#I’m kinda freaked out
crowiin · 1 year
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Putting him in a blender
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withclawandvine · 1 year
today i am thinking about helping hawks with those hard-to-reach pinfeathers 
it’s the ones closest to the base of his wings that get him; that tricky place where flesh meets feather, and his very human rotator cuffs can only twist so far. so despite the itchy discomfort, he can only wait for the protective sheath around the new feathers to chip away on its own, aided by the obscenely high water pressure in his penthouse shower. but that was before you. 
you, leaning against the doorjamb, arms crossed and eyebrows raised as you take in the sight of him —  still dripping from his shower, arm contorted awkwardly behind him, reaching up from beneath his left wing, falling mere centimeters short of the spot that was bothering him. as he turns to look at you, his frustrated grimace shifts into a bashful smile.  
your smile, meanwhile, is imbued with amusement. “need some help?” 
unsurprisingly, you’d never heard the term pinfeather in your life, but listen raptly as he explains that the white needles are new feathers, coated in a shell of keratin until they’re done growing. you catch on quick, gently pinching one between your thumb and forefinger, gasping a little when the sheath turns to dust with the slightest bit of friction and reveals a vibrant crimson feather. 
a task that had seemed so insurmountable to keigo takes you only a few minutes. he rolls his shoulders and ruffles his wings with a sigh of relief before turning around to thank you. that’s when he sees it, that melancholic look in your eye you get when he knows you’re thinking about him — his stolen youth and solitary existence. he also knows that no amount of it’s not that big of a deals or i’m fine now, reallys will ease your mind, so he opts for diversion instead. 
“you know,” he starts in a drawl, “in the wild, preening is a way birds bond with their mates.” 
it kind of works. at the very least, it gets you smiling again, “is that so?” 
“yeah. it’s a…” he trails off, suddenly shy. and he knows he’s trying too hard to sound casual when he continues, “it’s a show of trust.” 
you roll your eyes with affection, taking his aversion to vulnerability in stride and leaning in to kiss him. “i love you too, keigo.”
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candyheartedchy · 2 months
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starsandlightning · 10 months
Hey so I was just taking a looksee at this cause oooo Aziraphale looking fierce with his sword and also I love the way the demons describe him BAHAHAHA
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But also um. Take a look at that little bit at the bottom there.
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Y’all are seeing what I’m seeing, right?
Dominion. Angel of the Sky. Hair an eye burning ginger.
Like it could be nothing. But. It could also. Not be nothing.
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yearningsaphic · 1 year
I think it would really advance society if we admitted that mothers can be just as toxic and abusive if not more than dads and stopped dismissing it as “they gave birth to you”
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creative-robot · 3 months
How fucked up would it be if the real experiment of the Social Experiments beyond Showfall testing out a live audience with their show was them actually genuinely shutting off their control on Ranboo and maybe temporarily(?) Charlie’s during act 3 (while having the full ability to flip it back on if/when wanted) to see what they would do and how they would react if they ever actually started to broke free, so Showfall would be able to predict and squash any attempts at getting out if something ever went wrong with their fan favorites in the future.
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 4 months
Wearing a cowboy hat today and honestly I get it. Michael Walters has the right idea
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embryoed · 3 months
Very interested in how Demetri’s character will be handled in Season 6, especially with Gianni saying that his “biggest weakness” going in is him feeling he has to prove himself
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askbensolo · 2 months
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“hey, fan.”
“mind if i sit here?”
"oh! um, no, no, of course not...please, go ahead.”
"it's...uh. hot, huh?"
"yes. much hotter than ryloth."
"...i'll miss you when you go back."
"...i'll miss you too."
"listen i'm sorry about...you know, everything..."
"yes...me too. i've been feeling rather overwhelmed. i know i haven't been very kind to you as of late, or as communicative as i ought to be, and i'm sorry. i was thinking...this whole thing must be rather difficult for you. it's all so...new for you, isn't it."
"heh. yeah. well...i could stand to not lose my temper so much. i haven't been great to you, either. which is a shame, since...you'll only be here for another month, and...i don't want us to just be fighting the whole time."
"no...i don't want that, either."
"we're still friends, right?"
"yes. of course."
"we'll always be friends?"
"i hope so."
"do you...still wanna try being something else later? or...do you still think i'm a dumbass?"
"hey, your words, not mine, sister.”
"...well. haha. maybe i do still think that."
"i mean. fair."
"but...maybe later this year, or next year, we could…try being something else."
"good. 'cause over the past couple weeks i've come to the unfortunate conclusion that...well…i do really like you a lot. love you, in fact, which almost physically pains me to admit out loud."
"yeah. i do. i mean, c’mon, do you have any idea how cool you are? but, i gotta warn you...i'm kind of a huge mess."
"well...so am i, ben. i just hide it better than you do. and...i already know you are."
"mmkay, a little rude, but—also? fair.”
“so, uh...friends for the rest of the summer...and then…maybe something else later?"
"that sounds wonderful to me."
"...there's gonna be a lot to figure out, you know. like, i’m serious, fan. a lot. you…really think it’d be worth it? i mean, we don’t even know if we’d still be together, years from now.”
"ben...believe me when i say this: i love you. i have loved you. i have tried in vain not to love you. for you...i would weather any storm. it would bring a lot of new challenges, but...well...it would be much more challenging for me to try to live the rest of my life without you, i think."
“heh. i feel the same way about you, sis. s'pose that settles it, then.”
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adrift-in-thyme · 5 months
Note to self: never again let it slip to an irl person that I write whump
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skyward-floored · 7 days
“Being an adult isn’t that bad” CAR INSURANCE!!!
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whumpy-wyrms · 6 months
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i kidnapped him
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oorangesoda · 3 days
Hey! Wanted to say you have an absolutely beautiful art style :) Also, I wanted to ask about Callum a bit! Is he an extrovert or introvert ? Who's his bestie in the Valley ? What is his favorite season and why ? (Sorry about the question dumping btw, I just really love to know about people's farmers. They all have their unique characteristics and personality!)
*scrambling to my drawing tablet like my life depends on it*
Now these are the questions that need to be asked!
(you’re more than welcome to question dump!!! It really warms my heart :’) alsototallynotworkingonanatlasdrawingrn- )
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Despite his southern charm, Callum is actually more introverted than anything. He puts on a good face when he visits Pierre’s or is dropping off item requests, but outside of that he generally keeps to himself. Really values alone time! He even spent most of his first month in Pelican Town just on the farm, only leaving when he really needed things
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He’s a fall girlie through and through!! It’s the perfect blend of cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon. Plus, fall was usually the time of year he visited his grandfather when he was a kid, so he’s got a sort of childlike nostalgia for the (best) season :’)
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Evelyn was the first he really connected with in an unfamiliar place. She reminds him a lot of his late grandmother and really takes comfort in that. Evelyn also helped him open up to meeting more people!
Linus was an odd guy to Callum at first, but the more time he spent lake fishing, the more they chatted. Callum really admires Linus and his ability to live so happily despite how it’s perceived by others. It’s something he wants to incorporate more into his own life :)
Gus and him are more like pals than anything. Gus would often listen to Callum grumble and complain over a cold beer about his struggles with the farm and getting started. It was a nice chance to unload some stress, and Gus would often give him some simple but delicious recipes to take home at the end of a long night
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
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Guys have some doodles have some sketches as I try really hard to get to drawing the characters.
Anyways these guys deserve a single moment of happiness together fr.
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yeehawgeek · 4 months
…what do yall think the batch did when omega got her first period? cause like the clones canonically didn’t have any sex ed or anything
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leemeanhoe · 3 months
mirror mirror on the wall how to start feeling like a human being participating in the world instead of a consciousness floating through space that nobody registers as a part of reality
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