#I’m literally posting this 10 minutes before it’s not his birthday in my timezone
alexalexinii · 1 year
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happy birthday to our favourite dragon boy, simon snow salisbury <3
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What was the last piece of furniture you purchased? We got a new couch sometime last year. Our old one was so small and only fit two adults comfortably – my parents have had it since my siblings and I were kids, when we all fit, and they just didn’t change it for a while. The new couch is a lot bigger and is L-shaped.
Have you ever broken up with someone for a reason other than lack of feelings (ex. moving away, etc.)? No. But with where we are in life right now it’s always a possible situation.
Has anyone ever told you that you are too picky when it comes to the people you date? What about not picky enough? No one has, even though I technically am. But if anyone said that to me I’d kinda take it as an insult because...demis are picky and there should be no problem with that...
When was the last time you went to a bar? End of February, though that was really more of a club than a bar. My last bar was probably just a few weeks before that ^ though. I know I went out to drink many times in January and February.
What three things would you change about your life? I wish I could have the right meds to help my brain stop feeling anxious; I wish I wasn’t a fresh graduate in the middle of a pandemic/unemployment crisis; I wish this pandemic didn’t have to ruin so many great things that had been going for me!!!
Was there anything unusual or unique about your birth? Other than my mom finding out she was pregnant with me on her birthday, I don’t think I have fun stories to tell about my actual birth. My mom had a relatively normal birth with me compared to my sister (mom was in labor with her for 20 hours) and my brother (dad wasn’t by her side when he was born).
What has happened in the past week that is worth remembering in five years? The way I wanted to deal with this one stupid driver and yet karma quickly let me know that wasn’t gonna happen. Which is so unfair – he had been driving at fucking 10 mph for the last ten minutes and I was stuck behind him the whole time and I just wanted to overtake, ugh. Anyway, what ended up happening was super embarrassing and I don’t feel like detailing it; suffice it to say I highly doubt I’ll forget about it. ALSO, my online graduation.
How much of your day did you spend completely alone? Yesterday I was barely alone because we had a bit of a feast at home to celebrate my graduation. I can’t speak for today just yet; it’s only 8:23 and I’m not sure how this day’s going to turn out.
What was the best conversation you’ve had recently? My kuya and I were discussing one of our ancestors who recently got exposed on social media for actually turning out to be a Marcos enabler/apologist. That relative was a historian who had written plenty of books that nearly all schools and universities in the country used, and is usually praised for his works; in my own family, obviously, we also speak highly of him and I’ve always known him to be a brilliant man. Well that post popped up and I showed it to my kuya, and he was literally like, “okay, I guess the jig is up. Robyn, he’s actually a...” and proceeded to tell me all the icky enabler stuff he did for Marcos’ administration – and our other high-profile relatives who did the same thing. I’ve felt nothing but disgust for most of my bloodline ever since lmao
What is the next book you are going to read? Idek dude. I said I was reading Little Women several surveys ago but I hadn’t touched it again since then.
Describe the hardest decision you have ever made. I don’t think I’ve made it yet.
Why did you last see the doctor? I had been sick for a week and wasn’t getting better, so we got worried and had it checked out.
Post a recent picture of yourself. Hiding my parents because duh, but here. I literally never take selfies so this is the most recent one I got. A little too formal for this website too but my family had a photo op yesterday to celebrate my grad and I look quite nice in those photos, so have one of them hahaha.
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How do you spend the majority of your free time? Making myself occupied with different distractions.
What do you want to accomplish tomorrow? I’d want to be doing job preparation stuff this week and hit baby steps here and there.
List the cards in your wallet. Driver’s license, school ID, my gas station rewards card, Starbucks rewards card, Timezone credits card, a business card from a news agency who partnered with our org once, and a card enumerating the rights of media practitioners, for safety reasons.
Who was the last person to do something nice for you? Dad made us breakfast.
What was the lowest point of this year? The highest? Lowest point is...I can’t believe I’m saying it, but the present. I’m really anxious about jobs and careers and the future, and paranoid about getting left behind by my peers. It’s like I’m relapsing and I’m once again the struggling 18 year old that I used to be.
Highest is also kinda the present. I finished college and it’s something to be mighty proud of. It’s just a weird time right now.
Is there any artwork in the room you’re in? Yes.
What is your number one short-term goal? Long-term? Short-term is to get my SSS ID ironed out; long-term is to land a job that’ll make me start earning some ₱₱₱ for myself.
Are you dealing with anything difficult at the moment? Yes.
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