#I’m not gonna fall off the wagon but I WILL probably say something mean and leave early ahahaha
sparklyslug · 1 year
“If you were really my friend you’d drink with me” yawning my ENTIRE FACE OFF you could not sound more fucking boring with that shit
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iwozlegit · 2 years
K, L, and Z 👀👀👀
This totally hasn’t been getting dusty or anything in my askbox, ahahahahahaha -_-
I’m probably gonna use TFP for this just for ease because things it could get confusing 👁️👄👁️
Answering ~
|| 🍍• K- What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
~ Controversial but Megatron. No, don’t worry, I’m not talking about the lacklustre redemption arc - not fully anyways. If you know me outside of my boy Wheeljack, you’ll know this spiky boy is probably one of, if not, my favourite character. He’s just got so many layers - evidentially mostly evil but still.
I like how Megatron goes full circle. He starts off in the beginning of canon with relatively decent concepts and thoughts and then falls off the revolution wagon to dictatorville. It’s poetic because, he becomes what he wanted to destroy. And it doesn’t take some ex-bff-librarian-turned-disciple-of-God to show him he’s messed up a lot…it’s fucking robo Satan. Megatron is forced to endure a brief glimpse of life trapped under the hellish whims of another, and in turns is forced to see how life has become for every Decepticon beneath him. He’s reduced to somewhat reliving the little freedom he had aeons ago with the caste-system still intact. I mean at one point he covers/shields his face when Unicron looms over him when the Chaos Bringer says: “You possess nothing. It is I that posses all you were, and ever will be.” Like, call it what you want…justice served to a tyrant…but I see it as fear. Megatron thrives as the controller but not the controlled. There’s evident trauma there.
This whole circle cycle thingy he’s got going on is further elucidated when Megatron orders the Predacon clones to be eradicated…because they were too risky because they would be too powerful…kinda like a wayward gladiator bent on changing the world…👀
L- Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn't one of your faves. (Characters you're neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
~ Arcee genuinely cares about others a lot, and that’s good. She’s not one of my massive massive faves, but I appreciate her character’s arc/backstory is a bit dark. I generally dislike the Autobots to be fair solely with the black/white narrative of : “we’re the good guys, those guys are fucked”
Z- Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
~ tfp would’ve been infinitely better if the morals and ethics of everyone had been questioned. The cons actually seen as caring for others, soldier to soldier. The bots answering for all the killings they’ve committed as the supposed good guys. All of this happening during like a ceasefire/truce with all the characters would’ve been GREAT. Better, non-stereotypical queer representation!!
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Stood Up
Pairing: Sero/F!Reader
Summary: When you find your dating making out with someone else at a Halloween party, Hanta swoops in and reclaims your evening, rekindling an old flame.
Contains: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Demisexual Reader, Astronomy/Greek Lore Nerd Sero, Old flame
Warnings: 18+ Below the cut, Minors DNI! Swearing, Demi Problems, Praise/Smidge of Degradation, Name-calling (slut & whore), Pet names (Love, good girl, pretty girl), Car Sex, F Masturbation, Oral M Receiving (Road Head) I think that's everything
A/N: This took me much longer than I expected. It's also my first time writing Sero. Given the season, I decided to add a touch of Halloween and costumes to this one.
If you'd like to read other's in the Stood Up series, here are the links:
Stood Up - Bakugo - WC 3,502
Stood Up - Kirishima - WC 3,612
Stood Up - Kaminari - WC 2,461
Word Count Starting Below: 3,494
Denki Kaminari's annual Halloween bash was in full swing by the time Hanta had arrived. He'd come straight from patrol, wrapping himself up in his own tape making a half assed mummy costume for himself. Not like anyone would notice with the flashing colored lights, loud music, and abundance of liquor.
However, Hanta didn't even make it up to the double glass front doors of Denki's home. Not before doing a double take at the very familiar pirate that ran by him.
"Y/N?" You stopped allowing him the chance to catch up to you, "Holy shit, it is you, when the hell did you get back?"
Three years you'd been gone, working in America. Time differences and busy schedules made it so the two of you barely kept in touch. It was a shame, Hanta thought, considering how close the two of you used to be.
"I- uh- just a few weeks now. I heard you were helping out with the disaster relief after that storm."
It had to be his eyes playing tricks on him, the funny colors of the dancing lights were what made your cheeks look wet, right? Those couldn't have been tears.
"I was, yeah, but I got back yesterday. I didn't know-"
"Get the hell outta here!" His head snapped back towards the front of the house, just in time to see Eijiro, dressed in an impressive werewolf costume, literally throw someone out of the party. The guy drunkenly stumbled off, Eijiro walking over towards where Hanta was standing with you. "Y/N, you good?"
You nodded while Hanta tried to piece together what'd happened. "Sorry, it took me a second to find the bastard. Do ya wanna come back in? I'll make sure he leaves."
"No, Eijiro, thanks though. I'm just gonna head home."
The wolfman frowned but understood. "We'll have a smaller party for ya! Just the gang as a welcome home! You know Denki will look for any excuse to throw a party." He turned his gaze on Hanta. "A mummy, really?"
"You've been a damn werewolf for the last two years! You don't get to give me crap."
Eijiro poked the fuzzy pointed red ears carefully set into his spiky hair. "Mina and I worked real hard on this costume... seemed like a waste to only wear it once."
"We both know you haven't just worn those once, big man."
That got a chuckle out of you while all Eijiro could do was shrug and try to hide a shit-eating grin.
He asked you again if you'd like to stay and once more you said you were going to just head home. It was when you specifically said you were going to be walking home that Hanta spoke up offering to drive you back to your home since it was Halloween and people were creeps.
You were a damn pro hero but he still didn't feel right about just letting you walk home alone.
When you agreed he told Eijiro he'd be back soon and walked over with you to his car.
A part of you missed the old station wagon Hanta used to drive, not that this BMW he now drove wasn't absolutely amazing, you just sort of missed the comfort of the old car.
He waited until he'd reached the end of Denki's long, winding driveway to finally speak. "So, you wanna tell me what happened back there, or am I just supposed to pretend like Kiri didn't kick someone out on your behalf?"
"You could probably just ask Kiri and he'd tell you."
"I could, but, I'd like to hear it from you."
You knew you could tell him, there was nothing you couldn't tell Hanta. There was once a time when the man knew every single detail about your life. Sure, time and distance had put a strain on that relationship but you were back now. There was no reason why you couldn't at least start rebuilding what you and Hanta once had.
"Y/N, if you don't wanna say anything-"
"I was just casually seeing this guy. You know me and dating, how we don't always work out." You said abruptly and he quit talking, "And so, we weren't like official but we said we'd go to this party together. Well, I got here and went looking for him and found him making out with one of Hawks' sidekicks. I got a little upset when he noticed me and, well, he just said he found someone better."
Hanta actually stopped the car, pulled off to the side of the road, threw it in park, and looked right at you because he knew what found someone better meant exactly. You'd used those words in high school when that guy from Shiketsu that you'd been seeing got pissed off that you wouldn't put out and ended it with you. You went to his dorm crying because he 'found someone better', is what you told him. It took him a few hours to get the truth out of you.
You'd always been the kind of person to love with your entire heart but sexually, you'd confessed that you felt different from all the other kids your age back then. Not having the same urges and desires that everyone else seemed stricken with.
"Hanta, it's fine, really. Kiri heard the whole thing and, well, you saw what happened."
"Doesn't make it right! So, you went on a couple dates with a guy, that doesn't mean he just gets to expect you to put out for him! Even if you weren't demi, no one gets to just assume they deserve sex."
His lips were pressed in a narrow line, nostrils flared once in annoyance. He was usually so calm and laid back that you thought it rather cute when he got overprotective. "It's alright, Hants, really."
He still gave you a look that said he disagreed but then shook his head, dropping the subject for now at least.
"Still like those late-night drives?"
"I love them."
Hanta waited for a car to pass and whipped the car in the other direction.
It wasn't long before he had the windows rolled down, conversations filling in the blanks of lost time, in between belting out choruses of your favorite songs. Minutes slipped by the further he drove, you lost track of both time and kilometers, letting him tell you all about the ridiculous antics the group had been up to.
Eventually, you caught the scent of salty air and even in the dark, you had a pretty good idea where Hanta was going. He followed a winding road, making two left turns and then a right leaving you on a stretch of road that paralleled the ocean.
You let your head fall against the seat, eyes falling shut and inhaling that wonderful smell you missed so much. Hanta had just one hand lazily on the wheel, his elbow resting out the open window, a relaxed smile was illuminated in soft orange lights off his dash.
You let your head roll onto his shoulder, not as easily done without the bench seat in his station wagon but it worked nonetheless. "Thanks."
His free hand came to rest on your knee, "Anytime."
He turned the wheel, pulling over and parking in front of a small beach access that you guys had found at 3 in the morning five years prior. Hanta kicked off his shoes, leaving them in the car to avoid them being sand-filled and you did the same with the knee-high boots purely because you longed to feel the sand between your toes.
The wooden planks were worn, parts buried beneath the sand until eventually, none remained. Breaking waves flooded your ears and you made a run for them! Before you could reach the lapping water though, tape had wound around your middle and yanked you backward.
"Not happening!" Hanta said firmly. "Last time I let you talk me into late-night swimming we didn't have a change of clothes either and we both got so sick! I think I might have actually died without Bakugo's soup!"
You chuckled, remembering being nineteen and curled up with Hanta on the sofa in the living room of the apartment you all shared for nearly a week. The sniffles didn't cease for almost three weeks.
"Okay, okay, no swimming." You flopped back down into the sand, his tape still attached meaning the cellophane hero was pulled down with you. "Tell me about the stars then, Hants. Who's out tonight?"
Astronomy was a hobby of Hanta's you learned about after moving into the dorms your first year. It wasn't uncommon to find him out on the roof most nights, laying on his back and looking up into the clear night sky littered with twinkling stars, usually with a joint pressed between his lips. It became almost a habit for him to grab you on his way up, pulling you along because you were more than happy listening to him tell you about each constellation and the stories behind them.
It was around this time of year, in your final year of high school; somewhere between him recalling the greek mythos of Aries and Sagittarius that you noticed your heart beating a little faster. You realized something had shifted between the two of you, and, holy shit, was this what it felt like to have a crush! When the hell did that happen?
You'd entrusted everything to Hanta back then, and now, laying in the sand shoulder to shoulder while he talked about Draco, that familiar feeling stirred again. You remembered what it was supposed to be like when you weren't forcing it for some random guy. How simple it was supposed to be.
You inclined on an elbow and he stopped mid-sentence. "Eh, everything alright?" You nodded but he looked anything but convinced, mirroring your position and asking you again.
It was easy for you to lean forward, to brush your lips against his for the first time in three years. And, when you pulled away, he looked about as shocked as he had the night you'd done it when you were eighteen.
"You- you still like me?"
When you left for America, you'd both agreed to put a pause on your sort of relationship. Free to date and screw whomever you pleased because three years was a long time and it just seemed like a fair decision to make. The realization that he might now have someone else special in his life dawned on you...
"Yeah but I totally understand if things are different now and I shoulda asked- oof!"
He kissed you so hard you toppled back into the sand, quick pecks, one right after another, ending them with a long one that nearly left you breathless.
"I didn't know how to bring it up. I didn't want to make you feel awkward about things or make you think I expected something. I thought that maybe since we didn't talk for a while your feelings might have changed."
"I can say with confidence they haven't."
"Thank fuck." He groaned and captured your lips in another searing kiss.
It was easy to lift his shirt off, the shreds of tape that remained were now covered with gritty sand that clung to your fingers as you traced the chest and torso you knew so well. Gliding over defined muscles, lingering on old scars and mapping out new ones he'd collected in your time apart.
His own hands were busy flicking open the brass fastenings of your corset, huffing about it being so much more difficult to get to your chest and something about it being very unfair.
By the time he'd undone the last one, bright headlights shown across the beach. "Shit."
Giggling ensued from the walkway and you both sighed, at least it wasn't the police or a hero patrol. Hanta gathered his shirt and ran back to his car with his hand in yours.
"I thought our days of being caught were over."
"At least it wasn't Mr. Aizawa this time."
A chill ran down your spine remembering the night and the lecture you'd received when your teacher had caught Hanta sneaking out of your room early one morning.
"So, uh, do you still plan on going to Denki's party?" You asked innocently enough but Hanta knew you far too well.
"I think I'm gonna miss it this year." His hand found a home on your upper thigh. "Apparently, you and I have a lot of catching up to do. Lost time to make up for and all that."
"Too bad you don't have that old station wagon anymore. If you did, we wouldn't have to wait to get back."
Dark eyes glanced over at you not so subtly parting your legs.
"I dunno. It's not too often I travel in the backseat of my own car but I've been told it's pretty roomy. Lots of legroom."
Your hand ran over your legs, dipping down to lightly brush your more sensitive parts, thankful you opted for the thin pair of black leggings rather than the dark skinny jeans. Your fingers danced again and this time you let a soft moan pass your lips. "Eyes on the road, Hants."
"That's a little hard to do when I've got you spread out in the passenger's seat." He grabbed your free hand and pressed it against the bulge in his pants. "You've got me distracted, filthy little woman."
You appreciated him testing the waters, a subtle way of checking if you liked those nicknames he used only in private with you, giving you a chance to protest if your likes had changed. They were one's that only felt right coming from him and you were eager to hear more.
Forgoing your own high, you leaned over the center console as best you could, undoing his belt first, followed quickly by his zipper letting his strained cock be free.
His grip tightened on your leg when you kissed the tip of him. "Just like old times, huh?"
A chuckle turned quickly into a moan, taking him in your mouth, pushing yourself further on his cock, fighting your gag reflex to get him down your throat. Hanta reclined his seat further, giving you more room to work with.
Your legs clenched tighter with every groan you pulled from him, wiggling your hips in the seat, letting a hand fall back between your own legs. There was an attempt of a moan around his cock when his fingers coiled in your hair. "Such a good slut. Keep fuckin' goin'." He let you continue at your own speed, needing to focus as best he could on the road rather than what you were doing but, damn, you were making that increasingly difficult.
He wasn't stopping you though. He rarely did. You'd sucked him off on countless drives before and only stopped when- "That's it." He lifted you off him by your hair at the same time he pulled off the road. There was a convenient turn-off, hidden by overgrown brush you noticed before he shut off the headlights.
Hanta took you by the chin, smearing drool. "Backseat, pretty girl." He reached into the glove box and pulled out a foil wrapper, "What do you say we test out that legroom?"
He wait to watch your smile grow wide before crawling into the back because he had to be the first to go if this had any chance of working. Once situated, pants under his thighs, he patted his lap for you to climb over.
You slid easily onto his lap, hands traveling up and over his shoulders, kissing hard while you rocked your hips against impossibly hard length.
There was so much comfort in the familiarity of him. It wasn't awkward to fall back into rhythm with Hanta, to remember that he loved the feeling of your nails dragging down his chest. And he was just as eager to get your shirt off, reach your breasts he'd missed so much, and get his tongue on your nipples.
Your head tipped backward, loving the pace he set, hips bouncing creating the perfect tug on your nipples between his teeth.
"Love, if I promise to buy you a new pair, can I rip these damn leggings? They're just so thin and-"
"Please." Your breathy moan had him smirking and with a single grunt the leggings were ruined, cool air from the vents had only a moment to touch your bare ass before Hanta's hands reclaimed it.
There was no way he hadn't felt your arousal before ripping your clothes off, you soaked through your panties and leggings, you knew that, but that didn't stop him from commenting on how soaked you were now on his fingers. "Want me inside you, whore? I think you do."
You nodded with a whimper and he slipped a finger in. "Hants, noo- I- I want your cock, please."
"You're gonna take my fingers like a good little slut first." You clenched at the words falling from his mouth. "So fuckin' tight you can barely take a finger. How'm I supposed to fit in here if you can even take a single finger? Need you to loosen up, alright." He pushed another finger in, scissoring the two inside you.
"This gonna make you cum? You need this bad, don't you? Tell me. Tell me how bad you need to cum."
"I want it. Please, please, I need it. I'm so close," You babbled and ripped the foil open with his teeth, rolling it with one hand on his cock. In an instant, his fingers had been replaced with this dick. Sticky fingers on your ass helping you ease down on him with a hiss.
"Fuck," Hanta let out a throaty chuckle, "You still fuckin' feel the absolute best." He dropped a kiss between your breasts, letting you adjust to his girth. "Perfect. Good girl. Such a fuckin' good little slut."
He wasn't about to last long. Not once you started bouncing up and down on him, your tits right in front of his face.
"Couldn't even wait for me to get you home, had to fucking tease me in the damn car." He held onto the fat of your ass, pulling you along him and slamming you down hard.
"Kinda pathetic how desperate you are. Fuck. Kinda hot too."
When the top of your head bumped the roof of the car, he scooted lower, trying to give you as much room to ride him however you pleased.
"What do you need? You wanna cum, don't you, pretty girl, what do you need?"
"Faster, faster please."
Hanta shifted even lower, making you grab onto the two headrests while he thrust his hips up into you at a rapid speed. His thumb on your clit was the additional stimulation you needed to fall over the edge. Nails clawing at the black leather as he continued to moan below you now chasing his own release.
You stayed poised above him, using every last bit of strength to stay upright until his mouth was rambling and his cock pulsed inside of you. Fingers bruising your skin before holding your pelvis snuggly against his.
He was bent in a way that looked entirely uncomfortable and yet he still smiled so widely. Reaching up to brush hair out of your eyes, "You okay?"
"Perfects, Hants. A little sore but I'm sure you are too." He moved off his lap, letting him slip out of you with a groan, "Is your neck gonna be okay?"
"I'll be fine. Having you back, love, is more than worth a little bit of a neck cramp."
As he tied a knot in the condom, depositing it into a plastic bag he had tucked away under his seat, Hanta raised a brow, "Love, really, are you alright? Please, tell me if I hurt you at all."
"No! I'm good, why?"
"You're sitting silly."
You were sitting a little odd, perched on your knees rather than sitting on your ass because the leather was chilly and you told Hanta as much making him laugh. "Wait, I think I can help." He leaned back to the front of the car, flicking a button making it glow. Once he tucked himself back in his pants he hopped out of the car and you could see him rummaging in his trunk through the rear window.
"I keep forgetting to take this out from our camping trip a couple months ago. Guess it turned out to be a good thing." He laid the blanket down over the passenger's seat, declaring that should help a bit.
You wrapped the now toasty warm blanket around your bottom half while Hanta drove back towards the city, your head on his shoulder, his hand on your thigh.
"So, shopping tomorrow? I believe I owe you a pair of leggings..."
"It's a date."
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
Gold Strings & Red Picks- PT 1
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pair: Ron Weasley x Reader; he/him.
Summary: The Weasley's invented a band! Having a band, means you need a band manager; someone to help find venues, gigs and sponsors. After finding one, Ron seems to be hopeless drawn toward them.
Warnings: flirting, swearing, bickering, sexual tension??, Punk Pining Ron but also Smug Ron, naming a guitar ‘Cherry Popper’, dm me if I missed any.
Notes: I plan on having some chapters kinda spicy. I made an entire gif for this and yes it is Rupert playing 👀 and god is this self indulgent. Hope you guys like it!
It was a Friday morning when you quit the Static Dragons and posted the news on every piece of social media you had. It didn’t take long for you to edit your bios to state you were looking for a new band, and it managed to catch someone's eye just as quickly. It was Monday evening when you got a dm on Instagram from a user called ddchrmrs-official. The user basically sent you a paragraph about how he was the lead singer of a band he and his siblings threw together and they were looking for a new manager. You agreed to meet with them and talk about the potential of the band and he agreed, using more than a few explanation marks after his reply. He even sent you a few of their songs once he deemed you worthy enough.
So, you found a dining hall, an equal distance from your house and theirs, and with the lead singer's approval, Fred, you booked it for Tuesday afternoon. Fred even made a post explaining the good news- why he was acting like one of the Weird Sisters followed him back, you weren’t sure. You couldn’t help but be excited too. The songs were good- more punk-rock than you assumed from the band's name. Something about the name Daydream Charmers gave off a softer, boyband type.
The day of the band meeting couldn’t have gone much worse. You missed your morning alarm, you couldn’t find your laptop charger and the clothes you picked out the night before ended up covered in stains from breakfast. GPS even gave you the fastest route and you still managed to be 10 minutes late, but you managed to find the right hall. It was a bit different compared to the pristine image shown on the website.
The roof looked like it was caving under an invisible weight and the actual size of the hall looked like a small barn. The walls were made of red and black bricks, most of which seemed to be chipped, broken or bending, like it was being crushed. The door frame was slanting, the door’s white paint was chipping, the sidewalk was splitting at almost every corner. You were desperately hoping the building was enchanted so it was bigger (and nicer looking) on the inside.
You parked your car on the pebble covered asphalt, right next to an equally old and rusty blue car. You had no idea how four people, a sound system, a bass, an electric guitar and a full drum set fit inside of the small wagon, but figured they managed to spell the inside bigger. You weren’t bothered by it- how could you be? You felt your wand hit your laptop inside the bag as you threw it over your shoulder after climbing out of the car. Shutting the door, you hurried up the broken concrete, shoving your keys in your pocket.
You chewed on your lip, adjusting the collar of your shirt as you approached the door. A smile pulled at your lips at the refreshing sound of genuine laughter and bickering. You had an internal battle of whether you should knock or just barge in. It sounded like they were having their fun and you didn’t want to interrupt anything. Soon enough, the laughter was dying down and someone was strumming a bass quietly, practicing a few chords from one of the songs Fred gave you. You raised a fist to knock on the door and the silence that followed was close to defining. Soft footsteps followed the silence and you swore you could hear soft breathing behind the door before it was yanked open.
“Hey! You made it! We were worried you got lost on your way here.”
You weren’t expecting to be face to chest with an individual. Their band's logo was printed across the front, red letters with a gold outline that clashed drastically with the bright orange fabric of the tight shirt. You tilted your head up, meeting cocoa brown eyes and a crisp white smile. His ginger hair was spread across his shoulders, his ear lobes were pierced with two shiny black flat stud earrings and the little white nostril piercing on the left side of his nose was reflecting the sunlight.
“Fred?” You asked, matching his smile. You could tell he had fun, you could sense it. His arm raised, inadvertently showing off his muscles, and rested against the door frame. 
“The one and only.” He grinned, clearly just joking. Before he could say anything else, he was rudely interrupted by a foreign voice behind him. Fred’s smile dropped into a frown like he was suddenly slapped across the face.
“Is it the pizza guy?” The voice asked from somewhere behind him, excitement clearer than crystal. Fred looked over his shoulder to respond.
“No, Ron. That’s not for another twelve minutes.” He rolled his eyes after looking back at you and letting out a loud sigh. “I’m sorry about him. His appetite is larger than Big Ben and it literally never stops. Anyway, I hope you like pizza! I tried to message you about it.” He pulled his phone out of his front pocket, unlocking it and scrolling through his messages and swiping right on notifications he didn’t care for.
“I was using my phone for GPS. Must’ve missed the messages.” Your hands slid into your front pockets, your weight shifting between your feet as embarrassment began to settle in. Maybe this wasn’t the best first impression. Before you could think about it too long, a low whistle was resonating from beside Fred.
Without warning, Fred was being nudged aside by a slightly shorter ginger, his piercing blue eyes staring into yours. They didn’t stay there very long though. They slowly dragged down your body, taking in your form, and his head tilted in appreciation.
“Oh.. I’m not gonna complain about the pizza when Merlin delivered us a cutie.” He gave you a dizzying side smile. “What’s your name, sweetheart? Surely, it’s something as handsome as you are.” Just as quickly as he appeared, Fred was pushing him back, faking a gag while driving the unnamed individual back with Fred’s hand against his forehead. 
“Ew! Ron, down! Seriously? Keep your yap shut! He’s our new band manager and I’d actually like to keep this one, thank you.” Fred groaned, a sneer pulling at his lips. He blocked the smaller ginger from the door with his body before turning back to you with a sigh. “I’m sorry. He’s usually not like this. Usually he’s moping about his ex-” You could see Ron jumping behind Fred to get another look at you. The reaction had you snorting into your hands.
“Fred. Fred, move, mate. I wanna see ‘im again!” The ginger whined, tugging at his older brother's t-shirt. He was dodging around Fred’s constant moving hands to get one more peek at you.
Fred let out a groan, his head falling backwards in agony before letting out a loud “George, please help!”
“Wait! Wait, wait!” Ron’s voice matched the panicked hand trying to hold onto the door frame before it was hilariously slapped off the wood and was dragged into the mystery hidden behind the lead singer. His begs and pleas began to echo and soften which you thought caused you to giggle a bit. 
“I’m sorry. We’ll put a muzzle on him or something. Come on in, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Fred shifted out of the door way, allowing you to enter the hall. It was bigger on the inside than the outside, that much had you relieved. Fred shut the door behind you with a satisfying click and let you soak the place in while he sat himself down on a velvet red coach. It was dimly lit, about half the lights were on, and the walls were painted a light tan, which easily could’ve been mistaken for white, if white wasn’t used for the tiling. 
Next to Fred on the couch, was a girl with long, slightly darker, ginger hair. Her hair went well past her shoulders, and a bright orange base sat on top of her crossed legs. She had gone back to laying a few chords once you entered, just relaxing as her two brothers basically wrestled each other.
“Ginny, this is (Y/n).” Fred spoke up, pointing from his sister to you, then back to her. (Y/n), this is the youngest Weasley in the family, Ginevra.” Fred smirked, but it turned into a pained expression when she landed a hard slap to his chest.
“Except if you call me that, I will break your legs. It’s Gin or Ginny, nothing else. It’s nice to finally meet you, (Y/n). Fred hasn’t shut up about you.” She smiled at you, reaching a tattoo covered hand out to shake yours. 
“Really?” You couldn’t help but grin. You shook her hand proudly, knowing it was probably your reputation that kept the oldest Weasley in the band chatting up a storm. “It’s nice to meet you too, Gin.” You gave her a cheeky grin before turning to the other side of the hall, noting another Fred standing in front of Ron, who was sitting in a chair quiet grumpily. 
The double picked up a deep red guitar covered in stickers and shoved it into Ron’s lap, causing the younger to gasp out a wheeze. It was obvious he had chewed Ron out for his behavior, but nevertheless, he gave his unplugged electric guitar a few strums, which seemed to satisfy Fred 2 because soon enough he was storming back to the couch, shaking his head the entire walk there.
He sat himself down on the arm of the couch, right next to his doppelganger. His arms crossed back over his chest once again. Fred 2 had the same length hair, different piercings though. He only had one set of black earrings, but had an industrial across his left ear. He had a straight line of freckles across his cheek bones and right across his nose. The spots went down his neck and across his forehead. 
“He’s bloody useless.” He grumbled out, his snake bite moving to the right as his tongue ran across it. “Oh, hi!” Fred 2 scooted over to the edge of the arm rest, reaching his hand out to shake yours. “You must be the band manager! I’m George, Fred’s twin bro-”
“Younger twin. I’m the oldest.” Fred interrupted, smirking again as he pointed a thumb to himself. His smirk dropped when he was smacked in the chest again- by both George and Ginny. 
“I’m his twin brother. Ignore him, he has a God complex.” George rolled his eyes, smiling at you while he shook your hand. He pulled his hand away before scooting back to rest his back against the back of the couch. You could tell he wasn’t comfortable, but  he seemed dedicated to the spot. “I’m sorry you had to meet Ron the way you did. Usually he’s tamer than that.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh, your gaze turned down to your shoes. Your cheeks were beginning to heat up as his flirting rebounded through your head again.
“Nah, he wasn’t that bad.”
“I wasn’t?” Ron’s sudden voice behind you had nearly jumped out of your skin. You spun around, your backpack strings nearly catching on one of Ginny’s bass strings. You swallowed down a squeak. “Georgie was trying to convince me I was being inconsiderate and rude and that mum would smack me if she saw.” He was still holding the guitar by the neck, and that was when you noticed the bright gold strings with a red pick trapped between them.
“Well, it’s not like you were asking about my shoe size… “ Your eyes landed on the hands holding the black neck of the instrument and you couldn’t help but gawk at them. Rings covered his finger knuckles, veins popped out from beneath his skin. “Wow.” You didn’t mean to verbally gawk over the hands, so you had to force your gaze down to the instrument and ignore the urge to stare at the pale, freckle covered skin that was making your mouth dry. 
You shook your head, looking at the shiny strings. You had you stop yourself from reaching out and caressing the polished neck, the textures strings and hidden pick. It was clearly loved and carefully taken care of.
“Beauty, isn't she?” Ron grinned, showing off the red body drowning in decals- most of which were bright orange Quidditch themed or terrible chess puns. You almost forgot to check if they were a muggle band, but this told you enough. “My best friend got it for me, he’s a blessing. Mum didn’t approve, of course, said we all had better purposes, but dad said rock on.” 
“She really is. I’m guessing you named her?” The second the question fell from your lips, the three sharing a spot on the couch groaned in agony, but Ron was grinning in pride.
“Of course I have! Her name is Cherry Popper and she’s the love of my life. Unless,” Ron was taking a step closer to you, a twinkle in his eyes as he continued speaking, “you plan on cha-” His flirting was cut off suddenly.
“And that’s enough of that! Please sit down and, for the love of Merlin’s beard, rename the damn thing!” Ginny cried out, almost knocking her own instrument straight into the tiled floor. She ran a hand through her hair, her free hand holding the bass hard enough to make her knuckles pure white.
“I mean, come on! Name it something classic like ‘Bertha’ or ‘Jasmine’, or, and here’s my personal favorite, don’t name it at all!” Fred waved his hands while he spoke, counting the names on his fingers before doing jazz hands at ‘don’t name it at all’.
“Fred, that’s hypocritical. You named your mic.” George spoke up, pulling two white marble drumsticks from his jeans pockets and began to spin one between his fingers. 
“That was a joke.” Fred stuck his tongue out at his twin. “At least I don’t do it seriously. And leave Echo out of this.” Fred ripped the non spinning drumstick from George’s hand, holding it out of his twins reach.
“Shut up and give me Crystal back!”
“No, if you wanna talk about terrible names, we can talk about the band's name! Merlin, Fred, were you sky high when you made it?” Ron shot back, his arms crossing over his chest, one still holding the guitar.
Knowing this kind of fight could go for a good while, you slipped past him, patting Ron on the shoulder while you walked past while a pained gasp rented the silence that flooded the hall. You set your backpack on the white table, opening the zipper and pulling out your laptop. You sat down, pulling the laptop onto your lap before opening the notepad application.
“I made the name! And dammit, I think it was clever! It even has a unique backstory! At our school, we had a um- small business and it was quite successful. By ‘we’, I mean George and I and by successful, I mean we run an online joke shop. I thought it fit the shop pretty well.” Fred held a look of pride- a smirk was, once again, drawn across his lips as his eyes twinkled.
“Mate, it’s horrible.” Ginny spoke up, not even bothering to throw the truth as a curve-ball causing two of her older brothers to nod in agreement. She copied Fred’s movement by yanking the drumstick from his hand, but handed it to George, smiling at him. 
“Why couldn’t it have been something cool? You named your shop something cool. Why’d you give the band something’ shitty?” Ron rolled his eyes, leaning his back against the door, the guitar balancing on his sneakers and leaning against his ripped jean covered legs. His attention didn’t stay with his siblings for long. Soon it was shifting over to you, like he was naturally drawn toward you. He grinned at you, sticking his tongue out. The little gold ball stamped into the middle of his tongue had your full attention.
You swallowed thickly. The ball and his guitar strings were the exact same color and reflected the same light. You felt butterflies fill your stomach from the simple action and noticed, almost suddenly, the ginger was actually quite attractive and funny. You sucked on your tongue, hoping the blush across your cheeks didn’t give too much away. Ron looked back at his brothers, his side grin screaming he basically saw your body temperature rise.
“I was led to believe you all loved the name, but no! I’m starting to think you guys are just trying to embarrass me in front of the (Y/n), but since you think it’s so easy, come up with a new one.” Fred cried out, crossing his arms over the printed long sleeve t-shirt, and was pouting like a child now, sinking lower into the couch.
“It makes us sound like a cheesy boy-band going after 12 year olds.” Ginny scoffed, propping her bass up against the couch. She looked over at her slightly older brother, nodding her head in Fred’s direction.
“It does. We could’ve been Fire Wicks.” Ron pointed at Ginny and the teaming up began. “Or like Solar Skips.”
“Or The Red Bloods.” Gin nodded, pointing back at Ron while her other hand pulled out her phone. The game was ‘Who-Cares-If-It’s-Bad-Let’s-Prove-Fred-Wrong’ and you could tell it was for shits and giggles. You were going to pitch in an idea, but someone beat you to it.
“Or FireBolt Bitters.” Spoke up George, who was now gazing up at the ceiling, shaking his head in mock shame, but you could see the edges of his smile growing at the corners.
“Ooh, I love that one!” Ron leaned over, stretching his arm as far as it could to give  George a high five, before turning to look at you. He grinned at your confused expression. “Are you writing these down?” He pointed at your computer before giving you a wink. The butterflies came back, doubled in strength, and you couldn’t help but laugh. You shook your head no, laughing louder when he waved his hands in a panicked manner. “Write them down, mate!”
You rolled your eyes, typing random shit down just to please the younger one. Your eyes trailed across the dumplings, noting three quarters of them were smiling. Fred’s crabby expression made it was clear he didn’t get picked on very often.
“Charlie texted saying ‘The Copper Horntails’ would’ve been better.” Ginny said, looking up from her phone. She dropped the phone onto her lap, wincing a tad when the device collided with the instrument on her lap. She quickly forgot the pain and leaned back, enjoying her brother's pain.
“You asked Charlie?!” Fred squealed loudly, his hands holding his head. Right beside Fred, George had begun to tap his sticks together, improvising a beat to go with the arguing.
“You know what? That’s a great idea! Let’s ask Percy next-” yelled Ron over Ginny’s laughter and Fred’s agonizing scream. His smirk only grew when Fred tossed his head back. 
“Ok, damn! I get it! But I already made t-shirts so deal with it.”
“Fred, we have magic. We can always change the print.” George piped up, tapping the white wooden sticks against his thighs in some random pattern, his head nodding to a beat. He shrugged his shoulders, not focusing on his words all that much,
“George!” This time it was Fred’s turn to smack George in his chest. He glared at him before leaning over to whisper in his twin's ear. It was something you couldn’t make out, but you figured they were debating over your status. You rolled your eyes, reaching behind you.
With a clear of your throat, you gained their attention before pulling out your wand from your backpack. While waving it, you locked eyes with Ron, playfully chewing on your lip to try to hide your smile.
“But-” Fred scrambled to grab his phone. You knew he was going to pull up one of your profiles to show none of them mentioned magic or wizarding or anything.
“The quidditch stickers were a dead give away.” You pointed to Ron’s guitar with the tip of your wand before putting it back in your bag. “That, and the tiny blue car that somehow carried four band members, and all of their equipment even though, that should’ve been impossible. I do enjoy Firebolt Bitters, though.”
Your own smile grew when the siblings broke out into loud snorts and sniggers, save for Fred’s. Ron walked over to you, and you were sure his cheeks were hurting from how hard he was smiling. He laid his arm across your shoulders, pulling you into his side as he faced his band members.
“I like this one.”
A smile stretches across your face as your cheeks get warmer. Out of everything to come out of today, this was something even the strongest and most willed seer’s couldn’t have predicted. It wasn’t even half past noon and you’d already started to develop a crush on a punk guitarist who shares a band with his siblings. You were clueless on how you were going to do your managing and keep it strictly platonic when he grinned at you like you were everything he wanted.
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neon-junkie · 4 years
Vanity is a Sin - Chpt.1
Summary: The last person you expected to fall for is that pretentious man, Javier Escuella, but maybe you're not so different from him after all?
Pairing: f!Reader x Javier Escuella
Word Count: 2709
Rating: SFW
Tags: Enemies to lovers, Slow burn, Arguments, Bickering, Denial of feelings, Reader has a lot of self-doubts.
Notes: I’ve wanted to write a Javier multi-chapter fic for aaaages, but wanted to do something different for it. So, enemies to lovers it is, my fave trope hehe, but we don’t see much of Javiers negative side, so let’s explore that :0
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It's another chilly day at Horseshoe Overlook. Despite your occasional shiver and constant goosebumps, you're thankful that you're still not stuck in Colter, but that still doesn't mean you can't wish to be somewhere warmer. It seems no matter how many layers you put on, you can't quite get warm, and you question how other gang members are walking around in their summer attire, especially Arthur.
You shiver again and accidentally manage to prick your finger with the needle you're using to sew somebody's patchy pants. "Fuck sake," you mutter under your breath, looking at your finger to inspect the damage. It's nothing, and you know it's nothing, but you're in a grumpy mood, so everything feels tenfold, especially the sting to your fingertip.
You sigh, looking up at the sky, questioning why whatever being that lives up there continues to rain on your parade. It's not just you that's in a bad mood, the whole camp seems off, but Dutch continues to attempt giving his many uplifting speeches whilst he poses in his tent with a cigar in hand, not lifting a finger to do even some basic camp chores.
He's doing the same now, and your eyes gaze over him as you stop staring at the sky. There he is, the man himself, the big boss, his voice cracking every so often; that always brings a smile to your face. Your eyes follow around the rest of the camp: Hosea is the only one stood listening to him. Molly's on the other side of her tent staring into her pocket mirror because for some reason, she no longer has to pull her weight. Bill is still asleep. Mary-Beth and Tilly are beside you, still sewing away. The O'Driscoll is still tied to the tree. Strauss is... doing whatever he does. And there's Javier, gussying himself up in Arthurs mirror, no surprise there.
You'll never understand how these boys get away with doing the bare minimum, whilst yourself and the other women are the only thing keeping this camp together. Everybody knows that if the women decided to up and leave in the night, the men would end up setting the camp on fire, probably attempting to cook their own dinner... no offence to Pearson. There's a fair few, such as Arthur and Hosea, who are able to survive on their own, but you've seen Arthur attempt to do tedious jobs before and just like you, he pricks his fingers every time he sews. At least Hosea has an excuse, being in his grey years, his bones not able to move as they used to, but he makes up for it in other ways.
But Javier? What does he do? Apart from prance around the camp in his designer crocodile boots, spending an hour shaving his moustache every morning... why does he even shave his moustache like that? You asked him once, and he replied "It rubs off from all the friction." Sure, Javier, because you're obviously a very wanted man.
Unfortunately, Mary-Beth and Tilly take quite a liking to him. They've confessed what you would view as sins before, saying they both have a soft spot for the man, to which you scoffed then laughed, and ended up choking from laughing too hard.
"Why are you laughing? I don't see why you two don't get along? He's real sweet and..." Mary-Beth had begun droning on, and you eventually interrupted her with a "Where do I start?"
Needless to say, neither of them agreed with any of your opinions of Javier, apart from him not pulling his weight as much as he makes out to. But oh, he plays guitar, so that means he doesn't have to do any chores because he blares out his music all hours of the night. You've told him to quit playing so you can sleep many times, seeing as your tent is right by the campfire, to which he always glares at you and plays louder. He once even had the audacity to wake Uncle up and begin shouting Ring-A-Dang-Do.
You took your revenge by waking up early and pouring water in his boots. He knew it was you the second he put them on, sighing and glaring at you, but not being confrontational for once. At least he started putting a curfew on his music after that.
You've been manifesting in your thoughts for a while now, not realizing your name is being called out. "Huh?" you almost yelp as somebody taps your shoulder.
"Are you alright?" Tilly asks. "You've been staring into the distance again, didn't even hear us callin' your name."
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking," you explain as you turn your attention to them.
"About what?" Mary-Beth questions.
"Nothing that's worth my time."
"Oh, boys?" Tilly questions, making all three of you laugh.
"Well, Mary-Beth and I are all finished here. We're gonna make ourselves look decent and head into town, you coming?"
"Yeah. Let me finish up this, and I'll meet you by the wagon," you reply.
The pair excuse themselves, heading over to their tents to begin looking 'presentable', even though you would happily argue with them about that. They always look incredible, flawless yet effortless, whereas you constantly feel like a drowned rat...
You watch as they wander off, saying hello to Javier, who's still stood in front of Arthurs mirror. He's not even having a shave, he's just been stood there checking himself out for the last ten minutes, or however long it's been. Your brows furrow and you force yourself to tilt your head down, focusing on your final stretch of sewing, eventually finishing up, so you can put them back on the laundry pile and begin getting ready for your day out.
Going into town with your girl friends is always relaxing, something to get you out of camp, when you're not trailing in and out on your own accord. Yes, you know damn-well how to shoot a gun, along with all your other basic survival skills like hunting and fishing. Dutch was reluctant to take you on heists at first, calling you "another Karen, a woman who wants to get her hands dirty when she's needed here."
Dutch wasn't expecting you to put your money where your mouth is, trailing back into camp a few days later with more than enough cash to keep the camp happy. Only that was somewhat of a waste of time now you look back on it, your share being lost somewhere in Blackwater, along with the rest of the camps hard work and progress. Back to square one, yet again...
The sound of a thud startles you, looking over your shoulder to see that the final crate has been loaded into the wagon. The shop helper gives you a wave, and you beckon him over to tip him; he pours out his thanks before going back inside.
"Back to camp?" you question as you turn your focus to Mary-Beth and Tilly, who nod in agreement.
With a flick of the reigns, the three of you begin leaving Valentine, only popping into town to grab a few camp supplies and treats for yourselves. You've fancied a new outfit for a while, and you're excited to try it on later, maybe make yourself look nice so you can... sit by the campfire...
What else is there to enjoy in camp?
The path you're following leads you straight back to Horseshoe Overlook, and you warn the girls of the bump before crossing over the train tracks. A familiar figure can be seen in the distance, and as they approach, you realize it's Arthur on his new mount. He pulls up beside you as you stop the wagon, tipping his hat to the three of you.
"Where are you going?" you question.
"Just headin' into town. I didn't know you girls had just been there," Arthur explains.
"We only went to pick up supplies. What are you going for?" Tilly questions.
"Javier and Charles wanted to meet me at the Saloon, said I'd drop by this afternoon. They must already be there."
"You should get going then, you know what Javier is like," you complain, the words slipping from your mouth.
Arthur laughs at your statement. "You're right," he agrees. "But you two will learn to get along one day, you've gotta if you're gonna be in the same camp together."
"Arthur, there are plenty of camp members that don't get along. You and Micah, for instance?"
"...Yeah, you're right," Arthur hums in frustration. "Forget I said that then... Well, I best be going."
"See you later," the three of you reply.
Arthur gives another little nod and taps his spurs, heading into town, whilst you whip your reigns again and begin your return to camp. 
 By the time you arrive, it's almost sundown, and your evening is spent unloading the wagon and scoffing down your dinner. The night is free to do as you please, so just like you told yourself earlier, you get changed into your new clothes and make yourself look presentable, taking a seat at the campfire with the others and joining in on their story telling.
The evening is going well, relaxing and peaceful for once, even with Uncles banjo playing. All until the sound of heavy hooves come thudding back into camp; you turn to see a handful of the gang members returning from their night in town, only they don't seem too happy. They're huffing and grumbling, nursing what appear to be wounds, and it's easy to piece everything together and realize that they been in a bar fight.
A few of your fellow camp members get up from their seats at the campfire to go and check on them, and as much as you do care, you don't want to overcrowd them. You get up and make your way over to Pearson's wagon, picking out another bottle to drink. You're spoilt for choice, a nice selection of whiskeys and gins at your service, something different from cheap, warm beer.
You pick up a bottle and begin reading the label, checking the alcohol percentage and debating how drunk you want to get tonight. You don't overhear the sound of footsteps approaching, your mind paying no attention to sounds like that as you hear them all the time, but the sound of somebody speaking directly behind you makes you jump.
"That for me?" they ask. You peer over your shoulder to see Javier standing there, his hand rubbing his chin where a bruise is beginning to form.
"Why would this be for you?" you scoff, turning your body to face him, the bottle in your hands.
"Your poor camp member has just been in a fight, yet you won't help nurse them?" Javier questions with a laugh.
"That's your own fault, plus I ain't your mother."
You begin to walk off, but the comment Javier makes forces you to stop in your tracks. "Mary-Beth and Tilly would."
"Go and ask them then," you roll your eyes, turning to face Javier again. Who does he think you are? He begins to softly laugh and the sound makes you gag, so artificial, just like the rest of him.
"But what if I want you to help me? Surely you don't dislike me that much."
"I do, so I'd suggest you ask them."
You try and walk away yet again, and Javier mutters something under his breath. "You'll learn to like me eventually." Another scoffing sound escapes your lips as you frown at him, leaning against Pearson's table and crossing your arms, your bottle in hand.
"You know, I've never seen you wear purple before. It suits you," you smirk.
"Oh, very funny," Javier says as he raises his eyebrows. He approaches you, his strides small and slow, stopping right before you. His hand moves away from his bruise, his skin turning a deeper purple as every second passes, but your eyes are drawn to his; They're dark and blown, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, staring into yours. He's too close for your liking, you can smell the tobacco in his system with every exhale, his breathing deep, still clearly worn out from the fight.
"What's your issue with me?" Javier asks. "I mean, I've never done anything to upset you, not that I know of, but you've always had something against me."
"I've told you before," you begin as you uncross your arms, placing your bottle down on the table and resting your hands on your hips. "You don't do shit around this camp. You'll drag a sloppy score in here and there, but your vanity distracts you from doing some proper work, chores and what-not."
"Vanity?" Javier repeats the word with a laugh. "There's no harm in looking good, at least you're putting some effort in tonight. Did you buy this today?" Javier asks as he goes to tough the fabric of your blouse, but you swat his hand away.
"You're as bad as Micah," you spit at him.
"Mhmm, we both know that's a lie. For starters, I do a lot more than him around here, and you know it-"
"Please, will the pair of you quit it already?" Dutch calls out as he approaches. He must have noticed the way you two were stood so close, squaring up to each other, both too egotistical to let the other talk them down.
Dutch puts his arm out between your bodies, lightly pushing both of you away, forcing you to take a few small steps back. "I've said before that you don't have to get along, but these pathetic arguments happen far too often. Either you both drop this, or I'll have to find a way to make you get along," Dutch threatens, and you know he'll stay true to his word.
You don't bother saying anything, glaring at Javier once more before turning heel and walking away. "You forgot your drink," Javier calls out to you.
"Seems I've lost my appetite," you call back, and you overhear Dutch sigh at your comment.
Part of you feels sick, and you're unsure if that's from the adrenaline pumping in your veins, or the nerves Javier has shaken into you. Why was he stood so close? Your noses were almost touching, and you wouldn't be surprised if he kissed you just to wind you up even more. You try to keep your mind clear as you enter your enclosed tent, taking off your makeup and getting ready for bed, but you can still feel Javier's hot breaths on your skin.
You debate having a towel bath, wanting to wipe away the sin of being so close to that irritating man, but you're already in bed with no motivation to move. As you roll over, the sound of his guitar grows outside, forcing you to place your head under the pillow in an attempt to drown the music out. He's a good musician, and you're happy to admit that, but why does everything about him have to be so... him?
The perfectly coordinated outfits, the way his steel toe boots are always shining, the effortless yet pristine ponytail he always wears, the confidence and vanity in everything he says. He's like one of those flawless characters you've found in awfully written books, no weaknesses or downfalls, no ugly days, everybody loves him, yet his artificialness makes you sick.
And he knows it makes you sick, and he loves to play on it. Tonight isn't the first time he's got up close and personal with you. You know he studies your every move, watching your body language, checking to see if blush grows on your cheeks, searching for your insecurities. The comment he made earlier is still on repeat in your mind... "at least you're putting some effort in tonight." What a smug bastard. He knows how low your self-esteem is, yet you weren't expecting him to pull a Micah and make a comment like that.
But this is what he wants. He wants it to settle in your brain, to weigh you down and make you feel even worse. You just have to not let that happen, but that's easier said than done...
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twistedtummies2 · 3 years
Descending From the Sky - Part 1 (500 Followers Special)
IN CELEBRATION OF 500 FOLLOWERS...! (freezes as someone whispers in my ear) ...Eh? You...say I have 509 now? ...Frick. WELL, BETTER LATE THAN NEVER! Something a lot of people have wanted me to write - on this site as well as an alternate site I frequent - is a “rampage story.” You know the type: macro-sized predator goes stomping around eating people and causing destruction in their wake. I have several ideas for such tales, though most of them are still in the “pre-production” stages.  I decided to go with the one that could offer me the clearest possible plot, and which I know a few people were hoping to see: this is the third chapter in my Giant AU for My Hero Academia, based on Jack and the Beanstalk. In the past two sections, Midoriya and Kaminari went up to see the Giants. THIS time, however, one of the giants comes down to Earth themselves.  I mustn’t say more though, or I shall spoil the fun. This is a two-parter; part two will be up tomorrow. As is typical, this first section is mostly just expository stuff and...well...actual STORY than anything else. Most of the “fun stuff” will be in tomorrow’s second half. Keeping this in mind, I hope you all enjoy, and thank you for the support!
Three months had passed since Izuku Midoriya and Denki Kaminari had descended from the beanstalk with the Golden Eggs.
The result of their fortunate adventures were plainly visible: the farm where they both lived had become far more prosperous. The fields had been able to widen, as their master, Aizawa, had been able to hire new farmhands, buy new equipment, and even purchase a new cow for milking! (Although Izuku couldn’t help but notice how much whiter Milky White’s output had always been.) The farmhouse had been repaired, and plans were in motion to construct a larger building, all while a second barn was being built to house all the new supplies. Over all of this rising splendor towered the magnificent beanstalk...and on the unusually hot morning where our story begins, the boys were very glad about that. Kaminari sighed as he paused in his work, wiping his brow with a spotted handkerchief before stuffing it back into his pocket. Though the boys could afford nice clothes, they usually wore their old peasant garb while working After all, there was no point in ruining the good stuff. “Y’know something, Midoriya?” he mumbled out, looking up. Midoriya paused, putting down his hammer and looking down at Kaminari. His expression was wide-eyed and attentive. Kaminari huffed, leaning against the side of the shed the two were in the process of building. “Life doesn’t make sense sometimes.” “Yeah, that’s a fact,” Midoriya said, with a small smile, and chuckled, turning his freckled face back towards his work. He was standing on a ladder and tapping nails into place to hold the roof boards. Kaminari was holding the nails in a jar, and passing them up, and was supposed to be holding the ladder. In that moment, however, the distracted blonde was more focused on the jar, biting his lip as he stirred the nails boredly. The pair had been alternating positions every couple of boards, since, obviously, it was a lot more work to hammer than to hold. Not that the heat made either of the stations particularly fun. Kaminari tried to get a bit of shade from the side of the shed, but as the Sun was facing in the wrong direction, there was no shade to be had. “What I mean is,” Denki went on, “I thought all this extra stuff would make our lives easier: a little less of a workload on us. Instead, it feels like we haven’t a chance to just...you know...breathe.” “I know,” Midoriya murmured, pausing in his work and dipping his head. “Nor a chance to visit our friends ‘upstairs.’” “Friend. Singular,” Kaminari corrected. “Unless you count that mean man-eater as a friend…” Both of the teens shuddered, and Kaminari even crossed himself. Midoriya shook his head and refocused on hammering as Kaminari passed up another nail, and made sure to grab hold of the ladder with one hand. He didn’t want Midoriya to fall over. For one thing, it would be kind of embarrassing if either of them broke an arm falling from a ladder after managing to climb up and down a mammoth beanstalk and never tumble once.
“Mr. Aizawa says that after this is built, we should be able to rest a bit,” Midoriya said, with a bright-eyed smile that made his green irises look like emeralds. “Maybe we’ll get to go back up there in a couple weeks.”
“Maybe,” murmured Kaminari, and frowned. “Hey, do you think he’s giving us extra work to keep us from going up there?” Midoriya frowned and turned carefully on the ladder, looking to the beanstalk, then looking over the farmland...and shook his head again, this time in disagreement. “No,” he answered, and continued hammering; the boards were hard and the nails long. “With everything going on, I think we can give him the benefit of the doubt there. There’s just...so much expansion, with all the buying and selling we’ve been doing…” “I’m glad he let us keep those Golden Eggs!” grinned Kaminari. “They look cool in the bedroom.” Midoriya nodded wordlessly in agreement, and began to descend the ladder. It was Kaminari’s turn to take care of the next few boards-and-nails. “We’ll get back there soon,” he said. “Things just have to get harder before they get easier.” “That’s one way of looking at it,” shrugged Kaminari, giving Midoriya the nail jar as he took the hammer. He bit his lip and looked off to the side. Midoriya tilted his head, concerned by the unhappy expression on his friend’s face. “Hey...something else wrong?” he asked. “Just...when I went up there last time…” Kaminari trailed off...took a breath...and shook his head. “Never mind,” he said, and smiled. “Let’s just get back to work. The faster we finish, the faster we can get inside where it’s cool.” Midoriya looked skeptical, but before he could answer, a voice interrupted the pair… “It’s going to take a little longer than expected to do that.” The boys looked up. The baggy-eyed figure of Aizawa was approaching the pair. The teens stiffened, almost as if standing at attention. “Good morning, Master!” they chorused, as if speaking to a drill sergeant. Aizawa rolled his eyes and made a grumpy sound. He made a lot of those. “Relax, you’re not in trouble. Yet,” he mumbled, then went on a bit more clearly: “I need you two to stop work on the shed today. There’s another job for you both now.” The teens looked at each other, then back to the head farmer. “Um...no offense, sir,” Midoriya spoke up, and sounded sincerely polite and curious as he spoke, “But why not get one of the others to do it?” “Or do it yourself?” suggested Kaminari, in the same tone. Neither sounded defiant, just a little confused. Aizawa crossed his arms and sighed through his nose, looking out over the farmland, watching the new helpers hoe and shovel and rake away… “I have to stay,” he said, simply and strictly. “And as for the rest of the farmhands…” He looked back to the pair somewhat earnestly. “...I trust you both more than most of them.” The two boys practically had stars in their eyes. “You...you trust us?” peeped Midoriya. “Really?” Kaminari gasped. Aizawa narrowed his eyes. “Don’t let it go to your head,” he droned, drably. “I trust Mineta more than you both, and he’s a donkey. And I trust my dog more than I trust him.” The pair ducked their heads with nervous, bashful smiles. Kaminari scratched the back of his head, kicking an imaginary pebble, while Midoriya rubbed one arm, trying to look anywhere but into Aizawa’s face. Aizawa rolled his eyes and then cleared his throat. “Ahem...the new help has loaded the wagon with produce to take to market,” he informed the pair. “Change clothes and hitch the horse up, then take it all. And this time, PLEASE don’t try to trade anything on the way for Magic Beans. One big green liability is enough.” He looked to Midoriya pointedly with those words. Midoriya gulped guiltily. “We’ll do our best, Master,” Kaminari promised, and slung an arm around Midoriya as he gave a cocky grin. “Just leave it to us! We’ll come back with more money than you can shake a stick at! Although I don’t know why you’d want to…” Aizawa just made another grumpy sort of sound and paused before going on… “Mind your way through the forest. Don’t stray from the path. Keep the cart moving on its course: some of the new boys have said they’ve encountered robbers in the woods, ever since…” He pointed up towards the clouds indicatively. “We’ll be careful, Mr. Aizawa,” vowed Midoriya, then looked to Kaminari. “C’mon, let’s get moving!” The duo folded up the ladder, and darted off to put away their tools before getting ready for the journey to market. Aizawa watched them go, then looked back to the partially finished shed, then turned his gaze heavenward. He glared as he looked at the top of the beanstalk...or, at least, the furthest point he could see, as it disappeared beyond the blue sky’s crest. He shook his head and pinched his brow as he walked off to see about feeding the chickens. “This place has never been the same,” he whispered. “I wouldn’t mind so much if I could decide if that was good or bad…”
Meanwhile, in the Land of the Giants… “Sure you’ll be okay while I’m gone?” The red-haired, fang-toothed giant known as Kirishima looked with concern to his friend. His fellow titan, Bakugou, narrowed his own crimson eyes, a sour expression on his face as he lounged on a sofa in their living room. “Hell’s that s’posed to mean?” he sneered. “What do you think’s gonna happen while I’m here?” Kirishima opened his mouth to answer...then closed it again. “...Never mind,” he shrugged, and gave a cheerful smile as he slung the leather backpack over his back. “Anyway, I better get going. Tamaki’s probably gonna get all anxious if I’m late; start thinking if I still wanna be his friend, and so on…” “Tch,” Bakugou scoffed, and took a sip of the coffee he held in his hand. “How come you hang out with that wuss anyway? He’s softer than you are!” “Hey, you can’t pick your friends!” “Yes, you can,” droned Bakugou, boredly. “It’s family. You can’t pick your family.” “That, too.” Bakugou blinked slowly, his expression tremendously dull as he took another drink. “Whatever. It’ll be nice to not have your dumb hair poisoning my vision,” he grumbled. “Yeah, I’ll miss you, too,” Kirishima chuckled. Bakugou just grunted, taking yet another drink. He licked his lips thinly as Kirishima tilted his head. “Hey...you certain you’re alright?” “What makes you think I’m not?” “I dunno...just...you’ve been a lot quieter lately. And you haven’t gone down to mess with the little guys in a couple of months. Not that I mind that at all…” He grinned. “Am I rubbing off on you a little, maybe?” “Dream on. I just haven’t had an appetite for ‘em.” “Uh-huh. Sure,” Kirishima mumbled, sounded unconvinced, and gave a smile. “Well...anyway, I’ll be back by tomorrow. Guard the house well!” “The fuck do you mean ‘guard the house well’?!” snapped Bakugou, barking out his annoyance. “DO I LOOK LIKE A DAMN GUARD DOG TO YOU?!” Kirishima sniggered, and responded with a jaunty mock-salute. Whistling merrily, the friendly giant thus left the house. Bakugou growled (ironically sounding VERY much like an angry guard dog), his fingers twitching around his coffee cup as he finished his drink. He stifled a burp in his ballooning cheeks - “HHHMMMRRRLLLRRRPH...grm…” - and swallowed the excess gas back down, thumping his bare chest with a beefy fist before rising to his feet. The Barbarian-garbed colossus then tromped back to the kitchen, cleaning his cup and putting it aside to drain and dry. In truth, there was something on Bakugou’s mind. Something that had been buzzing around in his brain for months, and had become increasingly more annoying. I climbed a beanstalk to the top of the sky...I befriended a giant, was able to hide from another...and I was able to make my whole village happy, and even the king...do you think anyone who’s ‘just meat’ could even think of all that? The giant ground his teeth together, fingers twitching again. “Worthless little runt,” he growled to himself. “What does he know?” The little one Kirishima called “Midoriya” wouldn’t leave his mind. He kept trying to force the small one’s words aside, but the pathetic rat wouldn’t get out of his head. It was starting to drive the titan insane. He’d spent his whole life eating humans. He was bigger, stronger, faster, and all around better than they were. It was the law of the jungle: they were SUPPOSED to fill his belly. It was just their fault they were so small and tasty! That’s how he’d always justified it. That’s how he’d always felt about it. And it wasn’t as if he ate indiscriminately. But now… Someones gotta knock some sense into you, Bakugou! You can’t just eat people, it’s...it’s not right! And if one of my friends is in danger...I’ve got to do whatever I can to help them! No matter what! Bakugou snarled, clenching his fists at his sides. The little vermin had guts. What he wouldn’t give to introduce them to HIS guts... Still...he hadn’t been down to eat in months now...and the truth was, what he’d told Kirishima was true. He just...hadn’t been in the mood to eat little people in a while. It was really starting to piss him off, because this had never happened before. They were his FAVORITE food...so what was holding him back? GRRROOORRRLLLB… Bakugou winced and hissed through his teeth, clapping a hand to his belly. His fingers rubbed over his bare, strong, well-sculpted abs as his stomach gurgled and “brumbled” noisily. So far, all he he’d had that morning was coffee. It seemed his gut was demanding something more substantial. For a moment, the thought of dozens of squirming little morsels flashed in his mind...but he shook that thought away with a toss of his messy blonde locks, and instead relaxed slightly as he stomped towards the icebox. “Something light oughta kill those damn noises,” he muttered coarsely. “Where’d I put those cold cuts…?”
The wagon full of pumpkins, apples, cucumbers, potatoes, corn, and all sorts of other home-grown delights rattled along the semi-level road that twisted and twined its way through the forest. Kaminari sat beside Midoriya, who held the reins, while an old gray mare hauled the cart along at a steady trot. “Easy there, Chiyo,” Midoriya smiled gently, as the horse huffed softly, ears flicking at a noise from somewhere in the underbrush. “Just a jackrabbit.” “Hopefully,” mumbled Kaminari, then cocked his head to the left. “Say, Midoriya? Do you think we’ll run into that Yagi guy who gave you the Magic Beans?” “I doubt it,” Izuku said wistfully. “I get the feeling that was a one-time deal, or something.” “Hm. Got it,” Kaminari grunted, looking away again, a somewhat pensive, pondering look on his face. Midoriya’s smile faded. “Kaminari...seriously, what’s been bothering you?” “What do you mean?” “You’re thinking. A lot. That’s...very unusual for you.” “Hey. Thinking is dangerous. It can lead to headaches.” Midoriya smirked and chuckled, then paused, pulling the horse to a stop. “Come on,” he said, gently, placing the reins at his side nad putting a hand on Kaminari’s shoulder. “What’s wrong? Tell me.” Kaminari squirmed a bit uncomfortably. “We should keep going,” he said, quietly. “Aizawa said there were-” “We’ll be fine. Talk to me. We’re friends, right?” “Right...well, um...it’s just…” Kaminari took a deep breath, and let it out before speaking. “...I’ve felt...really bad ever since I went up the beanstalk.” “Bad as in sick?” “No, just...bad. Emotionally. I really messed things up, and I almost got killed for it. I was being greedy and stubborn and selfish, and...look, I still love money-” “And girls.” “Well, duh, girls are what make life worth living, and money helps there.” Midoriya sighed and rolled his eyes, still smiling. “But seriously,” Kaminari went on, shifting his position so he could look Midoriya in the face, “What I did was wrong and...well...kinda stupid, even for me. I wanna make up for it somehow, just...I don’t really know what to do. And with all the time that’s gone by-” “I forgive you.” Kaminari stopped short. “I forgive you,” Midoriya said, his smile gentle and friendly. “And I know Kirishima forgives you, too. If it makes you feel so bad, we’ll find a way to go up there and see if you can do something more. I wanna go back up there just as much as you do. But work’s gotta come first.” “Yeah, yeah, you’re right,” Kaminari sighed...then smirked, and adopted a dramatic pose, pointing forward. “Well...drive on, my good man!” Midoriya snickered at Kaminari’s over-the-top impression of a pompous nobleman. “Yes, My Lord,” he winked, and whipped the reins, clicking and calling out Chiyo’s name. Chiyo let out a soft whinny and began to move forward again. Kaminari paused to adjust his clothes: both he and Midoriya were dressed in sharp-looking coats and breeches, so they could look more presentable at the market. “Yellow and black are good colors,” smirked Kaminari, admiring the golden lining of his jacket. He grinned somewhat sneakily. “Hey, think I’ll impress a few ladies while we’re out?” Midoriya was about to respond...but before he could - and after the pair had only traveled about twenty or thirty yards - Chiyo suddenly let out a sharp cry and came to an equally sharp stop. “Whoa, whoa, girl!” called out Midoriya, and as the horse settled, he and Kaminari frowned and stood up in the wagon to see what was the matter. The pair were surprised by what they saw: a small girl, dressed in a somewhat ratty-looking white dress. She had metallic-colored hair, almost the color of steel, and red eyes that looked like a couple of fresh, ripe cherries. The girl was trembling slightly. Her eyes were wide and unblinking as she stared up at the pair. She didn’t move off the path, even as she stood. The two teens looked to each other, then back to the girl, and smiled. “Hello there!” Midoriya said kindly, and stepped down from the cart, while Kaminari stayed aboard and took the reins, just in case the old mare got a bit fidgety. The girl didn’t answer. She stayed still as Midoriya approached. His smile remained gentle and good-natured as he got down on one knee, bringing himself to the little girl’s height. “What is your name, little girl?” he asked, sweetly. The girl paused, blinking just once, before answering in a plaintive, soft voice: “Eri.” “Eri,” repeated Midoriya. “That’s a nice name.” He looked back to the wagon. “Don’t you think so, Kaminari?” “Oh, yeah. Short but pretty,” Denki nodded. Midoriya smiled a little wider, and looked back to Eri. “What are you doing out here, Eri?” he asked, carefully, and looked about with some small amount of worry. “Are your parents around?” Eri bit her lip and squirmed where she stood, looking away and hugging herself. “My...my papa needs help,” she admitted quietly, sounding almost ashamed of the words. “I...I heard your cart coming, and...c-could you...could you help me?” Midoriya frowned with concern. “Of course we’ll help,” he promised sincerely, and looked back to Kaminari. “Stay here with Chiyo and the market goods. I’m gonna see what’s going on, then we can figure out what to do.” “Gotcha,” Kaminari nodded. “Be quick though.” “I’ll try,” Midoriya said, then looked back to Eri with another kind, sweet smile. “C’mon, Eri...let’s go, okay?” He extended a hand...and to his surprised, Eri stepped back, letting out a tiny, timid whimper, as if she expected to be hit. Midoriya looked at his palm, then up at the little girl. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “I won’t hurt you. Just...take my hand, and tell me where to go. Alright?” Eri blinked a few times, looking between Midoriya’s face and his hand...then, her own tiny, trembling fingers clasped about his. Midoriya smiled and stood up, holding firmly but carefully onto the young lady as she led him off the path into the forest. Kaminari, for his part, watched them go. Once they were out of sight, he reached into the cart and picked out a juicy yellow apple. No reason he couldn’t have a snack while he waited: there was plenty in the cart to sell at market, anyway. He checked the surrounding trees as he took a crunching bite from the fruit. He made sure to be alert; he didn’t want to make any mistakes. After all, if Aizawa was right, it wouldn’t be a good idea to let their guard down in the forest… While Kaminari dutifully and calmly guarded the wagon, Eri led Midoriya deeper and deeper into the untouched woods, away from the road. Midoriya looked back and frowned; the cart disappeared from sight behind him. “How far away is your father, Eri?” he asked. “And what happened to him?” Eri bit her lip, and paused, keeping her head down. As they stopped, Midoriya looked to her with concern. “Eri?” he checked, quietly. “Please answer me.” Eri let out a whimper...and, without warning, pulled her hand away from Midoriya’s, as if his touch burned her. He stepped back with some alarm as her tiny, frail shoulders began to shake. He could hear her starting to cry. “...You’re nice,” she said very, very softly. “No one...no one has been nice to me...in such a long time…” She gulped and looked up to the teen with misty eyes. “I’m so sorry.” No sooner had Eri uttered the words...then suddenly, someone leapt out from the bushes behind Midoriya and grabbed hold of him. Midoriya gasped and whirled to try and fight back...but another figure lunged from behind a tree and grabbed hold of his other arm. Izuku’s eyes widened: both of his attackers were strapping, masculine figures, dressed in long black robes, with plague doctor’s masks upon their faces. “Wh-What is this?!” he shouted, and struggled to break free. “Let...LET GO OF ME!” “Good work, Eri.” Midoriya froze as he heard the words...and his eyes widened as a third figure stepped out from behind another tree, moving over to Eri’s side. They placed a dark-gloved hand on the girl’s shoulder; she whined like a kicked puppy and shuddered, clearly repulsed but unwilling to move away from the figure’s touch. This figure wore a long green coat, lined with unusual violet fur. He, too, wore a plague doctor’s mask...but this one was not the plain ivory visage the two strikers wore. His was decorated in red and gold, and covered only everything below his eyes. The golden eyes in question narrowed, a supercilious gleam in them. “Very good work, my daughter,” the voice behind the mask intoned. “Thank you for helping us, Izuku Midoriya. We have much to discuss.” The figure then pointed off in another direction, and uttered one command to the two cloaked men: “Take him!” “KAMINARI!” Midoriya yelled at the top of his lungs, struggling harder as one of the two attackers pulled a short club out of their robes. “KAMINARI! KAMINAR-!” WHACK! The world became fuzzy and filled with plain. Midoriya’s voice slurred unhealthily. “...K-Kamin-ar-i…” WHACK! Izuku knew no more. However, his cries had not gone unheard. Kaminari jolted as he heard Midoriya call to him with what sounded like real panic, the apple dropping from his hands and rolling across the dirt. It stopped right in front of the gray mare, who, thinking it was a treat, nibbled it happily. It was a lucky thing the apple distracted the horse, because the moment Kaminari heard the calls stop just as suddenly as they had come, he was on the move. He bounced off the wagon and bounded into the woods, calling back as he ran in the direction he’d seen Eri taking Midoriya. “MIDORIYA! MIDORIYA, I’M COMING!” Naturally, he was too late. Kaminari skidded to a halt, his expression horror struck, as he saw a second wagon not so far ahead...but this was no produce cart drawn by a farmer’s horse. Instead, it was a prison wagon, a cage-cart drawn by two black horses. He saw the driver’s plague doctor mask glint in the sunlight, and heard them laugh jeeringly as they whipped the horses up...then, the wagon rolled out of sight. Just before it disappeared, he caught sight of Midoriya, slumped over in the prisoner’s cage...alongside Eri and another figure he couldn’t rightly make out. Once it was gone, Kaminari stood stock still for several seconds, processing with dread what he had just witnessed...then, cursing under his breath, he dashed back through the woods to his own cart. Chiyo had just finished her apple, and let out a startled sound as the blonde-haired, yellow-eyed youth leapt back into the driver’s seat, tugging and cracking the reins. “C’mon, old girl!” he shouted. “We have to get back to the farm! This is an emergency!” The horse neighed, and the cart was soon turned around. Then, with another crack and a click, Kaminari rode the rattling wagon back down the road towards Aizawa’s farm as fast as he could…
“Kidnapped?!” “Yeah!” Kaminari confirmed, emphatically. “I saw it happen, Mr. Aizawa! They were riding off with him; I couldn’t hope to catch up in time!” Aizawa grinded his teeth; a look of intense worry burned in his eyes. “Which way were they going?” he demanded, standing up from his desk in the room Kaminari had found him in. “South? West?” “East,” Kaminari replied. “Due East, no doubt of it.” “And you said the driver of the cart wore a plague doctor’s mask?” “Yes, sir!” Aizawa sighed. “There’s no doubt of it then,” he murmured, in an ominous tone of mortal dread. “He’s being taken to Yakuza.” Kaminari gulped nervously. Everyone in the Kingdom of Ua knew about Yakuza: it was one of two neighboring kingdoms, which had been feuding with the land for years on end. It was ruled by the evil King Kai; its armies were ruthless, and its defenses plentiful. While outright war had not been done in many years, relations between the kingdoms were still intensely...well...tense, to say the least. No one in Ua ever went to Yakuza...and lived to tell about it. “Wh-why would they take Midoriya?” Kaminari almost whimpered. “I can make a few guesses,” growled Aizawa curtly, as he dressed himself in his best hat and coat and looked to Kaminari. “I’m going to to take the new stallion to the castle. I have friends among the King’s Knights, they might be able to help us.” “I’ll go with you!” “No,” ordered Aizawa. “You stay here. I already have one of you in danger. I’m not getting you into any more trouble, and I don’t want you causing it, either.” “But I want to help!” “I know,” sighed Aizawa. “But this is no time for rash action!” “This is the PERFECT time for rash action!” Kaminari almost screamed out. “They took Izuku, and who knows what they’re gonna-?!” He stopped short at a burning, searing glare from Aizawa. He ducked his head and looked away. “...I’m...I’m sorry…” “Stay. Here,” Aizawa commanded, then added more softly, “Please.” Kaminari said nothing, but remained where he was. Aizawa looked the blonde haired boy over a time or two...then sighed again and shook his head, before hustling out of the house. There wasn’t a moment to lose. For a time, Kaminari stayed perfectly still where he stood. He listened. He waited. And the instant he heard the sound of Aizawa whistling to his horse, and the sound of the horse hooves galloping off into the distance...his eyes lifted. He looked to the beanstalk outside...and then moved to Aizawa’s desk. He hastily pulled out a small piece of parchment, and scribbled a message onto it. You said to leave you a note next time, the message read. I’m sorry, Master. I have to help my friend. I have to make up for my mistakes. Signed, Kaminari. With this managed, Kaminari clambered out of the open window, and crept towards the mighty beanstalk. He glanced from side to side, to make sure no one was looking...then, without another thought, he latched onto its based, grabbed hold of its stems and leaves...and began, once more, the long climb up...Up...UP…
“I’ll save you, Midoriya,” he promised, as he soon climbed up past the roof of the house, and kept right on climbing. “I’ll save you...one way or another…”
“UUUURRRRRRRROOOORRRRRPH...mph...weak…” Bakugou snorted as he lounged back on the couch in the den of his and Kirishima’s home. His stomach was ever so slightly distended; just enough to make the strong, deep crevices between his six-pack muscles a little less well-defined, a clear but very small curve of fullness along his middle. One of his hands was resting upon his gut, covering his deep, black navel. He didn’t rub his stomach, didn’t scratch it...simply let his hand rest there, the limb rising and falling as his gut moved with his breathing. The ogre’s other arm was slung behind his messy-haired head as he glared with his usual, grouchy scowl at the ceiling, red eyes smoldering as he seemed to look through the ceiling itself...thinking and thinking. The (relatively) light meal he’d enjoyed left a pleasant warmth in his belly...but was not truly full yet. It barely made the slightest dent in his gut, and he knew he could fit more. But nothing around the house seemed to his satisfaction...and he had a feeling he knew what he wanted. What was stopping him? He knew what his stomach desired. He’d never denied it before. So why was he purposefully avoiding it now? He couldn’t even blame his appetite: he clearly wanted it, so what was holding him back? He didn’t know. This was...annoying. “Pissing me off,” he all but hissed to himself, fingers curling over his bare belly and twitching slightly with his ever-present anger. “Damn that little snack-rat...how’d that little fucker get inside my head anyhow…” He growled and shook his head, trying to push away the thoughts and the ever-repeating words. But they wouldn’t go away. He covered his ears, snarling and pulling at his hair. “Die, you stupid thoughts!” he snapped, trying to think of a way to force them out of his mind. He couldn’t take this much more…! He froze in the middle of his thoughts. His eyes widened as his ears pricked up. The giant listened closely. He could have sworn...he’d heard the scampering of tiny feet. He sniffed the air...and growled again, almost like a wild bear. “Fee, Fi, Fo-Fuck it. I don’t have time for this shit…” The giant swung himself out of his seat and onto the floor...but he didn’t stomp his way towards the source of the sound and scent. Instead, he cautiously began to prowl towards it, moving almost like a giant cat. He was fairly certain the little rat hadn’t realized he was around, and he wanted to keep it that way… The giant tip-toed out of the living room and towards the main hall. He peered around the corner, and his red eyes widened at what he saw. He looked both surprised and angry at the same time. Creeping across the floor was a familiar little fellow - no bigger than a mouse, compared to the man-eating man-mountain - with yellow hair and matching eyes. He nervously moved across the floor, peering from side to side and looking all around. “Kirishima?” he called out. “Hello? Is anybody home?” “Yeah. Someone’s home, little snack.” Kaminari jumped...then squealed with fright as he saw Bakugou step out from hiding. The giant’s teeth were bared in a vicious snarl, his fists clenched and visibly shaking. With a comical holler, Kaminari flailed and turned around, trying to make a mad dash back the way he had come… “COME BACK HERE, RAT!” Katsuki roared. “I’LL KILL YOU!” “That’s not a good incentive for me to come back!” Kaminari called back. Bakugou just let out a wordless shout of anger, and lumbered forward. In three long, strong strides, he moved in front of Kaminari. Kaminari skidded to a halt as the Giant glared and lifted one massive boot over him... “DIE, RUNT!” “YIPE!” Kaminari barely had time to scramble out of the way before the giant’s foot slammed into the floor. THOOM! Denki stumbled as the floor shook with the force of the stomp. He hit the floor was was briefly winded...and barely had time to lift a hand in a pleading gesture, a futile attempt to stop the inevitable, as Bakugou’s own giant fingers came swooping down towards him and snatched him. Kaminari cried out as he was hoisted into the air; vertigo hit him in an instant, and he felt woozy...but only for a second or two. He had much worse things to worry about as he was soon held up to the giant’s face. “What are you doin’ back here?” sneered Bakugou. “I...I was lookin’ for-GACK!” Kaminari choked and gasped as Bakuguou gave him a squeeze. His ribs felt nearly ready to cave in, and his spine creaked forebodingly. “I don’t give a damn,” Katsuki snorted, then smirked. “Guess it’s my luck you decided to try and rob us again. This time...you’re not goin’ home, runt.” Kaminari let out a terrified moan as Bakugou licked his lips. “I haven’t had a human to eat in months,” the ogre rumbled, his free hand rubbing his belly up and down. “Now, I’ll finally get a small taste again...thanks for comin’ to me, meat.” So saying, Bakugou closed his eyes and opened his jaws. Kaminari cried out as he was brought closer to the stinking hot maw of the man-eating monster, the tongue twitching as the teeth parted to reveal the slimy chasm of pink, soft flesh that would consume him. “W-Wait...WAIT, JUST A MINUTE! WAIT, PLEASE!” Kaminari yowled as the mouth loomed closer and closer, and he struggled in the giant’s grip. “I DIDN’T COME HERE TO STEAL, I PROMISE! PLEASE!” Bakugou stopped. His eyes opened...and he pulled Kaminari away from his jaws, closing them and glaring at the small morsel. “You’re...not here to steal?” he repeated, skeptically. Kaminari - relieved to be away from that mouth and the odor of digesting meat that came from it - sighed and nodded in confirmation. Bakugou glared darkly. “Why should I believe you?” “Um...b-because it’s true?” Kaminari eeped out. Bakugou’s glare did not soften. “Listen,” Kaminari said, and took a breath to steady himself before going on, still wiggling to try and find some semblance of comfort between the boa constrictors that were Bakugou’s mighty digits. “L-Listen, I...I’m sorry. For what I did last time. I know it was wrong, a-and I won’t do it again.” “Apology not accepted,” sneered Bakugou. “And if that’s all you’ve got, I’m eating you.” “It’s not, it’s not!” exclaimed Kaminari, desperately. “Please...wh-where’s Kirishima? I need his help!” “Stupid hair’s not here. He won’t be back till tomorrow,” shrugged Bakugou, carelessly. Kaminari looked mortified. “But...but...oh, no...now what do I do?” the human worried, speaking more to himself than the giant. “By tomorrow...b-by tomorrow, he could be dead…” Bakugou looked the tiny morsel up and down, and tilted his huge head curiously. “What do you need that extra’s help for, anyway?” he groused. “Midoriya. My friend. He’s been kidnapped.” Bakugou’s eyes widened anew. “Kidnapped?” he repeated, voice soft and somewhat shaky. “Yeah,” Kaminari nodded, his expression dour. “He...he was tricked…a-and a bunch of creeps from a rival kingdom took him away. I...I was too late to stop them. I though...maybe Kirishima could...you know...help me rescue him. Being a giant and all. But...without his help…” “Without his help, you’ll be better off,” snorted Bakugou. “Where is this kingdom?” Kaminari looked up, seemingly stunned. “Wait...you mean...YOU’LL help me?” “Psh. Don’t think of it as me helping you. I’m just helping myself,” Bakugou snorted, and smirked cruelly as he jabbed his free thumb to his chest, head held high. “No one’s gonna kill that green-haired, worthless idiot except ME. Besides, I’ve been on a ‘diet’ recently, you might say…” He licked his teeth as his stomach let out an excited burbling noise. “...I think it’s time I broke it. So...where do I need to go to eat?” Kaminari gulped nervously. “Um...uh...y-you need to go due east, f-from our home. I...I can point the way if you...um...maybe...p-promise not to eat me?” Kaminari smiled hopefully. Bakugou glared. “I don’t make promises to snacks,” he growled...then paused before going on, slowly: “Still...it’ll be hard to find the place without a guide...I guess I can let you live a little longer.” Kaminari sighed with even greater relief. “Thanks,” he breathed...then squeaked like a rodent as the giant quickly tucked him into his vest pocket. “Stay right there, and if you do anything stupid, I’ll squash you flat,” Bakugou grunted. “Now come on, snack. You’ve got another annoying bug to save…” He grinned viciously as he began to march out of the house. “...And I’ve got dinner waiting for me now. Heh heh heh…” Kaminari shuddered as he heard the giant smack his chops hungrily, and looked out over the white and blue landscape of the Kingdom Above the Clouds as his “ride” stepped out into the daylight and went on his way. “I hope I don’t live to regret this,” Denki murmured to himself. “Hang on tight, Midoriya...I’m coming…” “Ahem!” “Uh...oh, uh...w-we’re coming.” “Hmph. Better. Don’t make me regret not eating you…” “I’ll try...h-heh…”
Izuku Midoriya groaned; a splitting headache greeted him as he opened his eyes. Breathing, itself, required great focus, which only made the throbbing, stinging pain in his cranium worse. Something prickled like nettles inside his nostrils - it smelled like ammonia - rousing him from the bleary, black haze he’d been in for some time. He could still feel the weight of the club against his skull, and hoped he didn’t have any lasting damage to worry about. Midoriya sneezed as the odor became stronger, and shook his head with a louder groan, trying to clear it and focus on the fuzzy, faded-out world around him. “That’s enough,” a voice grunted. “He’s coming to.” The scent went away, and that’s when Midoriya became aware of a few things. One, his hands and ankles were both bound with what felt like rough hemp cord. Two, a large wooden post or pole was against his back, his arms wrapped around it behind him. Three, as he shifted his bound feet he realized they brushed against splintery wood. Finally, vision and total awareness returned to him...and Midoriya felt a chill go up his spine. The location appeared to be a city square, a huge black castle not so far in the distance, and various buildings all around him. This, however, was no city square he’d encountered before...and the people around him were the most unsettling part of all. There were hundreds gathered all around him, and while many of them looked perfectly ordinary in dress and appearance...at least a third of them were wearing dark robes and bone-white plague doctor’s masks, thee black lenses blankly staring at Izuku upon the pyre he was stationed on. At the base of the pyre, Midoriya became aware of a flicker of flame. He looked down and gulped nervously: one of the Plague Doctors carried a torch. Beside him stood King Kai: his purple eyes peering over the crest of his ruby-and-gold mask, dressed still in his expensive-looking green and purple coat. Half-hidden behind the King was Eri, who was visibly shaking, eyes darting about to look anywhere except at Midoriya. Midoriya blinked at Eri...then looked up with a glare at King Kai. “Where am I?” he asked, bluntly. “Wh-What’s going on?” “Welcome to Shie, the capital city of Yakuza,” King Kai answered, and Midoriya could sense the smirk behind the mask. “I am-” “I know who you are,” Midoriya said, trying to sound as brave as he could, but unable to stop shaking. “What do you want with me?” Kai blinked slowly. “Why don’t you guess, filthy Uan?” he responded, his voice cold and cutting. Midoriya bit his lip. “In the past few months, the Beanstalk you grew has helped make your kingdom’s capital all the more prosperous,” Kai decided to explain, his voice business-like. “I would like to know how you were able to create such a thing, and where all the wealth came from.” “And why should I tell you that?” Kai narrowed his eyes, and with a slight motion of his head, the robed figure holding a torch stepped forward. Midoriya shuddered, but held up his head, straightening against the post as he glared defiantly. “Y-You can do what you want to me,” he said softly. “I’ll never tell you anything. If someone like you figured it out, who knows what you could do!” “I can already think of a few possibilities,” Kai said, coolly. “But I would recommend reconsidering. Burning to death is a TERRIBLE way to go. Trust me.” Midoriya’s defiant expression did not shift. “Please don’t hurt him…” Both Kai and Midoriya looked down at the furtive little voice that spoke. Kai’s eyes widened as he found Eri tugging on his pant leg. “Please...j-just let him go,” she pleaded. “H-He’s nice, he didn’t-AH!” Kai sneered as one of his minions struck the girl across the face, knocking her back. Kai checked his leg and sighed with relief when he saw nothing wrong. “Never touch me,” he said, in a soft, warning tone. “How often do I have to tell you, Eri? You. Do. Not. TOUCH ME.” Eri sniffled and whimpered, holding her cheek; a bright red mark was visible upon it. “Leave her alone!” snapped Midoriya. “She’s your daughter, isn’t she?” “She’s useful on occasion,” Kai answered, in the same icy tone as before. “But she’s very undisciplined. A father is supposed to discipline his child when they misbehave, yes?” Midoriya looked ill. He looked to Eri with sympathy. “Are you okay?” he asked, gently. Eri blinked, clearly not sure how to respond to the question under the circumstances. “She is far from your concern,” Kai intruded. “I’ll ask again: will you tell us where you got those so-called Magic Beans that brought that stalk to fruition? This is your last chance.” Midoriya struggled against his bonds for a moment, but the knots were strong and taut. He heard several in the crowd snicker. Sighing in defeat, he glared at Kai, who stared up patiently. “Even if I knew where you could find them,” he said, firmly, “I would never tell you.” “Very well,” shrugged King Kai. “In that case, you are of no use to me.” He held out a hand, twitching his fingers in a beckoning gesture. The minion holding the torch handed it over. Kai then turned to address the crowd. “Citizens of Yakuza!” he thundered. “The enemy agent has refused to tell us the secret of the Magic Beanstalk. Today, we burn him, and purge his sorry existence from our clean and well-ordered society. Tomorrow, we shall treat those who live on his farm the same way...and then cut down the mighty beanstalk itself!” The crowd cheered, lifting their fists and shouting jeers at Midoriya. Kai smiled darkly behind his mask, amethyst eyes glittering maliciously as he turned back to Izuku. “Any last words?” Kai hissed. Midoriya blinked once...and gave his reply quickly. PHUT! Kai stumbled back...and his expression became one of livid horror as he felt the slimy substance on his cheek...felt his face burning, felt the hives itch and puff up… He glared with psychotic, feral fury at Midoriya, who smirked back with undying defiance after spitting in the evil king’s face. Kai snarled, and without further hesitation, hurled the torch onto the pyre. The kindling at the base of the pyre began to crackle and burn in an instant. Midoriya’s smile faded, and he began to struggle again. The crowd cheered louder than before, laughing and mocking Midoriya’s struggles as he fought for dear life. Smoke was wisping up, and growing rapidly in density...the fire would be burning fiercely in a very short while. If smoke inhalation didn’t kill him, the flames themselves would. Either way, it would be a lingering, painful demise. “HELP! HELP ME!” he called out, struggling to loosen the knots. Kai glared with triumphant anger as his robed minions taunted Midoriya by mockingly screaming for help, and the crowd pointed and hollered. “NO! NO, LET HIM GO! STOP!” Eri cried out, as two of the masked men held her back. “Perhaps you’ll scream out the answer while you burn, you diseased piece of trash,” sneered Kai. “If not...at least tomorrow we’ll make sure your family suffers the same fate.” Midoriya struggled harder in response, which made Kai chuckle. He crossed his arms, the dark king patiently watching the fire rise and the smoke billow, quickly growing into thicker and thicker curls of vapor...it wouldn’t be long before Midoriya began coughing and wheezing. He was going to enjoy every last second of this he thought, shuddering with revulsion as he touched the stinging portion of his face the boy had spat on. “Bring me my balm,” he muttered, looking towards one of his minions. “I need to-” THUMP-A-THUMP-A-THUMP… Kai froze...and the crowd soon went silent...as a huge, pounding sound echoed through the air. The ground began to tremble, and all across the city went very quiet, confused and frightened as the noise grew steadily louder, and the vibrations more intense… Midoriya blinked, and looked upwards, as did Eri and Kai and nearly everyone else gathered in the city square. Midoriya saw a huge, towering silhouette - at least as large as the castle itself - approaching the area… “Kirishima?” he whispered to himself hopefully, with an optimistic smile.
“A Giant!” exclaimed King Kai, and barked orders to some of his soldiers as he moved a few steps away from the pyre, the people of the city clutching each other, their chatter turning into frightened noises as the King shouted and cried out: “Get to the edges of the city! Fan out! Do everything in your power, but don’t let that...that THING pollute my capital!” The soldiers hurried to move, forgetting all about Midoriya, whose pyre still burned. Midoriya himself had almost forgotten, himself, given the circumstances.: the adventurous lad’s smile quickly faded into a look of confusion and fear as he realized the hair didn’t look like Kirishima’s...and as the giant moved closer and closer, and people in the city began to fretfully murmur, he soon saw the glare of two glowing red eyes. So like Kirishima’s, yet so unlike them. A flash of green and orange caught his eye...and that’s when Midoriya knew. “B-Bakugou?!”
To Be Continued...
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Pumpkin Kiss (Monoma x Reader)
Pairing: Monoma x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Prompt: Fall with Monoma, wither, pumpkin pie, hayride (I used all three ayee)
Summary: Class 1-A and 1-B take a trip to the local fall festival where Monoma starts acting more zealous than normal.
Word count: 1,555
Tags: @rintomoj @yamichxn @yuki-osaki @liviitehe @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog @bunnythepipsqueak
a/n: Ahhh the fall entry for the Seasonal Love Event.  With Fall, we’ve reached the last 2 days of the event...  I really hope I did Monoma justice with this, it’s my first time writing a 1-B character, but I tried to inject as much fluff as I could into it so it’s sweet (like pumpkin pie, hehe)
Seasonal Love Event Masterlist
"I think Monoma's being crazier than usual today," Kendo comments, munching on her kettle corn.
"Wonder if he's on edge about something?" Pony also perks up.  There's syrup smudged cutely over her lips from the caramel apple she's eating.  She's in absolute childish bliss picking on it.
"It's probably about you," Tetsutetsu says bluntly, his gaze directed straight at me.
"Why would any of his dramatic episodes have to do with me?" I snort as all of them direct their attention after his remark.
"Because even right now he's staring straight at you from across the field."  Ibara nods her chin over behind me.  "I also believe he must be put off by something."  I don't miss how she mumbles under her breath about him possibly needing an exorcism because of the sudden change.
"I'm really tired of having to chop his ass every two seconds.  It's like he forgot how to act all of a sudden."  The orange-haired girl rolls her eyes and hands me the half-full bag.  "Have the rest, I'm full."
I figured she wouldn't be able to eat all of it.  Kendo openly gaped at how generous the bag of kettle corn was when she bought it and - wrongly - proclaimed she'd be able to finish it.  I was correct to not buy anything and wait for her to give up.
Kirishima strolls over to greet Tetsutetsu with their secret handshake - no one really knows when they came up with such an elaborate routine, it just happened - before flashing his sharp teeth at me next.  "Hey, Bakugou, Sero, and I are gonna go hit up the carnival games, you wanna come with?"
"Sure, I wouldn't mind-"
"Uh, no, I don't think so."
The atmosphere suddenly fills with vexation as we all know who's voice that is.  The blond stomps over from behind Kirishima and crosses his arms over his chest.  How did he even hear that from across the field?  Was he eavesdropping or was he already slowly making his way over like the creeper he's become today?
"(Y/n) doesn't need to be hanging around you pompous, fake heroes."  I can practically hear the way he looks down his nose at Kirishima, thought there's a bit more edge.  "We provide enough company and enjoyment by ourselves, you're not needed."
I want to roll my eyes.  And why should I let this fool decide who I should hang out with?
"Besides, we all wanted to go on the h-hayride together," he concludes, sounding indignant until he stutters.
Monoma stuttered?
"Oh!  I think that would be so fun!"  Pony's eyes shine as she claps in joy.  "That's actually a pretty good idea, Monoma!"
"Yeah, it was the first intelligent thing you've said all day," Kendo jabs at him.
Kirishima shrugs and flashes an unbothered smile at me.  "We can hang another time then.  See you around!"  After bidding goodbye to me and Tetsutetsu, he jogs off to find the rest of his crew.
I whirl onto the blond and point a finger at his face.  "Don't try to control me and my friends, I do what I want."
Monoma flicks his hair casually, disregarding everything I just said.  "But I had a great idea, didn't I?  A much better one than just playing silly carnival games."
"Carnival games are fun, you know!  It's not just sitting on a stack of hay twiddling your thumbs!"
"But it would be relaxing, don't you think?" Pony chirps, her eyes still twinkling at the thought.
I don't have the heart to deflate her excitement.  "Yeah, I guess you're right," is my meek assent.  Though, I don't think it would be ll that relaxing considering the crisp weather we're experiencing.  Relaxation is more for summer I'd say, not fall with the withering colored leaves.
We make our way over to the hayride plain, Ibara deciding to leave in favor of taking some scenic pictures of the surrounding leaves.  There are only two carts and five of us, so we decide to split into a group of three and a pair.
"Kendo's the only one who can handle Monoma, so they should be together," Tetsutetsu suggests.  "I'll go with Pony and (Y/n)-"
"Uh, no way!" Kendo interrupts, a clearly displeased sneer morphing her features.  "Just because I can handle him doesn't mean I want to sit near him for at least 20 minutes."
"I have to agree," the boy in question pipes up.  "Besides, I'd rather be with (Y/n) who's nicer to me."
An unspoken hangs for the briefest moment after he said that, everyone glancing at me before Kendo shrugs.  "Welp, fine by me."
Aw come on.
Before I can complain, the three of them get into their hay-covered cart and get themselves comfortable.
"Shall we get going then?" Monoma questions in his over-dramatic way, sweeping his hand toward our own cart.
"Yeah, let's just get this over with," I mumble.
We mount ourselves onto the wagon.  Some of the hay is soft enough that it doesn't poke into me.  Once the horses start moving, the gentle rocking of the wagon is somewhat comforting.  I try to relax and ignore my partner, hoping he'll get the hint that I don't want him to talk as I lay my back against the floor.
I peek an eye open to see an aluminum container hovering above my face.  I sit up and stare at Monoma questioningly.  "Where did you get this?"  Judging from the dark orange color, it's pumpkin pie.
"While you guys were discussing arrangements, I bought some for us to eat."  He places it in my lap before opening the clear lid on his own.  "Since you said there was nothing to do on a hayride, I gave us something to do."
Cautiously, I roll up and open the container.  "You didn't poison this, right?"
He waves his hand at me.  "Why would I do that?"
It's not that I don't trust him, I'm just wary of his behavior today and him being kind while choosing me to ride with is slightly unsettling.  Yet, I know he wouldn't hurt me and I appreciate the gesture, so I open it and take a bite.  The natural sweetness of the pumpkin dancing on my tongue while the crust has just enough texture to balance the softness of the middle.
Monoma's eyebrows furrow minutely.  "I also didn't want you to regret riding with me instead of the others."
I raise my own brow.  "I'd only regret it if you started your bullshit."
He levels his periwinkle gaze at me.  "Do you prefer Tetsutetsu and 1-A to me?"
I'm taken back by his question.  "Just maybe for fun, when you're in your moods about them I guess.  You're my classmate, not them.  And Tetsutetsu is fun to hang out with.  I prefer just talking to you like this."
"Oh.  I see."  He looks down at his half eaten pie.
Past his head, I observe a line of pumpkins decorating the road and laugh at one of the more irregularly formed ones.  "Are they sure that's a pumpkin?"
Monoma turns his head around and lets out a chuckle.  "I think the irregular ones taste sweeter."
"You don't say?"
I finish the rest of my own in silence, stealing glances at the boy's contemplative expression. He's actually quite handsome, anyone would fall at his feet if he weren't such an uptight pain in the ass most of the time. Pretty hair, pretty eyes, pretty face, even a strong quirk - he just needs to work on his attitude.
"Hey," his head lifts up and meets my probing eyes, only for his words to catch when he notices how I've leaned slightly forward.
The fork still frozen in my mouth as I hold it, I maintain his gaze and hum, waiting for his question.
A sudden brush of pink dusts his cheeks and he rubs his hand. "You said like my company, right?"
"Yeah, I do." My voice gets softer, chest pounding in anticipation for what's coming next.
Monoma coughs with the difficulty of formulating his words. It's endearing to see him struggle instead of being overzealous. "I-I like your company too," he rushes out like ripping off a band-aid.  "In more ways than one.  I'm trying to say I like you."  With every word, his face saturates in more and more color.
A tenderness wells up inside me as I process his confession.  Monoma being out of character towards me proves the sincerity of his words, or at least the fact that his feelings for me are more special than the rest.
In a spur of the moment, I lean over and plant a light kiss on his cheek.  The response I got was priceless: scarlet blood flowing straight to his ears as he clears his throat to regain his composure.  Until he catches me off guard and counters with another kiss that barely misses the corner of my lip, causing my own embarrassed warmth to flood through me and butterflies to gather in my belly.  The sweetness from the pumpkin pie he ate lingers there when I swipe my tongue over to wet my suddenly parched lips.
"So, do we agree to spend more time with each other?" Monoma attempts sounding calm and collected.
I shuffle over closer to him, our fingers brushing together.  "Yes, I'd like that."
Monoma's like that weird shaped pumpkin in a way.  He doesn't present as the best outwardly, but he's sweeter if you decide to take a bite.
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Can’t Fight This Feeling
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I felt like everything was going in slow motion. The realization that the monster was still there, going back to Starcourt if it wasn’t already there. My friends were there.
Steve was there.
Whatever was going to happen was going to happen at the mall, that was where this was going to end.
I should’ve gone with them. I knew Dustin and Erica would be safe at the hilltop. I knew it and I should’ve spoken up more. I couldn’t just stand by and let them fight this thing when I’m standing doing nothing.
I looked next to me to Dustin just as I noticed the wetness on my cheeks from the tears.
“Are you okay?” he asked me.
I sniffled and wiped my nose as I looked down at my shoes, “I’m scared,” I admitted, looking back up at him, “I -I just don’t know what to do.”
Dustin sighed deeply and looked from me to the bottom of the hill, “Go,” he told me gently, looking back to me, “I hid my bike here, remember? Erica and I will be fine, but you’ll be too worried to be any help,” he said jokingly.
I shook my head, the thoughts I previously had about leaving Erica and Dustin disappearing quickly. I didn’t want to leave them either. I was between a rock and a hard place.
“No,” I said instantly, “Dust...I don’t want to leave you guys alone. If something happened here and I wasn’t around...I dont know what I’d do, Dustin. Really, I think I’d die if something happened to you.”
A small grin crossed his face, “We’d be able to see something coming, Lou. Besides, whatever the demogorgan wants- probably El- is still at the mall by the looks of it. Erica and I will be fine, but you’ll be here internally and externally freaking out. You know we’ll be safe. And I know you’ll be safe if you go there.”
I shook my head immediately, “Dust, no. There’s no way I’d-“
“Lou,” he said, cutting me off quickly, “I love you, but you’re going to be more of a liability here worrying about everyone at the mall, then you would be just at the mall. I’m not worried about you going there because I know-“ he stopped himself.
Dustin took a deep breath and nodded once, “I know Steve would do whatever it takes to keep you safe, Lou.”
My heart fluttered at his words. Dustin thought the same way I did.
Dustin put his hands on my shoulders, staring me right in the eyes, “Go down the hill and get my bike, Louise. Please.”
I bit my lip and nodded to him, “The second-the absolute second this is over, I’ll come back here to get both of you,” I told him stepping backwards out of his grasp.
He grinned up at me, “I know.”
I quickly reached out and grabbed Dustin, pulling him into a hug which he reciprocated hastily.
“I love you, Dusty,” I murmered.
“Love you too, Lou,” I heard him say quietly.
I pulled away from him, “I’ll be back soon,” I promised, taking a few steps back.
He nodded, “Go,” he implored.
I breathed out, nodding to him quickly, before turning and, carefully, running down the hill to the spot where I met Dustin a week earlier with moms car. I went to the tree line and grabbed his trusty bike, which was still hidden among the trees. I walked it over to the road and got on it as fast as I could without falling over, and began peddling quickly in the direction of Starcourt.
All I had was the cool breeze hitting my face and sounds of my steady breathing and wheels rolling on pavement. I was scared. Absolutely terrified.
I was scared for my friends at the mall.
I was scared for Steve. I was being honest when I told him I wasn’t sure what I would do if something happened to him and I wasn’t there.
I was scared for Dustin and Erica alone on the hilltop.
I was scared for the rest of Hawkins...this monster seemed more dangerous than the ones Dustin and Steve told us about.
My thoughts just kept repeating those same things over and over again. I couldn’t think of anything else. The ride was taking forever. My legs were burning. After the events of the past 24 hours or so, my body felt like it was giving up.
Every inch of me was in the worst pain imaginable. I was breathing heavily and felt like I was on the verge of passing out.
But as I rode past the empty businesses on Main Street and down the familiar roads of Hawkins and saw the bright flickering lights of Starcourt come into focus all the pain I was in was worth it, because I knew I was going to be able to help them. Somehow.
As I got closer to the doors of the mall I saw three different cars.
The Wheeler’s station wagon. Billy’s car that was smoking heavily.
And the ToddFather. I stopped peddling and jumped off the bike, running over to the yellow convertible that I had last saw Steve and Robin leaving me to get to. The front was smashed up but they weren’t in it.
They had to have gotten out themselves, I told myself. Billy hadn’t gotten them, a monster hadn’t gotten them. They were okay.
I ran towards the doors and ran into the mall without breaking my stride. I heard loud popping and banging and fizzing noises. As I ran to the food court, I saw the fireworks lighting up the ceiling.
I was speechless watching them go off. It wasn’t until a looked a bit further down from the sparkling display that I saw this...blob of a monster standing and swaying trying to get out of the halo of bright lights that were surrounding it.
I took a few faltering steps back in absolute shock about what was in front of me. This was the monster that was threatening all of us.
I began running to the escalator, I knew the fireworks were coming from above and I just knew it was the party tossing them onto the monster to distract it while Hopper, Mrs. Byers and Murray tried to close the gate.
Once I reached the second floor I looked along the railing and saw Steve leaning over it with his hand outstretched behind him, waiting for Robin to hand him a lit firework.
“Steve!” I shouted as loudly as I could, as I began jogging to him.
He looked around quickly before he found me. I could see the shock and confusion on his face a got closer to him.   
I ran to him and he opened his arms without another thought. I ran right into the hug, wrapping my arms around his neck as he held me to him tightly around my waist.
“What are you doing here?” he asked me.
He pulled away from me and put both of his hands on each side of my face, “I just...needed to make sure you were gonna be okay. Dustin and Erica are okay at the top of the hill...this is where the fight is.”
“I wish you would have listened to me,” he told me quietly.
“Would you have listened to me?” I asked him back.
He let out a small laugh, “No, probably not,” he said lowering his hands.
“Hey? Lovebirds!” Robin shouted.
I looked to her quickly, “Hate to break this up but we have a few more important things to deal with,” she said as she lit a firework and tossed it over the railing.
Steve took my hand and we went over to the last remaining unlit firework on the floor, Robin grabbed it and lit it, shoving it into my unoccupied hand, “You get the last one, make it good!” she instructed.
Without thinking twice about it I turned toward the railing, looked at the giant monster in the middle of the food court, surrounding my sparkling lights and fizzing sounds. I leaned as far over the railing as I could and threw the firework, it started falling down by the monsters face before it exploded into blue and red lights.
There was only one more pop after ours, I looked to Steve, “Is everyone out?”
He shook his head, “I - yeah I mean, I think so.”
The monster below us roared loudly, realizing that there wasn’t anymore blinding light and noises to distract it from what it must have been there for.
“El,” Steve whispered from next to me.
I looked over to him and saw him looking down at the food court, I followed his eye sight and saw El laying on the ground of the food court with Billy hovering over her.
“We have to help her!” I told him as I let go of his hand.
Before he could answer me I was already rushing toward the escalator.
“Hey-hey- Lou! Stop!” he called out after me.
I stopped only when I felt his hand on my wrist, “Lou, just wait a second!”
I turned to him, “We have to help her!” I told him sternly with tears beginning to form in my eyes, “we have to get to her.”
I saw the battle going on in his head, his eyes were moving rapidly back and forth trying to figure out something.
I looked behind Steve to see Robin looking over the railing with a shocked expression.
I looked over the railing at the same time Steve did and saw Billy had left El’s side and was walking to the monster in the midst of the flashing lights and fires that had broken out around the food court.
The monster was snarling and roaring, but I lept my eyes stuck to Billy. Unsure of what he was doing.
The monster had taken a few steps closer to Billy, and by extension, El. El was cowering in fear behind Billy.
But then something shot out of the monster mouth and Billy lifted his hands up taking the brunt of the attack.
Almost like he was...protecting Eleven.
I let out a small gasp as I heard Billy screaming, along with the screeching of the monster.
There was a tentacle from the monster that came out and went into Billy’s side. Billy was hunched over in pain. Another tentacle from the other side of the monster came out and went to Billy’s other side. Billy was groaning in pain and the monster continued to screech in his face.
I couldn’t look away from the sight below us. I was in shock watching everything unfold. Steve and I were squeezing each other’s hands. I couldn’t look away to look at him to see how he felt.
The monster was going to kill Billy. Right there in the Starcourt mall food court. Right in front of all of us, including his little step sister, Max.
More tentacles began sprouting up from the monster and began attaching themselves onto Billy.
Billy screamed out in agony as his hands dropped from the front of him, and his body fell back limp, the only thing holding him up was the monster, before he finally fell forwards onto his knees.
The monster opened its mouth roaring in Billy’s face, as Billy screamed loudly. Another tentacle shot out of the monsters mouth and went for Billy’s chest.
From somewhere in the mall I could hear Max screaming out his name. The tentacles retracted from Billy’s body and he fell to the side, landing on his back.
My chest tightened and tears welled immediately in my eyes. He gave himself up to protect El. I wasn’t sure what she did or said to him, but he must have...I don’t know, come back to his senses. Broken free of whatever hold the monster had on him.
I looked over to Steve and saw his mouth hanging open, looking down at Billy lying on the ground.
“Is he dead?” he asked quietly.
I looked back to Billy’s body, “I don’t know,” I answered honestly.
The monster began screeching loudly and stumbling backwards.
I gasped as it loudly snarled, “What’s going on?” I cried.
Steve pulled me back just at the right second as the monster stumbled into the railing of the second floor where we were. The monster teetered for a moment before falling over.
We ran back to the railing and looked over at it, laying among the flames.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mike and Max going over to El, with Mike hugging her instantly. Max walked slowly to Billy and got on her knees.
I looked back to Robin and Steve, “Come on,” I implored, rushing towards the escalator to go to them.
I ran down the escalator and into the food court, over to Mike, El and Max.
“Are you guys okay?” I asked, falling to my knees as I made it to them.
El looked up to me, wide eyed before looking back to Max, who was going over to Billy’s body.
I wrapped an arm around El and brought her close to me, “El are you okay?” I asked again.
“No,” she whispered as she looked over to Max, kneeling next to Billy just a few feet from us.
I let go of El as Mike wrapped an arm around her tightly. I watched Max but didn’t know what to do or say to her.
I felt an arm slip around my shoulder and didn’t need to looked up to know it was Steve kneeling next to me.
El removed herself from Mike and walked over to Max, falling to her knees next to her where she wrapped her arms around her and pulled Max to her in a hug as Max sobbed.
My eyes filled with tears watching the two of them together. El was saying reassuring words to Max, trying to help calm her down. El looked back to us, unsure of what to do, but none of us knew what to do at that point either.
The rest of the group had finally come down and were all around us. Lucas immediately went to Max and El, where El let go of Max and Lucas held onto her, letting her sob into his shoulder, with Mike going back to El’s side immediately.
We all just stayed there quietly, unable to articulate our emotions at that moment. What was there to do or say? This wasn’t the outcome any of us hoped for.
The silence was broken by people running into the food court in camouflage uniforms and helmets carrying large assault weapons. They were all yelling at us quickly and loudly and I couldn’t make out a word they were saying.
We all got up quickly with our hands raised, with Steve stepping in front of me to put distance between us.
“Dr. Owens sent us, we’re with the national guard! Is this the only monster?” one of them yelled once the rest of the guards stopped yelling.
We all sheepishly nodded our heads, “Lower your weapons!” he called over his shoulder to the others. They all simultaneously lowered their guns and in turn, we dropped our hands slowly.
“We’re going to get this cleaned up,” he told us, “when the police or anyone asks you, what we had here tonight at Starcourt was a massive fire. Understood?”
I took a deep breath and nodded my head, unsure of how, exactly this was going to be cleaned up.
The guard sighed and nodded back to us, “You’re all free to leave then. Go,” he instructed.
Steve turned to me immediately, “Come on, Lou,” he whispered.
I looked around him to see Max and El. Max was silently crying with Lucas and El both with arms around her leading her out.
“Let’s go outside, Lou,” Steve said bringing my attention back to him.
I looked at him and nodded, I took his hand in mine and let him lead me out.
Thank you everyone for your patience! Sorry this took so long...it’s been a weird time with everything going on and trying to navigate life. But I’m happy to bring a new chapter out for this!!
GIF credit to owner and title credit to REO Speedwagon!
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michals · 4 years
(Ok this was supposed to be like, a couple of paragraphs but it turned into a freaking essay, so it’s under the cut haha)
On Klaus, Luther and addiction
So this is something I personally find to have a lot of great thematic potential for these two characters. The idea of Luther falling into the same trap that Klaus has for both similar and different reasons and Klaus dealing with Luther’s addictions while facing his own is such a great thru line for both of them. The show’s set them up with the building blocks for this plot point and it would be so easy for it to come into play this season, especially this season actually.
Luther’s build up to addiction is subtle but I think they’ve planted the seeds enough to make it into something. Him falling apart in The Day That Was and his first reaction is to turn to alcohol and drugs is pretty significant considering it’s obvious that he’s probably been very ‘straight edge’ his whole life, probably never having even drank before then. And he tells Klaus straight out that he wishes he was like him, that he didn’t care and that he could just ignore all his own feelings like he thinks Klaus does. (I’ll get into how the family deals with Klaus’s addiction in a minute.) He goes out and  does things under the influence he would never have done while sober, things that end up being self destructive (ie having sex that he seemed to really not want). But even then he’s gotten the idea that if he’s drinking/on something then he’s not thinking about all his shitty feelings.
Season two really sets it up because it’s not just one event but several. In the first ep at the bar he has a drink very casually, like he’s been doing it for years and not just because his life fell apart in the past how many months. The flask when he goes to Vanya’s is really telling firstly because he has a flask on him at all times at this point, that he uses it to get his courage up to go in the barn, and that he does it even when he’s driving. But it’s the nitrous scene that really cements it for me, again simply because he went from being basically a teetotaler to jumping at the first offer of heavy drugs. And he says he should’ve done this a long time ago. If I may get a little personal I know how easy it is to fall into this, the idea of ‘hey alcohol (or drugs) makes me feel better or at least I don’t think/care as much so why wouldn’t I do it?’. It’s such an easy slope to fall down and on the surface Luther has plenty of reasons to want to.
Now, Klaus: there’s plenty already been said about Klaus’s relationship with drugs and alcohol so I won’t get too wordy. Klaus is defined to us right away as a junkie and addict. Someone who uses substances to avoid dealing specifically with his powers and also his shitty upbringing. He plays very fast and loose with his own sobriety and even his mortality. Basically: he uses drugs to avoid thinking or feeling bad, or at least worse but he’s far, far past the point of entry into full blown dependence.
The scene between him and Luther in season 1 is a personal favorite just because it manages to deal with and establish a number of thematic ideas and the potential for how Luther and Klaus’s relationship can go from there. Luther, like the rest of the family, doesn’t understand Klaus’s addiction partially because they’ve all been estranged for 13 years and partially because Klaus doesn’t take it seriously and puts forth a very flippant persona, hell he doesn’t take anything that seriously. The world’s ending, they don’t have the time or inclination to humor Klaus’s story of chocolate pudding. Luther clearly misunderstands his addiction because yes, Klaus comes across as kind of happy and okay with himself but that’s because of the drugs. To Luther who’s been locked up with their asshole of a father Klaus seems to actually have a life of his own.
But Klaus doesn’t try too hard to walk that opinion back and here’s something I find important that tends to get left out when people point out that the family doesn’t take Klaus’s problems seriously: Klaus doesn’t talk about it or try and deal with it. Klaus really really doesn’t like dealing with things if he thinks he can avoid them. His powers, his childhood, Reginald, Ben, his cult – if he can run away from it or make a joke about it instead that’s what he’ll do. The one thing he ever really shows much initiative with is Dave. He’s self centered and I mean that in the most basic way – everything comes down to what he wants to do and he actually keeps his feelings close to the vest for the most part. Basically he doesn’t want to give the others an ‘in’ point to really address it (bonus they all heaps of problems of their own). And when he does get into it just the barest amount with Luther Luther’s high as fuck.
(Just to touch on Ben he kind of doesn’t count because firstly he can’t talk to anyone else and secondly he and Klaus have such a strained relationship especially regarding Klaus’s drug use that even if anyone else could hear him he probably wouldn’t be that supportive.)
So, actually getting into the whole season 3 thing: the siblings are about to face off with a whole lot of daddy and family issues in this time line and everyone’s got huge potential for emotional and mental shakedowns, but I think Luther’s gonna have the worst time of it. Don’t think I’m going to get into that BS of comparing traumas and saying anyone’s more ‘worthy’ of sympathy than any of the others, I’m saying specifically because it’s to do with Reginald not only rejecting him yet again and outright replacing him but that it’s not even ‘his’ Reginald so does that mean all the shit he put Luther through doesn’t count? I just see it as catalyst for a real breakdown for him.
Not to say this won’t mess with Klaus but Klaus hated Reginald long ago and has accepted that the guy was a douchebag and had no real love for his children, so personally I see his drug use as dealing with Reggie’s abuse but more so to deal with his powers. So yes, this’ll absolutely fuck with him but Luther’s the primo target here.
So what if we see Luther leaning even harder into drinking or even heavier things? Now he really has an excuse to because where’s he supposed to go from here? What’s he meant to do? He’s not the leader anymore, his family doesn’t always treat his trauma seriously (Klaus parallels there) nevermind he doesn’t even like to address it himself, he has no idea who he’s supposed to be and the one person who he thought actually cared about him not only doesn’t but never did and now he’ll never get back what he saw as his purpose in life. The whole Ben being alive thing is just icing on the cake. If he spirals in s3 it would make perfect sense because of all this and all the set up for it.
Klaus spiraled too at the end of s2 again becoming the fatalistic junkie he used to be, he’s gonna run from his problems again but it’s not just his powers this time. So he’s off the wagon but what if he notices Luther is too?
I can definitely see Luther trying to hide it from the others. He’s already given away too much of his weaknesses, he doesn’t want them to see their ‘leader’ continue to fall and I don’t think he’d want them to know he’s still that affected by Reginald. They want him to have dealt with it, like he seems to have at least a little in s2, if he’s completely fallen apart because of his dad again then that just makes him look pathetic. So he keeps his flask and finds excuses to get away with stumbling or slurring his words. But Klaus notices, because Klaus knows the signs.
In that scene in s1 Klaus very obviously doesn’t like seeing Luther like that or using drugs as an escape like he does. He’s self aware enough to know that this isn’t any way to live but is too pessimistic when it comes to himself. But, again, he tends to be pretty self centered. This is not a bad thing, this is a great character trait and it makes Klaus interesting. He does not know how to relate to his siblings on the whole, doesn’t know how to talk about his own traumas and addictions, so when he does hear them out it’s usually because he had was focusing on his own shit first. For instance: when he has the heart to heart with Allison in her kitchen he’s only there in the first place because he was falling apart because of Dave.
Luther having a problem will have to be something Klaus purposefully chooses to deal with because he’s worried about one of this siblings. And for obvious reasons Klaus is the perfect one to help him with it. He doesn’t want to see Luther like that but he doesn’t really have a leg to stand on if he wants him to stop. Hell, if Klaus won’t stop why should Luther? Klaus can’t use ‘do what I say not as I do’, partially because Luther has proven to have some self destructive/self harming tendencies and again, if it makes him feel okay or at least steady then why would he stop?
But Klaus stopping means that he’s going to have to confront his quite literal demons when it comes to his powers (I could go off on how much I don’t love that he was somehow sober for 3 years in the 60’s no problem but it didn’t seem to affect his powers at all but that’s another post). The number one thing he’s been running from his whole life, something the show hasn’t actually done a whole lot with. We knows he hates it, we knows he’s tortured by it, but we’ve seen no evidence that he’s ever really confronted it. He was traumatized by Reggie who did everything wrong so he went the opposite route.
But what if he has to stay sober for Luther’s sake? Even if he doesn’t want to help, even if he just enables it or joins him at first eventually he’d have to come the realization that he doesn’t like this, that he wouldn’t wish this kind of problem on someone he cares about. So he’s going to have to turn inward, he’s going to have to face up to both his addiction and his powers, maybe even finally try to tame and use his powers. And at some point he’d have to talk to Luther about it and stop hiding behind his glib façade.
So in the end we’d get to see Luther falling apart trying to deal with everything that he still very much needs to deal with and his subconscious tendency for self destruction, Klaus confronting his addictions, his own feelings and relationship to his siblings, and his powers and hell, maybe then we’ll actually get him using his powers to his/the group’s benefit.
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just-jordie-things · 4 years
5 from the kiss prompts w/ sokka please!
prompt 9: angry kiss ___
“This is your fault, by the way” Sokka hissed, sending you a nasty glare
“Excuse me-?”
“Well, if you didn’t need your precious groceries, we wouldn’t have needed to go into town.  And if we didn’t go to town, we wouldn’t be in this situation right now!”
“Precious groceries?” You repeat, narrowing your eyes.  “Do you mean the food and soap that we needed-?”
“Look, kids, do you mind shutting up for a few minutes?”
You and Sokka turned your heads, looking at the man who had captured you both and chained you up a few minutes ago.  He’d caught you in the streets on your way to the market, and before you could fend for yourself, he’d knocked you out and chained you up.  You came to after a few short minutes of him dragging you back to his wagon.
Ever since you’d regained consciousness, you and Sokka haven’t stopped arguing.  And your captor was starting to think that he was being tortured more than you two.
“Spirits you two talk a lot” He said gruffly.
“That’s mostly him” You muttered.
Sokka opened his mouth to retaliate, but then your captor stood up abruptly and grabbed hold of the chains that bound your hands.
Unfortunately, you were not only handcuffed, you were handcuffed directly to Sokka, which was probably the cruelest thing anyone could have done to you.
“You know what? How about I turn you into the Fire Nation right now for the pretty penny that’s on your heads?”
The man ran a grimy hand over your face before grabbing you by the jaw.
“Try running that mouth after they decapitate you, sweetheart”
Sokka fought against his restraints, but with his hands behind his back and cuffed to yours, he didn’t exactly intimidate your captor.
You rolled your eyes at his attempt to defend you- even if it did make your heart flutter a little- and decided to make a move to defend yourself.
You reached out and bit the man’s hand before he could pull it away from your face.
The man screeched in pain, but Sokka let out a yip as well.
You turned to look at him, your brows furrowed.
“Why are you yelling, dumbass-?”
“You bitch!” The man in pain hollered, and roughly grabbed at the chains between you and Sokka.  “I hope they burn you to a crisp!”
You just snickered while stumbling over your feet.
“Great, now he’s gonna be rougher” Sokka grumbled, before you were both thrown into the back of his wagon.
The man slammed the door in your faces, before attaching a large and heavy duty lock on the door.
“We’re his prisoners, Sokka, he was never going to tuck us in,” You snapped back at him.  “Besides I’ve got this handled, so just- calm down”
“Oh, you’ve got this handled?” Sokka repeated in disbelief.  “What part of us being handcuffed together do you consider handled!?” He screamed.
“Hey! You keep it down back there!” Your captor called from where he sat above the wagon, before kicking roughly at the wood to make his point.
“That’s it, I’m done entertaining this idiot” You grumbled, and clenched your fists, and with ease, the handcuffs on your wrists crumpled like paper, and you could break free.
“What the-!?” Sokka’s eyes widened as you were suddenly free from him, his jaw on the floor as he caught sight of the mangled handcuffs.  “How did you-!?”
“Shh!” You hushed, before covering his mouth with your hands.  “Toph taught me a new trick, now shut up and let me save you”
He wanted to argue with you some more, but he was still too awestruck at the fact that you’d just used metalbending- which he hadn’t known existed- to try to put up a fight.
Without another word, you grabbed at the chains around his hands, and repeated the same motion that Toph had taught her, and just like that, the cuffs fell from his hands.
“You got that boomerang still?” You asked, to which he scoffed.
“Great” You grinned, and Sokka thinks it might have been the first time you ever smiled at him.
You had only met about a month ago.  You were an earthbender friend of Toph’s and she’d begged you to come with her on her travels with the Avatar.  You’d only made it to Ba Sing Se, and you and Sokka had argued since your meeting.  You weren’t sure why, he was just always off with you.
“When I break this open, you throw it right away, alright?” You ordered, standing directly before him, and raising your arms until your hands were pressed against the wood paneling of the roof.
“What? You’re standing in the way!” Sokka hissed, boomerang in hand.
You rolled your eyes.
“I’ll bust it open, duck, and you throw it,” You clarified.  “Do I really need to walk you step by step through this? You just gotta knock the guy out so we can get out of here!”
“Well with your plan, I’ll be knocking the both of you out, because you’re standing in the way!”
“Sokka! For once can you just listen to-!?”
Your question fell short as the paneling above you was ripped open, and only then did you realize the wagon had stopped moving, and now your captor was staring menacingly down at you.
“We fucked up” You barely registered Sokka’s mumble of defeat, before a pair of hands were reaching down for you, and snatching you up like a ragdoll.
You screamed on instinct, thrashing in your captor’s hold, but no matter how much you kicked and punched at his chest, he didn’t seem to budge.
“Let her go!” Sokka hollered, rearing his arm back, ready to throw his weapon if the man didn’t release you.
“You two are so goddamn annoying!” The man complained, not caring about the young Water Tribe boy threatening his life.  “I definitely don’t need the reward for both of you.  One will do” He decided, and carelessly tossed you off the wagon and onto the rocky ground.
You grunted at the impact, wishing you had been quick enough to use your earthbending to soften your landing, but at least it hadn’t been a long fall.
“(y/n)!” Sokka shrieked, and without thinking, threw his boomerang with all his might, hitting the man in the forehead and buying himself enough time to pull himself through the opening of the wagon, catch his boomerang, and catapult himself over the side of the cabin.
“Get back here you heathen!” The man howled, one hand covering the mark on his face as he jumped off the wagon after you.
You pushed yourself up into a sitting position, and raised one arm with great force, sending a column of earth jut out from the ground and hit him in the gut.  And then you sent another to his face, making him crumple to the ground like he was boneless.
“Shit, are you okay?” Sokka asked, wrapping his hands around your shoulders as he helped you up.
“I’ll be fine,” You said, wincing in pain at the soreness in your back.  “I should have taken care of that idiot back in town, I’m sorry”
Just as your eyes met Sokka’s, he seized forward, smashing his lips to yours.  You barely even had time to close your own eyes, much less process that he was kissing you and it was a very nice kiss- albeit a little desperate and aggressive- but that you’d very much like to kiss him back.
When he pulled back, you blinked, your eyes as wide as the moon and a blush dusting your cheeks.
Sokka did not share the same look of whimsy, instead he was furrowing his brows at you angrily.
“You idiot,” He scolded you, dropping his hands from your shoulders to gently smack at your arm.  “Don’t ever do that again.  Next time some guy tries to kidnap you, you earthbend him seven feet under the ground, got it!?”
He sounded more panicked than angry, but you silently and shakily nodded your head back at him, still reeling from the kiss he’d just laid on you.
“And if for whatever reason you’re trying to prove a point- spirits (y/n) don’t let us get kidnapped just to spite me!”
“Just to spite you!?” You repeated in disbelief.  “For fuck’s sake Sokka don’t flatter yourself-”
“Oh please, you coulda’ taken care of that guy forever ago! Why didn’t you?”
“He caught us off guard!” You argued.
“You’re a master earthbender!”
“I was unconscious, you dipshit!”
You both argued the whole way back to camp, and then argued some more when the others asked why you hadn’t gotten any of the supplies you were sent out for.
But that night as everyone set up their sleeping bags, Sokka placed his a little closer to yours than necessary- but it was shocking enough that he’d even set up next to you.  And you didn’t complain, or mention it at all.
And later, after you’d thought he’d fallen asleep, his hand reached out and grabbed onto yours.
Again, you didn’t say anything.  Just tangled your fingers between his, and wondered if something had changed, or if there had always been a spark between you and you were just too clueless to notice it.
It was an answer that you’d have to wait until morning to get, but it still kept you up most the night thinking about. ___
might just have to write a part 2 to this
xoxo ~ jordie
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cowboisadness · 4 years
Hang ‘Em High {Arthur Morgan x F!OC} Chapter 15
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Pairing: Arthur Morgan x FemOC
Summery: Belle Hawthorne is high society looking to escape her mean husband. A robbery by the Van Der Linde gang could be her chance. Can she escape his cluches and possibly discover what love should feel like?
Warnings: Canon typical violence but we finally get to see some action!!
The parlour wasn’t as busy as I expected. The tables and booths accommodating a few men each, all of them drinking and chatting amongst themselves after a day of hard work. I had a feeling that was soon about to change.
Hosea called out for the attention of the room, introducing himself as Melvin and Arthur, who was behind the bar at this point still looking sour, as his brother.
The whole space erupted into cheers at the mention of free drinks for the next thirty minutes. Every man and his dog now making their way to the bar at the mention of something too good to be true. 
“Don’t get him mad, though. His momma made him mad and we buried her. Poor thing.”
I stood beside the bar, welcoming men over with a smile and hoped no one wondered why these strangers are just giving away shine. Not suspicious at all.
Hosea called for the music to continue loud and clear and Arthur began pouring for the punters.
Hosea made his rounds, encouraging them to drink more with his cheery smile and rousing words.
Shot after shot was poured. The reserved chatter now nothing but a memory to be replaced by blaring laughter and men slowly but surely losing their feet.
These folks will regret this by morning, that’s if they even remember what happened but it sure was easy money for us. 
“You make this fine shine, Miss?” A man sneaked up beside me at the bar, his words starting to slur.
“It’s our pleasure, sir. Would you like another glass?”
Might as well go along with it “I had a hand in it for sure.” I smiled at him, leaning against the bar with one arm propped up upon it.
“Well, it is mighty kind of you to give it out like this.” 
“Hmm, I sure would like a taste. Ain’t nothing better than a workin’ woman that likes to g-get her hands dirty.” He shot a toothy grin and leaned in towards me placing a hand on my arm that was at my side. I shook him off and moved back slightly but he wouldn’t give up, taking a step forward and replacing his hand, this time on my hip trying in his drunken state to pull me towards him. 
Grabbing onto his arm I pulled him off, staring straight into his bloodshot eyes. 
“I see you have met our dear Alice. Ain’t she something?” Hosea smiled at the man
“Touch me again and that glass will be imbedded into your face,” His brows furrowed in confusion but with the sudden crinkle around his eyes, he took it as a challenge.
Before either of us could say another word, Hosea came up beside us, replacing my hand with his and dropping the man’s arm to his side. 
“S-she sure is. She your sister?”
“Sister-in-Law.” Hosea kept his smile but turned his gaze to behind the bar, me and the stranger following his eye-line. The three of us looking towards Arthur, now ceased his pouring and glaring daggers right at our new friend. I felt my cheeks begin to heat up but couldn’t stop the grin from seeing the man's reaction to this new information. His head snapped back to Hosea with a dumbfounded look. Hosea just nodded slowly. 
“I’d be careful if I was you. She’s the only one he listens to and she just needs to give the word.” Hosea gave a beaming smile with his threat. Mess with her and you will have a man twice your size and with a willing thirst for violence that would do anything for his wife to deal with.
The drunkard was definitely uneasy on his feet now, his head bowed down with a quiet nod he took himself and his empty glass away from the bar.
Thirty minutes had been and gone, the quietness of the night now upon us but the parlour was as lively as it has probably ever been. Men dancing with each other like lovers weaving through tables and fallen chairs. The piano man with one leg perched upon the stool playing like it was the only thing keeping him breathing. One man passed out at the bar, another on the stairs up to the second level. Laughter and shouts bordering on deafening that you couldn’t hear yourself think. A fight was breaking out on the upper floor, one man being tossed by the other. It was chaos. 
The merriment amongst these men was soon halted at the opening of the doors. The men entering with their weapons drawn brought silence. All eyes on them, some putting their hands in the air.
Hosea began speaking from his spot on the stairs looking down at the unwelcome visitors. 
“It’s the Lemoyne Raiders.” I heard one man say.
Never heard of them. This another gang we are enemies with? I looked over to Arthur, he ushering me to get behind the bar with him. 
“Good evening, gentlemen. Quiet libation?”
“You,” the frontman said, pointing his pistol at Hosea. 
“You’re the bastards who stole the liquor we was gonna buy.”
“Gentlemen, we’re in advertising, come on in have a drink.”
“That’s our goddamn liquor!” The man shouted, anger brewing.
“An honest mistake”
“Boys, get ‘em!”
With that everyone began running for cover or an exit. Arthur pulled me down to cover behind the bar, hat and pipe now nowhere to be seen and both his weapons in hand. Telling me to get my gun, stay at his side and shoot if I have too.
I just nodded wildly and fumbled at my side. Bringing the gun up level with my chest with a shaky finger hovering over the trigger and watching ahead of me. 
Upstairs was a bombardment of bullets, glass and broken wood. Keeping my gun in front of me ready to pull the trigger if anyone got insight. 
Shots ran out between the raiders and Arthur and Hosea. Bottles shattering above the bar and glass raining down as shots thankfully missed their mark.
I realised I had a tightening grip around Arthurs’s leg when he pulled away, pulling me up beside him and over the bar towards the stairs. Keeping me behind him as he shot anyone coming through the door. 
He kept me behind him, shielding me from the onslaught, men dropping all around us. 
Arthurs steady hand on my back pulls me out of my sudden hesitation, prompting me to climb over and jump down. Landing with a thud in the back of the wagon and my knees throbbing with the hard contact.
“Arthur help!” Hosea calls out from the other side, in battle with another man. I raised my pistol without thinking but before I could think of my aim the man dropped, his head nothing but a spray of blood and tissue.
We made our way towards Hosea who was calling us out to follow. Arthur with his back turned facing the doors now behind us. The doors ahead, beyond the poker table, opened to a man aiming straight at Hosea.
I didn't hesitate, I couldn’t. My body in flight mode but my brain decided on fight. I shot. Two rounds hitting the mark causing him to falter and stagger back. Hosea turned at that, finishing him off with a shot to the head.
Arthur pushed me forward from where I was rooted, urging me to keep moving no matter what.
We make it out onto the balcony, Hosea already down and on the wagon. 
Arthur followed right behind me not even pausing before climbing up to the front. 
We were maybe a few steps into the safety of the woods when he broke the silence.
Hosea spurred the horses to move as fast as possible to get out of there as more raiders came out of the shadows. Hosea passing me one of the rifles that were at his side.
Arthur didn't hesitate, aiming and taking down three men within seconds like he was in some kind of trance.
My heart was in my throat, trying to steady my breathing as I aimed over the side of the wagon to shoot at those getting closer. Not like I was doing a grand job of it but I was able to hold them off while Arthur finished them off.
They kept coming as we travelled further out of the shitty little town. One bullet hit the few bottles of shine left at my side erupting them into flames. The intense heat meeting my skin had me pushing myself up and away but I was being dragged back too. We couldn’t stop for a moment so I quickly reloaded with whatever ammo I had left in my shirt pocket and started shooting again. A few men falling off their horses at my doing.
It began to quiet, the last few stragglers being dealt with swiftly before we turned off the road. My and Arthur left Hosea to take whatever was left of the liquor back to Mrs Baraithwaite as a peace offering, leaving me and Arthur to walk back to camp through the cover of the trees. 
“You alright? Sorry about that whole mess, I shouldn’t have let you come with us.”
“I’m fine. Wasn’t like I wasn’t expecting something to happen, but almost being on fire was a surprise.” I giggled sheepishly. He stopped me then pulling on my arm “Shit i - you sure you’re not hurt?” He checked my arm and down my side, looking for any signs of burns.
“Yes, I’m fine. I’d say if I wasn’t.” I smiled at his concern, looking at him then. His eyes met mine with one of concern but that soon melted away once he realised I was truly okay.
After a few moments, he looked down, his trusty hat now covering his face. His hand still on my arm.
“Good shootin’ by the way.”
“Well, I had a good teacher. Could do with a few more lessons I believe.”
“Give me a time and place darling,” he said as he lifted his gaze from his feet and back to me
I beamed up at him then, seeing something in his eyes I couldn’t quite place. I thought back to our last shooting lesson. His hand on me, his breath fanning over the back of my neck. What almost happened as we sat under the shade of the tree. I could feel the relentless wings of the butterflies in my stomach as I looked up at him then, his hand still on me that seemed to burn my skin more than fire.
Might as well take my chance.
“I don’t say it enough but...thank you...for what you have done for me. I don’t know where I would be without you and - you and your kindness means the world to me.” I stood up on my toes then, reaching to place a kiss on his cheek, lingering longer than necessary. My hand now gripping his arm holding me and my free hand coming up to cup his other cheek before letting go. 
I was ready to let that be that and to walk back to camp. But the look in his eyes when I didn’t move away had me frozen in place. My breath becoming shallow and my heart threatening to beat out of my chest. Calculating our next move. 
My breath hitching as I felt his free hand on my waist.
Then his lips were on mine. Kissing with such hunger that our grip tightening on each other, like we were running out of time. But time was nothing but a distant idea at that moment.
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newsies-of-corona · 4 years
So you know that super fluffy AU going around? The Best Friends/Brothers AU? You know the soft one? Yeah I wrote something for it! And it’s not that soft...😅 It’s still fun though!
“I Promise...”
Warnings: Villain Varian (He’s a warning unto himself) and nothing else really except emotional angst.
“I’m telling you, Hugo, it’s going to work, heh! No-no one else is doing anything about the rocks. I doubt that the king even knows about them and they’ll reach the castle in a matter of months! Some-someone has to step up and fix the problem.”
Varian mixes together a bright green compound and sets it on the table. He goes over a few more calculations in his head and continues stirring while Hugo paces nervously in the back.
“Hairstripe, I know you want to fix this, but it might be too big for even you. Remember what dad said...”
Hugo trails off, knowing what Varian is going to say in response. They were both at the palace; they both knew what Quirin said.
Varian sighs and scratches Ruddiger’s head next to him as some kind of comfort.
“Dad...Dad lied, Hugo. Clearly these rocks are more dangerous than we thought which is why he wants us to leave.”
He turns around to face his brother, a determined and unmoving glint in his eye.
“I know he told us to stay away, but I can tell I’m close to a solution!”
Hugo stops pacing to look at the rock Varian plans on testing. The spike had already caused one explosion, there’s no telling what could happen next. Especially in the hands of his brother.
The younger alchemist quickly cuts him off, giving Hugo a sad, sorrowful look that was hard to say no to.
“Please trust me on this,” He pleads, sincerely.
Hugo tries to avoid his glance while running a hand stressfully through his hair.
“Come on, Hairstripe. Don’t do the look-“
Varian only amplifies his gaze, his eyes growing bigger and more pleading.
“Aghh, fine. I trust you,” Hugo gives in.
Varian smiles brightly at Hugo and continues mixing.
“Thank you. And believe me, I’m an expert at this!” The alchemist tells him cockily, while almost spilling the solution he’s mixing. He catches it just in time with a nervous smile. Hugo’s just making a big deal out of this. After all, alchemy can solve practically any problem, and these strange rocks shouldn’t be an exception. But for some reason, there’s sinking feeling gnawing at Varian’s stomach. He shakes it off quickly and continues with his work. Everything’s going to be okay, just like the princess said.
Hugo gives Varian an unstable smile, but he isn’t able to shake the feeling that something terrible is about to happen. The feeling only becomes worse as the minutes tick on, the room seeming to close in on him. He needs to get out of there.
“I’m, uh, gonna go outside and get some air. Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone, okay?”
Hugo looks at Varian firmly, practically begging him with his eyes to be careful. Varian only rolls his own until he sees how desperate Hugo looks. His expression shifts and he puts down the vial.
“Y-yeah...I promise, heh.”
The two boys smile at each other as Hugo leaves the room. The fresh air seems relaxing in comparison to the stuffy lab. Hugo feels a calming sense wash over him. Maybe he’s just catastrophizing. Just because most of his brother’s inventions tend to go out in a bang, he laughs to himself, “Literally,” Doesn’t mean this one will. He takes a deep breath, trying to reassure himself.
“Everything’s going to be okay. Varian promised...”
Cold. That’s all Hugo feels as he stares blankly at the same wall of the same cell. It’s been exactly three months and two days since the catastrophe, and three months and one day since he was thrown in jail for a crime he never even committed. The chilling feeling is almost numbing by now, after all, he’s been experiencing it since that very day.
“Everything is going to be okay...” he mumbles cynically under his breath. What a bunch of lies. He should have stopped Varian when he had the chance. He could have done something...but it’s too late now.
Hugo had stayed with Quirin that day while Varian went for help. Hugo was the one who experienced the crushing reality of the situation as the amber slowly overtook their father. He had yelled at Varian when he returned, blamed him for what happened...but that was the wrong thing to do. Something changed in his little brother that day. Something dark and malicious that he couldn’t stop. The hopeful glint in the alchemist’s eye from only a few hours before had been replaced with one of pure anger and hatred. That was the last time he saw Varian. When the guards broke in early the next morning, Varian heard them and ran, but Hugo couldn’t get away. They ransacked the lab, figured Hugo was in on Varian’s “plan,” and took him in.
And now here he is, only hearing through whispers and rumors about what Varian was doing. It was hard not to hear. His brother had become the topic of discussion between the inmates. Day after day, all they would talk about is:
“What’s that kid up to? Did you hear he attacked the princess?” And, “I heard he broke into the palace and stole the Sundrop flower! And get this, he drugged everyone with cookies!”
But the créme de la créme of all of this was the most recent rumor:
“The kid’s back at it again! He just attacked the entire kingdom, and kidnapped the queen!”
Hugo especially hopes this last one isn’t true, but judging from the last time he saw Varian...he couldn’t say in good conscience that it isn’t possible.
The night is starting to turn into a dawn as Hugo’s head begins to droop. His eyes gradually close when he hears a loud SLAM!The noise definitely comes from outside, and the only thing it could have been is the door of the paddy wagon.
All of the inmates, except for Hugo, move to the front of their cells; they know that that sound means a new prisoner is arriving. Immediately the whispers start back up again.
“Do you think it’s the kid?” A raspy voice asks?
“Nah he’s too smart to get caught. I bet it’s just Dwayne again,” a different prisoner responds.
Another voice echoes from the back of the blond’s cell; Hugo’s felonious cellmate Andrew of Saporia.
“If it is the kid, maybe we’ll have a shot of breaking out of here,” Andrew remarks with a sly smile starting to form on his face.
Hugo reluctantly gets up with a sigh and heads to the front of his cell, keeping his distance from Andrew. If the new inmate is Varian, he might as well see for himself, even though there had been five false alarms already.
The door to the chamber of cells opens with a creak, as two guards usher in the new prisoner. The row of cells is dead silent before a slow clap can be heard from one of the inmates.
“Really?” Hugo remarks under his breath. It’s typical for certain prisoners to do this when a new one came in. Depending on how many crimes someone committed, they get more claps. It’s a way for the prisoners to pass the time; to have something to be “excited” about, but Hugo just thinks it’s ridiculous.
Soon the sound of clapping is amplified as the other prisoners join in until practically everyone was clapping, even Andrew. This is much more out of the ordinary. The only person who could get that much applause is-
“Way to go kid! You really gave it to ‘em!” One of the inmates shouts as Varian is ushered down the corridor. He glares fiercely at the floor, Ruddiger still curled around his shoulders. He ignores all of the clapping and remarks as the guard opens his cell. He’s about to walk in when the guard moves to take away Ruddiger. The raccoon looks sadly up at the alchemist and scurries away. He might be able to find Varian later. Varian bites down hard on his lip to keep himself from crying and takes a step into the cell. The doors slams shut behind him as the jeering continues.
The guard bangs the stick of his halberd on the floor, silencing the prisoners and walks out of the jail with a sympathetic look at the kid. The prisoners mumble something about “unfair Corona laws” and return to the back of their cells.
Varian leans his head on the bars of the jail cell defeatedly when something catches his eye. He glances up, and sure enough, there’s a boy with a blond shock of hair staring back at him from across the hall.
“Hugo? What-what are you doing here?”
Varian’s voice is low and broken; nothing at all like the lively tone he once had.
Hugo squints at the bloodshot blue eyes that seem to stare straight into him. He hardly recognizes the alchemist. His skin is deathly pale from lack of sunlight, and his figure is much slimmer than before. He probably hasn’t eaten in days.
“I was taken in three months ago, Varian. Remember?”
Had it really been three months? Time seemed to blur to Varian when he worked on his father’s release. Days turned into nights which turned into new days. He worked for the whole of it. Sleep was a word he hadn’t thought of in weeks.
Hugo doesn’t want to be angry at Varian, but he has every reason to be. His brother, his best friend just made himself public enemy number one in Corona and dragged Hugo down alongside him. He was out of control.
“And what about you? What are you doing here, Varian?” Hugo asks, more cynically than intended.
Varian looks away shamefully before deepening his glare. Of course Hugo wouldn’t be on his side. What else is new?
Hugo doesn’t wait for Varian’s response, and hits him again with a follow up.
“Tell me those rumors aren’t true,” Hugo demands, looking at Varian with those same pleading eyes.
Varian thought he could be real with Hugo, but it turns out he was just like everyone else. A cunning smirk rests comfortably on his face as he turns to Hugo again.
“Ah...so you’ve heard, heh.”
Hugo backs up slightly. He’s never seen Varian like this before...and he hates it.
“So it’s true then. You did all of it.”
Hugo’s tone merges from anger to disappointment, and this is something that the new prisoner can’t take. Varian’s face falls again and he looks down to the side, not wanting to face Hugo.
“Listen...if-if you were in my postition-“
“I was in your position, Varian! You never had to take things this far!”
Hugo raises his voice, the sound echoing off the walls of the chamber.
Varian matches his in volume, trying to drown out the accusations that he knows are true.
“They deserved every bit of what I did!”
He lowers his voice again, enclosing his fists around the bars of the cell and gripping them tightly.
“I’m not sorry.”
Hugo can’t believe his ears. Varian has done some pretty bad things in his life, on accident of course, but he had always apologized and admitted his faults. This was like talking to a completely different person.
“You’re not sorry? Varian, you hurt innocent people-“
That is also the wrong thing to say. It seems to pique Varian even more and he rattles the bars of the cell violently.
“Innocent? Oh, that’s a laugh, heh. No-no one was truly innocent. They all turned their backs on me and-and on dad, and that’s something I won’t forgive,” Varian states firmly. This triggers another round of clapping and some shouting from the prisoners, which Varian quickly cuts off with a loud, “QUIET!”
Hugo blinks in surprise, extremely startled by the outburst, but Varian isn’t finished.
“Especially the princess. She promised that she would help me...She-she could physically control the rocks and she did nothing!”
Tears start running down Varian’s face as he rests his head on the bars of the cell again.
“Because of her broken promise I’m stuck here left to rot in this jail,” he adds, rattling the door of the cell again.
Hugo narrows his eyes. Varian was really playing the victim?
“You’re unbelievable, Hairstripe. Who are you to talk about broken promises? When this whole thing started you promised me you wouldn’t do anything stupid-“
He gestures around them sarcastically.
“Well this seems pretty stupid to me!”
Varian opens his mouth to say something, but no words come out. Hugo’s right; he’s being hypocritical. But he’s not about to let Hugo in on that fact. If he isn’t with Varian, he’s against him.
Hugo glances at the floor of the cell, trying to recollect his thoughts and have an actual conversation with Varian. Their last encounter had also ended in a fight; he doesn’t want that to become a normal occurrence for them.
“Var, I lost dad too. You aren’t going through this alone...”
He gets riled up again, still practically outraged at Varian’s behavior.
“Yet you keep making it all about you!”
Varian isn’t slow to fire back. Unlike Hugo, he’s open for a fight. That’s all he’s been doing for the past months anyway.
“You didn’t have to go for literal months scrounging around for food and staying up for hours trying to find a solution. Nothing. Worked.”
“No I didn’t know! You know why? Because I was in jail!” Hugo retorts, sarcastically.
“At least you didn’t have to see our encased father everyday...” Varian argues under his breath.
Hugo sucks in a sharp breath. Is he being too hard on Varian? He didn’t do what he did for no reason after all. That didn’t make it justfiable, but as his brother he needs to be there for Varian. Maybe it’s a good thing that they ended up in jail together. He could help bring his little brother back.
Hugo sighs deeply and tries his best to console Varian.
“Look, Hairstripe, I’m sorry about what happened. Believe me, I want him back as much as you do.”
Unfortunately, he can’t resist the older brother urge to reprimand him.
“But you don’t need to take it out on the whole kingdom-“
“Oh don’t I?” Varian snaps.
“Hugo, you of all people should know what the kingdom has done to us. What-what they’ve done to our family is inexcusable. Believe me, if...if I wasn’t stuck in this cell, Corona would merely be a shadow of what it used to be,” he says darkly, staring Hugo right in the face.
Andrew perks up at this last statement and sits up on his bed. This kid might be of some use after all.
Hugo can tell Varian is serious, but he’s heard this kind of thing so much it sounds like a broken record by now. Almost everyone here seems to have some kind of problem with Corona. He’s heard all of the threats.
“Hate to break it to you, Hairstripe, but you missed the memo. ‘Swearing Revenge On The Kingdom Night’ was last week,” Hugo tells him sarcastically, partially trying to lighten the mood.
“Oh, shut up.” Varian threatens.
This is what takes Hugo back. He’s used to that response from Varian at his jokes...but the boy’s tone was so brutal now opposed to the playful tone he used before.
Hugo gingerly addresses Varian again after a while, his voice taking on a softer tone.
“What happened to you, Hairstripe? The Varian I know would never-“
The alchemist shakes his head, not wanting to hear any more of what Hugo has to say.
“Well maybe I’m not him anymore okay? I’m tired of being ignored, no, this time, this time they’re all going to hear what I have to say!” Varian shouts, gaining some cheers from the prisoners.
He lowers his voice and clenches his fists tightly.
“And as soon as I can I’m busting out of here. I’m getting the justice that I came for.”
Hugo really doesn’t like the sound of this. Sure, the thought of breaking out has crossed his mind multiple times. He’s fully capable of doing it, but that would also free Andrew who had a huge vendetta against Corona. He wouldn’t shut up about it, in fact. Freeing Andrew would be a monumental mistake, and one that Hugo wouldn’t want to bring upon the kingdom, even if he himself was wrongfully accused.
“I can’t let you do that, Var. I can’t let you ruin your life,” Hugo states, hoping that a calm approach might get through to Varian. Unfortunately it does not.
“It’s already ruined, Hugo!” He cuts him off, hysterically. “What-what’s one more thing on my record?”
Andrew grows tired of hearing the boys argue, and decides to put in a word for himself. The alchemist can be a very powerful ally if the situation is handled the right way.
“I’m sorry but I couldn’t help but overhear, You know the famous ‘juvenile delinquent,’ Hugo?”
Varian cuts in rudely.
“Oh, is that what they’re calling me now? Fantastic. I’ll just add it to my list of nicknames...”
Hugo rolls his eyes and turns back to Andrew.
“He’s my brother,” he states, somewhat shamefully.
Andrew cocks his head in confusion.
“Really? You don’t look anything alike-“
“Adopted brother,” Varian adds, practically scowling at Hugo. He turns his gaze to Andrew, still glaring. “And who are you?”
“Don’t ask, Hairstripe-“ Hugo says under his breath. He really isn’t in need of another speech about how “great” Saporia is.
“Just your brother’s cellmate, is all,” Andrew says modestly.
Hugo picks up on this; it’s very strange for Andrew to be anything but showy. What’s his game...?
“I’m Andrew. But I don’t think I’ve had the honor of knowing your name,” Andrew says, gesturing to the alchemist.
“Varian,” the brothers state in unison.
“It’s not like I haven’t said it multiple times already,” Hugo adds, satirically. This man is either an idiot...or up to something. It’s most likely both.
Andrew chuckles darkly.
“Well Varian, you have passion. I admire that. And I agree, Corona does deserve a little justice as you put it.”
Oh, that’s his game. Hugo’s eyes dart nervously back and forth as he tries to think of something to say. Varian and Andrew working together, considering both of their past records, would be catastrophic.
“Hair-Hairstripe, just ignore him, heh,” Hugo tells him nervously. “He only flatters you so you’ll give him your food.”
He smiles impudently at Andrew.
“I know from experience.”
Andrew rolls his eyes at the comment, but keeps on with the charade.
“Hairstripe, I’m not the one you should be ignoring. You mentioned a break out? You’re in luck! I’ve been planning that very thing,” Andrew tells Varian, slyly.
Hugo glares at Andrew. How dare this good for nothing moron use his nickname for Varian. But a breakout? This isn’t looking good.
Hugo’s thoughts are cut off when Varian finally replies.
The boy looks to Andrew and then back at Hugo. Everything on his brother’s face is screaming “DON’T DO IT!” But Varian’s out for payback now. Hugo doesn’t support his ideas, and practically blamed him for everything, so he might as well go along with Andrew’s plan just to spite his brother. Plus he’d be getting out of jail. It’s a win-win!
“When do we start?” Varian asks ominously, looking directly at Hugo whose face immediately drops.
“Ha! That’s more like it, kid!” Andrew exclaims with a big obnoxious smile on his face. Hugo has half a mind to slap it right off...but he could do something better. If Andrew is planning on breaking out anyway, there isn’t much Hugo could do to “protect the kingdom.” But he can at least soften the blow.
“There’s one small condition that you both overlooked,” he says, glancing between Andrew and Varian.
“What is it now, Hugo?” Varian asks, getting tired of his brother meddling in his plans.
“Me, of course! I could tell the guards about your plan right away! Unless...”
“Unless what?” Andrew asks, just as irritated.
“Unless you let me in on it! I could get us out of here in twenty seconds flat-”
Varian scoffs.
“Heh! No you can’t. You don’t even have any tools!”
Hugo touches the rim of his glasses.
“Don’t you see?” Hugo chuckles. “Glasses can come in handy, Hairstripe! The side pieces work as a perfect lock picking tool. Trust me, I’ve tried it before.”
“But you-you’ll just sell us out!” Varian accuses. There’s no way he’s letting Hugo in on this.
“Not if you let me in! I see what you mean, Var. About this whole ‘revenge’ thing.” Hugo tells him cautiously. “I mean I was put in prison unfairly for something you did! It does make a guy feel ‘break-out-of-jail-ish!’”
Varian isn’t falling for it. Hugo changed his mind much too fast.
“But you were just- GAH!”
“Enough.” Andrew cuts in tiredly. “Listen, Hugo, if you can pick the lock you can join us. But like the kid said, if you sell us out, you’ll pay for it. Got it?”
Hugo gulps but tries to seem confident.
“Yep! That won’t be a problem at all!”
Varian facepalms and sighs frustratingly. This is going to be harder than he thought.
Andrew nods curtly and returns back to his bed. When he’s out of earshot Hugo leans as far as he can out of the bars of the cell.
“I’m bringing you back, Hairstripe,” he tells him sincerely. “I promise.”
Varian sits on his own bed, rolling his eyes with a scoff.
“Heh. I’d like to see you try.”
There you have it! I kind of set this up to do a sequel...? We’ll see 😅
I hope y’all enjoyed it!
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poge-life · 4 years
UnderBelly{ Sweet Pea: Chapter One
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Stephanie "Stevie" Jones was standing at her so called "locker" when her pinked best friend joined her, "Yes, Toni?" Stevie turned her attention to look at her, who just sent her a smile.
"Your brother is coming today so I can show him around. How ya feeling?" Toni asked, as Stevie turned back to her locker, grabbing her jacket before shutting it and turning back to Toni
"Fine. I see him all the time at home now. Not really different. Except for the fact that now we'll literally be spending every second together. But, now you guys get to deal with another hot head." Stevie explained, linking her arm with Toni
"Wanna come with? I'm sure he'd feel better with a familiar face to help show him around." Toni asked, looking over at the brunette. Stevie shook her head in response, "Can't. I'm supposed to meet Sweet Pea at lunch."
Toni smirked at the mention of their tall friend and Stevie nudged her before turning to walk to the stairs that led to the cafeteria, "Wipe the smirk off your face Topaz. He's just a friend."
"I'm just saying. You two have been hanging out a lot more recently. Before, you two couldn't even be in the same room together without me and Fangs having to hold you guys from beating each other." Toni laughed, causing Stevie to glare at her.
They both turned to walk into the Cafeteria before Stevie stopped at the doorway. She felt a smile make its way across her face at the sight in front of her. Sitting on top of a table where other serpents sat, was Sweet Pea; laughing at whatever was said.
Toni couldn't help but smile at Stevie, knowing how happy she was when she was around Sweet Pea.
"I gotta go grab your brother. Save me a seat?" Toni saluted and turned to walk back up the stairs they just came down from. Stevie shook her head at her pink haired friend and turned to put on her jacket.
At southside high, if you weren't wearing a serpent or ghoulie jacket, you were up for grabs by the ghoulies. But with Stevie being the daughter of Fp Jones, meant that no one even dared to try anything with her.
Stevie made her way to where the Serpents were sitting, causing Sweet Pea to hop off the table and smile at her, "Hey there, princess."
Stevie groaned at the nickname and shoved past her tall friend, "We've talked about this. I hate that nickname." She plopped down on the bench next to Fangs, who sent her a smile and she winked at him in return.
Fangs Fogarty was the newest addition to the Serpents. Having joined at the start of the school year and Stevie thought he was absolutely adorable. He was attractive, she would give him that. Despite having just joined the serpents, him, Stevie, Toni, and Sweet Pea were basically the four musketeers.
Sweet Pea sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side, "Actually. You talked and I listened. And I decided that I'm gonna keep calling you that until I come up with something better."
Fangs had sent both of his friends a look at the sight of them being all lovey dovey at the lunch table. Sweet Pea and Stevie both threw up the middle finger and turned their attention to the conversation that took place before Stevie sat down.
While Stevie was distracted, she didn't see her brother or her best friend walk into the cafeteria but Jughead did notice his sister. Or rather who his sister was with.
"Who's that with my sister?" Jughead asked, pointing to said girl. Toni turned her head to see who he was pointing at and let a smile make its way across her face. Stevie was laughing at whatever Fangs had said while Sweet Pea groaned, flipping him off
"Sweet Pea. He's helped her with everything going on with your dad. He's a good guy. He has a temper. But he's okay." Toni explained
"She sits with you guys?" Jughead asked in confusion and Toni sent him a look of confusion
"She's a serpent. Why wouldn't she be?"
"Stevie? She's not a serpent."
Toni rolled her eyes at the beanie wearing boy and crossed her arms over her chest, "She's been one for while now. Right after your mom left. Probably around the time you left."
"Why didn't she tell me?" He mumbled and turned to walk away. Toni shook her head and made her way over to her friends, "Why didn't you tell your brother you were a serpent?"
Stevie sat up straight and turned to look over at Toni who raised her eyebrows at the girl. Stevie sighed and ran her hands thru her hair. "He gets enough shit about our dad being a serpent and being from the southside. I didn't wanna add fuel to the fire for Alice Cooper to take a dig at me too. I mean, I'm surprised she doesn't know and hasn't outed me to all of Riverdale."
"You guys live with each other. How'd he never notice?" Fangs asked, furrowing his eyebrows
"Jug left after our dad went off the wagon when our mom left. He just now moved back in when dad turned himself around. Besides, I'm always with you guys or at the wyrm so he never got a chance to figure it out." She shrugged, leaning back into Sweet Pea's side.
Toni and Fangs shared a look before turning to face their two friends who glared at them.
"Anyways, we all have a bio project due and her and I are going to the library while you two figure how you're gonna help." Toni spoke, grabbing her bag as Stevie did the same and stood up
"Wait, we have a library?"
"You didn't tell me you were a serpent." Jughead spoke as Stevie walked into the kitchen of their trailer. She sighed and set her bag and jacket on the table
"You weren't around after Dad fell off the wagon. Even though he was here, he wasn't really here. He was either drunk or passed out on the couch. They've been a family to me over the last few years." She explained, looking over at her brother who just nodded
"Why didn't you tell me? I'm your brother? Do mom and dad know?"
"Because you've already been through so much! You were crushed when mom and JB left. And you left as soon as stuff with Dad got bad. I became one after you stopped living here. Dad was barely there and I needed protection. What better way to get that then joining the serpents. They've been here through everything. When the sheriff department came in here and trashed the place, they were there. When dad got arrested, they were there while you were off living in the Northside!" Stevie exclaimed, standing up to walk to the sink, her back to her brother.
She took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling, tears threatening to fall, "You've always been so judgemental about the serpents. I couldn't have you judge me too." Stevie spoke in a quiet voice
"I'm not judgemental about the serpents." Jughead started before Stevie cut him off
"You won't even sit with us at lunch!" She exclaimed, turning to look at him
A knock at the door prevented them from arguing anything further. Stevie sighed and walked over to the door, opening it to reveal Sweet Pea with Toni and Fangs on their bikes behind him. He raised his eyebrow at the sight of her bloodshot eyes, "you okay princess?"
Stevie cleared her throat and wiped at her eyes, "Yeah, I'm fine."
"If you say so. You ready?" He asked, crossing his arms and she nodded
"Just gotta grab my stuff." She turned to the kitchen and grabbed her backpack and jacket, " I'll see you at school, Juggie."
Stevie shrugged her jacket on and placed her backpack on her back, shutting the door behind her as Sweet Pea wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "You sure you're okay?"
"I'll tell you later, promise. Anyways, did you use the notes I gave you for your bio test?" Stevie asked, looking up at the tall serpent. She took note of his appearance. He had a green t-shirt on with his denim/flannel serpent jacket on. His hair, which was usually gelled off to the side, was kind of messy today. Not that she minded.
"For like all of 10 minutes. I don't need to study. Collins is an idiot. He'll pass us no matter how we do on the test." Sweet Pea scoffed, walking them over to his bike before removing his arm from her and throwing his leg over his bike, Stevie standing next to him.
"Doesn't matter. You still need to learn this stuff if you wanna graduate next year." Stevie huffed, running her fingers through his hair. If it was anyone who wasn't Stevie, he probably would have broken their wrist, but Stevie was the only person he allowed to touch his hair
Toni and Fangs shared a look with each other, rolling their eyes at the two before Toni called out, "C'mon love birds! We still gotta go to school."
Stevie sat next to Toni in their English class with Jughead at the desk next to them and Sweet Pea sitting on top of the one diagonal from Jughead. Toni and Jughead were really the only ones paying attention to what Mr. Phillips had to say as Sweet Pea was on his phone and Stevie was doodling in her notebook. Very rarely did Stevie pay attention in her English class, mainly because she already knew everything he had taught.
The entire class was startled by Sweet Pea's sudden outburst.
"What?! Dammit!"
Kicking over the chair in front of him, he stormed out of the class and Stevie rolled her eyes and started packing up her bag
"Stevie..." Mr Phillips started before she cut him off by waving her hand at him.
"I'm already on it."
It wasn't the first time Stevie was sent after Sweet Pea after one of his outbursts. Everyone knew about his temper and how it was suicide mission for anyone to try and stop it. Stevie was often called out of class by either fellow serpents or Fangs and Toni who had texted her and told her about him storming off in a rage.
She pulled her bag over her shoulder and saluted the class before running after said serpent.
Stevie found him outside, kicking the crap out of a trash can. She rolled her eyes and rushed down the steps, "Pea? Hey! Look at me!"
Stevie dropped her bag and grabbed his face in both of her hands causing him to stop his assault on the trashcan and to turn his attention towards her.
"What happened?"
"Those damn Ghoulies. Fucking Malachai showed up at the wyrm, trying to get some of the other serpents to run JJ for him. They refused so they swung first." He explained causing her to nod her head, "Hey! Tall Boy and Hog eye can take care of the wyrm. Right now, you just need to calm down! You can't just go running out of class every time the ghoulies do something that piss you off!"
She noticed his breathing had slowed down and she took this time to look over his face. If you weren't paying close attention or looking close enough, you wouldn't even notice that he had very faint freckles on the bridge of his nose, running across his cheeks. He had black outlining his deep brown eyes with specks of gold in them. He also had an indent of a dimple by his mouth that only showed when he smiled, which he did when he was around Stevie.
"Enjoying the view, princess?" Sweet Pea smirked, causing Stevie to snap out of her thoughts and remove her hands from his face, reaching down to grab one of his large ones in her small hand.
"C'mon. Let's go down to the quarry. We need to get Toni if I have to deal with you and Fangs together." Stevie spoke, turning to grab her bag and lead Sweet Pea back inside of the school.
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Straight for the Castle
Words: 2,950
Ship: Romantic Dukeceit
Warnings: Regicide mentioned more than once, dead parents, mentions of killing, it’s implied one of the sides is dead but if this thing gets a part two than I’m promising you he isn’t, sympathetic Deceit + Remus, blood mention, scars mention, Hell mention, the chorus is only used in halves the first two times because I have learned why I do not stray from my usual format for song fics
Tags: @fandermom @patchworkofstars @poisonedapples @hogwarts-my-love @opaque-puppet @omni-hamiltrash @darling-elm @jynxlovesluck @localtransgrape @no-one-remembers-achmed 
Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise
The war had been a brutal one. The royal family had been brutally attacked and beaten as soldiers from a rival burned down the city. Their armies fought back but no one could have prepared for this sudden of an invasion- especially not one this size. Not on Christmas day.
“Over here,” Virgil, the prince’s personal guard yelled as he helped the twin boys from their room. They were just two months shy of their fourteenth birthday. They were terrified. “I know a secret passageway,” Virgil said. “Be brave little princes for me, won’t you?”
Roman might’ve cried, though Remus can hardly remember anything but the flames throughout the city and the sudden screams from down the hall where he would later spot the king and queen laying side by side in a pool of the very blood that ran through him and his brother.
They snuck through a tunnel in the walls, breathing in the dank and musty air and choking on cobwebs. Virgil wore a scarf that covered his nose and mouth. He was immune to the choking and coughing that plagued both princes.
Remus doesn’t think about the tunnel. He doesn’t think about his parents or his little sister that was taken. He doesn’t wonder if she’s still alive. He doesn’t think about the smoke in the air or the blood and ash that covered the city streets as they escaped.
But he does remember Virgil yelling “RUN” and the two boys splitting up. He turned his head and saw soldiers grabbing Virgil. He struggled as they threw him into a prison cart. He saw Roman running into the burning city as he ran into the woods.
He saw Roman running into the city. He saw Roman running. He saw Roman.
After that night, Remus never saw his brother again.
Both princes kept running.
Remus doesn’t know what happened to Roman. Some days he wonders if knowing is worth being hurt all over again. Remus kept running. He kept running. He kept running.
Remus kept running.
Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised.
Remus lived in the woods for years. He kept living. He kept running. He never looked back over his shoulder ever again, for he knew that all that laid back there was blood, ash, and smoke.
He found himself far beyond the edge of the capital after five years. He was outside of the kingdom after ten. Then again after fifteen. The kingdom that had taken over just kept growing. The more Remus ran the more his past stalked him like a hunter.
Remus remembered the flames. He refused to be prey ever again.
Now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it
It was a year later when he met Ethan, a man shrouded in mystery who had been designated too hazardous and chancy to be part of any real civilization. When he found a feral man lost in the woods, he only had a few questions, none of which involved his past.
The two moved in together, in a small cabin Ethan had either built or stolen. His story changed every time.
But perhaps that’s what initially drew Remus to Ethan was that they were both outsiders. They had no family so they found a family in each other.
But what really convinced Remus to stick around was how Ethan was unhesitatingly down with regicide.
Already choking on my pride, so there’s no use crying about it
“Ethan,” Remus said, through a sip of coffee. His hands were shaking against the porcelain and he was afraid it might break. “There’s something I need to tell you. A-About my past. About why I’m here.”
“Remus, I thought we agreed that’s not necc-”
“No, I- I want to tell you. I need to tell you.” He put his cup down and met Ethan’s eyes. “Because I need you to help me get revenge.”
I’m heading straight for the castle
“Prince?” Ethan asked. “No, they- they killed the entire royal family.”
“Not me. Not Roman.”
“How did you-?” “I ran. I snuck out of the castle and I ran. For so long I ran un- until I met you.” Remus could feel his heart beating against his throat. “Because of you, I stopped having to run. And with you, I’ll never have to run ever again.”
“You’re asking quite a lot from me, Remus.”
“I know. And I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think we had a fighting chance.”
Ethan took a deep breath. He slid out from his chair and kneeled on the floor in front of Remus. He looked up with a dastardly grin. “Anything for you, your royal highness.”
They’re gonna make me their queen
“Alright, if we’re going to do this, we need to make sure it can work.” He dumped a handful of maps and scrolls onto the table. “I know that castle like the back of my hand.”
“And?” Ethan asked.
“And I know the tunnels too.”
And there’s an old man sitting on the throne that’s saying that I probably shouldn’t be so mean.
“We leave at midnight. In a week’s time, we take back the throne.”
Oh, all of these minutes passing, sick of feeling used.
Ethan could still remember the day he got kicked out.
And the day he finally ran away.
If you wanna break these walls down, you’re gonna get bruised.
He hid the scars on his face. He hid his magic, vowing never to use it again. After how his powers- how he- had been exploited, how could he? His parents had disowned him for being too powerful. He ran away from the puppeteer for being too weak.
He wouldn’t be a puppet.
He wouldn’t be used for a show or for pulling rabbits out of a hat.
He swore off human contact. He found a dead man’s retirement home and he buried the body. He taught himself to fish and caught all his meals from that point on. Eventually, he’d also learn how to hunt deeper in the woods.
But then he met Remus. And his promise of spending forever alone seeped through his grip like grains of sand.
It wasn’t instantaneous, of course, Ethan had to know he was trustworthy. Remus was practically feral, one with nature in far too many ways. But he had spent his whole life running. That was something Ethan could respect. That was something Ethan could understand.
Now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it. Already choking on my pride, so there’s no use crying about it.
The two of them had found- well, stolen- a wagon from the nearby city. However, it had no horse to pull it, and a horse is a much harder thing to steal. Ethan took a deep breath as he broke one more vow, all in Remus’s name.  
“Since you’ve told me something about your past, your highness, I think it’s only fair I do the same.”
“Ethan, you don’t have to-”
He pressed his hands against the wood. He concentrated, feeling the energy flow through his skin. He hadn’t used magic in so long the feeling was almost foreign. His skin was buzzing and tingling. The cart began to move forward and Ethan promptly fell back, his head hitting the seat.
“Ethan!” Remus yelled, reaching out for him.
Ethan weakly raised his hand, waving it dismissively. “I’ll be fine.” His eyes slipped closed. “I’m just... a little tired.” As he drifted off to sleep, the magic continued pushing them forward. Remus pulled Ethan close, letting the magician’s head fall on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around him like a blanket. He would stay awake, watchful and protecting, in case anyone tried to come in between them. He would protect Ethan with his life before taking the unlawful king’s.
I’m headed straight for the castle. They’ve got the kingdom locked up.
They found themselves taking shifts, one sleeping while the other watched for any potential threats. They had both said it was for protection but to say there was nothing more would be to go back on their new promise to be open with each other.
Remus was sound asleep, tucked under Ethan’s arm when they approached the edge of the kingdom. Ethan ran his fingers through Remus’s hair, shaking him lightly. “Look,” he whispered, “revenge is in your grasp, your highness.”
“Our grasp,” Remus corrected, slowly opening his eyes. “We’re in this together, remember?”
Ethan blushed and tried to keep a straight face. “Of course, your highness. Together.”
“You don’t have to call me ‘your highness’ you know. I haven’t been a prince in sixteen years.”
“On the contrary, your highness, I don’t think I can stop.”
Remus laughed and pressed a kiss to Ethan’s face, his lips brushing against the scar that connected the corner of his mouth to his cheekbone. “You old sap.”
Ethan’s blush grew and he turned to face Remus, his eyes wide with shock. Their noses brushed and he felt he might faint. His eyes fell towards Remus’s mouth and his heart trembled with fear and excitement. In a life of solitude and confinement, was this what it felt like to fall in love?
“We’re one step closer to victory.”
“One step closer to your reign.” Ethan swallowed his heart. “Your highness.”
And there’s an old man sitting on a throne that’s saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut
Flags hung in the city. Thousands of flags celebrating the king that had destroyed Remus’s life. Destroyed his family and burnt citizens into the soil that was merely swept off of the ground.
He kept his eyes on the prize.
Straight for the castle
He jumped off the wagon as Ethan withdrew his magic from it. “Hey,” Ethan whispered, touching his shoulder lightly. His touch was full of magic, it felt like static electricity against his skin. “Are you okay?”
There’s no use crying about it
“I’m fine,” Remus lied.
There’s no use crying about it
The screams and fire cackling echoed through his mind. The heat resurfaced to his face and the tears of fallen children threatened to fall from his eyes.
There’s no use crying about it
“Let’s go, Ethan.”
There’s no use crying about it 
They marched onwards
I’m heading straight for the castle
It was surprisingly easy to get to the back of the castle’s property, just west of the gardens. Remus tried to remember, he shut his eyes tight and, for the first time in years, let himself think about his brother and his parents. He thought about Virgil and his little sister. He pressed his fingertips against the brick and tugged at one of them, opening a small hole in the wall.
“Come on,” he whispered.
“You’re crying.”
“We’re getting revenge.”
They trekked forward. Ethan quietly looped their fingertips, holding on tight to Remus’s hand. They stopped and he heard Remus take a sharp breath. It was so dark they could hardly see a thing. “It’s okay to be upset. I can’t pretend I know what it was like that night, but I can be here for you now. And- And if this is the last time we see each other again, I have to say I-”
Ethan blinked, taken aback. “What?”
“Don’t say it, don’t think it,” Remus said. “If I- If I think of you like that- Ethan, I can’t lose you.”
“You won’t. I promise you won’t.”
They wanna make me their queen
They snuck into the old princes’ bedroom through an entrance behind the kingdom’s flag. It had been only touched by time. Remus reached out for an old teddy bear that had been laying on the ground. His button eyes were nearly fallen off and his cardboard crown had been destroyed. “This was Roman’s,” he explained. “He could never fall asleep without him.”
“I’m sure you’re brother is still out there. Maybe once you reclaim the throne, he’ll come back.”
Remus looked up at him, his cheeks flush red with the ghosts of tears still staining his skin. He had been crying in the tunnel. “I hope he doesn’t, deep down. I hope he’s out there, not thinking about this horrible night. He saw much more of it than I did.”
“Let’s go make sure no one ever sees a night like that ever again.”
And there’s an old man sitting on the throne that’s saying that I probably shouldn’t be so mean. I’m heading straight for the castle.
Remus unsheathed his dagger and the two snuck out of the bedroom. They had made it maybe ten feet out before stumbling upon nearly thirty armed guards. “HALT!” they yelled charging towards them.
“Get behind me!” Ethan yelled, sending a powerful blast of magic in front of him. Every guard shot back, most of them injured and a few dead. Ethan stole their weapons and marched onwards.
“You didn’t tell me you could do that,” Remus said.
Ethan turned around, his eyes were glowing white and a new scar sat across the bridge of his nose. “There’s a lot of things I haven’t told you.”
“Can I tell you that I am very turned on right now?”
Ethan laughed and turned back to the mission. “Maybe later.”
They’ve got the kingdom locked up And there’s an old man sitting on the throne that’s saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut.
As they approached the throne room, Remus returned his dagger to its sheath, instructing Ethan to hide his weapons in whatever way he could. The guards inside pointed their spears and swords at them, but they didn’t seem to know about the dead guards only a few rooms away.
“We wish no harm,” Remus lied. “Only a council with His Majesty.”
The king looked upon them. His crown hid a balding head and his beard hid the wrinkled face of a murderer. Remus’s blood boiled, calming only when he felt Ethan’s hand on his back. He had to remember why they were here. He bowed. “Your Majesty, I am Prince Remus. You killed my entire family and half of our capital when you took this kingdom.”
Ethan set off another blast of magic to his sides, knocking out several guards but nowhere near enough. A scar went through his right eye. He handed a sword to Remus and they fought off the guards in a blur of metal and blood. Somehow (probably through Ethan’s magic) both of them were able to get through unscathed. Ethan sent one last bear of magic, just enough to hold the king down to his throne, and collapsed on the ground.
Remus walked up to the struggling king, slowly and deliberately. He took his dagger and held it to the light. “A beautiful thing, isn’t it? I got it from my father. You remember him, right? He was sitting on this very throne when you took the blood from his veins and the life from his eyes.” He leaned over the king, their faces merely inches apart as he whispered, “which is exactly what I’m going to do to you.”
“You’ll go to Hell for this!” The king yelled.
Remus drove his dagger through the king’s chest, stepping away from the blood to avoid staining his clothes. “Then I’ll see you there, where I shall destroy you again and again and again until you know even a smidgen of the agony I have been faced with for sixteen years.” He took the crown off of the king’s head as he let out his last breath. Placing the crown upon his head, Remus proclaimed, “Long live the king.”
Straight for the castle. They’re gonna make me their queen. And there’s an old man sitting on the throne that’s saying that I probably shouldn’t be so mean.
Remus took the throne with Ethan by his side. They had a wedding shortly thereafter which Remus had claimed was to officially split their power, but their affection behind closed doors said otherwise.
Ethan hadn’t used any powerful magic since they took the throne, as it had caused him to go blind in one eye and he feared losing anything else. But Remus would kiss his scars and tell him how much he adored his “brave little magician.”
It was the night after Ethan’s crowing when he pressed his head against Remus’s and smoothed out his husband’s coat. “Now will you kiss me properly?”
“As you wish, your highness.”
“You know, you really don’t need to call me that.”
Remus hummed and wrapped his arms around Ethan’s neck. “On the contrary, your highness, I don’t think I can stop.” He leaned in and pressed their lips together. He could feel Ethan’s heart racing against his own. It was so soft and simple and Remus smiled into it. He could show Ethan magic, those powerful sparks that brought them here now against his lips. He could show him over a decade fighting against the wilderness. He could break him apart.
But Remus stayed soft and gentle. He pressed his hand against Ethan’s heart time and time again. After all they had fought for, being gentle was what they needed. Together.
I'm headed straight for the castle They've got the kingdom locked up And there's an old man sitting on the throne that’s saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut
They say upon their thrones, equal in size and power, and interlocked their fingers as they watched the sunrise over the kingdom they would rebuild and restore.
Straight for the castle
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~KISS AU writings 51~
LAST PART BABIES!! This is gonna get SAD but I hope you all enjoy it!! Thanks for joining me on another crazy story ride! <3
~SIREN AU Part 9~
Summary: With the love of his life gone, Ace is caught in a perpetual downward spiral. Only a miracle can save him now.. (told from Ace’s POV)
Tag list!: @smokeandmirrorz @slashscowboyboots @tanookikiss @misslivvie
I don’t want him to go. 
I wanna beg him not to. Plead with him to stay with me. 
I don't have any right to keep him from the sea though. That's his true home. Where he belongs. When he comes back inside I lock the cellar. I don’t wanna be drunk for our last night together. I cry and hold him tightly. Stroke his soft, fragrant hair. We kiss. We make love in the shower. We make love in my bed. My heart aches with the thought of losing him. I stay up all night and hold him while he sleeps, wishing the dawn wouldn't come.
But I can't stop the sun.
I wake up...and he's gone. There's only a note left on his pillow.
I am sorry for leaving this way.
I do not have the strength to say goodbye.
Please know that I love you and I will never forget you.
Perhaps when the time is right we will see each other again.
Until then may my song remain in your heart.
Under the note are sheets of music. Did he..write this for me..? Fuck. Fucking fuck. I clutch the papers against my chest and cry. All I can do is cry. He's really gone.
I've cut myself off from the outside. I haven't been in my studio in so long the equipment is collecting dust. Starfish was all the light..all the color in my world. Without him everything is dead and lifeless. I just drink. More than I ever have. When I black out at the very least I can still be with my Starfish in my dreams.
The alcohol doesn't last forever. I'm completely out in the span of only a few weeks. Fucking hell. I need more. Unfortunately for me I'm the only one who can get it. I'm sure as hell not gonna ask anyone else for help. So I grab my keys and head out.
It was a mistake.
It's dark and I can barely see where I'm going. I can't focus. There's a horn blaring. I'm blinded by bright headlights. I lose control. The rest is a blur.
The next time I wake up I'm in a bed..but it's definitely not my bed. Of course. I'm in the hospital. Because I drove straight into an oncoming car. I can't move, but there's pain. So much pain. How bad did I fuck myself up this time?
"So you're awake."
Is that..Petey's voice..? I can only move my eyes to look. Sure enough there he is sittin' beside my bed..and he looks pissed. Relieved too but mostly pissed. I can only manage a small noise.
"Don't try to talk. Your jaw's wired shut."
I widen my eyes. What?!
"Yeah that's right. Your jaw is one of the many things you broke during your little joyride. You fuckin' idiot. I've been tryin' to contact you for weeks..and the next thing I know, I'm hearin' about you in a head on collision on the news! What the hell were you thinkin' driving in such a fucked up state?! You're lucky you're not dead! Although you're probably gonna wish you were once they start forcin' you to detox. Get used to this view, Frehley. You're gonna be here for a while." I watch him pick up his jacket. "Relax I'm not dropping you. Visiting hours are over. I'll be back tomorrow."
He leaves me alone. Alone with my fucked up head. Physically and mentally. 
Recovery is far from a walk in the park. 
The pain is constant. If it isn’t my broken body it’s the withdrawal. Just to add insult to injury, it didn’t take long for my accident to become public. They say my career is over and that I should just retire with the tiny shreds of dignity I have left. I know Petey’s only being a friend by tryin’ to convince me they’re wrong, but are they? I mean..what could I possibly regain now? There’s no point in tryin’ to sugarcoat it. I have nothing left to live for..
After four grueling months I’m finally healed enough to go home. Petey has to plant false rumors about when I’m bein’ released so the reporters don’t descend on me like vultures. He’s still damn good at what he does. Still, it’s no happy homecoming. The house is just as empty as it was when I left it. I miss Starfish so damn much. I would’ve wanted nothin’ more than to see him here waiting for me. No such luck. As if the mock me, the sheet music Starfish left for me is right there on my kitchen counter. I just hold it against my chest and cry again. 
Another month passes. I fall off the wagon again.
Petey has the doorway to my wine cellar bricked up. It hard to think about stayin’ sober when there’s no reason to be. I look out at the sea and wonder where my Starfish might be. I can feel tears start to sting my eyes.  “I hate it so much here, Starfish..I wanna join you..” It would be wonderful to be like him. To not have a care in the world. To be part of the sea. Then I hear something. A soft sound far off in the distance. Is that..singing..? It has to be him. I’m sure of it! I turn over the sheet music and write a note to Petey. He’s been the only real friend I’ve ever had. I can’t leave him without an explanation. I tell him everything. Who ‘Paul’ really was. What happened at the last concert. Where I’m going. It won’t be easy for him to read but I’m sure he’ll understand in time. I’ve had it with this world. It’s time for me to go. 
It’s still difficult to walk but I’m not gonna let that stop me. I pull my patio door open and walk out onto the beach. As I move closer to the sea I can hear Starfish’s captivating voice. He’s calling to me. He wants me with him. I rid myself of my clothes and walk straight into the rising surf. The water is cold. It cuts into my skin like a million knives. I don’t care. I see him waiting. He’s smiling at me. He takes my hands and pulls me under the water with him. 
‘Starfish..my Starfish..’ I cling to him tightly, wrapping my legs around his tail. ‘I’ve missed you so much, baby.. I never wanna be without you again.’
“And I do not wish to be without you~” 
‘Wait..you can hear me..?’
“I hear your thoughts as clearly as my own~” 
‘T-then you heard...’
“I am sorry, my love. I could not return to you until I was ready. I have trained my power for this very moment.” 
The shell Starfish is wearing around his neck glows brightly, lighting up the ocean around us. It’s warm..and comforting. 
“My love..will you accept the gift I offer to you? Will you spend the rest of your days with me beneath the waves? Consider carefully. Once I do this, it cannot be undone. Any human friends you have..you will likely never see them again.” 
I already know what my answer is. ‘Wherever you are, Starfish..that’s where I wanna be.’
The shell glows brighter, enveloping me with its light. There’s no pain. There’s only warmth. I can feel myself changing. I watch claws extend from my now webbed fingers. Scales appear along my arms and across my chest. My teeth are now pointed fangs. As my new gills start to work I no longer feel the growing pressure in my lungs. I can breathe! I look down to see that I now have a shimmering blue tail..and it’s the most beautiful sight~
“There..it is done~” 
I look at him and smile. “Thank you, Starfish~ I shoulda known you’d never abandon me. I promise, baby..I’ll make it work this time. I’ll make myself better for you. I wanna be the man you deserve~” He just wraps his arms around me and holds me tightly. “My darling..you always have been~ I knew when I washed up on your shore that it could not have been a coincidence. It was fate~” 
“I believe it now~” 
We share a kiss and swim off into the depths together. My Starfish and me. Sirens of the deep. Lovers of music. Soul mates~
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justatiredghost · 4 years
Living for the Moment Ch16 A series of glimpses at Klaus’ life if he’d met Dave in his mid 20s. His life isn’t magically transformed, love can’t fix either of them when they’re both homeless and in a bad place. They’re not even really ready for a relationship yet. But maybe a supportive friendship can set them on a better path, the two of them inspiring each other to take care of themselves. It’s going to be a long and bumpy ride, and the question is, when will they actually admit to themselves that they have feelings for each other? Read More AO3
Klaus stumbled down the alley, chuckling quietly to himself. He couldn’t really remember what was so funny, but that was fine. He was incredibly high and, over all, in an amazing mood. He’d had several lucky scores, so he had more cash on hand than he had in a long while, which was why he was headed to a dealer’s. He probably should have accepted one of the offers he’d gotten to stay over, it was winter after all, with an icy bite in the air, but he was on pretty friendly terms with this particular dealer, so he’d probably let him crash there for the night.
He wasn’t exactly steady on his feet, and he giggled when he tripped, laughing even harder as it sent him tumbling into some trash cans. They were louder than he had expected as they clattered to the ground, ringing out through the darkened street. Klaus thought he’d been alone out here, but movement caught his eye and he turned to see a figure curled up against the wall withdrawing further under a coat
It wasn’t exactly an unusual sight, he’d seen plenty of weirder places people chose to sleep out here. He himself has woken up in many of them as well. He only took a second look because the coat caught his eye. It was one he recognized.
“Dave?” he said, not sure if it was actually going to be him.
He wouldn’t put it past the guy to give away his only coat, after all. And usually he was more careful about where he settled down for the night, so it would be stranger if it actually was him. This wasn’t a particularly dangerous part of town, all things considered, but it still wasn’t a great idea to be so out in the open. When the figure didn’t stir, he called out again, a little louder this time. He should probably have just left, but somehow curiosity got the better of him.
“Yoohoo, you alive in there?” He called, nudging the bundle. In retrospect, that probably wasn’t the smartest move. Thankfully he wasn’t greeted by a fist.
“Hmm?” came the sleepy reply as a head poked out from under the jacket, and when it turned out to be Dave after all, Klaus had to laugh at the coincidence.
“Fancy meeting you here,” he said
“Klaus, hey,” Dave said with a smile, but he still looked out of it. There were dark circles under his eyes and he was much paler than the last time he’d seen him.
“You doing okay?” Klaus asked.
“Yeah, sure, fine,” Dave said, and it would have been more convincing if it didn’t look like he was about ready to collapse. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, I didn’t want to be rude, but you look like shit,” Klaus said with a laugh, because it was easier than actually being concerned. “You’re not dying, are you?”
“Boy, I sure hope not,” Dave said with a little laugh of his own, but it ended in an ugly cough.
“What is it, a cold?” Klaus asked accusingly. “How long have you been sick?”
“I don’t know, a few days maybe. But I’m fine, really,” Dave said, waving him off dismissively. “I’m just still not used to the cold.”
“You don’t look fine. Come on, let’s go find somewhere you can warm up,” Klaus said with an exaggerated sigh.
“No,” Dave whined pathetically, slumping back against the wall when Klaus reached down for his arm. “I just need a bit more sleep is all, I’m fine.”
“I find that hard to believe,” Klaus rolled his eyes. “Come on, just give me your hand before you freeze to death, or something. You can sleep when we get where we’re going.”
“I don’t know if I can stand,” Dave finally admitted, not quite meeting his gaze.
“Hey, I will carry you if I have to, don’t test me,” Klaus said and he finally gave in.
They must have looked quite the pair, barely able to stay upright as they leaned against each other, stumbling along both unsteady for very different reasons. Thankfully, they managed to make it to one of the cheaper motels nearby with minimal injury. Dave seemed to be on autopilot, swaying slightly on the spot whenever Klaus released him, and following along obliviously wherever he was led. When they were finally in their room and Klaus left him briefly to close the door behind them, he almost climbed into bed fully clothed.
“Woah, hang on,” Klaus said, grabbing Dave’s arm again and steering him towards the bathroom. “How about a shower first? You’re not gonna drown if I leave you in here, are you?”
“Hmm?” Dave mumbled in response.
“Come on, let’s at least strip you down to your boxers,” Klaus said with a heavy sigh, turning on the water on to warm up.
Dave did as instructed and climbed in at Klaus’ urging to sit at the bottom of the tub, letting the water wash over him.
“Feel good?” Klaus asked, dropping to sit on the floor, leaning back against the tub.
“Mmm,” Dave nodded sleepily, slowly looking a bit more alert. “Sorry about all this.”
“All what? Being sick?” Klaus asked. “Just don’t die on me and we’ll call it even, okay?”
Dave nodded absently instead of joking back. After a moment, he slowly reached for the soap, like his limbs weighed too much, and started to clean up. Once he was done, or at least run out of energy and stopped, Klaus helped him climb out and into bed, convincing him to strip out of the boxers as well. At least Dave had the presence of mind now to blush as he did so, even though the blankets obscured the view. Adorable, that this was all it took.
“You get some rest,” Klaus said. “And when I get back, you’ll have fresh clean clothes ready for you.”
“You’re not staying?” Dave asked.
“I’ll only be a little while,” Klaus assured him.
He wasn’t sure he actually would be back, though. Sure, he’d drop off the clothes after visiting the laundromat, he wasn’t that mean, but after? Just being here was probably a pretty big trigger for Dave and he definitely didn’t want to be the cause of him falling off the wagon. He probably reeked of weed and alcohol too.
Maybe he needed to wash his own clothes as well. And shower. Then, as long as he didn’t actually take anything in front of Dave, it should be fine, right? He wasn’t sure, he’d never seriously tried to get sober, so he didn’t know what it was like to try to fight the urge.
He would have liked to take a long bath, but laundry took forever and he wanted to be back as soon as possible in case Dave woke up. Since his own clothes needed a wash, after he was all clean, Klaus just wrapped a towel around his chest before heading out. Sure, he got a few odd looks, but there weren’t many people out this late, so he just winked back and continued on. It was boring waiting for the washer and drier to do their thing, but he was still riding the tail end of a high and the hypnotic spinning certainly helped.
By the time he got back, Dave was sitting up, blinking around the room owlishly, like he was trying to remember what was going on.
“Oh,” Dave said when he saw him. “So it wasn’t a dream.”
“Do you dream about me coming to your rescue often, then?” Klaus joked, surprised when Dave turned crimson. That wasn’t exactly what he was expecting. He cleared his throat and continued quickly. “I’ve got your clothes for you. And snacks from the vending machine that I definitely paid for and didn’t almost get my arm stuck stealing. Think you can stomach some food?”
Dave grimaced and shook his head. “Think I’ll just sleep.”
Klaus shrugged, put on his own clothes with no regard for his own modestly, and sat on the edge of the bed to pull his boots on, granola bar held between his teeth. And no, he definitely wasn’t disappointed when Dave didn’t try to take a peak, seemingly asleep with his face buried in a pillow.
“Thanks,” Dave said suddenly, breaking the silence. Not asleep after all, apparently.
“Hey, I was gonna stay here anyway; had a really great score and the cash was burning a hole in my pocket, so I thought I’d treat myself. You just get to benefit from my good luck.”
He didn’t mention the fact that he was running low on drugs and that was what the money was actually for. He didn’t need to know that. Not that he was completely sure Dave bought his lie. Regardless, he needed to figure out what to do next. Most bars were closed by now, but maybe he could walk the streets a bit. Not the safest way to earn a bit of cash, but there wasn’t exactly anyone around to con, pickpocket, or seduce, unless he wanted to do a little breaking and entering to steal. That could be fun, but he hadn’t cased anywhere.
He’d barely finished a bag of chips and was getting ready to come up with an excuse to leave when Dave spoke.
“I called my family,” he said, still not looking at him.
“Oh yeah?” Klaus said. Family wasn’t really a topic they discussed often. Klaus’ was too fucked up, but Dave’s didn’t seem too bad. They just didn’t know where he was or what he was doing, which in retrospect probably meant there was something going on there.
“Purim always makes me nostalgic. I found an alcohol-free celebration and it left me missing my sisters. I thought it would be nice, but my uncle was there too.”
“Yeah?” Klaus prompted when he fell silent.
“I used to look up to him, you know,” Dave continued. “My uncle. I forgot how easy it is for him to make me feel like shit. Part of the reason I left to begin with.”
“Sounds like an asshole,” Klaus said. He never had been great at saying the right thing.
“Yeah. Yeah, he is.”
“Well, we’re half way across the country and also hot, so who's the real winner here?”
Dave smiled weakly, but at least it was a smile.
“You should get some sleep,” Klaus said, patting where he thought Dave’s ankle was under the blanket. “There’s still some food, so help yourself whenever you wake up.”
“Can you stay?” Dave asked, and how was he supposed to say no to that face?
“Okay, fine, you win,” Klaus threw his hands up. “Scoot over, we can both get some shuteye, then.”
But as he lay there, he couldn’t help but think about how long it had taken him to slip back into his old life, his old vices. He’d done a good job letting the numbness take hold as he sunk back into oblivion, but already, being back here with Dave, listening to his quiet snoring; it caused an ache in his chest. Or maybe the high was just finally wearing off. That was an excuse that was getting harder and harder to believe.
He hadn’t realized just how miserable he’d been since they parted ways.
That thought startled him. No, he couldn’t go through this again. He couldn’t fall back into having a real connection with another person, to finding himself actually caring about someone else, and letting someone else know and care about him. He couldn’t go back to that only to lose it all over again once the sun came up, because that wasn’t a life he could have. He was too fucked up, and the best he could hope for was the numbness. It had to be enough.
He got up and headed for the door, only hesitating briefly in the doorway, but he didn’t look back. This wasn’t his life. This wasn’t where he belonged. The chill in the air was a welcome relief as he trudged outside and down the sidewalk with no real destination. At least it kept his mind from wandering or thinking about what-ifs.
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