#I’m not a sophitz shipper though
valewritessss · 2 months
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dizznee · 6 years
Anyway isn’t it great that Solinh is canon now
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
It's me, everyone's favorite Nilnaea! What if Sophie had actually gotten to go to Yale, and during her first semester, ran into Fitz who was masquerading as a high school student touring the campus? Then he could ask Sophie to show him around, and they could have lunch together -v-
welcome back, Nilnaea!!! this is the sophitz shippers' dream. A perfect set up for a college au except it would be canon. her parents are so paranoid and reserved I wonder how they'd ever let her go to Yale.
i’m curious how this would factor into the rest of the story and throw things off. Sophie would probably be a year or two older, which can mean a lot at that age. She might have some specific niche knowledge about whatever major she decided to take. More flexible schedule, better time management--wait this is all beneficial. Imagine if Sophie had had the time to learn what works best for her before being thrown into the elven world. how to manage her time and complete tasks. It’s taken me several years to work out a way to make things work for me (although my brain is often actively working against it) and it’s still not always effective!
Sophie would probably be a little more independent and collected, so maybe she wouldn’t run from Fitz, who’d be older too and maybe less foreward and off-putting. I think this could lead to a more gentle transition to the elven world, less hey I found you and I didn’t expect to let’s drug your family so you can run away with no time to emotionally prepare. There’d probably still be a lot of panic and confusion, but it might be lessened when she’s more secure and confident in herself.
Even outside of me theorizing about how it would impact canon, it’s just a really cute idea. Sophie caught off guard because this cute guy asks for a tour and what Yale is like, Fitz kinda vibing because this human stuff is so strange but she knows so much about it and explains it really well and yep she probably an elf but doesn’t know it. Going out for coffee and lunch and explaining how to navigate and find any classes. Just them interacting and chilling together, having fun and relaxing and joking around a little even though they don’t know each other.
There’s so much that can be done with this idea, this is so much fun! My mind is a little fixated on the “sophie but with one more year to figure herself out” part, so if I skipped or missed any of the parts of this concept you wanted to talk about more, just let me know! /g.
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enbies-and-felonies · 4 years
As I already said earlier, my OTP is and will always be Marellinh! jfkekwkwk I just love them sm. I used to be a hardcore Sophitz shipper, but then my friends started abandoning ship and swimming over to Sokeefe, so I just went with it lmao (this was before I joined tumblr and saw how many people adore fitz 😊) canonically, I’m leaning a little towards sokeefe, but at this point I don’t really care who the canon couples are. I have my fanfiction to keep me happy! I also LOVE sophiana, detz, keefitz, and marelliana! What about you?- ames 🍪
marellinh is DEFINITELY on my top tier list. The dichotomy of fire and water? the parallels???? THE HOMOEROTIC ENERGY OF PRACTICING THEIR ABILITIES TOGETHER??????? yes😌🤍
I also ADORE fedex!! (just the ship name is different lol) I’m a multishipper, so keefex, keefitz, and fedex are all *chef’s kiss* but recently I thought of shipping fitzeefex (fitz, keefe AND dex) and ever since then I have A S C E N D E D
my main ones though (for the boys) are fedex, kam, and keefitz
for the girls,,,,, there’s just so much. I adore solinhiana, but THEN there’s also marellinhiana, there’s stinianophie (stina/biana/sophie), I live for sophiana, marelinh, linhiana,,,, I just want my girls happy okayyyy 🥺
what are some of your favourite friendships/platonic ships for them?
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lovingmyselfcore · 5 years
Legacy Thoughts
**this post if full of spoilers for Legacy (KotLC 8) so if you haven't read it proceed with caution**
Disclaimer: I'm very aware that this post does not matter and Legacy was published and I do not own the book or the series or know what's best for it. These are my thoughts and OPINIONS
Legacy was not my favorite book in the series. But it wasn't awful.
I understand that Shannon Messenger made it to focus on that painful last sentence in Flashback and I know some people loved it. But after waiting a year I would have liked for that to have only been part of the plot.
I wanted more moments of figuring out about Tam being part of the Neverseen and finding a way to communicate telepathically and not get caught.
I wanted more Team Valiant missions and learning to navigate being a Regent for all of them.
More about how Biana not caring about her scars being received by the Vackers and the public.
More of learning about why exactly Oralie chose to give up her DNA instead of the one paragraph 'It was the only way for me to have a child.'
Diving deeper into Keefe's drawings.
More then one small part of a chapter about how Linh was dealing with all of Tam being in the Neverseen etc.
When Linh went back to her parents house, how they reacted.
Maruca and her Psinopath ability.
Marella and her training with Fintan.
More about the Councillors since we sort of glossed over that whole thing about them going to this place in sort-of-but-not-really space.
How things are really going with the other species.
That dude from Keefe's drawing that was in London and his daughter.
I would have loved to dive deeper into her resetting her abilities.
Even Fitz, we didn't really get to see how and what he was doing about Alvar.
Grady and Edaline.
Honestly I had to drag myself through over half of the book because a lot of it was Sophie complaining and not really doing anything.
I mean she was complaining about being a bad girlfriend when she could've very easily fixed that! I mean, what was that?
I would have been fine if there was no real action but just a deeper dive then 1 paragraph about the stuff I listed above!
But you have me a book with no action and just Sophie complaining non-stop?
(I did appreciate that whole thing that everyone was telling her about not only being the moonlark though, that was good.)
My thoughts on the ending:
I am a Sophitz shipper (but I wouldn't absoulutely despise Sokeefe)
But now I think she would be better off alone.
I wouldn't mind Sophitz or Sokeefe but I've only really seen the latter as friends.
But the ending about Sophie and Fitz going back to just being friends I didn't hate.
Fitz has some issues about him caring too much about the 'unmatchable' thing. He sees that. Sophie sees that. We all do. Our guy has some things to deal with.
So yeah.
Sophitz of Sokeefe?
Who else saw Oralie being Sophie's birth mom as very obvious? I did like the reasonong of why her 'mom' should be an Empath though. That was cool.
I have one theory and it's about Glimmer.
She won't reveal herself and she's a flasher.
Something tells me she's Wylie's mom. Somehow, someway. I believe she's Wylie's mom.
But that's just a theory! A Book Theory! Annnd cut.
So anyway Legacy was certainly was not my favorite, but book 9,I believe it's the last one. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) Better be AMAZING. Because honestly I did feel kind of let down with Legacy but I may be the only one.
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