’s bed & breakfast and an avid surfer, which can be an issue since something she finds so fun and distracting is so close to where she works~ i also have a few pages for her linked above, and if you’re interested in plotting or chatting, just like this post and i’ll come and say hello! also, don’t be scared to ask for my discord if you prefer ^.^
❃ ↷ ˊ- pelican town is all abuzz about PARK MINSI, our resident 23-year old CHEF AT EUNHASU BED & BREAKFAST. you know, the one who looks like SON CHAEYOUNG? i don’t see it, but maybe that’s just because they remind me of THE CRUNCH OF LOCALLY SOURCED VEGETABLES AS THEY’RE BEING SLICED BY A STEADY HAND, T-SHIRTS THAT SMELL MORE LIKE SURBOARD WAX THAN PERSON and WILDFLOWERS TUCKED BEHIND A HEAVILY PIERCED EAR every time i see them at THE BEACH. word around town is that they’re increasingly SOFT-SPOKEN and GREGARIOUS, but can get rather UNPREDICTABLE. hope to see them around the valley soon!
minsi originally hails from busan; the daughter of a traveling musician father and a hotel manager mother.
she has both an older sister and a younger brother, so she was always surrounded by lots of love on all sides growing up.
with two fairly successful parents, the children were extremely well taken care of. there was really no dysfunction to be had among them. minsi’s mother and father were deeply in love and treated their children with a lot of encouragement, support and affection. minsi got along really well with her siblings and, while there was of course the occasional disagreement, theirs was a peaceful home for the most part.
one of minsi’s favorite things to do was help out in the kitchen whenever someone was cooking food. she’d shadow them, getting out ingredients for them and watching with great interest as they prepared each thing individually, before bringing it all together for a complete meal. cooking was a fast fascination for her.
living so close to the water, the doe eyed girl also loved going to the beach whenever she could annoy her mother into taking her. 
she’d build sandcastles and watch the waves roll in a few feet away, feeling utterly at peace with the world. lobbed up with sunscreen, she’d bounce around in her water wings, trying to get into further depths before her mother would tug her back closer to shore. she would cry when they all had to leave, making her mother give her a good ten minutes to say goodbye to her favorite seashells before they left. 
there was a beginner’s surfing class being taught one summer at her favorite beach, and after begging her mother for a good week to let her take it, the woman finally agreed. she loved coasting over the small waves, even if it was a struggle to balance. each time she’d successfully stay up, she’d feel this pleasant feeling in her stomach that made it feel like she was floating; like she could have tasted the sunshine.
the only real thing that always bothered minsi was when her father had to go back on the road to play music. she loved to see him play, but because she and her siblings had school, she was unable to ever really tag along with him. there would be months-long absences between getting to see him, and it took its toll in its own way.
her requests to go to the beach would become less and less frequent, and she would completely lose interest in helping anyone cook, even when prompted.
thankfully, when minsi was twelve years old, her father reached something of an impasse. he knew that if he continued to work and travel as a musician, he would miss out on a lot more moments with his family; especially seeing his children grow up. he was ready to make a choice.
minsi’s parents had always had a lifelong dream to open up a bed & breakfast by the sea, and they were beginning to think it may have been time to invest in the idea. busan was full of similar business ideas, so they wanted to open up shop somewhere there’d be a gap in the market.
after doing some research, the two settled on the beach in stardew valley as the site of their business. a gorgeous structure was erected a few yards back from the shoreline, with distinctive blue paneling that made it look like a natural part of the scenery.
while minsi’s parents went to work setting up for the opening of their bed & breakfast, the children settled in at school in the idyllic town, finding comfort among the quaint surroundings and the more consistent presence of their father.
as minsi grew into her teen years, she did have a tiny rebellious streak. she didn’t become super bratty or anything, but she did obtain a couple of tattoos with a fake signature from her parents when she was 16.
her parents were half furious and half confused. none of their children had ever really stepped out of line in this way, so they didn’t know what to do in the situation. they grounded her, but they also discussed the decision with her. she said that she felt like it was her choice to make, and if it was something she wanted on her body, it wasn’t really anyone else’s business. they kind of found that logic hard to argue with.
while they weren’t crazy about it, they started giving her genuine permission to get inked, mostly because they knew she would just do it anyway.
she was able to cook more than ever, too, becoming the unofficial chef’s assistant in the b&b’s kitchen on the weekends when she didn’t have school to attend. it was just the taste of the culinary profession she needed to push her into obtaining the official training.
when she graduated from high school, minsi decided to attend a two-year culinary academy so that she could receive her official certification. it was difficult being away from the place that had come to feel the most like home to her, not to mention her family and friends, but all the homesickness was forgotten when she finally came back to town.
she’s become the official chef of eunhasu, and was able to set up her own menu using produce from local farms and fresh seafood from the nearby ocean. said menu is her absolute pride & joy!
she’s still obsessed with surfing too, and it’s not uncommon to find her riding one out while still on the clock. ( hey, breaks are a thing and the ocean is literally right there :c ) but considering that food can be ordered any time of the day at the bed & breakfast, she has a device that buzzes her when she needs to get back on the double~
minsi is a really sweet, caring and well-rounded person in all honesty. she doesn’t like to raise her voice or argue, and she will basically withdraw inside herself like a turtle if you try that with her. but at the same time, she kinda does what she wants ? like if she knows she wants something and that it’s important to her, she’s gonna roll with it. she doesn’t like confrontation though, so she’ll likely just sidestep it to do The Thing sneakily.
in friendship, minsi is supportive, loyal and affectionate. if you’re there for her, she will always be there for you in return. she loves to make sure everyone is fed and might even pop in unexpectedly with a picnic basket of goodies ! she’d be the type to invite friends to stay at her apartment with her every night like a little mini party with drinks and movies and snacks, too !
in love, minsi is reeeeeeally shy. she has a hard time being direct about her feelings, even though deep down she’s a true romantic. she’d likely do a lot of small gestures in secret so that you feel appreciated, even if you don’t know she’s responsible for it. she has multiple love languages, but acts of service is where she really shines !
all in all, she’s a sporty, yet soft capricorn who’s willing to both ride and die
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jeanvanjer · 2 years
Thoughts on Polin all but confirmed as going next? My regards to Simone and JB’s backs this upcoming season💀
I get a bunch in asks about Polin which I choose to ignore. But I’m bored now so 😬. I’ll be tagging this as anti Polin even though this post is just critical and shouldn’t be seen as hateful. Should this offend anyone, I’m sorry? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Im taking that news as speculation. Until shooting is close to starting and they’ve officially confirmed it. That being said it makes no sense at all. Benedict really grew on me this season (book Ben was not it but Show Ben has proven me wrong) and I’ve always loved Sophie. I’d really rather see them but one would assume there would be some sort of explicit lead up to either Benophie or Polin and there wasn’t any, not like Anthony had for s1.
I’m not invested in Polin at all. Especially how they’re portrayed in the show. Penelope is a weird character and I find it hard for myself to root for her at all. I never liked the whole LW business in the book and in the show I find it worse. Penelope doesn’t have a believable villain redemption arc. Colin isn’t a character I can see carry a season as a “lead”. Which makes Shondalonads whole ensemble pitch make so much sense. He doesn’t have much to him that isn’t directly related to Penelope. And it’s a bit sad because Newts is very charming irl, but I don’t think the writers have given him enough where he understands Colin as Colin and not as an extension of Penelope not have they written Polins side plots that relate to him as an individual without bringing Penelope into it. Also I don’t sense any chemistry between them? I could be proven wrong but as of now? Nope. I see Polin being written up by the showrunners as a LW with a side of Colin than an actual Polin romance.
To me s3 for Polin would be very detrimental to the couple. They aren’t there at all enough to give off a convincing romance all the whole dealing with all that LW bull. They both need to mature a lot before actually considering each other or anyone a serious love interest.
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foreverethereal123 · 3 years
I'm so excited for this day because I can give a shoutout to all the amazing, talented, and kind people I talk to (not that I don't do that already, but at least I can do it today without coming off as a creep)🤷🏻‍♀😂🤣
So, I joined this fandom around 5 months ago, I would just search things under the tag TRR, admire edits, laugh at choices memes and find some random fanfics. But since I was a newbie, I didn't know how to reblog and that shit just used to disappear before I had a chance to save it.💀🤷🏻‍♀🙃 That was the story of my life until I messaged a certain fanfic writer one day (I was scared to death btw💀) but she was so kind, thoughtful, and didn't block me, I'm very thankful for her, I'm talking about none other than @ao719 *a big round of applause*💕, then I talked to @bbrandy2002 (who is also very amazing and friendly and talented❤). Since then I've talked to so many people, and I'm grateful for each one of you! I love, love, love talking to you, guys. Talking about our favorite pixelated characters, sharing our mutual dislike of PB, discussing various LIs and so much more!! I know I can be very annoying, and I know I tempt you to block me! But is it all out of love? YESSS!! Abso-fucking-lutely! I only talk to you, annoy the shit out of you, because I appreciate you and love you!🤣💕❤💕❤
This post is so chaotic, I'm just typing whatever I am thinking. I would love nothing more than talking about each one of you individually because all of you are phenomenal! But I'm a talentless bitch, I don't know how to write in a manner that makes sense. But hey, I have accepted it! I don't know how to express my feelings (which may or may not be the reason for a lot of things that are wrong in my life but TODAY'S NOT ABOUT THAT, P! SHUT IT!!🤦🏻‍♀) but it's okay! It's okay! It's definitely okay! *cries internally*
What I'm trying to say is, I love all of you, I love talking to you and you guys deserve nothing but the best. I'm grateful for our friendship. I'm grateful that you exist! I'm grateful that you gift me with soooo many amazing fanfics!! I LOVE YOU! You're stuck with me! I'll always message you and tell you my thoughts about things you didn't even ask me for! Accept this!😂🤣❤💕❤💕
Tagging some of the people I want to address this very non-sense, chaotic and long thoughtful and loving blog to :
@ao719 @burnsoslow @sfb123 @txemrn @sincerelyella @queenrileyrose @dcbbw @kat-tia801 @phoenixrising308 @choiceskatie @bebepac
I'm also tagging @charlotteg234 because, girl, I cannot wait for you to put your stories out there! Rest assured I'll spam the shit out of your inbox!😂❤
BYEEEE, if you've reached till the end, THANK YOU!!
@choicesfandomappreciation 💕
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