#I’m lazy but what if someone makes a martial arts au???
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unsweetingtea · 7 months ago
I remember a little bit ago there was this image of Shadow crossing his arms and people were making fun of how he did it.
Like this:
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(He seems to do this in almost every universe lmao.)
People thought it was funny how it was almost like he was hugging himself, and drew fanart of it blah blah blah all that meme stuff.
I’m not making fun of anyone who did that, I enjoyed it myself, I just had a thought recently of why he may do this; maybe even a logical answer.
It’s gonna be quite the explanation because it has something to do with what I personally learned, so you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to!
Explanation under the cut! ⬇️
Back in my first year of college, my seminar teacher hired a martial arts coach to teach us a few basic moves and how to keep your guard.
This was a coach that he practically grew up with. I mean, my seminar teacher is SMART. A black belt, can speak 4 languages, good in chem and maths, this guy is a legend. Students respected him deeply, even if his homework was bullsh💩t. So, we trusted that the coach knew what he was doing because our teacher trusted him with us.
Another thing is that sometimes when us humans don’t know what to do with ourselves; like what to do with our arms; we cross them. Like how Sonic does it:
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It just gives us something to do so we don’t look awkward. It’s not that we’re distracted or bored, it’s just some people (like me) feel like we need to do something to not look like a lost puppy, even if no one really cares.
As you can imagine, as we were listening to this coach talk, most of us actually had our arms crossed.
He was in the middle of talking before he let out a scream. The kind of scream that was meant to scare you, like “something, something, something—BAH!”
Of course, we were startled at this, and our immediate reaction was to quickly unfold our arms to protect ourselves. (Most of us at least, some just flinched back with the look of “😟”.)
Our teacher chuckled at us because he was not surprised at all, like he knew this was gonna happen.
The coach smirked at us and said something along the lines of, “That brings me to my next point!”
He told us that one of the rules of defense is to not tangle your arms like how Sonic does. He said that if we really needed or wanted to fold our arms; to put them on top of each other. Like you’re giving yourself a hug. Like how Shadow does it. That way, if there is an unexpected attack, your arms aren’t tangled within each other and you can quickly block or dodge your way out of the situation.
Frankly, even if you tangle your arms together, it’s not that hard to get them loose. But imagine the panic you’d feel when something or someone comes out of nowhere to attack you and you don’t expect it. It’s an extra second you waste of defending yourself before it’s too late.
Moral of the story, I think Shadow fold his arms like that is because it’s a self defense tactic. If someone or something were to attack out of no where, he would be ready. He’s always ready.
I’d also like to point out how I love the comparison between how Sonic crosses his arms verses how Shadow does.
Sonic is more laid back and relaxed while Shadow is on guard. We all know this, and their body language proves it. I love that 😄
I didn’t know if most people knew this, but I wanted to put out my take on things 🫶🏻
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hoodedchishiya · 2 years ago
Okay I have some Chishiya x Kuina plots that I need to write out even if nobody else is interested. I’ll potentially make them into fanfics maybe 👀
1. Kuina and Chishiya find each other dying after the whole Niragi shootout and the fight with King of Spades. Maybe Chishiya sees her laying there bleeding out from where Arisu and Usagi left him on the street and he manages to use the last bit of strength to crawl over to her. They hold each other while dying until finally they get the decision to go home. They wake up in the real world and actually remember each other because they were holding each other as they died and so their souls kind of stayed connected 🥺
2. AU where Kuina and Chishiya meet before she transitioned. Perhaps they went to high school together? Or Chishiya used to practice martial arts as a means to appease his parents pushing him to get a hobby. He is the first person that Kuina comes out to when they get close and they start a secret relationship. He helps her through her transition. Could be hurt/comfort related or angsty if we want to include her dad finding out about them 👀
3. Cute little domestic plot. Maybe they’ve moved in together and are happily dating. Maybe they’re even engaged. Chishiya finally knows what it truly means to be in love and Kuina finally feels like she’s found someone who accepts her for her. Could be super fluffy.
4. College AU. Maybe they knew each other in high school and hated each other’s guts. Then bam, they meet again when they’re older and the sexual tension is through the roof 👀
5. Kuina ends up in hospital for some reason. And guess who gets assigned to be her doctor? Of course, it’s Chishiya. Or maybe Chishiya gets assigned to take care of her mother. At first him and Kuina despise each other, but since he’s good with her mother, she eventually figures he’s okay-ish. Eventually they get closer.
I have more ideas that I’m too lazy to write right now.
But any Kuina roleplayers out there are free to DM me about these, or leave a comment. I just have really bad brainrot about them and need to scratch the itch 💀
I’ll make one of these plot things for Niragi too eventually.
~Mun ❤️
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plasmasimagination · 1 year ago
Hey if your still doing the match up event then I suppose if it isn’t too much trouble that I could have a go?
Fandom; Honkai Star Rail
I'm a INTJ 8w9 Aquarius cis boy who likes to draw as a hobby, i'm a confident person that’s also lazy but smart, others say I’m ‘Smart but lazy’ ‘Cold and Challenging’ and ‘Too Emotionally Reserved’ that last one is true, I don’t like opening up about my emotions and tend to be just unemotional or mask my real emotions with whatever the person wants be to feel.
I like playing fighting games, I take Taekowndo lessons, and I love to fight people. I also love comic books, specifically SpiderMan. I love the cold and just sleeping in my bed, cuddling up to the Corner and watching some YT videos
I really fuckin hate loud people and tend to get violent around them, I hate people that try to make me socialize, and I despise trying to be controlled. Oh! I’m also a major fucking asshole in the morning, like ‘I will beat you till your a bloody corpse’ type of asshole/grumpy.
I don’t have or know my love language.. but I suppose if there pretty laid back and isn’t afraid to fight, I’d love that? Idk.
I have an interest in Martial Arts, Drawing, Voice Acting, Making Stories, and Alternate Universes/Timelines (like the Sans Au’s)
(If it’s possible could I be paired up with a woman from HSR and Genshin? No worries if not just pair me up with someone form Honkai Star Rail or HSR)
If you want a name for me then just use Zeo or Zero
Jokes aside I'm glad my writting has reached wider audiences and I'm more than happy to write for you, and as your matchup.....
For hsr- TOPAZ
for genshin- RAIDEN
I know I know, you might be like "Oh but plasma! Why the hell would you match me up with topaz??? She isn't even that good for me!"
I think you two would go very nicely together. The personalities somehow just match in like a piece of puzzle.
Topaz might seem professional and distant at first but trust me as she would warm up to you that she'll be very cooperative and fun to be around
she'll also be able to read you like a book, like she can literally figure out how you're feeling based on small details in your body language/face expression etc.
I think you two would grow be get along very well and work as a team
You two confident fellas would freaking take over the world
Like you two would be a real power couple together. Like with her wits and with your power...phewww you two would go insane
Besides, I think she could handle you in every way very well.
Topaz is a badass and not afraid to show it off, she's a great fighter and very confident in her skill and job.
And so, in my opinion, you two would be chefs kiss
Genshin- RAIDEN
What can I say, you attract girl bosses.
Do I really have to comment much on this?
I just think that Eis calm dementor could go well with your ticking bomb attitude
Even though ei is not much of a talker, she would always listen to you and try to understand you, even tho her point of view might be a bit...different she'll try her best!!....
And you two introverts can always just stay inside and enjoy your little alone time tch tch (/j)
She would also be very interested in your fighting skills and be probably amazed by it at some point
The only problem i see here would be that you're both emotionally reserved so I guess couples therapy ...?
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writerfae · 4 years ago
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The Knights of the Alder Modern AU Taiden drabbles (I'm too lazy to write out)
"Do you feel that too, Maya?" Halea asked. Maya nodded in agreement. "Feels like sexual tension." "Shut up," Talon and Aiden said in union, Talon sounding angry and Aiden embarrassed, both blushing furiously.
"Says the one who only called me 'country boy' the first weeks we knew each other," Aiden told Talon.
"I never heard you call someone an idiot so affectionately before," she noted, amused. "Shut up, Maya," Talon replied, his face heating up. Maya only chuckled.
"Not dating, huh?" Callan mumbled to himself, chuckling as he saw the two boys lying on the couch, tangled into each other, vast asleep. Aiden had his face burrowed in Talon’s chest, the other boy's arms wrapped securely around him, holding him tight. "Yeah right." He made a quick picture and sent it to Henry. I think you owe me money.
"Aiden, have you seen my hoodie?" Talon asked, rummaging through a pile of clothes. "Which one?" Aiden asked, leaning against the door frame. "The black one with the moon on it." "No, I have no idea." he said innocently, while wearing exactly the hoodie his boyfriend was looking for. Talon turned around, frustrated. "I could've sworn I..." Then he saw what his boyfriend was wearing. "Really Aiden?" Aiden chuckled.
"Your opinion doesn't count, you have no taste," Aiden told his brother. Henry pouted. "Of course he has taste," Callan said, kissing his husband's cheek. "He married me."
"I'm tired," Aiden said, leaning his head against Talon’s shoulder. "What did you do? Stay up late to watch some shitty movie again?" Talon responded, uncharacteristically soft, like he often tended to do with his boyfriend. "No, I stayed up late to study for math." "You stayed up to study?" Talon put a hand on Aiden's forehead. "Now I'm starting to get worried. Are you getting sick or something?" "Very funny Tal."
"How? How are you even dating him?" Halea asked, turning to Aiden's boyfriend. Talon didn't bother to look up from his phone. "I'm attracted to idiots," he simply said. "One in particular."
Aiden hated feeling like this. Even after years of not being on his own anymore, the loneliness still settled in sometimes. He stood up to look for Talon. His boyfriend had been busy studying all day. Aiden hesitated for a while, not wanting to distract him from his work, but made his way up to him anyway. "Tal, I'm lonely," he said. Talon froze right in the movement of writing something down, surprised by Aiden's sudden appearance, and put his pen to the side with a sigh. "Come here," he said then, smiling softly, and opened his arms for Aiden to snuggle up to him.
“If you call me a lord,” Talon pulled his boyfriend close. “Then I should call you a prince.” Aiden raised a brow, amused. “Oh, really? A prince?” Talon nodded. “Mhm.” “What makes you think that?” “Well… you’re pretty proud, demanding... a little bratty...” “Hey,” Aiden protested. Talon only smirked, pulling him even closer. “Your loyal, caring and noble in every sense.” He kissed Aiden’s cheek. The other boy chuckled. “Noble, huh?” “Oh yes,” Talon said, grin still prominent on his face. “Who knows, I bet you were a prince in your past life, you definitely have the attitude.” Aiden laughed. “I doubt that I was of such a high ancestry. That’s probably more your thing. I was most likely a hunter or something.” He smiled at his boyfriend. “But thank you... my lord.”
Aiden picked up his phone to see who was calling. The caption smart-ass <3, paired with a picture of his boyfriend gave away the identity of the caller. Aiden smiled. “Hey,” he greeted Talon as he picked up. “Hey, baby,” the other boy replied. “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go out? The new movie you wanted to watch is out now.” “I’d love to, but I can’t today. It’s date night, Henry and Callan are out, so I’m taking care of Celene.” “Oh I see. Stuck babysitting, eh?” Right on cue, the young girl came running, throwing her arms around Aiden’s legs, looking up to him. “Is that your boyfriend, uncle Ad? Can he come too? Please!” Aiden chuckled. “That’s a good idea, princess. We'll ask him... Hey Tal, why don’t you come over instead and watch a movie with me and Celene?” “We’re watching Wall-E,” Celene shouted excitedly. “Yeah we will watch Wall-E.” Talon on the other side chuckled. “I don’t know-” “Come on honey,” Aiden interrupted him. “We’re even making dinosaur nuggets.” It was quiet for a while as the other considered the offer. “Okay,” Talon then answered. “I'll be over in fifteen minutes.” Aiden smiled triumphantly. “Alright, see you in fifteen minutes then.”
general tag list: @deadlycupid @writing-is-a-martial-art @writingamongther0ses @blueinkblot @wildswrites @abi-radio @theroyalcoven @7devills @myhusbandsasemni @authortango
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ibijau · 5 years ago
Worst engagement AU // on AO3 (though I’ll likely only post this chapter there tomorrow)
Set not very long after lwj and nhs silently bonding over bunnies. gonna blame @denira whose tags on the aforementioned chapter inspired me :D
Lan Qiren is busy today, so it is Lan Xichen who supervises Lan Wangji's guqin practice. It is what Lan Wangji prefers, although he knows better than to say it. Lan Qiren is more experienced, more skilled, and this is the superior teacher. But Lan Xichen is kinder when his brother makes a mistake, preferring to encourage rather than scold, so Lan Wangji is weak and prefers him.
When the lesson is over, Lan Xichen praises his brother for how well he did while Lan Wangji goes to carefully put away his guqin. When he comes back, he finds Lan Xichen looking at something on his desk. He was supposed to tidy it earlier, but got distracted. It is irresponsible of him, and if Lan Qiren were here, he would scold his nephew.
Lan Wangji is really glad it was his brother with him today.
“Wanji, this painting is very good,” Lan Xichen remarks, picking up something from the desk. “When did you make it?”
Considering he has not painted in a while, the question takes Lan Wangji by surprise. He cannot think of any recent work he might not have yet shown his brother. The mystery is quickly lifted when he comes closer and finds his brother holding the painting that Nie Huaisang gave him. Lan Xichen is right to call it good, of course, and Lan Wangji knows he should immediately disperse the misunderstanding that it is his own work.
Lan Wangji knows, also, that his brother is not very impressed by Nie Huaisang's skills. He cannot be blamed. Nie Huaisang is a very poor cultivator who doesn't even have a golden core yet, and Lan Wangji understands that in the world they live in, that is unforgivable for someone from such a prestigious sect as Qinghe Nie. Until recently, Lan Wangji simply agreed with his brother's disappointment, mostly due to never interacting with the other boy himself.
But since then there's been that afternoon with the rabbits, and Lan Wangji feels a little more positively toward his future brother-in-law. After all, Nie Huaisang didn't try to force him into tedious conversation as most people do, didn't tease him for his enjoyment of rabbits as other children did when he was younger. And, of course, Nie Huaisang gave him that beautiful painting where the rabbits look as if they might just hop from the page and started frolicking around.
Nie Huaisang doesn't look like much, but there might be more to him than can be seen on the surface.
“Brother thinks it's good?” Lan Wangji asks.
Lying by omission or implication is wrong. He'll have to be punished for it later. Handstands perhaps. But since Nie Huaisang gave him a gift, Lan Wangji feels like giving one in return.
“It's excellent,” Lan Xichen assures him, unable to take his eyes off the painting and smiling with open admiration. “I didn't know you had progressed so much! The lines flow beautifully, you're making them look relaxed and yet still ready to stir at the first noise... and the shading is simple but very good, it really brings them to life. Their shape is good too, very true to life, I particularly like their eyes and noses. Wangji, I think this is better than most of what I've done recently.”
Since Lan Wangji has little taste for pictorial arts, he doesn't care too much that this praise is not directed at his actual work. He only paints because it's what a man of good education must do. But he has seen how Nie Huaisang looked when he was painting, and knows his future brother-in-law must feel differently.
Usually Nie Huaisang always looks like he's about to cry if someone so much as looks his way, but that afternoon he was so focused that nothing seemed to touch him. Lan Wangji is half sure that if he hadn't been there to be the reasonable one, Nie Huaisang would have stayed painting until the very last ray of sunlight, perhaps even after night fell if the moon was bright enough. Everyone says he's lazy, but clearly that's not what's the problem with him.
“Nie Huaisang gifted me this painting,” Lan Wangji announces. “He made it himself.”
The silence that follows is to be expected. Since Lan Xichen has a low opinion of Nie Huaisang, it is normal for him to be surprised by the skill his fiancé hides under all that shyness. But after seeing what Nie Huaisang is capable of, it is obvious that Lan Xichen will have to rethink his position. There is no shame in being wrong, only in refusing to learn from it, the rules say.
“He lied to you,” Lan Xichen says without hesitation.
“He did not,” Lan Wangji calmly protests. “I saw him paint it.”
“I did not know you ever spent time with him,” Lan Xichen remarks, now inspecting the painting more critically, as if trying to find faults in it. “I suppose he might have painted it. The composition isn't very good, and the proportions of those poor rabbits is laughable. If they really looked this fat, they'd have ended up as a fox's dinner already.”
Lan Wangji stares at his brother, shocked by the sudden change.
“Brother said the painting was excellent. Was that a lie?”
“It is better than what you usually do,” Lan Xichen concedes, though it seems to pain him to say even this. “I was trying to encourage you. I know this is not an art you favour.”
“Brother said this was better than his own work.”
For some reason, Lan Xichen's entire face turns red at having his own words thrown back at him. He looks.
He looks angry.
Lan Wangji feels baffled.
If it were him in his brother's place, he'd be relieved to find that his fiancé isn't completely useless. In fact, his biggest hope for the future is that whoever his uncle and father pick for him to marry will be someone musically inclined, like him, so that they can at least have one thing in common. Since Lan Xichen enjoys painting a great deal, he should be glad to discover that it is a passion that Nie Huaisang shares, and that he shares it well.
“He must have copied it from somewhere,” Lan Xichen announces. “From memory perhaps, but there is no way Nie Huaisang made something like that on his own. Mingjue has told me that his brother and him have had little training in non martial arts, and it is simply impossible for someone self-taught to make something like this without help. I'm afraid he fooled you, Wangji.”
This conversation is starting to be upsetting, Lan Wangji decides.
Not because he thinks he was fooled. He was there, he saw the rabbits in that exact position, with the exact markings that Nie Huaisang depicted. There is no doubt that the work is entirely due to Nie Huaisang's skill.
What is upsetting, then, is to see his brother so unbending in his dislike of his fiancé. Coming from someone else, it would be understandable. Most people are petty, Lan Wangji has found out. But his brother has always been a model of virtue to him, always patient and kind and willing to give everyone a chance. In all of Lan Wangji's life, he has never seen his brother dislike someone so strongly. Even with Jin Zixun, who Lan Wangji wants to silence every time he opens his mouth, Lan Xichen manages to stay patient and polite.
Everyone has to dislike someone, it is only human, but out of every person they have met, Lan Wangji can't fathom why his brother has decided to dislike Nie Huaisang. It's like disliking a shrub or a rabbit. One can do it, and it is easy to take one's anger on it, but what good does it do anyone to hate something that can't defend itself?
It is odd for Lan Xichen to be so unreasonable.
“Did Nie Huaisang offend brother?” Lan Wangji careful asks.
That too sounds odd, if only because Nie Huaisang is so meek and shy that it seems unlikely he'd talk enough to ever insult anyone. And still, Lan Xichen frowns at the question, his expression turning darker.
“Why are you so interested in Nie Huaisang all of a sudden? You've never seemed to notice him before when he visited.”
“I like the painting,” Lan Wangji replies which wasn't exactly untrue, even if it isn't the entire truth. It was nice, that afternoon. Most guest disciples are too rowdy for his tastes, or them move in large groups that he doesn't want to deal with. As for Lan disciples, of course they are quiet, but most of them are a little scared of him for his connection to Lan Qiren and the sect leader. Besides, whenever he's tried to mention his interest in anything but cultivation, and especially in rabbits, they always look at him as if he's grown a second head.
But Nie Huaisang was quiet, and he  liked the rabbits enough to paint them.
“Nie Huaisang seems nice,” Lan Wangji says, feeling very daring for going against his brother's opinion. Maybe this is the start of that rebellious phase that Lan Qiren always seems to worry about.
Lan Xichen shoots him a surprised look.
“Is one mediocre painting really all it takes to buy your friendship, Wangji?”
“It's a good painting,” Lan Wangji points out. Then, after some consideration and for the sake of honesty, he adds: “We are not friends. But he is nice. I do not mind that he will join the family.”
This time, there's definitely a hint of wilful rebellion to his words. Lan Wangji knows it's wrong, that he must respect his elders, and Lan Xichen does count as an elder even if there's just a few years between them.
But really, it's not his fault that Lan Xichen is so unreasonable.
“I see you've decided to be difficult today,” Lan Xichen has the galls to say. “If you want to pity Nie Huaisang, go ahead I suppose. Good luck with getting him to say more than two words at once.”
Lan Wangji nods. Nie Huaisang is quiet. That is the nice thing about him. He also doesn't seem to have any expectations about Lan Wangji, never once bothering him since that afternoon with the rabbits, never seeking him out.
Lan Wangji likes it when people are quiet and don't bother him.
“I'll see you at dinner,” Lan Xichen announces, dropping the painting as if it is a particularly disgusting thing. “I hope you're less contradictory by then.”
Lan Wangji watches him go, still a little baffled that his brother somehow found something to hate in a person as bland and innocuous as Nie Huaisang. Then, when he is alone, he picks up the painting and carefully puts it away.
After all, as Lan Xichen himself said, it's an excellent painting, and must be treated accordingly.
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Au where the boys were in an accident and were given super powers so they form a gang to fight and shut down other gangs that hurt people
I like this because it feels almost like a version of the mafia au but they’re more hero like in this one.
I’m going to say the accident was a lab one in an area everyone was screwing around in and when it occurred the scientists decided on a cover up and locked everyone up for experiments. One day they manage to escape but they break off into two groups because they can’t agree on what they should do. The banana boys want to protect the city from the lab and other gangs (be heros) and the Misfits want revenge for what happened to them. Kryoz and Smii7y sort of bounce between the two because why can’t they both help people and get revenge.
I described what powers went where below 
Mini ended up with a supersonic scream much to the dismay of everyone who knew him before the accident. He has learned to relax his screaming but every once and a while you’ll hear something break, a piercing scream and more things shattering. 
Ohm I want to to be like cyclops, but the cloth that covers his eyes is some special material because the scientists were too lazy to make actual glasses for him. He does eventually get glasses after they escape but the blindfold is a signature look to the public as a hero that he uses the glasses for his civilian persona.
Vanoss has telekinetic powers but they’re like Domino from Deadpool, so he doesn’t realize he’s doing it he just thinks he’s lucky. If he focuses extremely hard he can move somethings but more often then not he just lets things happen to him. This is how he found the group because he had escaped earlier then anyone else by falling down a ditch when he was almost caught and then he just wandered into the base of the banana bus squad.
Terroriser is able to regenerate body parts and heal extremely quickly.  It is unknown if he is invincible or immortal but he’s decided that’s a problem for future him. He is known for taking the biggest risks and this annoys the hell out of some people.
Moo ended up with volatile constructs which means he can create explosions and he hates this because it’s so connected to emotion that if he gets annoyed tiny explosions could occur around the cause of his annoyance. He has gotten extremely good at figuring out how much power he needs in any situation (after a lot of practice) and has combined it with actual martial arts.
Nogla can manipulate energy I’m imagining lases and such so go with that comic book stuff. He can absorb lasers and project them back out but he can only produce what he’s absorbed unless it’s a shield that is an energy field he can always produce.
Panda got physical restoration meaning he can heal or fix anything, although the bigger the break the harder it is meaning close to death is harder and more taxing. He fixes the things Mini breaks and Moo explodes on accident and is the resident nurse.
Cartoonz has darkness manipulation, he can blend into shadows and such. He was the first person they started doing tests and during one of them his powers acted on instinct and the scientist working on him accidentally cut his eye and for some reason Panda could fix his eye but not remove the scarring but Luke has accepted it.
Delirious I want to have duplication, for no other reason then when he wants the duplicates to go away he has to say “I’m the real delirious”. If he wants his duplicates to be solid he can only do a few (like four) any more and they are merely images. He really only has to think about it to do it but he’s a dork so he does the ninjutsu thing every time.
Wildcat can morph into monsters, his favorite is the pig monster because it’s the transformation that requires the least thought and he can do it easily. He has been able to get to some giant monster but it takes a lot of energy.
Marcel I want to fly so badly and I haven’t a clue why. He just floats sometimes and doesn’t realize it, so sometimes when he’s thinking Scotty or someone will hold his sleeve to keep him tethered to earth because he has just floated up to skyscraper heights before without realizing it. He loves to fly so much but there are some limits, like if he goes too high too fast without the right oxygen supply he has passed out. With that we go to Scotty
I need Scotty to have teleportation for various reasons namely it annoys everyone. He can only teleport a few people at a time and only to places he’s been since he gained his powers. When Marcel goes too high and passes out Scotty teleports and catches him.
Lui is a reverse Shazam and turns into a child with super powers. He thinks it’s funny and can get into a lot of places the others can’t because he’s a ‘lost’ kid looking for his mom.
Fitz I really want him to be like the Sandman from Spiderman but with the goo that makes up his logo instead. But that makes me think of the tar monster from the Scooby Doo 2 movie and I don’t know how that makes me feel. But that’s his power now.
Inotorious is intangible which means he can move through solid objects and I want this because I was reading about this power and someone said ‘did you expect me to dodge? how quaint’ after someone attacked them and for some reason I feel like Matt would do this. He would 100% rile someone up and when they attacked he would use his powers and they would go right through him.
Toby can create illusions, from detailed scenery to having just a single person running around. The only issue is he has to be focusing on the illusion other wise it breaks. Usually he stays out side of any missions and is in a van or something with security cameras up to focus his illusions through.
Swagger can turn into different metals, this is why he wears a helmet so much because the material is right there for him to use. He really enjoys headbutting people because of this power.
Zuckles solely based off of his avatar being the monkey I like the idea of him being kind of like a beast boy person. His go to is the monkey because he uses it to climb where he’s not supposed to climb. He looks green only in animal form and his hair is green.
McCreamy’s hair was turned white by the incident and he gained the power of persuasion. His persuasion is heightened and lasts longer when he hums or sings and people refer to him as either the Siren or the Pied Piper. His friends refer to him as a Disney princess because he has a knack for doing it to animals but they just follow him if he starts singing.
Smii7y got precognition meaning he can see the future before it happens, it varies because the future can change if he interferes majorly. This has led to a lot of missions where he goes solo, much to the dismay of whoever is working with him, because he knows what to do. I want him to have omniscience (to know everything always) but that seems extreme, so maybe a light version of that where somethings he just knows about people but not everything.
Kryoz has air manipulation and this includes smoke and some clouds. He brings a vape on a mission and gets to argue it’s one of his weapons because he can somewhat manipulate the vapor it produces. He is also the only one Smii7y will tell if he’s going off on a mission alone. He uses the wind to push people if they annoy him and if he focuses hard he can fly short distances.
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seoulscenarios · 7 years ago
College AU! Lee Felix
We’re finally on the home stretch, the end is near for this series!! thank you for the immense amount of support you guys are giving us it means the world xxx
-Major: Musical Theatre
-Minor: none, he has no time outside of rehearsals
-Sports: the same martial arts club as Woojin but he specialises in taekwondo, he’s the college’s star taekwondo player and even won them several medal in the nation championships he like a god on campus tbh,, also plays soccer but isn’t officially part of the team bc he has too many other commitments with his course though sometimes they do call him up if they’re in DIRE need of a player
-Clubs: film club, just bc he likes to watch films and listen to other people’s opinion of films tbh (and he can take naps if the film is boring lmao), is also the deputy of the musical theatre society so he has a lot of power of what musicals they covered
-Felix for the last time we’re NOT doing Wicked and if we ever did I point blank REFUSE to cast you as Glinda bc you are a “cute blonde”
-But pleeaaaaaaase I’ll do more vocal training!
-Felix NO, Glinda is a soprano and you struggle to hit even the alto notes most days
-Felix chose to do musical theatre bc it combines his love of singing and dancing and being completely over the top,, like have you ever seen a musical at least one character wasn’t kinda over the top
-When he was a kid his parents took him to see The Lion King and he was in awe of it that he decided that he wanted to be in musical theatre ever since then
-At first, he helped out backstage with props, makeup, costume etc. during his school years and it wasn’t until his first year of high school that the director encouraged him to actually audition
-Everyone was extremely shocked that the deep voiced backstage genius could actually sing extremely well,,, like who’d have thought that
-Whilst he wasn’t the best singer he still got cast in a supporting role and he had the time of his life,,, now he got to experience what the actors did when he put them through stuff and he even did his own damn makeup as well during rehearsals
-So yeah up until he graduated Felix went to star in other musicals put on by his school and by his last year he was finally made principal role and he was all big smiles when the cast list went up and he was beaming for days and went into rehearsals with a fully learned script that was all highlighted and sticky notes on the front with potential prop/costume/makeup ideas on he’s just a wholesome boy
-Tho nothing prepared him for the sheer STRESS of being the main character as well as helping out the younger kids, organising props and costumes AND choreographing (can confirm this is the worst and happened to me, it was HELL)
-So yeah, Felix loved musical theatre and was pretty much accepted straight away onto the college course bc of his bright personality and beautiful voice, not to mention he was pretty much an all rounder when it came to the industry so they were delighted to accept him
-However,,, felix missed the accommodation deadline so ended up messaging all the college facebook boards asking if anyone was looking for a flatmate or house share,,, it was chan who saw this and was like yes my son pls join me
-Chan and Felix have this weird father/son/best friend dynamic, like chan would always pack Felix with a lunchbox and water bc he knew that Felix would forget especially when he was rushing round bc he was nearly late for dance class but they also played video games and had wrestling matches in their dorm for ??? no reason ??
-One time Woojin walked in on them arm wrestling and he was like ??? is that how friendship is formed in Australia ??? how bizarre before helping himself to snacks as Felix lost and decided to flip Chan over taekwondo style and Woojin just watched as he munched on some Cheetos or something
-It was just a bit weird but they had come to accept it,,, besides Felix loved being looked after bc it meant he didn’t have to cook food or anything bc chan really enjoyed it lmao
-Felix’s favourite class by far was his dance class
-He was one of the star dancers of the group and loved to help out to choreograph routines for literally every dance number
-Like,, u need ballet for At The Ballet from A Chorus Line??? He’s got you covered. Jazz sequence for West Side Story? He got you COVERED
-He’s just a very talented boy,, though he admits that he may not be the best technically bc he hasn’t received formal dance training whilst at high school he just had the ability to pick up the dance quickly and wasn’t afraid to ask for help when he needed it
-Hell, he even dragged Minho after he finished class one day so he could get pointers on where  he could improve and Minho was like,,, fine but pls buy me coffee I’m DYING (yes Minho does have a coffee addiction,, it’s a problem tbh)
-Felix was an extremely talented kid but he got all shy whenever someone complimented his dancing, or his acting but ESPECIALLY his singing
-Bc even to this day,, he was still nervous about singing
-Like he knew he could sing,,, but in comparison to some of the other people on his course he wasn’t exactly the most confident in his singing ability
-He often went to the music practice rooms so he could practice his songs over and over again until his throat was sore and chan had to make him honey and lemon tea when he got back from practice
-Please protect this soft boy
-Also,,, you KNOW that the boys were his biggest fans whenever he was in shows
-His first project performance happened and he managed to get all of his friends tickets on the front row (how he did this was unknown to literally everyone bc it’s practically impossible)
-He was extremely nervous bc his friends had never seen him perform in a musical before and it was his FIRST college performance how could he not be nervous
-The project was a piece celebrating the different genres and songs from iconic musicals and Felix was the centre for the Rent portion
-(But can you just imagine Felix in Mark’s red and blue knitted sweater and wearing circle glasses whilst he dances to La Vie Boheme??? Okay it would be the best thing ever convince me otherwise)
-He needn’t have been worried bc as soon as he stood on stage and the music kicked in, he was Mark Cohen singing about the death of Bohemia and jumping around the stage like he was born to be there
-He doesn’t remember much of that performance bc he was whisked off stage to prepare for another song but he does remember how the audience (read: the boys) screamed his name as he ran off stage
-The rest of the show went incredibly well and as he came out for his bow, he saw Chan wiping a stray tear as Jeongin laughed at him and Felix had to stop himself from feeling the urge of crying bc his hyung was
-They waited for him as he collected all of his belongings from backstage, too lazy to wipe his makeup off figuring he could just do it home
-When he stepped into the auditorium, all 8 of them pulled him to a bone crushing hug for a good 5 minutes before he literally had to push them off him so he could BREATHE
-Chan pulled him for one more hug, mumbling into his neck about how proud he was of Felix and damn,,, Felix nearly started crying
-It wasn’t until Chan was prompted to let go off him so they could give him his flowers (Changbin claims he was coerced into it when he gave them to him but u know that he went and sought out the best flower shop the day before so they could get the flower bouquet ready for the next day uwu)
-Felix laughed when Changbin handed over the smile and just tapped his cheek, tilting it towards Changbin
-Changbin BLUSHED like hell before giving Felix a peck on the cheek
-Felix would like to go on record to say no he did not squeal happily when Seo Changbin kissed his cheek thank you that is a LIE
-Anyway all the other boys just hollered at them except Minho and Jeongin bc,,, affection??? No thank u
-After they had their little celebration, Chan and Woojin announced that they were taking them out for bbq bc of how well Felix performed and they all whooped in excitement, honestly thrilled that mum and dad were taking them out for food
-Jisung, walking to the bbq place: thank every deity under the sun I’ve not eaten a proper meal since I left home 4 months ago
-Minho: well, this might be your last
-Jisung: :O
-Minho: :)
-Legend has it that the 9 boys who entered the restaurant nearly fully cleared out the entire restaurant’s kitchen but it has yet to be confirmed, reports say, stay tuned in to see if it ever does (hint: it doesn’t)
-Your first meeting with Felix is very different and honestly, you wish to erase it from your memory
-You were part of the musical theatre department, focusing on the backstage aspect with particular focus on lighting and sound
-You knew of Felix, bc how could you not, but you never worked with him beyond getting prompts from the director as to when to light him or turn his mic on
-As much as Felix wanted to go and meet all the backstage crew when they were practicing all together it just wasn’t feasible bc he could not justify running to the sound box just to say hi right in the middle of practice
-And he didn’t have any time in between classes bc your classes were on at the same time as his
-The only time he got to at least have some form of greeting was when he waved at you so you could see what he looks like for your lighting cues
-Felix was sad bc he wanted to say hi and wish everyone good luck for the upcoming performance but he couldn’t as he was rushed off his feet with rehearsals and class bless his soul
-After the performance finished, some of the practical course students asked the backstage crew if they’d like to go to karaoke once they had tidied up
-Everyone agreed, tho u weren’t actually there bc you were in the lightbox above the stage but once you got there all your friends were like !!!!!! Y/N THEY INVITED US TO KARAOKE YOU HAVE TO COME
-You just rolled your eyes and let yourself be dragged towards the karaoke rooms
-At first, you were a bit awkward bc you had never hung out with the actual musical theatre kids as you mainly stuck with ur lighting crew buddies but you were willing to give them a chance
-The first few songs were a little bit serious and you were kinda bored so you went up to the machine and were like “let’s liven up the place a bit”
-Well it was at this point that Felix walked into the room, late bc he was going through some notes with the director, and saw you on top of the table screaming your lungs out to American Idiot whilst everyone screamed along with you
-Well Felix wasn’t one to ignore a party esp when Green Day was playing so he grabbed the other microphone from Jihyo’s hand and began to scream along with you
-You grinned, grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the table with you
-The two of you jammed out and nearly broke it but honestly,,, it was worth it bc you got to hear Felix’s beautiful laugh for yourself uwu
-When the song finished the two of you were just stood on the table panting and grinning wildly at each other before he hopped off and offered you his hand so you could get off the table my HEART
-Felix pulled you over to the sofa and introduced himself to you
-“I’m Felix, musical theatre student”
-“I’m Y/N, also a musical theatre student but not practical, I work backstage but you would probably find me in the lighting box or the sound booth”
-“OH I remember you, you did the lighting for the dance performance today right?” he asked excitedly
-“Yes I did” you couldn’t help but grin back at him,,, bc hello is smile is beautiful and contagious as hell!!!
-The two of you chatted as best as you could over the sound of Jihyo and Youngjae crooning another love song down the microphones
-You just shook your head, gesturing Felix over to the machine so he could pick a new song
-Well,,, he interrupted the love fest and the sound of Wonderwall bled through the speakers and you started crying in laughter as Felix introduced the song “so anyway here’s Wonderwall”
-The two of you did a very dramatic re-enactment of the song and Felix couldn’t help but smile when you were basically screaming down the microphone during the chorus
-Your friends just watched in part hate,,, bc hello its Wonderwall and part admiration bc how the hell could two people who have only just met do such an in-sync performance of a well hated song????
-Magic, Youngjae told Jaebum as they both watched in disgust as you threw yourselves across the room in some form of contemporary dance??? Youngjae definitely didn’t know what he was witnessing but he wasn’t sure he liked it
-So anyway the night ends with relatively few casualties, only one broken glass that Dowoon  managed to cut himself on and Jae somehow managed to lose his voice???? But other than that,,, it was a fun night
-As people parted ways, Felix noticed you walking the other way and he quickly ran after you throwing goodbyes to whoever was left
-You whipped around, not expecting Felix to be running after you
-Like,, wtf?
-You waited for Felix to catch up with you before you asked him why he ran after you
-“I just,,,, wanted to make sure you got home safely and besides I live this way too so I thought we could walk together!”
-You just smiled at his bright response and the two of you walked back to your accommodation talking about literally every topic under the sun
-He told you all about Australia and his flatmate Chan
-Don’t tell anyone but Chan is actually CB97 from 3RACHA
-You mean the underground rap group that is supposedly made up 3 college students
-The very same
-Let me into the lighting box and consider it done
-You have a deal Felix pleasure doing business with you
-(felix pulls through a few weeks later and the two of jam just a little too hard and seungmin is extremely embarrassed to say that he knew the two of you)
-As it turns out, you live in the same apartment block as Felix and he actually walked you to your flat just so he could make sure you got home safely n u were like,,,, mate it’s a bit too much but okay
-Felix began to walk away as you unlocked your door before you heard footsteps approach you and you quickly turned around, brandishing your keys in the assailants’ face
-The assailant, however, was Felix who just looked at you in shock before laughing
-“Well, least I know you’re capable of defending yourself haha”
-“You asshole oh my god you scared me what do you want from me?”
-“Your number”
-O H
-Felix was very straightforward huh, you thought as he took his phone out of his pocket and handed it you
-You punched in your number and handed it back to him
-All the while, Felix was just smiling at you bc HECK he found you cute
-Ever since that night you and Felix became fast friends and yes, you did let him into the lighting box and teach him how to operate the basics bc Felix was hella interested in all aspects of musical theatre not just being on the stage
-You admired that quality about him bc many of the other students just took lighting and sound for granted and just tapped their foot impatiently as you configured the mic pack to the sound booth before handing it to them
-Not Felix though
-He would make conversation with you and even let you secure his microphone properly and you won’t lie that you felt yourself getting a little flustered as you hooked the mic round his ears and as you pulled back to see if it needed adjusting he was just smiling softly at you
-Felix found you super cute when you were concentrating and he got distracted once as you were fixing the lights on stage than Jihyo had to literally smack the back of his head bc he was too focused on you lmao
-In his spare time he often begged you to let him see your notes for lighting and sound bc he was genuinely curious and wanted to see if he could figure out what all the codes were
-You just threw the script at him and told him to stop pestering you or else you would stop stocking up on timtams
-Felix never did pester you again, his love of timtams got the better of him
-So yeah,, you and Felix were hella close now
-You even found yourself going on “dates” (that’s what your friends called them, dismissing your protests claiming it was just a friends thing) with him
-And by dates, I mean the two of you went shopping together and had dinner afterwards, going to coffee shops and hell you even let Felix practice new makeup on you so he could improve his skills
-Felix,,, why the hell have you literally painted my whole damn face with cat features!
-We’re studying CATS okay let me LIVE
-I know for a fact you’re not bc literally yesterday you told me that your focus in class at the moment was Starlight Express and the last time I checked,,, that was about trains and people on roller skates not CATS
-You,,,, you’ve got me there I’m sorry
-Anyway,, before you knew it you found yourself falling hopelessly for Felix
-It didn’t help that you were preparing for the final musical of the year and you were practically assigned to work with Felix
-(You can bet your right sock that the rest of the lighting crew were in on this as they snickered whenever you were testing a new microphone with Felix and you began to blush, causing Felix to ask you if you were feeling okay and your crew were like GET IT Y/N)
-Little did you know that Felix was crushing on you as well bc well,,, everything you did was a distraction and he found himself thinking about you practically every day
-His class mates had noticed and told the lighting crew and they were like UGH FINALLY YOU NOTICED and they made a betting pool to see who would confess first
-Most bets were on Felix tbh, he was a loud outgoing kid so he probably had more guts do it than you
-Only a few lone members of the lighting crew stayed loyal to you bc they had a hunch you would confess at the end of the show
-Ah the show,,,
-It’s always stressful preparing for the show and Felix had ended up with the part of Enjolras in their production of Les Miserables
-The two of you were rushed off your feet bc the rehearsal process was actual HELL and it was hell both on stage and offstage
-Like Felix had to learn a whole new type of musical, with very little dance in it, and he was stressed bc he didn’t think he was doing a good job of portraying his character
-Whilst you,,, had the horrible task of designing lighting for an entire show (how you had ended up with that horrible task was beyond you but here you were, wishing for the show to be over so this hell would STOP)
-But alas,, the weeks running up the first performance were crazy and you barely had time to even text Felix bc half of your day was spent running through lighting with the crew and the other half was spent correcting your errors bc the director was a grouchy piece of work n nothing was perfect
-You missed spending time with Felix bc he could make you feel happy and relaxed with just a smile but every time you saw him offstage he seemed,,, a little off and distracted
-Just as you were about to go and ask if he was okay, you were whisked away by one of the sound people bc one of the mics weren’t working
-You never forgot the look on his face though
-Before you knew it, opening night was upon you and the theatre was in full work mode getting everything into position ready for when the audience came in
-Before the actors had arrived however, you snuck in backstage and dropped off a small bouquet of flowers onto Felix’s makeup station with a note that read “I’m sure you’ve got this Apollo”, a bottle of water and a timtam that had strict instructions to eat AFTER the show
-You giggled as you saw Felix wandering round with a small smile on his face, twiddling the note in his fingers unsure of who this was
-Throughout the performance your eyes were drawn to Felix almost like a magnet bc he was captivating as the leader of the revolution and tears actually started to trickle down your face as he sang Do You Hear the People Sing
-Like,,, you were so damn proud of how he was performing considering literally yesterday he was moping around
-As the show week progressed you left bigger bouquets of flowers with different encouraging notes and snacks on them and every day you saw Felix’s smile grow wider and his performance grow stronger
-As the final night rolled around you decided that today was the day
-You were going to confess your feelings to Felix
-You didn’t leave flowers this time, just a note that read
-If you want to know who I am, find me after the show. I’ll be the one with the bouquet of red roses love XXXX
-When Felix read this he was extremely nervous bc all week he had hoped for some sign as to who it was yet all of a sudden they were going to just reveal themselves?
-He didn’t know how he was going to react but secretly,,, he hoped it was you and if it wasn’t he wasn’t sure how he was going to react
-So anyway,, the show went on and by the end of it the whole audience was in tears
-When the actors came on for their individual bows you heard Felix’s friends literally roaring his name,, and was that Changbin holding a Felix banner and standing in his seat??
-When the bows for the technical team were happening you ended up locking eyes with Felix and he was just grinning at you, even as they moved around the theatre
-The final bow happened and you cracked your fingers, knowing it was time
-You bid the rest of your crew goodbye before picking up a bouquet of roses that were underneath the desk and they were like !!!!!! omg they’re going to do it?!?! And you just grinned, pressing a finger to your lips and sneaking out into the main auditorium
-You were slightly nervous bc heck,,, his best friends were here as well and they knew you and if they saw you they would not shut up
-They saw you anyway but Chan had literally choked Felix out to stop him from yelling at you and the rest of the boys were kinda scared so they just left you alone,, wondering if you were going to confess to Felix bc quite honestly,,,, they were sick of Felix’s pining over you lmao
-Before you knew it, the actors began spilling out into the auditorium and your heart began to beat rapidly, waiting for Felix to appear
-When he did you gasped a little bc honestly,, how dare he look so good with his blonde hair all curled and slight traces of makeup still around his eyes with a tired smile on his eyes
-You saw his eyes dart around the room, undoubtedly looking for the red roses you had told him about
-He eyes lit up and started to walk towards you so you decided to remove the flowers from your face
-Felix’s eyes literally widened and his pace picked up
-You just smiled before literally running to him and throwing yourself around his body and kissing him square on the lips
-W O W
-You didn’t plan on doing that but it worked I guess
-The whole auditorium burst into raucous applause, finally glad that the two of you had gotten together after literally almost a year of pining like wtf guys come on
-Chan wiped a tear before motioning to the other boys to go over to the two of you
-You had broken the kiss and were resting your heads together, giggling when the boys approached you uwu
-“So, Y/N you’re finally dating Felix hyung? Took you long enough” jeongin stated bluntly
-“yes we are dating” Felix said, kissing your temple softly and wrapping an arm around your waist and the other one cradling the bouquet of roses you gave him
-Oh god it’s a whole MESS dating this boy istg
-Like where to even begin
-For a start, he’s even more smiley and insufferable during class bc he’s like yeah I’m dating the cute lighting technician whilst u Jackie are dating??? Who again exactly? I lost count after you dumped Jaebum bc you found Mark more attractive but then Mark refused to date you bc ??? I forgot tbh
-He literally runs his mouth too much that you literally had to fly from your class to his so you could slap a damn over his mouth so he would shut up
-He didn’t mean to be mean but honestly,,,, he was just saying what the whole class was thinking n you were like babe, I know Jackie is like that but pls keep your mouth shut otherwise if Jackie comes for you I refuse to help you
-B A B E
-Oh yeah, felix definitely calls you babe more than your actual name which makes seungmin fake vomit into his work every time he hears felix call you that
-You just stick your tongue out and call Felix baby and right that’s it Seungmin is transferring college bc he’s SICK of all the affection going round atm
-Date nights are mainly just movie nights bc you and felix are so damn tired all the time after class and there’s nothing better than cuddling him after a long day of class
-Whilst the film is playing you like to lay on half on top of him so you can see his face as he lazily tells you about the ballet workshop he went to that morning
-You just loved listening to him talk and you also liked to rest your head on his chest, feeling relaxed by the steady lull of his heartbeat and the way his chest moved up and down
-More often than not you would fall asleep like this and Chan would find you there at 2am when he went to get a glass of water and he would throw another blanket over you, tucking you in so you didn’t get cold during the night
-(You never did bc Felix is the literal embodiment of the sun in two ways,,, his personality and his damn body heat)
-Also hear me out,, you would take felix to the lighting box on weekends and teach him new lighting methods and you loved watching him being a giddy child when he got it right that you would reward him with kisses whenever he did bc it made the both of you giggle
-Honestly,,, kissing felix? A blessing you weren’t quite sure you deserved though he assured you everyday that you did bc he was always kissing ur forehead, nose, cheeks u name it
-One thing you loved doing was gently tracing the freckles on his face before lightly peppering them with kisses
-It made Felix blush like CRAZY but he loved it bc it was you and you were being cute as heck
-Other date nights included karaoke with the boys and the two of you confusing all of them when you yelled that your song was playing when Wonderwall came on
-Woojin,,, are they being serious right now?
-You know Chan, I really wish I knew
-Study dates weren’t really a thing the two of you did bc you were on such a practical course with not much studying,, but you still liked to go to coffee shops and rehearse lines with him when he had a show coming up or accompanying him to the dance studio when he had a dance project due in
-You being Felix’s biggest fan? Confirmed.
-Going along to every single one of Felix’s taekwondo matches and yelling alongside Changbin as Felix flipped his opponent over??? OF COURSE
-Though, people always wondered which one of you was actually dating Felix until Felix ran over to you and kissed you on the lips and not Changbin lmao
-You always greeted Felix with a bouquet of red roses at the end of each of his performances and he still blushed bc he still couldn’t believe you confessed before he did
-So he decided to reverse the situation and surprised you with flowers during the bows of the last night of one his shows
-Like,,, he called the lighting crew down under the pretence of giving them praise but the ulterior motive,,,, he gave you flowers on stage and then kissed your cheek UWU
-The two of you were the powerhouse couple of the theatre department that everyone was envious of bc you just understood each other so well???? Not to mention between the two of you, you could literally run an entire theatre by yourselves and still have sold out shows
-Just wow,,, you were THAT couple
hi i would like a lee felix pls he’s cute as HECK and i just wanna compliment his freckles till the end of my days goodbye x
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keichanz · 7 years ago
Soulmates AU
Because I’m too lazy and tired to think up a title right now.
For the anon who requested prompt number 1 from this post.
Edit: Holy fucking shit there are so many errors and typos please ignore them until I get around to fixing them lmao
Kagome stared down in a mixture of abject horror and absolute elation at the name that had just materialized moments ago on the skin of her right wrist. She was on her way to work on an average Thursday morning, taking the train as she did every day to get to her job as an archery instructor at a special martial arts gym run by her best friend. It definitely had not been there when she’d woken up that morning, and she’d only noticed it because she’d caught a glimpse of black when she’d taken a sip of her Starbucks coffee.
The Soulmate Mark, otherwise known as the name of your Soulmate, only showed up under one condition: you were going to meet them that day, usually within the first hour after it appears. Typically this would be a cause for great happiness and excitement. After all, although everyone is born with a Soulmate, it was still rare that Soulmates actually ended up together because more often than not they lived in different states or even countries. Some received them as young as a day old, while others weren’t lucky enough to get them until they were old and gray. So for it to appear when you’re only in your twenties was a blessing, something to celebrate and remember the day it happened for all of your days.
And usually Kagome would be ecstatic, bouncing off the walls even, and phone everybody she knew…had the name that appeared on her wrist not been in ancient Japanese kana. 
That…wasn’t normal, was it? Kagome blinked down at the characters, able to recognize them for what they were because of her background growing up on a shrine. Her mother’s Mark was in regular Japanese in her deceased father’s handwriting. Sango’s was similar, with her mark being the smooth, elegant characters of her Soulmate’s name in his flowing script. A childhood friend she’d recently reconnected with had gotten her Mark a few months ago in her significant other’s handwriting, also in plain Japanese. 
So why…why was her Mark written in characters that dated back to the Feudal Era? She studied the black ink intently, and found herself actually admiring how it looked. The characters that made up his name were sort of rough around the edges, appearing to be a scrawl more than anything as if written in hasty brush strokes. It wasn’t neat, and yet Kagome had no problem at all deciphering that characters that made up her Soulmate’s name. It was a strange contradiction, and Kagome wondered what the figure the name belonged to was like.
The loud screech of the train braking abruptly brought her out of her thoughts and Kagome blinked again before shaking her head and disembarking. Despite her confusion, elation and slight trepidation, she didn’t have time to dwell on her situation at the moment. Her shift started in half an hour and even though the gym was only a five-minute walk from the station, she needed to prepare for the lessons that day, ranging from beginner to advanced.
Unfortunately, by the time she hurried through the doors of the gym seventeen minutes later due to some unforeseen circumstances including a cyclist, her coffee, and a stained t-shirt, her questionable Soulmate Mark had all but disappeared from her mind as she mentally rolled through the day’s agenda, what needed to be done, what bows she needed to retrieve and lay out for the students who didn’t have one of their own, crap she needed to set up the targets, did the new arm guards come in yet, how many students needed to have their bows already strung, and she really hoped she had a change of clothes somewhere in the archery room. And shit, wasn’t the IT guy supposed to come in today? Damn her stupid computer and its stupid tendency to get stupid viruses! The only thing she ever did on there was play solitaire and go to one stinkin’ website to order more archery supplies! How did it even happen?!
Donned in white judogi with a black belt and talking with her husband and Soulmate, Sango almost missed her best friend’s hasty entrance and distracted rush toward the back of the gym where the door to her archery lessons took place in had it not been for Miroku’s curious raised eyebrow. “Kagome!” she called, jogging over to catch her before she disappeared from view. “Wait, Kagome, I have to tell you—”
“Sorry, Sango, can’t talk, I’m running late today,” Kagome interrupted a bit breathlessly without stopping, failing to notice her friend’s increasingly panicked look the closer she got to the door. “Spilled coffee, gotta change my shirt, lot to do, talk after lessons, okay?” She reached for the knob and yanked the door open.
“Wait! Kagome, listen, do you remember Miroku’s friend—”
“Just send the IT man back when he gets here, thanks San!”
“That’s what I’m tryin—!”
The door slammed shut, Kagome dropped her purse to the floor and then immediately started tugging off her coffee-stained t-shirt, deciding she’d just change into one of the old kosodes she supplied if one of her students desired to wear one during lessons. Most of them were a little too big for her, and smelled funky – she kept forgetting to take them home and launder them – but they would serve her purpose well enough, until she could go home during lunch and change into a fresh t-shirt. And, dammit, she was getting another coffee since she wasn’t able to enjoy her first one this morning. Stupid bicyclist. There were bicycles lanes for a reason…
Kagome dropped the dirty shirt to the floor on her way to the supply closet in the back of the room, snatched a few Kleenex from her desk on her way by to wipe off the coffee residue on her stomach, reached for the door handle—
And froze. Kagome’s back stiffened, her eyes went wide, and the color drained from her face as, painstakingly slowly, she turned her head toward her desk and met the very wide stricken golden eyes of a furiously blushing silver-haired man in her desk chair, one clawed hand lying immobile on the keyboard to her computer while the other hovered over the mouse, frozen in place.
The two stared at each other silently for what seemed like a small eternity, one in increasing mortification and the other with a rapidly growing mixture of awkwardness and embarrassment and had Kagome not been so distracted by the fact that there was a complete and total (but hot) stranger sitting at her desk, she might have noticed the spark of male appreciation in those amber depths. The silence seemed to stretch on forever and in that time Kagome’s face rivaled that of a tomato and still the (hot) stranger didn’t move, didn’t look away.
Kagome shrieked, yanked open the closet door and dove inside, slamming the door shut behind her. She heard lurid cursing from the other side as she blindly groped around for a kosode in the darkness and then hastily shrugged it on, effectively hiding the pink lace bra that whoever the hell was out there had gotten good a very good look at. “Who are you and why are you in my classroom?!” she screamed through the door, not quite ready to go out and face him—if he was even still there.
“—Christ—” Well, that answered that. “—I’m the goddamn IT guy,” he yelled back to her then grumbled something that sounded suspiciously like “—ears are still ringing.”
“Fine,” Kagome snapped, glaring at the door even though the recipient couldn’t see it. “That still doesn’t explain why you’re in my classroom!”
The supposed IT man swore again. “Sango sent me in to—Jesus, this is stupid, would you come out of there already?!” There was a note of impatience to his voice and Kagome could have sworn she heard a growl.
“You’re stupid,” Kagome muttered petulantly back but reluctantly obeyed, making sure the kosode was tied securely before cracking open the door, peering out, and then exiting the closed in space. She kept her arms tightly folded across her chest as she regarded the silver-haired man with narrowed eyes. He was standing in front of the closet now with his arms crossed over his chest, a scowl on his red face and his golden eyes glaring at her in irritation. Aggravated herself, Kagome was still blushing as she warily asked, “What did Sango send you in to do?”
He raised a brow and snorted. “Keh. Thought that’d be obvious. IT guy?” He waved a hand toward the desk where her computer sat. “I fix computers?”
Kagome’s flush deepened and she murmured, “Oh,” looking a bit sheepish that she hadn’t put two and two together herself but then her earlier ire returned and she glared accusingly at him. “You pervert,” she hissed and he sputtered in what she guessed was disagreement. “Why the hell didn’t you say anything?! I can’t believe you just let me—oh my God,” she moaned, dropping her heated face in her hands, embarrassed all over again. The IT guy saw her in her bra. She was going to die.
“I am not!” he protested vehemently, the scowl back on his face and—yes, he was growling, Kagome discovered. What the— “You’re the one who walked in here and started stripping!”
Kagome’s mouth dropped. “Hey—this is my classroom! And it’s not like I expected anybody to be in here! It’s normally empty!” That was when she recalled her best friend trying to tell her something before she’d entered the room, and she’d been in such a hurry to change and get everything prepared for her 9 am class, she couldn’t be bothered to wait and hear her now. Now Kagome was wishing she’d waited to hear Sango’s explanation as to what lie beyond the door to her classroom.
He sneered at her. “Well next time why don’t you listen when someone’s trying to tell you that there’s someone else inside the room you’re going into!”
The archery instructor opened her mouth, closed it, then pouted, annoyed that she couldn’t really argue that point because hadn’t she just told herself the same thing? Still, she mumbled under her breath about rude IT guys and huffily stuck her nose in the air, trying to appear regal and unaffected by it all, but the affect was ruined by the still-going-strong blush coloring her cheeks a vivid shade of scarlet.
The silver-haired man snorted, seemed to relax a little at her apparent defeat – to him anyway – then turned his head, but gave her a calculating, sidelong glance. “Besides,” he muttered suddenly, drawing her narrow-eyed attention. “…S’not like I saw anything interesting anyhow.”
Kagome gaped for the second time in as many minutes and she reacted without thinking, the movement pure reflex. With a cry of outrage she flung her palm toward his face in slap the shit out of him but then gasped when he caught her wrist mid-slap and glowered darkly at her and yep, he was definitely growling.
“Wench—” he started, then abruptly caught himself off as his gaze flicked to the wrist he held in his hand—her right wrist and Kagome gasped when she realized what he was staring at so intently with suddenly wide whiskey-colored eyes. Panicking, Kagome tugged at her wrist, trying to escape the tight grip he had on it, but his hold was firm and it was like he didn’t even notice her valiant tugging, his eyes fixated on her Mark with something flashing in his eyes that Kagome couldn’t quite place. Dread? Fearful astonishment? Cautious hope? Wait, what—
“Kagome,” he suddenly whispered and said woman’s world came to a screeching halt.
Instantly ceasing her attempts to escape his grip, Kagome stared in dawning horror at the man who had probably-most-definitely seen her in her bra and swallowing the suddenly lump in her throat, she dropped her gaze to his hand, drove forward to latch onto his right wrist and yank it up to eyelevel, ignoring his grunt of surprise. Then she whimpered because no matter how hard she tried to deny it, no matter how vehemently she told herself this was not happening, the proof was staring her right in the face: her name in precise blank ink, blazoned across his wrist in clear Japanese—Kagome.
Face pale, heart thundering in her chest, Kagome slowly lifted her gaze up to his face and found him already staring at her, his expression similar to her own. He’d loosened the hold he had on her wrist and he was cradling her hand in his own, his thumb absently sweeping across the Mark that tattooed the pale flesh of her own wrist in ancient Japanese kana—Inuyasha.
They stared at each other silently for an undetermined amount of time, minds whirling, hearts racing until each of their expressions morphed a horrified mask of adamant disbelief, and then they their mouths opened simultaneously and three words fell from two sets of lips.
“Oh, hell no!”  
There is probably definitely going to be a part two. Because this was just too fun to write lmao.
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lunaschild2016 · 7 years ago
Worth Fighting For Chapter 5 - Getting What I Want
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Rating: M (violence, smut, language, references to abuse and violence)
He was ruthless, cunning and completely committed to protecting his city but her arrival to Dauntless called everything he ever thought he believed into question. Duty and following orders were no longer enough. They both found more than they ever thought possible. They both found something worth fighting for. Eric/OC AU M Tragedy/Romance
@kenzieam@ericdauntless@jojuarez26@jaihardy@iammarylastar@captstefanbrandt@captainviolets@badassbaker@readsalot73@fuckthatfeeling@dani5102@beltz2016@beautifulramblingbrains@affabletimelady@irasancti@meganbee15@pathybo@lauraaan182​@gylisaa@scorpio2009@gylisaa @bookgirlthings
A/N: Posting this here but is also on ff.net site. Also….this is a slow burn for the romance/smut to get really good. Just an fyi!
                              Hey little girl is your daddy home                          Did he go away and leave you all alone                                            I got a bad desire                                                I’m on fire                             Tell me now baby is he good to you                            Can he do to you the things that I do                                       I can take you higher                                                 I’m on fire                     Sometimes it’s like someone took a knife baby                        Edgy and dull and cut a six-inch valley                                Through the middle of my soul                   At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet                       And a freight train running through the                                        Middle of my head                               Only you can cool my desire                                               I’m on fire                 [I’m on Fire; Bruce Springsteen, E Street Band]
Chapter 5 - Getting What I Want
I woke the next morning at my normal time of four am and started my routine. Not having meetings or anything to put me off of it, I set about my regular habits. My first stop would be to the dining hall to get some coffee before I got in some training time. I would do all of that before I had to spend the day with initiates.
Normally I dreaded this shit but today was different because there was Kat. I don’t know when in the night I had decided, but I came to the conclusion that I couldn’t avoid things. I might need to wait but I was going to try. It might have been because of those nightmares. The faceless person that normally haunted me had a face now. The dream had been even more visceral and I had woken in a state that had demanded me to provide myself instant relief. I had stumbled into the shower, sweaty from fighting the dream and the passion that it had burned into the waking world and took matters into my own hands. Literally.
Images of her there with me, her body pressed against mine, her lips wrapped around me as her hazel eyes looked up at me with passion and pleasure had me coming undone sooner than I could have predicted. It had me crying out hoarsely in my release. I had stood panting into the spray for minutes and knew that if just the thought of her left me shaking from my release then having her in the flesh was sure to be ten times that experience. I had to have her. I just knew I had to bide my time and make sure she was there at the end of it all.
Chase was in the dining hall as normal but this morning he was staring into his cup of coffee and looking contemplative as I joined him. I frowned at him but took a few sips of my own before I spoke.
“What has you looking so deep in thought this damn early?” My voice was still thick with sleep and would be until I got some caffeine into my system.
Chase looked up, tilted his head and sighed as his eyes met mine. “Eric, we need to talk.” His voice was low and serious.
Instantly I groaned and went tense as I closed my eyes. I shook my head a little and then took a deep breath. “That cannot be good coming from you this early in the morning. What is it?” I snapped that last part but I knew what it was about.
Chase shrugged and his frown was still in place. “We need to talk about her.”
I didn’t need to ask who the ‘her’ he was referring to is. We both knew who it was and had known at lunch we were going to be heading to this talk.
“Ok.” I said simply and more calmly than I felt. My jaw was clenched though as well as having my free hand balled into a fist.
Gods how fast and hard my jealousy and temper had flared up. I don’t know how to handle this and it is scaring me. Me! Scared of feelings I shouldn’t be even having!
Chase didn’t say anything for a few minutes but his eyes moved over me. He was just as tense as me but he suddenly relaxed and a lazy smirk crossed his face.
“She was in here not too long ago. Said she was going to be heading to the training room to get some time in.” Chase shrugged and winked at me as he said this. “Just thought I should give you a heads up.”
I could only stare at him in return for a minute or so, analyzing the conversation, posture and attitude. I wasn’t stupid and I knew what Chase was doing. I was also grateful as fuck for it. While it might be a dick thing to do and it might be the worst decision considering my position; I knew I wasn’t going to back down either.
A good friend might. A good friend might say to the other that neither should go after the girl. A good leader would back off and realize that he was crossing a line.
Apparently I am far from a good friend because I was downing my coffee and moving off with a nod in Chase’s direction. It seems I am also not such a great leader because I am so damn tired of giving everything to this faction and feeling empty as shit.
I want Kat. I want to feel what I have gotten a taste of with her. So fuck being the perfect leader because I am getting what I want.
I had to go to the Leader’s private training room to grab my gear and change. By the time I made it to the training room that the transfer initiates would be using I could hear the sounds of someone going at the punching bags already. I stood in the door watching her for a little bit. The lights in the big and long room were mainly off. There were a few on that seemed to act as spotlights over a punching bag here or there. Kat had apparently selected one of the spots that had one of these lights on and decided it was as good as place as any.
She knew the Dauntless forms, that was for sure but she wasn’t concentrating on them. She was doing some form of martial arts mainly. Taekwondo it looked like. Smart for her frame which was petite with very little brute force behind it. She had power behind the kicks and it showed she concentrated in that area.
I moved in, watching her closely and trying not to let my thoughts as I watched her body move, turn into anything other than professional.
“I hope that I am not breaking some kind of rule by being here.” She got out in a pant as she leaped into a kick, landed it and then spun around to face me.
My eyebrows shot up in surprise that she had noticed I was near when she had looked so absorbed in her actions. My own attention had gone to how her muscles moved along with her now that I could see them in the short sleeved t-shirt and capri leggings she was wearing.
I shook my head in a smirk and dropped my gear bag when I moved over to the side. “You aren’t breaking a rule, just a standard. It is unusual for initiates to take….” I stop and shrugged with the smirk still in place “...initiative and want to put in more time to their training.”
Kat gave a small laugh as she panted then picked up her water bottle to take a drink. After she had taken a few sips she nodded. “Well, I can see at least with this group that is going to be the case. I knew I was going to want to get in some extra time before and after but I didn’t count on being at it as early.”
I frowned and thought back to my conversation with Chase. He had said she had been in the dining hall earlier but he hadn’t said for how long. “How long have you been up and at training?”
She tilted her head in thought. “I need to get a watch but it has been a while. I couldn’t sleep what with the farm boy sniveling all night. I kept waiting for his tears to lull him to sleep but it just didn’t happen. I finally said screw it and got up then came in here straight away. I warmed up and did some cardio before doing a run for an hour or so but left to get some water. I ran into Chase while there and talked to him for a while but then came back in here to get at it again.”
She shrugged as she said all of this. I couldn’t help being upset that her sleep was being disturbed by someone that couldn’t get his shit together. I was even more upset that she had been talking to Chase for longer than he had let on. Then I realized that Chase has taken himself out of the running with Kat and I didn’t have a right to be jealous of that time with her.
“You need to get good sleep too, Kat. Let me know if he keeps that shit up.” My tone is harsher than I meant it to be. I meant it to be more on the concerned side but I am so out of practice with that it is laughable.
I wait for her to flinch or change demeanor that would suggest I had frightened her but it never comes.
She nods to me respectfully and gives me a small smile even. “I was thinking of buying some earplugs when I get my watch but I will keep that in mind. Thank you, Sir.”
I hate her calling me ‘Sir’ but I can’t allow myself to correct her, not yet. I know that if I keep this up it is going to come soon. I pass over that thought and motion to the bag.
“Interesting combos you were throwing out there. Mind showing me the moves you have in your forms.” I go back to my commanding tone but when I am addressing her, without anyone here, it comes out damn close to being seductive.
She shivers as she turns so she doesn’t catch the smirk I have at her reaction to me. I can’t help but feel pleased about it. Especially after I remember bits of her conversation with her friends at lunch. She had remarked that no one had ever grabbed her attention in that way before or drew her interest. I had picked up on the fact that she didn’t have the same kind of reservations or thoughts about affection or the opposite sex as most Abnegation.
One thing that had been referred to but she had moved on past it quickly; was that she had apparently been kissed before. I had honestly been surprised I didn’t get upset about that. But from all indications from her it hadn’t been a good or even wanted kiss. That part had set my blood to boil until she saw that Uri was getting upset along with a few others at the table. Then she had reassured her friends that the guy had learned his lesson and never tried that with her again.
I watched her as she slowly moved through her forms. She started out with the Dauntless standards and then moved on.
“You are starting out in the Dauntless stance to lure in your opponents to going for certain moves and then switching?” I asked impressed as I circled her with my eye appraising her critically.
I had been worried before I came to the training room but watching her, I became excited. I saw potential in her. Real potential and not just me seeing something in her because of my own desire for her. I nodded in thought at her strategy. It was a good plan to keep what all she could do in her pocket and not show everything, at least to the others. But she would show me what she knew...now.
“Show me what else you know, Kat. Don’t hold back because I will know.”
My tone was firm and brooked no argument. I had made a decision in the last twenty minutes that I wouldn’t just help her here and there, but as much as possible. I didn’t care if I was going to get shit for it. The potential I saw in her was more than I had seen in awhile. Between that and my desire to keep her here I knew I didn’t want to just make sure she stayed but that she was in the top ranked.
This would also let me spend as much time as I could with her. I would do this as long as she was willing to let me be here for. I could order her to be here every morning and would if it came to it but I didn’t think I would need to. Not as the hour progressed.
When I moved to adjust, move or stand near her; she didn’t flinch or falter. It seemed to bolster and embolden her. It pushed her and I couldn’t be happier about that. I could tell her body was reacting to me as much as mine was to hers. She also didn’t know what was going on. There came a point where her working the bag was ineffective so I moved us to do light sparring. Never mind that gave me even more reasons to have physical contact with her. I enjoyed it for the spirit she put into it. She had pulled a move that caused us to stop sparring altogether and broke into a discussion about some of the moves she was thinking up. That turned into her demonstrating them to me.
There was no stopping the smile that crossed my face when I ended up being taken to the ground in ten seconds by this elfin looking girl in a move that she had said she dreamed up. I even laughed as she perched on top of me, looking down at me with an impish smirk on her face.
My watch went off alerting me to the time I normally grabbed breakfast with Zach and Chase before I start my work day. For the initiation time of year that would be before the initiates had to be woken up. A job I left Four to do for the entire time if possible.
I shook my head still smiling up at her. “You are going to tell me how the hell you came up with that move but first we need to get you breakfast. I have to meet Chase and Zach anyways.”
My hands had been on her hips without even knowing it. When she took me down to mat I had landed on my back and she had pounced, straddling me. We both realized this about the same time. With a blush Kat popped up and then offered me a hand to help me up. I chuckled and took it, surprised in general about how my morning was going so far and pleased.
“What time is it?” Kat asked as she moved to collect her water bottle and jacket.
I shouldered my bag and moved over towards her. “Forty five past 0600. You have been going at it pretty hard and for a while. You have a long day ahead of you too.”
I could already see her calculating as soon as I told her the time. I knew she was adding the hours she had done so far and how many were left before the group training would take place. I knew because I would have and had done the same thing when I had been in her same position. I had learned the hard way that I needed to take the time to relax before those longer sessions took place.
Kat looked over to me with a nod. “I could use the breakfast too if lunch is at the midway point.”
I smirked back at her and nodded, my hand going to the small of her back as I guided her along. I didn’t even ask her if she wanted to come along to where I normally had breakfast with my friends. I also hadn’t even thought if that was a particularly brilliant idea or not. It wasn’t until I was putting my code into the door of my apartment that I saw it register for her, then it registered for me.
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imdifferentshadesofpurple · 8 years ago
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Jaebum x Reader [featuring GOT7 x BTS]  →  angel!au / demon!au Warning: violence, language, & mentions/descriptions of death
→ Masterlist (including teasers) → A/N: chapters are updated every Friday
“The beginning,” Mark started, hand moving to clutch his pocket watch once again, “the beginning was co-existence. There was our Father and there were the angels. Most people know the story of how Lucifer was once one of us. Our Father’s favorite. He was the hope for mankind. Our Father believed he could lead, be the angel the world needed.”
Jaebum’s cold voice interjected, “He was sent to Earth to observe. A mission where Father forbade interaction of any kind. He wanted Lucifer to watch, wanted him to learn from them.”
Jinyoung’s soft voice was next, “But he started...relations with a human woman. It was forbidden. Angels and humans cannot interact in that way. And they cannot fall in love. They especially cannot reproduce.”
Your eyes met Mark’s and he smiled sadly continuing, “Father didn’t approve, even though Lucifer had already impregnated the human woman. But as time passed, with the birth approaching, He slowly changed his mind. A baby was a good thing, a miracle of life. But that was never Lucifer’s main goal. He wanted a child, one born of angel and human blood. A child that could possess magnificent abilities.”
You felt your insides churn, “A child that could rule the Heavens.”
“Exactly,” Mark replied, “Children spawned from an angel and a human would be powerful. Though they wouldn’t be as strong as God himself, he or she could rival the very being that created the world. Lucifer wanted that. Control over his son or daughter which in turn meant control over everything else. When He discovered Lucifer’s plan, He was infuriated. He summoned the Bone Witches, Twin psychics that guard the Veil, to banish him to the circles of Hell. He’s trapped there now, no way out. But his child, Mammon the half demon, can take on a human body. He can wreak havoc on the world with the abilities he must possess. The only problem is he can’t take a body freely. The magic from the Bone Witches provides a protective barrier over the Heavens and over Earth. Mammon needs them both dead so that he can take control of his powers. Lucifer can never escape but his son can end the world.”
“What happened to his mother,” Maria asks.
Jackson’s gaze is cold, “Dead. She died giving birth to that monster.”
You stare at the empty bowl in front of you, processing all the information coming in at once. “The Bone Witches. What are they?”
“Twin psychics, like I mentioned before. They protect the Veil.”
Youngjae speaks up, arms crossing over his chest, “And the Veil is a breach---”
“A breach in the The Void that separates the human world from the world of the dead. It’s a gateway.”
“You know about the Veil,” Jinyoung asks, a hint of surprise in his voice.
You shrug, “My grandmother. She’d tell us stories. Before she passed away. Rose and I...we started seeing demons when we were ten. I was always afraid but my sister was the strongest out of us both. Even at such a young age, she’d do what she could to fight them away. She even went as far as to ask our parents for martial arts classes. We were both pretty good at it. But the demon sightings increased as we got older. And at first, we had promised to keep it a secret. We tried our best but they kept showing up, more than ever before. So Rose went to our parents. They didn’t believe us and our grandmother was gone by then. When a demon tried to attack a girl during class, Rose fought it and killed it. But no one else could see besides us so she was instantly labeled crazy. I wanted to be normal, I didn’t want to see them, so when my parents asked if I could...I lied. And they sent Rose to Dymphna Psychiatric Hospital. She stayed there until she died a few days ago.”
It’s quiet after that, not one sound, and it made your heart hurt. You had kept that part of your life a painful secret, even from Maria. There were years you so desperately wanted to forget. 
Trying to ease the apparent tension, Jinyoung gasps quietly, “All of the introductions haven’t been made.”
You meet his eyes, amused, “Introductions?”
Mark laughs, one leg crossing over the other, “I almost forgot you actually have no idea who we are. I’m Mark Tuan. The oldest. Probably the best looking.”
Jackson scoffs and turns towards you, hand extended, “Jackson Wang. Or Jiaer. Whichever you prefer. The bodyguard, the best fighter out of the seven.”
Jinyoung rolls his eyes but doesn’t disagree, “We’ve met, obviously, but I’m Park Jinyoung. The eomma of these six brats.”
Youngjae is next, sweet smile on his face as he bows to you, “I’m Choi Youngjae. I’m usually the one that runs all the errands for my incredibly lazy hyungs.”
The two maknaes lunge forward at once, “I’m BamBam, the most fashionable angel you’ll ever meet.”
“And I’m Kim Yugyeom, the maknae. The innocence.”
"Innocence my ass,” Jaebum gripes. Sending you a quick glance, he’s the last to introduce himself, “Im Jaebum. The leader.”
You stare at them, these seven boys that have so unceremonioiusly burst their way into your life, and suddenly feel so overwhelmed. Like the energy has been sucked from you, you collapse slightly in your seat, Maria darting up to your side in seconds.
“Hey...are you alright?”
You nod slowly, “Just, I’m suddenly really tired.”
“I’ll take you to your room,” Jaebum suddenly says, helping you up. He turns to the others, “Get some rest, all of you. But stay alert and stay close.”
You should be surprised when their wings spread from their backs, the white so stark against the darkness from outside. But you aren’t. And one by one, they disappear into thin air, sending you smiles and promises to see you soon. Jackson is the only one left, moving towards Maria.
“Hyung’s got this covered. How about another drink at Sablo?”
She’s still looking at you, worry etched across her pretty features. You gesture to Jackson and try to stand a little straighter. “Go. I’ll be fine. Like Jackson said, Jaebum is here.”
In the blink of an eye, Jackson’s wings encase them both, and you notice how Maria is also unsurprised. Like she had been waiting for it. You smile amusingly as she clings to him and she frowns, “What?”
Shaking your head, “Nothing. You just look comfortable. Go on. And Jiaer, please take care of her.”
He nods and like the others, is gone before you can inhale. You slump against Jaebum and he helps you to your room. Your sheets are damp, sweat caused from your nightmare about Rose causing you to wrinkle your nose. You look up in surprise as Jaebum laughs and sits you down by the window.
You point to the cabinets in the bathroom and watch him strip your bed and replace the sheets. It all seems so normal and for a second, you let your eyes drift shut. When his hand lands on your knee, you open them and see him crouching in front of you, “How able are you to take a shower right now? I don’t think your clean sheets go well with nightmare stench.”
You chuckle, “I can manage. I assume you’ll be right outside the door?”
“Your assumptions are correct.”
You nod and slowly get up, closing the door and shedding your clothes. The hot water glides across skin and your groan quietly at the sensation. Muscles finally tensing, you stretch your arms over your head and roll your neck. You don’t let what happened tonight affect you. You kept your eyes shut and just let everything fall away. When a knock sounds at your door, you peek around the shower curtain and hear Jaebum’s slightly worried voice.
“You didn’t die in there, did you?”
Grinning, you shut off the cooling water and wrap a towel around yourself. Swinging the door open, you almost bump into Mr. Overprotective, arms braced against each side of the door. Seeing you, he sighs and pushes away, “Thank God. I thought something happened.”
“I would’ve yelled.” “The Seven are tricky. They can kill without making any noise at all.”
The Seven.  “The Veil Y/N! Don’t let the Veil break! Don’t let the demons loose! Trust them! The Seven! They will help you.”
You turn and see the same worried look on his face, “Something wrong?”
Tightening the hold on your towel, your brows furrow, “The nightmare I had...before. It had Rose in it. We were...making waffles. It was like none of the demon stuff had ever happened. And then suddenly...she was being dragged down into Hell and she yelled to me to trust the Seven. That they’d help me. And then I woke up.”
Jaebum places himself at the edge of your bed, “The Seven. She meant us?”
“I don’t know. Aren’t...Namjoon and the others...they’re the Seven as well?”
He curses silently under his breath, “They are. The Seven of Hell while we’re the Seven of God. But you don’t honestly think Rose meant them?”
Moving towards your dresser, you dig for clothes, “Well considering I was tortured by them, then no, probably not.” 
You don’t know why you’re surprised everytime you hear him laugh but you are. Like you didn’t expect it from someone so serious. You duck into the bathroom and get dressed, exiting a few moments later to see him now by the window. His lips are moving but you can’t make out what he’s saying. You climb under your sheets, letting him finish his conversation. When he’s done, he turns to you, “Father hopes you’re feeling better. He can answer any questions I, myself can’t.”
“You were talking to God just now?”
He smiles, “I was. He wanted to know how you were. I told him you were going to rest. Probably after an intense game of questions and answers.”
“You bet your ass. Now sit. I’ll begin.”
You scoot over, making room for him next you, but he stays planted by the window. Patting the space, you gesture him to come over, even though his eyes are asking if you’re crazy or not. Sighing, you lean against your headboard, “By now, I know I’m safe around you. I also know you’re not going to try and take advantage of me. You’re no longer a stranger Mr. Im so hurry and sit. It’s fucking freezing and you look like you’re warm.”
“Okay, okay. I’m coming. Just stop with the Mr. Im and watch your language. I’m an angel after all.”
You scoff and smile at the instant warmth he provides when his shoulder brushes against yours. Crossing his arms across his chest, “Begin. Question one.”
“You knew Rose?” “I did. After your visit, the one on your birthday, I paid her a visit for the first time. She was...a mess, to put it kindly. She was seeing demons but had no way of fighting them from inside the hospital. Father felt sorry for her. She was the only Bone Witch that was willing to put up a fight. When you declared that night you couldn’t see demons, your powers slowly started to fade away. They faded until they became dormant. And with your abilities hidden, it cloaked you from Namjoon and the others. That’s why they thought Rose was the last.”
You take a deep breath, “When Rose...when she died. She said your name.”
Jaebum leans back, the back of his head hitting the wall, “We were...friends. I cared about her. She must’ve thought saying my name would lead you to me. Maybe she hoped your powers would reawaken.”
He’s a bit silent after that and you wait a minute before your next question.
“How did my powers reawaken? Because I saw Rose that time too. She wouldn’t allow me to die. She yelled at me to wake up and suddenly I’m glowing and golden and I feel like I have the power to crush a skull in my hand.”
“To reawaken dormant powers...one has to almost die. The brink of death shakes the soul of a human. Your abilities sprang back to life because of the torture. Rose was probably trying to keep you awake.”
“Jaebum,” you ask carefully, “did you know Namjoon was going to take me? Did you know he was gonna do that to me? Were you waiting for my powers to reawaken before saving me?”
He doesn’t answer and you know it’s true. You sit there in silence, unsure if you’re angry or not. There had been cuts on you, deep wounds, slices caused by Jimin’s mere gaze upon your skin. You had healed quickly, an ability of yours you guessed, the moment you started to glow. Even though your muscles hurt and you felt like you hadn’t slept in eons, you were fine. In one piece. And you could feel your power running through you, healing what damage was left. 
But you had been tortured. Sent to the very edge of possible death. It could’ve been avoided. They could’ve saved you. Or better yet, none of this needed to happen. You didn’t want this. You didn’t want to be a part of this fight. You left it behind, years ago. And now you had been thrust back in it, without consent. 
“You look mad.”
You don’t really want to look at him so you focus on your vanity instead, “I’m a little...you know what? I am. Mad. I was kidnapped. Tortured. Tortured Jaebum. And instead of being saved, you waited until I almost died before saving me. Which, by the way, I saved myself thank you very much. I don’t want this. I don’t want to be a Bone Witch. I want to wake up tomorrow, no powers, and fight the human bad guys. I want to do my job and grab drinks with Maria on the weekend and maybe date sometime in the near future. I don’t want to do this!”
You throw you duvet up in frustration and he just watches you lose your temper. He understands. This was never the road you wanted your life to take. You wanted normalcy. That’s why you lied that night. That’s why Rose got admitted and you continued on into high school and college and eventually the police academy. If you had chosen this, the way she had, your reaction wouldn’t have been anger. 
“Y/N. I know...I know all that. And if there was someone to help us, if Rose was still here, you’d never have to step foot in this fight. But she isn’t. You are the last witch. Your powers are the only thing stopping the world from burning to the ground. We, the Seven, are not as powerful as you are. And even if you walked away from this, Namjoon will hunt you. They will hurt you. They’ll kill you. And I won’t let that happen, I can’t watch it happen.”
You shut your eyes and take a deep breath, “I can protect myself Jaebum.”
“I’m well aware. But this is different. They are strong. They are Lucifer’s Seven for a reason. Let us help you. Let Jackson train you. You’ll be better prepared and when this is all over, you can walk away.”
“And if I’m not alive to do so?”
He’s silent, like he didn’t think of this before. Like he expected you to win and end all this and be alive to live the rest of your life. He climbs out of your bed, pulling the covers up to cover you.
“Sleep. You’ll need it. And when you’re ready, we can take you to Father.”
Fal locks the door behind her, keys hung up and purse on the table before she calls out, “Babe? I’m home!”
It’s strong arms that encase her in seconds, causing a sigh as she lays her head back against a firm chest. A chuckle sounds by her ears, the warm breath welcome as it fans across cold skin.
“You’re home late. Work is keeping my wife from me, I’m not sure how much I enjoy that.”
She lets him sway her back and forth at the foot of the stairs, the stress declining with each passing second. His cheek is against her hair and even though her back is to him, she can see his face clearly in her mind. Her eyes shut and she apologizes, “I know. Cap has been running us back and forth ever since Y/N’s sister passed away. They’ve known each other since college so it’s understandable she wants this case closed and locked away tight. Give it a few more days baby. You’ll have me back at normal functioning hours.”
Namjoon chuckles, grabbing her hand and leading her to the kitchen, “Having you back for dinner would be nice. I cooked hours ago. But it’s in the oven waiting. And I’m sorry to hear about Y/N’s sister. It must be devastating for her.”
Fal’s unwrapping her dinner, attention on the spaghetti in front of her, “It is. She seems so down. Which makes sense. But she’ll be fine eventually. They haven’t spoken in years, from what I was told, so it’ll hurt for awhile. She’s strong Joonie. She’ll be okay.”
He nods, “I hope so. If there’s anything she needs, you let me know. Anyway I’m exhausted babe. Work was killer for me too. Eat up and then get to bed, I won’t wait forever.”
He sends her a wink as he turns away, causing her to laugh, “Yeah, yeah Mr. Impatient. I’ll be up. Thanks for the food.”
He climbs the stairs casually, hands in pockets as his smile turns to a grimace. He opens his bedroom door to find Jimin sprawled across his pillows.
“Yah. Get the hell off, I sleep there. I don’t know where your filthy body has been.”
He laughs loudly and unreserved, not at all worried about the female down below in the kitchen, “I had a date but it ended up being a bust. So I figured I’d come see what your grand plan is.”
Namjoon meets his gaze, “What grand plan?”
“Oh come on. The grand plan? With your lovely wife? You used your cloaking abilities to get close to her once you started getting ‘weird feelings’ from the precinct. I mean, bravo. The last Bone Witch was working there this entire time so your weird ass feelings actually helped us out. But you’re not like...in love with her. But you’re playing house anyway. You’re using unnecessary magic to keep your actual identity from Fal. I want to know your end game. This is the one part of your life you never discuss. Not even with Jin hyung. So I’m a little curious. Humor me.”
He lies back, arms crossed behind his head. Namjoon is too tired for this. He wasn’t able to dispose of the last witch and got his ass chewed out by Father. Jimin needed to mind his own damn business. 
So he tells him as much.
“Out. Get your rest somewhere else. I’m too tired for your shit and need I remind you, I don’t answer to you. Which means I don’t have to humor you either. I’ve got Fal under control so find another face to suck on. Be ready when I call.”
He bursts into his bathroom and knows when Jimin’s disappeared, he always left behind a smell of lust that hung around for days.
Running his hands through his hair, he takes in a deep breath, bracing his arms on either side of the sink. He can hear Fal moving beneath him, finished eating, and he knew he’d have to compose himself before she sensed something was wrong.
He strips and gets into the shower, the water scalding as it runs over the scars covering his back. He can’t seem to calm his thoughts and on nights like this, he wished he could just close his eyes and fall. 
But he doesn’t have that luxury anymore and when Fal climbs into the shower after him, he uses her to forget instead.
.Great. A date in God knows how long and he stands me up.
Shan cradles her wine glass close, watching for a familiar head of blonde hair. She had met Jimin weeks ago and had been casually seeing each other since then. He had texted her and asked to meet for drinks but he had yet to be seen and she was starting to get a little pissed off.
Downing the rest of her wine, she moves to leave before a voice stops her, “Leaving so soon? I feel as if a night without at least two glasses of wine is a waste.”
Turning, she’s met with probably the most handsome person she’s ever seen. He’s smiling at her, even with his eyes, and she can’t help her breath catching. His dark hair is up and out of the way, suit clinging to every curve of his toned body. Hands in pockets, his head tilts to the side and she suddenly wonders what it’d be like to sink her teeth into the skin of his neck.
Feeling warm suddenly, she avoids his gaze, “If I drink another glass, it’ll just remind me of how screwed up my love life is.”
He hums in agreement, grabbing the seat across her, “Whatever that guy’s name is, he’s an idiot for not showing up.”
Surprised, she leans forward, “Have you been watching me Mr. Stranger? I have to admit, that’s a bit odd. More creepy than anything else.”
He laughs and she decides she wants to hear it several more times. “To avoid being creepy, is it best if I say I wasn’t watching you? Even though you’re entirely too hard to miss?” 
She blushes, “I’m sure there is someone here harder to miss than me.”
“I beg to differ. You’re the most eye catching thing at this bar.”
She smiles, suddenly glad Jimin never came, “Is there a name that goes with that handsome face of yours?”
Hand extending towards her, he bows slightly in his seat, “Jinyoung.”
Taking his hand in hers, she decides maybe another glass of wine won’t be so bad, “Shan. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Oh the pleasure is all mine. It looks like Heaven was smiling down on me tonight.”
You’re asleep, your questions only half answered. 
Jaebum watches you from his spot at the window, wings spread out comfortably. It was odd, having them back. He had been on Earth for centuries, giving up his wings in order to blend in with the humans, to be more like them. His mission, like Lucifer’s all those eons ago, held the same weight. He couldn’t afford to fuck anything up, not with the world hanging in the balance. 
But Rose.
He had made the same mistake, possibly falling in love with the very psychic that held mankind’s future in her hands. They had grown close in the time spent together, the years her sister thought she was locked up in the hospital. They had fought side by side, she and Jaebum, ridding the world of the very evil it didn’t know existed. It was a secret you couldn’t discover quite yet, the severity too great for your current state.
Jaw clenched, he kept watch over you, your face a mirror of the girl that was now gone from his life. He needed focus, whatever the cost, and banish anything he had once felt. 
Rose was dead. And if he had been in love, he had no time for the heartbreak. He was human once, but with the wings back in their proper place, his mission the most important thing. 
Nothing else mattered. And he’d make sure you were ready for whatever Lucifer threw next.
A/N: So. Both scenes featuring @the-porcelain-doll-xo and @kpopfanfictrash are important for the development of the story. Fal’s especially (Oooooo I wonder what happens next? Lol.) because her ever so lovely husband isn’t what he seems. And okay. Maybe I just really wanted to pair Jinyoung and Shan, don’t you judge me. Until next week. xoxo
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